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Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Perfect poison
Chutzpa and Hutzpah
Complete and irreparable loss under
Associate Professor
Talent Nyamombe
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
All poems have been written by Talent Nyamombe
Edited by Talent Nyamombe
+263 773 867713
Guide and support by Aleck Chinakirwa, Edith Mabika
and Nyasha Makumbirofa
Editorial advice and mentorship by Aleck Chinakirwa
Management by Joshua Taruvenga
Cover design by Francis Chidavaenzi
All rights part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
permission of the author
It is illegal to photocopy any page of this book without
the written permission of the copyright holder. Every
effort has been made to trace copyright holders. In the
event of unintentional omissions or errors, any
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
information that would enable to make the proper
arrangements will be appreciated
The consent from Fortune Murisi, being my lawyer has
been made. The contents of the poem expresses my
heartfelt appreciation for his dedicated service and
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Poetry is a living genre and should not be learnt for
entertainment and concepts should not be learned simply
to memorize but as accurate as to trigger the core of
human sentience. In this collection, the author has tried
anything that progresses a gain and a sophisticated
awareness that allows the knack to objectify reality. The
Author has avoided esoteric sources to enhance his
capacity, not to say he is jammed and glued to
eccentricity. It is ironical and downright disturbing that
Zimbabwe which had enjoyed significant development
found itself gripped and crippled into a pattern of failure
caused by corruption, injustice to mention just a few.
How could the glorious moments of triumph and idyllic
promises be turned down to gloomy and bleak hopes so
easily? The progressive minds were plunged into
unprecedented scale of political, social and economic
malaise. The paradise is hell.
In this collection there is no room for common sense
only because it is scary. I could not find space for
common sense because it puts a respectable front on all
sorts of notions for which there is no systematic body of
evidence that can be cited.
Besides the vitality of poetry as a genre pursued by many
students for academic and professional use, however, it
seems to the author that both the public and the
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
cognoscenti have been losing interest in poems, yet
without their elements the existence of everything is
obscured and marred. An academic element seems
especially appropriate since the poems allows today’s
read to reach an empathetic understanding of current
political whiff and collective Disorder. The sage
(Nyamombe) has been mindful of the need to give
individual students, economic, political, cultural
developments, the attention and care they deserve.
The sage’s efforts strike an effective global balance
against the preconceived great drama of European
dominance in giving what to analyse without
acknowledging the major capacity of writing. A
comprehensive non-racial manageable integrationist
perspective has been adopted. Dictatorship should not be
accepted at all cost. This collection is a prison product,
which I wrote disturbed by unbecoming conditions.
Dictators see themselves as “very special’ people,
deserving of admiration and, consequently, have
difficulty empathizing with the feelings and needs of
others. They benefit more from dearth and death. Not
only do dictators commonly show a "pervasive pattern of
grandiosity," they also tend to behave with a
vindictiveness often observed in narcissistic personality
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Caprices debauched have been deciphered by my loving
wife Edith .Tinochengetwa exerts an inexorable grip in
my life that I cannot live without his smiles. This freshly
ingenious, erudite and punchy writing has been through
inspiration from Aleck Chinakirwa. I am indebted to
Fortune Murisi, with him fireworks are guaranteed
To Edith, our love is inevitable collision of irresistible
force of love, more powerful than gravity. You
electrocuted me with your shining smile. I am kept
constantly on the hop and I have hope. Joshua Taruvenga
stood by me in great calamity
Assuredly I almost succumbed to this prison alien sway
and I was on the verge of death had it not been my
loving queen. Indeed I would have been disposed
without trace. My life had switched onto the wrong
track. The locomotive of my heart was rushing down a
dangerous steep slope, heading for a collision, Murisi
picked me up of course with the support of Mr N.
Makumbirofa, Chinakirwa, Beaven Chiweshe,
Dzikamayi Rumano, Joseph Murimwa and the Mwale
I could not do much without Aunt Lydia, Mark, Michael,
Magdalene, Keith, and family. All my in-laws I heartfelt
thank you. The list is endless, and I am ever grateful
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
In remembrance of my late mother, I consecrate this
book. She imparted in me how to read and write. The
dramatic arc of my story rises in success, surely, but
cannot be said to crush in tragedy, the setbacks I have
faced have fed my further growth as wave feeds energy
to wave. Edith Mabika will be remembered even by the
stars in heaven. She stood by me during my incarceration
and her encomiums and panegyric have been treasured in
the safest parts of my heart. Aleck Chinakirwa was a
pillar which I still do not hesitate to lean on. Without the
services of Fortune Murisi and Nyasha Makumbirofa my
path was blocked. Ellis, Ellen and Priscilla Nyamombe
are shining marbles resembling the true character needed
by God. Violet, Hilda and the Mukucha brothers are
precious pearls polished by our maker himself.
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Academically gifted Talent Nyamombe doesn’t despise
education. He studied History, Sociology, Geography,
and Shona at advanced level at Nyazura Adventist high.
He studied B.Sc. Honours in Sociology at the University
of Zimbabwe. He is a holder of Masters in development.
Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of
ease left a name worth remembering. Nyamombe is
currently studying towards a PhD and has publications
are trending with oxford, Cambridge, Aberystwyth and
Dublin universities. His choking chronicle of a sage won
an international award in Australia, Japan, New Zealand,
Germany, USA and Britain among many countries.
Talent is married to Edith Mabika and is blessed with an
ever intelligent boy-TINOCHENGETWA
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Preface .................................................................................... 4
Acknowledgement.................................................................. 6
Dedication:.............................................................................. 7
Biography................................................................................ 8
DICTATORSHIP-SHAME AND NOT ASHAMED ....................... 10
OPPRESSION.......................................................................... 12
SLAVERY ................................................................................ 14
UNDERDEVELOPMENT.......................................................... 16
TUCKED TAILS........................................................................ 18
HELL AND ANOMIE................................................................ 20
HELL....................................................................................... 22
SNAKES.................................................................................. 24
THE GREATEST MISFORTUNE................................................ 25
CATACOMBS.......................................................................... 27
SECTION B: CRIME................................................................. 29
DEFLOWERED........................................................................ 33
LONELY FAMILY..................................................................... 35
DEATH ROLL .......................................................................... 37
DRUG SOCIETY ...................................................................... 38
SECTION C: PRISON CONDITIONS ......................................... 40
THE SMALL PIECE .................................................................. 42
PRISON TO PALACE ............................................................... 44
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
WATER CRISIS........................................................................ 46
BRUTALITY............................................................................. 47
THE ACT................................................................................. 48
THE NEW BIBLE ..................................................................... 49
MOSQUITO PRISON ETYMOLOGY......................................... 51
PRISON REGULAR MEETINGS (P.R.M)................................... 53
NAKED................................................................................... 55
HYPOCRISY ............................................................................ 56
LAST NIGHT ........................................................................... 57
BASTARDS ............................................................................. 58
PRISON OLIVER TWIST (P.O.T) .............................................. 60
KOWTOW.............................................................................. 61
YOKEL .................................................................................... 62
SILLY COMPOUND LIFE.......................................................... 64
VERBAL SALLIES..................................................................... 65
CAGED................................................................................... 66
THE ACCUSATIONS................................................................ 67
SODOMY................................................................................ 68
LOMBROSO ........................................................................... 69
AUTHORITARIAN PERSONALITY............................................ 70
PRISON INSANITY.................................................................. 72
WORSHIP............................................................................... 74
SANITY................................................................................... 76
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
REALITY ................................................................................. 78
HEALTH.................................................................................. 80
SCARECROWS........................................................................ 81
SECTION D: CORRUPTION AND INJUSTICE............................ 83
PARASITIC MAGISTRATES...................................................... 84
JUDGE MOSES PHARAOH I.................................................... 85
PROWLERS ............................................................................ 86
ROUGH JUSTICE .................................................................... 87
SPIKED................................................................................... 88
JUDICIAL CATACOMBS .......................................................... 89
HIGH COURT OF CORRUPTION ............................................. 90
FREEDOM.............................................................................. 92
FORTUNE MURISI.................................................................. 94
TRIBUTE................................................................................. 96
ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................... 97
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Dictators see themselves as “very special’ people,
deserving of admiration and, consequently, have
difficulty empathizing with the feelings and needs of
others. They benefit more from dearth and death. Not
only do dictators commonly show a "pervasive pattern of
grandiosity," they also tend to behave with a
vindictiveness often observed in narcissistic personality
disorder. Dictatorship in my view (TALENT
NYAMOMBE) is progressive insanity
Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong (or Tse-tung), Josef Stalin,
Pol Pot – names such as these and a lot more in today’s
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Societies haunt our cultural imaginations. These men
were and are, by all available accounts, totalitarian
dictators, who sought to maintain complete control over
their respective governments and populations through
radical methods, including the systematic murder and
imprisonment of all who stood against them. In some
cases, the terror they wielded helped them maintain
power for years and emblazoned their names into our
history books forever. Each of the names listed above is
responsible for more than a million deaths, and even
those citizens who were fortunate to have survived their
reign lived in persistent fear of death, forced labour, or
Dictatorial leadership represent the extreme potential of
the human capacity for evil, and yet, despite their
apparent omnipotence within their individual spheres of
power, these individuals also tended to suffer from
excessive anxiety. Mostly regarding paranoid fears of
citizen uprising and/or assassination.
In each of these dictatorial examples, men who sought to
rule with an iron fist appeared to also behave in a
manner driven by a hidden, extreme, and sometimes
irrational fear of what fate might befall them.
This behaviour does not seem to align with what we
know of dictators. Not only do such individuals wield
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
far-reaching, real-world power, a large number of these
individuals also maintained a cultural and political
environment that fed grand delusions regarding their
Given the extremity of many dictators' fears, though,
further explanation is warranted. An additional
explanation of their behavioural patterns might be rooted
in their individual personalities.
With regard to dictators, one particular trait that
consistently stands out as relevant is narcissism.
Narcissistic individuals have a "greatly exaggerated
sense of their own importance" and are "preoccupied
with their own achievements and abilities” They see
themselves as "very special" people, deserving of
admiration and, consequently, have difficulty
empathizing with the feelings and needs of others.
These individuals are "preoccupied with fantasies of
unlimited success" and "power." They believe they are
unique and can only be associated with others of equally
high status. Furthermore, they require excessive
admiration to remain happy, possess an extreme sense of
entitlement, exploit others, and are often envious of
others. Descriptions of narcissistic personality disorder
seem reminiscent of what we know of dictators. Not only
do dictators commonly show a "pervasive pattern of
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
grandiosity," they also tend to behave with a
vindictiveness often observed in narcissistic personality
disorder. For instance, in now famous psychological
experiments, researchers found that highly narcissistic
individuals were more likely to try to punish those
individuals who negatively evaluated their work, even
when the narcissistic person believed they were
administering painful electric shocks. More recent work
shows that, after a negative evaluation, narcissistic
people will demonstrate greater aggression even to
individuals unrelated to the feedback. Such experiments
can help us understand the aggressive behaviour of
dictators, who are known to lash out against negative
Given that the majority of dictators seem to be incredibly
narcissistic, could we possibly use that fact to predict
individuals who are likely to become dictators? That is,
if we know the prominent people in an unstable country,
could we predict which of those people are likely to try
force their way into power and try to stop them? This
question is difficult to answer. First, not all dictators
come to power in a similar manner or under similar
Moreover, researchers remain uncertain as to why
narcissistic personality disorder and narcissistic
behaviours emerge. We know that the majority of
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
individuals diagnosed with the disorder are male, and
researchers speculate that certain genetic factors and
parenting styles may increase the chance that someone
develops the disorder. However, further research is
necessary to understand whether these factors cause
narcissistic personality disorder.
Combined, these factors make it incredibly difficult to
predict which leaders will embody dictatorial tendencies.
We simply do not fully understand the contributions of
cultural, environmental, or political influences that
facilitate the rise of a dictator. However, that does not
mean that research into these issues is a fruitless
endeavour. By better understanding the socio-political
contexts that allow dictators to attain and maintain power
and further investigating the role of personality, we may
one day be able to proactively identify and attenuate
dictatorial leadership prior to the emergence of their
often horrific actions. In so doing, there would be the
potential to save countless lives and stem the tide of
years of oppression in many countries.
The poems dictatorship, oppression, and many more in
SECTION A represent that countries acquiescent to
dictatorship are accepting white poison as milk. It is
temerity and perdition. The title hutzpah and chutzpah
represent evil. There is no greater evil than enjoying
dearth and death, bathing in citizenry’s tears of agony.It
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
is perfect temerity and perdition. The essence of perfect
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
The Canaan after the struggle
Had rotten Banana than milky and honey
Gabriel to rescue Madzimbabwe Israel
Lost the sacred rod after the cock crowed
Picked the sword to slay the fascio-decompatimento
Gukurahundi aimed at Joshua, a brave visionary
Joshua who sacrificed his life in Jericho
Simon claimed him a disciple not
The holocaust, horror stricken Khumaloland
40 years in the wilderness toiled
Canvassed under barbed wire rule
Scavenger black spotted militia
Crocodile hypocrite, the dementia
Office shared with one voice
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
The citizens have no choice
Baboon policies Hoot
Monkey administration loot
Spartan measures shoot
Outlandish tags, glitches and odium
We are in problems and we are hurt
Shoot, kill and steal
Be corrupt and cruel, sleaze real
The poison appetizing though coded purple
My nation clad in blatancy
Limpopo and Zambezi potholes in all roads
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
State of captivity, insecurity -perfect nullity
Ducked to rely on the enemy to survive
Assigned malign demon to trap and cage capacity
Babylon systems to revive
The tongue a snare to the whole body
Oppression like the tongue has no respect for citizens
With it we bless, with it we blasphemy
Unquantifiable havoc a curse of oppression
Benefit of the chosen few, a blessing of oppression.
Power and greedy has bamboozled the nations
Oppression is progressive insanity
Citizens just bombs ambulatory around
Getting ready to explode
Problems neatly packaged for our future
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
When poison is the best meal for breakfast
Then bread and butter for the funeral
The oppressor gives a good obituary
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Slave trade extinguished!
Was slave trade abolished?
When slave trade ended.
It actually started the very day it ended
A change of masters than the system
Distance reduced, agony increased.
Slavery sired colonialism
Whiteman’s first born
The bible a gun for pacification
Blessed is the poor, for there is eternal bliss in heaven
The white garment replaced the black gown
White angelic, black aspersive
New believers baptized in blood and tears
Slavery disguised in Nicaea resolutions
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Elastic struggles for sovereignty
Neo colonialism and his twin brother imperialism
Rodney Walter’s gospel of underdevelopment
Dependency syndrome and indolence
Gifts toxic and paranoiac
Rebuke I say to illegal sanctions
Tagged to curtail development
Sanctions means slavery
Now brethren lean on democracy
Dictatorship is slavery
Prisoners are chimney sweepers
Imprisonment without law
Perpetuates enslavement
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Bumper after harvest
Populaces fed with agonizing poverty
What then shall we do?
In episodes of drought perilous
The nation fed with death
The earth planted bodies
Watered with graves and grief
Germination postponed, seeds decayed
Houses demolished.
What then shall we do when the floods come?
Death toll high without pandemics
What then shall we do, cholera and COVID whacking
More bloodshed when there is no war
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Gullies of blood in assumed peace
Horror and terror in assumed good governance
What then is democracy?
If violence is democratic
What are the birth marks of dictatorship?
Inexhaustible lies ahead
Leadership missing logic headship
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
The lecherous system
The cabinet, a coffin system
Pessimist not, only critic of paganism
Angst society of casting lots, no realism
In all polls
We tuck our tails between our poles
Enterprising office-bearers to be sure
Sets fire to our furs to lure
They empty heavy chamber pot
In fear, we accept right on top of our heads, a dot
They dig pit latrines, filthy holes
For our children to fall in, we simpletons whores
Our nation a deadly trap
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Homeless people, they slap and clap
In rags of their birthday suit
Poverty claim they’re in pursuit
A big trip beyond the grave
Black despair lit up by methods brave
Suicidal vision and false dawn
The night chill, there is no dawn
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Teachers’ strike inferno
Meagre salaries from the hades
Student’s strike netherworld
Teachers not showing up for lessons abyss
Parents’ strike
We can’t pay school tuition for zilch
Education system fatal, creating ordered disorder
Doctors’ strike underworld
Poor salaries and service conditions
Nurses’ strike
Doctors are overpaid
Traditional healers sprouted perdition
Anti-retro viral medication for sale
A society of guava leaves, gum tree leaves
Faith restored in Gavakava and Zumbani
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
More prisons than schools
Breeding and breaming recidivist
A society of rapist, murders, hoaxers, charlatans……..
The state of anomie
Normlessness and lawlessness garden of evil
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Teachers striked
Students striked
Parents striked
We call it hell
Siring recidivist society
Doctors striked
Nurses striked
Patients died
Infant mortality amplified
We call it hell
A society of grief and tears
Grieving and graves
The Minister charlatan with treasuries
Spoiled for egotistical schemes
All the land the councilor took
Sent to prison the squatters
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
We call it hell
A society of the unexpected, the unbelievable
The Magistrate raped a witness to rape
The complainant raped, the audacity of police
Raped by his father, double tragedy
Complainant’s mother eloped, she was raped
Opted marriage than protection of the law
We call it hell
A society of barbarism
The law is that there is no law
The golden rule, there is no rule
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Leading reptiles
Leather chairs behind their desk
Dung floors good for the poor not tiles
Discontentment, disillusionment and outrage, a task
Sour policies gloomy
Dirty, urine and blood perfect smashed wits
Dogs trained to bite opposition and reforms
Freedom we craved for
Simply a paradox
Has intoxicated them and become paranoiac
Vanity, emptiness and starvation
All instigated by snakes
Our own dictators
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
The greatest misfortune
Israelites dado bricks in Egypt
Egyptians making bricks in Canaan
Gold, diamond, farms……
All in secret pockets, corrupt politicians
Canaan a dream for the dead
Least in alphabetical order
Least in economic development
Least in democracy
Best in torture and poll violence
Best unfair imprisonment
Best inflation with more infraction
Best poverty and tears
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Blame them not, the naughty
Black vultures unsympathetic
White doves kind and repelled
Toil in blood, sweat in suffering and feast in poverty
Bliss for the chosen few
Fish eagle cruel
Stone monuments corrupted
Let thee rot in hell
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Bees make honeycombs
Babylon make catacombs
State of affairs mausoleums lifeless
Headship system merciless
Principal Rulers heartless
Absurd justifications baseless
Yet to come solutions clueless
The nursing mother without udder
Dairy cow without milk
Transport without roads
Land without production
Majority homeless
Youth in salad days jobless
The weaker landless
Policies careless
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Jails reckless
Judiciary helpless
They say cat-o'-nine-tails are painless
Poverty and destitution are harmless
The marauding lions with spitting fire toothless
The cock fight of cocks headless
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
One of the major problems facing many countries is
poverty. The factor of poverty among the causes of
crime increases its importance from day to day. Crime
can be defined as a violation of the law for the purpose
of causing material and moral harm that needs to be
investigated in multidimensional ways. The reasons for
the crime and crime in the research subjects of Social
Sciences and Forensic Sciences are very important.
Elements that lead to crime should be evaluated in terms
of material and moral aspects. Individuals who have
migrated from the village to the city, working in low-
income jobs, are prone to economic reasons such as
theft, extortion and captivity. It can be said that crime
and poverty are in a relationship in the light of the
efforts focused on poverty and crime. Crimes for
economic harm are often committed by people with low
socio-economic levels. The majority of children who are
pushed to crime are children away from family supervision,
which is growing in economic difficulties. The socio-
economic situation of the family is very effective in
dragging these children to crime. Poverty is a global
problem, but its impact on crime is immeasurable. As
the effects of poverty reach global levels, many
international institutions implement policies to combat
poverty. Decreasing poverty in parallel with these
policies and crimes is important in judicial Sciences.
Poverty and crime are positively co related. Many poor
people are desperate to meet their daily needs, and
hence, they result in criminal activities. The
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
consequences of illegal actions do not matter as long as
the benefits are more significant. One of the main
problems facing our contemporary society is criminal
activities. Although crime rates have been increasing in
the past decade in Zimbabwe, the impacts of this menace
cannot be ignored. One cannot help but notice that areas
with many poor people are associated with high crime
rates. In towns with many unemployed youths, crimes
such as drug abuse, robbery, and rape are prevalent,
making the quality of life harder. Crimes in society
decrease the quality of life. Also, poverty causes
hopelessness and frustrations and therefore increases the
chances of indulging in crimes. A poor person lacks an
income that is deemed necessary to meet the basic
human needs. Since socially disadvantaged areas have
high crime rates, one can conclude that poverty and
crime rates are correlated. Understanding the relationship
between poverty and crime rates will help to deal with
crimes and, hence, better the lives of the poor.
Potential criminals compare the benefits of indulging in
sin or violating the law with the expected costs. The
costs include the possibility of social stigma and the
possibility of punishment .Hence, an individual can get
involved in crime if its benefits outweigh the possible
costs. Since poor people cannot afford basic needs like
water and health, the price of doing an illegal activity is
lower than the benefit. Many people in Zimbabwe are
engaged in the illegal sale of drugs, since they thought
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
they would benefit more, although there were risks.
Since poor people are desperate, they are ready to risk a
jail term or loss of life as long as they benefit.
Unemployment and underemployment in society
increase poverty levels. The poor are economically and
socially disadvantaged; hence, their lives are more
complicated. Unlike the rich, who can quickly meet their
basic needs, the poor are desperate. They are therefore
involved in crime. Due to poverty in the area, most
people are involved in selling and using drugs, and the
region has a higher crime rate. In my understanding, the
situation represents how socially and economically
disadvantaged people are desperate and hopeless, and
hence, they are likely to commit crimes.
Urban areas where a large of people who live below the
poverty line live have more cases of property crimes
than rural areas. In the cities, economically
disadvantaged neighbourhoods have a high crime rate. I
feel that the idea means that the level of pennilessness in
an area affects the spread of crime levels in other
In my view, something can be done to deal with poverty
and crime. Individuals from neighbourhoods with high
crime rates can be offered opportunities to perform
community services for monetary gain. Also, the
government can ensure unemployment and
underemployment levels are reduced in areas affected by
poverty. In that way, people will be able to meet their
basic needs; hence, they will not get involved in criminal
activities. Communities can also perform community
economic empowerment programs to improve the lives
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
of all the members of society. Crimes can be worse in
developing countries such as Zimbabwe that is reeling
under economic hardships and poverty, and a country
where the extended family concept is held in high
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Rosy marigolds bloomy
Set to supplant primroses gloomy
Off her playhouse papayas have bled
Below six months flowers wedded
Virginity torn apart, deflowered
The kink, demon of rape, succubi obsessed
In custody of risky fathers vulture
On her wheelchair raped
Disability forgotten, the blind snatched
The nature of man lustful not nurtured
Nurtured by serpent stepfathers not toilet trained
Future queens soiled and spoiled
Wives before salad days, harvested before time
Mistaken ripeness in rear end, backside pumpkins
Hymen attenuated and soiled with HIV and AIDS
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Let them make the honeypot clean
Pompous rectors lead us to dustbins
Their long dipsticks on shallow tanks
The law protects them, shame!
The young men to eat vomitus
Empty shells licked by the gray-haired
Malign rituals and religion
Linkages to girl child sexual abuses
The case is wrapped
In a rape case
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Out of earshot
Shot on the ear, blood hot
Can’t hear the rear chirruped sound
Lone son out hunting abound
Eagerly waiting for a meal
The eagle has snatched a deal for real
The sun no more, darkness round
Mother’s lovely son not around
Can’t bear sail whole family afloat
Thirst bear has not missed a shot
Pregnant Elizabeth expecting
Expecting criminal john homecoming
Return to prison or home
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
John has been shot dead
Shocking news, all moos and meows
She suffers still birth
Mother passes out-hypertension
Condemned John, the essence of capital punishment
Children typed and segregated
In the streets they roam
Crime does not pay
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Capital punishment condemned
Condemned are inmates for inflicting death
Murder a military profession.
Serving police nailed, experienced
There is law, in its nullity
Death everywhere, in our pockets, our bags
Headless chickens running away from death
Let’s preserve life
Sharpen the blades to slaughter
And they are sharpened too for you
Awaiting the poison inn, the prison
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
The race started- Mangemba won
Bronchclear complained, walked out
From the hospital to the streets
Crystal, crystal, it is crystal clear
Clear it is crystal deoxymethelenemethamphetamine
Youth pinned and glued to glue
Youth have risked their lives without clue
Cannabis turned a ration
Insomnia, insomnia, insomnia
The engine have no rest, tossed, the brains ablaze
Turned drugs Baby diapers
Addicts queue for the baby to spoil
Mercy to feed, race for pampers
Feed him to soil
Child kidnapped, naked found
In her Moons, mother grabbed, audacity of the lads
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Raped not, diaper stolen and unbound
Ashamed not to boil the sanitary pads
Virginity lost
Humanity gone astray
Purity cost
Society turned into drugs
Drugs turn the society into lunatics and decadence
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Jailbirds in MADZIMBABWE are living under
unforgiving and life-threatening conditions owing to a
cocktail of challenges faced by the Zimbabwe Prisons
and Correctional Services (ZPCS).Zimbabwe’s economy
which took a nosedive at the turn of the millennium has
not spared the country’s prisons. Not all is well in the
country’s prisons.
Dictators display a lack of regard for human rights,
whether human rights, or economic rights. This tends to
see a flight of capital and a lack of further investment in
a country. Third world countries tend to rely on overseas
investment, and they need modernisation, so they are
vulnerable to these problems. It goes without saying that
undeveloped countries, with a high proportion of
illiteracy, are at a high risk of electing populist leaders,
“Prison conditions are harsh and life-threatening due to
overcrowding, food shortages, and inadequate sanitary
conditions and medical care, beating of prisoners is the
order”. This is mainly because of dictatorship which
does not value life. PAZVAKAVAMBWA FAITH
should be extolled for their heartfelt devotion to help
prisoners in Zimbabwe.
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
“The Zimbabwe Prison and Correctional Services
(ZPCS) is struggling to provide adequate food and
sanitary conditions and is working with faith-based and
community organizations to help address these
problems. Conditions in prisons, jails, and detention
centres are always harsh. Prisons operate below capacity,
most of them are overcrowded, due to outdated
infrastructure and judicial backlogs.
Prisoners are physically abused. “Prison guards
occasionally beat and abuse prisoners, the use of
excessive force by prison guards is not systematic,”
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Three lashes for sneezing
My cognizance enlightens there is Stallion meat
Choking-Full buckets have been shared
The green mambas feast
Clean them up, they will give up
Craving for the small piece
There is no peace
Five lashes for coughing
My conscience recall there is beef
Venom of marauding mambas
Deadly poison on the button stick
A slice-see through Sadza
Please enjoy your tears
Meals are enjoyed in fears
This is prison hell
Pro-sin cadres don’t yell
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Only because of meat
The small piece triggers death
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Master in Jerusalem
Tried and fated to demise,
Death sentence, Pilate proclaimed
Rose on the third day, purity and innocence
Seated to marshal on the right hand of God
The only worth leader of the universe
From prison grave to paradise, a heavenlier
Hitler sentenced, period indefinite
My struggle, lit the brains of the condemners
Famous leader of the Nazi
From prison to palace
De-wet doomed Madiba for 27 years
Azaria’s first president against apartheid
Transformed South Africa, Africa, and the world
From a remote village, Rivonia, Robin island to palace
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
The icon of Africa’s road to freedom miraculous
Mugabe served severely
Tossed and toiled by Ian smith
Mnangagwa imprisoned, a liberator
State prison to state house
The benefit of crime is liberty and self-governance
A simple garment, favours of the last born
Joseph scheduled for the pit
An innocent sheep triggered his escape
Off the jaws of death to slavery
Trouble to double trouble, hearth to blast furnace
A slave’s fabricated rape case, the duty of the devil
The dreams ‘interpretation
Opened the gates from prison to palace
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Blazing sun
Dehydrated camels
No toilet today it’s not fun
Everywhere in the prison yard smells
No more bathing
There are no meals
Spoils of bread exhausted
Honye dzapinda mucell
Prisoners don’t complain! Shut up!
It’s prison be warned!
Get a bail out, you’re out of the sizzling problems
Learn to bath fellow inmates
With saliva, urine and tears
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Force comes to play
Baboons are very special in freedom
I can’t compare them to prisoners
Heated debates addressed by the cat-o'-nine-tails
Death is greater than democracy
The voices are disquieting
Democratically must be heard
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Penitentiary officers enlightened
On prohibited activities
Thou shall not assent bribe, fee, gratuity and reward
Yet, they feast on prisoner’s little food
Business dealings with recidivists…
Dagga, beer and secret meals
Thou shall not whip a jailbird
The whirlwind clap awakens the dead
Chain treatment against use of weapons
Entering chambers alone condemned
Yet, solitary deals, elastic money meetings whispered
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Part 1
Christian bible has 66 chapters
Genesis to revelation
The testaments old and new
The desert has 40 Spartan chapters
Fundamental quadric
Recalcitrance, attacking a prison officer
Fleeing, conspiracy and spur
Part 2
In what you deserve there is no dessert
The law, dog it dog, no law
Thou shall not possess no matter what pewter
Nit-pick after the cat-o'-nine-tails
Torture of the disabled
The Prison bible, section 90
They claim it prison act,
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Yet its prison cat to the rats
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Disturbing etymological expressions
Foul Prison Language lewdest
Rotten mouth, rotten people
Foulest lexes
Newly conscripted forces
Morally trained or vulgarly trained?
Shocked gracelessly
My mother, without a glitch my creator
Her cloistered sacred, it’s called creator
Better insult me than the dead bones
Hooligans are green mambas
Persons with fewest ideas christened vipers
Think using garbage and sewage exhaust pipe
The brains purloined
Bata chikomba chamai vako
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Mwana wehure1
….fall in
Really you mean our mothers harlots
How different are they to your mothers
Only because I am a prisoner
Humanity is lost ethics forgotten
Culture eroded
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Liberty of schooling jailbirds not persuasive
Concerning respect to masters aspersive
Extremely rigid punctiliously
Exacting the degree of honor fastidiously
Subject of observation, humiliation and abasement
Luxury in frustrating punishment
A novelty in your amateur
Mingled with a degree of hauteur
Imprints in memory
Autocracy in hell
Wrath in its bitterness
Frailness, disability that nature permits
Prudes and scandal mongers
Treat us with scorn a right
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Unutterable misery, spiced bloodshed and death
Should a man dare to take up a rumor!
Oh God, of what clay hast thou fashioned us?
Poor mortals, who dread much the shame of sin
A marble statue, a prisoner
The sculptor has given all the appearance of life,
But cannot impart its powers
So strange
The gesture and posture of starved animals
Men is born free, but everywhere in chains
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Happiness ambushed
Our nation soiled
The missive simple
Prisoner’s clothes are stolen
Greedy officers feast
Their friends in Jerusalem
Our master’s demise
Casted lots for his divine wear
Pilate’s prison guards
Gambled for his robs
The excuse
You were born naked
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Lukewarm like worms
Hypocritical and parasitic blend
Unfathomable chaplains and gospel
Preach charity and love
Yet stingy and stone-hearted
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
The prison had three
Three important visitors
Visitors from the unknown world
World of the drunken spirits
Spirits of the dead avenging
Avenging fierce chain breaking
Legions counted three
Lewdest expressions to the almighty
Names of the sacred
Deleterious blasphemy
Sacred not the multitude
Multiple doses to pace sleep also scared
Violent conduct to bream
Lunatics lead the show
Remand prison mistaken psychiatric unit
Shocked an officer, a blow unexpected not blocked.
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Out of wedlock seemed raised
In my trip to hell
Toilet trained not though praised
The noise exceeding fool’s bell
Death I could smell
Torture they claimed it well
Upstairs we fell
Downstairs we fell
I met lunatic Mavhimire
He called men dogs
Heelless shoe and underdone trousers he forgot
His fellow black heart like his complexion
A black crow Chishiri
Lashed us at will, he liked the backbone
We wished him a trip to the psych unit
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
The list endless
One liked and licked blood-Majacha
Believed in iron rule
Men are all equal
Oxygen equal
The same creator
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Meagre bowls
Watery sugarless porridge
Undercooked to evil owls
A dessertspoon for grown-ups to cross the bridge
Starving inmates crave
Please give us more
Skeletal bones signal the grave
Queue again, grey haired and lunatics-give us a bit more
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Hellish aspects of life
Little said in a file
Favors of poverty
Incubator of infamy
Patches more than clothes
Blacks should improve their self-image
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Scampering around naked
Lively and gregarious, but sorry faced
Their best to appear suave a dream
Candor and sundered, but conceals pain in beam
Boys encumbered with infractions
Rigmarole complex animal behavior in fractions
The society mollified not, pleased not
Dung are prisoners, pitted by none, naught
Law-breakers, trouble makers and rabble rousers
Despised by many, jails Mecca to red coded short trousers
Dupes of injustice, wounded, dehorned and inflicted
Panda-cut path for their lives afflicted
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Youth turned yokels
Wounded donkeys wandering in prison farms
Than in productive manufacturing arms
Sentenced to hard labor brothels
The brains-trust and power stations
Pardon to capacitate enterprises and nations
If the nation enamored to development
Duty bound to reduce a nation of yokels
A nation of regrets
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
The oppressor a victim
The oppressed a victor
The vicar victimized
The venom distracted
Squatters sipping gin
Rigorous compound life
A life in the bin
Sandwiched in urban strife
Squatted to expose sin
Sexual immorality and amusement
A simple life for underdevelopment
Rat-shit investment
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Pierced to the marrow
Discharging services maybe tomorrow
Throbbed by the coarse-foulest like an arrow
Litmus test for proper services in row
Pragmatic to be two legged like a barrow
Recused from the cell
Mob angered by hell
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
The bastilles
Countless naked animals
Sacred out from the rags
Beings without rights
Fugitive not, mammals naughty
Covered in khaki like kindergarten school books
Canvassed to nurse lice
Sire sire sire raped
Poo poo poo robbed
Skin frogged charlatans
Spiritual murders
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Cracks in life
Pitfalls and setbacks
Greatest enemy of mankind
Judas in the life of Christ
Enemies much better than relatives
Buffet in grim spells
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Carnal pleasure misdirected
Pressing from the bottom
Disturbing the sewage-manure path
Mixing the Blair toilet with the sire firm stick
Sharpened crenelated arrow
Animals repelled, men charmed
Men pinned and glued fascinatedly
Prisons Sodom, jails Gomorrah
Legalized bestiality in wedding, I’m shocked
Organizations sprout, defending turpitude
Countless earrings on men
Countless affairs men to men
It was Adam and Eve in the beginning
Not Adam and Steve
Poly-sodomy-one men having many men!
Will god pardon the wickedness?
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Correct, was he?
Crimes commit more men
Or men commit more crimes
Large ears, outsized jaws, big reproductive organs…..
Jigsaw features of criminals
Crime masculine not feminine
Prisons male colleges
Plan to reform or rob
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Theodore Ardono
On corporal chastisement
John Dollard
On bodily punishment
The beating of prisoners
Abnormality both figured
Green snakes exasperated
Poor salaries, marital problems, the goobers
Frustration-aggression hypothesis
Hitler abnormal, ill-treated the Semites
Anti-Semitism his agonizing thesis
Thwarted them like termites
Mental instability to ill-treat prisoners
Homicide pluck the feathers
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Eagle eyes gaze of the prisoners
Better leave them naked without leathers
Crows cruel are vultures like Brest to a Jew
White doves loving and merry
Owls malign to chew
Signal evil and death not cheery
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Most important attainment
A prize for freedom
Murder charge after indictment
Possible escape route crafted in wisdom
Eating raw sewage
Smear to faces
Shit as tooth paste
Lunch box toilet, Blair or latrine
Please see two doctors”, finally the judge
Most have risked CPZ 200
Accelerated psychological flux
Wires of the engine, twisting the nuts
Tempering with the spark plug to be nutty
Claimed he raped his mother
The date he was yet to be born
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Magistrate’s frock, gabble in court he entreated
His Ancestral divine ancillaries
Appeasing the ancestors in court
The lunatic calendar
Exceeds 31 days
The insane calendar
Shocked, he was born on the 45th of December
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Dedicated prayers
Prophets, fake and extra-ordinary layers
In prison hell found
Ancestral appeasement all corners bound
The heads soiled in chuff
Tots immersed in snuff
Holy, holy, holy-daily supplications
Stones, leaves, sacred three a day multiplications
Prisoners are quality preachers
Prisoners are elastic believers
The bible a friend, rituals a norm
Apostolic sects, the permanent worm
Daniel raised from Babylon by God almighty
Joseph rescued from pharaoh by God righty
Peter angelically and miraculously protected from Herod
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Modekai pardoned from the death rod
Sustained symmetrical verses to serve God
All united to serve God
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Only two functional toilets since 1910
Africans don’t respect toilets and their health
British instituted 50
No disgusting act in mankind
To queue for the toilet
1000 inmates to empty their bowels
Yet, the only two are flopped
The nation wait for sponsors
To pledge a toilet seat
Against banning laws
Inmates’ snakes hiss
Composing a song in the bucket
Defecating during the night
A third schedule offence
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Put your parcel in the mouth or lunchbox
Gamazhura Prison Toilet System
Gamazhura: a container used especially by condemned
prisoners as toilets
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Discharged from the hospital of ignorance
Can’t remember his age, though sometime in 1980
Claims he was born and free!
The doctor prescribed production and unity
Is he lame or insane?
Dysfunctional systems
Once I had two eyes
Reading was easy
Now I have lost sight and direction
Darkened, everything murky
Water, I am told
The taps flooded the cisterns
Cholera feared my blow
Corroded taps to remember I was present
Worn out pipes to remind incapacity and negligence
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
I had blankets, but now I survive on spoils
Lice infested, off-color joined and knitted
Save life from the chill colds
I suffer TB, scabies and multiple carbuncle
The judge is sleeping
The magistrate is mute
The muggers mugged by police
Who is guilty?
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Headache, toothache and stomachache
Prison distressfully agonizing
Dirigible diarrhea blasting the outlet
Cholera, typhoid and rumbling stomachs
Hygiene lost in the oubliette
Drowsed in the dungeon, manger exceeding pig bravura
Pellagra, weak bones to signify malnutrition
Essential therapeutic foods for the underweight
Can it be sugarless porridge or garbage cabbage?
Bellowing inmates
Inescapable TB takes opportunity
HIV and AIDS manifest to rescind
Cancer spoils the skin
The signed ticket to heaven
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Moving scarecrows
Poverty signified mannequins
Cruelty exposed rag dolls
Negligence unraveled
Canvassed in dirty to spread fungi
Simpletons always in rags
The worst of all you call them
Are moving naked
We heard you bought flamboyant cars
Trillions worth expenditures
First class life for the few
You only forgot that ‘some’ are stripped
Rights of men please!
Than rights of certain men asleep
Progressive laws please!
Than suppressive laws
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Development please!
Than perpetual hollow crusades
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Corruption in Zimbabwe has become endemic within its
political, private and civil sectors. Zimbabwean citizens
regarded the public sector as the most corrupt sector in
the country. The police is the most corrupt followed by
political parties, parliament/legislature, public
officials/civil servants and the judiciary. Zimbabwe loses
millions to corruption every day. The Zimbabwean Anti-
Corruption Commission (ZACC) was established after
the passing of the Anti-Corruption Commission Bill in
June 2004. The Commission is a signatory to
the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)
Protocol as well as the African Union (AU) and United
Nations Convention on Anti-Corruption. However, the
Commission is highly inefficient and “has very little
authority to take steps aimed at stopping corruption in
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Gauge reads low
There is no law
Justice for the rich
Poverty to eat pumpers’ hitch
Money matters supreme
The law suckers sublime
The prison rejected army, the state contraband
Life really a struggle not a bliss band
Waiting for the universal lawyer we supplicate
When God is for us immaculate
He is the savior, the universal attorney
Outshines the demands of money
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Justice Moses, the Egyptian pharaoh
Cruel beyond measure
666 Israelites agree he isn’t a treasure
He mark of the beast, roar
Identification today optimistic
Denied bail tomorrow pessimistic
Jihad called expert in murder trials
Welder, screwed in thick goggles
Ages to read only a ludicrous judgment
Justice delayed, justice denied
Just ice melting on the high court bench
Islamic brick molder barred
Made of pig iron hard
Stock theft saga, in the chronicles
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Injustice a symptom
System a culture
That devalues and endanger life
Stand up the powerless
Affirm the value of people
Build up, a sense of joy and gratitude
Erase the debts of poverty
Families will no longer be hopeless
Hunger and injustice be forgotten
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Justice impartial
Must not only be done
Must be seen to be done
Enshrined falsettos
Ciceronian gesticulations
Crude panel of adjudicators, grubby law lords
Dispense rough justice
On a basis of common sense than law
A mixture of obstinacy and prejudice
Extremely self-willed pigheadedness
Disliking interjections, interventions and objections
The jihad dismayed, Moses well informed to steal
Pending cases still!
Supremacy weighed against freedom
Dissuade from surreptitious law
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Simpletons spiked barefooted
Law changed, but forgotten
Want the judges houses paint red
Blood of the spiked prisoners barefooted
Gerontocracy lawful
Dosing, crab movement
Scythe skills memorial
Suffocating the assessors’ chair
Corrugated as zinc and corrosive like iron
Razor wire systems
Snide wire treatment
Thorny snail paced justice
Fermenting outcry and bleeding
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Its corruption
Its injustice
Its arbitrary resort to force
It’s gradually developing worship to police
Worship of authority
Worship of strength
Has become so intolerable
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Just pay for freedom
Or be prepared for free doom
The law of the purse
The law in the purse
Corruption of courts high
Courts of corruption high
High court corrupt
Masters corrupt
Systems curt-railroaded
Shoddy practices embarrassing and prejudicial
Wild and wide daylight robberies
Ludicrous acts vague
Genuine offenders off the hook easily
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Frenzied hysteria whipped those unwitting
Unwilling to bribe are blazoned
Corruption, corruption, corruption…….
An enormous setback against the struggle for freedom
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Sooner or later
That is another matter
Nothing would please me better
Remove me from the gutter
My wife and son needs butter
Edith and Tinochengetwa needs platter
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Legal competency delineates the types of decision-
making abilities or competencies at discrete moments in
the civil and criminal legal process. Only lawyers and
painters can turn black to white. The freedom we hope
for is in the hands of sound lawyers, of course guided by
God. FORTUNE MURISI is among the few lawyers
dedicated and driven by the desire to deliver justice than
greed in the society’s new creed.
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Courtroom intrigues
Most complex cases marshalled
Legal brain and services
At the call of those in need of justice
Services surpassing the call of a lawyer’s duty
Teething troubles beset our headway
Peculiar and matrimonial
He has assisted unstinting
I have admired and respected
This noiseless and gutsy bloke
Whose devotions to the cause of justice
Has been shown in the very highest tradition
Of his calling
The task of snatching victory
From the jaws of death
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
Needs his steadfastness and commitment
He hath the holy rod.
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
My opening statement is as simple as this,
Because of you
lot of these problems wiped out
because I was hurt
My heart clotted
So my heart was in your custody.
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
D.P.L: Dirty Prison Language
G.P.S: Gamazhura Prison System
G.T.S: Gamazhura Toilet System
F.P.L: Foul Prison Language
R.P.M: Regular Prison Meetings
M.P.L: Mosquito Prison Language
P.L.C: Prison Living Conditions
P.O.T: Prison Oliver Twist
Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
History in progress: An acronymic study of international
affairs: Porcupine press (INTERNATIONAL AND
The choking chronicle of a sage. International awards
AWARDS in university libraries of Cambridge, Oxford,
Edinburgh, Aberystwyth and Dublin
Other books
 The sacred journey
 The encomiums and panegyric

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Perfect poison.pdf

  • 1. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Perfect poison Chutzpa and Hutzpah Complete and irreparable loss under dictatorship Associate Professor Talent Nyamombe
  • 2. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah copyright@2023 All poems have been written by Talent Nyamombe Edited by Talent Nyamombe +263 773 867713 Guide and support by Aleck Chinakirwa, Edith Mabika and Nyasha Makumbirofa Editorial advice and mentorship by Aleck Chinakirwa Management by Joshua Taruvenga Cover design by Francis Chidavaenzi All rights part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author It is illegal to photocopy any page of this book without the written permission of the copyright holder. Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders. In the event of unintentional omissions or errors, any
  • 3. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah information that would enable to make the proper arrangements will be appreciated The consent from Fortune Murisi, being my lawyer has been made. The contents of the poem expresses my heartfelt appreciation for his dedicated service and genius
  • 4. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Preface Poetry is a living genre and should not be learnt for entertainment and concepts should not be learned simply to memorize but as accurate as to trigger the core of human sentience. In this collection, the author has tried anything that progresses a gain and a sophisticated awareness that allows the knack to objectify reality. The Author has avoided esoteric sources to enhance his capacity, not to say he is jammed and glued to eccentricity. It is ironical and downright disturbing that Zimbabwe which had enjoyed significant development found itself gripped and crippled into a pattern of failure caused by corruption, injustice to mention just a few. How could the glorious moments of triumph and idyllic promises be turned down to gloomy and bleak hopes so easily? The progressive minds were plunged into unprecedented scale of political, social and economic malaise. The paradise is hell. In this collection there is no room for common sense only because it is scary. I could not find space for common sense because it puts a respectable front on all sorts of notions for which there is no systematic body of evidence that can be cited. Besides the vitality of poetry as a genre pursued by many students for academic and professional use, however, it seems to the author that both the public and the
  • 5. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah cognoscenti have been losing interest in poems, yet without their elements the existence of everything is obscured and marred. An academic element seems especially appropriate since the poems allows today’s read to reach an empathetic understanding of current political whiff and collective Disorder. The sage (Nyamombe) has been mindful of the need to give individual students, economic, political, cultural developments, the attention and care they deserve. The sage’s efforts strike an effective global balance against the preconceived great drama of European dominance in giving what to analyse without acknowledging the major capacity of writing. A comprehensive non-racial manageable integrationist perspective has been adopted. Dictatorship should not be accepted at all cost. This collection is a prison product, which I wrote disturbed by unbecoming conditions. Dictators see themselves as “very special’ people, deserving of admiration and, consequently, have difficulty empathizing with the feelings and needs of others. They benefit more from dearth and death. Not only do dictators commonly show a "pervasive pattern of grandiosity," they also tend to behave with a vindictiveness often observed in narcissistic personality disorder
  • 6. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Acknowledgement Caprices debauched have been deciphered by my loving wife Edith .Tinochengetwa exerts an inexorable grip in my life that I cannot live without his smiles. This freshly ingenious, erudite and punchy writing has been through inspiration from Aleck Chinakirwa. I am indebted to Fortune Murisi, with him fireworks are guaranteed To Edith, our love is inevitable collision of irresistible force of love, more powerful than gravity. You electrocuted me with your shining smile. I am kept constantly on the hop and I have hope. Joshua Taruvenga stood by me in great calamity Assuredly I almost succumbed to this prison alien sway and I was on the verge of death had it not been my loving queen. Indeed I would have been disposed without trace. My life had switched onto the wrong track. The locomotive of my heart was rushing down a dangerous steep slope, heading for a collision, Murisi picked me up of course with the support of Mr N. Makumbirofa, Chinakirwa, Beaven Chiweshe, Dzikamayi Rumano, Joseph Murimwa and the Mwale family. I could not do much without Aunt Lydia, Mark, Michael, Magdalene, Keith, and family. All my in-laws I heartfelt thank you. The list is endless, and I am ever grateful
  • 7. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Dedication: In remembrance of my late mother, I consecrate this book. She imparted in me how to read and write. The dramatic arc of my story rises in success, surely, but cannot be said to crush in tragedy, the setbacks I have faced have fed my further growth as wave feeds energy to wave. Edith Mabika will be remembered even by the stars in heaven. She stood by me during my incarceration and her encomiums and panegyric have been treasured in the safest parts of my heart. Aleck Chinakirwa was a pillar which I still do not hesitate to lean on. Without the services of Fortune Murisi and Nyasha Makumbirofa my path was blocked. Ellis, Ellen and Priscilla Nyamombe are shining marbles resembling the true character needed by God. Violet, Hilda and the Mukucha brothers are precious pearls polished by our maker himself.
  • 8. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Biography. Academically gifted Talent Nyamombe doesn’t despise education. He studied History, Sociology, Geography, and Shona at advanced level at Nyazura Adventist high. He studied B.Sc. Honours in Sociology at the University of Zimbabwe. He is a holder of Masters in development. Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering. Nyamombe is currently studying towards a PhD and has publications are trending with oxford, Cambridge, Aberystwyth and Dublin universities. His choking chronicle of a sage won an international award in Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, USA and Britain among many countries. Talent is married to Edith Mabika and is blessed with an ever intelligent boy-TINOCHENGETWA
  • 9. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah
  • 10. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah CONTENTS Preface .................................................................................... 4 Acknowledgement.................................................................. 6 Dedication:.............................................................................. 7 Biography................................................................................ 8 DICTATORSHIP-SHAME AND NOT ASHAMED ....................... 10 OPPRESSION.......................................................................... 12 SLAVERY ................................................................................ 14 UNDERDEVELOPMENT.......................................................... 16 TUCKED TAILS........................................................................ 18 HELL AND ANOMIE................................................................ 20 HELL....................................................................................... 22 SNAKES.................................................................................. 24 THE GREATEST MISFORTUNE................................................ 25 CATACOMBS.......................................................................... 27 SECTION B: CRIME................................................................. 29 DEFLOWERED........................................................................ 33 LONELY FAMILY..................................................................... 35 DEATH ROLL .......................................................................... 37 DRUG SOCIETY ...................................................................... 38 SECTION C: PRISON CONDITIONS ......................................... 40 THE SMALL PIECE .................................................................. 42 PRISON TO PALACE ............................................................... 44
  • 11. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah WATER CRISIS........................................................................ 46 BRUTALITY............................................................................. 47 THE ACT................................................................................. 48 THE NEW BIBLE ..................................................................... 49 MOSQUITO PRISON ETYMOLOGY......................................... 51 PRISON REGULAR MEETINGS (P.R.M)................................... 53 NAKED................................................................................... 55 HYPOCRISY ............................................................................ 56 LAST NIGHT ........................................................................... 57 BASTARDS ............................................................................. 58 PRISON OLIVER TWIST (P.O.T) .............................................. 60 KOWTOW.............................................................................. 61 YOKEL .................................................................................... 62 SILLY COMPOUND LIFE.......................................................... 64 VERBAL SALLIES..................................................................... 65 CAGED................................................................................... 66 THE ACCUSATIONS................................................................ 67 SODOMY................................................................................ 68 LOMBROSO ........................................................................... 69 AUTHORITARIAN PERSONALITY............................................ 70 PRISON INSANITY.................................................................. 72 WORSHIP............................................................................... 74 SANITY................................................................................... 76
  • 12. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah REALITY ................................................................................. 78 HEALTH.................................................................................. 80 SCARECROWS........................................................................ 81 SECTION D: CORRUPTION AND INJUSTICE............................ 83 PARASITIC MAGISTRATES...................................................... 84 JUDGE MOSES PHARAOH I.................................................... 85 PROWLERS ............................................................................ 86 ROUGH JUSTICE .................................................................... 87 SPIKED................................................................................... 88 JUDICIAL CATACOMBS .......................................................... 89 HIGH COURT OF CORRUPTION ............................................. 90 FREEDOM.............................................................................. 92 SECTION D: LEGAL CALLING AND COMPETENCE .................. 93 FORTUNE MURISI.................................................................. 94 TRIBUTE................................................................................. 96 ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................... 97 BOOKS AND ACCOLADES BY TALENT NYAMOMBE............... 98
  • 13. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah SECTION A; DICTATORSHIP AND POVERTY Dictators see themselves as “very special’ people, deserving of admiration and, consequently, have difficulty empathizing with the feelings and needs of others. They benefit more from dearth and death. Not only do dictators commonly show a "pervasive pattern of grandiosity," they also tend to behave with a vindictiveness often observed in narcissistic personality disorder. Dictatorship in my view (TALENT NYAMOMBE) is progressive insanity Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong (or Tse-tung), Josef Stalin, Pol Pot – names such as these and a lot more in today’s
  • 14. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Societies haunt our cultural imaginations. These men were and are, by all available accounts, totalitarian dictators, who sought to maintain complete control over their respective governments and populations through radical methods, including the systematic murder and imprisonment of all who stood against them. In some cases, the terror they wielded helped them maintain power for years and emblazoned their names into our history books forever. Each of the names listed above is responsible for more than a million deaths, and even those citizens who were fortunate to have survived their reign lived in persistent fear of death, forced labour, or torture. Dictatorial leadership represent the extreme potential of the human capacity for evil, and yet, despite their apparent omnipotence within their individual spheres of power, these individuals also tended to suffer from excessive anxiety. Mostly regarding paranoid fears of citizen uprising and/or assassination. In each of these dictatorial examples, men who sought to rule with an iron fist appeared to also behave in a manner driven by a hidden, extreme, and sometimes irrational fear of what fate might befall them. This behaviour does not seem to align with what we know of dictators. Not only do such individuals wield
  • 15. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah far-reaching, real-world power, a large number of these individuals also maintained a cultural and political environment that fed grand delusions regarding their self-importance. Given the extremity of many dictators' fears, though, further explanation is warranted. An additional explanation of their behavioural patterns might be rooted in their individual personalities. With regard to dictators, one particular trait that consistently stands out as relevant is narcissism. Narcissistic individuals have a "greatly exaggerated sense of their own importance" and are "preoccupied with their own achievements and abilities” They see themselves as "very special" people, deserving of admiration and, consequently, have difficulty empathizing with the feelings and needs of others. These individuals are "preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success" and "power." They believe they are unique and can only be associated with others of equally high status. Furthermore, they require excessive admiration to remain happy, possess an extreme sense of entitlement, exploit others, and are often envious of others. Descriptions of narcissistic personality disorder seem reminiscent of what we know of dictators. Not only do dictators commonly show a "pervasive pattern of
  • 16. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah grandiosity," they also tend to behave with a vindictiveness often observed in narcissistic personality disorder. For instance, in now famous psychological experiments, researchers found that highly narcissistic individuals were more likely to try to punish those individuals who negatively evaluated their work, even when the narcissistic person believed they were administering painful electric shocks. More recent work shows that, after a negative evaluation, narcissistic people will demonstrate greater aggression even to individuals unrelated to the feedback. Such experiments can help us understand the aggressive behaviour of dictators, who are known to lash out against negative criticism Given that the majority of dictators seem to be incredibly narcissistic, could we possibly use that fact to predict individuals who are likely to become dictators? That is, if we know the prominent people in an unstable country, could we predict which of those people are likely to try force their way into power and try to stop them? This question is difficult to answer. First, not all dictators come to power in a similar manner or under similar circumstances. Moreover, researchers remain uncertain as to why narcissistic personality disorder and narcissistic behaviours emerge. We know that the majority of
  • 17. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah individuals diagnosed with the disorder are male, and researchers speculate that certain genetic factors and parenting styles may increase the chance that someone develops the disorder. However, further research is necessary to understand whether these factors cause narcissistic personality disorder. Combined, these factors make it incredibly difficult to predict which leaders will embody dictatorial tendencies. We simply do not fully understand the contributions of cultural, environmental, or political influences that facilitate the rise of a dictator. However, that does not mean that research into these issues is a fruitless endeavour. By better understanding the socio-political contexts that allow dictators to attain and maintain power and further investigating the role of personality, we may one day be able to proactively identify and attenuate dictatorial leadership prior to the emergence of their often horrific actions. In so doing, there would be the potential to save countless lives and stem the tide of years of oppression in many countries. The poems dictatorship, oppression, and many more in SECTION A represent that countries acquiescent to dictatorship are accepting white poison as milk. It is temerity and perdition. The title hutzpah and chutzpah represent evil. There is no greater evil than enjoying dearth and death, bathing in citizenry’s tears of agony.It
  • 18. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah is perfect temerity and perdition. The essence of perfect poison.
  • 19. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah DICTATORSHIP-SHAME AND NOT ASHAMED The Canaan after the struggle Had rotten Banana than milky and honey Gabriel to rescue Madzimbabwe Israel Lost the sacred rod after the cock crowed Picked the sword to slay the fascio-decompatimento Gukurahundi aimed at Joshua, a brave visionary Joshua who sacrificed his life in Jericho Simon claimed him a disciple not The holocaust, horror stricken Khumaloland 40 years in the wilderness toiled Canvassed under barbed wire rule Scavenger black spotted militia Crocodile hypocrite, the dementia Office shared with one voice
  • 20. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah The citizens have no choice Baboon policies Hoot Monkey administration loot Spartan measures shoot Outlandish tags, glitches and odium We are in problems and we are hurt Shoot, kill and steal Be corrupt and cruel, sleaze real The poison appetizing though coded purple My nation clad in blatancy Limpopo and Zambezi potholes in all roads
  • 21. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah OPPRESSION State of captivity, insecurity -perfect nullity Ducked to rely on the enemy to survive Assigned malign demon to trap and cage capacity Babylon systems to revive The tongue a snare to the whole body Oppression like the tongue has no respect for citizens With it we bless, with it we blasphemy Unquantifiable havoc a curse of oppression Benefit of the chosen few, a blessing of oppression. Power and greedy has bamboozled the nations Oppression is progressive insanity Citizens just bombs ambulatory around Getting ready to explode Problems neatly packaged for our future
  • 22. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah When poison is the best meal for breakfast Then bread and butter for the funeral The oppressor gives a good obituary
  • 23. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah SLAVERY Slave trade extinguished! Was slave trade abolished? When slave trade ended. It actually started the very day it ended A change of masters than the system Distance reduced, agony increased. Slavery sired colonialism Whiteman’s first born The bible a gun for pacification Blessed is the poor, for there is eternal bliss in heaven The white garment replaced the black gown White angelic, black aspersive New believers baptized in blood and tears Slavery disguised in Nicaea resolutions
  • 24. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Elastic struggles for sovereignty Neo colonialism and his twin brother imperialism Rodney Walter’s gospel of underdevelopment Dependency syndrome and indolence Gifts toxic and paranoiac Rebuke I say to illegal sanctions Tagged to curtail development Sanctions means slavery Now brethren lean on democracy Dictatorship is slavery Prisoners are chimney sweepers Imprisonment without law Perpetuates enslavement
  • 25. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah UNDERDEVELOPMENT Bumper after harvest Populaces fed with agonizing poverty What then shall we do? In episodes of drought perilous The nation fed with death The earth planted bodies Watered with graves and grief Germination postponed, seeds decayed Houses demolished. What then shall we do when the floods come? Death toll high without pandemics What then shall we do, cholera and COVID whacking More bloodshed when there is no war
  • 26. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Gullies of blood in assumed peace Horror and terror in assumed good governance What then is democracy? If violence is democratic What are the birth marks of dictatorship? Inexhaustible lies ahead Leadership missing logic headship
  • 27. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah TUCKED TAILS The lecherous system The cabinet, a coffin system Pessimist not, only critic of paganism Angst society of casting lots, no realism In all polls We tuck our tails between our poles Enterprising office-bearers to be sure Sets fire to our furs to lure They empty heavy chamber pot In fear, we accept right on top of our heads, a dot They dig pit latrines, filthy holes For our children to fall in, we simpletons whores Our nation a deadly trap
  • 28. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Homeless people, they slap and clap In rags of their birthday suit Poverty claim they’re in pursuit A big trip beyond the grave Black despair lit up by methods brave Suicidal vision and false dawn The night chill, there is no dawn
  • 29. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah HELL AND ANOMIE Teachers’ strike inferno Meagre salaries from the hades Student’s strike netherworld Teachers not showing up for lessons abyss Parents’ strike We can’t pay school tuition for zilch Education system fatal, creating ordered disorder Doctors’ strike underworld Poor salaries and service conditions Nurses’ strike Doctors are overpaid Traditional healers sprouted perdition Anti-retro viral medication for sale A society of guava leaves, gum tree leaves Faith restored in Gavakava and Zumbani
  • 30. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah More prisons than schools Breeding and breaming recidivist A society of rapist, murders, hoaxers, charlatans…….. The state of anomie Normlessness and lawlessness garden of evil
  • 31. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah HELL Teachers striked Students striked Parents striked We call it hell Siring recidivist society Doctors striked Nurses striked Patients died Infant mortality amplified We call it hell A society of grief and tears Grieving and graves The Minister charlatan with treasuries Spoiled for egotistical schemes All the land the councilor took Sent to prison the squatters
  • 32. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah We call it hell A society of the unexpected, the unbelievable The Magistrate raped a witness to rape The complainant raped, the audacity of police Raped by his father, double tragedy Complainant’s mother eloped, she was raped Opted marriage than protection of the law We call it hell A society of barbarism The law is that there is no law The golden rule, there is no rule
  • 33. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah SNAKES Leading reptiles Leather chairs behind their desk Dung floors good for the poor not tiles Discontentment, disillusionment and outrage, a task Sour policies gloomy Dirty, urine and blood perfect smashed wits Dogs trained to bite opposition and reforms Freedom we craved for Simply a paradox Has intoxicated them and become paranoiac Vanity, emptiness and starvation All instigated by snakes Our own dictators
  • 34. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah THE GREATEST MISFORTUNE Born MADZIMBABWE The greatest misfortune Israelites dado bricks in Egypt Egyptians making bricks in Canaan Gold, diamond, farms…… All in secret pockets, corrupt politicians Canaan a dream for the dead Least in alphabetical order Least in economic development Least in democracy Best in torture and poll violence Best unfair imprisonment Best inflation with more infraction Best poverty and tears
  • 35. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Blame them not, the naughty Black vultures unsympathetic White doves kind and repelled Toil in blood, sweat in suffering and feast in poverty Bliss for the chosen few Fish eagle cruel Stone monuments corrupted Let thee rot in hell
  • 36. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah CATACOMBS Bees make honeycombs Babylon make catacombs State of affairs mausoleums lifeless Headship system merciless Principal Rulers heartless Absurd justifications baseless Yet to come solutions clueless The nursing mother without udder Dairy cow without milk Transport without roads Land without production Majority homeless Youth in salad days jobless The weaker landless Policies careless
  • 37. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Jails reckless Judiciary helpless They say cat-o'-nine-tails are painless Poverty and destitution are harmless The marauding lions with spitting fire toothless The cock fight of cocks headless
  • 38. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah SECTION B: CRIME One of the major problems facing many countries is poverty. The factor of poverty among the causes of crime increases its importance from day to day. Crime can be defined as a violation of the law for the purpose of causing material and moral harm that needs to be investigated in multidimensional ways. The reasons for the crime and crime in the research subjects of Social Sciences and Forensic Sciences are very important. Elements that lead to crime should be evaluated in terms of material and moral aspects. Individuals who have migrated from the village to the city, working in low- income jobs, are prone to economic reasons such as theft, extortion and captivity. It can be said that crime and poverty are in a relationship in the light of the efforts focused on poverty and crime. Crimes for economic harm are often committed by people with low socio-economic levels. The majority of children who are pushed to crime are children away from family supervision, which is growing in economic difficulties. The socio- economic situation of the family is very effective in dragging these children to crime. Poverty is a global problem, but its impact on crime is immeasurable. As the effects of poverty reach global levels, many international institutions implement policies to combat poverty. Decreasing poverty in parallel with these policies and crimes is important in judicial Sciences. Poverty and crime are positively co related. Many poor people are desperate to meet their daily needs, and hence, they result in criminal activities. The
  • 39. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah consequences of illegal actions do not matter as long as the benefits are more significant. One of the main problems facing our contemporary society is criminal activities. Although crime rates have been increasing in the past decade in Zimbabwe, the impacts of this menace cannot be ignored. One cannot help but notice that areas with many poor people are associated with high crime rates. In towns with many unemployed youths, crimes such as drug abuse, robbery, and rape are prevalent, making the quality of life harder. Crimes in society decrease the quality of life. Also, poverty causes hopelessness and frustrations and therefore increases the chances of indulging in crimes. A poor person lacks an income that is deemed necessary to meet the basic human needs. Since socially disadvantaged areas have high crime rates, one can conclude that poverty and crime rates are correlated. Understanding the relationship between poverty and crime rates will help to deal with crimes and, hence, better the lives of the poor. Potential criminals compare the benefits of indulging in sin or violating the law with the expected costs. The costs include the possibility of social stigma and the possibility of punishment .Hence, an individual can get involved in crime if its benefits outweigh the possible costs. Since poor people cannot afford basic needs like water and health, the price of doing an illegal activity is lower than the benefit. Many people in Zimbabwe are engaged in the illegal sale of drugs, since they thought
  • 40. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah they would benefit more, although there were risks. Since poor people are desperate, they are ready to risk a jail term or loss of life as long as they benefit. Unemployment and underemployment in society increase poverty levels. The poor are economically and socially disadvantaged; hence, their lives are more complicated. Unlike the rich, who can quickly meet their basic needs, the poor are desperate. They are therefore involved in crime. Due to poverty in the area, most people are involved in selling and using drugs, and the region has a higher crime rate. In my understanding, the situation represents how socially and economically disadvantaged people are desperate and hopeless, and hence, they are likely to commit crimes. Urban areas where a large of people who live below the poverty line live have more cases of property crimes than rural areas. In the cities, economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods have a high crime rate. I feel that the idea means that the level of pennilessness in an area affects the spread of crime levels in other neighbourhoods. In my view, something can be done to deal with poverty and crime. Individuals from neighbourhoods with high crime rates can be offered opportunities to perform community services for monetary gain. Also, the government can ensure unemployment and underemployment levels are reduced in areas affected by poverty. In that way, people will be able to meet their basic needs; hence, they will not get involved in criminal activities. Communities can also perform community economic empowerment programs to improve the lives
  • 41. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah of all the members of society. Crimes can be worse in developing countries such as Zimbabwe that is reeling under economic hardships and poverty, and a country where the extended family concept is held in high regard.
  • 42. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah DEFLOWERED Rosy marigolds bloomy Set to supplant primroses gloomy Off her playhouse papayas have bled Below six months flowers wedded Virginity torn apart, deflowered The kink, demon of rape, succubi obsessed In custody of risky fathers vulture On her wheelchair raped Disability forgotten, the blind snatched The nature of man lustful not nurtured Nurtured by serpent stepfathers not toilet trained Future queens soiled and spoiled Wives before salad days, harvested before time Mistaken ripeness in rear end, backside pumpkins Hymen attenuated and soiled with HIV and AIDS
  • 43. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Let them make the honeypot clean Pompous rectors lead us to dustbins Their long dipsticks on shallow tanks The law protects them, shame! The young men to eat vomitus Empty shells licked by the gray-haired Malign rituals and religion Linkages to girl child sexual abuses The case is wrapped In a rape case
  • 44. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah LONELY FAMILY Out of earshot Shot on the ear, blood hot Can’t hear the rear chirruped sound Lone son out hunting abound Eagerly waiting for a meal The eagle has snatched a deal for real The sun no more, darkness round Mother’s lovely son not around Can’t bear sail whole family afloat Thirst bear has not missed a shot Pregnant Elizabeth expecting Expecting criminal john homecoming Return to prison or home
  • 45. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah John has been shot dead Shocking news, all moos and meows She suffers still birth Mother passes out-hypertension Condemned John, the essence of capital punishment Children typed and segregated In the streets they roam Crime does not pay
  • 46. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah DEATH ROLL Capital punishment condemned Condemned are inmates for inflicting death Murder a military profession. Serving police nailed, experienced There is law, in its nullity Death everywhere, in our pockets, our bags Headless chickens running away from death Let’s preserve life Sharpen the blades to slaughter And they are sharpened too for you Awaiting the poison inn, the prison
  • 47. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah DRUG SOCIETY The race started- Mangemba won Bronchclear complained, walked out From the hospital to the streets Crystal, crystal, it is crystal clear Clear it is crystal deoxymethelenemethamphetamine Youth pinned and glued to glue Youth have risked their lives without clue Cannabis turned a ration Insomnia, insomnia, insomnia The engine have no rest, tossed, the brains ablaze Turned drugs Baby diapers Addicts queue for the baby to spoil Mercy to feed, race for pampers Feed him to soil Child kidnapped, naked found In her Moons, mother grabbed, audacity of the lads
  • 48. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Raped not, diaper stolen and unbound Ashamed not to boil the sanitary pads Virginity lost Humanity gone astray Purity cost Society turned into drugs Drugs turn the society into lunatics and decadence
  • 49. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah SECTION C: PRISON CONDITIONS Jailbirds in MADZIMBABWE are living under unforgiving and life-threatening conditions owing to a cocktail of challenges faced by the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS).Zimbabwe’s economy which took a nosedive at the turn of the millennium has not spared the country’s prisons. Not all is well in the country’s prisons. Dictators display a lack of regard for human rights, whether human rights, or economic rights. This tends to see a flight of capital and a lack of further investment in a country. Third world countries tend to rely on overseas investment, and they need modernisation, so they are vulnerable to these problems. It goes without saying that undeveloped countries, with a high proportion of illiteracy, are at a high risk of electing populist leaders, “Prison conditions are harsh and life-threatening due to overcrowding, food shortages, and inadequate sanitary conditions and medical care, beating of prisoners is the order”. This is mainly because of dictatorship which does not value life. PAZVAKAVAMBWA FAITH MINISTRY, GUTI Z.A.O.G.A MINISTRY AND THE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH should be extolled for their heartfelt devotion to help prisoners in Zimbabwe.
  • 50. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah “The Zimbabwe Prison and Correctional Services (ZPCS) is struggling to provide adequate food and sanitary conditions and is working with faith-based and community organizations to help address these problems. Conditions in prisons, jails, and detention centres are always harsh. Prisons operate below capacity, most of them are overcrowded, due to outdated infrastructure and judicial backlogs. Prisoners are physically abused. “Prison guards occasionally beat and abuse prisoners, the use of excessive force by prison guards is not systematic,”
  • 51. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah THE SMALL PIECE Three lashes for sneezing My cognizance enlightens there is Stallion meat Choking-Full buckets have been shared The green mambas feast Clean them up, they will give up Craving for the small piece There is no peace Five lashes for coughing My conscience recall there is beef Venom of marauding mambas Deadly poison on the button stick A slice-see through Sadza Please enjoy your tears Meals are enjoyed in fears This is prison hell Pro-sin cadres don’t yell
  • 52. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Only because of meat The small piece triggers death
  • 53. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah PRISON TO PALACE Master in Jerusalem Tried and fated to demise, Death sentence, Pilate proclaimed Rose on the third day, purity and innocence Seated to marshal on the right hand of God The only worth leader of the universe From prison grave to paradise, a heavenlier Hitler sentenced, period indefinite My struggle, lit the brains of the condemners Famous leader of the Nazi From prison to palace De-wet doomed Madiba for 27 years Azaria’s first president against apartheid Transformed South Africa, Africa, and the world From a remote village, Rivonia, Robin island to palace
  • 54. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah The icon of Africa’s road to freedom miraculous Mugabe served severely Tossed and toiled by Ian smith Mnangagwa imprisoned, a liberator State prison to state house The benefit of crime is liberty and self-governance A simple garment, favours of the last born Joseph scheduled for the pit An innocent sheep triggered his escape Off the jaws of death to slavery Trouble to double trouble, hearth to blast furnace A slave’s fabricated rape case, the duty of the devil The dreams ‘interpretation Opened the gates from prison to palace
  • 55. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah WATER CRISIS Blazing sun Dehydrated camels No toilet today it’s not fun Everywhere in the prison yard smells No more bathing There are no meals Spoils of bread exhausted Honye dzapinda mucell Prisoners don’t complain! Shut up! It’s prison be warned! Get a bail out, you’re out of the sizzling problems Learn to bath fellow inmates With saliva, urine and tears
  • 56. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah BRUTALITY Force comes to play Baboons are very special in freedom I can’t compare them to prisoners Heated debates addressed by the cat-o'-nine-tails Death is greater than democracy The voices are disquieting Democratically must be heard
  • 57. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah THE ACT Penitentiary officers enlightened On prohibited activities Thou shall not assent bribe, fee, gratuity and reward Yet, they feast on prisoner’s little food Business dealings with recidivists… Dagga, beer and secret meals Thou shall not whip a jailbird The whirlwind clap awakens the dead Chain treatment against use of weapons Entering chambers alone condemned Yet, solitary deals, elastic money meetings whispered
  • 58. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah THE NEW BIBLE Part 1 Christian bible has 66 chapters Genesis to revelation The testaments old and new The desert has 40 Spartan chapters Fundamental quadric Recalcitrance, attacking a prison officer Fleeing, conspiracy and spur Part 2 In what you deserve there is no dessert The law, dog it dog, no law Thou shall not possess no matter what pewter Nit-pick after the cat-o'-nine-tails Torture of the disabled The Prison bible, section 90 They claim it prison act,
  • 59. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Yet its prison cat to the rats
  • 60. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah MOSQUITO PRISON ETYMOLOGY Disturbing etymological expressions Foul Prison Language lewdest Rotten mouth, rotten people Foulest lexes Newly conscripted forces Morally trained or vulgarly trained? Shocked gracelessly My mother, without a glitch my creator Her cloistered sacred, it’s called creator Better insult me than the dead bones Hooligans are green mambas Persons with fewest ideas christened vipers Think using garbage and sewage exhaust pipe The brains purloined Bata chikomba chamai vako
  • 61. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Mwana wehure1 ….fall in Really you mean our mothers harlots How different are they to your mothers Only because I am a prisoner Humanity is lost ethics forgotten Culture eroded
  • 62. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah PRISON REGULAR MEETINGS (P.R.M) Liberty of schooling jailbirds not persuasive Concerning respect to masters aspersive Extremely rigid punctiliously Exacting the degree of honor fastidiously Subject of observation, humiliation and abasement Luxury in frustrating punishment A novelty in your amateur Mingled with a degree of hauteur Imprints in memory Autocracy in hell Wrath in its bitterness Frailness, disability that nature permits Prudes and scandal mongers Treat us with scorn a right
  • 63. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Unutterable misery, spiced bloodshed and death Should a man dare to take up a rumor! Oh God, of what clay hast thou fashioned us? Poor mortals, who dread much the shame of sin A marble statue, a prisoner The sculptor has given all the appearance of life, But cannot impart its powers So strange The gesture and posture of starved animals Men is born free, but everywhere in chains
  • 64. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah NAKED Happiness ambushed Our nation soiled The missive simple Prisoner’s clothes are stolen Greedy officers feast Their friends in Jerusalem Our master’s demise Casted lots for his divine wear Pilate’s prison guards Gambled for his robs The excuse You were born naked
  • 65. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah HYPOCRISY Lukewarm like worms Hypocritical and parasitic blend Unfathomable chaplains and gospel Preach charity and love Yet stingy and stone-hearted
  • 66. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah LAST NIGHT The prison had three Three important visitors Visitors from the unknown world World of the drunken spirits Spirits of the dead avenging Avenging fierce chain breaking Legions counted three Lewdest expressions to the almighty Names of the sacred Deleterious blasphemy Sacred not the multitude Multiple doses to pace sleep also scared Violent conduct to bream Lunatics lead the show Remand prison mistaken psychiatric unit Shocked an officer, a blow unexpected not blocked.
  • 67. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah BASTARDS Out of wedlock seemed raised In my trip to hell Toilet trained not though praised The noise exceeding fool’s bell Death I could smell Torture they claimed it well Upstairs we fell Downstairs we fell I met lunatic Mavhimire He called men dogs Heelless shoe and underdone trousers he forgot His fellow black heart like his complexion A black crow Chishiri Lashed us at will, he liked the backbone We wished him a trip to the psych unit
  • 68. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah The list endless One liked and licked blood-Majacha Believed in iron rule Men are all equal Oxygen equal The same creator
  • 69. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah PRISON OLIVER TWIST (P.O.T) Meagre bowls Watery sugarless porridge Undercooked to evil owls A dessertspoon for grown-ups to cross the bridge Starving inmates crave Please give us more Skeletal bones signal the grave Queue again, grey haired and lunatics-give us a bit more
  • 70. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah KOWTOW Hellish aspects of life Little said in a file Favors of poverty Incubator of infamy Patches more than clothes Blacks should improve their self-image
  • 71. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah YOKEL Scampering around naked Lively and gregarious, but sorry faced Their best to appear suave a dream Candor and sundered, but conceals pain in beam Boys encumbered with infractions Rigmarole complex animal behavior in fractions The society mollified not, pleased not Dung are prisoners, pitted by none, naught Law-breakers, trouble makers and rabble rousers Despised by many, jails Mecca to red coded short trousers Dupes of injustice, wounded, dehorned and inflicted Panda-cut path for their lives afflicted
  • 72. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Youth turned yokels Wounded donkeys wandering in prison farms Than in productive manufacturing arms Sentenced to hard labor brothels The brains-trust and power stations Pardon to capacitate enterprises and nations If the nation enamored to development Duty bound to reduce a nation of yokels A nation of regrets
  • 73. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah SILLY COMPOUND LIFE The oppressor a victim The oppressed a victor The vicar victimized The venom distracted Squatters sipping gin Rigorous compound life A life in the bin Sandwiched in urban strife Squatted to expose sin Sexual immorality and amusement A simple life for underdevelopment Rat-shit investment
  • 74. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah VERBAL SALLIES Pierced to the marrow Discharging services maybe tomorrow Throbbed by the coarse-foulest like an arrow Litmus test for proper services in row Pragmatic to be two legged like a barrow Recused from the cell Mob angered by hell
  • 75. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah CAGED The bastilles Countless naked animals Sacred out from the rags Beings without rights Fugitive not, mammals naughty Covered in khaki like kindergarten school books Canvassed to nurse lice Sire sire sire raped Poo poo poo robbed Skin frogged charlatans Spiritual murders
  • 76. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah THE ACCUSATIONS Cracks in life Pitfalls and setbacks Greatest enemy of mankind Judas in the life of Christ Enemies much better than relatives Buffet in grim spells
  • 77. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah SODOMY Carnal pleasure misdirected Pressing from the bottom Disturbing the sewage-manure path Mixing the Blair toilet with the sire firm stick Sharpened crenelated arrow Animals repelled, men charmed Men pinned and glued fascinatedly Prisons Sodom, jails Gomorrah Legalized bestiality in wedding, I’m shocked Organizations sprout, defending turpitude Countless earrings on men Countless affairs men to men It was Adam and Eve in the beginning Not Adam and Steve Poly-sodomy-one men having many men! Will god pardon the wickedness?
  • 78. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah LOMBROSO Correct, was he? Crimes commit more men Or men commit more crimes Large ears, outsized jaws, big reproductive organs….. Jigsaw features of criminals Crime masculine not feminine Prisons male colleges Plan to reform or rob
  • 79. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah AUTHORITARIAN PERSONALITY Theodore Ardono On corporal chastisement John Dollard On bodily punishment The beating of prisoners Abnormality both figured Green snakes exasperated Poor salaries, marital problems, the goobers Frustration-aggression hypothesis Hitler abnormal, ill-treated the Semites Anti-Semitism his agonizing thesis Thwarted them like termites Mental instability to ill-treat prisoners Homicide pluck the feathers
  • 80. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Eagle eyes gaze of the prisoners Better leave them naked without leathers Crows cruel are vultures like Brest to a Jew White doves loving and merry Owls malign to chew Signal evil and death not cheery
  • 81. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah PRISON INSANITY Most important attainment A prize for freedom Murder charge after indictment Possible escape route crafted in wisdom Eating raw sewage Smear to faces Shit as tooth paste Lunch box toilet, Blair or latrine Please see two doctors”, finally the judge Most have risked CPZ 200 Accelerated psychological flux Wires of the engine, twisting the nuts Tempering with the spark plug to be nutty Claimed he raped his mother The date he was yet to be born
  • 82. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Magistrate’s frock, gabble in court he entreated His Ancestral divine ancillaries Appeasing the ancestors in court The lunatic calendar Exceeds 31 days The insane calendar Shocked, he was born on the 45th of December
  • 83. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah WORSHIP Dedicated prayers Prophets, fake and extra-ordinary layers In prison hell found Ancestral appeasement all corners bound The heads soiled in chuff Tots immersed in snuff Holy, holy, holy-daily supplications Stones, leaves, sacred three a day multiplications Prisoners are quality preachers Prisoners are elastic believers The bible a friend, rituals a norm Apostolic sects, the permanent worm Daniel raised from Babylon by God almighty Joseph rescued from pharaoh by God righty Peter angelically and miraculously protected from Herod
  • 84. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Modekai pardoned from the death rod Sustained symmetrical verses to serve God All united to serve God
  • 85. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah SANITY Only two functional toilets since 1910 Africans don’t respect toilets and their health British instituted 50 No disgusting act in mankind To queue for the toilet 1000 inmates to empty their bowels Yet, the only two are flopped The nation wait for sponsors To pledge a toilet seat Against banning laws Inmates’ snakes hiss Composing a song in the bucket Defecating during the night A third schedule offence
  • 86. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Put your parcel in the mouth or lunchbox Gamazhura Prison Toilet System Gamazhura: a container used especially by condemned prisoners as toilets
  • 87. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah REALITY Discharged from the hospital of ignorance Can’t remember his age, though sometime in 1980 Claims he was born and free! The doctor prescribed production and unity Is he lame or insane? Dysfunctional systems Once I had two eyes Reading was easy Now I have lost sight and direction Darkened, everything murky Water, I am told The taps flooded the cisterns Cholera feared my blow Corroded taps to remember I was present Worn out pipes to remind incapacity and negligence
  • 88. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah I had blankets, but now I survive on spoils Lice infested, off-color joined and knitted Save life from the chill colds I suffer TB, scabies and multiple carbuncle The judge is sleeping The magistrate is mute The muggers mugged by police Who is guilty?
  • 89. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah HEALTH Headache, toothache and stomachache Prison distressfully agonizing Dirigible diarrhea blasting the outlet Cholera, typhoid and rumbling stomachs Hygiene lost in the oubliette Drowsed in the dungeon, manger exceeding pig bravura Pellagra, weak bones to signify malnutrition Essential therapeutic foods for the underweight Can it be sugarless porridge or garbage cabbage? Bellowing inmates Inescapable TB takes opportunity HIV and AIDS manifest to rescind Cancer spoils the skin The signed ticket to heaven
  • 90. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah SCARECROWS Moving scarecrows Poverty signified mannequins Cruelty exposed rag dolls Negligence unraveled Canvassed in dirty to spread fungi Simpletons always in rags The worst of all you call them Are moving naked We heard you bought flamboyant cars Trillions worth expenditures First class life for the few You only forgot that ‘some’ are stripped Rights of men please! Than rights of certain men asleep Progressive laws please! Than suppressive laws
  • 91. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Development please! Than perpetual hollow crusades
  • 92. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah SECTION D: CORRUPTION AND INJUSTICE Corruption in Zimbabwe has become endemic within its political, private and civil sectors. Zimbabwean citizens regarded the public sector as the most corrupt sector in the country. The police is the most corrupt followed by political parties, parliament/legislature, public officials/civil servants and the judiciary. Zimbabwe loses millions to corruption every day. The Zimbabwean Anti- Corruption Commission (ZACC) was established after the passing of the Anti-Corruption Commission Bill in June 2004. The Commission is a signatory to the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Protocol as well as the African Union (AU) and United Nations Convention on Anti-Corruption. However, the Commission is highly inefficient and “has very little authority to take steps aimed at stopping corruption in Zimbabwe”.
  • 93. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah PARASITIC MAGISTRATES Gauge reads low There is no law Justice for the rich Poverty to eat pumpers’ hitch Money matters supreme The law suckers sublime The prison rejected army, the state contraband Life really a struggle not a bliss band Waiting for the universal lawyer we supplicate When God is for us immaculate He is the savior, the universal attorney Outshines the demands of money
  • 94. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah JUDGE MOSES PHARAOH I Justice Moses, the Egyptian pharaoh Cruel beyond measure 666 Israelites agree he isn’t a treasure He mark of the beast, roar Identification today optimistic Denied bail tomorrow pessimistic Jihad called expert in murder trials Welder, screwed in thick goggles Ages to read only a ludicrous judgment Justice delayed, justice denied Just ice melting on the high court bench Islamic brick molder barred Made of pig iron hard Stock theft saga, in the chronicles
  • 95. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah PROWLERS Injustice a symptom System a culture That devalues and endanger life Stand up the powerless Affirm the value of people Build up, a sense of joy and gratitude Erase the debts of poverty Families will no longer be hopeless Hunger and injustice be forgotten
  • 96. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah ROUGH JUSTICE Justice impartial Must not only be done Must be seen to be done Enshrined falsettos Ciceronian gesticulations Crude panel of adjudicators, grubby law lords Dispense rough justice On a basis of common sense than law A mixture of obstinacy and prejudice Extremely self-willed pigheadedness Disliking interjections, interventions and objections The jihad dismayed, Moses well informed to steal Pending cases still! Supremacy weighed against freedom Dissuade from surreptitious law
  • 97. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah SPIKED Simpletons spiked barefooted Law changed, but forgotten Want the judges houses paint red Blood of the spiked prisoners barefooted Gerontocracy lawful Dosing, crab movement Scythe skills memorial Suffocating the assessors’ chair Corrugated as zinc and corrosive like iron Razor wire systems Snide wire treatment Thorny snail paced justice Fermenting outcry and bleeding
  • 98. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah JUDICIAL CATACOMBS Its corruption Its injustice Its arbitrary resort to force It’s gradually developing worship to police Worship of authority Worship of strength Has become so intolerable
  • 99. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah HIGH COURT OF CORRUPTION Just pay for freedom Or be prepared for free doom The law of the purse The law in the purse Corruption of courts high Courts of corruption high High court corrupt Masters corrupt Systems curt-railroaded Shoddy practices embarrassing and prejudicial Wild and wide daylight robberies Ludicrous acts vague Genuine offenders off the hook easily
  • 100. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Frenzied hysteria whipped those unwitting Unwilling to bribe are blazoned Corruption, corruption, corruption……. An enormous setback against the struggle for freedom
  • 101. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah FREEDOM Sooner or later That is another matter Nothing would please me better Remove me from the gutter My wife and son needs butter Edith and Tinochengetwa needs platter
  • 102. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah SECTION D: LEGAL CALLING AND COMPETENCE Legal competency delineates the types of decision- making abilities or competencies at discrete moments in the civil and criminal legal process. Only lawyers and painters can turn black to white. The freedom we hope for is in the hands of sound lawyers, of course guided by God. FORTUNE MURISI is among the few lawyers dedicated and driven by the desire to deliver justice than greed in the society’s new creed.
  • 103. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah FORTUNE MURISI Courtroom intrigues Most complex cases marshalled Legal brain and services At the call of those in need of justice Services surpassing the call of a lawyer’s duty Teething troubles beset our headway Peculiar and matrimonial He has assisted unstinting I have admired and respected This noiseless and gutsy bloke Whose devotions to the cause of justice Has been shown in the very highest tradition Of his calling The task of snatching victory From the jaws of death
  • 104. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah Needs his steadfastness and commitment He hath the holy rod.
  • 105. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah TRIBUTE. My opening statement is as simple as this, Because of you lot of these problems wiped out because I was hurt My heart clotted So my heart was in your custody.
  • 106. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah ABBREVIATIONS D.P.L: Dirty Prison Language G.P.S: Gamazhura Prison System G.T.S: Gamazhura Toilet System F.P.L: Foul Prison Language R.P.M: Regular Prison Meetings M.P.L: Mosquito Prison Language P.L.C: Prison Living Conditions P.O.T: Prison Oliver Twist
  • 107. Talent Nyamombe Perfect Poison Chutzpah and Hutzpah BOOKS AND ACCOLADES BY TALENT NYAMOMBE History in progress: An acronymic study of international affairs: Porcupine press (INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL AWARD) The choking chronicle of a sage. International awards with USA, AUSTRALIA, BRITAIN, JAPAN, and NEW ZEALAND AWARDS in university libraries of Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh, Aberystwyth and Dublin Other books  The sacred journey  The encomiums and panegyric