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Overcoming Fear

         “Leap of Faith” by Divine Radiance
Celebrating the Lives of Those We Have Lost
By Shavawn M. Berry

    For the past
2,500—3,000 years in
many Latin American countries, it has
been widely believed that the veil be-
tween the living and the dead is espe-
cially thin around the time that the Day
of the Dead celebrations take place.
         Day of the Innocents or Day of
the Angels (infants and children who
have died) is celebrated on November
1st; all other lost loved ones are re-
membered on November 2 (both dates
coincide with the Christian holidays All
Souls Day and All Saints Day). For
“Dia de los Muertos,” (Day of the Dead)
graves are cleaned and decorated with
the intention of remembering those
who have departed, or altars are cre-
ated in the home as a remembrance of
those whose lives have passed through
the veil between life and death. The al-
tars or grave decorations become living
symbols of the person who has died. They are covered with arrangements of toys, orange marigolds, sugar
skulls, rice and beans, bread, alcohol and a wide array of personal items. In some cultures, fami-
lies sit on the grave and have a meal “with” the departed love one. The
graveyard is lit by candles and each person shares memories of the person
he or she has lost. In other cultures children paint their faces with black and white skull make-up
(similar to the ghouls on Halloween) and parade through the streets dancing and singing. Whole festivals are
                                                                              dedicated to the two day cele-
October 2008—In This Issue of GTW                                             brations.
Celebrating The Lives of Those We Have Lost                Pages 2—3                   To me what is lovely
                                                                              about the notion of creating an
Running Toward the Roar—From the Editor
                                                                              altar for a person who has
The Fountain of Truth                                      Pages 4—5          died, is the fact that it gives me
The Fear of Flying                                                            a way each year to remember
                                                                              them. There is a belief in some
How to Overcome Fear in the Workplace:                     Pages 6—7          cultures that a person dies
Is There an Elephant in the Room?                                             twice—once literally on the day
                                                                              of her death, and then, again,
Confessions of a Soap Opera Addict:                        Pages 8—9          when no one is left on earth
Part Deux                                                                     who remembers her. Having a
                                                                              ritual to honor those who have
The Women’s Suffrage Movement                             Pages 10—11         left us makes sense, especially
Mind & Soul: Discovering the Treasure Within                                  during trying times. What bet-
                                                                              ter way can we celebrate the
ASU Plays & Films that Explore Boundaries                 Pages 12—13         lives of those who are now

 Page 2                                                                              G L O B AL T H I NK ING WO M E N
Running Toward the Roar
By Shavawn M. Berry, Editor

Our deepest fears are like dragons guarding our deepest treasure. — Rainer Maria Rilke

        October is the month where we start our descent into darkness each year. For some of us, the dark-
ness and mystery may seem frightening. The shadows may contain wildness,
ghosts, even nightmares. What will we find as we begin our way through the
“dark forest”? Fall surrounds us like a thick mantle. The cycle of life unfolds be-
fore our eyes as trees shed their leaves and ready themselves for the sting of
winter. We have passed the Autumnal Equinox (September 22) and are moving
into shorter days and longer nights for the next six months. At the end of this
month, All Hallows Eve (Halloween) awaits, along with Dia de los Muertos (Day
of the Dead) and All Saints Day on the first two days of November. There is a
palpable sense of falling into a place where we will have time to hibernate and
linger in the moist darkness, avoiding the cold weather outside, and the slow
blast of winter. Winter’s a time of reflection allowing us to prepare for the im-
minent rebirth (Spring) that follows. It is a time to remember and assuage our
losses, confront our fears, and run headlong into solving life’s mysteries. Death
surrounds us like a pungent soup. We must walk with death, decay, and dying
in order to set the world on a path toward renewal.
        In his book, The World Behind the World, storyteller and mythologist, Michael Meade opens
with this admonishment: Run toward the roar. He tells an ancient African teaching story about the way
that lions hunt. They use the oldest, most harmless of their group to settle on one side of the plains, while
the strongest, fiercest hunters sit opposite him. The old lion is useless as a hunter, but still possesses the
most frightening roar. The pride silently waits as a herd of water buffalo or zebra approach. Once their prey
is near, the old fellow roars as loudly as he can. The frightened prey runs in the opposite direction, straight
into the snares of the savvy hunters. Meade uses this story to illustrate what he believes is the importance of
running toward our fears and the darkness that envelops them; for it is only by facing one’s fears,
that fears are dismantled and overcome. We cannot walk away from what we grips our throats in fear. We
must turn and face it, often discovering that the fear that had us quaking in our boots is actually a toothless,
old lion possessing nothing but a big voice.
        Usually we are afraid of the unknown, the unfamiliar; we are frightened by the parts of ourselves that
remain untested and untried. We are scared of looking foolish, ignorant, or stupid – so we don’t ask ques-
tions, we don’t stretch to see new things, we don’t try on this or that coat made out of a myriad of beautiful
threads, for fear it won’t fit. Perhaps we are too small or too big. Embarrassment, shame, or ego prevents
us from throwing our hat into the ring and trying something different. Here’s the thing: perhaps at the bot-
tom of that well that we do not want to fall into, is the answer to a serious problem in this troubled world.
What if we are the ones who contain the piece of the puzzle most needed to solve it?
        Marianne Williamson wrote in her book, Return to Love, “Our deepest fear is not that we are in-
adequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Boy, is that the truth! In facing our
fears, we begin to build a life that is not blown over every time a storm comes. And, the fact is, storms are
an inherent part of life. There’s no use trying to outrun them. All that will get you is a serious bout of blis-
ters and a case of blinding weariness. I have learned that there’s nothing safe about the status quo. No re-
newal waits for those who stand in one place, calcified by fear.
        This month I plan to create a Day of the Dead altar celebrating my father’s life. Playing Patsy
Cline CDs as a backdrop, I will remember the twang of Daddy’s voice when he sang along with the radio. I
will eat candy corn and cook stew to warm and sweeten my days. I will view the trials facing me (and this
country and this world) as opportunities to dig deeper and find my way thorough them; to discover a path-
way into much needed change, renewal, and rebirth. I will run toward the roar. No experience in life comes
without gifts. Let’s see what walking into fear has to teach us.

 VO L U M E 5, IS SU E 5                                                                                     Page 3
The Fountain of Truth
by Mary Powell
                              My aging fear began when I hit my mid-twenties. I remember looking around
                      Old Navy with a friend one Sunday afternoon, when she suggested, “Let’s go into Ulta. I
                      need to buy some skin products.” Unlike most women, I have no infatuation with body
                      condiments: the various butters and oils that women often love to baste themselves in.
                      They remind me more of a Las Vegas buffet with flavors like vanilla cream and choco-
                      late chip, rather than skin care products. Nonetheless, I followed my friend into the
                      store, only to encounter various anti-aging products glaring me in the face. A highly-
                      botoxed sales lady approached us; “Care to sample our anti-wrinkle cream? Guaran-
                      teed to erase those crow’s feet ladies.” She spoke, a twinkle in her eye. Crow’s feet?
                      Why should women in their mid- twenties worry about crow’s feet? That evening, I
went home and scrutinized the sides of my eyes; I smoothed and pressed down on the tissue surrounding my
pupils, determined to “iron out” my blemishes.
        From ointments to liposuction, women spend millions of dollars on anti-aging remedies per year; we
are obsessed with retaining a youthful appearance and healthy body. I refuse to fall into this trap strictly to
look good; I would much rather spend my money on a nice piece of jewelry or drinks and dinner with friends.
We need to combat the double standard that society has set against women. If you are one of the many
women who fears looking her age, there are natural, healthy, and cheap remedies out there that will assuage
your fears. suggests ten foods that help alleviate the aging process. These foods include avo-
cadoes, and all black and blue berries such as blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrants and black grapes which
contain photochemical known as flavonoids. These powerful antioxidants help protect the body against dam-
age caused by free radicals. Cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage and cauliflower also do the trick. Garlic,
ginger, nuts, whole grains, watermelon and water are also beneficial in preventing aging. Of course water
helps to purge toxins and unwanted waste materials from the body. Another food, Soya, may help meno-
pausal women maintain estrogen levels and alleviate menopausal hot flashes. It may also protect against Alz-
heimer's disease, osteoporosis and heart disease.
        Foods are not the only natural way one can counter the fears of aging. Staying out of the sun, and
wearing a minimum of 15 proof sun block, stifles wrinkles and sunspots. Dr. Mehmet Oz, famous for his asso-
ciation with the Oprah Winfrey Show, explains that stress can make a person age more quickly. When people
worry, they cause their telomeres to unravel, much like a tattered shoelace. Telomeres are portions of DNA
strands that occur at either end of chromosomes. When these become tattered, they cause cellular damage to
the body and decrease a body’s ability to rejuvenate. Thus, positively combating stress, such as exercising or
meditating during hectic situations is critically important. In today’s fast paced world, with women both
working and taking care of the household, it is important to make time for ourselves.
        We need not fear aging; there are natural remedies which ensure we remain healthy and vibrant. So
push aside those expensive anti-aging soufflés, and instead grab a piece of avocado or a handful of almonds as
a healthy snack. Take a load off and lay in that unused hammock— in the shade, of course—because rest and
relaxation hold the keys to youthful radiance.

                                     “I'm not interested in
                                    age. People who tell me
                                   their age are silly. You're
                                      as old as you feel.”
                                       ―Elizabeth Arden

 Page 4                                                                                G L O B AL T H I NK ING WO M E N
The Fear of Flying by Marcela Marenco

                    Fear of            Captain Stacey Chance, an active       people generally only fear what
                                       airline pilot and a flight instruc-    they don’t know. Give this website
                    flying is          tor, created a very successful         a try! It may allow you to finally
                    more               course you can do online. The          really enjoy your next flight. If that
                                       best thing is that the course is       is more than you can initially man-
                    common             free! It addresses fear and anxi-      age, perhaps it will allow you to
                    than               ety by providing a definition of       gradually begin to enjoy the free-
                                       fear of flying, as well as typical     dom that comes with the knowl-
                    people             symptoms and types of fear. The        edge that you, too, can go wherever
                    think.             website also covers other aspects      you want to go, and live without the
                                       of the flight experience that may      limits that your fear has imposed
         In an international fear-     or may not impact a person’s           on your life up to this point.
of-flying conference that took         fears: the personnel involved one
place in Montreal last year, Dr.                                              Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
                                       way or another with every flight
Lucas van Gerwen, an aviation          and how they are trained (e.g.
psychologist and professional pi-      mechanics, pilots); the plane it-
lot in the Netherlands, said that      self; the effect of weather; the
up to 40 percent of people suffer      reality of safety statistics (flying
from some type of anxiety related      is actually much safer than tak-
to flying. In the U.S. about 6.5%      ing a car trip); and tips to over-
of the population suffers from an      come one’s fear. The final sec-
anxiety so high, it qualifies as a     tion of the site contains a virtual
phobia.                                practice flight. Captain Chance’s
        So, what are the options       approach to relaxation and sys-
for dealing with this sort of fear?    tematic desensitization to help
Rather than talking about how to       people control their fear is a tri-
arrange for a boat, or a train ride,   umph, especially if we take into
I encourage you to utilize a great     account that the whole course is
website that draws on a thriving       composed of just five well-
cognitive-behavioral tool that will    constructed chapters!
help you tackle this setback           So if you struggle with a fear of
(            flying, remember the fact that

                                                                 Tim Trumble—Photographer
Tim Trumble has agreed to help Global Thinking Women with the cover photos for our newsletter each
month, starting in November 2008. According to his website, Tim Trumble’s, “career began in Michigan
as the staff photographer for a music festival.” While there “he photographed major music entertainers in con-
cert including names like Reba McEntire, The Bangles, Robert Palmer, Foreigner and Ray Charles” (http:// ). His web bio goes on to say, “In 1996 he was hired as Arizona State Univer-
sity's only staff photographer. Tim's career at ASU produced photo credits […] for the Associated Press, The
Washington Post, ESPN magazine,, The Chronicle of Higher Education,, Dance
Magazine, R&D Magazine and The Arizona Republic. Tim has photographed major national events including
the final 2004 presidential debate, 1997 Rose Parade and Rose Bowl game, Barry Goldwater's funeral, 2002
Holiday Bowl, Pat Tillman's memorial service, the 2005 NCAA Tempe Regional for Women's Basketball, 1995
Fiesta Bowl Parade and 1995 U.S. Olympic Festival.” One of Tim’s photos can be seen on page 13 of this
month’s newsletter. We are very proud and excited to have him involved with our publication!

 Page 5                                                                                     G L O B AL T H I NK ING WO M E N
How to Overcome Fear in the Workplace
Is there an Elephant in the Room? by Kim Eagles
                                   In the face of national financial uncertainty employees must develop skills to
                           overcome and deal with the fears of coping on the job. In the midst of managing work,
                           home, children, marriage and relationships, our attitudes must remain focused and
                           acutely attentive and un-emotional in the workplace.
                             One of the most realistic depictions of the workplace office experience is the
                    Emmy Awarding winning show “The Office.” A “mockumentary” about a group of typi-
                    cal office workers, the workday consists of ego clashes, inappropriate behavior, and te-
                    dium. When watching from the comfort of our living room TV screens we can laugh
                    and joke about such things, but in the real world we often experience something more
emotional—especially women. For most of us, issues at work can be a sensitive area. Women face manag-
ing their emotions at home and in the workplace. In both cases a healthy outlook and perceptive approach
are key. At work, workers tend to tip-toe around issues of concern as they whisper and exclude other less
desirable co-workers. Also, individuals face interesting characteristics and uncomfortable predicaments
among co-workers and or management. Often, insecurities rise up within the inter-office environment
causing additional drama. Those inter-office personality characteristics include: the gossip, the know-it-
all, the jerk, the do-gooder, the workaholic, the cynic and the S-O-B. Each one of these traits tends to
cause emotional upheaval.
        In an article on emotions and women at work entitled, “Women at Work: Too Much Emotion?”
author, Sara Templeton suggests that, “Early in 2004, I wrote an article about Dr. John Gray's idea that in
the workplace men often see women expressing their emotions as a 'weakness'.” The funny thing about it
is that men have their own issues in the workplace by, perhaps, avoiding emotions.
        An emotion is a mental and physiological state associated with a wide variety of feelings,
thoughts, and behaviors. It is a prime determinant of the sense of subjective well-being and appears to
play a central role in daily activities at home or at work.
How do you see yourself? It’s time to roll up your sleeves and really learn to face how you
perceive your own identity. Take a moment to examine yourself and your moods. Figure out what is
                                     “the normal” acceptable personality, characteristic, traits, be-
                                     haviors and own up to it. If it’s non-acceptable, then it is time
                                     for a change. Get real and be straightforward even if it requires
                                     you to dig down deep within your heart and personally share
                                     with a trusted friend.
                                                           Contemplate your overall attitude, behavioral pattern,
                                                   an emotional response on tone within your social and working
                                                   environment. For example, some individuals may feel stupid
                                                   or inadequate, and therefore, hesitate to share true feelings
                                                   with others. After some self examination, your will begin to
                                                   see that this behavior makes you somewhat anti-social, impas-
                                                   sionate, or perceived as weak to yourself and others.
                                                           Examine a moment how this new knowledge makes
                                                   you feel. More importantly, how have you allowed this abnor-
                                                   mality to overrule peace in your life each and every time you
                                                   encounter the gut wrenching feeling that somehow holds you
                                                   back from free will of self expression? In order to be truly free
                                                   at work and able to contribute all that you are, you must get
                                                   past these blocks. (Continued on the next page)

 VO L U M E 5, IS SU E 5                                                                                          Page 6
(Overcoming Workplace Fear—Continued from previous page)
Personally, I battled with low self esteem. However, what most people saw was a confident person of self as-
surance—therein the lie. We cover up some of our “unacceptable” behavior with a lie. I had to make a choice
to push through the anxiety and camouflage my extreme fear and self doubt constantly. It became so habit-
ual and destructive I nearly lost my God given characteristics. Finally, out of sheer desperation, I sought to
change. I asked myself why I wanted to change; it was because I had misplaced the fullness of life. God’s
Glory had vanished inside and I longed to be transformed. What I wanted to change were my old thoughts,
mind-set, and my identity. The fact that I wanted to make this change now was the element that frightened
me. The logical part of me was ready to commit to changing. But, the reality of making such a big change
scared the hell out of me. That is what real change will do for an individual; change will awaken heaven and
hell. Again, an interesting contrast! The best thing I learned is that inside the fear and uproar was a new con-
trast awaiting to spring forth: calmness and a soothing peace. Finally, I determined how I wanted to change
and made it clear I possessed the desire to be transformed. I wanted to walk differently. I wanted my old
customary beliefs and doctrines and teachings to become fresh and God inspired. After that, the change was
                                                 much easier.
                                                         I encourage you to be honest with yourself. Don’t hide
                                                behind the elephant in the room. Deal with situations that
                                                make you feel uncomfortable. Remember to be genuine and
                                                kind. Reengage manners. A 2001 Gallup poll asked American
                                                adults whether a series of qualities applied more to men or to
                                                women. Ninety percent of those surveyed said that the char-
                                                acteristic quot;emotionalquot; applied more to women. The survey
                                                didn't ask about particular emotions or specify positive or
                                                negative connotations for the word quot;emotion.quot; But it seems
                                                likely from the results that most Americans view women as
                                                either able to experience or prone to experiencing a wider,
                                                more intense range of emotions than men do.
                                                         Are women more emotional than men are? Do
                                               they cry more? The perception that women cry more than
                                               men is pretty widespread. But as babies and children, boys
                                               and girls cry about the same amount on average. Only during
                                               puberty do girls begin to cry more than boys do. According to
                                               a 2005 New York Times article, by age 18, women cry four
                                               times as much as men. Does that mean that we should sit on
                                      our emotions. No! We have something to offer because we are women
                                      with sensitivities to the nuances of all of the situations in which we find
                                      ourselves. Each woman is a completely unique individual. We can
                                      exude confidence and peace, or we can be the
                                      person in the room complaining incessantly
                                      and focusing on what is not working, sending
                                      out negative energy like noxious fumes to eve-
                                      ryone around us. If given the choice, which
                                      person would you rather be?
                                      Of course, we all have things to learn, but we also have gifts to offer
                                      the world. What we do with our gifts and how we behave as human
                                      beings will influence every aspect of our lives. It is always our choice.
                                      Let’s share something spectacular with each person we meet.

VO L U M E 5, IS SU E 5                                                                                   Page 7
Confessions of a Soap Opera Addict: Part Deux
by Julianne White
                                                                  So, if the flaws of the dra-
                                                             matic serial are so painfully obvi-
                                                             ous to everyone, even those who
                                                             don’t watch them, then why are
                                                             they still on the air, some even en-
                                                             joying their 40th anniversaries?
                                                             Why did the genre not die out once television writ-
                                                             ing gained a certain level of sophistication and in-
                                                             tegrity? Do people only watch nowadays for the
                                                             chance to mock derisively at the screen? Are the
                                                             only people who actually watch these things either
                                                             hopelessly deluded, live in a fantasy world, or have
                                                             decidedly low-brow tastes?
                                                                      The answer to the first two questions is
                                                              that as the overall writing for television improved
                                                              significantly during the 90s and the 2000s, day-
                                                              time dramas enjoyed a concurrent improvement.
                                                              Prime time television shows learned a great deal
                                                              about how to exploit the episodic nature of televi-
                                                              sion by figuring out that a character’s develop-
                                                              ment does not have to happen in a single episode.
                                                              Nay, it could actually take time, develop gradually,
                                                              and that development can be shown over a hand-
                                                              ful of episodes, even seasons. A “thread” from an
                                                              earlier episode—a throw-away thought or random
                                                              detail—can be further developed later on during
the season, and that development can be followed up in later episodes. I saw this most clearly while being a
devoted fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation, whose writers virtually defined what is now known in the
business as a “character arc.” Then they also discovered that they can take the same concept and apply it to
circumstances—consequences of a single action or decision can ripple through multiple episodes, multiple
seasons. The daytime writers of the 2000s must have been 14-year-old Star Trek fans in the 1990s who
learned this lesson and applied it to their own genre, for this appears more and more, in more and more com-
plicated ways, in soap operas today. This technique not only gives dramas a certain level of sophistication
(and demand a certain level of viewer sophistication as well), but it also makes them more and more like real
life and less and less like life in another dimension.
        Although life in another dimension is not always a bad thing. You must remember that most soap op-
eras have casts of about 30-35 at any given moment during the year. They are often set in small towns that
are suburbs of larger, more recognizable cities. “All My Children” is in “Pine Valley,” and “One Life to Live” is
in “Llanview,” both of which are described as suburbs of Philadelphia, which is also close enough to New York
City that the characters often make trips to The City. Lately, the characters on “One Life” have also made
many trips to Atlantic City (and back again, several times a day!). All soap opera characters mention that
theirs is a “small town,” a comment usually made to explain how and why past loves cannot realistically be
avoided. But the main consequence of all this “small-town-ness” is that so many things happen to so few peo-
ple. Soap Opera Land is a very small universe, where all things happen to all people. In real life, all things
happen, but not to all people. Yes, some people lose their homes to a hurricane. But not all of them do. Yes,
some people’s marriages are damaged by infidelity (lots of them, actually)—but not all of them. Some people
tragically lose loved ones to accidents, murder, disease, or abandonment. But not all people. But in Soap Op-

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(Confessions of A Soap Opera Addict — Continued from previous page)

era Land, everyone experiences these things, sooner or later, at one time or another, especially if they stay on
the show long enough. Soap Opera Land is Real Life, but concentrated. Yes, Erica Kane has been married 11
times and had 10 husbands. She represents, though, that portion of the general population who have experi-
enced multiple marriages. To be exactly right, she probably should be married a few more times before re-
        And here’s the main two benefits of this peculiar set of circumstances: First, because Soap Opera
Land is both so concentrated and so protracted over time, we as viewers have the extraordinary opportunity
to witness the development of a single actor’s acting skills. Although this may not always happen (there have
been some notable exceptions of actors who were wretched at the beginning, and even more wretched on
their last day), most of them have the time and the opportunity to learn their craft through practice and exi-
gency. Front-burner storyline actors (those in featured storylines) must memorize up to 50 pages of dialogue
a day. This is extremely difficult, all by itself. Added to that is the necessity of delivering those lines with sin-
cerity and in a way that is consistent with the character’s personality and history. The ones not up to the
task, mercifully, leave, allowing their roles to be either re-cast or written off. That usually leaves the door
open for those with true talent, and with true dedication to their craft, to rise to the occasion. This past May,
I saw some of the finest acting I’ve ever seen on daytime television when Rex (played by John-Paul Lavois-
ier) and Adriana (played by Melissa Fumero) on “One Life to Live” broke up. With understated, restrained,
painfully honest acting, both of these actors gave the performances of their lives. I would not have believed
either of them capable of such acting when they first came on the show, Lavoisier 6 years ago, and Fumero 5
years before. Both of them have had lots of time and multiple front-burner storylines in order to learn their
business, and it paid off in a stunning sequence of scenes which were very un-like the histrionic melodrama
that soap operas have been blamed for in the past.
        The second benefit of this circumstance is that the writers have fantastic opportunities to take on
controversial and sometimes shocking storylines. Rape, rape resulting in pregnancy, transgender issues,
anorexia, and homosexuality have all been explored with great sensitivity on “All My Children.” On “One
Life to Live,” mental illness, abusive childhoods, gang rape, prostitution, and issues of social class have all
been intertwined into major storylines that have not only educated people on many of these conditions or
issues, but also on how difficult they are to confront and resolve. They often come back to “haunt” the char-
acters, in a way that lets the viewer know that many of these issues can never be fully resolved in a human
        So even though there is a lot of justifiable criticism aimed at the genre, as a genre, it has been able to
grow, adapt, change, and learn from its own successes and its own mistakes, providing us, the viewers, with
a model for how that possibility exists for us—always. Their continued existence seems to suggest that we,
also, can endure.
Julianne White, Ph. D. teaches literature and business writing at ASU Tempe. She got her doctorate in
English Literature from the University of New Mexico. She is an avid fan of One Life to Live and All My
Children. Her research interests include literature from the Victorian and Modern eras.

        Would you like to write for Global Thinking Women Newsletter?
                              Do you have expertise to share with other women?
                     November’s Issue will cover the theme: Gratitude and Grace
                          Submit articles, article ideas, or ideas for themes for
  upcoming issues to Articles are due on 5th of the month for
                                each monthly issue.

VO L U M E 5, IS SU E 5                                                                                       Page 9
The Suffrage Movement—A Valiant Reason for Women to Vote
By Shavawn M. Berry

         Between 1776 when the Declaration of Inde-       frage and sent the 19th amendment to the US Con-
pendence declared that “all men [were] created            gress. It passed the House with 2/3rds majority but
equal” here in the United States until the ratification   failed in the Senate by just two votes. However, the
of the 19th amendment (a woman’s right to vote) in        suffragists did not give up. They had the
1920, women were seen as second class citizens.           amendment resubmitted the following year and it
They were, literally, the property of their husbands      passed the House 309—90. It went on to pass the
and fathers. Most women today probably cannot             Senate by a vote of 56 to 25. It was then sent to the
imagine a time like the time in which the stalwart        States to be ratified by a majority. The following
women of the suffrage movement lived. These               year, Tennessee became the 36th state to pass the
women had no say in public life. After dinner there       amendment, and on August 26, 1920 women
was an expectation that women would retire to a           were finally granted the right to vote. This
drawing room to drink sherry (or tea) and talk about      proud history is something that all women should
the rearing of their children. Meanwhile, the men         know. A century ago, women protested, went to jail,
smoked cigars, drank scotch, and discussed politics,      starved themselves, and worked without respite for
justice, current events and the economy. The mes-         all women to have the right to vote. When we
sage was clear: men were in charge. Women were            go to the polls next month, let’s think of Alice Paul,
not.                                                      Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and the
                                                          countless others who made it possible for us to be
        All that began to change as the women’s suf-      there. Let’s show our gratitude by voting. We
frage movement began. Starting in 1869 with the           should never forget to honor their sacrifices on our
National Women’s Suffrage Association,                    behalf.
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s or-
ganization for women, followed closely by Lucy
Stone’s group, the American Woman Suffrage
Association, these women (and hundreds like
them) sought to secure women’s voting rights. In
1890 the two organizations became the National
American Woman Suffrage Association and
worked tirelessly for thirty years to assure passage
of a constitutional amendment to change the voting
laws in our country. In 1917 a Suffragist named Al-
ice Paul was arrested outside the White House
(where she and others had been protesting the lack
of equal rights for women). She was sent to a work-
house where she staged a hunger strike. For 22 days
she refused to eat. At that point the workhouse staff
began force-feeding her. Eventually news of her im-
prisonment (and that of others in the movement)
reached the media and President Woodrow Wilson
was forced to intervene. Another suffragist, Lucy
Burns, also staged a hunger strike and was subse-
quently force-fed. During the final years of the suf-
fragist movement, Lucy Burns spent more time in
jail than any other woman. She was jailed on six dif-
ferent occasions for adhering to her beliefs. Others
involved in the movement included Inez Milhol-            For more information on the Suffrage Move-
land, Carrie Chapman Catt, Ida Wells-                     ment, visit this link on Iron Jawed Angels:
Barnett, and Elizabeth McShane. In 1918 Presi-  
dent Wilson reversed his opposition to women’s suf-       student.pdf

 Page 10                                                                                G L O B AL T H I NK ING WO M E N
Mind & Soul: Discovering the Treasure Within
by Elaine Yoshikawa
“The cave you fear to enter          treasures that point to his most     able to overcome what we fear.
holds the treasure you seek.”        authentic and rewarding life.        However, without the courage to
                                     We should seek to become the         confront our fears, we will be un-
           – Joseph Campbell
                                     hero or heroine of our own per-      able to discover our true nature,
        According to Swiss Psy-      sonal myth. Ultimately, our          our hidden talents, and our un-
chologist, Carl Jung, the arche-     challenge as human beings is to      dreamt of power. Eleanor Roose-
type of the cave represents the      confront the fears that prevent      velt reminds us that: “You can gain
dark caverns of the unconscious      us from exploring the vast psy-      strength, courage and confidence
mind that contain the mysteries      chological terrains that contain     by every experience in which you
of creativity, rebirth, and re-      the hidden potential of who we       really stop to look fear in the face.
newal. The hidden, unexplored        truly are. Socrates said: ‘the un-   You must do the thing which you
and undiscovered niches and          examined life is not worth liv-      think you cannot do.”
crevices are filled with the pri-    ing’. If we do not examine (dig
                                                                                   I think all of us possess the
mordial, the elemental, the fer-     and excavate) who we are and
                                                                          inner fortitude to escape the teth-
tile, and the divine. This rich      realize what we can become, our
                                                                          ers of familiarity. We can use our
darkness hides an unfathomable       life will be diminished.
                                                                          fears to discover, develop and
source of wisdom, and the nec-
                                          Why are our                     strengthen our courage. By over-
essary ingredients for a pro-
                                                                          coming fear, we can create a more
found psycho-spiritual transfor-     most valuable inner                  satisfying and rewarding future.
mation. To enter into the deep-      treasures hidden by a                In this way our hidden talents, our
est realms of the self is truly a
fearful and terrifying act. Yet,     protective layer of                  weaknesses, and our vulnerabili-
                                     fear? One reason is that fear        ties can be creatively transmuted
you find this recurring theme in
                                     protects us from unwanted or         into personal strengths that trans-
the mythological journey of the
                                     difficult changes, particularly      form and empower us. Each one
hero. The hero often enters a
                                     changes in our self-identity.        of us is called to make the hero’s
metaphoric cave, understanda-
                                     Whatever has the potential to        journey, to plumb the interior
bly terrified by what he might
                                     change us the most is what we        depths, and to excavate the infi-
encounter, what he must con-
                                     will fear the most. Within the       nitely valuable treasures within.
quer, and what he will eventu-
ally become.                         realm of the safe and secure, fear
                                     creates stagnation by keeping us
        When the hero enters the     comfortably ensconced in the         Elaine Yoshikawa, Ph.D., is a
cave, he brings only what is al-     familiar. It prevents us from        Lecturer in Philosophy at ASU,
ready within him-- nothing           opening new vistas and con-          Polytechnic Campus. Her current
more, nothing less. In other         fronting new challenges.             research interests are: Virtue Eth-
words, he seeks something that                                            ics, Christian Ethics, Buddhist
he already possesses within,                 It is not easy or comfort-   Ethics, and happiness.

   October is Domestic Violence
        Awareness Month
Contact the Sojourner Center in Phoenix to do-
nate toiletries, female products, diapers, baby bottles,
formula, baby food, or other items needed by women
leaving violent situations with their children. For
more information:
                    Or call (602) 244-0997

VO L U M E 5, IS SU E 5                                                                                    Page 11
ASU Presents Works That Urge Us to Explore Boundaries
By Laurie A. Trotta
Artistic Director, Linda Essig, serves up a topical helping of plays and films

        Creating theatre and film productions in a university setting is not as simple as creating entertain-
ment, says Linda Essig, artistic director of the School of Theatre and Film in ASU Herberger College of the
Arts. Working through the MainStage Season, the principle performance and exhibition program of the
School of Theatre and Film, Essig is on a mission to create a cultural magnet for area residents and to pro-
vide them with provocative, topical and forward-thinking theatre and film.

        “Our first priority is to teach students. But we also want to contribute to the cultural life of the uni-
versity and region and push the arts forward on a national level,” says Essig, artistic director of Main Stage.

        The MainStage Season brings nationally and internationally recognized guest artists to campus to en-
hance the work of faculty and staff, and often attempts to link productions to other campus departments and
communities to engage specific audiences and create a wider relevance. Each MainStage Season features a
Festival of New Work and at least one theatrical production suited for youth or families. The Annual Student
Film Festival is traditionally a sold-out event, highlighting the best emerging talent in the digital production
program, the first in the nation to offer an ethical approach to filmmaking. The Performance in the Border-
lands series explores the cultural richness of the US/Mexico border region through performances, lectures
and symposia. Prism Theatre Student Productions provide opportunities for students to bring their artistic
vision to the stage while learning how to operate an arts-based venture.

        This MainStage Season, area residents can enjoy political satire just in time for the November elec-
tions, get a premiere look at the father of jazz, and take novel explorations of journeys to strange new
worlds. “We will explore the boundaries that separate people from their homelands, from each other, from
their dreams,” says Essig. “When you spill water on a map, lines blur. We will look to expand our vision be-
yond our comfortable worlds and into unknown lands that stretch beyond. It will be an exciting season, filled
with opportunities for our students as well as our audiences to learn, to laugh and to walk in another person’s
shoes. Come join us!”

Three World Premieres set for ASU MainStage Festival of New Work

       MainStage continues to push the boundaries of theatre as one full production and two staged read-
ings unveiled. Walk in the steps of a coyote, or human smuggler, listen as the nascent strains of jazz are born
in a New Orleans honky-tonk, and meet a woman facing the possibility of her own dementia in ASU Herber-
ger MainStage Season’s Festival of New Work Oct. 24-Nov. 2nd. The Festival of New Work is a highlight
of ASU Herberger School of Theatre and Film’s MainStage Season, where master students, faculty
and guest artists from across the nation premiere their projects.

This year’s Festival will include a full production of graduate student Daniel S. Frey’s drama Don Coyote, as
well as two workshop productions.

   Don Coyote is a gritty power struggle as seen through the lens of human smuggling across the Arizona
     Mexico border. “People always compete with each other for what they want,” says the Frey. “Coyote is a
     study of the lengths they are willing to go to get that.” The production is directed by Richard Perez.

   Workshops, or staged readings, give the audience an opportunity to experience a play in an early form.
     The process presents an “exquisite agony” according to ASU Professor Gus Edwards, whose Buddy
     Bolden’s Blues will be staged. “This is a work in progress, and by definition means the work is not per-
     fect. It is where you put the work in front of people and see what works and what does not.”

(Continued on page 13)

Page 12                                                                                  G L O B AL T H I NK ING WO M E N
Global Thinking Women
                                                                       Laurie A. Trotta is a writer, media analyst, film pro-
            Global Thinking Women
                                                               ducer and public relations professional specializing in social
      Kim Eagles, M.A.—Global Leadership                       issues in entertainment.
               Founder/Director                                         An established national voice
                Tempe, AZ 85281                                for promoting awareness about such
                                                               subjects as children's programming,
                             artists’ rights & responsibilities, pro-                    fessional ethics in the entertainment
                                                               industry, violence in the media, me-
                      A Division of:                           dia ratings, and diversity onscreen,
                                                               Trotta has served as a commentator
                           ODATS                               on CNN News, Fox National News,
   Organizational Leadership and Development Training System
                                                               National Public Radio, the BBC, and
                                                               other world press outlets.
   “Thinking Women Have Something to Say”

                                                                            (Plays & Films—Continued from page 12)
                                                                            Don Coyote by Daniel S. Frey | Lyceum
                                                                            Theatre Oct. 24, 30 & Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m.;
                                                                            Oct. 26, 2 p.m.
                                                                            An American and a Mexican coyote run a success-
                                                                            ful human-smuggling business at the Arizona-
                                                                            Mexico border. But one day, a car accident, a bru-
                                                                            tal killing and a beautiful young woman named
                                                                            Rosa threaten to unravel the fabric of their part-
                                                                            nership. Contains violence and strong language.
                                                                            Secrets of Gardenias by Katie May - Work-
                                                                            shop | Studio 133*
                                                                            Oct. 25, 29, 31, 7:30 p.m.; Nov. 2, 2 p.m.
Photo Credit: Tim Trumble

Genetics, the power relationships within families, and fate are explored when a young scientist learns she may
be the next to contract a terrible illness after her mother is diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease. Set in Flor-
ida during hurricane season, the play is the latest work from Katie May, the author of the 2007-2008 season’s
riveting play, Black Sheep Gospel.
Buddy Bolden’s Blues by Gus Edwards – Workshop | Studio 133*
Oct. 25, 2 p.m.; Oct. 26, 30 & Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m.
The life and times of the reputed “Father of Jazz” are deconstructed in this theatrical rendition. Set in New
Orleans between 1894 and 1938, when America was experiencing intense social and musical changes, this
dramatic work (with music) is presented as a work-in-progress. Directed by the author, Gus Edwards. Con-
tains strong language.
*Studio 133 is located in the Nelson Fine Arts Center 133, 51 E. 10th St., ASU Tempe campus.
Cost: $7 - $22; Half-price tickets on the First Friday of any MainStage Season production; ASU faculty and
staff get two-for-one on all full-priced Main Stage performances.
For tickets: Herberger College box office, 480.965.6447/School of Theatre and Film. 480.965.5337

 VO L U M E 5, IS SU E 5                                                                                                Page 13

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Overcoming Fear Global Thinking Women

  • 1. Overcoming Fear “Leap of Faith” by Divine Radiance
  • 2. Celebrating the Lives of Those We Have Lost By Shavawn M. Berry For the past 2,500—3,000 years in many Latin American countries, it has been widely believed that the veil be- tween the living and the dead is espe- cially thin around the time that the Day of the Dead celebrations take place. Day of the Innocents or Day of the Angels (infants and children who have died) is celebrated on November 1st; all other lost loved ones are re- membered on November 2 (both dates coincide with the Christian holidays All Souls Day and All Saints Day). For “Dia de los Muertos,” (Day of the Dead) graves are cleaned and decorated with the intention of remembering those who have departed, or altars are cre- ated in the home as a remembrance of those whose lives have passed through the veil between life and death. The al- tars or grave decorations become living symbols of the person who has died. They are covered with arrangements of toys, orange marigolds, sugar skulls, rice and beans, bread, alcohol and a wide array of personal items. In some cultures, fami- lies sit on the grave and have a meal “with” the departed love one. The graveyard is lit by candles and each person shares memories of the person he or she has lost. In other cultures children paint their faces with black and white skull make-up (similar to the ghouls on Halloween) and parade through the streets dancing and singing. Whole festivals are dedicated to the two day cele- October 2008—In This Issue of GTW brations. Celebrating The Lives of Those We Have Lost Pages 2—3 To me what is lovely about the notion of creating an Running Toward the Roar—From the Editor altar for a person who has The Fountain of Truth Pages 4—5 died, is the fact that it gives me The Fear of Flying a way each year to remember them. There is a belief in some How to Overcome Fear in the Workplace: Pages 6—7 cultures that a person dies Is There an Elephant in the Room? twice—once literally on the day of her death, and then, again, Confessions of a Soap Opera Addict: Pages 8—9 when no one is left on earth Part Deux who remembers her. Having a ritual to honor those who have The Women’s Suffrage Movement Pages 10—11 left us makes sense, especially Mind & Soul: Discovering the Treasure Within during trying times. What bet- ter way can we celebrate the ASU Plays & Films that Explore Boundaries Pages 12—13 lives of those who are now gone? Page 2 G L O B AL T H I NK ING WO M E N
  • 3. Running Toward the Roar By Shavawn M. Berry, Editor Our deepest fears are like dragons guarding our deepest treasure. — Rainer Maria Rilke October is the month where we start our descent into darkness each year. For some of us, the dark- ness and mystery may seem frightening. The shadows may contain wildness, ghosts, even nightmares. What will we find as we begin our way through the “dark forest”? Fall surrounds us like a thick mantle. The cycle of life unfolds be- fore our eyes as trees shed their leaves and ready themselves for the sting of winter. We have passed the Autumnal Equinox (September 22) and are moving into shorter days and longer nights for the next six months. At the end of this month, All Hallows Eve (Halloween) awaits, along with Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and All Saints Day on the first two days of November. There is a palpable sense of falling into a place where we will have time to hibernate and linger in the moist darkness, avoiding the cold weather outside, and the slow blast of winter. Winter’s a time of reflection allowing us to prepare for the im- minent rebirth (Spring) that follows. It is a time to remember and assuage our losses, confront our fears, and run headlong into solving life’s mysteries. Death surrounds us like a pungent soup. We must walk with death, decay, and dying in order to set the world on a path toward renewal. In his book, The World Behind the World, storyteller and mythologist, Michael Meade opens with this admonishment: Run toward the roar. He tells an ancient African teaching story about the way that lions hunt. They use the oldest, most harmless of their group to settle on one side of the plains, while the strongest, fiercest hunters sit opposite him. The old lion is useless as a hunter, but still possesses the most frightening roar. The pride silently waits as a herd of water buffalo or zebra approach. Once their prey is near, the old fellow roars as loudly as he can. The frightened prey runs in the opposite direction, straight into the snares of the savvy hunters. Meade uses this story to illustrate what he believes is the importance of running toward our fears and the darkness that envelops them; for it is only by facing one’s fears, that fears are dismantled and overcome. We cannot walk away from what we grips our throats in fear. We must turn and face it, often discovering that the fear that had us quaking in our boots is actually a toothless, old lion possessing nothing but a big voice. Usually we are afraid of the unknown, the unfamiliar; we are frightened by the parts of ourselves that remain untested and untried. We are scared of looking foolish, ignorant, or stupid – so we don’t ask ques- tions, we don’t stretch to see new things, we don’t try on this or that coat made out of a myriad of beautiful threads, for fear it won’t fit. Perhaps we are too small or too big. Embarrassment, shame, or ego prevents us from throwing our hat into the ring and trying something different. Here’s the thing: perhaps at the bot- tom of that well that we do not want to fall into, is the answer to a serious problem in this troubled world. What if we are the ones who contain the piece of the puzzle most needed to solve it? Marianne Williamson wrote in her book, Return to Love, “Our deepest fear is not that we are in- adequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Boy, is that the truth! In facing our fears, we begin to build a life that is not blown over every time a storm comes. And, the fact is, storms are an inherent part of life. There’s no use trying to outrun them. All that will get you is a serious bout of blis- ters and a case of blinding weariness. I have learned that there’s nothing safe about the status quo. No re- newal waits for those who stand in one place, calcified by fear. This month I plan to create a Day of the Dead altar celebrating my father’s life. Playing Patsy Cline CDs as a backdrop, I will remember the twang of Daddy’s voice when he sang along with the radio. I will eat candy corn and cook stew to warm and sweeten my days. I will view the trials facing me (and this country and this world) as opportunities to dig deeper and find my way thorough them; to discover a path- way into much needed change, renewal, and rebirth. I will run toward the roar. No experience in life comes without gifts. Let’s see what walking into fear has to teach us. VO L U M E 5, IS SU E 5 Page 3
  • 4. The Fountain of Truth by Mary Powell My aging fear began when I hit my mid-twenties. I remember looking around Old Navy with a friend one Sunday afternoon, when she suggested, “Let’s go into Ulta. I need to buy some skin products.” Unlike most women, I have no infatuation with body condiments: the various butters and oils that women often love to baste themselves in. They remind me more of a Las Vegas buffet with flavors like vanilla cream and choco- late chip, rather than skin care products. Nonetheless, I followed my friend into the store, only to encounter various anti-aging products glaring me in the face. A highly- botoxed sales lady approached us; “Care to sample our anti-wrinkle cream? Guaran- teed to erase those crow’s feet ladies.” She spoke, a twinkle in her eye. Crow’s feet? Why should women in their mid- twenties worry about crow’s feet? That evening, I went home and scrutinized the sides of my eyes; I smoothed and pressed down on the tissue surrounding my pupils, determined to “iron out” my blemishes. From ointments to liposuction, women spend millions of dollars on anti-aging remedies per year; we are obsessed with retaining a youthful appearance and healthy body. I refuse to fall into this trap strictly to look good; I would much rather spend my money on a nice piece of jewelry or drinks and dinner with friends. We need to combat the double standard that society has set against women. If you are one of the many women who fears looking her age, there are natural, healthy, and cheap remedies out there that will assuage your fears. suggests ten foods that help alleviate the aging process. These foods include avo- cadoes, and all black and blue berries such as blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrants and black grapes which contain photochemical known as flavonoids. These powerful antioxidants help protect the body against dam- age caused by free radicals. Cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage and cauliflower also do the trick. Garlic, ginger, nuts, whole grains, watermelon and water are also beneficial in preventing aging. Of course water helps to purge toxins and unwanted waste materials from the body. Another food, Soya, may help meno- pausal women maintain estrogen levels and alleviate menopausal hot flashes. It may also protect against Alz- heimer's disease, osteoporosis and heart disease. Foods are not the only natural way one can counter the fears of aging. Staying out of the sun, and wearing a minimum of 15 proof sun block, stifles wrinkles and sunspots. Dr. Mehmet Oz, famous for his asso- ciation with the Oprah Winfrey Show, explains that stress can make a person age more quickly. When people worry, they cause their telomeres to unravel, much like a tattered shoelace. Telomeres are portions of DNA strands that occur at either end of chromosomes. When these become tattered, they cause cellular damage to the body and decrease a body’s ability to rejuvenate. Thus, positively combating stress, such as exercising or meditating during hectic situations is critically important. In today’s fast paced world, with women both working and taking care of the household, it is important to make time for ourselves. We need not fear aging; there are natural remedies which ensure we remain healthy and vibrant. So push aside those expensive anti-aging soufflés, and instead grab a piece of avocado or a handful of almonds as a healthy snack. Take a load off and lay in that unused hammock— in the shade, of course—because rest and relaxation hold the keys to youthful radiance. “I'm not interested in age. People who tell me their age are silly. You're as old as you feel.” ―Elizabeth Arden Page 4 G L O B AL T H I NK ING WO M E N
  • 5. The Fear of Flying by Marcela Marenco Fear of Captain Stacey Chance, an active people generally only fear what airline pilot and a flight instruc- they don’t know. Give this website flying is tor, created a very successful a try! It may allow you to finally more course you can do online. The really enjoy your next flight. If that best thing is that the course is is more than you can initially man- common free! It addresses fear and anxi- age, perhaps it will allow you to than ety by providing a definition of gradually begin to enjoy the free- fear of flying, as well as typical dom that comes with the knowl- people symptoms and types of fear. The edge that you, too, can go wherever think. website also covers other aspects you want to go, and live without the of the flight experience that may limits that your fear has imposed In an international fear- or may not impact a person’s on your life up to this point. of-flying conference that took fears: the personnel involved one place in Montreal last year, Dr. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? way or another with every flight Lucas van Gerwen, an aviation and how they are trained (e.g. psychologist and professional pi- mechanics, pilots); the plane it- lot in the Netherlands, said that self; the effect of weather; the up to 40 percent of people suffer reality of safety statistics (flying from some type of anxiety related is actually much safer than tak- to flying. In the U.S. about 6.5% ing a car trip); and tips to over- of the population suffers from an come one’s fear. The final sec- anxiety so high, it qualifies as a tion of the site contains a virtual phobia. practice flight. Captain Chance’s So, what are the options approach to relaxation and sys- for dealing with this sort of fear? tematic desensitization to help Rather than talking about how to people control their fear is a tri- arrange for a boat, or a train ride, umph, especially if we take into I encourage you to utilize a great account that the whole course is website that draws on a thriving composed of just five well- cognitive-behavioral tool that will constructed chapters! help you tackle this setback So if you struggle with a fear of ( flying, remember the fact that Tim Trumble—Photographer Tim Trumble has agreed to help Global Thinking Women with the cover photos for our newsletter each month, starting in November 2008. According to his website, Tim Trumble’s, “career began in Michigan as the staff photographer for a music festival.” While there “he photographed major music entertainers in con- cert including names like Reba McEntire, The Bangles, Robert Palmer, Foreigner and Ray Charles” (http:// ). His web bio goes on to say, “In 1996 he was hired as Arizona State Univer- sity's only staff photographer. Tim's career at ASU produced photo credits […] for the Associated Press, The Washington Post, ESPN magazine,, The Chronicle of Higher Education,, Dance Magazine, R&D Magazine and The Arizona Republic. Tim has photographed major national events including the final 2004 presidential debate, 1997 Rose Parade and Rose Bowl game, Barry Goldwater's funeral, 2002 Holiday Bowl, Pat Tillman's memorial service, the 2005 NCAA Tempe Regional for Women's Basketball, 1995 Fiesta Bowl Parade and 1995 U.S. Olympic Festival.” One of Tim’s photos can be seen on page 13 of this month’s newsletter. We are very proud and excited to have him involved with our publication! Page 5 G L O B AL T H I NK ING WO M E N
  • 6. How to Overcome Fear in the Workplace Is there an Elephant in the Room? by Kim Eagles In the face of national financial uncertainty employees must develop skills to overcome and deal with the fears of coping on the job. In the midst of managing work, home, children, marriage and relationships, our attitudes must remain focused and acutely attentive and un-emotional in the workplace. One of the most realistic depictions of the workplace office experience is the Emmy Awarding winning show “The Office.” A “mockumentary” about a group of typi- cal office workers, the workday consists of ego clashes, inappropriate behavior, and te- dium. When watching from the comfort of our living room TV screens we can laugh and joke about such things, but in the real world we often experience something more emotional—especially women. For most of us, issues at work can be a sensitive area. Women face manag- ing their emotions at home and in the workplace. In both cases a healthy outlook and perceptive approach are key. At work, workers tend to tip-toe around issues of concern as they whisper and exclude other less desirable co-workers. Also, individuals face interesting characteristics and uncomfortable predicaments among co-workers and or management. Often, insecurities rise up within the inter-office environment causing additional drama. Those inter-office personality characteristics include: the gossip, the know-it- all, the jerk, the do-gooder, the workaholic, the cynic and the S-O-B. Each one of these traits tends to cause emotional upheaval. In an article on emotions and women at work entitled, “Women at Work: Too Much Emotion?” author, Sara Templeton suggests that, “Early in 2004, I wrote an article about Dr. John Gray's idea that in the workplace men often see women expressing their emotions as a 'weakness'.” The funny thing about it is that men have their own issues in the workplace by, perhaps, avoiding emotions. An emotion is a mental and physiological state associated with a wide variety of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. It is a prime determinant of the sense of subjective well-being and appears to play a central role in daily activities at home or at work. How do you see yourself? It’s time to roll up your sleeves and really learn to face how you perceive your own identity. Take a moment to examine yourself and your moods. Figure out what is “the normal” acceptable personality, characteristic, traits, be- haviors and own up to it. If it’s non-acceptable, then it is time for a change. Get real and be straightforward even if it requires you to dig down deep within your heart and personally share with a trusted friend. Contemplate your overall attitude, behavioral pattern, an emotional response on tone within your social and working environment. For example, some individuals may feel stupid or inadequate, and therefore, hesitate to share true feelings with others. After some self examination, your will begin to see that this behavior makes you somewhat anti-social, impas- sionate, or perceived as weak to yourself and others. Examine a moment how this new knowledge makes you feel. More importantly, how have you allowed this abnor- mality to overrule peace in your life each and every time you encounter the gut wrenching feeling that somehow holds you back from free will of self expression? In order to be truly free at work and able to contribute all that you are, you must get past these blocks. (Continued on the next page) VO L U M E 5, IS SU E 5 Page 6
  • 7. (Overcoming Workplace Fear—Continued from previous page) Personally, I battled with low self esteem. However, what most people saw was a confident person of self as- surance—therein the lie. We cover up some of our “unacceptable” behavior with a lie. I had to make a choice to push through the anxiety and camouflage my extreme fear and self doubt constantly. It became so habit- ual and destructive I nearly lost my God given characteristics. Finally, out of sheer desperation, I sought to change. I asked myself why I wanted to change; it was because I had misplaced the fullness of life. God’s Glory had vanished inside and I longed to be transformed. What I wanted to change were my old thoughts, mind-set, and my identity. The fact that I wanted to make this change now was the element that frightened me. The logical part of me was ready to commit to changing. But, the reality of making such a big change scared the hell out of me. That is what real change will do for an individual; change will awaken heaven and hell. Again, an interesting contrast! The best thing I learned is that inside the fear and uproar was a new con- trast awaiting to spring forth: calmness and a soothing peace. Finally, I determined how I wanted to change and made it clear I possessed the desire to be transformed. I wanted to walk differently. I wanted my old customary beliefs and doctrines and teachings to become fresh and God inspired. After that, the change was much easier. I encourage you to be honest with yourself. Don’t hide behind the elephant in the room. Deal with situations that make you feel uncomfortable. Remember to be genuine and kind. Reengage manners. A 2001 Gallup poll asked American adults whether a series of qualities applied more to men or to women. Ninety percent of those surveyed said that the char- acteristic quot;emotionalquot; applied more to women. The survey didn't ask about particular emotions or specify positive or negative connotations for the word quot;emotion.quot; But it seems likely from the results that most Americans view women as either able to experience or prone to experiencing a wider, more intense range of emotions than men do. Are women more emotional than men are? Do they cry more? The perception that women cry more than men is pretty widespread. But as babies and children, boys and girls cry about the same amount on average. Only during puberty do girls begin to cry more than boys do. According to a 2005 New York Times article, by age 18, women cry four times as much as men. Does that mean that we should sit on our emotions. No! We have something to offer because we are women with sensitivities to the nuances of all of the situations in which we find ourselves. Each woman is a completely unique individual. We can exude confidence and peace, or we can be the person in the room complaining incessantly and focusing on what is not working, sending out negative energy like noxious fumes to eve- ryone around us. If given the choice, which person would you rather be? Of course, we all have things to learn, but we also have gifts to offer the world. What we do with our gifts and how we behave as human beings will influence every aspect of our lives. It is always our choice. Let’s share something spectacular with each person we meet. VO L U M E 5, IS SU E 5 Page 7
  • 8. Confessions of a Soap Opera Addict: Part Deux by Julianne White So, if the flaws of the dra- matic serial are so painfully obvi- ous to everyone, even those who don’t watch them, then why are they still on the air, some even en- joying their 40th anniversaries? Why did the genre not die out once television writ- ing gained a certain level of sophistication and in- tegrity? Do people only watch nowadays for the chance to mock derisively at the screen? Are the only people who actually watch these things either hopelessly deluded, live in a fantasy world, or have decidedly low-brow tastes? The answer to the first two questions is that as the overall writing for television improved significantly during the 90s and the 2000s, day- time dramas enjoyed a concurrent improvement. Prime time television shows learned a great deal about how to exploit the episodic nature of televi- sion by figuring out that a character’s develop- ment does not have to happen in a single episode. Nay, it could actually take time, develop gradually, and that development can be shown over a hand- ful of episodes, even seasons. A “thread” from an earlier episode—a throw-away thought or random detail—can be further developed later on during the season, and that development can be followed up in later episodes. I saw this most clearly while being a devoted fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation, whose writers virtually defined what is now known in the business as a “character arc.” Then they also discovered that they can take the same concept and apply it to circumstances—consequences of a single action or decision can ripple through multiple episodes, multiple seasons. The daytime writers of the 2000s must have been 14-year-old Star Trek fans in the 1990s who learned this lesson and applied it to their own genre, for this appears more and more, in more and more com- plicated ways, in soap operas today. This technique not only gives dramas a certain level of sophistication (and demand a certain level of viewer sophistication as well), but it also makes them more and more like real life and less and less like life in another dimension. Although life in another dimension is not always a bad thing. You must remember that most soap op- eras have casts of about 30-35 at any given moment during the year. They are often set in small towns that are suburbs of larger, more recognizable cities. “All My Children” is in “Pine Valley,” and “One Life to Live” is in “Llanview,” both of which are described as suburbs of Philadelphia, which is also close enough to New York City that the characters often make trips to The City. Lately, the characters on “One Life” have also made many trips to Atlantic City (and back again, several times a day!). All soap opera characters mention that theirs is a “small town,” a comment usually made to explain how and why past loves cannot realistically be avoided. But the main consequence of all this “small-town-ness” is that so many things happen to so few peo- ple. Soap Opera Land is a very small universe, where all things happen to all people. In real life, all things happen, but not to all people. Yes, some people lose their homes to a hurricane. But not all of them do. Yes, some people’s marriages are damaged by infidelity (lots of them, actually)—but not all of them. Some people tragically lose loved ones to accidents, murder, disease, or abandonment. But not all people. But in Soap Op- Page 8 G L O B AL T H I NK ING WO M E N
  • 9. (Confessions of A Soap Opera Addict — Continued from previous page) era Land, everyone experiences these things, sooner or later, at one time or another, especially if they stay on the show long enough. Soap Opera Land is Real Life, but concentrated. Yes, Erica Kane has been married 11 times and had 10 husbands. She represents, though, that portion of the general population who have experi- enced multiple marriages. To be exactly right, she probably should be married a few more times before re- tirement! And here’s the main two benefits of this peculiar set of circumstances: First, because Soap Opera Land is both so concentrated and so protracted over time, we as viewers have the extraordinary opportunity to witness the development of a single actor’s acting skills. Although this may not always happen (there have been some notable exceptions of actors who were wretched at the beginning, and even more wretched on their last day), most of them have the time and the opportunity to learn their craft through practice and exi- gency. Front-burner storyline actors (those in featured storylines) must memorize up to 50 pages of dialogue a day. This is extremely difficult, all by itself. Added to that is the necessity of delivering those lines with sin- cerity and in a way that is consistent with the character’s personality and history. The ones not up to the task, mercifully, leave, allowing their roles to be either re-cast or written off. That usually leaves the door open for those with true talent, and with true dedication to their craft, to rise to the occasion. This past May, I saw some of the finest acting I’ve ever seen on daytime television when Rex (played by John-Paul Lavois- ier) and Adriana (played by Melissa Fumero) on “One Life to Live” broke up. With understated, restrained, painfully honest acting, both of these actors gave the performances of their lives. I would not have believed either of them capable of such acting when they first came on the show, Lavoisier 6 years ago, and Fumero 5 years before. Both of them have had lots of time and multiple front-burner storylines in order to learn their business, and it paid off in a stunning sequence of scenes which were very un-like the histrionic melodrama that soap operas have been blamed for in the past. The second benefit of this circumstance is that the writers have fantastic opportunities to take on controversial and sometimes shocking storylines. Rape, rape resulting in pregnancy, transgender issues, anorexia, and homosexuality have all been explored with great sensitivity on “All My Children.” On “One Life to Live,” mental illness, abusive childhoods, gang rape, prostitution, and issues of social class have all been intertwined into major storylines that have not only educated people on many of these conditions or issues, but also on how difficult they are to confront and resolve. They often come back to “haunt” the char- acters, in a way that lets the viewer know that many of these issues can never be fully resolved in a human lifetime. So even though there is a lot of justifiable criticism aimed at the genre, as a genre, it has been able to grow, adapt, change, and learn from its own successes and its own mistakes, providing us, the viewers, with a model for how that possibility exists for us—always. Their continued existence seems to suggest that we, also, can endure. Julianne White, Ph. D. teaches literature and business writing at ASU Tempe. She got her doctorate in English Literature from the University of New Mexico. She is an avid fan of One Life to Live and All My Children. Her research interests include literature from the Victorian and Modern eras. Would you like to write for Global Thinking Women Newsletter? Do you have expertise to share with other women? November’s Issue will cover the theme: Gratitude and Grace Submit articles, article ideas, or ideas for themes for upcoming issues to Articles are due on 5th of the month for each monthly issue. VO L U M E 5, IS SU E 5 Page 9
  • 10. The Suffrage Movement—A Valiant Reason for Women to Vote By Shavawn M. Berry Between 1776 when the Declaration of Inde- frage and sent the 19th amendment to the US Con- pendence declared that “all men [were] created gress. It passed the House with 2/3rds majority but equal” here in the United States until the ratification failed in the Senate by just two votes. However, the of the 19th amendment (a woman’s right to vote) in suffragists did not give up. They had the 1920, women were seen as second class citizens. amendment resubmitted the following year and it They were, literally, the property of their husbands passed the House 309—90. It went on to pass the and fathers. Most women today probably cannot Senate by a vote of 56 to 25. It was then sent to the imagine a time like the time in which the stalwart States to be ratified by a majority. The following women of the suffrage movement lived. These year, Tennessee became the 36th state to pass the women had no say in public life. After dinner there amendment, and on August 26, 1920 women was an expectation that women would retire to a were finally granted the right to vote. This drawing room to drink sherry (or tea) and talk about proud history is something that all women should the rearing of their children. Meanwhile, the men know. A century ago, women protested, went to jail, smoked cigars, drank scotch, and discussed politics, starved themselves, and worked without respite for justice, current events and the economy. The mes- all women to have the right to vote. When we sage was clear: men were in charge. Women were go to the polls next month, let’s think of Alice Paul, not. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and the countless others who made it possible for us to be All that began to change as the women’s suf- there. Let’s show our gratitude by voting. We frage movement began. Starting in 1869 with the should never forget to honor their sacrifices on our National Women’s Suffrage Association, behalf. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s or- ganization for women, followed closely by Lucy Stone’s group, the American Woman Suffrage Association, these women (and hundreds like them) sought to secure women’s voting rights. In 1890 the two organizations became the National American Woman Suffrage Association and worked tirelessly for thirty years to assure passage of a constitutional amendment to change the voting laws in our country. In 1917 a Suffragist named Al- ice Paul was arrested outside the White House (where she and others had been protesting the lack of equal rights for women). She was sent to a work- house where she staged a hunger strike. For 22 days she refused to eat. At that point the workhouse staff began force-feeding her. Eventually news of her im- prisonment (and that of others in the movement) reached the media and President Woodrow Wilson was forced to intervene. Another suffragist, Lucy Burns, also staged a hunger strike and was subse- quently force-fed. During the final years of the suf- fragist movement, Lucy Burns spent more time in jail than any other woman. She was jailed on six dif- ferent occasions for adhering to her beliefs. Others involved in the movement included Inez Milhol- For more information on the Suffrage Move- land, Carrie Chapman Catt, Ida Wells- ment, visit this link on Iron Jawed Angels: Barnett, and Elizabeth McShane. In 1918 Presi- dent Wilson reversed his opposition to women’s suf- student.pdf Page 10 G L O B AL T H I NK ING WO M E N
  • 11. Mind & Soul: Discovering the Treasure Within by Elaine Yoshikawa “The cave you fear to enter treasures that point to his most able to overcome what we fear. holds the treasure you seek.” authentic and rewarding life. However, without the courage to We should seek to become the confront our fears, we will be un- – Joseph Campbell hero or heroine of our own per- able to discover our true nature, According to Swiss Psy- sonal myth. Ultimately, our our hidden talents, and our un- chologist, Carl Jung, the arche- challenge as human beings is to dreamt of power. Eleanor Roose- type of the cave represents the confront the fears that prevent velt reminds us that: “You can gain dark caverns of the unconscious us from exploring the vast psy- strength, courage and confidence mind that contain the mysteries chological terrains that contain by every experience in which you of creativity, rebirth, and re- the hidden potential of who we really stop to look fear in the face. newal. The hidden, unexplored truly are. Socrates said: ‘the un- You must do the thing which you and undiscovered niches and examined life is not worth liv- think you cannot do.” crevices are filled with the pri- ing’. If we do not examine (dig I think all of us possess the mordial, the elemental, the fer- and excavate) who we are and inner fortitude to escape the teth- tile, and the divine. This rich realize what we can become, our ers of familiarity. We can use our darkness hides an unfathomable life will be diminished. fears to discover, develop and source of wisdom, and the nec- Why are our strengthen our courage. By over- essary ingredients for a pro- coming fear, we can create a more found psycho-spiritual transfor- most valuable inner satisfying and rewarding future. mation. To enter into the deep- treasures hidden by a In this way our hidden talents, our est realms of the self is truly a fearful and terrifying act. Yet, protective layer of weaknesses, and our vulnerabili- fear? One reason is that fear ties can be creatively transmuted you find this recurring theme in protects us from unwanted or into personal strengths that trans- the mythological journey of the difficult changes, particularly form and empower us. Each one hero. The hero often enters a changes in our self-identity. of us is called to make the hero’s metaphoric cave, understanda- Whatever has the potential to journey, to plumb the interior bly terrified by what he might change us the most is what we depths, and to excavate the infi- encounter, what he must con- will fear the most. Within the nitely valuable treasures within. quer, and what he will eventu- ally become. realm of the safe and secure, fear creates stagnation by keeping us When the hero enters the comfortably ensconced in the Elaine Yoshikawa, Ph.D., is a cave, he brings only what is al- familiar. It prevents us from Lecturer in Philosophy at ASU, ready within him-- nothing opening new vistas and con- Polytechnic Campus. Her current more, nothing less. In other fronting new challenges. research interests are: Virtue Eth- words, he seeks something that ics, Christian Ethics, Buddhist he already possesses within, It is not easy or comfort- Ethics, and happiness. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month Contact the Sojourner Center in Phoenix to do- nate toiletries, female products, diapers, baby bottles, formula, baby food, or other items needed by women leaving violent situations with their children. For more information: Or call (602) 244-0997 VO L U M E 5, IS SU E 5 Page 11
  • 12. ASU Presents Works That Urge Us to Explore Boundaries By Laurie A. Trotta Artistic Director, Linda Essig, serves up a topical helping of plays and films Creating theatre and film productions in a university setting is not as simple as creating entertain- ment, says Linda Essig, artistic director of the School of Theatre and Film in ASU Herberger College of the Arts. Working through the MainStage Season, the principle performance and exhibition program of the School of Theatre and Film, Essig is on a mission to create a cultural magnet for area residents and to pro- vide them with provocative, topical and forward-thinking theatre and film. “Our first priority is to teach students. But we also want to contribute to the cultural life of the uni- versity and region and push the arts forward on a national level,” says Essig, artistic director of Main Stage. The MainStage Season brings nationally and internationally recognized guest artists to campus to en- hance the work of faculty and staff, and often attempts to link productions to other campus departments and communities to engage specific audiences and create a wider relevance. Each MainStage Season features a Festival of New Work and at least one theatrical production suited for youth or families. The Annual Student Film Festival is traditionally a sold-out event, highlighting the best emerging talent in the digital production program, the first in the nation to offer an ethical approach to filmmaking. The Performance in the Border- lands series explores the cultural richness of the US/Mexico border region through performances, lectures and symposia. Prism Theatre Student Productions provide opportunities for students to bring their artistic vision to the stage while learning how to operate an arts-based venture. This MainStage Season, area residents can enjoy political satire just in time for the November elec- tions, get a premiere look at the father of jazz, and take novel explorations of journeys to strange new worlds. “We will explore the boundaries that separate people from their homelands, from each other, from their dreams,” says Essig. “When you spill water on a map, lines blur. We will look to expand our vision be- yond our comfortable worlds and into unknown lands that stretch beyond. It will be an exciting season, filled with opportunities for our students as well as our audiences to learn, to laugh and to walk in another person’s shoes. Come join us!” Three World Premieres set for ASU MainStage Festival of New Work MainStage continues to push the boundaries of theatre as one full production and two staged read- ings unveiled. Walk in the steps of a coyote, or human smuggler, listen as the nascent strains of jazz are born in a New Orleans honky-tonk, and meet a woman facing the possibility of her own dementia in ASU Herber- ger MainStage Season’s Festival of New Work Oct. 24-Nov. 2nd. The Festival of New Work is a highlight of ASU Herberger School of Theatre and Film’s MainStage Season, where master students, faculty and guest artists from across the nation premiere their projects. This year’s Festival will include a full production of graduate student Daniel S. Frey’s drama Don Coyote, as well as two workshop productions.  Don Coyote is a gritty power struggle as seen through the lens of human smuggling across the Arizona Mexico border. “People always compete with each other for what they want,” says the Frey. “Coyote is a study of the lengths they are willing to go to get that.” The production is directed by Richard Perez.  Workshops, or staged readings, give the audience an opportunity to experience a play in an early form. The process presents an “exquisite agony” according to ASU Professor Gus Edwards, whose Buddy Bolden’s Blues will be staged. “This is a work in progress, and by definition means the work is not per- fect. It is where you put the work in front of people and see what works and what does not.” (Continued on page 13) Page 12 G L O B AL T H I NK ING WO M E N
  • 13. Global Thinking Women Laurie A. Trotta is a writer, media analyst, film pro- Global Thinking Women ducer and public relations professional specializing in social Kim Eagles, M.A.—Global Leadership issues in entertainment. Founder/Director An established national voice Tempe, AZ 85281 for promoting awareness about such subjects as children's programming, www/ artists’ rights & responsibilities, pro- fessional ethics in the entertainment industry, violence in the media, me- A Division of: dia ratings, and diversity onscreen, Trotta has served as a commentator ODATS on CNN News, Fox National News, Organizational Leadership and Development Training System National Public Radio, the BBC, and other world press outlets. “Thinking Women Have Something to Say” (Plays & Films—Continued from page 12) Don Coyote by Daniel S. Frey | Lyceum Theatre Oct. 24, 30 & Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m.; Oct. 26, 2 p.m. An American and a Mexican coyote run a success- ful human-smuggling business at the Arizona- Mexico border. But one day, a car accident, a bru- tal killing and a beautiful young woman named Rosa threaten to unravel the fabric of their part- nership. Contains violence and strong language. Secrets of Gardenias by Katie May - Work- shop | Studio 133* Oct. 25, 29, 31, 7:30 p.m.; Nov. 2, 2 p.m. Photo Credit: Tim Trumble Genetics, the power relationships within families, and fate are explored when a young scientist learns she may be the next to contract a terrible illness after her mother is diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease. Set in Flor- ida during hurricane season, the play is the latest work from Katie May, the author of the 2007-2008 season’s riveting play, Black Sheep Gospel. Buddy Bolden’s Blues by Gus Edwards – Workshop | Studio 133* Oct. 25, 2 p.m.; Oct. 26, 30 & Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m. The life and times of the reputed “Father of Jazz” are deconstructed in this theatrical rendition. Set in New Orleans between 1894 and 1938, when America was experiencing intense social and musical changes, this dramatic work (with music) is presented as a work-in-progress. Directed by the author, Gus Edwards. Con- tains strong language. *Studio 133 is located in the Nelson Fine Arts Center 133, 51 E. 10th St., ASU Tempe campus. Cost: $7 - $22; Half-price tickets on the First Friday of any MainStage Season production; ASU faculty and staff get two-for-one on all full-priced Main Stage performances. For tickets: Herberger College box office, 480.965.6447/School of Theatre and Film. 480.965.5337 VO L U M E 5, IS SU E 5 Page 13