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Outline For Death Penalty Research Paper
I. The death penalty does not deter crime and has no beneficial effect on murder rates.
A. Studies show that there's no proven correlation between using the death penalty and deterrence of crime.
1. A New York Times survey demonstrated that the homicide rate in states with capital punishment have been 48% to 101% higher than those without
the death penalty.
2. Many researchers say deterrence data is "fraught with technical and conceptual errors, including inappropriate methods of statistical analysis, and
failures to consider all relevant factors that drive murder rates."
B. The vast majority of law enforcement professionals surveyed agree that capital punishment does not deter violent crime.
1. A survey of police chiefs nationwide found they rank the death more content...
The New York Department of Correctional Services estimated thatimplementing the death penalty would cost the state about $118 million annually.
2. In Texas, a death penalty case costs taxpayers an average of $2.3 million, about three times the cost of imprisoning someone in a single cell at the
highest security level for 40 years.
B. The funds used for the death penalty should be used towards other positive educational programs within the community.
1. State programs that successfully address the underlying, contributing factors to crime and violence already exist, but they do not receive sufficient
2. Evidence–based research suggests that children who receive early education are less likely to become criminals, which not only benefits society, but
also saves the state money.
III. The inevitability of factual, legal, and moral errors results in a system that must wrongly kill some innocent defendants.
A. The wrongful execution of an innocent person is an injustice that could never be rectified.
1. Since the reinstatement of the death penalty in the United States in 1976, 138 innocent men and women have been released from death row,
including some who came within minutes of
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Outline On Death Penalty
Controversial Topic Summaries I decided to choose the topic of the Death Penalty and forms of Capital Punishment. My first article talks about what
exactly the Death Penalty is. The official definition of Capital Punishment is "Imposition of a penalty of death by the state." The background of the
death penalty has been around since ancient times, but in the year 2004, most countries have exiled the idea of the death penalty. As of now, 36 states
have reinstated the idea of capital punishment and the death penalty. Most capital sentences in the United States have been cause from murder cases.
The death penalty can only be given through the decision of the jury on the case and not the judge. According to the article, there hasn't been an
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Capital Punishment Essay example
Capital Punishment
"Let's keep society safe and give murderers what they deserve – the death penalty".
In this essay I will hope to set out both sides of the argument, for and against Capital Punishment. The advantages and the disadvantages will be
considered in conjunction with Christian teachings and belief. The Christian teachings, Old Testament and New Testament will also be compared with
human reactions to the subject. From my research and analysis in this essay I will be able to come to a conclusion as to whether or not I feel the
death penalty is ever justified
Murder is a crime whether you look at the Bible – Thou shalt not kill The Sixth Commandment – or at a book of more content...
The disadvantages of Capital Punishment are shown most prominently in Jesus and what he stood for, i.e. forgiveness and sanctity of life, also in
the Sermon on the Mount and many other parts of the New Testament. This does give the argument against capital punishment a head start but
there are also other factors to consider. By letting a murderer be put to death you will be legalising murder for the executioner. Who is then to say
who can and cannot kill? If a government decides this, there is sure to be religious opposition, and if for example the Pope decides who can kill
another then he would be going against his own religion. When death is made legal in any way, even in cases of war, it is encouraging violence.
War should and is frequently only a last resort 'Just War'. The death penalty for murder would not be a last resort as there are alternatives and as
again who is to decide which murder and in what circumstances it would warrant another death. In any case and in any trial mistakes could be made.
There will always be the risk that an innocent person will be put to death because of another's mistake. According to Christian beliefs no one should
be killed especially because God, the creator, is the only one who can give and take life, this is called the
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Persuasive Speech On Capital Punishment
Persuasive Speech Outline
Capital Punishment is a Crime Introduction
I.Attention Getter: With the United states in debt up to nineteen trillion and states facing budget cuts, a million dollars is a lot of money to spend to
give one person the death penalty. While some people may agree with the death penalty, others may not. Some people feel that locking a criminal in
prison for their life will keep the world safe, while other, believe that giving them the death penalty will deter other people from committing the crime.
II.Relevance link: While studies show that states without the death penalty have a lower crime rate, no one can be certain that it more
Moreover, states without the death penalty have much lower murder rates. The South accounts for 80% of US executions and has the highest regional
murder rate." With that being said no one is aware if capital punishment is deterring crime from any state.
B. Subpoint:
1. Sub–subpoint: {refer to visual aid}
2. Sub–subpoint: Transition: Now I will tell you about the excessive cost of capital punishment.
II. Second Main Point: The excessive cost of execution is also a reason for the death penalty to be abolished. To keep a man in prison for one 's
whole life cost less than executing him. A state would save millions of dollars if they did away with death row and executions.
A. Subpoint: Christy Hoppe, author of "Execution cost Texas millions" says "it cost two million dollars to keep someone on death row and then
execute them."
B. Subpoint: One may believe that the money being used for the execution could be used to help other issues within the state. Some of the issues it
could help with could possibly be helping build more prisons to house the criminals, and helping within the school system.
Transition: Now that I have talked about the excessive cost of execution, lets talk about the people who have been wrongfully executed due to false
III. Third Main Point: There are many known cases where people have went to court and been sentenced to death for evidence that falsely accused them
and implemented them. Some people may be sentenced to death
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Capital Punishment: Why the Death Penalty is Morally Permissible
Karina Morgan
April 13, 2010
Professor Mark Reynolds
PHI 206 Sec. 04
Word Count: 1,910
Syllogism for Argument:
1. Every human has a right to life 2. But this right is not absolute because a person's life can be overridden for good reasons 3. So the right of life does
not hold in every situation no matter what 4. One of these situations includes taking the life of another innocent human 5. Therefore, it is morally
permissible to set the right to life aside, and use the death penalty, if they took the life of an innocent human.
I. The Death Penalty
–Thesis– Although all humans have the right to life, there are more content...
E. Death of innocents f. There have been a few cases where the death penalty was used and further evidence revealed later that they were innocent. g.
People argue that this should be reason not to use the death penalty. h. Current technologies and forensics make it much harder for this to occur in
society today. F. Religion i. The Bible says that it is wrong to kill j. This is only a statement of faith and does not hold up in an actual argument,
because not all people are of Christian faith IV. Conclusion G. Personal views of the death penalty H. Restatement of thesis
Capital Punishment has been a significant topic of debate for the past few decades. Capital punishment is defined as "punishment by execution of
someone officially judged to have committed a serious, or capital, crime" (Vaughn 250). In my opinion, the most important aspect of this debate is the
actual taking of a human's life. Although all humans have the right to life, there are certain situations that can overrule this right, such as taking the life
of an innocent human. Since the right of life does not hold in every situation and if an innocent human's life is taken, then it is morally permissible to
set the right to life aside and use the death penalty on the person who committed murder (Vaughn 255). In this case, capital punishment is not
considered a
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Death Penalty Research Paper Outline
C Garth
American Government pt1
Research Paper #2
Opening /Thiess Statement: There are many things that come to my mind concerning the death penalty. For one, while others are against the death
penalty, I am strongly for it because I believe with so many live being taken for senseless killing and crimes; it's high time to send a strong message
and make good on the death penalty, even it means the execution. The United State is made up of three branch of government. They are the legislative
branch, executive branch and the judicial branch. Each branch has an important role job to do concerning our judicial system. The legislative branch
makes the laws; the executive branch carries the laws and the judicial branch evaluates laws. Throughout more content...
b. . He wants to send a message of dome and death to anyone who intentionally takes the life of police officers.
Judicial Branch
Main ideals: The Supreme Court is evaluating whether or not convicted defendants facing capital punishment should receive or is entitled to mental
health evaluation before trial.
Supportive details:
a. Some lawmakers believe that a death sentence should not be handed down by a jury with a mental health evaluation.
b. All convicted criminals should be entitled to a mental health evaluation if requested or needed.
Summary: In conclusion, when it comes to the death penalty the United States views and how we conduct them. The three branches of government
have spoke and it looks like they are for implementing and enforcing the death penalty laws. As lawmakers continue to look for ways to combat our
war on senseless murders, we must rally behind them and get Congress to send a strong message of accountability. It you commit the crime; you must
do the time and pay the price. Even if means death, killing someone is never ok and it's time to say enough is
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Capital Punishment: An Overview
Outline I.Introduction II.Capital Punishment: An Overview III.In Support of Capital Punishment 1.Deterrence 2.Proportional 3.Closure 4.Public
Interest IV.Dissenting Views 1.Execution of Innocents 2.The Penalty's Deterrence Effect V.Conclusion VI.References Introduction Does capital
punishment still have a place in the modern society? While there are those who feel that the role capital punishment plays in the preservation of order
cannot be overstated, others continue to push for the abolition of the same calling it unjust. I am however convinced that from a critical point of view,
capital punishment remains an important part of the justice system. Capital Punishment: An Overview Capital punishment in most jurisdictions is
regarded a legal process where a competent court awards death sentence to an individual found guilty of committing a capital offense. According to
Bergman and Berman (2011), "federal criminal courts authorize capital punishment for those convicted of more than 40 different kinds of crimes"В¦"
These crimes according to the authors include but they are not limited to drug trafficking, aggravated murder and treason. Capital punishment also
remains a possibility in quite a number of states for similar crimes as the ones highlighted above. In Support of Capital Punishment To begin with,
capital punishment continues to be seen "as a strong deterrent for serious crimes" (Siegel and Senna, 2007). The argument in this case is that the more
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Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment
Imagine your heart suddenly beginning to race as you hear a judge give you a death sentence and then you're quickly carried away in chains as your
family sobs as they realize that they will no longer be able to see you. As you sit in your cell you begin to look back at your life and try to see where
you went wrong to end up in jail waiting to carry out a death sentence, and at the same time know that you are an innocent waiting to be heard. This
same scenario repeats itself many times here in the United States. Capital Punishment is an issue that has raised a lot of controversy between the church
and the government in the search for solutions.
The death penalty goes as far back as more content...
Often times in many cases, there is information held back by the prosecutor because it may prove that the defendant is innocent and result in the
prosecutor losing the case. An inmate also has many rights which keep them still protected by law, so that they aren't mistreated and they are still
treated fairly in court. For example, inmates are finally able to inquire about his or her conviction ("The Future of Capital Punishment"). For years
inmates weren't able to look into their case, but now they are provided with books and lawyers that will help them to understand everything that is
going on with their case. By researching the status of their case they will be able to argue whether or not they were given a fair sentence.
There are many racial issues that arise in court cases that involve capital offenses. According to Parker, Dewees, and Radelet, black males have been
found to receive a higher incarceration rate than white males (Westervelt and Humphrey 115). In several studies that have been done it has been
established that blacks and other minorities receive the death sentence more than whites. The race of the victim also plays a role in whether or not the
suspect will receive a harsh sentence. There are new laws that are currently trying to be created to ensure that a fair sentence is administered and to
minimize the amount of innocent people that are executed. For example, for the
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Outline For Death Penalty
The Death Penalty should be Abolished Paper Outline Thesis: The death penalty uses cruel and unusual brutal methods which violate the Constitution
of the United States of America and; therefore, it should be abolished as society continues to embrace the relative value of life. I. It violates the
constitutional rights A. It does not play a constructive role in the criminal justice system 1. It defies, violates the decency of society 2. It is forbidden
by the U.S. Constitution 3. It deprives the victims of their rights to live B. Abuse of power 1.The power discriminates against the criminals 2. Racism
is inherent in this brutal punishment 3. Innocent individuals have been executed в…Ў. It is unusual A.It violates the Eighth Amendment of the
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Outline On Death Penalty
Controversial Topic Summaries I decided to choose the topic of the Death Penalty and forms of Capital Punishment. My first article talks about what
exactly the Death Penalty is. The background of the death penalty has been around since ancient times, but in the year 2004, most countries have exiled
the idea of the death penalty. As of now, 36 states have reinstated the idea ofcapital punishment and the death penalty. Most capital sentences in the
United States have been cause from murder cases. The death penalty can only be given through the decision of the jury on the case and not the judge.
According to the article, there hasn't been an execution in years due to lack of resources or the jury decides on a life sentence. The Death Penalty
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Capital Punishment Essay
Capital Punishment Capital Punishment has been used around the world for thousands of years. This punishment has been used and is still used today.
In the countries it is used in now it is accepted by their people. In countries like England where it isn't a form of punishment, there are many
discussions on whether to bring it back as a retribution.
I am going to explore facts about the death penalty. I intend to explore the question whether capital punishment should be reintroduced. To illustrate my
viewpoints on the subject, I will be using a lot of facts about countries that still have this punishment, more content...
Those who have committed a crime, which goes against The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, cannot then expect to defend themselves by that
declaration. This means that if you have killed, for example, which is against The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, you can be killed for
breaking it. That is a very good concept, as you should be punished for your crime.
Knowing you may die for your crime is not a deterrent – the threat of death doesn't stop people from driving dangerously or under the influence of
alcohol. Unless you were really stupid you wouldn't commit a crime if you knew you would get caught for it. People commit crimes thinking they wont
get caught, and for the minority this is true.
There was a recent story about someone from Sunderland who had a random D.N.A sample took, this proved him to have committed a rape in the
mid 1990's they have him and he is being tried for his crime, he thought he had go away with it. He has claimed he was under the influence of
alcohol. People still commit crimes even if the price to pay if they get caught is high.
The death penalty acts as a form of deterrent making possible murderers re–consider their actions. If you were going to murder someone you might
think about the consequences, but in
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Outline Of Death Penalty
Death Penalty
In America many people believed that death penalty was the constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment and the guarantees of due process
of law and of equal protection under the law. Now, we believe that the state should not give itself the right to kill human beings– especially when it
kills with happiness and with ceremony, in the name of the law or in the name of its people, and now we could vote if there could be death penalty.
Capital punishment is really embarrassing thing for the family members of the bad person as for him/her too. The death penalty is uncivilized in theory
and unfair and inequitable in practice. The percentage of death penalty is more than we think it strive to more content...
The reasoning is when people thought that he made the crime, he was killed. After 20 years from his death he was found that he was innocent. So
many people died for nothing. In one of my sources I used was," I am not in a favor of the death penalty. But I am in a favor locking those people
away in maximum security units where they could never get out. They can never escape. They can never be paroled. Lack the bad ones away. But no
Death penalty." This source I picked because it goes with my believe.
Body Paragraph Two
For my believes, life is the most valuable thing what we have. Nobody has a right to take of other persons life. It is God's creation so if he wants he
will take it. The death penalty won't help the person to recognize their guilt. If the people will be killed many of them won't recognize their sin. If to
put them in a closed prison where no windows no people and four walls. I am against all that stuff like death penalty. The use of food for those
people, is many but it is better than death penalty. The prove was found that many of people who were killed by death penalty were innocent. The
problem is that people that are doing the death penalty often make errors. The prisoners that could be in prison instead of death could be for their
whole life in the prison. Yes it is not a big punishment, like death penalty, but it is saves life for the person even a really bad one.
For me death penalty is a scary system, first if a bad person kills
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Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished Essay
Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished Capital punishment is a brutal antiquated concept that must be abolished in the name of civilised society.
Each year in just America, the land of freedom + the just, 650 people r added 2 the death row + 105 r executed. The death penalty is the harshest
form of punishment in the world today. Once the jury has proved a criminal guilty they go to the second part of the trial – the punishment phase. The
enforcement of c p is a sadistic and macabre activity, which appeals to the more grim aspects of humane nature: wrath and malice.
Capital punishment violates the more content...
In some countries, the size of the stones is regulated so that pain is maximised and the person does not die quickly. This is a pure example of how
savage we have become. There aren't many things as inhumane in this world as c p. Since the public attends, children are coming as well and so lern
dat there is nothing rong with brutally killing each other. Therefore, more and more children r becoming murderers. Reason= simple. They c that if
they kill some1, they go 2 jail, get the death penalty, and the government, known as the "good guy" kills them as a punishment. Lesson learnt, the finger
is pointed to its own actions.
Another reason I think that c p should be made illegal is that life imprisonment without parole serves the same purposes as this at less cost. Right now
to execute some1 in the US, it costs approx. 3 times the amount it would cost to have him or her serve a life sentence in prison. The money used to pay
4 the death row (including court appeals) comes out of YOUR wallets. If c p was made legal, this money could go 2 projects in need of the funds like
building new prisons.
A few weeks ago in Ireland, a man was released 4m prison who had been wrongly accused of committing murder. He had been sentenced to life
imprisonment, 4 this murder. While he was in prison he always maintained he was innocent. It took years of campaigning while
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Outline Of A Speech On Capital Punishment
Rachel Ackerman11/23/14 English 9Period 2 Social Issue Speech Outline Topic: Capital Punishment Key: rhetorical question alliteration repetition
allusion I.Introduction a.Hook – What if you had committed a horrible crime? What if you had killed someone? And as you sit, strapped to an icy,
iron chair, you think to yourself, do I deserve this? Yes, I am a killer, but do I really deserve to die myself? But now, it's too late. You can already
feel the drugs rushing through your veins, and suddenly you are in extreme pain. You scream and struggle, but no one tries to help you. The agony is
overwhelming, and you expect to die any second. But you don't, and now you know that something has gone horribly wrong. You try to escape the
brutal boundaries of the leather straps that are stinging your limbs, but it is hopeless. You are left to suffer and writhe in pain. b.Background
Information – This is the story of Clayton Lockett, who died 43 minutes later of a heart attack ("Death Penalty" 1). And he was not the only one to
ever suffer before dying. Lockett was the victim of one of 46 well–known botched executions in the U.S. since 1982, and was one of hundreds to have
been in extreme pain before dying. In our country's frantic, failing effort to reduce the number of homicides that occur in our nation today, 80
criminals in the U.S. were sentenced to death last year and almost 40 of them were brutally killed by an overdose of lethal
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Capital Punishment : The Death Penalty
Introduction (107 words)
Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, has long been abolished in Australia since 1967. Although our country does not sentence capital
punishment, other countries do, and there is a worldwide argument on the whole topic.
"Capital punishment is the practice of executing someone as punishment for a specific crime after a proper legal trial." (BBC – Ethics: Capital
punishment, 2014) Capital punishment is generally used in situations where the accused has committed particularly serious crimes, but in some
countries treason, adultery, rapes and type of fraud are capital crimes.
This essay will outline both the 'for' and 'against' positions on the topic of capital punishment.
Arguments and Statistics For (344 words) There must be some positivity to the use of capital punishment, or it would not be used. There must be a
reason for the use of capital punishment. George Walker Bush, 43rd President of the United States, declared, "I don't think you should support the
death penalty to seek revenge. I don't think that's right. I think the reason to support the death penalty is because it saves other people's lives." (Pro
Death Penalty Quotes, 2014). This is indeed true. Perhaps a dangerous murderer has been caught, and he has not been sentenced to a death penalty. If
he is released back to the public, there is very little chance that he will not set out to find his next victim. Obviously a dangerous murderer will not
give up on his habits so
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Capital Punishment
Outline I.Religious Views a.Hinduism b.Jainism c.Buddhism d.Judaism and Christianity e.Islam II.Whoa.Countries b.States c.Juveniles III.What Ways
IV.Why, Laws Broken a.Laws about it b.Cost c.Wrongful accusation V.Increased Murder Rate VI.Conclusion Did you know, that according to a study
at North Carolina State, a murder case cost 2.16 million dollars more with a death penalty then with a sentence of life imprisonment? It 's true! It is
estimated that the death penalty cost the U.S. Judicial System an extra one billion dollars a year! It 's not only expensive, it 's wrong. The worst part
is Juveniles are being executed. This is wrong because the human brain is not fully developed until the more content...
From 1999–2003, thirty–five juveniles were sentenced to death. Also note that just seven states have executed juvenile offenders since 1976. Since
2000, only three countries have executed juvenile offenders. These include the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran and Pakistan. This making the U.S.
the only country to still have it because all three other countries have either abolished it or are in the process of abolishing it since 2000. The leading
methods of execution are hanging, stoning, beheading, shooting, electrocution, and lethal injection. Many countries retain hanging as the standard
mode of execution. This style mostly occurs in the Mid–East and in Asia. Only six countries still stone criminals to death. Five countries use lethal
injections; this is the most popular method in the United States, accounting for 58 out of 59 executions in 2004. The practice of the juvenile death
penalty dates back to the 17th century, when a sixteen–year–old boy became the first juvenile sentenced to death. More than three centuries later, the
Supreme Court established the age of sixteen as the minimum age for death sentences. In 1972, the Supreme Court banned the death penalty. Five
years later it was reinstated, but with certain conditions. Only to be deterred with violent crime. Most offenders under the age of eighteen ore sent to
juvenile courts. These are separate from regular criminal courts,
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Thesis + Outline
I.Thesis Statement: Has been ongoing throughout the world as being both unconstitutional and inhumane or a just punishment for those who offend
certain laws, eye for an eye. Capital Punishment should be legalized because it is ethical, safety for the public and to lower the cost of prisons. Capital
punishment is appropriate because it provides a strong durance against future crime, it protects the rights of victims, and because everyone benefits from
II.Background: History as in The 5 W's and Why should it be legalized.
III.Public's Safety
A.If inmate gets release might escalate to a more dangerous crime Capital punishment is the best way to keep people safe, to make sure murderers
won't ever kill again and more content...
"Today, the accuracy of modern forensics and DNA testing makes it very unlikely for an innocent person to be put ondeath row." (Sharp). Many think
the cost of the death penalty is so expensive more than that life without parole ('LWOP') "JFA [Justice for All] estimates that LWOP cases will cost
$1.2 million–$3.6 million more than equivalent death penalty cases. Over time, LWOP cases are much more expensive... than death penalty cases.
Opponents ludicrously claim that the death penalty costs, over time, 3–10 times more than LWOP." (Sharp).
C.Have better things to pay for ex: Education
A.Proper Death, Act of Justice, Humane manner.
B.Its justice the idea of retribution
C.The process of capital punishment.
VI.Opposition claim 1: human rights the death penalty won't bring the victim back or undo what has been done. We need to start investing in programs
that will actually improve public safety and just get more killers off the streets.
1.Fact and Ex.
VII.Opposition claim 2: The death penalty is an expression of the absolute power of the state; abolition of that penalty is a much– needed limit on
government power. There is racial and economic discrimination in application of the death penalty.
1.Fact and Ex.
VIII.Opposition claim 3: The death penalty involves medical doctors, who are sworn to preserve life, in the act of killing. There are strong religious
reasons for many to oppose the death penalty. There is
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A Persuasive Speech On The Death Penalty
Persuasive Speech:
Why I Believe the Death Penalty Should Be Abolished Hello, everyone. My name is Devlin O'Connell and I am going to be speaking to you today
about why I believe the death penalty should be abolished. There are three factors that I base this argument off which surround ethics, efficiency, and
expenditure. In relationship to ethics, I would like to begin with a quote by human rights activist, Desmond Tutu, "To take a life when a life has been
lost is revenge, not justice." Capital Punishment, also known as the Death Penalty, is described as a government practice where a person is put to death
by the state as a punishment for crimes such as murder, treason, espionage, and genocide. While it may seem unlikely that many people would be
convicted of a few of the latter crimes, there were nearly 3,000 people on death row in the last year. Of those 3,000 people, 117 were found to be
innocent. It is predicted that at least 3% more of those sentenced would have been exonerated with enough time and resources. Let that sink in. An
untold number of innocent people have been executed. As it is, many relatives of victims have said that they do not wish for their relative's killer to be
put to death. Circling back to Tutu's quote, the government is not providing these families with justice – but with revenge.
We are "perpetuating a cycle of violence unworthy of a civilized society," to quote Bernice King, "retribution cannot light the way to the genuine
healing that
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Essay on Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment
The definition of capital punishment is the legal punishment of death for violating criminal law. The person who gets capital punishment is the ones
who committed serious crimes. Methods of capital punishment throughout the world are by stoning, beheading, hanging, electrocution, lethal injection
and shooting. The two most common methods capital punishment use in the United States are lethal injection and electrocution.
The lethal injection is the most used form of capital punishment. It's an intravenous shot that kills the criminal quick and painless. When capital
punishment is done by electrocution the criminal is strapped to a chair that a volts of electricity is pass through.
In America if all people more content...
The first pros of capital punishment are that it works as deterrence against major crimes. The death penalty is a punishment that creates fear in the mind
of any sane person. Most criminals would think twice if they knew their own lives were at stake. Although there is no statistical evidence that death
penalty deters crime, we have to agree that most of us fear death.
The most conclusive evidence that criminals fear the death penalty more than life without parole is provided by convicted capital murderers and their
attorneys. 99.9% of all convicted capital murderers and their attorneys argue for life, not death, in the punishment phase of their trial. (prodeathpenalty)
A Second pro is that a criminal that is executed can't another crime or escape. A dead criminal can no longer commit a crime, and therefore the danger
to the public is permanently removed.
A third pro of capital punishment is that it's more economical. Why should money be spent on a criminal when it could be spent on education, the
sick, or the needy? The only reason why it is so expensive to execute an individual, is because of the numerous appeal processes. (~ab2166)
Another pro is that the retribution to the family and loves ones of the victims is payed. Endless stress and anxiety plague the families of the victims
and executions puts all those stresses to rest better than life–long imprisonment or
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Outline For Death Penalty Research Paper

  • 1. Outline For Death Penalty Research Paper I. The death penalty does not deter crime and has no beneficial effect on murder rates. A. Studies show that there's no proven correlation between using the death penalty and deterrence of crime. 1. A New York Times survey demonstrated that the homicide rate in states with capital punishment have been 48% to 101% higher than those without the death penalty. 2. Many researchers say deterrence data is "fraught with technical and conceptual errors, including inappropriate methods of statistical analysis, and failures to consider all relevant factors that drive murder rates." B. The vast majority of law enforcement professionals surveyed agree that capital punishment does not deter violent crime. 1. A survey of police chiefs nationwide found they rank the death more content... The New York Department of Correctional Services estimated thatimplementing the death penalty would cost the state about $118 million annually. 2. In Texas, a death penalty case costs taxpayers an average of $2.3 million, about three times the cost of imprisoning someone in a single cell at the highest security level for 40 years. B. The funds used for the death penalty should be used towards other positive educational programs within the community. 1. State programs that successfully address the underlying, contributing factors to crime and violence already exist, but they do not receive sufficient resources. 2. Evidence–based research suggests that children who receive early education are less likely to become criminals, which not only benefits society, but also saves the state money. III. The inevitability of factual, legal, and moral errors results in a system that must wrongly kill some innocent defendants. A. The wrongful execution of an innocent person is an injustice that could never be rectified. 1. Since the reinstatement of the death penalty in the United States in 1976, 138 innocent men and women have been released from death row, including some who came within minutes of Get more content on
  • 2. Outline On Death Penalty Controversial Topic Summaries I decided to choose the topic of the Death Penalty and forms of Capital Punishment. My first article talks about what exactly the Death Penalty is. The official definition of Capital Punishment is "Imposition of a penalty of death by the state." The background of the death penalty has been around since ancient times, but in the year 2004, most countries have exiled the idea of the death penalty. As of now, 36 states have reinstated the idea of capital punishment and the death penalty. Most capital sentences in the United States have been cause from murder cases. The death penalty can only be given through the decision of the jury on the case and not the judge. According to the article, there hasn't been an execution Get more content on
  • 3. Capital Punishment Essay example Capital Punishment "Let's keep society safe and give murderers what they deserve – the death penalty". In this essay I will hope to set out both sides of the argument, for and against Capital Punishment. The advantages and the disadvantages will be considered in conjunction with Christian teachings and belief. The Christian teachings, Old Testament and New Testament will also be compared with human reactions to the subject. From my research and analysis in this essay I will be able to come to a conclusion as to whether or not I feel the death penalty is ever justified Murder is a crime whether you look at the Bible – Thou shalt not kill The Sixth Commandment – or at a book of more content... The disadvantages of Capital Punishment are shown most prominently in Jesus and what he stood for, i.e. forgiveness and sanctity of life, also in the Sermon on the Mount and many other parts of the New Testament. This does give the argument against capital punishment a head start but there are also other factors to consider. By letting a murderer be put to death you will be legalising murder for the executioner. Who is then to say who can and cannot kill? If a government decides this, there is sure to be religious opposition, and if for example the Pope decides who can kill another then he would be going against his own religion. When death is made legal in any way, even in cases of war, it is encouraging violence. War should and is frequently only a last resort 'Just War'. The death penalty for murder would not be a last resort as there are alternatives and as again who is to decide which murder and in what circumstances it would warrant another death. In any case and in any trial mistakes could be made. There will always be the risk that an innocent person will be put to death because of another's mistake. According to Christian beliefs no one should be killed especially because God, the creator, is the only one who can give and take life, this is called the Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Speech On Capital Punishment Persuasive Speech Outline 07/18/17 Capital Punishment is a Crime Introduction I.Attention Getter: With the United states in debt up to nineteen trillion and states facing budget cuts, a million dollars is a lot of money to spend to give one person the death penalty. While some people may agree with the death penalty, others may not. Some people feel that locking a criminal in prison for their life will keep the world safe, while other, believe that giving them the death penalty will deter other people from committing the crime. II.Relevance link: While studies show that states without the death penalty have a lower crime rate, no one can be certain that it more content... Moreover, states without the death penalty have much lower murder rates. The South accounts for 80% of US executions and has the highest regional murder rate." With that being said no one is aware if capital punishment is deterring crime from any state. B. Subpoint: 1. Sub–subpoint: {refer to visual aid} 2. Sub–subpoint: Transition: Now I will tell you about the excessive cost of capital punishment. II. Second Main Point: The excessive cost of execution is also a reason for the death penalty to be abolished. To keep a man in prison for one 's whole life cost less than executing him. A state would save millions of dollars if they did away with death row and executions. A. Subpoint: Christy Hoppe, author of "Execution cost Texas millions" says "it cost two million dollars to keep someone on death row and then execute them." B. Subpoint: One may believe that the money being used for the execution could be used to help other issues within the state. Some of the issues it could help with could possibly be helping build more prisons to house the criminals, and helping within the school system. Transition: Now that I have talked about the excessive cost of execution, lets talk about the people who have been wrongfully executed due to false evidence. III. Third Main Point: There are many known cases where people have went to court and been sentenced to death for evidence that falsely accused them and implemented them. Some people may be sentenced to death
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  • 6. Capital Punishment: Why the Death Penalty is Morally Permissible Karina Morgan April 13, 2010 Professor Mark Reynolds PHI 206 Sec. 04 Word Count: 1,910 Syllogism for Argument: 1. Every human has a right to life 2. But this right is not absolute because a person's life can be overridden for good reasons 3. So the right of life does not hold in every situation no matter what 4. One of these situations includes taking the life of another innocent human 5. Therefore, it is morally permissible to set the right to life aside, and use the death penalty, if they took the life of an innocent human. Outline I. The Death Penalty –Thesis– Although all humans have the right to life, there are more content... E. Death of innocents f. There have been a few cases where the death penalty was used and further evidence revealed later that they were innocent. g. People argue that this should be reason not to use the death penalty. h. Current technologies and forensics make it much harder for this to occur in society today. F. Religion i. The Bible says that it is wrong to kill j. This is only a statement of faith and does not hold up in an actual argument, because not all people are of Christian faith IV. Conclusion G. Personal views of the death penalty H. Restatement of thesis Capital Punishment has been a significant topic of debate for the past few decades. Capital punishment is defined as "punishment by execution of someone officially judged to have committed a serious, or capital, crime" (Vaughn 250). In my opinion, the most important aspect of this debate is the actual taking of a human's life. Although all humans have the right to life, there are certain situations that can overrule this right, such as taking the life of an innocent human. Since the right of life does not hold in every situation and if an innocent human's life is taken, then it is morally permissible to
  • 7. set the right to life aside and use the death penalty on the person who committed murder (Vaughn 255). In this case, capital punishment is not considered a Get more content on
  • 8. Death Penalty Research Paper Outline C Garth 10/28/17 American Government pt1 Research Paper #2 Outline Opening /Thiess Statement: There are many things that come to my mind concerning the death penalty. For one, while others are against the death penalty, I am strongly for it because I believe with so many live being taken for senseless killing and crimes; it's high time to send a strong message and make good on the death penalty, even it means the execution. The United State is made up of three branch of government. They are the legislative branch, executive branch and the judicial branch. Each branch has an important role job to do concerning our judicial system. The legislative branch makes the laws; the executive branch carries the laws and the judicial branch evaluates laws. Throughout more content... b. . He wants to send a message of dome and death to anyone who intentionally takes the life of police officers. Judicial Branch Main ideals: The Supreme Court is evaluating whether or not convicted defendants facing capital punishment should receive or is entitled to mental health evaluation before trial. Supportive details: a. Some lawmakers believe that a death sentence should not be handed down by a jury with a mental health evaluation. b. All convicted criminals should be entitled to a mental health evaluation if requested or needed. Summary: In conclusion, when it comes to the death penalty the United States views and how we conduct them. The three branches of government have spoke and it looks like they are for implementing and enforcing the death penalty laws. As lawmakers continue to look for ways to combat our war on senseless murders, we must rally behind them and get Congress to send a strong message of accountability. It you commit the crime; you must do the time and pay the price. Even if means death, killing someone is never ok and it's time to say enough is
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  • 10. Capital Punishment: An Overview Outline I.Introduction II.Capital Punishment: An Overview III.In Support of Capital Punishment 1.Deterrence 2.Proportional 3.Closure 4.Public Interest IV.Dissenting Views 1.Execution of Innocents 2.The Penalty's Deterrence Effect V.Conclusion VI.References Introduction Does capital punishment still have a place in the modern society? While there are those who feel that the role capital punishment plays in the preservation of order cannot be overstated, others continue to push for the abolition of the same calling it unjust. I am however convinced that from a critical point of view, capital punishment remains an important part of the justice system. Capital Punishment: An Overview Capital punishment in most jurisdictions is regarded a legal process where a competent court awards death sentence to an individual found guilty of committing a capital offense. According to Bergman and Berman (2011), "federal criminal courts authorize capital punishment for those convicted of more than 40 different kinds of crimes"В¦" These crimes according to the authors include but they are not limited to drug trafficking, aggravated murder and treason. Capital punishment also remains a possibility in quite a number of states for similar crimes as the ones highlighted above. In Support of Capital Punishment To begin with, capital punishment continues to be seen "as a strong deterrent for serious crimes" (Siegel and Senna, 2007). The argument in this case is that the more Get more content on
  • 11. Capital Punishment Capital Punishment Imagine your heart suddenly beginning to race as you hear a judge give you a death sentence and then you're quickly carried away in chains as your family sobs as they realize that they will no longer be able to see you. As you sit in your cell you begin to look back at your life and try to see where you went wrong to end up in jail waiting to carry out a death sentence, and at the same time know that you are an innocent waiting to be heard. This same scenario repeats itself many times here in the United States. Capital Punishment is an issue that has raised a lot of controversy between the church and the government in the search for solutions. The death penalty goes as far back as more content... Often times in many cases, there is information held back by the prosecutor because it may prove that the defendant is innocent and result in the prosecutor losing the case. An inmate also has many rights which keep them still protected by law, so that they aren't mistreated and they are still treated fairly in court. For example, inmates are finally able to inquire about his or her conviction ("The Future of Capital Punishment"). For years inmates weren't able to look into their case, but now they are provided with books and lawyers that will help them to understand everything that is going on with their case. By researching the status of their case they will be able to argue whether or not they were given a fair sentence. There are many racial issues that arise in court cases that involve capital offenses. According to Parker, Dewees, and Radelet, black males have been found to receive a higher incarceration rate than white males (Westervelt and Humphrey 115). In several studies that have been done it has been established that blacks and other minorities receive the death sentence more than whites. The race of the victim also plays a role in whether or not the suspect will receive a harsh sentence. There are new laws that are currently trying to be created to ensure that a fair sentence is administered and to minimize the amount of innocent people that are executed. For example, for the Get more content on
  • 12. Outline For Death Penalty The Death Penalty should be Abolished Paper Outline Thesis: The death penalty uses cruel and unusual brutal methods which violate the Constitution of the United States of America and; therefore, it should be abolished as society continues to embrace the relative value of life. I. It violates the constitutional rights A. It does not play a constructive role in the criminal justice system 1. It defies, violates the decency of society 2. It is forbidden by the U.S. Constitution 3. It deprives the victims of their rights to live B. Abuse of power 1.The power discriminates against the criminals 2. Racism is inherent in this brutal punishment 3. Innocent individuals have been executed в…Ў. It is unusual A.It violates the Eighth Amendment of the Get more content on
  • 13. Outline On Death Penalty Controversial Topic Summaries I decided to choose the topic of the Death Penalty and forms of Capital Punishment. My first article talks about what exactly the Death Penalty is. The background of the death penalty has been around since ancient times, but in the year 2004, most countries have exiled the idea of the death penalty. As of now, 36 states have reinstated the idea ofcapital punishment and the death penalty. Most capital sentences in the United States have been cause from murder cases. The death penalty can only be given through the decision of the jury on the case and not the judge. According to the article, there hasn't been an execution in years due to lack of resources or the jury decides on a life sentence. The Death Penalty Get more content on
  • 14. Capital Punishment Essay Capital Punishment Capital Punishment has been used around the world for thousands of years. This punishment has been used and is still used today. In the countries it is used in now it is accepted by their people. In countries like England where it isn't a form of punishment, there are many discussions on whether to bring it back as a retribution. I am going to explore facts about the death penalty. I intend to explore the question whether capital punishment should be reintroduced. To illustrate my viewpoints on the subject, I will be using a lot of facts about countries that still have this punishment, more content... Those who have committed a crime, which goes against The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, cannot then expect to defend themselves by that declaration. This means that if you have killed, for example, which is against The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, you can be killed for breaking it. That is a very good concept, as you should be punished for your crime. Knowing you may die for your crime is not a deterrent – the threat of death doesn't stop people from driving dangerously or under the influence of alcohol. Unless you were really stupid you wouldn't commit a crime if you knew you would get caught for it. People commit crimes thinking they wont get caught, and for the minority this is true. There was a recent story about someone from Sunderland who had a random D.N.A sample took, this proved him to have committed a rape in the mid 1990's they have him and he is being tried for his crime, he thought he had go away with it. He has claimed he was under the influence of alcohol. People still commit crimes even if the price to pay if they get caught is high. The death penalty acts as a form of deterrent making possible murderers re–consider their actions. If you were going to murder someone you might think about the consequences, but in Get more content on
  • 15. Outline Of Death Penalty Death Penalty Introduction In America many people believed that death penalty was the constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment and the guarantees of due process of law and of equal protection under the law. Now, we believe that the state should not give itself the right to kill human beings– especially when it kills with happiness and with ceremony, in the name of the law or in the name of its people, and now we could vote if there could be death penalty. Capital punishment is really embarrassing thing for the family members of the bad person as for him/her too. The death penalty is uncivilized in theory and unfair and inequitable in practice. The percentage of death penalty is more than we think it strive to more content... The reasoning is when people thought that he made the crime, he was killed. After 20 years from his death he was found that he was innocent. So many people died for nothing. In one of my sources I used was," I am not in a favor of the death penalty. But I am in a favor locking those people away in maximum security units where they could never get out. They can never escape. They can never be paroled. Lack the bad ones away. But no Death penalty." This source I picked because it goes with my believe. Body Paragraph Two For my believes, life is the most valuable thing what we have. Nobody has a right to take of other persons life. It is God's creation so if he wants he will take it. The death penalty won't help the person to recognize their guilt. If the people will be killed many of them won't recognize their sin. If to put them in a closed prison where no windows no people and four walls. I am against all that stuff like death penalty. The use of food for those people, is many but it is better than death penalty. The prove was found that many of people who were killed by death penalty were innocent. The problem is that people that are doing the death penalty often make errors. The prisoners that could be in prison instead of death could be for their whole life in the prison. Yes it is not a big punishment, like death penalty, but it is saves life for the person even a really bad one. For me death penalty is a scary system, first if a bad person kills Get more content on
  • 16. Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished Essay Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished Capital punishment is a brutal antiquated concept that must be abolished in the name of civilised society. Each year in just America, the land of freedom + the just, 650 people r added 2 the death row + 105 r executed. The death penalty is the harshest form of punishment in the world today. Once the jury has proved a criminal guilty they go to the second part of the trial – the punishment phase. The enforcement of c p is a sadistic and macabre activity, which appeals to the more grim aspects of humane nature: wrath and malice. Capital punishment violates the more content... In some countries, the size of the stones is regulated so that pain is maximised and the person does not die quickly. This is a pure example of how savage we have become. There aren't many things as inhumane in this world as c p. Since the public attends, children are coming as well and so lern dat there is nothing rong with brutally killing each other. Therefore, more and more children r becoming murderers. Reason= simple. They c that if they kill some1, they go 2 jail, get the death penalty, and the government, known as the "good guy" kills them as a punishment. Lesson learnt, the finger is pointed to its own actions. Another reason I think that c p should be made illegal is that life imprisonment without parole serves the same purposes as this at less cost. Right now to execute some1 in the US, it costs approx. 3 times the amount it would cost to have him or her serve a life sentence in prison. The money used to pay 4 the death row (including court appeals) comes out of YOUR wallets. If c p was made legal, this money could go 2 projects in need of the funds like building new prisons. A few weeks ago in Ireland, a man was released 4m prison who had been wrongly accused of committing murder. He had been sentenced to life imprisonment, 4 this murder. While he was in prison he always maintained he was innocent. It took years of campaigning while Get more content on
  • 17. Outline Of A Speech On Capital Punishment Rachel Ackerman11/23/14 English 9Period 2 Social Issue Speech Outline Topic: Capital Punishment Key: rhetorical question alliteration repetition allusion I.Introduction a.Hook – What if you had committed a horrible crime? What if you had killed someone? And as you sit, strapped to an icy, iron chair, you think to yourself, do I deserve this? Yes, I am a killer, but do I really deserve to die myself? But now, it's too late. You can already feel the drugs rushing through your veins, and suddenly you are in extreme pain. You scream and struggle, but no one tries to help you. The agony is overwhelming, and you expect to die any second. But you don't, and now you know that something has gone horribly wrong. You try to escape the brutal boundaries of the leather straps that are stinging your limbs, but it is hopeless. You are left to suffer and writhe in pain. b.Background Information – This is the story of Clayton Lockett, who died 43 minutes later of a heart attack ("Death Penalty" 1). And he was not the only one to ever suffer before dying. Lockett was the victim of one of 46 well–known botched executions in the U.S. since 1982, and was one of hundreds to have been in extreme pain before dying. In our country's frantic, failing effort to reduce the number of homicides that occur in our nation today, 80 criminals in the U.S. were sentenced to death last year and almost 40 of them were brutally killed by an overdose of lethal Get more content on
  • 18. Capital Punishment : The Death Penalty Introduction (107 words) Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, has long been abolished in Australia since 1967. Although our country does not sentence capital punishment, other countries do, and there is a worldwide argument on the whole topic. "Capital punishment is the practice of executing someone as punishment for a specific crime after a proper legal trial." (BBC – Ethics: Capital punishment, 2014) Capital punishment is generally used in situations where the accused has committed particularly serious crimes, but in some countries treason, adultery, rapes and type of fraud are capital crimes. This essay will outline both the 'for' and 'against' positions on the topic of capital punishment. Arguments and Statistics For (344 words) There must be some positivity to the use of capital punishment, or it would not be used. There must be a reason for the use of capital punishment. George Walker Bush, 43rd President of the United States, declared, "I don't think you should support the death penalty to seek revenge. I don't think that's right. I think the reason to support the death penalty is because it saves other people's lives." (Pro Death Penalty Quotes, 2014). This is indeed true. Perhaps a dangerous murderer has been caught, and he has not been sentenced to a death penalty. If he is released back to the public, there is very little chance that he will not set out to find his next victim. Obviously a dangerous murderer will not give up on his habits so Get more content on
  • 19. Capital Punishment Outline I.Religious Views a.Hinduism b.Jainism c.Buddhism d.Judaism and Christianity e.Islam II.Whoa.Countries b.States c.Juveniles III.What Ways IV.Why, Laws Broken a.Laws about it b.Cost c.Wrongful accusation V.Increased Murder Rate VI.Conclusion Did you know, that according to a study at North Carolina State, a murder case cost 2.16 million dollars more with a death penalty then with a sentence of life imprisonment? It 's true! It is estimated that the death penalty cost the U.S. Judicial System an extra one billion dollars a year! It 's not only expensive, it 's wrong. The worst part is Juveniles are being executed. This is wrong because the human brain is not fully developed until the more content... From 1999–2003, thirty–five juveniles were sentenced to death. Also note that just seven states have executed juvenile offenders since 1976. Since 2000, only three countries have executed juvenile offenders. These include the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran and Pakistan. This making the U.S. the only country to still have it because all three other countries have either abolished it or are in the process of abolishing it since 2000. The leading methods of execution are hanging, stoning, beheading, shooting, electrocution, and lethal injection. Many countries retain hanging as the standard mode of execution. This style mostly occurs in the Mid–East and in Asia. Only six countries still stone criminals to death. Five countries use lethal injections; this is the most popular method in the United States, accounting for 58 out of 59 executions in 2004. The practice of the juvenile death penalty dates back to the 17th century, when a sixteen–year–old boy became the first juvenile sentenced to death. More than three centuries later, the Supreme Court established the age of sixteen as the minimum age for death sentences. In 1972, the Supreme Court banned the death penalty. Five years later it was reinstated, but with certain conditions. Only to be deterred with violent crime. Most offenders under the age of eighteen ore sent to juvenile courts. These are separate from regular criminal courts, Get more content on
  • 20. Thesis + Outline I.Thesis Statement: Has been ongoing throughout the world as being both unconstitutional and inhumane or a just punishment for those who offend certain laws, eye for an eye. Capital Punishment should be legalized because it is ethical, safety for the public and to lower the cost of prisons. Capital punishment is appropriate because it provides a strong durance against future crime, it protects the rights of victims, and because everyone benefits from it. II.Background: History as in The 5 W's and Why should it be legalized. III.Public's Safety A.If inmate gets release might escalate to a more dangerous crime Capital punishment is the best way to keep people safe, to make sure murderers won't ever kill again and more content... "Today, the accuracy of modern forensics and DNA testing makes it very unlikely for an innocent person to be put ondeath row." (Sharp). Many think the cost of the death penalty is so expensive more than that life without parole ('LWOP') "JFA [Justice for All] estimates that LWOP cases will cost $1.2 million–$3.6 million more than equivalent death penalty cases. Over time, LWOP cases are much more expensive... than death penalty cases. Opponents ludicrously claim that the death penalty costs, over time, 3–10 times more than LWOP." (Sharp). C.Have better things to pay for ex: Education V.Ethics A.Proper Death, Act of Justice, Humane manner. B.Its justice the idea of retribution C.The process of capital punishment. VI.Opposition claim 1: human rights the death penalty won't bring the victim back or undo what has been done. We need to start investing in programs that will actually improve public safety and just get more killers off the streets. 1.Fact and Ex. VII.Opposition claim 2: The death penalty is an expression of the absolute power of the state; abolition of that penalty is a much– needed limit on government power. There is racial and economic discrimination in application of the death penalty. 1.Fact and Ex. VIII.Opposition claim 3: The death penalty involves medical doctors, who are sworn to preserve life, in the act of killing. There are strong religious reasons for many to oppose the death penalty. There is
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  • 22. A Persuasive Speech On The Death Penalty Persuasive Speech: Why I Believe the Death Penalty Should Be Abolished Hello, everyone. My name is Devlin O'Connell and I am going to be speaking to you today about why I believe the death penalty should be abolished. There are three factors that I base this argument off which surround ethics, efficiency, and expenditure. In relationship to ethics, I would like to begin with a quote by human rights activist, Desmond Tutu, "To take a life when a life has been lost is revenge, not justice." Capital Punishment, also known as the Death Penalty, is described as a government practice where a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for crimes such as murder, treason, espionage, and genocide. While it may seem unlikely that many people would be convicted of a few of the latter crimes, there were nearly 3,000 people on death row in the last year. Of those 3,000 people, 117 were found to be innocent. It is predicted that at least 3% more of those sentenced would have been exonerated with enough time and resources. Let that sink in. An untold number of innocent people have been executed. As it is, many relatives of victims have said that they do not wish for their relative's killer to be put to death. Circling back to Tutu's quote, the government is not providing these families with justice – but with revenge. We are "perpetuating a cycle of violence unworthy of a civilized society," to quote Bernice King, "retribution cannot light the way to the genuine healing that Get more content on
  • 23. Essay on Capital Punishment Capital Punishment The definition of capital punishment is the legal punishment of death for violating criminal law. The person who gets capital punishment is the ones who committed serious crimes. Methods of capital punishment throughout the world are by stoning, beheading, hanging, electrocution, lethal injection and shooting. The two most common methods capital punishment use in the United States are lethal injection and electrocution. The lethal injection is the most used form of capital punishment. It's an intravenous shot that kills the criminal quick and painless. When capital punishment is done by electrocution the criminal is strapped to a chair that a volts of electricity is pass through. In America if all people more content... The first pros of capital punishment are that it works as deterrence against major crimes. The death penalty is a punishment that creates fear in the mind of any sane person. Most criminals would think twice if they knew their own lives were at stake. Although there is no statistical evidence that death penalty deters crime, we have to agree that most of us fear death. The most conclusive evidence that criminals fear the death penalty more than life without parole is provided by convicted capital murderers and their attorneys. 99.9% of all convicted capital murderers and their attorneys argue for life, not death, in the punishment phase of their trial. (prodeathpenalty) A Second pro is that a criminal that is executed can't another crime or escape. A dead criminal can no longer commit a crime, and therefore the danger to the public is permanently removed. A third pro of capital punishment is that it's more economical. Why should money be spent on a criminal when it could be spent on education, the sick, or the needy? The only reason why it is so expensive to execute an individual, is because of the numerous appeal processes. (~ab2166) Another pro is that the retribution to the family and loves ones of the victims is payed. Endless stress and anxiety plague the families of the victims and executions puts all those stresses to rest better than life–long imprisonment or
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