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Course Title: COMP1308Course Title: COMP1308Course Title: COMP1308Course Title: COMP1308
Submitted To:
Mrs Keeran Jamil
Greenwich Coordinator
Submitted By:
Md. Mahbub Alam
ID: 000788896
Date: 22/11/2013
2 | P a g e
It is my pleasure and privilege to prepare this assignment. It gave me immense
interest and aroused curiosity and I believe that the experience gathered in this
assignment will help me extremely in career building.
I am especially grateful to our respectable teacher – Mr. Monjur Ahmed for giving me
valuable suggestion and support me to prepare this project. Without his advice and
support, it would not be possible for me to prepare this assignment.
3 | P a g e
Strategic EvaluationStrategic EvaluationStrategic EvaluationStrategic Evaluation
Document for BootsDocument for BootsDocument for BootsDocument for Boots
Submitted To:
Boots Senior Management
Submitted by:
Md. Mahbub Alam
4 | P a g e
Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents
1. Management Summery ......................................................................................................................5
2. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................6
3. Strategic Evaluation ............................................................................................................................7
Threats: ...............................................................................................................................................8
Technological ......................................................................................................................................9
4. Impact of IS .........................................................................................................................................9
4.1. Investigate the impact of new IT/IS system.....................................................................................9
5. eMarketing Strategic.........................................................................................................................10
5.1. Strategies which organization has to adopt ..................................................................................10
5.2. Proposition value and differential advantage of this strategy ......................................................12
6. Legal and ethical issues.....................................................................................................................13
6.1 Cookie Policy...............................................................................................................................13
6.2 Privacy Policy...............................................................................................................................13
6.3 Sending Unsolicited Email...........................................................................................................15
6.4 Social Exclusion ...........................................................................................................................15
6.5 Policy on Handing Over the Data................................................................................................15
7. Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................16
8. References ........................................................................................................................................16
5 | P a g e Management SummeryManagement SummeryManagement SummeryManagement Summery
Boots is an organization which sales product to customer. They need an information
management system which capable to manage all type of job in a single platform. All
type of job has to be integrated with this system. This management system can help
customer and also management of Boots. This system has to high efficiency of
performance. User friendly user interface so, this system does not need any kind of
user training. Report manipulations for user and management perspective. Sales and
purchase integration to the system. Users can easy ecommerce by helping this
system. System has to be secure by external threat. Management and user have to
happy using this system.
6 | P a g e IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction
Boots is providing service to customer by sale products. They sales various types of
goods as customer require. Sales products are such as skin care products, hair care
products, Boots health & Travel Cover and baby care products etc. The customer can
shop in peace and perhaps earn extra points as well.
They have many types of goods. Customers can purchase those goods from their
retail shop. Customer can purchase product using Card and customer can get an
extra advantage using this card. Boots lunched this card scheme nationally in
September 1997 following a two year research programme that had included
extensive in the Norwich and Plymouth area. The majority of their customers are
women. They record customer information in a database which is soft system. Some
time Boots provide some discount to customer for better customer relation and
grater sale.
Boots is a long-established IBM customer. They looking for better Information system
solution. Their database system started in spring 1997. Their database is now
decreasing performance and so, they need a better solution which is better than
now. They have huge information of customer. New system has to achieve the Boots
requirement. Database has to be capable to process of analysis. All previous data
have to have in new database. Previous customer data is a greatest asset of Boots.
Boots wanted to at least eight million signup and they got ten million card holders in
December 1998. As a result their new system has to be strong and entity query have
to faster processing result provide able.
7 | P a g e Strategic EvaluationStrategic EvaluationStrategic EvaluationStrategic Evaluation
To be successful and make advancement in the business, it is very important for a
company to plan its futures strategies to the business. To settle on its strategy, the
company first needs to know about its present position. At the present time to
analyze a company’s present position, an accepted tool is often used named SWOT
analysis and PEST analysis. SWOT is the acronym of strength, weakness,
opportunities and threats. PEST is the acronym of Political factor, Economical factor,
Social factor and Technical factor. It is provides compassionate information for
correct organizations abilities and resources to the ready for action environment it
operates inside.
SWOT Analysis:
• Boots is well known to customers, respected and recognized
• It have huge number of card holder
• Huge number of customer information
• Customer email and contact information
• Low budget products as user required
• Many shops in different of location
• Various types of products
• Boots always able to understand customer required goods
• Financial growth
• Useful promotional strategies
• Need more time to generate report or query
• All activity are not centralised
• Not have fully integrated system
• Not have experience employee
8 | P a g e
• Existing customers are the key ambassadors for a organization
• Customer have no objection
• They can expand their fleet by acquiring more shops
• Increase of environmental taxes
• Dependencies on third party shop providers
• IT system breakdown
PEST analysis
• In this case they need to aware about recent threat of war in Middle East
(Among Israel, Iran and Palestine) and in Africa (recent chaos in Egypt). There
is also chaos happening in Syria
• Taxes may be change
• Increasing terrorists attack across the globe
• People are normally quite sociable to the prospect of low-priced product
• Some countries financial system might downfall
• Improbability due to the cost instability of product
• Long term loans
• Europe becomes more united
• Unemployment rate across Europe is increasing gradually
• Recently GBP value has fallen down
9 | P a g e
• Most of the bookings are complete through Internet
• The advancement in technology also makes sure the convenience of
replacements and maintenance services to its convoy of airplanes.
4. Impact of IS4. Impact of IS4. Impact of IS4. Impact of IS
The execution of Boots e-marketing strategy has been achieved on the company’s
system. The Boots system has been designed to propose high usability to visitor and
is simple to use compare to some of its competitor. It is simply designed, with an
intuitive navigation – allowing users to move from page to page without the need to
go via main interface. It has high functionality and is without excess baggage. It was
created with the intention not to tire the visitor with redundant graphics and
advertisements which would distract its visitors and make them walk away from the
system. It employs moderate use of text eliminating time wastage while conveying
accurate message to guide users through various links. Each page on the system
consist enough required information without abstract marketing banners to
sidetrack real buyers.
4.1. Investigate the impact of new IT/IS system4.1. Investigate the impact of new IT/IS system4.1. Investigate the impact of new IT/IS system4.1. Investigate the impact of new IT/IS system
The implementation of the strategy has an impact on the business performance
because the site is well integrated into Boots’s existing systems and business process.
A good case in point is the ability to feed press release into the site through
electronic and new destination appearing automatically once fed into the business’s
information system. According to the case study, the effectiveness of the system was
proved when the dedicated cell number on the site hit six months target within six
10 | P a g e
weeks. The log file recorded 8 minutes average time spent on the system per person
and almost each caller made a purchase. The system proved that Boots phone
operators were busy selling product rather than answering questions over the
5. eMarketing Strategic5. eMarketing Strategic5. eMarketing Strategic5. eMarketing Strategic
E-marketing means the focus of marketing on the customers, even as inferring they
require linking other business operation to achieve the required efficiency. E-
marketing is for that reason defined as achieve marketing objectives through the
make use of electronic communication technology which includes internet, eBooks,
e-mail, mobile phones etc.
According to the case study, at the beginning of its long run Boots did not give that
much significance on the digital marketing, though later it was realized by the
administration that the digital marketing activities were needed to adopt for further
success for Boots. The activities that were adopted have been outlined in the
conversation below.
5.1. Strategies which organization has to adopt5.1. Strategies which organization has to adopt5.1. Strategies which organization has to adopt5.1. Strategies which organization has to adopt
Because the Internet gives the most cost-effective distribution channel, Boots has
uncompromisingly pursued its strategy of encouraging customers to book their
product online.
• Boots first initiate the thought of offering a discount to Internet customers, an
ingenuity that has been widely copied by competitors. Any Boots promotions
11 | P a g e
are exclusive to the Internet, so that customers must get online if they wish to
take benefit of discounted.
• On the system they added new services which are all meant to attract the
• Boots arrange different competition through the system for the users where
successful competitor is rewarded.
• Another e-marketing strategy which Boots has taken is E-mail marketing. It is
one of the usual ways of on-line or digital promotion where a people are sent
emails to notify about the services offered by the business. On the other hand,
there are also many other ways of digital marketing which Boots can consider
to adopt. Some of the ways are included below.
• SMM (Social Media Marketing) – Social media is a proven and very successful
means of reaching people on an all-purpose basis or a targeted group basis. In
its simplest form, this kind of service could be treated as the provision of
reaching people by means of utilizing the control of the social media
platforms like “” or “” or “” where
thousands of people can be reached easily and it is a great form of cost-
effective means of digital advertising.
• SEO – SEO is the acronym of Search Engine Optimization. It is an indirect way
of digital marketing which was popular and very necessary for the success of
the commerce. It was very important for the business to be optimized for the
search engines so that the search engines can show the commerce in their
search listing when people search with relevant keyword to find a business or
service similar to the selling.
• Backlines – By means of Backlines, it was possible to obtain an increased
number of visitors to the system and thus getting more dealing. Thus this
indirect approach of promoting the business and spreading the word were
adopted as one of the digital marketing means for the dealing.
12 | P a g e
• Mobile Marketing – Advertising were based on distribution the words through
cell as it was possible for people to be online by means of smart phones.
The e-marketing strategies that are planned above are attached with the business
and other policies and objectives of the selling so that a proper mapping of the
resources and activities could take place to portray the above advertising strategies
for the total success of the business. Proposition value and differential advantage of this strategyProposition value and differential advantage of this strategyProposition value and differential advantage of this strategyProposition value and differential advantage of this strategy
We can see that Boots is balancing their online and offline promotion by the
following ways.
• Boots frequently provides promotional offers
• Specific campaign to encourage customer
• If we look into the case study, Buy baby product and get a picture frame
promotional offer
• For increasing the online customers they have put the company URL
Above list it is that Boots is evaluation their online and offline promotion smoothly.
13 | P a g e
6. Legal a6. Legal a6. Legal a6. Legal and ethical issuesnd ethical issuesnd ethical issuesnd ethical issues
Legal and ethical issues are one of the key factors to success of a business. Legal
issues are those rules which are bounded by the law and everyone must have to
follow those rules. If someone breaks those rules, he/ she must be punished.
In this part, it has been discussed what legal and ethical issues “Boots” needs to
consider with regard to the gathering, processing, distribution and use of information
on the internet.
6.1 Cookie Policy
While using cookies in the system, they must follow the laws concerning the cookies
and must let the system visitors’ percept about that. The company must have a
cookie policy which should contain the following details-
• General Explanation about what cookie is.
• What kind of information they gather by cookies.
• Clear information about how they use cookies.
• What types of cookies they use and explanation for each of those cookies.
• Specific information about why they need to use cookies.
• The ways to manage or opt out of cookies.
• If any of their supplementary partner sites use cookies or not
The cookies must not to be used for personal information gathering.
6666.2 Privacy Policy.2 Privacy Policy.2 Privacy Policy.2 Privacy Policy
According to the case study, it is mentioned that to order online for product, every
customer must have an open an online account in the Boots’s system. This means
that the company has the access to the personal data of its users. For using those
personal information the company must bound to the “Data Protection Act 1998” in
UK/ EU. To do this they must have a privacy policy which should contain the
following details-
14 | P a g e
• Which information they required, such as transaction information, card
information, social security number etc. It also needs to be declaring why they
need this information.
• Clear information about for which purpose all information will be used, such
as accounting, billing, and audit, credit or other payment card verification and
screening, immigration and customs control, safety, security, health,
organizational and legal purposes, statistical and marketing analysis, systems
testing, maintenance and development, customer surveys, customer relations
• What will happen if a user doesn’t want to share personal information?
• Information about if the system is using any technology such as (site tracker,
use of pixel for email tracking etc.) to track user and if it uses, why it’s using
that technology.
• Security policy- what kind of technology it’s using to protect its user’s data
once it is collected from the users and what will happen if any security
breech occur (e.g. user information get hacked).
• Liability issue- it is very important for users to know what will happen if the
data is abused and who is responsible for that. The company must provide
clear information about this. Proprietary issue- information about who owns
the data and how the ownership can be transferred.
• Accessibility- information about who is allowed to access the user data and
under which condition they can access those data.
• Information about what technical and organizational process will be taken
from the company against unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal
data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal
• The data that is collected must be accurate and should keep up to date
whenever possible.
• How long they are going to retain user information.
15 | P a g e
• What measures they have taken to ensure the credit cards security of users.
6666.3 Sending Unsolicited Email.3 Sending Unsolicited Email.3 Sending Unsolicited Email.3 Sending Unsolicited Email
For marketing purpose the company may require to send frequent email to its users
which some users may feel very annoying. In these cases, the company must give its
users an option to stop getting those emails. An example - with every mail an option
can be added which will tell users how they can stop those email.
6666.4 Social Exclusion.4 Social Exclusion.4 Social Exclusion.4 Social Exclusion
As the company gives more importance in online promotion than offline promotion,
which results a certain group of people (older people, people who don’t have access
to internet) don’t even get to know about the promotion and when they hear about
it from some other people, they can feel socially excluded. In these cases, Boots must
ensure that they are not limiting access to information from certain section of
6666....5555 Policy on Handing Over the DataPolicy on Handing Over the DataPolicy on Handing Over the DataPolicy on Handing Over the Data
Boots must ensure that they are not handing over or transferring their customer’s
personal data to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless
that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and
liberties of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.
16 | P a g e ConclusionConclusionConclusionConclusion
It is my pleasure to working in this project that has some critical and functional
analysis and Boots is best as I ever seen. I have gathered new experience from Boots.
Boots is vast information based organization which is managing their projects
smoothly. When new system implements it will more user friendly and organised
information based organization. I want to give thanks to Boots to give me the
opportunity to work with them. ReferencesReferencesReferencesReferences

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  • 1. Course Title: COMP1308Course Title: COMP1308Course Title: COMP1308Course Title: COMP1308 eCommerceeCommerceeCommerceeCommerce Submitted To: Mrs Keeran Jamil Greenwich Coordinator Submitted By: Md. Mahbub Alam ID: 000788896 Date: 22/11/2013
  • 2. 2 | P a g e Acknowledgement It is my pleasure and privilege to prepare this assignment. It gave me immense interest and aroused curiosity and I believe that the experience gathered in this assignment will help me extremely in career building. I am especially grateful to our respectable teacher – Mr. Monjur Ahmed for giving me valuable suggestion and support me to prepare this project. Without his advice and support, it would not be possible for me to prepare this assignment.
  • 3. 3 | P a g e Strategic EvaluationStrategic EvaluationStrategic EvaluationStrategic Evaluation Document for BootsDocument for BootsDocument for BootsDocument for Boots Submitted To: Boots Senior Management Boots Submitted by: Md. Mahbub Alam Consultant
  • 4. 4 | P a g e Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents 1. Management Summery ......................................................................................................................5 2. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................6 3. Strategic Evaluation ............................................................................................................................7 Strengths:............................................................................................................................................7 Weakness:...........................................................................................................................................7 Opportunities:.....................................................................................................................................8 Threats: ...............................................................................................................................................8 Political:...............................................................................................................................................8 Social...................................................................................................................................................8 Economical..........................................................................................................................................8 Technological ......................................................................................................................................9 4. Impact of IS .........................................................................................................................................9 4.1. Investigate the impact of new IT/IS system.....................................................................................9 5. eMarketing Strategic.........................................................................................................................10 5.1. Strategies which organization has to adopt ..................................................................................10 5.2. Proposition value and differential advantage of this strategy ......................................................12 6. Legal and ethical issues.....................................................................................................................13 6.1 Cookie Policy...............................................................................................................................13 6.2 Privacy Policy...............................................................................................................................13 6.3 Sending Unsolicited Email...........................................................................................................15 6.4 Social Exclusion ...........................................................................................................................15 6.5 Policy on Handing Over the Data................................................................................................15 7. Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................16 8. References ........................................................................................................................................16
  • 5. 5 | P a g e Management SummeryManagement SummeryManagement SummeryManagement Summery Boots is an organization which sales product to customer. They need an information management system which capable to manage all type of job in a single platform. All type of job has to be integrated with this system. This management system can help customer and also management of Boots. This system has to high efficiency of performance. User friendly user interface so, this system does not need any kind of user training. Report manipulations for user and management perspective. Sales and purchase integration to the system. Users can easy ecommerce by helping this system. System has to be secure by external threat. Management and user have to happy using this system.
  • 6. 6 | P a g e IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction Boots is providing service to customer by sale products. They sales various types of goods as customer require. Sales products are such as skin care products, hair care products, Boots health & Travel Cover and baby care products etc. The customer can shop in peace and perhaps earn extra points as well. They have many types of goods. Customers can purchase those goods from their retail shop. Customer can purchase product using Card and customer can get an extra advantage using this card. Boots lunched this card scheme nationally in September 1997 following a two year research programme that had included extensive in the Norwich and Plymouth area. The majority of their customers are women. They record customer information in a database which is soft system. Some time Boots provide some discount to customer for better customer relation and grater sale. Boots is a long-established IBM customer. They looking for better Information system solution. Their database system started in spring 1997. Their database is now decreasing performance and so, they need a better solution which is better than now. They have huge information of customer. New system has to achieve the Boots requirement. Database has to be capable to process of analysis. All previous data have to have in new database. Previous customer data is a greatest asset of Boots. Boots wanted to at least eight million signup and they got ten million card holders in December 1998. As a result their new system has to be strong and entity query have to faster processing result provide able.
  • 7. 7 | P a g e Strategic EvaluationStrategic EvaluationStrategic EvaluationStrategic Evaluation To be successful and make advancement in the business, it is very important for a company to plan its futures strategies to the business. To settle on its strategy, the company first needs to know about its present position. At the present time to analyze a company’s present position, an accepted tool is often used named SWOT analysis and PEST analysis. SWOT is the acronym of strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. PEST is the acronym of Political factor, Economical factor, Social factor and Technical factor. It is provides compassionate information for correct organizations abilities and resources to the ready for action environment it operates inside. SWOT Analysis: StrengthsStrengthsStrengthsStrengths:::: • Boots is well known to customers, respected and recognized • It have huge number of card holder • Huge number of customer information • Customer email and contact information • Low budget products as user required • Many shops in different of location • Various types of products • Boots always able to understand customer required goods • Financial growth • Useful promotional strategies WeaknessWeaknessWeaknessWeakness:::: • Need more time to generate report or query • All activity are not centralised • Not have fully integrated system • Not have experience employee
  • 8. 8 | P a g e OpportunitiesOpportunitiesOpportunitiesOpportunities:::: • Existing customers are the key ambassadors for a organization • Customer have no objection • They can expand their fleet by acquiring more shops TTTThreatshreatshreatshreats:::: • Increase of environmental taxes • Dependencies on third party shop providers • IT system breakdown PEST analysis Political:Political:Political:Political: • In this case they need to aware about recent threat of war in Middle East (Among Israel, Iran and Palestine) and in Africa (recent chaos in Egypt). There is also chaos happening in Syria • Taxes may be change SocialSocialSocialSocial • Increasing terrorists attack across the globe • People are normally quite sociable to the prospect of low-priced product EconomicalEconomicalEconomicalEconomical • Some countries financial system might downfall • Improbability due to the cost instability of product • Long term loans • Europe becomes more united • Unemployment rate across Europe is increasing gradually • Recently GBP value has fallen down
  • 9. 9 | P a g e TechnologicalTechnologicalTechnologicalTechnological • Most of the bookings are complete through Internet • The advancement in technology also makes sure the convenience of replacements and maintenance services to its convoy of airplanes. 4. Impact of IS4. Impact of IS4. Impact of IS4. Impact of IS The execution of Boots e-marketing strategy has been achieved on the company’s system. The Boots system has been designed to propose high usability to visitor and is simple to use compare to some of its competitor. It is simply designed, with an intuitive navigation – allowing users to move from page to page without the need to go via main interface. It has high functionality and is without excess baggage. It was created with the intention not to tire the visitor with redundant graphics and advertisements which would distract its visitors and make them walk away from the system. It employs moderate use of text eliminating time wastage while conveying accurate message to guide users through various links. Each page on the system consist enough required information without abstract marketing banners to sidetrack real buyers. 4.1. Investigate the impact of new IT/IS system4.1. Investigate the impact of new IT/IS system4.1. Investigate the impact of new IT/IS system4.1. Investigate the impact of new IT/IS system The implementation of the strategy has an impact on the business performance because the site is well integrated into Boots’s existing systems and business process. A good case in point is the ability to feed press release into the site through electronic and new destination appearing automatically once fed into the business’s information system. According to the case study, the effectiveness of the system was proved when the dedicated cell number on the site hit six months target within six
  • 10. 10 | P a g e weeks. The log file recorded 8 minutes average time spent on the system per person and almost each caller made a purchase. The system proved that Boots phone operators were busy selling product rather than answering questions over the phone. 5. eMarketing Strategic5. eMarketing Strategic5. eMarketing Strategic5. eMarketing Strategic E-marketing means the focus of marketing on the customers, even as inferring they require linking other business operation to achieve the required efficiency. E- marketing is for that reason defined as achieve marketing objectives through the make use of electronic communication technology which includes internet, eBooks, e-mail, mobile phones etc. According to the case study, at the beginning of its long run Boots did not give that much significance on the digital marketing, though later it was realized by the administration that the digital marketing activities were needed to adopt for further success for Boots. The activities that were adopted have been outlined in the conversation below. 5.1. Strategies which organization has to adopt5.1. Strategies which organization has to adopt5.1. Strategies which organization has to adopt5.1. Strategies which organization has to adopt Because the Internet gives the most cost-effective distribution channel, Boots has uncompromisingly pursued its strategy of encouraging customers to book their product online. • Boots first initiate the thought of offering a discount to Internet customers, an ingenuity that has been widely copied by competitors. Any Boots promotions
  • 11. 11 | P a g e are exclusive to the Internet, so that customers must get online if they wish to take benefit of discounted. • On the system they added new services which are all meant to attract the customers. • Boots arrange different competition through the system for the users where successful competitor is rewarded. • Another e-marketing strategy which Boots has taken is E-mail marketing. It is one of the usual ways of on-line or digital promotion where a people are sent emails to notify about the services offered by the business. On the other hand, there are also many other ways of digital marketing which Boots can consider to adopt. Some of the ways are included below. • SMM (Social Media Marketing) – Social media is a proven and very successful means of reaching people on an all-purpose basis or a targeted group basis. In its simplest form, this kind of service could be treated as the provision of reaching people by means of utilizing the control of the social media platforms like “” or “” or “” where thousands of people can be reached easily and it is a great form of cost- effective means of digital advertising. • SEO – SEO is the acronym of Search Engine Optimization. It is an indirect way of digital marketing which was popular and very necessary for the success of the commerce. It was very important for the business to be optimized for the search engines so that the search engines can show the commerce in their search listing when people search with relevant keyword to find a business or service similar to the selling. • Backlines – By means of Backlines, it was possible to obtain an increased number of visitors to the system and thus getting more dealing. Thus this indirect approach of promoting the business and spreading the word were adopted as one of the digital marketing means for the dealing.
  • 12. 12 | P a g e • Mobile Marketing – Advertising were based on distribution the words through cell as it was possible for people to be online by means of smart phones. The e-marketing strategies that are planned above are attached with the business and other policies and objectives of the selling so that a proper mapping of the resources and activities could take place to portray the above advertising strategies for the total success of the business. Proposition value and differential advantage of this strategyProposition value and differential advantage of this strategyProposition value and differential advantage of this strategyProposition value and differential advantage of this strategy We can see that Boots is balancing their online and offline promotion by the following ways. • Boots frequently provides promotional offers • Specific campaign to encourage customer • If we look into the case study, Buy baby product and get a picture frame promotional offer • For increasing the online customers they have put the company URL everywhere. Above list it is that Boots is evaluation their online and offline promotion smoothly.
  • 13. 13 | P a g e 6. Legal a6. Legal a6. Legal a6. Legal and ethical issuesnd ethical issuesnd ethical issuesnd ethical issues Legal and ethical issues are one of the key factors to success of a business. Legal issues are those rules which are bounded by the law and everyone must have to follow those rules. If someone breaks those rules, he/ she must be punished. In this part, it has been discussed what legal and ethical issues “Boots” needs to consider with regard to the gathering, processing, distribution and use of information on the internet. 6.1 Cookie Policy While using cookies in the system, they must follow the laws concerning the cookies and must let the system visitors’ percept about that. The company must have a cookie policy which should contain the following details- • General Explanation about what cookie is. • What kind of information they gather by cookies. • Clear information about how they use cookies. • What types of cookies they use and explanation for each of those cookies. • Specific information about why they need to use cookies. • The ways to manage or opt out of cookies. • If any of their supplementary partner sites use cookies or not The cookies must not to be used for personal information gathering. 6666.2 Privacy Policy.2 Privacy Policy.2 Privacy Policy.2 Privacy Policy According to the case study, it is mentioned that to order online for product, every customer must have an open an online account in the Boots’s system. This means that the company has the access to the personal data of its users. For using those personal information the company must bound to the “Data Protection Act 1998” in UK/ EU. To do this they must have a privacy policy which should contain the following details-
  • 14. 14 | P a g e • Which information they required, such as transaction information, card information, social security number etc. It also needs to be declaring why they need this information. • Clear information about for which purpose all information will be used, such as accounting, billing, and audit, credit or other payment card verification and screening, immigration and customs control, safety, security, health, organizational and legal purposes, statistical and marketing analysis, systems testing, maintenance and development, customer surveys, customer relations etc. • What will happen if a user doesn’t want to share personal information? • Information about if the system is using any technology such as (site tracker, use of pixel for email tracking etc.) to track user and if it uses, why it’s using that technology. • Security policy- what kind of technology it’s using to protect its user’s data once it is collected from the users and what will happen if any security breech occur (e.g. user information get hacked). • Liability issue- it is very important for users to know what will happen if the data is abused and who is responsible for that. The company must provide clear information about this. Proprietary issue- information about who owns the data and how the ownership can be transferred. • Accessibility- information about who is allowed to access the user data and under which condition they can access those data. • Information about what technical and organizational process will be taken from the company against unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data. • The data that is collected must be accurate and should keep up to date whenever possible. • How long they are going to retain user information.
  • 15. 15 | P a g e • What measures they have taken to ensure the credit cards security of users. 6666.3 Sending Unsolicited Email.3 Sending Unsolicited Email.3 Sending Unsolicited Email.3 Sending Unsolicited Email For marketing purpose the company may require to send frequent email to its users which some users may feel very annoying. In these cases, the company must give its users an option to stop getting those emails. An example - with every mail an option can be added which will tell users how they can stop those email. 6666.4 Social Exclusion.4 Social Exclusion.4 Social Exclusion.4 Social Exclusion As the company gives more importance in online promotion than offline promotion, which results a certain group of people (older people, people who don’t have access to internet) don’t even get to know about the promotion and when they hear about it from some other people, they can feel socially excluded. In these cases, Boots must ensure that they are not limiting access to information from certain section of society. 6666....5555 Policy on Handing Over the DataPolicy on Handing Over the DataPolicy on Handing Over the DataPolicy on Handing Over the Data Boots must ensure that they are not handing over or transferring their customer’s personal data to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and liberties of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.
  • 16. 16 | P a g e ConclusionConclusionConclusionConclusion It is my pleasure to working in this project that has some critical and functional analysis and Boots is best as I ever seen. I have gathered new experience from Boots. Boots is vast information based organization which is managing their projects smoothly. When new system implements it will more user friendly and organised information based organization. I want to give thanks to Boots to give me the opportunity to work with them. ReferencesReferencesReferencesReferences