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Urban biking: Legends and stories
The Broletto was at the heart of the city life in the Middle Ages and still now it attracts locals and tourists
offering a combination of history, art and food experience.
Our cache will introduce you to a LEGEND about the place related to the origin of the city.
The story goes that, in the old times, on occasion of a Jubilee, a young man of royal origins was travelling
to Rome from the land of the Franks with his beautiful wife. The journey was long and quite exhausting
so they decided to stop for a few days in a place called Casaleggio (a village still existing nowadays, not
far from here). They were hosted for a few days by a noble family in their manor. There the beautiful lady
fell in love with a young nobleman, beginning a love affair.
While the husband was getting ready to leave and continue the journey to Rome, his wife was looking for
an excuse to remain in those lands with her lover, so she pretended she was sick. Her husband, who was
at the same time self-centered and naive, left for Rome by himself. But when he was on the way he kept
thinking about his poor wife, ill and lonely, and he felt guilty; so he suddenly decided to go back to her.
Unfortunately, once there he caught his wife in the arms of her young lover.
In order to run away from the husband‟s rage the two lovers sought refuge in a castle not far from there.
But the Frank nobleman found them: he was so mad that he set the castle to fire, and ordered his wife to
be burnt and her lover to be hanged.
In the old times this sort of things were quite normal, so the pope pardoned the Frank provided he would
have built a church in the name of the saints Gervasio and Protasio, in honour of the bishop of Milan, who
was the owner of the lands. The church was soon erected on a small hill between the rivers Agogna and
Terdoppio. And near the church a new town was established – its name was NOVARIA.
Of course this is just a story, reported by the historian Pietro Azario (1312-1366) as part of a propaganda
campaign on behalf of the Visconti family and their friends. Anyhow, it contributes to give a romantic
and dramatic twist to the story of the city.
From now on, when you cross the courtyard, give a glance to the two figures on the left end of the
frieze – you will remember what you have just read.
Some other historians have given a different meaning to the same two figures: they say that they portray a
soldier making love to his girl. The soldier is apparently leaving for war and the act was reckoned to bring
good luck and to propitiate victory over the enemies.
But the legend sounds much more intriguing, doesn‟t it?!
Now, have a look at the buildings around you and play with us: are you able to understand which Palace
is what? (you may need to read the Italian version of the text) If yes, you will get the HINT to find the
Be careful – the hint might be very useful since the coordinates might mislead you.
The cache is MAGNETIC
Il Broletto di Novara è un complesso architettonico medioevale costituito da quattro edifici storici sorti in
epoche diverse, con stili artistici differenti ma comunque in armonia, disposti a quadrilatero attorno ad un
cortile (o "Arengo") centrale. Vi si accede tramite un passaggio ad arco da Piazza della Repubblica (a
sud) ed un secondo arco da Corso Italia (a nord). Attualmente vi si tengono mostre ed esposizioni
temporanee e nel periodo estivo il cinema all'aperto. Il nome „Broletto deriva dal latino „Brolo‟ che
significa cortile. È stato il centro economico e sociale della città di Novara a partire dal Medioevo.
A NORD si trova l‟edificio più vecchio, il Palazzo dell’Arengo che risale al XIII secolo ed era la sede
del Consiglio di Giustizia, incaricato di giudicare le cause civili, mentre al piano superiore si trova un
ampio salone che veniva usato per le assemblee pubbliche; sulla facciata vi sono i resti di un fregio
pittorico risalente all'incirca al 1460 rappresentante stemmi e scene di episodi cavallereschi. A EST si
trova il Palazzo Paratici che apparteneva alle corporazioni artigiane, e nel XVIII secolo è stato ampliato
con un portico e una loggia. A SUD si trova il Palazzo della Podestà, il palazzo del capo magistrato della
città (ovvero la posizione più importante nel Medioevo). A OVEST si trova il Palazzo dei Referendari,
il palazzo degli ufficiali che lavoravano per il Podestà.
Il nobile tedesco, sua moglie e l'amante
La leggenda narra di un giovane tedesco di nobili origini diretto verso Roma in occasione del Giubileo,
insieme alla sua bellissima moglie. Il viaggio era lungo ed estenuante, per cui la coppia decide di fermarsi
per qualche giorno in un posto chiamato Casaleggio, ospitati da una famiglia nobile. La moglie si
innamora del nobile che la ospita. Mentre il marito si sta preparando per continuare il pellegrinaggio, la
consorte cerca una scusa per rimanere insieme al suo innamorato, dice quindi di essersi ammalata, per cui
suo marito prosegue il viaggio senza di lei, ma preso dal rimorso per aver abbandonato la sua povera
compagna, malata e sola, torna subito indietro: sfortunatamente, una volta tornato, trova i due amanti
insieme, i quali decidono di scappare in un castello vicino. Il marito però, riesci a trovarli dopo poco e
diede fuoco al castello, poi ordinò che sua moglie venne bruciata e che l‟amante venne impiccato. Nel
passato questo tipo di cose era abbastanza normale, per cui il Papa decide di perdonare l‟uomo a patto che
egli costruisse una chiesa per celebrare i Santi Gervasio e Protasio: la chiesa fu eretta su una collina tra le
rive dell‟Agogna e del Terdoppio e vicino alla chiesa nacque una citta: Novaria.
Se guardate al fregio situato nella parte alta del Palazzo dell'Arengo potete scoprire alcune figure
collegate alla storia che avete appena letto...
Nel passato, la piazza del Broletto era la sede di un mercato: le bancarelle erano posizionate tutte intorno,
i cronisti facevano i loro annunci su una pietra alta, sotto gli archi, il Consiglio della Giustizia faceva il
suo lavoro e i detenuti venivano condannati ed esposti alle umiliazioni del pubblico. Le tasse venivano
pagate sotto gli archi situati a nord e ogni quartiere del villaggio aveva il suo tavolo riconoscibile grazie ai
dei simboli (solitamente di animali).
Nel cortile si trova un pozzo: nel 1356 le truppe dei Marchesi del Monferrato occuparono la città, per cui
gli abitanti della città e dei villaggi vicini erano preoccupati che venissero imposte nuove tasse, quindi
attaccarono il Broletto, sequestrarono i documenti nei banchi dei notai e li buttarono dentro al pozzo.
If you want to know more about the place visit the following
page: you will find info, legends and
IBO E CAMPAGNA: caccia al tesoro nel parco del Bonfantini e dintorni
FOOD AND COUNTRYSIDE: treasure hunting in and around Bonfantini Park
Questa cache è il punto di partenza di una piccola caccia al tesoro che vi porterà ad esplorare il parco
botanico dell‟Istituto Bonfantini e i suoi dintorni e a conoscere/riconoscere alcune piante i cui prodotti
sono comunemente usati a scopo alimentare.
Sono necessari uno smartphone o un tablet, un'app per leggere i codici QR e la connessione a internet.
Più, ovviamente, buona volontà, spirito di osservazione e cervello acceso.
Il percorso è stato creato dal team Erasmus+ dell‟IPS Ravizza di Novara.
Questo percorso è suddiviso in 5 tappe + la tappa finale. In ogni tappa occorre trovare un QR nascosto e
prendere nota del numero "Remember me". Gli indizi per trovare i QR successivi sono forniti via via.
All‟ultima tappa troverai anche una cache reale nella quale è conservato il logbook sul quale potrai
segnare la tua visita.
TAPPA 1 - N 45° 29.619 E 008° 36.301
Ti trovi all‟ingresso del Giardino Spirituale.
Guardati intorno – la cache si trova al riparo di una pianta misteriosa:
 Sono una pianta sempreverde tipica della regione mediterranea.
 Spagna, Italia e Grecia sono i maggiori produttori dei miei frutti.
 Le mie specie sono state utilizzate per milioni di anni per usi religiosi, medici, culturali e
 Il mio fusto è contorto e la corteccia è di colore grigio.
Indizio: “sotto la roccia ho posto la mia dimora”
Al luogo misterioso si trova il QR 1 (Please, scan me: QR code n.1)
Quando avrai trovato il codice QR1, usa l'app per scannerizzarlo e andare al sito collegato.
Leggi attentamente il contenuto e rispondi alle seguenti domande.
1. L‟ulivo è una pianta originaria di:
a. Asia Minore
b. America
c. Europa
2. La fioritura dell‟ulivo avviene in:
a. Marzo - aprile
b. maggio - giugno
c. luglio - agosto
3. L‟acido grasso maggiormente presente nell‟olio
d‟oliva è:
a. L‟acido stearico
b. L‟acido linoleico
c. L‟acido oleico
Registra le tue risposte su Certitudes come nell‟esempio indicato: 1a2b3c senza spazi tra lettere e numeri
tutto minuscolo
Se le risposte sono esatte troverai le coordinate per la tappa successiva – TAPPA 2 alla quale cercare il
prossimo QR (QR2) Il numero 9 ti potrebbe servire.
You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
Ora che sei giunto qui devi trovare il QR2. Quando l'avrai trovato, usa l'app per scannerizzarlo e andare al
sito collegato.
Leggi attentamente il contenuto e rispondi alle seguenti domande:
1. La principale regione italiana produttrice di
mele è:
a. Sicilia
b. Trentino
c. Piemonte
2. Quale sostanza ad azione vitaminica è
abbondante nelle pesche:
a. Vitamina D
b. Vitamina C
c. Provitamina A
3. Quale di queste sostanze presenti nell‟uva ha
potere anti ossidante:
a. Zuccheri
b. Polifenoli
c. Sali minerali
Registra le tue risposte su Certitudes come nell‟esempio indicato: 1a2b3c senza spazi tra lettere e numeri
tutto minuscolo
Se le risposte sono esatte troverai le coordinate per la tappa successiva – TAPPA 3 alla quale cercare il
prossimo QR (QR3).
You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
Ora che sei giunto qui devi trovare il QR3. Quando l'avrai trovato, usa l'app per scannerizzarlo e andare al
sito collegato.
Leggi attentamente il contenuto e rispondi alle seguenti domande:
1. Il fiore del riso è detto:
a. Pannocchia
b. Spiga
c. Glumetta
2. Il mais è un cereale originario:
a. Dell‟Africa
b. Della Cina
c. Del Messico
3. I lipidi sono presenti in maggiore quantità:
a. Nel mais
b. Nel riso
c. I lipidi non sono presenti in questi cereali
Registra le tue risposte su Certitudes come nell‟esempio indicato: 1a2b3c senza spazi tra lettere e numeri
tutto minuscolo
Se le risposte sono esatte troverai le coordinate per la tappa successiva – TAPPA 4 alla quale cercare il
prossimo QR (QR4). You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
indizio aggiuntivo per trovare il luogo esatto:
“ora sui tuoi passi tornare dovrai,
le terre di brughiera attraverserai,
segui la freccia per il querco-ulmeto,
vai verso la pianta che decora il Natale,
sulla sua destra mi troverai,
come Adamo ed Eva delle mie foglie un costume puoi fare.
Se veramente mi hai individuato un buon riposo ti sei meritato,
guardati intorno: dove ti siedi?
Due sempreverdi guardiani ti indicheranno dove riposare i piedi!”
Ora che sei giunto qui devi trovare il QR4. Quando l'avrai trovato, usa l'app per scannerizzarlo e andare al
sito collegato.
Leggi attentamente il contenuto e rispondi alle seguenti domande:
1. Il fico era un albero sacro per:
a. I Babilonesi
b. I Maya
c. I Greci
2. La forma maschile della pianta di fico è
a. Caprifoglio
b. Caprifico
c. Siconio
3. I fichi sono molto ricchi di:
a. Magnesio e potassio
b. Sodio e manganese
c. Ferro e fosforo
Registra le tue risposte su Certitudes come nell‟esempio indicato: 1a2b3c senza spazi tra lettere e numeri
tutto minuscolo
Se le risposte sono esatte troverai le coordinate per la tappa successiva – TAPPA 5.
You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
indizio aggiuntivo per trovare il luogo esatto:
“verso la partenza devi ora andare,
al punto di ritrovo mi devi cercare
perché da qui mi puoi ben ammirare"
Ora che sei giunto qui devi trovare il QR5. Quando l'avrai trovato, usa l'app per scannerizzarlo e andare al
sito collegato.
Leggi attentamente il contenuto e risolvi l‟indovinello:
“ora veramente ti dovrai impegnare,
se finalmente la tua cache vuoi validare:
cereali, frutta, noci e olio d‟oliva sono in contemporanea
alimenti tipici della dieta ………. “
Per validare la cache e ricevere le coordinate per il punto finale registra su Certitudes, senza spazi tra
lettere e tutto minuscolo, la risposta all'indovinello seguita, nell'ordine di ritrovamento, dai numeri
"Remember me" che ti sono stati forniti nelle diverse tappe.
You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
buon finale di Geocaching!!!
team Ravizza
FOOD AND COUNTRYSIDE: treasure hunt in and around Bonfantini Park
Food and Countryside - INTRO
This cache is the starting point of a short treasure hunt that will take you to explore the botanical garden
of the Bonfantini Institute and its surroundings and to recognize some plants whose products are
commonly used in food preparations.
You need a smartphone or a tablet, an app to read QR codes and internet connection. In addition, you
need goodwill, spirit of observation, and brain in the “on” mode!
The trail was created by the Ravizza Erasmus+ team from Novara.
It is divided into 5 stages + a final stage.
At each stage you need to find a hidden QR and take note of the REMEMBER ME NUMBER, which you
will need to get to the final hidden spot.
Once you find the QR, use it to get to the webpage with the key information and do the quiz here. If your
answers are correct, you will get the hint to move on to the next step.
At the last stage you will also find a real cache in which the logbook is kept. There you can finally LOG
your visit.
STAGE ONE N 45 ° 29.619 E 008 ° 36.301
You are at the entrance to the Spiritual Garden.
Look around - the cache is sheltered by a mysterious plant:
 I am an evergreen plant typical of the Mediterranean region.
 Spain, Italy and Greece are the biggest producers of my fruits.
 My species have been used for millions of years for religious, medical, cultural and food uses.
 My stem is twisted and my bark is gray.
Additional HINT
"Under a rock I hide and sleep"
At the mysterious place you will find QR 1 (Please, scan me: QR code n.1)
When you find the QR1, use the app to scan it and go to the linked site.
Read the text carefully and answer the following questions:
1. The olive tree is a plant native from:
a. The Middle East
b. America
c. Europe
2. The blossoming of the olive tree takes place in
a. March April
b. May June
c. July August
3. The fatty acid mostly present in olive oil is the:
a. Stearic acid
b. Linoleic acid
c. Oleic acid
Validate your answers on Certitudes as in the example shown:
1a2b3c (without spaces between letters and numbers, all lowercase)
If the answers are correct you will find the coordinates for the next stage – STAGE 2 where you can
search for the next QR (QR2). You might need number 9.
You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
Additional HINT
“Search by sweet and juicy gifts; on a golden pole it fits”
Now that you are here, you have to find QR2. When you find it, use the app to scan it and go to the linked
site. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions:
1. The main Italian apple-producing region is:
a. Sicily
b. Trentino
c. Piedmont
2. Which substance with a vitaminic action is
abundant in peaches:
a. Vitamin D
b. Vitamin C
c. Provitamin A
3. Which of these substances, present in grapes,
has an anti-oxidant power:
a. Sugars
b. Polyphenols
c. Mineral salts
Validate your answers on Certitudes as in the example shown:
1a2b3c (without spaces between letters and numbers, all lowercase)
If the answers are correct you will find the coordinates for the next stage – STAGE 3 where you can
search for the next QR (QR3).
You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
Additional HINT
“Head southward and walk, a cage with weeds is my home”
Now that you are here, you have to find QR3. When you find it, use the app to scan it and go to the linked
site. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions:
1. The rice flower is called:
a. Cob
b. Spike
c. Glume
2. Corn is original from:
a. Africa
b. China
c. Mexico
3. Lipids are present in greater quantities:
a. In corn
b. In rice
c. Lipids are not present in these cereals
Validate your answers on Certitudes as in the example shown:
1a2b3c (without spaces between letters and numbers, all lowercase)
If the answers are correct you will find the coordinates for the next stage – STAGE 4 where you can
search for the next QR (QR4).
You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
Additional HINT
“Go back to where you came from;
Cross the moorland and go on.
Follow the sign towards a quiet place;
Find a Christmas holly and look right -
like Adam and Eve, from these leaves garments you can make.
Rest here for a short while, sit and smile –
your treasure will be waiting, under a safe shelter hiding.” -
Now that you are here, you have to find QR4. When you find it, use the app to scan it and go to the linked
site. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions:
1. The fig tree was a sacred tree for:
a. The Babylonians
b. The Maya
c. The Greeks
2. The masculine form of the fig plant is called:
a. Honeysuckle
b. Caprifig
c. Syconium
3. Figs are very rich in:
a. Magnesium and potassium
b. Sodium and manganese
c. Iron and phosphorus
Validate your answers on Certitudes as in the example shown:
1a2b3c (without spaces between letters and numbers, all lowercase)
If the answers are correct you will find the coordinates for STAGE 5 where you can search for the next
QR (QR5).
You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
Additional HINT
"It‟s time to leave now
Find the meeting place together
Admire me and be content
A final effort will take you to the end”
Now that you are here, you have to find QR5. When you find it, use the app to scan it and go to the linked
Read carefully and solve the riddle:
“If you want to get to the mystery spot, find the cache and finally log,
Stay focused and think:
Cereals, fruits, nuts, and olive oil are all part of the ………………………… diet.”
Validate your answers on Certitudes without spaces between letters and all lowercase: you should write
the answer to the riddle followed by the REMEMBER ME NUMBERS in the order you found them.
Example: yellow36284
Be careful! The word is in Italian!!!
If the answer is correct, you will find the coordinates for THE FINAL STAGE.
You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
Now run!!!
Neoclassicism in Novara (PDF VERSION TO DOWNLOAD)
This is an educational art trail devised by teachers and students from IPS Ravizza, Novara, as part of the
The trail is meant to help players to understand the main features of neoclassical architecture and to see
the way architect Alessandro Antonelli‟s works helped turning Novara into a modern city
FOLLOW THE TRAIL AND TAKE NOTES OF YOUR REPLIES either on your cell phone or on a
piece of paper or notebook.
There will be 5 points of interest and 14 questions to answer while touring and observing.
At the end of your tour you will be directed to an interactive webpage where you will be able to upload
your replies (you can do it right on the spot or go back to it once you are at home). If your answers are
correct you can take a screenshot of the final page and bring it to your teacher.
In order to prove you have done the trail yourself, bring also a photo of you in front of each point of
interest J.
If you are not a students and you would like to play for fun, you are very much welcomed to do it.
You can also post comments on our Facebook page: Ravizza Geocaching
Romanesque style: When the Saints Go Marching In
The Church of all Saints (early 12th century) is the only church in the city in the Romanesque style that
survived destruction and changes.
It is a simple three-nave building, with four bays each, a semicircular choir and an elegant and exquisite
octagonal lantern lit by lancet windows.
Inside the church there are traces of frescoes from the 15th century including a Madonna del Latte
attributed to Giovanni de Campo.
The current appearance of the church is the result of renovations made in the 1950s that cleared the heavy
Baroque adaptations, restoring the building to its original Romanesque style.
ALL SAINTS' CHURCH is the ideal starting point to understand the main features of Romanesque
Art in Northern Italy.
The cache is hidden by the church. The area can be quite busy on school days since the Art School of the
City has its headquarters just opposite the small street.
When the church is open you can enter, explore and learn by following a TRAIL designed by students
from Ravizza Secondary School: see
La Chiesa di Ognissanti (inizio del XII secolo) è l'unica chiesa della città in stile romanicosopravvissuta
alla distruzione e ai cambiamenti.
Si tratta di un semplice edificio a tre navate, con quattro campate ciascuna, un coro semicircolare e
un'elegante e squisita lanterna ottagonale illuminata da finestre a lancetta.
All'interno della chiesa ci sono tracce di affreschi del XV secolo tra cui una Madonna del Latte attribuita
a Giovanni da Campo.
L'aspetto attuale della chiesa è il risultato di ristrutturazioni fatte negli anni '50 che hanno eliminato i
pesanti adattamenti barocchi, riportando l'edificio al suo originale stile romanico.
La Chiesa è il punto di partenza ideale per comprendere le principali caratteristiche dell'arte romanica nel
nord Italia.
La cache è nascosta vicino alla chiesa. L'area può essere abbastanza trafficata nei giorni di scuola, dal
momento che il Liceo Artistico della città ha sede proprio di fronte all‟ingresso della chiesa.
Quando la chiesa è aperta si può entrare, esplorare e imparare seguendo un PERCORSO progettato dagli
studenti dell‟Istituto IPS Ravizza: vedi
Cache diseñado especialmente para el programa Erasmus + „Minds on the move‟ pero abierto
igualmente a cualquiera que quiera buscarlo.
Primer cache de una serie de caches ubicados en lugares pintorescos de la ciudad de Loja. El lugar tiene
unas bonitas vistas de la ciudad y cerca de unos antiguos restos religiosos.
Pistas adicionales (Encrypt)
Ry pnpur rfgá rfpbaqvqb ra ha zheb qr oybdhrf qr ubezvtóa fvghnqb whagb n yn inyyn dhr qryvzvgn ynf
gbeergnf qr gryrpbzhavpnpvbarf.
Fv ivfhnyvmnf yn sbgb qr ynf pehprf, fr raphragen whfgb ra ry zheb dhr fr ir rager nzonf pehprf.
Clave para Desencriptar
(la letra de arriba equivale a la de abajo, y viceversa)
El cache está escondido en un muro de bloques de hormigón situado junto a la valla que delimita las
torretas de telecomunicaciones.
Si visualizas la foto de las cruces, se encuentra justo en el muro que se ve entre ambas cruces.
Este es un geocache especialmente diseñado para el proyecto Erasmus + „Minds on the move‟ pero
igualmente abierto a cualquiera que quiera buscarlo.
Este segundo lugar es especialmente bonito, no tanto por sus vistas, si no por su aspecto paradisiaco.
Para conseguir las coordenadas finales deberás resolver el siguiente enigma.
„‟ E****** „‟
Cada asterisco se corresponde con la inicial de los diferentes países que forman parte del proyecto.
La posición correcta de cada inicial deberá ser colocado en orden creciente de distancia entre la capital de
España y las capitales de los restantes 6 países.
Pincha en el enlace para mandar tu solución y recibir las coordenadas.
Puedes validar la solución a tu puzzle con certitude.
Pistas adicionales (Desencriptar)
Ny onwne han rfpnyren cbe fh cnegr qrerpun unl ha onapb qr znqren qbaqr cbqre fragnefr l qvfsehgne qry
snagáfgvpb yhtne habf zvahgbf. Han irm fragnqb ra rfr onapb, ry pnpur rfgneá fvghnqb whfgb ra ry zheb
dhr dhrqn n gh rfcnyqn.
Clave para Desencriptar
(la letra de arriba equivale a la de abajo, y viceversa)
Al bajar una escalera por su parte derecha hay un banco de madera donde poder sentarse y disfrutar del
fantástico lugar unos minutos. Una vez sentado en ese banco, el cache estará situado justo en el muro que
queda a tu espalda.
Este es un geocache especialmente diseñado para el proyecto Erasmus + „Minds on the move‟ pero
igualmente abierto a cualquiera que quiera buscarlo.
Este tercer cache nos localiza la ubicación de una de tantas cuevas que rodean la ciudad de Loja.
Pequeñas, minusculas o grandes, hay casi una decena que se pueden visitar.
Pero para obtener las coordenadas tendrás que resolver este pequeño acertijo...
Cuando tengas la respuesta, obtendrás las coordenadas finales pinchando aqui...
Puedes validar la solución a tu puzzle con certitude.
Pistas adicionales (Desencriptar)
Ra ynf prepnaínf qr yn phrin unl inevbf nyzraqeóf. Ry pnpur rfgá rfpbaqvqb whfgb ra yn onfr qr hab qr
ryybf, whfgb ra ha uhrpb dhr dhrqn onwb han cvrqen, bphygb cbe hanf ubwnf.ra ynf sbgbf qr yn tnyrevn
fr chrqr bofreine ry ryzraqeb ra phrfgvóa.
Clave para Desencriptar
(la letra de arriba equivale a la de abajo, y viceversa)
En las cercanías de la cueva hay varios almendrós. El cache está escondido justo en la base de uno de
ellos, justo en un hueco que queda bajo una piedra, oculto por unas hojas.en las fotos de la galeria se
puede observar el elmendro en cuestión.
Este es un geocache especialmente diseñado para el proyecto Erasmus + „Minds on the Move‟ pero
igualmente abierto a cualquiera que quiera buscarlo.
Este es el primero de una serie de microcaches repartidos por las plazas mas
concurridas de la ciudad de Loja. Plazas donde la gente de todas la edades, pero sobre
todo gente joven, comparten conversaciones, vivencias y experiencias en los ratillos
de ocio y disfrute.
La idea es brindar a todo aquel que quiera tomar parte de esta busqueda de una actividad mas sumadas a
las anteriores... el geocahing.
Los caches estan especialmente diseñados e integrados en el mobiliario urbano.
Esta primera plaza, solía ser centro neurálgico de la ciudad de Loja y punto de encuentro cuando no había
teléfonos móviles y simplimente querías quedar con alguien.
El cache puede ser identificado por el logotipo oficial del proyecto "Minds on the Move"
Asociado a este cache , puedes encontrar otro. Obtén mas informacion en
Pistas adicionales (Desencriptar)
Zntarg / Magnet
Clave para Desencriptar
(la letra de arriba equivale a la de abajo, y viceversa)
Este es el segundo de una serie de microcaches repartidos por las plazas mas concurridas de la ciudad de
Loja. Plazas donde la gente de todas la edades, pero sobre todo gente joven, comparten conversaciones,
vivencias y experiencias en los ratillos de ocio y disfrute.
La idea es brindar a todo aquel que quiera tomar parte de esta busqueda de una actividad mas sumadas a
las anteriores... el geocahing.
Los caches estan especialmente diseñados e integrados en el mobiliario urbano.
Esta segunda plaza es un referente hoy día para la gente que quiere disfrutar de un rato agradable en
compañia de amigos. Quien mas o quien menos en Loja habrá pasado muchas horas en las largas tardes
de verano comiendo pipas o algún polo-flash o preguntandose que puñetas significan los simbolos que
hay repartidos por toda la plaza.
El logo del proyecto será visible y permitirá encontrar este cache.
Pistas adicionales (Desencriptar)
Zntaégvpb / Magnético
Clave para Desencriptar
N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (la letra de arriba equivale a la de abajo, y viceversa)
Este es el tercero de una serie de microcaches repartidos por las plazas mas concurridas de la ciudad de
Loja. Plazas donde la gente de todas la edades, pero sobre todo gente joven, comparten conversaciones,
vivencias y experiencias en los ratillos de ocio y disfrute.
La idea es brindar a todo aquel que quiera tomar parte de esta busqueda de una actividad mas sumadas a
las anteriores... el geocahing. Los caches estan especialmente diseñados e integrados en el mobiliario
urbano. Este tercer cache está diseñado para ser extraido de su ubicación suavemente, sin ejercer ningún
tipo de fuerza.
El logo del proyecto estará visible para poder idetificarlo.
Pistas adicionales (Desencriptar)
[El reto de este cache está en encontrarlo ya que esta camuflado, si aún así quieres usar la pista...]
Craqvat!!! / pending
(la letra de arriba equivale a la de abajo, y viceversa)
Multicache en Zagra y Ventorros para descubrir una receta dividida en varios caches / Multicache in
Zagra and Ventorros to find out a recipe divided in several caches.
Los tres primeros caches se sitúan en Ventorros y en ellos se encuentran los ingredientes de la receta; en
los tres últimos, situados en Zagra, se explica la elaboración. En el último cache se desvela la comida y se
recomienda un lugar cercano para degustarla. Una estupenda forma para hacer Geocaching mientras
descubres la gastronomía típica andaluza y visitas el paisaje. / The three first caches are placed in
Ventorros and contain the ingredients for the recipe; the three last, placed in Zagra, explain the
elaboration. The food is revealed in the last cache y we recommend a nearby place to try it. A fantastic
way to do Geocaching meanwhile you discover the tipical andalusian gastronomy and visit the place.
Discover Loja views from 5 of this touristic viewpoints. This Multicache trip is an Ies Moraima's
propouse as a part of its Erasmus+ proyect, in which people from six different countries will learn the
History and find out the best views of the city where the will be taken in for a week.
El recorrido, aunque largo, vale totalmente la pena. Los cachers, en esta ocasión no solo deberán buscar el
cache en cada uno de los miradores, sino que una vez encontrados deberán resolver un acertijo que les
dará la localización del siguiente lugar donde deben buscar. Mientras buscáis, no olvidéis levantar la
cabeza de la pantalla y contemplar las iglesias y estatuas que encontraréis por el camino, y si os sobra
tiempo, ¿por qué no probar uno de los tradicionales Roscos de Loja?
The trip, despite being long, is totally worth. This time, cachers won't only have to look for the cache in
each viewpoint, but they will also have to solve a ridle to find out the location of the next place where
they have to look for. While you are looking for, don't forget to lift your head from the screen and look at
the churches and statues you will find during the trip, and if you have time after finishing, why not to
taste one of the tipical Loja's donut?
What's the answer for the first cache's riddle?
Puedes validar la solución a tu puzzle con certitude.
Sylvania's viewpoint question: How many people are there in the statues?
Puedes validar la solución a tu puzzle con certitude.
Alcazaba's viewpoint question: how many steps are there in the stairway?
Puedes validar la solución a tu puzzle con certitude.
Geocache Description:
Este cache forma parte del proyecto Erasmus+ Minds on the Move, pero puede buscarlo cualquiera.
Gracias a él puedes ver la magnífica Villa Romana donde se han encontrado restos de hace varios siglos
como mosaicos, esculturas o pinturas; mientras pasas un buen rato.
This cache is part of the Erasmus + Minds on the Move project, but anyone can find it.
Thanks to him you could see the magnificent Roman Villa, where rests of several centuries ago have been
found like mosaics, sculptures or paintings; while you have a good time.
Additional Hints (Decrypt)
Arne gur fvta naq lbhe srrg.
Decryption Key
(letter above equals below, and vice versa)
1. Starting point of the tour: Granada cathedral.
We start our tour in the most religious and social
core of Granada, an outstanding place since the city
conquer by the Catholic Kings. The cathedral was
built where the Mayor Mosque in the Muslim times
was founded.
1) What is its architectural style?
a. Elizabethan-Gothic
b. Baroque
c. Mudejar
2) The author of this work is
represented in a nearby statue,
which gives its name to the
a. Pedro de Machueca
b. Miguel Ángel
c. Alonso Cano
2. The Royal Chapel is at one side of the Cathedral
and you can have access to it through both the
inside and outside of this. It is where the Catholic
Kings’ son and daughter, Elizabeth I of Castile and
Ferdinand II of Aragon, are buried. The architecture
is Elizabethan-Gothic, especially remarkable for the
abundance of ornaments in the crestings and pinnacles.
1) In the first part of the crestings,
you can see the heraldic motifs
allusive to the kings, who are
buried there, in the
a. Flowers and jars
b. The initial letters of the
Catholic king and queen
c. Angels and demons
2) There, apart from the remains of
Isabel I of Castile and Ferdinand
the Catholic, there are also those
a. Their daughter Joanna the
Mad and her husband
Phillip the handsome and
Miguel da Paz, prince of
Portugal and grandson of
the Catholic Kings
b. The infants of Aragon
c. Boabdil, last Muslim king.
3) On top of the remains of Isabel I of Castile and Fernando II of Aragon that lie
here, there are also:
a. a.those of her daughter Juana the mad and
those of her husband, the beautiful Felipe, as
well as those of the infant Miguel of the
Peace of Portugal, grandson of the Catholic kings.
b. b.The infants of Aragon.
c. c.Boabdil
3. In Plaza Nueva, one of the most important and
bustling places of Granada there is a Renaissance palace. The
Catholic kings created the royal audience and “Chancilleria”
and established it as a judicial body. After the conquest of the
city of Granada it was decided to locate in this city. It was the
first building that was built to house a court of law.
1) On the sides of the large central
balcony, seated in the pediment
a. .A statue of the kings.
b. Justice and fortress under
the royal shield.
c. The virgin of the anguish.
2) The cover is a semicircular arch
surrounded by Corinthian
columns on pedestals. Above the
columns there is a straight
fronton with an inscription.
a. Felipe II and the date of
construction of the
b. The prisoners who were
executed in 1492.
c. a poem by Garcia Lorca
4. In front of the “chancilleria”, there is a fountain. The pillar was attached
to a house, in the place where a small square opened, in front of a
guest house. It was used as an animal trough and water supply for the
neighbors of the neighborhood.
1) Its name refers to an animal that
is represented by:
a. a gazelle’s head.
b. a dog’s head.
c. a bull’s head.
2) The frontis is finished with a
triangular cornice in whose
center it emphasizes:
a. The shield of the city of
b. a crucifix.
c. a wreath of flowers
5. Going up the hill Gomerez to Alhambra and before come into the most
important Granada’s forest we arrive at triumphal arch-door that P.
Machuca built to commemorate the arrival of Carlos V to Granada.
1) The name of the door is due to
a. Two allegories of peace.
b. Three grenades
decorating the lintel.
c. Two angels in procession.
2) The triangular eardrum
represents a coat of arms of the
Emperor Charles V that
a. Two savages.
b. Two allegories: of peace
and abundance.
c. Two faeries faucets.
6. We come into
Alhambra’s forest; we’ll reach the heart of the Muslim Granada, palatal city
of the nazarí kingdom, the last Islamic stronghold in the Iberian peninsula.
The gateway The Gate of Justice, Bad al-Sharia, is one of the four gates
than give entrance to the palatial site of the Alhambra.
1) In this door they emphasize
some of the most well-known
symbols of the culture
alhambreña in the great arc of
the facade.
a. A colossal giant.
b. An open hand with your
forearm and a tasseled
c. A commemorative
2) To reach the other side of the
door, you have to cross four
inner corners which are covered
by vaults:
a. of edges
b. semicircular
c. lobed
7. Already inside the enclosure we are in the Alhambra. It is a group
of palaces, gardens and fortress that housed a true citadel within the
city of Granada itself that served like lodging to the monarch and to the
court of the Nazarí Kingdom of Granada. Its true appeal, as in other
Muslim works of the time, lies not only in the interiors, whose
decoration is among the summits of Andalusian art, but also in its
location and adaptation, generating a new landscape but totally
integrated with the preexisting nature.
In the same center of the enclosure we go to the Palace of Charles V.
Called this way because it was built at the beginning as the residence of
Emperor Charles. His architect was Pedro de Machuca in 1542.
His style is renaissance. Is located next to the Nazarí Palace of
Comares, what supposes a great contrast with the Islamic architecture of
the surroundings.
1) In all the perimeter of the
building they emphasize
some rings of bronze with a
decorative function:
a. 5 gold rings
b. 40 bronze rings
c. 100 stone rings
2) On the front door, in the
pediment are:
a. Two reclining woman
winged statues
b. The horse of the
c. A virgin
Huétor Tajar enigma geocache (Waiting for publication)
Personal Cache Note
Este geocache está situado en Huétor Tajar,una pequeña ciudad de Granada, pero si quieres conocer sus
coordenadas primero tendrás que resolver un enigma: observa las puertas del estadio de fútbol, están
rodeadas por unas figuras geométricas; cuenta cuántas hay y multiplícalas por el número de puertas para
obtener el resultado This geocache is situated in HuétorTajar, a little city of Granada, but if you really
want to know the exactly coordinates, first of all you will must resolve an enigma: look at the football
stadium´s doors, these entries surrounded by some geometrics figure, count how many figures are, then
multiply its by the number of doors there are in order to get the result.
Geocache Description:
Puedes validar la solución a tu puzzle con certitude.
Solution checker
N 37° 11.929 W 0
CACHE DE LA CRUZ: more than hiking in the mountain
This cache was the perfect excuse to plan and experience a CITO activity with our younger students. Here
you have a prezi presentation about it.
Loja is known as the city of water and the Spanish team has created three different caches based on
relevant places related with water in our town.
Geocache Description:
Este cache es parte del programa Erasmus +, Geocaching in and out of the classroom - Minds on the
Move. Este cache es el primero de una trilogía la cual trata sobre el agua, ya que esta abunda en la
pequeña ciudad de Loja.
Está situado cerca del ayuntamiento. El cache no se encuentra exactamente al lado de la fuente, sino que
está escondido en un radio de unos 5 metros.
Mucho cuidado al cogerlo!!!
This cache is part of the Erasmus + project, Geocaching in and out of the classroom - Minds on the Move.
This cache is the first from a triology which is about the water, because there is a lot of it in the small city
of Loja.
It is located near the town hall. The cache is not exactly found next to the fountain, it is hidden in a radius
of 5 meters.
Take care when taking it out!!!
Additional Hints (Decrypt)
Qrageb qr yn pnwn zrgáyvpn.
Vafvqr gur zrgnyvp obk.
Decryption Key
(letter above equals below, and vice versa)
Geocache Description:
También este cache es parte del proyecto Erasmus +, Geocaching in and out of the classroom - Minds on
the Move. Al igual que el primer cache de esta triología, se encuentra en Loja, en concreto en un lugar
cercano al museo del agua, aproximadamente a unos 15 metros de la entrada del museo.
This is also a cache part of our Eramus + project, Geocaching in and out of the classroom - Minds on the
Move. As same as the first cache of this triology, it is in Loja, specific in a nearby place to the water
museum, approximately at 15 meters from the museum entrance.
Additional Hints (Decrypt)
N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (letter above equals below, and vice versa)
Geocache Description:
Minds on the Move. As same as the third cache of this triology, it is in Loja, it is situated nearby a
fountain call Fuente Santa and the is a bit separarated, about 10 metres around
Additional Hints (Decrypt)
Or pnershyy jvgu gur ebpxf
Decryption Key
(letter above equals below, and vice versa)
Geocache Description:
Este nuevo cache se ha creado para celebrar el 30 aniversario de los programas Erasmus, gracias a los
cuales la actividad del "Geocaching"· llegó a nuestro pueblo. Durante dos años hemos trabajado en un
proyecto llamado: "Geocaching in and out of the Classroom - Minds on the Move" junto con 6 países
europeos más que también han desarrollado esta actividad en sus ciudades: Novara (Italia), Tesalónica
(Grecia), Bollène (Francia), Sintra (Portugal), Vilnius (Lituania) y Kielce (Polonia). Esperamos que os
guste visitar nuestro pueblo y descubrir este precioso cache en plena naturaleza.
This new cache has been created to celebrate the 30th anninversary of the Eramus + programs, thanks to
it this activity of "Geocaching" came to our town. For two years, we have been working on a project
called - "Geocaching in and out of the Classroom - Minds on the Move" together with 6 more European
countries that have developed this activity in their towns: Novara (Italy), Tesalónica (Greece), Bollène
(France), Sintra (Portugal), Vilnius (Lithuania) y Kielce (Poland). We hope you enjoy visiting our town
and discover this nice cache in the wild.
Additional Hints (Decrypt)
Fv ab inf pba pbzcnñín, arprfvgneáf hab qr ybf zhpubf cnybf dhr chrqrf rapbagene nyerqrqbe. Vs lbh tb
ba lbhe bja, lbh znl arrq bar bs gur fgvpxf gung lbh'yy svaq nebhaq.
Decryption Key
(letter above equals below, and vice versa)
We are really into geocaching and it has been created a new club at the school so that this project can
continue alive after its end in Novembre 2018. In order to practice in a safe way before going out of
the school. The Erasmus team has created a trail inside the school which is not obviously published,
but it can be very useful to teach our students to go geocaching. We have tried it twice and it has
always been a great success.
Viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018
Caches IES Moraima
1- COORDENADAS: N 37° 10.516’ / W 4° 8.456’
• Descripción: se trata de un cache físico de tamaño micro, de color rosa con forma de huevo.
2- COORDENADAS: N 37° 10.490’ / W 4° 8.386’
• Descripción: cache de tamaño micro, se caracteriza por ser magnético.
3- COORDENADAS: N 37° 10.515’ / W 4° 8.384’
• Descripción: es un microcache con forma cilíndrica.
• 4- COORDENADAS: N 37° 10.495’ / W 4° 8.353’
• Descripción: al igual que el segundo se trata de un microcache con forma rectangular y
****En cada cache encontrarás una pista que te
llevará a un cache final.
• El cache final solamente podrá ser encontrado recopilando la información incluida en los
caches anteriores.
COORDENADAS CIFRADAS: N 37º 10. AC4 / W 04º 08. B9D
(***Para facilitar la búsqueda puedes usar las pistas que se incluyen en la parte de atrás de
este folio, pero solamente si es estrictamente necesario.)
• Pista 1: lo encontrarás cerca del suelo.
• Pista 2: el agua es vida.
• Pista 3: tira y afloja.
• Pista 4: es hora de irse a casa.
• Pista cache final: busca dentro de un A* U B* C* D* B* C* O (Las letras con asterisco
deberán ser sustituidas por otras que encontrarás en los caches 1, 2, 3 y 4.)

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Our caches ii

  • 2. ITALY TOURISM Urban biking: Legends and stories The Broletto was at the heart of the city life in the Middle Ages and still now it attracts locals and tourists offering a combination of history, art and food experience. Our cache will introduce you to a LEGEND about the place related to the origin of the city. THE NOBLE FRANK, THE LADY AND HER LOVER The story goes that, in the old times, on occasion of a Jubilee, a young man of royal origins was travelling to Rome from the land of the Franks with his beautiful wife. The journey was long and quite exhausting so they decided to stop for a few days in a place called Casaleggio (a village still existing nowadays, not far from here). They were hosted for a few days by a noble family in their manor. There the beautiful lady fell in love with a young nobleman, beginning a love affair. While the husband was getting ready to leave and continue the journey to Rome, his wife was looking for an excuse to remain in those lands with her lover, so she pretended she was sick. Her husband, who was at the same time self-centered and naive, left for Rome by himself. But when he was on the way he kept thinking about his poor wife, ill and lonely, and he felt guilty; so he suddenly decided to go back to her. Unfortunately, once there he caught his wife in the arms of her young lover. In order to run away from the husband‟s rage the two lovers sought refuge in a castle not far from there. But the Frank nobleman found them: he was so mad that he set the castle to fire, and ordered his wife to be burnt and her lover to be hanged. In the old times this sort of things were quite normal, so the pope pardoned the Frank provided he would have built a church in the name of the saints Gervasio and Protasio, in honour of the bishop of Milan, who was the owner of the lands. The church was soon erected on a small hill between the rivers Agogna and Terdoppio. And near the church a new town was established – its name was NOVARIA. Of course this is just a story, reported by the historian Pietro Azario (1312-1366) as part of a propaganda campaign on behalf of the Visconti family and their friends. Anyhow, it contributes to give a romantic and dramatic twist to the story of the city. From now on, when you cross the courtyard, give a glance to the two figures on the left end of the frieze – you will remember what you have just read. Some other historians have given a different meaning to the same two figures: they say that they portray a soldier making love to his girl. The soldier is apparently leaving for war and the act was reckoned to bring good luck and to propitiate victory over the enemies. But the legend sounds much more intriguing, doesn‟t it?! Now, have a look at the buildings around you and play with us: are you able to understand which Palace is what? (you may need to read the Italian version of the text) If yes, you will get the HINT to find the cache.
  • 3. Be careful – the hint might be very useful since the coordinates might mislead you. PLAY (QUIZ): The cache is MAGNETIC ----------------------------------------------- Il Broletto di Novara è un complesso architettonico medioevale costituito da quattro edifici storici sorti in epoche diverse, con stili artistici differenti ma comunque in armonia, disposti a quadrilatero attorno ad un cortile (o "Arengo") centrale. Vi si accede tramite un passaggio ad arco da Piazza della Repubblica (a sud) ed un secondo arco da Corso Italia (a nord). Attualmente vi si tengono mostre ed esposizioni temporanee e nel periodo estivo il cinema all'aperto. Il nome „Broletto deriva dal latino „Brolo‟ che significa cortile. È stato il centro economico e sociale della città di Novara a partire dal Medioevo. A NORD si trova l‟edificio più vecchio, il Palazzo dell’Arengo che risale al XIII secolo ed era la sede del Consiglio di Giustizia, incaricato di giudicare le cause civili, mentre al piano superiore si trova un ampio salone che veniva usato per le assemblee pubbliche; sulla facciata vi sono i resti di un fregio pittorico risalente all'incirca al 1460 rappresentante stemmi e scene di episodi cavallereschi. A EST si trova il Palazzo Paratici che apparteneva alle corporazioni artigiane, e nel XVIII secolo è stato ampliato con un portico e una loggia. A SUD si trova il Palazzo della Podestà, il palazzo del capo magistrato della città (ovvero la posizione più importante nel Medioevo). A OVEST si trova il Palazzo dei Referendari, il palazzo degli ufficiali che lavoravano per il Podestà. Il nobile tedesco, sua moglie e l'amante La leggenda narra di un giovane tedesco di nobili origini diretto verso Roma in occasione del Giubileo, insieme alla sua bellissima moglie. Il viaggio era lungo ed estenuante, per cui la coppia decide di fermarsi per qualche giorno in un posto chiamato Casaleggio, ospitati da una famiglia nobile. La moglie si innamora del nobile che la ospita. Mentre il marito si sta preparando per continuare il pellegrinaggio, la consorte cerca una scusa per rimanere insieme al suo innamorato, dice quindi di essersi ammalata, per cui suo marito prosegue il viaggio senza di lei, ma preso dal rimorso per aver abbandonato la sua povera compagna, malata e sola, torna subito indietro: sfortunatamente, una volta tornato, trova i due amanti insieme, i quali decidono di scappare in un castello vicino. Il marito però, riesci a trovarli dopo poco e diede fuoco al castello, poi ordinò che sua moglie venne bruciata e che l‟amante venne impiccato. Nel passato questo tipo di cose era abbastanza normale, per cui il Papa decide di perdonare l‟uomo a patto che egli costruisse una chiesa per celebrare i Santi Gervasio e Protasio: la chiesa fu eretta su una collina tra le rive dell‟Agogna e del Terdoppio e vicino alla chiesa nacque una citta: Novaria. Se guardate al fregio situato nella parte alta del Palazzo dell'Arengo potete scoprire alcune figure collegate alla storia che avete appena letto... Nel passato, la piazza del Broletto era la sede di un mercato: le bancarelle erano posizionate tutte intorno, i cronisti facevano i loro annunci su una pietra alta, sotto gli archi, il Consiglio della Giustizia faceva il suo lavoro e i detenuti venivano condannati ed esposti alle umiliazioni del pubblico. Le tasse venivano pagate sotto gli archi situati a nord e ogni quartiere del villaggio aveva il suo tavolo riconoscibile grazie ai dei simboli (solitamente di animali). Nel cortile si trova un pozzo: nel 1356 le truppe dei Marchesi del Monferrato occuparono la città, per cui gli abitanti della città e dei villaggi vicini erano preoccupati che venissero imposte nuove tasse, quindi attaccarono il Broletto, sequestrarono i documenti nei banchi dei notai e li buttarono dentro al pozzo. -----------------------------------------------
  • 4. STARTING FROM HERE A NEW URBAN HIKING TRAIL IS AVAILABLE - IF YOU WANT TO DO IT GO TO . If you want to know more about the place visit the following page: you will find info, legends and photos. FOOD FOOD AND COUNTRYSIDE 2.0 IBO E CAMPAGNA: caccia al tesoro nel parco del Bonfantini e dintorni FOOD AND COUNTRYSIDE: treasure hunting in and around Bonfantini Park Questa cache è il punto di partenza di una piccola caccia al tesoro che vi porterà ad esplorare il parco botanico dell‟Istituto Bonfantini e i suoi dintorni e a conoscere/riconoscere alcune piante i cui prodotti sono comunemente usati a scopo alimentare. Sono necessari uno smartphone o un tablet, un'app per leggere i codici QR e la connessione a internet. Più, ovviamente, buona volontà, spirito di osservazione e cervello acceso. Il percorso è stato creato dal team Erasmus+ dell‟IPS Ravizza di Novara. Questo percorso è suddiviso in 5 tappe + la tappa finale. In ogni tappa occorre trovare un QR nascosto e prendere nota del numero "Remember me". Gli indizi per trovare i QR successivi sono forniti via via. All‟ultima tappa troverai anche una cache reale nella quale è conservato il logbook sul quale potrai segnare la tua visita. TAPPA 1 - N 45° 29.619 E 008° 36.301 Ti trovi all‟ingresso del Giardino Spirituale. Guardati intorno – la cache si trova al riparo di una pianta misteriosa:  Sono una pianta sempreverde tipica della regione mediterranea.  Spagna, Italia e Grecia sono i maggiori produttori dei miei frutti.  Le mie specie sono state utilizzate per milioni di anni per usi religiosi, medici, culturali e alimentari.  Il mio fusto è contorto e la corteccia è di colore grigio. Indizio: “sotto la roccia ho posto la mia dimora” Al luogo misterioso si trova il QR 1 (Please, scan me: QR code n.1) Quando avrai trovato il codice QR1, usa l'app per scannerizzarlo e andare al sito collegato. Leggi attentamente il contenuto e rispondi alle seguenti domande.
  • 5. 1. L‟ulivo è una pianta originaria di: a. Asia Minore b. America c. Europa 2. La fioritura dell‟ulivo avviene in: a. Marzo - aprile b. maggio - giugno c. luglio - agosto 3. L‟acido grasso maggiormente presente nell‟olio d‟oliva è: a. L‟acido stearico b. L‟acido linoleico c. L‟acido oleico Registra le tue risposte su Certitudes come nell‟esempio indicato: 1a2b3c senza spazi tra lettere e numeri tutto minuscolo Se le risposte sono esatte troverai le coordinate per la tappa successiva – TAPPA 2 alla quale cercare il prossimo QR (QR2) Il numero 9 ti potrebbe servire. You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude. TAPPA 2 Ora che sei giunto qui devi trovare il QR2. Quando l'avrai trovato, usa l'app per scannerizzarlo e andare al sito collegato. Leggi attentamente il contenuto e rispondi alle seguenti domande: 1. La principale regione italiana produttrice di mele è: a. Sicilia b. Trentino c. Piemonte 2. Quale sostanza ad azione vitaminica è abbondante nelle pesche: a. Vitamina D b. Vitamina C c. Provitamina A 3. Quale di queste sostanze presenti nell‟uva ha potere anti ossidante: a. Zuccheri
  • 6. b. Polifenoli c. Sali minerali Registra le tue risposte su Certitudes come nell‟esempio indicato: 1a2b3c senza spazi tra lettere e numeri tutto minuscolo Se le risposte sono esatte troverai le coordinate per la tappa successiva – TAPPA 3 alla quale cercare il prossimo QR (QR3). You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude. TAPPA 3 Ora che sei giunto qui devi trovare il QR3. Quando l'avrai trovato, usa l'app per scannerizzarlo e andare al sito collegato. Leggi attentamente il contenuto e rispondi alle seguenti domande: 1. Il fiore del riso è detto: a. Pannocchia b. Spiga c. Glumetta 2. Il mais è un cereale originario: a. Dell‟Africa b. Della Cina c. Del Messico 3. I lipidi sono presenti in maggiore quantità: a. Nel mais b. Nel riso c. I lipidi non sono presenti in questi cereali Registra le tue risposte su Certitudes come nell‟esempio indicato: 1a2b3c senza spazi tra lettere e numeri tutto minuscolo Se le risposte sono esatte troverai le coordinate per la tappa successiva – TAPPA 4 alla quale cercare il prossimo QR (QR4). You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
  • 7. indizio aggiuntivo per trovare il luogo esatto: “ora sui tuoi passi tornare dovrai, le terre di brughiera attraverserai, segui la freccia per il querco-ulmeto, vai verso la pianta che decora il Natale, sulla sua destra mi troverai, come Adamo ed Eva delle mie foglie un costume puoi fare. Se veramente mi hai individuato un buon riposo ti sei meritato, guardati intorno: dove ti siedi? Due sempreverdi guardiani ti indicheranno dove riposare i piedi!” TAPPA 4 Ora che sei giunto qui devi trovare il QR4. Quando l'avrai trovato, usa l'app per scannerizzarlo e andare al sito collegato. Leggi attentamente il contenuto e rispondi alle seguenti domande: 1. Il fico era un albero sacro per: a. I Babilonesi b. I Maya c. I Greci 2. La forma maschile della pianta di fico è chiamata: a. Caprifoglio b. Caprifico c. Siconio 3. I fichi sono molto ricchi di: a. Magnesio e potassio b. Sodio e manganese c. Ferro e fosforo Registra le tue risposte su Certitudes come nell‟esempio indicato: 1a2b3c senza spazi tra lettere e numeri tutto minuscolo Se le risposte sono esatte troverai le coordinate per la tappa successiva – TAPPA 5.
  • 8. You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude. indizio aggiuntivo per trovare il luogo esatto: “verso la partenza devi ora andare, al punto di ritrovo mi devi cercare perché da qui mi puoi ben ammirare" TAPPA 5 Ora che sei giunto qui devi trovare il QR5. Quando l'avrai trovato, usa l'app per scannerizzarlo e andare al sito collegato. Leggi attentamente il contenuto e risolvi l‟indovinello: “ora veramente ti dovrai impegnare, se finalmente la tua cache vuoi validare: cereali, frutta, noci e olio d‟oliva sono in contemporanea alimenti tipici della dieta ………. “ Per validare la cache e ricevere le coordinate per il punto finale registra su Certitudes, senza spazi tra lettere e tutto minuscolo, la risposta all'indovinello seguita, nell'ordine di ritrovamento, dai numeri "Remember me" che ti sono stati forniti nelle diverse tappe. You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude. buon finale di Geocaching!!! team Ravizza
  • 9. FOOD AND COUNTRYSIDE: treasure hunt in and around Bonfantini Park Food and Countryside - INTRO This cache is the starting point of a short treasure hunt that will take you to explore the botanical garden of the Bonfantini Institute and its surroundings and to recognize some plants whose products are commonly used in food preparations. You need a smartphone or a tablet, an app to read QR codes and internet connection. In addition, you need goodwill, spirit of observation, and brain in the “on” mode! The trail was created by the Ravizza Erasmus+ team from Novara. It is divided into 5 stages + a final stage. At each stage you need to find a hidden QR and take note of the REMEMBER ME NUMBER, which you will need to get to the final hidden spot. Once you find the QR, use it to get to the webpage with the key information and do the quiz here. If your answers are correct, you will get the hint to move on to the next step. At the last stage you will also find a real cache in which the logbook is kept. There you can finally LOG your visit. STAGE ONE N 45 ° 29.619 E 008 ° 36.301 You are at the entrance to the Spiritual Garden. Look around - the cache is sheltered by a mysterious plant:  I am an evergreen plant typical of the Mediterranean region.  Spain, Italy and Greece are the biggest producers of my fruits.  My species have been used for millions of years for religious, medical, cultural and food uses.  My stem is twisted and my bark is gray. Additional HINT "Under a rock I hide and sleep" At the mysterious place you will find QR 1 (Please, scan me: QR code n.1) When you find the QR1, use the app to scan it and go to the linked site. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions: 1. The olive tree is a plant native from: a. The Middle East b. America c. Europe 2. The blossoming of the olive tree takes place in a. March April b. May June c. July August
  • 10. 3. The fatty acid mostly present in olive oil is the: a. Stearic acid b. Linoleic acid c. Oleic acid Validate your answers on Certitudes as in the example shown: 1a2b3c (without spaces between letters and numbers, all lowercase) If the answers are correct you will find the coordinates for the next stage – STAGE 2 where you can search for the next QR (QR2). You might need number 9. You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude. Additional HINT “Search by sweet and juicy gifts; on a golden pole it fits” STAGE 2 Now that you are here, you have to find QR2. When you find it, use the app to scan it and go to the linked site. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions: 1. The main Italian apple-producing region is: a. Sicily b. Trentino c. Piedmont 2. Which substance with a vitaminic action is abundant in peaches: a. Vitamin D b. Vitamin C c. Provitamin A 3. Which of these substances, present in grapes, has an anti-oxidant power: a. Sugars b. Polyphenols c. Mineral salts
  • 11. Validate your answers on Certitudes as in the example shown: 1a2b3c (without spaces between letters and numbers, all lowercase) If the answers are correct you will find the coordinates for the next stage – STAGE 3 where you can search for the next QR (QR3). You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude. Additional HINT “Head southward and walk, a cage with weeds is my home” STAGE 3 Now that you are here, you have to find QR3. When you find it, use the app to scan it and go to the linked site. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions: 1. The rice flower is called: a. Cob b. Spike c. Glume 2. Corn is original from: a. Africa b. China c. Mexico 3. Lipids are present in greater quantities: a. In corn b. In rice c. Lipids are not present in these cereals Validate your answers on Certitudes as in the example shown: 1a2b3c (without spaces between letters and numbers, all lowercase) If the answers are correct you will find the coordinates for the next stage – STAGE 4 where you can search for the next QR (QR4). You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
  • 12. Additional HINT “Go back to where you came from; Cross the moorland and go on. Follow the sign towards a quiet place; Find a Christmas holly and look right - like Adam and Eve, from these leaves garments you can make. Rest here for a short while, sit and smile – your treasure will be waiting, under a safe shelter hiding.” - STAGE 4 Now that you are here, you have to find QR4. When you find it, use the app to scan it and go to the linked site. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions: 1. The fig tree was a sacred tree for: a. The Babylonians b. The Maya c. The Greeks 2. The masculine form of the fig plant is called: a. Honeysuckle b. Caprifig c. Syconium 3. Figs are very rich in: a. Magnesium and potassium b. Sodium and manganese c. Iron and phosphorus Validate your answers on Certitudes as in the example shown: 1a2b3c (without spaces between letters and numbers, all lowercase) If the answers are correct you will find the coordinates for STAGE 5 where you can search for the next QR (QR5). You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
  • 13. Additional HINT "It‟s time to leave now Find the meeting place together Admire me and be content A final effort will take you to the end” STAGE 5 - FINAL Now that you are here, you have to find QR5. When you find it, use the app to scan it and go to the linked site. Read carefully and solve the riddle: “If you want to get to the mystery spot, find the cache and finally log, Stay focused and think: Cereals, fruits, nuts, and olive oil are all part of the ………………………… diet.” Validate your answers on Certitudes without spaces between letters and all lowercase: you should write the answer to the riddle followed by the REMEMBER ME NUMBERS in the order you found them. Example: yellow36284 Be careful! The word is in Italian!!! If the answer is correct, you will find the coordinates for THE FINAL STAGE. You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude. Now run!!! HISTORY BATTLE OF NOVARA ART
  • 14. Neoclassicism in Novara (PDF VERSION TO DOWNLOAD) GUIDELINES This is an educational art trail devised by teachers and students from IPS Ravizza, Novara, as part of the Erasmus+ project GEOCACHING MINDS ON THE MOVE. The trail is meant to help players to understand the main features of neoclassical architecture and to see the way architect Alessandro Antonelli‟s works helped turning Novara into a modern city EDUCATIONAL TASK: FOLLOW THE TRAIL AND TAKE NOTES OF YOUR REPLIES either on your cell phone or on a piece of paper or notebook. There will be 5 points of interest and 14 questions to answer while touring and observing. At the end of your tour you will be directed to an interactive webpage where you will be able to upload your replies (you can do it right on the spot or go back to it once you are at home). If your answers are correct you can take a screenshot of the final page and bring it to your teacher. In order to prove you have done the trail yourself, bring also a photo of you in front of each point of interest J. If you are not a students and you would like to play for fun, you are very much welcomed to do it. You can also post comments on our Facebook page: Ravizza Geocaching Romanesque style: When the Saints Go Marching In The Church of all Saints (early 12th century) is the only church in the city in the Romanesque style that survived destruction and changes. It is a simple three-nave building, with four bays each, a semicircular choir and an elegant and exquisite octagonal lantern lit by lancet windows. Inside the church there are traces of frescoes from the 15th century including a Madonna del Latte attributed to Giovanni de Campo. The current appearance of the church is the result of renovations made in the 1950s that cleared the heavy Baroque adaptations, restoring the building to its original Romanesque style. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH is the ideal starting point to understand the main features of Romanesque Art in Northern Italy. The cache is hidden by the church. The area can be quite busy on school days since the Art School of the City has its headquarters just opposite the small street. When the church is open you can enter, explore and learn by following a TRAIL designed by students from Ravizza Secondary School: see ----------------------------------------------------- La Chiesa di Ognissanti (inizio del XII secolo) è l'unica chiesa della città in stile romanicosopravvissuta alla distruzione e ai cambiamenti.
  • 15. Si tratta di un semplice edificio a tre navate, con quattro campate ciascuna, un coro semicircolare e un'elegante e squisita lanterna ottagonale illuminata da finestre a lancetta. All'interno della chiesa ci sono tracce di affreschi del XV secolo tra cui una Madonna del Latte attribuita a Giovanni da Campo. L'aspetto attuale della chiesa è il risultato di ristrutturazioni fatte negli anni '50 che hanno eliminato i pesanti adattamenti barocchi, riportando l'edificio al suo originale stile romanico. La Chiesa è il punto di partenza ideale per comprendere le principali caratteristiche dell'arte romanica nel nord Italia. La cache è nascosta vicino alla chiesa. L'area può essere abbastanza trafficata nei giorni di scuola, dal momento che il Liceo Artistico della città ha sede proprio di fronte all‟ingresso della chiesa. Quando la chiesa è aperta si può entrare, esplorare e imparare seguendo un PERCORSO progettato dagli studenti dell‟Istituto IPS Ravizza: vedi
  • 16. SPAIN TOURISM LUGARES PINTORESCOS DE LOJA I Cache diseñado especialmente para el programa Erasmus + „Minds on the move‟ pero abierto igualmente a cualquiera que quiera buscarlo. Primer cache de una serie de caches ubicados en lugares pintorescos de la ciudad de Loja. El lugar tiene unas bonitas vistas de la ciudad y cerca de unos antiguos restos religiosos. Pistas adicionales (Encrypt) Ry pnpur rfgá rfpbaqvqb ra ha zheb qr oybdhrf qr ubezvtóa fvghnqb whagb n yn inyyn dhr qryvzvgn ynf gbeergnf qr gryrpbzhavpnpvbarf. Fv ivfhnyvmnf yn sbgb qr ynf pehprf, fr raphragen whfgb ra ry zheb dhr fr ir rager nzonf pehprf. Clave para Desencriptar A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (la letra de arriba equivale a la de abajo, y viceversa) El cache está escondido en un muro de bloques de hormigón situado junto a la valla que delimita las torretas de telecomunicaciones. Si visualizas la foto de las cruces, se encuentra justo en el muro que se ve entre ambas cruces. LUGARES PINTORESCOS DE LOJA II Este es un geocache especialmente diseñado para el proyecto Erasmus + „Minds on the move‟ pero igualmente abierto a cualquiera que quiera buscarlo. Este segundo lugar es especialmente bonito, no tanto por sus vistas, si no por su aspecto paradisiaco. Para conseguir las coordenadas finales deberás resolver el siguiente enigma. „‟ E****** „‟ Cada asterisco se corresponde con la inicial de los diferentes países que forman parte del proyecto. La posición correcta de cada inicial deberá ser colocado en orden creciente de distancia entre la capital de España y las capitales de los restantes 6 países.
  • 17. Pincha en el enlace para mandar tu solución y recibir las coordenadas. Puedes validar la solución a tu puzzle con certitude. Pistas adicionales (Desencriptar) Ny onwne han rfpnyren cbe fh cnegr qrerpun unl ha onapb qr znqren qbaqr cbqre fragnefr l qvfsehgne qry snagáfgvpb yhtne habf zvahgbf. Han irm fragnqb ra rfr onapb, ry pnpur rfgneá fvghnqb whfgb ra ry zheb dhr dhrqn n gh rfcnyqn. Clave para Desencriptar A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (la letra de arriba equivale a la de abajo, y viceversa) Al bajar una escalera por su parte derecha hay un banco de madera donde poder sentarse y disfrutar del fantástico lugar unos minutos. Una vez sentado en ese banco, el cache estará situado justo en el muro que queda a tu espalda. LUGARES PINTORESCOS DE LOJA III Este es un geocache especialmente diseñado para el proyecto Erasmus + „Minds on the move‟ pero igualmente abierto a cualquiera que quiera buscarlo. Este tercer cache nos localiza la ubicación de una de tantas cuevas que rodean la ciudad de Loja. Pequeñas, minusculas o grandes, hay casi una decena que se pueden visitar. Pero para obtener las coordenadas tendrás que resolver este pequeño acertijo... Cuando tengas la respuesta, obtendrás las coordenadas finales pinchando aqui...
  • 18. Puedes validar la solución a tu puzzle con certitude. Pistas adicionales (Desencriptar) Ra ynf prepnaínf qr yn phrin unl inevbf nyzraqeóf. Ry pnpur rfgá rfpbaqvqb whfgb ra yn onfr qr hab qr ryybf, whfgb ra ha uhrpb dhr dhrqn onwb han cvrqen, bphygb cbe hanf ubwnf.ra ynf sbgbf qr yn tnyrevn fr chrqr bofreine ry ryzraqeb ra phrfgvóa. Clave para Desencriptar A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (la letra de arriba equivale a la de abajo, y viceversa) En las cercanías de la cueva hay varios almendrós. El cache está escondido justo en la base de uno de ellos, justo en un hueco que queda bajo una piedra, oculto por unas hojas.en las fotos de la galeria se puede observar el elmendro en cuestión. MICROCACHE URBANO I Este es un geocache especialmente diseñado para el proyecto Erasmus + „Minds on the Move‟ pero igualmente abierto a cualquiera que quiera buscarlo. Este es el primero de una serie de microcaches repartidos por las plazas mas concurridas de la ciudad de Loja. Plazas donde la gente de todas la edades, pero sobre todo gente joven, comparten conversaciones, vivencias y experiencias en los ratillos de ocio y disfrute. La idea es brindar a todo aquel que quiera tomar parte de esta busqueda de una actividad mas sumadas a las anteriores... el geocahing. Los caches estan especialmente diseñados e integrados en el mobiliario urbano. Esta primera plaza, solía ser centro neurálgico de la ciudad de Loja y punto de encuentro cuando no había teléfonos móviles y simplimente querías quedar con alguien. El cache puede ser identificado por el logotipo oficial del proyecto "Minds on the Move" Asociado a este cache , puedes encontrar otro. Obtén mas informacion en
  • 19. Pistas adicionales (Desencriptar) Zntarg / Magnet Clave para Desencriptar A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (la letra de arriba equivale a la de abajo, y viceversa) MICROCACHE URBANO II Este es el segundo de una serie de microcaches repartidos por las plazas mas concurridas de la ciudad de Loja. Plazas donde la gente de todas la edades, pero sobre todo gente joven, comparten conversaciones, vivencias y experiencias en los ratillos de ocio y disfrute. La idea es brindar a todo aquel que quiera tomar parte de esta busqueda de una actividad mas sumadas a las anteriores... el geocahing. Los caches estan especialmente diseñados e integrados en el mobiliario urbano. Esta segunda plaza es un referente hoy día para la gente que quiere disfrutar de un rato agradable en compañia de amigos. Quien mas o quien menos en Loja habrá pasado muchas horas en las largas tardes de verano comiendo pipas o algún polo-flash o preguntandose que puñetas significan los simbolos que hay repartidos por toda la plaza. El logo del proyecto será visible y permitirá encontrar este cache. Pistas adicionales (Desencriptar) Zntaégvpb / Magnético Clave para Desencriptar A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (la letra de arriba equivale a la de abajo, y viceversa) MICROCACHE URBANO III Este es el tercero de una serie de microcaches repartidos por las plazas mas concurridas de la ciudad de Loja. Plazas donde la gente de todas la edades, pero sobre todo gente joven, comparten conversaciones, vivencias y experiencias en los ratillos de ocio y disfrute. La idea es brindar a todo aquel que quiera tomar parte de esta busqueda de una actividad mas sumadas a las anteriores... el geocahing. Los caches estan especialmente diseñados e integrados en el mobiliario urbano. Este tercer cache está diseñado para ser extraido de su ubicación suavemente, sin ejercer ningún tipo de fuerza. El logo del proyecto estará visible para poder idetificarlo. Pistas adicionales (Desencriptar) [El reto de este cache está en encontrarlo ya que esta camuflado, si aún así quieres usar la pista...] Craqvat!!! / pending
  • 20. A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (la letra de arriba equivale a la de abajo, y viceversa) FOOD TASTY CACHE Multicache en Zagra y Ventorros para descubrir una receta dividida en varios caches / Multicache in Zagra and Ventorros to find out a recipe divided in several caches. Los tres primeros caches se sitúan en Ventorros y en ellos se encuentran los ingredientes de la receta; en los tres últimos, situados en Zagra, se explica la elaboración. En el último cache se desvela la comida y se recomienda un lugar cercano para degustarla. Una estupenda forma para hacer Geocaching mientras descubres la gastronomía típica andaluza y visitas el paisaje. / The three first caches are placed in Ventorros and contain the ingredients for the recipe; the three last, placed in Zagra, explain the elaboration. The food is revealed in the last cache y we recommend a nearby place to try it. A fantastic way to do Geocaching meanwhile you discover the tipical andalusian gastronomy and visit the place. HISTORY MULTICACHE DE LOS MIRADORES Discover Loja views from 5 of this touristic viewpoints. This Multicache trip is an Ies Moraima's propouse as a part of its Erasmus+ proyect, in which people from six different countries will learn the History and find out the best views of the city where the will be taken in for a week. El recorrido, aunque largo, vale totalmente la pena. Los cachers, en esta ocasión no solo deberán buscar el cache en cada uno de los miradores, sino que una vez encontrados deberán resolver un acertijo que les dará la localización del siguiente lugar donde deben buscar. Mientras buscáis, no olvidéis levantar la cabeza de la pantalla y contemplar las iglesias y estatuas que encontraréis por el camino, y si os sobra tiempo, ¿por qué no probar uno de los tradicionales Roscos de Loja? The trip, despite being long, is totally worth. This time, cachers won't only have to look for the cache in each viewpoint, but they will also have to solve a ridle to find out the location of the next place where they have to look for. While you are looking for, don't forget to lift your head from the screen and look at the churches and statues you will find during the trip, and if you have time after finishing, why not to taste one of the tipical Loja's donut? What's the answer for the first cache's riddle? Puedes validar la solución a tu puzzle con certitude.
  • 21. Sylvania's viewpoint question: How many people are there in the statues? Puedes validar la solución a tu puzzle con certitude. Alcazaba's viewpoint question: how many steps are there in the stairway? Puedes validar la solución a tu puzzle con certitude. CACHE DE SALAR; VILLA ROMANA 4d30-91f0-a3f7fabaab12 Geocache Description: Este cache forma parte del proyecto Erasmus+ Minds on the Move, pero puede buscarlo cualquiera. Gracias a él puedes ver la magnífica Villa Romana donde se han encontrado restos de hace varios siglos como mosaicos, esculturas o pinturas; mientras pasas un buen rato. This cache is part of the Erasmus + Minds on the Move project, but anyone can find it. Thanks to him you could see the magnificent Roman Villa, where rests of several centuries ago have been found like mosaics, sculptures or paintings; while you have a good time. Additional Hints (Decrypt) Arne gur fvta naq lbhe srrg. Decryption Key A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (letter above equals below, and vice versa) ART MULTICACHE VIRTUAL DE GRANADA
  • 22. granada-virtual-tour?guid=6077d326-0254-4542-859d-6715a8267b44 ITINERARY TO SEARCH FOR THE CACHEs 1. Starting point of the tour: Granada cathedral. We start our tour in the most religious and social core of Granada, an outstanding place since the city conquer by the Catholic Kings. The cathedral was built where the Mayor Mosque in the Muslim times was founded. 1) What is its architectural style? a. Elizabethan-Gothic b. Baroque c. Mudejar 2) The author of this work is represented in a nearby statue, which gives its name to the square: a. Pedro de Machueca b. Miguel Ángel c. Alonso Cano 2. The Royal Chapel is at one side of the Cathedral and you can have access to it through both the inside and outside of this. It is where the Catholic Kings’ son and daughter, Elizabeth I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, are buried. The architecture is Elizabethan-Gothic, especially remarkable for the abundance of ornaments in the crestings and pinnacles. 1) In the first part of the crestings, you can see the heraldic motifs allusive to the kings, who are buried there, in the a. Flowers and jars b. The initial letters of the Catholic king and queen c. Angels and demons 2) There, apart from the remains of Isabel I of Castile and Ferdinand the Catholic, there are also those of a. Their daughter Joanna the Mad and her husband Phillip the handsome and Miguel da Paz, prince of Portugal and grandson of the Catholic Kings b. The infants of Aragon c. Boabdil, last Muslim king. 3) On top of the remains of Isabel I of Castile and Fernando II of Aragon that lie here, there are also: a. a.those of her daughter Juana the mad and those of her husband, the beautiful Felipe, as well as those of the infant Miguel of the
  • 23. Peace of Portugal, grandson of the Catholic kings. b. b.The infants of Aragon. c. c.Boabdil 3. In Plaza Nueva, one of the most important and bustling places of Granada there is a Renaissance palace. The Catholic kings created the royal audience and “Chancilleria” and established it as a judicial body. After the conquest of the city of Granada it was decided to locate in this city. It was the first building that was built to house a court of law. 1) On the sides of the large central balcony, seated in the pediment appear: a. .A statue of the kings. b. Justice and fortress under the royal shield. c. The virgin of the anguish. 2) The cover is a semicircular arch surrounded by Corinthian columns on pedestals. Above the columns there is a straight fronton with an inscription. a. Felipe II and the date of construction of the building. b. The prisoners who were executed in 1492. c. a poem by Garcia Lorca 4. In front of the “chancilleria”, there is a fountain. The pillar was attached to a house, in the place where a small square opened, in front of a guest house. It was used as an animal trough and water supply for the neighbors of the neighborhood. 1) Its name refers to an animal that is represented by: a. a gazelle’s head. b. a dog’s head. c. a bull’s head. 2) The frontis is finished with a triangular cornice in whose center it emphasizes: a. The shield of the city of Granada b. a crucifix. c. a wreath of flowers 5. Going up the hill Gomerez to Alhambra and before come into the most important Granada’s forest we arrive at triumphal arch-door that P. Machuca built to commemorate the arrival of Carlos V to Granada. 1) The name of the door is due to a. Two allegories of peace. b. Three grenades decorating the lintel. c. Two angels in procession. 2) The triangular eardrum represents a coat of arms of the Emperor Charles V that supports: a. Two savages. b. Two allegories: of peace and abundance. c. Two faeries faucets.
  • 24. 6. We come into Alhambra’s forest; we’ll reach the heart of the Muslim Granada, palatal city of the nazarí kingdom, the last Islamic stronghold in the Iberian peninsula. The gateway The Gate of Justice, Bad al-Sharia, is one of the four gates than give entrance to the palatial site of the Alhambra. 1) In this door they emphasize some of the most well-known symbols of the culture alhambreña in the great arc of the facade. a. A colossal giant. b. An open hand with your forearm and a tasseled key. c. A commemorative inscription. 2) To reach the other side of the door, you have to cross four inner corners which are covered by vaults: a. of edges b. semicircular c. lobed 7. Already inside the enclosure we are in the Alhambra. It is a group of palaces, gardens and fortress that housed a true citadel within the city of Granada itself that served like lodging to the monarch and to the court of the Nazarí Kingdom of Granada. Its true appeal, as in other Muslim works of the time, lies not only in the interiors, whose decoration is among the summits of Andalusian art, but also in its location and adaptation, generating a new landscape but totally integrated with the preexisting nature. In the same center of the enclosure we go to the Palace of Charles V. Called this way because it was built at the beginning as the residence of Emperor Charles. His architect was Pedro de Machuca in 1542. His style is renaissance. Is located next to the Nazarí Palace of Comares, what supposes a great contrast with the Islamic architecture of the surroundings. 1) In all the perimeter of the building they emphasize some rings of bronze with a decorative function: a. 5 gold rings b. 40 bronze rings c. 100 stone rings 2) On the front door, in the pediment are:
  • 25. a. Two reclining woman winged statues b. The horse of the emperor c. A virgin
  • 26. MATHS Huétor Tajar enigma geocache (Waiting for publication) Personal Cache Note Este geocache está situado en Huétor Tajar,una pequeña ciudad de Granada, pero si quieres conocer sus coordenadas primero tendrás que resolver un enigma: observa las puertas del estadio de fútbol, están rodeadas por unas figuras geométricas; cuenta cuántas hay y multiplícalas por el número de puertas para obtener el resultado This geocache is situated in HuétorTajar, a little city of Granada, but if you really want to know the exactly coordinates, first of all you will must resolve an enigma: look at the football stadium´s doors, these entries surrounded by some geometrics figure, count how many figures are, then multiply its by the number of doors there are in order to get the result. Geocache Description: Puedes validar la solución a tu puzzle con certitude. Solution checker N 37° 11.929 W 0 SPORTS-ORIENTEERING CACHE DE LA CRUZ: more than hiking in the mountain tour?guid=6077d326-0254-4542-859d-6715a8267b44 This cache was the perfect excuse to plan and experience a CITO activity with our younger students. Here you have a prezi presentation about it. OTHERS WATER CACHES / CACHES DEL AGUA Loja is known as the city of water and the Spanish team has created three different caches based on relevant places related with water in our town.
  • 27. WATER CACHE 1 b0dbfc321f63 Geocache Description: Este cache es parte del programa Erasmus +, Geocaching in and out of the classroom - Minds on the Move. Este cache es el primero de una trilogía la cual trata sobre el agua, ya que esta abunda en la pequeña ciudad de Loja. Está situado cerca del ayuntamiento. El cache no se encuentra exactamente al lado de la fuente, sino que está escondido en un radio de unos 5 metros. Mucho cuidado al cogerlo!!! --------------------------------------------- This cache is part of the Erasmus + project, Geocaching in and out of the classroom - Minds on the Move. This cache is the first from a triology which is about the water, because there is a lot of it in the small city of Loja. It is located near the town hall. The cache is not exactly found next to the fountain, it is hidden in a radius of 5 meters. Take care when taking it out!!! Additional Hints (Decrypt) Qrageb qr yn pnwn zrgáyvpn. ------------------------ Vafvqr gur zrgnyvp obk. Decryption Key A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (letter above equals below, and vice versa) WATER CACHE 2 1fb466fc3a4c Geocache Description: También este cache es parte del proyecto Erasmus +, Geocaching in and out of the classroom - Minds on the Move. Al igual que el primer cache de esta triología, se encuentra en Loja, en concreto en un lugar cercano al museo del agua, aproximadamente a unos 15 metros de la entrada del museo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 28. This is also a cache part of our Eramus + project, Geocaching in and out of the classroom - Minds on the Move. As same as the first cache of this triology, it is in Loja, specific in a nearby place to the water museum, approximately at 15 meters from the museum entrance. Additional Hints (Decrypt) Shrtb!!!-------Sver!!! A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (letter above equals below, and vice versa) WATER CACHE 3 285610edf545 Geocache Description: Minds on the Move. As same as the third cache of this triology, it is in Loja, it is situated nearby a fountain call Fuente Santa and the is a bit separarated, about 10 metres around Additional Hints (Decrypt) Or pnershyy jvgu gur ebpxf Decryption Key A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (letter above equals below, and vice versa) ERASMUS + 30 ANNIVERSARY 4093-ba2a-c029095ffea3 Geocache Description: Este nuevo cache se ha creado para celebrar el 30 aniversario de los programas Erasmus, gracias a los cuales la actividad del "Geocaching"· llegó a nuestro pueblo. Durante dos años hemos trabajado en un proyecto llamado: "Geocaching in and out of the Classroom - Minds on the Move" junto con 6 países europeos más que también han desarrollado esta actividad en sus ciudades: Novara (Italia), Tesalónica (Grecia), Bollène (Francia), Sintra (Portugal), Vilnius (Lituania) y Kielce (Polonia). Esperamos que os guste visitar nuestro pueblo y descubrir este precioso cache en plena naturaleza. This new cache has been created to celebrate the 30th anninversary of the Eramus + programs, thanks to it this activity of "Geocaching" came to our town. For two years, we have been working on a project called - "Geocaching in and out of the Classroom - Minds on the Move" together with 6 more European countries that have developed this activity in their towns: Novara (Italy), Tesalónica (Greece), Bollène
  • 29. (France), Sintra (Portugal), Vilnius (Lithuania) y Kielce (Poland). We hope you enjoy visiting our town and discover this nice cache in the wild. Additional Hints (Decrypt) Fv ab inf pba pbzcnñín, arprfvgneáf hab qr ybf zhpubf cnybf dhr chrqrf rapbagene nyerqrqbe. Vs lbh tb ba lbhe bja, lbh znl arrq bar bs gur fgvpxf gung lbh'yy svaq nebhaq. Decryption Key A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z (letter above equals below, and vice versa) MORAIMA CACHES We are really into geocaching and it has been created a new club at the school so that this project can continue alive after its end in Novembre 2018. In order to practice in a safe way before going out of the school. The Erasmus team has created a trail inside the school which is not obviously published, but it can be very useful to teach our students to go geocaching. We have tried it twice and it has always been a great success.
  • 30. JORNADA DE PRÁCTICAS GEOCACHING IN AND OUT OF THE CLASSROOM MINDS ON THE MOVE IES MORAIMA Viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018 Caches IES Moraima 1- COORDENADAS: N 37° 10.516’ / W 4° 8.456’ • Descripción: se trata de un cache físico de tamaño micro, de color rosa con forma de huevo. 2- COORDENADAS: N 37° 10.490’ / W 4° 8.386’ • Descripción: cache de tamaño micro, se caracteriza por ser magnético. 3- COORDENADAS: N 37° 10.515’ / W 4° 8.384’ • Descripción: es un microcache con forma cilíndrica. • 4- COORDENADAS: N 37° 10.495’ / W 4° 8.353’ • Descripción: al igual que el segundo se trata de un microcache con forma rectangular y magnético. ****En cada cache encontrarás una pista que te llevará a un cache final. CACHE FINAL • El cache final solamente podrá ser encontrado recopilando la información incluida en los caches anteriores. COORDENADAS CIFRADAS: N 37º 10. AC4 / W 04º 08. B9D (***Para facilitar la búsqueda puedes usar las pistas que se incluyen en la parte de atrás de este folio, pero solamente si es estrictamente necesario.)
  • 31. PISTAS • Pista 1: lo encontrarás cerca del suelo. • Pista 2: el agua es vida. • Pista 3: tira y afloja. • Pista 4: es hora de irse a casa. • Pista cache final: busca dentro de un A* U B* C* D* B* C* O (Las letras con asterisco deberán ser sustituidas por otras que encontrarás en los caches 1, 2, 3 y 4.)