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Othello Tragic Hero
Tragedy is characterized as a drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin
or suffer sorrow, especially as a result of tragic flaw. This tragedy is innate to the main character.
The tragic hero must be honorable, having a high stature than most men, must have a tragic flaw and
this flaw must play as essential part in his defeat. In William Shakespeare's Othello, Othello is a
tragic hero. Othello is a honorable man and a general in Cyprus. He has several people under his
command. Cassio is his lieutenant and Iago is his ancient. Othello's tragic flaw is gullibility. Othello
trust Iago's words and he doesn't pay consideration on anyone around him. As the play proceeds, Iago
continually taints the mind of Othello; more content...
Othello was first performed by the King's Men at the court of King James 1 on November 1,
1604.Shakespeare borrowed freely from other sources for his plays. It is the manner in which he
traces his character which transforms his sources so exquisitely. His concept of tragedy is partly
Greek and partly his hero through the arousing of pity and fear. The Greek concept of a tragic
hero is a noble character suffering for no fault of his own, due to a malevolent God. Though
destiny plays a distinct part in Shakespearean tragedies as well, the tragic catastrophe occurs due
to a flaw in hero's character. Othello is a tragic hero. However, the theme of the play revolves
more around Iago than Othello. From the very beginning, Othello is an outsider in the public arena.
He is a Moor, an outsider and a black man from North Africa and is consequently victimized in an
all–white society. However, his expertise as a pioneer and a military general make him a reputed
personality to the Venetian government. Before all else, he is generally popular and loved among
his solider and the population of Venice. There are three characters specifically that despise him:
Iago, Roderigo, and Brabantio. Each has his own purpose behind despising Othello and each will
play a role in his
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Othello: The Tragic Hero
In William Shakespeare's Othello, Othello is the tragic hero. He is a character of high stature who
is destroyed by his surroundings, his own actions, and his fate. His destruction is essentially
precipitated by his own actions, as well as by the actions of the characters surrounding him. The
tragedy of Othello is not a fault of a single villain, but is rather a consequence of a wide range of
feelings, judgments and misjudgments, and attempts for personal justification exhibited by the
characters. Othello is first shown as a hero of war and a man of great pride and courage. As the play
continues, his character begins to deteriorate and become less noble. Chronologically through the
play, Othello's more content...
The power shown here is quite astounding.
The nature of Othello's character is of a dark man. Not only because he is black, but also because
his whole person is very mysterious. He is mysterious in that he believes there is magic
everywhere. With this dark side, he is also very outgoing, and not very bright. He is not observant
and the schemes of Iago work well on him. For all the dangers and encounters he has been
involved in, this man is still naive of the corruptness of other individuals. Othello has a trusting
nature in which he gives it all. He put all his trust in Iago during times of war and during Othello's
marriage to Desdemona. Everyone considered Iago as honest, and it would be out of character for
Othello to believe any different. For example, Othello had told Duke:
"So please your grace, my ancient; A man he is of honesty and trust. To his conveyance I
assign my wife, with what else needful your good grace shall think, To be sent after me" (I,
iii, lines 306–310).
Even if Othello was not as trusting or corrupt, he still would not realize Iago was lying. Othello
commits his first act of violence against Desdemona by hitting her. This shows now Othello's tragic
flaw. He made himself susceptible to Iago and the jealousy within him begins to lead to the end of
others. By his actions, Othello has isolated himself from everyone except Iago. This gives Iago the
perfect opportunity to complete his course of action. Finally, Othello's breakdown
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Othello Tragic Hero
In Shakespeare's Othello, Othello can be considered a tragic hero because he follows Aristotle's six
elements of a tragedy. Another tragic hero who follows the same six elements of a tragedy is
Oedipus from Oedipus the King. Based on Aristotle's six elements of a tragedy, position, flaw,
prophecy, recognition, catastrophe, and reversal, the character Othello from Shakespeare's Othello
can be considered a tragic hero.
The first element of tragedy is position, which lets the reader know the position, or status, that the
hero is in. In Othello, Othello is the leader of the Italian army and is very important to the people
of Italy. "Valiant Othello, we must straight employ you against the general enemy Ottoman (11)."
This quote shows how important Othello is to the army and to war. The same kind of position
can be seen in Oedipus the King because Oedipus is king and is respected by the people of
Thebes. "King Oedipus, the sovereign of our land (Sophocles 5)." This quote shows the importance
of Oedipus to Thebes, just like Othello is important to Venice. When Othello is chosen to lead the
army overseas, he also makes Brabantio mad by marrying his daughter, Desdemona, without his
permission. "And, noble signior, if virtue more content...
" with that recognizance and pledge of love which I first gave her; I saw it in his hand: It was a
handkerchief, an antique token my father gave my mother (87)." Once Othello says this, Emilia
knows that Iago is the person who set up Desdemona and Othello isn't the one to blame.
Recognition can also be seen in Oedipus the King after the shepherd tells the story of the baby.
"For if you are the one he says you are, make no mistake: you are a doom–born man (Sophocles
67)." At this point in the play, Oedipus knows that he is the one who is causing the problems in
Thebes because the Tiresias was
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Othello as Tragic Hero
In what ways does Shakespeare present Othello as a typical tragic hero?
Professedly, Shakespeare appears to present Othello as tragic hero, exposing his tragic flaw, which
consequently leads to his downfall, through his use of language, structure and form. It could be
argued 'Othello' appears to conform to Aristotle's principles of tragedy, of the noble protagonist who
undergoes perpetia and endures suffering, resulting in his ultimate downfall due to harmatia, which
he eventually realises, providing catharsis for the audience. However, upon further study, such
devices may be interpreted to provide a different perception of the protagonist, as more of an
atypical victim, exposed to the harsh reality of the society he longs to fit into, more content...
Shakespeare presents this through heavy use of fragmented speech and repetition: "Lie with her? Lie
on her...Handkercheif–confessions–handkerchief!". Not only does this highlight Othello's maddening
state, it also demonstrates his insecurity and disbelief as he is constantly questioning himself,
losing control. He makes brash decisions and crude outbursts of how he will "tear [Desdemona]
apart" and "chop her into messes". In doing this Shakespeare is enabled to present Othello as
returning to his basic, animalistic sinful state, losing stature and composure and drawing closer
to his ultimate decline, but an alternative view would be to see Othello's insecurity as his
downfall. Perhaps this so called "trust" he has placed in Iago is not because he is the "faultless
hero" described by Bradley, but rather someone whose trust is neither "strong" nor "absolute!, as
Leavis claims. Maybe it is just a ploy to keep the reputation he has sent his entire life building
intact. This suggests that, rather than a hero, he is in fact a selfish character motivated by power
and a need for acceptance rather than love. In Act 3, he speaks of being "haply black", and his
insecurities are revealed as he believes he is inarticulate, barbaric and lacking "those soft parts of
conversation...that clamberers have". Instead of his trusting nature and jealousy being his harmatia,
something Desdemona believes the "sun
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Othello's Tragic Hero
Othello exemplifies Aristotle's definition of a tragic hero, because he is a general in the army
which he holds a prominent position even though he is not from noble birth, he married into a
wealthy and noble family. Othello's hubris is jealousy, anger, and murder. He is jealous of his wife
Desdemona, and he refuses to share her with any other man. He plots with Iago to have Cassio killed
which is falling into the plans of Iago. Iago has poisoned the mind of Othello leading him to believe
that Desdemona has laid with Cassio. Iago and Othello bring up the fact she no longer has the
handkerchief that was a symbol of their consternation of marriage. This cause him to not trust his
wife. Othello becomes so enraged with anger and hate, he kills
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How Is Othello A Tragic Hero
In the story, "Othello, the Moor of Venice" by William Shakespeare, Othello is without a doubt a
tragic hero. Othello is viewed as a noble and well–respected general but, through the course of the
story he a flaw. This flaw causes a dilemma, that's out of Othello's control and leads him to his
downfall; making him a tragic hero. Othello expresses the elements of a tragic hero because he is
well regarded, cares jealously, and has a downfall near the end of the story.
As the story commences, Othello the main character is sought as a noble and well respected
general. Many greeted him with respect as people call him, noble and courageous general; even the
duke respects him. Not only has that but, Othello told Iago:
Tis yet to know– which, when I know that boasting is an honour, I shall promulgate– I fetch my life
and being from men of royal siege, and my demerits may speak unbonneted to as round a fortune as
this that I have reach'd for know, Iago, I would not my unhoused free condition put into
circumscription and confine For the sea's worth (Othello 1.2.2.)
By the quote recently provided, Othello demonstrates the characteristics of a noble and of
well–respected general.
Later in the story, Iago uses a handkerchief whom he obtains from his wife, Emilia; along with other
methods of manipulation to sabotage Othello. Emilia was able more content...
He goes from being a noble and well–respected general to becoming manipulated puppet. Like all
hero's, Othello had a weakness and this was, him getting jealous. Iago took advantage of this
through the story and build up the jealousy inside helpless Othello. Iago's cruel, sick mind games
eventually wreaked havoc upon, Othello. Consumed by jealousy, Othello's flaw lead him to take
actions into his own hand and killing his beloved wife Desdemona. The fact, that Othello allowed
Iago to manipulate him into killing his precious, beloved wife was what contributed to Othello's
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Othello As A Tragic Hero
Known as a talented, noble general throughout all of Venice, Othello is transformed into a crazy,
senseless man. William Shakespeare uses the idea of a tragic hero in almost all of his dramas. A
tragic hero can be described as a person of high status who is neither completely good nor
completely evil, possesses a tragic flaw, and leaves this flaw to be the reason for his/her downfall.
Othello believes he can trust one of his soldiers, Iago, who is determined to seek revenge on Othello
for not promoting him to be a lieutenant. Othello’s temper, insecurities, and jealousy are what
causes his decline of his social and mental status. Othello can be described as a tragic hero because
he is a well–known general of high status, possesses tragic flaws of insecurity, jealousy, and
easily–triggered anger, and allows these flaws to lead to his own decline, as well as death. From
the beginning of Act 1, Othello is referred to as “general”, showing the other
characters’ respect for him. In his analysis of Othello, Berthoud says how Shakespeare
presents Othello as “an Othello whose occupation involves the upholding of order and
justice” (Berthoud). Cassio talks to Othello and reveals to him how the people of Venice
will need Othello to go to Cyprus and defeat the Turkish fleet. However, when he is being accused
of placing some sort of voodoo or poison on Desdemona, Othello states, “Rude am I in my
speech/ And little
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Is Othello a Tragic Hero? Essay
To what extent can Othello be considered a 'tragic hero'?
The extent of which Othello is a tragic hero has been open to much debate; the basis on which he
is judged falls to Aristotle's established view of the crucial elements that distinguish whether a
person is truly tragic. According to Aristotle, a tragic protagonist is a nobleman or person from high
status, who contributes to his own demise and illustrates a flaw or weakness in judgment. The tragic
protagonist must make a fall from a high state of being to a low state or death. The tragic hero's
downfall, said Aristotle, was brought upon by some error of judgement. Aristotle's theory is not the
final word on tragedy, however it can support in pinpointing the pivotal traits more
The quote exposes Othello as being unworthy of his noble title and reputation of being trustworthy
and moral, both domestically and in profession as a soldier.
Striking a woman–even in the modern society– is attached with weakness and cowardice; so for
Othello to publically humiliate and harm Desdemona, drastically lessens his argument of being a
tragic hero and makes him somewhat ignoble. Desdemona's innocent references to Cassio goad
Othello until he snaps and strikes her. When she says she is "glad" that Othello has been ordered
to Venice and that Cassio will be in charge of Cyprus, he can't take anymore. The physical striking
of Desdemona was not staged until the late 19th century by the actor Tommaso Salvini. The striking
of Desdemona would have evoked strong feelings from a Jacobean audience. Unlike Othello,
Lodovico is a true gentleman and his quote "This would not be believed in Venice!" emphasises the
monstrosity of Othello's action. This particular scene disproves Bradley's theory that Othello is "the
most romantic figure among Shakespeare's heroes".
Both Macbeth and Othello are prominent Jacobean tragedies that William Shakespeare created with
notable tragic protagonists. The play Macbeth is an excellent work that closely follows Aristotle's
norms. Macbeth is a brave warrior in King Duncan's Army who compromises his honour and neglects
his moral responsibilities in the attainment of power and position which
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Othello: A Tragic Hero
Most hero will arise what there called for, like the little things or things they done that people will
remember forever in that case, in the book othello, a tragic hero is a character who makes a
judgment error that inevitably leads to his destruction because of othello noble traits, his tragic
flaws, and his tragic downfall. I think for someone to be a tragic hero, they must first be a noble
character to begin with. There are many undesirable traits in othello, like his jealousy and gullibility
but these problems and his tragic flaw is his insecurities. His jealousy nature leads him to kill the
woman he has ever loved. He had everything going for him a beautiful wife however, they have flaw
that sparks their downfall. Othello trusts the
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Othello Tragic Hero Essay

  • 1. Othello Tragic Hero Tragedy is characterized as a drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffer sorrow, especially as a result of tragic flaw. This tragedy is innate to the main character. The tragic hero must be honorable, having a high stature than most men, must have a tragic flaw and this flaw must play as essential part in his defeat. In William Shakespeare's Othello, Othello is a tragic hero. Othello is a honorable man and a general in Cyprus. He has several people under his command. Cassio is his lieutenant and Iago is his ancient. Othello's tragic flaw is gullibility. Othello trust Iago's words and he doesn't pay consideration on anyone around him. As the play proceeds, Iago continually taints the mind of Othello; more content... Othello was first performed by the King's Men at the court of King James 1 on November 1, 1604.Shakespeare borrowed freely from other sources for his plays. It is the manner in which he traces his character which transforms his sources so exquisitely. His concept of tragedy is partly Greek and partly his hero through the arousing of pity and fear. The Greek concept of a tragic hero is a noble character suffering for no fault of his own, due to a malevolent God. Though destiny plays a distinct part in Shakespearean tragedies as well, the tragic catastrophe occurs due to a flaw in hero's character. Othello is a tragic hero. However, the theme of the play revolves more around Iago than Othello. From the very beginning, Othello is an outsider in the public arena. He is a Moor, an outsider and a black man from North Africa and is consequently victimized in an all–white society. However, his expertise as a pioneer and a military general make him a reputed personality to the Venetian government. Before all else, he is generally popular and loved among his solider and the population of Venice. There are three characters specifically that despise him: Iago, Roderigo, and Brabantio. Each has his own purpose behind despising Othello and each will play a role in his Get more content on
  • 2. Othello Othello: The Tragic Hero In William Shakespeare's Othello, Othello is the tragic hero. He is a character of high stature who is destroyed by his surroundings, his own actions, and his fate. His destruction is essentially precipitated by his own actions, as well as by the actions of the characters surrounding him. The tragedy of Othello is not a fault of a single villain, but is rather a consequence of a wide range of feelings, judgments and misjudgments, and attempts for personal justification exhibited by the characters. Othello is first shown as a hero of war and a man of great pride and courage. As the play continues, his character begins to deteriorate and become less noble. Chronologically through the play, Othello's more content... The power shown here is quite astounding. The nature of Othello's character is of a dark man. Not only because he is black, but also because his whole person is very mysterious. He is mysterious in that he believes there is magic everywhere. With this dark side, he is also very outgoing, and not very bright. He is not observant and the schemes of Iago work well on him. For all the dangers and encounters he has been involved in, this man is still naive of the corruptness of other individuals. Othello has a trusting nature in which he gives it all. He put all his trust in Iago during times of war and during Othello's marriage to Desdemona. Everyone considered Iago as honest, and it would be out of character for Othello to believe any different. For example, Othello had told Duke: "So please your grace, my ancient; A man he is of honesty and trust. To his conveyance I assign my wife, with what else needful your good grace shall think, To be sent after me" (I, iii, lines 306–310). Even if Othello was not as trusting or corrupt, he still would not realize Iago was lying. Othello commits his first act of violence against Desdemona by hitting her. This shows now Othello's tragic flaw. He made himself susceptible to Iago and the jealousy within him begins to lead to the end of others. By his actions, Othello has isolated himself from everyone except Iago. This gives Iago the perfect opportunity to complete his course of action. Finally, Othello's breakdown Get more content on
  • 3. Othello Tragic Hero In Shakespeare's Othello, Othello can be considered a tragic hero because he follows Aristotle's six elements of a tragedy. Another tragic hero who follows the same six elements of a tragedy is Oedipus from Oedipus the King. Based on Aristotle's six elements of a tragedy, position, flaw, prophecy, recognition, catastrophe, and reversal, the character Othello from Shakespeare's Othello can be considered a tragic hero. The first element of tragedy is position, which lets the reader know the position, or status, that the hero is in. In Othello, Othello is the leader of the Italian army and is very important to the people of Italy. "Valiant Othello, we must straight employ you against the general enemy Ottoman (11)." This quote shows how important Othello is to the army and to war. The same kind of position can be seen in Oedipus the King because Oedipus is king and is respected by the people of Thebes. "King Oedipus, the sovereign of our land (Sophocles 5)." This quote shows the importance of Oedipus to Thebes, just like Othello is important to Venice. When Othello is chosen to lead the army overseas, he also makes Brabantio mad by marrying his daughter, Desdemona, without his permission. "And, noble signior, if virtue more content... " with that recognizance and pledge of love which I first gave her; I saw it in his hand: It was a handkerchief, an antique token my father gave my mother (87)." Once Othello says this, Emilia knows that Iago is the person who set up Desdemona and Othello isn't the one to blame. Recognition can also be seen in Oedipus the King after the shepherd tells the story of the baby. "For if you are the one he says you are, make no mistake: you are a doom–born man (Sophocles 67)." At this point in the play, Oedipus knows that he is the one who is causing the problems in Thebes because the Tiresias was Get more content on
  • 4. Othello as Tragic Hero In what ways does Shakespeare present Othello as a typical tragic hero? Professedly, Shakespeare appears to present Othello as tragic hero, exposing his tragic flaw, which consequently leads to his downfall, through his use of language, structure and form. It could be argued 'Othello' appears to conform to Aristotle's principles of tragedy, of the noble protagonist who undergoes perpetia and endures suffering, resulting in his ultimate downfall due to harmatia, which he eventually realises, providing catharsis for the audience. However, upon further study, such devices may be interpreted to provide a different perception of the protagonist, as more of an atypical victim, exposed to the harsh reality of the society he longs to fit into, more content... Shakespeare presents this through heavy use of fragmented speech and repetition: "Lie with her? Lie on her...Handkercheif–confessions–handkerchief!". Not only does this highlight Othello's maddening state, it also demonstrates his insecurity and disbelief as he is constantly questioning himself, losing control. He makes brash decisions and crude outbursts of how he will "tear [Desdemona] apart" and "chop her into messes". In doing this Shakespeare is enabled to present Othello as returning to his basic, animalistic sinful state, losing stature and composure and drawing closer to his ultimate decline, but an alternative view would be to see Othello's insecurity as his downfall. Perhaps this so called "trust" he has placed in Iago is not because he is the "faultless hero" described by Bradley, but rather someone whose trust is neither "strong" nor "absolute!, as Leavis claims. Maybe it is just a ploy to keep the reputation he has sent his entire life building intact. This suggests that, rather than a hero, he is in fact a selfish character motivated by power and a need for acceptance rather than love. In Act 3, he speaks of being "haply black", and his insecurities are revealed as he believes he is inarticulate, barbaric and lacking "those soft parts of conversation...that clamberers have". Instead of his trusting nature and jealousy being his harmatia, something Desdemona believes the "sun Get more content on
  • 5. Othello's Tragic Hero Othello exemplifies Aristotle's definition of a tragic hero, because he is a general in the army which he holds a prominent position even though he is not from noble birth, he married into a wealthy and noble family. Othello's hubris is jealousy, anger, and murder. He is jealous of his wife Desdemona, and he refuses to share her with any other man. He plots with Iago to have Cassio killed which is falling into the plans of Iago. Iago has poisoned the mind of Othello leading him to believe that Desdemona has laid with Cassio. Iago and Othello bring up the fact she no longer has the handkerchief that was a symbol of their consternation of marriage. This cause him to not trust his wife. Othello becomes so enraged with anger and hate, he kills Get more content on
  • 6. How Is Othello A Tragic Hero In the story, "Othello, the Moor of Venice" by William Shakespeare, Othello is without a doubt a tragic hero. Othello is viewed as a noble and well–respected general but, through the course of the story he a flaw. This flaw causes a dilemma, that's out of Othello's control and leads him to his downfall; making him a tragic hero. Othello expresses the elements of a tragic hero because he is well regarded, cares jealously, and has a downfall near the end of the story. As the story commences, Othello the main character is sought as a noble and well respected general. Many greeted him with respect as people call him, noble and courageous general; even the duke respects him. Not only has that but, Othello told Iago: Tis yet to know– which, when I know that boasting is an honour, I shall promulgate– I fetch my life and being from men of royal siege, and my demerits may speak unbonneted to as round a fortune as this that I have reach'd for know, Iago, I would not my unhoused free condition put into circumscription and confine For the sea's worth (Othello 1.2.2.) By the quote recently provided, Othello demonstrates the characteristics of a noble and of well–respected general. Later in the story, Iago uses a handkerchief whom he obtains from his wife, Emilia; along with other methods of manipulation to sabotage Othello. Emilia was able more content... He goes from being a noble and well–respected general to becoming manipulated puppet. Like all hero's, Othello had a weakness and this was, him getting jealous. Iago took advantage of this through the story and build up the jealousy inside helpless Othello. Iago's cruel, sick mind games eventually wreaked havoc upon, Othello. Consumed by jealousy, Othello's flaw lead him to take actions into his own hand and killing his beloved wife Desdemona. The fact, that Othello allowed Iago to manipulate him into killing his precious, beloved wife was what contributed to Othello's Get more content on
  • 7. Othello As A Tragic Hero Known as a talented, noble general throughout all of Venice, Othello is transformed into a crazy, senseless man. William Shakespeare uses the idea of a tragic hero in almost all of his dramas. A tragic hero can be described as a person of high status who is neither completely good nor completely evil, possesses a tragic flaw, and leaves this flaw to be the reason for his/her downfall. Othello believes he can trust one of his soldiers, Iago, who is determined to seek revenge on Othello for not promoting him to be a lieutenant. Othello’s temper, insecurities, and jealousy are what causes his decline of his social and mental status. Othello can be described as a tragic hero because he is a well–known general of high status, possesses tragic flaws of insecurity, jealousy, and easily–triggered anger, and allows these flaws to lead to his own decline, as well as death. From the beginning of Act 1, Othello is referred to as “general”, showing the other characters’ respect for him. In his analysis of Othello, Berthoud says how Shakespeare presents Othello as “an Othello whose occupation involves the upholding of order and justice” (Berthoud). Cassio talks to Othello and reveals to him how the people of Venice will need Othello to go to Cyprus and defeat the Turkish fleet. However, when he is being accused of placing some sort of voodoo or poison on Desdemona, Othello states, “Rude am I in my speech/ And little Get more content on
  • 8. Is Othello a Tragic Hero? Essay To what extent can Othello be considered a 'tragic hero'? The extent of which Othello is a tragic hero has been open to much debate; the basis on which he is judged falls to Aristotle's established view of the crucial elements that distinguish whether a person is truly tragic. According to Aristotle, a tragic protagonist is a nobleman or person from high status, who contributes to his own demise and illustrates a flaw or weakness in judgment. The tragic protagonist must make a fall from a high state of being to a low state or death. The tragic hero's downfall, said Aristotle, was brought upon by some error of judgement. Aristotle's theory is not the final word on tragedy, however it can support in pinpointing the pivotal traits more content... The quote exposes Othello as being unworthy of his noble title and reputation of being trustworthy and moral, both domestically and in profession as a soldier. Striking a woman–even in the modern society– is attached with weakness and cowardice; so for Othello to publically humiliate and harm Desdemona, drastically lessens his argument of being a tragic hero and makes him somewhat ignoble. Desdemona's innocent references to Cassio goad Othello until he snaps and strikes her. When she says she is "glad" that Othello has been ordered to Venice and that Cassio will be in charge of Cyprus, he can't take anymore. The physical striking of Desdemona was not staged until the late 19th century by the actor Tommaso Salvini. The striking of Desdemona would have evoked strong feelings from a Jacobean audience. Unlike Othello, Lodovico is a true gentleman and his quote "This would not be believed in Venice!" emphasises the monstrosity of Othello's action. This particular scene disproves Bradley's theory that Othello is "the most romantic figure among Shakespeare's heroes". Both Macbeth and Othello are prominent Jacobean tragedies that William Shakespeare created with notable tragic protagonists. The play Macbeth is an excellent work that closely follows Aristotle's norms. Macbeth is a brave warrior in King Duncan's Army who compromises his honour and neglects his moral responsibilities in the attainment of power and position which Get more content on
  • 9. Othello: A Tragic Hero Most hero will arise what there called for, like the little things or things they done that people will remember forever in that case, in the book othello, a tragic hero is a character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to his destruction because of othello noble traits, his tragic flaws, and his tragic downfall. I think for someone to be a tragic hero, they must first be a noble character to begin with. There are many undesirable traits in othello, like his jealousy and gullibility but these problems and his tragic flaw is his insecurities. His jealousy nature leads him to kill the woman he has ever loved. He had everything going for him a beautiful wife however, they have flaw that sparks their downfall. Othello trusts the Get more content on