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                                                                ntas S lft n
Strategy for socially vulnerable areas, affected by    omas@student.tude6267
                                                      D ka            11
                                                       d.stu                  4
unequal distribution of public gains.                   TU De
                                                                      ulty of
                                                                              Archite ies
                                                              lft Fac Complex C 2
                                                                   nism,           ry 201
                                                           c Urba           Janua
The case of Valencia, Spain                             MS               24
Problem statement
Lack of distribution of benefits from large urban projects.
Public money spent on tremendously expensive isolationist
urban projects.
Increasing fragmentation and social vulnerability.

ReseaRch questions
What are the strategic spatial interventions necessary to deal
with the problems of socially vulnerable areas in Valencia?

         What are the existing possibilities of spatial planning to improve
         the benefits of LUPs for local communities in Valencia?

                                                                                 sub-ReseaRch questions

What are the existing socio-economic and spatial conditions in specific areas of Valencia?
What is vulnerability? What indicators define it?
How can social vulnerability be alleviated by spatial planning?
What is the current strategy of Valencia’s city to cope with social of vulnerability?
What are the effects of existing LUPs in Valencia and what are predictable outcomes of the future ones?
How successful are the LUPs in Valencia? How to evaluate it objectively?
What conditions make LUPs be more beneficial for local communities?
stRuctuRe of pResentation
DescRiption of context

LAND USE LAW                               7


LARGE URBAN PROJECTS                      10

aims of the pRoject                       11

theoRetical fRamewoRk                     12


VULNERABILITY                             15

analysis                                  20

FINDINGS                                  28


methoDology                               32

EXPECTED DELIVERABLES                     34

conclusion                                35

SOURCES OF IMAGES                         37
                     9.7               12.2   12.8    13.3            13.8      13.6    13
                                                                                                                         ReDistRibution of funDing
                                                                                                                           12.2     12.8     13.3     13.8     13.6    13
                      3                                                                                            3

of planning                            12.2   14.6
                                                      20.5            23.2      26.9    33

                                                                                                                           12.2     14.6
                                                                                                                                             20.5     23.2     26.9    33

                     87.3                                                                      Regional           87.3
                                       75.6   72.6                                                                         75.6     72.6
                                                      66.2              63      59.5           Central                                       66.2      63      59.5
                                                                                        54                                                                             54

                0%                                                                                         0%
               1981 1984                      1987   1990            1992      1997    2001                      1981     1984     1987     1990     1992      1997   2001
uRban planning moDel

   NATIONAL           REGIONAL                                                                  LOCAL GOVERNMENT
                                                       GENERAL AND MUNICIPAL PLANS                                       DEVELOPMENT PLANS

                                                     Plan (GDP—Plan General
                                                      General Development

                      Regional Strategic

                                                                                                                             Special Plans
                                                         de Ordenación)


                                                                              Urban Land Delimitation                         Especiales)
   DEVELOPED                                                                      Projects (ULDP-
     LAND                                                                       Proyectos de Delimi-
                                                                              tación de Suelo Urbano)

                                                                                                            Urban Development Action Programmes
  DEVELOPABLE                                                                                             (UDAP—Programas de Actuación Urbanística)
                                                                                                                 Partial Plans (PP—Planes Parciales)

                                                            Subsidiary Planning Codes
                                                                                                                     Detail Studies (DT—Estudios de Detalle)
                                                     (SPC—Normas Subsidiarias de Planeamiento)

changes in lanD classification

      lanD use law
               l                                                   Non-Developable Land
                                                                       Developable Land
                                                                         Urbanized Land
                                                                                              1966      1983   1988   2010

                                  lRau `94                                                           lanD use plan 2007
                                   Ley Reguladora de la
 numbeR of new                     Actividad Urbanistica
250                                                         242
200                                           165
       37     40     35     42
      1991   1992   1993   1994      1995    1996    1997   1998

changes in lanD classification

      lanD use law
               l                                                   Non-Developable Land
                                                                       Developable Land
                                                                         Urbanized Land
                                  lRau `94                                                0
                                                                                              1966      1983   1988   2010
                                   Ley Reguladora de la
 numbeR of new                     Actividad Urbanistica                                             lanD use plan 2007
250                                                         242
200                                           165
       37     40     35     42
      1991   1992   1993   1994      1995    1996    1997   1998

stRategic planning of valencia
    ategic             v

  1995                1998                 2002                 2007

    Start the process of
    change!                  City of congresses                 High-Speed
                             and meetings                       Train
Better Regional                                   cup sailing
connection              Culture and               mega-event     Culture, high-tech
                        Tourism                                  and knowledge
     Open city to the                    Global                  oriented
     Sea                                 Identity

tuRia gaRDen 1
Green Backbone                           l ge
                                         laRge u
                                         laRge uRban
Sports & Activities
Locals Oriented
centRal paRk 2
Quality of Life
Leisure & Activities         1
Citizen oriented
city of aRts anD science 3                       5
Global Identity
Extremely Expensive
Limited Use
Expensive Maintenance
f1 city ciRcuit 4
                                     3       4
Urban Regeneration
(abandoned industry)
Global Event
Maintenance cost
High Class Oriented

ameRica’s cup poRt 5
Urban Regeneration
Global Event
Revenue generative
Luxury tourism oriented                              10
aims of the pRoject

Improve the
conditions of
socia  lly vulnerable
 ar eas in Valencia

                  Enh ance positive
               outcom   es of existing
                 an d future LUPs to
                 loca l communities

equal                                   I am

of public

 EQUITY - the quality of being fair
 and impartial.
 INTEGRITY - adherence to moral
 and ethical principles.
                 Oxford Dictionary
local ResiDent                                                         public authoRity
 oRienteD opeRations                                                        capabilities

                                                                                      llicitudin nisl non mi tempor aliquet. Proin lacinia, sem quis
                                                                                      volutpat tempus, odio urna aliquet risus, eget fermentum orci
                                                                                      purus sit amet quam. Vivamus non orci ut mi volutpat malesuada.
                                                                                      Nam semper pellentesque aliquam. Duis interdum, lacus ut iaculis
                                                                                      consectetur, ipsum ligula ultricies mauris, a ultrices sem ligula sed
                                                                                      ipsum. Quisque sem justo, euismod nec lobortis suscipit, porttitor
                                                                                      vel turpis. Integer eu mattis justo. Donec felis mauris, sagittis eu

                                                                                      iaculis in, porttitor vel justo. Fusce vitae arcu non sapien dignissim
                                                                                      varius. Morbi non lorem justo. Proin id arcu a nibh fermentum
                                                                                      facilisis eu sit amet metus. Donec varius aliquet est sed pulvinar.
                                                                                      Etiam vitae mauris quam. Quisque eget purus nisl, sit amet iaculis

                                                                                      Nunc quis interdum tortor. Duis id ligula nec dolor convallis            llicitudin nisl non mi tempor aliquet. Proin lacinia, sem quis
                                                                                      hendrerit quis sit amet arcu. Cras semper posuere ante. Aenean id        volutpat tempus, odio urna aliquet risus, eget fermentum orci
                                                                                      nunc eget velit pellentesque congue. Nullam ut faucibus velit.           purus sit amet quam. Vivamus non orci ut mi volutpat malesuada.
                                                                                      Nunc risus erat, feugiat nec euismod eget, bibendum sit amet             Nam semper pellentesque aliquam. Duis interdum, lacus ut iaculis
                                                                                      diam. Donec a pulvinar enim.                                             consectetur, ipsum ligula ultricies mauris, a ultrices sem ligula sed
                                                                                                                                                               ipsum. Quisque sem justo, euismod nec lobortis suscipit, porttitor
                                                                                                                                                               vel turpis. Integer eu mattis justo. Donec felis mauris, sagittis eu
                                                                                      Praesent ac ante ante. Donec molestie tincidunt massa vitae
                                                                                                                                                               iaculis in, porttitor vel justo. Fusce vitae arcu non sapien dignissim
                                                                                      tincidunt. Mauris mi nibh, condimentum id varius non, ultricies eu
                                                                                                                                                               varius. Morbi non lorem justo. Proin id arcu a nibh fermentum
                                                                                      enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cum sociis natoque
                                                                                                                                                               facilisis eu sit amet metus. Donec varius aliquet est sed pulvinar.
                                                                                      penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
                                                                                                                                                               Etiam vitae mauris quam. Quisque eget purus nisl, sit amet iaculis
                                                                                      mus. Integer scelerisque pharetra felis at fringilla. Proin ut arcu at   neque.
                                                                                      sem mattis eleifend. Nulla felis neque, pharetra pellentesque
                                                                                      tempus imperdiet, porttitor non massa. Vestibulum volutpat               Nunc quis interdum tortor. Duis id ligula nec dolor convallis
                                                                                      vestibulum lacinia. Vestibulum adipiscing lobortis leo, sit amet         hendrerit quis sit amet arcu. Cras semper posuere ante. Aenean id
                                                                                      aliquam nisi rhoncus sed. Ut ipsum orci, iaculis quis aliquam ac,        nunc eget velit pellentesque congue. Nullam ut faucibus velit.
                                                                                      luctus non ipsum. Nullam nisl sem, blandit et pharetra pharetra,         Nunc risus erat, feugiat nec euismod eget, bibendum sit amet
                                                                                      lacinia sit amet ante. Aenean ac lacus ac libero tempor tincidunt        diam. Donec a pulvinar enim.
                                                                                      quis at nisi. Pellentesque et quam ut massa mattis porta in at
                                                                                                                                                               Praesent ac ante ante. Donec molestie tincidunt massa vitae
                                                                                                                                                               tincidunt. Mauris mi nibh, condimentum id varius non, ultricies eu
                                                                                                                                                               enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cum sociis natoque
                                                                                                                                                               penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
                                                                                                                                                               mus. Integer scelerisque pharetra felis at fringilla. Proin ut arcu at
                                                                                                                                                               sem mattis eleifend. Nulla felis neque, pharetra pellentesque
                                                                                                                                                               tempus imperdiet, porttitor non massa. Vestibulum volutpat
                                                                                                                                                               vestibulum lacinia. Vestibulum adipiscing lobortis leo, sit amet
                                                                                                                                                               aliquam nisi rhoncus sed. Ut ipsum orci, iaculis quis aliquam ac,
                                                                                                                                                               luctus non ipsum. Nullam nisl sem, blandit et pharetra pharetra,
                                                                                                                                                               lacinia sit amet ante. Aenean ac lacus ac libero tempor tincidunt
                                                                                                                                                               quis at nisi. Pellentesque et quam ut massa mattis porta in at

Authority regulated prevention of                            Public Space and Architectural Quality
urban conflicts                                              Social Mix (diverse affordability housing)
Impartial supervisory institution
 mpartial                                                    Project flexibility and reversibility due to
Solid inclusion of local                                     several developer involvement
participation                                                Creating tools to prevent authority’s
Transparency of authority decission                          favour for private interests
processes and identification of ‘the Locally painless project funding
person in charge’ of the project     approach
       Altshuler & Luberoff 2003, Cuenya 2005, Gualini & Majoor 2007, Harvey 2008, Lecroart 2007, Sodupe 2007, Swyngedouw et al 2002
‘Vulnerable - exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed,
                  either physically or emotionally’
                                                     Oxford Dictionary

‘In essence, the vulnerability can be defined as a state of high exposure
 to certain risks and uncertainties, combined with a decreased ability to
   protect or defend them and deal with its negative consequences’
                                                     United Nations 2003
                                                                                                               $$ !
                                                                                                           $ #$#! !
                                                     €                                                    #  !#
socio-DemogRaphic                  socio-economic                    housing vulneRability                subjective vulneRability
vulneRability                      vulneRability                     Percentage of housing of less than   Percentage of inhabitants
                                                                     30m²                                 complaining for noise pollution
Percentage of single >64 year      Unemployment rate
old inhabitants                                                      Average household area in m² per     Percentage of inhabitants
                                   Unemployment rate of youth
                                                                     inhabitant                           complaining for air polluted
Rate of elderly dependency to      16-29 years
                                                                     Percentage of households without     environment
the rest of population             Percentage of unqualified
                                                                     a bathroom and toilet in the house   Percentage of inhabitants considering
Percentage of immigrant to local   workers
                                                                     Bad quality of house                 to have bad infrastructure
children (0-15 years)              Level of education (illiteracy,                                        connectivity
Percentage of immigrants to        no education)                     Percentage of houses constructed
                                                                     earlier than 1951                    Access to the green space per
total inhabitants
Number of single parent families
                                                                                                          Percentage of inhabitants considering
                                                                                                          to be living in criminal areas

vulneRable aReas                                                           $ !$
1991, 2001, 2006*                     € €           €         €
                                                                          # ##

Unemployment - 2X bigger than national level(21% in 2001)
Level of Education - Illiteracy and no education 2X bigger than national
level (23% in 2001)
State of living quality - Percentage of households without:
running water (>2%)
toilet (>3%)
bathroom or shower (>5$)
Immigration* - if more than city average (20% in 2006)
                                                              *indicator in 2006 analysis
vulneRability 91-01
                   1991     INDICATORS

                   2001     Living quality



0   1km   2km                                 $ !$$
                          € €            €
                                             # 18#
vulneRability 2006

                        $ !$$
         € €       €
                       # 19#
vulneRability 2010?

                                 $ #$
                  € €   €   €   # #
                Non-EU immigrant
                residents (%)
                                     Rate 2010

0   1km   2km
   by Rate of

concentRation of
                Number of
                                economic activities

0   1km   2km
elDeRly >64
                Living alone >64
                year old people
                                   living alone

0   1km   2km
caR peR peRson
                Car / Person

0   1km   2km
householD pRices
                Percentage of houses per
                price category
                                                   by majoRity
                Cheap             Expensive
                <12-24k €         <48-72k €

                      Medium 24-48k €

0   1km   2km
householD sizes
                Percentage of household
                size in the neighbourhood
                                                by majoRity
                Small           Medium
                <60-80m²        120-200m²

                     Medium 80-120m²

0   1km   2km
Household                                                                                                                                      Household
                                             availability                                                                                                                                   availability
                Percentage of household
                size in the neighbourhood
                Small            Medium
                <60-80m²         120-200m²

                                                by size                                                                                                                                       by price
                                                                                                                            Percentage of houses per
                     Medium 80-120m²
                                                                                                                            price category
                                                                                                                            Cheap                      Expensive
                                                                                                                            <12-24k €                  <48-72k €

                                                                                                                                  Medium 24-48k €

0   1km   2km

                    Population 2010
                           0 - 7500
                           7500 - 15 000
                           15 000 - 22 500
                           22 500 - 30 000
                           30 000 - 38 000

                                                                      0     1km               2km

                                                                                                        Social                                                     Aging                                                  Public
                                                                                                      support                                                       ratio                                              transport
                                                                              Supported families                                          Aging ratio
                                                                              with schoolchildren                                               0-54
                                                                                                                                                                                              Bus Lines per district
                                                                                   <150                                                         54-108
                                                                                   150-250                                                      108-162

                                                                                                    receivers                                                                                                            density
                                                                                   250-350                                                      162-216
                                                                                   350-450                                                      216-270
                                                                                                                                          Population aged
                                                                                   450+550                                                <16 / >64                                                      30-37

0   1km   2km
                                                            0   1km   2km                                        0   1km   2km                                              0   1km   2km



              What are the strategic spatial interventions                What are the existing possibilities of spatial
              necessary to deal with the problems of social               planning to improve the benefits of LUPs for
              vulnerability areas in Valencia?                            local communities in Valencia?

               What are the existing socio-economic and spatial conditions                       SUB-RESEARCH QUESTIONS
               in specific areas of Valencia?
               What is vulnerability? What indicators define it?
                                                                                                  How successful are the LUPs in
                                                                                                  Valencia? How to evaluate it
               How can social vulnerability be alleviated by spatial planning?
               What is the current strategy of Valencia’s city to cope with                       What conditions make LUPs be
               social of vulnerability?                                                           more beneficial for local
               What are the effects of existing LUPs in Valencia and what are                     communities?
               predictable outcomes of the future ones?

           CASE STUDIES                ANALYSIS & MAPPING                            INTERVIEWS                   LITERATURE STUDY
                           Valencia’s position in the              Valencia’s city Urban               Urban planning and it’s
                           regional and national scale             Planning department                 dynamics in Valencia

           Bilbao          Relevant spatial, economic,             Urbanism professors at              Evaluation of LUP effect in
                           social mapping on city and local        Universidad Politécnica de          Valencia and other case cities
           Seville         scale                                   Valencia                            Articles on social vulnerability
                           Indicating socially vulnerabile         Valencia´s Strategic Planning       and the tols to cope with it
                           areas                                   department                          National, regional and local
                           Defining the socio-spatial              Coordinating institution of         statistics and information
                           elements of vulnerability               Parque Central project
                           Detailed analysis of selected           Local neighbourhood
                           design proposal area                    organizations

                                                                           RESULTS                      THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

           Existing socio-economic and spatial conditions of
           Valencia in the context of Spain                                                      Effects of large urban projects
           Identified socio-economic and spatial threats and                                     Vulnerability
           opportunities in a particular vulnerable area                                         Spatial strategic planning
           Case study data on LUP effects and social vulnerability

                                                        Theory, analysis and case

                                                          study based strategic

                              Strategy based urban design intervention in a particular vulnerable area
                                 expecteD DeliveRables
A report / evaluation of the existing large urban
projects in Valencia. Recommendations for better local
integration for the future LUPs.
A strategic vision for social vulnerability areas of
A strategic plan for a particular part of the city.
A design proposal testing out the proposed strategy in
a vulnerable area.
Evaluation of the graduation project process.
A graduation report thoroughly describing the problem
and an approach used to cope with it.
Graduation presentation.


souRces of images
  Antonio Marin Segovia
  Manuel Orero
  Brian E Kushner

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  • 1. URBAN DEMOCRACY ntas S lft n Strategy for socially vulnerable areas, affected by omas@student.tude6267 D ka 11 d.stu 4 ture unequal distribution of public gains. TU De ulty of Archite ies lft Fac Complex C 2 it nism, ry 201 c Urba Janua The case of Valencia, Spain MS 24
  • 2. 2
  • 3. Problem statement Lack of distribution of benefits from large urban projects. Public money spent on tremendously expensive isolationist urban projects. Increasing fragmentation and social vulnerability. 3
  • 4. ReseaRch questions What are the strategic spatial interventions necessary to deal with the problems of socially vulnerable areas in Valencia? What are the existing possibilities of spatial planning to improve the benefits of LUPs for local communities in Valencia? sub-ReseaRch questions What are the existing socio-economic and spatial conditions in specific areas of Valencia? What is vulnerability? What indicators define it? How can social vulnerability be alleviated by spatial planning? What is the current strategy of Valencia’s city to cope with social of vulnerability? What are the effects of existing LUPs in Valencia and what are predictable outcomes of the future ones? How successful are the LUPs in Valencia? How to evaluate it objectively? What conditions make LUPs be more beneficial for local communities? 4
  • 6. DecentRalization 100% 9.7 12.2 12.8 13.3 13.8 13.6 13 100% 9.7 ReDistRibution of funDing 12.2 12.8 13.3 13.8 13.6 13 3 3 of planning 12.2 14.6 20.5 23.2 26.9 33 Local 12.2 14.6 20.5 23.2 26.9 33 87.3 Regional 87.3 75.6 72.6 75.6 72.6 66.2 63 59.5 Central 66.2 63 59.5 54 54 0% 0% 1981 1984 1987 1990 1992 1997 2001 1981 1984 1987 1990 1992 1997 2001 uRban planning moDel NATIONAL REGIONAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT GENERAL AND MUNICIPAL PLANS DEVELOPMENT PLANS NOT DEVELOPABLE Plan (GDP—Plan General General Development LAND Regional Strategic Special Plans de Ordenación) (SP—Planes Framework Urban Land Delimitation Especiales) DEVELOPED Projects (ULDP- LAND Proyectos de Delimi- tación de Suelo Urbano) Urban Development Action Programmes DEVELOPABLE (UDAP—Programas de Actuación Urbanística) LAND Partial Plans (PP—Planes Parciales) Subsidiary Planning Codes Detail Studies (DT—Estudios de Detalle) (SPC—Normas Subsidiarias de Planeamiento) 6
  • 7. changes in lanD classification 100% l lanD lanD use law l Non-Developable Land Developable Land Urbanized Land 0 1966 1983 1988 2010 lRau `94 lanD use plan 2007 Ley Reguladora de la numbeR of new Actividad Urbanistica Developments 250 242 221 200 165 150 100 59 37 40 35 42 50 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 7
  • 8. changes in lanD classification 100% l lanD lanD use law l Non-Developable Land Developable Land Urbanized Land lRau `94 0 1966 1983 1988 2010 Ley Reguladora de la numbeR of new Actividad Urbanistica lanD use plan 2007 Developments 250 242 221 200 165 150 100 59 37 40 35 42 50 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 8
  • 9. stRategic planning of valencia ategic v 1995 1998 2002 2007 Start the process of change! City of congresses High-Speed and meetings Train America’s Better Regional cup sailing connection Culture and mega-event Culture, high-tech Tourism and knowledge Open city to the Global oriented Sea Identity 9
  • 10. tuRia gaRDen 1 1988 Green Backbone l ge laRge u laRge uRban Sports & Activities Locals Oriented pRojects ojects centRal paRk 2 20?? Quality of Life Leisure & Activities 1 Citizen oriented city of aRts anD science 3 5 1998-2011 Global Identity Educative Extremely Expensive Limited Use Expensive Maintenance 2 f1 city ciRcuit 4 2008 3 4 Urban Regeneration (abandoned industry) Global Event Maintenance cost High Class Oriented ameRica’s cup poRt 5 2007 Urban Regeneration (beach) Global Event Revenue generative Luxury tourism oriented 10
  • 11. aims of the pRoject 1 Improve the conditions of socia lly vulnerable ar eas in Valencia 2 Enh ance positive outcom es of existing an d future LUPs to loca l communities 11
  • 13. equal I am greedy! DistRibution of public gains EQUITY - the quality of being fair and impartial. INTEGRITY - adherence to moral and ethical principles. Oxford Dictionary 13
  • 14. local ResiDent public authoRity oRienteD opeRations capabilities Regulation llicitudin nisl non mi tempor aliquet. Proin lacinia, sem quis volutpat tempus, odio urna aliquet risus, eget fermentum orci purus sit amet quam. Vivamus non orci ut mi volutpat malesuada. Nam semper pellentesque aliquam. Duis interdum, lacus ut iaculis consectetur, ipsum ligula ultricies mauris, a ultrices sem ligula sed ipsum. Quisque sem justo, euismod nec lobortis suscipit, porttitor vel turpis. Integer eu mattis justo. Donec felis mauris, sagittis eu Regulation iaculis in, porttitor vel justo. Fusce vitae arcu non sapien dignissim varius. Morbi non lorem justo. Proin id arcu a nibh fermentum facilisis eu sit amet metus. Donec varius aliquet est sed pulvinar. Etiam vitae mauris quam. Quisque eget purus nisl, sit amet iaculis neque. Nunc quis interdum tortor. Duis id ligula nec dolor convallis llicitudin nisl non mi tempor aliquet. Proin lacinia, sem quis hendrerit quis sit amet arcu. Cras semper posuere ante. Aenean id volutpat tempus, odio urna aliquet risus, eget fermentum orci nunc eget velit pellentesque congue. Nullam ut faucibus velit. purus sit amet quam. Vivamus non orci ut mi volutpat malesuada. Nunc risus erat, feugiat nec euismod eget, bibendum sit amet Nam semper pellentesque aliquam. Duis interdum, lacus ut iaculis diam. Donec a pulvinar enim. consectetur, ipsum ligula ultricies mauris, a ultrices sem ligula sed ipsum. Quisque sem justo, euismod nec lobortis suscipit, porttitor vel turpis. Integer eu mattis justo. Donec felis mauris, sagittis eu Praesent ac ante ante. Donec molestie tincidunt massa vitae iaculis in, porttitor vel justo. Fusce vitae arcu non sapien dignissim tincidunt. Mauris mi nibh, condimentum id varius non, ultricies eu varius. Morbi non lorem justo. Proin id arcu a nibh fermentum enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cum sociis natoque facilisis eu sit amet metus. Donec varius aliquet est sed pulvinar. penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus Etiam vitae mauris quam. Quisque eget purus nisl, sit amet iaculis mus. Integer scelerisque pharetra felis at fringilla. Proin ut arcu at neque. sem mattis eleifend. Nulla felis neque, pharetra pellentesque tempus imperdiet, porttitor non massa. Vestibulum volutpat Nunc quis interdum tortor. Duis id ligula nec dolor convallis vestibulum lacinia. Vestibulum adipiscing lobortis leo, sit amet hendrerit quis sit amet arcu. Cras semper posuere ante. Aenean id aliquam nisi rhoncus sed. Ut ipsum orci, iaculis quis aliquam ac, nunc eget velit pellentesque congue. Nullam ut faucibus velit. luctus non ipsum. Nullam nisl sem, blandit et pharetra pharetra, Nunc risus erat, feugiat nec euismod eget, bibendum sit amet lacinia sit amet ante. Aenean ac lacus ac libero tempor tincidunt diam. Donec a pulvinar enim. quis at nisi. Pellentesque et quam ut massa mattis porta in at Praesent ac ante ante. Donec molestie tincidunt massa vitae tincidunt. Mauris mi nibh, condimentum id varius non, ultricies eu enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer scelerisque pharetra felis at fringilla. Proin ut arcu at sem mattis eleifend. Nulla felis neque, pharetra pellentesque tempus imperdiet, porttitor non massa. Vestibulum volutpat vestibulum lacinia. Vestibulum adipiscing lobortis leo, sit amet aliquam nisi rhoncus sed. Ut ipsum orci, iaculis quis aliquam ac, luctus non ipsum. Nullam nisl sem, blandit et pharetra pharetra, lacinia sit amet ante. Aenean ac lacus ac libero tempor tincidunt quis at nisi. Pellentesque et quam ut massa mattis porta in at Authority regulated prevention of Public Space and Architectural Quality urban conflicts Social Mix (diverse affordability housing) Impartial supervisory institution mpartial Project flexibility and reversibility due to Solid inclusion of local several developer involvement participation Creating tools to prevent authority’s Transparency of authority decission favour for private interests processes and identification of ‘the Locally painless project funding person in charge’ of the project approach Altshuler & Luberoff 2003, Cuenya 2005, Gualini & Majoor 2007, Harvey 2008, Lecroart 2007, Sodupe 2007, Swyngedouw et al 2002 14
  • 15. VULNERABILITY ‘Vulnerable - exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally’ Oxford Dictionary ‘In essence, the vulnerability can be defined as a state of high exposure to certain risks and uncertainties, combined with a decreased ability to protect or defend them and deal with its negative consequences’ United Nations 2003 15
  • 16. VULNERABILITY $$ ! $ #$#! ! €€ € # !# € socio-DemogRaphic socio-economic housing vulneRability subjective vulneRability vulneRability vulneRability Percentage of housing of less than Percentage of inhabitants 30m² complaining for noise pollution Percentage of single >64 year Unemployment rate old inhabitants Average household area in m² per Percentage of inhabitants Unemployment rate of youth inhabitant complaining for air polluted Rate of elderly dependency to 16-29 years Percentage of households without environment the rest of population Percentage of unqualified a bathroom and toilet in the house Percentage of inhabitants considering Percentage of immigrant to local workers Bad quality of house to have bad infrastructure children (0-15 years) Level of education (illiteracy, connectivity Percentage of immigrants to no education) Percentage of houses constructed earlier than 1951 Access to the green space per total inhabitants inhabitant Number of single parent families Percentage of inhabitants considering to be living in criminal areas 16
  • 17. VULNERABILITY vulneRable aReas $ !$ 1991, 2001, 2006* € € € € # ## Unemployment - 2X bigger than national level(21% in 2001) Level of Education - Illiteracy and no education 2X bigger than national level (23% in 2001) State of living quality - Percentage of households without: running water (>2%) toilet (>3%) bathroom or shower (>5$) Immigration* - if more than city average (20% in 2006) *indicator in 2006 analysis 17
  • 18. vulneRability 91-01 1991 INDICATORS 2001 Living quality Employment Education 0 1km 2km $ !$$ € € € # 18# # €
  • 19. vulneRability 2006 $ !$$ € € € # 19# # €
  • 20. analysis vulneRability 2010? $ #$ ! € € € € # # 20
  • 21. immigRation Non-EU immigrant residents (%) >17% Rate 2010 0-5 5-9 9-13 13-17 17-21 >21 0 1km 2km 21
  • 22. vulneRability by Rate of immigRation 22
  • 23. concentRation of Number of companies economic activities <800 800-1600 1600-2500 2500-3300 >3300 0 1km 2km 23
  • 24. elDeRly >64 Living alone >64 year old people living alone <500 500-1000 1000-1500 1500-2000 >2000 0 1km 2km 24
  • 25. caR peR peRson Car / Person 0.3-0.4 0.4-0.5 0.5-0.6 0.6-0.7 0.7-0.8 0 1km 2km 25
  • 26. householD pRices Percentage of houses per price category by majoRity Cheap Expensive <12-24k € <48-72k € Medium 24-48k € 0 1km 2km 26
  • 27. householD sizes Percentage of household size in the neighbourhood by majoRity Small Medium <60-80m² 120-200m² Medium 80-120m² 0 1km 2km 27
  • 28. Household Household availability availability Percentage of household size in the neighbourhood Small Medium <60-80m² 120-200m² by size by price Percentage of houses per Medium 80-120m² price category Cheap Expensive <12-24k € <48-72k € Medium 24-48k € finDings 0 1km 2km Population Population 2010 0 - 7500 7500 - 15 000 15 000 - 22 500 22 500 - 30 000 30 000 - 38 000 0 1km 2km Social Aging Public support ratio transport Supported families Aging ratio with schoolchildren 0-54 Bus Lines per district <150 54-108 3-10 150-250 108-162 10-16 receivers density 250-350 162-216 16-24 350-450 216-270 Population aged 24-30 450+550 <16 / >64 30-37 0 1km 2km 0 1km 2km 0 1km 2km 0 1km 2km 28
  • 30. 30
  • 31. 31
  • 33. RESEARCH QUESTION What are the strategic spatial interventions What are the existing possibilities of spatial necessary to deal with the problems of social planning to improve the benefits of LUPs for vulnerability areas in Valencia? local communities in Valencia? PROBLEM What are the existing socio-economic and spatial conditions SUB-RESEARCH QUESTIONS in specific areas of Valencia? What is vulnerability? What indicators define it? How successful are the LUPs in Valencia? How to evaluate it objectively? methoDology How can social vulnerability be alleviated by spatial planning? What is the current strategy of Valencia’s city to cope with What conditions make LUPs be social of vulnerability? more beneficial for local What are the effects of existing LUPs in Valencia and what are communities? predictable outcomes of the future ones? CASE STUDIES ANALYSIS & MAPPING INTERVIEWS LITERATURE STUDY Valencia’s position in the Valencia’s city Urban Urban planning and it’s Barcelona regional and national scale Planning department dynamics in Valencia RESEARCH Bilbao Relevant spatial, economic, Urbanism professors at Evaluation of LUP effect in social mapping on city and local Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and other case cities Seville scale Valencia Articles on social vulnerability Indicating socially vulnerabile Valencia´s Strategic Planning and the tols to cope with it areas department National, regional and local Defining the socio-spatial Coordinating institution of statistics and information elements of vulnerability Parque Central project Detailed analysis of selected Local neighbourhood design proposal area organizations RESULTS THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OUTCOMES Existing socio-economic and spatial conditions of Valencia in the context of Spain Effects of large urban projects Identified socio-economic and spatial threats and Vulnerability opportunities in a particular vulnerable area Spatial strategic planning Case study data on LUP effects and social vulnerability Theory, analysis and case PROPOSAL STRATEGY study based strategic proposal DESIGN Strategy based urban design intervention in a particular vulnerable area 33
  • 34. e expecteD expecteD DeliveRables A report / evaluation of the existing large urban projects in Valencia. Recommendations for better local integration for the future LUPs. A strategic vision for social vulnerability areas of Valencia. A strategic plan for a particular part of the city. A design proposal testing out the proposed strategy in a vulnerable area. Evaluation of the graduation project process. A graduation report thoroughly describing the problem and an approach used to cope with it. Graduation presentation. 34