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P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 1
Food to
avoid during
That You Need
To Know About!
With Your
and Don’ts
or sleep
The Joy Of
For Parents with Babies & ToddlersFor Parents with Babies & Toddlers
The New Age Parents & New Age Pregnancy present
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2 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
+65 6896 7757 |
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 3
4 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Editor’s Note
Foods You Should Avoid
During Pregnancy
Avoid these foods that can cause
harmful effects on you and the baby.
The Foundation For a
lifetime Of Health
What is the nutritional needs you
need while breastfeeding?
Formula Feeding
Take the quiz and test your
knowledge of milk formula allergies.
Terrible Twos or
Terrific Twos?
Does screaming at your toddler,
providing time-out and restricting your
toddler helps them to regulate and
cool down?
Getting Rid Of Diaper Rash
Diaper rash and its best remedies!
7 Childhood Illnesses That You
Need To Know About
The hateful germs and bacteria!
Keep your child safe from these
Importance Of
Post-partum Care
What should be done to have a
proper postpartum care?
Post-partum Hair Loss
– Why Does It Happen?
Will your lustrous locks return after child birth?
Say Bye-byeto Stretch Marks,Helloto
beautiful skin
You can say goodbye to unsightly stretch
marks and regain your confidence with
Gly Derm stretch mark cream.
The Important Roles Of Dads In
His Children’s lives
The 21st Century Dad is a superhero!
Yes or No?
10TipsTo HelpYour Husband Bondwith
Caring for a baby is no longer just the
wife’s job! Husband can learn a skill or
two in caring for the baby!
What is Post Partum Depression?
Beat Post Natal Depression and avoid all
the severe complications.
Snoring –The Silent Killer
Sleep Disruption or Sleep Disorder?
CanWorking Parents Have
A Fulfilling Career?
The dilemmas of having a career and
managing parenthood, is there flexibility
at work?
Let’s GoTravelling
Can you travel when you have a little
The Joy Of Parenthood
Parents’ heartfelt words –
An inspiration for the new parents!
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 5
ecoming a parent for the first
time is an exciting and joyous
experience. You will go through
9 months of anticipation and
finally when your child is born,
you will become so deeply in
love with them. That is when
the maternal and paternal instinct kicks in. As a new
parent, being there witnessing their firsts - first word,
first crawl, first step and first rollover is just so magical
and fulfilling.
As an expectant mum, it is important to take
care of your health, do check out what Foods You
Should Avoid During Pregnancy. After the
birth of your child, there are more things that will
come your way – breastfeeding, caring for your sick
child and schooling. Read 7 Childhood Illnesses
That You Need To Know About and you will
become a more prepared mum and dad, taking the
extra precaution in raising a healthy child.
Many people associate parenting with mothers
only. But do you know that involved fathers can
contribute to the success of their children too? In
our article, The Important Roles Of Dads In
His Children’s lives highlights the importance
of how fathers can contribute and prepare them for
success. We are glad that we have fathers attending
our Parenting With Love Seminar!
For many of us, having a baby means the world to
us. What if you are Suffering From Post Par-
tum Depression? How do you identify and cope
with it? Having a child is not easy but The Joy of
Parenthood is aplenty and fulfilling. Take one step
at a time and enjoy this process of parenthood.
Crystal Tan
Editor’s Note
Becoming a parent
for the first time is an
exciting and joyous
experience. You will go
through 9 months of
anticipation and final-
ly when your child is
born, you will become
so deeply in love with
Editor of The New Age Parents and New Age Pregnancy
6 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Their reasoning is often
based on one of the fol-
lowing: traditional Chinese
medicine beliefs, old wives’
tales, scientific research
and/or hearsay. It’s definite-
ly good to take heed of the
advice, but do feel free to
read up on the subject to
decide what you feed your-
self and baby. Also, always
take the necessary precau-
tions to eat well-cooked
and fresh food, as pregnant
women are more suscepti-
ble to food poisoning.
The following are some
food items that you shouldPregnancy
FoodsYou Should Avoid During
When you are
pregnant, you
(and the people
around you)
are suddenly a
whole lot more
conscious about
the food and
drink that goes
into your body.
You’ll probably
find that family,
friends, and even
strangers all have
something to say
about what you
should and should
not eat.
Dorothea Chow
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 7
definitely abstain from,
based on potential harmful
effects on you and/or the
Raw or rare meats
Both raw and rare meats
may give you toxoplasmo-
sis, which causes a flu-like
illness. While the effect on
you may be mild, toxoplas-
mosis can pose serious
harm to your baby, increas-
ing your risk of a miscar-
riage or loss of life at birth.
Rare meat can also carry
salmonella bacteria, which
is harmful to you.
Soft-boiled or raw eggs
When not fully cooked, eggs
may contain salmonella
bacteria, which is harmful
to you, although it cannot
directly harm baby. Still,
no one wants to contend
with severe abdominal
pain and vomiting (among
other things) when you’re
pregnant, so it’s a good idea
to stick with hard-boiled for
a while…
If you do decide to drink
alcohol while you are preg-
When not fully cooked,
eggs may contain salmonel-
la bacteria, which is harm-
ful to you, although it
cannot directly harm baby.
nant, a limit of no more than
one or two units of alcohol,
no more than once or twice
per week, is not thought to
be harmful.
Having your daily cuppa
is perfectly fine, but do
limit yourself to 200mg of
caffeine (from coffee, teas,
cola, energy drinks, choco-
late) per day. This works out
to about two cups of instant
coffee or one cup of brewed
coffee. Too much caffeine
can increase your risk of a
miscarriage or having a baby
of low birth weight.
Certain fish
Say goodbye to your sashimi
fix for now, since raw fish
can cause food poisoning.
Avoid shark, swordfish and
marlin, which contain unsafe
levels of mercury. Also, while
fish oil is definitely a plus
for baby and you, limit your
intake to other kinds of fish
and shellfish to two portions
a week, as they may have
unhealthy levels of dioxins,
environmental pollutants or
Certain dairy products
Avoid soft, mould-ripened
cheeses, such as brie,
camembert and chevre (a
type of goat’s cheese). Soft,
blue-veined cheeses such as
Danish blue and roquefort
are also not considered safe
8 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
to eat in pregnancy when
taken uncooked. Unpasteur-
ised milk and dairy products
made with unpasteurised
milk aren’t safe during preg-
nancy, as they are more likely
to contain bacteria that could
lead to food poisoning.
The Traditional Practices
According to the field of
traditional Chinese medi-
cine, expectant mums are
more prone to internal
heat because they are not
menstruating. As such, the
rationale is that you should
reduce your intake of heaty
foods, which include mutton
and venison, spicy foods,
nuts, cinnamon, and tropical
fruits such as longan and
Pineapples, often de-
picted on television serials
as the cause of miscarriages,
are not as evil or as potent as
you might think. Fresh pine-
apple contains the enzyme
bromelain, which is thought
to help to soften your cervix
and thus could bring on
early labour. However, each
pineapple contains a very
small amount of bromelain,
and that mainly in its core,
which most of us do not
like to eat. You would need
to eat as many as seven full
pineapples to see any major
effect, by which time you
would probably experience
a severe case of diarrhea
Pineapples, often depicted on television
serials as the cause of miscarriages, are not
as evil or as potent as you might think.
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 9
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10 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
The Foundation for a
Lifetime of Health
Sister Kang Phaik
Gaik, Senior Parent-
Consultant, Mount
Alvernia Hospital
Breast milk pro-
vides all the nu-
trients your baby
needs for healthy
development in
the first months of
life. When you are
breastfeeding, your
diet is as important
as it was while you
were pregnant. Eat-
ing a balanced diet
and receiving the
nutrients you need
helps promote your
baby’s growth, now
and in the future.
Nutritional needs
while breastfeeding
Just as when you were preg-
nant, it is important to eat a
healthy, balanced diet that
includes a variety of foods.
You are still the sole source
of all the nutrients your
baby needs for his healthy
growth and development.
In fact, your vitamin and
mineral needs are even
higher than they were when
you are pregnant. To get
the nutrition you need, eat
a varied diet that includes
plenty of fruits and vege-
tables, whole grains, lean
protein and calcium-rich
Studies have identified
My Baby
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 11
certain nutrients as playing
a critical role in the health
of a baby when taken by
breastfeeding women.
 DHA is a fatty acid
naturally found in breast
milk and is essential for the
brain and eye development.
It is found in fish such as
tuna, salmon, mackerel and
 Probiotics are natural
cultures of “good bacteria”
that are commonplace in
the human gut and have
many health benefits when
consumed on a regular
basis. Probiotics are avail-
able in foods like probiotics
yoghurts and in special
 Breastfeeding mothers
have higher requirements
for energy, thiamin, ribofla-
vin, niacin, folate, vitamin
B12, C, A and D, calcium,
phosphorus, magnesium,
zinc, copper and selenium.
Hence, it is also important
to get adequate levels of
these important vitamins
and minerals.
Supplements – to
take or not to take?
If you’re like many women,
your diet may be less than
ideal following the birth of
your baby. You are tired and
busy and it can be hard to
find time to plan well-bal-
anced meals. Breast milk
always maintains a certain
nutritional quality, even if
your diet isn’t perfect. But
the levels of some vitamins
and minerals in your breast
milk are directly affected by
your dietary intake.
Nutritional supplements
are a good way to ensure
that you are receiving all the
nutrients you and your baby
need while breastfeeding.
They provide additional
vitamins, minerals and other
important nutrients such as
probiotics and DHA to help
you meet the daily recom-
mended intake.
Supplements are usually
very easy to take, in tablet
or milk powder form, and
need only be taken once
or twice a day. While a
balanced diet is always im-
portant, with a supplement
you are assured of meeting
your nutritional needs and
ensuring the healthiest start
for your baby.
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If you have any queries about nutrition while breastfeeding, consult your doctor or visit www.
Probiotics are available in foods
like probiotics yoghurts and in
special supplements.
12 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Feed ngTest your knowledge of milk formula
allergies by answering these questions!
My Baby
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 13
Q1My baby doesn’t seem well after
bottle feeding with milk formula
or dairy product.
a) My baby may be allergic to cow’s milk
b) My baby may have lactose intolerance
c) A. or B.
Q3There is a history of allergies in my
family. This is:
a) Not a factor
b) Of major significance
a) Yes		 b) No
Q2The following are signs of an
allergy to cow’s milk proteins:
a) Skin: hives, eczema, redness and/or
b) Digestive: regurgitation, vomiting,
chronic diarrhoea (in newborn babies),
stomach pain (in young children).
c) Respiratory: wheezy cough, asthma,
difficulty breathing.
Answer: C
Explanation: A baby that feels unwell after
formula feeding may be showing symptoms of:
An allergy to the proteins found in cow’s milk
(which provoke a defensive reaction by the
immune system), or;
An intolerance to the sugar in the milk, called
lactose intolerance (resulting from an insuffi-
cient secretion of lactase, the enzyme which
breaks down lactose, in the intestine).
The number of cases of allergies has been on
the rise (there are many causes and the list is still
vague according to specialists). For example,
eczema is an allergic condition affecting about
20% of young children under the age of 2. Sur-
prisingly, of the children who suffer from severe
eczema, 30% of them could also have a food al-
lergy. If you think your baby is having a reaction
to cow’s milk, always seek medical advice.
Answer: All of the above
Explanation: It is not easy to tell the differ-
ence between a cow’s milk protein allergy and
lactose intolerance, as the signs vary and may
be confused with other conditions.
However, generally speaking, there are three
main types of symptoms indicating an allergy to
cow’s milk proteins: skin, digestive and respira-
tory, as opposed to mainly digestive symptoms
for lactose intolerance.
Symptoms caused by an allergy also tend to last
longer and rise in intensity over long periods,
whereas signs of lactose intolerance are gen-
erally more episodic in nature, occurring and
resolving within a few hours after feeding.
Answer: B
Explanation: While a parent or sibling may
be allergic to foods such as cow’s milk, it does
not mean that the baby has also inherited their
cow’s milk allergy. Having said that, a higher
level of food allergies have been observed in
families with a history of other types of allergy.
If either parent has a family history of allergies,
it is best for your child to undergo full allergy
testing with a specialist.The specialist may carry
out a food challenge (with the benefit of imme-
diate observations of adverse reactions), and/or
possibly blood or skin prick tests to determine
which foods your child is allergic to.
Use the table on page 16 to help find out your
child’s allergy risk.
Answer: A
Explanation: As allergy is genetically predis-
posed, if the baby is born into a family with
parental history of allergy, he runs a higher
14 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
risk of developing an allergy. While there
is not yet a cure for allergic disease, your
doctor can help you to develop a plan that
may reduce his risk.
You should, of course, follow the advice of your
doctor, but here are some ideas to consider:
First of all, you will most likely be
advised to breastfeed the baby. If formula
is to be considered, after breastfeeding
your doctor may introduce you to a clini-
cally proven partially-hydrolysed protein
formula, in which the proteins are much
smaller and more easily digested, so that
your baby would tolerate the formula well.
Partially-hydrolysed protein formula is just
as nutritious as regular cow’s milk formula
and will contribute just as effectively to your
baby’s growth.
Secondly, you will have to learn when
to wean your baby. Your doctor will alert
you not to wean your baby earlier than 4
months. You can learn along the way what
to feed your baby after 6 months. Lastly,
you may seek your doctor’s advice on how
to make adjustments to the environment
to reduce allergy risk, such as avoiding
smoking or cleaning regularly to eliminate
dust mites.
This is an educational piece meant for
non-breastfed babies from Nestlé Start
Healthy, Stay Healthy. This is not in-
tended as a substitute for professional
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 15
HA 3 is scientifically
formulated with
Gentle proteins and easy digestion
Helps maintain healthy digestive system
Iron and Zinc*
Helps support natural defences
Important building blocks for brain and
eye development
Give your child the best advantage
Support his natural defences*
Support his natural defences*
16 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Children born into a family with a
history of allegies have a higher
risk of developing allergies.
If even one family member displays ony of these symptoms, discuss the allergy
risk of your child with your doctor. If formula is to be considered after 6 months
of exclusive breastfeeding, ask about hypoallergenic formula (with partially
hydrolysed proteins).
Itchy Rash/Eczema
Runny Nose/Rhinoconjunctivitis
Recurrent Wheeze/Asthma
Food Allergy
Drug Allergy
No Symptoms
Discover your child’s
allergy risk
Neither parents have allergy
One parent has allergy
One sibling has allergy
Both parents have allergies
 5%-15% risk of allergy
 30%-40% risk of allergy
 30%-40% risk of allergy
 50%-80% risk of allergy
My Baby
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 17
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18 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
or Terrific Twos?
Terrible Twos
Do You Need To Set Boundaries For Your Toddler?
My Toddler
Dorothea Chow
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 19
As your little one gains mobility, learns to talk,
and is exposed to outsiders more and more,
he will slowly gain confidence, and make
his wants and needs known. Often at all the
wrong moments, and in all the wrong ways.
Welcome to the“terrible
twos”. The terrible twos are
a normal stage in a toddler’s
development characterized
by mood changes, temper
tantrums and frequent use of
the word“no.”This typically
occurs when toddlers begin
to desire greater indepen-
dence, but still very much
still need and want parental
presence and support.
While these early years
can be extremely chal-
lenging for parents and
caregivers to navigate, it
may help you to keep in
mind that your 2-year-old is
actually undergoing major
motor, intellectual, social and
emotional changes within
himself during this period. In
other words, it’s not easy to
parent a toddler, but it isn’t
easy being a toddler either!
As you will discover,
this is only the beginning
of a phase of testing limits,
exerting self-will and the
discovery of autonomy that
every child goes through,
often lasting all the way to
adolescence.“Most toddlers
begin testing limits shortly
after their first birthday and
continue until about age
four,”says Ari Brown, M.D.,
author of Toddler 411.
How wonderful, though,
that this is the time that your
child begins to carve out his
own identity, an essential
process that will allow him to
really come into his own later
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20 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
on in life. He will discover
passions, explore options,
celebrate successes and gain
crucial self-confidence and
skill sets. He is on his way to
becoming a teenager, and
later, an adult.
In these early stages
of development (from 2-6
years), referred to by experts
as the formative years of a
child’s life, it is vital that we
help our toddlers set healthy
and helpful boundaries in
all key areas of their lives.
As parents, the challenge is
often knowing how to be
proactive in thinking about
such things, rather than just
reacting to what’s happening
right in front of us in that
We need to switch
from thinking of quick-fix
solutions to building long-
term strategies for change.
We have to let go of our
self-consciousness and need
for approval, be it from our
peers, from strangers on
the street, or even, from our
Setting boundaries is no
mean feat, and is something
that’s part and parcel of
being a parent. As your child
grows up, your boundar-
ies may change, and the
way you work with him to
establish healthy self-control
will evolve accordingly. But
for now, as you think about
building a healthy culture of
eating in the home or cre-
ating guidelines for sibling
playtimes, here are a few
things to keep in mind:
It’s always best to pre-empt
problems before they occur
– prevention is better than
cure! So define boundaries
for your child before he gets
in a situation where he’ll
need them. For example, on
the way to a playdate:“You
My Toddler
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 21
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22 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
can play with whatever toy
you want, but if you want
something that someone
else is playing with, remem-
ber you need to ask for a
turn first.”
Use terms that your child can
understand. For example
“We will go home when you
finish your slice of cake”is far
better than“We will go home
in another ten minutes”. I
mean, which two year old
can tell the time?
This is a hard one, but some
boundaries need to be set
even though it impinges on
your own desires and wants.
For example, if you’ve told
your child that he only gets
dessert after he finishes
what’s on his plate, then
you’ve got to demonstrate
that yourself as well – you
need to finish what’s on your
plate before reaching for the
ice cream. Double standards
are a no-no.
It’s crucial to try to catch
the right moment with your
child when you’re setting a
boundary or reminding of
some prior agreement. Right
in the moment is usually
best, because your child
will totally get what you are
talking about (children tend
to have rather short-term
memories). But if your child
has already worked himself
up into a rage, shelve the
pep-talk for later, and focus
on helping him process how
he’s feeling in that moment.
Feelings first
When your child is overcome
by his emotions, any kind
of boundary talk is going
to fall on deaf ears. What he
needs most is your empathy.
Help him find the words to
express what he is feeling,
and try to understand where
he is coming from, before
setting down the“law”. Hap-
piest Toddler on the Block
by Dr. Harvey Karp is a good
resource for this.
We all have a good agenda
as parents – we want our
children to be well-man-
nered, obedient, thankful,
kind kids. But sometimes,
our disagreements can look
more like a war-zone than
a relationship. Mary Sheedy
Kurcinka (Raising your spirit-
ed child) advices parents not
to take up a“position”op-
posite to your child. Instead,
seek to define each other’s
interests, lay down some
basic expectations, and find
a compromise that works for
Negotiating a compromise is
not“letting your child win”,
because that’s battle talk
speaking. As parents, we
are not here to win the war
against our child’s seeming
defiance, but called to come
alongside them and be a
coach, example and teacher
towards something bet-
ter. And so, don’t have too
rigid and extensive a list of
boundaries – leave room for
your child to practice that
assertion of his will within
reasonable limits. For exam-
ple“Don’t hurt anyone while
you are playing Police and
Thieves. If you do, you have
to stop playing.”is more free-
ing and empowering than
“You cannot play with any
guns or sword toys because
they are dangerous”.
We often criticize and
pick on our children’s bad
behavior, but fail to praise
them for the good that they
do, or the bad that they do
not do. In Asian societies,
especially, we parents need
to learn not to shrink away
from offering praise and affir-
mation. Contrary to popular
belief, specific and accurate
praise build up a healthy
self-esteem in a child; it does
not“spoil”him or create a
performance mentality, un-
less you dole it out copiously
and unnecessarily. Don’t just
notice the bad – call out and
compliment the good in
your toddler.
My Toddler
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 23
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24 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
What causes
Diaper Rash?
There are many causes for
the outbreak of diaper rash.
The most common factors
are all link to the moisture
in the diaper. The faeces
and urine contains bacteria
that could possibly cause
reactions to the skin that
comes in contact with it. A
baby who wears who wear
a soiled diaper for a longer
time is more prone to devel-
op diaper rash than a baby
who is change more fre-
quent. On the other hand,
a child who has sensitive
skin are also prone to diaper
rash even if the frequency
Getting Rid Of
If your child’s bum
looks red, bumpy
and sore, chances
are he could have
gotten Diaper Rash!
Do not go into a
panic and frantic
mode, calm down
and find out what is
the cause of it, how
to treat and handle
it and prevent your
child from getting it
By CrystalTan
Editor of New Age Pregnancy
Children’s Health
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 25
of diaper-changing increase.
There are also other factors
that causes Diaper Rash!
The baby wipes that you use
to clean your baby’s bum
may cause irritation linking
to rash, foods that the baby
consumes or what mother
consume especially breast-
feeding mom and the brand
of the diaper used as the
fits of the diaper may cause
friction or skin irritation.
What is the best
way to treat
Diaper Rash?
Hygiene, airing and dryness
are the best cure for Diaper
Rash. Follow these steps
to get rid of these nasty
1Keep baby’s bum dry
and clean. Change their
diaper more frequently.
2Use water to wash the
bum and genital area. If
there is a need, use organic
and fragrance-free wash to
clean your child. If it is not
convenient to wash, use
fragrance-free and alco-
hol-free baby wipes.
3Air your baby’s bum for
a while by allowing her
to go without diaper. The air
and carefree feeling helps
to soothe this little sore
4Make sure your baby’s
bum and genital area is
totally dry before attempting
to wear a clean diaper for her.
5Do not sprinkle baby
powder on their genital
area! It has been observed
that these powder contains
small particles that can
cause breathing difficulties
and problems.
6Apply a small amount of
pure coconut oil on your
child’s bum instead as coco-
nut oil is anti-fungal, anti-vi-
ral and anti-bacterial. It has
a strong healing power that
can heal and moisturise the
baby’s skin. This will add as
a protective layer between
you’re the soiled diaper and
your baby’s skin.
The diaper rash should
clean up in a few days’ time.
Be patient and diligent in
changing your baby’s dia-
per, keep it clean and dry!
What can be done
to prevent the
reoccurrence of
diaper rash?
1Get the right diaper!
Choose a diaper with
good absorption rate.
Please avoid using a diaper
that is too small as it may
irritate the skin or too big
as it can cause friction be-
tween the baby’s skin and
the diaper.
2Wash your child’s bot-
tom regularly and use
organic products on your
child’s skin. Check out for
harmful chemicals in the
children’s products like
phthalates, paraben and
3Airing your child’s
bum in between each
change will lessen the like-
lihood of bacteria to grow.
Remember to keep their
bottom dry before putting
on a new diaper.
4If your baby is prone
to diaper rash, apply a
thin layer of nappy cream
or coconut oil after each
diaper change.
5If your baby is going
through the stage of
weaning, introduce new
food slowly. This makes it
possible for you to monitor
the baby’s body reaction
to it. Some food can cause
allergy in baby, so monitor
your child’s diet so see if he
or she develop any reaction
shortly after consuming the
newly introduced food.
Untreated diaper rash
and wearing of soiled
diaper for a long time can
resulted in fungal and yeast
infection. These painful and
irritating rash may cause
discomfort and affect your
child. So follow these steps
to get rid of diaper rash and
prevent the reoccurrence
of it.
26 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Children’s Health
Hand Foot and
Mouth Disease
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
also commonly known as
HFMD can affect very young
children even babies. It has be-
come a common illness these
day. How to you know if your
child is infected? Check their
mouth first, it often starts in
the mouth where you can spot
prominent sores or blisters.
Next, their palm and foot will
also develop red spots. HFMD
is highly infectious and adults
can get it too! Consult a doctor
immediately and allow the
child to drink more water and
get ample of rest at home.
Chicken Pox
Chickenpox is a highly conta-
gious airborne disease which
can be easily spreads from
an infected child or person
through direct contact or even
coughing and sneezing. How
to you know if your child is
infected? It often starts with a
fever, follow by red and itchy
blisters on the body and face.
Chickenpox can be prevented
through vaccination.
Scarlet Fever
Scarlet fever is a contagious
infection that often accom-
panied with strep throat.This
break on the child’s body.You
can relate the rashes to small
red bumps and is rough to the
touch.White spots may appear
on the tongue and the inner
throat. It can be treated with
antibiotics that is prescribed by
the doctor.
Stomach flu
Stomach flu is not a flu but an
inflammation of the lining of
the digestive tract. It is highly
contagious and can affected
Illnesses That
You Need To
Know About
Young children often fall sick compare to
adults as their immunity is still developing.
That makes them extremely vulnerable to all
kind of bacteria, infections and diseases like
fever, cough and cold. Check out what kind
of illnesses is affecting these young children
and how you can keep a look out for it.By CrystalTan
Editor of New Age Pregnancy
	 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 27
28 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
a child through contaminated
food or sharing food or utensils
with the infected child. Even
contact with the infected
faecal can cause your child
to be infected. How to you
know if your child is infected? If
your child is observed to have
repeated diarrhoea and vom-
iting, stomach pain, fever and
body aches, consult a doctor
for verification. It is important
to encourage your child to
take in more fluids to prevent
Measles is a contagious viral
infection that affects the respi-
ratory system and causes the
skin to develop a rash. It causes
a outbreak of rashes over your
whole body accompanied by
flu-like symptoms, including
fever and cough. Although
the rate of catching Measles
has reduce significantly when
compulsory immunisation
was administered to young
children in Singapore, it can
still affect children and adults.
Measles is spread through
an infected person when he
coughs and sneezes, or even
through the physical contact
that he comes into with people
and the surfaces he touches.
Bronchitis is an inflammation
of the air passages to the
lungs (bronchi).When your
child develops a cold or flu,
the viruses can spread to the
bronchi causing the airways to
become swollen, blocked and
inflamed. People who have
chronic bronchitis are more
susceptible to bacterial infec-
tions of the airway and lungs,
like pneumonia. It can cause
your child to be tired and has
difficulty breathing. Consult
a doctor for medication and
encourage your child to take
in more fluid (smaller portion,
more frequency).
Pneumonia is a serious lung
infection that is more serious
than bronchitis and can be a
life-threatening illness. Often,
symptoms of pneumonia can
begin after 2 or 3 days when
the child contacted a fever,
cold, phlegmy cough or sore
throat. Children who develop
pneumonia caused by bacteria
can become very sickly with a
sudden onset of a high fever
irregular breathing or wheez-
ing. Antibiotics and Anti-viral
medication may be required to
treat this illness.
These childhood diseases can often be
prevented if your child adopts good hygiene
practices such as the proper hand-washing
methods. Teach your child to wash her hands thor-
oughly with soap before every meals and after every
bathroom visit. The same goes for the members in
the family as well, keep the home environment safe
and clean for your growing child.
Bonbebe (YP-M
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 29
Bonbebe (YP-May14FA).indd 1 3/26/14 3:20 PM
30 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Importance Of
Postpartum Care
Mum’s Corner
Experts refer Postpartum
period as the first six weeks
after childbirth. In real context,
postpartum period can stretch
up to 4-6 months with the
mother herself coping and
adapting physically and emo-
tionally after childbirth.
Postpartum care can be
categorised to different cate-
gories such as external, internal
and mental care. For a new
mother, she has to make sure
she takes good care of herself
in these three aspects during
the postpartum period.
External care refers to the
physical body such as dealing
with the change in body shape,
coping with breastfeeding
problems like engorgement or
sore nipples, caesarean incision
or even hair loss issues.
Internal care refer to
things like physical fatigue,
body aches, afterbirth cramps,
perineal pain or constipation
Mental care refer to emo-
tions such as anxiety, impa-
tient, confidence level or low
self-esteem due to hormonal
changes that trigger us to be
more sensitive during postpar-
tum period
8 Top Benefits
of Proper
Postpartum Care
Your body will be able to
recover faster to pre pregnancy
You will enjoy motherhood
You will feel less tired or
You will be able to get back
to pre-pregnancy body faster
Your baby will be a happier
baby. Remember your baby
connects to you and he know if
you are stress or unhappy and
this affects him
You will have better milk
You will gain self confidence
You will have greater energy
What Should
be Done to
Have a Proper
Rebecca Chan Founder of
Origins Jamu Massage
32 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
The movement of estrogen
level in pregnancy is quite a
toll on all women. Estrogen
level is the primary female
sex hormones. During preg-
nancy, estrogen levels surge,
promoting hair growth.
However, it slows down after
birth and enters a resting
phase. It is during this time
while estrogen level is at rest
that tremendous hair loss is
Why Does
It Happen?
Loss Will My Lustrous
Locks Return?
Generally, post-partum hair
loss starts about 3 months after
childbirth.The excessive hair
fall should continue only for
three to eight months. Ideally,
by the newborn’s first birthday,
mothers should have had the
health of their hair naturally
restored to their pre-pregnan-
cy condition. Post-natal hair fall
is a temporary phase. However,
taking good care of it could
avoid a permanent hair loss
Do I Need Help?
There are several other factors
that affect how quickly or com-
pletely your healthy locks can
be restored. More commonly,
the following situations may
prevent your hair from regain-
ing their former glory:
Exposures to any of the above
conditions make new mothers
susceptible to prolonged hair
loss.When ignored and not
treated, such conditions can
weaken hair follicles and com-
promise the growth of strong
healthy hair in the long run.
AtTKTrichoKare, treatments
are validated by a certified
trichologist with products
formulated by a professional
herbalist. Hair Specialists at
TrichoKare are trained under
trichologist to help people
who have problems with their
hair or scalp. Trichologist/ Hair
Specialists examine the cause
of your hair loss before any
treatments recommendations
and ensure hair and scalp
problems are addressed timely.
Jane Ang I.A.T.
Member of International
Association ofTrichologists
Trichologist atTrichoKare
Specialized in Hair and Scalp
Post-partum hair loss
is mainly attributed to
the extreme hormone
fluctuations mothers
face from the point
she conceives till after
Mum’s Corner
Jane Ang I.A.T.
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 33
34 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Mum’s Corner
Stretch Marks is a familiar term espe-
cially for Women who has recently given
birth. It is a result of the stretching of the
skin associated with rapid expansion of
the body size and weight. Pregnant mums
may discover stretch marks during the
last trimester of pregnancy and the battle
scars are usually found on the belly and
also on other parts of the body such as
the breasts, thighs, hips and bottoms.
What you did not know?
Stretch marks appear as reddish or purple
lines, but tend to fade to a lighter shade
after a period of time. What you didn’t
know is that,
Stretch Marks may fade but they will
not disappear completely!
Now, you can say goodbye to unsightly
stretch marks and regain your confidence
with Gly Derm stretch mark cream.
Gly Derm stretch mark cream is specially
formulated with Tri-Derm actives that
contains three secrets to regain back
your skin elasticity and its firmness.
Let’s reveal the secrets of Gly
1.Extract of Centella Asiatica
Say Bye-bye to
Hello to
beautiful skin
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 35
Extract of Centella Asiatica
was traditionally used as a
medicinal herb for its various
health benefits and therapeu-
tic actions. Centella Asiatica
has great effects in reducing
stretch marks, stimulates
collagen production, restores
skin firmness and improves
skin elasticity.
Commonly known as sweet
almond oil, is an extremely
good moisturizer for all skin
types. Not to mentioned that it
is easily absorbed thus raising
its effectiveness. Don’t you
want to revive back your glow?
Sweet almond oil gives a glow-
ing touch back to your skin.
Shea butter is usually found in
a lot of beauty and skin-care
products mainly because it
heals and nourishes the skin.
Not forgetting the various
vitamins and nutrients found in
Shea butter helps in retaining
the skin moisture as well as
maintaining skin elasticity.
Gly Derm stretch mark
cream is specially formulated
without any preservative
and fragrance! Research and
rigorous test has shown visible
results in just three weeks*
after application of Gly Derm
stretch mark cream!The results
of reducing stretch marks were
even more prominent with
prolonged use.*
Don’t you want to regain
that beautiful skin you had
before pregnancy?Well, don’t
miss your chance to have a
smooth and supple skin!The
Gly Derm stretch mark cream
is your solution. Say bye-bye to
stretch marks now!
The Gly Derm stretch mark
cream available at all major
pharmacies in Singapore and
retails at $14.90 and $23.90 for
60ml and 125ml respectively.
Apply Gly Derm stretch
mark cream on your body
and you will reap three
times the benefits!
Reducing stretch marks
Rebuilds collagen
Regain your skin’s natural
36 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Many of us know that
mothers play an important
role in nurturing a child’s
life. However, few of us will
agree that Fathers play an
important role similar to
that of mothers, through a
child’s life. In fact, numer-
ous studies has shown
that children excel in their
academics as well as their
social interactions with
peers and adults. Accord-
ing to Maureen Black, “We
found that fathers who are
involved with their children
have children with fewer
problems,” (Researcher and
professor of Pediatrics at
the University of Maryland
School of Medicine). Dad
can empower their children
with lessons about right
and wrong, lessons that will
The Important Roles Of Dads
In His Children’s lives
MY Superhero Dad!
Dad’s Corner
CrystalTan Editor of New Age Pregnancy
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 37
build their character and im-
print the right beliefs in them
for the rest of their lives.
Check out these 10 im-
portant roles that Dads can
play in his children’s lives.
Dad as a Protector01
Men are different from
women, they act and think
differently. Mothers’ nat-
ural instinct is to nurture
while the dads’ natural
instinct is to protect. A dad
can protect and educate
their children from inex-
perience and impulsive
mistakes, bullies, drugs
and countless of criminal
crimes. Most importantly,
a dad protects his children
by strengthening them so
that they grow up knowing
how they can protect and
defend themselves.
Dad as a Disciplinary02
The main goal is not to
reprimand or punish the
child for every wrong
behaviour or mistakes but
to guide and facilitate the
child to understand the
world better or to help
them change their behavior
for the better. Dad ought to
understand that we should
not be raising our voices,
swearing or losing control
of our temper as the child
may follow suit. Children
usually regard their parents
as their leading example or
role model. Be patient and
guide them slowly.
Dad as a Playmate03
The best thing a dad can
do is to play and interact
with his children. When
dad spends quality time by
being involved in their chil-
dren’s play, they can build
a strong emotional support
and bonding. Dad also
tend to play with children
differently from Mom, and
that can also enhance their
holistic development.
Dad as a Leader04
A child usually look up to
his father and see how hard
he works, how he expe-
riences life, how he solve
problems, how he handles
mistakes and crisis and how
he works with different
people. You teach them
to be brave, to be true to
themselves and not hold
grudges against others.
You are the role model who
heighten their confidence
and raise them into a
Dad as a Teacher05
Dad can teach their chil-
dren many life-lessons,
some of these are just the
tip of the ice-berg:
 Wisdom
 Self-reliant
 Perseverance
 Respectful
 Gratefulness
 Benevolence
 Attentiveness
 Diligence
 Forgiveness
 Creativity
 Patience
 Sensitivity
 Cautiousness
 Initiative
 Flexibility
 Self-control
 Responsibility
 Loyalty
It is important to know
that Dad can teach them
the skills, knowledge,
wisdom to provoke their
thinking, beliefs and also,
the right attitude that will
empower them to succeed
in life.
Your children are likely to
run to you for any kind of
problems and require your
help to solve them. This is
your chance to guide and
support them in any con-
flicts or struggles they have
so that they will grow up
to be an excellent problem
solver. The right guidance
mould their resiliency and
lead them towards excel-
lence, not someone who
will run away when faced
with a problem.
38 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Dad as a Role Model07
Children learn best through
modelling! They learn by
watching how their peers
and adults interact and re-
act through their language
and behavior. Therefore,
it is important that Dad
model the appropria A child
usually look te behaviour
–Respect your spouse, be
honest, show respect to
the members of the family,
parents, friends as well as
the children themselves,
speak in a calm tone (even
when angry) and do not
raise your voice and temper,
use appropriate language
and avoid teasing the young
too frequently.
Dad as an Encourager08
When your child is feeling
sad and low, you are the one
that they can confide and
turn to. Be there to encour-
age them, redirect any nega-
tive train of thought and try
to build up their self-esteem.
A child with high self-esteem
will be ready to face any
problems and challenges
with an open mind and
heart. Children who has high
self-esteem are generally
more optimistic and confi-
dent in different situation.
Dad can be a positive role
model to your child, guiding
and encouraging them in
their life as they grow.
Dad as a Coach09
Dad’s involvement and
support heightens a child’s
appreciation and interests to-
wards sports. It is a great way
to build your child’s character
and holistic development
through sports. No doubt that
it will be a great way to spend
quality time together too.
Dad as a Hero10
“A child usually looks up to
their dad as real-life hero in
their life.”
A healthy relationship be-
tween a daughter and a father
can have a positive influence
in her life from young to
adulthood.Woman’s rela-
tionship with man is largely
influenced by the relationship
with her dad. On the other
hand, the boys will usually
adopt a healthier gender
identity and better expression
of their feelings and emotions
through their relationship
with their dads.The children
model and pick up their dad’s
behaviour and involvement
with the family and adapt it
as their character and attitude
towards their future family.
Dad plays an important role in
his child’s life, be that hero that
they look up to!
Dad being the man of
the family, usually has a
special relationship with the
children. It take a village to
raise a child but a complete
family to provide endless
love and warmth, and
shelter the child from harm.
From today onwards, be an
involved dad, and the hero in
your child’s life!
Dad’s Corner
Feature Interview
with Matthias Koh
A dAte with
your doc:
Important check-ups
during pregnancy
the concept
of money
Forging cultural and national
identity in our children
Name of Model: Nigel Ching
Photographer: Photography by Yew Kwang
names for
2014Horse BABies
To Do WiTh
Your KiDs
C r e a t i n g a J o i n t P a r e n t i n g P l a n
Name of Models: Jae  Sesha
Photographer: Photography by Yew Kwang
Valentine’s Day
Germ AttAckCommon Germs  Bacteria
Parents Should Know
6 Sibling Bonding Activities
Our tO LeArn
And PLAy
4 Fun Weekend
Activities To Do
How To AnswerYour Child’s Difficult QuestionsTips for Parents
Traveling tips
for parents
Feature Interview
with Matthias Koh
Fatherhood and
What are the
best ways to
beat them?
your tot
Parenting with
Children Around
The World
dAy speCiAl
Top 10 Are You A
Type A
For Kids
ChilD Get
lost in
Name of Model: Nur Nyla Qamelia
Photographer: Photography by Yew Kwang
A Day In Mummy’s
Does My
Child Really
Need To Take
The Road to
Immunity Foods
For Children
ToP 10
In sync wIth your In-law: Getting along with your other Mother
Teaching your
Child to Become
Independent in
Everyday Tasks
The New Age
P Parenting in the New Era
The New Age Parents™ is a free online
resource site and e-magazine for parents
of preschoolers and parents to be.
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E - m a g a z i n e : w w w . t h e n e w a g e p a r e n t s . c o m / m a g a z i n e
F a c e b o o k : h t t p : // w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / n e w a g e p a r e n t s
F o r u m : w w w . t h e n e w a g e p a r e n t s . c o m / f o r u m
40 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Dad’s Corner
When expecting a baby, it
is natural for the expectant
mother to bond with the
child as the baby's move-
ments create a sense of
excitement and anticipation
of what is to come. The same
may not be true for our
husbands as much of the
role of nursing and caring for
the newborn may rest on the
mother in the initial months.
There are however, ways that
mothers can help husbands
overcome their fears and
apprehension towards han-
dling a newborn.
1Find A Comfortable
Carrying Position
This may come naturally for
most mothers, but it may
not be true for fathers, as
some are honestly terrified at
handling a baby whose neck
requires constant support.
Help your husband to find a
suitable position by model-
ling in front of a mirror with
a soft toy or your child (when
baby is in a good mood) and
patiently coaching him on
how to support the baby's
neck and body. When he is
confident in carrying baby,
he will be more willing to be
initiative in spending time
with your child.
2Bathe Baby
This may be intimidating for
both parents, instead of just
10 Tips
To Help Your
Husband Bond
with Baby
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 41
one, and that's okay. Share
the experience by working
together to recall your ante-
natal lesson on bathing baby
and you may find that your
husband is better at the task!
If he needs time to grow in
confidence, have your hubby
dry and dress baby after you
bathe him/her, thereby giv-
ing him a chance to spend
time with your child.
3Feed Baby
Once you have introduced
the bottle to baby, let your
husband bottle feed baby
on a daily basis (preferably
at night). It will give him the
opportunity to bond with
baby as most of the feeds
(nursing or formula) would
be done by you in the day.
It also gives you a chance to
take a rest.
4Get Him To Burp Baby
After you have finished nurs-
ing or bottle feeding, hand
the baby to your husband
to let him burp your child. It
would allow him some hands
on time and in doing so, he
may discover the most effec-
tive means of burping baby.
My husband had a knack of
burping both my boys a lot
faster than I did.
5Give Baby A Backrub
Babies love skin to skin
contact and nothing spells
bonding more than that
physical touch when a
parent soothes him. The
upstroke movements not
only mimic burping, helping
to further expel any trapped
air in the baby's tummy, but
it's a great way for the dad
to simply enjoy baby, either
standing, sitting (or slouch-
ing) in the couch or even
lying down together. Makes
a sweet picture too!
6Read To Baby
Help your baby to recognise
daddy's voice by getting
your husband to read to your
baby even while he/she is in
the womb and continue the
ritual after birth. It helps set
the foundation of making
reading a habit, and further-
more, fussing babies calm
down faster when they hear
a familiar voice speaking to
7Let Hubby Sling Baby
When Going Out
Whether you are using a
sling or a carrier, allow your
husband opportunities to
carry baby in like manner
when you go out. Baby will
soon learn to recognise
daddy's heartbeat and help
lay the foundation for feeling
safe in daddy's arms!
8Play With Baby
It may seem and feel strange
for a grown man to spend
time with a largely non-com-
municative living thing, but
you never know what can
come out of the time spent
together. Suggest a few
activities that your husband
can do with baby for play
(tummy time, reading, rattle
toys, tummy tickles, singing
etc.) but leave him alone
with your child so that he
can experiment with how to
make baby happy, in a way
that is unique to daddy.
9Talk To Baby
It doesn't have to involve
baby talk. Daddy can talk
about his day at work, tell
baby what he likes about
him/her, ask baby questions
and even share about his
dreams for the family in
future. This will also enable
your husband to develop
a healthy habit of having a
daily conversation with the
10Be Part Of The
Bedtime Routine
Try to extend this beyond
a simple 'good night' and
instead, create a bedtime
habit that is unique to daddy
alone. It can be as simple as
reading a book together, a
kiss or a hug (different from
how mummy does it), a bed-
time prayer or daddy singing
baby a lullaby etc. Do this
nightly, and the familiarity
will help your child to identi-
fy a strong parental identity
towards bedtime, desiring
your presence whenever
nightfall draws near.
42 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
The exact cause of PDD is
unclear. Some women may be
genetically more vulnerable
than others to postpartum
depression. However it is be-
lieved that stressful events after
childbirth such as feelings of
isolation, worry, and responsi-
bility about the new baby may
be the main cause of PDD.
Symptoms of PDD?
PDD is characterized by the
following signs:
Loss of motivation
Restlessness or irritability
A lot of crying
Eating beyond normal
amount (either too small or
too much)
Feeling guilty or worthless
Loss of interest in engag-
Post Partum Depression (PDD), or also known as Post Natal Depression, is a
feeling of sadness, misery, loneliness, insecurity and incompetence usually felt
by women after giving birth. Studies revealed that 30% of women who have
given birth experience PDD. This makes it a normal yet crucial condition which
women should battle to avoid severe complications. If not properly treated,
PDD may indirectly have dire effects on an infant’s growth and development.
What is Post Partum Depression?
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 43
ing in pleasurable activities
How mothers can battle
Battling PDD has no standard
formula because its intensity
differs from one woman to
another. However, you can
take the following steps into
consideration to help you
cope with your depression:
❶ Forgive and accept
yourself. Most importantly,
acknowledge your negative
feelings and know that it
is okay to seek help from
❷ Join a support group.
The support group can be
online or offline. Either way,
it is comforting and liber-
ating when you share your
experiences to others, and
know that there are many
others feeling the same way
as you.
❸ Take plenty of rest and
find time to sleep.
❹ Engage in relaxation ex-
ercise such as yoga, pilates,
meditation or massages.
Relaxation opens the mind
to happy thoughts.
❺ Be aware of your
thoughts and think posi-
tive. Entertain thoughts or
ideas which are optimistic,
and try to appreciate and be
grateful of the little things
around you. The thought of
you giving birth is actually a
blessing to be thankful about.
❻ Talk to someone. Refrain
from being alone and seek
the company of close friends
and family. Ask someone you
trust and be comfortable
with to be by your side as
much as possible.
❼ Indulge in your partner’s
embrace. The human touch
is a powerful tool and has
profound healing effects.
This is the best time for
you to enjoy each other’s
44 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
The Silent Killer
Dr Kenny Pang, Ear Nose Throat/ Sleep Specialist
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 45
Snoring is frequently
deemed as a social nui-
sance. Not a nuisance to
the snorer, but a nuisance
to the bed-partner. The
presence of snoring is an
‘alarm’that alerts one to
the possibility of a sleep
disorder. It is due to the
vibration of the tissues in
the mouth and oral cavity
(namely the soft palate, uvu-
la, base of tongue and other
soft tissues).
Snoring implies an
increased resistance to
the inflow of air during
breathing at the level of
the upper airways.
Patients with ade-
notonsillar hypertrophy have
a crowded upper airway
with very little space for
airflow, while obese patients
frequently have a thick and
fatty soft palate. It is the
vibration of these soft tissues
during sleep that results in
snoring, when the bulk of
this soft tissue exceeds a
certain amount. Snoring is
caused by a vibration of
the structures of the oral
cavity, oropharynx, soft
palate, uvula, tonsils, base
of tongue, epiglottis and
pharyngeal walls. Occasion-
ally, this leads to collapse,
partial or complete, of these
structures, which then leads
to upper airway obstruction
during sleep. Patients with a
small jaw will also have less
space available, therefore
increasing the likelihood of
airway compromise during
Nasal pathologies have
been shown to aggravate
and contribute to the sever-
ity of SDB, and treatment of
the underlying nasal pathol-
ogy may help, but usually
not cure the disorder. There
is a male predominance in
OSA, this may be partly a
result of hormonal differenc-
es since post-menopausal
women tend to develop
symptoms on average five
years after menopause,
with a prevalence of OSA
approaching that of males.
There are some reports that
progesterone (female hor-
mones) will reduce snoring
and sleep apnea in males,
while exogenous testos-
terone can increase upper
airway resistance in females.
Commonest clinical
symptom for patients with
OSA is snoring.
Frequently, the sleep
partner prompts the patient
to see a physician because
of concerns over repeated
apneas (stoppages in breath-
ing). Patients may complain
of frequent awakenings
with a choking and gasp-
ing sensation, nocturia
(frequent passing urine
at night), or nightmares.
Many bed partners have
witnessed their partners
choking and holding their
breaths during their sleep.
An American research
study showed that
in a 30 to 35 year old
population, 20% of
men and 5% of wom-
en will snore, and by
the age of 60, 60%
of men and 40% of
women will snore ha-
bitually. Obstructive
sleep apnea (OSA) is a
common sleep disor-
der and is estimated
to have an incidence
of 24% in men and
9% in women. Many
authorities believe
that up to 93% of
females and 82% of
males with moderate
to severe OSA remain
46 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Patients with severe OSA
may be unable to sleep
supine, as this causes the
tongue to fall backwards
resulting in obstruction
of the airway. Common
patient complaints include
early morning tiredness
and morning headaches
(attributable to the repeti-
tive nocturnal low oxygen
levels). Morning dry mouth
and throat are caused by
mouth-breathing and snor-
ing. Other symptoms include
forgetfulness, depression,
irritability and, less com-
monly, impotence.
Excessive daytime
sleepiness is very common
in patients with OSA, and
is caused by a combination
of frequent arousals, sleep
fragmentation, repetitive
oxygen desaturations, and
reductions in delta and rapid
eye movement (REM) sleep.
Excessive daytime sleepiness
can be measured by a simple
questionnaire known as the
Epworth’s Sleepiness Score
(ESS) (see figure below).
The commonest symp-
toms related to obstructive
sleep apnea are:
During the day:
Daytime sleepiness,
Poor concentration
Poor memory
Morning headaches
Mood changes
During the night:
Choking sensation at night
Gasping for air at night
Frequent arousals
Nocturia (frequent passing
Loud snoring
Evaluation of Snoring
Clinical evaluation is the
most important step in
managing a patient with
snoring and/or sleep
apnea. An ear, nose and
throat endoscopic exam-
ination of the upper airway
assessment is crucial. All
patients should have weight
and height recorded, body
mass index (BMI) calculated,
blood pressure taken, and
neck circumference mea-
Patients with snoring/sleep
apnea can be divided into 2
main groups:
those with a GLOBAL
problem (patients with gross
obesity, thick fat in the neck),
those patients with a LO-
CAL problem (patients who
are not obese but with big
tonsils, a big tongue, and/
or a thick redundant palate),
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 47
Dr Pang pioneered a method of surgery which makes the throat cavity larger, thereby helping patients with snoring
problems get a good night’s sleep. - The Strait Times
Ear, Nose  Throat Care
Adult  Child Snoring/ Sleep Disorders
We specialise in
- Snoring/ Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Insomnia
- Sleep Walking/ Night Terrors
- Sleep Diagnostics/ WatchPAT
- Sleep Sedation Endoscopy
- Nasal CPAP Therapy
- Oral Appliances
- Sleep Surgery:
* Laser, Pillar Implants, Radiofrequency
* Palatoplasty
* Pang’s Expansion Pharyngoplasty
- Tongue Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Noisy Breathing in Children
- Sinus Problems/ Nose Allergy
- Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
- Balloon Sinuplasty
- Tonsil/ Adenoid Problems
- ENT Cancer Screening/ Treatment
Ear, Nose  Throat/ Sleep Specialist
MBBS (S’pore), MRCS (Edinburgh)
FRCS (Edinburgh) (UK)
FRCS (ENT) (Ireland), M Med (ORL)
Editor, International Sleep Surgery Society
Fellow, American Academy of Sleep Medicine
Member, Singapore Sleep Society
President, Asean Sleep Surgical Society
President, International Sleep Academy
Asia Sleep Centre
290 Orchard Road
#18-04 Paragon
Singapore 238859
Clinic No: (65) 6836 0060
Fax No: (65) 6836 0030
Straits Times
Dr Kenny invents new surgery that has 86% cure rate for Snoring/ SleepApnea
ASIA.indd 73 10/10/12 9:16 AM
Credit to Ezyhealth Media
sleep advtorial.indd 1 6/4/14 10:43 AM
48 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
OJM (Motherhood-HZ-APR14FA).indd 1 3/5/14 8:54 AM
those patients who OVER-
LAP, they are obese and also
have a local problem, like
obesity or a thick neck.
The upper airway assess-
ment is the most important
step in the evaluation of
the snoring patient. This
would be fundamental, in
assessing and deciding the
modality of treatment in
all snoring / sleep apnea
Anatomy to be observed:
Nose swelling – the
nose is physiologically essen-
tial in breathing, any swelling
within the nose needs to be
corrected in order for normal
breathing to be restored.
Tonsil size – the
patient’s tonsils are assessed
with regards to how ob-
structing they are. They are
graded based on their size
within the oral cavity.
Tongue size – the
tongue is very essential in
the evaluation, as the tongue
is the final“gate-keeper”to
the opening of the lungs. If it
is obstructing, it would have
to be treated.
Palate thickness – if
the palate was too thick
or redundant, it would not
only cause loud snoring but
may lead to obstruction of
the airway and hence, sleep
Based on the patient’s
BMI, neck circumference,
oral cavity adequacy, tonsil
size, palate size / length,
tongue size, upper airway
assessment, and the nasal
passage size, the modality of
treatment is decided togeth-
er with the patient.
How Does Sleep
Apnea Kill?
Nightmare time comes in the
wee hours of the morning
for people with obstructive
sleep apnea. But it's no
dream: That's when they're
at highest risk of sudden
death. It has been said that
“Sleep apnea is the phan-
tom cause of heart disease
and sudden death”. It is well
4 AM
can benefit your company
to implement relevant 
sustainable FWA
and experience the impact of FWA on your
company  employees
Workshop Details:
29 July 2014, Tuesday or
29 August 2014, Friday
9 am to 1 pm
NTUC Centre , 1 Marina Boulevard
Singapore 018989
(nearest MRT station : Raffles Place MRT)                      
Morning refreshments provided from
To register, kindly email or
contact Jessica at 62138270
Organized by: Supported by:
Check out the series of Flexible Work
Arrangement (FWA) Workshops to equip both
management  human resource personnel with
the right skills-set  mind-set
in approaching  managing workplace
50 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
known that patients with
sleep apnea have a 6 times
higher risk of dying between
midnight and 6am, com-
pared to normal non-apneic
patients. As these patients
with snoring and sleep
apnea have numerous dips
in their oxygen levels while
asleep, it would not be sur-
prising that they suffer from
significant stress on the heart
and brain during these low
oxygen events. This in turn
leads to high blood pressure,
lack of oxygen in the blood
and hence, strokes, heart
attacks and sudden death.
In general, people with
sleep apnea syndrome have
a higher risk of death than
the normal population. The
price they pay includes a
potentially crippling deteri-
oration in daily functioning,
an increased risk of high
blood pressure and stroke,
depression, and death either
in accidents or in their sleep.
The family of the person
with sleep apnea syndrome
will also be affected, as the
patient may experience
irritability, mood changes,
lowered sexual drive, and
a reduction of intellectual
ability. In addition there are
major business, insurance,
health, and social costs in-
cluding the loss of productiv-
ity, the impact of accidents
caused by a driver or worker
falling asleep, and the wast-
ed health care dollars spent
on alleviating symptoms like
heart disease without treat-
ing their possible underlying
Overall, it is well known
that patients with sleep ap-
nea would not live as long as
people without sleep apnea.
Medical research has shown
that patients with severe
obstructive sleep apnea
(patients who stop breath-
ing more than 30 times per
hour) have a mortality rate
of about 3% per year, studies
done over 10 years (Marti
et al).
Dr Kenny
Ear Nose 
Throat / Sleep
Asia Sleep Centre, Paragon,
Level 18-04
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 51
Be a part of
U Family !
52 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
When her foreign domes-
tic worker had to return to the
Philippines for three weeks,
Cherral Teo had to look after
her three young children and
handle the housework on her
own while her husband was
away at work.
“My parents and my in-
laws do not stay with us. I then
decided the best move was to
apply for annual leave for the
three whole weeks,” recalled
the Management Executive at
a statutory board.
But her immediate
supervisor’s response was a
“Why tap on your annual
leave? Why don’t you work
from home?”, he suggested.
After discussing this with
Cherral, he brought it up to
higher management and re-
ceived their approval. Cherral
was definitely happy with the
flexible work arrangement
“This is the first-time I am
going on a FWA like this. Ini-
tially, I was even embarrassed
to apply for long leave over
three weeks. And even after
Can Working Parents Have a
Fulfilling Career?
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 53
care leave. For employees
who are single, the company
recognises that they too will
have to tend to family needs
regularly. This may involve
taking care of ageing parents
and other relatives.
Cherral’s workplace is the
type of supportive workplace
which U Family is pushing
for. Companies which offer
tele-working make up just 4%
of the establishments in Sin-
gapore and there is a need to
heighten the awareness that
flexible work arrangements
can mean more than just
part-time work. An initiative
of NTUC, U Family supports
working families by advocat-
ing pro-family practices at the
community and workplaces.
It advocates for practices that
will benefit an inclusive spec-
trum of working families--
support for breastfeeding
mothers at the workplace,
opportunities that encour-
ages working fathers to have
a share of parenting respon-
sibilities, considerations for
employees who have to care
for elderly parents or young
Besides looking at trans-
forming workplace culture,
U Family organises unique
programmes throughout the
year to encourage families to
spend time together. Parents
with babies can look forward
to the annual Baby’s Day Out
– a National Day party just for
the little ones and families
with older kids will definitely
enjoy the science-themed
Learning Amazement event
and the Mega Dance party.
Not forgetting about getting
the grandparents involved,
the signature event U Picnic is
planned to give very different
picnic experience.
To find out more about U
Family’s programmes, sign up
for updates on www.ufamily. or visit their fan page
on facebook – www.face-
If you have a passion for
building a family-friendly
workplace culture, you can
drop U Family a note at ufami-
my work-from-home arrange-
ment was approved, I also had
a supportive vibe from my
colleagues. These matter a lot
to me,” she said.
Ask Cherral about her
happiness index at work, and
the answer is “an 8 out of 10”.
The score stems from more
than just the work-from-home
arrangement. With the com-
pany for five years now, and
as a mother of three aged 11,
7 and 3 years old, Cherral has
been benefitting from various
types of family care leave. Be-
sides childcare leave, there are
two additional days of family
Besides looking at trans-
forming workplace culture,
U Family organises unique
programmes throughout the
year to encourage families to
spend time together.
Happy Family
54 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Don’t be Ambitious
Where will your first family destination be?
After adjusting to a newborn baby for the
first few months, parents may feel ready
to travel with their baby. A short trip can
be rewarding for everyone – the mom who
have been ‘confined’ to the house to recu-
perate after delivery gets to relax outside
of the home and the baby can explore and
be stimulated by new environment.
Happy Family
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 55
Be Flexible
Stay Healthy
Be Safe
Make Your Baby Feel at
Bring Entertainment
Snacks Works
Safe in Sun
time spent outdoors when on
holiday. Apply sunscreen for
your baby, particularly as the
baby’s skin is thinner and more
susceptible to sun burn. At least
a SPF50 and also wear a hat
and shades.
Plan for Mess
Always have tissue to wipe any
mess from feeding your baby.
Have spare diapers and baby
wipes with you all the time
and bring sealed plastic bag to
dispose of the soiled diapers.
Bring along a change of clothes
as well, you never know when
the urine or stools may leak.
Stroll Smart
Depending on your prefer-
ence, you may want to bring
along a light-weight stroller
or baby carrier or sling. It also
depends on the type of trip
you have planned - if there is
a lot of walking, a stroller may
be less physically taxing for
you. However if your baby naps
well in a sling or you anticipate
hands-free to be important,
bring along the sling.
Finally, relax before the trip.
Don’t start a quarrel with your
spouse over the trip or over
packing, or get yourself irritated
before even embarking on your
first family adventure!
56 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
Being a parent is not easy
at all. But when you see
that sweet smile or cheeky
face on your kid’s face, it
just makes all the worries
and issues in your mind
- Prakash Lekshmanan
Watching her face light up
with joy and amazement
at the new discoveries of
simple things like floating
balloons. Hearing her bab-
bles and showing affection
back to us.
- Mark Ee
Being loved by the little one
who are most innocent cre-
ations from this God. There
is nothing more beautiful
than to see the little ones
grow every single day in
The Joy Of
ParenthoodCheck out what
these Dads and
Mums have to
say about being a
front of you. It’s simply
- Nisha Mundra
I’m a mother-to-be and
look forward to the experi-
ences of being a mother.
- Tan Su Ling
To be able to see your child
smile at you every morning
- Yeo Clara Milah
The journey of parenthood
is a challenging but re-
warding one. I look forward
to seeing the development
in my son’s physical abilities
and more so his personality.
His cheeky ways never fail to
bring a smile to my face.
- Jo-Anne Tan
When the child shows his
happiness when he sees u
back from work n showers
u with hugs n kisses makes
it all worthwhile
- Ang E Ping
Seeing my son grow, being
able to be there for all his
“First times” and being sur-
prised at every new words
or actions he made.
- Chew Sin Yee
Seeing our little one laugh
n smile is like taking
“panadol” to stop our
aches n tireness for the day!
- Seah Yi Ping
Looking at them will make
my heart melt.
- Chan Lai Lai
A journey full of sweetness,
tiredness cum beautiful
amazing world!
- Han Li Sze
Seeing my kids happily
growing up.
- Chen Wan Thye
Their million dollar smiles,
laughter and joy they bring
into my life especially after
a hard day’s work!
- Lee Agnes
Every new milestone that
Happy Family
P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 57
our children develops, with
us guiding them. Seeing
them grow loving each
other and learning new
- Sharon Rivera
Being able to experience
the whole pregnancy
- Chong Luo Ling
We really look forward to
our new born. Welcoming a
new member to our family.
Really happy to be parents
and hope everything will
be fine and well. This is our
first child, really excited.
- Lim Meng Wei
Being with my kids make
me feel young and lively
again! They are also my
motivation to work hard
every single day!
- Tan Yi Ting
It is a gift to be a parent.
- Sugeetha Harish
We get to see the differ-
ent stages of how our kid
grows  the process of
growing together with
them. The time spent with
them  the how we com-
municate  bond with each
other. With a kid they also
helps to bond  makes the
love between the father 
mother grows stronger!
- Susan So
Looking forward to my son
hugging me after work.
Sometime he will do things
that you can’t imagine and
that move will make my
day most of the time.
- Neo Guo Yong
Holistic Pregnancy for Mums
New Age Pregnancy
Expecting your first
Get tips from our experts and be
inspired by other first-time mums as
they share their stories.
New Age Pregnancy is a comprehensive and
holistic online resource portal for parents-to-be
and parents of new babies.
Learn more about your pregnancy jour-
ney and your baby’s growing years.
58 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e
E d i t o r
Crystal Tan
E x p e r t s
NESTLÉ Infant Nutrition, NTUC U Family  Women’s Development Secretariat (WDS),
Mount Alvernia Hospital, Da Little School, Asia Sleep Centre, TK Trichokare Pte Ltd
and Origins Jamu Massage
C o n t r i b u t o r s
Dorothea Chow, MarcieMom, Ruth Mak
Art  Design
A r t D i r ec t o r
Crystal Tan
Marketing  Advertising
B u s i n e s s De v e l o p m e n t
Ma n a g e r
Elaine Lau
Web Administration
W e b De v e l o p m e n t
D i r ec t o r
Seow Poh Heng
Special Thanks To
While every care is taken in the production of this parenting booklet, the publisher, editor and editorial team assume no
responsibility for any inaccuracies and omission, which might arise. Opinions by the contributors and advertisers are not
necessarily those of the publisher and the editor. The articles in the parenting booklet are for references only.
For Parents with Babies  ToddlersFor Parents with Babies  Toddlers
Holistic Pregnancy for Mums
New Age Pregnancy
Little Ones@WorkLet the little ones experience the fun!
To enjoy LO@W funding
support, simply:
a) Send at least 2 employees
to attend our workshop on Flexible
Work Arrangements(FWA)
b) Contact NTUC WDS to organize a
customized workshop on
Flexible Work
Arrangements(FWA) for
at least 25 employees
in your company.
Little Ones @ Work(LO@W) promotes
work life integration in organizations.
It involves getting the children of
your employees to join their parents
at their workplaces for a day,
especially during the school
Each participating
organization can enjoy
50% funding of the
actual cost incurred,
capped at $500 per
For more information,
please call 6213 8270 or
AWork Life Integration Initiative
broughttoyou by
60 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e

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Parenting with love

  • 1. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 1 Food to avoid during pregnancy STOP: Childhood Illnesses That You Need To Know About! Travelling With Your Baby: Do’s and Don’ts Sleep disruption or sleep disorder? The Joy Of Parenthood For Parents with Babies & ToddlersFor Parents with Babies & Toddlers The New Age Parents & New Age Pregnancy present w w | w w w.newagepregnanc
  • 2. 2 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e +65 6896 7757 |
  • 3. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 3
  • 4. 4 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e TOC Contents Editor’s Note Foods You Should Avoid During Pregnancy Avoid these foods that can cause harmful effects on you and the baby. The Foundation For a lifetime Of Health What is the nutritional needs you need while breastfeeding? Formula Feeding Take the quiz and test your knowledge of milk formula allergies. Terrible Twos or Terrific Twos? Does screaming at your toddler, providing time-out and restricting your toddler helps them to regulate and cool down? Getting Rid Of Diaper Rash Diaper rash and its best remedies! 7 Childhood Illnesses That You Need To Know About The hateful germs and bacteria! Keep your child safe from these illnesses. Importance Of Post-partum Care What should be done to have a proper postpartum care? Post-partum Hair Loss – Why Does It Happen? Will your lustrous locks return after child birth? Say Bye-byeto Stretch Marks,Helloto beautiful skin You can say goodbye to unsightly stretch marks and regain your confidence with Gly Derm stretch mark cream. The Important Roles Of Dads In His Children’s lives The 21st Century Dad is a superhero! Yes or No? 10TipsTo HelpYour Husband Bondwith Baby Caring for a baby is no longer just the wife’s job! Husband can learn a skill or two in caring for the baby! What is Post Partum Depression? Beat Post Natal Depression and avoid all the severe complications. Snoring –The Silent Killer Sleep Disruption or Sleep Disorder? CanWorking Parents Have A Fulfilling Career? The dilemmas of having a career and managing parenthood, is there flexibility at work? Let’s GoTravelling Can you travel when you have a little baby? The Joy Of Parenthood Parents’ heartfelt words – An inspiration for the new parents! 05 06 10 12 18 24 26 30 32 34 36 40 42 44 52 54 56
  • 5. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 5 B ecoming a parent for the first time is an exciting and joyous experience. You will go through 9 months of anticipation and finally when your child is born, you will become so deeply in love with them. That is when the maternal and paternal instinct kicks in. As a new parent, being there witnessing their firsts - first word, first crawl, first step and first rollover is just so magical and fulfilling. As an expectant mum, it is important to take care of your health, do check out what Foods You Should Avoid During Pregnancy. After the birth of your child, there are more things that will come your way – breastfeeding, caring for your sick child and schooling. Read 7 Childhood Illnesses That You Need To Know About and you will become a more prepared mum and dad, taking the extra precaution in raising a healthy child. Many people associate parenting with mothers only. But do you know that involved fathers can contribute to the success of their children too? In our article, The Important Roles Of Dads In His Children’s lives highlights the importance of how fathers can contribute and prepare them for success. We are glad that we have fathers attending our Parenting With Love Seminar! For many of us, having a baby means the world to us. What if you are Suffering From Post Par- tum Depression? How do you identify and cope with it? Having a child is not easy but The Joy of Parenthood is aplenty and fulfilling. Take one step at a time and enjoy this process of parenthood. Crystal Tan Editor’s Note Becoming a parent for the first time is an exciting and joyous experience. You will go through 9 months of anticipation and final- ly when your child is born, you will become so deeply in love with them. Editor of The New Age Parents and New Age Pregnancy
  • 6. 6 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Their reasoning is often based on one of the fol- lowing: traditional Chinese medicine beliefs, old wives’ tales, scientific research and/or hearsay. It’s definite- ly good to take heed of the advice, but do feel free to read up on the subject to decide what you feed your- self and baby. Also, always take the necessary precau- tions to eat well-cooked and fresh food, as pregnant women are more suscepti- ble to food poisoning. The following are some food items that you shouldPregnancy FoodsYou Should Avoid During When you are pregnant, you (and the people around you) are suddenly a whole lot more conscious about the food and drink that goes into your body. You’ll probably find that family, friends, and even well-meaning strangers all have something to say about what you should and should not eat. Pregnancy Dorothea Chow
  • 7. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 7 definitely abstain from, based on potential harmful effects on you and/or the baby. Raw or rare meats Both raw and rare meats may give you toxoplasmo- sis, which causes a flu-like illness. While the effect on you may be mild, toxoplas- mosis can pose serious harm to your baby, increas- ing your risk of a miscar- riage or loss of life at birth. Rare meat can also carry salmonella bacteria, which is harmful to you. Soft-boiled or raw eggs When not fully cooked, eggs may contain salmonella bacteria, which is harmful to you, although it cannot directly harm baby. Still, no one wants to contend with severe abdominal pain and vomiting (among other things) when you’re pregnant, so it’s a good idea to stick with hard-boiled for a while… Alcohol If you do decide to drink alcohol while you are preg- When not fully cooked, eggs may contain salmonel- la bacteria, which is harm- ful to you, although it cannot directly harm baby. nant, a limit of no more than one or two units of alcohol, no more than once or twice per week, is not thought to be harmful. Caffeine Having your daily cuppa is perfectly fine, but do limit yourself to 200mg of caffeine (from coffee, teas, cola, energy drinks, choco- late) per day. This works out to about two cups of instant coffee or one cup of brewed coffee. Too much caffeine can increase your risk of a miscarriage or having a baby of low birth weight. Certain fish Say goodbye to your sashimi fix for now, since raw fish can cause food poisoning. Avoid shark, swordfish and marlin, which contain unsafe levels of mercury. Also, while fish oil is definitely a plus for baby and you, limit your intake to other kinds of fish and shellfish to two portions a week, as they may have unhealthy levels of dioxins, environmental pollutants or mercury. Certain dairy products Avoid soft, mould-ripened cheeses, such as brie, camembert and chevre (a type of goat’s cheese). Soft, blue-veined cheeses such as Danish blue and roquefort are also not considered safe
  • 8. 8 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e to eat in pregnancy when taken uncooked. Unpasteur- ised milk and dairy products made with unpasteurised milk aren’t safe during preg- nancy, as they are more likely to contain bacteria that could lead to food poisoning. The Traditional Practices According to the field of traditional Chinese medi- cine, expectant mums are more prone to internal heat because they are not menstruating. As such, the rationale is that you should reduce your intake of heaty foods, which include mutton and venison, spicy foods, nuts, cinnamon, and tropical fruits such as longan and durians. Pineapples, often de- picted on television serials as the cause of miscarriages, are not as evil or as potent as you might think. Fresh pine- apple contains the enzyme bromelain, which is thought to help to soften your cervix and thus could bring on early labour. However, each pineapple contains a very small amount of bromelain, and that mainly in its core, which most of us do not like to eat. You would need to eat as many as seven full pineapples to see any major effect, by which time you would probably experience a severe case of diarrhea anyway! Pineapples, often depicted on television serials as the cause of miscarriages, are not as evil or as potent as you might think. Pregnancy
  • 9. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 9 Getting your child ready for solid? Try our Award winning and patented kidsme Is the exclusive distributor of Benefits of food feeder: * Reduces the risk of choking * Encourage self feeding * Easy to wash Other popular kidsme products... Mulit-function food scissors which helps to mesh, cut and scope Icy Moo Moo Soother not only comforts your baby sore gums, it can act as a popsicles too! World’s First Diamond PPSU Milk Bottle! PPSU is one of the safest plastic materials bottles! Getting your child ready for solid? rd winning and food feeder! choking * Encourage self feeding * Doubles as teether World’s First Diamond Bottle! PPSU is one of the safest plastic materials for milk and many more...
  • 10. 10 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e The Foundation for a Lifetime of Health Sister Kang Phaik Gaik, Senior Parent- craft/Lactation Consultant, Mount Alvernia Hospital Breast milk pro- vides all the nu- trients your baby needs for healthy development in the first months of life. When you are breastfeeding, your diet is as important as it was while you were pregnant. Eat- ing a balanced diet and receiving the nutrients you need helps promote your baby’s growth, now and in the future. Nutritional needs while breastfeeding Just as when you were preg- nant, it is important to eat a healthy, balanced diet that includes a variety of foods. You are still the sole source of all the nutrients your baby needs for his healthy growth and development. In fact, your vitamin and mineral needs are even higher than they were when you are pregnant. To get the nutrition you need, eat a varied diet that includes plenty of fruits and vege- tables, whole grains, lean protein and calcium-rich foods. Studies have identified My Baby SisterKangPhaikGaik,SeniorParentcraft/ LactationConsultant,MountAlvernia Hospital
  • 11. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 11 certain nutrients as playing a critical role in the health of a baby when taken by breastfeeding women.  DHA is a fatty acid naturally found in breast milk and is essential for the brain and eye development. It is found in fish such as tuna, salmon, mackerel and sardines.  Probiotics are natural cultures of “good bacteria” that are commonplace in the human gut and have many health benefits when consumed on a regular basis. Probiotics are avail- able in foods like probiotics yoghurts and in special supplements.  Breastfeeding mothers have higher requirements for energy, thiamin, ribofla- vin, niacin, folate, vitamin B12, C, A and D, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper and selenium. Hence, it is also important to get adequate levels of these important vitamins and minerals. Supplements – to take or not to take? If you’re like many women, your diet may be less than ideal following the birth of your baby. You are tired and busy and it can be hard to find time to plan well-bal- anced meals. Breast milk always maintains a certain nutritional quality, even if your diet isn’t perfect. But the levels of some vitamins and minerals in your breast milk are directly affected by your dietary intake. Nutritional supplements are a good way to ensure that you are receiving all the nutrients you and your baby need while breastfeeding. They provide additional vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients such as probiotics and DHA to help you meet the daily recom- mended intake. Supplements are usually very easy to take, in tablet or milk powder form, and need only be taken once or twice a day. While a balanced diet is always im- portant, with a supplement you are assured of meeting your nutritional needs and ensuring the healthiest start for your baby. Start your motherhood journey with NESTLÉ MOM & ME daily! NESTLÉ MOM & ME is a premium maternal milk specifically designed for expectant and lactating mothers. It contains all the nutrients you need, including BL® Bifidus probiotics, folic acid, iron, cal- cium and DHA. The recommended consumption for NESTLÉ MOM & ME is two glasses daily. Serve chilled with a little chocolate powder or a blend of fresh fruits to give yourself a nutritious treat! If you have any queries about nutrition while breastfeeding, consult your doctor or visit www. Probiotics are available in foods like probiotics yoghurts and in special supplements.
  • 12. 12 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Formula Feed ngTest your knowledge of milk formula allergies by answering these questions! My Baby
  • 13. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 13 Q1My baby doesn’t seem well after bottle feeding with milk formula or dairy product. a) My baby may be allergic to cow’s milk proteins b) My baby may have lactose intolerance c) A. or B. Q3There is a history of allergies in my family. This is: a) Not a factor b) Of major significance Q4IusedtohaveeczemawhenIwasa child,doesitmeanthatmybabyhas ahigherchanceofdevelopingan allergy? a) Yes b) No Q2The following are signs of an allergy to cow’s milk proteins: a) Skin: hives, eczema, redness and/or dryness. b) Digestive: regurgitation, vomiting, chronic diarrhoea (in newborn babies), stomach pain (in young children). c) Respiratory: wheezy cough, asthma, difficulty breathing. Answer: C Explanation: A baby that feels unwell after formula feeding may be showing symptoms of: An allergy to the proteins found in cow’s milk (which provoke a defensive reaction by the immune system), or; An intolerance to the sugar in the milk, called lactose intolerance (resulting from an insuffi- cient secretion of lactase, the enzyme which breaks down lactose, in the intestine). The number of cases of allergies has been on the rise (there are many causes and the list is still vague according to specialists). For example, eczema is an allergic condition affecting about 20% of young children under the age of 2. Sur- prisingly, of the children who suffer from severe eczema, 30% of them could also have a food al- lergy. If you think your baby is having a reaction to cow’s milk, always seek medical advice. Answer: All of the above Explanation: It is not easy to tell the differ- ence between a cow’s milk protein allergy and lactose intolerance, as the signs vary and may be confused with other conditions. However, generally speaking, there are three main types of symptoms indicating an allergy to cow’s milk proteins: skin, digestive and respira- tory, as opposed to mainly digestive symptoms for lactose intolerance. Symptoms caused by an allergy also tend to last longer and rise in intensity over long periods, whereas signs of lactose intolerance are gen- erally more episodic in nature, occurring and resolving within a few hours after feeding. Answer: B Explanation: While a parent or sibling may be allergic to foods such as cow’s milk, it does not mean that the baby has also inherited their cow’s milk allergy. Having said that, a higher level of food allergies have been observed in families with a history of other types of allergy. If either parent has a family history of allergies, it is best for your child to undergo full allergy testing with a specialist.The specialist may carry out a food challenge (with the benefit of imme- diate observations of adverse reactions), and/or possibly blood or skin prick tests to determine which foods your child is allergic to. Use the table on page 16 to help find out your child’s allergy risk. Answer: A Explanation: As allergy is genetically predis- posed, if the baby is born into a family with parental history of allergy, he runs a higher
  • 14. 14 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e risk of developing an allergy. While there is not yet a cure for allergic disease, your doctor can help you to develop a plan that may reduce his risk. You should, of course, follow the advice of your doctor, but here are some ideas to consider: First of all, you will most likely be advised to breastfeed the baby. If formula is to be considered, after breastfeeding your doctor may introduce you to a clini- cally proven partially-hydrolysed protein formula, in which the proteins are much smaller and more easily digested, so that your baby would tolerate the formula well. Partially-hydrolysed protein formula is just as nutritious as regular cow’s milk formula and will contribute just as effectively to your baby’s growth. Secondly, you will have to learn when to wean your baby. Your doctor will alert you not to wean your baby earlier than 4 months. You can learn along the way what to feed your baby after 6 months. Lastly, you may seek your doctor’s advice on how to make adjustments to the environment to reduce allergy risk, such as avoiding smoking or cleaning regularly to eliminate dust mites. This is an educational piece meant for non-breastfed babies from Nestlé Start Healthy, Stay Healthy. This is not in- tended as a substitute for professional evaluation.
  • 15. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 15 NAN® HA 3 is scientifically formulated with OPTI PROHA Gentle proteins and easy digestion BIFIDUS BL® Probiotics Helps maintain healthy digestive system Iron and Zinc* Helps support natural defences DHA and ARA Important building blocks for brain and eye development Give your child the best advantage OPTI PROHA Support his natural defences* Support his natural defences*
  • 16. 16 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Children born into a family with a history of allegies have a higher risk of developing allergies. If even one family member displays ony of these symptoms, discuss the allergy risk of your child with your doctor. If formula is to be considered after 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding, ask about hypoallergenic formula (with partially hydrolysed proteins). ALLERGIC MANIFESTATION MOM DAD SIBLINGS Itchy Rash/Eczema Runny Nose/Rhinoconjunctivitis Recurrent Wheeze/Asthma Food Allergy Drug Allergy No Symptoms Discover your child’s allergy risk Neither parents have allergy One parent has allergy One sibling has allergy Both parents have allergies Low Risk medium Risk medium Risk high Risk 5%-15% risk of allergy 30%-40% risk of allergy 30%-40% risk of allergy 50%-80% risk of allergy My Baby The 100 ove qua gua Gerb
  • 17. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 17 There’s nothing more important than what you feed your child. That’s why GERBER has only 100% goodness in every jar. To ensure the best, we have been working with our farmers for over 3 generations, getting the best of each harvest. And using the highest standards of quality from farm to jar, our fruits and vegetables are carefully packed and steam sealed, guaranteeing only the best ingredients go into each little spoonful you give your child. We don’t just hand-pick our fruit and vegetables. We hand-pick the people who grow them. • Steam sealed • 100% natural • No preservatives Let’s grow together. Experience how a jar of GERBER is made, and receive a FREE learning magnet set! Gerber_Ad_A5.indd 1 22-May-14 4:56:41 PM
  • 18. 18 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e or Terrific Twos? Terrible Twos Do You Need To Set Boundaries For Your Toddler? My Toddler Dorothea Chow
  • 19. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 19 As your little one gains mobility, learns to talk, and is exposed to outsiders more and more, he will slowly gain confidence, and make his wants and needs known. Often at all the wrong moments, and in all the wrong ways. Welcome to the“terrible twos”. The terrible twos are a normal stage in a toddler’s development characterized by mood changes, temper tantrums and frequent use of the word“no.”This typically occurs when toddlers begin to desire greater indepen- dence, but still very much still need and want parental presence and support. While these early years can be extremely chal- lenging for parents and caregivers to navigate, it may help you to keep in mind that your 2-year-old is actually undergoing major motor, intellectual, social and emotional changes within himself during this period. In other words, it’s not easy to parent a toddler, but it isn’t easy being a toddler either! As you will discover, this is only the beginning of a phase of testing limits, exerting self-will and the discovery of autonomy that every child goes through, often lasting all the way to adolescence.“Most toddlers begin testing limits shortly after their first birthday and continue until about age four,”says Ari Brown, M.D., author of Toddler 411. How wonderful, though, that this is the time that your child begins to carve out his own identity, an essential process that will allow him to really come into his own later S TIMULATINGA ND ENRICHING EARLY DEVELOPM E NT 6-36 mths Inspire • Guide • Enrich • Nurture • Interest • Unleash • Stimulate 3-12 yrs C O NSOLIDATED LEA RNING SKIL LS TO SUPPO RT ACADEMIC S 9 Penang Road #12-01 Park Mall S(238459) e w iGenius You can expand your child’s learning ability. Call Us Now! 6737 3333
  • 20. 20 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e on in life. He will discover passions, explore options, celebrate successes and gain crucial self-confidence and skill sets. He is on his way to becoming a teenager, and later, an adult. In these early stages of development (from 2-6 years), referred to by experts as the formative years of a child’s life, it is vital that we help our toddlers set healthy and helpful boundaries in all key areas of their lives. As parents, the challenge is often knowing how to be proactive in thinking about such things, rather than just reacting to what’s happening right in front of us in that moment. We need to switch from thinking of quick-fix solutions to building long- term strategies for change. We have to let go of our self-consciousness and need for approval, be it from our peers, from strangers on the street, or even, from our children. Setting boundaries is no mean feat, and is something that’s part and parcel of being a parent. As your child grows up, your boundar- ies may change, and the way you work with him to establish healthy self-control will evolve accordingly. But for now, as you think about building a healthy culture of eating in the home or cre- ating guidelines for sibling playtimes, here are a few things to keep in mind: Define It’s always best to pre-empt problems before they occur – prevention is better than cure! So define boundaries for your child before he gets in a situation where he’ll need them. For example, on the way to a playdate:“You My Toddler
  • 21. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 21 391B Orchard Road Ngee Ann City Tower B #13-03 Singapore 238874 Call us at 6235 5993 or email to for more information! Da Little School is a new preschool in Orchard Road that offers quality and affordable childcare services. Set up by the team behind Kids’ Gallery Singapore, we believe that all children should have access to excellent and exciting arts enrichment programmes on top of regular childcare services. Visit us at
  • 22. 22 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e can play with whatever toy you want, but if you want something that someone else is playing with, remem- ber you need to ask for a turn first.” Clarity Use terms that your child can understand. For example “We will go home when you finish your slice of cake”is far better than“We will go home in another ten minutes”. I mean, which two year old can tell the time? Consistency This is a hard one, but some boundaries need to be set even though it impinges on your own desires and wants. For example, if you’ve told your child that he only gets dessert after he finishes what’s on his plate, then you’ve got to demonstrate that yourself as well – you need to finish what’s on your plate before reaching for the ice cream. Double standards are a no-no. Timing It’s crucial to try to catch the right moment with your child when you’re setting a boundary or reminding of some prior agreement. Right in the moment is usually best, because your child will totally get what you are talking about (children tend to have rather short-term memories). But if your child has already worked himself up into a rage, shelve the pep-talk for later, and focus on helping him process how he’s feeling in that moment. Feelings first When your child is overcome by his emotions, any kind of boundary talk is going to fall on deaf ears. What he needs most is your empathy. Help him find the words to express what he is feeling, and try to understand where he is coming from, before setting down the“law”. Hap- piest Toddler on the Block by Dr. Harvey Karp is a good resource for this. Teamwork We all have a good agenda as parents – we want our children to be well-man- nered, obedient, thankful, kind kids. But sometimes, our disagreements can look more like a war-zone than a relationship. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka (Raising your spirit- ed child) advices parents not to take up a“position”op- posite to your child. Instead, seek to define each other’s interests, lay down some basic expectations, and find a compromise that works for everyone. Alternatives Negotiating a compromise is not“letting your child win”, because that’s battle talk speaking. As parents, we are not here to win the war against our child’s seeming defiance, but called to come alongside them and be a coach, example and teacher towards something bet- ter. And so, don’t have too rigid and extensive a list of boundaries – leave room for your child to practice that assertion of his will within reasonable limits. For exam- ple“Don’t hurt anyone while you are playing Police and Thieves. If you do, you have to stop playing.”is more free- ing and empowering than “You cannot play with any guns or sword toys because they are dangerous”. Affirmation We often criticize and pick on our children’s bad behavior, but fail to praise them for the good that they do, or the bad that they do not do. In Asian societies, especially, we parents need to learn not to shrink away from offering praise and affir- mation. Contrary to popular belief, specific and accurate praise build up a healthy self-esteem in a child; it does not“spoil”him or create a performance mentality, un- less you dole it out copiously and unnecessarily. Don’t just notice the bad – call out and compliment the good in your toddler. My Toddler
  • 23. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 23 The stroller that grows with your family city select® city mini™ Our innovative and most award-winning stroller New to our family in 2014
  • 24. 24 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e What causes Diaper Rash? There are many causes for the outbreak of diaper rash. The most common factors are all link to the moisture in the diaper. The faeces and urine contains bacteria that could possibly cause reactions to the skin that comes in contact with it. A baby who wears who wear a soiled diaper for a longer time is more prone to devel- op diaper rash than a baby who is change more fre- quent. On the other hand, a child who has sensitive skin are also prone to diaper rash even if the frequency Getting Rid Of Diaper Rash If your child’s bum looks red, bumpy and sore, chances are he could have gotten Diaper Rash! Do not go into a panic and frantic mode, calm down and find out what is the cause of it, how to treat and handle it and prevent your child from getting it again. By CrystalTan Editor of New Age Pregnancy Children’s Health
  • 25. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 25 of diaper-changing increase. There are also other factors that causes Diaper Rash! The baby wipes that you use to clean your baby’s bum may cause irritation linking to rash, foods that the baby consumes or what mother consume especially breast- feeding mom and the brand of the diaper used as the fits of the diaper may cause friction or skin irritation. What is the best way to treat Diaper Rash? Hygiene, airing and dryness are the best cure for Diaper Rash. Follow these steps to get rid of these nasty rashes! 1Keep baby’s bum dry and clean. Change their diaper more frequently. 2Use water to wash the bum and genital area. If there is a need, use organic and fragrance-free wash to clean your child. If it is not convenient to wash, use fragrance-free and alco- hol-free baby wipes. 3Air your baby’s bum for a while by allowing her to go without diaper. The air and carefree feeling helps to soothe this little sore bum. 4Make sure your baby’s bum and genital area is totally dry before attempting to wear a clean diaper for her. 5Do not sprinkle baby powder on their genital area! It has been observed that these powder contains small particles that can cause breathing difficulties and problems. 6Apply a small amount of pure coconut oil on your child’s bum instead as coco- nut oil is anti-fungal, anti-vi- ral and anti-bacterial. It has a strong healing power that can heal and moisturise the baby’s skin. This will add as a protective layer between you’re the soiled diaper and your baby’s skin. The diaper rash should clean up in a few days’ time. Be patient and diligent in changing your baby’s dia- per, keep it clean and dry! What can be done to prevent the reoccurrence of diaper rash? 1Get the right diaper! Choose a diaper with good absorption rate. Please avoid using a diaper that is too small as it may irritate the skin or too big as it can cause friction be- tween the baby’s skin and the diaper. 2Wash your child’s bot- tom regularly and use organic products on your child’s skin. Check out for harmful chemicals in the children’s products like phthalates, paraben and fragrance. 3Airing your child’s bum in between each change will lessen the like- lihood of bacteria to grow. Remember to keep their bottom dry before putting on a new diaper. 4If your baby is prone to diaper rash, apply a thin layer of nappy cream or coconut oil after each diaper change. 5If your baby is going through the stage of weaning, introduce new food slowly. This makes it possible for you to monitor the baby’s body reaction to it. Some food can cause allergy in baby, so monitor your child’s diet so see if he or she develop any reaction shortly after consuming the newly introduced food. Untreated diaper rash and wearing of soiled diaper for a long time can resulted in fungal and yeast infection. These painful and irritating rash may cause discomfort and affect your child. So follow these steps to get rid of diaper rash and prevent the reoccurrence of it.
  • 26. 26 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Children’s Health
  • 27. Hand Foot and Mouth Disease Hand Foot and Mouth Disease also commonly known as HFMD can affect very young children even babies. It has be- come a common illness these day. How to you know if your child is infected? Check their mouth first, it often starts in the mouth where you can spot prominent sores or blisters. Next, their palm and foot will also develop red spots. HFMD is highly infectious and adults can get it too! Consult a doctor immediately and allow the child to drink more water and get ample of rest at home. Chicken Pox Chickenpox is a highly conta- gious airborne disease which can be easily spreads from an infected child or person through direct contact or even coughing and sneezing. How to you know if your child is infected? It often starts with a fever, follow by red and itchy blisters on the body and face. Chickenpox can be prevented through vaccination. Scarlet Fever Scarlet fever is a contagious infection that often accom- panied with strep throat.This formoffevercausesrashesout- break on the child’s body.You can relate the rashes to small red bumps and is rough to the touch.White spots may appear on the tongue and the inner throat. It can be treated with antibiotics that is prescribed by the doctor. Stomach flu (Gastroenteritis) Stomach flu is not a flu but an inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract. It is highly contagious and can affected Childhood Illnesses That You Need To Know About Young children often fall sick compare to adults as their immunity is still developing. That makes them extremely vulnerable to all kind of bacteria, infections and diseases like fever, cough and cold. Check out what kind of illnesses is affecting these young children and how you can keep a look out for it.By CrystalTan Editor of New Age Pregnancy P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 27
  • 28. 28 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e a child through contaminated food or sharing food or utensils with the infected child. Even contact with the infected faecal can cause your child to be infected. How to you know if your child is infected? If your child is observed to have repeated diarrhoea and vom- iting, stomach pain, fever and body aches, consult a doctor for verification. It is important to encourage your child to take in more fluids to prevent dehydration. Measles Measles is a contagious viral infection that affects the respi- ratory system and causes the skin to develop a rash. It causes a outbreak of rashes over your whole body accompanied by flu-like symptoms, including fever and cough. Although the rate of catching Measles has reduce significantly when compulsory immunisation was administered to young children in Singapore, it can still affect children and adults. Measles is spread through an infected person when he coughs and sneezes, or even through the physical contact that he comes into with people and the surfaces he touches. Bronchitis Bronchitis is an inflammation of the air passages to the lungs (bronchi).When your child develops a cold or flu, the viruses can spread to the bronchi causing the airways to become swollen, blocked and inflamed. People who have chronic bronchitis are more susceptible to bacterial infec- tions of the airway and lungs, like pneumonia. It can cause your child to be tired and has difficulty breathing. Consult a doctor for medication and encourage your child to take in more fluid (smaller portion, more frequency). Pneumonia Pneumonia is a serious lung infection that is more serious than bronchitis and can be a life-threatening illness. Often, symptoms of pneumonia can begin after 2 or 3 days when the child contacted a fever, cold, phlegmy cough or sore throat. Children who develop pneumonia caused by bacteria can become very sickly with a sudden onset of a high fever irregular breathing or wheez- ing. Antibiotics and Anti-viral medication may be required to treat this illness. These childhood diseases can often be prevented if your child adopts good hygiene practices such as the proper hand-washing methods. Teach your child to wash her hands thor- oughly with soap before every meals and after every bathroom visit. The same goes for the members in the family as well, keep the home environment safe and clean for your growing child. Bonbebe (YP-M
  • 29. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 29 Bonbebe (YP-May14FA).indd 1 3/26/14 3:20 PM
  • 30. 30 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Importance Of Postpartum Care Mum’s Corner
  • 31. Experts refer Postpartum period as the first six weeks after childbirth. In real context, postpartum period can stretch up to 4-6 months with the mother herself coping and adapting physically and emo- tionally after childbirth. Postpartum care can be categorised to different cate- gories such as external, internal and mental care. For a new mother, she has to make sure she takes good care of herself in these three aspects during the postpartum period. External care refers to the physical body such as dealing with the change in body shape, coping with breastfeeding problems like engorgement or sore nipples, caesarean incision or even hair loss issues. Internal care refer to things like physical fatigue, body aches, afterbirth cramps, perineal pain or constipation problems. Mental care refer to emo- tions such as anxiety, impa- tient, confidence level or low self-esteem due to hormonal changes that trigger us to be more sensitive during postpar- tum period 8 Top Benefits of Proper Postpartum Care Your body will be able to recover faster to pre pregnancy state You will enjoy motherhood You will feel less tired or fatigue You will be able to get back to pre-pregnancy body faster Your baby will be a happier baby. Remember your baby connects to you and he know if you are stress or unhappy and this affects him You will have better milk supply You will gain self confidence You will have greater energy level Rebeccaisatrainedmassage therapistwhomanagesher jamumassage.comandaqual- ifiedMontessoriteacher.Sheis alsoanInfantKidsMassage Instructor What Should be Done to Have a Proper Postpartum Care Eatconfinementfood. Avoidcoolingstuffssuchascold drinks,fruits.Consumewarming foodlikehotsoups,hotnon caffeinedrinks,stewsoreven sometonicwine. Donotdiet.Haveregular threemealswithsomesnack breaksthroughouttheday Haveamplerest.Catch uponshortnapsthroughout theday Leavethehousechoresto yourpartnerorhelperanddo notmovearoundtoomuch Haveapostnatalmassage forrelaxation,reducestressand alsotoeasethebodyaches Maintainproperhygiene especiallyonyourcaesarean incisionorepisiotomy.Takea quickhotbathonceaday. Donotbeshytoaskfor help.Manynewmumswantto besupermumbutitisokifyou cannotcopeeverythingfully. Youshouldenjoymotherhood nottoletstresstakesover Havesomepersonaltime, Readabookorlistentosome music. Trynottogooutofthe housetoooftenorunneces- sarytoallowthebodytorecover faster Talktoothermums.You gainmoreknowledgeandalso makenewfriends Theimportanceofhealth asthegreatestgifta mothercangivetoher child.InAsia,postpar- tumcareisconsidered tobeaveryimportance stageofawoman’s lifeandthisbeliefand practiceispasseddown throughmanygenera- tions.Inwesterncoun- tries,itisbecomingmore popularasthewomen weighthevasthealth benefitsmorethanany- thingelse. Rebecca Chan Founder of Origins Jamu Massage
  • 32. 32 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e The movement of estrogen level in pregnancy is quite a toll on all women. Estrogen level is the primary female sex hormones. During preg- nancy, estrogen levels surge, promoting hair growth. However, it slows down after birth and enters a resting phase. It is during this time while estrogen level is at rest that tremendous hair loss is experienced. Why Does It Happen? Post-partum Hair Loss Will My Lustrous Locks Return? Generally, post-partum hair loss starts about 3 months after childbirth.The excessive hair fall should continue only for three to eight months. Ideally, by the newborn’s first birthday, mothers should have had the health of their hair naturally restored to their pre-pregnan- cy condition. Post-natal hair fall is a temporary phase. However, taking good care of it could avoid a permanent hair loss situation. Do I Need Help? There are several other factors that affect how quickly or com- pletely your healthy locks can be restored. More commonly, the following situations may prevent your hair from regain- ing their former glory: Anaemia Hypothyroidism Stress/anxiety,sleep deprivation Malnutrition Auto-immunedeficiency Exposures to any of the above conditions make new mothers susceptible to prolonged hair loss.When ignored and not treated, such conditions can weaken hair follicles and com- promise the growth of strong healthy hair in the long run. AtTKTrichoKare, treatments are validated by a certified trichologist with products formulated by a professional herbalist. Hair Specialists at TrichoKare are trained under trichologist to help people who have problems with their hair or scalp. Trichologist/ Hair Specialists examine the cause of your hair loss before any treatments recommendations and ensure hair and scalp problems are addressed timely. Jane Ang I.A.T. Member of International Association ofTrichologists Trichologist atTrichoKare Specialized in Hair and Scalp Problems Post-partum hair loss is mainly attributed to the extreme hormone fluctuations mothers face from the point she conceives till after delivery. Mum’s Corner Jane Ang I.A.T.
  • 33. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 33
  • 34. 34 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Mum’s Corner Stretch Marks is a familiar term espe- cially for Women who has recently given birth. It is a result of the stretching of the skin associated with rapid expansion of the body size and weight. Pregnant mums may discover stretch marks during the last trimester of pregnancy and the battle scars are usually found on the belly and also on other parts of the body such as the breasts, thighs, hips and bottoms. What you did not know? Stretch marks appear as reddish or purple lines, but tend to fade to a lighter shade after a period of time. What you didn’t know is that, Stretch Marks may fade but they will not disappear completely! Now, you can say goodbye to unsightly stretch marks and regain your confidence with Gly Derm stretch mark cream. TheNewProductinTown Gly Derm stretch mark cream is specially formulated with Tri-Derm actives that contains three secrets to regain back your skin elasticity and its firmness. Let’s reveal the secrets of Gly Derm: 1.Extract of Centella Asiatica Say Bye-bye to Stretch Marks Hello to beautiful skin
  • 35. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 35 Extract of Centella Asiatica was traditionally used as a medicinal herb for its various health benefits and therapeu- tic actions. Centella Asiatica has great effects in reducing stretch marks, stimulates collagen production, restores skin firmness and improves skin elasticity. 2.PrunusAmygdalus Dulcisoil Commonly known as sweet almond oil, is an extremely good moisturizer for all skin types. Not to mentioned that it is easily absorbed thus raising its effectiveness. Don’t you want to revive back your glow? Sweet almond oil gives a glow- ing touch back to your skin. 3.ButyrospermumParkii butter Shea butter is usually found in a lot of beauty and skin-care products mainly because it heals and nourishes the skin. Not forgetting the various vitamins and nutrients found in Shea butter helps in retaining the skin moisture as well as maintaining skin elasticity. Gly Derm stretch mark cream is specially formulated without any preservative and fragrance! Research and rigorous test has shown visible results in just three weeks* after application of Gly Derm stretch mark cream!The results of reducing stretch marks were even more prominent with prolonged use.* Don’t you want to regain that beautiful skin you had before pregnancy?Well, don’t miss your chance to have a smooth and supple skin!The Gly Derm stretch mark cream is your solution. Say bye-bye to stretch marks now! The Gly Derm stretch mark cream available at all major pharmacies in Singapore and retails at $14.90 and $23.90 for 60ml and 125ml respectively. *AsreportedinClinicalandInstru- mentalEvaluationofACosmetic ProductForTheTreatmentand PreventionofTheStretchMark. SinclairPharmaHE14L/B. WanttofindoutmoreaboutstretchmarksandGlyDerm?CheckoutGlyDerm’s PublicForumon19Julyat Purchaseyourticketsbefore4July2014andenjoy$2OFFtheregularticket price.Usualregistrationfeeis$10.Sohurry!Bookyourticketsnow!Eachparticipant willreceiveagoodiebagworthatleast$15,snacks,plusone(1)samedaytickettothe screeningofTransformers:AgeofExtinction! SIN/GLY/012014/020 1productbut 3timesthebenefits Apply Gly Derm stretch mark cream on your body and you will reap three times the benefits! Reducing stretch marks Rebuilds collagen Regain your skin’s natural elasticity.
  • 36. 36 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Many of us know that mothers play an important role in nurturing a child’s life. However, few of us will agree that Fathers play an important role similar to that of mothers, through a child’s life. In fact, numer- ous studies has shown that children excel in their academics as well as their social interactions with peers and adults. Accord- ing to Maureen Black, “We found that fathers who are involved with their children have children with fewer problems,” (Researcher and professor of Pediatrics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine). Dad can empower their children with lessons about right and wrong, lessons that will The Important Roles Of Dads In His Children’s lives MY Superhero Dad! Dad’s Corner CrystalTan Editor of New Age Pregnancy
  • 37. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 37 build their character and im- print the right beliefs in them for the rest of their lives. Check out these 10 im- portant roles that Dads can play in his children’s lives. Dad as a Protector01 Men are different from women, they act and think differently. Mothers’ nat- ural instinct is to nurture while the dads’ natural instinct is to protect. A dad can protect and educate their children from inex- perience and impulsive mistakes, bullies, drugs and countless of criminal crimes. Most importantly, a dad protects his children by strengthening them so that they grow up knowing how they can protect and defend themselves. Dad as a Disciplinary02 The main goal is not to reprimand or punish the child for every wrong behaviour or mistakes but to guide and facilitate the child to understand the world better or to help them change their behavior for the better. Dad ought to understand that we should not be raising our voices, swearing or losing control of our temper as the child may follow suit. Children usually regard their parents as their leading example or role model. Be patient and guide them slowly. Dad as a Playmate03 The best thing a dad can do is to play and interact with his children. When dad spends quality time by being involved in their chil- dren’s play, they can build a strong emotional support and bonding. Dad also tend to play with children differently from Mom, and that can also enhance their holistic development. Dad as a Leader04 A child usually look up to his father and see how hard he works, how he expe- riences life, how he solve problems, how he handles mistakes and crisis and how he works with different people. You teach them to be brave, to be true to themselves and not hold grudges against others. You are the role model who heighten their confidence and raise them into a leader. Dad as a Teacher05 Dad can teach their chil- dren many life-lessons, some of these are just the tip of the ice-berg:  Wisdom Truthfulness  Self-reliant  Perseverance  Respectful  Gratefulness  Benevolence  Attentiveness  Diligence Thriftiness  Forgiveness  Creativity  Patience  Sensitivity  Cautiousness  Initiative  Flexibility  Self-control  Responsibility  Loyalty It is important to know that Dad can teach them the skills, knowledge, wisdom to provoke their thinking, beliefs and also, the right attitude that will empower them to succeed in life. DadasaProblem-solver06 Your children are likely to run to you for any kind of problems and require your help to solve them. This is your chance to guide and support them in any con- flicts or struggles they have so that they will grow up to be an excellent problem solver. The right guidance mould their resiliency and lead them towards excel- lence, not someone who will run away when faced with a problem.
  • 38. 38 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Dad as a Role Model07 Children learn best through modelling! They learn by watching how their peers and adults interact and re- act through their language and behavior. Therefore, it is important that Dad model the appropria A child usually look te behaviour –Respect your spouse, be honest, show respect to the members of the family, parents, friends as well as the children themselves, speak in a calm tone (even when angry) and do not raise your voice and temper, use appropriate language and avoid teasing the young too frequently. Dad as an Encourager08 When your child is feeling sad and low, you are the one that they can confide and turn to. Be there to encour- age them, redirect any nega- tive train of thought and try to build up their self-esteem. A child with high self-esteem will be ready to face any problems and challenges with an open mind and heart. Children who has high self-esteem are generally more optimistic and confi- dent in different situation. Dad can be a positive role model to your child, guiding and encouraging them in their life as they grow. Dad as a Coach09 Dad’s involvement and support heightens a child’s appreciation and interests to- wards sports. It is a great way to build your child’s character and holistic development through sports. No doubt that it will be a great way to spend quality time together too. Dad as a Hero10 “A child usually looks up to their dad as real-life hero in their life.” A healthy relationship be- tween a daughter and a father can have a positive influence in her life from young to adulthood.Woman’s rela- tionship with man is largely influenced by the relationship with her dad. On the other hand, the boys will usually adopt a healthier gender identity and better expression of their feelings and emotions through their relationship with their dads.The children model and pick up their dad’s behaviour and involvement with the family and adapt it as their character and attitude towards their future family. Dad plays an important role in his child’s life, be that hero that they look up to! Dad being the man of the family, usually has a special relationship with the children. It take a village to raise a child but a complete family to provide endless love and warmth, and shelter the child from harm. From today onwards, be an involved dad, and the hero in your child’s life! Dad’s Corner
  • 39. Feature Interview with Matthias Koh NameofModel:TheLiewFamily Photographer:PhotographybyYewKwang aug/sep 2013 A dAte with your doc: Important check-ups during pregnancy Whattype ofplanstotake upforayoung family? Teaching children the concept of money Forging cultural and national identity in our children Majulah Singapura Dec/JAN 2013/2014 Name of Model: Nigel Ching Photographer: Photography by Yew Kwang Auspicious Chinese names for 2014Horse BABies Christmas Card IsItTooEarly ToStart Planning? Retirement PlanS To Do WiTh Your KiDs ideas Generation C r e a t i n g a J o i n t P a r e n t i n g P l a n AreWe RaisingA GenerationOf Narcissists? ME Name of Models: Jae Sesha Photographer: Photography by Yew Kwang feb/mar 2014 Valentine’s Day Special MyValentine,MyMrs. Germ AttAckCommon Germs Bacteria Parents Should Know BuildingSiblingBonds 6 Sibling Bonding Activities Our tO LeArn And PLAy 4 Fun Weekend Activities To Do How To AnswerYour Child’s Difficult QuestionsTips for Parents Traveling tips for parents Father Figure Feature Interview with Matthias Koh Father’s Day SpecialJuggling Fatherhood and Husbandhood Combating Childhood illness What are the best ways to beat them? NameofModel:JulkaPhoenix Photographer:PhotographybyYewKwang jun/jul 2013 Flying with your tot Mindful parenting Parenting with mindfulness oct/nov 2013 Children Around The World Children's dAy speCiAl Special Small SpaceS: Mummiesshare theirtot'sroom Top 10 Are You A Type A pArenT? Brain Boosters For Kids DoesYour ChilD Get lost in DreamlanD Allthetime? Name of Model: Nur Nyla Qamelia Photographer: Photography by Yew Kwang NameofModel:EthanAlexanderMclean Photographer:PhotographybyYewKwang APR/mAy 2013 A Day In Mummy’s Shoes… Does My Child Really Need To Take Antibiotics? The Road to Independence: Mother’s Day special PowerUP! Immunity Foods For Children ToP 10 In sync wIth your In-law: Getting along with your other Mother Teaching your Child to Become Independent in Everyday Tasks arents The New Age P Parenting in the New Era The New Age Parents™ is a free online resource site and e-magazine for parents of preschoolers and parents to be. Subscribe for free to be part of our online community today. We b s i t e : w w w . t h e n e w a g e p a r e n t s . c o m E - m a g a z i n e : w w w . t h e n e w a g e p a r e n t s . c o m / m a g a z i n e F a c e b o o k : h t t p : // w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / n e w a g e p a r e n t s F o r u m : w w w . t h e n e w a g e p a r e n t s . c o m / f o r u m
  • 40. 40 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Dad’s Corner When expecting a baby, it is natural for the expectant mother to bond with the child as the baby's move- ments create a sense of excitement and anticipation of what is to come. The same may not be true for our husbands as much of the role of nursing and caring for the newborn may rest on the mother in the initial months. There are however, ways that mothers can help husbands overcome their fears and apprehension towards han- dling a newborn. 1Find A Comfortable Carrying Position This may come naturally for most mothers, but it may not be true for fathers, as some are honestly terrified at handling a baby whose neck requires constant support. Help your husband to find a suitable position by model- ling in front of a mirror with a soft toy or your child (when baby is in a good mood) and patiently coaching him on how to support the baby's neck and body. When he is confident in carrying baby, he will be more willing to be initiative in spending time with your child. 2Bathe Baby This may be intimidating for both parents, instead of just 10 Tips To Help Your Husband Bond with Baby
  • 41. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 41 one, and that's okay. Share the experience by working together to recall your ante- natal lesson on bathing baby and you may find that your husband is better at the task! If he needs time to grow in confidence, have your hubby dry and dress baby after you bathe him/her, thereby giv- ing him a chance to spend time with your child. 3Feed Baby Once you have introduced the bottle to baby, let your husband bottle feed baby on a daily basis (preferably at night). It will give him the opportunity to bond with baby as most of the feeds (nursing or formula) would be done by you in the day. It also gives you a chance to take a rest. 4Get Him To Burp Baby After you have finished nurs- ing or bottle feeding, hand the baby to your husband to let him burp your child. It would allow him some hands on time and in doing so, he may discover the most effec- tive means of burping baby. My husband had a knack of burping both my boys a lot faster than I did. 5Give Baby A Backrub Babies love skin to skin contact and nothing spells bonding more than that physical touch when a parent soothes him. The upstroke movements not only mimic burping, helping to further expel any trapped air in the baby's tummy, but it's a great way for the dad to simply enjoy baby, either standing, sitting (or slouch- ing) in the couch or even lying down together. Makes a sweet picture too! 6Read To Baby Help your baby to recognise daddy's voice by getting your husband to read to your baby even while he/she is in the womb and continue the ritual after birth. It helps set the foundation of making reading a habit, and further- more, fussing babies calm down faster when they hear a familiar voice speaking to them. 7Let Hubby Sling Baby When Going Out Whether you are using a sling or a carrier, allow your husband opportunities to carry baby in like manner when you go out. Baby will soon learn to recognise daddy's heartbeat and help lay the foundation for feeling safe in daddy's arms! 8Play With Baby It may seem and feel strange for a grown man to spend time with a largely non-com- municative living thing, but you never know what can come out of the time spent together. Suggest a few activities that your husband can do with baby for play (tummy time, reading, rattle toys, tummy tickles, singing etc.) but leave him alone with your child so that he can experiment with how to make baby happy, in a way that is unique to daddy. 9Talk To Baby It doesn't have to involve baby talk. Daddy can talk about his day at work, tell baby what he likes about him/her, ask baby questions and even share about his dreams for the family in future. This will also enable your husband to develop a healthy habit of having a daily conversation with the children. 10Be Part Of The Bedtime Routine Try to extend this beyond a simple 'good night' and instead, create a bedtime habit that is unique to daddy alone. It can be as simple as reading a book together, a kiss or a hug (different from how mummy does it), a bed- time prayer or daddy singing baby a lullaby etc. Do this nightly, and the familiarity will help your child to identi- fy a strong parental identity towards bedtime, desiring your presence whenever nightfall draws near.
  • 42. 42 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e WhatistheCauseofPDD? The exact cause of PDD is unclear. Some women may be genetically more vulnerable than others to postpartum depression. However it is be- lieved that stressful events after childbirth such as feelings of isolation, worry, and responsi- bility about the new baby may be the main cause of PDD. WhataretheSignsand Symptoms of PDD? PDD is characterized by the following signs: Loss of motivation Restlessness or irritability A lot of crying Eating beyond normal amount (either too small or too much) Feeling guilty or worthless Loss of interest in engag- Post Partum Depression (PDD), or also known as Post Natal Depression, is a feeling of sadness, misery, loneliness, insecurity and incompetence usually felt by women after giving birth. Studies revealed that 30% of women who have given birth experience PDD. This makes it a normal yet crucial condition which women should battle to avoid severe complications. If not properly treated, PDD may indirectly have dire effects on an infant’s growth and development. What is Post Partum Depression? Health
  • 43. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 43 ing in pleasurable activities Isolation How mothers can battle PDD? Battling PDD has no standard formula because its intensity differs from one woman to another. However, you can take the following steps into consideration to help you cope with your depression: ❶ Forgive and accept yourself. Most importantly, acknowledge your negative feelings and know that it is okay to seek help from others. ❷ Join a support group. The support group can be online or offline. Either way, it is comforting and liber- ating when you share your experiences to others, and know that there are many others feeling the same way as you. ❸ Take plenty of rest and find time to sleep. ❹ Engage in relaxation ex- ercise such as yoga, pilates, meditation or massages. Relaxation opens the mind to happy thoughts. ❺ Be aware of your thoughts and think posi- tive. Entertain thoughts or ideas which are optimistic, and try to appreciate and be grateful of the little things around you. The thought of you giving birth is actually a blessing to be thankful about. ❻ Talk to someone. Refrain from being alone and seek the company of close friends and family. Ask someone you trust and be comfortable with to be by your side as much as possible. ❼ Indulge in your partner’s embrace. The human touch is a powerful tool and has profound healing effects. This is the best time for you to enjoy each other’s presence.
  • 44. 44 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e The Silent Killer Health Dr Kenny Pang, Ear Nose Throat/ Sleep Specialist
  • 45. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 45 Snoring is frequently deemed as a social nui- sance. Not a nuisance to the snorer, but a nuisance to the bed-partner. The presence of snoring is an ‘alarm’that alerts one to the possibility of a sleep disorder. It is due to the vibration of the tissues in the mouth and oral cavity (namely the soft palate, uvu- la, base of tongue and other soft tissues). Snoring implies an increased resistance to the inflow of air during breathing at the level of the upper airways. Patients with ade- notonsillar hypertrophy have a crowded upper airway with very little space for airflow, while obese patients frequently have a thick and fatty soft palate. It is the vibration of these soft tissues during sleep that results in snoring, when the bulk of this soft tissue exceeds a certain amount. Snoring is caused by a vibration of the structures of the oral cavity, oropharynx, soft palate, uvula, tonsils, base of tongue, epiglottis and pharyngeal walls. Occasion- ally, this leads to collapse, partial or complete, of these structures, which then leads to upper airway obstruction during sleep. Patients with a small jaw will also have less space available, therefore increasing the likelihood of airway compromise during sleep. Nasal pathologies have been shown to aggravate and contribute to the sever- ity of SDB, and treatment of the underlying nasal pathol- ogy may help, but usually not cure the disorder. There is a male predominance in OSA, this may be partly a result of hormonal differenc- es since post-menopausal women tend to develop symptoms on average five years after menopause, with a prevalence of OSA approaching that of males. There are some reports that progesterone (female hor- mones) will reduce snoring and sleep apnea in males, while exogenous testos- terone can increase upper airway resistance in females. Commonest clinical symptom for patients with OSA is snoring. Frequently, the sleep partner prompts the patient to see a physician because of concerns over repeated apneas (stoppages in breath- ing). Patients may complain of frequent awakenings with a choking and gasp- ing sensation, nocturia (frequent passing urine at night), or nightmares. Many bed partners have witnessed their partners choking and holding their breaths during their sleep. An American research study showed that in a 30 to 35 year old population, 20% of men and 5% of wom- en will snore, and by the age of 60, 60% of men and 40% of women will snore ha- bitually. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disor- der and is estimated to have an incidence of 24% in men and 9% in women. Many authorities believe that up to 93% of females and 82% of males with moderate to severe OSA remain undiagnosed.
  • 46. 46 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Patients with severe OSA may be unable to sleep supine, as this causes the tongue to fall backwards resulting in obstruction of the airway. Common patient complaints include early morning tiredness and morning headaches (attributable to the repeti- tive nocturnal low oxygen levels). Morning dry mouth and throat are caused by mouth-breathing and snor- ing. Other symptoms include forgetfulness, depression, irritability and, less com- monly, impotence. Excessive daytime sleepiness is very common in patients with OSA, and is caused by a combination of frequent arousals, sleep fragmentation, repetitive oxygen desaturations, and reductions in delta and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Excessive daytime sleepiness can be measured by a simple questionnaire known as the Epworth’s Sleepiness Score (ESS) (see figure below). The commonest symp- toms related to obstructive sleep apnea are: During the day: Daytime sleepiness, tiredness Poor concentration Poor memory Morning headaches Mood changes Irritability During the night: Choking sensation at night Gasping for air at night Frequent arousals Nocturia (frequent passing urine) Loud snoring Evaluation of Snoring Patients Clinical evaluation is the most important step in managing a patient with snoring and/or sleep apnea. An ear, nose and throat endoscopic exam- ination of the upper airway assessment is crucial. All patients should have weight and height recorded, body mass index (BMI) calculated, blood pressure taken, and neck circumference mea- sured. Patients with snoring/sleep apnea can be divided into 2 main groups: those with a GLOBAL problem (patients with gross obesity, thick fat in the neck), and those patients with a LO- CAL problem (patients who are not obese but with big tonsils, a big tongue, and/ or a thick redundant palate), and C M Y CM MY CY CMY K A sle Health
  • 47. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 47 THE SCIENTIFIC LEGACY OF AN INNOVATIVE SURGEON Dr Pang pioneered a method of surgery which makes the throat cavity larger, thereby helping patients with snoring problems get a good night’s sleep. - The Strait Times Ear, Nose Throat Care Adult Child Snoring/ Sleep Disorders We specialise in - Snoring/ Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Insomnia - Sleep Walking/ Night Terrors - Sleep Diagnostics/ WatchPAT - Sleep Sedation Endoscopy - Nasal CPAP Therapy - Oral Appliances - Sleep Surgery: * Laser, Pillar Implants, Radiofrequency * Palatoplasty * Pang’s Expansion Pharyngoplasty - Tongue Minimally Invasive Surgery - Noisy Breathing in Children - Sinus Problems/ Nose Allergy - Endoscopic Sinus Surgery - Balloon Sinuplasty - Tonsil/ Adenoid Problems - ENT Cancer Screening/ Treatment DR KENNY PETER PANG Ear, Nose Throat/ Sleep Specialist MBBS (S’pore), MRCS (Edinburgh) FRCS (Edinburgh) (UK) FRCS (ENT) (Ireland), M Med (ORL) Editor, International Sleep Surgery Society Fellow, American Academy of Sleep Medicine Member, Singapore Sleep Society President, Asean Sleep Surgical Society President, International Sleep Academy Asia Sleep Centre 290 Orchard Road #18-04 Paragon Singapore 238859 Clinic No: (65) 6836 0060 Fax No: (65) 6836 0030 Email: Website: Straits Times Dr Kenny invents new surgery that has 86% cure rate for Snoring/ SleepApnea C M Y CM MY CY CMY K ASIA.indd 73 10/10/12 9:16 AM Credit to Ezyhealth Media sleep advtorial.indd 1 6/4/14 10:43 AM
  • 48. 48 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e OJM (Motherhood-HZ-APR14FA).indd 1 3/5/14 8:54 AM those patients who OVER- LAP, they are obese and also have a local problem, like obesity or a thick neck. The upper airway assess- ment is the most important step in the evaluation of the snoring patient. This would be fundamental, in assessing and deciding the modality of treatment in all snoring / sleep apnea patients. Anatomy to be observed: Nose swelling – the nose is physiologically essen- tial in breathing, any swelling within the nose needs to be corrected in order for normal breathing to be restored. Tonsil size – the patient’s tonsils are assessed with regards to how ob- structing they are. They are graded based on their size within the oral cavity. Tongue size – the tongue is very essential in the evaluation, as the tongue is the final“gate-keeper”to the opening of the lungs. If it is obstructing, it would have to be treated. Palate thickness – if the palate was too thick or redundant, it would not only cause loud snoring but may lead to obstruction of the airway and hence, sleep apnea. Based on the patient’s BMI, neck circumference, oral cavity adequacy, tonsil size, palate size / length, tongue size, upper airway assessment, and the nasal passage size, the modality of treatment is decided togeth- er with the patient. How Does Sleep Apnea Kill? Nightmare time comes in the wee hours of the morning for people with obstructive sleep apnea. But it's no dream: That's when they're at highest risk of sudden death. It has been said that “Sleep apnea is the phan- tom cause of heart disease and sudden death”. It is well Health
  • 49. 4 AM SEE WHY FWA can benefit your company employees KNOW HOW to implement relevant sustainable FWA TRY NOW and experience the impact of FWA on your company employees Workshop Details: 29 July 2014, Tuesday or 29 August 2014, Friday 9 am to 1 pm NTUC Centre , 1 Marina Boulevard Singapore 018989 (nearest MRT station : Raffles Place MRT)                       Morning refreshments provided from 8.30am To register, kindly email or contact Jessica at 62138270 Organized by: Supported by: Check out the series of Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) Workshops to equip both management human resource personnel with the right skills-set mind-set in approaching managing workplace flexibility!
  • 50. 50 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Health known that patients with sleep apnea have a 6 times higher risk of dying between midnight and 6am, com- pared to normal non-apneic patients. As these patients with snoring and sleep apnea have numerous dips in their oxygen levels while asleep, it would not be sur- prising that they suffer from significant stress on the heart and brain during these low oxygen events. This in turn leads to high blood pressure, lack of oxygen in the blood and hence, strokes, heart attacks and sudden death. In general, people with sleep apnea syndrome have a higher risk of death than the normal population. The price they pay includes a potentially crippling deteri- oration in daily functioning, an increased risk of high blood pressure and stroke, depression, and death either in accidents or in their sleep. The family of the person with sleep apnea syndrome will also be affected, as the patient may experience irritability, mood changes, lowered sexual drive, and a reduction of intellectual ability. In addition there are major business, insurance, health, and social costs in- cluding the loss of productiv- ity, the impact of accidents caused by a driver or worker falling asleep, and the wast- ed health care dollars spent on alleviating symptoms like heart disease without treat- ing their possible underlying cause. Overall, it is well known that patients with sleep ap- nea would not live as long as people without sleep apnea. Medical research has shown that patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea (patients who stop breath- ing more than 30 times per hour) have a mortality rate of about 3% per year, studies done over 10 years (Marti et al). Dr Kenny Pang, Ear Nose Throat / Sleep Specialist Asia Sleep Centre, Paragon, Level 18-04 B U An U w ad of fa w Jo re on ev or Si w
  • 51. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 51 Be a part of U Family ! AnÊNTUCÊinitiative,Ê UÊFamilyÊisÊtheÊvoiceÊforÊ workingÊfamilies.ÊWeÊ advocateÊtheÊbuildingÊ ofÊstrongÊandÊhappyÊ familiesÊbyÊchampioningÊ work-lifeÊharmony.Ê JoinÊUÊFamilyÊandÊ receiveÊregularÊupdatesÊ onÊfutureÊengagementÊ eventsÊandÊprogrammesÊ organisedÊÊbyÊNTUC.Ê SignÊupÊnowÊatÊ
  • 52. 52 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e When her foreign domes- tic worker had to return to the Philippines for three weeks, Cherral Teo had to look after her three young children and handle the housework on her own while her husband was away at work. “My parents and my in- laws do not stay with us. I then decided the best move was to apply for annual leave for the three whole weeks,” recalled the Management Executive at a statutory board. But her immediate supervisor’s response was a surprise. “Why tap on your annual leave? Why don’t you work from home?”, he suggested. After discussing this with Cherral, he brought it up to higher management and re- ceived their approval. Cherral was definitely happy with the flexible work arrangement (FWA). “This is the first-time I am going on a FWA like this. Ini- tially, I was even embarrassed to apply for long leave over three weeks. And even after Can Working Parents Have a Fulfilling Career?
  • 53. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 53 care leave. For employees who are single, the company recognises that they too will have to tend to family needs regularly. This may involve taking care of ageing parents and other relatives. Cherral’s workplace is the type of supportive workplace which U Family is pushing for. Companies which offer tele-working make up just 4% of the establishments in Sin- gapore and there is a need to heighten the awareness that flexible work arrangements can mean more than just part-time work. An initiative of NTUC, U Family supports working families by advocat- ing pro-family practices at the community and workplaces. It advocates for practices that will benefit an inclusive spec- trum of working families-- support for breastfeeding mothers at the workplace, opportunities that encour- ages working fathers to have a share of parenting respon- sibilities, considerations for employees who have to care for elderly parents or young children. Besides looking at trans- forming workplace culture, U Family organises unique programmes throughout the year to encourage families to spend time together. Parents with babies can look forward to the annual Baby’s Day Out – a National Day party just for the little ones and families with older kids will definitely enjoy the science-themed Learning Amazement event and the Mega Dance party. Not forgetting about getting the grandparents involved, the signature event U Picnic is planned to give very different picnic experience. To find out more about U Family’s programmes, sign up for updates on www.ufamily. or visit their fan page on facebook – www.face- If you have a passion for building a family-friendly workplace culture, you can drop U Family a note at ufami- my work-from-home arrange- ment was approved, I also had a supportive vibe from my colleagues. These matter a lot to me,” she said. Ask Cherral about her happiness index at work, and the answer is “an 8 out of 10”. The score stems from more than just the work-from-home arrangement. With the com- pany for five years now, and as a mother of three aged 11, 7 and 3 years old, Cherral has been benefitting from various types of family care leave. Be- sides childcare leave, there are two additional days of family Besides looking at trans- forming workplace culture, U Family organises unique programmes throughout the year to encourage families to spend time together. Happy Family
  • 54. 54 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Ababyisnotnecessarilyabad travelcompanion;thewhole familycanlookforwardtosome funwiththefollowingtips! Don’t be Ambitious Thebaby’sfirsttripshouldnot beanambitiousone;instead optforarelaxingshorttripsuch asabeachgetawayorvisittoa familyinaneighboringcountry. Thedestination,hotelandtravel ontheroadshouldbefami- ly-friendly. Where will your first family destination be? Let’sGoTravelling After adjusting to a newborn baby for the first few months, parents may feel ready to travel with their baby. A short trip can be rewarding for everyone – the mom who have been ‘confined’ to the house to recu- perate after delivery gets to relax outside of the home and the baby can explore and be stimulated by new environment. Happy Family MarcieMom
  • 55. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 55 Be Flexible Designanitinerarythathasone mainactivityperdayanddoes notrequirerushingfromplaceto place.Yourbaby(orevenyour- self)maynotfeeluptoitafter theflightorroadtrip,ormay suddenlycomedownwithflu orfever.Bringalongwatertoys sothatyourfamilycanalways fallbackonfuninthepoolorfor yourbaby,somefuninahotel bathtub! Stay Healthy Asthebaby’simmunesystemis notasstrong,itissafertotravel closertohome(thustheshort trip).Ensurethatthetripwillnot disruptyourbaby’simmuniza- tionschedule,andifitwould, discussfirstwiththepediatrician. Bringalongtheregularfirst-aid toolkitandmedicationforthe entirefamily.Youwouldwant bothyouandyourspousetostay healthy,insteadoffallingilland passingalongtoyourchild.Thus, bringalongyourusualhealth supplementstoo. Be Safe Donotneglectsafety;exercise carsafetyprecautionevenon holiday.Whenbookingacar, ensureyoualsoreservethe righttypeofcarseat(rear-facing forinfants).Whentravellingin theplane,thebabymayhave difficultydealingwiththeair pressure,thereforehaveasippy cuporsomethingforyourbaby tosuckreadyduringtake-offand landing. Make Your Baby Feel at Home Wheneveryoucan,createthe samebedtimeornaptimerou- tineandbringtheblanket,soft toyorpillowthatofferscomfort toyourbaby.Youmaywantto bringalongaportableplaypen. Thereisalsononeedtodress yourbabyprettyforthecamera, instead,theusualcomfortable clotheswornathomemaywork better.Youmaywanttochoose somebrighterclothesincase yourbabyhasstartedtoddling andmovedawayfromyou. Foraflight,considerbookingthe bulkheadseatinfront,getting boththewindowandaisleseat tohave3seatsinarow(ona non-fullflight)andchoosinga flighttimethatcoincideswith yourbaby’snap/bedtime. Bring Entertainment Yourbabymaynotbeasen- tertainedasyouwouldbewith theTVorthein-flightmovies. Instead,bringsomenewornot recentlyplayedwithtoys.Also bringalonglightbooks,puzzles, coloring,musicandaballtoplay with. Snacks Works Notonlythebaby,butsome- timesadultsarealsonotusedto foodinaforeigncountry.There- fore,bringalongbabybiscuits, animalcrackers,juice,smoothie andreadytoeatpureedfoods. Thewholefamilyshouldhave plentyofwatertodrink,bearing inminditiseasytogetdehydrat- edonaplanerideorinthesun. Alsobringalongthenecessaryto preparemilkonthego. Safe in Sun Itismorelikelythatthereismore time spent outdoors when on holiday. Apply sunscreen for your baby, particularly as the baby’s skin is thinner and more susceptible to sun burn. At least a SPF50 and also wear a hat and shades. Plan for Mess Always have tissue to wipe any mess from feeding your baby. Have spare diapers and baby wipes with you all the time and bring sealed plastic bag to dispose of the soiled diapers. Bring along a change of clothes as well, you never know when the urine or stools may leak. Stroll Smart Depending on your prefer- ence, you may want to bring along a light-weight stroller or baby carrier or sling. It also depends on the type of trip you have planned - if there is a lot of walking, a stroller may be less physically taxing for you. However if your baby naps well in a sling or you anticipate hands-free to be important, bring along the sling. Finally, relax before the trip. Don’t start a quarrel with your spouse over the trip or over packing, or get yourself irritated before even embarking on your first family adventure!
  • 56. 56 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e Being a parent is not easy at all. But when you see that sweet smile or cheeky face on your kid’s face, it just makes all the worries and issues in your mind disappear! - Prakash Lekshmanan Watching her face light up with joy and amazement at the new discoveries of simple things like floating balloons. Hearing her bab- bles and showing affection back to us. - Mark Ee Being loved by the little one who are most innocent cre- ations from this God. There is nothing more beautiful than to see the little ones grow every single day in The Joy Of ParenthoodCheck out what these Dads and Mums have to say about being a parent front of you. It’s simply amazing. - Nisha Mundra I’m a mother-to-be and look forward to the experi- ences of being a mother. - Tan Su Ling To be able to see your child smile at you every morning - Yeo Clara Milah The journey of parenthood is a challenging but re- warding one. I look forward to seeing the development in my son’s physical abilities and more so his personality. His cheeky ways never fail to bring a smile to my face. - Jo-Anne Tan When the child shows his happiness when he sees u back from work n showers u with hugs n kisses makes it all worthwhile - Ang E Ping Seeing my son grow, being able to be there for all his “First times” and being sur- prised at every new words or actions he made. - Chew Sin Yee Seeing our little one laugh n smile is like taking “panadol” to stop our aches n tireness for the day! Wonderful!! - Seah Yi Ping Looking at them will make my heart melt. - Chan Lai Lai A journey full of sweetness, tiredness cum beautiful amazing world! - Han Li Sze Seeing my kids happily growing up. - Chen Wan Thye Their million dollar smiles, laughter and joy they bring into my life especially after a hard day’s work! - Lee Agnes Every new milestone that Happy Family
  • 57. P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v E 57 our children develops, with us guiding them. Seeing them grow loving each other and learning new things. - Sharon Rivera Being able to experience the whole pregnancy process. - Chong Luo Ling We really look forward to our new born. Welcoming a new member to our family. Really happy to be parents and hope everything will be fine and well. This is our first child, really excited. - Lim Meng Wei Being with my kids make me feel young and lively again! They are also my motivation to work hard every single day! - Tan Yi Ting It is a gift to be a parent. - Sugeetha Harish We get to see the differ- ent stages of how our kid grows the process of growing together with them. The time spent with them the how we com- municate bond with each other. With a kid they also helps to bond makes the love between the father mother grows stronger! - Susan So Looking forward to my son hugging me after work. Sometime he will do things that you can’t imagine and that move will make my day most of the time. - Neo Guo Yong Holistic Pregnancy for Mums New Age Pregnancy child? Expecting your first Get tips from our experts and be inspired by other first-time mums as they share their stories. New Age Pregnancy is a comprehensive and holistic online resource portal for parents-to-be and parents of new babies. Learn more about your pregnancy jour- ney and your baby’s growing years.
  • 58. 58 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e E d i t o r Crystal Tan E x p e r t s NESTLÉ Infant Nutrition, NTUC U Family Women’s Development Secretariat (WDS), Mount Alvernia Hospital, Da Little School, Asia Sleep Centre, TK Trichokare Pte Ltd and Origins Jamu Massage C o n t r i b u t o r s Dorothea Chow, MarcieMom, Ruth Mak Art Design A r t D i r ec t o r Crystal Tan Marketing Advertising B u s i n e s s De v e l o p m e n t Ma n a g e r Elaine Lau Web Administration W e b De v e l o p m e n t D i r ec t o r Seow Poh Heng Special Thanks To While every care is taken in the production of this parenting booklet, the publisher, editor and editorial team assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies and omission, which might arise. Opinions by the contributors and advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher and the editor. The articles in the parenting booklet are for references only. For Parents with Babies ToddlersFor Parents with Babies Toddlers Holistic Pregnancy for Mums New Age Pregnancy
  • 59. Little Ones@WorkLet the little ones experience the fun! To enjoy LO@W funding support, simply: a) Send at least 2 employees to attend our workshop on Flexible Work Arrangements(FWA) OR b) Contact NTUC WDS to organize a customized workshop on Flexible Work Arrangements(FWA) for at least 25 employees in your company. Little Ones @ Work(LO@W) promotes work life integration in organizations. It involves getting the children of your employees to join their parents at their workplaces for a day, especially during the school holidays. Each participating organization can enjoy 50% funding of the actual cost incurred, capped at $500 per company. For more information, please call 6213 8270 or email AWork Life Integration Initiative broughttoyou by
  • 60. 60 P a r e n t i n g W i t h L o v e