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may usually be bliss,
but as many of us are tran-
sitioning into the adult world, it’s
kind of important that we know things.
If we hope to survive as artists in a heavily
competitive nation, we need to know how to make informed decisions,
both in everyday life and in politics. This year, that principle rings
especially true as we are faced with the choice between
two starkly contrasting Presidential candidates whose
visions for the United States point in almost exactly
different directions. Are you still reading this? Look,
all right, I admit that listening to people talk for
more than 30 seconds without some kind of
dubstep remix or reality show testimonial in-
terrupting them is really boring, but come on.
We’re picking the President, you guys! Lit-
erally, the most powerful person in the free
world, we choose. Would it kill you to maybe
read about the differences between the two
men we have to choose from? That means
actually understanding which candidate
holds which positions, not making a deci-
sion because your parents vote one way
or because “uh...the economy,” or because
you heard some homeless guy on the bus
say that Obama is listening to our conver-
sations through microbes in our food. You
also can’t play the “I can’t vote so it doesn’t
matter” card, because if you’re at HSPVA,
you’re either 18 or will be by the time the next
election rolls around, and it will help to see
whether the winning candidate this year lives
up to his word over the next 4 years. Paper*
has made this really easy for you guys: We’ve
laid out the positions of both candidates on a vari-
ety of issues. Please read them.
running for
--Austin Thomas,
Jazz Class of 2014
By Chandler Dean
	 Art and politics: the two are so dif-
ferent, yet they are intrinsically linked. For
years, the two have battled it out as polar
opposites on the intellectual spectrum: One
is idealistic and pure, seeking to change
things, however slightly, for the better. The
other is politics.
	 Now the two will finally meet at this
school’s mock election, as the artists are
forced to consider politics, and cast their
votes for president.
	 This is not to say that politics is a for-
gotten part of the daily life of a PVA student.
Perhaps more than at any other school,
politics, awareness, and genuine concern
for actual issues are in the forefront of every
students’ actions: While other high-school-
ers (apparently not a real word) would be
comparing shoes, the average PVA student
can be found discussing a political debate or
the issue of funding for education.
	 I would like to say this mock election
is a tossup (apparently a real word), but that
would be a lie; most of our population sup-
ports the Democratic Party. There are defi-
nite exceptions, but they are few and far be-
tween (or whatever that saying is). I predict
that our current pool of voters would con-
tinually re-elect Barrak Obama if they could.
Not to say that the students aren’t thinking
about their decisions, but it is not as easy as
you’d think.
	 From the students that I asked, sur-
prisingly, 4 out of 12 students considered
themselves independent. When asked to
specify, they said that there were definitely
good points made by both candidates and
both political parties. Neither is perfect, and
both are far from it. They said that their vot-
ing decision was going to be tough (not mak-
ing this up), but all of them favored Obama
over Romney. Another 7 out of the 12 were
hardcore liberals, and the last of the 12 said
that it did not matter, and that he was not
	 However this unnamed student feels
about the election, he is definitely the minor-
ity in the opinionated student body of the
school, a fact I am proud of. It was great talk-
ing to my peers about the election, because
they know what they’re talking about, and
you can’t fool them. They will make great, in-
formed (slightly art-biased) citizens one day.
Until then, “Mock on, mock on...”
*All PVA students will get the opportunity to
paticipate during their social studies class.
By Adam J. Elkhadem
Supports overturning Roe v. Wade; is pro-life
Opposes same-sex marriage. Also opposes civil
unions and same-sex partnership benefits.
Favors repealing the Affordable Health Care Act and
replacing it.
Endorses the end of the War in Afghanistan in 2014.
Plans to increase the Pentagon budget.
Favors border fence between U.S. and Mexico; op-
poses offering legal status to illegal immigrants who
attend college. Favors offering legal status to illegal
immigrants who serve in the armed forces.
Opposes stricter gun laws, but has suggested that
tougher enforcement of current gun laws may be in
order. As governor of Massachusetts, signed a ban
on assault weapons.
Holds the view that we don’t know what’s causing
climate change on this planet.
Supports opening more offshore oil drilling. Wants
to expedite the processes of coal, natural gas, and
nuclear energy development. Claims that green
energy is not yet viable.
Supports keeping all Bush tax-cuts and drop all tax
rates by 20% on top of the status quo. Supports
elimination of the capital gains tax for families mak-
ing below $200,000 and cutting the corporate tax
while lowering deductions, exemptions, and tax
credits for the wealthiest, though he has not speci-
which ones.
Plans to lower taxes, reduce regulation, and bal-
ance the budget. Argues that Obama has failed
to bring significant improvements to the economy
through his policies.
No comment
Supports status quo; is pro-choice
Favors same-sex marriage. Also favors equal benefits.
Repealed Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.
Signed the Affordable Health Care Act and supports its
continued implementation
Presided over end of the Iraq War; supports and
planned the end of the War in Afghanistan by 2014;
plans to cut military spending significantly.
Issued executive order which states that immigrants
brought illegally to the United States as children be
exempted from deportation and granted work permits if
they apply. Has taken no other action.
Has not taken action on gun control, other than signing
laws which allow people to carry concealed
weapons in national parks and in checked bags on
Amtrak trains. Has supported a renewed ban on
assault weapons but has not taken any steps to do so.
Has held the position that climate change is caused by
Supported green energy and nuclear power. Imple-
mented regulations on gases blamed for global
warming. Has supported more oil and gas drilling do-
Supports raising taxes on the wealthy, ensuring that
they pay at least 30% of their income. As part of
this, supports extending Bush tax cuts only for those
making under 200,000 or 250,000 dollars, for single
people and couples rspectively. Supports raising capi-
tal gains taxes and the top two tax rates. Has cut taxes
through the stimulus.
Has presided over a period of high unemployment and
slow recovery. Implemented an $800 billion stimulus
plan in 2009, among other measures. Argues that he
has prevented a deeper recession caused by his pre-
No comment
KnowYourPartyPlatformsBy Chandler Dean
• Is predicted to decrease the deficit and lower the U.S. government’s
debt by $200 billion in ten years.
• Requires larger companies to have health insurance plans for employ-
• Makes health insurance equal and inclusive, with no discrimination
based on gender, race, income, etc.
• Provides and subsidizes insurance for people with pre-existing cond-
tions and includes children with these conditions (like chronic illness) on
regular health insurance plans.
• Funds research and expansion of preventative care efforts (immuniza-
tions, etc).
• Creates funds for making health care more accessible to communities
at large.
	 What’s impor-
tant here is that you un-
derstand the real world
implications of this act:
It will affect your life.
It’s a divisive issue that
touches almost every
resident of the U.S. It
is already a law. Keep
yourself updated and
informed--don’t take
my overly simplified
word for granted. Go
read about it! Look and
think critically about
the issue, and decide
for yourself whether or
not you find this new
policy a step forward or
By Amy Mattox
	 First, a few basics: the phrase “Obamacare” can
be broken down to Obama and Health Care (or, if you’re
the campaign’s twitter manager, “Obama Cares”). Most
of you are aware of this. The term refers specifically to a
bill signed into law in early 2010: The Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). This mini article is go-
ing to try and take an enormous issue full of nuance and
detail, and compress its legislation into 10 bullet points
for your reading pleasure.
	 I want to preface this with a warning: I have not
read the bill itself. It’s made up of more than 900 pages
of jargon and mish-mashed information about specific tax
codes and income levels. Frankly, I doubt even the politi-
cians who voted it through Congress have read the whole
thing. I gathered information from unbiased, government
resources, but also looked at propaganda from the lib-
eral and conservative perspectives. I’m going to attempt
a very simple, relatively unbiased breakdown of the most
important and close-to-home parts of this act, things that
you and your family should be aware of, and which will
most certainly affect you in one way or another. So here
	 With the upcoming
election, not a day goes by
in which politics is not the
topique de jour, whether it is
in the news, on the radio, or
even in our own homes. How-
ever, with extremely low vot-
ing percentages in America,
many people’s voices simply
aren’t being heard. Not only is
voting one of the best ways to
inform local and national rep-
resentatives of public opinion
on issues that directly affect
constituents, it is a citizen’s
duty to his country to vote.
Especially in an age when
decisions made on a national
scale have a lasting effect on
people’s rights and freedom.
	 The United States was
built on the premise that gov-
ernment may not act without
the consent of those being
governed. The desire for
this method of government
was one of the fundamen-
tal ideas that sparked the
American Revolution, and
the guarantee of this right
is now held in the Twen-
ty-Fourth Amendment. In
the present day, however,
people have gradually de-
clined to exercise their
right to vote for various
reasons: apathy toward the
government and/or politi-
cal policies, lack of educa-
tion about today’s politics,
or simply the belief that
knowledge about politics
does not matter until one
is old enough to vote. The
truth is that eligible voters
between the ages of 18-24
vote the least of any age
bracket, and are the least
knowledgeable about politics. 	
	 Another fact is this: While
our generation is the least likely
to vote, we are the most likely to
be affected by political decisions
put into effect. Soon it will be our
tax money that pays for higher
education for the next genera-
tion and our decisions that will
determine the world our children
will live in. Regardless of which
politician you support and which
issues you feel are most impor-
tant to you, the government can-
not support your opinion if it is
not made known. Being able to
speak and choosing not to do so
is a disservice that has lasting
repercussions, not only for you
but also for others. Not voting is
silent consent, and we cannot be
silent about matters that will de-
termine the fate of our world.
• Requires all citizens to have some sort of health insur-
ance. This means that if you are not covered by Med-
icaid (for folks with low income), Medicare (for the el-
derly), or an employer-granted health plan, and are not
exempted by special circumstances, you must obtain
some form of government-approved private health insur-
• Allows kids to stay under their parents’ insurance poli-
cies until they are 26. The kids don’t have to live in their
parents’ home or be financially dependent on them to
receive this benefit.
• Raises the Medicare tax by .9% and creates a new
3.8% tax on unearned income (inherited, property value,
etc.) for the very wealthy.
Need a guy’s point of view?
Ask Manswers
Send your questions to or put them in the
box in the library.
This recipe is one of our all-time fa-
vorites, and it’s a great one for fall! We rec-
ommend eating these scrumdidlyumptious
cookies right out of the oven. You can use
the microwave to reheat them if you need to;
warm is best. They taste like a profession-
ally made mixture of caramel and chocolate
inside of a cinnamon sugar coated cookie,
when actually they are
Before we made them
the first time, Gina was
nervous that the combi-
nation of flavors wouldn’t
work, but now they are
her favorite cookies!
Don’t be afraid of this
unique recipe.
You’ll need:
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup shortening
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 3/4 cups all-purpose
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons white sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
A 12 oz bag of Rolo candies
Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Cream together butter, shortening, 1 1/2
cups sugar, the eggs, and the vanilla. Blend
in the flour, cream of tartar, soda and salt.
Shape dough by rounded spoonfuls into
Mix the 2 tablespoons sugar and the cinna-
mon in a plate or bowl. Wrap dough around
a Rolo (one Rolo per cookie). Roll balls of
dough and Rolos in mixture. Place 2 inches
apart on ungreased baking sheets.
Bake 8 to 10 minutes, or until set but not
too hard. Remove immediately from baking
Enjoy thoroughly :)
By Becca and Gina Cook
Are you looking for a new place to
take yourself? Your boyfriend? Girl-
friend? Cat? Houston may not be
the most beautiful city or have the
best weather, but it has one of the
best fine arts areas in the United
States. If you like art museums and
culture, here are some fun places to
check out!
-The Museum of Fine Arts, Hous-
ton: They have a lovely impression-
ist collection and are constantly
showing interesting new and old
-The Contemporary Arts Museum,
Houston: Admission is free, but
donations are more than welcome.
They display everything from col-
lages to interactive art.
- Rothko Chapel: Simple and beau-
tiful, this chapel is a perfect place
for meditating.
- Bayou Bend Gardens: Visit the
stunning estate of Ima Hogg (1882-
1975) and her family and learn all
about them!
AllAroundTownBy Elizabeth Martinsen
1963: Hundreds of thousands march on
Washington where Martin Luther King Jr. de-
livers the historic “I Have a Dream” speech.
1971: People across the United States
march in protest against the Vietnam War.
1989: Half a million protest in Tiananmen
Square in China against the country’s Com-
munist regime. Hundreds are killed; thou-
sands are injured.
1995: The NAACP organizes a “Million Man
March,” which brings to the political forefront
the economic and social ills plaguing the Af-
rican American community.
2001: Demonstrations are held all over the
world to pay tribute to the victims of the Sep-
tember 11th attacks.
2012: Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day is held;
everybody eats at Chick-fil-A.
	 On July 2, 2012, Chick-fil-A President
Dan Cathy was interviewed by the Biblical
Recorder, a faith-centered weekly newspa-
per based in North Carolina. The interview
highlighted Chick-fil-A’s policy of basing its
business on biblical principles. During that
interview, Mr. Cathy was questioned about
the company’s support of the “traditional
family.” He responded: “We are very much
supportive of the family -- the biblical def-
inition of the family unit. We are a family-
owned business, a family-led business, and
we are married to our first wives. We give
God thanks for that.”
	 This was the catalyst for Chick-fil-A-
Gate 2k12, a national uproar in which ev-
eryone with access to a social networking
soapbox felt an incredible compulsion to
state his opinion on this pressing matter.
All other stories were rendered irrelevant.
2012 presidential election? Boring. Higgs
boson discovery? Psh. Nerds. A fast-food
restaurant that’s closed on Sundays doesn’t
support gay marriage? Event of the millen-
nium. And so began the two-to-three weeks
of the most free publicity Chick-fil-A could
ever dream of. Supporters of LGBT equal-
ity boldly chose to spend their 5 dollars at
some other fast-food restaurant from that
point on (and post about it on Facebook). In
response to this, supporters of Chick-fil-A’s
position gathered together and instituted a
“Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” to be held on
August 1st. When that day came, the afore-
mentioned supporters also made a bold
statement by... eating fried chicken. In fact,
August 1st set a new record for Chick-fil-A’s
	 Welcome to America, where your po-
sition on the political spectrum is defined by
what fried chicken you eat.
By Chandler Dean
1. Your guilty pleasure:
Mr. Dang: White chocolate Kit-Kats
Officer Williams: Classic Movies from the
Mr. Swan: RuPaul Drag Race
Mrs. Worley: The Daily Show, Easy Mac,
The Colbert Report, Nutella
Dr. Obenland: Chocolate
Ms. DiLuglio: The Walking Dead
Mr. Davis: Ice cream, Honey BooBoo
Ms. Hall: Johnny Depp
Nurse Mia: Taking a nap
Mr. Hoffman: Videogaming
2. What makes you geek out:
Mr. Dang: Sports-football- “None of this
soccer crap.”
Officer Williams: Cell Phones, new elec-
Mr. Swan: Seeing old friends
Mrs. Worley: Poli-
tics, movies
Dr. Obenland:
Thinking about
things on a small
scale like nano-
Ms. DiLugio: Any-
thing scientific
Mr. Davis: Meeting
Ms. Hall: Singing
Nurse Mia: New
medical discoveries
and treatments
Mr. Hoffman: Su-
perhero movies
3. Your dream
Mr. Dang: Back-
packing across
Asia or Europe
Officer Williams:
Mr. Swan: Alaska,
South Africa- “I just
want to travel”
Mrs. Worley:
Two uninterrupted
months in Italy
Dr. Obenland: Traveling in Europe and
staying in fancy hotels
Ms. DiLugio: Scuba diving in Belize
Mr. Davis: A stay in a house on the water
in Tahiti
Ms. Hall: Quiet time in a cabin in the
Nurse Mia: Carmel, California
Mr. Hoffman: Around the world cruise
4. The most played song on your iPod:
Mr. Dang: “All I Do Is Win” --DJ Khaled
Officer Williams: Smooth Jazz
Mr. Swan: “Be Here Now” --Ray LaMon-
Mrs. Worley: “First Day of My Life” --Bright
Dr. Obenland: “Happy” --Aeisha Woods
Ms. DiLugio: 70’s Funk
Mr. Davis: Lily Allen
Ms. Hall: “Your Song” --Elton John
Nurse Mia: “Bridge Over Troubled Water”
--Simon & Garfunkel
Mr. Hoffman: “Waiting for the End” --Linkin
5. Something about you people would
be surprised to know:
Mr. Dang: I’m actually very compassionate.
I’m very tough on my students, but I care
about them quite a bit.
Officer Williams: I have a CD out. Easy
listening. Almost jazz.
Mr. Swan: Burned right hand when I was a
baby; that’s why I’m a lefty.
Mrs. Worley: English is my second lan-
Dr. Obenland: I own a bunny rabbit.
Ms. DiLugio: I lived on a school bus.
Mr. Davis: I grew up on a farm.
Ms. Hall: Shy
Nurse Mia: I have two brothers, so I’m a
Mr. Hoffman: I’m hispanic.
6. A unique talent you have:
Mr. Dang: Graphic artist
Officer Williams: Woodwork. I play every
instrument except for guitar.
Mr. Swan: “I can do everything.”
Dr. Obenland: (No Answer)
Ms. DiLugio: Plays the mandolin
Mr. Davis: “I don’t really have anything that
would be considered unique at this school.
(I can draw.)”
Ms. Hall: Gardening
Nurse Mia: Plays piano
Mr. Hoffman: Crazy multitasker
7. The last movie you cried for:
Mr Dang: Braveheart
Officer Williams: Resident Evil: Retribu-
Mr. Swan: “Don’t know the last movie I
Mrs. Worley: Up
Dr. Obenland: The Help
Ms. DiLugio: Sophie’s Choice
Mr. Davis: The Color Purple
Ms. Hall: Sophie’s Choice
Nurse Mia: W.E.
Mr. Hoffman: The Lorax
8. The type of superpower you wish you
could have:
Mr. Dang: Read minds
Officer Williams: Fly
Mr. Swan: To be in two places at once
Mrs. Worley: Telekinesis
Dr. Obenland: Fly
Ms. DiLugio: Stop time
Mr. Davis: Freeze time
Ms. Hall: Rope of truth
Nurse Mia: Iron Man
Mr. Hoffman: Iron Man
9. If you were a crayon, the color you
would be:
Mr. Dang: Burnt orange- “GO UT!”
Officer Williams: Burgundy/maroon
Mr. Swan: The whole box
Mrs. Worley: Indigo
Dr. Obenland: Cerulean
Ms. DiLugio: Fuchsia
Mr. Davis: Green
Ms. Hall: Purple
Nurse Mia: Green
Mr. Hoffman: Blue
10. The book that you are reading right
Mr. Dang: “Don’t read books, do math.”
Officer Williams: Criminal Investigation
Mr. Swan: The End of Molasses Classes:
Getting Our Kids Unstuck
Mrs. Worley: Blink
Dr. Obenland: (?)
Ms. DiLugio: “I don’t have time.”
Mr. Davis: Catching Fire
Ms. Hall: Heaven Is for Real
Nurse Mia: Living
Mr. Hoffman:
11/22/63 by Stephen
11. Something
you’ve always
wanted to do, but
have been too
afraid to do:
Mr. Dang: Skydive
Officer Williams:
Mr. Swan: Run a
Mrs. Worley: Sky-
Dr. Obenland: Sky-
Ms. DiLugio: Sky-
Mr. Davis: Skydive
Ms. Hall: Hang glide
Nurse Mia: Studying
computer science
Mr. Hoffman: Bun-
gee jump or sky dive
12. If you could
learn to do any-
thing, what it would be:
Mr. Dang: Find a cure to cancer
Officer Williams: How to be a fire marshal
Mr. Swan: Math, with really great teachers-
“Like the ones we have here at PVA.”
Mrs. Worley: To play piano
Dr. Obenland: To speak a lot of different
Ms. DiLugio: To draw
Mr. Davis: To speak multiple languages
Ms. Hall: Play harp
Nurse Mia: Play cello
Mr. Hoffman: Fly a plane
13: If you could invite three people to a
dinner party, who they would be:
Mr. Dang: Johnny Chan, Bill Clinton, Dar-
rell Royal
Officer Williams: MLK, Malcolm X, George
Mr. Swan: Michelle Obama, Andrew Ran-
nells, Mrs. Stovey
Mrs. Worley: LBJ, Maya Angelou, Cesar
Dr. Obenland: President Obama, the
Pope, Hillary Clinton
Ms. DiLugio: Charles Darwin, Rosalind
Franklin, Barbara McClintock
Mr. Davis: Buddha, Ben Franklin, Hillary
Ms. Hall: Mozart, Johnny Depp, Elton John
Nurse Mia: My two brothers and my sister-
Mr. Hoffman: Jose Hernandez, Robert
Downey Jr., Stephen King
NewTeacherInterviewsComplied by Jacob Ostdiek and Ruth Marshall
All of us have ideas of these grand
things we want to do, but I recently learned
that one of the most rewarding things you
can do is actually live these ideas out. Back
in April, I remarked to a friend: “Hey Chris
we should write plays and produce them.” A
simple sentence, but one that grew. Before
long, our plays had been written, then sum-
mer came and we casted the plays and had
directors. Before we knew it, we had begun
rehearsing. The idea had taken off and burst
into reality. “What should we call this event?”
“Two plays on a roof!” “No...” “Explosion of
theatricality!“ “Where are you getting these
ideas?” Eventually we settled on “Leave the
Lights On: An Evening of Sordid Sophistica-
	 We found an old storage room, cov-
ered in trash, where we rehearsed these
works that exclusively belonged to us. There
were problems, so many problems. Problems
and problems and problems. The set was
breaking; an actor wasn’t memorized; I hadn’t
had my coffee yet. But in the end, it was all
so unimportant; in the end, we had two solid
pieces of art that had never been seen
outside of those who had put it togeth-
er. And when opening night came, I sat
on the roof where we were performing
and looked up at the blue moon. The
Houston skyline that hovered over us
reminded me that, although I am just
a small piece in the puzzle, I can still
create this grand product. My advice
to you: Go out and do it; don’t just talk
about it. Make it happen no matter how
big “it” is. It is the most rewarding thing,
creating your own play or concert or
event or whatever. Don’t let fear or la-
ziness get in your way. No one ever did
anything spectacular by sitting on his
	 Shameless Self-Advertisement:
Are you a playwright? Do you have any
interest in having one of your plays pro-
duced? Truck Bed Productions is look-
ing for their next play to produce! Send
in any questions, comments, or scripts
Don’tTalkAboutIt,DoIt. By Keenan Hurley
• The all school musicals.
• The library.
• Name That Book.
• Scrambling to get this month’s issue of paper* out, then shoving it in everyone’s face when
it’s finally here.
• People who bake you stuff just because.
• People who love The Hunger Games.
• Fanatical teachers who love what they do and are determined to have you love it too.
• Everyone running around asking if it’s a red day or a gray day.
• The checkered floors. Because who doesn’t miss them.
• Going to concerts and shows and art galleries and being blown away. And then crying
because you cannot help but feel like these people are going to change the world.
By Laura Lisk, Class of 2012, Vocal Department
-She has season tickets to the symphony.
-Her business card says, Ginny Ballard Certified
Pilates Instructor.
-She doesn’t like coffee, but if she did, we know
she’d use a French press.
-Meryl Streep comes to her for acting advice.
-She drives a Mini Cooper.
-“Jesse’s Girl” was written about her.
-Thousands of grammar snobs have been unleashed
on the world because of her.
-She takes class at Houston Ballet.
-Strunk and White send her royalty checks.
-You make HER sick when you tell her you are nau-
seous. (Correct usage is NAUSEATED.)
-She taught her dog how to speak (in sentence pat-
-Former students laugh in their professors’ faces
when assigned research papers.
goodyesterday. I
andateit.-Camille Collins (No explanation necessary)
problems!-Wesley Whitson (talking about a pre-cal
Oh!This waist
-Alex Harrover (Upon forgetting
his belt and having to use a binder
clip to hold up his suit pants for
his Rice interview)
Thankyou.-Keenan Hurley (when told he was too loud in
the library)
That’sme!- Tucker Irey (while
watching a youtube video
of past Hot Guy Panelist
wearing t-shirts labeling
their personas. For the
two or three of you who
haven’t heard – Tucker is
a semi-finalist for Seven-
teen Magazine’s Hot Guy
-Jacob Ostdiek (Twenty minutes later he took it
off because it was too hot)
Are you a senior, junior, sophomore, or even
freshmen looking at your past wardrobe
thinking, “Did I really think hipster glasses
were cool?” or “I can’t believe I dyed my hair
firetruck red!”? I’m here to tell you to em-
brace those embarrassing moments! They
made you feel cool and they’re helping you
now as well. You may wonder how these
torturous thoughts that keep you up at night
helping you in any way. Well, they are slow-
ly but surely evolving you into the cool per-
son that you are. I personally love all these
supposedly called “mistakes” people make
because they make PVA, well, PVA. I know
I’ve had my share of raccoon eyes, Con-
verse that I try to make worn out and cool by
purposefully throwing in mud, and blue and
pink colored hair extensions, so I could say
I’m in the same boat as many of you.
Some people reading this might be thinking,
“I’ve never had feathers in my hair or put a
tail on my pants just to use as an every day
accessory. Is there something wrong with
me?” No, nothing is wrong with you except
that you won’t have the experience of sitting
and laughing (or deep inside really scream-
ing in utter terror) with your children while
looking at your old high school pictures they
found hidden underneath your bed. What
I’m trying to tell you to do is go out there
and experiment with your true style. Wear
all the clothes you like and feel comfortable
in as well as things that you love but are
too scared to wear. So go into your closet
when you come home and take out that cool
sweater you thought was “too loud,” those
cool boots, or those colored pants and wear
them tomorrow.
ExpreeeessssssYourself!By Katinka Baragan
	 Coming here to HSPVA, I left a lot: everyone that I loved,
including my boyfriend. Now he rarely texts me, and when I go see
him at his school he’s never super smiley about it or happy I came.
But he’s a shy person as it is. He says he just doesn’t have a lot of
time anymore, but he still has the same feelings. We are really good
for each other though, and I really don’t want to give up and lose all
that we had. I’m just not sure what to do. I just want to see him more
and be happy again but without seeming high maintenance. Am I
clingy? What should I do?
	 Hey! I’m Ze SA (Cassandra Galindez), and can say that I’ve
been through the exact same situation. It seemed hard and con-
fusing, but to tell you the truth, it was actually a lot simpler than I
thought. All these feelings that you have bottled up are totally nor-
mal, and he might be feeling the same way as you. The best thing
to do is to talk to him. You should both communicate with each
other and just be honest. Communication is key. You might find that
talking it over will leave you with a confident decision: To stay or to
leave. You can stay and work it out little by little (communication is
key!), or you can put it to rest for now and see if you guys wanna try
again in the future.
P.S. In my issue, I decided to move on because the guy I was with
was also very “unsmiley” about it, and for me, I felt as though he
didn’t care or attempt to try with me as much as I would have liked
him to. So, I ended up with Robert (Bobby Earth, who is also doing
this column), and I must say I’m much happier now. Sometimes this
stuff happens for a reason.
	 My friend is dating some other guy, but I like her. How do I tell
her I like her without ruining our friendship or making it awkward?
	 If it’s a strong enough friendship, then it won’t be ruined. Alas,
it’s an awkward situation to begin with, so I’m not sure if you can
really avoid the awkwardness, but you should still tell her ASAP if
you really do like her. The sooner the better because the longer you
wait, the more your feelings will continue to eat you up inside ev-
ery time you’re with her (and THAT would be some-
thing actually harmful to your friendship). Plus,
you don’t want to beat yourself up about it
later on as she continues to further the re-
lationship she’s just started. Speak now
or forever hold your peace.
P.S. Don’t ever lose hope,
but never lose yourself
either. There are plenty
o’ monkeys in
the jungle.
Do you need help with HSPVA love/romance issues? Send us an
email at!
paperviews					*incaseyoucarewhatwethink
	 Bob Dylan returns to the music scene with his latest album,
Tempest. (Yes, that is the title of Shakespeare’s last play.) In this
album, Dylan returns to his grassroots with songs reminiscent of
“Nashville Skylines.” Although his voice has
grown old and gravely, there’s still enough
tone to make a melody. One song off this
album that will make you want to turn out
the lights, grow a beard, and grab a bottle
of whiskey is “Soon after Mid- night.” With
its soft brushes on the snare drum and its
heart wrenching lyrics of soli- tude and ob-
servation, it can put anyone to sleep under
a Nashville skyline. This album is great for
anyone into 60’s Country/Folk and Root music searching for good
songs with a modern, mature touch.
	 Edward Sharpe’s sophomore al-
bum, Here, has brought a new world of
male falsettos, group harmonies, and
campfire hymns to the ever-changing
music scene. The opening song, “Man on
Fire,” sounds like Leonard Cohen spent
a week with a hippie commune, where
he met a young Nick Drake, who went to
dinner with Pete Seeger, and then they
all got thrown into a time portal which
landed them here to make this album (all
with luminous beards, clothes made of
hemp, and acoustic guitars of course). The Zeros didn’t leave us
waiting for too long after their first album, Up from Below, and they
still managed to create an all-around cheerful, well written group of
songs that make up the new album, “Here.”
	 Animal Collective really is the definition of a modern psy-
chedelic band, and Centipede Hz is an album Roky Erickson
would have written if he had been born in 1980. A few tracks in,
I wasn’t too impressed--that is, until “Rosie Oh” started playing in
my headphones. With little common mu-
sical structure to the untrained ear, and
with the utilization of synthesizers and re-
verb, “Rosie Oh” will make you feel as if
you’re floating through the mind and con-
sciousness of Venus. If you’re looking for
an acoustic record that you can relate to
and understand every word of, don’t buy
this album. If you’re looking for a pure
psychedelic trip with music and melody,
this is a must buy on all accounts.
	 Breaking news! The biggest Yeezy fan in the school is not blown away by the
new G.O.O.D. Music release. Sidebar for the uninformed: G.O.O.D. Music (Getting
Out Our Dreams) is both a record label and an all-star collective of artists (Pusha
T, Big Sean, KiD CuDi, Common, etc.) signed under Kanye West. Now I wouldn’t
go so far as to say I’m
disappointed, simply
because Cruel Sum-
mer is exactly what I
expected: a compila-
tion of mostly trap mu-
sic, catered to the cur- rent state of mainstream hip-hop, but disguised as
something greater because, duh, it’s G.O.O.D. Music.
	Consequent- ly, this mainstream rap album sounds like one that
will only be worth lis- tening to in 2012. The bandwagon fans should be
thrilled with this one; true Kanye/G.O.O.D. followers like me won’t have
so much of a field day. Sure, Kanye and the gang do trap music better than
the originators; sure, there are a select few “exception” tracks on the al-
bum; unfortunately, neither of these factors could save Cruel Summer
from my not-so-cruel 2 ½ out of 5 paper clips.
Standout tracks:
- New God Flow.1 feat. Kanye West, Pusha T & Ghostface Killah
- The One feat. Kanye West, Big Sean, 2 Chainz, & Marshia Ambrosius
- Bliss feat. John Legend & Teyana Taylor
TheAvett Brothers:
The Carpenter
	 I listen to a lot of folk music, and
for the most part I have always put
down modern Folk Rock bands
(excluding Wilco), and have
never really given the Avett
Brothers a fair chance. Utiliz-
ing banjos, various root instru-
ments, and Beatles-esque
melodies/harmonies on the
song “Live and Die” and oth-
ers, the Avett Brothers have
put together one strong Folk
Rock album.
Getting to keep the
checkerboard floor
New sound system in
the Denny
Loosing the Read-A-Latte room
Dress code enforcement
Paperview Ratings
(PVA Edition)
Food/drink ban in
performance spaces
Reviewed By Robert Claveria
LotNotDancingOnFriday...Reviewed Nick Walton might just be the best
thing to happen to the internet--ever. On you can take a quiz that de-
termines which presidential candidate you
side with most! After the quiz you’ll be given
a breakdown of your results that includes
how similar your views are to those of each
candidate and each party. The quiz is a little
bit long, but if you take the time to rank how
important each issue is to you, look at the
“Choose another stance” option, and click
“Show more questions” every time, you are
going to get a much more accurate result
that really reflects your political views. It is
the perfect website for absolutely everyone,
and here’s why:
	 -This website is perfect if you really
just don’t know much about any of the can-
didates, and you’d like to see which ones
have the most similar political views to you.
The website makes it very easy for people
with little knowledge of politics to get a feel
for where they fall on the political spectrum.
	 -If you’ve been raised as a Democrat
or a Republican, but you’re not really sure
how much that truly aligns with your person-
al political views, this website can help you
see just how much of a Democrat or Repub-
lican you really are.
-If you dislike both of the main party candi-
dates in this race and wish that there were
someone running with views more similar to
yours, this website could help you find that
	 And if that doesn’t persuade you,
the website also has a “Compare the Can-
didates” section that puts the views of any
two of the candidates side-by-side (includ-
ing candidates from the Libertarian, Green,
Justice, and Constitution parties). It is a re-
ally fast and simple way to find out how each
candidate feels about almost all of the main
	 No matter if you are a political junkie
or totally indifferent when it comes to poli-
tics, you should go on this website and take
this quiz. There’s no reason not to! Take the
quiz and prove to the world that we’re not
just another generation of “apathetic” teen-
ISideWith:iSideWithReviewed by Palmer Mills
	 CNN wins out for me as far
as straight up hard hitting facts
are concerned for the election,
but what’s important to realize is
that the mainstream news media
can’t be completely relied upon.
We have so many news sources
to get our information from these
days that it has created this race
to be the first to have the story
out, regardless of what the real
facts are. It can get overwhelming,
never knowing who is telling the
truth. But never fear! Most news
stories are easy to fact check; just
enlist Google and dig a little deep-
er. Never take someone’s word for
it; always do your own research
before cementing an opinion.
What Fox does well:
	 Economic issues are
definitely the strong point
of Fox News. They provide
logical and often times emo-
tionally removed reports and
theories that really do sup-
ply just the facts. Fox also
famously and controversial-
ly supplies us with a large
number of strong, highly
educated female commen-
tators and anchors. (Don’t
let the massive amounts of
make-up and pageant hair
fool you, these women are
killers.) Fox also has quality
hard news, but it does often
leave a little something to be
desired. Another main focus
of Fox News is domestic is-
sues, which is great during
an election year!
What Fox doesn’t do well:
	 In theory, Fox News
really does do a relatively
good job of balancing their
programming with both
conservative and liberal
commentators and guests;
however, Fox News does a
terrible job of controlling their
guests. Their “political dis-
cussions” become full blown
wars that result in more time
being spent breaking them
up than actually providing
valuable insights.
What CNN does well:
	 For hard news, CNN is the
place to go. They deliver timely and
accurate news updates with little to
no bias involved. Like Fox News, they
are large and respected. Thus, they
have the connections to get stories
out fast and to give exclusive inter-
views with the individual candidates
as well as other important leaders.
What CNN doesn’t do well:
	 CNN has invested much more
time and energy into expanding their
international programming than their
domestic, and they’ve done a good
job with it. Unfortunately, domestic
stories are often times lacking be-
cause of this, and in an election year
those are the most important.
vs. Reviewed by JayTee Barbour
666 ParkAvenue
ShouldYouWatchIt?Reviewed by Carolina Trevino
Eh. I guess…let’s be real though,
this is just a really bad TV se-
ries with tons of sex and mystery
added on to make you feel like
you’re not wasting your time. I
mean, really, a story centered on
a haunted apartment complex?
How boring. And if you didn’t get
that already from the unbeliev-
ably cheesy title (WOAH 666
then you’ll probably get it after
watching it for 9 minutes and
realizing that not only is the dia-
logue absolutely terrible, but so
is the acting (“Why would anyone
ever want to leave here?!” “As I
understand it Mr. Hartwell moved
s o m e w h e r e … WA R M E R . ” )
Let me put it this way; if you’ve
watched BBC’s Sherlock and love it
to pieces like I do, it’s probably best
to stay away. Elementary is a great,
modern twist on the classic Sherlock
Holmes, but you’ll be annoyed know-
ing that it’s basically a huge rip-off of
the BBC series, and you won’t be able
to stop comparing it. If you haven’t
watched Sherlock already, then this
might just be the show for you. Lucy
Liu (who plays a female version of
John Watson- Joan Watson) and
Johnny Lee Miller (who plays Sher-
lock Holmes, a recovering addict) are
both fantastic actors, and although the
show is kind of rough right now, I have
high hopes for its future. It’s smart, it’s
action packed, and the dynamic be-
tween Joan and Sherlock is amazing.
The Mindy Project
WORLD, WATCH THIS. I cannot remember the last time
I’ve laughed so hard while watching a show. Mindy Kaling
(who plays the lead character, Mindy Lahiri, an OB/GYN
struggling with
her love life) is
absolutely hys-
terical in this
series. I didn’t
really think she
was anything
special from
watching her
in The Office,
but after see-
ing the pilot of this show and reading on her Twitter that
she has a celebrity crush on Benedict Cumberbatch, I
gained so much respect for her. And the show is just so
fresh- from the way it’s filmed to the plot, it’s just fantas-
tic. Give this show a shot, I definitely think it’s a keeper.
“Fair and Balanced”
CNN“The Worldwide Leader in News” Overview:
It is the dawn of a new era. An era
of shattered dreams and heartbreak where
third year students of HSPVA mysteriously
find themselves cowering in the corners of
their rooms, rocking back and forth in the
fetal position. An era too terrible to call by
its true title, so for purposes of this article,
it shall merely be referred to as the “Year-
	 Since we were wee freshmen we
were told chilling bedtime stories about the
Year-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Senior
veterans shared their tales of woe, all the
while fighting back tears and struggling to
find the words to fully express the horror of
what they’d been through. Being naïve low-
erclassmen, we paid no heed to these warn-
ings, and instead went about our daily lives
completely unaware that we would soon be
thrown to the wolves.
	 Now I know it may feel futile, and
you’d much rather surrender, but there are
ways to beat this monster:
Get a sense of humor, and fast. If you can’t
laugh at your mistakes, you’ll drown.
Although the Year-Who-Must-Not-Be-
Named does the best it can to brutally mur-
der your social life, find time for your friends,
because you need them now more than
	 Create a “Keep Calm and Pass” play-
list with music that relaxes you and will pre-
vent you from pulling out massive chunks of
your hair. (Enya is strongly encouraged.)
	 Madly dance around your
room any chance you get! Screw
stress balls, this is the most ef-
fective stress reliever on the
	 Go outside. As corny as
this sounds, a bit of fresh air can
make all the difference.
Don’t procrastinate – who am
I kidding? Birds are gonna fly,
teenagers are gonna procrasti-
nate. It’s a law of nature.
	 If you see one of your fel-
low classmates on the verge of
a nervous breakdown, don’t just
stand there awkwardly, but offer
them some support. NO SOL-
	 There is no denying that
this school year will be a long
and difficult battle… and there
may be times when you will want
to raise that white flag. But you
listen here: the Class of 2014 is
many things, but we are not cowards. So
draw your pens, tighten your grip on your
flashcards, and prepare to kick the Year-
Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in its metaphori-
cal a**!
WalkThroughHellandBackBy Jacob Seferian
Advice is an odd thing that comes in
many forms. There’s the friendly reminder,
the suggestive hint, the philosophical mono-
logue, et cetera. It’s everywhere in every
form. You’ve probably encountered a good
bit of it in your life. And if you’re a freshman
here at PVA, or even a sophomore or a ju-
nior (any type of new student, really) you’re
about to encounter a good bit more.
	 You have just entered The High
School for the Performing and Visual Arts,
home of extraordinary artists, enchanting in-
structors, tremendous talent, awesome ad-
ministrators… and the advice capital of the
world. I’m serious guys. Just look around.
It’s trememdously encouraging how all of
the people here desperately want to give
you their wisdom to help make your life eas-
ier. You are so lucky and fortunate to be sur-
rounded by people like this. It’s a beautiful,
beautiful thing that opens up a world of pos-
	 So my advice? Be careful with ad-
vice. It can get in your way.
	 Yes, ladies and gents, I have just
majorly contradicted myself - but for good
reason. Please, allow me to elaborate: I
am a sophomore level two Theatre design
student here at PVA. As I write this article,
I have exactly one year and two full weeks
experience at this school. In other words, I’m
sorry if the seat is warm, but I was just sit-
ting in the exact same spot as you. I remem-
ber walking in, eager for the wise words of
upper-classmen to guide me through fresh-
man-ism. Wise words I did find, for everyone
had something to offer. Seniors said, “Try
new things.” Juniors said, “You’ll get used
to it.” Sophomores said, “Don’t judge.” And
the entire Theatre department said, “Turn in
your hours!!” And so, I went with it. However,
things didn’t quite go as I planned...
	 A summary: The more new things
I tried, the more stressed out and over-
whelmed I got. The more stressed out and
overwhelmed I got, the harder PVA life was
to get used to. The harder this life was to get
used to, the more judgments I made. And
the more judgments I made, the harder it
was to remember to turn in my hours (not to
mention my Paper* articles)! And here I was
thinking there was something wrong with
me because the advice wasn’t working. Au
	 You see, I wasn’t giving myself a
chance to figure it out on my own, to make
things work more specifically for me. In the
process of attempting to speed my own
growth, I was actually stunting it, a fault even
more terrible than forgetting to turn in my as-
signments. But, if you think that strictly ad-
hering to every piece of advice you receive
will make your high school life easier, GO
FOR IT! Do what you think will work, and ad-
minister advice as needed – dose by dose.
I swear you’ll thank yourself, maybe even
discover something new about yourself that
you never knew was there.
	 So, this is Natalia Kian, Sophomore
Advice Doctor, signing off and sending a
warm welcome to all you brand new pa-
tients. And I wish the best of luck and good
advice to all those who dare to receive it.
AdviceDoctorBy Natalia Kian
	 I am a person of routine and
tradition. I have lived in the same
house my whole life, eaten Frosted
Mini-Wheats every morning since
Kindergarten, celebrated the same
holidays at the same restaurants,
and I put my shoes on sock-shoe-
sock-shoe instead of sock-sock-
shoe-shoe. So naturally, as a crea-
ture of habit, I’d really like to park
in the same spot every morning;
however, the injustices committed
within the student parking lot deny
me this consistency.
	 Clingy, overprotective par-
ents occupy the narrow parking
spaces until they see their children
make it safely through the door.
The yellow lines that define the
spaces are ignored by students
who are on the cusp of detention,
can’t be late another morning, and
therefore, park sloppily. What was
once a sacred temple of teenage
congregation, symbolic of adult-
hood, has now been degraded
to an overcrowded wasteland in
which students are thrust back into
subservience to both parents and
school. Parents: Don’t hang out in
the parking lot in the mornings; the
drop-off/pick-up is on W. Main. Stu-
dents: These kinds
Outside the Fence on W. Main (but
really anywhere outside the fence
is cool with us.)
By Alex Harrover
		 Editor-in-Chief: Jillian Lim
Senior Editors: Alex Harrover, JayTee Barbour, Palmer Mills
Art Director: Zoie Brown
Assistant Editors: Jessica Lindee, Gaelin Helfer
Marketing Editor: Easlynn Lee
Senior Staff Writers: Amy Mattox, Ellisa Bray, Glenn Davis, Carolina Trevino,
Robert Claveria, Cassandra Galindez, Keenan Hurley, Becca Cook,
Diana Hindi, Wesley Whitson
Contributing Writers: Chandler Dean, Jacob Seferian, Nick Walton, Natalia Kian, Adam
Elkhadem, Jacob Ostdiek, Ruth Marshall, Gina Cook,
Katinka Baragan, Elizabeth Martinsen
Libra: The influence of Venus should cause a certain someone to share his or her
feelings about you. Go for it! Perhaps invite that person to that Halloween party
you’re oh-so-excited about.
Scorpio: Saturn will enter your sign around the 6th, inspir-
ing great transformation. Don’t be afraid--embrace it! Get a
new haircut, redo your room, or just go crazy!
Sagittarius: Mars will re-energize you on the 8th. Put
down the Doubleshot; you don’t need it! Use this energy to
finish those dang college essays!
Capricorn: Some bad advice is in the stars for you this
month (hopefully not from me). At school you will be met
with competitive colleagues. Don’t let this get the best of
you. Take it from Ms. Fourth Quartile here: Class rank isn’t
the end of the world.
Aquarius: Drama will be getting you down. Stop that! Take
a day trip to Galveston one weekend. Get away from it all and go chill out on the beach, but try and avoid any flesh-eating bacteria.
That would suck.
Pisces: Tensions run high in your household. Work on articulating your feelings. Don’t just go angsty teenager on their butts screaming
that you hate everyone. That helps no one.
Aries: That new person in your life? Bad news. Things in your life may be going missing, and it is not a coincidence. He or she may be
fun to be around, but take it from me: Kleptomaniacs make for poor friends.
Taurus: Your planner is packed full of deadlines, but don’t let it get you down. Maybe you should rethink applying to seventeen colleges
or whatever that nonsense is. Don’t make things harder for yourself. Chill. Out.
Gemini: Don’t be so afraid to be impulsive; allow a new friend to teach you how to cut loose a little. Seize the moment! Audition for the
Halloween Happening if that’s what you really want to do. Don’t let a little stage fright keep you from doing something you’ll regret not
doing later.
Cancer: This just got real. School is overwhelming, but don’t be afraid to ask for help. Look into extra credit options. It isn’t grade grub-
bing; it’s getting the GPA you need for your dream school.
Leo: A friend is in need, so lend them a hand. Loan them the Ballard notes from the class they missed, and maybe they’ll help you
study for that Chemistry test that you are so not prepared for.
Virgo:Old habits die hard, but that doesn’t mean they doesn’t die. It’s time to move on.
By Glenn Davis
By Diana Hindi and Wesley Whitson
1. The came because you were
2. If Nancy doesn’t wake up scream-
ing she won’t wake up at all
4. A machete wielding maniac slic-
es & dices on this unlucky day
7. Road trip through the desert
yields a family’s worst nightmare.
The Mountains Have Ears.
9. The power of Christ compels
11. aaaaaaaaaa (death rattle) (hair
over face)
12. Redrum
13. Kitchen knife wielding, babysit-
ter killing, ACTIVIAAA.
1. Seven Days
5. dunDUNdunDUNDUN...
6. Pigs blood prom + crazy
psychic girl = dead senior
8. The original found hor-
ror movie
10. Neve Campbell, Cour-
teney Cox, David Arquette
14. They’re heeeere

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  • 1. paper*TheHighSchoolforPerformingandVisualArtsNewspaper US FREE AUSTRALIA $ 10.50 DENMARK DKK 75.00 CANADA $ 9.50 FRANCE € 8.50 U.K. £ 10.50 HOLLAND €8.50 ITALY€ 9.00 JAPAN ¥ 1740 SINGAPORE S$ 18.20 SPAIN € 8.50 SWEDEN SEK 75.00 SWITZERLAND CHF 16.00 UAE AED 45.00 VOL 4 ISSUE 1 Election2012YouShouldKnowThings Ignorance may usually be bliss, but as many of us are tran- sitioning into the adult world, it’s kind of important that we know things. If we hope to survive as artists in a heavily competitive nation, we need to know how to make informed decisions, both in everyday life and in politics. This year, that principle rings especially true as we are faced with the choice between two starkly contrasting Presidential candidates whose visions for the United States point in almost exactly different directions. Are you still reading this? Look, all right, I admit that listening to people talk for more than 30 seconds without some kind of dubstep remix or reality show testimonial in- terrupting them is really boring, but come on. We’re picking the President, you guys! Lit- erally, the most powerful person in the free world, we choose. Would it kill you to maybe read about the differences between the two men we have to choose from? That means actually understanding which candidate holds which positions, not making a deci- sion because your parents vote one way or because “uh...the economy,” or because you heard some homeless guy on the bus say that Obama is listening to our conver- sations through microbes in our food. You also can’t play the “I can’t vote so it doesn’t matter” card, because if you’re at HSPVA, you’re either 18 or will be by the time the next election rolls around, and it will help to see whether the winning candidate this year lives up to his word over the next 4 years. Paper* has made this really easy for you guys: We’ve laid out the positions of both candidates on a vari- ety of issues. Please read them. “Wait.Is running for president again? --Austin Thomas, Jazz Class of 2014 By Chandler Dean
  • 2. HSPVAMockElection Art and politics: the two are so dif- ferent, yet they are intrinsically linked. For years, the two have battled it out as polar opposites on the intellectual spectrum: One is idealistic and pure, seeking to change things, however slightly, for the better. The other is politics. Now the two will finally meet at this school’s mock election, as the artists are forced to consider politics, and cast their votes for president. This is not to say that politics is a for- gotten part of the daily life of a PVA student. Perhaps more than at any other school, politics, awareness, and genuine concern for actual issues are in the forefront of every students’ actions: While other high-school- ers (apparently not a real word) would be comparing shoes, the average PVA student can be found discussing a political debate or the issue of funding for education. I would like to say this mock election is a tossup (apparently a real word), but that would be a lie; most of our population sup- ports the Democratic Party. There are defi- nite exceptions, but they are few and far be- tween (or whatever that saying is). I predict that our current pool of voters would con- tinually re-elect Barrak Obama if they could. Not to say that the students aren’t thinking about their decisions, but it is not as easy as you’d think. From the students that I asked, sur- prisingly, 4 out of 12 students considered themselves independent. When asked to specify, they said that there were definitely good points made by both candidates and both political parties. Neither is perfect, and both are far from it. They said that their vot- ing decision was going to be tough (not mak- ing this up), but all of them favored Obama over Romney. Another 7 out of the 12 were hardcore liberals, and the last of the 12 said that it did not matter, and that he was not concerned. However this unnamed student feels about the election, he is definitely the minor- ity in the opinionated student body of the school, a fact I am proud of. It was great talk- ing to my peers about the election, because they know what they’re talking about, and you can’t fool them. They will make great, in- formed (slightly art-biased) citizens one day. Until then, “Mock on, mock on...” *All PVA students will get the opportunity to paticipate during their social studies class. By Adam J. Elkhadem Abortion: Supports overturning Roe v. Wade; is pro-life Same-SexIssues: Opposes same-sex marriage. Also opposes civil unions and same-sex partnership benefits. Healthcare: Favors repealing the Affordable Health Care Act and replacing it. DeathPenalty: Favors. ForeignPolicy: Endorses the end of the War in Afghanistan in 2014. Plans to increase the Pentagon budget. Immigration: Favors border fence between U.S. and Mexico; op- poses offering legal status to illegal immigrants who attend college. Favors offering legal status to illegal immigrants who serve in the armed forces. GunControl: Opposes stricter gun laws, but has suggested that tougher enforcement of current gun laws may be in order. As governor of Massachusetts, signed a ban on assault weapons. ClimateChange: Holds the view that we don’t know what’s causing climate change on this planet. Energy: Supports opening more offshore oil drilling. Wants to expedite the processes of coal, natural gas, and nuclear energy development. Claims that green energy is not yet viable. Taxes: Supports keeping all Bush tax-cuts and drop all tax rates by 20% on top of the status quo. Supports elimination of the capital gains tax for families mak- ing below $200,000 and cutting the corporate tax rate, while lowering deductions, exemptions, and tax credits for the wealthiest, though he has not speci- fied which ones. Economy: Plans to lower taxes, reduce regulation, and bal- ance the budget. Argues that Obama has failed to bring significant improvements to the economy through his policies. Chick-fil-A: No comment Obama Romney Abortion: Supports status quo; is pro-choice Same-SexIssues: Favors same-sex marriage. Also favors equal benefits. Repealed Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Healthcare: Signed the Affordable Health Care Act and supports its continued implementation DeathPenalty: Opposes. ForeignPolicy: Presided over end of the Iraq War; supports and planned the end of the War in Afghanistan by 2014; plans to cut military spending significantly. Immigration: Issued executive order which states that immigrants brought illegally to the United States as children be exempted from deportation and granted work permits if they apply. Has taken no other action. GunControl: Has not taken action on gun control, other than signing laws which allow people to carry concealed weapons in national parks and in checked bags on Amtrak trains. Has supported a renewed ban on assault weapons but has not taken any steps to do so. ClimateChange: Has held the position that climate change is caused by humans. Energy: Supported green energy and nuclear power. Imple- mented regulations on gases blamed for global warming. Has supported more oil and gas drilling do- mestically. Taxes: Supports raising taxes on the wealthy, ensuring that they pay at least 30% of their income. As part of this, supports extending Bush tax cuts only for those making under 200,000 or 250,000 dollars, for single people and couples rspectively. Supports raising capi- tal gains taxes and the top two tax rates. Has cut taxes through the stimulus. Economy: Has presided over a period of high unemployment and slow recovery. Implemented an $800 billion stimulus plan in 2009, among other measures. Argues that he has prevented a deeper recession caused by his pre- decessor. Chick-fil-A: No comment KnowYourPartyPlatformsBy Chandler Dean
  • 3. • Is predicted to decrease the deficit and lower the U.S. government’s debt by $200 billion in ten years. • Requires larger companies to have health insurance plans for employ- ees. • Makes health insurance equal and inclusive, with no discrimination based on gender, race, income, etc. • Provides and subsidizes insurance for people with pre-existing cond- tions and includes children with these conditions (like chronic illness) on regular health insurance plans. • Funds research and expansion of preventative care efforts (immuniza- tions, etc). • Creates funds for making health care more accessible to communities at large. What’s impor- tant here is that you un- derstand the real world implications of this act: It will affect your life. It’s a divisive issue that touches almost every resident of the U.S. It is already a law. Keep yourself updated and informed--don’t take my overly simplified word for granted. Go read about it! Look and think critically about the issue, and decide for yourself whether or not you find this new policy a step forward or backward. By Amy Mattox GettingInsideofObamacare: First, a few basics: the phrase “Obamacare” can be broken down to Obama and Health Care (or, if you’re the campaign’s twitter manager, “Obama Cares”). Most of you are aware of this. The term refers specifically to a bill signed into law in early 2010: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). This mini article is go- ing to try and take an enormous issue full of nuance and detail, and compress its legislation into 10 bullet points for your reading pleasure. I want to preface this with a warning: I have not read the bill itself. It’s made up of more than 900 pages of jargon and mish-mashed information about specific tax codes and income levels. Frankly, I doubt even the politi- cians who voted it through Congress have read the whole thing. I gathered information from unbiased, government resources, but also looked at propaganda from the lib- eral and conservative perspectives. I’m going to attempt a very simple, relatively unbiased breakdown of the most important and close-to-home parts of this act, things that you and your family should be aware of, and which will most certainly affect you in one way or another. So here goes! VOTE: SilenceIsConsentByEllisaBray With the upcoming election, not a day goes by in which politics is not the topique de jour, whether it is in the news, on the radio, or even in our own homes. How- ever, with extremely low vot- ing percentages in America, many people’s voices simply aren’t being heard. Not only is voting one of the best ways to inform local and national rep- resentatives of public opinion on issues that directly affect constituents, it is a citizen’s duty to his country to vote. Especially in an age when decisions made on a national scale have a lasting effect on people’s rights and freedom. The United States was built on the premise that gov- ernment may not act without the consent of those being governed. The desire for this method of government was one of the fundamen- tal ideas that sparked the American Revolution, and the guarantee of this right is now held in the Twen- ty-Fourth Amendment. In the present day, however, people have gradually de- clined to exercise their right to vote for various reasons: apathy toward the government and/or politi- cal policies, lack of educa- tion about today’s politics, or simply the belief that knowledge about politics does not matter until one is old enough to vote. The truth is that eligible voters between the ages of 18-24 vote the least of any age bracket, and are the least knowledgeable about politics. Another fact is this: While our generation is the least likely to vote, we are the most likely to be affected by political decisions put into effect. Soon it will be our tax money that pays for higher education for the next genera- tion and our decisions that will determine the world our children will live in. Regardless of which politician you support and which issues you feel are most impor- tant to you, the government can- not support your opinion if it is not made known. Being able to speak and choosing not to do so is a disservice that has lasting repercussions, not only for you but also for others. Not voting is silent consent, and we cannot be silent about matters that will de- termine the fate of our world. ImportantThings: • Requires all citizens to have some sort of health insur- ance. This means that if you are not covered by Med- icaid (for folks with low income), Medicare (for the el- derly), or an employer-granted health plan, and are not exempted by special circumstances, you must obtain some form of government-approved private health insur- ance. • Allows kids to stay under their parents’ insurance poli- cies until they are 26. The kids don’t have to live in their parents’ home or be financially dependent on them to receive this benefit. • Raises the Medicare tax by .9% and creates a new 3.8% tax on unearned income (inherited, property value, etc.) for the very wealthy. Need a guy’s point of view? Ask Manswers Send your questions to or put them in the box in the library.
  • 4. This recipe is one of our all-time fa- vorites, and it’s a great one for fall! We rec- ommend eating these scrumdidlyumptious cookies right out of the oven. You can use the microwave to reheat them if you need to; warm is best. They taste like a profession- ally made mixture of caramel and chocolate inside of a cinnamon sugar coated cookie, when actually they are nearly EFFORTLESS. Before we made them the first time, Gina was nervous that the combi- nation of flavors wouldn’t work, but now they are her favorite cookies! Don’t be afraid of this unique recipe. You’ll need: 1/2 cup butter, softened 1/2 cup shortening 1 1/2 cups white sugar 2 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons white sugar 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon A 12 oz bag of Rolo candies Directions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Cream together butter, shortening, 1 1/2 cups sugar, the eggs, and the vanilla. Blend in the flour, cream of tartar, soda and salt. Shape dough by rounded spoonfuls into balls. Mix the 2 tablespoons sugar and the cinna- mon in a plate or bowl. Wrap dough around a Rolo (one Rolo per cookie). Roll balls of dough and Rolos in mixture. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheets. Bake 8 to 10 minutes, or until set but not too hard. Remove immediately from baking sheets. Enjoy thoroughly :) CookingWithTheCooks:Rolo-StuffedSnickerdoodles By Becca and Gina Cook Are you looking for a new place to take yourself? Your boyfriend? Girl- friend? Cat? Houston may not be the most beautiful city or have the best weather, but it has one of the best fine arts areas in the United States. If you like art museums and culture, here are some fun places to check out! -The Museum of Fine Arts, Hous- ton: They have a lovely impression- ist collection and are constantly showing interesting new and old films! -The Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston: Admission is free, but donations are more than welcome. They display everything from col- lages to interactive art. - Rothko Chapel: Simple and beau- tiful, this chapel is a perfect place for meditating. - Bayou Bend Gardens: Visit the stunning estate of Ima Hogg (1882- 1975) and her family and learn all about them! AllAroundTownBy Elizabeth Martinsen 1963: Hundreds of thousands march on Washington where Martin Luther King Jr. de- livers the historic “I Have a Dream” speech. 1971: People across the United States march in protest against the Vietnam War. 1989: Half a million protest in Tiananmen Square in China against the country’s Com- munist regime. Hundreds are killed; thou- sands are injured. 1995: The NAACP organizes a “Million Man March,” which brings to the political forefront the economic and social ills plaguing the Af- rican American community. 2001: Demonstrations are held all over the world to pay tribute to the victims of the Sep- tember 11th attacks. 2012: Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day is held; everybody eats at Chick-fil-A. On July 2, 2012, Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy was interviewed by the Biblical Recorder, a faith-centered weekly newspa- per based in North Carolina. The interview highlighted Chick-fil-A’s policy of basing its business on biblical principles. During that interview, Mr. Cathy was questioned about the company’s support of the “traditional family.” He responded: “We are very much supportive of the family -- the biblical def- inition of the family unit. We are a family- owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.” This was the catalyst for Chick-fil-A- Gate 2k12, a national uproar in which ev- eryone with access to a social networking soapbox felt an incredible compulsion to state his opinion on this pressing matter. All other stories were rendered irrelevant. 2012 presidential election? Boring. Higgs boson discovery? Psh. Nerds. A fast-food restaurant that’s closed on Sundays doesn’t support gay marriage? Event of the millen- nium. And so began the two-to-three weeks of the most free publicity Chick-fil-A could ever dream of. Supporters of LGBT equal- ity boldly chose to spend their 5 dollars at some other fast-food restaurant from that point on (and post about it on Facebook). In response to this, supporters of Chick-fil-A’s position gathered together and instituted a “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” to be held on August 1st. When that day came, the afore- mentioned supporters also made a bold statement by... eating fried chicken. In fact, August 1st set a new record for Chick-fil-A’s sales. Welcome to America, where your po- sition on the political spectrum is defined by what fried chicken you eat. By Chandler Dean TheInevitableLamepaper*Article OnThisChick-Fil-AMess Chick--Fil--Lame
  • 5. 1. Your guilty pleasure: Mr. Dang: White chocolate Kit-Kats Officer Williams: Classic Movies from the 30’s Mr. Swan: RuPaul Drag Race Mrs. Worley: The Daily Show, Easy Mac, The Colbert Report, Nutella Dr. Obenland: Chocolate Ms. DiLuglio: The Walking Dead Mr. Davis: Ice cream, Honey BooBoo Ms. Hall: Johnny Depp Nurse Mia: Taking a nap Mr. Hoffman: Videogaming 2. What makes you geek out: Mr. Dang: Sports-football- “None of this soccer crap.” Officer Williams: Cell Phones, new elec- tronics Mr. Swan: Seeing old friends Mrs. Worley: Poli- tics, movies Dr. Obenland: Thinking about things on a small scale like nano- technology Ms. DiLugio: Any- thing scientific Mr. Davis: Meeting celebs Ms. Hall: Singing Nurse Mia: New medical discoveries and treatments Mr. Hoffman: Su- perhero movies 3. Your dream vacation: Mr. Dang: Back- packing across Asia or Europe Officer Williams: Hawaii Mr. Swan: Alaska, South Africa- “I just want to travel” Mrs. Worley: Two uninterrupted months in Italy Dr. Obenland: Traveling in Europe and staying in fancy hotels Ms. DiLugio: Scuba diving in Belize Mr. Davis: A stay in a house on the water in Tahiti Ms. Hall: Quiet time in a cabin in the woods Nurse Mia: Carmel, California Mr. Hoffman: Around the world cruise 4. The most played song on your iPod: Mr. Dang: “All I Do Is Win” --DJ Khaled Officer Williams: Smooth Jazz Mr. Swan: “Be Here Now” --Ray LaMon- tagne Mrs. Worley: “First Day of My Life” --Bright Eyes Dr. Obenland: “Happy” --Aeisha Woods Ms. DiLugio: 70’s Funk Mr. Davis: Lily Allen Ms. Hall: “Your Song” --Elton John Nurse Mia: “Bridge Over Troubled Water” --Simon & Garfunkel Mr. Hoffman: “Waiting for the End” --Linkin Park 5. Something about you people would be surprised to know: Mr. Dang: I’m actually very compassionate. I’m very tough on my students, but I care about them quite a bit. Officer Williams: I have a CD out. Easy listening. Almost jazz. Mr. Swan: Burned right hand when I was a baby; that’s why I’m a lefty. Mrs. Worley: English is my second lan- guage. Dr. Obenland: I own a bunny rabbit. Ms. DiLugio: I lived on a school bus. Mr. Davis: I grew up on a farm. Ms. Hall: Shy Nurse Mia: I have two brothers, so I’m a tomboy. Mr. Hoffman: I’m hispanic. 6. A unique talent you have: Mr. Dang: Graphic artist Officer Williams: Woodwork. I play every instrument except for guitar. Mr. Swan: “I can do everything.” Dr. Obenland: (No Answer) Ms. DiLugio: Plays the mandolin Mr. Davis: “I don’t really have anything that would be considered unique at this school. (I can draw.)” Ms. Hall: Gardening Nurse Mia: Plays piano Mr. Hoffman: Crazy multitasker 7. The last movie you cried for: Mr Dang: Braveheart Officer Williams: Resident Evil: Retribu- tion Mr. Swan: “Don’t know the last movie I saw.” Mrs. Worley: Up Dr. Obenland: The Help Ms. DiLugio: Sophie’s Choice Mr. Davis: The Color Purple Ms. Hall: Sophie’s Choice Nurse Mia: W.E. Mr. Hoffman: The Lorax 8. The type of superpower you wish you could have: Mr. Dang: Read minds Officer Williams: Fly Mr. Swan: To be in two places at once Mrs. Worley: Telekinesis Dr. Obenland: Fly Ms. DiLugio: Stop time Mr. Davis: Freeze time Ms. Hall: Rope of truth Nurse Mia: Iron Man Mr. Hoffman: Iron Man 9. If you were a crayon, the color you would be: Mr. Dang: Burnt orange- “GO UT!” Officer Williams: Burgundy/maroon Mr. Swan: The whole box Mrs. Worley: Indigo Dr. Obenland: Cerulean Ms. DiLugio: Fuchsia Mr. Davis: Green Ms. Hall: Purple Nurse Mia: Green Mr. Hoffman: Blue 10. The book that you are reading right now: Mr. Dang: “Don’t read books, do math.” Officer Williams: Criminal Investigation Mr. Swan: The End of Molasses Classes: Getting Our Kids Unstuck Mrs. Worley: Blink Dr. Obenland: (?) Ms. DiLugio: “I don’t have time.” Mr. Davis: Catching Fire Ms. Hall: Heaven Is for Real Nurse Mia: Living Saints Mr. Hoffman: 11/22/63 by Stephen King 11. Something you’ve always wanted to do, but have been too afraid to do: Mr. Dang: Skydive Officer Williams: Skydive Mr. Swan: Run a marathon Mrs. Worley: Sky- jump Dr. Obenland: Sky- dive Ms. DiLugio: Sky- dive Mr. Davis: Skydive Ms. Hall: Hang glide Nurse Mia: Studying computer science Mr. Hoffman: Bun- gee jump or sky dive 12. If you could learn to do any- thing, what it would be: Mr. Dang: Find a cure to cancer Officer Williams: How to be a fire marshal Mr. Swan: Math, with really great teachers- “Like the ones we have here at PVA.” Mrs. Worley: To play piano Dr. Obenland: To speak a lot of different languages Ms. DiLugio: To draw Mr. Davis: To speak multiple languages Ms. Hall: Play harp Nurse Mia: Play cello Mr. Hoffman: Fly a plane 13: If you could invite three people to a dinner party, who they would be: Mr. Dang: Johnny Chan, Bill Clinton, Dar- rell Royal Officer Williams: MLK, Malcolm X, George Wallace Mr. Swan: Michelle Obama, Andrew Ran- nells, Mrs. Stovey Mrs. Worley: LBJ, Maya Angelou, Cesar Chavez Dr. Obenland: President Obama, the Pope, Hillary Clinton Ms. DiLugio: Charles Darwin, Rosalind Franklin, Barbara McClintock Mr. Davis: Buddha, Ben Franklin, Hillary Clinton Ms. Hall: Mozart, Johnny Depp, Elton John Nurse Mia: My two brothers and my sister- in-law Mr. Hoffman: Jose Hernandez, Robert Downey Jr., Stephen King GetToKnowTheOtherFreshmen NewTeacherInterviewsComplied by Jacob Ostdiek and Ruth Marshall
  • 6. All of us have ideas of these grand things we want to do, but I recently learned that one of the most rewarding things you can do is actually live these ideas out. Back in April, I remarked to a friend: “Hey Chris we should write plays and produce them.” A simple sentence, but one that grew. Before long, our plays had been written, then sum- mer came and we casted the plays and had directors. Before we knew it, we had begun rehearsing. The idea had taken off and burst into reality. “What should we call this event?” “Two plays on a roof!” “No...” “Explosion of theatricality!“ “Where are you getting these ideas?” Eventually we settled on “Leave the Lights On: An Evening of Sordid Sophistica- tion.” We found an old storage room, cov- ered in trash, where we rehearsed these works that exclusively belonged to us. There were problems, so many problems. Problems and problems and problems. The set was breaking; an actor wasn’t memorized; I hadn’t had my coffee yet. But in the end, it was all so unimportant; in the end, we had two solid pieces of art that had never been seen outside of those who had put it togeth- er. And when opening night came, I sat on the roof where we were performing and looked up at the blue moon. The Houston skyline that hovered over us reminded me that, although I am just a small piece in the puzzle, I can still create this grand product. My advice to you: Go out and do it; don’t just talk about it. Make it happen no matter how big “it” is. It is the most rewarding thing, creating your own play or concert or event or whatever. Don’t let fear or la- ziness get in your way. No one ever did anything spectacular by sitting on his couch. Shameless Self-Advertisement: Are you a playwright? Do you have any interest in having one of your plays pro- duced? Truck Bed Productions is look- ing for their next play to produce! Send in any questions, comments, or scripts to Don’tTalkAboutIt,DoIt. By Keenan Hurley • The all school musicals. • The library. • Name That Book. • Scrambling to get this month’s issue of paper* out, then shoving it in everyone’s face when it’s finally here. • People who bake you stuff just because. • People who love The Hunger Games. • Fanatical teachers who love what they do and are determined to have you love it too. • Everyone running around asking if it’s a red day or a gray day. • The checkered floors. Because who doesn’t miss them. • Going to concerts and shows and art galleries and being blown away. And then crying because you cannot help but feel like these people are going to change the world. By Laura Lisk, Class of 2012, Vocal Department WhatIMissMost AboutPVA -She has season tickets to the symphony. -Her business card says, Ginny Ballard Certified Pilates Instructor. -She doesn’t like coffee, but if she did, we know she’d use a French press. -Meryl Streep comes to her for acting advice. -She drives a Mini Cooper. -“Jesse’s Girl” was written about her. -Thousands of grammar snobs have been unleashed on the world because of her. -She takes class at Houston Ballet. -Strunk and White send her royalty checks. -You make HER sick when you tell her you are nau- seous. (Correct usage is NAUSEATED.) -She taught her dog how to speak (in sentence pat- terns). -Former students laugh in their professors’ faces when assigned research papers. TheMost Interesting Woman InTheWorld JustDoIt
  • 7. HSPVALove OverheardatPVA Yourapplewasso goodyesterday. I pickeditupfromthe parkinglot,washedit, andateit.-Camille Collins (No explanation necessary) There’sjustnoth- ingyoucandoto studyforthisbe- sidesjustdoinga bunchofpractice problems!-Wesley Whitson (talking about a pre-cal test) Oh!This waist isthebaneofmy existence! -Alex Harrover (Upon forgetting his belt and having to use a binder clip to hold up his suit pants for his Rice interview) Iact!I’manactor. ThatiswhatIdo. Thankyou.-Keenan Hurley (when told he was too loud in the library) Reformed player! That’sme!- Tucker Irey (while watching a youtube video of past Hot Guy Panelist wearing t-shirts labeling their personas. For the two or three of you who haven’t heard – Tucker is a semi-finalist for Seven- teen Magazine’s Hot Guy Panel) I’mbringingthefannypackback. It’shappening. -Jacob Ostdiek (Twenty minutes later he took it off because it was too hot) Are you a senior, junior, sophomore, or even freshmen looking at your past wardrobe thinking, “Did I really think hipster glasses were cool?” or “I can’t believe I dyed my hair firetruck red!”? I’m here to tell you to em- brace those embarrassing moments! They made you feel cool and they’re helping you now as well. You may wonder how these torturous thoughts that keep you up at night helping you in any way. Well, they are slow- ly but surely evolving you into the cool per- son that you are. I personally love all these supposedly called “mistakes” people make because they make PVA, well, PVA. I know I’ve had my share of raccoon eyes, Con- verse that I try to make worn out and cool by purposefully throwing in mud, and blue and pink colored hair extensions, so I could say I’m in the same boat as many of you. Some people reading this might be thinking, “I’ve never had feathers in my hair or put a tail on my pants just to use as an every day accessory. Is there something wrong with me?” No, nothing is wrong with you except that you won’t have the experience of sitting and laughing (or deep inside really scream- ing in utter terror) with your children while looking at your old high school pictures they found hidden underneath your bed. What I’m trying to tell you to do is go out there and experiment with your true style. Wear all the clothes you like and feel comfortable in as well as things that you love but are too scared to wear. So go into your closet when you come home and take out that cool sweater you thought was “too loud,” those cool boots, or those colored pants and wear them tomorrow. ExpreeeessssssYourself!By Katinka Baragan DearHSPVALove, Coming here to HSPVA, I left a lot: everyone that I loved, including my boyfriend. Now he rarely texts me, and when I go see him at his school he’s never super smiley about it or happy I came. But he’s a shy person as it is. He says he just doesn’t have a lot of time anymore, but he still has the same feelings. We are really good for each other though, and I really don’t want to give up and lose all that we had. I’m just not sure what to do. I just want to see him more and be happy again but without seeming high maintenance. Am I clingy? What should I do? Sincerely, HopelesslyConfused DearHopelesslyConfused, Hey! I’m Ze SA (Cassandra Galindez), and can say that I’ve been through the exact same situation. It seemed hard and con- fusing, but to tell you the truth, it was actually a lot simpler than I thought. All these feelings that you have bottled up are totally nor- mal, and he might be feeling the same way as you. The best thing to do is to talk to him. You should both communicate with each other and just be honest. Communication is key. You might find that talking it over will leave you with a confident decision: To stay or to leave. You can stay and work it out little by little (communication is key!), or you can put it to rest for now and see if you guys wanna try again in the future. ZeSA P.S. In my issue, I decided to move on because the guy I was with was also very “unsmiley” about it, and for me, I felt as though he didn’t care or attempt to try with me as much as I would have liked him to. So, I ended up with Robert (Bobby Earth, who is also doing this column), and I must say I’m much happier now. Sometimes this stuff happens for a reason. DearHSPVALove, My friend is dating some other guy, but I like her. How do I tell her I like her without ruining our friendship or making it awkward? Anonymous DearAnonymous, If it’s a strong enough friendship, then it won’t be ruined. Alas, it’s an awkward situation to begin with, so I’m not sure if you can really avoid the awkwardness, but you should still tell her ASAP if you really do like her. The sooner the better because the longer you wait, the more your feelings will continue to eat you up inside ev- ery time you’re with her (and THAT would be some- thing actually harmful to your friendship). Plus, you don’t want to beat yourself up about it later on as she continues to further the re- lationship she’s just started. Speak now or forever hold your peace. BobbyEarth P.S. Don’t ever lose hope, but never lose yourself either. There are plenty o’ monkeys in the jungle. Do you need help with HSPVA love/romance issues? Send us an email at!
  • 8. paperviews *incaseyoucarewhatwethink Bob Dylan returns to the music scene with his latest album, Tempest. (Yes, that is the title of Shakespeare’s last play.) In this album, Dylan returns to his grassroots with songs reminiscent of “Nashville Skylines.” Although his voice has grown old and gravely, there’s still enough tone to make a melody. One song off this album that will make you want to turn out the lights, grow a beard, and grab a bottle of whiskey is “Soon after Mid- night.” With its soft brushes on the snare drum and its heart wrenching lyrics of soli- tude and ob- servation, it can put anyone to sleep under a Nashville skyline. This album is great for anyone into 60’s Country/Folk and Root music searching for good songs with a modern, mature touch. Edward Sharpe’s sophomore al- bum, Here, has brought a new world of male falsettos, group harmonies, and campfire hymns to the ever-changing music scene. The opening song, “Man on Fire,” sounds like Leonard Cohen spent a week with a hippie commune, where he met a young Nick Drake, who went to dinner with Pete Seeger, and then they all got thrown into a time portal which landed them here to make this album (all with luminous beards, clothes made of hemp, and acoustic guitars of course). The Zeros didn’t leave us waiting for too long after their first album, Up from Below, and they still managed to create an all-around cheerful, well written group of songs that make up the new album, “Here.” Animal Collective really is the definition of a modern psy- chedelic band, and Centipede Hz is an album Roky Erickson would have written if he had been born in 1980. A few tracks in, I wasn’t too impressed--that is, until “Rosie Oh” started playing in my headphones. With little common mu- sical structure to the untrained ear, and with the utilization of synthesizers and re- verb, “Rosie Oh” will make you feel as if you’re floating through the mind and con- sciousness of Venus. If you’re looking for an acoustic record that you can relate to and understand every word of, don’t buy this album. If you’re looking for a pure psychedelic trip with music and melody, this is a must buy on all accounts. Breaking news! The biggest Yeezy fan in the school is not blown away by the new G.O.O.D. Music release. Sidebar for the uninformed: G.O.O.D. Music (Getting Out Our Dreams) is both a record label and an all-star collective of artists (Pusha T, Big Sean, KiD CuDi, Common, etc.) signed under Kanye West. Now I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m disappointed, simply because Cruel Sum- mer is exactly what I expected: a compila- tion of mostly trap mu- sic, catered to the cur- rent state of mainstream hip-hop, but disguised as something greater because, duh, it’s G.O.O.D. Music. Consequent- ly, this mainstream rap album sounds like one that will only be worth lis- tening to in 2012. The bandwagon fans should be thrilled with this one; true Kanye/G.O.O.D. followers like me won’t have so much of a field day. Sure, Kanye and the gang do trap music better than the originators; sure, there are a select few “exception” tracks on the al- bum; unfortunately, neither of these factors could save Cruel Summer from my not-so-cruel 2 ½ out of 5 paper clips. Standout tracks: - New God Flow.1 feat. Kanye West, Pusha T & Ghostface Killah - The One feat. Kanye West, Big Sean, 2 Chainz, & Marshia Ambrosius - Bliss feat. John Legend & Teyana Taylor BobDylan:Tempest TheAvett Brothers: The Carpenter AnimalCollective: CentipedeHz EdwardSharpe& TheMagneticZeros:Here I listen to a lot of folk music, and for the most part I have always put down modern Folk Rock bands (excluding Wilco), and have never really given the Avett Brothers a fair chance. Utiliz- ing banjos, various root instru- ments, and Beatles-esque melodies/harmonies on the song “Live and Die” and oth- ers, the Avett Brothers have put together one strong Folk Rock album. YoKayne, I’mReallyHappyForYou AndImmaLetYouFinish,But... Getting to keep the checkerboard floor New sound system in the Denny Loosing the Read-A-Latte room Dress code enforcement Paperview Ratings (PVA Edition) Food/drink ban in performance spaces Reviewed By Robert Claveria AndForTheRestOfYouSittingInTheParking LotNotDancingOnFriday...Reviewed Nick Walton
  • 9. might just be the best thing to happen to the internet--ever. On you can take a quiz that de- termines which presidential candidate you side with most! After the quiz you’ll be given a breakdown of your results that includes how similar your views are to those of each candidate and each party. The quiz is a little bit long, but if you take the time to rank how important each issue is to you, look at the “Choose another stance” option, and click “Show more questions” every time, you are going to get a much more accurate result that really reflects your political views. It is the perfect website for absolutely everyone, and here’s why: -This website is perfect if you really just don’t know much about any of the can- didates, and you’d like to see which ones have the most similar political views to you. The website makes it very easy for people with little knowledge of politics to get a feel for where they fall on the political spectrum. -If you’ve been raised as a Democrat or a Republican, but you’re not really sure how much that truly aligns with your person- al political views, this website can help you see just how much of a Democrat or Repub- lican you really are. -If you dislike both of the main party candi- dates in this race and wish that there were someone running with views more similar to yours, this website could help you find that candidate! And if that doesn’t persuade you, the website also has a “Compare the Can- didates” section that puts the views of any two of the candidates side-by-side (includ- ing candidates from the Libertarian, Green, Justice, and Constitution parties). It is a re- ally fast and simple way to find out how each candidate feels about almost all of the main issues. No matter if you are a political junkie or totally indifferent when it comes to poli- tics, you should go on this website and take this quiz. There’s no reason not to! Take the quiz and prove to the world that we’re not just another generation of “apathetic” teen- agers. ISideWith:iSideWithReviewed by Palmer Mills CNN wins out for me as far as straight up hard hitting facts are concerned for the election, but what’s important to realize is that the mainstream news media can’t be completely relied upon. We have so many news sources to get our information from these days that it has created this race to be the first to have the story out, regardless of what the real facts are. It can get overwhelming, never knowing who is telling the truth. But never fear! Most news stories are easy to fact check; just enlist Google and dig a little deep- er. Never take someone’s word for it; always do your own research before cementing an opinion. What Fox does well: Economic issues are definitely the strong point of Fox News. They provide logical and often times emo- tionally removed reports and theories that really do sup- ply just the facts. Fox also famously and controversial- ly supplies us with a large number of strong, highly educated female commen- tators and anchors. (Don’t let the massive amounts of make-up and pageant hair fool you, these women are killers.) Fox also has quality hard news, but it does often leave a little something to be desired. Another main focus of Fox News is domestic is- sues, which is great during an election year! What Fox doesn’t do well: In theory, Fox News really does do a relatively good job of balancing their programming with both conservative and liberal commentators and guests; however, Fox News does a terrible job of controlling their guests. Their “political dis- cussions” become full blown wars that result in more time being spent breaking them up than actually providing valuable insights. What CNN does well: For hard news, CNN is the place to go. They deliver timely and accurate news updates with little to no bias involved. Like Fox News, they are large and respected. Thus, they have the connections to get stories out fast and to give exclusive inter- views with the individual candidates as well as other important leaders. What CNN doesn’t do well: CNN has invested much more time and energy into expanding their international programming than their domestic, and they’ve done a good job with it. Unfortunately, domestic stories are often times lacking be- cause of this, and in an election year those are the most important. vs. Reviewed by JayTee Barbour 666 ParkAvenue ShouldYouWatchIt?Reviewed by Carolina Trevino Eh. I guess…let’s be real though, this is just a really bad TV se- ries with tons of sex and mystery added on to make you feel like you’re not wasting your time. I mean, really, a story centered on a haunted apartment complex? How boring. And if you didn’t get that already from the unbeliev- ably cheesy title (WOAH 666 THAT’S THE DEVIL SCARY), then you’ll probably get it after watching it for 9 minutes and realizing that not only is the dia- logue absolutely terrible, but so is the acting (“Why would anyone ever want to leave here?!” “As I understand it Mr. Hartwell moved s o m e w h e r e … WA R M E R . ” ) Elementary Let me put it this way; if you’ve watched BBC’s Sherlock and love it to pieces like I do, it’s probably best to stay away. Elementary is a great, modern twist on the classic Sherlock Holmes, but you’ll be annoyed know- ing that it’s basically a huge rip-off of the BBC series, and you won’t be able to stop comparing it. If you haven’t watched Sherlock already, then this might just be the show for you. Lucy Liu (who plays a female version of John Watson- Joan Watson) and Johnny Lee Miller (who plays Sher- lock Holmes, a recovering addict) are both fantastic actors, and although the show is kind of rough right now, I have high hopes for its future. It’s smart, it’s action packed, and the dynamic be- tween Joan and Sherlock is amazing. The Mindy Project YES. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THIS WORLD, WATCH THIS. I cannot remember the last time I’ve laughed so hard while watching a show. Mindy Kaling (who plays the lead character, Mindy Lahiri, an OB/GYN struggling with her love life) is absolutely hys- terical in this series. I didn’t really think she was anything special from watching her in The Office, but after see- ing the pilot of this show and reading on her Twitter that she has a celebrity crush on Benedict Cumberbatch, I gained so much respect for her. And the show is just so fresh- from the way it’s filmed to the plot, it’s just fantas- tic. Give this show a shot, I definitely think it’s a keeper. FoxNews “Fair and Balanced” CNN“The Worldwide Leader in News” Overview:
  • 10. It is the dawn of a new era. An era of shattered dreams and heartbreak where third year students of HSPVA mysteriously find themselves cowering in the corners of their rooms, rocking back and forth in the fetal position. An era too terrible to call by its true title, so for purposes of this article, it shall merely be referred to as the “Year- Which-Must-Not-Be-Named.” Since we were wee freshmen we were told chilling bedtime stories about the Year-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Senior veterans shared their tales of woe, all the while fighting back tears and struggling to find the words to fully express the horror of what they’d been through. Being naïve low- erclassmen, we paid no heed to these warn- ings, and instead went about our daily lives completely unaware that we would soon be thrown to the wolves. Now I know it may feel futile, and you’d much rather surrender, but there are ways to beat this monster: Get a sense of humor, and fast. If you can’t laugh at your mistakes, you’ll drown. Although the Year-Who-Must-Not-Be- Named does the best it can to brutally mur- der your social life, find time for your friends, because you need them now more than ever. Create a “Keep Calm and Pass” play- list with music that relaxes you and will pre- vent you from pulling out massive chunks of your hair. (Enya is strongly encouraged.) Madly dance around your room any chance you get! Screw stress balls, this is the most ef- fective stress reliever on the planet. Go outside. As corny as this sounds, a bit of fresh air can make all the difference. Don’t procrastinate – who am I kidding? Birds are gonna fly, teenagers are gonna procrasti- nate. It’s a law of nature. If you see one of your fel- low classmates on the verge of a nervous breakdown, don’t just stand there awkwardly, but offer them some support. NO SOL- DIER LEFT BEHIND! There is no denying that this school year will be a long and difficult battle… and there may be times when you will want to raise that white flag. But you listen here: the Class of 2014 is many things, but we are not cowards. So draw your pens, tighten your grip on your flashcards, and prepare to kick the Year- Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in its metaphori- cal a**! SurvivingJuniorYear:TipsonHowto WalkThroughHellandBackBy Jacob Seferian Shampoozin Koozin Wesley? Wheeeere’s *Photocred:MamaKoozin
  • 11. Advice is an odd thing that comes in many forms. There’s the friendly reminder, the suggestive hint, the philosophical mono- logue, et cetera. It’s everywhere in every form. You’ve probably encountered a good bit of it in your life. And if you’re a freshman here at PVA, or even a sophomore or a ju- nior (any type of new student, really) you’re about to encounter a good bit more. You have just entered The High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, home of extraordinary artists, enchanting in- structors, tremendous talent, awesome ad- ministrators… and the advice capital of the world. I’m serious guys. Just look around. It’s trememdously encouraging how all of the people here desperately want to give you their wisdom to help make your life eas- ier. You are so lucky and fortunate to be sur- rounded by people like this. It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing that opens up a world of pos- sibilities. So my advice? Be careful with ad- vice. It can get in your way. Yes, ladies and gents, I have just majorly contradicted myself - but for good reason. Please, allow me to elaborate: I am a sophomore level two Theatre design student here at PVA. As I write this article, I have exactly one year and two full weeks experience at this school. In other words, I’m sorry if the seat is warm, but I was just sit- ting in the exact same spot as you. I remem- ber walking in, eager for the wise words of upper-classmen to guide me through fresh- man-ism. Wise words I did find, for everyone had something to offer. Seniors said, “Try new things.” Juniors said, “You’ll get used to it.” Sophomores said, “Don’t judge.” And the entire Theatre department said, “Turn in your hours!!” And so, I went with it. However, things didn’t quite go as I planned... A summary: The more new things I tried, the more stressed out and over- whelmed I got. The more stressed out and overwhelmed I got, the harder PVA life was to get used to. The harder this life was to get used to, the more judgments I made. And the more judgments I made, the harder it was to remember to turn in my hours (not to mention my Paper* articles)! And here I was thinking there was something wrong with me because the advice wasn’t working. Au contraire… You see, I wasn’t giving myself a chance to figure it out on my own, to make things work more specifically for me. In the process of attempting to speed my own growth, I was actually stunting it, a fault even more terrible than forgetting to turn in my as- signments. But, if you think that strictly ad- hering to every piece of advice you receive will make your high school life easier, GO FOR IT! Do what you think will work, and ad- minister advice as needed – dose by dose. I swear you’ll thank yourself, maybe even discover something new about yourself that you never knew was there. So, this is Natalia Kian, Sophomore Advice Doctor, signing off and sending a warm welcome to all you brand new pa- tients. And I wish the best of luck and good advice to all those who dare to receive it. AdviceDoctorBy Natalia Kian ParkingBetweenTheLines Selfie HallOf Shame I am a person of routine and tradition. I have lived in the same house my whole life, eaten Frosted Mini-Wheats every morning since Kindergarten, celebrated the same holidays at the same restaurants, and I put my shoes on sock-shoe- sock-shoe instead of sock-sock- shoe-shoe. So naturally, as a crea- ture of habit, I’d really like to park in the same spot every morning; however, the injustices committed within the student parking lot deny me this consistency. Clingy, overprotective par- ents occupy the narrow parking spaces until they see their children make it safely through the door. The yellow lines that define the spaces are ignored by students who are on the cusp of detention, can’t be late another morning, and therefore, park sloppily. What was once a sacred temple of teenage congregation, symbolic of adult- hood, has now been degraded to an overcrowded wasteland in which students are thrust back into subservience to both parents and school. Parents: Don’t hang out in the parking lot in the mornings; the drop-off/pick-up is on W. Main. Stu- dents: These kinds *OFFICAL DROPOFF ZONE: Outside the Fence on W. Main (but really anywhere outside the fence is cool with us.) By Alex Harrover
  • 12. paper Staff Editor-in-Chief: Jillian Lim Senior Editors: Alex Harrover, JayTee Barbour, Palmer Mills Art Director: Zoie Brown Assistant Editors: Jessica Lindee, Gaelin Helfer Marketing Editor: Easlynn Lee Senior Staff Writers: Amy Mattox, Ellisa Bray, Glenn Davis, Carolina Trevino, Robert Claveria, Cassandra Galindez, Keenan Hurley, Becca Cook, Diana Hindi, Wesley Whitson Contributing Writers: Chandler Dean, Jacob Seferian, Nick Walton, Natalia Kian, Adam Elkhadem, Jacob Ostdiek, Ruth Marshall, Gina Cook, Katinka Baragan, Elizabeth Martinsen Libra: The influence of Venus should cause a certain someone to share his or her feelings about you. Go for it! Perhaps invite that person to that Halloween party you’re oh-so-excited about. Scorpio: Saturn will enter your sign around the 6th, inspir- ing great transformation. Don’t be afraid--embrace it! Get a new haircut, redo your room, or just go crazy! Sagittarius: Mars will re-energize you on the 8th. Put down the Doubleshot; you don’t need it! Use this energy to finish those dang college essays! Capricorn: Some bad advice is in the stars for you this month (hopefully not from me). At school you will be met with competitive colleagues. Don’t let this get the best of you. Take it from Ms. Fourth Quartile here: Class rank isn’t the end of the world. Aquarius: Drama will be getting you down. Stop that! Take a day trip to Galveston one weekend. Get away from it all and go chill out on the beach, but try and avoid any flesh-eating bacteria. That would suck. Pisces: Tensions run high in your household. Work on articulating your feelings. Don’t just go angsty teenager on their butts screaming that you hate everyone. That helps no one. Aries: That new person in your life? Bad news. Things in your life may be going missing, and it is not a coincidence. He or she may be fun to be around, but take it from me: Kleptomaniacs make for poor friends. Taurus: Your planner is packed full of deadlines, but don’t let it get you down. Maybe you should rethink applying to seventeen colleges or whatever that nonsense is. Don’t make things harder for yourself. Chill. Out. Gemini: Don’t be so afraid to be impulsive; allow a new friend to teach you how to cut loose a little. Seize the moment! Audition for the Halloween Happening if that’s what you really want to do. Don’t let a little stage fright keep you from doing something you’ll regret not doing later. Cancer: This just got real. School is overwhelming, but don’t be afraid to ask for help. Look into extra credit options. It isn’t grade grub- bing; it’s getting the GPA you need for your dream school. Leo: A friend is in need, so lend them a hand. Loan them the Ballard notes from the class they missed, and maybe they’ll help you study for that Chemistry test that you are so not prepared for. Virgo:Old habits die hard, but that doesn’t mean they doesn’t die. It’s time to move on. Horrorscopes Knock-You-DeadFilms HorrorMovies YouShouldKnow By Glenn Davis By Diana Hindi and Wesley Whitson Down 1. The came because you were home. 2. If Nancy doesn’t wake up scream- ing she won’t wake up at all 3. MICAH MICAH......TOBY 4. A machete wielding maniac slic- es & dices on this unlucky day 7. Road trip through the desert yields a family’s worst nightmare. The Mountains Have Ears. 9. The power of Christ compels you! 11. aaaaaaaaaa (death rattle) (hair over face) 12. Redrum 13. Kitchen knife wielding, babysit- ter killing, ACTIVIAAA. Across 1. Seven Days 5. dunDUNdunDUNDUN... 6. Pigs blood prom + crazy psychic girl = dead senior class 8. The original found hor- ror movie 10. Neve Campbell, Cour- teney Cox, David Arquette 14. They’re heeeere