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just in time performance optimization for the web

Ilya Grigorik   Make The Web Fast
If you care about performance, then...

● Automatic Image Compression & Resizing
● Minify CSS, JavaScript and HTML
● Inline small images, CSS, and JavaScript
● Cache Extension
● Defer JavaScript
● CSS/JavaScript Combining
● Domain Mapping
                                             The vast majority of web performance optimizations
● Domain Sharding                            are well defined and understood rules, which can
● ...                                        (read, should) be automated.
Why aren’t all web-sites fast?

                                 SPEED                 EASE OF MAINTENANCE
 Inlined / sprites / minified resources                Simple development & deployment flow
                   Long cache lifetimes                Ability to rapidly deploy changes to users
 Exploit features in modern browsers                   Support all browsers
          Track latest WPO techniques                  Focus on content

                                   Use automated tools!
                    If it can be automated, it should be. Performance optimization is
                    no different. By removing the burden from the team, you also
                    enable a wider range of dynamic optimization.
                       Optimization Libraries

Browser extensions                              PageSpeed Service

    Online tool

Product integrations

  API + 3rd Party                                   3rd Party
PageSpeed Insights

  ●   Help developers understand why their pages are slow and how        AdSense
      to make their pages faster

  ●   Increase awareness of web performance via integrations with   Insights for Firefox
      Google properties and open source solutions

                                                                    Insights for Chrome

                                                                      Insights Online

                                                                      Gomez, others
Performance "linter" in the browser
PageSpeed Insights API

  require 'net/https'
  require 'json'

  uri = URI.parse(''
  http =, uri.port)
  http.use_ssl = true

  params = { :key => 'API KEY', :url => '',
             :strategy => 'desktop', :rules => '...' }

  uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
  req =
  res = http.request(req)

  jj JSON.parse(res.body)

 WebPageTest, Gomez, Neustar Webmetrics, ShowSlow, GTMetrix, WordPress, ... your monitoring app, etc.
If we can tell you what to optimize
and how... can't we just optimize it
for you?

Yep.. we can!
                       Optimization Libraries

Browser extensions                              PageSpeed Service

    Online tool

Product integrations

  API + 3rd Party                                   3rd Party
mod_pagespeed === performance JIT

                                    mod_pagespeed is an open-source Apache
                                    module, developed and maintained by Google,
                                    which automatically rewrites and optimizes your
                                    web-pages and associated assets on the page.

                                     ●   40+ optimization filters
                                     ●   highly configurable
                                     ●   single server and cluster friendly
                                     ●   CDN and cache friendly
mod_pagespeed adoption

                                                                 1.0 Launch
●   200K+ mod_pagespeed installs                      EdgeCast
●   Growing list of partners

                                           Go Daddy
mod_pagespeed in action
 Case Studies
CDNs & Front End Optimization (FEO)
Edgecast & mod_pagespeed         CloudFront & Strangeloop          Akamai & Blaze Aqua Ion Cloudfront   Torbit

       EdgeCast Networks makes the web faster with Google’s mod_pagespeed
mod_pagespeed in action
a hands-on example...
mod_pagespeed in action
                          Video link

                          Side-by-side comparison of the page load
                          time improvements with mod_pagespeed
                          enabled on the site.

                          mod_pagespeed highlights:

                           ●   bandwidth savings through on-
                               the-fly image (re)compression

                           ●   cache extension for improved
                               CDN performance

                           ●   improved render and first paint
                               times through asset re-ordering
                               and optimization
The shrinking waterfall
mod_pagespeed OFF                                  mod_pagespeed ON


                                                   Same site, with respective waterfalls before and after mod_pagespeed
                                                   optimization. With mod_pagespeed on, the number of requests is   reduced, as well as the overall size of the page, yielding a significant
                                                   improvement in render and page load times.
How does it work?
Let's peek under the hood...
"PageSpeed Optimization Libraries (PSOL) are a set of C++
classes that automatically optimize web pages and resources
they use, using a server-independent framework."
Apache + PSOL = mod_pageseed 1.x

Open source Apache module, launched as beta in November, 2010.

 ●   40+ Rewriters
      ○ core filters + optional filters
 ●   Global + VHost configuration
 ●   Configurable resource fetching (cross-domain, etc)
 ●   A/B testing

 ●   Apache 2.2, 2.4+

 ●   .deb and .rpm installers, or build from source
 ●   Stable and beta release channels
Core and Optional filters

mod_pagespeed ships with a default, safe set of rewriting filters:

 ●   extensively tested and optimized to ensure that they can be
     enabled, safely, on any site
      ○ ex: rewrite css, rewrite javascript, combine css, rewrite images,
        extend cache, and others.

Optional filters must be enabled by the site owner, and require
additional testing:
 ●   large number of optional filters, examples:                            Every site has full control over
                                                                            which filters are applied, and
      ○ ability to configure image recompression levels
                                                                            mod_pagespeed can be configured
      ○ image inlining, defer javascript, combine javascript                via all the usual Apache
      ○ and many others                                                     mechanisms.
Things you don't need to do... *

●   Change your content generation workflow
●   Change your CSS / JS / HTML or other markup
●   Run manual compression or add build steps
●   ...

* when using mod_pagespeed
Example filters
Let's peek (deeper) under the hood...
Example filter: HTML Collapse Whitespace

class CollapseWhitespace : public RewriteFilter {
  virtual void Characters(HtmlCharactersNode* node)
                                                                Same site, with respective
      if node is not in PRE tag                                 waterfalls before and after
         replace contents matching "[ nt]*" with " "          mod_pagespeed optimization.
                                                                With mod_pagespeed on, the
}                                                               number of requests is reduced, as
                                                                well as the overall size of the page,
                                                                yielding a significant improvement
<body>                                                          in render and page load times.
   Whitespace    is collapsed        Whitespace is collapsed
                                     in general.
       in general.                   <pre>
   <pre>                                    But not in a
     But not in a
                                             &lt;pre&gt; tag.
       &lt;pre&gt; tag.                  </pre>
   </pre>                            </body>
Example: Combining multiple CSS files
       <link   rel="stylesheet"   type="text/css"   href="styles/yellow.css”>
       <link   rel="stylesheet"   type="text/css"   href="styles/blue.css">
       <link   rel="stylesheet"   type="text/css"   href="styles/big.css">
       <link   rel="stylesheet"   type="text/css"   href="styles/bold.css">

       <div class="blue yellow big bold">Hello, mod_pagespeed!</div>

Combined file Served with 1-year TTL
Makes CDNs more effective                                    md5 sum of combined CSS file

   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
   <div class="blue yellow big bold">Hello, mod_pagespeed!</div>
Example Filter: Image Rewrite
 class RewriteImages : public RewriteFilter {
    virtual void StartElement(HtmlElement* element) {
        if element is IMG and has SRC attribute
               Lookup SRC+WIDTH+HEIGHT in metadata cache
                  rewrite SRC attribute with optimized image
                  Fetch image in background & compute md5 sum
                      CHANGED: Re-optimize in background & save
                      STILL THE SAME: Freshen metadata cache
                  Fetch image & optimize image in background
                  Synthesize optimized URL with content md5
                  Store result in metadata cache with expiration
mod_pagespeed integration into Apache httpd

          Input Filter          Apache HTTP Core         mod_pagespeed
             Input Filter
               Input Filter
                 Input Filter        resource handler
                                                           Cache                      Fetcher
                                     PHP handler
                                                          css/images/js   Resource
                                     default handler      html            Finite State Machine
                                     (file system)
             Output Filter
                                                                    PageSpeed Filter
               Output Filter
                                                           HTML       PageSpeed Filter
                 mod_pagespeed Output Filter
                                                        Optimized HTML    PageSpeed Filter
                     Output Filter
 HTTP Response
PageSpeed Optimization Library Architecture
General Purpose Rewriting Engine Infrastructure          Server Interface

                                                         HTTP Content Cache

      Rewriting Filters
                                HTTP Resource            Metadata Cache

  HTML                                     Background    HTTP Fetch
            HTTP Caching
  Parsing &                URL Parsing and Resource
            & Header
  Rewriting                Reconstruction Optimization
  Framework                                Machine       Threading System

  C++ STL libpng libjpeg libwebp zlib OpenCV             Logging
  Chromium PageSpeed Insights SDK Google CSS Parser

nginx + PageSpeed: ngx_pagespeed

 ngx_pagespeed is an nginx port of mod_pagespeed, it is a work in progress, not yet ready for
 production, but progressing (very) quickly. The development is collaboration between Google, Taobao,
 and a number of external individual contributors.

 Project goal: ngx_pagespeed should have feature-parity with mod_pagespeed, and leverage the same
 PSOL infrastructure and optimization filters.

 Project on GitHub:
 Discussion group:!topic/ngx-pagespeed-discuss/
PageSpeed Service (Google Hosted)

                                                             Your visitors

                                                          PageSpeed Service      Your server
PageSpeed Service (Google Hosted)

 1.   CNAME your www. to
 2.   Tell PSS where your origin server is located (ex,      Your visitors
 3.   Visitors hit Google front-end
       a. PSS fetches content from origin, runs optimizations
       b. PSS serves the response to the user

Your visitors are talking to Google servers:
 ● Low latency
 ● Traffic offload
 ● Global cache infrastructure                                               PageSpeed Service
 ● PageSpeed rewriting and optimization
 ● Configurable rewriters
 ● Up-to-date, no maintenance
 ● DOS protection, etc, ...

Oh, and all the PageSpeed optimizations!

Status: private beta (invite only), launching in 2013!

                                                                                Your server
PageSpeed Service
Performance case studies...
PageSpeed Service

                       Load-Time (sec) Speed Index   Bytes In (Kb)
      Original         7.715          5241           1388
      PSS Default      5.960 (-23%)   4492 (-14%)    920 (-34%)
      PSS Aggressive   5.529 (-28%)   3229 (-62%)    889 (-36%)
Try it yourself...
WordPress theme analysis

● 820 kb median for premium themes!
● 46 requests median
● PageSpeed:
  ○ ~2x improvement in downloaded bytes
  ○ ~1.3 improvement in number of requests

● 1.4 s first paint for premium themes
  ○ 2x improvement with aggressive PageSpeed
● 2243 median Speed Index
  ○ 1.4x improvement with PageSpeed
  ○ 2.3x improvement with aggressive
Wordpress: ~50 Premium themes - Kbytes in

  820 kb median, and ~2x improvement with PageSpeed
WordPress: ~1500 Free themes - start render

  ~900 ms first paint, PageSpeed helps cut down the tails...
mod_pagespeed as forward proxy!
unexpected, but really cool use case...
Optimizing proxy for your phone

●    proxy all requests from phone to mod_pagespeed



 ●   optimize css, js, html
                                                                  ●   faster render + onload
 ●   optimize images
                                                                  ●   (much) fewer bytes
 ●   use mod_pagespeed as a cache
 - Frank Denis
Forward proxy + mod_pagespeed config
ModPagespeedRewriteLevel   CoreFilters
ModPagespeedEnableFilters rewrite_images

ModPagespeedEnableFilters combine_heads
ModPagespeedEnableFilters combine_javascript
ModPagespeedEnableFilters convert_jpeg_to_webp
ModPagespeedEnableFilters convert_png_to_jpeg
ModPagespeedEnableFilters inline_preview_images
ModPagespeedEnableFilters make_google_analytics_async
ModPagespeedEnableFilters move_css_above_scripts
ModPagespeedEnableFilters move_css_to_head
ModPagespeedEnableFilters prioritize_visible_content
ModPagespeedEnableFilters resize_mobile_images
ModPagespeedEnableFilters sprite_images

ModPagespeedEnableFilters defer_iframe
ModPagespeedEnableFilters defer_javascript
ModPagespeedEnableFilters detect_reflow_with_defer_js
ModPagespeedEnableFilters lazyload_images

ModPagespeedJpegRecompressionQuality 75 - Frank Denis
Forward proxy results                                  

                     Edge, no proxy   Edge + pagespeed                                    3G, no proxy   3G + pagespeed

Requests             34               21                      Requests                    85             28

Transferred          403.32 Kb        271.91 Kb               Transferred                 3.15 Mb        340.16 Kb

DOMContentLoaded     39 s             2s                      DOMContentLoaded            50 s           1.2

       "Using a mod_pagespeed proxy can drastically improve your mobile experience,
       and save you a couple bucks by requiring less data transfers. After using this
       setup for a while, going back to a non-proxied setup feels incredibly painful and
 - Frank Denis
A few useful tips and tricks
Experimenting with mod_pagespeed

Per request configuration (query string)

Per request configuration (headers)

  GET /rewrite_css.html HTTP/1.1
  ModPagespeed: on
  ModPagespeedFilters: rewrite_css

 or, mod_proxy + mod_pagespeed!
Customizing mod_pagespeed filters
mod_pagespeed configuration (VHost, .htaccess, ...)

Custom configuration with .htaccess

 ModPagespeedRewriteLevel PassThrough
 ModPagespeedEnableFilters combine_css,extend_cache,rewrite_images
 ModPagespeedEnableFilters rewrite_css,rewrite_javascript

Custom configuration at VHost level
 <VirtualHost *:80>
   DocumentRoot /www/example1

   ModPagespeedRewriteLevel PassThrough
   ModPagespeedEnableFilters combine_css,extend_cache,rewrite_images
   ModPagespeedEnableFilters rewrite_css,rewrite_javascript

Authorizing and mapping (additional) domains

Allow mod_pagespeed to fetch and rewrite resources from:


Configure an optimized fetch path:
  ModPagespeedMapOriginDomain localhost *

  ModPagespeedMapOriginDomain http://localhost


Mailing list:      mod-pagespeed-discuss
Announcements: mod-pagespeed-announce

Ilya Grigorik
Let's talk about SPDY
err... HTTP 2.0!
SPDY is HTTP 2.0... sort of...

●    HTTPBis Working Group met in Vancouver in late July
●    Adopted SPDY v2 as starting point for HTTP 2.0

HTTP 2.0 Charter
1.   Done           Call for Proposals for HTTP/2.0
2.   Oct 2012       First WG draft of HTTP/2.0, based upon draft-mbelshe-httpbis-spdy-00
3.   Apr 2014       Working Group Last call for HTTP/2.0
4.   Nov 2014       Submit HTTP/2.0 to IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard

It is expected that HTTP/2.0 will...

●   Substantially and measurably improve end-user perceived latency over HTTP/1.1 using TCP  thin
    Address the "head of line blocking" problem in HTTP                                            gs b
●                                                                                                       ette
●   Not require multiple connections to a server to enable parallelism, thus improving its use of TCP

●   Retain the semantics of HTTP/1.1, including (but not limited to)
     ○ HTTP methods
     ○ Status Codes
     ○ URIs                                                                              Build on HTTP 1.1
     ○ Header fields
●   Clearly define how HTTP/2.0 interacts with HTTP/1.x
     ○ especially in intermediaries (both 2->1 and 1->2)

●   Clearly identify any new extensibility points and policy for their appropriate use
                                                                                                 xte nsib
                                                                                             Be e

A litany of problems.. and "workarounds"...

1.   Concatenating files
       ○   JavaScript, CSS
       ○   Less modular, large bundles

2.   Spriting images
       ○   What a pain...                                                All due to flaws
                                                                           in HTTP 1.1
3.   Domain sharding
       ○   Congestion control who? 30+ parallel requests --- Yeehaw!!!

4.   Resource inlining
       ○   TCP connections are expensive!

5.   ...

mod_spdy is a SPDY module for Apache 2.2 that allows your web server to take
  advantage of SPDY features like stream multiplexing and header compression. This
  is the open source home for mod_spdy.


Custom configuration at VHost level
 <VirtualHost *:80>
   DocumentRoot /www/example1

     SpdyEnabled on
     SpdyMaxStreamsPerConnection {n}
     SpdyMaxServerPushDepth n

Conditional optimizations for mod_pagespeed
Custom filters if mod_spdy is present

 <ModPagespeedIf spdy>
   ModPagespeedDisableFilters combine_css,combine_javascript

Custom sharding strategy for non SPDY!

 <ModPagespeedIf !spdy>

 and much, much more...

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Pagespeed what, why, and how it works

  • 1. PageSpeed WebRTC just in time performance optimization for the web Ilya Grigorik Make The Web Fast
  • 2. If you care about performance, then... ● Automatic Image Compression & Resizing ● Minify CSS, JavaScript and HTML ● Inline small images, CSS, and JavaScript ● Cache Extension ● Defer JavaScript ● CSS/JavaScript Combining ● Domain Mapping The vast majority of web performance optimizations ● Domain Sharding are well defined and understood rules, which can ● ... (read, should) be automated.
  • 3. Why aren’t all web-sites fast? SPEED EASE OF MAINTENANCE Inlined / sprites / minified resources Simple development & deployment flow Long cache lifetimes Ability to rapidly deploy changes to users Exploit features in modern browsers Support all browsers Track latest WPO techniques Focus on content Use automated tools! If it can be automated, it should be. Performance optimization is no different. By removing the burden from the team, you also enable a wider range of dynamic optimization.
  • 4. PageSpeed Optimization Libraries (PSOL) Browser extensions PageSpeed Service Apache Online tool mod_pagespeed Nginx Product integrations ngx_pagespeed API + 3rd Party 3rd Party
  • 5. PageSpeed Insights ● Help developers understand why their pages are slow and how AdSense to make their pages faster ● Increase awareness of web performance via integrations with Insights for Firefox Google properties and open source solutions Insights for Chrome Insights Online WebPagetest, Gomez, others
  • 6. Performance "linter" in the browser
  • 7.
  • 8. PageSpeed Insights API require 'net/https' require 'json' uri = URI.parse('' ) http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true params = { :key => 'API KEY', :url => '', :strategy => 'desktop', :rules => '...' } uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params) req = res = http.request(req) jj JSON.parse(res.body) WebPageTest, Gomez, Neustar Webmetrics, ShowSlow, GTMetrix, WordPress, ... your monitoring app, etc.
  • 9. If we can tell you what to optimize and how... can't we just optimize it for you? Yep.. we can!
  • 10. PageSpeed Optimization Libraries (PSOL) Browser extensions PageSpeed Service Apache Online tool mod_pagespeed Nginx Product integrations ngx_pagespeed API + 3rd Party 3rd Party
  • 11. mod_pagespeed === performance JIT + mod_pagespeed is an open-source Apache module, developed and maintained by Google, which automatically rewrites and optimizes your web-pages and associated assets on the page. ● 40+ optimization filters ● highly configurable ● single server and cluster friendly ● CDN and cache friendly
  • 12. mod_pagespeed adoption 1.0 Launch ● 200K+ mod_pagespeed installs EdgeCast ● Growing list of partners Dreamhost Go Daddy
  • 13. mod_pagespeed in action Case Studies
  • 14. CDNs & Front End Optimization (FEO) Edgecast & mod_pagespeed CloudFront & Strangeloop Akamai & Blaze Aqua Ion Cloudfront Torbit EdgeCast Networks makes the web faster with Google’s mod_pagespeed
  • 15. mod_pagespeed in action a hands-on example...
  • 16. mod_pagespeed in action Video link Side-by-side comparison of the page load time improvements with mod_pagespeed enabled on the site. mod_pagespeed highlights: ● bandwidth savings through on- the-fly image (re)compression ● cache extension for improved CDN performance ● improved render and first paint times through asset re-ordering and optimization
  • 17. The shrinking waterfall mod_pagespeed OFF mod_pagespeed ON Same site, with respective waterfalls before and after mod_pagespeed optimization. With mod_pagespeed on, the number of requests is reduced, as well as the overall size of the page, yielding a significant improvement in render and page load times.
  • 18. How does it work? Let's peek under the hood...
  • 19. "PageSpeed Optimization Libraries (PSOL) are a set of C++ classes that automatically optimize web pages and resources they use, using a server-independent framework."
  • 20. Apache + PSOL = mod_pageseed 1.x Open source Apache module, launched as beta in November, 2010. ● 40+ Rewriters ○ core filters + optional filters ● Global + VHost configuration ● Configurable resource fetching (cross-domain, etc) ● A/B testing ● Apache 2.2, 2.4+ ● .deb and .rpm installers, or build from source ● Stable and beta release channels
  • 21. Core and Optional filters mod_pagespeed ships with a default, safe set of rewriting filters: ● extensively tested and optimized to ensure that they can be enabled, safely, on any site ○ ex: rewrite css, rewrite javascript, combine css, rewrite images, extend cache, and others. Optional filters must be enabled by the site owner, and require additional testing: ● large number of optional filters, examples: Every site has full control over which filters are applied, and ○ ability to configure image recompression levels mod_pagespeed can be configured ○ image inlining, defer javascript, combine javascript via all the usual Apache ○ and many others mechanisms.
  • 22. Things you don't need to do... * ● Change your content generation workflow ● Change your CSS / JS / HTML or other markup ● Run manual compression or add build steps ● ... * when using mod_pagespeed
  • 23. Example filters Let's peek (deeper) under the hood...
  • 24. Example filter: HTML Collapse Whitespace class CollapseWhitespace : public RewriteFilter { virtual void Characters(HtmlCharactersNode* node) Same site, with respective if node is not in PRE tag waterfalls before and after replace contents matching "[ nt]*" with " " mod_pagespeed optimization. With mod_pagespeed on, the } number of requests is reduced, as well as the overall size of the page, yielding a significant improvement <body> in render and page load times. <body> Whitespace is collapsed Whitespace is collapsed in general. in general. <pre> <pre> But not in a But not in a &lt;pre&gt; tag. &lt;pre&gt; tag. </pre> </pre> </body> </body>
  • 25. Example: Combining multiple CSS files <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/yellow.css”> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/blue.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/big.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/bold.css"> <div class="blue yellow big bold">Hello, mod_pagespeed!</div> Combined file Served with 1-year TTL Makes CDNs more effective md5 sum of combined CSS file <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/”> <div class="blue yellow big bold">Hello, mod_pagespeed!</div>
  • 26. Example Filter: Image Rewrite class RewriteImages : public RewriteFilter { virtual void StartElement(HtmlElement* element) { if element is IMG and has SRC attribute Lookup SRC+WIDTH+HEIGHT in metadata cache HIT: rewrite SRC attribute with optimized image EXPIRED: Fetch image in background & compute md5 sum CHANGED: Re-optimize in background & save STILL THE SAME: Freshen metadata cache MISS: Fetch image & optimize image in background Synthesize optimized URL with content md5 Store result in metadata cache with expiration
  • 27. mod_pagespeed integration into Apache httpd Input Filter Apache HTTP Core mod_pagespeed HTTP Input Filter Request Input Filter PageSpeed Input Filter resource handler Resource Cache Fetcher PHP handler css/images/js Resource Optimization default handler html Finite State Machine (file system) Output Filter PageSpeed Filter Output Filter HTML PageSpeed Filter mod_pagespeed Output Filter Optimized HTML PageSpeed Filter Output Filter HTTP Response
  • 28. PageSpeed Optimization Library Architecture General Purpose Rewriting Engine Infrastructure Server Interface HTTP Content Cache Rewriting Filters HTTP Resource Metadata Cache Management HTML Background HTTP Fetch HTTP Caching Parsing & URL Parsing and Resource & Header Rewriting Reconstruction Optimization Manipulation Framework Machine Threading System C++ STL libpng libjpeg libwebp zlib OpenCV Logging Chromium PageSpeed Insights SDK Google CSS Parser Configuration
  • 29. nginx + PageSpeed: ngx_pagespeed Alpha ngx_pagespeed is an nginx port of mod_pagespeed, it is a work in progress, not yet ready for production, but progressing (very) quickly. The development is collaboration between Google, Taobao, and a number of external individual contributors. Project goal: ngx_pagespeed should have feature-parity with mod_pagespeed, and leverage the same PSOL infrastructure and optimization filters. Project on GitHub: Discussion group:!topic/ngx-pagespeed-discuss/
  • 30. PageSpeed Service (Google Hosted) Your visitors PageSpeed Service Your server
  • 31. PageSpeed Service (Google Hosted) 1. CNAME your www. to 2. Tell PSS where your origin server is located (ex, Your visitors 3. Visitors hit Google front-end a. PSS fetches content from origin, runs optimizations b. PSS serves the response to the user Your visitors are talking to Google servers: ● Low latency ● Traffic offload ● Global cache infrastructure PageSpeed Service ● PageSpeed rewriting and optimization ● Configurable rewriters ● Up-to-date, no maintenance ● DOS protection, etc, ... Oh, and all the PageSpeed optimizations! Status: private beta (invite only), launching in 2013! Your server
  • 34. PageSpeed Service Load-Time (sec) Speed Index Bytes In (Kb) Original 7.715 5241 1388 PSS Default 5.960 (-23%) 4492 (-14%) 920 (-34%) PSS Aggressive 5.529 (-28%) 3229 (-62%) 889 (-36%)
  • 36. WordPress theme analysis ● 820 kb median for premium themes! ● 46 requests median ● PageSpeed: ○ ~2x improvement in downloaded bytes ○ ~1.3 improvement in number of requests ● 1.4 s first paint for premium themes ○ 2x improvement with aggressive PageSpeed ● 2243 median Speed Index ○ 1.4x improvement with PageSpeed ○ 2.3x improvement with aggressive
  • 37. Wordpress: ~50 Premium themes - Kbytes in 820 kb median, and ~2x improvement with PageSpeed
  • 38. WordPress: ~1500 Free themes - start render ~900 ms first paint, PageSpeed helps cut down the tails...
  • 39. mod_pagespeed as forward proxy! unexpected, but really cool use case...
  • 40. Optimizing proxy for your phone ● proxy all requests from phone to mod_pagespeed www mod_pagespeed ● optimize css, js, html ● faster render + onload ● optimize images ● (much) fewer bytes ● use mod_pagespeed as a cache - Frank Denis
  • 41. Forward proxy + mod_pagespeed config ModPagespeedRewriteLevel CoreFilters ModPagespeedEnableFilters rewrite_images ModPagespeedEnableFilters combine_heads ModPagespeedEnableFilters combine_javascript ModPagespeedEnableFilters convert_jpeg_to_webp ModPagespeedEnableFilters convert_png_to_jpeg ModPagespeedEnableFilters inline_preview_images ModPagespeedEnableFilters make_google_analytics_async ModPagespeedEnableFilters move_css_above_scripts ModPagespeedEnableFilters move_css_to_head ModPagespeedEnableFilters prioritize_visible_content ModPagespeedEnableFilters resize_mobile_images ModPagespeedEnableFilters sprite_images ModPagespeedEnableFilters defer_iframe ModPagespeedEnableFilters defer_javascript ModPagespeedEnableFilters detect_reflow_with_defer_js ModPagespeedEnableFilters lazyload_images ModPagespeedJpegRecompressionQuality 75 - Frank Denis
  • 42. Forward proxy results Edge, no proxy Edge + pagespeed 3G, no proxy 3G + pagespeed Requests 34 21 Requests 85 28 Transferred 403.32 Kb 271.91 Kb Transferred 3.15 Mb 340.16 Kb DOMContentLoaded 39 s 2s DOMContentLoaded 50 s 1.2 "Using a mod_pagespeed proxy can drastically improve your mobile experience, and save you a couple bucks by requiring less data transfers. After using this setup for a while, going back to a non-proxied setup feels incredibly painful and sluggish." - Frank Denis
  • 43. A few useful tips and tricks
  • 44. Experimenting with mod_pagespeed Per request configuration (query string) Per request configuration (headers) GET /rewrite_css.html HTTP/1.1 Host: ModPagespeed: on ModPagespeedFilters: rewrite_css or, mod_proxy + mod_pagespeed!
  • 45. Customizing mod_pagespeed filters
  • 46. mod_pagespeed configuration (VHost, .htaccess, ...) Custom configuration with .htaccess ModPagespeedRewriteLevel PassThrough ModPagespeedEnableFilters combine_css,extend_cache,rewrite_images ModPagespeedEnableFilters rewrite_css,rewrite_javascript Custom configuration at VHost level <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /www/example1 ServerName ModPagespeedRewriteLevel PassThrough ModPagespeedEnableFilters combine_css,extend_cache,rewrite_images ModPagespeedEnableFilters rewrite_css,rewrite_javascript </VirtualHost>
  • 47. Authorizing and mapping (additional) domains Allow mod_pagespeed to fetch and rewrite resources from: ModPagespeedDomain ModPagespeedDomain ModPagespeedDomain Configure an optimized fetch path: ModPagespeedMapOriginDomain localhost * ModPagespeedMapOriginDomain http://localhost ModPagespeedShardDomain,
  • 48. Thanks! Mailing list: mod-pagespeed-discuss Announcements: mod-pagespeed-announce Ilya Grigorik
  • 49. Let's talk about SPDY err... HTTP 2.0!
  • 50. SPDY is HTTP 2.0... sort of... ● HTTPBis Working Group met in Vancouver in late July ● Adopted SPDY v2 as starting point for HTTP 2.0 HTTP 2.0 Charter 1. Done Call for Proposals for HTTP/2.0 2. Oct 2012 First WG draft of HTTP/2.0, based upon draft-mbelshe-httpbis-spdy-00 3. Apr 2014 Working Group Last call for HTTP/2.0 4. Nov 2014 Submit HTTP/2.0 to IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard @igrigorik
  • 51. It is expected that HTTP/2.0 will... M ake ● Substantially and measurably improve end-user perceived latency over HTTP/1.1 using TCP thin Address the "head of line blocking" problem in HTTP gs b ● ette r ● Not require multiple connections to a server to enable parallelism, thus improving its use of TCP ● Retain the semantics of HTTP/1.1, including (but not limited to) ○ HTTP methods ○ Status Codes ○ URIs Build on HTTP 1.1 ○ Header fields ● Clearly define how HTTP/2.0 interacts with HTTP/1.x ○ especially in intermediaries (both 2->1 and 1->2) ● Clearly identify any new extensibility points and policy for their appropriate use le xte nsib Be e @igrigorik
  • 52. A litany of problems.. and "workarounds"... 1. Concatenating files ○ JavaScript, CSS ○ Less modular, large bundles 2. Spriting images ○ What a pain... All due to flaws in HTTP 1.1 3. Domain sharding ○ Congestion control who? 30+ parallel requests --- Yeehaw!!! 4. Resource inlining ○ TCP connections are expensive! 5. ... @igrigorik
  • 53. mod_spdy is a SPDY module for Apache 2.2 that allows your web server to take advantage of SPDY features like stream multiplexing and header compression. This is the open source home for mod_spdy. ● Custom configuration at VHost level <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /www/example1 ServerName SpdyEnabled on SpdyMaxStreamsPerConnection {n} SpdyMaxServerPushDepth n </VirtualHost>
  • 54. Conditional optimizations for mod_pagespeed Custom filters if mod_spdy is present <ModPagespeedIf spdy> ModPagespeedDisableFilters combine_css,combine_javascript </ModPagespeedIf> Custom sharding strategy for non SPDY! <ModPagespeedIf !spdy> ModPagespeedShardDomain,, </ModPagespeedIf> and much, much more...