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Persuasive Essay Video Games
Games are becoming more advanced and realistic every year, however, the violence in them are becoming more of a concern to parents because of
the increasingly frequent emphasis on killing opponents in graphically gruesome ways. As time goes by games get more and more realistic and more
violent. Parents think that today gaming just have killing and bad language. Children should be able to play video games cause its not just a negative
effect on young people but positive to. There are different categories in gaming such as shooter, adventure, puzzle, and many others. Most of the games
in the shooter and action category are the violent ones. Also games that where made a long time ago are less violent then the games that they make
today. In todays century most of the games have gore and when parents see stuff like this they don't won't there children playing these types ofvideo
game cause they think in could effect more content...
military and future doctors. Playing games does not have a negative effects cause they help boost your brain power. Critics try and say games are
all violent, but some games have trivia and puzzles that give you a hard time and make you use your brain to figure it out. Studies show that the
stress of continually dodging bullets and rapidly navigating virtual maps can lead to people to rely on a more instinctive way of learning. Study
shows that navigating in games cam harm your ability to find their way around landmarks and past experiences but there is no real proof of this.
Independent experts questioned the findings and said that even if the changes were real there was no reason to believe that video games could harm
your health. Other experts argue with this article and say that there is no real proof that video games can do bad thing to your brain. I think that the
reason for people making articles that say video games are bad for you is to get people to stop playing
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Persuasive Essay On Video Games
Growing up as a gamer, I have experienced many new things in the video game industry. I've been playing video games since the Segaā€“genisis that I
started playing when I was three years old. I've been gaming almost my whole life, I have watched new console been introduced, seen video games
go from 1080p to now an amazing 4K which makes the graphics look amazing. Modern video games even have virtual reality that you as a consumer
can now play in your own living room. But, even though we have amazing things in video games the modern gamer is being introducing to a new
problem. The problem I am addressing of coarse is micro transactions in video games. Modern game companies are charging you $60.00 dollars for a
video game. Once you purchase this said video game you have to grind countless hours in order to obtain specific items that will enhance your
abilities in this virtue world, or you can turn your real life currency into this video game currency in order to potentially get these items early on.
This concept is called pay to win. The definition of pay to win as stated in wikipedia "is In some multiplayer video games, players who are willing
to pay for special items or downloadable content may be able to gain a significant advantage over those playing for free." Though I believe
companies should be allowed to do this in free video game, I think it is wrong to charge someone $60.00 and afterwords try to make them buy guns in
order to enhance their gameplay. What I propose
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Persuasive Essay : The Benefits Of Video Games
Dereck Garcia
Miss Windish
English II
5 October 2017
The Benefits of Video Games Do you remember the first time you played a video game? Was it Super Mario Brothers, Call of Duty, or
Minesweeper? How about the time your parents told you that video games will rot your brain? Well forget all that, this paper is going to tell you
the benefits of playing video games. My claim is that video games can help you with leadership skills, problem solving, education, and cognitive
function. Video games can also help you overcome dyslexia. A lot of people think it can make dyslexia worse since you 'barely' read in video games.
One study shows that as few as 12 hours of video game play improved dyslexic children's score on tests of reading and phonology. (Gray, Peter)
This can be true because MMORPG, like World of Warcraft, almost require you to read to know what's happening or how something works since
there's little to no narration or automatic text reading. In World of Warcraft, there's tasks that are called 'Quests' and the quests require you to read all
of the text to know how to do something or what to look for, but not all games have text. Call of Duty games can actually have no text at all and have
little to no effect on dyslexia, and sometimes actually make it worse. Video games can actually be reduce impulsiveness. Impulsiveness is reacting to
things, and sometimes you can be too impulsive which can lead to you reacting to things you don't need to react. Action games
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Persuasive Essay On Video Games
Call of Duty 3, Legend Of Zelda, Super Mario Bros., Minecraft, Assassins Creed, and NBA2K18 are some video games that I can mention because
they are popular. Video games are fun, and it feels good for an individual because like it's a new thing. Creating, building, or violent shootings
might be parts illustrated in video games, so it's a new experience for beginners. Video games are a new way to explore and develop new skills
trough electronic consoles such as Xbox, PlayStation, or Wii. Gamers who are considered those who play a lot, for example, they play five or ten
hours on a daily, and results are that they'll be more likely to be smarter, healthier, sociable, and successful. By the looks of it, the video games are
evolving to benefit the new generation. Video games are all different, and there are some that help by teaching individuals. Schools have been using
technology for centuries now, but this method of using online action or video games to teach students the curriculum is expanding. The difference
between video games and a normal teaching style such as discussion is that video games make situations fun or entertaining rather than dull and aloof
like typical teaching styles. But Amy Novotney, a full time communications consultant with fifteen years of experience in medical and health writing,
in her article "Gaming to Learn" she explains how schools are introducing online games as educational tools for students to learn. "Nearly 60 percent of
teachers now use
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Persuasive Essay About Video Games
The Story of the Search
I dedicate a large amount of my time to playng video games, and I often hear claims like, "video games rot your brain," and, "video games aren't
healthy," but I wondered, are these common arguments actually true? I decided to find out.
I already knew that there were some positive effects of video games and some negative effects, and I also knew that too much exposure to screens in
general. However, I was not sure what exactly what the specific benefits and detriments were.
What I hoped to learn was how video games affect the brain and the body, how they helped and hurt people, and what kinds of video games are the
best and worst for you.
In my research process, I would search for a different subquestion each day, and I would look for the most credible source I could find, and take
down all the useful information. Sometimes I would find information that opened up a new area of research and would lead me to research it more.
Using this process, I was able to find a large volume of useful, credible information and find answers to all my questions.
The Results of The Search
I was very surprised with the results of my search, as I was expecting mostly negative effects. However, the results were that video games had
overwhelmingly positive effects on the brain. The first piece of information I found was that according to Sage Publishing, studies showed a strong,
positive link between action video games showed and improving attention skills, brain
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Persuasive Speech On Video Games
Do you like to play video games and be able to play them in school?
I believe Video games are beneficial for students in the classroom and home. Using video games in schools or higher institutions can help build
teamwork, foster decisions, critical and strategic skills useful in schools, work and life.
Who remembers Super Mario brothers? Well, According to Guinness Record, SuperMario Bros is Nintendo's bestā€“selling game. My experience with
video games growing up is that I remember playing Super Mario and Tetris with my cousins. Every time I played, I felt an adrenaline rush due to the
excitement, so, I became competitive, and was always looking for a challenge. We would stay up late whenever we get can our gaming in, while our
parents were asleep. I even fought with my cousins for hogging up the controllers, but in the long run, I learned to be patient and strategize against
other players such as my cousins.
Today, I will discuss why video games should be part of a class curriculum, and how it benefits students struggling academically.
There are many students struggling in schools, but without an engaging and fun outlet that promotes learning, these students eventually stop going to
class or end up failing, therefore, this poses a problem with the future of learning.
There is a lack of student motivation, and lack of attendance in schools. There are options for students who have not responded well to traditional
There are many factors that contribute
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Why Do Video Games Promote Violence?
"I like video games, but they're really violent. I'd like to play a videogame where you help the people who were shot in all other games. It'd be called
Really Busy Hospital."ā€“Demitri Martin. Role playing games have been a source of fun and entertainment for children and adults. There are more safe
and calm games such as Just Dance, and there are more Perilous games such as Call of Duty. Role playing games such as killer are perilous for school
age children putting them in danger, teaching violence, and teaching reckless behavior.
As shown throughout the story Shootout, killer teaches and encourages violence. Studies have shown that many people have used the violence learned
in role playing games and carried it out in the real world. In the game killer played in schools, kids are encouraged to make "kills" by shooting others
with water guns. As quoted in the story, "The game lasts two weeks and is especially ferocious"( Martin 1).It is important to notice that
introducing teens to violence before they are out on their own can encourage violence in the real world. Some might get so caught up in what
happens in a role playing game, that it can carry out aggression in the real world. According to Guy Martin, games such as killer can cause people to
turn on each other and can even cause people to call it a massacre. Massacre is not a word to be played around with, for it is a real life tragedy (
Martin 1). This is significant because when one plays around with a word that is a
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Persuasive Essay On Video Games
Video Games are evolving every day and have shaped the way people interact with other individuals. Online gaming is the new way of
communication between different kinds of people that are around the world, allowing anybody to play with anyone and to better know some of the
people and for them to get to know you back. Video Games allows the person to express their real selves and who they really are.
Online gaming shows how social different types of people are or can be when gaming online. Online is the perfect time to test whether someone is
social or not, and will put their social skills to the test. Social skills show how someone antiā€“social or someone who is not can be when they are behind
a screen, not out in public. In an article wrote by Matthew Cenzon he says, "Children who are shy and lack confidence when socializing with their
peers may have an easier time opening up while playing video games" (Cenzon, par.5). This quote goes to shows which type of people are in online
gaming. Some of the people who play online usually are not outgoing people in the real world, so they get on the videogame and get to act like there
real selves because they do not have to worry about what other people have to say about them. But the people who are outgoing in the real world tend
to get online and start shouting at people and being loud. This shows the type of people online because most people would not just jump online and
start screaming at people and embarrassing themselves on a
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Essay on Persuasive Speech Against Video Games
Thesis: The rise of the video game has had many negative effects on children.
Attentionā€“getter: Whenever I look out from my window at home, nothing but memories come back to me. The house three doors down was the
unsuspecting target of the foul balls we would hit when we use to play home run derby. Or my basketball hoop which held many world
championships between me being the bulls and my friends being that year's runner up. In the park across the street, I ended up blackmailing my
neighbor, who was a few years older than me, into letting me play football with him and his friends. That's how much I loved to be outside and play
with my friends. As I become aware that my street has become barren from children more content...
In Grand Theft Auto, you run a round picking up jobs in an imaginary city. These jobs range from killing union workers to stealing pricy
automobiles. In Conker's Bad Fur day, you play as a playful cartoon squirrel that drinks beer and urinates on the enemy to defeat him. In the Journal
of the American Medical Association, 90% of the games played today actually reward the player to injure another person and these were the games
rated Teen. These types of gratuitous violence portrayed in video games transfer over into the everyday lives of these children. Studies of children
exposed to violence have shown that they can become: "immune" or numb to the horror of violence, imitate the violence they see, and show more
aggressive behavior the more they're exposed to violence. Some children accept violence as a way to handle problems. Studies have also shown that
the more realistic and repeated the exposure to violence, the greater the impact on children. For instance, a child in Kentucky ended up bringing a
revolver to school and shot 8 students. Police ended up pinā€“pointing the source to the video games the child had been playing. The child ended up
raking in more than 10,000 hours of a shoot em' up style game that rewarded bonus points for headshots.
Even if the games are not violent, another side effect that video games have on the health of children is with exercising. In a
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Persuasive Essay On Video Games
"I never have an end goal. I don't want to be a movie star. I just want to live everyday making another cool thing I'm proud of" (O'Conner, 3).
Markiplier explains his ideology of making his gaming videos. He wants to create videos of his interest and what he is proud of. While it is true that
Gaming YouTubers are people who make a living online playing video games, through charity campaigns and creating a positive community of people
like them allows them to send a message to their viewers and it is necessary to encourage these gamers because but hate online can create them to feel
uninspired to create their content.
Even though it is unfair to a working citizen that Gaming YouTubers make a great living online playing video games, it takes a lot of time and
dedication to create one of their videos, never the less make their channel become big enough to earn money. It would be anyone's dream to earn a
great amount of money for doing something they love to do but not everyone has the opportunity. An American worker that works a regular job
comments on the earning of Gaming YouTubers, "So you work 14 hours a day and earn $100,000 a year. Wow! That's great. You must be
awesome. Well, I know a guy who records himself play video games every day and earn a freaking $12 million dollars! $12 million dollars! I can see
some of you already hating him" (Siddhu 1). It is unfair to working citizens that a person could earn so much money off of doing something simple
online. Even though
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Persuasive Speech On Video Games
Introduction 1.8 Billion, 1.8 Billion gamers in the world! That is more than the population of India or China. The gaming industry has attracted
over a billion customers and has made around hundreds of billions dollars so far. So therefore i am going to persuade you that video games are
incredibly beneficial. Some of the most valuable and necessary skills, video games give us include: Social advantages, Mental Advantages and Skills
that will secure jobs. I am doing this because i am sick and tired of the common stereotype that gamers and lazy, stupid, unemployed and a particular
age. I am here to give the drastic advantages and put a rest to this urban myth. Main Body 1 (Social Advantages) Many people suffer from mental
disorders more content...
Main Body 2 (Mental Advantages) Video games are "a waste of time" they don 't actually improve anything, they are just entertainment. However there
is drastic evidence to show that couldn't be further from the truth. They actually have a huge mental benefit that can enhance memory, better hand to
eye coordination and enhanced reflexes along with other things aswell. Showing that they are indeed not just a time killer and waster but are hugely
benefiting the minds of the people that play them. The first point I would like to bring up is enhanced memory, a study suggests that young children
can benefit from the memory aspects of video games. Several children had multiple sessions of several video games with increases challenge and it
had been noted that they did show signs of progress in the difficulty but more importantly an increase in a strong memory showing that the two indeed
have a connection. Secondly hand to eye coordination, another study was conducted and yet again the gamer who repeatedly played games was faster,
sharper and overall better than the nonā€“gamer. The other main point is reflexes which sort of ties in with the other points but deserves another mention,
research indicates that fastā€“paced gameplay along the lines of Call of Duty and other various games, does in fact increase reflexes. Skills You may
think to yourself when is this information relevant to anything, however it could or will
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Persuasive Essay On Video Games
Video games are enjoyed by many around the globe because of the wide variety of genres available on the market today. These genres range from
singleā€“player roleā€“playing games to multiplayer firstā€“person shooters. So, it begs the question "Why do people seem to enjoy slandering this industry
and blame them for hatred, crime, and antiā€“social behaviour? The type of people that slander video games constantly criticise this industry but have
they taken the time to actually consider the benefits of playing video games? "Video games are making children aggressive and violent!" Said no
intelligent person on this planet ever. There has been a debate for decades on whether or not video games are the centre cause of aggressive
behaviour in children due to the amount of exposure to mature themes. There high doubts that video games are the cause of hostility in kids and
should be seen responsible. There are millions of television shows that contain much more mature and inappropriate content, yet no one bats an eye
but all of a sudden when a virtual person shoots a gun everyone goes ballistic! People always say computer games are a bad influence but what
pieces of evidence do they have that back up their claim? A psychologist named Andy Przybylski from the University of Oxford concluded his
experiment and stated there was no solid proof that links violent video games with aggressive behaviour 1. The hostility of a person can be caused by
many things like past experiences such as
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Persuasive Essay On Video Games
You're stuck at school, in a classroom, listening to the teacher lecture about DNA and the function of cells. You write down notes and problem
examples mindlessly. Boring. You can't wait until school is over. All that's in your mind is coming back home and relaxing with that new video game
you just bought. But imagine playing video games as part of your education instead of sitting in a classroom. You would actually be engaged in
learning as your tiredness and boredom fades away with a more immersive setting. Handsā€“on learning would allow you to learn directly and from
experience. School would be much more fun.
From the start of the creation of video games, most were viewed as a sole form of leisure. Contrary to popular opinion, while video games today do
appeal to the entertainment market, with current and future technologies in the gaming industry, video games can function as a bridge in learning and
developing practical skills. A serious game is defined as a game whose primary purpose is other than pure entertainment. Usually these types of games
offer assistance in the field of defense, education, science, medicine, and engineering. The original intent of creating a video game was for entertainment
purposes but quickly transformed into a wide variety of applied purposes with the rise and advancement of new technology in the video game
industry. For example, some games can mirror the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and allows the player to take a risk at investing with
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Persuasive Essay On Video Games
Rafiq Stanton 11/16/2017 Composition I Video Games Can Educate Video Games can educate the youth and change their young minds. Some of the
first video games ever made like Pac Man, Mario Bros.,Sonic the Hedgehog and Street Fighter never helped someone learn math and english which
caused video games to get bad names from parents like video games are to distracting and you can do something better with your time like study but,
over time things can change and become a whole lot better and based off what this website it says that "A number of recent studies have indicated that
video games, even violent ones, can help kids develop essential emotional and intellectual skills that support academic achievement." This research can
help teachers around the globe to recognize the benefits of video games and try to include gameā€“based learning in their class rooms. However, it's not
only just gaming in school that gets benefits. In recent research it shows that all gaming that kids do can be positive. Video games have a positive
and good effect on players of all ages, especially those with emotional or mental problems. Video Games give players a chance to get away from the
everyday stresses of life and Chill out. Giving your mind time to rest is good for emotional and mental wellā€“being. Everyday rest reduces the risk of
heart problems and stroke, helps your memory, lessens the chances of depression, and helps decision making." It even has physical health benefits, by
suppressing urges to stressā€“eat and reducing acne. And all these benefits come from doing something that's actually fun to do!" Most young kids see
video games as a social activity to interact with other people not to isolate their self from people. Video games create a common ground for young
kids to make friends, allow kids to hang out, and provide structured time with friends. On the website is said "that boys were more likely to play
video games with a group of friends, either in the same room or online. Plus, young boys said games were a frequent focus for conversation among
their peers"One boy revealed that his peers at school mostly talked about "girls and games ā€“ā€“ the two Gs." While looking over the website I also found
out that children with mild
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Persuasive Essay On Video Games And Violence
Video Games and Violence In today's world, one of the big topics is whether video games cause violence. I strongly believe that it isn't the case.
Having been an avid gamer for most of my life and knowing thousands more, I have seen firstā€“hand video games do not cause violence. I know you
don't want to just take my word for it, so I will show you through others as well.
Video games in their entirety do not cause violence. When you look at the games that are out now, most depict events in life past or present. Others
go on a fairy tale ride that most people can discern the difference. One of the biggest games of all time that go on the fairy tale ride is Grand Theft
Auto. GTA has been one of the bestā€“selling and most controversial games ever made Kids from all ages play it with many adults advocating for its
ban. I have played and enjoyed this game myself over the years with friends and random people on the internet. Everyone that I have come across can
always discern the difference between the game and real life. The game itself has a beginning, middle, and end. The main goal is to get to the end.
Sure, you have to do some questionable things along the way but at the end of the day there has been no proof to link this game to the realā€“world
violence and crimes. A study was preformed and written on called Grand Theft Childhood. In this study/book it states that "They found a correlation
between boys playing Matureā€“rated games and certain aggressive acts and other
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Persuasive Essay On Video Games
Living in the 21st century means that humans will be exposed to many improvements in technology. Technology such as video games will change the
culture around us humans and more specifically children and teens in the future.Video games have recently been on the news and have received
negative attention since some games display strong violence.Video games seperate their audiences into two groups, children and adults.Mature
audience games being the ones in the middle of the controversy considering that overtime we now see children asking for the games that their older
siblings play.The point im trying to bring to the table is that labeling games with an age limit is exagerated and false, so what im proposing is to
remove age restriction from games that are intended for a mature audience for the reasons that these type of video games can help children and teens
by enhancing abilities to problem solve,by making teens happier,and by helping teens realise the consequences of a crime with out actually being
punished. All reasons for why age restrictions should be taken off the cases of every video game that is sold to the public.
Violent Video games are most often seen from a bad perspective as Bezio Kristin notes that society has always looked for something to blame when
tragedy happens " Before video games, society blamed rock 'n' roll for violence and bad behavior among young people. Before rock 'n' roll, we blamed
television. Before television, movies. Before movies, mystery
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Persuasive Essay On Video Games
Rafiq Stanton 11/16/2017 Composition I Video Games Can Educate Video Games can educate the youth and change their young minds. Some of the
first video games ever made like Pac Man, Mario Bros.,Sonic the Hedgehog and Street Fighter never helped someone learn their ABC's and 123's
which caused video games to develop a bad name like it's "rotting kids' brains" or distract them from more important studies but over time things
change and become better and based off this website it says that "A number of recent studies have indicated that video games, even violent ones, can
help kids develop essential emotional and intellectual skills that support academic achievement. These findings led many innovative teachers around
the globe to recognize the benefits of gaming and include gameā€“based learning in their curricula. However, it's not just inā€“school gaming that reaps
benefits. New research shows that all gaming can be positive." Video games can have positive, therapeutic effects on players of all ages, especially
those with mental or emotional problems. Games provide a chance to tune out the stresses of everyday life and decompress. Giving your mind time to
rest is critical for emotional and mental wellā€“being. Relaxation reduces the risk of heart problems and stroke, boosts memory, buffers against
depression, and helps decision making. It even has physical health benefits, by suppressing
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Persuasive Essay : Video Games
Argumentative Essay In today's society, more and more people are looking into military based occupations. Countless amounts of AD campaigns
and television commercials have been launched in hopes of spreading awareness about this particular field. However, a new recruitment tactic has
joined the military's arsenal. A video game has been created that supposedly will aid in increasing interests in relation to serving in the army. Frankly,
this convention is utterly irrational, moronic, and an incredible waste of taxpayer's resources. Video games have long been portrayed as a fun
activity. So why take an event as serious as war, and implement it in a platform that is designed to be an escape from reality? "The game focuses on
the adrenaline rush of the fight... And can 't convey the true human costs of war." (Text 2, 13ā€“14), a very valid point is made in this quote in regards to
the blatant failure to convey the realistic consequences of war using this video game. Again, this point is proven by a quote also in text two that
reads, "When the adrenaline rush from the video battles is over you can put the game aside. In real life, the scars of war stay with soldiers forever."
(48). Again, this article justly assess the palpable issue of the game not addressing all events that follow battles in wartime situations. More often than
not, survivors of war efforts don 't return "home" as the same people they were antecedently. Many suffer from traumas whether they be physical or
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Persuasive Essay On Video Games
i.Research over the past decade at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Institute for the Future has shown that games consistently provide us
with the four ingredients that make for a happy and meaningful life: satisfying work, real hope for success, strong social connections and the chance to
become a part of something bigger than ourselves (Mcgonigal 396). ii. Mocgonigal's research proves, video games can increase social bonds, reduce
depression and relieve stress. Janes shares stories and data from players who have followed the Super Better rules to get stronger, happier, and braver
in the face of depression, anxiety, illness, and injury (Mocgonigal 395) iii. Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard and U.C.Berkeley have
shown, provide the foundation for optimal human experience. iv. Mocgonigals used rhetoric device logos, when referencing's a study conducted at the
University of Pennsylvania. Jane acknowledged another credible source that supports her theory that video games can be beneficial to mankind. The
University's alumni Marcus T Wright wrote in his book "Paradox of the LearningGame" Video games bring about so much imagination, creativity, and
problemā€“solving. Wrights sates video games can be beneficial to education regarding finance and health (qdt. Using video games as tools).
v.(NOTE: the number of sub points will depend on how much you develop the argument, but at minimum 2 strong supports are needed to provide
adequate support.)
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Persuasive Essay Video Games

  • 1. Persuasive Essay Video Games Games are becoming more advanced and realistic every year, however, the violence in them are becoming more of a concern to parents because of the increasingly frequent emphasis on killing opponents in graphically gruesome ways. As time goes by games get more and more realistic and more violent. Parents think that today gaming just have killing and bad language. Children should be able to play video games cause its not just a negative effect on young people but positive to. There are different categories in gaming such as shooter, adventure, puzzle, and many others. Most of the games in the shooter and action category are the violent ones. Also games that where made a long time ago are less violent then the games that they make today. In todays century most of the games have gore and when parents see stuff like this they don't won't there children playing these types ofvideo game cause they think in could effect more content... military and future doctors. Playing games does not have a negative effects cause they help boost your brain power. Critics try and say games are all violent, but some games have trivia and puzzles that give you a hard time and make you use your brain to figure it out. Studies show that the stress of continually dodging bullets and rapidly navigating virtual maps can lead to people to rely on a more instinctive way of learning. Study shows that navigating in games cam harm your ability to find their way around landmarks and past experiences but there is no real proof of this. Independent experts questioned the findings and said that even if the changes were real there was no reason to believe that video games could harm your health. Other experts argue with this article and say that there is no real proof that video games can do bad thing to your brain. I think that the reason for people making articles that say video games are bad for you is to get people to stop playing Get more content on
  • 2. Persuasive Essay On Video Games Growing up as a gamer, I have experienced many new things in the video game industry. I've been playing video games since the Segaā€“genisis that I started playing when I was three years old. I've been gaming almost my whole life, I have watched new console been introduced, seen video games go from 1080p to now an amazing 4K which makes the graphics look amazing. Modern video games even have virtual reality that you as a consumer can now play in your own living room. But, even though we have amazing things in video games the modern gamer is being introducing to a new problem. The problem I am addressing of coarse is micro transactions in video games. Modern game companies are charging you $60.00 dollars for a video game. Once you purchase this said video game you have to grind countless hours in order to obtain specific items that will enhance your abilities in this virtue world, or you can turn your real life currency into this video game currency in order to potentially get these items early on. This concept is called pay to win. The definition of pay to win as stated in wikipedia "is In some multiplayer video games, players who are willing to pay for special items or downloadable content may be able to gain a significant advantage over those playing for free." Though I believe companies should be allowed to do this in free video game, I think it is wrong to charge someone $60.00 and afterwords try to make them buy guns in order to enhance their gameplay. What I propose Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Essay : The Benefits Of Video Games Dereck Garcia Miss Windish English II 5 October 2017 The Benefits of Video Games Do you remember the first time you played a video game? Was it Super Mario Brothers, Call of Duty, or Minesweeper? How about the time your parents told you that video games will rot your brain? Well forget all that, this paper is going to tell you the benefits of playing video games. My claim is that video games can help you with leadership skills, problem solving, education, and cognitive function. Video games can also help you overcome dyslexia. A lot of people think it can make dyslexia worse since you 'barely' read in video games. One study shows that as few as 12 hours of video game play improved dyslexic children's score on tests of reading and phonology. (Gray, Peter) This can be true because MMORPG, like World of Warcraft, almost require you to read to know what's happening or how something works since there's little to no narration or automatic text reading. In World of Warcraft, there's tasks that are called 'Quests' and the quests require you to read all of the text to know how to do something or what to look for, but not all games have text. Call of Duty games can actually have no text at all and have little to no effect on dyslexia, and sometimes actually make it worse. Video games can actually be reduce impulsiveness. Impulsiveness is reacting to things, and sometimes you can be too impulsive which can lead to you reacting to things you don't need to react. Action games Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Video Games Call of Duty 3, Legend Of Zelda, Super Mario Bros., Minecraft, Assassins Creed, and NBA2K18 are some video games that I can mention because they are popular. Video games are fun, and it feels good for an individual because like it's a new thing. Creating, building, or violent shootings might be parts illustrated in video games, so it's a new experience for beginners. Video games are a new way to explore and develop new skills trough electronic consoles such as Xbox, PlayStation, or Wii. Gamers who are considered those who play a lot, for example, they play five or ten hours on a daily, and results are that they'll be more likely to be smarter, healthier, sociable, and successful. By the looks of it, the video games are evolving to benefit the new generation. Video games are all different, and there are some that help by teaching individuals. Schools have been using technology for centuries now, but this method of using online action or video games to teach students the curriculum is expanding. The difference between video games and a normal teaching style such as discussion is that video games make situations fun or entertaining rather than dull and aloof like typical teaching styles. But Amy Novotney, a full time communications consultant with fifteen years of experience in medical and health writing, in her article "Gaming to Learn" she explains how schools are introducing online games as educational tools for students to learn. "Nearly 60 percent of teachers now use Get more content on
  • 5. Persuasive Essay About Video Games The Story of the Search I dedicate a large amount of my time to playng video games, and I often hear claims like, "video games rot your brain," and, "video games aren't healthy," but I wondered, are these common arguments actually true? I decided to find out. I already knew that there were some positive effects of video games and some negative effects, and I also knew that too much exposure to screens in general. However, I was not sure what exactly what the specific benefits and detriments were. What I hoped to learn was how video games affect the brain and the body, how they helped and hurt people, and what kinds of video games are the best and worst for you. In my research process, I would search for a different subquestion each day, and I would look for the most credible source I could find, and take down all the useful information. Sometimes I would find information that opened up a new area of research and would lead me to research it more. Using this process, I was able to find a large volume of useful, credible information and find answers to all my questions. The Results of The Search I was very surprised with the results of my search, as I was expecting mostly negative effects. However, the results were that video games had overwhelmingly positive effects on the brain. The first piece of information I found was that according to Sage Publishing, studies showed a strong, positive link between action video games showed and improving attention skills, brain Get more content on
  • 6. Persuasive Speech On Video Games Do you like to play video games and be able to play them in school? I believe Video games are beneficial for students in the classroom and home. Using video games in schools or higher institutions can help build teamwork, foster decisions, critical and strategic skills useful in schools, work and life. Who remembers Super Mario brothers? Well, According to Guinness Record, SuperMario Bros is Nintendo's bestā€“selling game. My experience with video games growing up is that I remember playing Super Mario and Tetris with my cousins. Every time I played, I felt an adrenaline rush due to the excitement, so, I became competitive, and was always looking for a challenge. We would stay up late whenever we get can our gaming in, while our parents were asleep. I even fought with my cousins for hogging up the controllers, but in the long run, I learned to be patient and strategize against other players such as my cousins. Today, I will discuss why video games should be part of a class curriculum, and how it benefits students struggling academically. There are many students struggling in schools, but without an engaging and fun outlet that promotes learning, these students eventually stop going to class or end up failing, therefore, this poses a problem with the future of learning. There is a lack of student motivation, and lack of attendance in schools. There are options for students who have not responded well to traditional methods. There are many factors that contribute Get more content on
  • 7. Why Do Video Games Promote Violence? "I like video games, but they're really violent. I'd like to play a videogame where you help the people who were shot in all other games. It'd be called Really Busy Hospital."ā€“Demitri Martin. Role playing games have been a source of fun and entertainment for children and adults. There are more safe and calm games such as Just Dance, and there are more Perilous games such as Call of Duty. Role playing games such as killer are perilous for school age children putting them in danger, teaching violence, and teaching reckless behavior. As shown throughout the story Shootout, killer teaches and encourages violence. Studies have shown that many people have used the violence learned in role playing games and carried it out in the real world. In the game killer played in schools, kids are encouraged to make "kills" by shooting others with water guns. As quoted in the story, "The game lasts two weeks and is especially ferocious"( Martin 1).It is important to notice that introducing teens to violence before they are out on their own can encourage violence in the real world. Some might get so caught up in what happens in a role playing game, that it can carry out aggression in the real world. According to Guy Martin, games such as killer can cause people to turn on each other and can even cause people to call it a massacre. Massacre is not a word to be played around with, for it is a real life tragedy ( Martin 1). This is significant because when one plays around with a word that is a Get more content on
  • 8. Persuasive Essay On Video Games Video Games are evolving every day and have shaped the way people interact with other individuals. Online gaming is the new way of communication between different kinds of people that are around the world, allowing anybody to play with anyone and to better know some of the people and for them to get to know you back. Video Games allows the person to express their real selves and who they really are. Online gaming shows how social different types of people are or can be when gaming online. Online is the perfect time to test whether someone is social or not, and will put their social skills to the test. Social skills show how someone antiā€“social or someone who is not can be when they are behind a screen, not out in public. In an article wrote by Matthew Cenzon he says, "Children who are shy and lack confidence when socializing with their peers may have an easier time opening up while playing video games" (Cenzon, par.5). This quote goes to shows which type of people are in online gaming. Some of the people who play online usually are not outgoing people in the real world, so they get on the videogame and get to act like there real selves because they do not have to worry about what other people have to say about them. But the people who are outgoing in the real world tend to get online and start shouting at people and being loud. This shows the type of people online because most people would not just jump online and start screaming at people and embarrassing themselves on a Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Persuasive Speech Against Video Games Thesis: The rise of the video game has had many negative effects on children. INTRODUCTION Attentionā€“getter: Whenever I look out from my window at home, nothing but memories come back to me. The house three doors down was the unsuspecting target of the foul balls we would hit when we use to play home run derby. Or my basketball hoop which held many world championships between me being the bulls and my friends being that year's runner up. In the park across the street, I ended up blackmailing my neighbor, who was a few years older than me, into letting me play football with him and his friends. That's how much I loved to be outside and play with my friends. As I become aware that my street has become barren from children more content... In Grand Theft Auto, you run a round picking up jobs in an imaginary city. These jobs range from killing union workers to stealing pricy automobiles. In Conker's Bad Fur day, you play as a playful cartoon squirrel that drinks beer and urinates on the enemy to defeat him. In the Journal of the American Medical Association, 90% of the games played today actually reward the player to injure another person and these were the games rated Teen. These types of gratuitous violence portrayed in video games transfer over into the everyday lives of these children. Studies of children exposed to violence have shown that they can become: "immune" or numb to the horror of violence, imitate the violence they see, and show more aggressive behavior the more they're exposed to violence. Some children accept violence as a way to handle problems. Studies have also shown that the more realistic and repeated the exposure to violence, the greater the impact on children. For instance, a child in Kentucky ended up bringing a revolver to school and shot 8 students. Police ended up pinā€“pointing the source to the video games the child had been playing. The child ended up raking in more than 10,000 hours of a shoot em' up style game that rewarded bonus points for headshots. Even if the games are not violent, another side effect that video games have on the health of children is with exercising. In a Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Essay On Video Games "I never have an end goal. I don't want to be a movie star. I just want to live everyday making another cool thing I'm proud of" (O'Conner, 3). Markiplier explains his ideology of making his gaming videos. He wants to create videos of his interest and what he is proud of. While it is true that Gaming YouTubers are people who make a living online playing video games, through charity campaigns and creating a positive community of people like them allows them to send a message to their viewers and it is necessary to encourage these gamers because but hate online can create them to feel uninspired to create their content. Even though it is unfair to a working citizen that Gaming YouTubers make a great living online playing video games, it takes a lot of time and dedication to create one of their videos, never the less make their channel become big enough to earn money. It would be anyone's dream to earn a great amount of money for doing something they love to do but not everyone has the opportunity. An American worker that works a regular job comments on the earning of Gaming YouTubers, "So you work 14 hours a day and earn $100,000 a year. Wow! That's great. You must be awesome. Well, I know a guy who records himself play video games every day and earn a freaking $12 million dollars! $12 million dollars! I can see some of you already hating him" (Siddhu 1). It is unfair to working citizens that a person could earn so much money off of doing something simple online. Even though Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Speech On Video Games Introduction 1.8 Billion, 1.8 Billion gamers in the world! That is more than the population of India or China. The gaming industry has attracted over a billion customers and has made around hundreds of billions dollars so far. So therefore i am going to persuade you that video games are incredibly beneficial. Some of the most valuable and necessary skills, video games give us include: Social advantages, Mental Advantages and Skills that will secure jobs. I am doing this because i am sick and tired of the common stereotype that gamers and lazy, stupid, unemployed and a particular age. I am here to give the drastic advantages and put a rest to this urban myth. Main Body 1 (Social Advantages) Many people suffer from mental disorders more content... Main Body 2 (Mental Advantages) Video games are "a waste of time" they don 't actually improve anything, they are just entertainment. However there is drastic evidence to show that couldn't be further from the truth. They actually have a huge mental benefit that can enhance memory, better hand to eye coordination and enhanced reflexes along with other things aswell. Showing that they are indeed not just a time killer and waster but are hugely benefiting the minds of the people that play them. The first point I would like to bring up is enhanced memory, a study suggests that young children can benefit from the memory aspects of video games. Several children had multiple sessions of several video games with increases challenge and it had been noted that they did show signs of progress in the difficulty but more importantly an increase in a strong memory showing that the two indeed have a connection. Secondly hand to eye coordination, another study was conducted and yet again the gamer who repeatedly played games was faster, sharper and overall better than the nonā€“gamer. The other main point is reflexes which sort of ties in with the other points but deserves another mention, research indicates that fastā€“paced gameplay along the lines of Call of Duty and other various games, does in fact increase reflexes. Skills You may think to yourself when is this information relevant to anything, however it could or will Get more content on
  • 12. Persuasive Essay On Video Games Video games are enjoyed by many around the globe because of the wide variety of genres available on the market today. These genres range from singleā€“player roleā€“playing games to multiplayer firstā€“person shooters. So, it begs the question "Why do people seem to enjoy slandering this industry and blame them for hatred, crime, and antiā€“social behaviour? The type of people that slander video games constantly criticise this industry but have they taken the time to actually consider the benefits of playing video games? "Video games are making children aggressive and violent!" Said no intelligent person on this planet ever. There has been a debate for decades on whether or not video games are the centre cause of aggressive behaviour in children due to the amount of exposure to mature themes. There high doubts that video games are the cause of hostility in kids and should be seen responsible. There are millions of television shows that contain much more mature and inappropriate content, yet no one bats an eye but all of a sudden when a virtual person shoots a gun everyone goes ballistic! People always say computer games are a bad influence but what pieces of evidence do they have that back up their claim? A psychologist named Andy Przybylski from the University of Oxford concluded his experiment and stated there was no solid proof that links violent video games with aggressive behaviour 1. The hostility of a person can be caused by many things like past experiences such as Get more content on
  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Video Games You're stuck at school, in a classroom, listening to the teacher lecture about DNA and the function of cells. You write down notes and problem examples mindlessly. Boring. You can't wait until school is over. All that's in your mind is coming back home and relaxing with that new video game you just bought. But imagine playing video games as part of your education instead of sitting in a classroom. You would actually be engaged in learning as your tiredness and boredom fades away with a more immersive setting. Handsā€“on learning would allow you to learn directly and from experience. School would be much more fun. From the start of the creation of video games, most were viewed as a sole form of leisure. Contrary to popular opinion, while video games today do appeal to the entertainment market, with current and future technologies in the gaming industry, video games can function as a bridge in learning and developing practical skills. A serious game is defined as a game whose primary purpose is other than pure entertainment. Usually these types of games offer assistance in the field of defense, education, science, medicine, and engineering. The original intent of creating a video game was for entertainment purposes but quickly transformed into a wide variety of applied purposes with the rise and advancement of new technology in the video game industry. For example, some games can mirror the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and allows the player to take a risk at investing with Get more content on
  • 14. Persuasive Essay On Video Games Rafiq Stanton 11/16/2017 Composition I Video Games Can Educate Video Games can educate the youth and change their young minds. Some of the first video games ever made like Pac Man, Mario Bros.,Sonic the Hedgehog and Street Fighter never helped someone learn math and english which caused video games to get bad names from parents like video games are to distracting and you can do something better with your time like study but, over time things can change and become a whole lot better and based off what this website it says that "A number of recent studies have indicated that video games, even violent ones, can help kids develop essential emotional and intellectual skills that support academic achievement." This research can help teachers around the globe to recognize the benefits of video games and try to include gameā€“based learning in their class rooms. However, it's not only just gaming in school that gets benefits. In recent research it shows that all gaming that kids do can be positive. Video games have a positive and good effect on players of all ages, especially those with emotional or mental problems. Video Games give players a chance to get away from the everyday stresses of life and Chill out. Giving your mind time to rest is good for emotional and mental wellā€“being. Everyday rest reduces the risk of heart problems and stroke, helps your memory, lessens the chances of depression, and helps decision making." It even has physical health benefits, by suppressing urges to stressā€“eat and reducing acne. And all these benefits come from doing something that's actually fun to do!" Most young kids see video games as a social activity to interact with other people not to isolate their self from people. Video games create a common ground for young kids to make friends, allow kids to hang out, and provide structured time with friends. On the website is said "that boys were more likely to play video games with a group of friends, either in the same room or online. Plus, young boys said games were a frequent focus for conversation among their peers"One boy revealed that his peers at school mostly talked about "girls and games ā€“ā€“ the two Gs." While looking over the website I also found out that children with mild Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Video Games And Violence Video Games and Violence In today's world, one of the big topics is whether video games cause violence. I strongly believe that it isn't the case. Having been an avid gamer for most of my life and knowing thousands more, I have seen firstā€“hand video games do not cause violence. I know you don't want to just take my word for it, so I will show you through others as well. Video games in their entirety do not cause violence. When you look at the games that are out now, most depict events in life past or present. Others go on a fairy tale ride that most people can discern the difference. One of the biggest games of all time that go on the fairy tale ride is Grand Theft Auto. GTA has been one of the bestā€“selling and most controversial games ever made Kids from all ages play it with many adults advocating for its ban. I have played and enjoyed this game myself over the years with friends and random people on the internet. Everyone that I have come across can always discern the difference between the game and real life. The game itself has a beginning, middle, and end. The main goal is to get to the end. Sure, you have to do some questionable things along the way but at the end of the day there has been no proof to link this game to the realā€“world violence and crimes. A study was preformed and written on called Grand Theft Childhood. In this study/book it states that "They found a correlation between boys playing Matureā€“rated games and certain aggressive acts and other Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Video Games Living in the 21st century means that humans will be exposed to many improvements in technology. Technology such as video games will change the culture around us humans and more specifically children and teens in the future.Video games have recently been on the news and have received negative attention since some games display strong violence.Video games seperate their audiences into two groups, children and adults.Mature audience games being the ones in the middle of the controversy considering that overtime we now see children asking for the games that their older siblings play.The point im trying to bring to the table is that labeling games with an age limit is exagerated and false, so what im proposing is to remove age restriction from games that are intended for a mature audience for the reasons that these type of video games can help children and teens by enhancing abilities to problem solve,by making teens happier,and by helping teens realise the consequences of a crime with out actually being punished. All reasons for why age restrictions should be taken off the cases of every video game that is sold to the public. Violent Video games are most often seen from a bad perspective as Bezio Kristin notes that society has always looked for something to blame when tragedy happens " Before video games, society blamed rock 'n' roll for violence and bad behavior among young people. Before rock 'n' roll, we blamed television. Before television, movies. Before movies, mystery Get more content on
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Video Games Rafiq Stanton 11/16/2017 Composition I Video Games Can Educate Video Games can educate the youth and change their young minds. Some of the first video games ever made like Pac Man, Mario Bros.,Sonic the Hedgehog and Street Fighter never helped someone learn their ABC's and 123's which caused video games to develop a bad name like it's "rotting kids' brains" or distract them from more important studies but over time things change and become better and based off this website it says that "A number of recent studies have indicated that video games, even violent ones, can help kids develop essential emotional and intellectual skills that support academic achievement. These findings led many innovative teachers around the globe to recognize the benefits of gaming and include gameā€“based learning in their curricula. However, it's not just inā€“school gaming that reaps benefits. New research shows that all gaming can be positive." Video games can have positive, therapeutic effects on players of all ages, especially those with mental or emotional problems. Games provide a chance to tune out the stresses of everyday life and decompress. Giving your mind time to rest is critical for emotional and mental wellā€“being. Relaxation reduces the risk of heart problems and stroke, boosts memory, buffers against depression, and helps decision making. It even has physical health benefits, by suppressing Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Essay : Video Games Argumentative Essay In today's society, more and more people are looking into military based occupations. Countless amounts of AD campaigns and television commercials have been launched in hopes of spreading awareness about this particular field. However, a new recruitment tactic has joined the military's arsenal. A video game has been created that supposedly will aid in increasing interests in relation to serving in the army. Frankly, this convention is utterly irrational, moronic, and an incredible waste of taxpayer's resources. Video games have long been portrayed as a fun activity. So why take an event as serious as war, and implement it in a platform that is designed to be an escape from reality? "The game focuses on the adrenaline rush of the fight... And can 't convey the true human costs of war." (Text 2, 13ā€“14), a very valid point is made in this quote in regards to the blatant failure to convey the realistic consequences of war using this video game. Again, this point is proven by a quote also in text two that reads, "When the adrenaline rush from the video battles is over you can put the game aside. In real life, the scars of war stay with soldiers forever." (48). Again, this article justly assess the palpable issue of the game not addressing all events that follow battles in wartime situations. More often than not, survivors of war efforts don 't return "home" as the same people they were antecedently. Many suffer from traumas whether they be physical or Get more content on
  • 19. Persuasive Essay On Video Games i.Research over the past decade at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Institute for the Future has shown that games consistently provide us with the four ingredients that make for a happy and meaningful life: satisfying work, real hope for success, strong social connections and the chance to become a part of something bigger than ourselves (Mcgonigal 396). ii. Mocgonigal's research proves, video games can increase social bonds, reduce depression and relieve stress. Janes shares stories and data from players who have followed the Super Better rules to get stronger, happier, and braver in the face of depression, anxiety, illness, and injury (Mocgonigal 395) iii. Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard and U.C.Berkeley have shown, provide the foundation for optimal human experience. iv. Mocgonigals used rhetoric device logos, when referencing's a study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania. Jane acknowledged another credible source that supports her theory that video games can be beneficial to mankind. The University's alumni Marcus T Wright wrote in his book "Paradox of the LearningGame" Video games bring about so much imagination, creativity, and problemā€“solving. Wrights sates video games can be beneficial to education regarding finance and health (qdt. Using video games as tools). v.(NOTE: the number of sub points will depend on how much you develop the argument, but at minimum 2 strong supports are needed to provide adequate support.) 2. Get more content on