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                 Philippians 3:1-3        Charles e. Whisnant                 July 11, 2010


Yet few Christians experience Christian joy in their daily life.

WHAT IS JOY: “Joy is a supernatural delight in God and in God‟s goodness.”

       There is a difference between JOY and HAPPINESS. Happiness is closely related to CHANCE.
        Thus, if things work out in a way which we approve, we are happy; if they do not happen, we are
        unhappy. Happiness then becomes circumstantial. JOY is an inner quality of DELIGHT IN GOD.

God‟s promises to do what He has promised. Anger multiplied by self-pity = depression.


Two groups of people: Those who know they are not Christians, but who think that the fruits of Christianity
can be grown without the life of Christianity, that which comes from Jesus Christ.

       Then those who are not Christians, but who think they are Christians. They have not actually
        committed their lives to Jesus Christ, and thus cannot understand their failure to experience the fruit of
        such commitment.‟

Thus, Paul is helping us see who is the true child of God: Philippians 3:1-7.

       The false Christians 3:2 and the true in verse 3. Each has three character qualities.
       Paul points out a clear distinction between the religious and the righteous.
       Those who have an inward change and those who have an outward mark.

The Bible has a major theme, and a secondary theme:

    1. Major: The setting forth of the gospel according to Jesus Christ.
    2. Secondary: The matter who is a true Christian.

KEY: Once the Gospel has been clearly delineated, the goal is to see if you are in it. Matthew 7:21-23.

THEME: Jesus, Peter, Paul, James, Jude, and John all confronted false teachers.


THE TEXT: Philippians 3:1-3

Three Christian duties are enjoined in this brief paragraph: We are to rejoice in the Lord; we are to beware;
and we are to examine ourselves that we be of the true circumcision

„Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is
safe. Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.2699 (short and compressed in order to be brief.)

                             1 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the

Philippians 3:1 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things again is no trouble
to me, and it is a safeguard for you 2 Beware of the dogs beware of the evil workers, beware of the false
circumcision 3 for we are the true circumcision, who worship) in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ
Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh.

       Paul uses this illustration of circumcision to illustrated the difference between the false and the true



       From the Jewish mind, circumcision was a mark of identity into the covenant relationship with God. That mark
        affirmed their right to be called Children of God supernaturally. They believed by that mark they were secured
        with God, and that they would receive the Kingdom and the glory.


Circumcision (4061) (peritome refers literally to cutting and removal of the foreskin. Both the Old and New
Testament also use the concept of circumcision in a figurative or metaphorical sense,

       God established the practice: Genesis 17:1-14. For a sign, a spiritual reminder, which was this: “No where, or
        at no point, is a man‟s depravity more manifest then in the pro created act.” Why? Man is a sinner by what he
        says, does, thinks, and in attitude. And at the root of his existence, where he creates, we know he is a sinner. In
        that, what he creates he produces a sinner. Which is the reason Jesus had no human father. You do not see the
        deeds of sin, but the nature of sin passed on to the next generation.

What is the connection here?

       When God said to cut away the foreskin, he was reminding them that man needed cleansed at the point of his
        body, and to be cleansed at the deepest part, the root of his being.
       Man needed to be cleansed of his sin through a spiritual surgery at the very root of his nature.


       The Jews were committed to the ritual but not committed to the spiritual reminder. Genesis 34; 1 Samuel
        18:17-30; Jeremiah 4:4; Ezekiel 44:7 They could see the natural fleshly things but not the supernatural on the
        inside. Religiously doing their duty on the outside, poorly not doing the spiritual on the inside.

                            2 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
The Call of God Upon the Pastor/Teacher Is?
                                   Charles e. Whisnant September 05, 2010

 A repeated theme in scripture is a comparison of the true Believer and the “fake Christian.” This was one of
  Paul‟s greatest concerns because it‟s Satan‟s ploy to confuse the issues, and cause a blur in this matter of
      salvation and to sow WEED or tares among the wheat and bring in false teachers into the church.


        To instruct people in the mysteries of godliness and to teach them what to believe and practice
         and then to stir them up to act and do good deeds.
         To do what they are instructed to do. To neglect this course is a main cause that men fall in to as many
         errors as they do in their days.” William Gouge (1575-1653)

God‟s servants are to be built up in sound doctrine in order to refute the false teachers, in order to warn the
congregation of incoming errors.

        Today churches are filled not with the men and women in devil‟s clothes but clothed as angels of light.


        You really should know enough of doctrine to know when you hear error of the truth.

God carefully lays out this matter of objective evidence regarding God‟s regenerating work in the life of an
individual. The Bible has not left us without a standard whereby we can measure a true believer vs. a fake

        They worship God.
        They rejoice in Christ Jesus
        They put no confidence in the flesh.


1A       To understand the Biblical objective criteria for evaluating true salvation so to help the true children of
         God be assured.

2A       To help expose and strip away the delusion of the false children of God.

3A       And to equip the teachers and preachers to do both.

                            3 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3

                                    MEASURE OF TRUE SALVATION
              Philippians 3:1-3 Charles e. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher, September 05, 2010
                                                                                 Bunyan, quoted in Monica Furlong, The Trial of John
                                        understand, for they were far            Bunyan & The Persecution of the Puritans (London,
                                        above, out of my reach. They             1978),
                                        spoke about a new birth, the
                                        work of God in their hearts . . .
                                        . They said how God had
                                        visited their souls with his love
                                        in the Lord Jesus, and with
                                        what words and promises they             If one doctrine that is important
                                        had been refreshed, comforted            in the Bible it‟s the doctrine of
“In one of the streets of               and supported against the
Bedford I came to where there                                                    salvation. The doctrine of
                                        temptations of the devil . . . .
were three or four poor women           And it seemed to me they                 grace. The gospel which saves
sitting at a door in the sun and        spoke as if joy did make them            men from sin, death, and hell.
talking about the things of             speak. They spoke with such              The gospel which makes them
God. Willing to listen, I drew          pleasantness      of     biblical        children of God, heirs of
near to hear what they said, for        language, and with such                  heaven. And it‟s all based on
I was a brisk talker myself in          obvious grace in all they said,
                                                                                 the finished work of the Lord
matters of religion. But I have         that they were to me as if they
to say that I heard, but I didn‟t       had found a new world.”John              Jesus Christ.

SALVATION always means being reduced from jeopardy and misery, so that from now on we are safe
      It is a salvation from sin‟s guilt – past                   It is a salvation ultimately from sin‟s
      It is a salvation from sin‟s power – present                 presence – future
Salvation is an ongoing process.
We have been saved:
      From the wrath of God: Romans 5:9, 1                        From the life of fear: Romans 8:15
       Thess. 1:10                                                 From controlling habits of ungodliness and
      From eternal death: Romans 6:21, 23                          immorality: Titus 2:11-3:6
      From the dominion of sin: Romans 6:14,18

    THE GOSPEL records the life, works and words of Jesus Christ. By believing in Him and in His
     words and works, we can receive Him as Savior and Lord.
    ACTS: The finishing of the unfinished work of Christ.
    EPISTLES: Enriches our understanding of the Gospel that Jesus has come into the world to save

                          4 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
 REVELATION: The focus is one the completeness of the Gospel, the exalted Christ, King of Kings
     and Lord of Lords.
      Salvation must be assessed as to its reality. The message of salvation. The matter of concern of the
       writers was on the matter of who is a real believer and who might be deceived.
      John the Baptist confronted the religionist of the day. He called out to question those who say they
      Jesus‟ Sermon on Mount: Matthew 5 – 7 . Matthew 7:26-27. He pointed to the fact that there are
       people who think they know Him, and think they serve Him, think they represent Him, but are
      The message of Matthew 13. The Sower and the Seed Parable of Christ.
      Acts 8:9-24. Simon claimed to be a believer of Jesus Christ. He had been deceived and would be a
      Paul was greatly concerned about having a right understanding about salvation
      John was deeply concerned about who is a real Christian and not a fake one. In every chapter John
       deals with this topic. First John 5:13.
         HOW CAN I KNOW IF I AM A GENUINE CHRISTIAN? Read the New Testament.
      James: He offers test of genuine faith.                          o He has the right response to the
          o Perseverance in trial                                         Word of God
          o Accepts the responsibility for his                          o There is righteous behavior
              own sin.                                                  o Their tongue will manifest their
          o Does not deny the sin behavior                                heart
              issues in his life.                                       o They will love the Lord Jesus Christ
                                                                          more than the world

   God is concerned that the lost become saved and equally concerned that no one be deceived about the
     reality of their spiritual condition.
   2 Corinthians 13:5
         o Can you really recognize that Jesus Christ is really in you?
         o Can you put yourself to the test, and come to that assurance.
         o You must test yourselves. Examine yourself.
         o HOW?
                   Fruits of repentance.Marks, lists, qualities, characteristics, measures of a true believer.
REVIEW: What has Paul been preaching?
      The gospel of salvation, by grace through faith, plus or minus nothing. Preaching Christ crucified, and
       faith in Christ as the means by which the gift of grace was received. The gospel of grace, no works at
       all was involved.
      Paul confronted the Judaeisers who said you are saved by keeping the Law. Philippians 3:2
      The True Circumcision: Philippians 3:3
           o The sign for a cleansed life, clean heart, spiritual clean.
                          5 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
           o Worship God in the spirit.                 o Have no confidence in the flesh.
           o Glory in Christ Jesus.
                             “You must be born again.” John 3:7

You. This is personal. If I resent it as threatening, that could be evidence I have not been born again. If my heart welcomes the
approach of this truth and waves the white flag of surrender, that could be evidence I have been born again.

Must. This is authoritative. If I take evasive action, that could be evidence I have not been born again. If I breathe a sigh of relief
that finally Someone is telling me the truth and taking me in hand, that could be evidence I have been born again.

Be born again. This is passive. I need not just a change of my manner but a miracle deep within. I need God to call into
existence within me a new aliveness to God, new tastes, new desires, new openness and humility and fears and hopes, such as I
have never experienced before and cannot conjure up out of my admirable upbringing and good intentions. I need as new a creation
as I read of in Genesis 1. My eternal destiny hangs on something I cannot do for myself but only God can do for me.

“It is a noteworthy and striking fact that no doctrine has excited such surprise in every age of the Church and
has called forth so much opposition from the great and learned as this very doctrine of the new birth. The men
of the present day who sneer at conversions and revivals as fanaticism are no better than Nicodemus. Like
him, they expose their own entire ignorance of the work of the Holy Spirit.”J. C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: John 1:1-10:9

                                6 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3

              Philippians 3:1-3 Charles e. Whisnant September 12, 2010

1A       A PAST CONVERSION: A past supposed conversion event.
        A happening, an event, a feeling, an experience, a time and place, raised your hand, came to the altar,
         are not necessarily real signs of conversion.
        You may be able to put a time and place when you found yourself committed by faith to Christ.
        Also salvation could have occurred over a process of time, when your heart was opened and your
         understanding became clear.

     I MIGHT SAY THIS: Now salvation does occur at an event which happens, but that is not the proof of
     the conversion.
        Acts 8:9-13 14-24: Simon has an event, where he believed and was baptized, but he was not a true
            o His heart was not right before God.
            o He was wicked and needed to repent.
            o His intent of heart was wicked and he needed to be forgiven.
            o He was in the gall of bitterness
            o He was in the bond of iniquity.
                 Did he have an event in his life? Yes. Was he saved? No.

         “Well, I know my son(s) / daughter(s) is living an undisciplined life, godless life, rejecting the Lord,
         rejecting the church. But I remember a day and an event at the age of (?) they received Jesus Christ.”

         I am sorry, it was a Simon event. There was no change. If there was you wouldn‟t need to look for an
         event. There would be change. A moment of believing didn‟t save Simon


                            7 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
   „He must be a Christian; he‟s a very moral good person.” Ever said that about a person?
        Code of living by the Ten Commandments, Sermon on the Mount, or the Golden Rule. They do not
         verify salvation.
        Why? You may live morally as a result of fear, to please parents, etc.
        Matthew 19:16. The rich young ruler, remember? “I keep all the laws…” Yet not saved.

        “Head-knowledge” it is called instead of “heart-knowledge.”
        It is not what you know, it is what you do. Faith without works is?
        Judas, remember, had all the knowledge and information; he was with Jesus for three years. And not

        Going to church, being baptized, communion, lighting candles, praying, being a Mason, joining a
        Matthew 25 Remember the ten virgins?

        Matthew 7:22. To say you represent Christ is not enough. Lots of people do that. Lots of false
         preachers and teachers
        Preaching the truth does not verify one‟s spiritual condition.

                                       THEY WHO WALK IN, AND FOLLOW
Are righteous –1 John 3:7
Are the excellent of the earth –Psalms 16:3; Proverbs 12:26
Are accepted with God –Acts 10:35
Are loved by God –Psalms 146:8; Prov 15:9
Are blessed by God –Psalms 5:12
Are heard by God –Luke 18:7; James 5:16
Are objects of God’s watchful care – Job 36:7: Psalms 34:15; Proverbs 10:3 1 Peter 3:12
Are tried by God –Psalms 11:5
Are exalted by God –Job 36:7
Dwell in security –Isaiah 33:15-16
Are bold as a lion –Proverbs 28:1
Are delivered out of all troubles –Psalms 34:19; Proverbs 11:8
Are never forsaken by God –Psalms 37:25
Are abundantly provided for –Proverbs 13:25; Matthew 5:25-33

                           8 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
Are enriched -Psalms 112:3; Proverbs 15:6
Think and desire good -Proverbs 11:23; 12:5
Know the secret of the Lord -Psalms 25:14; Proverbs 3:32
Have their prayers heard -Psalms 34:17; Proverbs 15:29; 1 Peter 3:12
Have their desires granted -Proverbs 10:24
Find it with life and honour -Proverbs 21:21
Shall hold on their way -Job 17:9
Shall never be moved -Psalms 15:2,5; 55:22; Proverbs 10:30; 12:3
Shall be ever remembered -Psalms 112:6
Shall flourish as a branch -Proverbs 11:28

Shall be glad in the Lord -Psalms 64:10
Brings its own reward -Proverbs 11:18; Isaiah 3:10
Tends to life -Proverbs 11:19; 12:28
The work of, shall be peace -Isaiah 32:17
The effect of, shall be quietness and assurance for ever -Isaiah 32:17
Is a crown of glory to the aged -Proverbs 16:31

                      9 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
BELIEVER: Philippians 3
      A.     Mere externalism (excessive concern about outward appearances) is of no
      avail. Any ceremonial requirement for salvation is a defilement of the truth

      A.    Philippians 3:3 “Worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus and
      have no confidence in the flesh.”
      B.    The outward mark done by surgery vs. the inward cleansing performed by
      the power of the Holy Spirit.

3.    The duty of the Pastor/Elder/Teacher to affirm to you the clear marks of a
true believer. Charles e. Whisnant, Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Minford, Ohio 10-10-10
      A.    Always bringing up the question: “Do you believe that person is a Christian?”

4.    In 1661 Matthew Mead wrote a book: “The Almost Christian Discovered.”
      A.    To address a very significant problem.
            1.     Many people who claimed to be saved and weren’t.

            2.     Where the Gospel is presented, often its followed with instructions as how to tell a
            true response to the Gospel from a false deceived one.

            1.     Have much knowledge of Christ and yet be almost a Christian
            2.     Have a great gift
            3.     Have a high profession of religion
            4.     May go far in opposing his sin
            5.     May hate sin
            6.     Make great vows and promises and resolutions
            7.     Maintain a strive and a combat against sin
            8.     Have great hope of heaven
            9.     Very zealous to matters of religion
            10.    Be much in prayer
            11.    May even suffer for Christ’s sake
            12.    May outward obey the commandments
            13.    May perform external worship;

                      10 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
14.    May be a member of a church
          15.    May be under visible change, alter life

     C.   Reverse the list you would think you were describing a Christian.
     A.   What it does not take to be a true Christians
          1.     Outward profession and outward goods

6.   What are the marks then of one who has been truly saved.

     A.   Worships God in (by) the Spirit is the first mark of a true believer.

          1.     Worship is supernatural, not natural. Worship is generating by the Spirit of God,
          not by selfish desires or rituals. Worship is removed from the flesh and is in the Spirit.
          Worship is beyond the external things.
          2.    Worship that is false: Pressured by the culture, by tradition, guilt, fear, desire to be
          popular, go though the emotions

          3.     Believers deep understand is that to glorify God is the truest mark of his desires.
          4.     Jesus explains the Samaritan woman in John 4:19-24.
                 a)       Worship is not in a place; worship is not where you are.
                 b)       Worship is not accomplished by means which you have developed
                 c)       Worship is a way of life, worship is a life in total, a lifestyle
                 d)       Worship is in spirit, in heart, in life. Romans 8:8-9, 12:1, 2 Corinthians 5:17
          5.     Worship God in the spirit from the inside, and by the knowledge of the Word of God
          6.     Definition of worship: to serve, to render religious service. “Service.” Romans 12:1
          “To render respectful spiritual service.

                 a)     Worship is more than: saying things that praise God. Singing things that
                 praise God. Thinking things that do. Yes it is but more that.

                 b)       Worship comes down finally how you live. In the church but also at home.

     B.   Do I worship God? How do I look at my heart and know I am a worshipper of
          1.    The Heart of Worship: Loves God and Loves Christ. Desire for closeness, tenderness,
          fondness. Expressed in attitude and behavior and talk.
          2.    There will be a splendid, overwhelmed, pleasure in god and delight in Christ.
          Jeremiah 9:23-24, I Corinthians 2:2, Galatians 6:14
          3.     There will be assurance and relying on Christ. A peace about the future.

                 a)      As a result of his kind of worshipDevotion: When the conversation turns to
                 Christ, the heart pounds with overwhelming joy.
                      11 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3

       2. (3-4) Paul defines the true circumcision.

For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in
the flesh, though I also might have confidence in the flesh. If anyone else thinks he may have confidence in
the flesh, I more so:

              a. For we are the circumcision: These Jewish legalists considered themselves the ones truly
              circumcised and right with God. But Paul declared that he and his followers are were true

              b. Who worship God in the Spirit: This defines the true circumcision. They worship God in
              the Spirit, as opposed to the fleshly and external worship emphasized by these legalists.

                      i. “The word „worship‟ is the translation of the Greek word referring to the service of
                      Jehovah by His peculiar people, the Jews. A Jew would be scandalized by the
                      application of this word to a Gentile.” (Wuest)

              c. Rejoice in Christ Jesus: This also characterizes those of the true circumcision. Their joy is
              not found in their own ability to be justified by the law or by their law-keeping. Jesus and Jesus
              alone is their joy.

              d. Have no confidence in the flesh: This is a third characteristic of the true circumcision. They
              do not trust in their own ability to be righteous before God through external works (the flesh),
              but their only confidence is in Jesus.

              e. I also might have confidence in the flesh . . . I more so: Paul knew that he was more
              qualified to be justified by the keeping of the law than any of his present legalistic opponents

                      i. Curiously, often those who promote the idea of having confidence in the flesh are the
                      same ones who are the least qualified to have such confidence. This is because of the
                      principle Paul explains in Colossians 2:23 - These things indeed have an appearance of
                      wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no
                      value against the indulgence of the flesh.

       3. (5-6) Paul‟s reasons why he might have confidence in the flesh.

Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews;
concerning the law, a Pharisee; concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which is
in the law, blameless.

              a. Circumcised the eighth day . . .: Paul first listed four things that were his possessions by
              birth, all reasons why he might have confidence in the flesh.

                     Paul was circumcised the eighth day in accordance with Leviticus 12:3.

                         12 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
   Paul was of the stock of Israel, a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and
                       therefore an heir to God‟s covenant with them.

                      Paul was of the tribe of Benjamin, a distinguished tribe. Benjamin was distinguished
                       by the fact that it gave Israel her first king, Saul (1 Samuel 9:1-2). It was the tribe that
                       aligned itself with faithful Judah when Israel divided into two nations at the time of
                       Rehoboam (1 Kings 12:21). It was also the tribe that had the city of Jerusalem within its
                       boundaries (Judges 1:21).

                      Paul was a Hebrew of the Hebrews. This contrasted him with the Jews who embraced
                       Greek culture as it spread through the Mediterranean. In that time, many Jews became
                       ashamed of their Jewishness and tried to live and act as much like Greeks as they could,
                       sometimes even to the point of having their circumcision cosmetically restored or
                       hidden so they could enjoy the Roman public baths without being noticed as Jews. In
                       contrast, Paul was raised by his parents as a Hebrew of the Hebrews.

               b. Concerning the law . . .: Paul then listed three things that were his by personal choice and
               conviction, all reasons why he might have confidence in the flesh.

                      Paul was concerning the law, a Pharisee. This tells us that among an elite people (the
                       Jews), Paul was of an elite sect (the Pharisees), who were noted for their scrupulous
                       devotion to the law of God. “There were not very many Pharisees, never more than six
                       thousand, but they were the spiritual athletes of Judaism. Their very name means The
                       Separated Ones. They had separated themselves off from all common life and from all
                       common tasks in order to make it the one aim of their lives to keep every smallest detail
                       of the Law.” (Barclay) The concern that Pharisees had for keeping the law is reflected
                       in passages like Matthew 23:23.

                      Concerning zeal, persecuting the church. Paul was not merely an intellectual
                       opponent of perceived heresies against Judaism; he was also an active fighter against
                       them - even in his blindness to God. Paul‟s observation that the Jews of his day have a
                       zeal for God, but not according to knowledge (Romans 10:2) was true of his own life
                       before God confronted him on the road to Damascus.

                      Concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. This shows that Paul
                       achieved the standard of righteousness which was accepted among the men of his day -
                       though this standard fell short of God‟s holy standard. Because of how the law was
                       interpreted and taught, there were those of that day who were deceived into thinking
                       that they really were blameless, like the rich young ruler (Luke 18:18-23).

                       i. In summary, if anyone could lay claim to pleasing God by law-keeping and the works
                       of the flesh, it was Paul. He was far more qualified than his legalizing opponents were
                       to make such a claim.

       4. (7) Paul rejects all confidence in the flesh.

But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.
                          13 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
a. These I have counted loss for Christ: Any of the corrupting teachers Paul warned against
would be proud to claim Paul‟s pedigree. Yet Paul made it plain: these things I have counted
loss for Christ.

       i. “The word „gain‟ is plural in the Greek, namely, „gains.‟ . . . „Loss‟ is singular. The
       various gains are all counted as one loss.” (Wuest)

       ii. “He was skilled in spiritual arithmetic, and very careful in his reckoning. He cast up
       his accounts with caution, and observed with a diligent eye his losses and his gains.”

b. I have counted loss: Paul counted these things loss. It wasn‟t so much that they were a loss
by their very character, as much as he chose to regard them as loss.

       i. They were counted loss not so much because they were harmful to Paul, but because
       these things were ways in which Paul sought to please God in the energies of the flesh.
       Before Paul became a Christian, he thought all these things made him a success in the
       effort to please God by works.

       ii. We can say that Paul‟s attitude was the same that Jesus described in the parable of
       the pearl of great price (Matthew 13:44-46).

          14 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3

              Philippians 3:1-3 Charles e. Whisnant September 12, 2010

1A       A PAST CONVERSION: A past supposed conversion event.
        A happening, an event, a feeling, an experience, a time and place, raised your hand, came to the altar,
         are not necessarily real signs of conversion.
        You may be able to put a time and place when you found yourself committed by faith to Christ.
        Also salvation could have occurred over a process of time, when your heart was opened and your
         understanding became clear.

     I MIGHT SAY THIS: Now salvation does occur at an event which happens, but that is not the proof of
     the conversion.
        Acts 8:9-13 14-24: Simon has an event, where he believed and was baptized, but he was not a true
            o His heart was not right before God.
            o He was wicked and needed to repent.
            o His intent of heart was wicked and he needed to be forgiven.
            o He was in the gall of bitterness
            o He was in the bond of iniquity.
                 Did he have an event in his life? Yes. Was he saved? No.

         “Well, I know my son(s) / daughter(s) is living an undisciplined life, godless life, rejecting the Lord,
         rejecting the church. But I remember a day and an event at the age of (?) they received Jesus Christ.”

         I am sorry, it was a Simon event. There was no change. If there was you wouldn‟t need to look for an
         event. There would be change. A moment of believing didn‟t save Simon

        „He must be a Christian; he‟s a very moral good person.” Ever said that about a person?
        Code of living by the Ten Commandments, Sermon on the Mount, or the Golden Rule. They do not
         verify salvation.
        Why? You may live morally as a result of fear, to please parents, etc.
        Matthew 19:16. The rich young ruler, remember? “I keep all the laws…” Yet not saved.

        “Head-knowledge” it is called instead of “heart-knowledge.”
        It is not what you know, it is what you do. Faith without works is?
        Judas, remember, had all the knowledge and information; he was with Jesus for three years. And not
                           15 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
        Going to church, being baptized, communion, lighting candles, praying, being a Mason, joining a
        Matthew 25 Remember the ten virgins?

        Matthew 7:22. To say you represent Christ is not enough. Lots of people do that. Lots of false
         preachers and teachers
        Preaching the truth does not verify one‟s spiritual condition.

Are righteous –1 John 3:7
Are the excellent of the earth –Psalms 16:3;
Proverbs 12:26
Are accepted with God –Acts 10:35
Are loved by God –Psalms 146:8; Prov 15:9
Are blessed by God –Psalms 5:12
Are heard by God –Luke 18:7; James 5:16
Are objects of God’s watchful care – Job 36:7:
Psalms 34:15; Proverbs 10:3 1 Peter 3:12                     Are enriched -Psalms 112:3; Proverbs 15:6
Are tried by God –Psalms 11:5                                Think and desire good -Proverbs 11:23; 12:5
Are exalted by God –Job 36:7                                 Know the secret of the Lord -Psalms 25:14;
Dwell in security –Isaiah 33:15-16                           Proverbs 3:32
Are bold as a lion –Proverbs 28:1                            Have their prayers heard -Psalms 34:17; Proverbs
Are delivered out of all troubles –Psalms 34:19;             15:29; 1 Peter 3:12
Proverbs 11:8                                                Have their desires granted -Proverbs 10:24
Are never forsaken by God –Psalms 37:25                      Find it with life and honour -Proverbs 21:21
Are abundantly provided for –Proverbs 13:25;                 Shall hold on their way -Job 17:9
Matthew 5:25-33                                              Shall never be moved -Psalms 15:2,5; 55:22;
                                                             Proverbs 10:30; 12:3
                                                             Shall be ever remembered -Psalms 112:6
                                                             Shall flourish as a branch -Proverbs 11:28

                                                             Shall be glad in the Lord -Psalms 64:10

                          16 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
                                      CHARLES E. WHISNANT, 10 17 10

                                               Philippians 3:3
Worship produces FAITH, and causes RESPONSES of PRAISE, OBEDIENCE, and COMMITMENT.
In the sphere of worship, biblical faith is developed, where continuing life in relation to God is.

     1. Where God‟s word is central, God‟s people are prevented from making up religions out of their own
        private ideas of God.
     2. Has the idea of God‟s people sharing and loving, receiving and giving together.
     3. Calls the congregation to attention before God‟s words.
     4. The service coordinates responses of praise and obedience and
     5. Then sends the believers out into the community to live out the meaning of that praise and obedience.




      Malachi 1:11; John 4:23-24; Romans 1;:9; 7:6; 8:15,26,27; Ephesians 6:18; Jude1:20

 Service, that is spirit energized and focused on Christian worship, in the corporate sense, service in the
church, in the spirit of Christ.

2A      GLORY


      Philippians 3:7-9; Psalms 105:3; Isaiah 45:25; Jeremiah 9:23-24; I Corinthians 1:29-31;
       Galatians 6:13-14

The idea is boasting with exultant joy about what a person is most proud of: Boasting in Christ Jesus, not in
human works. Galatians 2:16; Galatians 6:14; Jeremiah 9:23-24.

Worship expresses an unusually high degree of confidence in someone or something being exceptionally
noteworthy. As used in the positive sense, self-confidence is radically excluded and all self-boasting is
abandoned. Faith implies the surrender of all self-glorying.

                          17 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
Philippians 3:3 “Believers REJOICE in Christ Jesus

A true believer will exalt Christ for all HE is. The false religious person will take credit. Look what I do in
religion. I gain approval of god by my good deeds. True believers will never claim any merit. I Corinthians
1:31, Jeremiah 9:23-24, 2 Corinthians 10:17,.

CHRIST is the focus point of my life, not me.       The only grounds of rejoicing are in the LORD.

     1.   His Works: Psalms 104:31
     2.   His Word: Psalms 1:2; 119:103
     3.   His Goodness; Luke 18:19
     4.   His Mercy, Justice, Power; Psalms 63:5-7
     5.   His Wisdom and Truth.

There are certainly many people who would want God‟s grace but not his Rulership. They want Heaven but
not the narrow way.



Flesh: Self: that expresses that attitude or condition of our moral being which is not subject to God‟s law.

Anything other than God taken by man as his trust and strength is in the flesh.

If all the boasting goes to God and it‟s all in Christ, so then there‟s no boasting in the flesh.

This context represents man in his unregenerate state and unredeemed humanness, in short picturing human
ability apart from God, whether in the religious or moral realm.

As Paul here shows, he was (Philippians 3:4-6, man apart from God and out of agreement with God, man
without the possession of the Holy Spirit. Paul knew that there was nothing good within his flesh (Romans

True Christians are humble; when they see themselves, they see their flesh as sinful. James 4:6,10

SALVATION IS NOT SELF-EFFORT, IT’S GRACE EFFORT. It is a total repentance of self and a
complete turning to Christ for salvation. It is a complete turning from sinful self. The flesh does not see the
sin that produces the sin.

     1. Natural conviction deals with my conduct. Spiritual repentance deals with my conditions.
     2. Natural conviction deals with the symptom. Spiritual repentance deals with the diseases.
     3. Natural conviction makes a person shy away from God because they are fearful. Spiritual repentance
        makes a person run to God for forgiveness. SPIRITUAL REPENTANCE MEANS PUTTING NO

                           18 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
      A.     Mere externalism (excessive concern about outward appearances) is of no
      avail. Any ceremonial requirement for salvation is a defilement of the truth
      A.    Philippians 3:3 “Worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus and
      have no confidence in the flesh.”
      B.    The outward mark done by surgery vs. the inward cleansing performed by
      the power of the Holy Spirit.

9.    The duty of the Pastor/Elder/Teacher is to affirm to you the clear marks of a
true believer. Charles e. Whisnant. Rivers of Joy Baptist Church. 10-10-10
      A.    Always bringing up the question: “Do you believe that person is a Christian?”

10.   In 1661 Matthew Mead wrote a book: “The Almost Christian Discovered.”
      A.    To address a very significant problem.
            1.     Many people claimed to be saved and weren’t.

            2.     Where the Gospel is presented, often it’s followed with instructions as how to tell a
            true response to the Gospel from a false deceived one.

            1.     Have much knowledge of Christ and yet be almost a Christian
            2.     Have a great gift and yet be almost a Christian
            3.     Have a high profession of religion and yet. . . .
            4.     May go far in opposing his sin and yet….
            5.     May hate sin and yet be almost. . . . .
            6.     Make great vows and promises and resolutions and yet . . .
            7.     Maintain a striving and a combat against sin and yet . . . .
            8.     Have great hope of heaven and yet . . . .
            9.     Very zealous to matters of religion and yet be almost . . . . . .
            10.    Be much in prayer
            11.    May even suffer for Christ’s sake
            12.    May outwardly obey the commandments
            13.    May perform external worship
            14.    May be a member of a church
            15.    May be under visible change, alter life
                     19 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
C.   Reverse the list you would think you were describing a Christian.
      A.   What it does not take to be a true Christian
           1.     Outward profession and outward good

12.   What are the marks then of one who has been truly saved.

      A.   Worships God in (by) the Spirit is the first mark of a true believer.

           1.      Worship is supernatural, not natural. Worship is generated by the Spirit of God, not
           by selfish desires or rituals. Worship is removed from the flesh and is in the Spirit. Worship
           is beyond the external things.
           2.    Worship that is false: Pressured by the culture, by tradition, guilt, fear, desire to be
           popular, go through the motions

           3.     Believers deeply understand that to glorify God is the truest mark of his desires.
           4.     Jesus explains to the Samaritan woman in John 4:19-24.
                  a)       Worship is not in a place; worship is not where you are.
                  b)       Worship is not accomplished by means which you have developed
                  c)       Worship is a way of life, worship is a life in total, a lifestyle
                  d)       Worship is in spirit, in heart, in life. Romans 8:8-9, 12:1, 2 Corinthians 5:17
           5.     Worship God in the spirit from the inside, and by the knowledge of the Word of God
           6.     Definition of worship: to serve, to render religious service. “Service” Romans 12:1
           “To render respectful spiritual service.”

                  a)     Worship is more than: saying things that praise God; singing things that
                  praise God; thinking things that do. Yes, it is; but more that…..

                  b)       Worship comes down finally to how you live: In the church, but also at home.

      B.   Do I worship God? How do I look at my heart and know I am a worshipper of
           1.    The Heart of Worship: Loves God and Loves Christ; Desire for closeness, tenderness,
           fondness; Expressed in attitude and behavior and talk.
           2.    There will be a splendid, overwhelmed pleasure in God and delight in Christ.
           Jeremiah 9:23-24, I Corinthians 2:2, Galatians 6:14
           3.     There will be assurance and relying on Christ, A peace about the future.

                  a)       As a result of this kind of worship

                           (1)   Devotion: When the conversation turns to Christ, the heart pounds with
                           overwhelming joy.

                       20 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
              Text:   PHILIPPIANS 3:8-11 Speaker: Charles e. Whisnant        Date: November 10. 2010

When a person‟s life undergoes an absolute spiritual transformation he has an altogether different perspective.
His life has a different outlook. From the hour of one‟s conversion there commences a re-evaluation of life‟s

VERSE 9 Is a one verse summary of the book of Romans: What is salvation? What is Faith? What is it that
we believe.

               4.       Matthew 16:25-26 Jesus comments on salvation/conversion. If you desire to
               hold on to what you believe is valuable and reject those things which God says are
               precious, it’s going to cost you your eternal soul..
Salvation requires an exchange and transformation. An exchange of all that I am, for all that Christ is. I
might have spent a lifetime of human achievements and yet all must go to gain Christ. So I could have spent a
lifetime gaining the riches of the world and lose my own soul.

     1. In measuring my assets of human works to the value of losing eternal glory, there is no amount of
        human merits which could be worth losing my eternal soul.

     2. A person who comes to God for salvation must be willing to do anything God says. Matthew 13:44-46.

     3. What was going on in Paul‟s heart when he ran into Christ? Acts 9. He knew the facts, he knew what
        the Christians were saying. He just said it was all heresey. But when Christ confronted him, the Spirit
        gave him understanding, and he began to consider Christ for the first time.

     4. Acts 9 was the external act of salvation. Philippians 3 was the internal response to salvation. Salvation
        is a sovereign act of God whereby He invades the sinners darkness and gives him light and saves him.
        Yes, true, but God does not bypass the human will, mind and emotions.,




            1. Vs. 8b “the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.”        Paul            says
               “Nevertheless, whatever category of virtues used to be my assets, these very things I have
               learned to consider a loss for the sake of Christ. Let me be clearer: I countinue to consider
               everything (achieved in the flesh) to be a loss for the sake of the incomparable value of
               knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”

                           21 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
2. Yet indeed I also count all things loss: Paul did not only count his religious pedigree as a loss;
                he counted all things loss - but he counted them as a loss in view of the excellence of the
                knowledge of Christ Jesus.
             3. It wasn‟t so much that those things were worthless in themselves, but compared to the greatness
                of the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, they really were nothing.
             4. Paul here put a personal relationship with Jesus Christ at the very center of the Christian‟s life.
                He joyfully accepted the loss of all other things for the greatness of this personal relationship.
             5. “After twenty years or more of experience Paul had an opportunity of revising his balance-
                sheet, and looking again at his estimates, and seeing whether or not his counting was correct.
                What was the issue of his latest search? How do matters stand at his last stocktaking? He
                exclaims with very special emphasis, „Yea doubtless; and I count all things but loss for the
                excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.‟” (Spurgeon)


        1B     KNOWLEDGE: It‟s not knowing the facts, but also a personal acquaintance with Him.
        Knowledge comes as a consequence of light given to our understanding by God. To know

        2B     Salvation is knowing Christ, not knowing about Him with the mind, but personally. John 10
        and John 17:3 and 1 John 5:20.

        3B      Salvation is a relationship in which I know Christ.

        4B     “To Know” means: He has a love bond with them. To know means a union of love; bonding
        together in close love. “My sheep hear my voice and I know them.”


Few take serious to know the undertaking of the Bible, and take time to really development the discipline of learning
what God is really saying in the Bible. But thank the Lord for those who have taken serious the task of Christian
thought and the development of a distinctively Christian mind. I am continually working on that.

Christ Himself instructed Christians to love God with heart, soul and mind. Its not so we can be known as intellectual
smart but known as a person who loves to know Him.

Many Christians and preachers ignore the intellectual component of discipleship. Many Christians fail to develop their
intellectual capacities in order that they may understand the theology of God, and the Christian faith, and develop the
habits of Christian thought. Many do not even want to form intuitions that are based upon biblical truth. Christian
discipleship requires growth and development, intellectual faithfulness requires a lifetime of devoted study,
consecrated thinking and analytical reflection. Few Christians it seems really want to devote themselves to knowing
the Word of God in depth. Few want to know the Biblical truth about what the Bible really is saying about God, Jesus,
the Holy Spirit, Prayer, Salvation, Christian living, Lordship, the Glory of God, the Church, the Holiness of God, etc.

                           22 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3

                         Romans 4:9 Charles e. Whisnant December 05, 12 2010


When a man‟s life undergoes an absolute spiritual transformation he has a altogether different persepective.
He has a completely changed outlook. Those things he formely cherished as valuable will appear to be
worthless and in some instances harmful.

I count all things lost to gain the knowledge of Christ. A deep knowledge of love. The knowledge of Christ
excels all others.


IN ORDER THAT I MAY GAIN CHRIST):(Mt 13:44-46; Heb 3:14; 1Jn 1:3 FOR THE

Philippians 3:9 and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the
Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the
basis of faith

What a privilege is gain in winning Christ.

IN HIM: Paul uses the term some 164 times. WE ARE IN CHRIST:

Romans 3:24; 6:11; 6:23; 8:1-2; 39, I Corinthians 4:10, 15, 17.

Where He begins and I end, where I end and where He begins I do not know. He moves through me, I have
the mind of Christ. That is deep knowledge.


1B     He is our ransom: Colossians 1:14

2B     He has purchases God‟s favour that be might be saved. Hebrews 10:19

3B     Our nature has been renewed, fellowship is restored. Titus 3:5-6; 2 Peter 1:4 Hebrews 12:10

4B     Christ is our treasury and storehouse. I Corinthians 1:30

5B     By Him we are made heirs of eternal life. Romans 8:17


1B     Grace, pardon, peace, power, gladness.

                         23 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
2B       Not Christianity but Christ. A living and loving Person.

To be completely united with Christ. Philippians 1:21. Paul derives all meaning for his life in Christ.
Colossians 3:4, Galatians 2:20

F.B. Meyers: God grant that when you are found, it may e with the Pearl of great price in yoiur hand, and
with the Righteousness of Jesus Christ upon your soul.

THAT IS MIGHT BE FOUND                        IN CHRIST. Vs 9

        To be in Christ. which is to be intertwined in an eternal, unbreakable covenant bond of intimate love
         and knowledge with Christ.


        Whereas those who do not know Christ, spend a lifetime trying to live a live of their own


        A righteousness that is received by faith. Personal reliance, trustful, acceptance of divine truth, of
         divine work of the Divine worker and Lord. A total reliance on God and not self.
        Salvation: A person comes to a personal trust and surrender. It‟s a yes of the soul to God. It is placing
         complete confidence and trust in Christs. That is how you are saved. And when you put your faith in
         Christ, God gives you His righteousness. A righteousness that comes from God, based on faith, not
        How are you going to gain righteousness? That is having a right standing with God. How are you
         going to be accepted and welcome with God? By faith in Christ. And you are giving Christ‟s


        A right relationship with God is NOT by WORKS, but by FAITH

SAVING FAITH: Is the confident, continues, confession of total dependence on and trust in Jesus Christ. It is
not just believing Jesus lived and died. It is trusting in Him, depending on Him to meet the requirement in
your behave to give you entrance into God‟s Kingdom. It is a surrender of your life .


Philippians 3:10 that I may know Him and the power             1411
                                                                      of His resurrection and the fellowship of
His sufferings, being conformed to) His death.


                           24 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
So what else is gain in me as a result of salvation? Vs. 10. Paul‟s major passion was to get more knowledge
of Christ by experience. A personal knowledge.

Spurgeon said: This is the desire of one who has been saved, who enjoys the full conviction that his sins are
pardoned, and that he is in Christ. It is only the regenerated and saved man who can feel the desire, “that I
might know Him.”

F.B. Meyer said: Paul‟s emphasis here is on gaining a deeper knowledge and intimacy with Christ.
Possessing Christ's righteousness by faith was not an end but in fact for Paul was the starting point...indeed
how could anyone ever get satiated with our infinite Redeemer? Never.

Spurgeon said: He became a holy walker, and a heavenly runner, because of what he saw in Christ
Jesus. Be you sure of this, that the less you value your own righteousness, the more will you seek after
true holiness; the less you think of your own beauty, the more ardently will you long to become like the
Lord Jesus.



Dunamis: to be able, to have power especially achieving power. It refers to intrinsic power or inherent
ability, to carry out, the capacity to perform, it conveys the idea of effective, productive energy, rather
than that which is raw and unbridled.

What you have in Christ , what is available is the dynamic spiritual energy that comes from Him. Daniel
11:32. There is no power in the flesh, in the Law. There is power in the Blood: Jesus Christ.

Paul longed to have an ever-increasing supply of the power that proceeds from the risen and exalted Savior.

By His power we are given power to rise above the world and set in heavenly places with Christ.

By the resurrection we are giving an assurance in our MINDS as to the truth. We are raised from the dead and
walking with Christ That is the developed experience of the Christian person in the life of God.

TO KNOW His POWER is to be conscious of the working upon ourselves the quickening and renewing and
enlightening our MINDS and LIFE. It is to recognize and comprehend its working power as a reality.

There are four aspects of the Lord‟s resurrection power upon us.

It‟s an evidencing Power:

It is the justifying Power

It is the life-giving Power

It is the consoling Power

                             25 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3

Vs. 10 The fellowship of His suffering.

(1)     To know Christ or to have a richer experience of him, (2) To know the power of resurrection, or the
experience constantly, the same power that raised Christ from the dead (3) To participate in the suffering of
Christ for the sake of righteousness (4) To be conformed to the death of Christ, or to experience the same self-
emptying described of Christ (2:7)

Paul desired to participate more and more fully in the reproaches and afflictions of his Lord and Savior.
Growth and transformation are not to be had without pain. Our spiritual transformation into the image of
Christ does take place as we behold His glory (2 Corinthians 3:18)


         Paul had gain justification, sanctification, and glorification.

“If my any means…. I may attain.” Paul longed for the complete resurrection of his own life. Longing to be
like Christ in his glorified state.

KNOWING CHRIST also means identifying with His death. Romans 6:1-11. Christ completely died to self
and became a sacrifice for others.

It was the greatest demonstration of commitment to the will of God and it was that death which brought His
resurrection life. Paul realized that conformity to Jesus death made him a candidate for resurrection power.

In desiring to know Christ, Paul sought a complete relationship with Him.

Vs. 11 “I am hoping that I may yet reach the resurrection from the dead (corpse). This is the desire of the
Rapture. Getting a new body. He would enjoy a complete transformation of character, newness of body and a
perfect environment.


     1      Knowledge:               Identification
     2      Righteousness of Christ: Justification
     3      Power:                   Sanctification
     4      Suffering with:          Participation
     5      Glory:                   Glorification

                            26 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
Pressing on Toward the Goal or Straining Toward the Goal, Onward and Upward
                  Philippians 3:12-14 Charles e. Whisnant January 02, 09 Two Thousand and Eleven

12 Not as though I had already attained , either were already perfect : but I follow after , if that I may apprehend that
for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended : but this one
thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press
toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. KJV

12 I do not mean that I am already as God wants me to be. I have not yet reached that goal, but I continue trying to
reach it and to make it mine. Christ wants me to do that, which is the reason he made me his. 13 Brothers and sisters, I
know that I have not yet reached that goal, but there is one thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward
what is ahead, 14 I keep trying to reach the goal and get the prize for which God called me through Christ to the life
above. New Century Version

12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus
has made me his own. 13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what
lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of
God in Christ Jesus. English Standard Version


“Make It To The Top Achievement Club”: A reality checkup of self.


LIFE IS NOT ALWAYS A DISNEY CHARACTER, standing near the castle in Fantasyland, wishing upon a

                 Cinderella‟s Castle, in Fantasyland                                    Timon & Pumba (“The Lion King”)

LIFE is a long term commitment to a long and untiring determination going in the same direction.




Society as a whole does not feel comfortable about long-term diligence and patience. They are seeking a quick
self-gratification now. Pursuit of anything better be quick. It is micro-wave Christianity living or it‟s out of

                           27 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
The public is seeking “success” in the world‟s eyes. It‟s the Super Bowl or you are out as a coach mentality.

Take a look at today’s bookshelves: “Passport to Prosperity” “Winning Moves”

       Are you kidding me? These books are light-years away removed from the truth.

How about these books on your bookshelves:

       The Almost Christian Discovered
       Baxter‟s Works: Vol. 11: An Alarm to the Unconverted
       Packer‟s: Knowing God, and The Holiness of God
       MacArthur‟s: Our Sufficiency in Christ.

Folks, hanging tough over the long haul is still the investment that pays the richest dividends, and I might add
the richest joy.


   1.   The PLAN is Progress… not Perfection.
   2.   The PAST is Over… Forget it.
   3.   The FUTURE holds out HOPE… Reach for it.
   4.   The SECRET IS A Determined Attitude… Maintain it.
   5.   The NEED is keeping High Standards…Together. (Chuck Swindoll, “Laugh Again.”)

“Not As Though” 3:12

       A phrase that warns against false impressions. Paul wants to make sure that he is not misunderstood. “I
        have not yet arrived at the zenith spiritually. I am still in need of progress. A divine dissatisfaction is
        essential for spiritual progress.”
       Paul‟s desire, his purpose, his pursuit, was God, and to achieve what God had in store for him.
       Paul was in the process of achieving.

 Not that “I had already attained” “either were already perfect:” “I follow after.”

       I have not become complete, mature, fully developed, fully grown, and brought to the end (goal),
       Paul is going to address the Church effort toward spiritual growth. Paul was not satisfied that he had
        arrived, he still wanted to grow, he had not attained, he had not seized all that God was going to give
        him in his spiritual journey.

   The Christian believer already is a new creature, has a new heart, has a new attitude, and a new disposition
   which gives him a strong desire to be holy. He has a new righteousness, has the Holy Spirit, and has the
   promise of Heaven. But he is still able to be tempted, still has unredeemed flesh, still a sinner. 2 Peter
                          28 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
   Cultivate a passion for grace and an intense longing after holiness
   Fight with sins every day.
   Never let a dark past cloud a bright future.
   Must learn to live with the consequences of our failures.
   Pursue the Goal of Spiritual Maturity.
   Press toward the mark of the high calling of Christ
   Be involved still in the growth process, even after 10, 20, 30. 40 and yes 50 0r 60 years.

In a New Birth experience you will find:
       Growth is necessary
       Pursuit is necessary of the goal.
       There is to be a running of the race.,
       There is a pressing toward the mark of the prize.
       There will be no debate where you decide to grow or not.
       There is going to be a hunger and thirst for God.
       There is going to be a drive, a strong impulse in the heart for growth.
Why should you chase after the prize and run the race? Why go for the Gold?
      It will cause you to glorify God.
      It verifies regeneration.
      It allows you to wear the truth of God.
      It grants you assurance.
      It sparks you from sorrows of spiritual weakness.
      It protects you from being a reproach to Christ.
      It produces joy in your life.
      It increases your witness to a lost world.

       Perfection is a GOAL and not an ACHIEVEMENT in this LIFE. You PURSUE but never Reach.
       Maturity is to be encouraged but not hurried. As someone said, God takes time to make an oak tree,
       He takes time to make a saint. Christian growth is a process.
       Paul deals a blow to the doctrine of Perfectionism. You never arrive but you strive to reach the place
       where God would have you to be.
We are to give our whole life to gaining the PRIZE. We are to extend, stretch out, to literally overextend
oneself. We are to stretch our muscles to their limit, attempting energetically to attain a state or condition to
which we are called to be by Jesus Christ. This is to be a lifelong commitment and attitude. Every fiber of our
body, every bit of strength that we can draw from a breath of air is being put into the pursuit of this prize.
How are you doing in the race? Do you have the focused attention that Paul is describing in your spiritual
race? What is your primary focus in life? What drives you? Where do you invest your time and energy and

                          29 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3

       1A     An awareness of Need
       2A     Maximum Effort
       3A     Concentration
       4A     Spiritual Motivation
       5A     Divine Revelation
       6A     Consistency
       Your position is okay, your condition must improve. You are yet to be what you should be.
       The Spiritual Pursuit of growth in what you have already laid hold of in Jesus Christ, begins with a
       dissatisfaction of what you have already obtained, in knowing what you are yet to obtain.
       Seeing the need to grow in our Christian life is the key.
       Paul said “I am very aware I have not arrived.” He was saying “I am not what I ought to be.” “I am
       still in the process of becoming more like Christ. There is still an intense yearning and striving for
       spiritual perfection.
              Too many have the frame of mind; they really believe they have reached the apex of spiritual
              Christ likeness. The result of this state of mind is.
                      You will be insensitive to sin.
                      “Why would you think I am not spiritual?” “What makes you think I am not doing
                      what I ought to be doing?”
“Not that I have already received                 .” (Attained.) Vs. 12.
       Psalms 119:5, 173-176, Galatians 5:17, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Romans 8:26; Philippians 3:20-21;
       Having yet a perfect knowledge of Christ, the power of Christ‟s death, the fellowship of Christ‟s
       suffering. Paul had not yet attained the goals stated in vs. 10. There is much room for improvement.
       He did not have in hand what he desired.

„Either were already perfect 5048”
       Job 17:9; Psa. 138:8; Proverbs 4:18; I Corinthians 13:10-1`2; 2 Corinthians 7:1; 13:9; Ephesians
       4:12, Hebrews 12:2
                         30 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
„Have not yet become perfect.‟ i.e. complete, mature, fully developed, fully grown, soundness of mind,
workability, and completeness. “The act of bringing the person to these conditions, i.e. a well-rounded
in his Christian character.
Not having yet attained, either experientially or mentally in full measure as I desire to be like Christ.
Progress is the healthy condition of every Christian person. Adding to his faith virtue, following on to
know the Lord, and daily receiving grace upon grace of the fullness which is treasured up in Christ
Paul does not give details of his own imperfections and deficiencies, but confesses them, and desires
for perfection.
      Church fellowship.
      Prayer
      Teaching of God‟s Word. You are down to needing only 17 minutes.
      Theological teaching.
      Have arrived as far as you care to be.
      Finished with note taking, I will leave them in the pew.
      It is all well with my soul. Easy is finally here.
      Psalms 51:1-5; Matthew 6:12; 23:75; Luke 18:13; Romans 7:14-24; James 3:2; I John 1:8;
   “But I am pressing on (to see) if I can also lay hold on that for which I was laid hold on by Jesus

                  31 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
                     Philippians 3:12-14     December 19, 2010 & January 16, 2011

                              PRIZE OF SPIRITUAL PERFECTION.



“But I follow after,” vs. 12
            i.e. Press on “I am pursuing.” Press forward; try to achieve something, run after.
            Verb. Indic pres. action. A continuous action or result.
            An expression for the quest of Christian values. Romans 14:19; 1 Timothy 6:11.
            To aspire, to seek, to go after something.
            The pursuit of Christian objectives.
                  o Romans 12:13Hospitality
                  o Romans 14:19; 1 Peter 3:11; Hebrews 12:14 Mutual Peace
                  o I Corinthians 14:1 Holiness and Love
                  o I Thess.5:15 Doing Good.
                  o 1 Timothy 6:11, 2 Timothy 2:22 Righteousness
            Paul sees the Christian life as ultimately directed to this goal. He presses on like a runner set on
             winning the victor‟s prize. Knowing Romans 9:16, 30.
            Paul says this not because he is discouraged but he‟s encouraged.
            A sprinter in this race.
            An aggressive, energetic endeavor.
            I Corinthians 9:24-27, I Timothy 6:12, Hebrews 12:1-2 Running the race to win.
            Serious and earnest in his desire to “follow after.”
            Not being content just to be merely saved.
            The race is a long-distance race.

                        32 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
Why all this continuous all-out effort?
              Jesus is coming
              People are dying, 6,000 each day.
       What is Paul pursuing? What’s the Prize?

              I have yet to have in my hands what I desire.
              The goal of my life is to be consistent with Christ’s goal in giving me salvation.
                  o Christ saved me for a purpose, that purpose in saving me, has become my purpose
                    in my spiritual progress.
                  o Romans 8:28-29 “To become conformed to His image,” An exact replica,
                    representation or picture of the original.
                  o There is a life-long pursuit of Christ-likeness that is the goal, the purpose.
                  o The salvation experience does not end at the time of the conversion.
                  o God’s purpose does not, is not, just to get you saved. But He saved you with the
                    purpose of bringing you to a place where you reflect Christ-likeness.
                  o Christ-likeness is the goal.
                  o The picture people see of you, is it like the character of Jesus Christ?
                  o 2 Thess. 2:14-15
                  o Don’t you think becoming like Christ is a worthwhile goal?
                  o This takes a life-long commitment and takes maximum effort.
       What is the purpose you have? What is the prize you seek? Are you still cultivating or in need of
       personal attention? Are you making maximum effort to live the Christian life?

              attentiveness * deliberation* absorption * meditation
       Philippians 3:13 “Brethren,80 (a third time) I have not yet reckoned 3049 to have reached my
goal.” (I do not regard myself as laid2638 hold of it yet; but1161 one thing I do, forgetting1950 what lies
behind3694 and reaching forward1901 to what lies ahead1715) NASV
“Brethren, I count3049 not myself to have apprehended:2638 but1161 this one thing I do, forgetting those
things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. KJV
       Paul‟s deliberately formed opinion, the logical thing to say, having come to a proper conclusion &
       after review, looking back, “I have not yet arrived at my goal.” “I have not completely grasped
       that for which the Lord Jesus had grasped me.”

       “But”: is a term of contrast. Which was what? “But one thing:” Which sums up Paul‟s Christian
       conduct and purpose. “I concentrate on this.” To be totally focused on the task ahead. Which was?

                         33 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
Paul was a man of single purpose and had one aim and one ambition.
     Far too many take on too many things to concentrate on just one thing. They tend to feel they can try to
     walk the way of discipline while making daily excursions into “Egypt” to pick up a few “leeks.”
                                Cultivate a passion for grace and
                                an intense longing after holiness.
     Paul had a disciplined intention: a close relationship with Christ and he intended to get there.
     The driving force of our life? Is it to be like Christ? You’re going to get there.
     SO HOW DOYOU REMAIN FOCUSED? How do you WILL that ONE thing?

     A present tense indicates that this is to be the Spirit-filled believer‟s continual exercise – forget and
     forget completely! Paul makes a conscious (Spirit empowered) choice to not recall information
     concerning things in his past that would only hamper his running with endurance. DON’T LOOK
     You cannot live on past victories. You should not be debilitated by your past sins and failures,
     burdens of guilt and iniquities.
     Too many of us, and churches are so distracted by the past that we don’t make any current
     progress in the race.
     The clearest vision is given to those who forget the past.
     Bitterness, grudges, and junk of the past are real paralyzers. I John 1:9

     Stretching out as a runner leaning forward as he runs. That is focus concentration, moving fast as
     Our eyes fixed on ONE thing: Christ-likeness. Straining ourselves to be like Jesus, with all devotion
     and dedication.
     Colossians 1:28; Ephesians 4:13; Galatians 4:19; 2 Corinthians 13:11. Colossians 4:12.
     This RACE set before us CALLS forth everything that is within US and all of CHRIST working in US

                        34 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
Six Necessary essentials if you are going to pursue (lay hold of) effectively the
                                          prize set before you.

                      Philippians 3:12-14      Charles e. Whisnant, January 09, 2011


       “To become an exact replica, representation of Jesus Christ.

       “This one thing I do,” Paul said. He desired a close relationship with Christ.A disciplined intention is
       1       Forgetting past failures and victories.
       2       Stretching out every muscle and laying hold of all which Christ has given us.

       “Press on.” “Straightforward” to what is ahead.
       We continue to bear down on the goal, which is to be like Christ, with focused discipline.
       THE GOAL: To be like Christ.
       THE PRIZE: To be made like Christ.
       1       Conformity to Christ: Romans 8:29-30
       2       Fellowship with Christ: I Corinthians 1:9
       3       The peace of Christ: Colossians 3:15
       4       Sanctification: I Thess. 4:7
       5       Eternal Life: 1 Timothy 6:12
       THE PRIZE:
       The culmination of the whole work of salvation – with all its implications to which God has called us.
       What was the motivation that sustained Paul, even in the midst of discouragement and frustration?
               I will be made like Jesus Christ. Galatians 1:15; I Timothy 1:9; 1 Peter 5:10
       Seek to know Christ as “the one thing” for which you live.
       “The smaller the circumference of my thinking, the shorter the diameter of my mistakes.”
       “Narrow down your thinking so as to concentrate more on Christ and less upon the things of the world
       and you cannot lose.”
                          35 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
Philippians 3:14-16 Charles e. Whisnant, Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Minford, Ohio 02 06 11


          In the life of the believer they will never reach absolute perfection (vs. 12). But all believers are
          exhorted to achieve a certain stage of spiritual maturity which is necessary for the effective functioning
          of the church.

Let us therefore, as many as be perfect5046 be thus minded5426 and if in anything ye be
otherwise2088 minded5426 God shall reveal601 even this unto you. Vs 15

PERFECT:       Teleios: an end, a purpose, an aim, a goal.

          Romans 12:2; I Corinthians 2:6; 13:10; 14:20; Ephesians 4:13; Colossians 1;28; 4:12.
     1    Means complete, mature, fully developed, full grown, brought to its end, finished, wanting nothing
          necessary to completeness.
     2    In good working order.
     3    Signifies consummate soundness, includes the idea of being whole.
     4    Does not refer to sinlessness, but to spiritual maturity.
     5    Conveys the ideas of reaching or accomplishing the goal for which we were saved (ultimately Christ- –
     6    Paul is speaking of a finished process and absolute spiritual maturity beyond which there is no room
          for improvement. In verse 12 and in verse 15 he is speaking of relative spiritual maturity where there
          is room for development and growth.

BE THUS MINDED5426                  phroneo

          Let us think this way.
     1    Supposed seat of all mental and emotional activity. A person‟s affections and will as well as his
     2    Means to think, set one‟s mind or heart upon something and denotes the whole action of the affections
     3    Describes a process of evaluating a situation and on the basis of our evaluation of adopting an attitude
          or disposition to act.
     4    Put forth the same untiring, enthusiastic, effort which I put forth.
     5    Making maximum effort, focus concentration and spiritually motivated.

         Psalms 25:8-9; Proverbs 2:3-6; 3:5-6; Isaiah 35:8; Luke 11:13; John 7:17; James 1:5.

                                36 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
1   Presents, not a hypothetical case but a fulfilled condition or one that is assumed to be true. Some had a
         different attitude.
     2   There are some in the church who are not interested in pursuing the prize.
                                         2088 HETEROS
        And if in anything you have a different attitude. In other words if you don‟t agree with what Paul has
         just stated about pursuing Christlikeness.

GOD would correct the wrong attitude in the course of time. SHALL

                             EVEN THIS UNTO YOU.
     1      Means to remove the cover from and so the idea is to remove that which conceals something.
     2      “Taking the lid off.” Matthew 10:26; 11:25; Luke 17:30; Romans 1:17; I Corinthians 2:10;
            Galatians 1:16; 3:23;
     3      Those who refuse to heed Paul‟s message will hear that same message from God. He will correct
            them through His Word, His Spirit, or through chastening. God will do whatever it takes to make
            believers recognize their need to pursue the prize of Christlikeness. He will also provide the
            resources they need to do that. MacArthur
     4      “Lord, open their minds and reveal reality to them.”


     1   Used at the conclusion of a section in order to bring out the main point of discussion. “Just one more
     2   However, to express a final thought
     3   Having come thus far, the thing to do is to go in the same path in which we have been traveling so far.


     1      To come to a particular state. Matthew 12:28. “so far as we have come.”
     2      Having come thus far, the thing to do is to go in the same path in which we have been traveling so
     3      Paul‟s goal is simply to be found in Christ and so to “attain to the resurrection from the dead.”
            3:10. The power for righteous living that can be found only by faith and only as Jesus shares His
            own resurrection life with the believer. Romans 6:8-13.
     1      Keep moving along the path that has brought you to where you are in your spiritual progress.
     2      Be consistent, our walk is to be orderly and guided. (3)Do not abandon any present experience, but
            continue to walk by the light of that until you obtain new light.

                           37 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
Philippians 3:17-21
          Charles e. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher. February 13, 2011 Rivers of Joy Baptist Church
                 Our Theme: Stretching Forth To Reach The Prize, and Pursuing the Goal

                            The Race….. the Prize….. Jesus Christ
   The purpose of the Christian life? To become more like Christ. Does that get old to you?
      1 John 2:6; Galatians 4:19; I Corinthians 11:1; Roman 8:29
annoy you?

   We are to be doing things which will produce in us a God-ward attitude which will produce in us Christ-
   like graces and behavior? Do you see that as part of your living?
   1A To know Jesus Christ. To learn of Christ.
   2A Go to the Word. It‟s packed with Christ.
   3A To be submitted to the inner working of the Holy Spirit.

SO WHY DO I STUDY THE BIBLE? Let me ask another annoying question? Do You?
   1A To know how we can be like Him. II Corinthians 3:18
   1A Christ. You are lost not in self living, but in living for Christ. Simple isn‟t it?
   1A Colossians 2:3-10.
   Simple question: Who Do You Most Desire to Be Like

                         38 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3

                                                 Philippians 3:16-17

                                      Charles e. Whisnant February 26, 2011

                                   Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Minford, Ohio

       16
             However let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained.
       Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us
        mind the same thing. Kjv
       Only we must always walk according to that standard which we have already reached.
       Wuest: Only one thing, so far as we have come, let us keep our lives in the same path.






   1. I need to follow some example to show me how, which I have done for some 50 years plus. “Who is
      the next person, Charles, you are going to follow.” Charity.


   1.   2 Corinthians 12:7 He was likely prone to pride.
   2.   Acts 23:3-5 He spoke more harshly than he should have to the high priest
   3.   I Timothy 1:15 He claimed to be chief of sinners.
   4.   Paul is saying to follow his example, not because he has achieved perfection, but because he is
        struggling in the same race that we are running. Therefore, this would make him a good example.

WELL, Christ is the One who has shown us the PATH. How is He going to show us how to achieve in this
life? He‟s on the throne, and I am down here! I don‟t know the way to the throne room.

But Christ was perfect and He shows us the goal we need to achieve, yes. But we also need someone to model
the process of reaching that goal.

   1.   Who can show me that process?
   2.   How do I deal with my fallen flesh?
   3.   How do I deal with my struggles of life?
   4.   How do I deal with disappointments & trials & pride & failures & sin & and iniquities?

                             39 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
Who can show me? It is only when I can overcome my sinfulness that we can become more like Christ. Who
is battling to overcome sin? And who has overcome and is moving along the lines of Christlikeness?


Philippians 3:17 Paul gives an appeal to his disciples to copy his example.

1 Corinthians 4:16; 10:33, 11:1; 1 Thessalonians 2:7,9, 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9.

BRETHREN, my disciples. BE (present imperative) FOLLOWERS TOGETHER4831

     1. We get the word mimic together with. SUN “with” and MIMETES “IMITATOR OR MIMIC
     2. 1 Corinthians 4:16-17, 3 John2



Luke 11:35; “Take heed” or “watch.” Romans 16:17; 2 Corinthians 4:18; “look” and Galatians 6:1
“considering” or looking.
To walk around, meaning to live, conduct or to pass one‟s life.


US refers to Paul, Timothy, Silas. John MacArthur,

EXAMPLE5179 or PATTERN5179 TUPOS smite with repeated strokes
        Refers to a visible mark or impression made by a stroke or blow from an instrument or object. John
         20:25; Galatians 6:17
     Be followers together Paul says. Walk by the same rules. Christians should all walk by the same rules, by
     the same pattern of Christian living. Walk in a row. The life of Believers should be together and
     harmonious, together with ONE goal.

1b       TO BE LIKE CHRIST. HOW? Richly indwell our self with the WORD. So it stamps its impression
         upon us. The die mould which has impressed us has been the image of Christ.

2b       WE YIELD TO THE HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. Which moulds us to the image of Christ


4b       THE FLESH AND BLOOD EXAMPLES. Whose daily conduct is followed after Paul‟s and


                          40 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
                     Philippians 3:17 Introduction Charles e. Whisnant March 06 2011
S.M. Kockridege‟s message “ THAT‟S MY KING”
    My involvement in life will be to produce in me, Christlikeness. What % of your life‟s involvement is
      to guide you toward Christ?
       What would happen if a number of people in our church who had has their goal to be like Jesus, what
        kind of church could this church be?
       What if everything we did would spin off the idea that we desire and work to be like Christ?
       What if Colossians 3:16 were imbedded in our life. What if we could visible know 2 Corinthians
           o So much so that when I step out of this life on earth my step in to heaven will not be such a
                heavenly shock.
       What if Galatians 4:19 would be really the end result of my life‟s work.
       What if the goal of my life was outside ME, its not in ME, but that it would be beyond ME. Self
        occupation is not a priority.
What has happen in our society today is the pervasion of what we believe about God.
       Humanist psychology has so infiltrated the Christian theology today.
       Today man thinks he exists for the sole purpose of his own self-satisfaction
Principle # One in our philosophy:
       “In order to be happy, man must have all his precede needs and desires meet.”
Today‟s preaching gives you the idea that God wants to save you so He can meet your desires. It‟s the Good
News of self-worth.
    This news is bad for the sinners. The news is that man is bad! The news for the sinner is Hell. Not
      Heaven. The need is not a new car. But a new heart.
       Sadly to say that has become the goal. Our belief now is a man-made salvation, rather than a Christ
        centered salvation.
Christian Sanctification: Pursing something outside myself not something inside myself: Its Christ.
       The idea is not a matter of assessing me, it is a matter of knowing Christ deeply and the more I know
        Him and the more I am focus on Him, the more I am in commune with Him and the more the Spirit
        makes Me like Him.
                          41 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3

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  • 1. AN EXAMINATION OF THE TRUE AND COUNTERFEIT OF CHRISTIANITY. Philippians 3:1-3 Charles e. Whisnant July 11, 2010 PAUL’S MAIN THEME: LIVING ABOVE THE CIRCUMSTANCES: REJOICE. Yet few Christians experience Christian joy in their daily life. WHAT IS JOY: “Joy is a supernatural delight in God and in God‟s goodness.”  There is a difference between JOY and HAPPINESS. Happiness is closely related to CHANCE. Thus, if things work out in a way which we approve, we are happy; if they do not happen, we are unhappy. Happiness then becomes circumstantial. JOY is an inner quality of DELIGHT IN GOD. DEPRESSION AND CHRISTIAN JOY CANNOT GO HAND IN HAND. Depression is a lack of trust in God‟s promises to do what He has promised. Anger multiplied by self-pity = depression. JOY IS A SPECIAL QUALITY OF THE TRUE CHRISTIAN. Two groups of people: Those who know they are not Christians, but who think that the fruits of Christianity can be grown without the life of Christianity, that which comes from Jesus Christ.  Then those who are not Christians, but who think they are Christians. They have not actually committed their lives to Jesus Christ, and thus cannot understand their failure to experience the fruit of such commitment.‟ Thus, Paul is helping us see who is the true child of God: Philippians 3:1-7.  The false Christians 3:2 and the true in verse 3. Each has three character qualities.  Paul points out a clear distinction between the religious and the righteous.  Those who have an inward change and those who have an outward mark. The Bible has a major theme, and a secondary theme: 1. Major: The setting forth of the gospel according to Jesus Christ. 2. Secondary: The matter who is a true Christian. KEY: Once the Gospel has been clearly delineated, the goal is to see if you are in it. Matthew 7:21-23. THEME: Jesus, Peter, Paul, James, Jude, and John all confronted false teachers. SO MANY ARE RELIGIOUS BUT NOT RIGHTEOUS. THE TEXT: Philippians 3:1-3 Three Christian duties are enjoined in this brief paragraph: We are to rejoice in the Lord; we are to beware; and we are to examine ourselves that we be of the true circumcision „Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.2699 (short and compressed in order to be brief.) 1 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 2. For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.’ Philippians 3:1 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you 2 Beware of the dogs beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision 3 for we are the true circumcision, who worship) in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh.  Paul uses this illustration of circumcision to illustrated the difference between the false and the true Christians. BACKGROUND ON CIRCUMCISION THEN IS NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT PAUL IS SPEAKING ABOUT. JEWISH PERSPECTIVE  From the Jewish mind, circumcision was a mark of identity into the covenant relationship with God. That mark affirmed their right to be called Children of God supernaturally. They believed by that mark they were secured with God, and that they would receive the Kingdom and the glory. THE TERM CIRCUMCISION EXPLAINED Circumcision (4061) (peritome refers literally to cutting and removal of the foreskin. Both the Old and New Testament also use the concept of circumcision in a figurative or metaphorical sense,  God established the practice: Genesis 17:1-14. For a sign, a spiritual reminder, which was this: “No where, or at no point, is a man‟s depravity more manifest then in the pro created act.” Why? Man is a sinner by what he says, does, thinks, and in attitude. And at the root of his existence, where he creates, we know he is a sinner. In that, what he creates he produces a sinner. Which is the reason Jesus had no human father. You do not see the deeds of sin, but the nature of sin passed on to the next generation. What is the connection here?  When God said to cut away the foreskin, he was reminding them that man needed cleansed at the point of his body, and to be cleansed at the deepest part, the root of his being.  Man needed to be cleansed of his sin through a spiritual surgery at the very root of his nature. SO WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM?  The Jews were committed to the ritual but not committed to the spiritual reminder. Genesis 34; 1 Samuel 18:17-30; Jeremiah 4:4; Ezekiel 44:7 They could see the natural fleshly things but not the supernatural on the inside. Religiously doing their duty on the outside, poorly not doing the spiritual on the inside. 2 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 3. The Call of God Upon the Pastor/Teacher Is? Charles e. Whisnant September 05, 2010 A repeated theme in scripture is a comparison of the true Believer and the “fake Christian.” This was one of Paul‟s greatest concerns because it‟s Satan‟s ploy to confuse the issues, and cause a blur in this matter of salvation and to sow WEED or tares among the wheat and bring in false teachers into the church. AND IT IS THE CALL OF GOD ON THE LIFE OF THE MINISTER:  To instruct people in the mysteries of godliness and to teach them what to believe and practice  and then to stir them up to act and do good deeds.  To do what they are instructed to do. To neglect this course is a main cause that men fall in to as many errors as they do in their days.” William Gouge (1575-1653) God‟s servants are to be built up in sound doctrine in order to refute the false teachers, in order to warn the congregation of incoming errors.  Today churches are filled not with the men and women in devil‟s clothes but clothed as angels of light. THE TRAINED EYE AND MIND OF BELIEVERS  You really should know enough of doctrine to know when you hear error of the truth. God carefully lays out this matter of objective evidence regarding God‟s regenerating work in the life of an individual. The Bible has not left us without a standard whereby we can measure a true believer vs. a fake believer.  They worship God.  They rejoice in Christ Jesus  They put no confidence in the flesh. HERE IS THE BIBLICAL INSTRUCTION GIVEN TO THE PREACHER 1A To understand the Biblical objective criteria for evaluating true salvation so to help the true children of God be assured. 2A To help expose and strip away the delusion of the false children of God. 3A And to equip the teachers and preachers to do both. 3 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 4. WHO’S THE REAL CHRISITAN, BECK? OBAMA? YOU? ME? THE CENTRAL THEME OF THE NEW TESTAMENT IS: THE GOSPEL AND THE MEASURE OF TRUE SALVATION A MOMENT OF BELIEVING DIDN‟T SAVE SIMON Philippians 3:1-3 Charles e. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher, September 05, 2010 Bunyan, quoted in Monica Furlong, The Trial of John understand, for they were far Bunyan & The Persecution of the Puritans (London, above, out of my reach. They 1978), spoke about a new birth, the work of God in their hearts . . . . They said how God had visited their souls with his love in the Lord Jesus, and with what words and promises they If one doctrine that is important had been refreshed, comforted in the Bible it‟s the doctrine of “In one of the streets of and supported against the Bedford I came to where there salvation. The doctrine of temptations of the devil . . . . were three or four poor women And it seemed to me they grace. The gospel which saves sitting at a door in the sun and spoke as if joy did make them men from sin, death, and hell. talking about the things of speak. They spoke with such The gospel which makes them God. Willing to listen, I drew pleasantness of biblical children of God, heirs of near to hear what they said, for language, and with such heaven. And it‟s all based on I was a brisk talker myself in obvious grace in all they said, the finished work of the Lord matters of religion. But I have that they were to me as if they to say that I heard, but I didn‟t had found a new world.”John Jesus Christ. SALVATION always means being reduced from jeopardy and misery, so that from now on we are safe  It is a salvation from sin‟s guilt – past  It is a salvation ultimately from sin‟s  It is a salvation from sin‟s power – present presence – future Salvation is an ongoing process. We have been saved:  From the wrath of God: Romans 5:9, 1  From the life of fear: Romans 8:15 Thess. 1:10  From controlling habits of ungodliness and  From eternal death: Romans 6:21, 23 immorality: Titus 2:11-3:6  From the dominion of sin: Romans 6:14,18 THE GOSPEL IN ALL THE 27 BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT  THE GOSPEL records the life, works and words of Jesus Christ. By believing in Him and in His words and works, we can receive Him as Savior and Lord.  ACTS: The finishing of the unfinished work of Christ.  EPISTLES: Enriches our understanding of the Gospel that Jesus has come into the world to save sinners. 4 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 5.  REVELATION: The focus is one the completeness of the Gospel, the exalted Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. THE SECOND THEME THREADING ITS PRESENCE IN THE NEW TESTAMENT  Salvation must be assessed as to its reality. The message of salvation. The matter of concern of the writers was on the matter of who is a real believer and who might be deceived.  John the Baptist confronted the religionist of the day. He called out to question those who say they believe.  Jesus‟ Sermon on Mount: Matthew 5 – 7 . Matthew 7:26-27. He pointed to the fact that there are people who think they know Him, and think they serve Him, think they represent Him, but are deceived.  The message of Matthew 13. The Sower and the Seed Parable of Christ.  Acts 8:9-24. Simon claimed to be a believer of Jesus Christ. He had been deceived and would be a deceiver.  Paul was greatly concerned about having a right understanding about salvation  John was deeply concerned about who is a real Christian and not a fake one. In every chapter John deals with this topic. First John 5:13. HOW CAN I KNOW IF I AM A GENUINE CHRISTIAN? Read the New Testament.  James: He offers test of genuine faith. o He has the right response to the o Perseverance in trial Word of God o Accepts the responsibility for his o There is righteous behavior own sin. o Their tongue will manifest their o Does not deny the sin behavior heart issues in his life. o They will love the Lord Jesus Christ more than the world GOD IS EVEN CONCERNED ABOUT THIS ISSUE:  God is concerned that the lost become saved and equally concerned that no one be deceived about the reality of their spiritual condition.  2 Corinthians 13:5 o Can you really recognize that Jesus Christ is really in you? o Can you put yourself to the test, and come to that assurance. o You must test yourselves. Examine yourself. o HOW?  Fruits of repentance.Marks, lists, qualities, characteristics, measures of a true believer. REVIEW: What has Paul been preaching?  The gospel of salvation, by grace through faith, plus or minus nothing. Preaching Christ crucified, and faith in Christ as the means by which the gift of grace was received. The gospel of grace, no works at all was involved.  Paul confronted the Judaeisers who said you are saved by keeping the Law. Philippians 3:2  The True Circumcision: Philippians 3:3 o The sign for a cleansed life, clean heart, spiritual clean. 5 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 6. TEST FOR A CLEAN HEART AND LIFE: o Worship God in the spirit. o Have no confidence in the flesh. o Glory in Christ Jesus. “You must be born again.” John 3:7 You. This is personal. If I resent it as threatening, that could be evidence I have not been born again. If my heart welcomes the approach of this truth and waves the white flag of surrender, that could be evidence I have been born again. Must. This is authoritative. If I take evasive action, that could be evidence I have not been born again. If I breathe a sigh of relief that finally Someone is telling me the truth and taking me in hand, that could be evidence I have been born again. Be born again. This is passive. I need not just a change of my manner but a miracle deep within. I need God to call into existence within me a new aliveness to God, new tastes, new desires, new openness and humility and fears and hopes, such as I have never experienced before and cannot conjure up out of my admirable upbringing and good intentions. I need as new a creation as I read of in Genesis 1. My eternal destiny hangs on something I cannot do for myself but only God can do for me. “It is a noteworthy and striking fact that no doctrine has excited such surprise in every age of the Church and has called forth so much opposition from the great and learned as this very doctrine of the new birth. The men of the present day who sneer at conversions and revivals as fanaticism are no better than Nicodemus. Like him, they expose their own entire ignorance of the work of the Holy Spirit.”J. C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: John 1:1-10:9 6 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 7. CHARACTERISTICS THAT DO NOT VERIFY THE REALITY OF OUR SALVATION Philippians 3:1-3 Charles e. Whisnant September 12, 2010 1A A PAST CONVERSION: A past supposed conversion event.  A happening, an event, a feeling, an experience, a time and place, raised your hand, came to the altar, are not necessarily real signs of conversion.  You may be able to put a time and place when you found yourself committed by faith to Christ.  Also salvation could have occurred over a process of time, when your heart was opened and your understanding became clear. I MIGHT SAY THIS: Now salvation does occur at an event which happens, but that is not the proof of the conversion.  Acts 8:9-13 14-24: Simon has an event, where he believed and was baptized, but he was not a true Christian. o His heart was not right before God. o He was wicked and needed to repent. o His intent of heart was wicked and he needed to be forgiven. o He was in the gall of bitterness o He was in the bond of iniquity. Did he have an event in his life? Yes. Was he saved? No.  HAVE YOUR PARENTS MADE THIS STATEMENT: “Well, I know my son(s) / daughter(s) is living an undisciplined life, godless life, rejecting the Lord, rejecting the church. But I remember a day and an event at the age of (?) they received Jesus Christ.” I am sorry, it was a Simon event. There was no change. If there was you wouldn‟t need to look for an event. There would be change. A moment of believing didn‟t save Simon 2A NON-PROOF OF SALVATION: LIVING BY A MORAL CODE 7 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 8. „He must be a Christian; he‟s a very moral good person.” Ever said that about a person?  Code of living by the Ten Commandments, Sermon on the Mount, or the Golden Rule. They do not verify salvation.  Why? You may live morally as a result of fear, to please parents, etc.  Matthew 19:16. The rich young ruler, remember? “I keep all the laws…” Yet not saved. 3A NON-PROOF OF SALVATION: KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH:  “Head-knowledge” it is called instead of “heart-knowledge.”  It is not what you know, it is what you do. Faith without works is?  Judas, remember, had all the knowledge and information; he was with Jesus for three years. And not saved. 4A NON-PROOF OF SALVATION: RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY  Going to church, being baptized, communion, lighting candles, praying, being a Mason, joining a church  Matthew 25 Remember the ten virgins? 5A NON-PROOF OF SALVATION: SERVICE IN THE NAME OF CHRIST  Matthew 7:22. To say you represent Christ is not enough. Lots of people do that. Lots of false preachers and teachers  Preaching the truth does not verify one‟s spiritual condition. THEY WHO WALK IN, AND FOLLOW Are righteous –1 John 3:7 Are the excellent of the earth –Psalms 16:3; Proverbs 12:26 Are accepted with God –Acts 10:35 Are loved by God –Psalms 146:8; Prov 15:9 Are blessed by God –Psalms 5:12 Are heard by God –Luke 18:7; James 5:16 Are objects of God’s watchful care – Job 36:7: Psalms 34:15; Proverbs 10:3 1 Peter 3:12 Are tried by God –Psalms 11:5 Are exalted by God –Job 36:7 Dwell in security –Isaiah 33:15-16 Are bold as a lion –Proverbs 28:1 Are delivered out of all troubles –Psalms 34:19; Proverbs 11:8 Are never forsaken by God –Psalms 37:25 Are abundantly provided for –Proverbs 13:25; Matthew 5:25-33 8 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 9. Are enriched -Psalms 112:3; Proverbs 15:6 Think and desire good -Proverbs 11:23; 12:5 Know the secret of the Lord -Psalms 25:14; Proverbs 3:32 Have their prayers heard -Psalms 34:17; Proverbs 15:29; 1 Peter 3:12 Have their desires granted -Proverbs 10:24 Find it with life and honour -Proverbs 21:21 Shall hold on their way -Job 17:9 Shall never be moved -Psalms 15:2,5; 55:22; Proverbs 10:30; 12:3 Shall be ever remembered -Psalms 112:6 Shall flourish as a branch -Proverbs 11:28 Shall be glad in the Lord -Psalms 64:10 Brings its own reward -Proverbs 11:18; Isaiah 3:10 Tends to life -Proverbs 11:19; 12:28 The work of, shall be peace -Isaiah 32:17 The effect of, shall be quietness and assurance for ever -Isaiah 32:17 Is a crown of glory to the aged -Proverbs 16:31 9 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 10. 1. INTRODUCTION: THE FIRST QUALITY OF A TRUE PRACTICEING CHRISTIAN BELIEVER: Philippians 3 A. Mere externalism (excessive concern about outward appearances) is of no avail. Any ceremonial requirement for salvation is a defilement of the truth 2. THE SINGLE BEST DEFINITION OF A CHRISTIAN A. Philippians 3:3 “Worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.” B. The outward mark done by surgery vs. the inward cleansing performed by the power of the Holy Spirit. 3. The duty of the Pastor/Elder/Teacher to affirm to you the clear marks of a true believer. Charles e. Whisnant, Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Minford, Ohio 10-10-10 A. Always bringing up the question: “Do you believe that person is a Christian?” 4. In 1661 Matthew Mead wrote a book: “The Almost Christian Discovered.” A. To address a very significant problem. 1. Many people who claimed to be saved and weren’t. 2. Where the Gospel is presented, often its followed with instructions as how to tell a true response to the Gospel from a false deceived one. B. HOW FAR CAN A PERSON GO AND STILL NOT BE A TRUE CHRISTIAN? 1. Have much knowledge of Christ and yet be almost a Christian 2. Have a great gift 3. Have a high profession of religion 4. May go far in opposing his sin 5. May hate sin 6. Make great vows and promises and resolutions 7. Maintain a strive and a combat against sin 8. Have great hope of heaven 9. Very zealous to matters of religion 10. Be much in prayer 11. May even suffer for Christ’s sake 12. May outward obey the commandments 13. May perform external worship; 10 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 11. 14. May be a member of a church 15. May be under visible change, alter life C. Reverse the list you would think you were describing a Christian. 5. WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TRUE CHRISTIAN? A. What it does not take to be a true Christians 1. Outward profession and outward goods 6. What are the marks then of one who has been truly saved. A. Worships God in (by) the Spirit is the first mark of a true believer. 1. Worship is supernatural, not natural. Worship is generating by the Spirit of God, not by selfish desires or rituals. Worship is removed from the flesh and is in the Spirit. Worship is beyond the external things. 2. Worship that is false: Pressured by the culture, by tradition, guilt, fear, desire to be popular, go though the emotions 3. Believers deep understand is that to glorify God is the truest mark of his desires. 4. Jesus explains the Samaritan woman in John 4:19-24. a) Worship is not in a place; worship is not where you are. b) Worship is not accomplished by means which you have developed c) Worship is a way of life, worship is a life in total, a lifestyle d) Worship is in spirit, in heart, in life. Romans 8:8-9, 12:1, 2 Corinthians 5:17 5. Worship God in the spirit from the inside, and by the knowledge of the Word of God 6. Definition of worship: to serve, to render religious service. “Service.” Romans 12:1 “To render respectful spiritual service. a) Worship is more than: saying things that praise God. Singing things that praise God. Thinking things that do. Yes it is but more that. b) Worship comes down finally how you live. In the church but also at home. B. Do I worship God? How do I look at my heart and know I am a worshipper of God. 1. The Heart of Worship: Loves God and Loves Christ. Desire for closeness, tenderness, fondness. Expressed in attitude and behavior and talk. 2. There will be a splendid, overwhelmed, pleasure in god and delight in Christ. Jeremiah 9:23-24, I Corinthians 2:2, Galatians 6:14 3. There will be assurance and relying on Christ. A peace about the future. a) As a result of his kind of worshipDevotion: When the conversation turns to Christ, the heart pounds with overwhelming joy. 11 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 12. PAUL DEFINES THE TRUE CIRCUMCISION OF HEART 2. (3-4) Paul defines the true circumcision. For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh, though I also might have confidence in the flesh. If anyone else thinks he may have confidence in the flesh, I more so: a. For we are the circumcision: These Jewish legalists considered themselves the ones truly circumcised and right with God. But Paul declared that he and his followers are were true circumcision. b. Who worship God in the Spirit: This defines the true circumcision. They worship God in the Spirit, as opposed to the fleshly and external worship emphasized by these legalists. i. “The word „worship‟ is the translation of the Greek word referring to the service of Jehovah by His peculiar people, the Jews. A Jew would be scandalized by the application of this word to a Gentile.” (Wuest) c. Rejoice in Christ Jesus: This also characterizes those of the true circumcision. Their joy is not found in their own ability to be justified by the law or by their law-keeping. Jesus and Jesus alone is their joy. d. Have no confidence in the flesh: This is a third characteristic of the true circumcision. They do not trust in their own ability to be righteous before God through external works (the flesh), but their only confidence is in Jesus. e. I also might have confidence in the flesh . . . I more so: Paul knew that he was more qualified to be justified by the keeping of the law than any of his present legalistic opponents were. i. Curiously, often those who promote the idea of having confidence in the flesh are the same ones who are the least qualified to have such confidence. This is because of the principle Paul explains in Colossians 2:23 - These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh. 3. (5-6) Paul‟s reasons why he might have confidence in the flesh. Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee; concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. a. Circumcised the eighth day . . .: Paul first listed four things that were his possessions by birth, all reasons why he might have confidence in the flesh.  Paul was circumcised the eighth day in accordance with Leviticus 12:3. 12 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 13. Paul was of the stock of Israel, a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and therefore an heir to God‟s covenant with them.  Paul was of the tribe of Benjamin, a distinguished tribe. Benjamin was distinguished by the fact that it gave Israel her first king, Saul (1 Samuel 9:1-2). It was the tribe that aligned itself with faithful Judah when Israel divided into two nations at the time of Rehoboam (1 Kings 12:21). It was also the tribe that had the city of Jerusalem within its boundaries (Judges 1:21).  Paul was a Hebrew of the Hebrews. This contrasted him with the Jews who embraced Greek culture as it spread through the Mediterranean. In that time, many Jews became ashamed of their Jewishness and tried to live and act as much like Greeks as they could, sometimes even to the point of having their circumcision cosmetically restored or hidden so they could enjoy the Roman public baths without being noticed as Jews. In contrast, Paul was raised by his parents as a Hebrew of the Hebrews. b. Concerning the law . . .: Paul then listed three things that were his by personal choice and conviction, all reasons why he might have confidence in the flesh.  Paul was concerning the law, a Pharisee. This tells us that among an elite people (the Jews), Paul was of an elite sect (the Pharisees), who were noted for their scrupulous devotion to the law of God. “There were not very many Pharisees, never more than six thousand, but they were the spiritual athletes of Judaism. Their very name means The Separated Ones. They had separated themselves off from all common life and from all common tasks in order to make it the one aim of their lives to keep every smallest detail of the Law.” (Barclay) The concern that Pharisees had for keeping the law is reflected in passages like Matthew 23:23.  Concerning zeal, persecuting the church. Paul was not merely an intellectual opponent of perceived heresies against Judaism; he was also an active fighter against them - even in his blindness to God. Paul‟s observation that the Jews of his day have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge (Romans 10:2) was true of his own life before God confronted him on the road to Damascus.  Concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. This shows that Paul achieved the standard of righteousness which was accepted among the men of his day - though this standard fell short of God‟s holy standard. Because of how the law was interpreted and taught, there were those of that day who were deceived into thinking that they really were blameless, like the rich young ruler (Luke 18:18-23). i. In summary, if anyone could lay claim to pleasing God by law-keeping and the works of the flesh, it was Paul. He was far more qualified than his legalizing opponents were to make such a claim. 4. (7) Paul rejects all confidence in the flesh. But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. 13 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 14. a. These I have counted loss for Christ: Any of the corrupting teachers Paul warned against would be proud to claim Paul‟s pedigree. Yet Paul made it plain: these things I have counted loss for Christ. i. “The word „gain‟ is plural in the Greek, namely, „gains.‟ . . . „Loss‟ is singular. The various gains are all counted as one loss.” (Wuest) ii. “He was skilled in spiritual arithmetic, and very careful in his reckoning. He cast up his accounts with caution, and observed with a diligent eye his losses and his gains.” (Spurgeon) b. I have counted loss: Paul counted these things loss. It wasn‟t so much that they were a loss by their very character, as much as he chose to regard them as loss. i. They were counted loss not so much because they were harmful to Paul, but because these things were ways in which Paul sought to please God in the energies of the flesh. Before Paul became a Christian, he thought all these things made him a success in the effort to please God by works. ii. We can say that Paul‟s attitude was the same that Jesus described in the parable of the pearl of great price (Matthew 13:44-46). 14 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 15. CHARACTERISTICS THAT DO NOT VERIFY THE REALITY OF OUR SALVATION Philippians 3:1-3 Charles e. Whisnant September 12, 2010 1A A PAST CONVERSION: A past supposed conversion event.  A happening, an event, a feeling, an experience, a time and place, raised your hand, came to the altar, are not necessarily real signs of conversion.  You may be able to put a time and place when you found yourself committed by faith to Christ.  Also salvation could have occurred over a process of time, when your heart was opened and your understanding became clear. I MIGHT SAY THIS: Now salvation does occur at an event which happens, but that is not the proof of the conversion.  Acts 8:9-13 14-24: Simon has an event, where he believed and was baptized, but he was not a true Christian. o His heart was not right before God. o He was wicked and needed to repent. o His intent of heart was wicked and he needed to be forgiven. o He was in the gall of bitterness o He was in the bond of iniquity. Did he have an event in his life? Yes. Was he saved? No.  HAVE YOUR PARENTS MADE THIS STATEMENT: “Well, I know my son(s) / daughter(s) is living an undisciplined life, godless life, rejecting the Lord, rejecting the church. But I remember a day and an event at the age of (?) they received Jesus Christ.” I am sorry, it was a Simon event. There was no change. If there was you wouldn‟t need to look for an event. There would be change. A moment of believing didn‟t save Simon 2A NON-PROOF OF SALVATION: LIVING BY A MORAL CODE  „He must be a Christian; he‟s a very moral good person.” Ever said that about a person?  Code of living by the Ten Commandments, Sermon on the Mount, or the Golden Rule. They do not verify salvation.  Why? You may live morally as a result of fear, to please parents, etc.  Matthew 19:16. The rich young ruler, remember? “I keep all the laws…” Yet not saved. 3A NON-PROOF OF SALVATION: KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH:  “Head-knowledge” it is called instead of “heart-knowledge.”  It is not what you know, it is what you do. Faith without works is?  Judas, remember, had all the knowledge and information; he was with Jesus for three years. And not saved. 15 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 16. 4A NON-PROOF OF SALVATION: RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY  Going to church, being baptized, communion, lighting candles, praying, being a Mason, joining a church  Matthew 25 Remember the ten virgins? 5A NON-PROOF OF SALVATION: SERVICE IN THE NAME OF CHRIST  Matthew 7:22. To say you represent Christ is not enough. Lots of people do that. Lots of false preachers and teachers  Preaching the truth does not verify one‟s spiritual condition. THEY WHO WALK IN, AND FOLLOW Are righteous –1 John 3:7 Are the excellent of the earth –Psalms 16:3; Proverbs 12:26 Are accepted with God –Acts 10:35 Are loved by God –Psalms 146:8; Prov 15:9 Are blessed by God –Psalms 5:12 Are heard by God –Luke 18:7; James 5:16 Are objects of God’s watchful care – Job 36:7: Psalms 34:15; Proverbs 10:3 1 Peter 3:12 Are enriched -Psalms 112:3; Proverbs 15:6 Are tried by God –Psalms 11:5 Think and desire good -Proverbs 11:23; 12:5 Are exalted by God –Job 36:7 Know the secret of the Lord -Psalms 25:14; Dwell in security –Isaiah 33:15-16 Proverbs 3:32 Are bold as a lion –Proverbs 28:1 Have their prayers heard -Psalms 34:17; Proverbs Are delivered out of all troubles –Psalms 34:19; 15:29; 1 Peter 3:12 Proverbs 11:8 Have their desires granted -Proverbs 10:24 Are never forsaken by God –Psalms 37:25 Find it with life and honour -Proverbs 21:21 Are abundantly provided for –Proverbs 13:25; Shall hold on their way -Job 17:9 Matthew 5:25-33 Shall never be moved -Psalms 15:2,5; 55:22; Proverbs 10:30; 12:3 Shall be ever remembered -Psalms 112:6 Shall flourish as a branch -Proverbs 11:28 Shall be glad in the Lord -Psalms 64:10 16 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 17. OUR GLORY IS IN CHRIST JESUS CHARLES E. WHISNANT, 10 17 10 Philippians 3:3 LEARNING HOW TO LOVE AND PRAY IN THE CONTEXT OF SALVATION. WORSHIP IN A SENSE MEANS THE GROUP, FAMILY, BODY, COMMUNITY OF BELIEVERS ASSEMBLED TO HEAR GOD‟S WORD SPOKEN IN SCRIPTURE AND SERMON AND BAPTISM AND THE LORD‟S SUPPER. Worship produces FAITH, and causes RESPONSES of PRAISE, OBEDIENCE, and COMMITMENT. In the sphere of worship, biblical faith is developed, where continuing life in relation to God is. THE IDEAL OF CORPORATE WORSHIP: 1. Where God‟s word is central, God‟s people are prevented from making up religions out of their own private ideas of God. 2. Has the idea of God‟s people sharing and loving, receiving and giving together. 3. Calls the congregation to attention before God‟s words. 4. The service coordinates responses of praise and obedience and 5. Then sends the believers out into the community to live out the meaning of that praise and obedience. THREE CHARACTERISTCIS INVOLVED IN GENUINE RSPONSE TO GOD 1A WORSHIP WHO WORSHIP IN THE SPIRIT OF GOD:  Malachi 1:11; John 4:23-24; Romans 1;:9; 7:6; 8:15,26,27; Ephesians 6:18; Jude1:20 Service, that is spirit energized and focused on Christian worship, in the corporate sense, service in the church, in the spirit of Christ. 2A GLORY GLORY IN CHRIST JESUS:  Philippians 3:7-9; Psalms 105:3; Isaiah 45:25; Jeremiah 9:23-24; I Corinthians 1:29-31; Galatians 6:13-14 The idea is boasting with exultant joy about what a person is most proud of: Boasting in Christ Jesus, not in human works. Galatians 2:16; Galatians 6:14; Jeremiah 9:23-24. Worship expresses an unusually high degree of confidence in someone or something being exceptionally noteworthy. As used in the positive sense, self-confidence is radically excluded and all self-boasting is abandoned. Faith implies the surrender of all self-glorying. 17 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 18. Philippians 3:3 “Believers REJOICE in Christ Jesus A true believer will exalt Christ for all HE is. The false religious person will take credit. Look what I do in religion. I gain approval of god by my good deeds. True believers will never claim any merit. I Corinthians 1:31, Jeremiah 9:23-24, 2 Corinthians 10:17,. CHRIST is the focus point of my life, not me. The only grounds of rejoicing are in the LORD. 1. His Works: Psalms 104:31 2. His Word: Psalms 1:2; 119:103 3. His Goodness; Luke 18:19 4. His Mercy, Justice, Power; Psalms 63:5-7 5. His Wisdom and Truth. There are certainly many people who would want God‟s grace but not his Rulership. They want Heaven but not the narrow way. 3A CONFIDENCE AND PUT NO CONFIDENCE IN THE FLESH: Flesh: Self: that expresses that attitude or condition of our moral being which is not subject to God‟s law. Anything other than God taken by man as his trust and strength is in the flesh. If all the boasting goes to God and it‟s all in Christ, so then there‟s no boasting in the flesh. This context represents man in his unregenerate state and unredeemed humanness, in short picturing human ability apart from God, whether in the religious or moral realm. As Paul here shows, he was (Philippians 3:4-6, man apart from God and out of agreement with God, man without the possession of the Holy Spirit. Paul knew that there was nothing good within his flesh (Romans 7:18) True Christians are humble; when they see themselves, they see their flesh as sinful. James 4:6,10 SALVATION IS NOT SELF-EFFORT, IT’S GRACE EFFORT. It is a total repentance of self and a complete turning to Christ for salvation. It is a complete turning from sinful self. The flesh does not see the sin that produces the sin. 1. Natural conviction deals with my conduct. Spiritual repentance deals with my conditions. 2. Natural conviction deals with the symptom. Spiritual repentance deals with the diseases. 3. Natural conviction makes a person shy away from God because they are fearful. Spiritual repentance makes a person run to God for forgiveness. SPIRITUAL REPENTANCE MEANS PUTTING NO CONFIDENCE IN THE FLESH. 18 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 19. 7. INTRODUCTION: TO KNOW ‘I AM A TRUE CHRISTIAN BELIEVER.” A. Mere externalism (excessive concern about outward appearances) is of no avail. Any ceremonial requirement for salvation is a defilement of the truth 8. THE SINGLE BEST DEFINITION OF A CHRISTIAN A. Philippians 3:3 “Worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.” B. The outward mark done by surgery vs. the inward cleansing performed by the power of the Holy Spirit. 9. The duty of the Pastor/Elder/Teacher is to affirm to you the clear marks of a true believer. Charles e. Whisnant. Rivers of Joy Baptist Church. 10-10-10 A. Always bringing up the question: “Do you believe that person is a Christian?” 10. In 1661 Matthew Mead wrote a book: “The Almost Christian Discovered.” A. To address a very significant problem. 1. Many people claimed to be saved and weren’t. 2. Where the Gospel is presented, often it’s followed with instructions as how to tell a true response to the Gospel from a false deceived one. B. HOW FAR CAN A PERSON GO AND STILL NOT BE A TRUE CHRISTIAN? 1. Have much knowledge of Christ and yet be almost a Christian 2. Have a great gift and yet be almost a Christian 3. Have a high profession of religion and yet. . . . 4. May go far in opposing his sin and yet…. 5. May hate sin and yet be almost. . . . . 6. Make great vows and promises and resolutions and yet . . . 7. Maintain a striving and a combat against sin and yet . . . . 8. Have great hope of heaven and yet . . . . 9. Very zealous to matters of religion and yet be almost . . . . . . 10. Be much in prayer 11. May even suffer for Christ’s sake 12. May outwardly obey the commandments 13. May perform external worship 14. May be a member of a church 15. May be under visible change, alter life 19 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 20. C. Reverse the list you would think you were describing a Christian. 11. WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TRUE CHRISTIAN? A. What it does not take to be a true Christian 1. Outward profession and outward good 12. What are the marks then of one who has been truly saved. A. Worships God in (by) the Spirit is the first mark of a true believer. 1. Worship is supernatural, not natural. Worship is generated by the Spirit of God, not by selfish desires or rituals. Worship is removed from the flesh and is in the Spirit. Worship is beyond the external things. 2. Worship that is false: Pressured by the culture, by tradition, guilt, fear, desire to be popular, go through the motions 3. Believers deeply understand that to glorify God is the truest mark of his desires. 4. Jesus explains to the Samaritan woman in John 4:19-24. a) Worship is not in a place; worship is not where you are. b) Worship is not accomplished by means which you have developed c) Worship is a way of life, worship is a life in total, a lifestyle d) Worship is in spirit, in heart, in life. Romans 8:8-9, 12:1, 2 Corinthians 5:17 5. Worship God in the spirit from the inside, and by the knowledge of the Word of God 6. Definition of worship: to serve, to render religious service. “Service” Romans 12:1 “To render respectful spiritual service.” a) Worship is more than: saying things that praise God; singing things that praise God; thinking things that do. Yes, it is; but more that….. b) Worship comes down finally to how you live: In the church, but also at home. B. Do I worship God? How do I look at my heart and know I am a worshipper of God? 1. The Heart of Worship: Loves God and Loves Christ; Desire for closeness, tenderness, fondness; Expressed in attitude and behavior and talk. 2. There will be a splendid, overwhelmed pleasure in God and delight in Christ. Jeremiah 9:23-24, I Corinthians 2:2, Galatians 6:14 3. There will be assurance and relying on Christ, A peace about the future. a) As a result of this kind of worship (1) Devotion: When the conversation turns to Christ, the heart pounds with overwhelming joy. 20 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 21. THE SPIRITUAL WEALTH OR BENEFITS OF PAUL’S GAIN IN JESUS CHRIST Text: PHILIPPIANS 3:8-11 Speaker: Charles e. Whisnant Date: November 10. 2010 When a person‟s life undergoes an absolute spiritual transformation he has an altogether different perspective. His life has a different outlook. From the hour of one‟s conversion there commences a re-evaluation of life‟s values. VERSE 9 Is a one verse summary of the book of Romans: What is salvation? What is Faith? What is it that we believe. 4. Matthew 16:25-26 Jesus comments on salvation/conversion. If you desire to hold on to what you believe is valuable and reject those things which God says are precious, it’s going to cost you your eternal soul.. Salvation requires an exchange and transformation. An exchange of all that I am, for all that Christ is. I might have spent a lifetime of human achievements and yet all must go to gain Christ. So I could have spent a lifetime gaining the riches of the world and lose my own soul. 1. In measuring my assets of human works to the value of losing eternal glory, there is no amount of human merits which could be worth losing my eternal soul. 2. A person who comes to God for salvation must be willing to do anything God says. Matthew 13:44-46. 3. What was going on in Paul‟s heart when he ran into Christ? Acts 9. He knew the facts, he knew what the Christians were saying. He just said it was all heresey. But when Christ confronted him, the Spirit gave him understanding, and he began to consider Christ for the first time. 4. Acts 9 was the external act of salvation. Philippians 3 was the internal response to salvation. Salvation is a sovereign act of God whereby He invades the sinners darkness and gives him light and saves him. Yes, true, but God does not bypass the human will, mind and emotions., SO WHAT DOES PAUL GAIN IN EXCHANGE FOR HIS OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND WHAT IS GAIN IN COMING TO CHRIST: 1. 1A KNOWLEDGE. 2A RIGHTEOUSNESS 3A POWER 4A FELLOWSHIP 5A GLORY 1A KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST. 1. Vs. 8b “the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.” Paul says “Nevertheless, whatever category of virtues used to be my assets, these very things I have learned to consider a loss for the sake of Christ. Let me be clearer: I countinue to consider everything (achieved in the flesh) to be a loss for the sake of the incomparable value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” 21 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 22. 2. Yet indeed I also count all things loss: Paul did not only count his religious pedigree as a loss; he counted all things loss - but he counted them as a loss in view of the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus. 3. It wasn‟t so much that those things were worthless in themselves, but compared to the greatness of the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, they really were nothing. 4. Paul here put a personal relationship with Jesus Christ at the very center of the Christian‟s life. He joyfully accepted the loss of all other things for the greatness of this personal relationship. 5. “After twenty years or more of experience Paul had an opportunity of revising his balance- sheet, and looking again at his estimates, and seeing whether or not his counting was correct. What was the issue of his latest search? How do matters stand at his last stocktaking? He exclaims with very special emphasis, „Yea doubtless; and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.‟” (Spurgeon) WHY IS KNOWING CHRIST MORE VALUABLE THAN ALL I HAVE GAINED BY WORKS? 1B KNOWLEDGE: It‟s not knowing the facts, but also a personal acquaintance with Him. Knowledge comes as a consequence of light given to our understanding by God. To know experientially. 2B Salvation is knowing Christ, not knowing about Him with the mind, but personally. John 10 and John 17:3 and 1 John 5:20. 3B Salvation is a relationship in which I know Christ. 4B “To Know” means: He has a love bond with them. To know means a union of love; bonding together in close love. “My sheep hear my voice and I know them.” EXTRA NOTES Few take serious to know the undertaking of the Bible, and take time to really development the discipline of learning what God is really saying in the Bible. But thank the Lord for those who have taken serious the task of Christian thought and the development of a distinctively Christian mind. I am continually working on that. Christ Himself instructed Christians to love God with heart, soul and mind. Its not so we can be known as intellectual smart but known as a person who loves to know Him. Many Christians and preachers ignore the intellectual component of discipleship. Many Christians fail to develop their intellectual capacities in order that they may understand the theology of God, and the Christian faith, and develop the habits of Christian thought. Many do not even want to form intuitions that are based upon biblical truth. Christian discipleship requires growth and development, intellectual faithfulness requires a lifetime of devoted study, consecrated thinking and analytical reflection. Few Christians it seems really want to devote themselves to knowing the Word of God in depth. Few want to know the Biblical truth about what the Bible really is saying about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Prayer, Salvation, Christian living, Lordship, the Glory of God, the Church, the Holiness of God, etc. 22 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 23. WHAT -ARE YOU WILLING TO EXCHANGE FOR OF JESUS CHRIST? Romans 4:9 Charles e. Whisnant December 05, 12 2010 1A SALVATION WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST When a man‟s life undergoes an absolute spiritual transformation he has a altogether different persepective. He has a completely changed outlook. Those things he formely cherished as valuable will appear to be worthless and in some instances harmful. I count all things lost to gain the knowledge of Christ. A deep knowledge of love. The knowledge of Christ excels all others. VIEW OF THE SURPASSING VALUE OF KNOWING CHRIST JESUS MY LORD; THE LOSS FOR THE EXCELLENCY OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST JESUS, MY LORD. IN ORDER THAT I MAY GAIN CHRIST):(Mt 13:44-46; Heb 3:14; 1Jn 1:3 FOR THE EXCELLENCY OF CHRIST kjv “THAT I MIGHT WIN CHRIST.” Vs 8 Philippians 3:9 and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith What a privilege is gain in winning Christ. IN HIM: Paul uses the term some 164 times. WE ARE IN CHRIST: Romans 3:24; 6:11; 6:23; 8:1-2; 39, I Corinthians 4:10, 15, 17. Where He begins and I end, where I end and where He begins I do not know. He moves through me, I have the mind of Christ. That is deep knowledge. THAT I MIGHT GAIN CHRIST 1B He is our ransom: Colossians 1:14 2B He has purchases God‟s favour that be might be saved. Hebrews 10:19 3B Our nature has been renewed, fellowship is restored. Titus 3:5-6; 2 Peter 1:4 Hebrews 12:10 4B Christ is our treasury and storehouse. I Corinthians 1:30 5B By Him we are made heirs of eternal life. Romans 8:17 I GAIN (WIN) 1B Grace, pardon, peace, power, gladness. 23 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 24. 2B Not Christianity but Christ. A living and loving Person. To be completely united with Christ. Philippians 1:21. Paul derives all meaning for his life in Christ. Colossians 3:4, Galatians 2:20 F.B. Meyers: God grant that when you are found, it may e with the Pearl of great price in yoiur hand, and with the Righteousness of Jesus Christ upon your soul. 2B SALVATION WILL PROVIDE YOU THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST 2147 THAT IS MIGHT BE FOUND IN CHRIST. Vs 9  To be in Christ. which is to be intertwined in an eternal, unbreakable covenant bond of intimate love and knowledge with Christ. NOT HAVING MINE OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS, WHICH IS OF THE LAW  Whereas those who do not know Christ, spend a lifetime trying to live a live of their own righteousness. BUT THAT WHICH IS THROUGH THE FAITH OF CHRIST  A righteousness that is received by faith. Personal reliance, trustful, acceptance of divine truth, of divine work of the Divine worker and Lord. A total reliance on God and not self.  Salvation: A person comes to a personal trust and surrender. It‟s a yes of the soul to God. It is placing complete confidence and trust in Christs. That is how you are saved. And when you put your faith in Christ, God gives you His righteousness. A righteousness that comes from God, based on faith, not works.  How are you going to gain righteousness? That is having a right standing with God. How are you going to be accepted and welcome with God? By faith in Christ. And you are giving Christ‟s righteousness WHAT IS FAITH:  A right relationship with God is NOT by WORKS, but by FAITH SAVING FAITH: Is the confident, continues, confession of total dependence on and trust in Jesus Christ. It is not just believing Jesus lived and died. It is trusting in Him, depending on Him to meet the requirement in your behave to give you entrance into God‟s Kingdom. It is a surrender of your life . 3A SALVATION PROVIDES YOU THE POWER OF JESUS CHRIST Philippians 3:10 that I may know Him and the power 1411 of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to) His death. THAT I MIGHT KNOW 1097. 24 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 25. So what else is gain in me as a result of salvation? Vs. 10. Paul‟s major passion was to get more knowledge of Christ by experience. A personal knowledge. Spurgeon said: This is the desire of one who has been saved, who enjoys the full conviction that his sins are pardoned, and that he is in Christ. It is only the regenerated and saved man who can feel the desire, “that I might know Him.” F.B. Meyer said: Paul‟s emphasis here is on gaining a deeper knowledge and intimacy with Christ. Possessing Christ's righteousness by faith was not an end but in fact for Paul was the starting point...indeed how could anyone ever get satiated with our infinite Redeemer? Never. Spurgeon said: He became a holy walker, and a heavenly runner, because of what he saw in Christ Jesus. Be you sure of this, that the less you value your own righteousness, the more will you seek after true holiness; the less you think of your own beauty, the more ardently will you long to become like the Lord Jesus. WHAT IS THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION? POWER Dunamis: to be able, to have power especially achieving power. It refers to intrinsic power or inherent ability, to carry out, the capacity to perform, it conveys the idea of effective, productive energy, rather than that which is raw and unbridled. What you have in Christ , what is available is the dynamic spiritual energy that comes from Him. Daniel 11:32. There is no power in the flesh, in the Law. There is power in the Blood: Jesus Christ. Paul longed to have an ever-increasing supply of the power that proceeds from the risen and exalted Savior. By His power we are given power to rise above the world and set in heavenly places with Christ. By the resurrection we are giving an assurance in our MINDS as to the truth. We are raised from the dead and walking with Christ That is the developed experience of the Christian person in the life of God. TO KNOW His POWER is to be conscious of the working upon ourselves the quickening and renewing and enlightening our MINDS and LIFE. It is to recognize and comprehend its working power as a reality. There are four aspects of the Lord‟s resurrection power upon us. It‟s an evidencing Power: It is the justifying Power It is the life-giving Power It is the consoling Power 25 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 26. 4A SALVATION BRINGS THE FELLOWSHIP WITH CHRIST Vs. 10 The fellowship of His suffering. (1) To know Christ or to have a richer experience of him, (2) To know the power of resurrection, or the experience constantly, the same power that raised Christ from the dead (3) To participate in the suffering of Christ for the sake of righteousness (4) To be conformed to the death of Christ, or to experience the same self- emptying described of Christ (2:7) Paul desired to participate more and more fully in the reproaches and afflictions of his Lord and Savior. Growth and transformation are not to be had without pain. Our spiritual transformation into the image of Christ does take place as we behold His glory (2 Corinthians 3:18) 5A SALVATION GAINS THE RESURRECTION: Vs. 11 Paul had gain justification, sanctification, and glorification. “If my any means…. I may attain.” Paul longed for the complete resurrection of his own life. Longing to be like Christ in his glorified state. KNOWING CHRIST also means identifying with His death. Romans 6:1-11. Christ completely died to self and became a sacrifice for others. It was the greatest demonstration of commitment to the will of God and it was that death which brought His resurrection life. Paul realized that conformity to Jesus death made him a candidate for resurrection power. In desiring to know Christ, Paul sought a complete relationship with Him. Vs. 11 “I am hoping that I may yet reach the resurrection from the dead (corpse). This is the desire of the Rapture. Getting a new body. He would enjoy a complete transformation of character, newness of body and a perfect environment. WHAT DO WE GAIN IN SALVATION? 1 Knowledge: Identification 2 Righteousness of Christ: Justification 3 Power: Sanctification 4 Suffering with: Participation 5 Glory: Glorification 26 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 27. Pressing on Toward the Goal or Straining Toward the Goal, Onward and Upward Philippians 3:12-14 Charles e. Whisnant January 02, 09 Two Thousand and Eleven 12 Not as though I had already attained , either were already perfect : but I follow after , if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended : but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. KJV 12 I do not mean that I am already as God wants me to be. I have not yet reached that goal, but I continue trying to reach it and to make it mine. Christ wants me to do that, which is the reason he made me his. 13 Brothers and sisters, I know that I have not yet reached that goal, but there is one thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I keep trying to reach the goal and get the prize for which God called me through Christ to the life above. New Century Version 12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. 13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. English Standard Version Introduction: “Make It To The Top Achievement Club”: A reality checkup of self. THOSE WHO STAND THE BEST CHANCE OF WINNING THE RACE SET BEFORE THEM: LIFE IS NOT ALWAYS A DISNEY CHARACTER, standing near the castle in Fantasyland, wishing upon a star. Cinderella‟s Castle, in Fantasyland Timon & Pumba (“The Lion King”) LIFE is a long term commitment to a long and untiring determination going in the same direction. LIFE HAS ITS FRUSTRATIONS - YES, BUT ITS HOPES SUPERCEED. LIFE THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF WINNING IS THE ONE WHO WILL DISCOVER THE GREATEST SATISFACTION AND DELIGHT IN JESUS CHRIST. TAKE THE RIGHT STEPS IN ADVANCING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION TOWARD HOLINESS. Society as a whole does not feel comfortable about long-term diligence and patience. They are seeking a quick self-gratification now. Pursuit of anything better be quick. It is micro-wave Christianity living or it‟s out of here. 27 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 28. The public is seeking “success” in the world‟s eyes. It‟s the Super Bowl or you are out as a coach mentality. Take a look at today’s bookshelves: “Passport to Prosperity” “Winning Moves”  Are you kidding me? These books are light-years away removed from the truth. How about these books on your bookshelves:  The Almost Christian Discovered  Baxter‟s Works: Vol. 11: An Alarm to the Unconverted  Packer‟s: Knowing God, and The Holiness of God  MacArthur‟s: Our Sufficiency in Christ. Folks, hanging tough over the long haul is still the investment that pays the richest dividends, and I might add the richest joy. SUMMARY OF PAUL’S PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE IS GIVEN IN PHILIPPIANS 3:12-14 1. The PLAN is Progress… not Perfection. 2. The PAST is Over… Forget it. 3. The FUTURE holds out HOPE… Reach for it. 4. The SECRET IS A Determined Attitude… Maintain it. 5. The NEED is keeping High Standards…Together. (Chuck Swindoll, “Laugh Again.”) “Not As Though” 3:12  A phrase that warns against false impressions. Paul wants to make sure that he is not misunderstood. “I have not yet arrived at the zenith spiritually. I am still in need of progress. A divine dissatisfaction is essential for spiritual progress.”  Paul‟s desire, his purpose, his pursuit, was God, and to achieve what God had in store for him.  Paul was in the process of achieving. Not that “I had already attained” “either were already perfect:” “I follow after.”  I have not become complete, mature, fully developed, fully grown, and brought to the end (goal), finished.  Paul is going to address the Church effort toward spiritual growth. Paul was not satisfied that he had arrived, he still wanted to grow, he had not attained, he had not seized all that God was going to give him in his spiritual journey. The Christian believer already is a new creature, has a new heart, has a new attitude, and a new disposition which gives him a strong desire to be holy. He has a new righteousness, has the Holy Spirit, and has the promise of Heaven. But he is still able to be tempted, still has unredeemed flesh, still a sinner. 2 Peter 3:18. 28 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 29. REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD:  Cultivate a passion for grace and an intense longing after holiness  Fight with sins every day.  Never let a dark past cloud a bright future.  Must learn to live with the consequences of our failures.  Pursue the Goal of Spiritual Maturity.  Press toward the mark of the high calling of Christ  Be involved still in the growth process, even after 10, 20, 30. 40 and yes 50 0r 60 years. In a New Birth experience you will find:  Growth is necessary  Pursuit is necessary of the goal.  There is to be a running of the race.,  There is a pressing toward the mark of the prize.  There will be no debate where you decide to grow or not.  There is going to be a hunger and thirst for God.  There is going to be a drive, a strong impulse in the heart for growth. Why should you chase after the prize and run the race? Why go for the Gold?  It will cause you to glorify God.  It verifies regeneration.  It allows you to wear the truth of God.  It grants you assurance.  It sparks you from sorrows of spiritual weakness.  It protects you from being a reproach to Christ.  It produces joy in your life.  It increases your witness to a lost world. Perfection is a GOAL and not an ACHIEVEMENT in this LIFE. You PURSUE but never Reach. Maturity is to be encouraged but not hurried. As someone said, God takes time to make an oak tree, He takes time to make a saint. Christian growth is a process. Paul deals a blow to the doctrine of Perfectionism. You never arrive but you strive to reach the place where God would have you to be. We are to give our whole life to gaining the PRIZE. We are to extend, stretch out, to literally overextend oneself. We are to stretch our muscles to their limit, attempting energetically to attain a state or condition to which we are called to be by Jesus Christ. This is to be a lifelong commitment and attitude. Every fiber of our body, every bit of strength that we can draw from a breath of air is being put into the pursuit of this prize. How are you doing in the race? Do you have the focused attention that Paul is describing in your spiritual race? What is your primary focus in life? What drives you? Where do you invest your time and energy and talent? 29 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 30. THE CALL TO PURSUE THE PRIZE WHICH IS SPIRITUAL PERFECTION (maturity) SIX PRINCIPLES GIVEN TO AID US TO PURSUE THE PRIZE OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH 1A An awareness of Need 2A Maximum Effort 3A Concentration 4A Spiritual Motivation 5A Divine Revelation 6A Consistency 1A AN AWARENESS OF THE NEED TO PURSUE, TO CONTINUE, TO SEEK PERSISTENTLY FOR, STRIVE FOR, TO HAVE AN EVER-PRESENT DESIRE FOR A BETTER CONDITION IN YOUR GROWTH FOR SPIRITUAL MATURITY. Your position is okay, your condition must improve. You are yet to be what you should be. The Spiritual Pursuit of growth in what you have already laid hold of in Jesus Christ, begins with a dissatisfaction of what you have already obtained, in knowing what you are yet to obtain. Seeing the need to grow in our Christian life is the key. Paul said “I am very aware I have not arrived.” He was saying “I am not what I ought to be.” “I am still in the process of becoming more like Christ. There is still an intense yearning and striving for spiritual perfection. WHAT IS YOUR TESTIMONY? Too many have the frame of mind; they really believe they have reached the apex of spiritual Christ likeness. The result of this state of mind is. You will be insensitive to sin. “Why would you think I am not spiritual?” “What makes you think I am not doing what I ought to be doing?” HAVING A REALISTIC VIEW OF SELF: vs. 12. IT IS CLEAR, I DON’T HAVE IT YET. 2983 “Not that I have already received .” (Attained.) Vs. 12. Psalms 119:5, 173-176, Galatians 5:17, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Romans 8:26; Philippians 3:20-21; Having yet a perfect knowledge of Christ, the power of Christ‟s death, the fellowship of Christ‟s suffering. Paul had not yet attained the goals stated in vs. 10. There is much room for improvement. He did not have in hand what he desired. „Either were already perfect 5048” Job 17:9; Psa. 138:8; Proverbs 4:18; I Corinthians 13:10-1`2; 2 Corinthians 7:1; 13:9; Ephesians 4:12, Hebrews 12:2 30 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 31. „Have not yet become perfect.‟ i.e. complete, mature, fully developed, fully grown, soundness of mind, workability, and completeness. “The act of bringing the person to these conditions, i.e. a well-rounded in his Christian character. Not having yet attained, either experientially or mentally in full measure as I desire to be like Christ. Progress is the healthy condition of every Christian person. Adding to his faith virtue, following on to know the Lord, and daily receiving grace upon grace of the fullness which is treasured up in Christ Jesus. Paul does not give details of his own imperfections and deficiencies, but confesses them, and desires for perfection. LET ME ASK: HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH!  Church fellowship.  Prayer  Teaching of God‟s Word. You are down to needing only 17 minutes.  Theological teaching.  Have arrived as far as you care to be.  Finished with note taking, I will leave them in the pew.  It is all well with my soul. Easy is finally here. LET ME ASK: IS THERE A DISCONTENT AND A DISSATISFICATION AND A RECOGNITION YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU OUGHT TO BE.  Psalms 51:1-5; Matthew 6:12; 23:75; Luke 18:13; Romans 7:14-24; James 3:2; I John 1:8; “But I am pressing on (to see) if I can also lay hold on that for which I was laid hold on by Jesus Christ. 31 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 32. THE SPIRITUAL PURSUIT OF THE GOAL SET FORTH IN PHILIPPIANS 3:10 Philippians 3:12-14 December 19, 2010 & January 16, 2011 SIX NECESSARY ELEMENTS IF WE ARE GOING TO EFFECTIVELY PURSUE THE PRIZE OF SPIRITUAL PERFECTION. 1A AN AWARENESS OF THE NEED TO PURSUE A BETTER CONDITION. 2A YOU MUST GIVE MAXIMUM EFFORT IN PURSUING THAT CONDITON. “But I follow after,” vs. 12  i.e. Press on “I am pursuing.” Press forward; try to achieve something, run after.  Verb. Indic pres. action. A continuous action or result.  An expression for the quest of Christian values. Romans 14:19; 1 Timothy 6:11.  To aspire, to seek, to go after something.  The pursuit of Christian objectives. o Romans 12:13Hospitality o Romans 14:19; 1 Peter 3:11; Hebrews 12:14 Mutual Peace o I Corinthians 14:1 Holiness and Love o I Thess.5:15 Doing Good. o 1 Timothy 6:11, 2 Timothy 2:22 Righteousness  Paul sees the Christian life as ultimately directed to this goal. He presses on like a runner set on winning the victor‟s prize. Knowing Romans 9:16, 30.  Paul says this not because he is discouraged but he‟s encouraged.  A sprinter in this race.  An aggressive, energetic endeavor.  I Corinthians 9:24-27, I Timothy 6:12, Hebrews 12:1-2 Running the race to win.  Serious and earnest in his desire to “follow after.”  Not being content just to be merely saved.  The race is a long-distance race. 32 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 33. Why all this continuous all-out effort?  Jesus is coming  People are dying, 6,000 each day. What is Paul pursuing? What’s the Prize?  I have yet to have in my hands what I desire.  The goal of my life is to be consistent with Christ’s goal in giving me salvation. o Christ saved me for a purpose, that purpose in saving me, has become my purpose in my spiritual progress. o Romans 8:28-29 “To become conformed to His image,” An exact replica, representation or picture of the original. o There is a life-long pursuit of Christ-likeness that is the goal, the purpose. o The salvation experience does not end at the time of the conversion. o God’s purpose does not, is not, just to get you saved. But He saved you with the purpose of bringing you to a place where you reflect Christ-likeness. o Christ-likeness is the goal. o The picture people see of you, is it like the character of Jesus Christ? o 2 Thess. 2:14-15 o Don’t you think becoming like Christ is a worthwhile goal? o This takes a life-long commitment and takes maximum effort. What is the purpose you have? What is the prize you seek? Are you still cultivating or in need of personal attention? Are you making maximum effort to live the Christian life? 3A CONCENTRATION: THE FOCUS OF THE MIND OR RESOURCES TOWARD ONE‟S PARTICULAR TASK. AND DON‟T LOOK BACK  attentiveness * deliberation* absorption * meditation Philippians 3:13 “Brethren,80 (a third time) I have not yet reckoned 3049 to have reached my goal.” (I do not regard myself as laid2638 hold of it yet; but1161 one thing I do, forgetting1950 what lies behind3694 and reaching forward1901 to what lies ahead1715) NASV “Brethren, I count3049 not myself to have apprehended:2638 but1161 this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. KJV Paul‟s deliberately formed opinion, the logical thing to say, having come to a proper conclusion & after review, looking back, “I have not yet arrived at my goal.” “I have not completely grasped that for which the Lord Jesus had grasped me.” BUT [THIS] ONE THING [I DO] “But”: is a term of contrast. Which was what? “But one thing:” Which sums up Paul‟s Christian conduct and purpose. “I concentrate on this.” To be totally focused on the task ahead. Which was? 33 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 34. Paul was a man of single purpose and had one aim and one ambition. Far too many take on too many things to concentrate on just one thing. They tend to feel they can try to walk the way of discipline while making daily excursions into “Egypt” to pick up a few “leeks.” Cultivate a passion for grace and an intense longing after holiness. Paul had a disciplined intention: a close relationship with Christ and he intended to get there. The driving force of our life? Is it to be like Christ? You’re going to get there. SO HOW DOYOU REMAIN FOCUSED? How do you WILL that ONE thing? BY FORGETTING THOSE THINGS THAT ARE BEHIND3694. (The negative) A present tense indicates that this is to be the Spirit-filled believer‟s continual exercise – forget and forget completely! Paul makes a conscious (Spirit empowered) choice to not recall information concerning things in his past that would only hamper his running with endurance. DON’T LOOK BACK You cannot live on past victories. You should not be debilitated by your past sins and failures, burdens of guilt and iniquities. Too many of us, and churches are so distracted by the past that we don’t make any current progress in the race. The clearest vision is given to those who forget the past. Bitterness, grudges, and junk of the past are real paralyzers. I John 1:9 REACHING FORTH1901 UNTO THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEFORE1715.” (The positive) Stretching out as a runner leaning forward as he runs. That is focus concentration, moving fast as possible. Our eyes fixed on ONE thing: Christ-likeness. Straining ourselves to be like Jesus, with all devotion and dedication. Colossians 1:28; Ephesians 4:13; Galatians 4:19; 2 Corinthians 13:11. Colossians 4:12. ARE YOU PUSHING FORWARD TOWARD THE GOAL? ARE YOU IN RUNNING CONDITION? Hebrews 12:1-2 The “RACE” IS THE LIFE OF FAITH AND OBEDIENCE, THAT PURSUIT OF PERSONAL HOLINESS THAT EVER LOOKS TO THE SAVIOR. This RACE set before us CALLS forth everything that is within US and all of CHRIST working in US 34 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 35. Six Necessary essentials if you are going to pursue (lay hold of) effectively the prize set before you. Philippians 3:12-14 Charles e. Whisnant, January 09, 2011 1A AN AWARENESS OF THE NEED TO PURSUE A BETTER CONDITION: VS. 12 2A YOU MUST GIVE MAXIMUM EFFORT IN PURSUING THAT CONDITION: VS 12 “To become an exact replica, representation of Jesus Christ. 3A FOCUS CONCENTRATION TO PURSUE THAT BETTER: “This one thing I do,” Paul said. He desired a close relationship with Christ.A disciplined intention is needed: HOW DO WE REMAIN FOCUSED? 1 Forgetting past failures and victories. 2 Stretching out every muscle and laying hold of all which Christ has given us. 4A SPIRITUAL MOTIVATION TO PURSUE THAT BETTER CONDITION: VS. 14 “Press on.” “Straightforward” to what is ahead. We continue to bear down on the goal, which is to be like Christ, with focused discipline. THE GOAL: To be like Christ. THE PRIZE: To be made like Christ. 1 Conformity to Christ: Romans 8:29-30 2 Fellowship with Christ: I Corinthians 1:9 3 The peace of Christ: Colossians 3:15 4 Sanctification: I Thess. 4:7 5 Eternal Life: 1 Timothy 6:12 THE PRIZE: The culmination of the whole work of salvation – with all its implications to which God has called us. What was the motivation that sustained Paul, even in the midst of discouragement and frustration? I will be made like Jesus Christ. Galatians 1:15; I Timothy 1:9; 1 Peter 5:10 CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE SPECIALISTS: Seek to know Christ as “the one thing” for which you live. “The smaller the circumference of my thinking, the shorter the diameter of my mistakes.” SOUND SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY “Narrow down your thinking so as to concentrate more on Christ and less upon the things of the world and you cannot lose.” 35 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 36. Philippians 3:14-16 Charles e. Whisnant, Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Minford, Ohio 02 06 11 5A WE MUST RECOGNIZE THE DIVINE RESOURCES TO PURSUE THAT BETTER CONDITON In the life of the believer they will never reach absolute perfection (vs. 12). But all believers are exhorted to achieve a certain stage of spiritual maturity which is necessary for the effective functioning of the church. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect5046 be thus minded5426 and if in anything ye be otherwise2088 minded5426 God shall reveal601 even this unto you. Vs 15 PERFECT: Teleios: an end, a purpose, an aim, a goal. Romans 12:2; I Corinthians 2:6; 13:10; 14:20; Ephesians 4:13; Colossians 1;28; 4:12. 1 Means complete, mature, fully developed, full grown, brought to its end, finished, wanting nothing necessary to completeness. 2 In good working order. 3 Signifies consummate soundness, includes the idea of being whole. 4 Does not refer to sinlessness, but to spiritual maturity. 5 Conveys the ideas of reaching or accomplishing the goal for which we were saved (ultimately Christ- – likeness. 6 Paul is speaking of a finished process and absolute spiritual maturity beyond which there is no room for improvement. In verse 12 and in verse 15 he is speaking of relative spiritual maturity where there is room for development and growth. BE THUS MINDED5426 phroneo Let us think this way. 1 Supposed seat of all mental and emotional activity. A person‟s affections and will as well as his reasoning. 2 Means to think, set one‟s mind or heart upon something and denotes the whole action of the affections 3 Describes a process of evaluating a situation and on the basis of our evaluation of adopting an attitude or disposition to act. 4 Put forth the same untiring, enthusiastic, effort which I put forth. 5 Making maximum effort, focus concentration and spiritually motivated. ei IF  Psalms 25:8-9; Proverbs 2:3-6; 3:5-6; Isaiah 35:8; Luke 11:13; John 7:17; James 1:5. 36 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 37. 1 Presents, not a hypothetical case but a fulfilled condition or one that is assumed to be true. Some had a different attitude. 2 There are some in the church who are not interested in pursuing the prize. 2088 HETEROS ANY OF YOU BE OTHERWISE  And if in anything you have a different attitude. In other words if you don‟t agree with what Paul has just stated about pursuing Christlikeness. GOD would correct the wrong attitude in the course of time. SHALL REVEAL601 APOKALUPTO EVEN THIS UNTO YOU. 1 Means to remove the cover from and so the idea is to remove that which conceals something. 2 “Taking the lid off.” Matthew 10:26; 11:25; Luke 17:30; Romans 1:17; I Corinthians 2:10; Galatians 1:16; 3:23; 3 Those who refuse to heed Paul‟s message will hear that same message from God. He will correct them through His Word, His Spirit, or through chastening. God will do whatever it takes to make believers recognize their need to pursue the prize of Christlikeness. He will also provide the resources they need to do that. MacArthur 4 “Lord, open their minds and reveal reality to them.” 6A CONSISTENCY: CONFORMITY NECESSARY TO PURSUE THAT BETTER CONDITON. Vs. 16 NEVERTHELESS, WHERETO WE HAVE ALREADY ATTAINED, LET US WALK BY THE SAME RULE, LET US MIND THE SAME THING. NEVERTHELESS4133 plen 1 Used at the conclusion of a section in order to bring out the main point of discussion. “Just one more thing” 2 However, to express a final thought 3 Having come thus far, the thing to do is to go in the same path in which we have been traveling so far. WHERETO WE HAVE ALREADY ATTAINED,5348 PHTHANO 1 To come to a particular state. Matthew 12:28. “so far as we have come.” 2 Having come thus far, the thing to do is to go in the same path in which we have been traveling so far. 3 Paul‟s goal is simply to be found in Christ and so to “attain to the resurrection from the dead.” 3:10. The power for righteous living that can be found only by faith and only as Jesus shares His own resurrection life with the believer. Romans 6:8-13. LET US WALK4748 BY THE SAME RULE2583 1 Keep moving along the path that has brought you to where you are in your spiritual progress. 2 Be consistent, our walk is to be orderly and guided. (3)Do not abandon any present experience, but continue to walk by the light of that until you obtain new light. 37 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 38. Philippians 3:17-21 Charles e. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher. February 13, 2011 Rivers of Joy Baptist Church Our Theme: Stretching Forth To Reach The Prize, and Pursuing the Goal The Race….. the Prize….. Jesus Christ The purpose of the Christian life? To become more like Christ. Does that get old to you?  1 John 2:6; Galatians 4:19; I Corinthians 11:1; Roman 8:29 IT IS A GOD-WARD ATTITUDE: THE TOTAL OBJECTIVE FOR EVERY CHISTIAN. Does that annoy you? We are to be doing things which will produce in us a God-ward attitude which will produce in us Christ- like graces and behavior? Do you see that as part of your living? SO HOW IS THAT GOING TO HAPPEN? 1A To know Jesus Christ. To learn of Christ. 2A Go to the Word. It‟s packed with Christ. 3A To be submitted to the inner working of the Holy Spirit. SO WHY DO I STUDY THE BIBLE? Let me ask another annoying question? Do You? 1A To know how we can be like Him. II Corinthians 3:18 WHAT DOES A SPIRITUAL LIFE LOOK LIKE? 1A Christ. You are lost not in self living, but in living for Christ. Simple isn‟t it? MAYBE YOU NEED TO BE REMINDED OF THE GREATNESS OF CHRIST…. 1A Colossians 2:3-10. Simple question: Who Do You Most Desire to Be Like 38 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 39. CHRIST CAN GET LOST IN THE LIVING OF SELF Philippians 3:16-17 Charles e. Whisnant February 26, 2011 Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Minford, Ohio  16 However let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained.  Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing. Kjv  Only we must always walk according to that standard which we have already reached.  Wuest: Only one thing, so far as we have come, let us keep our lives in the same path. THREE SUGGESTIONS, THREE PRACTICAL THINGS IN THIS PURSUIT THAT WILL ENHANCE US AS WE WALK THE PATH BEFORE US WHICH IS TOWARD CHRISTLIKENESS 1A FOLLOWING AFTER EXAMPLES 2A FLEEING FROM ENEMIES 3A FIXING ON EXPECTATIONS 1A FOLLOWING AFTER EXAMPLES. Vs. 17 1. I need to follow some example to show me how, which I have done for some 50 years plus. “Who is the next person, Charles, you are going to follow.” Charity. REASONS WHY PAUL WAS NOT YET PERFECT. 1. 2 Corinthians 12:7 He was likely prone to pride. 2. Acts 23:3-5 He spoke more harshly than he should have to the high priest 3. I Timothy 1:15 He claimed to be chief of sinners. 4. Paul is saying to follow his example, not because he has achieved perfection, but because he is struggling in the same race that we are running. Therefore, this would make him a good example. WELL, Christ is the One who has shown us the PATH. How is He going to show us how to achieve in this life? He‟s on the throne, and I am down here! I don‟t know the way to the throne room. But Christ was perfect and He shows us the goal we need to achieve, yes. But we also need someone to model the process of reaching that goal. 1. Who can show me that process? 2. How do I deal with my fallen flesh? 3. How do I deal with my struggles of life? 4. How do I deal with disappointments & trials & pride & failures & sin & and iniquities? 39 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 40. Who can show me? It is only when I can overcome my sinfulness that we can become more like Christ. Who is battling to overcome sin? And who has overcome and is moving along the lines of Christlikeness? PAUL IS THAT PERSON. YOU CAN FOLLOW ME. Philippians 3:17 Paul gives an appeal to his disciples to copy his example. 1 Corinthians 4:16; 10:33, 11:1; 1 Thessalonians 2:7,9, 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9. BRETHREN, my disciples. BE (present imperative) FOLLOWERS TOGETHER4831 1. We get the word mimic together with. SUN “with” and MIMETES “IMITATOR OR MIMIC 2. 1 Corinthians 4:16-17, 3 John2 HOW WAS PAUL ABLE TO FOLLOW CHRIST? AND MARK4648 THEM. OBSERVE THOSE WHO WALK Luke 11:35; “Take heed” or “watch.” Romans 16:17; 2 Corinthians 4:18; “look” and Galatians 6:1 “considering” or looking. 4043 WALK To walk around, meaning to live, conduct or to pass one‟s life. S0 AS YE HAVE US FOR AN US refers to Paul, Timothy, Silas. John MacArthur, EXAMPLE5179 or PATTERN5179 TUPOS smite with repeated strokes  Refers to a visible mark or impression made by a stroke or blow from an instrument or object. John 20:25; Galatians 6:17 Be followers together Paul says. Walk by the same rules. Christians should all walk by the same rules, by the same pattern of Christian living. Walk in a row. The life of Believers should be together and harmonious, together with ONE goal. OUR OBJECTIVES THEN: 1b TO BE LIKE CHRIST. HOW? Richly indwell our self with the WORD. So it stamps its impression upon us. The die mould which has impressed us has been the image of Christ. 2b WE YIELD TO THE HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. Which moulds us to the image of Christ 3b NOTE PAUL’S LIFE’S PATTERN. 4b THE FLESH AND BLOOD EXAMPLES. Whose daily conduct is followed after Paul‟s and Christ‟s. FLESH AND BLOOD FOR THE 21ST CENTURY? 40 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3
  • 41. OUR TOTAL CHRISTIAN DUTY: CHRIST Philippians 3:17 Introduction Charles e. Whisnant March 06 2011 S.M. Kockridege‟s message “ THAT‟S MY KING” TO BE LIKE JESUS WAS PAUL‟S LIFE FOCUS. KNOWING JESUS CHRIST, SO WELL, SO DEEPLY, SO RICHLY THAT HE WAS BECOMING MORE LIKE CHRIST. THAT IS THE GOAL OF EVERY CHRSITIAN LIFE.  My involvement in life will be to produce in me, Christlikeness. What % of your life‟s involvement is to guide you toward Christ? HOW WOULD YOU GENERLLY DESCRIBE THE NORMAL CHRISTIAN TODAY TRUTHFUL? WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF…  What would happen if a number of people in our church who had has their goal to be like Jesus, what kind of church could this church be?  What if everything we did would spin off the idea that we desire and work to be like Christ?  What if Colossians 3:16 were imbedded in our life. What if we could visible know 2 Corinthians 3:18? o So much so that when I step out of this life on earth my step in to heaven will not be such a heavenly shock.  What if Galatians 4:19 would be really the end result of my life‟s work.  What if the goal of my life was outside ME, its not in ME, but that it would be beyond ME. Self occupation is not a priority. What has happen in our society today is the pervasion of what we believe about God.  Humanist psychology has so infiltrated the Christian theology today.  Today man thinks he exists for the sole purpose of his own self-satisfaction Principle # One in our philosophy:  “In order to be happy, man must have all his precede needs and desires meet.” Today‟s preaching gives you the idea that God wants to save you so He can meet your desires. It‟s the Good News of self-worth.  This news is bad for the sinners. The news is that man is bad! The news for the sinner is Hell. Not Heaven. The need is not a new car. But a new heart. THE GOAL OF MY SALVATION AND SANCTIFICATION IS NOT TO HAVE MY DESIRES OR MY GOALS MEET.  Sadly to say that has become the goal. Our belief now is a man-made salvation, rather than a Christ centered salvation. Christian Sanctification: Pursing something outside myself not something inside myself: Its Christ.  The idea is not a matter of assessing me, it is a matter of knowing Christ deeply and the more I know Him and the more I am focus on Him, the more I am in commune with Him and the more the Spirit makes Me like Him. 41 Sermon Notes by Charles e. Whisnant, Series on Philippians 3