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‘Creating	A	Paradigm	Shift	in	Thinking’	
Service	and	Business	Development	•	Insurance	Solutions	•	Risk	Management	
News	and	Market	Overview	Summer	2016
	 Page	1	of	4	
ALL	Change!	
And	I	promise	not	to	talk	about	
Brexit	or	England’s	exit	from	the	
Euro’s	(Well	done	Wales!).		
‘Market	Rumours,	
Risk	and	Renewal	2016-17’	
What	can	be	said,	as	we	enter	
another	PII	Renewal	season	for	a	
large	majority	of	firms,	is	that	
premium	rates	are	set	to	remain	at	
‘soft’	to	medium,	even	with	one	
new	entrant*.	Available	markets	
comprise	only	rated	insurers	now,	
after	the	withdrawal	of	Elite	earlier	
in	the	year,	plus	Enterprise	not	open	
to	new	business.	The	major	players	
are	expected	to	maintain	their	share	
albeit	jostling	for	pole	position,	so	
no	change	there.	Some	brokers,	
perhaps	using	the	uncertainty	of	
Brexit,	have	suggested	that	rates	
may	harden	as	we	go	through	the	
year,	but	my	feeling	is	that	rates	will	
broadly	stay	the	same	until	the	
Autumn	and	that	‘early	renewal’	will	
look	attractive	to	many	firms.	Of	
course,	‘unusual’	quotes	will	always	
pop	up	from	time	to	time	as	insurers	
chase	business,	or	a	broker	does	by	
reducing	commission,	as	well	as	
competing	on	price.	Remember,	
service	and	support	is	important	in	
the	mix	too.	
ProfessionsUK	(PUK)	will	
continue	to	provide	market	
information	in		our	normal	way	to	
help	you	decide,	not	solely	on	price,	
what	is	best	for	you	and	what	risk	
management	support	you	may	need	
to	ensure	you	sustain	a	healthy	risk	
profile.	Visit	our	website	to	review	
your	available	markets,	the	PUK	PII	
Checklist	and	to	download	our	‘all	
market’	PII	Proposal	Forms,	or	call	
us	Free	on	0800	8498495	to	discuss	
your	existing	arrangements.	
1	 PUK	–	What	we	do	
2	 PiXL	Save	Appointment	
3	 Cyber	Crime	&	
4	 POBI	‘People	Analytics’	
5	 34FREE	
6	 “Are	Services	
1	 PUK	–	What	we	do:	
Over	the	past	decade,	we	have	
been	‘first’	in	a	number	of	key	
service	development	areas	and	will	
ensure	we	are	at	the	forefront	of	
innovation,	new	services	and	
products	in	the	future	(see	later	for	
the	next	steps):	
- first	provider	with	a	Free	
Phone	number	
- first	with	access	to	the	
whole	market	via	our	panel	of	
- first	to	create	an	online,	
interactive	PII	proposal	form(s)	
- first	to	receive	referrals	
from	the	SRA	and	ARP,	because	of	
our	risk	management	approach	and	
- first	to	help	50	firms	exit	
the	ARP			
As	well	as	maintaining	our	
independent	approach,	we	will	
continue	to	be	innovative	in	helping	
organisations	start	up,	grow	and	
serve	successfully.	
“We	listen,	we	help,	we	care	more		-	
since	2004”	
2	 PiXL	Save	Appointment	
PiXL	(Partners	In	Excellence)	is	a	
support	network	of	2000	Schools	
across	England	&	Wales,	
comprising	1500	Academies,	the	
remainder	being	a	mix	of	Primary,	
FE	Colleges	and	Special	Needs	
What	we	are	pleased	to	announce	
is	that	ProfessionsUK,	through	our	
association	with	UIB,	and	
particularly	with	help	from	James	
Dandridge	and	SLW	Training	&	
Consultancy,	has	been	appointed	
‘preferred	supplier’	status	to	the	
PiXL	Network.	
The	PUK	service	to	PiXL	will	
combine	risk	management	
support,	on-site	surveys	and	H&S	
reviews,	along	with	an	‘open	
market’	survey	in	helping	business	
managers	and	school	principals,	to	
choose	the	most	appropriate	
levels	and	types	of	insurance	cover	
to	safeguard	their	students,	
teachers,	staff	and	parents,	as	well	
as	the	public.	Full	launch	of	the	
service	will	commence	in	the	new	
academic	year,	September	2016.	
3	 Cyber	Crime	&	
The	media,	almost	daily,	writes	or	
reports	on	warnings	about	
hackers,	phishers	(fissures?)	and	
scammers,	potentially	‘breaking	in’	
to	exploit	our	most	sensitive	and	
private	information.	No-one	seems	
immune	as	Government	and	
businesses	of	all	sizes	report	
‘breaches’	occurring	and	
increasing	on	a	month-by-month	
basis.	Even	Apple	products	are	
becoming	prone	to	the	occasional	
intrusion,	although	rarely	by
‘Creating	A	Paradigm	Shift	in	Thinking’	
Service	and	Business	Development	•	Insurance	Solutions	•	Risk	Management	
News	and	Market	Overview	Summer	2016
	Page	2	of	4	
comparison	to	Windows	and	
Android,and	gone	are	the	days	
when	it	was	spam	or	a	benign	virus	
that	disturbed	our	daily	grind.	
Although	this	still	occurs	too	
regularly	as	staff,	managers	and	
others	are	still	curious	to	open	up	
emails	and	pop-ups	from	
“strangers”	(Simple	rule,	which	has	
been	around	since	the	start	of	the	
www:	If	you	don’t	know	who	it	is	
from,	delete!!).	
‘Sending	or	Receiving?’	
One	area	of	‘internet	security’	that	
is	only	slowly	being	acknowledged	
by	the	legal	sector	is	the	need	to	
protect	and	secure	documents	
leaving	your	office,	being	sent	by	
email,	but	with	a	lack	of	
encryption,	as	well	as	emails	on	
their	own.	
Whilst	the	majority	of	firms,	large	
and	small,	have	robust	firewall,	
antivirus	and	malware	protection,	
coupled	with	complex	password-
protected	files	and	back-up	
processes	that	securely	protect	
documents	and	emails	internally,	
only	a	small	percentage	(less	than	
10%)	have	systems	to	protect	the	
external	process.	That	is,	90%	
don’t	have	protocols	that	securely	
protect	confidential	documents	
and	emails	being	sent	from	their	
offices,	home	or	staff	working	
remotely.	Increasingly,	this	is	
leading	to	fraud	and	business	
disruption	on	a	grand	scale,	
leading	to	increased	claims	and	
therefore	increased	premiums.	
And	this	affects	everyone	so	ignore	
at	your	peril!	
For	example,	over	the	past	few	
years,	‘phishing’	externally	sent	
emails,	especially	from	public	
accounts	such	as	Yahoo	(the	worst	
offender),	Gmail,	Hotmail	and	the	
like,	has	allowed	many	a	
sophisticated	criminal	to	intercept	
and	have	bank	transfers,	
sometimes	in	the	millions	(read	
about	the	exile	in	Israel),	to	be	
diverted	to	an	unintended	
recipient.	Sensitive	information	
(phone-hacking	is	now	passé)	is	
also	being	targeted	either	for	
straight	exposure	(Wikileaks	et	all),	
ransom-not-to-publish	or	evn	
ransomware,	which	pretends	to	
expose	with	selected	information.	
Hacking	is	only	part	of	the	problem	
now	as	crime	becomes	more	and	
more	sophisticated.		
This	is	another	reason	why	we	
have	been	appointed	by	the	PiXL	
Network,	since	we	have	joined	
forces	with	a	company	called	
“StayPrivate”	who	have	developed	
a	‘military	level’	secure	platform	
for	email,	documents	and	social	
media	to	flow	safely	between	
clients,	students,	staff,	teachers,	
parents	and	governors,	as	well	as	
selected	suppliers.		
In	fact	the	StayPrivate	‘Quorum’	
product	and	service	applies	to	all	
businesses	who	generate	external	
communication	on	a	regular	basis,	
and	is	especially	suited	to	both	the	
legal	and	education	sectors.	
If	you	would	like	to	learn	more,	set	
up	a	free	trial	of	their	service	and	
receive	a	25%	discount	on	your	
first	year’s	subscription,	call	
ProfessionsUK	free	on	0800	
8498495.	This	offer	is	open	to	the	
first	50	Clients	who	call	PUK	and	
subscribe	for	a	year	after	the	1st
month’s	trial	and	will	also	be	
subject	to	a	minimum	number	of	
users.	Should	you	want	to	contact	direct,	don’t	
forget	to	quote	‘PRIVATEPUK50’	
to	receive	the	discount	outlined.	
Another	part	of	developing	PUK’s	
service	for	the	PiXL	School	
Network,	we	have	also	introduced	
Paul	Burton	of	POBi	and	here	is	a	
short	summary	of	what	‘People	
Analytics’	can	do	for	you.	
Pobi's	'People	Analytics'	is	a	
software	tool	that	diagnoses	
employees’	(staff	and/or	
management’s)		strengths	and	
weaknesses,	then	brings	long-
lasting	behavioural	change	to	
your	people.	
The	UK	business	challenges	of	
shortfalls	in	productivity	and	skills,	
and	a	lack	of	employee	
engagement,	are	well	documented	
and	have	significant	impact	on	
individuals,	businesses	and	the	
Pobi	was	born	in	a	business	to	
solve	a	problem	of	people	
underperformance.	In	2011	Paul	
Burton	and	Ian	Ormerod	formed	
Pobi	to	bring	the	solution	to	
market	because	they	believed	(and	
proved)	there	is	so	much	more	
potential	to	be	unlocked	from	
individuals	in	the	workplace	and	
doing	so	generates	massive	value	
and	a	true	feeling	of	fulfilment.	
Pobi	works	just	like	diagnostic	
software	which	plugs	into	your	car	
to	achieve	its	peak	performance.	
The	platform	produces	a	simple	
diagnostic	readout	and	then	works	
with	leaders	and	individuals	to	find	
a	winning	sustainable	solution.
‘Creating	A	Paradigm	Shift	in	Thinking’	
Service	and	Business	Development	•	Insurance	Solutions	•	Risk	Management	
News	and	Market	Overview	Summer	2016
	 Page	3	of	4	
It’s	by	treating	people	as	
individuals	and	not	as	a	number,	
and	enabling	them	to	set	their	
own	development	path	in	a	guided	
but	not	controlling	way,	that	this	
magic	happens.			
Pobi’s	platform	is	designed	around	
the	user	making	it	intuitive,	simple	
and	engaging	to	use.		It	identifies	
the	root	causes	that	impact	
performance	and	enables	an	
individual	to	prioritise	their	
development.	The	software	then	
connects	them	with	the	right	
content,	tools	and	people	to	help	
them	achieve	what	they	want.		It	
then	acts	as	a	friendly	coach	to	
nudge,	focus	and	help	motivate	
the	individual	to	complete	the	
activity	they	need	to	move	
At	the	same	time	the	system	
enables	an	organisation	to	assess	
and	develop	capability	in	a	
consistent	but	individual	way.		
Clever	analytics	enable	the	
organisation	to	understand	the	
capability	across	their	business	
and	to	make	informed	decisions	
about	succession,	training	
interventions,	reward,	recruitment	
and	many	other	things.		
And	the	results?	We	think	that	
you’ll	be	pleasantly	surprised	too:		
• A	workforce	that	feel	valued,	
supported	and	respected	
• Happy,	energized,	engaged	
and	capable	teams	delivering	
their	best	
• A	consistent	but	individual	
approach	to	development	and	
• A	structured	approach	to	
business	transformation	and	
cultural	change	
• The	ability	for	an	organisation	
to	truly	understand	the	
capability	of	its	people	and	
plan	succession	and	talent	
agendas	accordingly	
• A	reduction	in	the	costs	of	
learning	and	development	
combined	with	a	massive	uplift	
in	impact	
• Better	retention	and	attraction	
of	top	talent	
For	more	information	and	an	
introductory	discount	of	up	to	25%,	
call	ProfessionsUK	free	on	0800	
The	Whole	is	Greater	
Creating	the	service	model	and	
content	for	the	PiXL	Network,	PUK	
used	the	same	methodology	in	
producing	the	34FREE	concept:	i.e.	
establishing	what	the	‘demand’	is,	
instead	of	simply	improving	the	
‘supply’	of	what	currently	exists.	
Challenging	the	status	quo	through	
a	paradigm	shift	in	thinking	what	is	
possible	and	developing	what	
customers	and	clients	actually	
want.	Whilst	34FFREE	has	taken	a	
little	longer	in	persuading	insurers	
to	take	the	necessary	leap	and	‘be	
first’,	PUK	is	confident	that	our	
approach	to	identifying	and	
rewarding	conscientious	clients	
will	become	the	norm	in	the	not	
too	distant	future.	
5	 Primary	‘34FREE’	©™	
Since	I	last	wrote	to	you,	as	the	
market	went	‘soft’,	it	actually	went	
soft	in	the	normal	way	and	
decided	to	postpone	participating	
in	the	34Free	model	(well,	the	2	
insurers	who’d	said	‘in	principle’	
did	anyway!).	Having	presented	
the	concept	to	few	more,	we’ve	
decided	to	start	from	the	‘demand’	
side	and	create	a	groundswell	of	
opinion,	so	please	read	on.	
An	Exciting	New	Proposal	To	
Change	The	Shape	
Of	The	Solicitors’	PII	Market	
- Ever	felt	you	were	never	
being	rewarded	for	a	good,	clean	
or	excellent	claims	history?	
- Ever	thought	that	your	
Risk	Management	approach	made	
little	or	no	difference	at	all	to	your	
PII	premium?	
- Ever	wondered	why	the	
‘open	market’	hasn’t	changed	
much	in	17	years?	
To	hear	the	answers	to	these,	and	
many	other	blocks	to	creativity	
and	innovation	in	the	Solicitors’	PII	
Market,	attend	the	ground-
breaking	‘34Free	Workshops’	in	
London,	Bristol,	Manchester	and	
Leeds	throughout	October	&	
November	2016	and	Jan/Feb	2017,	
by	calling	free	on	0800	849	8495	to	
reserve	your	place,	or	email:	
Our	aim	is	to	create	a	groundswell	
of	support	to	change	the	face	of	
the	PII	market,	FOREVER!
‘Creating	A	Paradigm	Shift	in	Thinking’	
Service	and	Business	Development	•	Insurance	Solutions	•	Risk	Management	
News	and	Market	Overview	Summer	2016
	Page	4	of	4	
Outline	Workshop	Content,	
attracting	3	CPD	points,	lasting	4	
hours,	is	as	follows:	
- 34Free:	An	Outline	
- What	is	your	Service/Market	
- What	is	your	
- What	does	your	‘People	
Analytics	Profile’	show	you?	
- Supply	vs	Demand	
- Matching	Discontinuity	
Marketing	to	a	Risk	
Management	Culture	
- StayPrivate™,	Cyber	Threats	
to	the	Legal	Sector	and	POBI	
‘People	Analytics’™	
- 34Free:	A	Commitment	to	
To	Enrol,	please	call		
0800	849	8495		
or	email						
The	cost	of	the	workshop	is	£30	
per	delegate	and	a	20%	discount	
will	apply	for	5	delegates	or	more.	
Only	OBTs	(Online	Bank	Transfers)	
will	be	accepted,	prior	to	attending	
workshops,	as	numbers	are	limited	
at	each	venue	to	100.	
“Changing	the	way	we	do	things	
around	here!”	
6	 “Are	Services	
And,	in	case	you	missed	it	at	the	
start	of	the	year,	download	our	Article	
that	appeared	in	Global	Business	
Additional	Service	
Referring	back	to	Primary		
‘34FREE’©™,	one	major	ingredient		
is	the	‘Risk	Management		
Pre-Assessment	Review’	(PAR)	
where	firms	will	be	rated	on	key	
criteria	not	found	in	their	proposal	
form	and	will	have	to	qualify	for	
the	scheme	already	described.		
ProfessionsUK	has	used	this	
approach	very	successfully	over	
the	past	10	years	in	helping	firms	
to	present	themselves	to	insurers	
with	a	fuller	narrative	as	to	the	
kind	of	organisation	they	are,	
where	they’ve	been,	what	they	
have	learned	and	where	they	are	
headed	in	the	future.	It	is	a	stand-
alone	service	that	can	be	provided	
separately	to	Primary	‘34FREE’©™.	
Thinking	of	Starting	
Up?	Passing	On,	Or	
Closing	Down?	
ProfessionsUK	has	helped	over	
200	would-be	entrepreneurs	to	
start	their	own	business	over	the	
past	6	years.	In	addition,	a	number	
of	clients	have	chosen	to	retire	
along	the	way,	and	an	orderly	
closedown	and	run-off	has	been	
facilitated.	In	some	cases,	selling	
the	goodwill	of	the	business	has	
also	occurred.	
Whether	you	are	thinking	of	
starting	up	your	own	practice	or	
considering	succession-planning,	
call	FREE	on	0800	849	8495	to	
discuss	ways	of	making	the	
process	easier.		
And	next	time,	we	will	be	writing	
about	the	new	Data	Protection	
Legislation	which	is	due	for	
implementation	at	the	start	of	
next	year,	regardless	of	Brexit.	
	It	will	affect	all	businesses	of	all	
sizes	and	requires	a	proactive	
approach	to	compliance.	More	
soon.	In	the	meantime,	if	you’d	
like	an	alternative	approach	to	the	
PII	market	with	an	open	market	
survey,	please	complete	the	
ProfessionsUK	PII	Form,	or	call	us	
on	0800	8498495	to	discuss	if	your	
existing	form	will	be	sufficient.	
Mark	Langley-Sowter	
July	2016	
Copyright	ProfessionsUK	2016	
*	Correct	@	time	of	writing

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