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Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan
Hotel. 1
The Influence of Employee Competence and Service Performance
of Front Office Staff on Customer Satisfaction in 3, 4 and 5 Star
Hotels in Bandung and its Surroundings
Kanaidi1 and Nisrina Andranaswari2
This study aims to determine the effect of employee competence and service performance on
customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings. This study
uses a survey method with descriptive and verification analysis. Hypothesis testing using path
analysis. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling. Data were obtained by
distributing questionnaires to 150 respondents, who were hotel guests or had stayed at 3, 4
and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings. Secondary data obtained through literature
review of various relevant literature.
The results of the descriptive analysis concluded that the overall of employee competence
was judged by the customer to be in the good category. However, there are still some
indicators that are considered weak. The service performance of the front office staff is
considered by customers to be still in the fairly good category and there are some indicators
that are considered adequate, some are even considered not good. The level of customer
satisfaction is also considered by customers to be in the fairly good category. The results of
the verification analysis show that employee competence and service performance have a
positive effect on customer satisfaction at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its
Employee competence, service performance, and customer satisfaction are deemed to need
the attention of hotel management to be improved, through various ways that have been
described in the suggestions section.
Keywords: employee competence, service performance, front office staff, customer
Along with the era of globalization, tourism has become one of the industries in the world
and is the mainstay in generating foreign exchange in various countries, including Indonesia.
Many cities in Indonesia are in demand by tourists and become attractive visiting destinations
for domestic and foreign tourists. As one of the supporters of providing accommodation for
tourists who want to enjoy tourism is the availability of adequate hotel facilities. Hotel is one
of the accommodation facilities as a place to stay for tourists who also experience
competition in business.
Hotels as one of the service industries that support tourism activities play a very important
role in meeting one of the needs of tourists. The current growth of hotels is in line with the
rapid arrival of foreign and domestic tourists who come to visit tourism objects and
attractions. West Java is one of the areas most in demand by tourists today, the development
of hospitality in West Java is indeed very rapid. This of course tends to lead to strong
competition among business people in providing services to hotel customers.
Likewise, the Bandung city, which is the capital of the province of West Java, is absolutely
superior in terms of geography, historical heritage, and culture. Comparative advantage is the
advantage that a region has because it has more or superior production resources compared to
1 Politeknik Pos Indonesia Bandung,
2 Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung,
Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan
Hotel. 2
those of other regions, namely accessibility which makes this area easy to reach by using
various modes of transportation, availability of trade and industrial facilities, as well as labor,
textile and food processing industries. The Bandung city also has competitive advantages
because it has experience or because of the use of science and technology so as to create
advantages in competition between regions. For example, in terms of human resources and
creative and innovative communities.
In addition, the Bandung city is also home to world-class universities from various fields of
science as well as research and development facilities. Tourist visits to Bandung and its
surroundings are indeed increasing, which is actually an individual guest market opportunity
for hospitality. The number of tourists who come to Bandung shows a high increase from
year to year, both tourists coming from foreign countries and the archipelago.
The increase in the number of tourists is supported by the availability of a variety of natural
tourism products, historical and cultural tourism, as well as culinary and shopping tourism.
But unfortunately, the increase in the number of tourist visits was not followed by an increase
in hotel occupancy (Herman Muchtar, Chair of the West Java PHRI, Tribun Jabar, 2019). The
hotel is not filled because the tourists are scattered in various places with the increasing
number of permits for the construction and operation of new hotels in Bandung and its
surroundings. This is even more so because it is also triggered by the presence of several
apartments in Bandung and its surroundings whose rooms have been converted to function
like hotels (Yana Mulyana Supardjo, Chair of the West Java Real Estate Indonesia (REI)
DPD, (, 2019). The tight competition and the low occupancy rate of hotel rooms
make companies in the hotel industry need to think about strategies that need to be carried out
to increase hotel room occupancy rates and increase hotel revenues. Where the hotel room
occupancy rate and the increase in hotel revenue are benchmarks for the success of hotel
service performance.
Various efforts have been made by several hotels in the city of Bandung and its surroundings
in competing, such as increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of employee competence
and improving service performance as a guide in providing services that satisfy customers. Of
course this is a challenge for hotel managers to further improve employee competence and
service performance in order to face the process of changing the sustainable business
environment, in order to provide satisfaction for customers.
According to Douglas quoted by Salain and Wardana, (2012:1259) explains that a company
needs employees who are able to work better and faster, thus employees who have high
performance are needed. A large number of human resources if able to be empowered
effectively and efficiently will be useful to support the movement of achieving company
goals, talented employees are the foundation in achieving competitive advantage (Robert L.
Mathis, 2006:41).
Human resource management is not an easy thing to do, but requires its own ability and
expertise in its management. Therefore, efforts are needed to create human resources capable
of producing optimal performance so that the company's goals can be achieved. As revealed
by Mathis (2016:113) there are 3 (three) main factors that affect individual employee
performance, namely 1) Individual ability to do the job, 2) Level of effort devoted, and 3)
Organizational support. The development of the hospitality service industry is always
associated with uncertainty and is vulnerable to change. Hotel management is required to
become a flexible and adaptive business organization to deal with these changes. Companies
that are proven to survive are companies that have reliable human resources and have good
performance. This is in line with the view of the progress of the business sector that
employees working at the hotel are company investments that must always be fostered and
directed, as expressed by Faustyna (2014:49). Marliana (2014:251) adds that employee
performance is a concise measurement of the quantity and quality of the contribution of tasks
Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan
Hotel. 3
carried out by individuals or groups for unit or organizational work. Many factors affect the
performance of employees, including the competencies possessed, both knowledge, attitudes,
skills, and their commitment to the given task. Noe quoted by Marliana (2014: 250) states
that competence is an aspect of a person's ability which includes knowledge, skills, attitudes,
values, or personal characteristics, which enable workers to achieve success in completing
their work through achieving results or success in completing tasks. Each employee is
expected to produce each service product according to their respective responsibilities to be
able to satisfy customers (Garst et al., 2019).
Employee competency will demonstrate staff performance when dealing with customers,
which is the primary focus of a business to reduce the rate of switching by customers (Rod et
al., 2016). Abbasi and Alvi (2013) defined service performance as the process of supporting
the business system by connecting the work of every staff to the work unit of the business
mission. With adequate competency, staff can deliver a favorable service performance when
engaging with the customers. Outstanding service performance has a direct correlation with
increased customer satisfaction and has a significant impact on customer retention and
willingness to pay a greater price.
Akbaba (2016) argues that an improved understanding regarding what the customer wants is
essential since it has a major impact on the success of the hotel itself. Therefore, through the
improvement of staff competencies, it is expected that customer satisfaction can also be
improved (Lenka et al., 2016). Alternatively, poor service performance that is given by
incompetent staff may cause customer dissatisfaction, especially in the hospitality industry. If
it happens, hotels will face undoubtfully negative effects on their images that will cause a
decrease in the number of customers who stayed. To create customer satisfaction, companies
engaged in services must create and process a system to acquire more new customers and
also have the ability to maintain customer loyalty, as well as create a sustainable competitive
advantage (Yahya, 2014; 83). To achieve this, one of which requires a deep understanding of
hotel employees about the importance of good service. Moreover, currently hotel guests are
more critical in determining their choice of a product or service. This is because meeting
guest expectations is not only about fulfilling basic needs through the core products
developed, but has shifted to additional attributes attached to these products or services that
are able to fulfill aspects of guest desires. This is something that every hotel employee must
understand well, besides the company must also be able to find ways and set strategies to be
able to meet the needs and desires of its guests, which can ensure that the company can
survive in the long term. The current hotel industry must be able to maintain its business
continuity, which is reflected by the increasing number of hotels in Bandung city, the high
occupancy rate of hotel rooms, and the fulfillment of hotel revenues. The high room
occupancy rate in a hotel is a measure of the success of the hotel in running its business.
The Problems Identification
Based on an initial survey conducted on several 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its
surroundings, especially services at the hotel front office, it was found that several problems
were faced by hotel guests, namely: Relationship program that became a binder for customers
(customer engagement) and employee development programs are still considered not good,
There are still actions by hotel front office staff that are not in accordance with guest
expectations, Hotel front office staff still do not understand standard service procedures,
Service by hotel front office staff is still considered slow, There is service by hotel front
office staff which is unpleasant and unhelpful to guests, Hotel front office staff sometimes
provide inaccurate bill payment information, Front-office staff still wear clothes that look
untidy, Hotel front office employees do not provide information about local tourist areas, and
Front-office staff often fail to record the special requests made by hotel guests.
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It is very likely that the lack of occupancy rates for 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its
surroundings is caused by the still not optimal employee competency development program
and service performance carried out by the hotel in meeting customer satisfaction. Even
though good hotel service performance is needed, considering service performance is one of
the benchmarks for the success of hotel services (Sudarto, 2014: 317).
Based on the background and problem identification above, the objectives of this study are to
1. How is the implementation of the employee competence program at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels
in the Bandung city and its surroundings.
2. How is the service performance of front office staff at 3, 4 and 5 star hotel in the Bandung
city and its surroundings.
3. How is the level of customer satisfaction at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in the Bandung city and
its surroundings.
4. How is the influence of employee competence and service performance of front office staff
on customer satisfaction at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in the Bandung city and its surroundings.
Employee Competence
Competence comes from the word competence which means ability. Competence is an ability
to carry out or perform a job or task based on skills and knowledge and supported by the
work attitude required by the job. Competence shows skills or knowledge that are
characterized by professionalism in a particular field as the most important thing, as the
flagship of that field (Wibowo, 2014: 324). Michael Zwell quoted by Sudarmanto (2016: 47)
states that the concept of competence is simply a good way to break down behavior into its
components. This is related to the use of competencies to help complete or achieve
organizational goals. Competence is a person's ability to produce at a satisfactory level,
demonstrate the characteristics of knowledge and skills possessed or required by an
individual, and describe what people do in the workplace at various levels and specify the
standards and each level. According to Wibowo (2014:324-325) competence is a
fundamental characteristic of each individual that is associated with criteria that are
referenced to superior or effective performance in a job or situation. Competence has 5
characteristics, namely motives, traits, self-concept, knowledge, and skills that underlie a
person's competence. Competence is the ability to carry out tasks or jobs based on
knowledge, skills, and supported by attitudes that underlie individual characteristics.
Competence can be influenced and affect certain traits and can affect performance. Wibowo
(2014: 325) adds that competence is an individual characteristic that underlies performance or
behavior in the workplace. Job performance is influenced by knowledge, abilities, attitudes,
work styles, personality, basic interests or interests, values, beliefs and leadership styles.
According to Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP: 2022), work competence is the
specification of every attitude, knowledge, skill and expertise, as well as its effective
application in work in accordance with the required performance standards. The unit of
competence is a form of statement of the task or job which is part of the standard of work
competence. The scope of existing competencies in the hospitality sector can be used to
assess service performance in the hospitality business.
According to Sulastiyono (2011), in hotel operations there are several departments that have
their own competency units, including:
1. Room Departement
Consist of: Front Office, Room Division, Houskeeping, Reservation, Room maid/Room
boy, Bellboy, and Operator.
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2. Food and Beverage Service Departement
Consist of:Cook, Steward, and Waiter/Waitress.
3. Accounting Departement
Consist of: General Cashir, Income Auditor, Credit, Staff (Accounting Receivable and
4. Monor Departement
Consist of: Operator, Laundry, Sport, and Sauna.
5. Other Function
Consist of: Purchasing, Security, and Hausman.
In this study, the competence of employees that will be measured is the competence of
employees in the Room Department, especially for hotel front office employees. This is given
that in carrying out hotel activities; 1) The department that first deals with and serves
customers or hotel guests is the front office officer, who is responsible for selling or renting
rooms, 2) The front office has a very important task and affects the smooth operation of the
hotel and provides satisfaction for customers during their stay at the hotel (Delcourt &
Gremler, 2012).
In order to provide assurance and assurance in hotel services, Rambat Lupiyoadi and
Hamdani (2016) state that one of them is the competence of hotel front office employees in
serving customers or hotel guests. Based on the Asean Common Competency Standard for
Professional Tourism (ACCSTP, 2014), employee competence is emotional intelligence
which is reflected through the ability of employees in the hospitality sector. In this study, the
competencies of hotel front office employees to be measured include; (a) Core Competencies,
(b) Generic Competencies, and (c) Functional Competencies.
Service Performance
Consumers use a number of tangible cues to judge quality when they buy a physical product
such as product design, color, material, texture, packaging, brand name, and so on. On the
other hand, consumers can only rely on a few available cues when buying products in the
form of services (Djajadiningrat et al., 2014). Lukman (2012) defines service as a series of
activities that occur in direct interaction between a person and another person that provides
satisfaction in an intangible form. Services can only be consumed without involving the
transfer of ownership. Thus, service capacity cannot be stored for sale in the future.
According to Miller quoting Andreani et al., (2012), there are three essential features of
services that must be recognized: intangibility, heterogeneity, and inseparability. Since
services are created by act or performances, detailed results requirements for consistent
quality are uncommon, and hard to set the standards. In the research of Guzzo and Dominici
(2012), it was found that one of the most difficult problems facing hotels today is maintaining
customer loyalty. The customer demands for high quality goods and services in the
hospitality industry have been very clear to professionals (Zhu, 2015). Guest relations are an
organization's competitive tool (Gruen et al., 2014) and customer satisfaction is the starting
point for determining company goals. Therefore, professional hotel services must be provided
by individuals who have adequate expertise and experience as this affects customer
perceptions of the product (Gelderman et al., 2015).
Siswandi (2012:5) says that performance is a condition of a group where they do work harder
and better with the goals of each individual. An employee with high performance has positive
attitudes such as joy, cooperation, pride in work, obedience to obligations, and the loyalty of
the employee. Robbins quoted by Atika et al (2019), suggests that another term for
performance is human output which can be measured from productivity, absenteeism,
turnover, citizenship, and satisfaction.
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Service performance can also be measured from the guest's assessment of the service actually
provided by the employee. It has been found that customer evaluations always depend on the
service they receive when communicating with staff so that they can assess the overall
performance of the business (Andreani and Wijayanty, 2013). This statement is in accordance
with previous research conducted by Abdullah (2014) that service performance must provide
comfort to guests and have a significant impact on the company's contribution because it is
one of the main assets that must be controlled by the company, especially in hotels industry,
whose the goal is customer satisfaction (Alexandro et al., 2021).
Monica (2016) says that the duties and positions carried out by employees must be in
accordance with their abilities and interests in order to produce good service performance.
Tasks and positions that are not in accordance with the abilities and interests of employees
will create obstacles, even frustration, resulting in tension, which is often manifested in
aggressive attitudes and behavior, excessive criticism, or other behaviors. With the existence
of better policies or programs for employees in the organization, in this case the hotel
industry, the performance of hotel employees is basically a key factor in developing an
effective and efficient organizational system. Individual performance appraisals are very
useful for the overall dynamics of hotel growth because through this assessment, the actual
condition of how employees perform can be seen. As a result, hotel organizations require
maximum service performance because the performance of each employee will have a
positive impact on increasing room occupancy rates and hotel revenues.
Based on Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI, 2022) 9 (nine) competency
units for hotel and restaurant front office employees, as follows:
1. Accept and Process Reservations
2. Provide Reception Accommodation Service
3. Maintain Financial Records
4. Processing Financial Transactions
5. Carrying out Clerical Procedures
6. Communicate
7. Conduct Night Audit
8. Provide Club Reception Service
9. Provide Porter Services
As for the service performance criteria in each of the above competency units that will be
measured in this study only:
1. The ability hotel front-office staff to receive and process reservations, as measured by:
a. Customer service courtesy
b. Clarity and accuracy in providing information, recording and documenting
c. The accuracy with which reservation data is provided to other relevant departments
and staff
2. The ability of hotel front-office staff to provide reception accommodation services, as
measured by:
a. Preparation and inspection of the necessary equipment in the reception area
b. Room allocation is based on guest requests and company policy
c. Confirmation of reservation details with guests.
d. Good understanding of reservation procedures.
3. The ability of hotel front office staff in communicating with hotel guests, as measured by:
a. Communication pace, clarity, and accuracy, including telephone communication
b. Communication abilities by emphasizing hospitality and a friendly attitude.
c. Written communication skills for data recording and documentation.
d. The ability to convey messages from guests to other departments and staff.
e. Use the necessary equipment properly and correctly.
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f. The ability to sell hotel products and services.
Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is one of the most researched subjects in the hospitality literature
(Deng et al., 2013; Rahimi and Kozak, 2015; Ali et al., 2016; Mathe et al., 2016; Oh and
Kim, 2017; Lee and Whaley., 2019; Prayag et al., 2019; Sharifi, 2019; Nunkoo et al., 2020).
The word 'satisfaction' comes from the Latin “satis” (enough, good, adequate) and “facio” (to
do or make). It can be translated as "an attempt to get something done" or "to make
something satisfying". Customers will feel dissatisfied if service performance does not match
their expectations (Sivadas and Baker-Prewitt, 2012; Gustafsson et al., 2015).
Customers can be satisfied at three different levels. In other words, if the performance is less
than expectations, the customer will be dissatisfied. Customers will be satisfied if
performance meets expectations. Customers will be very satisfied if performance exceeds
expectations. In line with that, Yuniarso et al. (2021) defines consumer satisfaction as a
condition in which consumers realize that their needs and desires have been fulfilled as
expected and fulfilled properly. Customer satisfaction is now an integral part of the
company's vision, mission, goals, position statement, and other aspects. Satisfied customers
will repeat their orders, do not care about the price offered, remain loyal customers for a long
time, and recommend to others about the product (Kotler and Amstrong, 2016). In this study,
the aspects of customer satisfaction that will be measured refer to the opinion of Irawan
quoted by Tantri (2013), which states that the aspects of customer satisfaction consist of:
a. Product Quality; is the customer's opinion of the product purchased. The following
indicators are used to assess product quality variables:
Product Performance
Product Durability
Product Feature
Product Reliability
b. Price; is the amount of the defined exchange rate inherent in a product, computed based on
the costs required in order to make a profit. The measuring indicators are:
Low price
Provides excellent value for money
Discounts on items
c. Service quality; is the quality that is dependent on three factors: systems, technology, and
individuals, which can be measured by:
d. Emotional factor; is a sense of pride, self-confidence, success symbol, and members of a
group of important individuals. The measuring indicators are:
Proud to utilize the service
High self-esteem in a reputable company
e. Cost and convenience; are sacrifices made by customers to get products or services that
are relatively easy, comfortable, and efficient. The measuring indicators are:
The location is easily accessible
Low cost and ease of use
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Research Framework
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of employee competence (X1) and
service performance of front office staff (X2) on customer satisfaction (Y) at 3, 4, and 5 star
hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings.
This study also accommodates the findings of several previous studies, such as Marliana
(2014) which states that there is a positive and significant influence of competence on the
performance of employees of PT. Frisian Flag Indonesia, West Java region. Wampande,
Ahmed Jowalie (2020) concluded that the employee attitude significantly effects customer
satisfaction in the case study hotel. Gijoh (2013) concluded that competence and work culture
have a significant influence on job satisfaction of outsourcing employees at the Sintesa
Peninsula Hotel Manado. Andreani et al., (2014) who conclude that the Service Performance
dimension as a whole has a considerable impact on customer satisfaction at Bank Central
Asia in Surabaya. Christian (2022) who concluded that service performance has a positive
and significant effect on customer satisfaction. This statement is also supported by the results
of research by Alexandro et al., (2021) which states that employee service performance has a
positive effect on consumer satisfaction variables, with each unit of employee performance
increasing customer satisfaction. Huang et al. (2019) illustrates that the most adequate
integration of tourism resources and attractions, as well as tourist satisfaction along with
service performance, can help businesses to achieve sustainable success and profitability in
the tourism sector.
Based on the description above, the framework of this research can be described, as shown in
Figure 1 below.
Figure 1: Research Framework
Based on the description of the bachground, research purposes, and framework above, the
hypothesis of this study can be formulated, as follows:
H1: There is an effect of employee competence and service performance of front office staff
on customer satisfaction at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings.
H2: There is an effect of employee competence on customer satisfaction at 3, 4 and 5 star
hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings.
H3: There is an effect of employee competence on the service performance of front office
staff at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings.
H4: There is an effect of front office staff service performance on customer satisfaction at 3,
4 and 5 star hotels in the Bandung city and its surroundings.
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This study uses a survey method with descriptive analysis to answer the first to third
objectives on the above background. To answer the fourth objective, verification analysis was
carried out using path analysis with statistical calculations and hypothesis testing.
Determination of the sample using non-probability sampling, namely purposive sampling.
Primary data was obtained by distributing questionnaires to 150 respondents, who were hotel
guests who were and or had stayed at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings.
To the questionnaire, validity and reliability were also tested first. Secondary data was
obtained through literature review from various relevant literatures.
Hypothesis testing is used by the model, as shown in the Figure 2 below.
X1.1: Core Competence X2.1: ReservationProcess
X1.2: Generic Competence X2.2: Reception Accomodation
X1.3: Functional Competence X2.3: Communication Ability
Y : Customer Satisfaction  : Other variables outside of this study.
Figure 2: Path Analysis Model for Hypothesis Testing
1. Respondents' Assessment of Employee Competence at 3, 4, and 5 Star Hotels in
Bandung City and its surroundings
The overall competence of hotel employees is considered to be in the good category.
However, there are several indicators that are still considered weak, namely:
 The ability of employees to work effectively with fellow employees,
 The ability of employees to work socially in various environments,
 The ability of employees to apply occupational health and safety procedures,
 The ability of employees to always do things according to administrative procedures,
 Employee skills to manage operational budgets and develop employee capabilities, and
 Oversee operational activities where he works.
2. Respondents' Assessment of Service Performance of Front Office Staff at 3, 4, and 5
Star Hotels in Bandung City and its surroundings
The ability of the hotel's front office staff in receiving and processing reservations is
considered to be still in the fairly good category. Especially for indicators of clarity of
information provision and accuracy of recording and documentation still need to be
improved. The ability of the hotel's front office staff in providing reception accommodation
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services is also considered to be still in the fairly good category. Overall indicators on this
dimension still need the attention of hotel management to be improved.
The ability of hotel front office staff in communicating with hotel guests is also considered to
be in the fairly good category, and there are even indicators of the ability to promote hotel
products and services which are considered not good. This shows that the overall indicators
of this dimension still really need the attention of hotel management to be improved.
3. Respondents' Assessment of Customer Satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 Star Hotels in
Bandung City and its surroundings
Overall, customer satisfaction with the services of 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in the city of
Bandung and its surroundings is still considered to be in the quite satisfactory category. The
dimensions of product quality are considered to be in the quite satisfactory category, the price
dimension is considered to have been included in the satisfactory category, the service quality
dimension is included in the satisfactory category, the emotional factor dimension is
considered to have been included in the satisfied category, and the dimensions of cost and
ease of being assessed by customers are still included in the category good enough.
This study shows that the overall indicators of the dimensions of customer satisfaction still
really need the attention of hotel management to be improved.
4. The Correlation between Employee Competence (X1) and Hotel Front Office Staff
Service Performance (X2) with Customer Satisfaction (Y) at 3, 4, and 5 Star Hotels in
Bandung City and its surroundings
Based on the data processing, the results were found, as shown in the table below.
Tabel 1: Correlations
Pearson Correlation 1 ,990**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000
N 150 150 150
X2_Kinerja Pearson Correlation ,990**
1 ,818**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000
N 150 150 150
Y_Kepuasan Pearson Correlation ,794**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000
N 150 150 150
**. Correlation is signif icant at the 0.01 lev el (2-tailed).
Table 1 above shows that employee competence and service performance have a strong
correlation. There is a strong correlation between employee competence and customer
satisfaction. There is a strong correlation between service performance and customer
5. The Influence of Employee Competence (X1) and Service Performance of Hotel Front
Office Staff (X2) on Customer Satisfaction (Y) at 3, 4, and 5 Star Hotels in Bandung
City and its surroundings
By using path analysis, it is found that employee competence and service performance have a
direct and indirect effect on customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung city
and its surroundings, as described below.
The Effect of Employee Competence (X1) on Customer Satisfaction (Y)
The results of the path analysis found that employee competence has an effect on customer
satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in the city of Bandung and its surroundings.
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The Effect of Employee Competence (X1) on Service Performance (X2)
The results of the path analysis found that employee competence has a direct effect on service
performance at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in the city of Bandung and its surroundings.
The Effect of Service Performance of Front Office Staff (X2) on Customer Satisfaction
The results of the path analysis found that the service performance of front office staff has an
effect on service performance at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in the city of Bandung and its
The results of this study found that service performance has the most dominant influence on
customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings.
6. Hypothesis Testing Results
Based on the results of the simultaneous test of the H1 hypothesis using the F test, it was
found that Fcount is greater than Ftable. Thus H1 is accepted, meaning that employee
competence and service performance affect customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in
Bandung and its surroundings.
Based on the results of the partial test on H2, H3 and H4 hypotheses using the t-test found, as
• H2 is accepted, meaning that it is true that there is an influence of employee competence on
customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings.
• H3 is accepted, meaning that it is true that there is an influence of employee competence on
the service performance of front office staff at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its
• H4 is accepted, meaning that it is true that there is an effect of the service performance of
hotel front office staff on customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its
Based on the analysis of the results above, it can be concluded as follows:
1. The overall competence of hotel employees is considered to be in the good category.
However, there are some indicators that are considered weak. This needs the attention of
the hotel management to improve.
2. The service performance of the hotel's front office staff as a whole is considered by
customers to be still in the fairly good category. This also needs the attention of hotel
management to be improved.
3. The overall level of hotel customer satisfaction is also considered by customers to be still
in the fairly good category. This also needs the attention of hotel management to be
4. Employee competence and service performance affect customer satisfaction. The service
performance of hotel front office staff has the most dominant influence on customer
satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings.
Based on the conclusions above, suggestions can be given, as follows:
1. Considering that there are still several indicators of employee competence which are
considered weak, it is necessary to improve and improve, by sending hotel employees to
take part in transplanting or exchanging employees with or at other star hotels that have
received good or very good grades.
Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan
Hotel. 12
2. Due to the service performance of the hotel front office staff, there are still many
indicators that are considered sufficient, some are even considered not good, it is deemed
necessary to improve in order to provide satisfactory service for hotel guests, especially
indicators on the dimensions of the ability to communicate with hotel guests.
Improvements can be made by involving front office staff in various trainings, such as:
Communication ethics training, Effective communication skill for hotel staff, or Effective
public speaking, and other similar training.
3. Regarding the dimensions and indicators of customer satisfaction which are considered
still in the sufficient category, this needs the attention of hotel management to be
improved. These improvements can be made, among others, with intensive internal
guidance by hotel manangers or involving front office staff in various trainings, such as:
Service Excellence Training, Service Ethics, Company and product knowledge, or other
similar training.
4. Since employee competence and service performance affect customer satisfaction at 3, 4,
and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings, it is deemed necessary to conduct
further research, with a wider scope and object, such as all star hotels in West Java or
nationally. This further research can also add other variables outside this research, such as
transformational leadership variables, employee motivation, corporate culture, and/or hotel
customer loyalty.
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Penelitian MANDIRI _"The Influence of Employee Competence and Service Performance of Front Office Staff on Customer Satisfaction in 3, 4 and 5 Star Hotels in Bandung and its Surroundings".

  • 1. Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel. 1 The Influence of Employee Competence and Service Performance of Front Office Staff on Customer Satisfaction in 3, 4 and 5 Star Hotels in Bandung and its Surroundings Kanaidi1 and Nisrina Andranaswari2 ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of employee competence and service performance on customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings. This study uses a survey method with descriptive and verification analysis. Hypothesis testing using path analysis. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling. Data were obtained by distributing questionnaires to 150 respondents, who were hotel guests or had stayed at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings. Secondary data obtained through literature review of various relevant literature. The results of the descriptive analysis concluded that the overall of employee competence was judged by the customer to be in the good category. However, there are still some indicators that are considered weak. The service performance of the front office staff is considered by customers to be still in the fairly good category and there are some indicators that are considered adequate, some are even considered not good. The level of customer satisfaction is also considered by customers to be in the fairly good category. The results of the verification analysis show that employee competence and service performance have a positive effect on customer satisfaction at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings. Employee competence, service performance, and customer satisfaction are deemed to need the attention of hotel management to be improved, through various ways that have been described in the suggestions section. Keywords: employee competence, service performance, front office staff, customer satisfaction. BACKGROUND Along with the era of globalization, tourism has become one of the industries in the world and is the mainstay in generating foreign exchange in various countries, including Indonesia. Many cities in Indonesia are in demand by tourists and become attractive visiting destinations for domestic and foreign tourists. As one of the supporters of providing accommodation for tourists who want to enjoy tourism is the availability of adequate hotel facilities. Hotel is one of the accommodation facilities as a place to stay for tourists who also experience competition in business. Hotels as one of the service industries that support tourism activities play a very important role in meeting one of the needs of tourists. The current growth of hotels is in line with the rapid arrival of foreign and domestic tourists who come to visit tourism objects and attractions. West Java is one of the areas most in demand by tourists today, the development of hospitality in West Java is indeed very rapid. This of course tends to lead to strong competition among business people in providing services to hotel customers. Likewise, the Bandung city, which is the capital of the province of West Java, is absolutely superior in terms of geography, historical heritage, and culture. Comparative advantage is the advantage that a region has because it has more or superior production resources compared to 1 Politeknik Pos Indonesia Bandung, 2 Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung,
  • 2. Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel. 2 those of other regions, namely accessibility which makes this area easy to reach by using various modes of transportation, availability of trade and industrial facilities, as well as labor, textile and food processing industries. The Bandung city also has competitive advantages because it has experience or because of the use of science and technology so as to create advantages in competition between regions. For example, in terms of human resources and creative and innovative communities. In addition, the Bandung city is also home to world-class universities from various fields of science as well as research and development facilities. Tourist visits to Bandung and its surroundings are indeed increasing, which is actually an individual guest market opportunity for hospitality. The number of tourists who come to Bandung shows a high increase from year to year, both tourists coming from foreign countries and the archipelago. The increase in the number of tourists is supported by the availability of a variety of natural tourism products, historical and cultural tourism, as well as culinary and shopping tourism. But unfortunately, the increase in the number of tourist visits was not followed by an increase in hotel occupancy (Herman Muchtar, Chair of the West Java PHRI, Tribun Jabar, 2019). The hotel is not filled because the tourists are scattered in various places with the increasing number of permits for the construction and operation of new hotels in Bandung and its surroundings. This is even more so because it is also triggered by the presence of several apartments in Bandung and its surroundings whose rooms have been converted to function like hotels (Yana Mulyana Supardjo, Chair of the West Java Real Estate Indonesia (REI) DPD, (, 2019). The tight competition and the low occupancy rate of hotel rooms make companies in the hotel industry need to think about strategies that need to be carried out to increase hotel room occupancy rates and increase hotel revenues. Where the hotel room occupancy rate and the increase in hotel revenue are benchmarks for the success of hotel service performance. Various efforts have been made by several hotels in the city of Bandung and its surroundings in competing, such as increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of employee competence and improving service performance as a guide in providing services that satisfy customers. Of course this is a challenge for hotel managers to further improve employee competence and service performance in order to face the process of changing the sustainable business environment, in order to provide satisfaction for customers. According to Douglas quoted by Salain and Wardana, (2012:1259) explains that a company needs employees who are able to work better and faster, thus employees who have high performance are needed. A large number of human resources if able to be empowered effectively and efficiently will be useful to support the movement of achieving company goals, talented employees are the foundation in achieving competitive advantage (Robert L. Mathis, 2006:41). Human resource management is not an easy thing to do, but requires its own ability and expertise in its management. Therefore, efforts are needed to create human resources capable of producing optimal performance so that the company's goals can be achieved. As revealed by Mathis (2016:113) there are 3 (three) main factors that affect individual employee performance, namely 1) Individual ability to do the job, 2) Level of effort devoted, and 3) Organizational support. The development of the hospitality service industry is always associated with uncertainty and is vulnerable to change. Hotel management is required to become a flexible and adaptive business organization to deal with these changes. Companies that are proven to survive are companies that have reliable human resources and have good performance. This is in line with the view of the progress of the business sector that employees working at the hotel are company investments that must always be fostered and directed, as expressed by Faustyna (2014:49). Marliana (2014:251) adds that employee performance is a concise measurement of the quantity and quality of the contribution of tasks
  • 3. Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel. 3 carried out by individuals or groups for unit or organizational work. Many factors affect the performance of employees, including the competencies possessed, both knowledge, attitudes, skills, and their commitment to the given task. Noe quoted by Marliana (2014: 250) states that competence is an aspect of a person's ability which includes knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, or personal characteristics, which enable workers to achieve success in completing their work through achieving results or success in completing tasks. Each employee is expected to produce each service product according to their respective responsibilities to be able to satisfy customers (Garst et al., 2019). Employee competency will demonstrate staff performance when dealing with customers, which is the primary focus of a business to reduce the rate of switching by customers (Rod et al., 2016). Abbasi and Alvi (2013) defined service performance as the process of supporting the business system by connecting the work of every staff to the work unit of the business mission. With adequate competency, staff can deliver a favorable service performance when engaging with the customers. Outstanding service performance has a direct correlation with increased customer satisfaction and has a significant impact on customer retention and willingness to pay a greater price. Akbaba (2016) argues that an improved understanding regarding what the customer wants is essential since it has a major impact on the success of the hotel itself. Therefore, through the improvement of staff competencies, it is expected that customer satisfaction can also be improved (Lenka et al., 2016). Alternatively, poor service performance that is given by incompetent staff may cause customer dissatisfaction, especially in the hospitality industry. If it happens, hotels will face undoubtfully negative effects on their images that will cause a decrease in the number of customers who stayed. To create customer satisfaction, companies engaged in services must create and process a system to acquire more new customers and also have the ability to maintain customer loyalty, as well as create a sustainable competitive advantage (Yahya, 2014; 83). To achieve this, one of which requires a deep understanding of hotel employees about the importance of good service. Moreover, currently hotel guests are more critical in determining their choice of a product or service. This is because meeting guest expectations is not only about fulfilling basic needs through the core products developed, but has shifted to additional attributes attached to these products or services that are able to fulfill aspects of guest desires. This is something that every hotel employee must understand well, besides the company must also be able to find ways and set strategies to be able to meet the needs and desires of its guests, which can ensure that the company can survive in the long term. The current hotel industry must be able to maintain its business continuity, which is reflected by the increasing number of hotels in Bandung city, the high occupancy rate of hotel rooms, and the fulfillment of hotel revenues. The high room occupancy rate in a hotel is a measure of the success of the hotel in running its business. The Problems Identification Based on an initial survey conducted on several 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings, especially services at the hotel front office, it was found that several problems were faced by hotel guests, namely: Relationship program that became a binder for customers (customer engagement) and employee development programs are still considered not good, There are still actions by hotel front office staff that are not in accordance with guest expectations, Hotel front office staff still do not understand standard service procedures, Service by hotel front office staff is still considered slow, There is service by hotel front office staff which is unpleasant and unhelpful to guests, Hotel front office staff sometimes provide inaccurate bill payment information, Front-office staff still wear clothes that look untidy, Hotel front office employees do not provide information about local tourist areas, and Front-office staff often fail to record the special requests made by hotel guests.
  • 4. Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel. 4 It is very likely that the lack of occupancy rates for 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings is caused by the still not optimal employee competency development program and service performance carried out by the hotel in meeting customer satisfaction. Even though good hotel service performance is needed, considering service performance is one of the benchmarks for the success of hotel services (Sudarto, 2014: 317). OBJECTIVE Based on the background and problem identification above, the objectives of this study are to determine: 1. How is the implementation of the employee competence program at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in the Bandung city and its surroundings. 2. How is the service performance of front office staff at 3, 4 and 5 star hotel in the Bandung city and its surroundings. 3. How is the level of customer satisfaction at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in the Bandung city and its surroundings. 4. How is the influence of employee competence and service performance of front office staff on customer satisfaction at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in the Bandung city and its surroundings. Employee Competence Competence comes from the word competence which means ability. Competence is an ability to carry out or perform a job or task based on skills and knowledge and supported by the work attitude required by the job. Competence shows skills or knowledge that are characterized by professionalism in a particular field as the most important thing, as the flagship of that field (Wibowo, 2014: 324). Michael Zwell quoted by Sudarmanto (2016: 47) states that the concept of competence is simply a good way to break down behavior into its components. This is related to the use of competencies to help complete or achieve organizational goals. Competence is a person's ability to produce at a satisfactory level, demonstrate the characteristics of knowledge and skills possessed or required by an individual, and describe what people do in the workplace at various levels and specify the standards and each level. According to Wibowo (2014:324-325) competence is a fundamental characteristic of each individual that is associated with criteria that are referenced to superior or effective performance in a job or situation. Competence has 5 characteristics, namely motives, traits, self-concept, knowledge, and skills that underlie a person's competence. Competence is the ability to carry out tasks or jobs based on knowledge, skills, and supported by attitudes that underlie individual characteristics. Competence can be influenced and affect certain traits and can affect performance. Wibowo (2014: 325) adds that competence is an individual characteristic that underlies performance or behavior in the workplace. Job performance is influenced by knowledge, abilities, attitudes, work styles, personality, basic interests or interests, values, beliefs and leadership styles. According to Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP: 2022), work competence is the specification of every attitude, knowledge, skill and expertise, as well as its effective application in work in accordance with the required performance standards. The unit of competence is a form of statement of the task or job which is part of the standard of work competence. The scope of existing competencies in the hospitality sector can be used to assess service performance in the hospitality business. According to Sulastiyono (2011), in hotel operations there are several departments that have their own competency units, including: 1. Room Departement Consist of: Front Office, Room Division, Houskeeping, Reservation, Room maid/Room boy, Bellboy, and Operator.
  • 5. Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel. 5 2. Food and Beverage Service Departement Consist of:Cook, Steward, and Waiter/Waitress. 3. Accounting Departement Consist of: General Cashir, Income Auditor, Credit, Staff (Accounting Receivable and Payable). 4. Monor Departement Consist of: Operator, Laundry, Sport, and Sauna. 5. Other Function Consist of: Purchasing, Security, and Hausman. In this study, the competence of employees that will be measured is the competence of employees in the Room Department, especially for hotel front office employees. This is given that in carrying out hotel activities; 1) The department that first deals with and serves customers or hotel guests is the front office officer, who is responsible for selling or renting rooms, 2) The front office has a very important task and affects the smooth operation of the hotel and provides satisfaction for customers during their stay at the hotel (Delcourt & Gremler, 2012). In order to provide assurance and assurance in hotel services, Rambat Lupiyoadi and Hamdani (2016) state that one of them is the competence of hotel front office employees in serving customers or hotel guests. Based on the Asean Common Competency Standard for Professional Tourism (ACCSTP, 2014), employee competence is emotional intelligence which is reflected through the ability of employees in the hospitality sector. In this study, the competencies of hotel front office employees to be measured include; (a) Core Competencies, (b) Generic Competencies, and (c) Functional Competencies. Service Performance Consumers use a number of tangible cues to judge quality when they buy a physical product such as product design, color, material, texture, packaging, brand name, and so on. On the other hand, consumers can only rely on a few available cues when buying products in the form of services (Djajadiningrat et al., 2014). Lukman (2012) defines service as a series of activities that occur in direct interaction between a person and another person that provides satisfaction in an intangible form. Services can only be consumed without involving the transfer of ownership. Thus, service capacity cannot be stored for sale in the future. According to Miller quoting Andreani et al., (2012), there are three essential features of services that must be recognized: intangibility, heterogeneity, and inseparability. Since services are created by act or performances, detailed results requirements for consistent quality are uncommon, and hard to set the standards. In the research of Guzzo and Dominici (2012), it was found that one of the most difficult problems facing hotels today is maintaining customer loyalty. The customer demands for high quality goods and services in the hospitality industry have been very clear to professionals (Zhu, 2015). Guest relations are an organization's competitive tool (Gruen et al., 2014) and customer satisfaction is the starting point for determining company goals. Therefore, professional hotel services must be provided by individuals who have adequate expertise and experience as this affects customer perceptions of the product (Gelderman et al., 2015). Siswandi (2012:5) says that performance is a condition of a group where they do work harder and better with the goals of each individual. An employee with high performance has positive attitudes such as joy, cooperation, pride in work, obedience to obligations, and the loyalty of the employee. Robbins quoted by Atika et al (2019), suggests that another term for performance is human output which can be measured from productivity, absenteeism, turnover, citizenship, and satisfaction.
  • 6. Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel. 6 Service performance can also be measured from the guest's assessment of the service actually provided by the employee. It has been found that customer evaluations always depend on the service they receive when communicating with staff so that they can assess the overall performance of the business (Andreani and Wijayanty, 2013). This statement is in accordance with previous research conducted by Abdullah (2014) that service performance must provide comfort to guests and have a significant impact on the company's contribution because it is one of the main assets that must be controlled by the company, especially in hotels industry, whose the goal is customer satisfaction (Alexandro et al., 2021). Monica (2016) says that the duties and positions carried out by employees must be in accordance with their abilities and interests in order to produce good service performance. Tasks and positions that are not in accordance with the abilities and interests of employees will create obstacles, even frustration, resulting in tension, which is often manifested in aggressive attitudes and behavior, excessive criticism, or other behaviors. With the existence of better policies or programs for employees in the organization, in this case the hotel industry, the performance of hotel employees is basically a key factor in developing an effective and efficient organizational system. Individual performance appraisals are very useful for the overall dynamics of hotel growth because through this assessment, the actual condition of how employees perform can be seen. As a result, hotel organizations require maximum service performance because the performance of each employee will have a positive impact on increasing room occupancy rates and hotel revenues. Based on Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI, 2022) 9 (nine) competency units for hotel and restaurant front office employees, as follows: 1. Accept and Process Reservations 2. Provide Reception Accommodation Service 3. Maintain Financial Records 4. Processing Financial Transactions 5. Carrying out Clerical Procedures 6. Communicate 7. Conduct Night Audit 8. Provide Club Reception Service 9. Provide Porter Services As for the service performance criteria in each of the above competency units that will be measured in this study only: 1. The ability hotel front-office staff to receive and process reservations, as measured by: a. Customer service courtesy b. Clarity and accuracy in providing information, recording and documenting c. The accuracy with which reservation data is provided to other relevant departments and staff 2. The ability of hotel front-office staff to provide reception accommodation services, as measured by: a. Preparation and inspection of the necessary equipment in the reception area b. Room allocation is based on guest requests and company policy c. Confirmation of reservation details with guests. d. Good understanding of reservation procedures. 3. The ability of hotel front office staff in communicating with hotel guests, as measured by: a. Communication pace, clarity, and accuracy, including telephone communication b. Communication abilities by emphasizing hospitality and a friendly attitude. c. Written communication skills for data recording and documentation. d. The ability to convey messages from guests to other departments and staff. e. Use the necessary equipment properly and correctly.
  • 7. Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel. 7 f. The ability to sell hotel products and services. Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is one of the most researched subjects in the hospitality literature (Deng et al., 2013; Rahimi and Kozak, 2015; Ali et al., 2016; Mathe et al., 2016; Oh and Kim, 2017; Lee and Whaley., 2019; Prayag et al., 2019; Sharifi, 2019; Nunkoo et al., 2020). The word 'satisfaction' comes from the Latin “satis” (enough, good, adequate) and “facio” (to do or make). It can be translated as "an attempt to get something done" or "to make something satisfying". Customers will feel dissatisfied if service performance does not match their expectations (Sivadas and Baker-Prewitt, 2012; Gustafsson et al., 2015). Customers can be satisfied at three different levels. In other words, if the performance is less than expectations, the customer will be dissatisfied. Customers will be satisfied if performance meets expectations. Customers will be very satisfied if performance exceeds expectations. In line with that, Yuniarso et al. (2021) defines consumer satisfaction as a condition in which consumers realize that their needs and desires have been fulfilled as expected and fulfilled properly. Customer satisfaction is now an integral part of the company's vision, mission, goals, position statement, and other aspects. Satisfied customers will repeat their orders, do not care about the price offered, remain loyal customers for a long time, and recommend to others about the product (Kotler and Amstrong, 2016). In this study, the aspects of customer satisfaction that will be measured refer to the opinion of Irawan quoted by Tantri (2013), which states that the aspects of customer satisfaction consist of: a. Product Quality; is the customer's opinion of the product purchased. The following indicators are used to assess product quality variables: Product Performance Product Durability Product Feature Product Reliability b. Price; is the amount of the defined exchange rate inherent in a product, computed based on the costs required in order to make a profit. The measuring indicators are: Low price Provides excellent value for money Discounts on items c. Service quality; is the quality that is dependent on three factors: systems, technology, and individuals, which can be measured by: Tangibles Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy d. Emotional factor; is a sense of pride, self-confidence, success symbol, and members of a group of important individuals. The measuring indicators are: Proud to utilize the service High self-esteem in a reputable company e. Cost and convenience; are sacrifices made by customers to get products or services that are relatively easy, comfortable, and efficient. The measuring indicators are: The location is easily accessible Low cost and ease of use
  • 8. Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel. 8 Research Framework The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of employee competence (X1) and service performance of front office staff (X2) on customer satisfaction (Y) at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings. This study also accommodates the findings of several previous studies, such as Marliana (2014) which states that there is a positive and significant influence of competence on the performance of employees of PT. Frisian Flag Indonesia, West Java region. Wampande, Ahmed Jowalie (2020) concluded that the employee attitude significantly effects customer satisfaction in the case study hotel. Gijoh (2013) concluded that competence and work culture have a significant influence on job satisfaction of outsourcing employees at the Sintesa Peninsula Hotel Manado. Andreani et al., (2014) who conclude that the Service Performance dimension as a whole has a considerable impact on customer satisfaction at Bank Central Asia in Surabaya. Christian (2022) who concluded that service performance has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. This statement is also supported by the results of research by Alexandro et al., (2021) which states that employee service performance has a positive effect on consumer satisfaction variables, with each unit of employee performance increasing customer satisfaction. Huang et al. (2019) illustrates that the most adequate integration of tourism resources and attractions, as well as tourist satisfaction along with service performance, can help businesses to achieve sustainable success and profitability in the tourism sector. Based on the description above, the framework of this research can be described, as shown in Figure 1 below. Figure 1: Research Framework Hypothesis Based on the description of the bachground, research purposes, and framework above, the hypothesis of this study can be formulated, as follows: H1: There is an effect of employee competence and service performance of front office staff on customer satisfaction at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings. H2: There is an effect of employee competence on customer satisfaction at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings. H3: There is an effect of employee competence on the service performance of front office staff at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings. H4: There is an effect of front office staff service performance on customer satisfaction at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in the Bandung city and its surroundings.
  • 9. Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel. 9 METHODOLOGY This study uses a survey method with descriptive analysis to answer the first to third objectives on the above background. To answer the fourth objective, verification analysis was carried out using path analysis with statistical calculations and hypothesis testing. Determination of the sample using non-probability sampling, namely purposive sampling. Primary data was obtained by distributing questionnaires to 150 respondents, who were hotel guests who were and or had stayed at 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings. To the questionnaire, validity and reliability were also tested first. Secondary data was obtained through literature review from various relevant literatures. Hypothesis testing is used by the model, as shown in the Figure 2 below. Caption: X1.1: Core Competence X2.1: ReservationProcess X1.2: Generic Competence X2.2: Reception Accomodation X1.3: Functional Competence X2.3: Communication Ability Y : Customer Satisfaction  : Other variables outside of this study. Figure 2: Path Analysis Model for Hypothesis Testing RESULTS 1. Respondents' Assessment of Employee Competence at 3, 4, and 5 Star Hotels in Bandung City and its surroundings The overall competence of hotel employees is considered to be in the good category. However, there are several indicators that are still considered weak, namely:  The ability of employees to work effectively with fellow employees,  The ability of employees to work socially in various environments,  The ability of employees to apply occupational health and safety procedures,  The ability of employees to always do things according to administrative procedures,  Employee skills to manage operational budgets and develop employee capabilities, and  Oversee operational activities where he works. 2. Respondents' Assessment of Service Performance of Front Office Staff at 3, 4, and 5 Star Hotels in Bandung City and its surroundings The ability of the hotel's front office staff in receiving and processing reservations is considered to be still in the fairly good category. Especially for indicators of clarity of information provision and accuracy of recording and documentation still need to be improved. The ability of the hotel's front office staff in providing reception accommodation
  • 10. Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel. 10 services is also considered to be still in the fairly good category. Overall indicators on this dimension still need the attention of hotel management to be improved. The ability of hotel front office staff in communicating with hotel guests is also considered to be in the fairly good category, and there are even indicators of the ability to promote hotel products and services which are considered not good. This shows that the overall indicators of this dimension still really need the attention of hotel management to be improved. 3. Respondents' Assessment of Customer Satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 Star Hotels in Bandung City and its surroundings Overall, customer satisfaction with the services of 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in the city of Bandung and its surroundings is still considered to be in the quite satisfactory category. The dimensions of product quality are considered to be in the quite satisfactory category, the price dimension is considered to have been included in the satisfactory category, the service quality dimension is included in the satisfactory category, the emotional factor dimension is considered to have been included in the satisfied category, and the dimensions of cost and ease of being assessed by customers are still included in the category good enough. This study shows that the overall indicators of the dimensions of customer satisfaction still really need the attention of hotel management to be improved. 4. The Correlation between Employee Competence (X1) and Hotel Front Office Staff Service Performance (X2) with Customer Satisfaction (Y) at 3, 4, and 5 Star Hotels in Bandung City and its surroundings Based on the data processing, the results were found, as shown in the table below. Tabel 1: Correlations X1 _Kompetensi X2 _Kinerja Y _Kepuasan X1_ Kompetensi Pearson Correlation 1 ,990** ,794** Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000 N 150 150 150 X2_Kinerja Pearson Correlation ,990** 1 ,818** Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000 N 150 150 150 Y_Kepuasan Pearson Correlation ,794** ,818** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000 N 150 150 150 **. Correlation is signif icant at the 0.01 lev el (2-tailed). Table 1 above shows that employee competence and service performance have a strong correlation. There is a strong correlation between employee competence and customer satisfaction. There is a strong correlation between service performance and customer satisfaction. 5. The Influence of Employee Competence (X1) and Service Performance of Hotel Front Office Staff (X2) on Customer Satisfaction (Y) at 3, 4, and 5 Star Hotels in Bandung City and its surroundings By using path analysis, it is found that employee competence and service performance have a direct and indirect effect on customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings, as described below. The Effect of Employee Competence (X1) on Customer Satisfaction (Y) The results of the path analysis found that employee competence has an effect on customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in the city of Bandung and its surroundings.
  • 11. Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel. 11 The Effect of Employee Competence (X1) on Service Performance (X2) The results of the path analysis found that employee competence has a direct effect on service performance at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in the city of Bandung and its surroundings. The Effect of Service Performance of Front Office Staff (X2) on Customer Satisfaction (Y) The results of the path analysis found that the service performance of front office staff has an effect on service performance at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in the city of Bandung and its surroundings. The results of this study found that service performance has the most dominant influence on customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings. 6. Hypothesis Testing Results Based on the results of the simultaneous test of the H1 hypothesis using the F test, it was found that Fcount is greater than Ftable. Thus H1 is accepted, meaning that employee competence and service performance affect customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings. Based on the results of the partial test on H2, H3 and H4 hypotheses using the t-test found, as follows: • H2 is accepted, meaning that it is true that there is an influence of employee competence on customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings. • H3 is accepted, meaning that it is true that there is an influence of employee competence on the service performance of front office staff at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings. • H4 is accepted, meaning that it is true that there is an effect of the service performance of hotel front office staff on customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings. CONCLUSION Based on the analysis of the results above, it can be concluded as follows: 1. The overall competence of hotel employees is considered to be in the good category. However, there are some indicators that are considered weak. This needs the attention of the hotel management to improve. 2. The service performance of the hotel's front office staff as a whole is considered by customers to be still in the fairly good category. This also needs the attention of hotel management to be improved. 3. The overall level of hotel customer satisfaction is also considered by customers to be still in the fairly good category. This also needs the attention of hotel management to be improved. 4. Employee competence and service performance affect customer satisfaction. The service performance of hotel front office staff has the most dominant influence on customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung city and its surroundings. Suggestions Based on the conclusions above, suggestions can be given, as follows: 1. Considering that there are still several indicators of employee competence which are considered weak, it is necessary to improve and improve, by sending hotel employees to take part in transplanting or exchanging employees with or at other star hotels that have received good or very good grades.
  • 12. Kanaidi & Andranaswari, Pengaruh Kompetensi Karyawan dan Kinerja Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel. 12 2. Due to the service performance of the hotel front office staff, there are still many indicators that are considered sufficient, some are even considered not good, it is deemed necessary to improve in order to provide satisfactory service for hotel guests, especially indicators on the dimensions of the ability to communicate with hotel guests. Improvements can be made by involving front office staff in various trainings, such as: Communication ethics training, Effective communication skill for hotel staff, or Effective public speaking, and other similar training. 3. Regarding the dimensions and indicators of customer satisfaction which are considered still in the sufficient category, this needs the attention of hotel management to be improved. These improvements can be made, among others, with intensive internal guidance by hotel manangers or involving front office staff in various trainings, such as: Service Excellence Training, Service Ethics, Company and product knowledge, or other similar training. 4. Since employee competence and service performance affect customer satisfaction at 3, 4, and 5 star hotels in Bandung and its surroundings, it is deemed necessary to conduct further research, with a wider scope and object, such as all star hotels in West Java or nationally. This further research can also add other variables outside this research, such as transformational leadership variables, employee motivation, corporate culture, and/or hotel customer loyalty. Daftar Pustaka Abbasi, A. S. and Alvi, A. K. (2013), Impact of employee characteristics and their. 25 (2) pp. 387–394. Abdullah, Muhammad Madi. (2014), The importance of soft factors for quality improvement: Case study of electrical and electronics firms in Malaysia, International Journal of Business and Management, December, 2014 ACCSTP. (2014), Asean Common Competency Standard for Tourism Profesional, 2014 Akbaba, A. (2016), Measuring service quality in the hotel industry: a study in a business hotel in turkey. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 25 (2) pp. 170–192. Alexandro, R., Uda, T., Hariatama H., F. and Lestari, U. (2021), The effect of employee performance on consumer satisfaction at setia hotel, Puruk Cahu, Murung Raya. International Journal of Social Science and Business, 5(3) p. 399. Andreani, F. and Wijayanty, D. (2013), The influence of service performance on customer satisfaction of Bank Central Asia in Surabaya. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, Vol.3(Issue) pp. 57–64. Atika, Basri, Baharuddin, and Hamzah Hafied. (2019), The effect of commitment, leadership and compensation on job satisfaction and performance of government apparatus in West Sulawesi. Management and Economics Journal (MEC-J) Vol 3 (1) April 2019. BNSP. (2022), Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi. Christian, Kuswibowo. (2022), The impact of service performance on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty during covid-19 pandemic: A case study of Bank BTN. International Journal of Business Studies, 6(SI) pp. 14–22.
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