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Element 1: Induction for teachers new to the school
     Effectiveness of Induction Program                                                                                                 No           Yes          %Agree
3    Did the school supply you with induction guidelines and materials
                                                                                                                                        0%          100%           100%
     (e.g. an Induction Kit; School Staff Manual)?
4    Did the school provide you with a designated support person or
                                                                                                                                        0%          100%           100%
     mentor teacher?
                                                                                            Strongly                      Slightly                Strongly
                                                                                Induction                 Disagree                     Agree                   %Agree
                                                                                            Disagree                       Agree                   Agree
5    The school's induction program prepared me well for teaching
                                                                                   0%         0%            0%              0%         33.3%       66.7%           100%
     effectively in this school
6    My designated support person or mentor was well prepared for the
                                                                                   0%         0%            0%              0%         33.3%       66.7%           100%
     mentoring role
7    My designated support person or mentor was readily available when I
                                                                                   0%         0%            0%              0%         16.7%       83.3%           100%
     needed him/her
8    My designated support person or mentor followed up regularly to see
                                                                                   0%         0%            0%            16.7%         50%        33.3%           83.3%
     how well I was settling in at the school
                                                                                            Strongly                      Slightly                Strongly
     VIT Guidelines                                                                                       Disagree                     Agree                      %Agree
                                                                                            Disagree                       Agree                   Agree
10   The school's procedures for mentoring and judging whether my
     portfolio meets the standards for full registration are consistent with                  0%            0%             6.7%        33.3%        60%            93.3%
     the VIT guidelines

     Element 2: Use of multiple sources of feedback on
     teacher effectiveness for individual teachers and
     teams of teachers
                                                                                                       Did not receive
     Received feedback from the following sources in the past two                                                                      Two or    More than
                                                                                                        this type of       Once                                 Actual Result
     years                                                                                                                           three times three times
11   To what extent have you received feedback about your teaching from
     other teachers sitting in on your classes, or working with you in a                                    0%             6.3%         25%        68.8%           93.8%
     class in the past two years?
13   To what extent have you received formal feedback about your
     teaching from your students (e.g. via a survey completed by one of                                    18.8%          12.5%        12.5%       56.3%           68.8%
     your classes) in the past two years?
15   To what extent have you received systematic data from your students
     about their assessment of themselves as learners in the past two                                       6.3%            0%         43.8%        50%            93.8%
17   To what extent have you received feedback about your students'
     learning outcomes in relation to standards and benchmarks for                                          6.3%           6.3%        6.3%        81.3%           87.6%
     students at that level in the past two years?
19   To what extent have you received feedback from colleagues based on
                                                                                                            0%              0%          25%         75%            100%
     discussing samples of your students' work in the past two years?
21   To what extent have you received feedback based on observations of
                                                                                                           37.5%          12.5%        37.5%       12.5%            50%
     your own teaching using video or audio taping in the past two years?
23   To what extent have you received objective feedback from parents
                                                                                                           12.5%            0%         18.8%       68.8%           87.6%
     (e.g. via a survey) in the past two years?
25   To what extent have you received feedback based on an analysis of
     your students' rates of class or school attendance over time in the past                               0%             25%         31.3%       43.8%           75.1%
     two years?
     Usefulness of feedback in helping to improve teaching within the                                    Not at all      Somewhat
                                                                                                                                       Useful    Very useful    Actual Result
     past two years                                                                                       useful           useful
12   If you did receive feedback about your teaching from other teachers
     sitting in on your classes, to what extent has it been useful in helping                               0%              0%         30.8%       69.2%           100%
     you to improve your teaching within the past two years?
14   If you did receive formal feedback about your teaching from your
     students, to what extent has it been useful in helping you to improve                                  0%            23.1%        7.7%        69.2%           76.9%
     your teaching within the past two years?
16   If you did receive systematic data from your students about their
     assessment of themselves as learners, to what extent has it been useful                                0%             7.7%        30.8%       61.5%           92.3%
     in helping you to improve your teaching within the past two years?
18   If you did receive feedback about your students' learning outcomes in
     relation to standards and benchmarks for students at that level, to what
                                                                                                            0%              0%         15.4%       84.6%           100%
     extent has it been useful in helping you to improve your teaching
     within the past two years?
20   If you did receive feedback from colleagues based on discussing
     samples of your students' work, to what extent has it been useful in                                   0%              0%         7.7%        92.3%           100%
     helping you to improve your teaching within the past two years?
22   If you did receive feedback based on observations of your own
     teaching using video or audio taping, to what extent has it been useful                                7.7%          15.4%        53.8%       23.1%           76.9%
     in helping you to improve your teaching within the past two years?
24   If you did receive objective feedback from parents, to what extent has
     it been useful in helping you to improve your teaching within the past                                 0%              0%         38.5%       61.5%           100%
     two years?
26   If you did receive feedback based on an analysis of your students'
     rates of class or school attendance over time, to what extent has it
                                                                                                            0%            38.5%        23.1%       38.5%           61.6%
     been useful in helping you to improve your teaching within the past
     two years?
Element 3: Customised individual teacher
     development plans
                                                                                                                        To a
                                                                                                         To a minor              To a major
     Individual Teacher Development Plan informed by …                                      Not at all                moderate                %Agree
                                                                                                           extent                  extent
28   Guidelines for preparing such plans provided by your school?                              0%           0%         23.1%       76.9%       100%
29   Feedback from surveys of students in your classes?                                      15.4%         15.4%       30.8%       38.5%      69.3%
30   Feedback from your colleagues?                                                           7.7%         15.4%       15.4%       61.5%      76.9%
31   Feedback about the learning outcomes of your students?                                   7.7%          0%         30.8%       61.5%      92.3%
32   Your own analysis of your teaching in relation to a set of teaching
                                                                                               0%          7.7%        15.4%       76.9%      92.3%
                                                                                 Strongly                 Slightly                Strongly
     Extent agrees or disagrees with …                                                      Disagree                   Agree                  %Agree
                                                                                 Disagree                  Agree                   Agree
33   My plan is aligned with what I really need if I am to increase my
                                                                                   0%          0%          15.4%       15.4%       69.2%      84.6%
     effectiveness as a teacher
34   My plan is aligned with the school's priorities for improvement               0%          0%          7.7%        23.1%       69.2%      92.3%
35   My school ensures my plan is up to date                                       0%          0%          7.7%        38.5%       53.8%      92.3%
36   My school has assisted me in developing my plan                               0%          0%          7.7%        30.8%       61.5%      92.3%
37   My school has supported the implementation of my plan                         0%          0%           0%         30.8%       69.2%       100%
38   The opportunities I have for professional learning in this school will
                                                                                   0%         7.7%          0%         23.1%       69.2%      92.3%
     have a positive effect on my career prospects

     Element 4: Quality professional development
     Outcome of professional learning opportunities provided by, or              Strongly                 Slightly                Strongly
                                                                                            Disagree                   Agree                  %Agree
     supported by, school                                                        Disagree                  Agree                   Agree
39   I have increased knowledge of teaching strategies appropriate to the
                                                                                   0%          0%          6.7%        13.3%        80%       93.3%
     content of the key learning area/s in which I teach
40   I have increased understanding of individual differences among
                                                                                   0%          0%          13.3%        20%        66.7%      86.7%
     students and how to cater for them
41   I have increased understanding about linking assessment to the
                                                                                   0%          0%          6.7%        33.3%        60%       93.3%
     teaching and learning cycle
42   I now make clearer links between my teaching goals and the
                                                                                   0%          0%          6.7%        46.7%       46.7%      93.4%
     classroom activities I use
43   I now manage classroom activities and transitions more effectively            0%          0%          6.7%        53.3%        40%       93.3%
44   I now use more effective teaching and learning strategies appropriate
                                                                                   0%          0%          6.7%         20%        73.3%      93.3%
     to students in my class/es
45   I integrate assessment with teaching and learning more effectively            0%          0%          6.7%         40%        53.3%      93.3%
46   I provide more effective feedback to my students to support their
                                                                                   0%          0%           0%         46.7%       53.3%       100%
47   I access and use materials and resources more effectively                     0%          0%          6.7%        53.3%        40%       93.3%
48   My students are learning more purposefully                                    0%          0%           0%         33.3%       66.7%       100%
49   My students are more actively engaged in learning activities                  0%          0%           0%         46.7%       53.3%       100%
50   My confidence as a teacher has increased                                      0%          0%          6.7%        26.7%       66.7%      93.4%

     Element 5A: Extent of Performance and
     Development Culture
                                                                                 Strongly                 Slightly                Strongly
     Extent agrees or disagrees with …                                                      Disagree                   Agree                  %Agree
                                                                                 Disagree                  Agree                   Agree
51   My job provides me with professional stimulation and growth                   0%          0%          6.3%        31.3%       62.5%      93.8%
52   I have many opportunities to learn new things in this school                  0%          0%          6.3%         25%        68.8%      93.8%
53   I feel supported in my teaching                                               0%          0%           0%         43.8%       56.3%      100.1%
54   I have a sense that education in this school is improving                     0%          0%          6.3%        18.8%        75%       93.8%
55   My abilities are recognised and used effectively                              0%         6.3%          0%          50%        43.8%      93.8%
56   I have a sense of continuing professional development                         0%          0%          6.3%        18.8%        75%       93.8%
57   I am feeling increasingly effective                                           0%          0%          6.3%         50%        43.8%      93.8%
58   I get good advice from other teachers in this school when I have a
                                                                                   0%          0%          6.3%        12.5%       81.3%      93.8%
     teaching problem
59   In this school, teachers are recognised for a job well done                   0%          0%          6.3%        43.8%        50%       93.8%
60   I feel supported by the school leadership team to try out new ideas           0%          0%          12.5%       31.3%       56.3%      87.6%
61   The principal knows what kind of school he/she wants and has
                                                                                   0%         6.3%          0%         18.8%        75%       93.8%
     communicated it to the staff
62   The teachers who teach well in this school are given opportunities to
                                                                                   0%          0%          12.5%        25%        62.5%      87.5%
     provide leadership to other teachers
63   Teachers maintain high standards in their teaching                            0%          0%          6.3%        37.5%       56.3%      93.8%
64   In this school, we solve problems; we don't just talk about them              0%          0%          6.3%        37.5%       56.3%      93.8%
65   Teachers I work with regularly evaluate how well our programs are
                                                                                   0%          0%          6.3%         25%        68.8%      93.8%
     meeting students' needs
66   There is a great deal of co-operative effort among teachers at all levels
                                                                                   0%          0%          6.3%        43.8%        50%       93.8%
     to provide quality learning opportunities for students
67   Joint review of students' progress and development is a normal part of
                                                                                   0%         6.3%          0%         37.5%       56.3%      93.8%
     the way we work in this school
68   Teachers in this school are willing to share their teaching practices
                                                                                   0%         6.3%          0%         31.3%       62.5%      93.8%
     and ideas with colleagues
69   Teachers in this school keep abreast of recent research in their field of
                                                                                   0%          0%          6.3%        43.8%        50%       93.8%
     teaching and learning
70   Teachers think that the students in this school are capable of learning
                                                                                0%           0%           0%       25%      75%     100%
     and developing
71   The school leadership team knows the teachers who are most
                                                                                0%           0%          12.5%    31.3%    56.3%    87.6%
72   Teachers are expected to be accountable for their practices                0%           0%          6.3%      25%     68.8%    93.8%
73   The school leadership team values the professional knowledge and
                                                                                0%           0%          6.3%     37.5%    56.3%    93.8%
     skills of teachers in this school
74   There is a variety of opportunities for teachers to give feedback about
                                                                                0%           0%          6.3%     37.5%    56.3%    93.8%
     school planning and functioning
75   The leadership is responsive to staff suggestions for changes that
                                                                                0%           0%          12.5%    37.5%     50%     87.5%
     might enhance teacher effectiveness
76   The school leadership team is concerned to create a work environment
                                                                                0%           0%           0%      37.5%    62.5%    100%
     that enables teachers to teach effectively
77   The school leadership team provides opportunities for classroom
                                                                                0%          6.3%         18.8%    37.5%    37.5%    75%
     teachers to gain leadership experience
78   The school leadership team promotes collaboration and reflection
                                                                                0%           0%          6.3%     18.8%     75%     93.8%
     among staff in professional learning teams

     5B Frequency of professional interactions with
     colleagues in immediate work group
                                                                               Rarely   Once per term   Monthly   Weekly
79   Discussions about how to teach a concept or skill                         6.3%          0%           0%       50%     43.8%
80   Working together on preparing units of work and teaching materials         0%           0%          18.8%    37.5%    43.8%
81   Visiting other teachers' classrooms to learn from their teaching          18.8%       18.8%         31.3%     25%     6.3%
82   Reading and viewing each other's students' work                           6.3%         6.3%         37.5%    31.3%    18.8%
83   Making a conscious effort to coordinate the content of my courses
                                                                                0%           0%          6.3%     43.8%     50%
     with that of other teachers
No of     No of        Actual          Expected      Threshold
Response Rate
                                                                                      staff   responses   response rate    response rate   achieved
                                                                                       16        16           100%             90%            Yes

                                                                                                           No of new
Teachers New to the school                                                                                                      No           Yes
Joined the school staff, or rejoined the school staff after a substantial period of
                                                                                                                6              62.5%         37.5%
absence (e.g. more than one year), during the past two years

New to Teaching                                                                                                                 No           Yes
Began first year of teaching in this school                                                                                    87.5%         12.5%

Prevalence of induction program                                                                                                 No           Yes
Provided with an induction program                                                                                              0%           100%
Supplied with induction guidelines and materials                                                                                0%           100%
Provided with a designated support person or mentor teacher                                                                     0%           100%

Prevalence of Individual Teacher Development Plan                                                                               No           Yes
Have own Individual Teacher Development Plan                                                                                   18.8%         81.3%

                                                                                                                            Expected       Threshold
Element Summary                                                                                           Actual results
                                                                                                                             results       achieved
Element 1: Induction for teachers new to the school                                                           96.7%            75%            Yes
Element 3: Customised individual teacher development plans                                                    89.5%            75%            Yes
Element 4: Quality professional development                                                                   94.4%            75%            Yes
Element 5A: Extent of Performance and Development Culture                                                     92.9%            75%            Yes

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PDC Survey

  • 1. Element 1: Induction for teachers new to the school Effectiveness of Induction Program No Yes %Agree 3 Did the school supply you with induction guidelines and materials 0% 100% 100% (e.g. an Induction Kit; School Staff Manual)? 4 Did the school provide you with a designated support person or 0% 100% 100% mentor teacher? No Strongly Slightly Strongly Induction Disagree Agree %Agree Disagree Agree Agree Program 5 The school's induction program prepared me well for teaching 0% 0% 0% 0% 33.3% 66.7% 100% effectively in this school 6 My designated support person or mentor was well prepared for the 0% 0% 0% 0% 33.3% 66.7% 100% mentoring role 7 My designated support person or mentor was readily available when I 0% 0% 0% 0% 16.7% 83.3% 100% needed him/her 8 My designated support person or mentor followed up regularly to see 0% 0% 0% 16.7% 50% 33.3% 83.3% how well I was settling in at the school Strongly Slightly Strongly VIT Guidelines Disagree Agree %Agree Disagree Agree Agree 10 The school's procedures for mentoring and judging whether my portfolio meets the standards for full registration are consistent with 0% 0% 6.7% 33.3% 60% 93.3% the VIT guidelines Element 2: Use of multiple sources of feedback on teacher effectiveness for individual teachers and teams of teachers Did not receive Received feedback from the following sources in the past two Two or More than this type of Once Actual Result years three times three times feedback 11 To what extent have you received feedback about your teaching from other teachers sitting in on your classes, or working with you in a 0% 6.3% 25% 68.8% 93.8% class in the past two years? 13 To what extent have you received formal feedback about your teaching from your students (e.g. via a survey completed by one of 18.8% 12.5% 12.5% 56.3% 68.8% your classes) in the past two years? 15 To what extent have you received systematic data from your students about their assessment of themselves as learners in the past two 6.3% 0% 43.8% 50% 93.8% years? 17 To what extent have you received feedback about your students' learning outcomes in relation to standards and benchmarks for 6.3% 6.3% 6.3% 81.3% 87.6% students at that level in the past two years? 19 To what extent have you received feedback from colleagues based on 0% 0% 25% 75% 100% discussing samples of your students' work in the past two years? 21 To what extent have you received feedback based on observations of 37.5% 12.5% 37.5% 12.5% 50% your own teaching using video or audio taping in the past two years? 23 To what extent have you received objective feedback from parents 12.5% 0% 18.8% 68.8% 87.6% (e.g. via a survey) in the past two years? 25 To what extent have you received feedback based on an analysis of your students' rates of class or school attendance over time in the past 0% 25% 31.3% 43.8% 75.1% two years? Usefulness of feedback in helping to improve teaching within the Not at all Somewhat Useful Very useful Actual Result past two years useful useful 12 If you did receive feedback about your teaching from other teachers sitting in on your classes, to what extent has it been useful in helping 0% 0% 30.8% 69.2% 100% you to improve your teaching within the past two years? 14 If you did receive formal feedback about your teaching from your students, to what extent has it been useful in helping you to improve 0% 23.1% 7.7% 69.2% 76.9% your teaching within the past two years? 16 If you did receive systematic data from your students about their assessment of themselves as learners, to what extent has it been useful 0% 7.7% 30.8% 61.5% 92.3% in helping you to improve your teaching within the past two years? 18 If you did receive feedback about your students' learning outcomes in relation to standards and benchmarks for students at that level, to what 0% 0% 15.4% 84.6% 100% extent has it been useful in helping you to improve your teaching within the past two years? 20 If you did receive feedback from colleagues based on discussing samples of your students' work, to what extent has it been useful in 0% 0% 7.7% 92.3% 100% helping you to improve your teaching within the past two years? 22 If you did receive feedback based on observations of your own teaching using video or audio taping, to what extent has it been useful 7.7% 15.4% 53.8% 23.1% 76.9% in helping you to improve your teaching within the past two years? 24 If you did receive objective feedback from parents, to what extent has it been useful in helping you to improve your teaching within the past 0% 0% 38.5% 61.5% 100% two years? 26 If you did receive feedback based on an analysis of your students' rates of class or school attendance over time, to what extent has it 0% 38.5% 23.1% 38.5% 61.6% been useful in helping you to improve your teaching within the past two years?
  • 2. Element 3: Customised individual teacher development plans To a To a minor To a major Individual Teacher Development Plan informed by … Not at all moderate %Agree extent extent extent 28 Guidelines for preparing such plans provided by your school? 0% 0% 23.1% 76.9% 100% 29 Feedback from surveys of students in your classes? 15.4% 15.4% 30.8% 38.5% 69.3% 30 Feedback from your colleagues? 7.7% 15.4% 15.4% 61.5% 76.9% 31 Feedback about the learning outcomes of your students? 7.7% 0% 30.8% 61.5% 92.3% 32 Your own analysis of your teaching in relation to a set of teaching 0% 7.7% 15.4% 76.9% 92.3% Standards? Strongly Slightly Strongly Extent agrees or disagrees with … Disagree Agree %Agree Disagree Agree Agree 33 My plan is aligned with what I really need if I am to increase my 0% 0% 15.4% 15.4% 69.2% 84.6% effectiveness as a teacher 34 My plan is aligned with the school's priorities for improvement 0% 0% 7.7% 23.1% 69.2% 92.3% 35 My school ensures my plan is up to date 0% 0% 7.7% 38.5% 53.8% 92.3% 36 My school has assisted me in developing my plan 0% 0% 7.7% 30.8% 61.5% 92.3% 37 My school has supported the implementation of my plan 0% 0% 0% 30.8% 69.2% 100% 38 The opportunities I have for professional learning in this school will 0% 7.7% 0% 23.1% 69.2% 92.3% have a positive effect on my career prospects Element 4: Quality professional development Outcome of professional learning opportunities provided by, or Strongly Slightly Strongly Disagree Agree %Agree supported by, school Disagree Agree Agree 39 I have increased knowledge of teaching strategies appropriate to the 0% 0% 6.7% 13.3% 80% 93.3% content of the key learning area/s in which I teach 40 I have increased understanding of individual differences among 0% 0% 13.3% 20% 66.7% 86.7% students and how to cater for them 41 I have increased understanding about linking assessment to the 0% 0% 6.7% 33.3% 60% 93.3% teaching and learning cycle 42 I now make clearer links between my teaching goals and the 0% 0% 6.7% 46.7% 46.7% 93.4% classroom activities I use 43 I now manage classroom activities and transitions more effectively 0% 0% 6.7% 53.3% 40% 93.3% 44 I now use more effective teaching and learning strategies appropriate 0% 0% 6.7% 20% 73.3% 93.3% to students in my class/es 45 I integrate assessment with teaching and learning more effectively 0% 0% 6.7% 40% 53.3% 93.3% 46 I provide more effective feedback to my students to support their 0% 0% 0% 46.7% 53.3% 100% learning 47 I access and use materials and resources more effectively 0% 0% 6.7% 53.3% 40% 93.3% 48 My students are learning more purposefully 0% 0% 0% 33.3% 66.7% 100% 49 My students are more actively engaged in learning activities 0% 0% 0% 46.7% 53.3% 100% 50 My confidence as a teacher has increased 0% 0% 6.7% 26.7% 66.7% 93.4% Element 5A: Extent of Performance and Development Culture Strongly Slightly Strongly Extent agrees or disagrees with … Disagree Agree %Agree Disagree Agree Agree 51 My job provides me with professional stimulation and growth 0% 0% 6.3% 31.3% 62.5% 93.8% 52 I have many opportunities to learn new things in this school 0% 0% 6.3% 25% 68.8% 93.8% 53 I feel supported in my teaching 0% 0% 0% 43.8% 56.3% 100.1% 54 I have a sense that education in this school is improving 0% 0% 6.3% 18.8% 75% 93.8% 55 My abilities are recognised and used effectively 0% 6.3% 0% 50% 43.8% 93.8% 56 I have a sense of continuing professional development 0% 0% 6.3% 18.8% 75% 93.8% 57 I am feeling increasingly effective 0% 0% 6.3% 50% 43.8% 93.8% 58 I get good advice from other teachers in this school when I have a 0% 0% 6.3% 12.5% 81.3% 93.8% teaching problem 59 In this school, teachers are recognised for a job well done 0% 0% 6.3% 43.8% 50% 93.8% 60 I feel supported by the school leadership team to try out new ideas 0% 0% 12.5% 31.3% 56.3% 87.6% 61 The principal knows what kind of school he/she wants and has 0% 6.3% 0% 18.8% 75% 93.8% communicated it to the staff 62 The teachers who teach well in this school are given opportunities to 0% 0% 12.5% 25% 62.5% 87.5% provide leadership to other teachers 63 Teachers maintain high standards in their teaching 0% 0% 6.3% 37.5% 56.3% 93.8% 64 In this school, we solve problems; we don't just talk about them 0% 0% 6.3% 37.5% 56.3% 93.8% 65 Teachers I work with regularly evaluate how well our programs are 0% 0% 6.3% 25% 68.8% 93.8% meeting students' needs 66 There is a great deal of co-operative effort among teachers at all levels 0% 0% 6.3% 43.8% 50% 93.8% to provide quality learning opportunities for students 67 Joint review of students' progress and development is a normal part of 0% 6.3% 0% 37.5% 56.3% 93.8% the way we work in this school 68 Teachers in this school are willing to share their teaching practices 0% 6.3% 0% 31.3% 62.5% 93.8% and ideas with colleagues 69 Teachers in this school keep abreast of recent research in their field of 0% 0% 6.3% 43.8% 50% 93.8% teaching and learning
  • 3. 70 Teachers think that the students in this school are capable of learning 0% 0% 0% 25% 75% 100% and developing 71 The school leadership team knows the teachers who are most 0% 0% 12.5% 31.3% 56.3% 87.6% effective 72 Teachers are expected to be accountable for their practices 0% 0% 6.3% 25% 68.8% 93.8% 73 The school leadership team values the professional knowledge and 0% 0% 6.3% 37.5% 56.3% 93.8% skills of teachers in this school 74 There is a variety of opportunities for teachers to give feedback about 0% 0% 6.3% 37.5% 56.3% 93.8% school planning and functioning 75 The leadership is responsive to staff suggestions for changes that 0% 0% 12.5% 37.5% 50% 87.5% might enhance teacher effectiveness 76 The school leadership team is concerned to create a work environment 0% 0% 0% 37.5% 62.5% 100% that enables teachers to teach effectively 77 The school leadership team provides opportunities for classroom 0% 6.3% 18.8% 37.5% 37.5% 75% teachers to gain leadership experience 78 The school leadership team promotes collaboration and reflection 0% 0% 6.3% 18.8% 75% 93.8% among staff in professional learning teams 5B Frequency of professional interactions with colleagues in immediate work group Almost Rarely Once per term Monthly Weekly daily 79 Discussions about how to teach a concept or skill 6.3% 0% 0% 50% 43.8% 80 Working together on preparing units of work and teaching materials 0% 0% 18.8% 37.5% 43.8% 81 Visiting other teachers' classrooms to learn from their teaching 18.8% 18.8% 31.3% 25% 6.3% 82 Reading and viewing each other's students' work 6.3% 6.3% 37.5% 31.3% 18.8% 83 Making a conscious effort to coordinate the content of my courses 0% 0% 6.3% 43.8% 50% with that of other teachers
  • 4. No of No of Actual Expected Threshold Response Rate staff responses response rate response rate achieved 16 16 100% 90% Yes No of new Teachers New to the school No Yes teachers Joined the school staff, or rejoined the school staff after a substantial period of 6 62.5% 37.5% absence (e.g. more than one year), during the past two years New to Teaching No Yes Began first year of teaching in this school 87.5% 12.5% Prevalence of induction program No Yes Provided with an induction program 0% 100% Supplied with induction guidelines and materials 0% 100% Provided with a designated support person or mentor teacher 0% 100% Prevalence of Individual Teacher Development Plan No Yes Have own Individual Teacher Development Plan 18.8% 81.3% Expected Threshold Element Summary Actual results results achieved Element 1: Induction for teachers new to the school 96.7% 75% Yes Element 3: Customised individual teacher development plans 89.5% 75% Yes Element 4: Quality professional development 94.4% 75% Yes Element 5A: Extent of Performance and Development Culture 92.9% 75% Yes