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Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
15TH edition of panache, it makes us proud to bring 15 glorious years of our
magazine which has a tradition of nurturing budding pharmacists & catalysing
their thought process.
Rx 2014 is an event which we look forward to; no doubt 2013 was a huge
success. The theme Halloween brought out the fun side of the students and
turned out to be a momentous occasion. As we take a leap into another
resourceful, eventful year, we have chosen the theme 'Renaissance', a
movement igniting minds & bringing a wave of change and rebirth.
Every year ushers a change, which brings along new tides encompassing
novice opportunities and ideas. This year the point system for the number of
activities held by each college was introduced which kept the students on their
The 52nd National pharmacy week true to its theme: 'Pharmacist- A
Healthcare Professional' was a successful event where 25 colleges actively
participated in all health campaigns and conducted various street plays, blood
donation drive, AIDS Awareness campaigns, etc. The week was
enthusiastically concluded in the presence of more than 550 students and 50
faculty members where a team of ingenious and proficient speakers plagued
the minds of the audience.
The year gave the students an opportunity to experiment on various avenues
of pharmacy profession by opening doors to the Maharashtra Local Exchange
Programme, Hospital Pharmacy & Community Pharmacy training at
reputable hospitals & drug stores. IPA-SF MSB has laid its foundation on the
cornerstone to build booming & magnificent wonders in the field of pharmacy.
“Its never too late to seek to a newer world
To sail beyond the sunset and baths of western stars,
But, therefore, what is needed is
A stong mind-to seek, to find, and not to yield”
And this is how our bid to launch “Pharma Buzz -monthly newsletter of IPA SF
MSB” ventured successfully and was on the receptacle end of huge response
from the students and we would like to continue the trend for the coming years
and keep up the good work. The endeavour of launching a newsletter -totally
student centric was mainly based to render the needs of our budding
pharmacists, to make them wisdom and skill based sufficient enough to tackle
their professional lives. Hot off the press column equipped them with the
recent know-hows of the pharma world and the take and impact of it.
Innovative and multifarious themes for instance-Breakthroughs in the Pharma
World, Drug Design and Development, Insight into FDA, Decoding
Pharmacopoeias, I hope, would have surely played a part in expanding their
horizon. “The Students Corner” section hit the bulls eye which went on
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
receiving rave reviews from the students and faculties. Our main aim to touch
on the arena of the entrance exam was broadly to furnish and accoutre the
students with the multifarious avenues which they can pursue. The mock tests
gave a peek and an insight into the actual tests.
Panache this year throws a glimpse into “Synergy” which denotes that
the combined effects are greater than the individual effects. Thus teamwork
leads to best possible outcome. But the cons of synergy are the ones to pay
heed to and not ignore as well, quite aptly construed in the article Synergistic
Toxicity. The theme article-“Synergy Outcome of a Strong Interaction” cites
the facet, aspect and impact of peculiarities of such synergistic action and
reaction. “Addition of Food, Subtraction in Brain” pertinently illuminates the
synergistic actions of food additives and its crunch on brain activity. Though
pesticides are used to ward of diseases in the plants, but the same pesticide
like endosulfan sprayed plants when consumed produces havoc on human
health. This image of pesticides is very well unveiled in the article on
Endosulfan. Our scientists have been fortunate enough to discover various
drugs to heal our disorders. But the bioavailabilty of these drugs have still kept
all of us intrigued. Herbal Bioenhancers have outweighed all the expectations
and has unravelled the crux of solving the mystery on bioavailability. Parents
and students these days engage into various crooked ideas to surpass their
peers and competitors in all the fronts and emerge at the top. Use of such
drugs and the ethics associated with it are described in the topic of
“Nootropics”. It is well said that the playing with mind is much easier than
playing with the drugs. Altering the mental belief and thought-the placebo
effect may well prove to be equally, in fact in some cases, more efficacious
than our conventional drugs. Many aspects regarding Pharma industry have
been covered.
Our efficient editorial team worked synergistically and would like to present
you many intriguing and interesting articles, poems, interview, crossword,
news hot off the press, happenings of IPA. As much as it was a pleasure
making this issue, I hope, the readers find it even more blissful and indulging
while browsing through, as the pleasures of reading are best known to the
reader! Hope it broadens the horizon of the minds of young generation
regarding this field, which will serve the purpose of our magazine. Awaiting
your enthusiastic and exhilarating response in the coming years too!
Enjoy the issue folks!
Khushbu Bhatt
Associate Editor
Pragya Singh, Aditi Thakore
Joint Editor
Anu Johnson, Rutuja Yawalkar, Prajakta Waghmare
Rahul Joshi, Siddhi Malgaonkar, Maureen Crasto, Vaibhavi Modi, Shivani Jadhav,
Dhanashree Ghume, Gauri Kadam
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
On behalf of IPA MSB, I extend Season's Greeting to you dear students.
May this year 2014 be a year that shall fulfill all your aspirations and usher
positive change that shall propel you higher echelons of academic and
2014 has already witnessed a revolutionary change wherein masses
elected a team of people from all walks of life and not politicians as their
representative to govern a state. The election of Aam Aadmi Party
(People's Party) to form a government at Delhi is unparallel event in the
history of the world. This event has captured the attention of the entire
world and has demonstrated the power of synergy of people working
towards common goal of being change agents in the quest of cleansing
corruption in government and public places and providing corruption free
The power of Synergy cannot be underestimated. History has witnessed a
lot of defining moments and movements wherein power of synergy has
triumphed and broken shackles of slavery, racism, colonization and tyrant
leadership. The American war of Independence, the apartheid movement
in Africa, the Satyagraha struggle for Independence in India from British
Colonization and ouster of Dictatorial regimes in Iraq, Libya, Uganda and
Egyptaretestimonialstoprovethepower of Synergy ofPeople.
Synergy of people signifies the interaction of multiple minds working
together as individuals and collectively creating a Tsunami effect of
dimension greater than individual efforts. The success of the triumph of
synergy of people lay in motivating people to believe in sharing a common
dream and working relentlessly towards achieving it. Strong leadership,
Teamwork, Courage of conviction, Resilience, Self Belief are some the
tenets that inspire, propel and galvanize people towards achieving their
We at IPA MSB have been over the years witnessing the Success of
Synergy of peoplebothatStatelevelandatStudent's level.
I am proud of their achievements and only hope and wish you d e a r
students to apply this success formula in your personal and
professionalsphereof life.
Bestwishes for your futureendeavors
Dr. Hemant Mondkar, President IPA MSB.
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
It gives me immense pleasure to introduce the 15th
edition of Panache-the flair of mind before you. This is
an idea thought of, to reach out every pharmacist in the
state and around. With Panache we try to spread
awareness in the society about pharmacy and its
multifarious role in the healthcare sector. It is an
outcome from the great efforts of my entire team. No
man has ever wetted clay and left it as if there would be bricks by chance and
fortune. We worked with entire dedication, devotion and determination, team
work knowing that right thoughts and right efforts would inevitably bring about
rightresultsandourhardwork finallyborethesweetestfruits.
To go back and analyse, I can say, the year started with a hiatus! But as we played
the show; it caught up energy and enthusiasm as fire. The year was coined “year
of innovation” and worked out to be the same, the whole team worked with
coordination and led the association to a higher altitude. With the record
breaking placements in hospital pharmacy, blood bank visits and industrial
visits, we had two very successful MLEPbatches from Nashik andAurangabad.
My team flourished to gain maximum coverage and participation for various
technical events as well.The health awareness campaigns we held this year were
never like before, efforts were taken to influence all age groups ranging from
school students up to senior citizens towards health. We had taken up the motto
for the year as “Anti-tobacco crusade” .The people we approached have curbed
tobacco from their lives under our influence and the content and the satisfaction
reaped inspired us to move further and keep the trend going. We cited the
importance of pharmacist as a healthcare professional during our 52nd national
pharmacy week in the closing ceremony of which we had a whole auditorium
filled with aspiring pharmacists & future leaders who were influenced
enormously and that was again a milestone we could touch and added one more
After a year filled with such ups and downs, we are here at the end (I would
rather term it as a “Pause”)….celebrating the success and awesomeness
of the year with my team-mates in our very own inter collegiate
festival Rx-2014 with over 22 colleges participating from the
state and enjoying their heart out. For me it was the best
year for IPA-SF-MSB so far, and I expect this to
continue for years to come. Hopes to witness
progression are deep within, all the very
Rohini Agre IPA -SF-MSB
Man is a creation of God working in synergy,
Where body, mind and soul unite to give energy.
Energy of man yields discovery of medicinal treasury,
This happens when human energy and pharmacy undergo synergy,
Pharmacist as he is called boldly,
Now he thinks lets apply some synergy.
Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen, he combined smartly,
And Combiflam marketed its synergistic capacity.
Famous drug ever marketed possibly,
All credits and thanks to the idea of synergy.
Positive result would occur similarly,
When pharmacist and doctor act synergistically.
Negative the result would be drastically,
When two foe drugs combine synergistically.
Its all combination that works miraculously,
Because adding up energy that is synergy.
R. Saiprasanth, M.pharm (Quality Assurance),
VES College Of Pharmacy, Chembur(West)
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Aditi Thakore
Final Year B.pharm
Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy
E very year, students from various parts of the world have an excellent
opportunity to work across borders and experience the professional
setup through the student exchange program cum internship organized by The
International Pharmaceutical Students Federation. Having made the best use
of this platform, my visit to Belgrade, Serbia had lots to offer.There was a lot of
initial skepticism regarding my choice of country, as a lot of them thought I
was going to SIBERIA and not SERBIA. Formerly known as Yugoslavia,
there have been a lot of pre conceived notions about this place and its people.
To put all these rumors and wrong ideas to rest, I knew that this was just the
right opportunity. If not for SEP I would never have thought of exploring this
Belgrade was an absolute bundle of surprise right since day one. Contrary to
all the beliefs about Serbs, they are, without a second thought the most lovable,
welcoming and warm people I have ever come across. Not once did I ever feel
away from home. The NAPSer team had everything well in place for my
monthlonginternship.And boy!Timejustflew past.
Serbia is involved in a lot of substantial research work, and hence my area of
research was Pharmaceutical Technology. Learning was never so much fun.
Spending close to six hours a day in the laboratory, there was still something to
look forward the next day. Be it using the spectrophotometer, making
dispersions or handling the micropipette for the first time, everything seemed
interesting with how even the complex of concepts were taught with ease.
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Working with a completely new set of
people from different countries
changed a great deal of my perception.
I had the privilege of working under
the tutelage of Vice Dean Dr. Svetlana
Ibric and Prof. Branko Obradovic at
the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
Belgrade. Working in a totally new
professional culture helped me learn a lot in terms of work ethics, respect
towards even the smallest of work, and team building. There was a lot of
knowledge exchange and an insight into the way the European healthcare
functions. It was a sheer delight meeting Prof.Branko considering how well
we were guided on every detail of the experiment. Currently, Prof. Branko is
pursuinghisPhD studiesinGermany.
Interestingly, a fact that cannot go unnoticed is the European education
system. A little probe into their routine college life revealed that their
examination pattern wasVIVAbased, that explains the importance they lay on
concepts unlike the rote learning here in INDIA. Apart from the work,
personally this was an experience I will treasure for the rest of my life.
Belgrade also known as the party capital, every evening was a blast. The hosts
left no stone unturned to show me around and soak in the rich culture and
history. I can now proudly boast of friends from around the world who I met
during the internship, all of who are a bunch of amazing people. This certainly
helped me gain information and an outlook of pharmacy practices across the
Lastly, I cannot sign off without having
thanked the IPA-SF enough for its
efforts and having considered me for
this remarkable and enduring
experience. Piece of advice to all u
readers out there-This program is hard
to miss, grab the chance while there is
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Talent wins games, but synergy wins championships.-Michael Jordan
ehaviour of a system that cannot be
What is it? A teamwork? A combined action?
Interaction?In every simplified terms; synergy
describes the combined healthy action of every
organ of a particular system. More actions can
be completed when a team of people are
working together than when one person is
working by his or herself. The way to achieve
this type of synergy is to find people you can
work with who has the same goals and basic
drive as you do. Synergy is the interaction of
multiple elements in a system to produce an
effect different from (not anticipated or
desired) or greater than the sum of their
individual effects (desired). The term synergy
comes from the Greek word synergia
"working together".
Drug synergy occurs when drugs can interact
in ways that enhance or magnify one or more
effects, or side-effects, of those drugs. This is
sometimes exploited in combination
preparations, such as codeine mixed with
acetaminophen or ibuprofen to enhance the
action of codeine as a pain reliever. Other
examples include the use of cannabis with
LSD, where the active chemicals in cannabis
have been reported to enhance the
hallucinatoryexperienceofLSD .
Negative effects of synergy are a form of
contraindication. For example, a combination
of depressant drugs that affect the central
nervous system (CNS), such as alcohol and
Valium, can cause a greater reaction than
simply the sum of the individual effects of
each drug if they were used separately. In this
particular case, the most serious consequence
of drug synergy is exaggerated respiratory
depression, which can be fatal if left
Toxicological synergy is of concern to the
public and regulatory agencies because
chemicals individually considered safe might
pose unacceptable health or ecological risk in
combination. During the registration of
pesticides in the United States exhaustive
tests are performedto discern healtheffects on
humans at various exposure levels. However,
in normal agricultural practice, it is rare to use
only a single pesticide.Each of them has had
determined a regulatory level at which they
would be considered individually safe. In
many cases, a commercial pesticide is itself a
combination of several chemical agents, and
thus the safe levels actually represent levels of
the mixture. In contrast, a combination
created by the end user, such as a farmer, has
rarely been tested in that combination. The
potential for synergy is then unknown or
estimated from data on similar combinations.
This lack of information also applies to many
of the chemical combinations to which
humans are exposed, including residues in
food, indoor air contaminants, and
occupational exposures to chemicals. Some
groups think that the rising rates of cancer,
asthma, and other health problems may be
caused by these combination exposures;
others have alternative explanations. This
question will likely be answered only after
years of exposure by the population in general
and research on chemical toxicity, usually
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
performed on animals. Examples of pesticide
synergists include Piperonyl butoxide and
MGK 264.
For most in healthcare, it feels familiar. In
relation to the health sectors it is necessary to
understand not only the work of a drug
expert(Pharmacist) who is involved in
designing drug, keeping in mind the patient
but, also the work of a physician, involved in
the diagnosis of diseases, both together
In India, a physician is considered as a person
holding God's place when it comes to treat a
disease or cure a patient. But, the work of a
drug expert who works behind the curtains is
never sighted, and is a misconception among
the people. On the other hand, many
pharmacists have limited their interactions
with physicians to such activities and do not
regularly discuss whether a drug is
Now lets see; who is the drug expert
 Amainsourceofdataondruguse.
 The one who is involved in new drug
 The one who knows well about drug-drug
 Theonewho detectsthedisease
 Theonewho performsthesurgery
 Theonewho prescribesthemedicine
Nothing else is important than to bring about a
cure, health and disease free lives. Absence of
any one is a problem, as if pharmacist would
not work on medicines than what a physician
would prescribe and treat with? And if
physician would not dignose the diseases, how
the molecules be developed or designed by
keeping in mind the form of diseases? Hence,
we can say that both makes 'disease cure' a
success in synergy. Most pharmacists have
already reached the stage of professional
Pharmacists should work to make physicians
aware of the resources they can provide to the
physicians' practices. Through a series of
positive exchanges with a pharmacist, a
physician can start to build a foundation of
trust and a growing commitment to the
relationship. The challenge for pharmacists
and doctors should therefore be to work
together to increasingly develop common
strategies in order to achieve optimal
The vision of doctors, pharmacists, working
together across departmental or institutional
boundries is to improve their systems of care.
The benefits of collaboration are clear. When
bothwork together:
 Total knowledge and understanding is
greaterthanwhentheywork separately.
 They increase the probability of
successfully discovering solutions of
 Participation in problem solving process
 Meaningful relationships are built and are
Synergy: the combined power of different things working
together to create a greater effect than if they were
odern pharmaceutical research is
M mainly concerned with the low oral
bioavailability of important drugs which
are administered orally. Poorly bioavailable
drugs remain subtherapeutic because a
major portion of dose never reaches to the
plasma or exert its pharmacological action
unless and until a large dose of drug is
administered. This may lead to serious side
effect and increase in treatment cost. One
way to achieve reduction in drug dosage,
and therefore drug toxicity and cost, is to
increase drug bioavailability. Both the
physicochemical properties of drug and
physiological conditions of body affect the
bioavailability of drugs. Barriers like GIT
and first pass metabolism, efflux pumps like
P-glycoproteins are the major factors which
are responsible for the poor bioavailability
The consumption of antibiotics and drugs
by human is increasing at an alarming
rate.Out of the total drugs and chemicals,
20–50% of that use is unnecessary
depending on the class of antibiotic and
other drugs.This is responsible for side
effects, illness, and reduction in life
expectancy. One of the possible ways to
reduce drug dosage is synergism between
two therapeutic agents, that is, combination
therapy. However, if both drugs used
concurrently have antimicrobial property,
the problem of selection pressure and drug
toxicity will continue.Thus, there is need of
molecules, which are not antimicrobial or
target drugs but enhance activity and
Jadhav Abhijeet Shivajirao & Khan Gufran Karim
(Class – T.Y.B.Pharm )
Bombay College of Pharmacy
availability of main drugs in combination
Until now, methods of increasing drug
bioavailability have been operated within a
narrow manipulative framework, mainly
based on physical processes like, increasing
the polarity of the drug through chemical
modification, micronization and
nanonization, liposomal microencapsulatin
and so forth. However, based on Ayurvedic
literature, a new approach of increasing
bioavailability of drugs with poor
bioavailability by using Herbal
Bioenhancers is gaining attention.Herbal
Bioenhancer is an agent of herbal origin or
any phytomolecule, which is capable of
enhancing bioavailability and bioefficacy
of a particular drug or nutrient with which it
is combined, without any typical
pharmacological activity of its own at the
dose used.Herbal Bioenhancers have been
shown to enhance bioavailability and
bioefficacy of different classes of drugs,
such as antibiotics, antituberculosis,
a n t i v i r a l , a n t i f u n g a l , a n d
anticancerousdrugs at low doses.They have
also improved oral absorption of
neutraceuticals like vitamins, minerals,
The term bioavailability enhancer was first
coined by Indian Scientists at the Regional
Research laboratory, Jammu (RRL, now
known as Indian Institute of Integrative
Medicine) discovered and scientifically
validated piperine as the world's first
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Herbal Bioenhancers act through several
mechanisms of action. Different herbal
bioenhancers may have same or different
mechanisms of action. Some of the
1. Increasing gastrointestinal blood
2. S t i m u l a t i o n o f g a m a -
glutamyltranspeptidase activity
ehich enhances uptake of amino
3. Inhibition of gastric emptying time
4. Inhibition of drug metabolizing
enzymes and suppression of first pass
5. Modifications in GIT epithelial cell
The available scientific research on
bioenhancers has shown to produce
s i g n i fi c a n t e n h a n c i n g e ff e c t o n
bioavailability when coadministered or
pretreated with many drugs and
nutraceuticals. These natural compounds
include piperine, Zingiberofficinale,
n i a z i r i d i n , g l y c y r r h i z i n ,
Cuminumcyminum, Carumcarvi, allicin,
lysergol, Aloe vera, Stevia rebaudiana,
curcumin, sinomenine, genistein,
Ammanniamultiflora, capsaicin, quercetin,
naringin, capmul and cow urine distillate.
They reduce the dose, shorten treatment,
and thus reduce drug-resistance and
drug toxicity or adverse reactions. Due to
dose economy, treatment is cost-effective.
Bioenhancers are also found to decrease or
having no effect or little effect on the
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Siddhesh Juvekar
Final Year B.Pharm
HK College of Pharmacy
I n t h e p r e s e n t
scenario, sterile
environment tops the
cGMP criteria of
P h a r m a c e u t i c a l
i n d u s t r i e s .
Maintaining these
conditions for herbal
d r u g s , b i o t i c
organism is still
a n o t h e r t e r r o r.
Wonder, even in this crucial
condition, the scientist thought of
developing a sterile organism!
Gnotobiotic animals are those
transferred directly into an aseptic
environment the moment they are
born so as to have a nearly zero
Gordon and Pesti, Bacterio.
Rev. in 1972 came up with some of
the terminologies
concerned with
G n o t o b i o t i c
animals one of an
animal stock or
strain derived by
aseptic caesarean
section (or sterile
hatching of eggs)
which are reared
and continuously
maintained with
germfree techniques
u n d e r i s o l a t o r
conditions and in
w h i c h t h e
composition of any
associated fauna and
flora, if present, is
fully defined by
accepted current
m e t h o d o l o g y .
Germfree animal
(axenic animal) is a gnotobiote
which is free from all demonstrable
associated forms of life including
bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and
other saprophytic or parasitic forms.
Gnotobiotic animals are helpful as it
provides the relationship of a single
microbe or a set of microbes and the
host. This means, that if a relation
between E.coli and rat is to be
studies, the just
b o r n r a t o n
C a e s a r e a n i s
transferred to an
environment free
f r o m a l l t h e
possible microbes
except E.coli.
Studies concerned
with microbes for
n u t r i t i o n , o n
injuries etc can
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
also be understood. Animals like
germ-free rata, rabbits, guinea pigs,
beagle dogs, sheep, goats, and
monkey and so on are also
Various studies on gnotobiotic
animals carried were they proved
useful for example in the study of
importance microbial flora for
partial inactivation of
pancreatic enzymes like
t r y p s i n o g e n a n d
chymotrypsinogen after
finding them in higher
concentration in the faeces
of these germ free animals.
A study even showed the
four times higher ammonia
levels in portal blood of a
usual guinea pig and a germ free.
These differences are the plus
points for studying microbiology.
Apart from animal model study,
these animals are also used to
develop healthy species by
stepwise exposure to microbes
during their development phase.
The disadvantage of these species
is that they are very weak in terms
of their immunity, cardiac output
and thus the defence against
pathogens. Also the environment
required for maintaining sterility
during their growth phase is
difficult in financial as well as
maintenance aspect. However, this
new and innovative technique of
developing animal model would
truly open way for bringing new
i m m u n o s u p p r e s s a n t ,
immunostimulant as well as in
studies related to nutraceuticals and
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Karan Shah
B.Pharm + MBA(Pharm. Tech.)
Jack is in the final year of his undergrad program. He is a part of the cultural committee and helps in co-ordinating
various college events and activities. However, with the exams looming overhead, he is hopelessly overworked
and fatigued. His friend introduces him to a 'wonder' drug – Modafinil. The drug helps him to stay awake, focus
on his work and stay on top of things. With the extra oomph provided by this drug, Jack is able to successfully
jugglebetweenhis schoolwork andco-curricularactivities.
Modafinil is amongst one of the many drugs that are rising in popularity on university campuses around the
world. Students are using these drugs – not for pleasure, but for enhanced cognitive capabilities. In other words,
becoming 'smarter'.Modafinil has been approved for treatment of narcolepsy (excessive sleepiness). However,
recent studies support the notion that a single dose of modafinil improves cognitive performance in healthy
individuals. Other such drugs include Adderall (Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine), Nootropil(Piracetam)
and Ritalin(methyphenidate). Adderall and Ritalin are primarily prescribed for treatment of ADHD while
Piracetam is said to possess neuroprotective properties. According to a recent survey of 6,725 students,
conducted byresearchers fromtheuniversities ofZurich and Basel,1 in7students has dabbledin 'smart' drugs.
Drugs, in our current society carry a negative connotation. Drug abuse is widespread and use of performance
enhancing drugs in sports is banned. For many, nootropics carry the same negative connotation. Many people's
intuitive objection is that any artificial means of enhancement is 'cheating'. Nootropics are viewed as unnatural
means of bringing about enhancement by altering the normal functioning of brain. In his book “Our Posthuman
Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution,” Francis Fukuyama says “The original purpose of
medicine is to heal the sick, not turn healthy people into gods.”Many people think cognitive enhancement drugs
would undermine the human qualities of hard work and determination. Indeed, our most loved myths and stories
– from David and Goliath to Mahabharata -- have us rooting for the underdog who achieves victory through
Apart from the ethical and moral quandaries, there are more practical concerns about the wider impact of
nootropics on the society as a whole. For example, if an individual does not use cognitive enhancement drugs due
to his personal beliefs, medical conditions, lack of access to such drugs or any of the several reasons -- he would
be inherently at a disadvantage in a society where the use of nootropics is widespread. His normal, unenhanced
cognitiveabilities wouldeffectivelyhavebeenpathologizedwhen comparedto others.
Others are concerned about the safety of cognitive enhancement drugs in the long run.These fears are not entirely
unfounded. Few studies have been conducted about the long term effects of nootropics on the human brain. The
few studies that have been conducted often provide conflicted results. For example, one study claims that
Piracetamraisecognitiveabilities in oldpeoplewhileanotherstudy claims exactlytheopposite.
However, these drawbacks shouldn't discourage us from fully exploring the advantages of cognitive
enhancement.The use of drugs to enhance cognition is not an entirely new phenomenon. Caffeine is perhaps one
of the oldest known stimulant.Amphetamines are used in military for promoting vigilance and wakefulness. For
many,useofpharmacologicalproducts tobettertheirexperiences is already afactoflife.
Dr.Anjan Chatterjee, an associate professor of neurology at the University of Pennsylvania who foresaw this
debate in a 2004 paper, argues that the history of cosmetic surgery — scorned initially as vain and unnatural but
now mainstream as a form of self-improvement — is a guide to predicting the trajectory of cosmetic neurology,
as hecalls it.
“We worship at the altar of progress, and to the demigod of choice,” Dr. Chatterjee said. “Both are very strong
undercurrents in the culture and the way this is likely to be framed is: 'Look, we want smart people to be as
productive as possible to make everybody's lives better.We want people performing at the max, and if that means
using these medicines, then great, then we should be free to choose what we want as long as we're not harming
someone.' I'm not taking that position, but we have this winner-take-all culture and that is the way it is likely to
More studies need to be conducted about the mechanism of action of cognitive enhancement drugs and their long
term effects on the brain. Awareness should be spread among individuals – especially students, who are most
likely to take advantage of nootropics – on the advantages and disadvantages of nootropics. Institutions with real
enforceablepowers should besetupto controland regulatenootropics.
In conclusion, we shouldn't be held back by paralyzing pessimism but move forward into uncharted territories
with cautious optimism. As with any new advancement in science, we should work on maximizing benefits
offered bynootropics and minimizingtheharmcausedby them.
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
The Exploria is one of the few Experiential Learning
organisations helping the K12+ students to understand
and have a practical exposure to Industries. We are
committed towards our mission,
'To breach the Gap between Industries and Academia'.
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Rx is the prescription to dispense a potent combination of displaying the
academic, cultural, sports n technical skills of budding pharmacists. Over
the past 4 years, I have enjoyed the taste of this prescription, both as a
participant and member of the organizing team. I miss those memorable
moments of working with a team to execute this prescription in a Perfect
manner but the online rx this year helps us relieve 'the pulse of Rx'. Good
Forum Jhalundwala,
Student Exchange Officer, 2012-13
While going back to the IPAdays, the first thing that strikes a chord is that
moment when I was declared as the Head of Treasury Committee for
2012-13. May it be the task of running around for sponsorships, trying to
gather funds from anywhere and everywhere, committee meetings,
bunking lectures to do IPA work, etc all this truly imbibed into me the art
of management and leadership. I am extremely proud to be a part of IPA
and I wish all the best to the people who were a part, who are still a part and
thosewho wouldbecontinuingthelegacyahead.
Sonia Malthankar,
Treasurer, 2012-13
IPA was really fascinating. I enjoyed a lot especially missing those
meetings, discussion with other IPAmembers. Now it is like I am missing
some part of my body. Being a Sports Secretary, it imbibed many virtues
and developed many soft skills like communication, management,
balancing my academics with IPA. I will truly cherish my IPAexperience
Bhavik Motasha,
Sports Secretary 2012-13
IPA was a journey that took me on a joy adventure ride. The exhilarating
deadlines, last minute additions, the discussions with my panache team,
are memories that will be forever etched in my life. Coming to Rx, which
is the most awaited event of the year, it has a life of its own and IPA has
taken it to a new pedestal each and every year. My fondest memories are
tied with Rx when all the hard work shows fruit during the release of
Panache. The colourful banners, the enthusiastic faces on students, the
graceful dances are a part and parcel of Rx and I was proud to be a part of
I wish all the best in continuing this beautiful celebration to the IPA SF
Annapurna Venkat,
Editor-In-Chief 2012-13
Aditi Thakore
Final Year B.Pharm
Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy
ver since the first civilization
Eflourished and INDIA got its
identity, the word agriculture has been
synonymous with it. With tons of spices
and grains exported annually, there also is
a sinister and dark side to this…..
“Pesticides are substances or mixture of
substances intended for preventing,
destroying, repelling or mitigating any
pest.” To put it simply, pesticides are to
plants, what medicines are to humans. A
specific case which portrays the
horrendous scenario of these chemicals is
Endosulfan is an organochlorine
insecticide which is banned globally,
according to the Stockholm Convention,
but the Indian reality to it is otherwise.
Many parts of India still use this poison
Evidence to which is “THE CANCER
TRAIN” which runs from Bhathinda to
A reality which lies beyond those lush
green fields in Punjab is CANCER. The
Kasargod districtof Kerala, avictimto this
yellow labeled pesticide, has been one of
the most severely affected. Classified as a
highly toxic and potent carcinogen, the
persistent uses of chemicals like these
have challenged the status of agriculture
Ironically, the pressure from endosulfan
manufacturing companies made India the
largest consumer of this chemical which
made the government stand against the
ban. Although, a global phase-out, India
still holds a stance on its use. On papers,
the ban may have been implemented
since early 2012, but the figures showing
Owing to its controversial status, the
harmful effects are a matter of concern.
Known to manifest the humans leading to
endocrine disruption, delay in sexual
maturity, and cause acute neurotoxicity, it
is anATPase inhibitor and a GABA-gated
chlorine channel antagonist. These
enzymes are responsible for transfer of
nerve impulses. Cases of lethal poisoning
which result in permanent brain damage
High levels of endosulfan, a highly toxic
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
pesticide which has been widely used in
cashew nut and other cash crop
plantations, have been found in the bone
marrow of children suffering from blood
cancers intheareas usingthepesticide.
Children who had endosulfan in their
bone marrow had 7.5 times more risk of
developing blood-related cancer
compared to those with no detectable
pesticide in the bone marrow, scientists
said. Bone marrow acts as a factory of
The study, published in the journal Indian
Pediatrics, was carried out by scientists
from MS Ramaiah Medical College,
Bangalore, Kasturba Medical College,
Mangalore, Fr Muller Medical College,
Mangalore and Manipal University,
The fight for survival continues as a
plethora of reports show an increasingly
scarysidetoits exposure.
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
1. To overcome bacterial resistance to
antibiotics which produce a synergic
effect clavulanic acid is combined
2.Racemateofscopolamineknown as
3. Neuritisis duetodeficiencyof
4. Multinuclear microbial growth is
known as
1. Drug that increases NA and 5HT
2. Testforaloe-isobarbaloin
3. Fibrinisdigestedby
4. FDA approves extended-release
tablets for the treatment pulmonary
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Gloria Patel
First Year B.Pharm
Today everyone's behind some unclaimed chase,
For them life seems nothing but a award winning
If only the world could see through my eyes,
All these worldly shimmers would seem lies.
Happiness would have a greater meaning,
When seen through someone's happiness- devoid
eyes beaming.
If the world could see through my eyes,
Pleasure couldn't be having more Facebook
It would be watching sunset with a true friend,
Where baseless talks, pulling legs and fun
wouldn't end.
Hatred, anger, jealously, greed would be part of
no ones dictionary,
Peace, love and happiness would be everyone's
cardinal missionary.
If the world could see through my eyes,
Partying with loud music wouldn't be
Driving into jungles undisturbed silent darkness,
Lying on grass watching the starlit sky,
Would be where hearts satisfaction would lie.
Parents would be above all priorities,
Never would they be neglected but the ones
thanked for all opportunities.
If the world could see through my eyes,
In this vast universe where man is electron like,
He would end his 'who's much better' fight,
And would thank god for keeping him in his
gracious light.
People would wait, open their eyes, look around,
And try to find the happiness which is infront of
them, they never found.
Life without worldly negativity would be worth,
This place would be heaven on earth,
If only people could see through my eyes,
If only people seen through my eyes......
Anu Johnson
Third Year B.Pharm
Saraswati Vidya Bhavan's College of Pharmacy
Worn out and tired,
I hopped onto bed.
That's when I saw rain
on my window pane.
Drawn to its sight
as a fluttering fly to light.
I moved towards the window,
to look across the meadow.
There I stood watching,
Silent, absorbed and pensive
Unlike drifting into fantasies,
I was entangled in a string of memories.
When I was only just four,
I simply loved to watch a downpour.
At the age of five,
The pools lured me to dive.
When I grew up to be six,
I had paper boats to fix.
On turning seven years,
I jumped in puddles with my peers.
In the formative years that followed too,
I never failed to find a pleasure or two.
For the monsoon was always filled
With cheer and laughter and fun.
I know not then at what age,
I seemed to turn over a new page.
Buried in books and studies,
In classes and co-curricular activities.
Crammed the little mind with facts,
That helped settle matters with tact.
But could recollect nothing eventful,
That was once so blissful.
The mere remembrance of the past
Brightens my dull day at last.
With a smile I return as I recall
Monsoon – the dearest season of all.
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Researchers find potential new treatment approach for pancreatic cancer:
The research, found pancreatic cancer cells may have their own specialised energy supply that
maintains calcium levels and keeps cancer cells alive.Maintaining a low concentration of calcium
within cells is vital to their survival and this is achieved by calcium pumps, known as PMCA, on
the plasma membrane. All cells generate energy from nutrients using two major biochemical
energy "factories", mitochondria and glycolysis. However, in pancreatic cancer cells there is a shift
towards glycolysis as the major energy source. It is thought that the calcium pump may have its own
supply of glycolyticATP, and it is this fuel supply that gives cancer cells a survival advantage over normal
cells.Scientists used cells taken from human tumors and looked at the effect of blocking each of these two
energy sources in turn.Designing drugs to cut off this supply to the calcium pumps might be an effective
FDA Approves Tretten to Treat Rare Genetic Clotting Disorder:
Patients with Congenital Factor XIII deficiency which is an extremely rare genetic disorder do not
make enough Factor XIII, a protein that circulates in the blood and is important for normal
clotting. Factor XIII is composed of two subunits, A and B. Factor XIII deficiency is usually
caused by a deficiency of the A-subunit. Without treatment, people with this rare condition are at
risk for serious and life-threatening bleeding. Tretten is a recombinant analogue of the human Factor XIII
A-subunit that is produced in yeast cells and then further purified. It is a sterile freeze-dried-powder to be
reconstituted with diluent and injected intravenously. Tretten can be administered by a physician or be
FDA Approves AnoroEllipta to Treat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:
AnoroEllipta works by helping the muscles around the airways of the lungs stay relaxed to
increase airflow in patients with COPD. AnoroEllipta is a combination of umeclidinium, an
inhaled anticholinergic that affects the muscles around the large airways and stops the muscles
from tightening and vilanterol, a long-acting beta2-adrenergic agonist (LABA) that improves
breathing by relaxing the muscles of the airways to allow more air to flow into and out of the lungs. The
safety and efficacy ofAnoroElliptawere evaluatedin over 2,400 patientswith a diagnosis of COPD.Those
treated showed improved lung function compared to placebo. The drug carries a boxed warning that
LABAs increasetherisk of asthma-relateddeath.
FDA Approves Xiaflex as First Drug Treatment for Peyronie's Disease:
Xiaflex is the first FDA-approved non-surgical treatment option for men with this condition, who
have a plaque (lump) in the penis that results in a curvature deformity of at least 30 degrees upon
erection. Peyronie's disease is caused by scar tissue that develops under the skin of the penis. This
scar tissue causes an abnormal bend during erection and can cause problems such as bothersome
symptoms during intercourse. Xiaflex is a biologic medicine made from the protein product of a
living organism, collagenase clostridialhistolyticum. Xiaflex is believed to work for Peyronie's disease by
breaking down the buildup of collagen (a structural protein in connective tissue) that causes the curvature
deformity.Atreatmentcourse consists of a max.of four cycles. Each cycleconsists of two Xiaflex injection
procedures (in which Xiaflex is injected directly into the collagen-containing structure of the penis) and
one penile modeling procedure performed by the health care professional. The most common adverse
reactions associated with use of Xiaflex for Peyronie's disease include penile hematoma, penile swelling
GSK transfers thrombosis drugs to Aspen:
GlaxoSmithKline has this week completed the transfer of its thrombosis brands Arixtra
(fondaparinux) and Fraxiparine (nadroparin) to Aspen after receiving the regulatory seal of
approval for the deal. Under the transaction, first announced back in June,Aspen is paying the UK
drug giant $700 million for ownership of the thrombosis drugs (excluding China, India and
Pakistan) as well as the related manufacturing site at Notre-Dame de Bondeville and most employees
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Bedtime aspirin may be more beneficial for heart patients:
Patients at high cardiovascular risk who took aspirin at night had significantly reduced platelet
reactivity compared with those who took aspirin in the morning, according to the results of a
study. The open–label study randomized 290 patients with cardiovascular disease to take 100 mg
of aspirin either at bedtime or when they woke up in the morning for two 3–month periods. Blood
pressure and morning platelet reactivity were measured at the end of each period. The results
indicated that platelet reactivity during morning hours was significantly reduced by 22 aspirin reaction
units among patients who took aspirin before bed compared with those who took it in the morning. In
addition, patients in the bedtime dosing group did not suffer more side effects than those in the morning
dosing group. However, there was no significant difference in the blood pressure measurement of patients
Novartis' Troubles With Packaging Continue:
Novartis Consumer Health announced earlier today a recall on certain OTC medicines that were
badly packaged and might have broken or chipped pills, as well as incorrect product mixed into
bottles of pills. Rather worrying for consumers with risks of possible wrong or overdoses of their
medicine. Now the problems seem to be more endemic with the FDA inspection of the Novartis'
Manufacturing facility finding other drugs that may have become mixed in the packing process. It's
rare for pharmaceutical manufacturers to have a problem of mixing up drugs, as the products are usually
pressed into pills on a dedicated machine for that particular batch of the drug. The products in the spotlight
this time are opiate products made for Endo Pharmaceuticals by Novartis Consumer Health. The FDA is
working closelywithbothcompaniestoresolvetheproblemsandpreventthemoccurringinthefuture.
CoQ10 Drug Interactions
Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10 as it is often called, is commonly taken in supplement form to
counteract the muscle pain and weakness associated with cholesterol–lowering statin drugs.
Statins do appear to lower levels of CoQ10, a substance that is naturally produced in almost every
cell in the body, where it helps convert food to energy and acts as an antioxidant. The coenzyme
Q10 has several important roles in the body. But those who take it should do so carefully, because in
some cases it can blunt or amplify the effects of other drugs, particularly those that are used to control
blood sugar and blood pressure. In roughly half of people who take it, CoQ10 has a relaxing effect on
blood vessels that can lower blood pressure levels. But it takes about eight weeks for this effect to kick in
those who are already on blood pressure medications and choose to take CoQ10 should do so under the
guidance of a doctor. Taking CoQ10 can lower blood sugar levels as well, which can be problematic for
people with diabetes and anyone using medication to control hyperglycemia. It can also interact with
bloodthinners,so peoplewho use drugs likeaspirinor warfarinshould beparticularlycautious.
FDA Approves Sovaldi for Chronic Hepatitis C:
Most people infected with HCV have no symptoms of the disease until liver damage becomes
apparent, which may take several years. Some people with chronic HCV infection develop
scarring and poor liver function (cirrhosis) over many years, which can lead to complications such
as bleeding, jaundice (yellowish eyes or skin), fluid accumulation in the abdomen, infections or
liver cancer. Sovaldi is a nucleotide analog inhibitor that blocks a specific protein needed by the
hepatitis C virus to replicate. Sovaldi is to be used as a component of a combination antiviral treatment
regimenfor chronicHCVinfection.
there. The move falls in line with GSK's strategy of divesting non-core brands. As such, the group said it
has also this week completed the divestment of nutritional drinks brands Lucozade and Ribena to Suntory
Beverage&Food Ltdfor £1.35 billion.
Maureen Crasto
St.john College Of Pharmacy And Research
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
The association of food additives with
hyperactivity is a popularly accepted notion.
Feingold (1975) hypothesized that food
dyes are pharmacologically active
substances that induce or aggravate
symptoms of hyperactivity in children.
Subsequent studies have confirmed that
food colors can induce clinical symptoms of
hyperactivity ( Batemanet al., 2004;Boris
and Mandel, 1994) i.e. Attention Deficit
The present study investigated the
developmental neurotoxic effects of four
common food additives. Two independent
models were used to assess interactions in
this study: “effect additivity” and “dose
additivity.” Combinations acted
synergistically in reducing the length of
neurite outgrowth from differentiating
mouse NB2a neuroblastoma cells.
Quinoline Yellow and aspartame showed
greater synergy than Brilliant Blue and L-
glutamic acid; however, the results indicate
that both combinations are potentially more
toxic than might be predicted from the sum
The colors that were examined in this study
were synthetic dyes that are certified as safe
and are permitted for use as food additives in
 Brilliant Blue (E133) is banned in the
majority of the EU countries and causes
mitochondrial toxicity in vitro ( Reyeset
 The use of Quinoline Yellow (E104) in
foods is banned inAustralia, Norway, and
the U.S., and genotoxic effects have been
reported (Macioszek and Kononowicz,
2004). (However, very little informatio
about the neurotoxicity of food colors is
available, and the mechanism by which
they exert their toxic effect on nerve cells
In contrast, the excitatory amino acids
(EAA), L-glutamic acid, and aspartic acid
are well established neurotoxins. Over
three decades ago, it was discovered that L-
glutamic acid destroys dendrites and cell
bodies of neurons in the developing brain,
thus causing brain lesions. Oral and
subcutaneous administration of L-glutamic
acid to infant animals (rodents and
primates) induces acute neuronal necrosis
in several regions of the developing brain
including the hypothalamus and the
hippocampus. As adults, treated animals
show stunted skeletal development,
obesity, and female sterility. Retinal
neuronal changes also occur in rats after
prolonged administration of high L-
glutamic acid diets, whilst in adult humans,
it elicits headache in susceptible individuals
and is believed to be responsible for the
“Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”,
symptoms of which include chest pain,
numbness, burningandfacialpressure.
Similar hypothalamic lesions can be
induced by aspartic acid, one of two of the
constituent amino acids in the dipeptide
sweetener aspartame. Following ingestion,
aspartame is rapidly hydrolyzed to release
three biologically active chemicals: aspartic
acid, phenylalanine, and methanol, which
are absorbed into the portal blood. It has
been commonly used in diet drinks and
sugar-free foods throughout the world for
over 20 years, despite reports of panic
attacks, seizures, and headaches with its use.
Recently, chronic exposure of aspartame
was found toaffectmemoryin rats.
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Excitotoxins destroy central neurons by
excessive stimulation of postsynaptic
excitatory membrane receptors, whereas
the under-stimulation of such receptors
during the developmental period triggers
apoptosis. Thus, excitotoxic and apoptotic
neurodegeneration are two distinct cell
death processes that are readily
distinguishable ultrastructurally. It is well
established that an excitotoxic mechanism
plays a role in many neurologic disorders,
from acute insults such as stroke and head
trauma to chronic neurodegenerative states
such as Huntington's disease and the
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS) dementia complex. The over-
stimulation of such receptors leads to the
opening of voltage-dependant calcium
channels, initiating a cascade of events
involving the activation of protein kinases,
phospholipases, proteases, nitric oxide
synthase (NOS), generation of free radicals
and mitochondrial damage. The NMDA
receptor plays a prominent role because of
its high permeability to Ca2+; however
other EAA receptor subtypes also
contribute to these processes. Selective
non-competitive NMDA antagonists such
as MK-801 markedly protect CNS neurons
against direct excitotoxic effects; this has
been demonstrated in primary cultures of
hippocampal neurons following L-glutamic
acid exposure. Our data are consistent with
a role for excitotoxicity in the mechanism of
injury caused by some flavor-enhancing
food additives. CNS-1102 (a NMDA
receptor antagonist) protected against both
L-glutamic acid and aspartame-induced
neurite inhibition, whilst the results
demonstrated that food color-induced
neurotoxicity was not mediated by NMDA
receptor activation. When assessing cell
death mechanisms of food additive
combinations, we found that both
combinations studied had a straightforward
additive effect on cell viability, as measured
by Trypan Blue dye exclusion. The
mechanisms of synergistic neurotoxicity
are therefore unrelated to effects on
The list of non-nutritional additives in
foods is extensive, and it is virtually
impossible to hold a single chemical
responsible for a particular dysfunction.
For many of the commercial products
analyzed, more than one additive was
detected. Children's sweets were found to
contain both Brilliant Blue and Quinoline
Yellow, whilst corn snacks were found to
contain both aspartame and L-glutamic
acid. Humans are not only exposed to such
simple mixtures, but also to complex
mixtures of chemicals rather than to
individual chemicals, yet they continue to
be tested for toxicity in isolation from each
other. Also present in the environment are
numerous potentially neurotoxic
compounds such as pesticides that get into
foods somewhere along the chain from
farm to plate. Thus mixture studies are
important to elucidate whether these
interactions or chronic exposure to such
mixtures would cause deleterious effects to
a developing child. Very few long-term
experiments have been attempted, and
cumulative toxic effects have hardly been
Despite being a major factor relevant to
c l i n i c a l s e t t i n g s , c o m b i n a t i o n
pharmacology is a topic that has not
received much attention. It is essential that
such investigations are carried out by
reliable experimental procedures and
appropriate statistical methods; however
there is widespread disagreement over
terminology, definitions, and models for
the analysis of interactions. Several
methods for calculating the expected
combination effect of two or more
compounds are currently in use, the
majority of which can be associated with
two popular basic concepts known as effect
additivity and dose additivity. Effect
additivity focuses on measuring the effects
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
of mixtures at only one specified
concentration for each compound, thus
lacking the information on concentration-
response relationships. Dose additivity is
an equally valid procedure for analyzing
interactions between agents irrespective of
their mechanisms of action, and aims to
establish the required concentrations of
individual compounds within a
combination that produces a specified level
of effect.
During the developmental period of
synaptogenesis (brain growth spurt
period), neurons are very sensitive to
specific disturbances in their synaptic
environment. In humans, this period
extends from the sixth month of gestation
to several years after birth, thus children are
considerably more vulnerable to harm from
toxic chemicals than adults. Since they are
at a crucial stage of development, exposure
to toxic chemicals may directly or
indirectly attack their undeveloped
nervous, immune, and endocrine systems.
Dysfunction in any of these systems may
In conclusion, we present evidence that
specific combinations of common food
additives show synergistic effects to
inhibit neuronal cell differentiation in
vitro, using both the effect additivity and
dose additivity models of assessing
interactions. The immature nervous
system may be vulnerable to such toxic
insults since this marker of neurotoxicity
was found at concentrations of additives
theoretically achievable in plasma by
ingestion of a snack and/or drink typically
consumed by children. Mechanisms of
synergistic toxicity have yet to be
determined, and the implications of these
data on developmental disorders remain to
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
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Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Synergy: TOXIC in its own way!!!
Maureen Crasto
St.john College Of Pharmacy And Research
“Synergistic toxicity” refers to the effect that
when exposed to two toxins, the toxicity level
is far greater than the additive toxicity levels
of the two is important to understand the
concept of 'synergistic toxicity', as research is
increasingly showing that different toxins are
typically synergistic rather than additive in the
human body. However when testing is
performed on a toxicity of a substance, the
'level of harm' is set based on an assumption
that the substance is the only toxin to which he
bodyis beingexposed.
Case studies suggest that synergistic toxicity
is likely highly relevant in the causality of
autism. Assume, as example, that a fetus or
young infant already has high levels of toxins
(e.g. lead and mercury from environmental
sources) due to a lessened ability to excrete
toxins. Then multiple vaccines are
administered which contain an aluminum salt
(e.g.aluminum hydroxide) which is
specifically included as an “adjuvant” to elicit
an abnormally large immune reaction (the
adjuvant is essentially what makes a vaccine
work as it causes the body to build an immune
response to the disease-causing virus or
bacteria such as measles, etc). Additionally,
the vaccinescan containlive virus,endotoxins
produced by the bacteria, and/or organic
mercury. There is significant potential for
unexpected 'synergistic toxicity' effects from
vaccines, particularly for a susceptible
population that may already have high toxin
levels due to a lessened ability to excrete
toxins.Yet synergistic toxicity of vaccines has
not been studied–studieshave focusedon only
individual toxicity of a single component of
CASE STUDY- person's unique metabolism
The mother of a newborn was prescribed
acetaminophen with codeine for lingering
episiotomy pain. This is a fairly standard
practice. Initially the baby was healthy. Then
he developed increasing lethargy and after 11
days was brought to a pediatrician due to
concerns about his skin color and poor
feeding. Two days later the boy died. It was
determined the boy had 6x more morphine in
his blood than is considered safe for a neonate.
He also had high levels of acetaminophen
(which depletes glutathione, and important
detoxification molecule). It turns out that the
mother has three CYP 2D6 genes. These
genes express the enzyme for catalyzing the
O-demethylation of codeine to morphine. In
other words, the mother is an "ultra-rapid
metabolizer" of codeine to morphine --
leading to an unexpectedly fast build-up of the
Ultra-rapid metabolization of codeine occurs
in as much as 30% of someAfrican andAsian
 Exposure to noise and the solvent
toluene results in a higher risk of
hearing loss than exposure to either
stressor alone.
 C o m m o n f o o d c o l o r s a r e
synergistically neurotoxic with flavor
enhancers at levels obtained from a
 Exposure to carbon monoxide and
methylene chloride produces elevated
levels of carboxyhemoglobin that
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
reduce the blood's ability to carry
 Aluminum, copper, lead, mercury, and
cadmium can be found in mussels at
levels that, individually, are considered
below the threshold of toxic harm. But
these metals act synergistically with
low concentrations of the mussel's own
 Viruses can increase susceptibility to
heavy metals and vice versa.PBDEs,
PCBs, and methyl mercury are each
synergistically toxic with the others.
Very low exposures combine to induce
 In general, metals have synergistic
toxicity -- and organic metals have
synergistic toxicity with organic
compounds. Research indicates that
low PCB exposure while in the womb,
in combination with low exposure to
methyl mercury and lead, results in
 Exposure to a combination of 1 PCB, 2
dioxins, and 3 pesticides means a
person is 38x more likely to develop
type-II diabetes than someone exposed
tojust1 ofthechemicals.
 Tungsten and cobalt together can be
carcinogenic and together have been
found to rapidly accelerate the growth
of humanleukemiacells.
 Titanium dioxide nanoparticles are
being used in an expanding range of
products. These nanoparticles have
been observed to greatly enhance the
 Melamine and cyan uric acid are both
considered non-toxic at low doses. But
if those low doses combine in the
kidneys, a fatal amount of crystals can
form. Melamine and cyanuric acid were
added to wheat gluten used as an
ingredient in animal chows that caused
the death of hundreds of pets in early
 The dust shed by automotive tires
contains a mixture of chemicals. These
chemicals act in synergy with each
other. By this account, microscopic
particles in diesel exhaust combine with
lipids in cholesterol to activate genes that
trigger inflammation of blood vessels, in
turn leading to atherosclerosis, heart
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
53, Shubh Commercial,
Akruti Road,
Kandivili East
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Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Vaibhavi Modi
First Year B.Pharm
 Aimwas todeveloparectalnicotinedeliverysystemfortreatingulcerativecolitis(UC).
 To evaluate nicotine transport and cytotoxicity of delivery system using Caco-2 cell
 LCmethodwas used for assay ofnicotine.
 Effectofbioadhesivewas carriedoutusing Caco-2permeabilitystudies.
 Adhesive glyceryl monooleate showed enhanced release of nicotine but carbopol showed
 Presenceof bothadhesivesleadtodecreaseinflux of nicotine.
 Nicotine below 2%w/v and bioadhesive conc. below 10%w/w did not show any cytotoxic
effecton Caco-2cells.
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is one of the most common but difficult to treat disease, which is mostly
limited to large intestine. Sulfsalazine (5-aminosalicylate+sulfapyridine) was used
extensively but discontinued due to severe side effects. Mesalamine was then used but it was
extensively absorbed in upper GI tract(75%) and remaining part would get covered with
stools. Harris documented use of nicotine patch would reduce UC symptoms and thus it was
predictedthatnicotinecouldbeused for treatingsymptomsofUC
Suppocire AI , Suppocire AM was used as suppository base along with Carbopol 934,
Carbopol 974, Glyceryl monooleate as bioadhesives for making the delivery system.
Nicotine used in the experiment was from chemical company, USA, in oily liquid form, 98-
100% purity.Analysis was carried out using HPLC for separation using C18 column at 260nm,
using citrate buffer: methanol (85:15%v/v) as mobile phase, flow rate of 0.7ml/min.
Suppositoriesweremadeby using fusion method.
Absorption of nicotine alone/in presence of mucoadhesive/ cell specific bioadhesive was
determined by using side by side diffusion apparatus. Side by side diffusion chamber was used
in which donor compartment comprised of buffer and fluoroscein, while receiver compartment
comprised of only buffer and at regular time intervals, sample were withdrawn from the
receiver chamber and were tested using spectrofluorometer at 488nm excitation and 510nm
emission of fluoroscein. Effect of nicotine, bioadhesive and suppository base on cell
monolayer was determined by using MTT toxicity assay, based on ability of living cells to
metabolize the tetrazolium salt to a chromophore whose absorption can be measured
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Fig 1 : Effect of type of base on release of nicotine Fig 2 : Effect of GMO on release of nicotine in AM base
In fig.1 itcanbeseenthatnicotinereleasefromAI baseis higherthanAM base.Fromfig.2 itcanbe
predicted that increase in concentration of GMO leads to enhanced release of nicotine from AM
Fig 3 : Effect of carbopol 974 load in AM base on
release of nicotine
Fig 4 : Effect of carbopol 934 laod in AM base on
release of nicotine
From fig.3 &4 enhanced nicotine release is observed due to introduction of carbopol 974
 GMO is found to give faster drug release than carbopol.
 Addition of GMO in suppocire will increase hydrophilicity of the matrix, thus enhancing
the nicotine release.
 Caco-2 monolayer studies indicated the presence of bioadhesives and suppository bases
affected the nicotine flux through the monolayer.
 Future studies will be aimed at evaluation of this system in invivo animal model.
Development of a rectal nicotine delivery system for the treatment of ulcerative colitis, by
Alekha K. Dash, Zheng Gong, Donald W. Miller, Han Huai-Yan, Jean-Pierre Laforet
International journal of pharmaceutics 190(1999) 21-34
From fig.5 it can be concluded that GMO reduces the
flux of nicotine through cell monolayer as compared to
Fig 5 : Effect of bioadhesive on flux of nicotine through
cell monolayer
Tanvee Thakur
Prajakta Waghmare
T.Y.BPharm, Bombay College of Pharmacy
espite being an ancient disease, TB
Dcontinues to be a major health concern
around the world.According to theWHO, 9
million cases of activeTB emerge annually,
resulting in 2 million deaths every year.
This article focuses on the role of liposomes
as nanodelivery systems of anti-TB drugs
targeting the alveolar macrophages (AMs)
b y i n t r a v e n o u s a n d i n h a l a t i o n
Tuberculosis is generally caused by
mycobacterium tuberculae. It is an air-
borne disease and spreads through the
cough droplets from infected people found
in air. The classic symptoms of active TB
infection are a chronic cough with blood-
tinged sputum, fever, night sweats, and
weight loss. There are two types of
tuberculosis infections-Extra pulmonary
1.Pulmonary TB: When the infection is
not active it commonly involves the lungs.
Upper lungs are more frequently affected
by TB than the lower lungs. Pulmonary TB
2.Extra pulmonary TB: Occurs more
commonly in immunosuppressed person.
Around 15-20% active cases are of extra
pulmonary TB. In those with HIV it occurs
The most effective pharmacotherapy inTB
treatment is a multidrug combination of
First line treatment. Ethambutol +
isoniazid, pyrazinamide and rifampicin,
coupled with streptomycin is 1st line
treatment. Rifabutin, ethionamide,
amikacin, kanamycin A and levofloxacin
are more toxic, more expensive and less
active than first-line agents and used as a
What areLiposomes?
A liposome is an artificially-prepared
vesicle composed of a lipid bilayer. The
liposome can be used as a vehicle for
administration of nutrients and
pharmaceutical drugs. Liposomes are
composed of natural phospholipids, and
may also contain mixed lipid chains with
surfactant properties. The major types of
liposomes are the multilamellar vesicle
(MLV), the small unilamellar vesicle
(SUV), the large unilamellar vesicle
(LUV). Liposomes are ampiphilic in
nature. Advantages of liposomes in the
 Biodegradable,biocompatible,flexible
 Controlledhydration
 Providesustainedrelease
Rifabutin encapsulated with liposomes, is
seen to be more effective against
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
extrapulmonary TB. Rifampicin with
isoniazid with liposomes when taken via
inhalatory route is more effective against
pulmonary TB. Due to the chemical dual
nature of liposomes their use has been seen
as vehicles for both lipophilic and
hydrophilic drugs. Liposomes can be used
as anti-TB nanocarriers for the treatment of
Two typesofroutesareemployed:
 Passiveroute
 Activeroute
Passive targeting corresponds to transport
in the organism according to the normal
Intravenous Administration: Gaspar et
al. developed formulations of liposomes
with rifabutin encapsulated. These MLV
formulations, after intravenous
administration every 3 days over a 2-week
period in mice with disseminated TB, were
compared against the free drug
Rifabutin given intravenously in mice
through passive route shows significant
reduction in bacilli present in the spleen
Amicacin given intavenously in mice
through passive route in semilaminar
vescicles show increased activity against
mycobacterium tuberculosis and improved
Inhalatory Administration: A liposome-
based formulation of encapsulated
rifampicin and isoniazid was developed by
Pandey et al. This formulation consisted in
MLVs and was tested in guinea pigs via the
The experiment performed by Dhillon et al
gave the following results- An increased
activity against M. tuberculosis and higher
half-life time towards the free drug thus
The experiment performed by Pandey et al
gave the following results-Both drugs
were present in the lungs as well as in the
AMs until day 5 post-nebulization. Hence
a possible reduction of the daily
administration frequency of the two first-
lineanti-TBdrugs isseen.
Rifampicin and isoniazid given through
inhalatory route in guinea pigs through
passive pathway in multi laminar vesicles
showed increased therapeutic drug levels
The investment in the search for new drugs
for TB is increasing. In the near future, a
large investment in nanotechnology and
the development of drug delivery systems
to increase the therapeutic index of several
drugs is also expected to occur. Although
the use of liposomes as anti-TB drug
delivery systems does not guarantee the
absence of resistance, it will certainly
decrease the probability of their
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Panache Flair of Mind 2014
Goals are the fuel in the furnace of accomplishment. Every accomplishment starts with the
decision to try.We dreamt, we thought, and finally we materialized our dreams into action of
successfully envisioning our “Year of Innovation”. “No man is an island. When we achieve,
we usually do so because others have helped”. I would like to extend my deep gratitude to all
those who have lighted the flame in making IPASF MSB a grandeur success We have come
to an end of another successful year because of the untiring efforts and contributions of a
number of people to whom we are very grateful, without whose support this wouldn't have
There will always be a frontier where there is an open mind and a willing hand. We lend you
an open mind and you provide a willing hand and let us together conceive an association
deep-rooted. To all who contributed in whatever way to the success, we are very grateful.
Dalai Lama has very well said “The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for
First of almost, I would like to thank the Office Bearers and Council members of the Indian
Pharmaceutical Association- Maharashtra State Branch for their continuous support and
hardwork, which has helped us sail through another wonderful year. Our sincere thanks to
the President, Dr. Hemant Mondkar, Vice President, Dr.Anand Shedge, Hon Secretary, Mr.
Nitin Maniar and Hon. Joint Secretary Mr. Satish Shah, Hon. Treasurer Dr. N. Sivaprasad.,
Dr. Rakesh Tirpude and the council members of Maharashtra State Branch, for their
valuable guidance and mentoring. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the management of
Bombay College of Pharmacy, especially Mr.Nitin Maniar (Chairman, GB-BCP) Dr.
Kulkarni(Director)andDr.M.N Saraf(Principal)for theircountlesscontributions.
We are grateful to All India Organization of Chemists and Druggist (AIOCD), Mr. J.S.
Shinde for their support in all our activities. We fall short of words as we thank Mr. Mathew
Abreo for his unfailing and continuous support. We also extend a warm thank you to the
faculties of the various pharmacy colleges who have been supportive and have been
We extend our gratitude to NCRD's Sterling Institute of Pharmacy, especially Dr. M.S
Gadge (Principal) for his contributions during the National Pharmacy Week celebrations.
We thank Mumbai District AIDS Control Society (MDACS) for their support towards all
We are deeply indebted to Saifee Hospital, Life Care Hospital, Umrao Hospital for
providing their services in our Hospital Pharmacy Training Programs and Samarpan Blood
Bank of Sarvodaya Hospital for Blood Bank Visit Programs. Our thanks to Shreechem
Pharmaceuticals, Sanjeevani Pharmaceuticals and Gopaldasvisram, ACG Capsules for
renderingus anopportunitytoallowour studentstoundergotraining.
Our sincere thanks to all our sponsors and well wishers, who have played a vital role in all
the activities of IPA-SF-MSB and made this an eventful year, and contributed in making
Panache a grand success. We are happy to mention our obligation to all the sponsors
especiallytoLUPIN pharmaceuticals.
Our thanks are also due to Mr. Rohit Agre and his team for conceptualizing our vision into
publication. Last but not the least we thank Mr. Ajay –Richi Printers and A to Z printers for
meeting our printing and publication needs, kit bags and stationary requirements. Finally we
extend our most hearty gratitude to the IPA SF MSB cell, without whose vision, dedication
and hard work nothing would have been possible. It has been a memorable experience for us
towork togetheras onebigfamily!

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panache 2014

  • 1.
  • 2. Panache Flair of Mind 2014 02
  • 3. Panache Flair of Mind 2014 02 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK 15TH edition of panache, it makes us proud to bring 15 glorious years of our magazine which has a tradition of nurturing budding pharmacists & catalysing their thought process. Rx 2014 is an event which we look forward to; no doubt 2013 was a huge success. The theme Halloween brought out the fun side of the students and turned out to be a momentous occasion. As we take a leap into another resourceful, eventful year, we have chosen the theme 'Renaissance', a movement igniting minds & bringing a wave of change and rebirth. Every year ushers a change, which brings along new tides encompassing novice opportunities and ideas. This year the point system for the number of activities held by each college was introduced which kept the students on their toes. The 52nd National pharmacy week true to its theme: 'Pharmacist- A Healthcare Professional' was a successful event where 25 colleges actively participated in all health campaigns and conducted various street plays, blood donation drive, AIDS Awareness campaigns, etc. The week was enthusiastically concluded in the presence of more than 550 students and 50 faculty members where a team of ingenious and proficient speakers plagued the minds of the audience. The year gave the students an opportunity to experiment on various avenues of pharmacy profession by opening doors to the Maharashtra Local Exchange Programme, Hospital Pharmacy & Community Pharmacy training at reputable hospitals & drug stores. IPA-SF MSB has laid its foundation on the cornerstone to build booming & magnificent wonders in the field of pharmacy. “Its never too late to seek to a newer world To sail beyond the sunset and baths of western stars, But, therefore, what is needed is A stong mind-to seek, to find, and not to yield” And this is how our bid to launch “Pharma Buzz -monthly newsletter of IPA SF MSB” ventured successfully and was on the receptacle end of huge response from the students and we would like to continue the trend for the coming years and keep up the good work. The endeavour of launching a newsletter -totally student centric was mainly based to render the needs of our budding pharmacists, to make them wisdom and skill based sufficient enough to tackle their professional lives. Hot off the press column equipped them with the recent know-hows of the pharma world and the take and impact of it. Innovative and multifarious themes for instance-Breakthroughs in the Pharma World, Drug Design and Development, Insight into FDA, Decoding Pharmacopoeias, I hope, would have surely played a part in expanding their horizon. “The Students Corner” section hit the bulls eye which went on
  • 4. Panache Flair of Mind 2014 03 receiving rave reviews from the students and faculties. Our main aim to touch on the arena of the entrance exam was broadly to furnish and accoutre the students with the multifarious avenues which they can pursue. The mock tests gave a peek and an insight into the actual tests. Panache this year throws a glimpse into “Synergy” which denotes that the combined effects are greater than the individual effects. Thus teamwork leads to best possible outcome. But the cons of synergy are the ones to pay heed to and not ignore as well, quite aptly construed in the article Synergistic Toxicity. The theme article-“Synergy Outcome of a Strong Interaction” cites the facet, aspect and impact of peculiarities of such synergistic action and reaction. “Addition of Food, Subtraction in Brain” pertinently illuminates the synergistic actions of food additives and its crunch on brain activity. Though pesticides are used to ward of diseases in the plants, but the same pesticide like endosulfan sprayed plants when consumed produces havoc on human health. This image of pesticides is very well unveiled in the article on Endosulfan. Our scientists have been fortunate enough to discover various drugs to heal our disorders. But the bioavailabilty of these drugs have still kept all of us intrigued. Herbal Bioenhancers have outweighed all the expectations and has unravelled the crux of solving the mystery on bioavailability. Parents and students these days engage into various crooked ideas to surpass their peers and competitors in all the fronts and emerge at the top. Use of such drugs and the ethics associated with it are described in the topic of “Nootropics”. It is well said that the playing with mind is much easier than playing with the drugs. Altering the mental belief and thought-the placebo effect may well prove to be equally, in fact in some cases, more efficacious than our conventional drugs. Many aspects regarding Pharma industry have been covered. Our efficient editorial team worked synergistically and would like to present you many intriguing and interesting articles, poems, interview, crossword, news hot off the press, happenings of IPA. As much as it was a pleasure making this issue, I hope, the readers find it even more blissful and indulging while browsing through, as the pleasures of reading are best known to the reader! Hope it broadens the horizon of the minds of young generation regarding this field, which will serve the purpose of our magazine. Awaiting your enthusiastic and exhilarating response in the coming years too! Enjoy the issue folks! Editor-In-Chief Khushbu Bhatt Associate Editor Pragya Singh, Aditi Thakore Joint Editor Anu Johnson, Rutuja Yawalkar, Prajakta Waghmare Members Rahul Joshi, Siddhi Malgaonkar, Maureen Crasto, Vaibhavi Modi, Shivani Jadhav, Dhanashree Ghume, Gauri Kadam
  • 5. Panache Flair of Mind 2014 04 DearStudents, On behalf of IPA MSB, I extend Season's Greeting to you dear students. May this year 2014 be a year that shall fulfill all your aspirations and usher positive change that shall propel you higher echelons of academic and professionalexcellence. 2014 has already witnessed a revolutionary change wherein masses elected a team of people from all walks of life and not politicians as their representative to govern a state. The election of Aam Aadmi Party (People's Party) to form a government at Delhi is unparallel event in the history of the world. This event has captured the attention of the entire world and has demonstrated the power of synergy of people working towards common goal of being change agents in the quest of cleansing corruption in government and public places and providing corruption free governance. The power of Synergy cannot be underestimated. History has witnessed a lot of defining moments and movements wherein power of synergy has triumphed and broken shackles of slavery, racism, colonization and tyrant leadership. The American war of Independence, the apartheid movement in Africa, the Satyagraha struggle for Independence in India from British Colonization and ouster of Dictatorial regimes in Iraq, Libya, Uganda and Egyptaretestimonialstoprovethepower of Synergy ofPeople. Synergy of people signifies the interaction of multiple minds working together as individuals and collectively creating a Tsunami effect of dimension greater than individual efforts. The success of the triumph of synergy of people lay in motivating people to believe in sharing a common dream and working relentlessly towards achieving it. Strong leadership, Teamwork, Courage of conviction, Resilience, Self Belief are some the tenets that inspire, propel and galvanize people towards achieving their commondreams. We at IPA MSB have been over the years witnessing the Success of Synergy of peoplebothatStatelevelandatStudent's level. I am proud of their achievements and only hope and wish you d e a r students to apply this success formula in your personal and professionalsphereof life. Bestwishes for your futureendeavors PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dr. Hemant Mondkar, President IPA MSB.
  • 6. Panache Flair of Mind 2014 05 Greetingsandbonjourtoallpharmacistsandreaders!!! It gives me immense pleasure to introduce the 15th edition of Panache-the flair of mind before you. This is an idea thought of, to reach out every pharmacist in the state and around. With Panache we try to spread awareness in the society about pharmacy and its multifarious role in the healthcare sector. It is an outcome from the great efforts of my entire team. No man has ever wetted clay and left it as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune. We worked with entire dedication, devotion and determination, team work knowing that right thoughts and right efforts would inevitably bring about rightresultsandourhardwork finallyborethesweetestfruits. To go back and analyse, I can say, the year started with a hiatus! But as we played the show; it caught up energy and enthusiasm as fire. The year was coined “year of innovation” and worked out to be the same, the whole team worked with coordination and led the association to a higher altitude. With the record breaking placements in hospital pharmacy, blood bank visits and industrial visits, we had two very successful MLEPbatches from Nashik andAurangabad. My team flourished to gain maximum coverage and participation for various technical events as well.The health awareness campaigns we held this year were never like before, efforts were taken to influence all age groups ranging from school students up to senior citizens towards health. We had taken up the motto for the year as “Anti-tobacco crusade” .The people we approached have curbed tobacco from their lives under our influence and the content and the satisfaction reaped inspired us to move further and keep the trend going. We cited the importance of pharmacist as a healthcare professional during our 52nd national pharmacy week in the closing ceremony of which we had a whole auditorium filled with aspiring pharmacists & future leaders who were influenced enormously and that was again a milestone we could touch and added one more featheronourcap. After a year filled with such ups and downs, we are here at the end (I would rather term it as a “Pause”)….celebrating the success and awesomeness of the year with my team-mates in our very own inter collegiate festival Rx-2014 with over 22 colleges participating from the state and enjoying their heart out. For me it was the best year for IPA-SF-MSB so far, and I expect this to continue for years to come. Hopes to witness progression are deep within, all the very besttothenextteam. CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Rohini Agre IPA -SF-MSB
  • 7. 06 ADDING UP ENERGY, THAT'S SYNERGY Man is a creation of God working in synergy, Where body, mind and soul unite to give energy. Energy of man yields discovery of medicinal treasury, This happens when human energy and pharmacy undergo synergy, Pharmacist as he is called boldly, Now he thinks lets apply some synergy. Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen, he combined smartly, And Combiflam marketed its synergistic capacity. Famous drug ever marketed possibly, All credits and thanks to the idea of synergy. Positive result would occur similarly, When pharmacist and doctor act synergistically. Negative the result would be drastically, When two foe drugs combine synergistically. Its all combination that works miraculously, Because adding up energy that is synergy. R. Saiprasanth, M.pharm (Quality Assurance), VES College Of Pharmacy, Chembur(West) Panache Flair of Mind 2014
  • 8. 08 STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM 2013, BELGRADE, SERBIA Aditi Thakore Final Year B.pharm Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy E very year, students from various parts of the world have an excellent opportunity to work across borders and experience the professional setup through the student exchange program cum internship organized by The International Pharmaceutical Students Federation. Having made the best use of this platform, my visit to Belgrade, Serbia had lots to offer.There was a lot of initial skepticism regarding my choice of country, as a lot of them thought I was going to SIBERIA and not SERBIA. Formerly known as Yugoslavia, there have been a lot of pre conceived notions about this place and its people. To put all these rumors and wrong ideas to rest, I knew that this was just the right opportunity. If not for SEP I would never have thought of exploring this beautifulplace. Belgrade was an absolute bundle of surprise right since day one. Contrary to all the beliefs about Serbs, they are, without a second thought the most lovable, welcoming and warm people I have ever come across. Not once did I ever feel away from home. The NAPSer team had everything well in place for my monthlonginternship.And boy!Timejustflew past. Serbia is involved in a lot of substantial research work, and hence my area of research was Pharmaceutical Technology. Learning was never so much fun. Spending close to six hours a day in the laboratory, there was still something to look forward the next day. Be it using the spectrophotometer, making dispersions or handling the micropipette for the first time, everything seemed interesting with how even the complex of concepts were taught with ease. Panache Flair of Mind 2014
  • 9. 09 Working with a completely new set of people from different countries changed a great deal of my perception. I had the privilege of working under the tutelage of Vice Dean Dr. Svetlana Ibric and Prof. Branko Obradovic at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. Working in a totally new professional culture helped me learn a lot in terms of work ethics, respect towards even the smallest of work, and team building. There was a lot of knowledge exchange and an insight into the way the European healthcare functions. It was a sheer delight meeting Prof.Branko considering how well we were guided on every detail of the experiment. Currently, Prof. Branko is pursuinghisPhD studiesinGermany. Interestingly, a fact that cannot go unnoticed is the European education system. A little probe into their routine college life revealed that their examination pattern wasVIVAbased, that explains the importance they lay on concepts unlike the rote learning here in INDIA. Apart from the work, personally this was an experience I will treasure for the rest of my life. Belgrade also known as the party capital, every evening was a blast. The hosts left no stone unturned to show me around and soak in the rich culture and history. I can now proudly boast of friends from around the world who I met during the internship, all of who are a bunch of amazing people. This certainly helped me gain information and an outlook of pharmacy practices across the globelikePolandandUSA Lastly, I cannot sign off without having thanked the IPA-SF enough for its efforts and having considered me for this remarkable and enduring experience. Piece of advice to all u readers out there-This program is hard to miss, grab the chance while there is stilltime,everypennyisworthit;) Panache Flair of Mind 2014
  • 10. 10 SYNERGY – OUTCOME OF A STRONG INTERACTION Panache Flair of Mind 2014 Talent wins games, but synergy wins championships.-Michael Jordan ehaviour of a system that cannot be Bpredictedbythebehaviourofitsparts. What is it? A teamwork? A combined action? Interaction?In every simplified terms; synergy describes the combined healthy action of every organ of a particular system. More actions can be completed when a team of people are working together than when one person is working by his or herself. The way to achieve this type of synergy is to find people you can work with who has the same goals and basic drive as you do. Synergy is the interaction of multiple elements in a system to produce an effect different from (not anticipated or desired) or greater than the sum of their individual effects (desired). The term synergy comes from the Greek word synergia "working together". DRUG SYNERGY Drug synergy occurs when drugs can interact in ways that enhance or magnify one or more effects, or side-effects, of those drugs. This is sometimes exploited in combination preparations, such as codeine mixed with acetaminophen or ibuprofen to enhance the action of codeine as a pain reliever. Other examples include the use of cannabis with LSD, where the active chemicals in cannabis have been reported to enhance the .[citationneeded] hallucinatoryexperienceofLSD . Negative effects of synergy are a form of contraindication. For example, a combination of depressant drugs that affect the central nervous system (CNS), such as alcohol and Valium, can cause a greater reaction than simply the sum of the individual effects of each drug if they were used separately. In this particular case, the most serious consequence of drug synergy is exaggerated respiratory depression, which can be fatal if left untreated. TOXICOLOGICALSYNERGY Toxicological synergy is of concern to the public and regulatory agencies because chemicals individually considered safe might pose unacceptable health or ecological risk in combination. During the registration of pesticides in the United States exhaustive tests are performedto discern healtheffects on humans at various exposure levels. However, in normal agricultural practice, it is rare to use only a single pesticide.Each of them has had determined a regulatory level at which they would be considered individually safe. In many cases, a commercial pesticide is itself a combination of several chemical agents, and thus the safe levels actually represent levels of the mixture. In contrast, a combination created by the end user, such as a farmer, has rarely been tested in that combination. The potential for synergy is then unknown or estimated from data on similar combinations. This lack of information also applies to many of the chemical combinations to which humans are exposed, including residues in food, indoor air contaminants, and occupational exposures to chemicals. Some groups think that the rising rates of cancer, asthma, and other health problems may be caused by these combination exposures; others have alternative explanations. This question will likely be answered only after years of exposure by the population in general and research on chemical toxicity, usually
  • 11. 11 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 performed on animals. Examples of pesticide synergists include Piperonyl butoxide and MGK 264. HEALTHCARE SYNERGY For most in healthcare, it feels familiar. In relation to the health sectors it is necessary to understand not only the work of a drug expert(Pharmacist) who is involved in designing drug, keeping in mind the patient but, also the work of a physician, involved in the diagnosis of diseases, both together makingasynergy. THEGAP In India, a physician is considered as a person holding God's place when it comes to treat a disease or cure a patient. But, the work of a drug expert who works behind the curtains is never sighted, and is a misconception among the people. On the other hand, many pharmacists have limited their interactions with physicians to such activities and do not regularly discuss whether a drug is therapeuticallyoptimalforthepatient. Now lets see; who is the drug expert (Pharmacist)?  Amainsourceofdataondruguse.  The one who is involved in new drug moleculedevelopment.  The one who knows well about drug-drug interactionsandtheirside-effects. Whoisthephysician?  Theonewho detectsthedisease  Theonewho performsthesurgery  Theonewho prescribesthemedicine THEREALITY Nothing else is important than to bring about a cure, health and disease free lives. Absence of any one is a problem, as if pharmacist would not work on medicines than what a physician would prescribe and treat with? And if physician would not dignose the diseases, how the molecules be developed or designed by keeping in mind the form of diseases? Hence, we can say that both makes 'disease cure' a success in synergy. Most pharmacists have already reached the stage of professional awarenesswithphysicians. THENEED Pharmacists should work to make physicians aware of the resources they can provide to the physicians' practices. Through a series of positive exchanges with a pharmacist, a physician can start to build a foundation of trust and a growing commitment to the relationship. The challenge for pharmacists and doctors should therefore be to work together to increasingly develop common strategies in order to achieve optimal treatmentforthebenefitofthepatient “IT'S A SYNERGY THAT IS IMPRESSIVE” THEIMPACT The vision of doctors, pharmacists, working together across departmental or institutional boundries is to improve their systems of care. The benefits of collaboration are clear. When bothwork together:  Total knowledge and understanding is greaterthanwhentheywork separately.  They increase the probability of successfully discovering solutions of problems.  Participation in problem solving process increasesacceptanceofthesolution.  Meaningful relationships are built and are thekeytofutureimprovement. Synergy: the combined power of different things working together to create a greater effect than if they were seperate
  • 12. 12 HERBAL BIOENHANCERS odern pharmaceutical research is M mainly concerned with the low oral bioavailability of important drugs which are administered orally. Poorly bioavailable drugs remain subtherapeutic because a major portion of dose never reaches to the plasma or exert its pharmacological action unless and until a large dose of drug is administered. This may lead to serious side effect and increase in treatment cost. One way to achieve reduction in drug dosage, and therefore drug toxicity and cost, is to increase drug bioavailability. Both the physicochemical properties of drug and physiological conditions of body affect the bioavailability of drugs. Barriers like GIT and first pass metabolism, efflux pumps like P-glycoproteins are the major factors which are responsible for the poor bioavailability ofdrugs. The consumption of antibiotics and drugs by human is increasing at an alarming rate.Out of the total drugs and chemicals, 20–50% of that use is unnecessary depending on the class of antibiotic and other drugs.This is responsible for side effects, illness, and reduction in life expectancy. One of the possible ways to reduce drug dosage is synergism between two therapeutic agents, that is, combination therapy. However, if both drugs used concurrently have antimicrobial property, the problem of selection pressure and drug toxicity will continue.Thus, there is need of molecules, which are not antimicrobial or target drugs but enhance activity and Jadhav Abhijeet Shivajirao & Khan Gufran Karim (Class – T.Y.B.Pharm ) Bombay College of Pharmacy availability of main drugs in combination therapy,thatis,Bioenhancers. Until now, methods of increasing drug bioavailability have been operated within a narrow manipulative framework, mainly based on physical processes like, increasing the polarity of the drug through chemical modification, micronization and nanonization, liposomal microencapsulatin and so forth. However, based on Ayurvedic literature, a new approach of increasing bioavailability of drugs with poor bioavailability by using Herbal Bioenhancers is gaining attention.Herbal Bioenhancer is an agent of herbal origin or any phytomolecule, which is capable of enhancing bioavailability and bioefficacy of a particular drug or nutrient with which it is combined, without any typical pharmacological activity of its own at the dose used.Herbal Bioenhancers have been shown to enhance bioavailability and bioefficacy of different classes of drugs, such as antibiotics, antituberculosis, a n t i v i r a l , a n t i f u n g a l , a n d anticancerousdrugs at low doses.They have also improved oral absorption of neutraceuticals like vitamins, minerals, aminoacids,andcertainherbalcompounds. The term bioavailability enhancer was first coined by Indian Scientists at the Regional Research laboratory, Jammu (RRL, now known as Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine) discovered and scientifically validated piperine as the world's first bioavailabilityenhancerin1979. Panache Flair of Mind 2014
  • 13. 13 Herbal Bioenhancers act through several mechanisms of action. Different herbal bioenhancers may have same or different mechanisms of action. Some of the proposedmechanismsofactionsare 1. Increasing gastrointestinal blood supplyandreducesHClsecretion. 2. S t i m u l a t i o n o f g a m a - glutamyltranspeptidase activity ehich enhances uptake of amino acids. 3. Inhibition of gastric emptying time andgastrointestinaltransit. 4. Inhibition of drug metabolizing enzymes and suppression of first pass metabolism. 5. Modifications in GIT epithelial cell membranepermeability. The available scientific research on bioenhancers has shown to produce s i g n i fi c a n t e n h a n c i n g e ff e c t o n bioavailability when coadministered or pretreated with many drugs and nutraceuticals. These natural compounds include piperine, Zingiberofficinale, n i a z i r i d i n , g l y c y r r h i z i n , Cuminumcyminum, Carumcarvi, allicin, lysergol, Aloe vera, Stevia rebaudiana, curcumin, sinomenine, genistein, Ammanniamultiflora, capsaicin, quercetin, naringin, capmul and cow urine distillate. They reduce the dose, shorten treatment, and thus reduce drug-resistance and drug toxicity or adverse reactions. Due to dose economy, treatment is cost-effective. Bioenhancers are also found to decrease or having no effect or little effect on the bioavailabilityofsomedrugs. Panache Flair of Mind 2014
  • 14. 14 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMALS Siddhesh Juvekar Final Year B.Pharm HK College of Pharmacy I n t h e p r e s e n t scenario, sterile environment tops the cGMP criteria of P h a r m a c e u t i c a l i n d u s t r i e s . Maintaining these conditions for herbal d r u g s , b i o t i c organism is still a n o t h e r t e r r o r. Wonder, even in this crucial condition, the scientist thought of developing a sterile organism! Gnotobiotic animals are those transferred directly into an aseptic environment the moment they are born so as to have a nearly zero microbialcountinthem. Gordon and Pesti, Bacterio. Rev. in 1972 came up with some of the terminologies concerned with G n o t o b i o t i c animals one of an animal stock or strain derived by aseptic caesarean section (or sterile hatching of eggs) which are reared and continuously maintained with germfree techniques u n d e r i s o l a t o r conditions and in w h i c h t h e composition of any associated fauna and flora, if present, is fully defined by accepted current m e t h o d o l o g y . Germfree animal (axenic animal) is a gnotobiote which is free from all demonstrable associated forms of life including bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and other saprophytic or parasitic forms. Gnotobiotic animals are helpful as it provides the relationship of a single microbe or a set of microbes and the host. This means, that if a relation between E.coli and rat is to be studies, the just b o r n r a t o n C a e s a r e a n i s transferred to an environment free f r o m a l l t h e possible microbes except E.coli. Studies concerned with microbes for n u t r i t i o n , o n injuries etc can
  • 15. 15 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 also be understood. Animals like germ-free rata, rabbits, guinea pigs, beagle dogs, sheep, goats, and monkey and so on are also developed. Various studies on gnotobiotic animals carried were they proved useful for example in the study of importance microbial flora for partial inactivation of pancreatic enzymes like t r y p s i n o g e n a n d chymotrypsinogen after finding them in higher concentration in the faeces of these germ free animals. A study even showed the four times higher ammonia levels in portal blood of a usual guinea pig and a germ free. These differences are the plus points for studying microbiology. Apart from animal model study, these animals are also used to develop healthy species by stepwise exposure to microbes during their development phase. The disadvantage of these species is that they are very weak in terms of their immunity, cardiac output and thus the defence against pathogens. Also the environment required for maintaining sterility during their growth phase is difficult in financial as well as maintenance aspect. However, this new and innovative technique of developing animal model would truly open way for bringing new i m m u n o s u p p r e s s a n t , immunostimulant as well as in studies related to nutraceuticals and antibiotic.
  • 16. 18 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 NOOTROPICS – 'SMART' DRUGS Karan Shah B.Pharm + MBA(Pharm. Tech.) NMIMS SPP SPTM Jack is in the final year of his undergrad program. He is a part of the cultural committee and helps in co-ordinating various college events and activities. However, with the exams looming overhead, he is hopelessly overworked and fatigued. His friend introduces him to a 'wonder' drug – Modafinil. The drug helps him to stay awake, focus on his work and stay on top of things. With the extra oomph provided by this drug, Jack is able to successfully jugglebetweenhis schoolwork andco-curricularactivities. Modafinil is amongst one of the many drugs that are rising in popularity on university campuses around the world. Students are using these drugs – not for pleasure, but for enhanced cognitive capabilities. In other words, becoming 'smarter'.Modafinil has been approved for treatment of narcolepsy (excessive sleepiness). However, recent studies support the notion that a single dose of modafinil improves cognitive performance in healthy individuals. Other such drugs include Adderall (Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine), Nootropil(Piracetam) and Ritalin(methyphenidate). Adderall and Ritalin are primarily prescribed for treatment of ADHD while Piracetam is said to possess neuroprotective properties. According to a recent survey of 6,725 students, conducted byresearchers fromtheuniversities ofZurich and Basel,1 in7students has dabbledin 'smart' drugs. Drugs, in our current society carry a negative connotation. Drug abuse is widespread and use of performance enhancing drugs in sports is banned. For many, nootropics carry the same negative connotation. Many people's intuitive objection is that any artificial means of enhancement is 'cheating'. Nootropics are viewed as unnatural means of bringing about enhancement by altering the normal functioning of brain. In his book “Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution,” Francis Fukuyama says “The original purpose of medicine is to heal the sick, not turn healthy people into gods.”Many people think cognitive enhancement drugs would undermine the human qualities of hard work and determination. Indeed, our most loved myths and stories – from David and Goliath to Mahabharata -- have us rooting for the underdog who achieves victory through perseverance. Apart from the ethical and moral quandaries, there are more practical concerns about the wider impact of nootropics on the society as a whole. For example, if an individual does not use cognitive enhancement drugs due to his personal beliefs, medical conditions, lack of access to such drugs or any of the several reasons -- he would be inherently at a disadvantage in a society where the use of nootropics is widespread. His normal, unenhanced cognitiveabilities wouldeffectivelyhavebeenpathologizedwhen comparedto others. Others are concerned about the safety of cognitive enhancement drugs in the long run.These fears are not entirely unfounded. Few studies have been conducted about the long term effects of nootropics on the human brain. The few studies that have been conducted often provide conflicted results. For example, one study claims that Piracetamraisecognitiveabilities in oldpeoplewhileanotherstudy claims exactlytheopposite. However, these drawbacks shouldn't discourage us from fully exploring the advantages of cognitive enhancement.The use of drugs to enhance cognition is not an entirely new phenomenon. Caffeine is perhaps one of the oldest known stimulant.Amphetamines are used in military for promoting vigilance and wakefulness. For many,useofpharmacologicalproducts tobettertheirexperiences is already afactoflife. Dr.Anjan Chatterjee, an associate professor of neurology at the University of Pennsylvania who foresaw this debate in a 2004 paper, argues that the history of cosmetic surgery — scorned initially as vain and unnatural but now mainstream as a form of self-improvement — is a guide to predicting the trajectory of cosmetic neurology, as hecalls it. “We worship at the altar of progress, and to the demigod of choice,” Dr. Chatterjee said. “Both are very strong undercurrents in the culture and the way this is likely to be framed is: 'Look, we want smart people to be as productive as possible to make everybody's lives better.We want people performing at the max, and if that means using these medicines, then great, then we should be free to choose what we want as long as we're not harming someone.' I'm not taking that position, but we have this winner-take-all culture and that is the way it is likely to go.” More studies need to be conducted about the mechanism of action of cognitive enhancement drugs and their long term effects on the brain. Awareness should be spread among individuals – especially students, who are most likely to take advantage of nootropics – on the advantages and disadvantages of nootropics. Institutions with real enforceablepowers should besetupto controland regulatenootropics. In conclusion, we shouldn't be held back by paralyzing pessimism but move forward into uncharted territories with cautious optimism. As with any new advancement in science, we should work on maximizing benefits offered bynootropics and minimizingtheharmcausedby them.
  • 17. 19 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 The Exploria is one of the few Experiential Learning organisations helping the K12+ students to understand and have a practical exposure to Industries. We are committed towards our mission, 'To breach the Gap between Industries and Academia'.
  • 18. 20 WHAT WE MISS Panache Flair of Mind 2014 Rx is the prescription to dispense a potent combination of displaying the academic, cultural, sports n technical skills of budding pharmacists. Over the past 4 years, I have enjoyed the taste of this prescription, both as a participant and member of the organizing team. I miss those memorable moments of working with a team to execute this prescription in a Perfect manner but the online rx this year helps us relieve 'the pulse of Rx'. Good lucktothenextcounciltobringRxtohigherandhigher! Forum Jhalundwala, Student Exchange Officer, 2012-13 While going back to the IPAdays, the first thing that strikes a chord is that moment when I was declared as the Head of Treasury Committee for 2012-13. May it be the task of running around for sponsorships, trying to gather funds from anywhere and everywhere, committee meetings, bunking lectures to do IPA work, etc all this truly imbibed into me the art of management and leadership. I am extremely proud to be a part of IPA and I wish all the best to the people who were a part, who are still a part and thosewho wouldbecontinuingthelegacyahead. Sonia Malthankar, Treasurer, 2012-13 IPA was really fascinating. I enjoyed a lot especially missing those meetings, discussion with other IPAmembers. Now it is like I am missing some part of my body. Being a Sports Secretary, it imbibed many virtues and developed many soft skills like communication, management, balancing my academics with IPA. I will truly cherish my IPAexperience forever. Bhavik Motasha, Sports Secretary 2012-13 IPA was a journey that took me on a joy adventure ride. The exhilarating deadlines, last minute additions, the discussions with my panache team, are memories that will be forever etched in my life. Coming to Rx, which is the most awaited event of the year, it has a life of its own and IPA has taken it to a new pedestal each and every year. My fondest memories are tied with Rx when all the hard work shows fruit during the release of Panache. The colourful banners, the enthusiastic faces on students, the graceful dances are a part and parcel of Rx and I was proud to be a part of thislegacy. I wish all the best in continuing this beautiful celebration to the IPA SF MSBTeam.HappyRx2014! Annapurna Venkat, Editor-In-Chief 2012-13
  • 19. 27 ENDOSULFAN ITS SNAG BEING A PESTICIDE Aditi Thakore Final Year B.Pharm Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy ver since the first civilization Eflourished and INDIA got its identity, the word agriculture has been synonymous with it. With tons of spices and grains exported annually, there also is a sinister and dark side to this….. THEPESTICIDES. “Pesticides are substances or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest.” To put it simply, pesticides are to plants, what medicines are to humans. A specific case which portrays the horrendous scenario of these chemicals is thecompound'ENDOSULFAN'. Endosulfan is an organochlorine insecticide which is banned globally, according to the Stockholm Convention, but the Indian reality to it is otherwise. Many parts of India still use this poison extensively. Evidence to which is “THE CANCER TRAIN” which runs from Bhathinda to Bikaner. A reality which lies beyond those lush green fields in Punjab is CANCER. The Kasargod districtof Kerala, avictimto this yellow labeled pesticide, has been one of the most severely affected. Classified as a highly toxic and potent carcinogen, the persistent uses of chemicals like these have challenged the status of agriculture inIndia. Ironically, the pressure from endosulfan manufacturing companies made India the largest consumer of this chemical which made the government stand against the ban. Although, a global phase-out, India still holds a stance on its use. On papers, the ban may have been implemented since early 2012, but the figures showing pesticidetoxicityareasadreality. Owing to its controversial status, the harmful effects are a matter of concern. Known to manifest the humans leading to endocrine disruption, delay in sexual maturity, and cause acute neurotoxicity, it is anATPase inhibitor and a GABA-gated chlorine channel antagonist. These enzymes are responsible for transfer of nerve impulses. Cases of lethal poisoning which result in permanent brain damage havealsobeenreported. High levels of endosulfan, a highly toxic Panache Flair of Mind 2014
  • 20. 28 pesticide which has been widely used in cashew nut and other cash crop plantations, have been found in the bone marrow of children suffering from blood cancers intheareas usingthepesticide. Children who had endosulfan in their bone marrow had 7.5 times more risk of developing blood-related cancer compared to those with no detectable pesticide in the bone marrow, scientists said. Bone marrow acts as a factory of bloodcells. The study, published in the journal Indian Pediatrics, was carried out by scientists from MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, Fr Muller Medical College, Mangalore and Manipal University, Manipal. The fight for survival continues as a plethora of reports show an increasingly scarysidetoits exposure. Panache Flair of Mind 2014 3 1 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 1. To overcome bacterial resistance to antibiotics which produce a synergic effect clavulanic acid is combined with 2.Racemateofscopolamineknown as 3. Neuritisis duetodeficiencyof 4. Multinuclear microbial growth is known as DOWN 1. Drug that increases NA and 5HT concentration 2. Testforaloe-isobarbaloin 3. Fibrinisdigestedby 4. FDA approves extended-release tablets for the treatment pulmonary arterialhypertension ACROSS CROSSWORD
  • 21. 29 IF THE WORLD COULD SEE THROUGH MY EYES Panache Flair of Mind 2014 Gloria Patel First Year B.Pharm NMIMS Today everyone's behind some unclaimed chase, For them life seems nothing but a award winning race, If only the world could see through my eyes, All these worldly shimmers would seem lies. Happiness would have a greater meaning, When seen through someone's happiness- devoid eyes beaming. If the world could see through my eyes, Pleasure couldn't be having more Facebook friends, It would be watching sunset with a true friend, Where baseless talks, pulling legs and fun wouldn't end. Hatred, anger, jealously, greed would be part of no ones dictionary, Peace, love and happiness would be everyone's cardinal missionary. If the world could see through my eyes, Partying with loud music wouldn't be awesomeness, Driving into jungles undisturbed silent darkness, Lying on grass watching the starlit sky, Would be where hearts satisfaction would lie. Parents would be above all priorities, Never would they be neglected but the ones thanked for all opportunities. If the world could see through my eyes, In this vast universe where man is electron like, He would end his 'who's much better' fight, And would thank god for keeping him in his gracious light. People would wait, open their eyes, look around, And try to find the happiness which is infront of them, they never found. Life without worldly negativity would be worth, This place would be heaven on earth, If only people could see through my eyes, If only people seen through my eyes...... RAIN DROPS Anu Johnson Third Year B.Pharm Saraswati Vidya Bhavan's College of Pharmacy Worn out and tired, I hopped onto bed. That's when I saw rain on my window pane. Drawn to its sight as a fluttering fly to light. I moved towards the window, to look across the meadow. There I stood watching, Silent, absorbed and pensive Unlike drifting into fantasies, I was entangled in a string of memories. When I was only just four, I simply loved to watch a downpour. At the age of five, The pools lured me to dive. When I grew up to be six, I had paper boats to fix. On turning seven years, I jumped in puddles with my peers. In the formative years that followed too, I never failed to find a pleasure or two. For the monsoon was always filled With cheer and laughter and fun. I know not then at what age, I seemed to turn over a new page. Buried in books and studies, In classes and co-curricular activities. Crammed the little mind with facts, That helped settle matters with tact. But could recollect nothing eventful, That was once so blissful. The mere remembrance of the past Brightens my dull day at last. With a smile I return as I recall Monsoon – the dearest season of all.
  • 22. 30 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 HOT OFF THE PRESS!!!!!! Researchers find potential new treatment approach for pancreatic cancer: The research, found pancreatic cancer cells may have their own specialised energy supply that maintains calcium levels and keeps cancer cells alive.Maintaining a low concentration of calcium within cells is vital to their survival and this is achieved by calcium pumps, known as PMCA, on the plasma membrane. All cells generate energy from nutrients using two major biochemical energy "factories", mitochondria and glycolysis. However, in pancreatic cancer cells there is a shift towards glycolysis as the major energy source. It is thought that the calcium pump may have its own supply of glycolyticATP, and it is this fuel supply that gives cancer cells a survival advantage over normal cells.Scientists used cells taken from human tumors and looked at the effect of blocking each of these two energy sources in turn.Designing drugs to cut off this supply to the calcium pumps might be an effective strategyforselectivelykillingcancercellswhilesparingnormalcellswithinthepancreas. FDA Approves Tretten to Treat Rare Genetic Clotting Disorder: Patients with Congenital Factor XIII deficiency which is an extremely rare genetic disorder do not make enough Factor XIII, a protein that circulates in the blood and is important for normal clotting. Factor XIII is composed of two subunits, A and B. Factor XIII deficiency is usually caused by a deficiency of the A-subunit. Without treatment, people with this rare condition are at risk for serious and life-threatening bleeding. Tretten is a recombinant analogue of the human Factor XIII A-subunit that is produced in yeast cells and then further purified. It is a sterile freeze-dried-powder to be reconstituted with diluent and injected intravenously. Tretten can be administered by a physician or be self-administered. FDA Approves AnoroEllipta to Treat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: AnoroEllipta works by helping the muscles around the airways of the lungs stay relaxed to increase airflow in patients with COPD. AnoroEllipta is a combination of umeclidinium, an inhaled anticholinergic that affects the muscles around the large airways and stops the muscles from tightening and vilanterol, a long-acting beta2-adrenergic agonist (LABA) that improves breathing by relaxing the muscles of the airways to allow more air to flow into and out of the lungs. The safety and efficacy ofAnoroElliptawere evaluatedin over 2,400 patientswith a diagnosis of COPD.Those treated showed improved lung function compared to placebo. The drug carries a boxed warning that LABAs increasetherisk of asthma-relateddeath. FDA Approves Xiaflex as First Drug Treatment for Peyronie's Disease: Xiaflex is the first FDA-approved non-surgical treatment option for men with this condition, who have a plaque (lump) in the penis that results in a curvature deformity of at least 30 degrees upon erection. Peyronie's disease is caused by scar tissue that develops under the skin of the penis. This scar tissue causes an abnormal bend during erection and can cause problems such as bothersome symptoms during intercourse. Xiaflex is a biologic medicine made from the protein product of a living organism, collagenase clostridialhistolyticum. Xiaflex is believed to work for Peyronie's disease by breaking down the buildup of collagen (a structural protein in connective tissue) that causes the curvature deformity.Atreatmentcourse consists of a max.of four cycles. Each cycleconsists of two Xiaflex injection procedures (in which Xiaflex is injected directly into the collagen-containing structure of the penis) and one penile modeling procedure performed by the health care professional. The most common adverse reactions associated with use of Xiaflex for Peyronie's disease include penile hematoma, penile swelling andpenilepain. GSK transfers thrombosis drugs to Aspen: GlaxoSmithKline has this week completed the transfer of its thrombosis brands Arixtra (fondaparinux) and Fraxiparine (nadroparin) to Aspen after receiving the regulatory seal of approval for the deal. Under the transaction, first announced back in June,Aspen is paying the UK drug giant $700 million for ownership of the thrombosis drugs (excluding China, India and Pakistan) as well as the related manufacturing site at Notre-Dame de Bondeville and most employees
  • 23. 31 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 Bedtime aspirin may be more beneficial for heart patients: Patients at high cardiovascular risk who took aspirin at night had significantly reduced platelet reactivity compared with those who took aspirin in the morning, according to the results of a study. The open–label study randomized 290 patients with cardiovascular disease to take 100 mg of aspirin either at bedtime or when they woke up in the morning for two 3–month periods. Blood pressure and morning platelet reactivity were measured at the end of each period. The results indicated that platelet reactivity during morning hours was significantly reduced by 22 aspirin reaction units among patients who took aspirin before bed compared with those who took it in the morning. In addition, patients in the bedtime dosing group did not suffer more side effects than those in the morning dosing group. However, there was no significant difference in the blood pressure measurement of patients takingaspirinatnightandthosetakingitinthemorning. Novartis' Troubles With Packaging Continue: Novartis Consumer Health announced earlier today a recall on certain OTC medicines that were badly packaged and might have broken or chipped pills, as well as incorrect product mixed into bottles of pills. Rather worrying for consumers with risks of possible wrong or overdoses of their medicine. Now the problems seem to be more endemic with the FDA inspection of the Novartis' Manufacturing facility finding other drugs that may have become mixed in the packing process. It's rare for pharmaceutical manufacturers to have a problem of mixing up drugs, as the products are usually pressed into pills on a dedicated machine for that particular batch of the drug. The products in the spotlight this time are opiate products made for Endo Pharmaceuticals by Novartis Consumer Health. The FDA is working closelywithbothcompaniestoresolvetheproblemsandpreventthemoccurringinthefuture. CoQ10 Drug Interactions Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10 as it is often called, is commonly taken in supplement form to counteract the muscle pain and weakness associated with cholesterol–lowering statin drugs. Statins do appear to lower levels of CoQ10, a substance that is naturally produced in almost every cell in the body, where it helps convert food to energy and acts as an antioxidant. The coenzyme Q10 has several important roles in the body. But those who take it should do so carefully, because in some cases it can blunt or amplify the effects of other drugs, particularly those that are used to control blood sugar and blood pressure. In roughly half of people who take it, CoQ10 has a relaxing effect on blood vessels that can lower blood pressure levels. But it takes about eight weeks for this effect to kick in those who are already on blood pressure medications and choose to take CoQ10 should do so under the guidance of a doctor. Taking CoQ10 can lower blood sugar levels as well, which can be problematic for people with diabetes and anyone using medication to control hyperglycemia. It can also interact with bloodthinners,so peoplewho use drugs likeaspirinor warfarinshould beparticularlycautious. FDA Approves Sovaldi for Chronic Hepatitis C: Most people infected with HCV have no symptoms of the disease until liver damage becomes apparent, which may take several years. Some people with chronic HCV infection develop scarring and poor liver function (cirrhosis) over many years, which can lead to complications such as bleeding, jaundice (yellowish eyes or skin), fluid accumulation in the abdomen, infections or liver cancer. Sovaldi is a nucleotide analog inhibitor that blocks a specific protein needed by the hepatitis C virus to replicate. Sovaldi is to be used as a component of a combination antiviral treatment regimenfor chronicHCVinfection. there. The move falls in line with GSK's strategy of divesting non-core brands. As such, the group said it has also this week completed the divestment of nutritional drinks brands Lucozade and Ribena to Suntory Beverage&Food Ltdfor £1.35 billion.
  • 24. 32 ADDITION IN FOOD, SUBTRACTION IN BRAIN??? Maureen Crasto S.Y.B.Pharm St.john College Of Pharmacy And Research Panache Flair of Mind 2014 The association of food additives with hyperactivity is a popularly accepted notion. Feingold (1975) hypothesized that food dyes are pharmacologically active substances that induce or aggravate symptoms of hyperactivity in children. Subsequent studies have confirmed that food colors can induce clinical symptoms of hyperactivity ( Batemanet al., 2004;Boris and Mandel, 1994) i.e. Attention Deficit HyperactivityDisorder.(ADHD) The present study investigated the developmental neurotoxic effects of four common food additives. Two independent models were used to assess interactions in this study: “effect additivity” and “dose additivity.” Combinations acted synergistically in reducing the length of neurite outgrowth from differentiating mouse NB2a neuroblastoma cells. Quinoline Yellow and aspartame showed greater synergy than Brilliant Blue and L- glutamic acid; however, the results indicate that both combinations are potentially more toxic than might be predicted from the sum oftheirindividualcompounds. The colors that were examined in this study were synthetic dyes that are certified as safe and are permitted for use as food additives in theU.K.  Brilliant Blue (E133) is banned in the majority of the EU countries and causes mitochondrial toxicity in vitro ( Reyeset al.,1996).  The use of Quinoline Yellow (E104) in foods is banned inAustralia, Norway, and the U.S., and genotoxic effects have been reported (Macioszek and Kononowicz, 2004). (However, very little informatio about the neurotoxicity of food colors is available, and the mechanism by which they exert their toxic effect on nerve cells isnotclear.) In contrast, the excitatory amino acids (EAA), L-glutamic acid, and aspartic acid are well established neurotoxins. Over three decades ago, it was discovered that L- glutamic acid destroys dendrites and cell bodies of neurons in the developing brain, thus causing brain lesions. Oral and subcutaneous administration of L-glutamic acid to infant animals (rodents and primates) induces acute neuronal necrosis in several regions of the developing brain including the hypothalamus and the hippocampus. As adults, treated animals show stunted skeletal development, obesity, and female sterility. Retinal neuronal changes also occur in rats after prolonged administration of high L- glutamic acid diets, whilst in adult humans, it elicits headache in susceptible individuals and is believed to be responsible for the “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”, symptoms of which include chest pain, numbness, burningandfacialpressure. Similar hypothalamic lesions can be induced by aspartic acid, one of two of the constituent amino acids in the dipeptide sweetener aspartame. Following ingestion, aspartame is rapidly hydrolyzed to release three biologically active chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol, which are absorbed into the portal blood. It has been commonly used in diet drinks and sugar-free foods throughout the world for over 20 years, despite reports of panic attacks, seizures, and headaches with its use. Recently, chronic exposure of aspartame was found toaffectmemoryin rats.
  • 25. 33 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 Excitotoxins destroy central neurons by excessive stimulation of postsynaptic excitatory membrane receptors, whereas the under-stimulation of such receptors during the developmental period triggers apoptosis. Thus, excitotoxic and apoptotic neurodegeneration are two distinct cell death processes that are readily distinguishable ultrastructurally. It is well established that an excitotoxic mechanism plays a role in many neurologic disorders, from acute insults such as stroke and head trauma to chronic neurodegenerative states such as Huntington's disease and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) dementia complex. The over- stimulation of such receptors leads to the opening of voltage-dependant calcium channels, initiating a cascade of events involving the activation of protein kinases, phospholipases, proteases, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), generation of free radicals and mitochondrial damage. The NMDA receptor plays a prominent role because of its high permeability to Ca2+; however other EAA receptor subtypes also contribute to these processes. Selective non-competitive NMDA antagonists such as MK-801 markedly protect CNS neurons against direct excitotoxic effects; this has been demonstrated in primary cultures of hippocampal neurons following L-glutamic acid exposure. Our data are consistent with a role for excitotoxicity in the mechanism of injury caused by some flavor-enhancing food additives. CNS-1102 (a NMDA receptor antagonist) protected against both L-glutamic acid and aspartame-induced neurite inhibition, whilst the results demonstrated that food color-induced neurotoxicity was not mediated by NMDA receptor activation. When assessing cell death mechanisms of food additive combinations, we found that both combinations studied had a straightforward additive effect on cell viability, as measured by Trypan Blue dye exclusion. The mechanisms of synergistic neurotoxicity are therefore unrelated to effects on viability. The list of non-nutritional additives in foods is extensive, and it is virtually impossible to hold a single chemical responsible for a particular dysfunction. For many of the commercial products analyzed, more than one additive was detected. Children's sweets were found to contain both Brilliant Blue and Quinoline Yellow, whilst corn snacks were found to contain both aspartame and L-glutamic acid. Humans are not only exposed to such simple mixtures, but also to complex mixtures of chemicals rather than to individual chemicals, yet they continue to be tested for toxicity in isolation from each other. Also present in the environment are numerous potentially neurotoxic compounds such as pesticides that get into foods somewhere along the chain from farm to plate. Thus mixture studies are important to elucidate whether these interactions or chronic exposure to such mixtures would cause deleterious effects to a developing child. Very few long-term experiments have been attempted, and cumulative toxic effects have hardly been exploredatall. Despite being a major factor relevant to c l i n i c a l s e t t i n g s , c o m b i n a t i o n pharmacology is a topic that has not received much attention. It is essential that such investigations are carried out by reliable experimental procedures and appropriate statistical methods; however there is widespread disagreement over terminology, definitions, and models for the analysis of interactions. Several methods for calculating the expected combination effect of two or more compounds are currently in use, the majority of which can be associated with two popular basic concepts known as effect additivity and dose additivity. Effect additivity focuses on measuring the effects
  • 26. 34 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 of mixtures at only one specified concentration for each compound, thus lacking the information on concentration- response relationships. Dose additivity is an equally valid procedure for analyzing interactions between agents irrespective of their mechanisms of action, and aims to establish the required concentrations of individual compounds within a combination that produces a specified level of effect. During the developmental period of synaptogenesis (brain growth spurt period), neurons are very sensitive to specific disturbances in their synaptic environment. In humans, this period extends from the sixth month of gestation to several years after birth, thus children are considerably more vulnerable to harm from toxic chemicals than adults. Since they are at a crucial stage of development, exposure to toxic chemicals may directly or indirectly attack their undeveloped nervous, immune, and endocrine systems. Dysfunction in any of these systems may leadtodeleterioushealtheffects. In conclusion, we present evidence that specific combinations of common food additives show synergistic effects to inhibit neuronal cell differentiation in vitro, using both the effect additivity and dose additivity models of assessing interactions. The immature nervous system may be vulnerable to such toxic insults since this marker of neurotoxicity was found at concentrations of additives theoretically achievable in plasma by ingestion of a snack and/or drink typically consumed by children. Mechanisms of synergistic toxicity have yet to be determined, and the implications of these data on developmental disorders remain to beinvestigated Reference-
  • 27. 35 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 sAuMItrA EntErprIsE Unit No. 6 & 8, Shivam Industrial Estate, Sativali Tungareshwar Road, Tungar Phata, Vasai (East)-401 208, Maharashtra, INDIA. Tele-Fax :91-250-2481299 Email: Proprietor- Sanjeev Thakur Mobile :+91 9822633567
  • 28. 36 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 Synergy: TOXIC in its own way!!! Maureen Crasto S.Y.B.Pharm St.john College Of Pharmacy And Research “Synergistic toxicity” refers to the effect that when exposed to two toxins, the toxicity level is far greater than the additive toxicity levels of the two is important to understand the concept of 'synergistic toxicity', as research is increasingly showing that different toxins are typically synergistic rather than additive in the human body. However when testing is performed on a toxicity of a substance, the 'level of harm' is set based on an assumption that the substance is the only toxin to which he bodyis beingexposed. Case studies suggest that synergistic toxicity is likely highly relevant in the causality of autism. Assume, as example, that a fetus or young infant already has high levels of toxins (e.g. lead and mercury from environmental sources) due to a lessened ability to excrete toxins. Then multiple vaccines are administered which contain an aluminum salt (e.g.aluminum hydroxide) which is specifically included as an “adjuvant” to elicit an abnormally large immune reaction (the adjuvant is essentially what makes a vaccine work as it causes the body to build an immune response to the disease-causing virus or bacteria such as measles, etc). Additionally, the vaccinescan containlive virus,endotoxins produced by the bacteria, and/or organic mercury. There is significant potential for unexpected 'synergistic toxicity' effects from vaccines, particularly for a susceptible population that may already have high toxin levels due to a lessened ability to excrete toxins.Yet synergistic toxicity of vaccines has not been studied–studieshave focusedon only individual toxicity of a single component of thevaccines(e.g.mercuryormeaslesvirus). CASE STUDY- person's unique metabolism canalsoinfluencetoxicexposure. The mother of a newborn was prescribed acetaminophen with codeine for lingering episiotomy pain. This is a fairly standard practice. Initially the baby was healthy. Then he developed increasing lethargy and after 11 days was brought to a pediatrician due to concerns about his skin color and poor feeding. Two days later the boy died. It was determined the boy had 6x more morphine in his blood than is considered safe for a neonate. He also had high levels of acetaminophen (which depletes glutathione, and important detoxification molecule). It turns out that the mother has three CYP 2D6 genes. These genes express the enzyme for catalyzing the O-demethylation of codeine to morphine. In other words, the mother is an "ultra-rapid metabolizer" of codeine to morphine -- leading to an unexpectedly fast build-up of the opiateinherbreastmilk. Ultra-rapid metabolization of codeine occurs in as much as 30% of someAfrican andAsian populations. RELEVANT STUDIES  Exposure to noise and the solvent toluene results in a higher risk of hearing loss than exposure to either stressor alone.  C o m m o n f o o d c o l o r s a r e synergistically neurotoxic with flavor enhancers at levels obtained from a typicalsnackanddrink.  Exposure to carbon monoxide and methylene chloride produces elevated levels of carboxyhemoglobin that
  • 29. 37 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 reduce the blood's ability to carry oxygen.  Aluminum, copper, lead, mercury, and cadmium can be found in mussels at levels that, individually, are considered below the threshold of toxic harm. But these metals act synergistically with low concentrations of the mussel's own okadaicacidtokillcells.  Viruses can increase susceptibility to heavy metals and vice versa.PBDEs, PCBs, and methyl mercury are each synergistically toxic with the others. Very low exposures combine to induce greaterthanexpectedharm.  In general, metals have synergistic toxicity -- and organic metals have synergistic toxicity with organic compounds. Research indicates that low PCB exposure while in the womb, in combination with low exposure to methyl mercury and lead, results in cognitiveimpairment.  Exposure to a combination of 1 PCB, 2 dioxins, and 3 pesticides means a person is 38x more likely to develop type-II diabetes than someone exposed tojust1 ofthechemicals.  Tungsten and cobalt together can be carcinogenic and together have been found to rapidly accelerate the growth of humanleukemiacells.  Titanium dioxide nanoparticles are being used in an expanding range of products. These nanoparticles have been observed to greatly enhance the accumulationofcadmiuminfish.  Melamine and cyan uric acid are both considered non-toxic at low doses. But if those low doses combine in the kidneys, a fatal amount of crystals can form. Melamine and cyanuric acid were added to wheat gluten used as an ingredient in animal chows that caused the death of hundreds of pets in early 2007.  The dust shed by automotive tires contains a mixture of chemicals. These chemicals act in synergy with each other. By this account, microscopic particles in diesel exhaust combine with lipids in cholesterol to activate genes that trigger inflammation of blood vessels, in turn leading to atherosclerosis, heart attacksandstrokes.
  • 30. 39 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 53, Shubh Commercial, Akruti Road, Kandivili East Exclusive Software for Pharmaceutical Distributors Email :
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  • 33. 39 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 RECTAL NICOTINE DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM Vaibhavi Modi First Year B.Pharm NMIMS ABSTRACT:  Aimwas todeveloparectalnicotinedeliverysystemfortreatingulcerativecolitis(UC).  To evaluate nicotine transport and cytotoxicity of delivery system using Caco-2 cell culture.  LCmethodwas used for assay ofnicotine.  Effectofbioadhesivewas carriedoutusing Caco-2permeabilitystudies.  Adhesive glyceryl monooleate showed enhanced release of nicotine but carbopol showed oppositeeffect.  Presenceof bothadhesivesleadtodecreaseinflux of nicotine.  Nicotine below 2%w/v and bioadhesive conc. below 10%w/w did not show any cytotoxic effecton Caco-2cells. PREVIOUSAPPROACHES: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is one of the most common but difficult to treat disease, which is mostly limited to large intestine. Sulfsalazine (5-aminosalicylate+sulfapyridine) was used extensively but discontinued due to severe side effects. Mesalamine was then used but it was extensively absorbed in upper GI tract(75%) and remaining part would get covered with stools. Harris documented use of nicotine patch would reduce UC symptoms and thus it was predictedthatnicotinecouldbeused for treatingsymptomsofUC MATERIALS &METHODS: Suppocire AI , Suppocire AM was used as suppository base along with Carbopol 934, Carbopol 974, Glyceryl monooleate as bioadhesives for making the delivery system. Nicotine used in the experiment was from chemical company, USA, in oily liquid form, 98- 100% purity.Analysis was carried out using HPLC for separation using C18 column at 260nm, using citrate buffer: methanol (85:15%v/v) as mobile phase, flow rate of 0.7ml/min. Suppositoriesweremadeby using fusion method. Caco-2ABSORPTION STUDIES ,INTREGRITYSTUDIES ,VIABILITYSTUDIES: Absorption of nicotine alone/in presence of mucoadhesive/ cell specific bioadhesive was determined by using side by side diffusion apparatus. Side by side diffusion chamber was used in which donor compartment comprised of buffer and fluoroscein, while receiver compartment comprised of only buffer and at regular time intervals, sample were withdrawn from the receiver chamber and were tested using spectrofluorometer at 488nm excitation and 510nm emission of fluoroscein. Effect of nicotine, bioadhesive and suppository base on cell monolayer was determined by using MTT toxicity assay, based on ability of living cells to metabolize the tetrazolium salt to a chromophore whose absorption can be measured spectrophotometrically.
  • 34. 40 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 Fig 1 : Effect of type of base on release of nicotine Fig 2 : Effect of GMO on release of nicotine in AM base In fig.1 itcanbeseenthatnicotinereleasefromAI baseis higherthanAM base.Fromfig.2 itcanbe predicted that increase in concentration of GMO leads to enhanced release of nicotine from AM basewhencomparedtostandardgraphofnicotinerelease(Fig.1). Fig 3 : Effect of carbopol 974 load in AM base on release of nicotine Fig 4 : Effect of carbopol 934 laod in AM base on release of nicotine From fig.3 &4 enhanced nicotine release is observed due to introduction of carbopol 974 comparedtocarbopol934. CONCLUSION:  GMO is found to give faster drug release than carbopol.  Addition of GMO in suppocire will increase hydrophilicity of the matrix, thus enhancing the nicotine release.  Caco-2 monolayer studies indicated the presence of bioadhesives and suppository bases affected the nicotine flux through the monolayer.  Future studies will be aimed at evaluation of this system in invivo animal model. REFERENCE: Development of a rectal nicotine delivery system for the treatment of ulcerative colitis, by Alekha K. Dash, Zheng Gong, Donald W. Miller, Han Huai-Yan, Jean-Pierre Laforet International journal of pharmaceutics 190(1999) 21-34 From fig.5 it can be concluded that GMO reduces the flux of nicotine through cell monolayer as compared to carbopolintherespectiveconcentrations Fig 5 : Effect of bioadhesive on flux of nicotine through cell monolayer
  • 35. 41 LIPOSOMES- EFFICIENT IN DRUG DELIVERY AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS Tanvee Thakur Prajakta Waghmare T.Y.BPharm, Bombay College of Pharmacy espite being an ancient disease, TB Dcontinues to be a major health concern around the world.According to theWHO, 9 million cases of activeTB emerge annually, resulting in 2 million deaths every year. This article focuses on the role of liposomes as nanodelivery systems of anti-TB drugs targeting the alveolar macrophages (AMs) b y i n t r a v e n o u s a n d i n h a l a t i o n administration. AboutTuberculosis: Tuberculosis is generally caused by mycobacterium tuberculae. It is an air- borne disease and spreads through the cough droplets from infected people found in air. The classic symptoms of active TB infection are a chronic cough with blood- tinged sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. There are two types of tuberculosis infections-Extra pulmonary TBandpulmonaryTb. 1.Pulmonary TB: When the infection is not active it commonly involves the lungs. Upper lungs are more frequently affected by TB than the lower lungs. Pulmonary TB isseenin90%oftheTBcases. 2.Extra pulmonary TB: Occurs more commonly in immunosuppressed person. Around 15-20% active cases are of extra pulmonary TB. In those with HIV it occurs inmorethan50%cases. Treatment: The most effective pharmacotherapy inTB treatment is a multidrug combination of First line treatment. Ethambutol + isoniazid, pyrazinamide and rifampicin, coupled with streptomycin is 1st line treatment. Rifabutin, ethionamide, amikacin, kanamycin A and levofloxacin are more toxic, more expensive and less active than first-line agents and used as a second-linetherapy. What areLiposomes? A liposome is an artificially-prepared vesicle composed of a lipid bilayer. The liposome can be used as a vehicle for administration of nutrients and pharmaceutical drugs. Liposomes are composed of natural phospholipids, and may also contain mixed lipid chains with surfactant properties. The major types of liposomes are the multilamellar vesicle (MLV), the small unilamellar vesicle (SUV), the large unilamellar vesicle (LUV). Liposomes are ampiphilic in nature. Advantages of liposomes in the drugdeliveryareasfollows-  Biodegradable,biocompatible,flexible  Controlledhydration  Providesustainedrelease Rifabutin encapsulated with liposomes, is seen to be more effective against Panache Flair of Mind 2014
  • 36. 42 extrapulmonary TB. Rifampicin with isoniazid with liposomes when taken via inhalatory route is more effective against pulmonary TB. Due to the chemical dual nature of liposomes their use has been seen as vehicles for both lipophilic and hydrophilic drugs. Liposomes can be used as anti-TB nanocarriers for the treatment of bothpulmonaryandextrapulmonaryTB. Experiment: Two typesofroutesareemployed:  Passiveroute  Activeroute Passivetargeting: Passive targeting corresponds to transport in the organism according to the normal distributionpatternoftheliposomes Intravenous Administration: Gaspar et al. developed formulations of liposomes with rifabutin encapsulated. These MLV formulations, after intravenous administration every 3 days over a 2-week period in mice with disseminated TB, were compared against the free drug administratedbythesameroute. Rifabutin given intravenously in mice through passive route shows significant reduction in bacilli present in the spleen andliverascomparedwithfreedruggroup. Amicacin given intavenously in mice through passive route in semilaminar vescicles show increased activity against mycobacterium tuberculosis and improved halflife. Inhalatory Administration: A liposome- based formulation of encapsulated rifampicin and isoniazid was developed by Pandey et al. This formulation consisted in MLVs and was tested in guinea pigs via the inhalationroute. The experiment performed by Dhillon et al gave the following results- An increased activity against M. tuberculosis and higher half-life time towards the free drug thus reducingadministrationfrequency. The experiment performed by Pandey et al gave the following results-Both drugs were present in the lungs as well as in the AMs until day 5 post-nebulization. Hence a possible reduction of the daily administration frequency of the two first- lineanti-TBdrugs isseen. Rifampicin and isoniazid given through inhalatory route in guinea pigs through passive pathway in multi laminar vesicles showed increased therapeutic drug levels inplasmawithasingledose. FutureProspectus: The investment in the search for new drugs for TB is increasing. In the near future, a large investment in nanotechnology and the development of drug delivery systems to increase the therapeutic index of several drugs is also expected to occur. Although the use of liposomes as anti-TB drug delivery systems does not guarantee the absence of resistance, it will certainly decrease the probability of their appearance. Panache Flair of Mind 2014
  • 37. 43 Panache Flair of Mind 2014 VOTE OF THANKS Goals are the fuel in the furnace of accomplishment. Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.We dreamt, we thought, and finally we materialized our dreams into action of successfully envisioning our “Year of Innovation”. “No man is an island. When we achieve, we usually do so because others have helped”. I would like to extend my deep gratitude to all those who have lighted the flame in making IPASF MSB a grandeur success We have come to an end of another successful year because of the untiring efforts and contributions of a number of people to whom we are very grateful, without whose support this wouldn't have beenpossible. There will always be a frontier where there is an open mind and a willing hand. We lend you an open mind and you provide a willing hand and let us together conceive an association deep-rooted. To all who contributed in whatever way to the success, we are very grateful. Dalai Lama has very well said “The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness” First of almost, I would like to thank the Office Bearers and Council members of the Indian Pharmaceutical Association- Maharashtra State Branch for their continuous support and hardwork, which has helped us sail through another wonderful year. Our sincere thanks to the President, Dr. Hemant Mondkar, Vice President, Dr.Anand Shedge, Hon Secretary, Mr. Nitin Maniar and Hon. Joint Secretary Mr. Satish Shah, Hon. Treasurer Dr. N. Sivaprasad., Dr. Rakesh Tirpude and the council members of Maharashtra State Branch, for their valuable guidance and mentoring. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the management of Bombay College of Pharmacy, especially Mr.Nitin Maniar (Chairman, GB-BCP) Dr. Kulkarni(Director)andDr.M.N Saraf(Principal)for theircountlesscontributions. We are grateful to All India Organization of Chemists and Druggist (AIOCD), Mr. J.S. Shinde for their support in all our activities. We fall short of words as we thank Mr. Mathew Abreo for his unfailing and continuous support. We also extend a warm thank you to the faculties of the various pharmacy colleges who have been supportive and have been encouragingstudentsallyearround. We extend our gratitude to NCRD's Sterling Institute of Pharmacy, especially Dr. M.S Gadge (Principal) for his contributions during the National Pharmacy Week celebrations. We thank Mumbai District AIDS Control Society (MDACS) for their support towards all ourhealthcampaigns. We are deeply indebted to Saifee Hospital, Life Care Hospital, Umrao Hospital for providing their services in our Hospital Pharmacy Training Programs and Samarpan Blood Bank of Sarvodaya Hospital for Blood Bank Visit Programs. Our thanks to Shreechem Pharmaceuticals, Sanjeevani Pharmaceuticals and Gopaldasvisram, ACG Capsules for renderingus anopportunitytoallowour studentstoundergotraining. Our sincere thanks to all our sponsors and well wishers, who have played a vital role in all the activities of IPA-SF-MSB and made this an eventful year, and contributed in making Panache a grand success. We are happy to mention our obligation to all the sponsors especiallytoLUPIN pharmaceuticals. Our thanks are also due to Mr. Rohit Agre and his team for conceptualizing our vision into publication. Last but not the least we thank Mr. Ajay –Richi Printers and A to Z printers for meeting our printing and publication needs, kit bags and stationary requirements. Finally we extend our most hearty gratitude to the IPA SF MSB cell, without whose vision, dedication and hard work nothing would have been possible. It has been a memorable experience for us towork togetheras onebigfamily!