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Opportunities and threats in the process of
integrating the Northern Amazon of
Guillermo Rioja Ballivian

Director of Scientific and Technological Research (DICyT)

Amazonian University of Pando



* The MAP region

* The MAP Initiative and the construction of the problem

* Departments – State of the Region MAP

* Proposals for Integration in the Region MAP

* Embrapa and the possibility of technological support to the region

* Opportunities and threats to Pando in the context of regional integration MAP

* Bibliography


Pando Department, Bolivia, has 52,525 inhabitants, according to the latest population and
housing census in 2001. Of these, 28,940 are men and 23,585 women. Pando 20,820 live in
urban areas and the remaining 31,705 in rural areas. The population density is 0.8
inhabitants per square kilometer.

The economic potential of Pando is located in the extraction of timber and non timber
forest, and that at least 90% of the Department is evergreen rainforest. These features make
Pando is – with the Department of Madre de Dios in Peru and the State of Acre in Brazil –
the heart of the area known as the “West Amazonia.”

Since 1999, academic institutions, governmental and nongovernmental organizations as
well as indigenous and rural base, they have developed the MAP Initiative (Madre de Dios,
Acre and Pando), which proposes regional integration from the perspective of
environmental conservation and use rational and sustainable use of renewable natural
resources of the forest. Prositropicos Also, IICA and the Federal University of Acre
(UFAC) have been involved in Southwest Amazonia trying to trade and technology

Within this context, Pando is by far the most humble of tri potential partners, do not have
adequate institutional development to enable it to meet the challenges of regional
integration impels; does not have an adequate system of border protection that able to
exercise real sovereignty to begin talks with its neighbors on an equal footing and, finally,
has designed a system of environmental impact mitigation to address the imminent
construction of branches of the great road route to the Pacific that Brazil built steps bounds.

However, despite all this, Cobija commercial advantages that can potentially support
sustainable development of the Department to be a free zone, a fact which has not been
given due attention to strategic investments. Finally, there are interesting opportunities for
the Department Pando – and by extension throughout the northern Amazon region of
Bolivia – at this juncture of trinational program interventions, as long as conditions are
created objective of responsiveness, generation, management and implementation of
programs and projects local, national and trinational.


For decades the world discussed two concepts conservation approach the problem of
environmental degradation and the actions needed to mitigate them. On the one hand it was
established that conservation should aim to emergency rescue of species of flora and fauna
species (species conservation) and the other that conservation should be focused on global
issues in ecosystems (Ecosystems conservation). Organizations like the World Wildlife
Fund (WWF) opted initially for the first option. The second example is Conservation
International, which based on the concept of “hot spot” established its policy on the
conservation of high-risk regions, ie endangered ecosystems.

Currently there are few conservation organizations and foundations that are in disagreement
on what is important is “priority” ecoregions preserving integrity. Thus, the Biodiversity
Convention at the Fifth Conference of Parties, held in May 2000, adopted decision V / 6,
which adopts a policy of conservation of ecosystems. IUCN, through its Committee on
Management of Ecosystems and UNESCO, through its MAB Programme, decided the
same way to join forces to support the decision V / 6

WWF also established since the mid-nineties, the Ecoregion Based Conservation program,
one of the main so-called southwestern Amazonia.

All the Department of Pando, Bolivia, as well as the State of Acre, Brazil and the
Department of Madre de Dios in Peru are part of the southwestern Amazon, geopolitical
analysis in this paper.
MAP Region

The three socio-political units are located in the southwestern corner of the Amazon are the
State of Acre in Brazil, the Department of Madre de Dios in Peru and the Pando
Department in Bolivia. Presumably because of their remoteness from national capitals not
receive enough attention in their demands for development.

Both the Pando Department and the Department of Madre de Dios are the least populated
of Bolivia and Peru respectively, while the state of Acre is the third smallest population,
surpassing only Amapa and Roraima. This information, however should not blind us to the
regional perspective as the extension of this state in Brazil is far superior to that of its
neighbors Peru and Bolivia, also taking greater population density.

Source: Authors based on statistical information consulted

This density creates a strong pressure on natural resources manifests itself in environmental
degradation, as seen in Figure 1 of the annexes.

In the last decade throughout the region Madre de Dios-Acre-Pando (MAP and its
derivative) has undergone a process of colonization and of irrational exploitation of natural
resources with a high environmental price mainly due to migration of settlers from ejector
inner-city population in the Andean case of Madre de Dios and Pando, and Northeast of
Brazil in the case of Acre.

Similarly, development proposals planned by the three countries in the effort to unite with
roadside routes along the Atlantic to the Pacific through the Amazon deforestation will
increase dramatically and cause, likely very short-term, difficult environmental problems

Illustrative in this regard is an article published by U.S. News Service on 18 January 2002,
reports a new study by a team of U.S. and Brazilian scientists and suggests that the
destruction of forests in the Amazon Brazil has accelerated over the last decade, the rate of
deforestation in the Amazon have increased sharply since 1995. Countering this, the
Brazilian government said that threats to Amazonian forests declined in recent years due to
the improvement of environmental laws and public attitudes. With this premise, the
government plans to invest in the coming years more than 40,000 million dollars in new
roads, railways, electricity lines and gas pipelines in the Amazon, said that these projects
will have only limited effect in the region.

One of these projects is the construction of roads linking Rio Branco in Acre to Puerto
Maldonado in Madre de Dios and the time is now alfaltada up near the town of Assis
Brasil, tri-border point where there are also populations I~napari, Bolpebra Peru and
Bolivia. From Puerto Maldonado I~napari and there is a dirt road affirmed. That is, much
of the MAP region will be found soon greatly impacted by this road.

A recent study states that in an area of 100 km., The zone of influence of the road Rio
Branco – Puerto Maldonado covers about 110,000 km ^2: 45,000 km ^2 in Madre de Dios,
44,000 km ^2 in Acre and 21,000 km ^2 in Pando, the region Madre de Dios-Acre-Pando
covers about 220,000 km. ^2 in its entirety.

The population of this area is approximately 500,000. It is easy to imagine that the
socioeconomic and environmental impact of the road – given the poverty of the region –
can be catastrophic in the short term if they maintain the current paradigms of land use
devoted to agriculture and ranching and therefore the natural resource depletion of the
Amazon forest. This without taking into account the immigration of settlers who tends to
occur. Thus, direct and indirect social and environmental impacts of this road will be very
severe, the more so because the ability to respond to them, legal and institutional terms, is
very limited.

Indirect impacts of roads, especially in Amazonian conditions are very serious because the
road are deforestation and land invasion supposedly protected in the case of the MAP
region are indigenous territories (TCO Yaminahua-Machineri in Pando) and conservation
areas (Sonene Mother of God and Manuripi in Bolivia). On the other hand, it was found
that three quarters of total deforestation in the Amazon region of Brazil, is made in this age
of less than 100 km along the road. In this way, the road Rio Branco-Puerto Maldonado
encourage illegal logging, which involves the loss of biodiversity resources.

In the Department of Pando, in Bolivia, a road that can be considered branch of the road
Rio Branco-Puerto Maldonado is the one that connects the city of Cobija in the population
of Extreme at 300 meters from Puerto Maldonado I~napari-section, soon to be asphalt and
will allow Peru to export beef so now it shows an alarming rise of extensive cattle ranching
in the area of influence.

The MAP Initiative and the construction of the problem

This is, in very general terms, the context from where the “MAP initiative” with the initial
attempt to undertake research to maximize benefits and minimize the environmental impact
of road construction in Southwest Amazonia. In 1999, representatives of universities in the
tri-national region, research centers and agencies came together and suggested how these
regional institutions could make effective their isolated efforts. The recommendations of
this meeting were reflected in the Declaration of Rio Branco on Global Climate Change. ”
In summary, these recommendations suggest that research should focus their interest to
climate change that will occur in the MAP region, promoting multidisciplinary and
considering traditional knowledge in scientific studies. The results of this research should
be disseminated to all segments of society in the political, academic and local communities.

In Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios, in April 2001, six universities, various governmental
and non governmental organizations met to discuss a joint program of research and action
regarding the mitigation of environmental impacts of the road between Rio Branco and the

On May 19, 2001 a seminar was held in Assis Brazil with the participation of authorities
and local society which was suggested by a document called “Letter from Assis Brasil:
Building Sustainable Development in the Tri-Border.” In late August of that year, also in
Assis Brazil conducted a workshop on “Diagnosis of logging activity in the Tri-Border:
Prospects for the Future”

Finally, between 9 and 12 September 2002, will be held in Cobija, Pando, the “Third Tri
MAP Workshop: Sustainable Development in the Region.”

In summary, the MAP initiative three years has established its field research in the context
of sustainable development, involving social actors who inhabit the region to develop an
alternative plan to mitigate the environmental impact of trans-Amazon highway, especially
with regard to global climate change. Among the biggest challenges faced by the MAP
initiative of the lack of knowledge of neighboring countries.

Departments – State of the Region MAP

Bolivia, Brazil and Peru share the MAP region and, as we have seen, environmental issues
thereof. However, the magnitude of problems and institutional capacities to find solutions
differ greatly because of the uneven development of the countries of the region.

Only – for illustration – Consider the following data:

Source: Authors based on statistical information consulted

Is a notorious difference between the infant mortality rate of Acre and Pando, the Mother of
God is in the middle. This indicator is important because it implicitly contains such
categories as nutrition, health and poverty. Regarding the latter, and referred to the
Department Pando, consider the following opinion:

The department of Pando, with a rich diversity of natural resources, is scarce and scattered
population and geographic location allows you to articulate yet economically with the rest
of the country. These conditions, among others, make it be considered alongside Pando
Potosi and Chuquisaca as one of the departments with the highest poverty rates (…)

This view – also reflect the situation in which the debate Pando – is important in the sense
that, referring to Madre de Dios and Acre, one can assert the same, from the viewpoint of
each country. However, assessments of economies of scale can not be compared
horizontally to Brazil with Bolivia and Peru. And not just in the field of economics, but
also, by extension, institutional strengths, as it aims Dourojeanni (2001) in relation Brazil –
Peru with respect to mitigating the environmental impact of roads:

The legal and institutional differences between the two countries, in relation to the Amazon
and works as the Transoceanic are really big. The existence of solving management
mechanisms at national, state and municipal levels in Brazil, creates a gap in the
environmental treatment on both sides of the border. In Brazil, these mechanisms combined

with the existence of a public prosecutor acting, creating increasingly effective mechanisms
to support the Ministry of Environment, state secretaries and federal and state
implementing agencies in their efforts to implement the legislation. They also serve to
control the actions of the authorities, including environmental. In Peru, the Ministry of
Agriculture and INRENA are alone, when purporting to act in defense of the environment,
which is not common, given the obvious conflict of interests within the same Ministry, who
is judge and party to the agricultural use land and the exploitation of natural forest.

This quote can also be applied to the relationship Bolivia – Brazil, in this and other topics.

Following the regulations, we can assert that the laws on social groups within the MAP
region show different perspectives and conceptualizations that are difficult even any
attempt at integration. Consider and compare – for example – the Articles of the
Constitution of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia apply to indigenous peoples in the MAP region.

In all three countries, the state constitutions broadly include the recognition and promotion
of indigenous / native. His legal devices sector (economic, political, social and cultural) are
partial developments relating to the protection and promotion of indigenous rights, but with
a different projection rules. For example, in Peru’s Constitution states clearly, in Article 88
the right to own land, whether private or communal or any other form of association. This
is also stressed in Article 89 when it is said that the peasant and native communities are
autonomous and free use of their lands. This contrasts sharply with the Political
Constitution of Bolivia provides in its Article 165 that the land belongs to the original
domain of the nation and for the state distribution, regrouping and redistribution. That is, in
Peru there is a possibility of privatization of land community members, following
consensus of the majority, while in Bolivia the right is not established.

In the Brazilian Constitution, Article 231 stipulates that indigenous territories are lands
traditionally occupied by Indians (sic) on a permanent basis and used for productive
activities, essential for the preservation of environmental resources needed for reproduction
and physical and cultural, according to their habits, customs and traditions. These customs
and traditions are those who define themselves as “Indians” and to be kept permanently. In
the same article states that the land in this article are inalienable, exhausted, and the rights
therein, inalienable, being, as stated in Article 20, property of the Union.

In short we can say that the treatment of the indigenous in the MAP region can be
conceptualized as a continuum from the “Indian reserve” and “indigenous park” in Brazil,
which prevents any attempt autocivilizatoria understood as acculturation “to the possibility
of selling the Indian territory in Peru, through the exclusive right of indigenous peoples of
Bolivia to make commercial use of renewable natural resources within their community
lands or Indian lands.

With regards to protected areas of the MAP region we find the same situation as the
categories of management from different conceptualizations. In Bolivia the Law of the
Environment assumes certain categories established by the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and not others as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO
established its program Man and Biosphere (MAB), however, the facts, at least two
protected areas in Bolivia are named the “biosphere reserve”, but not assimilated to the
conservation program this term denotes. In Peru Biosphere Reserve Manu, who is both the
National Park.

However, despite these conceptual differences arising from different state approaches to
topical issues in the MAP region, there are serious attempts bifronteriza integration
between Bolivia and Peru, Brazil and Peru, but at the time have remained on paper,
developments show the need for common plans that aim at sustainable development of this
region, the nerve center of the so-called South-West Amazonia.

Proposals for Integration in the Region MAP

In addition to roadside integration efforts and research to propose tri mitigating the
environmental impacts of development – which were described above – there are more
comprehensive proposals that have been advocated by various national and international.
We turn first review two of them, the Program for Integrated Development of the Peruvian-
Brazilian Border Communities and Integrated Action Programme Peruvian Bolivian –

The institutional history of both programs is:

The Amazon Cooperation Multinational Project of the OAS General Secretariat is working,
since 1985, with members of the TCA. This project aims to provide technical cooperation
in binational or multinational activities in watersheds or regions bordering the region to
support activities of the Amazon Cooperation Council and its Secretariat pro tempore in the
field of natural resource development and environmental management, and to cooperate in
obtaining external funds for specific projects.

The document of the Integrated Development Program of the Peruvian-Brazilian Border
Communities outlines the main characteristics of the binational area and identifies its
strengths and limitations.

In terms of features reads as follows:

The total area covered by the program, amounts to about 10,200 km2, of which 4,377 km2
(43%) for the Brazilian and 5,823 km2 (57%) to Peru. The Brazilian area includes the
entire length of the Municipality of Assis Brasil, located southeast of the State of Acre,
between the left bank of the Rio Acre and Rio Yaco right. The area of Peru is located in the
Department of Madre de Dios, Tahuamanu Province and includes the districts of I~napari,
Iberia and Tahuamanu, representing 74% of the area of the department.

That is, the program area is located in the Brazilian and Peruvian portions of the MAP

According to this study, agroforestry fitness area, classified according to the capacity of
land use, resulting in the 66, 9% of the area is reserved for conservation areas and 33, 1%,

as an area for development of the Development of the Peruvian-Brazilian Border
Communities. It says more than 11,000 ha. have been altered or operated by man for
agricultural, livestock and other uses. Agricultural production in project area (both
Brazilian and Peruvian) is negligible featuring extremely low productivity ratios. The
activity is directed predominantly towards subsistence crops for which use rudimentary
production techniques, focusing mainly on small family farms, almost always among the

According to this study, the region is conducive to economic development, with the
following potentials: development of industries processing agricultural and aquatic
resources, production of permanent crops and pastures based on the establishment of native
species agricultural uses forestry and pastoral land with economic potential, exploitation of
fast growing tree species, production of forest trees on land suitable for permanent crops,
with special attention to the chestnut, the creation of reserves for the conservation of
biodiversity, development of building area techniques of the native population, exploitation
of genetic potential; siringales reforestation, and promotion of agro-industrial activity.

In terms of limitations, the diagnosis shows the following: economic and social structure
dependent, irrational exploitation of natural resources, use of inappropriate technology in
the exploitation of resources, scattered settlements, with strengthening the services sector
activity extraction, to the detriment of the productive sector, growth sectors disjointed, with
no agro-processing centers, low levels of public and private investment, lack of energy and
communication infrastructure, lack of diversification for market population scattering
prevents economic delivery of services to the population and the provision of production
infrastructure and marketing, demographic decline, in absolute terms, insufficient human
and financial resources.

Probably because it was developed in 1992, the diagnosis shows a developmental trend that
has little to do now with the new proposals for sustainable development that are based more
on environmental service opportunities and wise use of forest resources with emphasis on
non-timber. It is also curious to note that this study gives little importance to the chestnut
and this product that keeps the economy of the region. On the other hand refers to a
demographic decline that date is paradoxical.

If you follow the recommendations of this study, the road network designed and
implemented in major sections would become a panacea for – among other things – allow
the growth of towns, and the establishment of programs of agricultural and livestock
development to the detriment of biodiversity at present is a possibility of revenue from
environmental services and ecotourism. On the other hand, irreversible decline in the price
of rubber (syrinx) shows that regeneration of this species, so induced, in plantations or ex
situ, is not profitable at the time, nor is looming in the short and medium term profitability.

The Integrated Development Program of the Peruvian-Brazilian Border Communities
identified 31 projects in the areas of productive development, social development,
environment, indigenous, and urban development. Of these, 12 are nationals of Brazil, 13
are nationals of Peru, and 6 are binational. The bilateral projects are expected to last 3 years
running, with a total planned investment in the order of U.S. $ 57.8 million, of which U.S.
$ 19.9 million for the Brazilian area and U.S. $ 37.9 billion under the area of Peru.
Needless to say, these projects were not executed.

The second proposed MAP area integration is the Integrated Action Programme Peruvian
Bolivian – PAIPB, conducted in 1998 and located your research area 112,300 km2 (11’230,
000 ha.) Belonging to the Departments of Madre de Dios Peru and part of Beni and Pando
in Bolivia.

This diagnosis is recognized that the most important activity of the study area is the
chestnut harvest, “which takes place throughout the region with the potential to
industrialize to obtain oil and meal, usually small farmers whose main activity is the
collection of this product “.

The study also states that in the northeast region, data is recorded about 500 species of trees
and palms. Of these species are classified as species with potential economic value to 18
timber species and 14 non-timber species including palms. Among the species are chestnut
timber, gum and copal. Among the species of palm are: Acai (huasai), nice, cusi, palm
fronds and royal palm (Attalea regia or Maximiliana elegans).

These data are interesting from the new perspective of sustainable development of the MAP
region and the search for new products will – tends – to diversify the use of natural
resources by removing the pressure on land caused by the agricultural activity, especially in
booming the State of Acre, but this area is not within the study PAIPB analyzed.

With regard to the potential identified in this study, we can see that are closer to the current
perspective of sustainable development in the MAP region and referring explicitly to the
use of flora and fauna in a sustainable manner:

availability of promising species forests, the rational exploitation of forests has interesting
prospects. Overcoming the lack of knowledge about the use of species and establishing
management plans for exploitation in large areas, they would create optimal conditions for
forest industries.

Existence of many food plants, which produce oils, essences and medicines that could be
developed in the future (…)

There are also important forest resources have not adequately quantified. High fisheries
potential (…).

(…) Development of farming and animal breeding, so as to encourage native species

The wealth of wildlife, vertebrate and invertebrate species is important for research on the
importance of animals within the existing food chains, as well as for taxonomic studies of
wildlife, mainly on invertebrates (… )

The potential of natural resources is the basis for sustainable development through the
implementation of programs and projects that will raise incomes.

The ecotourism potential of the region can be advantageously used as a means to revitalize
the regional economy through the multiplier effect

Knowledge of the native population (…) potential should be considered. It should work
with native communities to take an inventory of medicinal plants and dyeing (…) ensure
proper management of the ecosystem with its own technology.

This new approach to developing a practice that takes into account the conservation of
renewable natural resources and emphasizes the need for indigenous knowledge are
disseminated as potential makes this an interesting possibility proposed start strategic
institutional interventions MAP development in the region. The recommendations of this
interesting study better circumscribe the object of institutional intervention that has not
happened at the time of utterance. Here are some relating to economic development with a
veneer of sustainability:

Research and develop sustainable production models that consider the ecological reality of
the Amazon to preserve the ecosystems of the region, and simultaneously meet the needs of
the population.

Regularize the tenure of land and forest concessions to ensure proper management.

Industrialization of the three most important products of the Amazon (Brazil nuts, rubber
and wood). Micromill and marketing of products derived from nuts. Construction of (mini)
rubber mills and incentives to industrialization. Increased value added in the export of
semi-finished wood.

Creating a research center application and use of Amazonian products, such as resins,
fruits, medicinal and other products.

Inventory of fish species that exist in the rivers of the region, study how the life cycle and
behavior in relation to the environment.

Regularize the tenure of land and forest concessions to ensure proper management.

Develop appropriate technologies to improve agricultural production, livestock.

The penultimate point touches a very sensitive area in the region since the lack of legal
certainty is an unresolved problem in Peru with regard to forest concessions in Bolivia over
land reclamation

But it is the last point that leads us to the latest proposal of integration discussed in this
brief analysis of the MAP region.

Embrapa and the possibility of technological support to the region

In the second half of the 60′s and early 70′s, the Brazilian government established a new
model of development and institutional matrix reorganized the country’s public sector. In
the matrix of the agricultural sector, two partner organizations to track technological
innovation were created: the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (EMBRAPA) and
the Brazilian Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (EMBRATER) in 1990 and has
since disappeared EMBRATER EMBRAPA has diversified its scope based on “scenario
studies to understand the social, economic, political, technological and institutional changes
that were shaping the global and emerging trends.” As a result of this account when
environmental departments, production engineering, food production, agro-industry and
regional development.

In Bolivia, when running programs EMBRAPA research and technology transfer with
Bolivian counterparts in the Department of Santa Cruz and the Chapare region, promoting
alternative development from a perspective of sustainability. Do not have a program in the
Pando Department but now, because of the Workshop Cobija Tri MAP 2002, coinciding
with the Tri-National Meeting: Bolivia, Brazil and Peru, meeting business and technology
integration for sustainable development Amazon to be held in Rio Branco – Acre, in the
annual meeting AMAZONTECH roaming, has shown interest in supporting actions in the
MAP region.

This meeting is sponsored by Sebrae, Embrapa Acre, Acre State Government and Federal
University of Acre, 48 papers were presented, there will be 8 courses, 4 field days, 3
workshops and 3 technical visits, will be out in the Business Center Sebrae and the Federal
University of Acre.

The topics of the meeting are: current economic and environmental vision and foresight of
the Amazonian ecosystem of the countries of the region, the agricultural technology
platform and opportunities for sustainable development in the Amazon, the land in the
Amazon countries to reconcile production agricultural environmental quality, present and
future of development and technology integration and trade in the Amazon region of
Bolivia, Peru and Brazil, policies and activities for technology integration and trade for
sustainable development of Amazonia.

As shown, all issues are of regional interest and are viewed from a perspective of
sustainable development, according to new investigative approaches and institutional
intervention in the MAP region and within the concept of Southwestern Amazonia in
current use.

Pando opportunities and threats in the context of regional integration MAP

Pando Department is unfavorable in regard to levels of economic, social and institutional
capacity to successfully confront situations of horizontal integration with its neighbors.
However, in the visions of sustainability and sustainability of small and medium scale
shows interesting advantages thanks to the good level of environmental conservation and
the low population density that greatly disturbs biodiversity.
Furthermore, although the bi-oceanic highway causes and cause major environmental
disturbances looking for exporters Pando is possible – already being explored – to take their
products for it to Manaus for that port navigable river with high capacity draft, to reach
European markets primarily interested in forest products like timber and Brazil nuts. This is
a comparative advantage to other exporters of wood, such as transportation costs are much
lower than bringing the product to ports in Chile, crossing all of Bolivia.

It is also notable informal exchange of forest products, legal and nonlegal between the
Departments / State of the MAP region. Currently the Brazilian Institute of Environment
(IBAMA), responsible for forest control in Brazil, is trying to coordinate action on border
control with the local office of the Forestry Superintendence of Bolivia and have found that
if you perform this task, the sawmill industry and carpentry neighboring cities to Cobija,
and Epitaciolandia Brasileia would collapse for lack of raw material. On the other side of
the coin, about 80% of the chestnut currently being processed in the city of Riberalta comes
from Brazil, the states of Acre and Rondonia. Tahuamanu also buys Chestnut Acre state.

For what is seen in a border expeditiously as Acre and Pando the best option to curb the
illegal trade in forest products is legalized through commercial agreements that will benefit
both parties. In the same vein, the transfer of technology – especially post-harvest – is done
informally, most often without technical criteria for quality control.

Cobija commercial advantages that can potentially support sustainable development of the
Department to be a free zone, a fact which has not been given due attention to strategic

Ecotourism also presents opportunities for improvement in Pando monetary income of the
Department, with its exuberant nature. However, the objective conditions for initiating this
clean industrial activity are far from optimal because of inadequate infrastructure and
lacking in the basic operation Department facilities.

Institutional weaknesses and non-government is also noticeable in comparison to the MAP
regional neighbors and that results in an overwhelming tendency of the Madre de Dios and
Acre to the design and implementation of proposals, projects and policies tri. This is shown
clearly in this moment, when the Department can not respond adequately to the challenge
of regional integration processes have not yet sustainable institutions that promote
sustainable development, because as noted Jose de Souza Silva, there will be no sustainable
organizations sustainable development. The development is a product of the intervention,
no intervention, no development, only evolution.

In summary, there are interesting opportunities for the Department Pando – and by
extension the entire northern Amazon region of Bolivia – at this juncture of trinational
program interventions, as long as they achieve the institutional strengthening local
government and nongovernmental, that is, believe objective conditions of receptivity,
generation, management and implementation of programs and projects at local, national
and trinational.

* Ampuero, Ana Maria, 2001. Presentation, Antezana, Monica. Food Security in Pando,

* ANC: Information system for monitoring social, 2002. Madre de Dios, Lima.

* Brown, Irving Foster, , Estrada de Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil years Portos do Pacific:
As you maximize profits and minimize prejuizos you for or desenvolvimento sustentavel da
Amazonia Sul-Ocidental. In press.

* Caffrey, Patricia and Chelsea Specht, s.d. Sustainable Resource Management and
Conservation of Biodiversity, BOLFOR.

* De Souza Silva, Joseph. 1997. Strategic Management of Institutional Change: The Case
of the Brazilian Enterprise for Agricultural Research, EMBRAPA, EMBRAPA.

* Dourojeanni, Marc, 2001. Likely social and environmental impacts of the transoceanic
highway (Rio Branco-Puerto Maldonado-Ilo) and responsiveness of Peru, Revista
“Habitat”, Bulletin No. 19

* National Statistics Institute (INE), 2002. Population and Housing Census 2001, La Paz.

* National Statistics Institute (INEI), Abstract 2001, Lima.

* Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), is accelerating deforestation in the
Brazilian Amazon, Journal Environmental Conservation. “, January 15, 2002

* Marconi, Maria et al 2001. The Ecosystem Approach under the CBD: from concept to

* OAS, 1992. Integrated Development Program of Border Communities-I~napari Assis

* OAS, 1998. Integrated Action Plan Peruvian Boliviano (PAIPB)

* Rioja Ballivian, Guillermo. 1998. Sociocultural diagnosis of Indigenous Peoples of the
lowlands of Bolivia, National Assessment Indigenous VAIPO

* Rioja Ballivian, Guillermo. 1999. Feasibility Study on Comprehensive Care for
Indigenous Communities / Native, Sustainable Development Project in Amazon Border
Areas Integrated Action Programme Peruvian Boliviano (PAIPB), OEA


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  • 1. Opportunities and threats in the process of integrating the Northern Amazon of Bolivia Guillermo Rioja Ballivian Director of Scientific and Technological Research (DICyT) Amazonian University of Pando Bolivia Abstract * The MAP region * The MAP Initiative and the construction of the problem * Departments – State of the Region MAP * Proposals for Integration in the Region MAP * Embrapa and the possibility of technological support to the region * Opportunities and threats to Pando in the context of regional integration MAP * Bibliography Summary Pando Department, Bolivia, has 52,525 inhabitants, according to the latest population and housing census in 2001. Of these, 28,940 are men and 23,585 women. Pando 20,820 live in urban areas and the remaining 31,705 in rural areas. The population density is 0.8 inhabitants per square kilometer. The economic potential of Pando is located in the extraction of timber and non timber forest, and that at least 90% of the Department is evergreen rainforest. These features make Pando is – with the Department of Madre de Dios in Peru and the State of Acre in Brazil – the heart of the area known as the “West Amazonia.” 1
  • 2. Since 1999, academic institutions, governmental and nongovernmental organizations as well as indigenous and rural base, they have developed the MAP Initiative (Madre de Dios, Acre and Pando), which proposes regional integration from the perspective of environmental conservation and use rational and sustainable use of renewable natural resources of the forest. Prositropicos Also, IICA and the Federal University of Acre (UFAC) have been involved in Southwest Amazonia trying to trade and technology transfer. Within this context, Pando is by far the most humble of tri potential partners, do not have adequate institutional development to enable it to meet the challenges of regional integration impels; does not have an adequate system of border protection that able to exercise real sovereignty to begin talks with its neighbors on an equal footing and, finally, has designed a system of environmental impact mitigation to address the imminent construction of branches of the great road route to the Pacific that Brazil built steps bounds. However, despite all this, Cobija commercial advantages that can potentially support sustainable development of the Department to be a free zone, a fact which has not been given due attention to strategic investments. Finally, there are interesting opportunities for the Department Pando – and by extension throughout the northern Amazon region of Bolivia – at this juncture of trinational program interventions, as long as conditions are created objective of responsiveness, generation, management and implementation of programs and projects local, national and trinational. Introduction For decades the world discussed two concepts conservation approach the problem of environmental degradation and the actions needed to mitigate them. On the one hand it was established that conservation should aim to emergency rescue of species of flora and fauna species (species conservation) and the other that conservation should be focused on global issues in ecosystems (Ecosystems conservation). Organizations like the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) opted initially for the first option. The second example is Conservation International, which based on the concept of “hot spot” established its policy on the conservation of high-risk regions, ie endangered ecosystems. Currently there are few conservation organizations and foundations that are in disagreement on what is important is “priority” ecoregions preserving integrity. Thus, the Biodiversity Convention at the Fifth Conference of Parties, held in May 2000, adopted decision V / 6, which adopts a policy of conservation of ecosystems. IUCN, through its Committee on Management of Ecosystems and UNESCO, through its MAB Programme, decided the same way to join forces to support the decision V / 6 WWF also established since the mid-nineties, the Ecoregion Based Conservation program, one of the main so-called southwestern Amazonia. All the Department of Pando, Bolivia, as well as the State of Acre, Brazil and the Department of Madre de Dios in Peru are part of the southwestern Amazon, geopolitical analysis in this paper. 2
  • 3. MAP Region The three socio-political units are located in the southwestern corner of the Amazon are the State of Acre in Brazil, the Department of Madre de Dios in Peru and the Pando Department in Bolivia. Presumably because of their remoteness from national capitals not receive enough attention in their demands for development. Both the Pando Department and the Department of Madre de Dios are the least populated of Bolivia and Peru respectively, while the state of Acre is the third smallest population, surpassing only Amapa and Roraima. This information, however should not blind us to the regional perspective as the extension of this state in Brazil is far superior to that of its neighbors Peru and Bolivia, also taking greater population density. Source: Authors based on statistical information consulted This density creates a strong pressure on natural resources manifests itself in environmental degradation, as seen in Figure 1 of the annexes. In the last decade throughout the region Madre de Dios-Acre-Pando (MAP and its derivative) has undergone a process of colonization and of irrational exploitation of natural resources with a high environmental price mainly due to migration of settlers from ejector inner-city population in the Andean case of Madre de Dios and Pando, and Northeast of Brazil in the case of Acre. Similarly, development proposals planned by the three countries in the effort to unite with roadside routes along the Atlantic to the Pacific through the Amazon deforestation will increase dramatically and cause, likely very short-term, difficult environmental problems solution. Illustrative in this regard is an article published by U.S. News Service on 18 January 2002, reports a new study by a team of U.S. and Brazilian scientists and suggests that the destruction of forests in the Amazon Brazil has accelerated over the last decade, the rate of deforestation in the Amazon have increased sharply since 1995. Countering this, the Brazilian government said that threats to Amazonian forests declined in recent years due to the improvement of environmental laws and public attitudes. With this premise, the government plans to invest in the coming years more than 40,000 million dollars in new roads, railways, electricity lines and gas pipelines in the Amazon, said that these projects will have only limited effect in the region. One of these projects is the construction of roads linking Rio Branco in Acre to Puerto Maldonado in Madre de Dios and the time is now alfaltada up near the town of Assis Brasil, tri-border point where there are also populations I~napari, Bolpebra Peru and Bolivia. From Puerto Maldonado I~napari and there is a dirt road affirmed. That is, much of the MAP region will be found soon greatly impacted by this road. 3
  • 4. A recent study states that in an area of 100 km., The zone of influence of the road Rio Branco – Puerto Maldonado covers about 110,000 km ^2: 45,000 km ^2 in Madre de Dios, 44,000 km ^2 in Acre and 21,000 km ^2 in Pando, the region Madre de Dios-Acre-Pando covers about 220,000 km. ^2 in its entirety. The population of this area is approximately 500,000. It is easy to imagine that the socioeconomic and environmental impact of the road – given the poverty of the region – can be catastrophic in the short term if they maintain the current paradigms of land use devoted to agriculture and ranching and therefore the natural resource depletion of the Amazon forest. This without taking into account the immigration of settlers who tends to occur. Thus, direct and indirect social and environmental impacts of this road will be very severe, the more so because the ability to respond to them, legal and institutional terms, is very limited. Indirect impacts of roads, especially in Amazonian conditions are very serious because the road are deforestation and land invasion supposedly protected in the case of the MAP region are indigenous territories (TCO Yaminahua-Machineri in Pando) and conservation areas (Sonene Mother of God and Manuripi in Bolivia). On the other hand, it was found that three quarters of total deforestation in the Amazon region of Brazil, is made in this age of less than 100 km along the road. In this way, the road Rio Branco-Puerto Maldonado encourage illegal logging, which involves the loss of biodiversity resources. In the Department of Pando, in Bolivia, a road that can be considered branch of the road Rio Branco-Puerto Maldonado is the one that connects the city of Cobija in the population of Extreme at 300 meters from Puerto Maldonado I~napari-section, soon to be asphalt and will allow Peru to export beef so now it shows an alarming rise of extensive cattle ranching in the area of influence. The MAP Initiative and the construction of the problem This is, in very general terms, the context from where the “MAP initiative” with the initial attempt to undertake research to maximize benefits and minimize the environmental impact of road construction in Southwest Amazonia. In 1999, representatives of universities in the tri-national region, research centers and agencies came together and suggested how these regional institutions could make effective their isolated efforts. The recommendations of this meeting were reflected in the Declaration of Rio Branco on Global Climate Change. ” In summary, these recommendations suggest that research should focus their interest to climate change that will occur in the MAP region, promoting multidisciplinary and considering traditional knowledge in scientific studies. The results of this research should be disseminated to all segments of society in the political, academic and local communities. In Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios, in April 2001, six universities, various governmental and non governmental organizations met to discuss a joint program of research and action regarding the mitigation of environmental impacts of the road between Rio Branco and the Pacific. 4
  • 5. On May 19, 2001 a seminar was held in Assis Brazil with the participation of authorities and local society which was suggested by a document called “Letter from Assis Brasil: Building Sustainable Development in the Tri-Border.” In late August of that year, also in Assis Brazil conducted a workshop on “Diagnosis of logging activity in the Tri-Border: Prospects for the Future” Finally, between 9 and 12 September 2002, will be held in Cobija, Pando, the “Third Tri MAP Workshop: Sustainable Development in the Region.” In summary, the MAP initiative three years has established its field research in the context of sustainable development, involving social actors who inhabit the region to develop an alternative plan to mitigate the environmental impact of trans-Amazon highway, especially with regard to global climate change. Among the biggest challenges faced by the MAP initiative of the lack of knowledge of neighboring countries. Departments – State of the Region MAP Bolivia, Brazil and Peru share the MAP region and, as we have seen, environmental issues thereof. However, the magnitude of problems and institutional capacities to find solutions differ greatly because of the uneven development of the countries of the region. Only – for illustration – Consider the following data: Source: Authors based on statistical information consulted Is a notorious difference between the infant mortality rate of Acre and Pando, the Mother of God is in the middle. This indicator is important because it implicitly contains such categories as nutrition, health and poverty. Regarding the latter, and referred to the Department Pando, consider the following opinion: The department of Pando, with a rich diversity of natural resources, is scarce and scattered population and geographic location allows you to articulate yet economically with the rest of the country. These conditions, among others, make it be considered alongside Pando Potosi and Chuquisaca as one of the departments with the highest poverty rates (…) This view – also reflect the situation in which the debate Pando – is important in the sense that, referring to Madre de Dios and Acre, one can assert the same, from the viewpoint of each country. However, assessments of economies of scale can not be compared horizontally to Brazil with Bolivia and Peru. And not just in the field of economics, but also, by extension, institutional strengths, as it aims Dourojeanni (2001) in relation Brazil – Peru with respect to mitigating the environmental impact of roads: The legal and institutional differences between the two countries, in relation to the Amazon and works as the Transoceanic are really big. The existence of solving management mechanisms at national, state and municipal levels in Brazil, creates a gap in the environmental treatment on both sides of the border. In Brazil, these mechanisms combined 5
  • 6. with the existence of a public prosecutor acting, creating increasingly effective mechanisms to support the Ministry of Environment, state secretaries and federal and state implementing agencies in their efforts to implement the legislation. They also serve to control the actions of the authorities, including environmental. In Peru, the Ministry of Agriculture and INRENA are alone, when purporting to act in defense of the environment, which is not common, given the obvious conflict of interests within the same Ministry, who is judge and party to the agricultural use land and the exploitation of natural forest. This quote can also be applied to the relationship Bolivia – Brazil, in this and other topics. Following the regulations, we can assert that the laws on social groups within the MAP region show different perspectives and conceptualizations that are difficult even any attempt at integration. Consider and compare – for example – the Articles of the Constitution of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia apply to indigenous peoples in the MAP region. In all three countries, the state constitutions broadly include the recognition and promotion of indigenous / native. His legal devices sector (economic, political, social and cultural) are partial developments relating to the protection and promotion of indigenous rights, but with a different projection rules. For example, in Peru’s Constitution states clearly, in Article 88 the right to own land, whether private or communal or any other form of association. This is also stressed in Article 89 when it is said that the peasant and native communities are autonomous and free use of their lands. This contrasts sharply with the Political Constitution of Bolivia provides in its Article 165 that the land belongs to the original domain of the nation and for the state distribution, regrouping and redistribution. That is, in Peru there is a possibility of privatization of land community members, following consensus of the majority, while in Bolivia the right is not established. In the Brazilian Constitution, Article 231 stipulates that indigenous territories are lands traditionally occupied by Indians (sic) on a permanent basis and used for productive activities, essential for the preservation of environmental resources needed for reproduction and physical and cultural, according to their habits, customs and traditions. These customs and traditions are those who define themselves as “Indians” and to be kept permanently. In the same article states that the land in this article are inalienable, exhausted, and the rights therein, inalienable, being, as stated in Article 20, property of the Union. In short we can say that the treatment of the indigenous in the MAP region can be conceptualized as a continuum from the “Indian reserve” and “indigenous park” in Brazil, which prevents any attempt autocivilizatoria understood as acculturation “to the possibility of selling the Indian territory in Peru, through the exclusive right of indigenous peoples of Bolivia to make commercial use of renewable natural resources within their community lands or Indian lands. With regards to protected areas of the MAP region we find the same situation as the categories of management from different conceptualizations. In Bolivia the Law of the Environment assumes certain categories established by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and not others as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO established its program Man and Biosphere (MAB), however, the facts, at least two 6
  • 7. protected areas in Bolivia are named the “biosphere reserve”, but not assimilated to the conservation program this term denotes. In Peru Biosphere Reserve Manu, who is both the National Park. However, despite these conceptual differences arising from different state approaches to topical issues in the MAP region, there are serious attempts bifronteriza integration between Bolivia and Peru, Brazil and Peru, but at the time have remained on paper, developments show the need for common plans that aim at sustainable development of this region, the nerve center of the so-called South-West Amazonia. Proposals for Integration in the Region MAP In addition to roadside integration efforts and research to propose tri mitigating the environmental impacts of development – which were described above – there are more comprehensive proposals that have been advocated by various national and international. We turn first review two of them, the Program for Integrated Development of the Peruvian- Brazilian Border Communities and Integrated Action Programme Peruvian Bolivian – PAIPB. The institutional history of both programs is: The Amazon Cooperation Multinational Project of the OAS General Secretariat is working, since 1985, with members of the TCA. This project aims to provide technical cooperation in binational or multinational activities in watersheds or regions bordering the region to support activities of the Amazon Cooperation Council and its Secretariat pro tempore in the field of natural resource development and environmental management, and to cooperate in obtaining external funds for specific projects. The document of the Integrated Development Program of the Peruvian-Brazilian Border Communities outlines the main characteristics of the binational area and identifies its strengths and limitations. In terms of features reads as follows: The total area covered by the program, amounts to about 10,200 km2, of which 4,377 km2 (43%) for the Brazilian and 5,823 km2 (57%) to Peru. The Brazilian area includes the entire length of the Municipality of Assis Brasil, located southeast of the State of Acre, between the left bank of the Rio Acre and Rio Yaco right. The area of Peru is located in the Department of Madre de Dios, Tahuamanu Province and includes the districts of I~napari, Iberia and Tahuamanu, representing 74% of the area of the department. That is, the program area is located in the Brazilian and Peruvian portions of the MAP region. According to this study, agroforestry fitness area, classified according to the capacity of land use, resulting in the 66, 9% of the area is reserved for conservation areas and 33, 1%, 7
  • 8. as an area for development of the Development of the Peruvian-Brazilian Border Communities. It says more than 11,000 ha. have been altered or operated by man for agricultural, livestock and other uses. Agricultural production in project area (both Brazilian and Peruvian) is negligible featuring extremely low productivity ratios. The activity is directed predominantly towards subsistence crops for which use rudimentary production techniques, focusing mainly on small family farms, almost always among the siringales. According to this study, the region is conducive to economic development, with the following potentials: development of industries processing agricultural and aquatic resources, production of permanent crops and pastures based on the establishment of native species agricultural uses forestry and pastoral land with economic potential, exploitation of fast growing tree species, production of forest trees on land suitable for permanent crops, with special attention to the chestnut, the creation of reserves for the conservation of biodiversity, development of building area techniques of the native population, exploitation of genetic potential; siringales reforestation, and promotion of agro-industrial activity. In terms of limitations, the diagnosis shows the following: economic and social structure dependent, irrational exploitation of natural resources, use of inappropriate technology in the exploitation of resources, scattered settlements, with strengthening the services sector activity extraction, to the detriment of the productive sector, growth sectors disjointed, with no agro-processing centers, low levels of public and private investment, lack of energy and communication infrastructure, lack of diversification for market population scattering prevents economic delivery of services to the population and the provision of production infrastructure and marketing, demographic decline, in absolute terms, insufficient human and financial resources. Probably because it was developed in 1992, the diagnosis shows a developmental trend that has little to do now with the new proposals for sustainable development that are based more on environmental service opportunities and wise use of forest resources with emphasis on non-timber. It is also curious to note that this study gives little importance to the chestnut and this product that keeps the economy of the region. On the other hand refers to a demographic decline that date is paradoxical. If you follow the recommendations of this study, the road network designed and implemented in major sections would become a panacea for – among other things – allow the growth of towns, and the establishment of programs of agricultural and livestock development to the detriment of biodiversity at present is a possibility of revenue from environmental services and ecotourism. On the other hand, irreversible decline in the price of rubber (syrinx) shows that regeneration of this species, so induced, in plantations or ex situ, is not profitable at the time, nor is looming in the short and medium term profitability. The Integrated Development Program of the Peruvian-Brazilian Border Communities identified 31 projects in the areas of productive development, social development, environment, indigenous, and urban development. Of these, 12 are nationals of Brazil, 13 are nationals of Peru, and 6 are binational. The bilateral projects are expected to last 3 years running, with a total planned investment in the order of U.S. $ 57.8 million, of which U.S. 8
  • 9. $ 19.9 million for the Brazilian area and U.S. $ 37.9 billion under the area of Peru. Needless to say, these projects were not executed. The second proposed MAP area integration is the Integrated Action Programme Peruvian Bolivian – PAIPB, conducted in 1998 and located your research area 112,300 km2 (11’230, 000 ha.) Belonging to the Departments of Madre de Dios Peru and part of Beni and Pando in Bolivia. This diagnosis is recognized that the most important activity of the study area is the chestnut harvest, “which takes place throughout the region with the potential to industrialize to obtain oil and meal, usually small farmers whose main activity is the collection of this product “. The study also states that in the northeast region, data is recorded about 500 species of trees and palms. Of these species are classified as species with potential economic value to 18 timber species and 14 non-timber species including palms. Among the species are chestnut timber, gum and copal. Among the species of palm are: Acai (huasai), nice, cusi, palm fronds and royal palm (Attalea regia or Maximiliana elegans). These data are interesting from the new perspective of sustainable development of the MAP region and the search for new products will – tends – to diversify the use of natural resources by removing the pressure on land caused by the agricultural activity, especially in booming the State of Acre, but this area is not within the study PAIPB analyzed. With regard to the potential identified in this study, we can see that are closer to the current perspective of sustainable development in the MAP region and referring explicitly to the use of flora and fauna in a sustainable manner: availability of promising species forests, the rational exploitation of forests has interesting prospects. Overcoming the lack of knowledge about the use of species and establishing management plans for exploitation in large areas, they would create optimal conditions for forest industries. Existence of many food plants, which produce oils, essences and medicines that could be developed in the future (…) There are also important forest resources have not adequately quantified. High fisheries potential (…). (…) Development of farming and animal breeding, so as to encourage native species The wealth of wildlife, vertebrate and invertebrate species is important for research on the importance of animals within the existing food chains, as well as for taxonomic studies of wildlife, mainly on invertebrates (… ) 9
  • 10. The potential of natural resources is the basis for sustainable development through the implementation of programs and projects that will raise incomes. The ecotourism potential of the region can be advantageously used as a means to revitalize the regional economy through the multiplier effect Knowledge of the native population (…) potential should be considered. It should work with native communities to take an inventory of medicinal plants and dyeing (…) ensure proper management of the ecosystem with its own technology. This new approach to developing a practice that takes into account the conservation of renewable natural resources and emphasizes the need for indigenous knowledge are disseminated as potential makes this an interesting possibility proposed start strategic institutional interventions MAP development in the region. The recommendations of this interesting study better circumscribe the object of institutional intervention that has not happened at the time of utterance. Here are some relating to economic development with a veneer of sustainability: Research and develop sustainable production models that consider the ecological reality of the Amazon to preserve the ecosystems of the region, and simultaneously meet the needs of the population. Regularize the tenure of land and forest concessions to ensure proper management. Industrialization of the three most important products of the Amazon (Brazil nuts, rubber and wood). Micromill and marketing of products derived from nuts. Construction of (mini) rubber mills and incentives to industrialization. Increased value added in the export of semi-finished wood. Creating a research center application and use of Amazonian products, such as resins, fruits, medicinal and other products. Inventory of fish species that exist in the rivers of the region, study how the life cycle and behavior in relation to the environment. Regularize the tenure of land and forest concessions to ensure proper management. Develop appropriate technologies to improve agricultural production, livestock. The penultimate point touches a very sensitive area in the region since the lack of legal certainty is an unresolved problem in Peru with regard to forest concessions in Bolivia over land reclamation But it is the last point that leads us to the latest proposal of integration discussed in this brief analysis of the MAP region. 10
  • 11. Embrapa and the possibility of technological support to the region In the second half of the 60′s and early 70′s, the Brazilian government established a new model of development and institutional matrix reorganized the country’s public sector. In the matrix of the agricultural sector, two partner organizations to track technological innovation were created: the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (EMBRAPA) and the Brazilian Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (EMBRATER) in 1990 and has since disappeared EMBRATER EMBRAPA has diversified its scope based on “scenario studies to understand the social, economic, political, technological and institutional changes that were shaping the global and emerging trends.” As a result of this account when environmental departments, production engineering, food production, agro-industry and regional development. In Bolivia, when running programs EMBRAPA research and technology transfer with Bolivian counterparts in the Department of Santa Cruz and the Chapare region, promoting alternative development from a perspective of sustainability. Do not have a program in the Pando Department but now, because of the Workshop Cobija Tri MAP 2002, coinciding with the Tri-National Meeting: Bolivia, Brazil and Peru, meeting business and technology integration for sustainable development Amazon to be held in Rio Branco – Acre, in the annual meeting AMAZONTECH roaming, has shown interest in supporting actions in the MAP region. This meeting is sponsored by Sebrae, Embrapa Acre, Acre State Government and Federal University of Acre, 48 papers were presented, there will be 8 courses, 4 field days, 3 workshops and 3 technical visits, will be out in the Business Center Sebrae and the Federal University of Acre. The topics of the meeting are: current economic and environmental vision and foresight of the Amazonian ecosystem of the countries of the region, the agricultural technology platform and opportunities for sustainable development in the Amazon, the land in the Amazon countries to reconcile production agricultural environmental quality, present and future of development and technology integration and trade in the Amazon region of Bolivia, Peru and Brazil, policies and activities for technology integration and trade for sustainable development of Amazonia. As shown, all issues are of regional interest and are viewed from a perspective of sustainable development, according to new investigative approaches and institutional intervention in the MAP region and within the concept of Southwestern Amazonia in current use. Pando opportunities and threats in the context of regional integration MAP Pando Department is unfavorable in regard to levels of economic, social and institutional capacity to successfully confront situations of horizontal integration with its neighbors. However, in the visions of sustainability and sustainability of small and medium scale shows interesting advantages thanks to the good level of environmental conservation and the low population density that greatly disturbs biodiversity. 11
  • 12. Furthermore, although the bi-oceanic highway causes and cause major environmental disturbances looking for exporters Pando is possible – already being explored – to take their products for it to Manaus for that port navigable river with high capacity draft, to reach European markets primarily interested in forest products like timber and Brazil nuts. This is a comparative advantage to other exporters of wood, such as transportation costs are much lower than bringing the product to ports in Chile, crossing all of Bolivia. It is also notable informal exchange of forest products, legal and nonlegal between the Departments / State of the MAP region. Currently the Brazilian Institute of Environment (IBAMA), responsible for forest control in Brazil, is trying to coordinate action on border control with the local office of the Forestry Superintendence of Bolivia and have found that if you perform this task, the sawmill industry and carpentry neighboring cities to Cobija, and Epitaciolandia Brasileia would collapse for lack of raw material. On the other side of the coin, about 80% of the chestnut currently being processed in the city of Riberalta comes from Brazil, the states of Acre and Rondonia. Tahuamanu also buys Chestnut Acre state. For what is seen in a border expeditiously as Acre and Pando the best option to curb the illegal trade in forest products is legalized through commercial agreements that will benefit both parties. In the same vein, the transfer of technology – especially post-harvest – is done informally, most often without technical criteria for quality control. Cobija commercial advantages that can potentially support sustainable development of the Department to be a free zone, a fact which has not been given due attention to strategic investments. Ecotourism also presents opportunities for improvement in Pando monetary income of the Department, with its exuberant nature. However, the objective conditions for initiating this clean industrial activity are far from optimal because of inadequate infrastructure and lacking in the basic operation Department facilities. Institutional weaknesses and non-government is also noticeable in comparison to the MAP regional neighbors and that results in an overwhelming tendency of the Madre de Dios and Acre to the design and implementation of proposals, projects and policies tri. This is shown clearly in this moment, when the Department can not respond adequately to the challenge of regional integration processes have not yet sustainable institutions that promote sustainable development, because as noted Jose de Souza Silva, there will be no sustainable organizations sustainable development. The development is a product of the intervention, no intervention, no development, only evolution. In summary, there are interesting opportunities for the Department Pando – and by extension the entire northern Amazon region of Bolivia – at this juncture of trinational program interventions, as long as they achieve the institutional strengthening local government and nongovernmental, that is, believe objective conditions of receptivity, generation, management and implementation of programs and projects at local, national and trinational. Bibliography 12
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