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“Whatever the mind of man can conceive & believe it can achieve” – Napoleon Hill

Personal effectiveness is a branch of the self help movement dealing with success, goals,
and related concepts.

A primary differentiating factor is that Personal Effectiveness proponents generally take a more
systematic approach including a number of factors besides simple positive thinking. Some
proponents take an approach with similarities to business process management techniques.
Others may take a holistic spiritual and physical wellness approach.

Many of the ideas behind the personal effectiveness movement derive from the field of business
and management. Luminaries like Peter Drucker, W. Edwards Deming, and Genichi
Taguchi revolutionized business and industry in the mid-20th century by focusing on such
concepts as quality, efficiency, and optimization. In particular, Drucker‟s ideas of “Management
by Objectives” as explained in his 1954 book 'The Practice of Management' emphasized the
importance of clarity of roles, responsibilities, and expectations. They also outlined the
framework of SMART goal setting.

Common traits of Personally Effective People

Take responsibility for their own learning and development

Make effective plans and decisions in relation to life and work

Increase their effectiveness in life and work through enhanced interpersonal skills

Acquire the necessary skills to analyze and evaluate key issues

Develop an understanding of personal responsibility in relation to health, hygiene and safety

Recognize learning as a lifelong activity.


                                             What you

                   Focused & Specified
                                                                      Why you want it
Effectiveness V/S Efficiency

Effective: Adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result.

Efficient: Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and

                                Foundation for success

                 “Begin With the End in Mind” – Steven Covey

Define your Professional Objectives

       Your Values
       Your Vision
       Your Passion
       Your Skills
       Your Aptitudes
       Your Preferences
       You‟re Style

          Being clear about values makes a significant difference in behavior at work


       Learn how to sell yourself & Create a plan for doing so.
Execute, Monitor & Refine

       Get your message out – Network

Focus on Success

“Clarity about personal and organizational values is directly proportional to
organizational commitment” -- Kouzes & Posner (First Law of Leadership)

                 Danger                          Goals
                               Opportunity                   Survaval
                 Fear                 Negative thoughts
                            Beliefs                          Decisions

                 Action Plan          Affirmations          Self sabotage

“Whether You Think You Can or Can’t You’re Right” – Henry Ford

                        Personal Effectiveness in Today’s Modern Work Life

Modern work life is a stimulating environment full of impressions, encounters, experiences and
inspirations, challenging our skills to change and adapt.
 However many individuals may find themselves in a situation of physical and mental stress
resulting in anxiety and fatigue and various other problems.

We need to look at the Dangers of Being under Stress

Stress can be due to various reasons; the most common are distortions between real or
perceived expectations and availability of resources like time, money, knowledge.

Common Side effects of Stress
Sleeping disorders and dizziness.
   Short-term memory and concentration disorders.
   Worries, anxiety and depression and allergies
   Loss of appetite
   Tiredness & fatigue
   Stomachache, headache, backache, muscular pain. , chest pain and ulcers.

                        Tools for Personal Effectiveness

        “Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right” – Henry Ford

1. Values Identification
   Know what is important to you.
2. Behavior Analysis
   Know yourself
   Control yourself
   Know others
   Meet their needs
3. Goal Setting
   Short Term Goals
   Long Term Goals
   SMART Goals
4. Affirmation
   Recognize your strengths
   Accept your strengths
5. Visualization
6. Action Plan
   General Listing
   Daily – What Matters Most
7. Accountability and Structure
   Your Friends and Peers
   Your Accountability Partner

   Set Smart Goals
   Tell Others
   Get an Accountability partner
S – Specific
      M- Measurable
      A – Achievable
      R – Relevant
      T- Time Defined

      1. Acknowledge them
      2. Read them aloud
      3. Memorize them
      4. Say them to yourself with conviction through the day.

    1. Write down affirmations of what you hope to achieve as if you have already achieved it.
    2. See it, Feel it, experience it. The more vivid, the more powerful it will be.

      Action Plan
      Use your Conscious and Sub-conscious mind to geo all the ideas of what you need.
      Write them down
      Classify and prioritize them

      Accountability and structure
      Take full responsibility for all your action and your present circumstances
      Get a coach or an accountability partner
      Join a master mind group ( a group of people who work at a similar frequency)

                                       Coping Strategies

Urgency vs. Importance

                  Quadrant 1                                                Quadrant 2

              Urgent & Important                                   Not Urgent But Important
Quadrant 3                                               Quadrant 4

           Urgent But Not Important                                 Not Urgent Not Important

31 Golden Rules on How to Prioritize Your Task (Brian Tracy)

    1. Work On Your Most Important Task
    Identify and work on your most important task – one which will have maximum positive
    impact on you / your life first thing in the morning. Make this a habit.
    2. Learn from Experts
    Find out what experts are doing and do the same thing till you get the same results.
    People who do things better than you aren‟t necessarily better than you. They just do
    things better/differently.
    3. Be Selective
    Don‟t work on whatever comes up. Choose what you are going to work on.
    4. Don’t Think; Just Do
    Don‟t spend too much time thinking about important tasks you don‟t like. Letting the task
    be or ignoring it or staring it is not going to make the task any easier. Just get going.
    Begin the task and complete it without thinking much about it.
    5. Get Addicted in a Positive Way
    Whenever you finish your most important/difficult tasks, endorphins get released in your
    brain – they make you feel good about yourself. Get addicted to these endorphins. Get
    addicted to the rush and satisfaction of completing important tasks.
    6. Get Clear
    Lack of clarity leads to procrastination. When you know clearly what you are supposed
    to do and why, it motivates you and pushes you forward to take the next step towards
    your goals.
    7. Plan In Advance – The 10/90 Rule of Personal Effectiveness
    10% of time you spend in planning and organizing your work before you begin will save
    90% of time in getting the job done once you get started. Take some time to plan your
    work before beginning your day (preferably plan the night before).

    Think on Paper.

    8. Work From A List
    Always work from a list. You increase your productivity and output by 25% once you start
    doing everything from your list. Create a master list, monthly list, weekly list and daily list.
9. Follow The 80-20 Rule
As per the 80-20 Rule, 20% of tasks you do give you 80% of results. If you have 10
items to do, 2 items from that will be worth way more than the rest 8 items put together.
What are those 2 items for you?

All 10 items from your list can take same amount of time. However, each item gives
different results. The average person procrastinates on the 2 items – on the 20% which
gives you most results. What activities are you focusing on?

Refuse to work on tasks which fall under the 80% until you are done working on the 20%

10. Obey The Law of Forced Efficiency
The law of forced efficiency says that “There is never enough time to do everything,
but always enough time to do the most important thing.” Work on things that matter since
no matter how much you do, you will always leave some tasks pending.
11. Ask Yourself These Three Questions for Maximum Productivity
 o   1. What are my highest value activities?
 o   2. What can I and only I do that if done well will make a real difference?
 o   3. What is the most valuable use of my time right now?
12. Procrastinate Creatively … Procrastinate On Purpose
There is never going to be enough time for you to do everything on your list. Most people
procrastinate unconsciously – by choosing to do certain things, theyprocrastinate the
rest of things. Because of procrastinating without thinking, they procrastinate on their
most important tasks – ones which could have a greater positive impact on their lives
and careers. Instead, procrastinate knowingly, procrastinate deliberately on activities
which produce low or negligible results.
13. Say No
No is the most powerful word in time management, the most important word in your
vocabulary – need I say more?
14. Use The ABCDE Method Continually
Assign a A, B, C, D or E to each task based on it‟s importance. Prioritize tasks under
each letter by setting a numerical sequence. Follow the Letter – Number combination.
Never pick a B activity when A is yet undone. Never pick a C activity when B is yet to be
done … so on and so forth.
 o A consists of all your frogs

 o   B consists of all „should do‟ activities
 o   C consists of „nice to get done‟ activities
 o   D consists of tasks which should be delegated
 o   E consists of tasks which should be eliminated
15. Focus On Your Key Result Areas
Identify and determine those results that you absolutely, positively have to get to do your
job well, and work on them all day long.
16. Strengthen Your Weakest Link
Each job will have 5-7 key result areas. Your weakest key result area is the limit at which
you can use all your skills and abilities (similar to the strength of a chain is in it‟s weakest
link). To get better results, strengthen your weak areas.
17. Apply The Law Of Three
Write down your three most important goals in life right now in 30 seconds. Whether you
are given 30 seconds or 30 minutes, the answer is usually the same. This is because
when you are given only 30 seconds, your subconscious kicks in and gives you the
answer you need quickly.

The Law of Three can be applied anywhere in your life. Follow this exercise – write down
answers to each of these questions in 30 seconds … be quick

 o   1. What are your three most important business or career goals right now?
 o   2. What are your three most important family or relationship goals right now?
 o   3. What are your three most important financial goals right now?
 o   4. What are your three most important health goals right now?
 o   5. What are your three most important personal and professional development
     goals right now?
 o   6. What are your three most important social and community goals right now?
 o   7. What are your three biggest problems or concerns in life right now?
18. Create A Work Friendly Environment
Prepare thoroughly before you begin: Have everything you need at hand before you
start. Assemble all the papers, information, tools, work materials, and numbers you might
require so that you can get started and keep going.
19. How Do You Eat A Elephant? – One bite at a time.
How do you finish a huge project? One step at a time. You can complete any kind of
project – no matter how overwhelming if you focus on completing just one step at a time.
20. Become A Life Long Student
Feeling of inadequacy, lack of confidence leads to procrastination. Work on mastering
your field, your core competencies to increase productivity. Lead your field.
  Three Steps to Mastery
 o 1. Read at least one hour

 o   2. Upgrade your skills. Learn from experts, take seminars/courses/ workshops etc
     … anything which can keep you updated. Dedicate yourself to become one of the
     most knowledgeable and competent person in your field
o   3. Make most of your driving time. Listen to audio programs in your car.
21. Eliminate Your Key Constraints
What is holding you back? Identify a single major constraint which is slowing you down
or is the reason you procrastinate. Put all your energy into eliminating that constraint.
Apply the 80-20 rule to constraints. 80% of constraints usually are internal – which
means they are workable. Identify the top 20% of constraints amongst these and get set
to remove them.
22. Set deadlines
Deadlines beat procrastination and get you going. Set imaginary deadlines if you must.
And see how fast you eat your frogs.
23. Maximize Your Personal Power
Figure out when are you physically and mentally most productive. Schedule your
important and tough tasks at this time.

Sleep well, eat well and work out well. How rested and physically fit you are directly
impacts the quantity and quality of your work.

24. Motivate Yourself – Be Your Personal Cheerleader
Psychologist Nathaniel Branden defines self esteem as “the reputation you have with
yourself”. How you feel about yourself plays a central role in how you perform. Control
your inner dialogue. Use positive affirmations. Don‟t say/think things which make you
doubt yourself or make you fearful.
25. Become A Optimist
Martin Seligman, author of Learned Optimism states that optimism is the most important
quality you can develop for personal and professional success. Optimism can be learned
through practice and repetition. Here are four special behaviors all optimists have -
 o 1. Look for good in all situations

 o   2. Seek valuable lesson in every set back or difficulty
 o   3. Look for solution to every problem
 o   4. Think and talk continually about your goals
26. Be Master Of Technology & Not Slave
Technology if used unwisely can be a huge time waster. Don‟t get addicted to
technology. Detaching from technology from time to time can help you center and focus
on things that matter.
Apply 80-20 Rule To Technology. Only 20% of all emails you get are important. Out of
those 20%, only 20% need immediate response. The rest can be put aside for batch
27. Create A Zone Of Silence
Create zones of silence during your day to day activities. Schedule for technology free
hour in morning and noon. It will help you to center and relax your mind. It will help you
   to recharge your batteries.

   You can take this further and schedule for technology free days as well.

   28. Use The Slice And Dice Approach
   There are two ways to use the slice and dice approach to work on huge projects -
    o 1. Work on one slice of project per day and then carry on with other activities.

    o     2. Work for one slice of time (15 min, 30 mins, 1 hour … whatever time you
          decide) and then carry on with other activities.

   Over a period of time, you will be able to complete the project without experiencing a lot
   of resistance from your side.

   29. Create Large Chunks Of Time
   Identify when do you have large chunks of free time and assign it to important tasks.
   Plan the rest of tasks around this time. Schedule activities to ensure they get done.
   30. Make Most of Gifts of Time
   Flight time, waiting time etc are what author refers to as gifts of time. You get free,
   undisturbed time while flying or waiting. Plan in advance what work you can accomplish
   at times like this.
   31. Complete What You Start
   Once you start a task, don‟t stop till you are 100% done. Work with single focus. When
   you have identified and are working on your most important task, doing anything else in
   between is a waste of time. Discipline yourself to work without distraction on the task in
   hand till it is 100% completed.


        Napoleon Hill
        Tony Robins
        Steven Covey
        Brain Tracy
        Jack Canfield
        Dr. Wayne Dyre

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Personal effectiveness 1

  • 1. “Whatever the mind of man can conceive & believe it can achieve” – Napoleon Hill Personal effectiveness is a branch of the self help movement dealing with success, goals, and related concepts. A primary differentiating factor is that Personal Effectiveness proponents generally take a more systematic approach including a number of factors besides simple positive thinking. Some proponents take an approach with similarities to business process management techniques. Others may take a holistic spiritual and physical wellness approach. Many of the ideas behind the personal effectiveness movement derive from the field of business and management. Luminaries like Peter Drucker, W. Edwards Deming, and Genichi Taguchi revolutionized business and industry in the mid-20th century by focusing on such concepts as quality, efficiency, and optimization. In particular, Drucker‟s ideas of “Management by Objectives” as explained in his 1954 book 'The Practice of Management' emphasized the importance of clarity of roles, responsibilities, and expectations. They also outlined the framework of SMART goal setting. Common traits of Personally Effective People Take responsibility for their own learning and development Make effective plans and decisions in relation to life and work Increase their effectiveness in life and work through enhanced interpersonal skills Acquire the necessary skills to analyze and evaluate key issues Develop an understanding of personal responsibility in relation to health, hygiene and safety Recognize learning as a lifelong activity. DECIDE What you want TAKE KNOW Focused & Specified action Why you want it
  • 2. Effectiveness V/S Efficiency Effective: Adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result. Efficient: Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort. Foundation for success “Begin With the End in Mind” – Steven Covey Define your Professional Objectives Your Values Your Vision Your Passion Your Skills Your Aptitudes Your Preferences You‟re Style Being clear about values makes a significant difference in behavior at work Plan Learn how to sell yourself & Create a plan for doing so.
  • 3. Execute, Monitor & Refine Get your message out – Network Focus on Success “Clarity about personal and organizational values is directly proportional to organizational commitment” -- Kouzes & Posner (First Law of Leadership) Failure Danger Goals Values Opportunity Survaval Visualization Fear Negative thoughts Beliefs Decisions Action Plan Affirmations Self sabotage “Whether You Think You Can or Can’t You’re Right” – Henry Ford Personal Effectiveness in Today’s Modern Work Life Modern work life is a stimulating environment full of impressions, encounters, experiences and inspirations, challenging our skills to change and adapt. However many individuals may find themselves in a situation of physical and mental stress resulting in anxiety and fatigue and various other problems. We need to look at the Dangers of Being under Stress Stress can be due to various reasons; the most common are distortions between real or perceived expectations and availability of resources like time, money, knowledge. Common Side effects of Stress
  • 4. Sleeping disorders and dizziness. Short-term memory and concentration disorders. Worries, anxiety and depression and allergies Loss of appetite Tiredness & fatigue Stomachache, headache, backache, muscular pain. , chest pain and ulcers. Tools for Personal Effectiveness “Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right” – Henry Ford 1. Values Identification Know what is important to you. 2. Behavior Analysis Know yourself Control yourself Know others Meet their needs 3. Goal Setting Short Term Goals Long Term Goals SMART Goals 4. Affirmation Recognize your strengths Accept your strengths 5. Visualization BE-DO-HAVE (ASK-BELIEVE-RECEIVE) 6. Action Plan General Listing Daily – What Matters Most 7. Accountability and Structure Your Friends and Peers Your Accountability Partner Set Smart Goals Tell Others Get an Accountability partner
  • 5. S – Specific M- Measurable A – Achievable R – Relevant T- Time Defined Affirmation 1. Acknowledge them 2. Read them aloud 3. Memorize them 4. Say them to yourself with conviction through the day. Visualization 1. Write down affirmations of what you hope to achieve as if you have already achieved it. 2. See it, Feel it, experience it. The more vivid, the more powerful it will be. Action Plan Use your Conscious and Sub-conscious mind to geo all the ideas of what you need. Write them down Classify and prioritize them Accountability and structure Take full responsibility for all your action and your present circumstances Get a coach or an accountability partner Join a master mind group ( a group of people who work at a similar frequency) Coping Strategies Urgency vs. Importance Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2 Urgent & Important Not Urgent But Important
  • 6. Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4 Urgent But Not Important Not Urgent Not Important 31 Golden Rules on How to Prioritize Your Task (Brian Tracy) 1. Work On Your Most Important Task Identify and work on your most important task – one which will have maximum positive impact on you / your life first thing in the morning. Make this a habit. 2. Learn from Experts Find out what experts are doing and do the same thing till you get the same results. People who do things better than you aren‟t necessarily better than you. They just do things better/differently. 3. Be Selective Don‟t work on whatever comes up. Choose what you are going to work on. 4. Don’t Think; Just Do Don‟t spend too much time thinking about important tasks you don‟t like. Letting the task be or ignoring it or staring it is not going to make the task any easier. Just get going. Begin the task and complete it without thinking much about it. 5. Get Addicted in a Positive Way Whenever you finish your most important/difficult tasks, endorphins get released in your brain – they make you feel good about yourself. Get addicted to these endorphins. Get addicted to the rush and satisfaction of completing important tasks. 6. Get Clear Lack of clarity leads to procrastination. When you know clearly what you are supposed to do and why, it motivates you and pushes you forward to take the next step towards your goals. 7. Plan In Advance – The 10/90 Rule of Personal Effectiveness 10% of time you spend in planning and organizing your work before you begin will save 90% of time in getting the job done once you get started. Take some time to plan your work before beginning your day (preferably plan the night before). Think on Paper. 8. Work From A List Always work from a list. You increase your productivity and output by 25% once you start doing everything from your list. Create a master list, monthly list, weekly list and daily list.
  • 7. 9. Follow The 80-20 Rule As per the 80-20 Rule, 20% of tasks you do give you 80% of results. If you have 10 items to do, 2 items from that will be worth way more than the rest 8 items put together. What are those 2 items for you? All 10 items from your list can take same amount of time. However, each item gives different results. The average person procrastinates on the 2 items – on the 20% which gives you most results. What activities are you focusing on? Refuse to work on tasks which fall under the 80% until you are done working on the 20% 10. Obey The Law of Forced Efficiency The law of forced efficiency says that “There is never enough time to do everything, but always enough time to do the most important thing.” Work on things that matter since no matter how much you do, you will always leave some tasks pending. 11. Ask Yourself These Three Questions for Maximum Productivity o 1. What are my highest value activities? o 2. What can I and only I do that if done well will make a real difference? o 3. What is the most valuable use of my time right now? 12. Procrastinate Creatively … Procrastinate On Purpose There is never going to be enough time for you to do everything on your list. Most people procrastinate unconsciously – by choosing to do certain things, theyprocrastinate the rest of things. Because of procrastinating without thinking, they procrastinate on their most important tasks – ones which could have a greater positive impact on their lives and careers. Instead, procrastinate knowingly, procrastinate deliberately on activities which produce low or negligible results. 13. Say No No is the most powerful word in time management, the most important word in your vocabulary – need I say more? 14. Use The ABCDE Method Continually Assign a A, B, C, D or E to each task based on it‟s importance. Prioritize tasks under each letter by setting a numerical sequence. Follow the Letter – Number combination. Never pick a B activity when A is yet undone. Never pick a C activity when B is yet to be done … so on and so forth. o A consists of all your frogs o B consists of all „should do‟ activities o C consists of „nice to get done‟ activities o D consists of tasks which should be delegated o E consists of tasks which should be eliminated
  • 8. 15. Focus On Your Key Result Areas Identify and determine those results that you absolutely, positively have to get to do your job well, and work on them all day long. 16. Strengthen Your Weakest Link Each job will have 5-7 key result areas. Your weakest key result area is the limit at which you can use all your skills and abilities (similar to the strength of a chain is in it‟s weakest link). To get better results, strengthen your weak areas. 17. Apply The Law Of Three Write down your three most important goals in life right now in 30 seconds. Whether you are given 30 seconds or 30 minutes, the answer is usually the same. This is because when you are given only 30 seconds, your subconscious kicks in and gives you the answer you need quickly. The Law of Three can be applied anywhere in your life. Follow this exercise – write down answers to each of these questions in 30 seconds … be quick o 1. What are your three most important business or career goals right now? o 2. What are your three most important family or relationship goals right now? o 3. What are your three most important financial goals right now? o 4. What are your three most important health goals right now? o 5. What are your three most important personal and professional development goals right now? o 6. What are your three most important social and community goals right now? o 7. What are your three biggest problems or concerns in life right now? 18. Create A Work Friendly Environment Prepare thoroughly before you begin: Have everything you need at hand before you start. Assemble all the papers, information, tools, work materials, and numbers you might require so that you can get started and keep going. 19. How Do You Eat A Elephant? – One bite at a time. How do you finish a huge project? One step at a time. You can complete any kind of project – no matter how overwhelming if you focus on completing just one step at a time. 20. Become A Life Long Student Feeling of inadequacy, lack of confidence leads to procrastination. Work on mastering your field, your core competencies to increase productivity. Lead your field. Three Steps to Mastery o 1. Read at least one hour o 2. Upgrade your skills. Learn from experts, take seminars/courses/ workshops etc … anything which can keep you updated. Dedicate yourself to become one of the most knowledgeable and competent person in your field
  • 9. o 3. Make most of your driving time. Listen to audio programs in your car. 21. Eliminate Your Key Constraints What is holding you back? Identify a single major constraint which is slowing you down or is the reason you procrastinate. Put all your energy into eliminating that constraint. Apply the 80-20 rule to constraints. 80% of constraints usually are internal – which means they are workable. Identify the top 20% of constraints amongst these and get set to remove them. 22. Set deadlines Deadlines beat procrastination and get you going. Set imaginary deadlines if you must. And see how fast you eat your frogs. 23. Maximize Your Personal Power Figure out when are you physically and mentally most productive. Schedule your important and tough tasks at this time. Sleep well, eat well and work out well. How rested and physically fit you are directly impacts the quantity and quality of your work. 24. Motivate Yourself – Be Your Personal Cheerleader Psychologist Nathaniel Branden defines self esteem as “the reputation you have with yourself”. How you feel about yourself plays a central role in how you perform. Control your inner dialogue. Use positive affirmations. Don‟t say/think things which make you doubt yourself or make you fearful. 25. Become A Optimist Martin Seligman, author of Learned Optimism states that optimism is the most important quality you can develop for personal and professional success. Optimism can be learned through practice and repetition. Here are four special behaviors all optimists have - o 1. Look for good in all situations o 2. Seek valuable lesson in every set back or difficulty o 3. Look for solution to every problem o 4. Think and talk continually about your goals 26. Be Master Of Technology & Not Slave Technology if used unwisely can be a huge time waster. Don‟t get addicted to technology. Detaching from technology from time to time can help you center and focus on things that matter. Apply 80-20 Rule To Technology. Only 20% of all emails you get are important. Out of those 20%, only 20% need immediate response. The rest can be put aside for batch processing. 27. Create A Zone Of Silence Create zones of silence during your day to day activities. Schedule for technology free
  • 10. hour in morning and noon. It will help you to center and relax your mind. It will help you to recharge your batteries. You can take this further and schedule for technology free days as well. 28. Use The Slice And Dice Approach There are two ways to use the slice and dice approach to work on huge projects - o 1. Work on one slice of project per day and then carry on with other activities. o 2. Work for one slice of time (15 min, 30 mins, 1 hour … whatever time you decide) and then carry on with other activities. Over a period of time, you will be able to complete the project without experiencing a lot of resistance from your side. 29. Create Large Chunks Of Time Identify when do you have large chunks of free time and assign it to important tasks. Plan the rest of tasks around this time. Schedule activities to ensure they get done. 30. Make Most of Gifts of Time Flight time, waiting time etc are what author refers to as gifts of time. You get free, undisturbed time while flying or waiting. Plan in advance what work you can accomplish at times like this. 31. Complete What You Start Once you start a task, don‟t stop till you are 100% done. Work with single focus. When you have identified and are working on your most important task, doing anything else in between is a waste of time. Discipline yourself to work without distraction on the task in hand till it is 100% completed. Resources Napoleon Hill Tony Robins Steven Covey Brain Tracy Jack Canfield Dr. Wayne Dyre