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Good evening	and	thanks	for	having	me	here.	Today	I	want	to	look	at	how	our	relationship	to	the	
world	changes	when	we’re	surrounded	by	devices	that	anticipate	our	needs	and	act	on	them.	That	
means	it	sits	at	the	intersection	of	the	internet	of	things,	user	experience	design	and	machine	learning,	
and	although	people	have	dealt	with	one	of	those	disciplines	before,	I	don’t	think	they’ve	ever	been	
combined	in	quite	the	ways	they	are	now,	or	with	the	current	enthusiasm.	And,	to	be	clear:	I	am	
neither	a	fan	of,	nor	a	critic	of,	these	technologies.	I	think	they’re	too	complex	to	be	reduced	that	way	
and	to	maximize	their	positive	impact	we	have	to	actively	engage	with	them,	and	that’s	what	this	talk	
is	trying	to	do.		
The	talk	is	divided	into	several	parts:	it	starts	with	an	overview	of	how	I	think	Internet	of	Things	devices	
are	primarily	components	of	services,	rather	than	being	self-contained	experiences,	how	predictive	
behavior	enables	key	components	of	those	services,	and	then	I	finish	by	exploring	some	speculative	
ideas	of	what	kind	of	impact	they’re	going	to	have	on	us,	as	individuals	and	as	a	society.	At	its	core	is	
an	argument	that	everything	is	going	to	be	connected	to	the	Internet,	that	those	things	will	each	try	to	
predict	our	immediate	future,	and	that	this	is	going	to	fundamentally	change	our	relationship	to	the	
A	couple	of	caveats:
- My	current	work	in	this	field	focuses	almost	exclusively	on	the	consumer	internet	of	things,	so	I	see	
most	things	through	that	lens.
- I	want	to	point	out	that	few	if	any	of	the	issues	I	raise	are	new.	Though	the	terms	“internet	of	things”	
and	“machine	learning”	are	hot	right	now,	the	ideas	have	been	discussed	in	research	circles	for	
decades.	Search	for	“ubiquitous	computing,”	“ambient	intelligence,”	and	“pervasive	computing”	and	
you’ll	see	a	lot	of	great	thought	in	the	space.	If	you’re	really	ambitious,	you	can	read	the	Artificial	
Intelligence	and	Cybernetics	works	of	the	50s	and	60s	and	you’ll	be	surprised	by	the	prescience	of	the	
people	working	in	this	space	when	the	entire	world’s	compute	power	was	about	as	much	as	my	key	
- There	are	a	lot	of	ideas	here,	and	I	will	almost	certainly	under-explain	something.	For	that	I	apologize	
in	advance.		My	goal	here	is	to	give	you	a	general	sense	of	how	these	the	pieces	connect,	rather	than	
an	in-depth	explanation	of	any	one	of	the	pieces.
- Finally,	most	of	my	slides	don’t	have	words	on	them,	so	I’ll	make	the	complete	deck	with	a	transcript	
available	as	soon	I’m	done.
Let me begin by telling youa bit about my background.I ma userexperience
designer.Iwas one ofthe first professionalWeb designers.Thisisthe navigation fora
hot sauce shoppingsite Idesigned in the spring of1994.
I’ve	also	worked	on	the	user	experience	design	of	a	lot	of	consumer	electronics
products	from	companies	you’ve	probably	heard	of.
Now, a	quick	aside.	What	is	User	Experience	Design?	UX	design	is	not	graphic	design,	
interface	design,	ergonomics,	industrial	design,	or	product	design,	but	it	includes	
aspects	of	all	of	those	things.
UX	design	is	a	humanistic	problem	solving	approach	that	brings	together	the	needs	of	
people	and	businesses	to	create	technological	products	that	are	valuable	for	both	
groups.	It’s	much	more	about	process	than	making	things	look	good.
The	field	is	about	20	years	old.	This	is	how	it	looked	about	15	years	ago.
Diagram	by	Jess	McMullin.
It’s	a	little	more	complex	today,but’s	roughly	the	same	thing.
Diagram	by	Corey	Stern.
I	wrote	a	couple	of	books	based	on	my	experience	as	a	designer.	One	is	a	cookbook	of	
user	research	methods,	and	the	second	describes	what	I	think	are	some	of	the	core	
concerns	when	designing	networked	computational	devices.	I’m	also	married	to	one	
of	the	authors	of	this	book,	so	thinking	about	the	impact	of	the	design	of	connected	
devices	on	people	is	kind	of	a	family	business.
I	also	started	a	couple	of	companies.	The	first,	Adaptive	Path,	was	primarily	focused	
on	the	web, and	with	the	second	one,	ThingM,	I	got	deep	into	developing	hardware.
Today	I	work	for	PARC,	the	famous	research	lab	that	invented	the	personal	computer,	
object	oriented	software,	the	tablet	computer,	and	laser	printer,	as	a	principal	in	its	
Innovation	Services	group.	We	help	companies	reduce	the	risk	of	adopting	novel	
technologies	using	a	mix	of	social	research,	design	and	business	strategy.
PARC	also	started	thinking	about	what	we	call	the	IoT long	before	most other	
It	was	at	PARC	in	1971	that	Dick	Shoup,	and	early	PARC	researcher,	wrote	that	
eventually	processors	would	be	as	common,	and	as	invisible	as	electric	motors.	This	
clearly	outlines	the	destiny	of	connected	computer:	that	eventually	it	will	become	as	
boring	and	as	common	as	electric	motors	are	today.
In	the	late	80s,	also	at	PARC,	Mark	Weiser	coined	the	term	ubiquitous	computing	to	
describe	a	future	when	the	number	of	computers	surpassed	the	number	of	people	
using	them.	In	this	chart	from	20	years	ago,	he	predicted	that	would	happen	around	
2005.	He	didn’t	live	to	see	that	crossover,	but	he	was	basically	right—the	iPhone	
launched	in	2007—and	we	now	live	in	the	world	he	envisioned.
Essentially,	what	we	now	see	as	a	novel	phenomenon	has	been	forseen by	people	in	
the	industry	for	many	decades.	The	questions	have	always	been	not	about	where	
we’re	going,	but	when	we’ll	get	there,	and	how.
But	the	end	vision	doesn’t	appear	all	at	once.	We’ve	only	started	the	transition	to	the	
ubiquitous	computing	world,	and	as	such,	we’re	seeing	a	lot	of	bad	ideas	about	what	
the	Internet	of	Things	is	and	it	isn’t.	Essentially,	everything	that	can	be	connected	to	
the	Internet	will	be,	which	includes	a	lot	of	things	that	shouldn’t	be.	There	are	so	
many	bad	ideas	now	that	there	are	entire	Tumblrsdedicated	to	mocking	stupid	IoT
ideas.	One	is	about	dumb	smart	things	and	the	other	is	just	about	dumb	smart	
Most	of	these	things	are	bad	ideas	because	simply	connecting	existing	stuff	to	the	
internet	does	not	producecustomer	value…
Simple	connectivity	helps	when	you’re	trying	to	maximize	the	efficiency	of	a	fixed	
process,	but	that’s	not	a	problem	that	most	people	have.	We’ve	been	able	to	simply	
connect	various	devices	to	a	computer	since	a	Tandy	Color	Computers	could	lights	off	
and	on	over	X10	in	1983.	The	problem	is	that	that	wasn’t	very	useful	then,	and	it’s	
not	very	useful	now.	If	you	replace	the	Tandy	with	an	iPhone	and	the	lamp	with	a	
washing	machine…
…or	an	egg	carton,	you	still	have	the	same	problem,	and	it’s	a	user	experience	
The	UX	problem	is	that	end	users	have	to	connect	all	the	dots	to	coordinate	between	
a	wide	variety	of	devices,	and	to	interpret	the	meaning	of	all	of	these	sensors	to	
create	personal	value.	For	many	simply	connected	products	there	is	so	little	efficiency	
to	be	had	relative	to	the	cognitive	load	that	it’s	just	not	worth	it.	What’s	worse,	the	
extra	cognitive	load	is	exactly	opposite	to	what	the	product	promises,	and	customers	
feel	intensely	disappointed,	perhaps	even	betrayed,	when	they	realize	how	little	they	
get	out	of	such	a	product	That	makes	most	such	products	effectively	WORSE	than	
That	promise	gap	is	what	distinguishes	a	gadget	from	a	tool,	why	this	egg	carton	is	
funny,	and	why	Quirky	who	made	it,	filed	for	bankruptcy	after	burning	through	
hundreds	of	millions	of	dollars.
How do	you	create	a	tool	that	reduces	cognitive	load	instead	of	creating	it,	that	
exchanges	people’s	precious	time	for	significant	value?	One	approach	is	to	couple	
cloud-based	services	with	predictive	machine	learning	models	to	anticipate	what	
behaviors	will	maximize	the	chances	of	a	desirable	outcome	in	a	given	situation.
When	I talk	about	services,	I’m	talking	about	thinking	of	hardware	devices	as	physical	
representatives	of	cloud	services,	which	makes	them	very	different	than	traditional	
consumer	electronics.	Historically,	a	company	made	an	electronic	product,	say	a	
turntable,	they	found	people	to	sell	it	for	them,	they	advertised	it	and	people	bought	
it.	That	was	traditionally	the	end	of	the	company’s	relationship	with	the	customer	
until	that	person	bought	another	thing,	and	all	of	the	value	of	the	relationship	was	in	
the	device.	With	the	IoT,	the	sale	of	the	device	is	just	the	beginning	of	the	
relationship	and	physical	thing	holds	almost	no	value	for	either	the	customer	or	the	
Value nowshiftsto servicesandthe devices,software applicationsandwebsitesused
to accessit—itsavatars—become secondary.Acamera becomesa really good
appliance fortaking photosforInstagram,while a TVbecomesa nice Instagram
display that youdon’t have to log into every time,and a phone becomesa convenient
way to check yourfriends’pictureson the road.
Hardware,physical things,become simultaneouslymore specializedand devalued as
userssee “through” eachdeviceto the serviceit represents.The avatarsexist to get
bettervalue outofthe service.
Amazon really	gets	this.	Here s	a	telling	older	ad	from	Amazon	for	the	Kindle.It’s	
saying	 Look,	use	whatever	device you	want.	We	don t	care,	as	long	you	stay	loyal	to	
our	service.	You	can	buy	our	specialized	devices,	but	you	don t	have	to.
When	Fire	was	released	5	years	ago,	Jeff	Bezos	even	called it	a	service.
Amazon Dash	is	a	service	that’s	enabled	by	dedicated	devices.	A	Dash	button	is	a	
networked	computer	whose	only	purpose	is	to	be	an	avatar	for	a	macaroni	and	
cheese	service.
Most	large-scale	IoT products	are	service	avatars.	They	use	specialized sensors	and	
actuators	to	support	a	service,	but	have	little	value—or	don’t	work	at	all—without	
the	supporting	service.	Smart	Things,	which	was	acquired	by	Samsung,clearly	states	
its	service	offering	right	up	front	on	their	site.	The	first	thing	they	say	about	their	
product	line	is	not	what	the	functionality	is,	but	what	effect	their	service	will	achieve	
for	their	customers.	Their	hardware	products’	functionality,	how	they	will	technically	
satisfy	the	service	promise,	is	almost	an	afterthought.
Comparethat	to	X10,	their	spiritual	predecessor	that’s	been	in	the	business	for	30	
years.	All	that	X10	tells	is	you	is	what	the	devices	are,	not	what	the	service	will	
accomplish	for	you.	I	don’t	even	know	if	there	IS	a	service.	Why	should	I	care	that	
they	have	“modules”?	I	shouldn’t,	and	I	don’t.
I	think the	real	value	connected	services	offer	is	their	ability	to	make	sense	of	the	
world	on	our	behalf,	to	reduce	cognitive	load	by	enabling	people	to	interact	with	
devices	at	a	higher	level	than	simple	telemetry,	at	the	level	of	intentions	and	goals,	
rather	than	data	and	control.	Humans	are	not	built	to	collect	and	make	sense	of	huge	
amounts	of	data	across	many	devices,	or	to	articulate	our	needs	as	systems	of	
mutually	interdependent	components.	Computers	are	great	at	it.
They	do	this	through	processes	that	have	many	names,	but	I’ll	lump	them	all	under	Machine	
Learning,	which	is	a	big	part	of	what	used	to	be	called	Artificial	Intelligence.	Many	of	the	core	
ideas	here	go	back	to	the	1950s	and	it’s	the	basis	of	every	email	spam	filter,	so	if	you’ve	had	
your	spam	automatically	filtered,	you’ve	experienced	the	value	of	machine	learning.
A	big	part	of	Machine	Learning	is	pattern	recognition.	We	humans	evolved	very	sophisticated	
faculties	to	rapidly	identify	visual	images	in	all	kinds	of	difficult	conditions.	You	look	at	a	
picture	of	an	orange	on	a	red	plate	and	you	can	tell	instantly	that	it’s	not	a	sunset,	but	until	
recently	that	was	really,	really	hard	for	a	computer.	Because	of	a	combination	of	Moore’s	
Law	and	some	breakthroughs,	computers	have	gotten	much	better	at	pattern	recognition	in	
the	last	couple	of	years.
For	a	computer,	recognizing	something	starts	with	a	process	where	some	basic	attributes	of	
an	image	are	extracted,	such	as	the	shape	of	boundaries	between	clusters	of	pixels,	or	the	
dominant	color	of	a	patch	of	an	image.	These	are	called	features	in	machine	learning.	By	
examining	lots	and	lots	of	examples	of	features	in	an	image,	a	machine	learning	system	builds	
a	statistical	model	of	what	that	cluster	represents.
Basic	forms	of	this	kind	of	image	recognition	has	been	used	industrially	for	decades.	Most	of	
the	oranges	that	come	from	the	central	valley	are	scanned	360	times	to	separate	ones	with	
blemishes	from	ones	without.	Lego	has	a	completely	automated	factory	that	injection	molds	
a	million	Lego	bricks	an	hour,	examines	every	single	piece,	automatically	sorts,	bags	and	
boxes	them,	all	using	computer	vision.	That’s	relatively	old.
Images	from:	Region-based	Convolutional	Networks	for	Accurate	Object	Detection	and	
Semantic	Segmentation,	R.	Girshick,	J.	Donahue,	T.	Darrell,	J.	Malik,	IEEE	Transactions	on	
Pattern	Analysis	and	Machine	Intelligence
Real-Time	Image	and	Video	Processing:	From	Research	to	Reality	by	Kehtarnavaz and	
What’s	new	is	a	class	of	systems	that	understand	the	content	of	images.	They	don’t	just	look	
at	features,	but	clusters	of	features,	and	clusters	of	clusters	of	features,	and	they	can	now	
identify	an	orange	from	the	setting	sun,	or	a	person	from	an	airplane,	or	a	polar	bear	from	a	
This	is	why	Facebook	asks	you	to	say	who	is	in	an	image.	It’s	not	just	for	you,	it’s	for	their	face	
Now	here’s	the	interesting	part:	we’re	built	to	identify	patterns	in	visual	phenomena,	but	
we’re	pretty	bad	at	identifying	them	in	other	kinds	of	situations.	For	example,	if	you’ve	ever	
tried	to	understand	someone’s	food	sensitivities,	it’s	really	hard	to	extract	what	that	person	
is	reacting	to,	even	if	you	keep	very	careful	track	of	what	they’ve	eaten.	We’re	just	not	built	
for	it.	It	was	never	evolutionarily	sufficiently	important,	so	we	didn’t	evolve	an	organ	for	it.
Computers,	on	the	other	hand,	don’t	care,	and	now	that	we’ve	found	really	good	ways	to	find	
patterns	in	visual	images,	these	same	techniques	can	find	patterns	in	anything.
Instead	of	a	matrix	of	pixels,	what	if	you	had	a	matrix	of	medical	prescriptions,	with	each	row	
as	the	history	of	one	person’s	prescriptions	from	the	first	time	that	person	went	to	the	doctor	
for	a	problem,	through	when	they	were	prescribed	certain	things,	to	when	they	got	better,	or	
they	didn’t.	The	same	kind	of	system	could	learn	the	typical	pattern	for	prescribing,	say,	a	
wheelchair.	It	would	essentially	see	the	general	shape	of	the	sequence	for	the	prescription	of	
a	chair	over	time	and	across	many	people.
Then	if	you	saw	a	wheelchair	being	prescribed	that	was	outside	of	the	typical	pattern,	you	
could	identify	it.	That’s	called	anomaly	detection.	That’s	in	fact	exactly	how	we	built	a	system	
to	identify	Medicare	fraud	for	the	state	of	California.	People	are	terrible	at	that	stuff,	but	
computers	are	great.
When	one	of	the	dimensions	is	time	and	another	is	the	outcome	of	a	series	of	actions	
you	can	make	a	pattern	recognizer	that	associates	a	sequence	of	actions	with	a	set	of	
statistical	probabilities	for	possible	outcomes	based	on	data	collected	across	a	wide	
variety	of	similar	situations.	In	other	words,	because	people	and	machines	behave	in	
fairly	consistent	ways,	these	machine	learning	systems	can	increasingly	predict	the	
future	and	attempt	to	adapt	the	current	situation	to	create	a	more	desirable	
The	interesting	thing	is	that	this	not	just	theory.
Prediction	and	response	is	at	the	heart	of	the	value	proposition	many	of	the	most	
compelling	IoT services,	starting	with	the	Nest.	The	Nest	says	that	it	knows	you.	How	
does	it	know	you?	It	predicts	what	you’re	going	to	want	based	on	your	past	behavior.
Amazon’s	Echo	speaker says	it’s	continually	learning.	How	is	that?	Predictive	machine	
learning	based	on	your	actions	and	your	words.
The Birdi smart	smoke	alarm	says	it	will	learn	over	time,	which	is	again	the	same	
Jaguar,learning…AND	intelligent.
The	Edyn plant	watering	system	adaptsto	every	change.	What	is	that	adaptation?	
Predictive	machine	learning.
Canary,	a	home	security service.
Cocoon,	another	home	security	system knows.	How	does	it	know?	Machine	learning.
Here’s	foobot,	an	air	quality	service.
[I	also	like	how	one	of its	implicit	service	promises	is	to	identify when	your	kids	are	
smoking	pot.]
Silk’s	Sense	adapts
Mistbox sprays	water	into	your	air	conditioner	to	reduce	your	energy	bill.	You’d	think	
that’s	a	pretty	simple	process,	but	no,	it’s	always	learning.
A	number	of	companies	are	making	chips	that	make	machine	learning	much	cheaper	
and	more	power-efficient,	which	means	that	it’s	going	to	be	very	easy	to	install	it	in	
every	device,	from	street	lights	to	medical	equipment	to	toys.	It’s	not	just	likely,	it’s	
inevitable.	Here’s	one	that	was	announced	a	couple	of	weeks	ago.
Here’s	a	Kickstarter for an	“AI	Butler”	that	posted	earlier	this	month.	What	does	it	do?	
I	don’t	know,	but	it	learns.
The	ideal	scenario	these	things	paint	is	pretty	seductive.	Imagine	a	world	of	espresso	
machines	that	startbrewing	as	you’re	thinking	it’s	a	good	time	for	coffee;	office	lights	
that	dim	when	it’s	sunny	to	save	energy,	and	mac	and	cheese	that	never	runs	out.	The	
problem	is	that	although	the	value	proposition	is	of	a	better	user	experience,	it’s	
unspecific	in	the	details.	Previous	machine	learning	systems	were	used	in	areas	such	
as	predictive	maintenance and	finance.	They	were	made	by	and	for	specialists.	Now	
that	these	systems	are	for	general	consumers,	we	have	some	significant	questions.	
How	exactly	how	will	our	experience	of	the	world,	our	ability	to	use	all	the	collected	
data,	become	more	efficient	and	more	pleasurable?	
We’re	still	early	in	our	understanding	of	predictive	devices,	so	right	now	the	problems	
are	worse	than	solutions.	I	want	to	start	by	articulating	the	issues	I’ve	observed	in	our	
We’ve	never	had mechanical	things	that	make	significant	decisions	on	their	own.	As	
devices	adapt	their	behavior,	how	will	they	communicate	that	they’re	doing	so?	Do	
we	stick	a	sign	on	them	that	says	“adapting”,	like	the	light	on	a	video	camera	says	
“recording”?	Should	my	chair	vibrate	when	adjusting	to	my	posture?	How	will	users,	
or	just	passers-by,	know	which	things	adapt?	I	could	end	up	sitting	uncomfortable	for	
a	long	time,	waiting	for	my	chair	to	change,	before	realizing	it	doesn’t	adapt	on	its	
own.	How	should	smart	devices	set	the	expectation	that	they	may	behave	differently	
in	what	appears	to	be	identical	circumstances?
How do	we	know	HOW	intelligent	these	devices	are?	People	already	often	project	
more	smarts	on	devices	than	those	devices	actually	have,	so	a	couple	of	accurate	
predictions	may	imply	a	much	better	model	than	actually	exists.	How	do	we	know	
we’re	not	just homesteading	the	uncanny	valley	here?
Chair	by	Raffaello D'Andrea,	Matt	Donovan	and	Max	Dean.
The	irony	in	predictive	systems	is	that they’re	pretty	unpredictable,	at	least	at	first.	
When	machine	learning	systems	are	new,	they’re	often	inaccurate,	which	is	not	what	
we	expect	from	our	digital	devices.	60%-70%accuracy	is	typical	for	a	first	pass,	but	
even	90%	accuracy	isn’t	enough	for	a	predictive	system	to	feel	right,	since	if	it’s	
making	decisions	all	the	time,	it’s	going	to	be	making	mistakes	all	the	time,	too.	It’s	
fine	if	your	house	is	a	couple	of	degrees	cooler	than	you’d	like,	but	what	if	your	
wheelchair	refuses	to	go	to	a	drinking	fountain	next	to	a	door	because	it’s	been	
trained	on	doors	and	it	can’t	tell	that’s	not	what	you	mean	in	this	one	instance?	For	
all	the	times	a	system	gets	it	right,	it’s	on	the	mistakes	that	we	judge	it	and	a	couple	
such	instances	can	shatter	people’s	confidence.	Anxiety	is	a	kind	of	cognitive	load,	
and	a	little	doubt	about	whether	a	supposedly	smart	system	is	going	to	do	the	right	
thing	is	enough	to	turn	a	UX	that’s	right	most	of	the	time	into	one	that’s	more	trouble	
than	it’s	worth.	When	that	happens,	it’s	lost	you.
Photo CC	BY	2.0	photo	2011	Pop	Culture	Geek	taken	by	Doug	Kline:
The	last	issue	comes	as	a	resultof	the	previous	two:	control.	How	can	we	maintain	
some	level	of	control	over	these devices,	when	their	behavior	is	by	definition	
statistical	and	unpredictable?
On	the	one	hand	you	can	mangle	your	device’s	predictive	behavior	by	giving	it	too	
much	data.	When	I	visited	Nest	once	they	told	me	that	none	of	the	Nests	in	their	
office	worked	well	because	they’re	constantly	fiddling	with	them.	In	machine	learning	
this	is	called	overtraining.		The	other	hand,	if	I	have	no	direct	way	to	control	it	other	
than	through	my	own	behavior,	how	do	I	adjust	it?	Amazon	and	Netflix’s	
recommendation	systems,	which	are	machine	learning	systems	for	predicting	what	
you	may	like,	give	you	some	context	about	why	they	recommended	something,	but	
what	do	I	do	when	my	only	interface	is	a	garden	hose?
As	interesting	as	these	issues	are,	I	think	that, more	importantly,	what	they	represent	
is	that	we’re	enteringinto	a	new	relationship	with	our	device	ecosystem,	a	sea	
change	in	our	relationship	to	the	built	world.
Think	of	a	sewing	machine.	It’s	very	complex,	but	it	still	only	acts	in	response	to	us.
Computers	actingautonomously erode	this	simple	tool/user	relationship.
At	the	dawn	of	computing	in	the	late	1940s	cyberneticists	like	NorbertWiener	
philosophized	about	the	increasingly	complex	relationship	between	people	and	
computers,	and	how	it	was	fundamentally	different	than	the	way	we	interact	with	
other	kinds	of	machines.	Developers	working	in	supervisory	control	of	manufacturing	
machines	and	robotics	have	had	to	deal	with	these	questions	pragmatically	for	about	
30	years,	but	thanks	to	the	Internet	of	Things,	this	is	now	a	problem	that	everyone	
will	have	to	grapple	with	going	forward.
Here’s	a	diagram	by	the	greats	Tom	Sheridan	and	Bill	Verplank from	1978,	in	which	
they	illustrate	four	ways	that	semi-autonomous	computers	and	humans	can	work	
together	to	solve	a	problem.
By	2000	Sheridan	expanded	these	ideas	to	create	this	framework,	to	define	a	
spectrum	of	responsibility	between	people	and	computers.	It	ranges	from	humans	
doing	all	the	work	(this	is	you	writing	an	essay)	to	computers	doing	all	the	work	
completely	autonomously	(this	is	your	car’s	fuel	injection	controller).	Of	course	the	
goal	is	to	get	a	system	to	level	9	or	10.	That’s	the	maximum	reduction	in	cognitive	
load.	However,	for	a	system	to	qualify	for	that,	it	has	to	be	very	stable,	its	effects	
need	to	be	highly	predictable	and,	equally	importantly,	it’s	role	needs	to	be	
adequately	embedded	in	society.	It	needs	to	be	OK	for	a	computer	to	take	on	that	
level	of	responsibility.	At	the	airport	we	trust	the	monorail	computers	to	work	
without	human	intervention,	but	we	don’t	trust	the	plane	autopilot	to	do	that,	even	
though-–as	I	understand	it—planes	can	basically	fly	themselves	these	days.
Predictive	IoT devices	generally	fall	between	5	and	7	on	this	scale	right	now.	The	
problem	is	that	this	is	the	exact	range	where	you’re	maximizing	someone’s	cognitive	
load,	but	not	necessarily	doing	all	the	work	for	them,	so	the	result	of	the	automation	
had	better	be	worth	it.	This	fundamentally	undermines	what	we	expect	from	our	
tools,	and	when	that	tool	is	trying	to	anticipate	what	we’re	trying	to	do,	it	
fundamentally	changes	our	working	relationship	with	it.
Danny	Hillisof	the	Long	Now	talks	about	how	we	have	gone	past	the	Enlightenment	
idea	where	we	thought	that	we	could	understand	and	control	everything,	and	built	
tools	that	reflected	that	view.	In	his	perspective,	we	are	no	longer	in	control	as	much	
as	we	are	entangled	with	them.	
Anne	Galloway,	a	New	Zealand	researcher	who	looks	at	the	intersection	of	animals	
and	digital	technology,	calls	it	the	end	of	human	exceptionalism.	Others	would	say	it’s	
just	the	Postmodern	condition,	the	recognition	that	the	complexity	of	the	world	is	
beyond	our	ability	to	control,	and	we	have	to	learn	to	coax	and	coexist,	rather	than	
command	and	control.
Because	sooner	than	we	expect, we’ll	be	living	with	hundreds	of	devices	and	services	
trying	to	model	us	and	predict	what	will	be	good	for	us,	and	most	of	them	will	require	
our	attention.	They	will	want	us	to	verify	things,	to	upload	things,	to	confirm	things.	
They	will	want	us	to	validate	their	existence.	And	they	will	be	wrong	a	lot.	If	you	have	
100	devices	and	each	device is	99%	accurate—and most	predictive	algorithms	rarely	
achieve	that	level	of	accuracy,	at	least	not	at	first—then	one	is	always	wrong.
So how	do	we	engage	with	this	world?	How	do	we	approach	wrangling	all	these	
thinking	tools?
You	can	think	about	working	surrounded	by	a	bunch	of	apprenticeassistants,	as	in	a	
middle	age	guild.
…or	you	can	take	an	animist	view	of	assuming	everything	in	the	world	has	a	
consciousness.	Phil	Van	Allen	of	Art	Center	has	recently	started	advocatingan	
approach	like	this.	Well,	maybe	not	like	THIS.
Image	fromMiyazaki’s	Princess	Mononoke.
Phil	Van	Allen:
I’d	like	to	explore	farming	as	a	metaphor,	and	not	because	of	the	superficial	irony	of	
using	pre-Enlightenment	technology	to	talk	about	a	post-Enlightenment	problem.
I	really	want	to	create	a	useful	way	of	thinking	about	the	challenge	of	smart	tools	so	
we	can	design	a	better	relationship	with	them	from	the	beginning.
Farming	isone	of	our	oldest	technologies,	one	of	the	most	advanced,	and	one	of	the	
most	brutal	on	the	land,	people	and	animals	involved.	But	it	got	us	here.
Also,	an	admission:	I’m	a	city	kid,	my	family	has	been	living	in cities	going	back	many	
generations.	I	have	not	raised	so	much	as	a	single	edible	plant	or	owned	a	pet,	
though	I	do	have	children,	but	I	don’t	think	it’s	the	same.	But	the	long	now	asked	me	
to	do	something	brand	new	and	for	a	general	audience,	and	this	is	where	I	ended	up,	
so	if	this	talk	hasn’t	gone	off	the	rails	for	you	yet,	it’ll	probably	go	off	the	rails	now.
For me	farming	is	a	useful	metaphor	about	how	to	simultaneously	manipulatethe	
state	of	many	autonomous,	independent,	similar	things,	for	your	gain.	A	farmer	
doesn’t	raise	an	ear	of	corn,	she	raises	a	field	of	corn,	and	she	is	not	in	control	of	
their	crops	as	much	as	she	is	in	symbiosis	with	them.
She	reduces	the	complexity	of	farming	by	planting	many	copies	of	the	same	plant,	
and	dividing	her	land	into	regions	for	each	kind	of	plant.	Right	now	s	like	each	plant	is	
totally	different	and	requires	a	totally	different	technique	to	work	with	it.
She	selects	crops	that	thrive	in	a	specific	set	of	conditions	and	which	can	
synergistically	use	the	same	raw	material	to	maximize	the	value	of	that	material.	
What	if	had	multiple	algorithms	using	the	information	from	the	same	sensors—say	all	
the	cameras	and	temperature	sensors	in	your	environment—then	fusing	their	
A	farmer	uses	specialized	tools	to	work	on	many	plants	at	the	same	time,	whether	it’s	
a	plow,	a	harvester	or	a	scarecrow.	That’s	why	she	chooses	many	of	the	same	thing.	
In	the	algorithm	analogy,	how	can	we	group	large	numbers	of	algorithms	and	work	on	
them	all	at	once?
She	expects	pests.	Right	now	everyone	is	shocked	when	their	smart	fridge	starts	
posting	spam	because	it’s	been	hacked.	That’s	kind	of	like	a	fungus	infection,	and	
farmers	have	tools	for	that	and	try	to	maintain	good	practices	to	minimize	it,	but	
when	it	happens,	no	one	is	surprised.
She	doesn’t	expect	to	extract	the	value	from	it	immediately—that	may	take	months	
or	years—yet	she	knows	she	will	have	to	maintain	it	that	whole	time	regardless.	Right	
now	we	expect	our	digital	products	to	work	immediately	or	we	think	they’re	not	
worthwhile	or	defective	if	they	don’t.	What	if	we	designed	things	so	that	they	would	
only	be	useful	after	we	had	lived	with	them	for	a	long	time,	but	then	they’d	be	
REALLY	useful?
Another	aside:	machine	learning	algorithms	are	pattern	recognizers,	so	they	need	to	
know	which	patterns	are	important.	Whenever	you	mark	email	as	spam	using	your	
email	program,	you	are	doing	what’s	called	training	the	algorithm	to	understand	what	
you	consider	spam.
Similarly	when	you	make	a	choice	using	virtually	any	a	digital	device	or	service,	you’re	
training	an	algorithm.	Facebook	asks	you	to	label	people	in	your	pictures	to	train	its	
algorithms	to	associate	a	set	of	facial	features	with	the	person	you	labeled.
What	happens	when	you	train	a	single	animal?	What	are	your	mechanisms	of	
control?	What	are	your	expectations?
Well,	you	expect	that	it	will	require	time	and	it	will	require	a	combination	of	both	
positive	and	negative	reinforcement.	Then,	you	expect	that	it	will	regularly	misbehave	
and	you	have	to	reinforce	what	you	teach	it.	Conversely,	you	can	expect	that	it	will	
probably	learn	a	bit	from	other	animals	without	you	having	to	tell	it	everything	and	
its	behavior	will	surprise	you	in	good	ways	in	addition	to	bad	ways.
Image	source: (Anne	Galloway’s	Counting	
Sheep	project)
But	what	happens	when	a	farmer	has	a	lot	of	animals	to	control?	She	can’t	train	all	of	
them	individually,	so	over	the	last	10000	years	she’s	developed	some	tools	for	
managing	them.
First,	she	selects animals	that	work	well	in	groups.	Our	algorithms	are	currently	built	
one	at	a	time	and	the	expectation	is	that	our	interaction	with	them	will	be	individual.	
That	doesn’t	scale.	We	need	algorithms	that	are	experienced	well	together,	or	else	
we’re	not	herding	sheep,	we’re	herding	cats.
Next,	she	has	a	crook.	When	you	need	to	assert	control,	you	need	a	clear	way	to	do	
that	which	works	on	a	wide	variety	of	animals	and	we	need	consistent	ways	to	asset	
immediate	control	over	a	wide	variety	of	smart	devices.
She	hasa	dog, which	is	a	smarter	entity	that	also needs	to	be	trained,	but	once	
trained	can	be	used	to	autonomously	control	multiple	other	independent	entities	
She	can	hand	off	the	work	to	an	assistant.	In	farming	a	whole	class	of	people	who	can	
take	responsibility	for	all	of	the	things	and	who	can	work	together.	Responsibility	can	
be	delegated.	As	Tom	Coates	of	Thington points	out,	most	IoT systems	are	not	built	
for	many	people	to	control	them	simultaneously,	even	though	their	effects	are	often	
experienced	in	shared	environments.
Today	we	don’t	have	an	Internet	of	Things,	we	have	many	AOLs	of	things.	They’ve	
been	intentionally	made	mutually	incompatible	and	although	some	may	be	cute	on	
their	own,	when	you	have	a	lot	of	them,	and	they	have	to	be	dealt	with	individually,	
it’s	a	big	problem.
I	think	in 1000	years,	maybe	100	yearsfrom	now,	this	entire	discussion	will	seem	
absurd,	like	arguing	about	whether	iron	is	a	good	thing	or	a	bad	thing.	We’ll	see	it	as	
just	the	way	the	world	is.	Our	bodies	are	going	to	be	semi-autonomous	components	
that	we	have	some	control	over,	in	an	ecosystem	that	combines	other	biological	and	
digital	semi-autonomous	components.	Everything	is	going	to	have	some	control	over	
and	be	controlled	by	other	things.	
Some	of	them	are	smarter	than	others,	some	are	more	autonomous	than	others,	
some	are	even	smarter	than	we	are	in	certain	ways,	some	have	positive	symbiotic	
relationships,	some	are	parasites.	The	boundaries	between	minds	and	bodies,	
between	natural	and	artificial,	and	between	human	and	non-human	will	have	been	
eroded.	Our	world	will	have	reconfigured	itself	around	assumptions	that	everything	is	
much	permeable	and	much	less	clearly	delineated	than	we	had	fooled	ourselves	into	
believing.	We	are	not	as	gods.	We	are,	and	always	have	been,	animals	in	an	
And	it	won’t	all	be	good.	There	will	probably	be	terrible	things	that	happen	to	
people’s	bodies,	minds	and	societies.	There	may	also,	hopefully,	be	good	things.
Image:	Camille	Pissarro,	“Shepherdesses,”	1887
This	is	the looking	glass	that	we’ve	made,	and	it’s	time	for	us	to	step	through,	and	
explore	the	field beyond,	because	we	have	no	choice	but	to	engage	with	it,	to	make	it	
be	what	we	want	it	to	be,	what	we	need	it	to	be,	because	it	is	not	androidswho	will	
dreaming	of	electric	sheep,	it	will	be	us.
Thank	you.

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