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Lack of Bridge to link the villages

                                      JANUARY 2010
The year 2009 has been the moment that Pastora activities were centered due to
the lack of the finance to help in the facilitation of the programs activities.
Despite of this constraints the association managed to carried out many of
outstanding activities to it ability.
Noting that during the war there has been a lot of suffering and distress.
This was not only to case of Pabo people but the whole Acholi sub region. As
written, in the bible “I have seen the humiliation of my people and hear their cry”
(Exodus 3:7) Even in Israeli when they were in Egypt there was a lot of suffering and
later God heard their cry, they moved out to a promised land were there were no
more suffering. From this quotation during the war we know there has been a lot of
suffering at all corners such as living in the camps, Lack of food, inability for the
people to support their family education, poor health services etc.
And we are also contended that we are going to reach the peace full moment
were we shall be more self reliant and able to support others locally here as we aim
to see empowered community. This can not be done unless you also hear our cry
to support our program.
We are able to produce this activities report because some of organizations have
been our partners who remained in support to us during the implementation of the
activities that we are giving out in this report for the period January to December
2009. We are also grateful to the community for the cooperation with us in the
implementation of all the activities.
The following organization we appreciate them very much for the financial support
given to us namely Gulu district NGO Forum, Care International Gulu program.
 We also thank BOSCO-UGANDA notably for the connection of internet in Pabo
that made PASTORA to reach out across the world.
I would like to thank parish priest of Pabo catholic parish, our organization
member’s and friends for support rendered to us in one way or another.

           Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
I would not forget to thank the Local Government administrative unit of Pabo Sub
County for being closely with us at time we call for their support. We are very sure
that you will continue to accord us this good avenue as we aimed at achieving
goal to empower our community for the sustainable development.
Last I would therefore call upon many of the organizations to support us in order to
be able to do more wonderful work in year 2010.
I therefore finally thank all of you who have been helpful to PASTORA in the course
of it activity implementation of the year 2009, we hope for your further support.

Omony John Bosco
Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA)

          Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
1.0 Introduction
The annual report describes the activities and progress made by Pabo Save the Orphans
Association, during the year 2009. Pabo Save the Orphans Association is a registered
community based organization (CBO) that was established in July1999.

To improve quality life of the children, child mothers, FAC and youth and women.
To promote human values through advocacy and community out reach program, Girl child education
program (GCEP) basic non formal education / formal education and vocational skills training
initiative for the child mothers’ school dropped out youth with a view of building a sustainable
community with improved standards of living. The main task is to enhance their opportunities to
realize their full potential and capability in rehabilitating the community.

   (a) PASTORA geographical coverage is predominantly in the following areas.
          i.     tracing family and the resettlement,
         ii.     Child Advocacy and community outreach,
        iii.     sustainable farming and natural resources management,
         iv.     development training and research ,
         v.      formal and non formal education,
         vi.      Community health related issue. PASTORA‘s activities are preventive and
                 Rehabilitative in nature.
The Direct beneficiaries of PASTORA program are the vulnerable children, school dropped out
youth, formerly abducted children, women and the children and the community in general. Hence,
both preventive and rehabilitative approaches are use. A wider range of activities shall be taken by
2. Preventive activities: This shall include reaching out to vulnerable children, school dropped out
youth and women in their various areas of interest, and through carry out counseling session, family
tracing and community sensitization.

               Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
3. Community mobilization and the training on children, women and youth related issues in
developmental as stipulated in the UN convention on the rights of the children , Ministry of gender
labour and social development policy and the Uganda youth policy.
4. Training of the out of school youth, FAC, child mothers (Vulnerable groups) in vocational
training and life skills.
5. Coordinating and supporting the campaign and actions on children and youths rights both at
district, national and community level.
6. Active research and survey on specified issues that affect the youth out of school, children and the
community in general.

1.1 Background
In 1999-2002 Pabo Save the orphans association was able to contribute for the welfare of
the orphans and other vulnerable people in the provision of the household items with the
support of Gulu Archdiocese to Pabo catholic parish.

2.0 Program Overview
Pabo Save the orphans Association is community base organization registered that
primarily focuses on communities’ empowerment and is recognized as a coordinating
agency of the response to existing need. PASTORA Currently activities include, Community
mobilization and sensitization on the development and health related issues including
HIV/AIDS initiatives, Promotion of the Human Rights, documentation and dissemination
information to the community.

             Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
2.1 Management Structure.
2.1.1 Annual General Assembly
The Annual General Assembly is an annual event that brings together all members and with a view
to strengthen them and work for a way forward for implementation of PASTORA activities.
2.1.2 Executive Committees (EC). The PASTORA Executive Committees is the policy organ that is
constituted of nine elected members. The PASTORA Executive Committees ensures effective
leadership for continuous mobilization and policy guidance to PASTORA program implementation.
The PASTORA Executive committees is elected at a constituted annual General Assembly and
serves in office for a period of five years and can serve for more terms as members find one is
capable to handle the association.

In the year 2004 Gulu district NGO forum selected the capable community based organization to
implement the poverty resource monitoring project that was funded by the Royal Netherlands
embassy. The pilot of the project in the first year took place in eight sub counties including Pabo
under the implementation of Pabo Save the Orphans Association. Under this project PASTORA
trained the community at the parish level so that they are empowered to be able to follow up the
resources used in the fight against poverty in the community. After the training the communities
were to make the monitoring of the schools, health facilities etc. the data of the monitoring report for
all the sub counties of Gulu and Amuru district were collected in the central point in Gulu district

                                      Ngo forum for the dissemination to the district local leader and
                                      the administrative officers. In 2009 PASTORA together with
                                      community embarked in the monitoring of the water point. Due
                                      to value being experienced as the out come of this monitoring
                                      the Association is always in closed collaboration with the sub
                                      county administrative staffs.
                                      However the monitoring of the water point in Pogo parish
caused the attention much as the district allocated the water but process was delayed and the
communication was not given back to the community. In same context Association do carry out the
community visit as to know events that take place among them.

            Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
In above photo you will realize the challenges being face during this return process as far as safe
water point is concern among the community.

As the strategy to sensitize community on Peace Recovery and Development program for northern
Uganda, In 2009 Gulu district NGO forum supported the community sensitization in two parishes. In
order to make the community aware on the Government plan under PRDP. There is two way of the
information dissemination to the community namely 1. Community focusing group meeting 2.
Drama sensitization
                           The aim at driving the community to know information on PRDP as the
                           frame work for the recovery of Northern Uganda. The program in the
                           initial phase supported by Care international Gulu program and Gulu
                           district NGO Forum.

9.0 Strengthen Community Interventions for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children. The increased
number of Orphans and other Vulnerable Children (OVC) poses a very big challenge to the local
Response. The Community Needs Assessment conducted in Pabo by PASTORA, identified the
increased number of Orphans and Vulnerable children including children headed families as the
biggest challenge to in the area of Pabo. In response, PASTORA identified OVC as a priority area of
intervention. In an effort to strengthen Community interventions for Orphans and Vulnerable
Children (OVC), PASTORA has to request for the assistant to meet the educational needs of these
children. The table below shows the data of the students supported in educational needs from 2004
to 2009.
Education             Beneficiaries      Completed S 4.       Completed S.6        Employed
Secondary             18                 10                   4                    3 got employment
Dropped out           2                  0                    0                    0
Total                 16                 10                   4                    0
The above table indicates all the categories of the orphans in education support program.
How ever are very grateful to Comboni Samaritan of Gulu for the support extended to us during the
struggle we started in 2004.

            Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
A number of school dropped out were also given hope to join the education. The youth that had
dropped out of school are reported to have resumed schooling as result of this intervention.

The formation of the internal displaced person camp in Acholi sub region is one of the factors that
contributed to the rampant dropped off the positive cultural practice in Acholi. Association in
respond to this problem engaged in the promotion of the cultural dances such as bwola, Okocho as
way to bring youths and children together as had been Acholi previously. This activity is the
ongoing with the relative peace coming in the region we, are very hopeful that we shall engage this
at the various village levels.

The community in need identification at the lower local government planning meeting            made
Remarkable Mobilization of community and other key stakeholders participation in lower local
government planning process Community responded to the lower local government planning project
at village level. Resource mapping done with the support of PASTORA member Sensitize the
community on participation in lower local government planning process.
As 2009 came to an end and also UJCC project on PRDP was coming to phase off there was sharing
of the experience with the PRM monitoring team TOT and the Local Monitoring Team trained by
PASTORA was able to send number of the community monitoring and the TOT for this sharing of
the experienced that took place in Amuru Sub County.
The meeting has brought the groups to share their common experienced and the challenges that they
face in monitoring process.

             Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
3.1 Enhance Advocacy, Sustainable Development.

In order to ensure enhanced advocacy, sustainable Development the community
sensitization to empower and create commitment in local government’s service delivery, a
number of activities were implemented.

3.1.2 Community Mobilization and Sensitization.

At the local level, Pastora members as community based organization have continued to
mobilize and sensitize the communities on HIV/AIDS through meetings.

                                            As the war left the Acholi community in desperate economic
                                            state, PASTORA had the feeling to ensure the communities uplift
                                            their economical status through involvement in IGA’S. In 2008
                                            we started the Beads making as the income generating activity for
the women.
Today these women are able to get minimum income of 50.000 monthly.
The above photo showing women in beads making process.

During the year 2009 PASTORA was able to send a member through GDNF for the TOT trainer organized by
Kondard Adenua Siftung in Arua.
The training that empowered the participants to train the community in political democratic pluralism.
This training has equipped the Association in ensure it prepare to sensitize the community in the election of
their representative in leadership.
The challenges now remained the implementation.

              Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
Pabo Save the Orphans Association financial position is not based on the project funded as other CBO or
NGO that are well funded by the donors organization. The Association raised it fund Member’s contribution
and program support from other organizations.
The program support from the organization does not give money directly to Association Account but only
facilitated the association in the implementation of the programs set this organization in the given period of
During the year 2009 Members contributed 90.000 Uganda shilling while other support from other
organization total to 575000.

         Pabo Save the Orphans Association
                 source of funds.


                                                support program


Pie chart below demonstrates the percentage of the sources of Fund in year 2009.
During this year Gulu district NGO Forum has given major support of 56% for our activities, while care
International contributed 30% of the total Funds used and member’s contribution of 14% was generated.

              Percenatge of funding source.


                                              Gulu District NGO
                                              Care International
                                              Self generated

             Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009

SOURCES OF FUND                  PROGRAM                            INCOME   EXPENDITURE
                                 Stake Up for your Future project   195000   195000
Care International Uganda Gulu
                                 PRDP Community sensitization 360000         360000
Gulu District NGO Forum          and consultative meeting.

                                 Administration                     30000    30000
Members Charity contribution

                                                                    20000    0
Members voluntary support

                                                                    60000    40000
Membership annual contribution

                                 Pledges Received                   0        0
Members Friends support

                                                                    665000= 615000=

            Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
During the year 2009 the association faced a lot of challenges in the implementation of it activities.
   • Inadequate fund. There were no enough funds to facilitate more activities that association indeed to
        carry out during the year.
   • The donor organization demand to acess fund was above the above the requirement that Association
        could compete for the funding programs.

   • The NGO and donors organizations should consider the CBO for small grants that could help to
      enhance their potential.

            Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
Annex I

                  SECREATARIAT                      Project Management

    Volunteers                                           Beneficiaries

   Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
Annex II


NO.       NAME                                                 POSITION

1         Mr. Omony John Bosco                                 Chairperson

2         Ms. Adong Concy                                      Vice Chairperson

3         Mr. Kidega Paul                                      Secretary

4         Mr. Okema Godfrey                                    Deputy Secretary

5         Mr. Oringa George Abalo                              Treasure

6         Ms. Oyella Mary                                      Committee member

7         Ms. Akello Winnies                                   Committee member

8         Mr.Omony Geoffrey                                    Committee member

9         Ms. Atimango Christine                               Committee member

               Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009

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Pastora Report 2009

  • 2. EXECTIVE SUMMARY. The year 2009 has been the moment that Pastora activities were centered due to the lack of the finance to help in the facilitation of the programs activities. Despite of this constraints the association managed to carried out many of outstanding activities to it ability. Noting that during the war there has been a lot of suffering and distress. This was not only to case of Pabo people but the whole Acholi sub region. As written, in the bible “I have seen the humiliation of my people and hear their cry” (Exodus 3:7) Even in Israeli when they were in Egypt there was a lot of suffering and later God heard their cry, they moved out to a promised land were there were no more suffering. From this quotation during the war we know there has been a lot of suffering at all corners such as living in the camps, Lack of food, inability for the people to support their family education, poor health services etc. And we are also contended that we are going to reach the peace full moment were we shall be more self reliant and able to support others locally here as we aim to see empowered community. This can not be done unless you also hear our cry to support our program. We are able to produce this activities report because some of organizations have been our partners who remained in support to us during the implementation of the activities that we are giving out in this report for the period January to December 2009. We are also grateful to the community for the cooperation with us in the implementation of all the activities. The following organization we appreciate them very much for the financial support given to us namely Gulu district NGO Forum, Care International Gulu program. We also thank BOSCO-UGANDA notably for the connection of internet in Pabo that made PASTORA to reach out across the world. I would like to thank parish priest of Pabo catholic parish, our organization member’s and friends for support rendered to us in one way or another. 1 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
  • 3. I would not forget to thank the Local Government administrative unit of Pabo Sub County for being closely with us at time we call for their support. We are very sure that you will continue to accord us this good avenue as we aimed at achieving goal to empower our community for the sustainable development. Last I would therefore call upon many of the organizations to support us in order to be able to do more wonderful work in year 2010. I therefore finally thank all of you who have been helpful to PASTORA in the course of it activity implementation of the year 2009, we hope for your further support. Omony John Bosco Chairperson Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) 2 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
  • 4. 1.0 Introduction The annual report describes the activities and progress made by Pabo Save the Orphans Association, during the year 2009. Pabo Save the Orphans Association is a registered community based organization (CBO) that was established in July1999. 2. VISION To improve quality life of the children, child mothers, FAC and youth and women. 3. MISSION To promote human values through advocacy and community out reach program, Girl child education program (GCEP) basic non formal education / formal education and vocational skills training initiative for the child mothers’ school dropped out youth with a view of building a sustainable community with improved standards of living. The main task is to enhance their opportunities to realize their full potential and capability in rehabilitating the community. 4. CORE VALUES (a) PASTORA geographical coverage is predominantly in the following areas. i. tracing family and the resettlement, ii. Child Advocacy and community outreach, iii. sustainable farming and natural resources management, iv. development training and research , v. formal and non formal education, vi. Community health related issue. PASTORA‘s activities are preventive and Rehabilitative in nature. The Direct beneficiaries of PASTORA program are the vulnerable children, school dropped out youth, formerly abducted children, women and the children and the community in general. Hence, both preventive and rehabilitative approaches are use. A wider range of activities shall be taken by PASTORA. 2. Preventive activities: This shall include reaching out to vulnerable children, school dropped out youth and women in their various areas of interest, and through carry out counseling session, family tracing and community sensitization. 3 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
  • 5. 3. Community mobilization and the training on children, women and youth related issues in developmental as stipulated in the UN convention on the rights of the children , Ministry of gender labour and social development policy and the Uganda youth policy. 4. Training of the out of school youth, FAC, child mothers (Vulnerable groups) in vocational training and life skills. 5. Coordinating and supporting the campaign and actions on children and youths rights both at district, national and community level. 6. Active research and survey on specified issues that affect the youth out of school, children and the community in general. 1.1 Background In 1999-2002 Pabo Save the orphans association was able to contribute for the welfare of the orphans and other vulnerable people in the provision of the household items with the support of Gulu Archdiocese to Pabo catholic parish. 2.0 Program Overview Pabo Save the orphans Association is community base organization registered that primarily focuses on communities’ empowerment and is recognized as a coordinating agency of the response to existing need. PASTORA Currently activities include, Community mobilization and sensitization on the development and health related issues including HIV/AIDS initiatives, Promotion of the Human Rights, documentation and dissemination information to the community. 4 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
  • 6. 2.1 Management Structure. 2.1.1 Annual General Assembly The Annual General Assembly is an annual event that brings together all members and with a view to strengthen them and work for a way forward for implementation of PASTORA activities. 2.1.2 Executive Committees (EC). The PASTORA Executive Committees is the policy organ that is constituted of nine elected members. The PASTORA Executive Committees ensures effective leadership for continuous mobilization and policy guidance to PASTORA program implementation. The PASTORA Executive committees is elected at a constituted annual General Assembly and serves in office for a period of five years and can serve for more terms as members find one is capable to handle the association. 3.0 POVERTY RESOURCE MONITORING. In the year 2004 Gulu district NGO forum selected the capable community based organization to implement the poverty resource monitoring project that was funded by the Royal Netherlands embassy. The pilot of the project in the first year took place in eight sub counties including Pabo under the implementation of Pabo Save the Orphans Association. Under this project PASTORA trained the community at the parish level so that they are empowered to be able to follow up the resources used in the fight against poverty in the community. After the training the communities were to make the monitoring of the schools, health facilities etc. the data of the monitoring report for all the sub counties of Gulu and Amuru district were collected in the central point in Gulu district Ngo forum for the dissemination to the district local leader and the administrative officers. In 2009 PASTORA together with community embarked in the monitoring of the water point. Due to value being experienced as the out come of this monitoring the Association is always in closed collaboration with the sub county administrative staffs. However the monitoring of the water point in Pogo parish caused the attention much as the district allocated the water but process was delayed and the communication was not given back to the community. In same context Association do carry out the community visit as to know events that take place among them. 5 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
  • 7. In above photo you will realize the challenges being face during this return process as far as safe water point is concern among the community. 6.0 PEACE RECOVERY AND DEVELOPMET PROGRAM FOR NORTHERN UGANDA - PRDP As the strategy to sensitize community on Peace Recovery and Development program for northern Uganda, In 2009 Gulu district NGO forum supported the community sensitization in two parishes. In order to make the community aware on the Government plan under PRDP. There is two way of the information dissemination to the community namely 1. Community focusing group meeting 2. Drama sensitization The aim at driving the community to know information on PRDP as the frame work for the recovery of Northern Uganda. The program in the initial phase supported by Care international Gulu program and Gulu district NGO Forum. 9.0 Strengthen Community Interventions for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children. The increased number of Orphans and other Vulnerable Children (OVC) poses a very big challenge to the local Response. The Community Needs Assessment conducted in Pabo by PASTORA, identified the increased number of Orphans and Vulnerable children including children headed families as the biggest challenge to in the area of Pabo. In response, PASTORA identified OVC as a priority area of intervention. In an effort to strengthen Community interventions for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), PASTORA has to request for the assistant to meet the educational needs of these children. The table below shows the data of the students supported in educational needs from 2004 to 2009. Education Beneficiaries Completed S 4. Completed S.6 Employed Secondary 18 10 4 3 got employment Dropped out 2 0 0 0 Total 16 10 4 0 The above table indicates all the categories of the orphans in education support program. How ever are very grateful to Comboni Samaritan of Gulu for the support extended to us during the struggle we started in 2004. 6 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
  • 8. A number of school dropped out were also given hope to join the education. The youth that had dropped out of school are reported to have resumed schooling as result of this intervention. 10.0 PROMOTION OF THE CULTURAL DANCES The formation of the internal displaced person camp in Acholi sub region is one of the factors that contributed to the rampant dropped off the positive cultural practice in Acholi. Association in respond to this problem engaged in the promotion of the cultural dances such as bwola, Okocho as way to bring youths and children together as had been Acholi previously. This activity is the ongoing with the relative peace coming in the region we, are very hopeful that we shall engage this at the various village levels. LOWER LOCAL GOVERNMENT PLANNING MEETING. The community in need identification at the lower local government planning meeting made Remarkable Mobilization of community and other key stakeholders participation in lower local government planning process Community responded to the lower local government planning project at village level. Resource mapping done with the support of PASTORA member Sensitize the community on participation in lower local government planning process. SHARING THE EXPERIENCE As 2009 came to an end and also UJCC project on PRDP was coming to phase off there was sharing of the experience with the PRM monitoring team TOT and the Local Monitoring Team trained by UJCC. PASTORA was able to send number of the community monitoring and the TOT for this sharing of the experienced that took place in Amuru Sub County. The meeting has brought the groups to share their common experienced and the challenges that they face in monitoring process. 7 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
  • 9. 3.1 Enhance Advocacy, Sustainable Development. In order to ensure enhanced advocacy, sustainable Development the community sensitization to empower and create commitment in local government’s service delivery, a number of activities were implemented. 3.1.2 Community Mobilization and Sensitization. At the local level, Pastora members as community based organization have continued to mobilize and sensitize the communities on HIV/AIDS through meetings. INCOME GENERATING ACTIVITY As the war left the Acholi community in desperate economic state, PASTORA had the feeling to ensure the communities uplift their economical status through involvement in IGA’S. In 2008 we started the Beads making as the income generating activity for the women. Today these women are able to get minimum income of 50.000 monthly. The above photo showing women in beads making process. TRAINING AND NATIONAL EVENTS: During the year 2009 PASTORA was able to send a member through GDNF for the TOT trainer organized by Kondard Adenua Siftung in Arua. The training that empowered the participants to train the community in political democratic pluralism. This training has equipped the Association in ensure it prepare to sensitize the community in the election of their representative in leadership. The challenges now remained the implementation. 8 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
  • 10. FINANCE; Pabo Save the Orphans Association financial position is not based on the project funded as other CBO or NGO that are well funded by the donors organization. The Association raised it fund Member’s contribution and program support from other organizations. The program support from the organization does not give money directly to Association Account but only facilitated the association in the implementation of the programs set this organization in the given period of time During the year 2009 Members contributed 90.000 Uganda shilling while other support from other organization total to 575000. Pabo Save the Orphans Association source of funds. 14% Members contribution Organistation support program 86% Pie chart below demonstrates the percentage of the sources of Fund in year 2009. During this year Gulu district NGO Forum has given major support of 56% for our activities, while care International contributed 30% of the total Funds used and member’s contribution of 14% was generated. Percenatge of funding source. 14% Gulu District NGO Forum Care International 56% 30% Self generated 9 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
  • 11. INCOME AND EXPENIDITURE STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY TO DECEMBER 2009 SOURCES OF FUND PROGRAM INCOME EXPENDITURE Stake Up for your Future project 195000 195000 Care International Uganda Gulu program PRDP Community sensitization 360000 360000 Gulu District NGO Forum and consultative meeting. Administration 30000 30000 Members Charity contribution 20000 0 Members voluntary support 60000 40000 Membership annual contribution Pledges Received 0 0 Members Friends support 665000= 615000= Total 10 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
  • 12. CHALLENGES: During the year 2009 the association faced a lot of challenges in the implementation of it activities. • Inadequate fund. There were no enough funds to facilitate more activities that association indeed to carry out during the year. • The donor organization demand to acess fund was above the above the requirement that Association could compete for the funding programs. Recommendation: • The NGO and donors organizations should consider the CBO for small grants that could help to enhance their potential. 11 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
  • 13. Annex I PASTORA ORGANOGRAM ECXECTIVE COMMITTEE SECREATARIAT Project Management committee Volunteers Beneficiaries /Community 12 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009
  • 14. Annex II PASTORA- EXECTIVE COMMITTEES. NO. NAME POSITION 1 Mr. Omony John Bosco Chairperson 2 Ms. Adong Concy Vice Chairperson 3 Mr. Kidega Paul Secretary 4 Mr. Okema Godfrey Deputy Secretary 5 Mr. Oringa George Abalo Treasure 6 Ms. Oyella Mary Committee member 7 Ms. Akello Winnies Committee member 8 Mr.Omony Geoffrey Committee member 9 Ms. Atimango Christine Committee member 13 Pabo Save the Orphans Association (PASTORA) annual report 2009