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Black Data Processing Associates
Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Prepared By: Chapter Board of Directors
Date: January 1993
Edited and Approved By: Chapter Executive Committee
Priscilla Wynn-Brown - President
Nancy Sewell - Vice President
Howard M. James, Jr. - Immediate Past President
Leslie V. Holland - Treasurer
Carmella Salley - Recording Secretary
Stephen E. Peters - Corresponding Secretary
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Table of Contents
2.2.1 President
2.2.2 Vice President
2.2.3 Immediate Past President
2.2.4 Treasurer
2.2.5 Recording Secretary
2.2.6 Corresponding Secretary
2.2.7 Parliamentarian
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
2.3.1 Automation
2.3.2 Career Development
2.3.3 Communications
2.3.4 Conference 1995
2.3.5 Corporate Advisory Council
2.3.6 Corporate Relations
2.3.7 Education
2.3.8 Elections
2.3.9 Finance
2.3.10 Fund Raising
2.3.11 Membership
2.3.12 Program
2.3.13 Strategic Planning
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA) has been experiencing a growing need for a more
formalized planning process both on the national and local levels. Realizing this need, the
Greater Philadelphia Chapter extended its planning process beyond the development of its
long range (3 year) strategic plan (see "Master Plan 1993") to include a more detailed, short
term (1 year) plan ("Operating Plan 1993"), defined herein.
The purpose of this document is to record the short term operating plan for the Greater
Philadelphia Chapter of BDPA.
Its intent is to:
» facilitate the accomplishment of Black Data Processing Associates' (BDPA)
goals and objectives.
» provide a vehicle for monitoring and controlling the Greater Philadelphia
Chapter's planned activities for the year.
» share the approved chapter operating plan and related budgetary information
with the Chapter's membership.
**** The Operating Plan information (related to the timing of events or expenditures) may
not coincide precisely with the budget. This is a result of board modifications to the
budget subsequent to the submission of Operating Plan information. Where there are
differences, the budget takes precedence.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
The Greater Philadelphia Chapter Board of Directors engages in a formal planning process
on an annual basis. The primary driving factors in this process are the National BDPA goals
and objectives as well as the supporting local goals and objectives. The schedule for this
process is shown below:
September: Officers and Chairpersons are notified to prepare plans and budgets.
Strategic Planning Committee
(Coordinates Strategic Planning)
Finance Committee
(Coordinates Budgets)
Standard electronic formats are provided by the Strategic
Planning and Finance Committees, respectively.
October: Strategic Planning Meeting (All Day - 8 hours +)
(Preliminary Approval of Plans and Budgets)
Strategic Planning Committee
(Coordinates and Chairs the meeting)
Finance Committee
(Coordinates Budget aspects of meeting)
Officers and Chairs
(Required to attend the meeting with all planning
materials completed)
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
November: Refine Plans and Budgets
Officers and Chairs
(Make modifications to plans and budgets as
determined at the planning meeting and upload to the
December: Finalize Plans and Budgets
Officers and Chairs
(Make modifications to plans and budgets as
determined at the planning meeting)
Early January: Release "Master Plan 19xx" (Strategic Plan)
(Contains high level strategy for a three year period, including
current year).
(Chapter Board of Directors)
Late January: Release "Operating Plan 19xx"
(Contains details on tasks, events, budget,
for the current operating year)
(Chapter Board of Directors)
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
The National BDPA continues to draw from its past experiences and implements new and
improved ideas on an ongoing basis. Consistent with this tradition are the Vision and Goal
Statements recently issued by the newly elected National BDPA Executive Committee and
approved by the National BDPA Board of Directors. Since the primary thrust of the Greater
Philadelphia Chapter of BDPA is to strengthen BDPA as a whole, it seems appropriate to
show how various segments of the Philadelphia Chapter Operating Plan support the Goals
and ultimate Vision of National BDPA.
BDPA is the leading provider of technological resources for business and education that
positions our members and community at the forefront of the information industry.
Philadelphia Support
BDPA is an internationally recognized organization structured around its BET
(Business, Education, Technology) legacy.
o Communications Committee (Public Relations, Newsletter, PhillyAlert)
o Corporate Advisory Council
o Corporate Relations Committee
o Fundraising Committee (Social networking with other Black Professional
o Program Committee (Program Meeting networking, Workshops, Technical
Exchange Sessions)
BDPA has an infrastructure that facilitates the use of state of the art technology for
communications business practices and operational procedures.
o Automation Committee (BBS, Job/Resume Database, Membership Database,
Contacts Database, automation standards)
o Board of Directors (electronic document exchange)
o Finance Committee (electronic budget templates)
o Strategic Planning Committee (Strategic Plan, Operating Plan electronic
BDPA provides resources for entrepreneurs in the information technology industry
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
that will yield them a distinct advantage in existing and new markets.
o Career Development Committee (Career training and job opportunities)
o Membership Committee (Entrepreneur forum)
BDPA provides incentives to corporations, government, and educational institutions to
motivate them to become partners that are identified as resource centers to support
our business, educational and technology initiatives.
o Corporate Advisory Council
o Corporate Relations Committee
o Education Committee
BDPA is positioned to influence and supplement our educational systems in the use of
information technology.
o Education Committee
BDPA establishes libraries of information comprised of scientific research and
development, scientific literature, and published journals for dissemination.
o Not directly supported by the current local operating plan
BDPA continues to construct means by which it can acquire and distribute wealth for
the realization of its mission.
o Corporate Advisory Council
o Corporate Relations Committee
o Fundraising
o Education
BDPA has a world class training program that increases the value of its members
skills, competitiveness, and economic potential.
o Program Committee (Workshops, Seminars, Technical Exchange Sessions)
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
2.1 Overview
The Greater Philadelphia Chapter's Operating Plan for 1993 is geared toward the
accomplishment of the applicable strategic objectives developed by the Chapter's Board of
Directors and documented accordingly. Detailed operating plans were prepared by each
officer and chairperson detailing activities, events, tasks, and resources necessary to assure
the accomplishment of these objectives.
The following is a summary of 1993 quarterly objectives as specified in the Philadelphia
Chapter strategic planning document ("Master Plan 1993").
1st Quarter 1993
» Establish BDPA Chapter Office
» Establish Chapter Filing System and Library
(for all non-computerized files and books)
(including an inventory of all BDPA assets)
» Develop a more effective Chapter Mailing Schedule
» Conduct a Chapter Building/Leadership Workshop
» Conduct a Chapter Administration Workshop
» Increase the membership of the following committees:
Membership, Communications, & Program
» Obtain 501-C6 status
1st Quarter 1993 - cont'd
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
» Undertake the following Automation initiatives:
- Acquire desk-top publishing hardware/software
(primarily for Newsletter development)
- Complete specifications for a National Job/Resume System
- Document existing Chapter computer applications
- Establish standards for development/installation
of Chapter computer applications
» Establish a BDPA Technical Hotline on Philly BBS for members and the
general public
» Finalize schedule for 1993 chapter programs and activities
» Assign responsibilities for the 2nd through 4th quarter initiatives
2nd through 4th Quarters 1993
» Establish a Corporate Advisory Council
» Select two Outside Directors
» Implement Job/Resume System (per National BDPA approval)
» Acquire additional Chapter computers
» Obtain new sites for technical seminars/workshops
» Develop plans for acquisition of a Chapter building
» Begin planning for BDPA Neighborhood Technology Centers (throughout
the city - for Information Processing initially and other technical disciplines
» Develop Entrepreneur Programs
» Investigate the establishment of an ongoing BDPA radio and TV program
(dealing with Information Processing education for the community)
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
» Investigate feasibility of using National's 501-C3 designation (The Education
and Technology Foundation) for local Scholarship fund raising. If not
feasible, plan to secure local 501-C3.
» Complete Policies and Procedures Manual
» Complete major overhaul of Chapter Bylaws
(including alignment with National BDPA Bylaws)
» Establish Technical Assistance program (using skills database)
» Implement member and community programs as planned in the 1st quarter
» Prepare "Performance against Objectives Report" for National
» Extend automation effort (maximize use of the membership database and
establish a non-member contact database)
» Complete "BDPA - Master Plan 1994"
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
2.2 Officer Plans
2.2.1 President
OFFICE: President
OFFICER: Priscilla Wynn-Brown
1- Preside over all meetings of the general membership and
the Executive committee.
2- Serve as the official spokesperson for the Association.
3- Have the power to appoint specific Committees with the
approval of the Executive Committee of the Association.
4- Be responsible for assuring that the decisions of the
general membership are carried out.
5- Chapter of the Year Document Preparation.
6- Represent the chapter at the National Board of
Directors' Meeting.
7- Assist in Marketing BDPA for the purpose of Corporate
1- Corporate Advisory Council Kickoff Meeting
2- Chapter Goals and Objectives Document Assistant
3- Selection of two Outside Directors
4- Local Chapter Awards Selection Criteria
5- Active member of the Corporate Relations Committee
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: President
OFFICER: Priscilla Wynn-Brown
Responsibility #: 1
Responsibility Name: Corporate Advisory Council Kickoff Meeting
Organize and coordinate the first official meeting of the Greater
Philadelphia Chapter's Corporate Advisory Council. This will be
the kickoff meeting and will be hosted by the chapter.
Resources Needed:
The Corporate Advisory Task Force
- To establish policy and guidelines for CAC
- To interview al perspective prospects
Support from the Board of Directors
- To recommend and/or identify individuals whose
backgrounds covers the areas of finance, public
relations, cultural diversity, marketing,
educational systems and community advocates to
actively participate in the CAC.
- To identify a total of 8 to 10 individuals to
reside on the board along with 2 representatives
from the chapter.
- Chapter Representative will be the president and an
appointed CAC liaison.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Work Start Date: 11/01/92 Work End Date: 03/31/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Meeting Place $100.00 03/31/93
Refreshments 15 @10.00 150.00 03/31/93
(coffee,danish, orange juice)
50.00 03/15/93
Total Expense $300.00
OFFICE: President
OFFICER: Priscilla Wynn-Brown
Responsibility #: 2
Responsibility Name: Chapter Goals and Objective Document
To assist in collecting and organizing the chapter goals and
objective document for submission to National for qualification of
National awards.
Resources Needed:
Vice President
- To assist in gathering of documentation
- To schedule and participate in monthly meetings
with the vice president in organizing the required
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Supporting documentation from all Officers and Committee
Work Start Date: 12/15/92 Work End Date: 03/31/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Review Vice President Budget for Chapter Goals and Objectives
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: President
OFFICER: Priscilla Wynn-Brown
Responsibility #: 3
Responsibility Name: Selection of two Outside Directors
To assist in the selection process of two individuals who will
assist the board of directors with financial and strategic
planning for the local chapter.
Resources Needed:
Recommendation from the Board of Directors and membership.
Assist in developing a list of responsibilities for the
outside directors.
Work Start Date: 04/01/93 Work End Date: 07/31/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
No costs.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: President
OFFICER: Priscilla Wynn-Brown
Responsibility #: 4
Responsibility Name: Local Chapter Awards Selection Process
To assist in the creation of the selection process for awarding
outstanding members within the local chapter. This selection
process will be used for the 1992 and 1993 award nominees.
The 1992 Awards will be distributed to the membership in the
first quarter.
The 1993 Awards will be distributed to the membership at the 1993
First Annual Awards Banquet.
Resources Needed:
Board of Directors.
To assist in defining the selection criteria for the
To recommend candidates for awards from committees and or the
general membership.
Executive Board.
To select the candidates by voting.
Work Start Date: 01/01/93 Work End Date: 03/31/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Placque and/or certificates 5 @20.00 200.00
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
(for 1992 nominees)
Placque and/or certificates 8 @20.00 200.00
(for 1993 nominees) held at October banquet.
Total Expense $400.00
2.2.2 Vice President
OFFICE: Vice President
OFFICER: Nancy Sewell
1- High School Student Mini-Conference Coordinator
2- Delegate Coordinator
3- Chapter Goals and Objectives Document Coordinator
4- Chapter Annual Report
5- Chapter Quarterly Report (1st
, 2nd
, 3rd
6- Support of President
7- Assistant Treasurer
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
8- Participation in Marketing and Financial Solicitation Activities
9- Cluster Leader for Finance and Membership Committees
10- Cluster Leader for Career Development Committee (temporary)
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: Vice President
OFFICER: Nancy Sewell
Responsibility #: 1
Responsibility Name:High School Student Mini-Conference Coordinator
Organize and manage the chapter's Annual HS Student Mini-Conference. The event is to be one of
several other events during "Computer Learning Month" (October). The chapter hosts the event to
assist in spreading computer knowledge throughout the minority community. The mini-conference
focus will be to motivate young people to learn and to encourage them to stay in school. We'll round
out these messages by providing information technology career guidance, college & proprietary
school information & financial aid direction. This is a major chapter event and is therefore expected
to have the support and participation of all committees and officers. (Goal is for 100 students).
Resources Needed:
Liaison from each committee (13)
- To manage the Mini-Conference Action Teams:
- Marketing
- Contact HSs and last year's participants
- Coordinate advertising (all media)
- Provide signs and posters for meeting place
- Logistics
- Arrange location plus back-up
- Obtain liability insurance
- Coordinate field trip/data center tour transportation
- Registration
- Create and maintain database(s) for registrants (HS) & all presenters
(colleges & schools, workshop leaders, corporations, Action Team)
- Develop Registration Forms
- Provide Name Tags
- Develop certificates for all participants
- Provide BDPA printed info to NBDPA
- Refreshments
- Arrange for refreshments (continental breakfast, lunch) for both
adults and HS students.
- Organize food & beverage Set-up & Clean-up
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
- Agenda/Program
- Flesh-out Program Agenda
- Find & solicit workshop leaders & program speakers
- Create or obtain biographies for presenters
- Financial (& material) Support
- Visit corporations to drum up financial, facility & material support.
The goal is to not spend a dime of BDPA's money.
- Oversee spending
Officers (7)
- To participate in the program:
- Workshop leaders - Presenters
- Greeters
School Representatives
- To market their institution's offerings
Info Tech Professionals
- (From Corporate Sponsor and Supporter companies):
- To Present in Career Workshops
- To distribute corporate paraphernalia
Work Start Date: March 1993 Work End Date: November 1993
Event Date: Mini-Conference/ October 16, 1993
Event Date: Data Center Tour/ October 24, 1993
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Door Prizes
(Computer, Savings Bonds, Membership) $900.00
Refreshments 500.00
Correspondence (postage, phone) 25.00
Stationary (invitations, presenter
confirmation and TYs, TYs to supporter 25.00
Refreshments 500.00
Total $1850.00
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: Vice President
OFFICER: Nancy Sewell
Responsibility #: 2
Responsibility Name:Delegate Coordinator
Arrange for and oversee the selection, preparation, coordination and reporting of the chapter's
delegates to the National Conference. The delegates serve for a six month period: three (3) before
conference (start Mid-May) three (3) after (end Mid-November).
Resources Needed:
Nominees (preferably at least five (5))
- Must submit a written request for consideration covering:
- Reason for wanting to represent chapter at conference
- Candidate's qualifications to act as a representative
- Reason Executive Committee should select them over other candidates.
Delegates (two (2) (maybe 3))
- To become comfortable with NBDPA By-laws and the proposed changes.
- To study Parliamentary Procedure & be familiar with Roberts' Rules.
- To know the chapter's position on each issue slated for discussion during the
Delegates's Meeting.
- To work with Corporate Relations Cmte or Corporate Advisory Council to secure
contributions to the conference expenses they will incur.
- To attend National Conference and to commit to participating in all Delegate's
activities as the Delegate Representative of our chapter.
- To work with the other chapter delegate(s) to produce the Delegate's Report
documenting the Delegate's Meetings & their outcome for the general membership.
Executive Committee:
- Review Delegate Submissions (beginning mid April)
- Vote during May Executive Cmte Mtg (May 7, 1993)
Work Start Date: Late February 1993 Work End Date: Late November 1993
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Delegates Stipend (2/$100 or 3/$66.33)
for attending National Conference $200.00 or more*
Copy cost of Delegates Report
(6 page rpt, 225 copies, @ $0.035/page) 47.25
Total $247.25
* More if delegates are able to secure corporate contribution to their conference expenses.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: Vice President
OFFICER: Nancy Sewell
Responsibility #: 3
Responsibility Name:Chapter Goals and Objectives Document Coordinator
Collect, format, produce and submit documentation to NBDPA of the chapter's accomplishments for
the year. The document should be organized such that it responds to NBDPA's "Chapter Goals and
Objectives" criteria. This document is used as the basis for determination of eligibility for and
selection of chapter and member achievement awards for the year. The dates of the evaluation
period are determined by the NBDPA Executive Committee.
Resources Needed:
Liaison from each committee (13)
Officers (7)
- Submit materials and create documentation to substantiate events, activities,
conversations as deemed necessary by coordinator as interpreted from "Goals and
Objectives" criteria.
Examples of materials and documentation:
- Proposal, syllabus and schedule for Computer Literacy Program
- List of members that manned the BDPA table at NCC Minority Job
Fair, Certificate of Participation from NCC, advertisement from
- Invitations and Thank You's for participation
- Quarterly Cmte rpts, Monthly Officers & Fiscal rpts
- Member Lists
- Corporate Sponsorship correspondence, CS Status
- Review materials in final document for accuracy.
- Data on diskette in WP 5.1 for year's activities
- saved from quarterly rpts - submitted from BOD
- Several people to handle preparation for mailing to general membership and Corporate
Sponsors and Supporters.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
- PC and Laser Printer, diskette
Work Start Date: January 2, 1993 Work End Date: Mid-February 1993
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Loose-leaf Binders (qty 2 @ $9.00) $18.00
Sheet Protectors
(100/box, qty 3 boxes @ $12.00 box) 36.00
Index Tabs (12/box, qty 3 boxes @ $1.50 box) 4.50
Postage (Priority Mail) 12.00
Total $70.50
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: Vice President
OFFICER: Nancy Sewell
Responsibility #: 4
Responsibility Name:Chapter Annual Report
Produce a document summarizing the chapter's achievements for the calendar year. The report must
follow the format provided by NBDPA. This document is allowed to serve as documentation of the
quarter. It will also be used as a marketing tool for corporate funding.
Resources Needed:
- Data on diskette in WP 5.1 for year's activities
- saved from quarterly rpts
- submitted from BOD
- Several people to handle preparation for mailing to general membership and Corporate
Sponsors and Supporters.
- PC and Laser Printer, diskette, envelopes
Work Start Date: November 1993 Work End Date: January 1994
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Copy cost of Annual Report
(20 page rpt, 240 copies, @ $0.035/page) $168.00
Binding Cost
(25 copies for corp mktg @ $0.75/rpt) 18.75
Cover Paper (Heavyweight) 15.00
Total $201.75
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: Vice President
OFFICER: Nancy Sewell
Responsibility #: 5
Responsibility Name:Chapter Quarterly Report (1st
, 2nd
, 3rd
Produce a documents summarizing the chapter's achievements for the past calendar quarter and a
projection of activities for the next quarter. The report must follow the format provided by NBDPA.
Fourth quarter reporting in not required in this format. Chapter Annual Report takes the place of the
Resources Needed:
- Data on diskette in WP 5.1 for last and next quarter's activities
- save for Chapter Annual Report
- Several people to handle preparation for mailing to general membership and Corporate
Sponsors and Supporters.
- PC and Laser Printer, diskette, envelopes.
Work Start Date: March 1993 Work End Date: April 1993
June 1993 July 1993
September 1993 Oct 1993
December 1993 Jan 1994
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Copy cost of Quarterly Report
(8 pg rpt, 225 copies, @ $0.035/pg) x 3)) $189.00
Total $189.00
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: Vice President
OFFICER: Nancy Sewell
Responsibility #: 6
Responsibility Name:Support of President
Provide back-up for the President in any situation. Attend committee and task group meeting.
Provide assistance or guidance where ever deemed necessary by the President.
Resources Needed:
- Communication between the president and vice president.
- Cooperation and respect from the BOD and the Exec Cmte.
Work Start Date: January 1, 1993 Work End Date: Dec 1993
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Transferred from president's budget if applicable.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: Vice President
OFFICER: Nancy Sewell
Responsibility #: 7
Responsibility Name:Assistant Treasurer
Provide back-up for the Treasurer in any situation. Attend committee and task group meetings.
Provide assistance or guidance where ever deemed necessary by the treasurer or the president. Cut
checks, sign reimbursement forms, produce Treasurer's Report, handle bank transactions.
Resources Needed:
- Communication between the treasurer and vice president.
- Cooperation and respect from the BOD and the Exec Cmte.
- Access to the treasurer's records and to the chapter's banking materials (check book, deposit
receipts, etc.)
Work Start Date: January 1, 1993 Work End Date: Dec 1993
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Transferred from treasurer's budget if applicable.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: Vice President
OFFICER: Nancy Sewell
Responsibility #: 8
Responsibility Name:Participation in Marketing and Financial Solicitation
Perform as a member of the Corporate Relations Committee (CRC) and the Corporate Advisory
Council (CAC) Action Team. Assist in the identification of potential sponsors and supporters.
Prepare and demonstrate presentations for Corporate Sponsorship solicitation. Participate in
planning, organizing, building and implementation of the CAC.
Resources Needed:
- A network of people who can or know people who can advise us, provide insight and
direction to receiving corporate dollars or can work as advocates for our chapter.
Work Start Date: January 1, 1993 Work End Date: Dec 1993
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
See CAC and CRC budgets.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: Vice President
OFFICER: Nancy Sewell
Responsibility #: 9
Responsibility Name:Cluster Leader for Finance & Membership Committees
Attend meetings of committees. Act as substitute chair or co-chair if deemed necessary by president.
Represent the interests of the committees at Executive Committee Meeting. Communicate back to
committees from Executive Committee Meetings.
Resources Needed:
- Communication between the committee chairs and cluster leader.
- Cooperation and respect from the BOD and the Exec Cmte.
Work Start Date: January 1, 1993 Work End Date: Dec 1993
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
See committee budgets.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: Vice President
OFFICER: Nancy Sewell
Responsibility #: 10
Responsibility Name:Cluster Leader for Career Development Committee
Attend meetings of committee. Act as substitute chair or co-chair if deemed necessary by president.
Represent the interests of the committee at Executive Committee Meeting. Communicate back to
committee from Executive Committee Meetings.
Resources Needed:
- Communication between the committee chair, cluster leader and temporary cluster leader.
- Cooperation and respect from the BOD and the Exec Cmte.
Work Start Date: January 1, 1993 Work End Date: Dec 1993
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
See committee budgets.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
OFFICE: Vice President
OFFICER: Nancy Sewell
1- Support of President
2- Chapter Goals and Objectives Document Coordinator
3- Chapter Annual Report
4- Chapter Quarterly Report (1st
, 2nd
, 3rd
5- Delegate Coordinator
6- Assistant Treasurer
7- Participation in Marketing and Financial Solicitation Activities
8- Cluster Leader for Finance and Membership Committees
9- Cluster Leader for Career Development Committee (temporary)
Past Year Assessment:
Areas of Strength
The strongest area of my responsibility has been in the coordination of the "Goals and
Objectives Document". The production of the books put our chapter in a qualified
position for assessment for chapter achievement awards.
Areas of Potential Improvement
Communication - I will make every effort to provide consistent communication
between myself and the chairs in my cluster as well as the President and the rest of
the BOD. Also I will be making quarterly contact with all members.
Proactive activity - I have felt more in a reactive mode. This I feel can be attributed
to lack of a clear plan. It is not my job just to fill in for the President or the Treasurer
or a committee chair. I have definite areas of responsibility which I can build upon.
Am in the process of planning my work for 1993 so that I may work my plan. The
huge task of coordinating the Mini-Conference is now mine. The design and initial
planning was done by the Program committee this year. We will be refining and
building upon the task. Delegates will get more support this year to serve for the full
six months of their term. The Career Development Committee is in need of
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
assistance. This can be a very valuable entity within the chapter. I will direct serious
planning there along with the chair and an expanded committee to support the tasks.
Using the committee is the key to more activity there.
Funding - We did very well for operating beneath an expected budget, but we must
bring in the money. I will be working on corporate funding. Without it we will be
struggling forever.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
2.2.3 Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President primarily serves as a consultant to the Executive
Committee and provides support and assistance in conducting chapter business as
instructed by the president. Emphasis during 1993 will be placed on the planning
2.2.4 Treasurer
2.2.5 Recording Secretary
2.2.6 Corresponding Secretary
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
2.3.1 Automation
COMMITTEE: Automation Committee
CHAIRPERSON: Darren J. Anthony
(itemize your responsibilities/events to serve as a table of contents to the following Operating Plan pages which list plan detail for the
000000001- Disaster Recovery Plan (Standalone Chapter Applications/Backup Procedures)
2- Chapter Laser Printer and Supplies
3- Inventory/audit Chapter's hardware/software assets
4- Job Resume Database
5- BBS Improvement and Development
6- Tie local BBS into BDPAnet
7- Public Relations
8- Assist Special Interest/User Groups
9- Chapter PCs (Hardware and Software)
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Committee: Automation
Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony
Responsibility/Event #: 1
Responsibility/Event Name: Disaster Recovery Plan (Standalone Chapter Applications/Backup Procedures)
Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year.
Fully implement a comprehensive disaster recovery plan for the chapter's data resources.1
The plan will focus
on the area of implementing a backup regimen that will be audited and tested by members of the Automation
Committee. Primary feature of the plan calls for rotating offsite storage of backups. The goal is minimize the
chapter's downtime due to a catastrophe of any sort.
Resources Needed:
(List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the
tasks each human resource is to perform.)
Short Term2
: Diskettes Long Term3
: Tape Backup Drive/Software
Norton Backup Permanent offsite location
Personnel: Automation-1 individual
Each individual who has in his/her possession a chapter computer or application
Work Start Date: January 1, 1993 Work End Date: Ongoing
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
(List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include
anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.)
The machine which is the focal point of this plan is the personal computer that is considered the chapter PC. This PC is
located at the Membership Chair's home. This machine holds about 90% of the chapter data, applications, and software.
Short Term is the period of FY 1993. Since we are highly exposed, we must take some proactive measure to reduce
the chapter's level of exposure to disaster.
Long Term is the period that starts with FY 1994. The long term proactive measures will lend a standard and more
permanent storage pattern for backups.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Expense Item
Date of
Diskettes, 3½" Bulk--lots of 50 $50.00
01/31/93 04/01/93
Norton Backup Software 150.00* 01/31/93
Total Expense $250.00
*Suggested Retail Price
Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered):
The cost for procuring diskettes is spread over two quarters this will allow for some analysis to be performed on
data backup. Analysis will include what is backed up; size of files; and dates. Backup time should be minimal.
A plan will be made available prior to January 31. Our exposure level with the chapter computer is extremely
Recently, the house of the Membership Chair for Los Angeles burned. They were lucky. She had just backed
up the membership database to give to someone for use. Think about it!
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Committee: Automation
Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony
Responsibility/Event #: 2
Responsibility/Event Name: Procurement of Chapter Laser Printer and Supplies
Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year.
Laser printer maintenance supplies such toner cartridges and cleaning kit are essential to producing the best
reproduction master possible from a 300 dpi laser printer.
Resources Needed:
(List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the
tasks each human resource is to perform.)
Work Start Date: 01/01/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
(List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include
anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.)
Expense Item
Date of
Toner Cartridge 80.00 06/30/93*
Cleaning Kit 20.00 04/30/93**
Total Expense $100.00
Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered):
* The toner cartridge has an expected page life of approximately 3,000 to 3,500 pages of text. Fewer
pages when there is heavy graphics printing.
** The cleaning kit comes with enough sheets to last a couple of years. If we plan to print camera ready
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
documents, this is a small investment for the sake of clarity. Also, the use of PermaBond raised ink
should be avoided. Despite the advertising literature, this raised ink will shorten the life of a laser
printer (this is an expensive lesson) and increase the need and frequency for both user and
professional cleanings.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Committee: Automation
Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony
Responsibility/Event #: 3
Responsibility/Event Name: Inventory/audit of Chapter's hardware/software assets
Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year.
A complete physical inventory of all hardware/software should be performed annually. Follow up software
audits will be performed semi-annually. Persons housing chapter equipment will complete inventory control
forms (to be developed) for purposes of accountability and insurance. The software audits will ensure that the
chapter is acting in good faith not to violate copy protection laws. This event a normal occurrence in any
business environment. We should do likewise if we are to function like a business.
Resources Needed:
(List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the
tasks each human resource is to perform.)
Personnel: Automation Committee-1 person
Each individual who has in his/her possession a chapter computer or application
Work Start Date: 01/15/93 Work End Date: 01/31/93
06/01/93 06/15/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown: n/a
(List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include
anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.)
Expense Item
Date of
Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered):
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Committee: Automation
Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony
Responsibility/Event #: 4
Responsibility/Event Name: Job Resume Database
Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year.
Responsibility for this event for the Automation Committee will be limited to:
µ Application Testing
µ Implementation
µ Turnover of application to Career Development Committee for administration and maintenance
Resources Needed:
(List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the
tasks each human resource is to perform.)
Personnel: Automation Committee-1 individual
Career Development Committee
Work Start Date: already started Work End Date: 03/01/92
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
(List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include
anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.)
Expense Item
Date of
This is a Nationally approved project with a $14.4k budget.
There should be no cost to the chapter!
Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered):
The responsibility for administering the application should be treated like any other system that we develop in
our professional venues. The maintenance of the data is the responsibility of the user--not the developer.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Committee: Automation
Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony
Responsibility/Event #: 5
Responsibility/Event Name: BBS Improvement and Development
Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year.
Maintain and enhance local BBS. Provide access information to membership and prospective members.
Increase the amount of and type of files available for access by the general public. In general make the board
fun to logon to. Maintaining a list of interesting files, will attract more users. More users translate into more
members. More members mean more money and the opportunity to become the #1 chapter for membership.
Resources Needed:
(List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the
tasks each human resource is to perform.)
Personnel: Automation Committee 2 individuals to function as SYSOPs.
Material: Fully registered version of Wildcat! BBS Software
9600 baud modem
Phone Service
Work Start Date: Ongoing 4 hours/weekly Work End Date:
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
(List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include
anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.)
Expense Item
Date of
Wildcat! Software Upgrade $200.00* 05/31/93
Modem, 9600 Baud 300.00** 07/31/93
Phone Service 360.00*** 1/12 Monthly
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Total Expense $860.00
Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered):
* Software Upgrade will allow us to communicate with the National BBS.
** This a suggest retail cost. Obviously, a more realistic cost is in the neighborhood of $250.
*** Phone service is estimated based on $20.00/month basic service plus $10.00 allowance of 1 hour
long distance calling (AT&T's night rate) for downloading files from BDPA Online. Long distance
charge is based on my experience of downloading at 2400 baud. The use of a 9600 baud modem will
reduce the cost of the long distance calls as well as be an attractive marquis for BBS users looking for
a BBS with speed.
In addition to being a vehicle for communication, the BBS could serve as an active archive of minutes,
procedures, policies, etc. Improving the BBS means improving the abilities to communicate with the
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Committee: Automation
Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony
Responsibility/Event #: 6
Responsibility/Event Name: Tie Local BBS Into BDPAnet
Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year.
A national automation goal is to have every chapter running a BBS that can communicate with the national bbs.
This will reduce time and sometimes costs associated with filing reports. At the present, The Chapter has been
able to meet only half of the goal. There is pressure to have our BBS echo bulletins and messages of the
national BBS.
Resources Needed:
(List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the
tasks each human resource is to perform.)
Resources are identified in #5
Work Start Date: see #5 Work End Date:
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
(List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include
anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.)
Expense Item
Date of
Approval of expense items in #5 will satisfy the basic requirements for FY93.
Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered):
To be awarded a national project, the Job/Resume Database and have an isolated BBS is somewhat counter
productive from the eyes of national. The future national automation projects will most likely go to the chapters
that appear to be committed to supporting national automation goals.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Committee: Automation
Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony
Responsibility/Event #: 7
Responsibility/Event Name: Public Relations
Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year.
Assist in the development of the chapter's Public Relations goals. From an automation standpoint, this means
providing the committees with the application tools to accomplish the mission.
Resources Needed:
(List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the
tasks each human resource is to perform.)
Personnel: Automation Committee 1 to 2 people on a limited basis
Work Start Date: As needed Work End Date:
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
(List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include
anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.)
Expense Item
Date of
Since the projects have not been defined, the budget for those projects will have to be support by the
committee proposing the project.
Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered):
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Committee: Automation
Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony
Responsibility/Event #: 8
Responsibility/Event Name: Assist Special Interest/User Groups
Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year.
Continue to meet the objective related to community involvement by supporting special interest/user groups
such as the Afro-American Historical and Cultural Museum.
Resources Needed:
(List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the
tasks each human resource is to perform.)
Personnel: Automation Committee--minimum of 1to 2 individuals--project dependent.
Work Start Date: Project dependent Work End Date:
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
(List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include
anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.)
Expense Item
Date of
Budget should be supplied by the SIG/SUG
Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered):
The Automation Committee's involvement will be in most cases from an advisory point. When technical
services are required, an agreement for fees or services in kind will be negotiated.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Committee: Automation
Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony
Responsibility/Event #: 9
Responsibility/Event Name: Chapter PCs (Hardware and Software)
Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year.
Refurbish hardware donated to the chapter. Procure and install software to make PCs functional.
Resources Needed:
(List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the
tasks each human resource is to perform.)
Personnel: Automation Committee 2 or 3 individuals
Work Start Date: Quarterly Work End Date:
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
(List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include
anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.)
Expense Item
Date of
PC Hardware and Software $500.00 First Quarter
PC Hardware and Software 1000.00 Second Quarter
PC Hardware and Software 1500.00 Third Quarter
PC Hardware and Software 2000.00 Fourth Quarter
Total Expense $5000.00
Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered):
Although the cost is budgeted on a quarterly basis, systems could probably be more affordable if the chapter
purchases in bulk.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
2.3.2 Career Development
The purpose of the Career Development Committee (CDC), is to provide a focal point for the
preparation, receipt and dissemination of Career and Job related information to the members of BDPA.
The intent is to assist members with career advancement and/or career changes.
- Coordinate all BDPA sponsored career oriented events, such as Job Fairs and
Adult Career Conferences.
- Serve as Liaison between BDPA and other organizations that sponsor Job Fairs in
which BDPA is a participant.
- Assist the Education Committee with preparation for Student Career Conferences.
- Serve as the Administrator of the National BDPA Job Opportunities System (JOS).
- Provide adequate requirement specifications to the Automation Committee for the
development and enhancement of the JOS.
- Develop a "BDPA Job Opportunities System Users Manual" for internal and external
use nationally.
- Serve as the focal point for the receipt of Job opportunity information and the dissemination
of such information to BDPA members.
- Develop policies and Procedures from the internal and external use of all CDC services.
- Develop a "BDPA Career Development Services Manual" for Greater Philadelphia
Chapter members and applicable external organizations. The manual should include a
reference to the JOS manual.
- Job Fair - An event which is intended to match employers with prospective
employees. The focus is on Information Systems related jobs.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
- Career Conference/Fair - An Event which is intended to present information about
careers to individuals who are seeking knowledge about careers to individuals who are
seeking knowledge about career options. The focus is on Information systems related careers.
The Career Development Committee of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Black Data Processing Association was formed
to assist its members with career and job related opportunities in the Information Technology field.
Since the formation of this standing committee in 1992 the Career Development Committee has embarked on the
mission of formalizing its purpose and mission.
During the course of 1992 the CDC has met with members of the Chapter discuss ways in which information about jobs
and other career related options can be presented and disseminated to its members.
The following is a list of concepts and proposed programs that the CDC has proposed to work on for the fiscal year 93':
During the course of 1992 it has been a haphazard task to develop and formalize a CDC committee to carry out the work
and mission of the CDC. Thanks first of all is extended to Pricilla Wynn-Brown, Nancy Sewell, Howard James, Lawrence
Hartzog, Donna Jones and Pat Wynn, for there continued support of the CDC.
During the course of 1993 and projected for January of 1993 a schedule of committee meetings will be established with
a primary purpose of the committee to recruit and retain new members.
To do so the CDC proposes to seek ways to disseminate information relative to the interests of the chapter's members
and to attract new members. To do so the committee will submit articles for the newsletter and to include monthly
information on committee activities and job opportunities in our monthly mailings. We also propose for the first quarter of
1993 that during our Program meetings an announcement be made on behalf of the recruitment efforts of the CDC
towards attracting new committee
The JOS is nearing its final stage. We are in the process of establishing a meeting schedule with the Automation
Committee to fully discuss the initiation of the JOS system. It is my belief that the JOS will not be the save all/catch all for
the receipt and dissemination of job opportunities for members, therefore we propose the following methods and
procedures to serve as a means of disseminating information for career and employment opportunities.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Proposed is a series of career and job fairs for the CDC to co-sponsor or participate in for the betterment of members
and or for the recruitment of new members. The Career and Job Fair clusters will be focus on a quarterly basis with one
major event being sponsored and/or participated in. The purpose of these events are to increase the visibility of BDPA
and to encourage members to participate in career opportunities.
Job Opportunities will be presented on a monthly basis to members via the bulletin board system, the newsletter,
mailings and the monthly meetings. Also proposed is a jobs hotline. The quarterly Career and Job Fairs will also serve
as vehicles of which employment opportunities for members will be disseminated.
A quarterly series of Career Workshops will be presented; topics will be Resume Writing, Interviewing Techniques,
Developing a Job Search, Career Changing and Career Options. The Resume Writing, Interviewing and Job Search
workshops will be sponsored six times throughout 1993.
This is still in the developmental phase.
As of February 1, 1993 we will compile a BDPA Resume Book which will be used to assist members with obtaining new
jobs. This book is targeted to be published by March 1, 1993. We are interested in working with the Corporate Relations
Committee to assist us with obtaining funding for the publishing and dissemination of the Resume Book. We also
propose that inclusion of non-BDPA members also be considered. Those that are not members who are included in the
book will be charged a nominal fee (maybe a fee should be charged to members also). This aspect will greatly increase
off setting the costs of the book and also will enable us to attract a larger pool of employers and possibly new members.
This book should definitely be marketed to our college and high school (student) members at no cost.
Beginning immediately we want to develop a Chapter Member Profile Sheet. This sheet will survey and assess the skills
of individual members and special abilities and talents so that we as an organization can better analyze our strengths.
Also this information can be utilized for the Education Committee in the identifying of members who can assist in various
areas particularly speaking.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
The primary thrust of the 1993 strategy is to build an effective Career Development Committee that will meet
its primary mission which is to "provide a focal point for the preparation, receipt, and dissemination of
Career and Job related information to the members of BDPA."
The previous year's strategy has produced minimum results and has now been refined to better meet the
need's of the chapter, its members and encompasses a variety of co- sponsorships that will greatly
maximize the visibility of BDPA and off set various costs that are incurred to carry out our mission. Emphasis
is placed on specific tasks as outlined below:
Increase the membership of the Career Development Committee.
Establish a meeting schedule for Career Development Committee.
Establish procedures and notify members of the dissemination of employment and career opportunities.
Develop materials for job opportunities information.
Develop employer "hot list" and employment job contacts.
Develop a more effective communications method of disseminating career and employment opportunities.
Survey current members to develop chapter member profile database.
Facilitate three career development workshops on Job Search.
Develop and finalize resume book.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Seek sponsorships for resume book.
Finalize Job Opportunity System policy and procedures.
Distribute "Resume Book" to employers.
Distribute and disseminate Job Opportunities.
Write and submit information technology career related articles for newsletter and local press.
Participate in the NCC Job Fair and other Job Fairs (3)
Conduct Career Workshop on Career Changing and Career Options.
Conduct a Summer Jobs Information Technology Job Search Workshop (Targeted to College and High School Youth)
Distribute Resume Book
Distribute and disseminate Job Opportunities.
Establish Jobs Hotline (dedicated phone number).
Conduct Job Search Workshop, Resume Writing and Interviewing Techniques workshop series.
Participate in the National Conference.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Participate in a Job Fair
Implement Job Opportunity System.
Distribute Resume Book
Distribute and disseminate Job Opportunities.
Establish and disseminate Job Opportunities.
Participate in the NCC Job Fair, Operation Native Talent and the Job Developers Network Committee Job Fair as well as
others Job Fairs (3).
Participate in Youth Mini-Conference
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
- Increase the membership of the Career Development Committee.
- Establish a meeting schedule for Career Development Committee.
- Establish procedures and notify members of the dissemination of employment and career opportunities.
Duplication Costs $ 25
- Develop materials for job opportunities information.
Duplication Costs $ 25
- Develop employer "hot list" and employment job contacts.
- Develop a more effective communications method of disseminating career and employment opportunities.
Duplication Costs $ 25
- Survey current members to develop chapter member profile database.
Duplication Costs $ 25
- Facilitate three career development workshops on Job Search.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Supply & Duplication Costs $ 100
- Develop and finalize resume book.
Supply & Duplication Costs $ 600
- Seek sponsorships for resume book.
2nd QUARTER 1993
- Finalize Job Opportunity System policy and procedures.
- Distribute "Resume Book" to employers.
Supply & Mailing Costs $ 200
- Distribute and disseminate Job Opportunities.
Mailing Costs $ 25
- Write and submit information technology career related articles for newsletter and local press.
- Participate in the NCC Job Fair and other Job Fairs (3)
Supply & Duplication Costs $ 100
- Conduct Career Workshop on Career Changing and Career Options.
Duplication Costs $ 25
- Conduct a Summer Jobs Information Technology Job Search Workshop (Targeted to College and High School
Supply & Duplication Costs $ 100
3rd QUARTER 1993
- Distribute Resume Book
- Distribute and disseminate Job Opportunities.
Duplication Costs $ 25
- Establish Jobs Hotline (dedicated phone number).
Promotion Costs $ 50
Phone Installation Costs $ 125
Equipment Purchase/Rental $ 100
Software Purchase $ 400
Duplication Costs $ 100
- Conduct Job Search Workshop, Resume Writing and Interviewing Techniques workshop series.
Supply Costs $ 100
- Participate in the National Conference.
- Participate in a Job Fair
- Implement Job Opportunity System.
- Distribute Resume Book
- Distribute and disseminate Job Opportunities.
- Establish and disseminate Job Opportunities.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
- Participate in the NCC Job Fair, Operation Native Talent and the Job Developers Network Committee Job Fair as well
as others Job Fairs (3).
Supply & Duplication Costs $ 50
- Participate in Youth Mini-Conference
Note Pads
Flip Charts
Fax Paper
Audio Visual Equipment
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
2.3.3 Communications
(itemize your responsibilities to serve as a table of
contents to the following Operating Plan pages which list
plan detail for the year)
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Responsibility #: 1
Responsibility Name: CHAPTER MAILING
Coordinate and expedite Mailing procedures.
Resources Needed:
Scheduled participating Committee and location.
All copies of information for mailing.
i.e. - Coming events
Program Announcements
Workshop and Seminar Registrations
etc. etc. etc.
Coordinate with Chapter Treasurer for monies for
postage and meter strip.
Coordinate with Automation Committee for addressed
Prepare information for Post Office.
Work Start Date: 01/01/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Postage $550.00 Annually
Meter Strips 250.00 "
Stationery 365.00 "
Public Relations 320.00 "
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
P.O. Box Fee 15.00 "
Bulk Mail Renew Fee 75.00 "
Newsletter 2392.00 "
TOTAL $ 3967.00
Other Comments:
Responsibility #: 2
Responsibility Name: NEWSLETTER
Publish "The Bottom Line" (Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Newsletter) on a quarterly basis.
Team: Newsletter
Team Leader: Roger C. Collins
1. Each member needs to promote the organization's need for
advertising revenues among the business sector any leads
and/or questions can be forwarded to me.
2. Members should be encouraged to write about an area that
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
have a particular expertise in.
3. The committee will be gathering articles on a monthly basis
in an attempt to stock pile the articles.
Team Responsibilities/Events:
1. Get Newsletter out on a timely basis.
2. Secure Resources to produce the newsletter.
3. Coordinate the production of the newsletter.
New Idea/Goals:
1. The influx of advertising Revenues.
2. Research a difference newsletter format.
Resources Needed:
1. A greater team effort.
2. The need for more dollars for a possible multi-color format.
Cost Breakdown: Newsletter Production.
Newsletter (300 copies) 435.00
Photos (2 additional & $10.00) 20.00
Other Photo Work 10.00 (Average)
Xeroxing 5.00
Mailing (Contact/Mailings) 3.00
Sales tax 33.11
Total Per Quarter 506.11
Newsletter Mailing
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
250 * .29 = 72.50
Total Cost Per Quarter = (506.11 + 72.50) = 578.61
Yearly Cost = (578.61 * 4) = 2314.44
- The cost of the newsletter should be allocated among
the membership dues. Corporate sponsorship and
advertising revenues.
New Idea/Goals:
1. The influx of advertising Revenues.
2. Research a difference newsletter format.
Resources Needed:
1. A greater team effort.
2. The need for more dollars for a possible multi-color
Cost Breakdown: Newsletter Production.
Newsletter (500 copies) 585.00
Photos (2 additional & $10.00) 20.00
Other Photo Work 10.00 (Average)
Xeroxing 5.00
Mailing (Contact/Mailings)
3.00 ------
Sales tax 43.61
Total Per Quarter 666.61
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Newsletter Mailing ------------------ 220
Membership 90 Elected Officials, Schools, Etc.
360 * .29 = 104.40 48 BDPA
Total Cost Per Quarter =
(666.61 + 104.40) = 771.01
Yearly Cost = (771.01 * 4) = 3084.04 =======
- The cost of the newsletter should be allocated among
the membership dues. Corporate sponsorship and advertising
Column Types For The Bottom Line Newsletter
Organizational News
- The purpose of the "Organizational News" column is to convey information
specifically about our organization either local or
national in scope.
Computer Industry News
- The purpose of the "Computer Industry News" column is to report
to the readership any industry wide news that could impact on how we may use
plan or incorporate information systems into our
daily lives (work, home, etc
Personal Development
- The purpose of the "Personal Development" column is to provide
the readership with information that will assist with their
personal growth. The list of possible articles that it could
include but will not be limited to, are job interview skills, managerial
enhancement techniques, public speaking techniques, etc.
From The President
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
- The purpose of the "From The President" column is to provide for
a platform where the president can disseminate information that
is vital to the readership.
Technical Development
- The purpose of the "Technical Development" column is to provide
the readership with information that will assist them with their
technical skills growth.
Membership Update
- The purpose of the "Membership Update" column is alert the
membership of membership promotions, marriages, job changes,
new members joining, and any other membership announcements.
The Professional Link
- The purpose of "The Professional Link" column is convey any
news from the many other professional organizations that
BDPA interacts with (local businesses, other professional,
and individual professionals not affiliated with an
Hat's Off
- The purpose of the "Hat's Off" column is to give accolades
to any organization or individual who have supported us
financially or allowed us to use their facilities or any
other resources.News Flash
- The purpose of the "News Flash" column is to convey to
readership any important information.
Letters To The Editor
- This column provides a means of dialogue between the editor
and the readership.
Coming Events
- This column provides the readership with a schedule of our
organizations coming events and it could possibly convey
information regarding an event from some outside organization
that we feel should be included.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Sources of Information for the Columns
Organizational News
- Individuals who have a pulse on events within the organization. Other
organization newsletters, information from inter- organization meetings or
conferences and information coming
form from but limited to committee chairman, officers, etc.
Computer Industry News
- Can come other periodicals with the proper credit being given,
and permission being secured or from members who are privy to
such information.
Personal Development
- Will generally come from excerpts of presentations given by
the various guest speakers who lecture on topics that convey
information that assist the membership in either their personal or technical
growth or sometimes both. The articles can come
from other periodicals or individuals with the proper credit
being given and permission being secured.
From The President
- Will come from the elected President of our local chapter.
Technical Development
- Will generally come from excerpts of presentations given by
the various guest speakers who lecture on topics that convey
information that assist the membership in either their personal
or technical growth or sometimes both. The articles can come
from other periodicals or individuals with the proper credit
being given and permission being secured.
Membership Update
- Information could come from the membership committee, any member,
or someone having information that is relevant to the column.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
The Professional Link
- Individuals who have a pulse on events within or outside the organization.
Other organization newsletters, information from inter-organization meetings or
conferences and information coming
from but limited to committee chairman, officers, etc.
Hat's Off
- Information could come from the any committee, any member,
or someone having information that is relevant to the column.
News Flash
- Information could come from the any committee, any member,
or someone having information that is relevant to the column.
Letters To The Editor
- This column providing a means of dialogue between the editor
and the readership will originate from the editor.
Coming Events
- Information could come from the any committee, any member,
or someone having information that is relevant to the column.
Publishing Dates and Other Information
The Bottom Line is published quarterly by the Greater Philadelphia
Chapter BDPA Newsletter Committee. Readers are encouraged to submit
news items, story ideas, photographs (black & white preferred),
and comments to:
P.O. Box 2254
Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
Phone number is 1-800-727-BDPA. Materials must be received by on or
before the 1st of December, March, June, or September for the following months
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
publication, and will be returned upon request. The
communications staff reserves the right to edit all materials. For
more information about Advertising/Corporate Sponsorship Plan, please
write or cal. BDPA is non-profit organization.
Publishing Schedule
First Quarter:
March First issue due April 15th
Second Quarter:
June Second issue due July 15th
Third Quarter:
September Third issue due October 15th
Fourth Quarter:
December Fourth issue due December 15th
* Note schedule is a sponsor based schedule per national's
guidelines. Budget may deem otherwise.
Staffing needs for The Bottom Line Newsletter
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
1. People to key in Articles in both the Macintosh and
DOS environments.
2. People to sell advertising space.
3. People to assist in distribution.
- Applying labels, stamps, taking newsletters to the
mailbox, updating mailing lists.
4. Individuals to write special articles.
5. Need reporters for the following:
- Organizational News Column
- The Professional Link Column
- The Personal Development Column
- The Technical Development Column
- Membership Update Column
- The Professional Link Column
- Hat's Off Column
Newsletter Staff and Responsibilities
Manager Editor
- Coordinate the newsletter project and assist staff
in newsletter project.
Assistant Managing Editor
- Editing and Grammatical review of newsletter copy
and newsletter composition.
- Contact individual who presents monthly presentation at
membership meeting.
Assistant Editor
- Some editing and grammatical review of newsletter copy.
- Contact individual who presents monthly presentation at
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
membership meeting.
Technical Design Editor
- Software Design of newsletter and design of advertising articles.
Assistant Design Editor
- assist in the design of advertising copy.
Staff Photographer
- Record events relevant to the organization on film.
Technical Correspondent
- Responsible for reviewing and writing most of the technical
development articles.
General Staff reporters
- Responsible for writing and editing special assignment articles
and general interest articles.
Data Keyers
- Responsible for keying written data to disk.
What Must Be Done To Produce a Newsletter
1. All eight articles would constitute a completed newsletter.
- The exceptions would be in the case of exceptionally long
article or articles there would be less than eight articles
in total.
- The exception would also be one of the following:
a). Advertising space could limit the number of articles.
b). The addition of photographs could limit the number
of articles.
2. The articles must be keyed, edited and proofread.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
- Can be keyed to diskette in the mackintosh or ms-dos formats.
3. The articles must be solicited, collected, secured from
the appropriate individuals.
4. Photographs must be converted to a printable format.
5. The Coming events must be keyed and updated.
6. Work must be coordinated with the publishing company.
7. Ads must be designed and proofread.
8. Ads must be solicited.
9. The newsletter must be re-formatted for articles length.
10. Labels must be made and updated.
11. Postage applied and newsletters mailed to the membership.
Procedures For Submitting Articles
1. Articles should not exceed 50 to 60 lines of typed information
(not counting spaces in between lines).
2. Articles should preferably be submitted on _____ or _____
computer diskette if possible and written in one of the following
word processing computer formats:
a. MS-DOS format (IBM compatible computer).
- Word Perfect
- Micro Soft Word
- Word Star
b. Mackintosh (Apple computer format).
- Mac Write
- Micro Soft Word
- Word Perfect
* Submitted articles should have a printed version of the article
and the disk filename indicated somewhere.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
* Your diskette will be returned as soon as copy is made of it.
If you do not have excess to a computer the article can be
submitted on letter sized paper.
5. Articles should be submitted no later than a month before the
publish date.
6. Any pictures submitted should be ______ by ______ and in a
glossy black and white finish, pictures will be returned after
computer generated images are made from them.
7. Graphics can be included as long as they are legible. Graphics
should be black and white also.
8. If fonts are used they should be post script compatible.
9. Attached is example of an example of an article with ______
lines of copy and a copy of the document as it appeared in
one of our newsletters.
Newsletter Development Proposal
Submitted a proposal to Imprints Unlimited, 5070 Parkside
Avenue, Phila., Pa. regarding the production of a newsletter.
A copy of our last newsletter was given to a Mr. James Sands
one of the principals at Imprints Unlimited as an example of
the quality and the type of paper we want to use. The sample
newsletter also indicated to him the expected content volume
of each newsletter, which will generally consist of eight
pages of printed contents.
There are two ways we can submit the newspaper for printing
one is on typed copy and they will typset the submitted
articles making the production of the newsletter machine
independent and the cost would be as follows:
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
300 copies price $435.00 Dollars
500 copies price $563.00 Dollars
The other method is camera ready where the newsletter is
submitted to be immediately printed via linotronic sheets.
The actual newsletter image is submitted for copying to the
newsletter format.
Camera Ready Copy
300 copies price $174.75 Dollars
500 copies price $255.00 Dollars
* The above price does not include stapling which we felt we
could possibly do without? If stapling is required it
could add another 30.00 to 50.00 Dollars to the cost.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Responsibility #: 3
Responsibility Name: PUBLIC RELATIONS
Description: ***** TO BE DONE *****
Coordinate and expedite Mailing procedures.
Resources Needed:
Scheduled participating Committee and location.
All copies of information for mailing.
i.e. - Coming events
Program Announcements
Workshop and Seminar Registrations
etc. etc. etc.
Coordinate with Chapter Treasurer for monies for
postage and meter strip.
Coordinate with Automation Committee for addressed
Prepare information for Post Office.
Work Start Date: 01/01/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Postage $550.00
Meter Strips 250.00 "
Stationery 365.00 "
Public Relations 320.00 "
P.O. Box Fee 15.00 "
Bulk Mail Renew Fee 75.00 "
Newsletter 2392.00 "
TOTAL $ 3967.00
Other Comments:
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
2.3.4 Conference 1995
1 9 9 3 PLANNING
Committee: 1995 National Conference
Chairperson: LeRoy Washington
To have the most successful conference ever held in Black Data
Processing Associates twenty year history.
To offer the most comprehensive technical workshops and
seminars ever held at a National Black Data Processing
Associates Conference.
To have National Black Data Processing Associates gain greater
recognition within Corporate America as a major force in shaping the
future of Information Technology professionals.
To provide diverse social and cultural workshops-experiences
that will impact "Work Force 2000" in 1995.
To ensure that all attendees are exposed to the Greater
Philadelphia Area from a Historical and Cultural Perspective.
To include other Non-Profit Organization as a part of our
conference affairs.
BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter
The 1995 Conference will educate, entertain, motivate, and stimulate
all attendees, all supporters, and the community at large.
Additionally, the conference will promote NBDPA as well as the local
Finally, the 1995 Conference will highlight our National Student
Computer Competition Program.
Major Responsibilities
The BDPA National Conference Program Chairperson becomes a part of the
National Board of Directors while serving in this capacity. NCPC reports
directly to the National Conference General Chairman (Liaison).
1. Narrow Conference Hotel selection making recommendation on top
three sites.
2. Prepare tentative Conference Budget.
3. Select Local Conference Committee Team Leaders.
4. Find Opening Speakers for initial general sessions.
5. Provide overall leadership to Conference Committees
a) Call status meetings with all committees.
b) Secure progress reports weekly from team
6. Locate and secure commitment of computers for
registration and computer competition.
7. Require, at a minimum, monthly written reports from team
leaders. Maintain bi-weekly communication.
8. Secure corporate support to underwrite printing of
proceedings, banquet costs, hospitality receptions, awards
for and transportation of student competition, kits etc.
9. Secure Speaker for Banquet and Prayer Breakfast.
1993 Strategic Plan - First Quarter Activities:
During the first quarter of 1993, the Conference Planning Committee
will develop a Conference Management Plan (CMP) which will define
the conference scope, objective, mission and a detailed task list
with deadlines for completion of all conference tasks.
A. Event Objectives and Work Schedule
1. Strategic Planning Committee - set overall objectives
2. Coordinate with appropriate committees
3. Establish basic timeline with deadlines for critical
B. The Conference Strategic Planning Committee:
* Chairperson, LeRoy Washington
* Steering Committee
- Co-Chairperson Howard James
- Treasurer Mary Anne Lowery
- Conference Advisors Priscilla Brown
- Corporate Advisory Council ________
* Six Team Leaders
- Logistics _______________
- Corporate Relations Toki Keyejo
- Communications James McQueen
- Development Lorraine Mitchell
- Youth Programs Cecelia Spivey
- Special Events Karen James
First Quarter - Activities
Phone Calls
The budgeted $50.00 per quarter is a minimum.
Local Chapter Mailing
The purpose here is to have an official conference bulletin mailed
to each local member regarding the 1995 Conference. The
associated cost:
Approved $25.00
Budgeted $76.00
The mailings would occur at the end of each quarter. The intent is
to encourage local chapter participation on the conference team as
well as prepping each member for full conference registration in
1995. Currently, less than one third of our paid members are
attending monthly program meetings. I submit that the monthly
mailings are not enough.
Miscellaneous Expense
The purpose here is to make allowance for additional cost that will
surely be incurred.
Approved $50.00 per quarter.
Budgeted $50.00 per quarter.
1993 Strategic Plan - Second Quarter - Activities
Phone Calls
The budgeted $50.00 per quarter is a minimum.
Local Chapter Mailing
The purpose here is to have an official conference bulletin mailed
to each local member regarding the 1995 Conference.
The associated cost:
Approved $25.00
Budgeted $76.00
The mailings would occur at the end of each quarter. The intent is
to encourage local chapter participation on the conference team as
well as prepping each member for full conference registration in
1995. Currently, less than one third of our paid members are
attending monthly program meetings. I submit that the monthly
mailings are not enough.
Miscellaneous Expense
The purpose here is to make allowance for additional cost that will
surely be incurred.
Approved $50.00 per quarter.
Budgeted $50.00 per quarter.
Second - Quarter Activities:
During the second quarter of 1993, the Conference Planning
Committee will finalize Financial Management Plan (FMP) which
will define the conference accounts and line items.
A. Financial Management
1. Develop a comprehensive budget for local and
national approval
2. Provide monthly financial statements, actual vs.
3. Establish necessary accounts and authorizations
in conference name.
4. Review all invoices against contracts and services
5. Verify and code all bills to the appropriate line
6. Present final financial report
B. Promotion
1. Identify the markets for potential attendees and
methods for attracting them.
2. Accumulate the appropriate mailing lists
Conference Letterhead Paper Printed
The 1995 Conference Theme will be presented to national at the
February Board Meeting in Houston, Texas. We would like a decision at
the time. If that is not the case, I would expect that the theme
would be confirmed during the second quarter of 1993. Upon approval, we
will print 500 copies. The cost:
500 * .10 = $50.00
Corporate Mailings
The Corporate Mailing will allow us to establish communication
with 100 major corporation per year in the Delaware Valley Area. We
seek to Identify and notify potential Corporate Supporters. Mailings
will be continued on a quarterly basis.
The cost associated with these mailings are:
A. One Flyer
100 * .05 = $05.00
100 * .29 = $29.00
Total $34.00 per quarter
Black Expos Copies
The purpose here is to get major exposure to the local
community. Needless to say, this will present a great
opportunity to publicize the 1995 Conference. We are expecting to
print at a minimum of 4000 copies of paper at .05 cents per copy.
The cost incurred is $200.00
1993 Strategic Plan - Third - Quarter Activities:
Phone Calls
The budgeted $50.00 per quarter is a minimum.
Local Chapter Mailing
The purpose here is to have an official conference bulletin mailed
to each local member regarding the 1995 Conference.
The associated cost:
Approved $25.00
Budgeted $76.00
The mailings would occur at the end of each quarter. The intent is
to encourage local chapter participation on the conference team as
well as prepping each member for full conference registration in
1995. Currently, less than one third of our paid members are
attending monthly program meetings. I submit that the monthly
mailings are not enough.
Miscellaneous Expense
The purpose here is to make allowance for additional cost that will
surely be incurred.
Approved $50.00 per quarter.
Budgeted $50.00 per quarter.
Corporate Mailings
The Corporate Mailing will allow us to establish communication
with 100 major corporation per year in the Delaware Valley
Area. We seek to Identify and notify potential Corporate
Supporters. Mailings will be continued on a quarterly basis.
The cost associated with these mailings are:
A. One Flyer
100 * .05 = $05.00
100 * .29 = $29.00
Total $34.00 per quarter
1993 Strategic Plan - Fourth Quarter - Activities
Phone Calls
The budgeted $50.00 per quarter is a minimum.
Local Chapter Mailing
The purpose here is to have an official conference bulletin mailed
to each local member regarding the 1995 Conference.
The associated cost:
Approved $25.00
Budgeted $76.00
The mailings would occur at the end of each quarter. The intent is
to encourage local chapter participation on the conference team as
well as prepping each member for full conference registration in
1995. Currently, less than one third of our paid members are
attending monthly program meetings. I submit that the monthly
mailings are not enough.
Miscellaneous Expense
The purpose here is to make allowance for additional cost that will
surely be incurred.
Approved $50.00 per quarter.
Budgeted $50.00 per quarter.
Exhibit - Career Fair - Entrepreneur Management
During the fourth quarter of 1993, the Conference Planning Committee
will develop a marketing mix for potential exhibitors.
A. Marketing
1. Identify exhibit market and compile prospect list
B. Design and Production
1. Create floor plan diagram
2. Design exhibit prospectus
2.3.5 Corporate Advisory Council
2.3.6 Corporate Relations
COMMITTEE: Corporate Relations Committee
1- Preside over all corporate relations committee meetings.
2- Develop strategies to generate monetary contributions from
corporate america.
3- Plan corporate sponsorship presentations to companies and
PAST YEAR ASSESSMENT: (for your area of responsibility and others)
Area/s of Strength
List areas here. Explain.
The corporate relations committee has worked diligently in
making contacts and establishing relationships with the
corporate community.
Secured Conrail as a local chapter corporate sponsor.
Areas of Potential Improvement
List areas here. Explain.
Determine other ways to get the corporate community involved
with BDPA, thus establishing a relationship.
Target more companies and entrepreneurs. Improve the number of
corporate sponsors secured during each quarter.
Develop a contingency plan to address the possibility of not
receiving the projected income for each quarter.
Obtain feedback from all members of the committee and BDPA in
general, both locally and nationally.
Improve marketing skills. Continue to refine, which will
enable us to "SELL" BDPA more effectively.
Ensure that all committee members and officers are fully aware
of the Corporate Relations Sponsorship Program policies and
procedures. In addition, all committee members and officers
should be able to present and sell the sponsorship program to
anyone at any given time.
2.3.7 Education
CHAIRPERSON: Leonard Dantzler
1- High School Computer Competition
2- Omega Psi Phi Computer Literacy Training
3- YMCA "Black Achievers" Program
4- BDPA/Upward Bound Computer Literacy Program
5- Drexel Mentorship Program Support
6- Student Re-union
7- Montessori Genesis II Proposal
8- National Computer Competition Coordinator Meeting
9- Scholarship Selection
10- ICCP
Responsibility/Event #: 1
Responsibility/Event Name: High School Computer Competition
The Computer Competition events will begin during the month
of March, 1993, starting the Open House registration, three
rounds of preliminary testing and the Spring/Summer training
for semi-finalist students.
Resources Needed:
School liaison - responsible for contacting schools, student
organizations and disseminating information regarding the
upcoming events.
Corporate liaison - responsible for contacting corporations
to obtain financial support specifically for the Computer
Competition activities.
Instructors (10) - responsible for the coordination and
development of the various workshops, testing requirements
and training plans.
Chaperons (2) - responsible for escorting the students to the
National Conference in Kansas City, MO.
Training center(s) equipped with eight to ten IBM/IBM-
Compatible personal computers, TV, VCR and overhead
Work Start Date: 01/01/93 Work End Date: 08/22/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Scholarships (4 students) $ 4,000.0010/93 *
Air Transportation $ 1,800.00 8/93
Hotel Accommodations $ 1,500.00 8/93
Savings Bonds (4) $ 200.0010/93
Student Memberships (8) $ 120.00 4/93
Food Allowance $ 400.0010/93
Mini-conference registration $ 100.00 8/93
National conference registration $ 300.00 8/93
Training materials $ 500.00 2/93
Travel Insurance $ 150.00 8/93
Copying Expenses $ 100.00 2/93
Total Expenses $ 9,170.00
Other Comments:
* Scholarship expenses will be incurred, but not paid in
Responsibility/Event #: 2
Responsibility/Event Name: Omega Psi Phi Computer Literacy
The Education Committee will coordinate and present several
basic computer literacy workshops to train the officers of
the Omega Psi Phi. They will coordinate the activities with
Dave Benson, of Omega Psi Phi and BDPA. In addition, BDPA
will assist Omega using the procedures to train the rest of
the organization.
Resources Needed:
Instructors (10) - responsible for the coordination and
training of the workshops. The workshops will probably
include "Introduction to PC-DOS" and "Introduction to
WordPerfect". An estimated number of four workshops will be
needed to train the officers of Omega Psi Phi.
Work Start Date: 02/01/93 Work End Date: 02/20/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown: N/A
Other Comments:
Responsibility/Event #: 3
Responsibility/Event Name: YMCA "Black Achievers" Program
The Education Committee will coordinate the Computer Science
career cluster of the YMCA program. BDPA members will
volunteer to instruct various modules of the career
curriculum related to the field of computer science. The
program starts in the month of October and ends in May.
Classes are held approximately every other Saturday and the
sessions rotate among the three YMCA centers: North, South
and West.
Resources Needed:
Coordinator - responsible for the coordination of the various
workshops and the BDPA members who will present the
Instructors (5) - responsible for presenting one or more of
various workshops covering, but limited to the following
subjects: "Introduction to Data Processing"; "Introduction
to Computer Hardware"; hands-on training of the Macintosh
personal computer; Effective Presentation Workshop; tour of a
data center.
Work Start Date: 01/02/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown: N/A
Other Comments:
Responsibility/Event #: 4
Responsibility/Event Name: BDPA/Upward Bound Computer Literacy
The Computer Literacy program is a joint effort between BDPA
and the Upward Bound Program of the University Of
Pennsylvania to introduce computer science to middle school
students who have little or no computer literacy skills. The
program will also involve interpersonal skills and cultural
Resources Needed:
Coordinator - responsible for the development of the curricu-
lum and the coordination of the various workshops and the
BDPA members who will present the workshops.
Instructors (5) - responsible for presenting one or more of
various workshops covering, but limited to the following
subjects: "Introduction to Data Processing"; "Introduction
to Computer Hardware"; "Introduction to Computer Software";
hands-on training of the IBM/IBM-Compatible personal
computer; Effective Presentation Workshop.
Training center(s) equipped with IBM/IBM-Compatible personal
computers (5), overhead projector, TV/VCR and chalkboard.
Work Start Date: 01/02/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Student memberships (10) $ 150.00 10/93
Other Comments:
Responsibility/Event #: 5
Responsibility/Event Name: Support of Drexel Mentorship
Establish procedures to support specific Drexel University
Black student organizations by providing BDPA mentors to
match-up with students requesting mentors.
Resources Needed:
Coordinator - responsible for the development of procedures
to select BDPA mentors and to match the mentors with Drexel
students. They will also need to develop the necessary
guidelines for which BDPA will be a participant in the Drexel
Mentors - responsible for meeting with respective student(s)
once a week to assist in their scholastic and career planning
development. The number of mentors needed is difficult to
determine since they will be based on the number of students
requesting a mentor and the number of BDPA members who
Work Start Date: 01/02/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown: N/A
Other Comments:
BDPA's participation in the Drexel University Mentorship
program was not approved by the executive committee. In
addition, our support of this program is not functioning or
coordinated with the Drexel University student organizations.
No Drexel student should be required at this moment to become
a BDPA member in order to participate in the mentorship
program. One or more Drexel students who have become BDPA
members may be under this perception. Whereas, the support
of Drexel's mentorship program could be beneficial to all
concerned parties, if we cannot establish reasonable guide-
lines and open communications from Drexel associates, I would
recommend withdrawing support.
Responsibility/Event #: 6
Responsibility/Event Name: Student Re-union
The purpose of this event is to bring together of the present
and past students involved in BPDA program and activities.
It will be scheduled to coincide with the holiday time-frame.
Resources Needed:
Coordinator - responsible for the planning and development of
the event.
Work Start Date: 11/01/93 Work End Date: 12/18/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Food expenses $ 50.00
Other Comments:
Responsibility/Event #: 7
Responsibility/Event Name: Montessori Genesis II Proposal
The purpose of this proposal is to establish a computer
literacy program with the Montessori Genesis II School in
exchange for the use of training/office space. The classes
will be initially scheduled for every other Saturday.
Resources Needed:
Coordinator(s) - responsible for the development of the
computer literacy training program for the students of the
Montessori Genesis II School. This person(s) will also act
as liaison between the school and BDPA to coordinate any
activities such as use of the assigned training/office space.
Instructors (2) - responsible for presenting the various
workshops such as, but not limited to the following: "Intro-
duction to PC-DOS"; "Introduction to Computer Hardware";
"Introduction to Computer Software"; Data Processing History.
Work Start Date: 02/01/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown: N/A
Other Comments:
Responsibility/Event #: 8
Responsibility/Event Name: National Computer Competition Coor-
dinator Meeting
This meeting is scheduled annually to discuss and resolve
issues regarding the upcoming National Computer Competition
events. All chapters who plan to send a team to the National
Conference in Kansas City, MO are required to be represented
at this meeting. Cecilia Spivey, Northeast Region Computer
Competition Coordinator, has been asked by Tony Williams,
National Computer Competition Chairperson, to present a
"Chaperon Responsibilities" workshop for all of the team
Resources Needed:
Computer Competition Coordinator - responsible for the
development and coordination of the local events and training
Northeast Region Coordinator - responsible for disseminating
information regarding Computer Competition activities and
acts as liaison between the chapters and the National
Computer Competition Chairperson.
Work Start Date: 02/07/93 Work End Date: 02/20/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Transportation (2 persons) $ 600.00
Hotel expenses (2 persons) $ 200.00
Total expenses $ 800.00
Other Comments:
Responsibility/Event #: 9
Responsibility/Event Name: Scholarship Selection
This activity involves the selection of a high school student
who applies for the annual scholarship monies to be awarded
by the Philadelphia chapter. The person(s) responsible for
selecting the student will review their involvement in BDPA
activities, community activities, school grades and their
selection of a major in the Information Technology field.
Resources Needed:
Coordinator - responsible for the developing the search
procedures and student criteria for awarding the scholarship
during the awards banquet in October.
Work Start Date: 02/01/93 Work End Date: 10/01/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Student Scholarship $ 500.00
Other Comments:
Responsibility/Event #: 10
Responsibility/Event Name: ICCP
This activity involves the disseminating of information
regarding ICCP certification and the development of seminars
and workshops related to certification awareness.
Resources Needed:
Coordinator - responsible for the coordination of seminars
and workshops to bring awareness of the ICCP certification
Work Start Date: 01/02/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown: N/A
Other Comments:
2.3.8 Elections
COMMITTEE: Elections
CHAIRPERSON: Mary Anne Lowery
1- Nominations:
announcement of nominations
2- Elections
Responsibility/Event #1
Responsibility/Event Name: Nominations
Distribute Nominations announcement along with requirements
of office. Review all nominations for eligibility
Resources Needed:
At least two committee members
Work Start Date: 06/01/93
Work End Date: 09/17/93
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
200 Announcements/requirements $16.00
mailing 58.00
Total Expense $74.00

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  • 1. Black Data Processing Associates Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 Prepared By: Chapter Board of Directors Date: January 1993 Edited and Approved By: Chapter Executive Committee Priscilla Wynn-Brown - President Nancy Sewell - Vice President Howard M. James, Jr. - Immediate Past President Leslie V. Holland - Treasurer Carmella Salley - Recording Secretary Stephen E. Peters - Corresponding Secretary
  • 2. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 PURPOSE and SCOPE 1.3 The PLANNING PROCESS 1.4 CHAPTER SUPPORT of NATIONAL GOALS 2.0 OPERATING PLAN 2.1 OVERVIEW 2.2 OFFICER PLANS 2.2.1 President 2.2.2 Vice President 2.2.3 Immediate Past President 2.2.4 Treasurer 2.2.5 Recording Secretary 2.2.6 Corresponding Secretary 2.2.7 Parliamentarian 2.3 COMMITTEE PLANS 123
  • 3. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 2.3.1 Automation 2.3.2 Career Development 2.3.3 Communications 2.3.4 Conference 1995 2.3.5 Corporate Advisory Council 2.3.6 Corporate Relations 2.3.7 Education 2.3.8 Elections 2.3.9 Finance 2.3.10 Fund Raising 2.3.11 Membership 2.3.12 Program 2.3.13 Strategic Planning 3.0 CHAPTER BUDGET 123
  • 4. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 INTRODUCTION Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA) has been experiencing a growing need for a more formalized planning process both on the national and local levels. Realizing this need, the Greater Philadelphia Chapter extended its planning process beyond the development of its long range (3 year) strategic plan (see "Master Plan 1993") to include a more detailed, short term (1 year) plan ("Operating Plan 1993"), defined herein. 1.2 PURPOSE and SCOPE The purpose of this document is to record the short term operating plan for the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of BDPA. Its intent is to: » facilitate the accomplishment of Black Data Processing Associates' (BDPA) goals and objectives. » provide a vehicle for monitoring and controlling the Greater Philadelphia Chapter's planned activities for the year. » share the approved chapter operating plan and related budgetary information with the Chapter's membership. NOTE: **** The Operating Plan information (related to the timing of events or expenditures) may not coincide precisely with the budget. This is a result of board modifications to the budget subsequent to the submission of Operating Plan information. Where there are differences, the budget takes precedence. 123
  • 5. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1.3 The PLANNING PROCESS The Greater Philadelphia Chapter Board of Directors engages in a formal planning process on an annual basis. The primary driving factors in this process are the National BDPA goals and objectives as well as the supporting local goals and objectives. The schedule for this process is shown below: September: Officers and Chairpersons are notified to prepare plans and budgets. Responsibility: Strategic Planning Committee (Coordinates Strategic Planning) Finance Committee (Coordinates Budgets) Standard electronic formats are provided by the Strategic Planning and Finance Committees, respectively. October: Strategic Planning Meeting (All Day - 8 hours +) (Preliminary Approval of Plans and Budgets) Responsibility: Strategic Planning Committee (Coordinates and Chairs the meeting) Finance Committee (Coordinates Budget aspects of meeting) Officers and Chairs (Required to attend the meeting with all planning materials completed) 123
  • 6. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 November: Refine Plans and Budgets Responsibility: Officers and Chairs (Make modifications to plans and budgets as determined at the planning meeting and upload to the PhillyBBS) December: Finalize Plans and Budgets Responsibility: Officers and Chairs (Make modifications to plans and budgets as determined at the planning meeting) Early January: Release "Master Plan 19xx" (Strategic Plan) (Contains high level strategy for a three year period, including current year). Responsibility: (Chapter Board of Directors) Late January: Release "Operating Plan 19xx" (Contains details on tasks, events, budget, for the current operating year) Responsibility: (Chapter Board of Directors) 123
  • 7. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1.4 CHAPTER SUPPORT of NATIONAL GOALS The National BDPA continues to draw from its past experiences and implements new and improved ideas on an ongoing basis. Consistent with this tradition are the Vision and Goal Statements recently issued by the newly elected National BDPA Executive Committee and approved by the National BDPA Board of Directors. Since the primary thrust of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of BDPA is to strengthen BDPA as a whole, it seems appropriate to show how various segments of the Philadelphia Chapter Operating Plan support the Goals and ultimate Vision of National BDPA. VISION BDPA is the leading provider of technological resources for business and education that positions our members and community at the forefront of the information industry. GOAL STATEMENTS/ Philadelphia Support BDPA is an internationally recognized organization structured around its BET (Business, Education, Technology) legacy. o Communications Committee (Public Relations, Newsletter, PhillyAlert) o Corporate Advisory Council o Corporate Relations Committee o Fundraising Committee (Social networking with other Black Professional Organizations) o Program Committee (Program Meeting networking, Workshops, Technical Exchange Sessions) BDPA has an infrastructure that facilitates the use of state of the art technology for communications business practices and operational procedures. o Automation Committee (BBS, Job/Resume Database, Membership Database, Contacts Database, automation standards) o Board of Directors (electronic document exchange) o Finance Committee (electronic budget templates) o Strategic Planning Committee (Strategic Plan, Operating Plan electronic templates) BDPA provides resources for entrepreneurs in the information technology industry 123
  • 8. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 that will yield them a distinct advantage in existing and new markets. o Career Development Committee (Career training and job opportunities) o Membership Committee (Entrepreneur forum) BDPA provides incentives to corporations, government, and educational institutions to motivate them to become partners that are identified as resource centers to support our business, educational and technology initiatives. o Corporate Advisory Council o Corporate Relations Committee o Education Committee BDPA is positioned to influence and supplement our educational systems in the use of information technology. o Education Committee BDPA establishes libraries of information comprised of scientific research and development, scientific literature, and published journals for dissemination. o Not directly supported by the current local operating plan BDPA continues to construct means by which it can acquire and distribute wealth for the realization of its mission. o Corporate Advisory Council o Corporate Relations Committee o Fundraising o Education BDPA has a world class training program that increases the value of its members skills, competitiveness, and economic potential. o Program Committee (Workshops, Seminars, Technical Exchange Sessions) 123
  • 9. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 2.0 OPERATING PLAN 2.1 Overview The Greater Philadelphia Chapter's Operating Plan for 1993 is geared toward the accomplishment of the applicable strategic objectives developed by the Chapter's Board of Directors and documented accordingly. Detailed operating plans were prepared by each officer and chairperson detailing activities, events, tasks, and resources necessary to assure the accomplishment of these objectives. The following is a summary of 1993 quarterly objectives as specified in the Philadelphia Chapter strategic planning document ("Master Plan 1993"). 1st Quarter 1993 » Establish BDPA Chapter Office » Establish Chapter Filing System and Library (for all non-computerized files and books) (including an inventory of all BDPA assets) » Develop a more effective Chapter Mailing Schedule » Conduct a Chapter Building/Leadership Workshop » Conduct a Chapter Administration Workshop » Increase the membership of the following committees: Membership, Communications, & Program » Obtain 501-C6 status 1st Quarter 1993 - cont'd 123
  • 10. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 » Undertake the following Automation initiatives: - Acquire desk-top publishing hardware/software (primarily for Newsletter development) - Complete specifications for a National Job/Resume System - Document existing Chapter computer applications - Establish standards for development/installation of Chapter computer applications » Establish a BDPA Technical Hotline on Philly BBS for members and the general public » Finalize schedule for 1993 chapter programs and activities » Assign responsibilities for the 2nd through 4th quarter initiatives 2nd through 4th Quarters 1993 » Establish a Corporate Advisory Council » Select two Outside Directors » Implement Job/Resume System (per National BDPA approval) » Acquire additional Chapter computers » Obtain new sites for technical seminars/workshops » Develop plans for acquisition of a Chapter building » Begin planning for BDPA Neighborhood Technology Centers (throughout the city - for Information Processing initially and other technical disciplines thereafter) » Develop Entrepreneur Programs » Investigate the establishment of an ongoing BDPA radio and TV program (dealing with Information Processing education for the community) 123
  • 11. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 » Investigate feasibility of using National's 501-C3 designation (The Education and Technology Foundation) for local Scholarship fund raising. If not feasible, plan to secure local 501-C3. » Complete Policies and Procedures Manual » Complete major overhaul of Chapter Bylaws (including alignment with National BDPA Bylaws) » Establish Technical Assistance program (using skills database) » Implement member and community programs as planned in the 1st quarter » Prepare "Performance against Objectives Report" for National » Extend automation effort (maximize use of the membership database and establish a non-member contact database) » Complete "BDPA - Master Plan 1994" 123
  • 12. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 2.2 Officer Plans 2.2.1 President OFFICE: President OFFICER: Priscilla Wynn-Brown OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES: 1- Preside over all meetings of the general membership and the Executive committee. 2- Serve as the official spokesperson for the Association. 3- Have the power to appoint specific Committees with the approval of the Executive Committee of the Association. 4- Be responsible for assuring that the decisions of the general membership are carried out. 5- Chapter of the Year Document Preparation. 6- Represent the chapter at the National Board of Directors' Meeting. 7- Assist in Marketing BDPA for the purpose of Corporate Sponsors/Supporters. MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: 1- Corporate Advisory Council Kickoff Meeting 2- Chapter Goals and Objectives Document Assistant 3- Selection of two Outside Directors 4- Local Chapter Awards Selection Criteria 5- Active member of the Corporate Relations Committee 123
  • 13. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: President OFFICER: Priscilla Wynn-Brown Responsibility #: 1 Responsibility Name: Corporate Advisory Council Kickoff Meeting Description: Organize and coordinate the first official meeting of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter's Corporate Advisory Council. This will be the kickoff meeting and will be hosted by the chapter. Resources Needed: The Corporate Advisory Task Force - To establish policy and guidelines for CAC - To interview al perspective prospects Support from the Board of Directors - To recommend and/or identify individuals whose backgrounds covers the areas of finance, public relations, cultural diversity, marketing, educational systems and community advocates to actively participate in the CAC. - To identify a total of 8 to 10 individuals to reside on the board along with 2 representatives from the chapter. - Chapter Representative will be the president and an appointed CAC liaison. 123
  • 14. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 Work Start Date: 11/01/92 Work End Date: 03/31/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Meeting Place $100.00 03/31/93 Refreshments 15 @10.00 150.00 03/31/93 (coffee,danish, orange juice) Invitations 50.00 03/15/93 Total Expense $300.00 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: President OFFICER: Priscilla Wynn-Brown Responsibility #: 2 Responsibility Name: Chapter Goals and Objective Document Assistant Description: To assist in collecting and organizing the chapter goals and objective document for submission to National for qualification of National awards. Resources Needed: Vice President - To assist in gathering of documentation - To schedule and participate in monthly meetings with the vice president in organizing the required material. 123
  • 15. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 Supporting documentation from all Officers and Committee Chairs Work Start Date: 12/15/92 Work End Date: 03/31/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Review Vice President Budget for Chapter Goals and Objectives 123
  • 16. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: President OFFICER: Priscilla Wynn-Brown Responsibility #: 3 Responsibility Name: Selection of two Outside Directors Description: To assist in the selection process of two individuals who will assist the board of directors with financial and strategic planning for the local chapter. Resources Needed: Recommendation from the Board of Directors and membership. Assist in developing a list of responsibilities for the outside directors. Work Start Date: 04/01/93 Work End Date: 07/31/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: No costs. 123
  • 17. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: President OFFICER: Priscilla Wynn-Brown Responsibility #: 4 Responsibility Name: Local Chapter Awards Selection Process Description: To assist in the creation of the selection process for awarding outstanding members within the local chapter. This selection process will be used for the 1992 and 1993 award nominees. The 1992 Awards will be distributed to the membership in the first quarter. The 1993 Awards will be distributed to the membership at the 1993 First Annual Awards Banquet. Resources Needed: Board of Directors. To assist in defining the selection criteria for the nominees. To recommend candidates for awards from committees and or the general membership. Executive Board. To select the candidates by voting. Work Start Date: 01/01/93 Work End Date: 03/31/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Placque and/or certificates 5 @20.00 200.00 123
  • 18. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1/20/93 (for 1992 nominees) Placque and/or certificates 8 @20.00 200.00 10/23/93 (for 1993 nominees) held at October banquet. Total Expense $400.00 2.2.2 Vice President OFFICE: Vice President OFFICER: Nancy Sewell MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES 1- High School Student Mini-Conference Coordinator 2- Delegate Coordinator 3- Chapter Goals and Objectives Document Coordinator 4- Chapter Annual Report 5- Chapter Quarterly Report (1st , 2nd , 3rd ) 6- Support of President 7- Assistant Treasurer 123
  • 19. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 8- Participation in Marketing and Financial Solicitation Activities 9- Cluster Leader for Finance and Membership Committees 10- Cluster Leader for Career Development Committee (temporary) 123
  • 20. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: Vice President OFFICER: Nancy Sewell Responsibility #: 1 Responsibility Name:High School Student Mini-Conference Coordinator Description: Organize and manage the chapter's Annual HS Student Mini-Conference. The event is to be one of several other events during "Computer Learning Month" (October). The chapter hosts the event to assist in spreading computer knowledge throughout the minority community. The mini-conference focus will be to motivate young people to learn and to encourage them to stay in school. We'll round out these messages by providing information technology career guidance, college & proprietary school information & financial aid direction. This is a major chapter event and is therefore expected to have the support and participation of all committees and officers. (Goal is for 100 students). Resources Needed: Liaison from each committee (13) - To manage the Mini-Conference Action Teams: - Marketing - Contact HSs and last year's participants - Coordinate advertising (all media) - Provide signs and posters for meeting place - Logistics - Arrange location plus back-up - Obtain liability insurance - Coordinate field trip/data center tour transportation - Registration - Create and maintain database(s) for registrants (HS) & all presenters (colleges & schools, workshop leaders, corporations, Action Team) - Develop Registration Forms - Provide Name Tags - Develop certificates for all participants - Provide BDPA printed info to NBDPA - Refreshments - Arrange for refreshments (continental breakfast, lunch) for both adults and HS students. - Organize food & beverage Set-up & Clean-up 123
  • 21. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 - Agenda/Program - Flesh-out Program Agenda - Find & solicit workshop leaders & program speakers - Create or obtain biographies for presenters - Financial (& material) Support - Visit corporations to drum up financial, facility & material support. The goal is to not spend a dime of BDPA's money. - Oversee spending Officers (7) - To participate in the program: - Workshop leaders - Presenters - Greeters School Representatives - To market their institution's offerings Info Tech Professionals - (From Corporate Sponsor and Supporter companies): - To Present in Career Workshops - To distribute corporate paraphernalia Work Start Date: March 1993 Work End Date: November 1993 Event Date: Mini-Conference/ October 16, 1993 Event Date: Data Center Tour/ October 24, 1993 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Door Prizes (Computer, Savings Bonds, Membership) $900.00 Refreshments 500.00 Correspondence (postage, phone) 25.00 Stationary (invitations, presenter confirmation and TYs, TYs to supporter 25.00 Refreshments 500.00 Total $1850.00 123
  • 22. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: Vice President OFFICER: Nancy Sewell Responsibility #: 2 Responsibility Name:Delegate Coordinator Description: Arrange for and oversee the selection, preparation, coordination and reporting of the chapter's delegates to the National Conference. The delegates serve for a six month period: three (3) before conference (start Mid-May) three (3) after (end Mid-November). Resources Needed: Nominees (preferably at least five (5)) - Must submit a written request for consideration covering: - Reason for wanting to represent chapter at conference - Candidate's qualifications to act as a representative - Reason Executive Committee should select them over other candidates. Delegates (two (2) (maybe 3)) - To become comfortable with NBDPA By-laws and the proposed changes. - To study Parliamentary Procedure & be familiar with Roberts' Rules. - To know the chapter's position on each issue slated for discussion during the Delegates's Meeting. - To work with Corporate Relations Cmte or Corporate Advisory Council to secure contributions to the conference expenses they will incur. - To attend National Conference and to commit to participating in all Delegate's activities as the Delegate Representative of our chapter. - To work with the other chapter delegate(s) to produce the Delegate's Report documenting the Delegate's Meetings & their outcome for the general membership. Executive Committee: - Review Delegate Submissions (beginning mid April) - Vote during May Executive Cmte Mtg (May 7, 1993) Work Start Date: Late February 1993 Work End Date: Late November 1993 Estimated Cost Breakdown: 123
  • 23. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 Delegates Stipend (2/$100 or 3/$66.33) for attending National Conference $200.00 or more* Copy cost of Delegates Report (6 page rpt, 225 copies, @ $0.035/page) 47.25 Total $247.25 * More if delegates are able to secure corporate contribution to their conference expenses. 123
  • 24. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: Vice President OFFICER: Nancy Sewell Responsibility #: 3 Responsibility Name:Chapter Goals and Objectives Document Coordinator Description: Collect, format, produce and submit documentation to NBDPA of the chapter's accomplishments for the year. The document should be organized such that it responds to NBDPA's "Chapter Goals and Objectives" criteria. This document is used as the basis for determination of eligibility for and selection of chapter and member achievement awards for the year. The dates of the evaluation period are determined by the NBDPA Executive Committee. Resources Needed: Liaison from each committee (13) Officers (7) - Submit materials and create documentation to substantiate events, activities, conversations as deemed necessary by coordinator as interpreted from "Goals and Objectives" criteria. Examples of materials and documentation: - Proposal, syllabus and schedule for Computer Literacy Program - List of members that manned the BDPA table at NCC Minority Job Fair, Certificate of Participation from NCC, advertisement from Newspaper - Invitations and Thank You's for participation - Quarterly Cmte rpts, Monthly Officers & Fiscal rpts - Member Lists - Corporate Sponsorship correspondence, CS Status - Review materials in final document for accuracy. - Data on diskette in WP 5.1 for year's activities - saved from quarterly rpts - submitted from BOD - Several people to handle preparation for mailing to general membership and Corporate Sponsors and Supporters. 123
  • 25. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 - PC and Laser Printer, diskette Work Start Date: January 2, 1993 Work End Date: Mid-February 1993 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Loose-leaf Binders (qty 2 @ $9.00) $18.00 Sheet Protectors (100/box, qty 3 boxes @ $12.00 box) 36.00 Index Tabs (12/box, qty 3 boxes @ $1.50 box) 4.50 Postage (Priority Mail) 12.00 Total $70.50 123
  • 26. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: Vice President OFFICER: Nancy Sewell Responsibility #: 4 Responsibility Name:Chapter Annual Report Description: Produce a document summarizing the chapter's achievements for the calendar year. The report must follow the format provided by NBDPA. This document is allowed to serve as documentation of the 4th quarter. It will also be used as a marketing tool for corporate funding. Resources Needed: - Data on diskette in WP 5.1 for year's activities - saved from quarterly rpts - submitted from BOD - Several people to handle preparation for mailing to general membership and Corporate Sponsors and Supporters. - PC and Laser Printer, diskette, envelopes Work Start Date: November 1993 Work End Date: January 1994 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Copy cost of Annual Report (20 page rpt, 240 copies, @ $0.035/page) $168.00 Binding Cost (25 copies for corp mktg @ $0.75/rpt) 18.75 Cover Paper (Heavyweight) 15.00 Total $201.75 123
  • 27. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: Vice President OFFICER: Nancy Sewell Responsibility #: 5 Responsibility Name:Chapter Quarterly Report (1st , 2nd , 3rd ) Description: Produce a documents summarizing the chapter's achievements for the past calendar quarter and a projection of activities for the next quarter. The report must follow the format provided by NBDPA. Fourth quarter reporting in not required in this format. Chapter Annual Report takes the place of the fourth. Resources Needed: - Data on diskette in WP 5.1 for last and next quarter's activities - save for Chapter Annual Report - Several people to handle preparation for mailing to general membership and Corporate Sponsors and Supporters. - PC and Laser Printer, diskette, envelopes. Work Start Date: March 1993 Work End Date: April 1993 June 1993 July 1993 September 1993 Oct 1993 December 1993 Jan 1994 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Copy cost of Quarterly Report (8 pg rpt, 225 copies, @ $0.035/pg) x 3)) $189.00 Total $189.00 123
  • 28. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: Vice President OFFICER: Nancy Sewell Responsibility #: 6 Responsibility Name:Support of President Description: Provide back-up for the President in any situation. Attend committee and task group meeting. Provide assistance or guidance where ever deemed necessary by the President. Resources Needed: - Communication between the president and vice president. - Cooperation and respect from the BOD and the Exec Cmte. Work Start Date: January 1, 1993 Work End Date: Dec 1993 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Transferred from president's budget if applicable. 123
  • 29. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: Vice President OFFICER: Nancy Sewell Responsibility #: 7 Responsibility Name:Assistant Treasurer Description: Provide back-up for the Treasurer in any situation. Attend committee and task group meetings. Provide assistance or guidance where ever deemed necessary by the treasurer or the president. Cut checks, sign reimbursement forms, produce Treasurer's Report, handle bank transactions. Resources Needed: - Communication between the treasurer and vice president. - Cooperation and respect from the BOD and the Exec Cmte. - Access to the treasurer's records and to the chapter's banking materials (check book, deposit receipts, etc.) Work Start Date: January 1, 1993 Work End Date: Dec 1993 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Transferred from treasurer's budget if applicable. 123
  • 30. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: Vice President OFFICER: Nancy Sewell Responsibility #: 8 Responsibility Name:Participation in Marketing and Financial Solicitation Description: Perform as a member of the Corporate Relations Committee (CRC) and the Corporate Advisory Council (CAC) Action Team. Assist in the identification of potential sponsors and supporters. Prepare and demonstrate presentations for Corporate Sponsorship solicitation. Participate in planning, organizing, building and implementation of the CAC. Resources Needed: - A network of people who can or know people who can advise us, provide insight and direction to receiving corporate dollars or can work as advocates for our chapter. Work Start Date: January 1, 1993 Work End Date: Dec 1993 Estimated Cost Breakdown: See CAC and CRC budgets. 123
  • 31. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: Vice President OFFICER: Nancy Sewell Responsibility #: 9 Responsibility Name:Cluster Leader for Finance & Membership Committees Description: Attend meetings of committees. Act as substitute chair or co-chair if deemed necessary by president. Represent the interests of the committees at Executive Committee Meeting. Communicate back to committees from Executive Committee Meetings. Resources Needed: - Communication between the committee chairs and cluster leader. - Cooperation and respect from the BOD and the Exec Cmte. Work Start Date: January 1, 1993 Work End Date: Dec 1993 Estimated Cost Breakdown: See committee budgets. 123
  • 32. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN OFFICE: Vice President OFFICER: Nancy Sewell Responsibility #: 10 Responsibility Name:Cluster Leader for Career Development Committee (temporary) Description: Attend meetings of committee. Act as substitute chair or co-chair if deemed necessary by president. Represent the interests of the committee at Executive Committee Meeting. Communicate back to committee from Executive Committee Meetings. Resources Needed: - Communication between the committee chair, cluster leader and temporary cluster leader. - Cooperation and respect from the BOD and the Exec Cmte. Work Start Date: January 1, 1993 Work End Date: Dec 1993 Estimated Cost Breakdown: See committee budgets. 123
  • 33. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 PLANNING OFFICE: Vice President OFFICER: Nancy Sewell OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES 1- Support of President 2- Chapter Goals and Objectives Document Coordinator 3- Chapter Annual Report 4- Chapter Quarterly Report (1st , 2nd , 3rd ) 5- Delegate Coordinator 6- Assistant Treasurer 7- Participation in Marketing and Financial Solicitation Activities 8- Cluster Leader for Finance and Membership Committees 9- Cluster Leader for Career Development Committee (temporary) Past Year Assessment: Areas of Strength The strongest area of my responsibility has been in the coordination of the "Goals and Objectives Document". The production of the books put our chapter in a qualified position for assessment for chapter achievement awards. Areas of Potential Improvement Communication - I will make every effort to provide consistent communication between myself and the chairs in my cluster as well as the President and the rest of the BOD. Also I will be making quarterly contact with all members. Proactive activity - I have felt more in a reactive mode. This I feel can be attributed to lack of a clear plan. It is not my job just to fill in for the President or the Treasurer or a committee chair. I have definite areas of responsibility which I can build upon. Am in the process of planning my work for 1993 so that I may work my plan. The huge task of coordinating the Mini-Conference is now mine. The design and initial planning was done by the Program committee this year. We will be refining and building upon the task. Delegates will get more support this year to serve for the full six months of their term. The Career Development Committee is in need of 123
  • 34. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 assistance. This can be a very valuable entity within the chapter. I will direct serious planning there along with the chair and an expanded committee to support the tasks. Using the committee is the key to more activity there. Funding - We did very well for operating beneath an expected budget, but we must bring in the money. I will be working on corporate funding. Without it we will be struggling forever. 123
  • 35. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 2.2.3 Immediate Past President The Immediate Past President primarily serves as a consultant to the Executive Committee and provides support and assistance in conducting chapter business as instructed by the president. Emphasis during 1993 will be placed on the planning process. 2.2.4 Treasurer 2.2.5 Recording Secretary 2.2.6 Corresponding Secretary 123
  • 36. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 2.3 COMMITTEE PLANS 2.3.1 Automation COMMITTEE: Automation Committee CHAIRPERSON: Darren J. Anthony MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES/EVENTS: (itemize your responsibilities/events to serve as a table of contents to the following Operating Plan pages which list plan detail for the year) 000000001- Disaster Recovery Plan (Standalone Chapter Applications/Backup Procedures) 2- Chapter Laser Printer and Supplies 3- Inventory/audit Chapter's hardware/software assets 4- Job Resume Database 5- BBS Improvement and Development 6- Tie local BBS into BDPAnet 7- Public Relations 8- Assist Special Interest/User Groups 9- Chapter PCs (Hardware and Software) 123
  • 37. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN Committee: Automation Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony Responsibility/Event #: 1 Responsibility/Event Name: Disaster Recovery Plan (Standalone Chapter Applications/Backup Procedures) Description: Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year. Fully implement a comprehensive disaster recovery plan for the chapter's data resources.1 The plan will focus on the area of implementing a backup regimen that will be audited and tested by members of the Automation Committee. Primary feature of the plan calls for rotating offsite storage of backups. The goal is minimize the chapter's downtime due to a catastrophe of any sort. Resources Needed: (List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the tasks each human resource is to perform.) Short Term2 : Diskettes Long Term3 : Tape Backup Drive/Software Norton Backup Permanent offsite location Personnel: Automation-1 individual Each individual who has in his/her possession a chapter computer or application Work Start Date: January 1, 1993 Work End Date: Ongoing Estimated Cost Breakdown: (List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.) 1 The machine which is the focal point of this plan is the personal computer that is considered the chapter PC. This PC is located at the Membership Chair's home. This machine holds about 90% of the chapter data, applications, and software. 2 Short Term is the period of FY 1993. Since we are highly exposed, we must take some proactive measure to reduce the chapter's level of exposure to disaster. 3 Long Term is the period that starts with FY 1994. The long term proactive measures will lend a standard and more permanent storage pattern for backups. 123
  • 38. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 Expense Item Expense Amount Date of Expenditure Diskettes, 3½" Bulk--lots of 50 $50.00 50.00 01/31/93 04/01/93 Norton Backup Software 150.00* 01/31/93 Total Expense $250.00 *Suggested Retail Price Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered): The cost for procuring diskettes is spread over two quarters this will allow for some analysis to be performed on data backup. Analysis will include what is backed up; size of files; and dates. Backup time should be minimal. A plan will be made available prior to January 31. Our exposure level with the chapter computer is extremely high. Recently, the house of the Membership Chair for Los Angeles burned. They were lucky. She had just backed up the membership database to give to someone for use. Think about it! 123
  • 39. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN Committee: Automation Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony Responsibility/Event #: 2 Responsibility/Event Name: Procurement of Chapter Laser Printer and Supplies Description: Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year. Laser printer maintenance supplies such toner cartridges and cleaning kit are essential to producing the best reproduction master possible from a 300 dpi laser printer. Resources Needed: (List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the tasks each human resource is to perform.) N/A Work Start Date: 01/01/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: (List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.) Expense Item Expense Amount Date of Expenditure Toner Cartridge 80.00 06/30/93* Cleaning Kit 20.00 04/30/93** Total Expense $100.00 Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered): * The toner cartridge has an expected page life of approximately 3,000 to 3,500 pages of text. Fewer pages when there is heavy graphics printing. ** The cleaning kit comes with enough sheets to last a couple of years. If we plan to print camera ready 123
  • 40. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 documents, this is a small investment for the sake of clarity. Also, the use of PermaBond raised ink should be avoided. Despite the advertising literature, this raised ink will shorten the life of a laser printer (this is an expensive lesson) and increase the need and frequency for both user and professional cleanings. 123
  • 41. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN Committee: Automation Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony Responsibility/Event #: 3 Responsibility/Event Name: Inventory/audit of Chapter's hardware/software assets Description: Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year. A complete physical inventory of all hardware/software should be performed annually. Follow up software audits will be performed semi-annually. Persons housing chapter equipment will complete inventory control forms (to be developed) for purposes of accountability and insurance. The software audits will ensure that the chapter is acting in good faith not to violate copy protection laws. This event a normal occurrence in any business environment. We should do likewise if we are to function like a business. Resources Needed: (List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the tasks each human resource is to perform.) Personnel: Automation Committee-1 person Each individual who has in his/her possession a chapter computer or application Work Start Date: 01/15/93 Work End Date: 01/31/93 06/01/93 06/15/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: n/a (List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.) Expense Item Expense Amount Date of Expenditure Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered): 123
  • 42. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN Committee: Automation Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony Responsibility/Event #: 4 Responsibility/Event Name: Job Resume Database Description: Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year. Responsibility for this event for the Automation Committee will be limited to: µ Application Testing µ Implementation µ Turnover of application to Career Development Committee for administration and maintenance Resources Needed: (List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the tasks each human resource is to perform.) Personnel: Automation Committee-1 individual Career Development Committee Work Start Date: already started Work End Date: 03/01/92 Estimated Cost Breakdown: (List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.) Expense Item Expense Amount Date of Expenditure This is a Nationally approved project with a $14.4k budget. There should be no cost to the chapter! Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered): The responsibility for administering the application should be treated like any other system that we develop in our professional venues. The maintenance of the data is the responsibility of the user--not the developer. 123
  • 43. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN Committee: Automation Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony Responsibility/Event #: 5 Responsibility/Event Name: BBS Improvement and Development Description: Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year. Maintain and enhance local BBS. Provide access information to membership and prospective members. Increase the amount of and type of files available for access by the general public. In general make the board fun to logon to. Maintaining a list of interesting files, will attract more users. More users translate into more members. More members mean more money and the opportunity to become the #1 chapter for membership. Resources Needed: (List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the tasks each human resource is to perform.) Personnel: Automation Committee 2 individuals to function as SYSOPs. Material: Fully registered version of Wildcat! BBS Software 9600 baud modem Phone Service Work Start Date: Ongoing 4 hours/weekly Work End Date: Estimated Cost Breakdown: (List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.) Expense Item Expense Amount Date of Expenditure Wildcat! Software Upgrade $200.00* 05/31/93 Modem, 9600 Baud 300.00** 07/31/93 Phone Service 360.00*** 1/12 Monthly 123
  • 44. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 Total Expense $860.00 Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered): * Software Upgrade will allow us to communicate with the National BBS. ** This a suggest retail cost. Obviously, a more realistic cost is in the neighborhood of $250. *** Phone service is estimated based on $20.00/month basic service plus $10.00 allowance of 1 hour long distance calling (AT&T's night rate) for downloading files from BDPA Online. Long distance charge is based on my experience of downloading at 2400 baud. The use of a 9600 baud modem will reduce the cost of the long distance calls as well as be an attractive marquis for BBS users looking for a BBS with speed. In addition to being a vehicle for communication, the BBS could serve as an active archive of minutes, procedures, policies, etc. Improving the BBS means improving the abilities to communicate with the membership. 123
  • 45. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN Committee: Automation Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony Responsibility/Event #: 6 Responsibility/Event Name: Tie Local BBS Into BDPAnet Description: Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year. A national automation goal is to have every chapter running a BBS that can communicate with the national bbs. This will reduce time and sometimes costs associated with filing reports. At the present, The Chapter has been able to meet only half of the goal. There is pressure to have our BBS echo bulletins and messages of the national BBS. Resources Needed: (List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the tasks each human resource is to perform.) Resources are identified in #5 Work Start Date: see #5 Work End Date: Estimated Cost Breakdown: (List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.) Expense Item Expense Amount Date of Expenditure Approval of expense items in #5 will satisfy the basic requirements for FY93. Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered): To be awarded a national project, the Job/Resume Database and have an isolated BBS is somewhat counter productive from the eyes of national. The future national automation projects will most likely go to the chapters that appear to be committed to supporting national automation goals. 123
  • 46. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN Committee: Automation Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony Responsibility/Event #: 7 Responsibility/Event Name: Public Relations Description: Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year. Assist in the development of the chapter's Public Relations goals. From an automation standpoint, this means providing the committees with the application tools to accomplish the mission. Resources Needed: (List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the tasks each human resource is to perform.) Personnel: Automation Committee 1 to 2 people on a limited basis Work Start Date: As needed Work End Date: Estimated Cost Breakdown: (List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.) Expense Item Expense Amount Date of Expenditure Since the projects have not been defined, the budget for those projects will have to be support by the committee proposing the project. Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered): 123
  • 47. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN Committee: Automation Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony Responsibility/Event #: 8 Responsibility/Event Name: Assist Special Interest/User Groups Description: Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year. Continue to meet the objective related to community involvement by supporting special interest/user groups such as the Afro-American Historical and Cultural Museum. Resources Needed: (List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the tasks each human resource is to perform.) Personnel: Automation Committee--minimum of 1to 2 individuals--project dependent. Work Start Date: Project dependent Work End Date: Estimated Cost Breakdown: (List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.) Expense Item Expense Amount Date of Expenditure Budget should be supplied by the SIG/SUG Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered): The Automation Committee's involvement will be in most cases from an advisory point. When technical services are required, an agreement for fees or services in kind will be negotiated. 123
  • 48. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN Committee: Automation Chairperson: Darren J. Anthony Responsibility/Event #: 9 Responsibility/Event Name: Chapter PCs (Hardware and Software) Description: Describe your responsibility/event. Include new ideas, goals for the year. Refurbish hardware donated to the chapter. Procure and install software to make PCs functional. Resources Needed: (List BDPA and outside resources [human, service & material] needed to plan, perform, complete the responsibility/event and the tasks each human resource is to perform.) Personnel: Automation Committee 2 or 3 individuals Work Start Date: Quarterly Work End Date: Estimated Cost Breakdown: (List items of expense. Include dollar amount and expected date of the expenditure. Provide a total of expenses. Optional-include anticipated revenue. Provide dollar figure and date.) Expense Item Expense Amount Date of Expenditure PC Hardware and Software $500.00 First Quarter PC Hardware and Software 1000.00 Second Quarter PC Hardware and Software 1500.00 Third Quarter PC Hardware and Software 2000.00 Fourth Quarter Total Expense $5000.00 Other Comments (Any extra information you want considered): Although the cost is budgeted on a quarterly basis, systems could probably be more affordable if the chapter purchases in bulk. 123
  • 49. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 2.3.2 Career Development CAREER DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE PURPOSE, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND DUTIES I. PURPOSE The purpose of the Career Development Committee (CDC), is to provide a focal point for the preparation, receipt and dissemination of Career and Job related information to the members of BDPA. The intent is to assist members with career advancement and/or career changes. II. RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES - Coordinate all BDPA sponsored career oriented events, such as Job Fairs and Adult Career Conferences. - Serve as Liaison between BDPA and other organizations that sponsor Job Fairs in which BDPA is a participant. - Assist the Education Committee with preparation for Student Career Conferences. - Serve as the Administrator of the National BDPA Job Opportunities System (JOS). - Provide adequate requirement specifications to the Automation Committee for the development and enhancement of the JOS. - Develop a "BDPA Job Opportunities System Users Manual" for internal and external use nationally. - Serve as the focal point for the receipt of Job opportunity information and the dissemination of such information to BDPA members. - Develop policies and Procedures from the internal and external use of all CDC services. - Develop a "BDPA Career Development Services Manual" for Greater Philadelphia Chapter members and applicable external organizations. The manual should include a reference to the JOS manual. III. DEFINITIONS - Job Fair - An event which is intended to match employers with prospective employees. The focus is on Information Systems related jobs. 123
  • 50. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 - Career Conference/Fair - An Event which is intended to present information about careers to individuals who are seeking knowledge about careers to individuals who are seeking knowledge about career options. The focus is on Information systems related careers. CAREER DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE The Career Development Committee of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Black Data Processing Association was formed to assist its members with career and job related opportunities in the Information Technology field. Since the formation of this standing committee in 1992 the Career Development Committee has embarked on the mission of formalizing its purpose and mission. During the course of 1992 the CDC has met with members of the Chapter discuss ways in which information about jobs and other career related options can be presented and disseminated to its members. The following is a list of concepts and proposed programs that the CDC has proposed to work on for the fiscal year 93': - COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP AND STRUCTURE During the course of 1992 it has been a haphazard task to develop and formalize a CDC committee to carry out the work and mission of the CDC. Thanks first of all is extended to Pricilla Wynn-Brown, Nancy Sewell, Howard James, Lawrence Hartzog, Donna Jones and Pat Wynn, for there continued support of the CDC. During the course of 1993 and projected for January of 1993 a schedule of committee meetings will be established with a primary purpose of the committee to recruit and retain new members. To do so the CDC proposes to seek ways to disseminate information relative to the interests of the chapter's members and to attract new members. To do so the committee will submit articles for the newsletter and to include monthly information on committee activities and job opportunities in our monthly mailings. We also propose for the first quarter of 1993 that during our Program meetings an announcement be made on behalf of the recruitment efforts of the CDC towards attracting new committee members. - JOB OPPORTUNITY SYSTEM AND JOB OPPORTUNITIES The JOS is nearing its final stage. We are in the process of establishing a meeting schedule with the Automation Committee to fully discuss the initiation of the JOS system. It is my belief that the JOS will not be the save all/catch all for the receipt and dissemination of job opportunities for members, therefore we propose the following methods and procedures to serve as a means of disseminating information for career and employment opportunities. 123
  • 51. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 - CAREER & JOB FAIR Proposed is a series of career and job fairs for the CDC to co-sponsor or participate in for the betterment of members and or for the recruitment of new members. The Career and Job Fair clusters will be focus on a quarterly basis with one major event being sponsored and/or participated in. The purpose of these events are to increase the visibility of BDPA and to encourage members to participate in career opportunities. - JOB OPPORTUNITIES Job Opportunities will be presented on a monthly basis to members via the bulletin board system, the newsletter, mailings and the monthly meetings. Also proposed is a jobs hotline. The quarterly Career and Job Fairs will also serve as vehicles of which employment opportunities for members will be disseminated. - CAREER WORKSHOPS A quarterly series of Career Workshops will be presented; topics will be Resume Writing, Interviewing Techniques, Developing a Job Search, Career Changing and Career Options. The Resume Writing, Interviewing and Job Search workshops will be sponsored six times throughout 1993. - JOB OPPORTUNITIES SYSTEM This is still in the developmental phase. - CHAPTER "RESUME BOOK" As of February 1, 1993 we will compile a BDPA Resume Book which will be used to assist members with obtaining new jobs. This book is targeted to be published by March 1, 1993. We are interested in working with the Corporate Relations Committee to assist us with obtaining funding for the publishing and dissemination of the Resume Book. We also propose that inclusion of non-BDPA members also be considered. Those that are not members who are included in the book will be charged a nominal fee (maybe a fee should be charged to members also). This aspect will greatly increase off setting the costs of the book and also will enable us to attract a larger pool of employers and possibly new members. This book should definitely be marketed to our college and high school (student) members at no cost. - CHAPTER MEMBER PROFILE SHEET Beginning immediately we want to develop a Chapter Member Profile Sheet. This sheet will survey and assess the skills of individual members and special abilities and talents so that we as an organization can better analyze our strengths. Also this information can be utilized for the Education Committee in the identifying of members who can assist in various areas particularly speaking. 123
  • 52. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 CAREER DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Master Plan 1993 STRATEGY FOR 1993 A. OVERVIEW The primary thrust of the 1993 strategy is to build an effective Career Development Committee that will meet its primary mission which is to "provide a focal point for the preparation, receipt, and dissemination of Career and Job related information to the members of BDPA." The previous year's strategy has produced minimum results and has now been refined to better meet the need's of the chapter, its members and encompasses a variety of co- sponsorships that will greatly maximize the visibility of BDPA and off set various costs that are incurred to carry out our mission. Emphasis is placed on specific tasks as outlined below: 1ST QUARTER 1993 Increase the membership of the Career Development Committee. Establish a meeting schedule for Career Development Committee. Establish procedures and notify members of the dissemination of employment and career opportunities. Develop materials for job opportunities information. Develop employer "hot list" and employment job contacts. Develop a more effective communications method of disseminating career and employment opportunities. Survey current members to develop chapter member profile database. Facilitate three career development workshops on Job Search. Develop and finalize resume book. 123
  • 53. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 Seek sponsorships for resume book. 2ND QUARTER 1993 Finalize Job Opportunity System policy and procedures. Distribute "Resume Book" to employers. Distribute and disseminate Job Opportunities. Write and submit information technology career related articles for newsletter and local press. Participate in the NCC Job Fair and other Job Fairs (3) Conduct Career Workshop on Career Changing and Career Options. Conduct a Summer Jobs Information Technology Job Search Workshop (Targeted to College and High School Youth) 3RD QUARTER 1993 Distribute Resume Book Distribute and disseminate Job Opportunities. Establish Jobs Hotline (dedicated phone number). Conduct Job Search Workshop, Resume Writing and Interviewing Techniques workshop series. Participate in the National Conference. 123
  • 54. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 Participate in a Job Fair Implement Job Opportunity System. 4th QUARTER Distribute Resume Book Distribute and disseminate Job Opportunities. Establish and disseminate Job Opportunities. Participate in the NCC Job Fair, Operation Native Talent and the Job Developers Network Committee Job Fair as well as others Job Fairs (3). Participate in Youth Mini-Conference 123
  • 55. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1ST QUARTER 1993 - Increase the membership of the Career Development Committee. - Establish a meeting schedule for Career Development Committee. - Establish procedures and notify members of the dissemination of employment and career opportunities. Duplication Costs $ 25 - Develop materials for job opportunities information. Duplication Costs $ 25 - Develop employer "hot list" and employment job contacts. - Develop a more effective communications method of disseminating career and employment opportunities. Duplication Costs $ 25 - Survey current members to develop chapter member profile database. Duplication Costs $ 25 - Facilitate three career development workshops on Job Search. 123
  • 56. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 Supply & Duplication Costs $ 100 - Develop and finalize resume book. Supply & Duplication Costs $ 600 - Seek sponsorships for resume book. 2nd QUARTER 1993 - Finalize Job Opportunity System policy and procedures. - Distribute "Resume Book" to employers. Supply & Mailing Costs $ 200 - Distribute and disseminate Job Opportunities. Mailing Costs $ 25 - Write and submit information technology career related articles for newsletter and local press. - Participate in the NCC Job Fair and other Job Fairs (3) Supply & Duplication Costs $ 100 - Conduct Career Workshop on Career Changing and Career Options. Duplication Costs $ 25 - Conduct a Summer Jobs Information Technology Job Search Workshop (Targeted to College and High School Youth) Supply & Duplication Costs $ 100 3rd QUARTER 1993 - Distribute Resume Book - Distribute and disseminate Job Opportunities. Duplication Costs $ 25 - Establish Jobs Hotline (dedicated phone number). Promotion Costs $ 50 Phone Installation Costs $ 125 Equipment Purchase/Rental $ 100 Software Purchase $ 400 Duplication Costs $ 100 - Conduct Job Search Workshop, Resume Writing and Interviewing Techniques workshop series. Supply Costs $ 100 - Participate in the National Conference. - Participate in a Job Fair - Implement Job Opportunity System. 4th QUARTER - Distribute Resume Book - Distribute and disseminate Job Opportunities. - Establish and disseminate Job Opportunities. 123
  • 57. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 - Participate in the NCC Job Fair, Operation Native Talent and the Job Developers Network Committee Job Fair as well as others Job Fairs (3). Supply & Duplication Costs $ 50 - Participate in Youth Mini-Conference Supplies: Pens Pencils Markers Note Pads Flip Charts Transparencies Fax Paper Letterhead Paper Slides Audio Visual Equipment $2200 123
  • 58. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 2.3.3 Communications COMMITTEE:COMMUNICATIONS CHAIRPERSON: SANDRA BRYANT MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: (itemize your responsibilities to serve as a table of contents to the following Operating Plan pages which list plan detail for the year) 1- CHAPTER MAILINGS 2- NEWSLETTER 3- PUBLIC RELATIONS 123
  • 59. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN COMMITTEE: COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR PERSON: SANDY BRYANT Responsibility #: 1 Responsibility Name: CHAPTER MAILING Description: Coordinate and expedite Mailing procedures. Resources Needed: Scheduled participating Committee and location. All copies of information for mailing. i.e. - Coming events Program Announcements Workshop and Seminar Registrations etc. etc. etc. Coordinate with Chapter Treasurer for monies for postage and meter strip. Coordinate with Automation Committee for addressed envelopes. Prepare information for Post Office. Work Start Date: 01/01/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Postage $550.00 Annually Meter Strips 250.00 " Stationery 365.00 " Public Relations 320.00 " 123
  • 60. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 P.O. Box Fee 15.00 " Bulk Mail Renew Fee 75.00 " Newsletter 2392.00 " _________ TOTAL $ 3967.00 Other Comments: 1993 OPERATING PLAN COMMITTEE: COMMUNICATIONS CHAIRPERSON: SANDY BRYANT Responsibility #: 2 Responsibility Name: NEWSLETTER Description: Publish "The Bottom Line" (Greater Philadelphia Chapter Newsletter) on a quarterly basis. Team: Newsletter Team Leader: Roger C. Collins Recommendations: 1. Each member needs to promote the organization's need for advertising revenues among the business sector any leads and/or questions can be forwarded to me. 2. Members should be encouraged to write about an area that they 123
  • 61. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 have a particular expertise in. 3. The committee will be gathering articles on a monthly basis in an attempt to stock pile the articles. Team Responsibilities/Events: 1. Get Newsletter out on a timely basis. 2. Secure Resources to produce the newsletter. 3. Coordinate the production of the newsletter. New Idea/Goals: 1. The influx of advertising Revenues. 2. Research a difference newsletter format. Resources Needed: 1. A greater team effort. 2. The need for more dollars for a possible multi-color format. Cost Breakdown: Newsletter Production. Newsletter (300 copies) 435.00 Photos (2 additional & $10.00) 20.00 Other Photo Work 10.00 (Average) Xeroxing 5.00 Mailing (Contact/Mailings) 3.00 ------ 473.00 Sales tax 33.11 ------ Total Per Quarter 506.11 ------ Newsletter Mailing ------------------ 123
  • 62. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 250 * .29 = 72.50 Total Cost Per Quarter = (506.11 + 72.50) = 578.61 ====== Yearly Cost = (578.61 * 4) = 2314.44 ======= Comments: - The cost of the newsletter should be allocated among the membership dues. Corporate sponsorship and advertising revenues. New Idea/Goals: 1. The influx of advertising Revenues. 2. Research a difference newsletter format. Resources Needed: 1. A greater team effort. 2. The need for more dollars for a possible multi-color format. Cost Breakdown: Newsletter Production. Newsletter (500 copies) 585.00 Photos (2 additional & $10.00) 20.00 Other Photo Work 10.00 (Average) Xeroxing 5.00 Mailing (Contact/Mailings) 3.00 ------ 623.00 Sales tax 43.61 ------ Total Per Quarter 666.61 123
  • 63. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 ------ Newsletter Mailing ------------------ 220 Membership 90 Elected Officials, Schools, Etc. 360 * .29 = 104.40 48 BDPA Chapters --- 358 === Total Cost Per Quarter = (666.61 + 104.40) = 771.01 Yearly Cost = (771.01 * 4) = 3084.04 ======= Comments: - The cost of the newsletter should be allocated among the membership dues. Corporate sponsorship and advertising revenues. Column Types For The Bottom Line Newsletter ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ Organizational News - The purpose of the "Organizational News" column is to convey information specifically about our organization either local or national in scope. Computer Industry News - The purpose of the "Computer Industry News" column is to report to the readership any industry wide news that could impact on how we may use plan or incorporate information systems into our daily lives (work, home, etc Personal Development - The purpose of the "Personal Development" column is to provide the readership with information that will assist with their personal growth. The list of possible articles that it could include but will not be limited to, are job interview skills, managerial enhancement techniques, public speaking techniques, etc. From The President 123
  • 64. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 - The purpose of the "From The President" column is to provide for a platform where the president can disseminate information that is vital to the readership. Technical Development - The purpose of the "Technical Development" column is to provide the readership with information that will assist them with their technical skills growth. Membership Update - The purpose of the "Membership Update" column is alert the membership of membership promotions, marriages, job changes, new members joining, and any other membership announcements. The Professional Link - The purpose of "The Professional Link" column is convey any news from the many other professional organizations that BDPA interacts with (local businesses, other professional, and individual professionals not affiliated with an organization). Hat's Off - The purpose of the "Hat's Off" column is to give accolades to any organization or individual who have supported us financially or allowed us to use their facilities or any other resources.News Flash - The purpose of the "News Flash" column is to convey to readership any important information. Letters To The Editor - This column provides a means of dialogue between the editor and the readership. Coming Events - This column provides the readership with a schedule of our organizations coming events and it could possibly convey information regarding an event from some outside organization that we feel should be included. 123
  • 65. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 Sources of Information for the Columns ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ Organizational News - Individuals who have a pulse on events within the organization. Other organization newsletters, information from inter- organization meetings or conferences and information coming form from but limited to committee chairman, officers, etc. Computer Industry News - Can come other periodicals with the proper credit being given, and permission being secured or from members who are privy to such information. Personal Development - Will generally come from excerpts of presentations given by the various guest speakers who lecture on topics that convey information that assist the membership in either their personal or technical growth or sometimes both. The articles can come from other periodicals or individuals with the proper credit being given and permission being secured. From The President - Will come from the elected President of our local chapter. Technical Development - Will generally come from excerpts of presentations given by the various guest speakers who lecture on topics that convey information that assist the membership in either their personal or technical growth or sometimes both. The articles can come from other periodicals or individuals with the proper credit being given and permission being secured. Membership Update - Information could come from the membership committee, any member, or someone having information that is relevant to the column. 123
  • 66. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 The Professional Link - Individuals who have a pulse on events within or outside the organization. Other organization newsletters, information from inter-organization meetings or conferences and information coming from but limited to committee chairman, officers, etc. Hat's Off - Information could come from the any committee, any member, or someone having information that is relevant to the column. News Flash - Information could come from the any committee, any member, or someone having information that is relevant to the column. Letters To The Editor - This column providing a means of dialogue between the editor and the readership will originate from the editor. Coming Events - Information could come from the any committee, any member, or someone having information that is relevant to the column. Publishing Dates and Other Information ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ The Bottom Line is published quarterly by the Greater Philadelphia Chapter BDPA Newsletter Committee. Readers are encouraged to submit news items, story ideas, photographs (black & white preferred), and comments to: BDPA EDITOR P.O. Box 2254 Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Phone number is 1-800-727-BDPA. Materials must be received by on or before the 1st of December, March, June, or September for the following months 123
  • 67. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 publication, and will be returned upon request. The communications staff reserves the right to edit all materials. For more information about Advertising/Corporate Sponsorship Plan, please write or cal. BDPA is non-profit organization. Publishing Schedule ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ First Quarter: January February March First issue due April 15th Second Quarter: April May June Second issue due July 15th Third Quarter: July August September Third issue due October 15th Fourth Quarter: October November December Fourth issue due December 15th * Note schedule is a sponsor based schedule per national's guidelines. Budget may deem otherwise. Staffing needs for The Bottom Line Newsletter ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ 123
  • 68. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1. People to key in Articles in both the Macintosh and DOS environments. 2. People to sell advertising space. 3. People to assist in distribution. - Applying labels, stamps, taking newsletters to the mailbox, updating mailing lists. 4. Individuals to write special articles. 5. Need reporters for the following: - Organizational News Column - The Professional Link Column - The Personal Development Column - The Technical Development Column - Membership Update Column - The Professional Link Column - Hat's Off Column Newsletter Staff and Responsibilities ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ Manager Editor - Coordinate the newsletter project and assist staff in newsletter project. Assistant Managing Editor - Editing and Grammatical review of newsletter copy and newsletter composition. - Contact individual who presents monthly presentation at membership meeting. Assistant Editor - Some editing and grammatical review of newsletter copy. - Contact individual who presents monthly presentation at 123
  • 69. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 membership meeting. Technical Design Editor - Software Design of newsletter and design of advertising articles. Assistant Design Editor - assist in the design of advertising copy. Staff Photographer - Record events relevant to the organization on film. Technical Correspondent - Responsible for reviewing and writing most of the technical development articles. General Staff reporters - Responsible for writing and editing special assignment articles and general interest articles. Data Keyers - Responsible for keying written data to disk. What Must Be Done To Produce a Newsletter ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ 1. All eight articles would constitute a completed newsletter. - The exceptions would be in the case of exceptionally long article or articles there would be less than eight articles in total. - The exception would also be one of the following: a). Advertising space could limit the number of articles. b). The addition of photographs could limit the number of articles. 2. The articles must be keyed, edited and proofread. 123
  • 70. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 - Can be keyed to diskette in the mackintosh or ms-dos formats. 3. The articles must be solicited, collected, secured from the appropriate individuals. 4. Photographs must be converted to a printable format. 5. The Coming events must be keyed and updated. 6. Work must be coordinated with the publishing company. 7. Ads must be designed and proofread. 8. Ads must be solicited. 9. The newsletter must be re-formatted for articles length. 10. Labels must be made and updated. 11. Postage applied and newsletters mailed to the membership. Procedures For Submitting Articles ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ 1. Articles should not exceed 50 to 60 lines of typed information (not counting spaces in between lines). 2. Articles should preferably be submitted on _____ or _____ computer diskette if possible and written in one of the following word processing computer formats: a. MS-DOS format (IBM compatible computer). - Word Perfect - Micro Soft Word - Word Star b. Mackintosh (Apple computer format). - Mac Write - Micro Soft Word - Word Perfect * Submitted articles should have a printed version of the article and the disk filename indicated somewhere. 123
  • 71. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 * Your diskette will be returned as soon as copy is made of it. If you do not have excess to a computer the article can be submitted on letter sized paper. 5. Articles should be submitted no later than a month before the publish date. 6. Any pictures submitted should be ______ by ______ and in a glossy black and white finish, pictures will be returned after computer generated images are made from them. 7. Graphics can be included as long as they are legible. Graphics should be black and white also. 8. If fonts are used they should be post script compatible. 9. Attached is example of an example of an article with ______ lines of copy and a copy of the document as it appeared in one of our newsletters. Newsletter Development Proposal ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ Submitted a proposal to Imprints Unlimited, 5070 Parkside Avenue, Phila., Pa. regarding the production of a newsletter. A copy of our last newsletter was given to a Mr. James Sands one of the principals at Imprints Unlimited as an example of the quality and the type of paper we want to use. The sample newsletter also indicated to him the expected content volume of each newsletter, which will generally consist of eight pages of printed contents. There are two ways we can submit the newspaper for printing one is on typed copy and they will typset the submitted articles making the production of the newsletter machine independent and the cost would be as follows: Typesetting 123
  • 72. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ 300 copies price $435.00 Dollars 500 copies price $563.00 Dollars The other method is camera ready where the newsletter is submitted to be immediately printed via linotronic sheets. The actual newsletter image is submitted for copying to the newsletter format. Camera Ready Copy ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ 300 copies price $174.75 Dollars 500 copies price $255.00 Dollars * The above price does not include stapling which we felt we could possibly do without? If stapling is required it could add another 30.00 to 50.00 Dollars to the cost. 123
  • 73. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 1993 OPERATING PLAN COMMITTEE: COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR PERSON: SANDY BRYANT Responsibility #: 3 Responsibility Name: PUBLIC RELATIONS Description: ***** TO BE DONE ***** Coordinate and expedite Mailing procedures. Resources Needed: Scheduled participating Committee and location. All copies of information for mailing. i.e. - Coming events Program Announcements Workshop and Seminar Registrations etc. etc. etc. Coordinate with Chapter Treasurer for monies for postage and meter strip. Coordinate with Automation Committee for addressed envelopes. Prepare information for Post Office. Work Start Date: 01/01/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Postage $550.00 Annually Meter Strips 250.00 " Stationery 365.00 " Public Relations 320.00 " P.O. Box Fee 15.00 " Bulk Mail Renew Fee 75.00 " Newsletter 2392.00 " _________ TOTAL $ 3967.00 Other Comments: 123
  • 74. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 2.3.4 Conference 1995 _________________________________________________________________ 1 9 9 3 PLANNING _________________________________________________________________ Committee: 1995 National Conference Chairperson: LeRoy Washington Mission To have the most successful conference ever held in Black Data Processing Associates twenty year history. To offer the most comprehensive technical workshops and seminars ever held at a National Black Data Processing Associates Conference. To have National Black Data Processing Associates gain greater recognition within Corporate America as a major force in shaping the future of Information Technology professionals. To provide diverse social and cultural workshops-experiences that will impact "Work Force 2000" in 1995. To ensure that all attendees are exposed to the Greater Philadelphia Area from a Historical and Cultural Perspective. To include other Non-Profit Organization as a part of our conference affairs. 123
  • 75. BDPA - Greater Philadelphia Chapter OPERATING PLAN 1993 Objectives The 1995 Conference will educate, entertain, motivate, and stimulate all attendees, all supporters, and the community at large. Additionally, the conference will promote NBDPA as well as the local chapter. Finally, the 1995 Conference will highlight our National Student Computer Competition Program. 123
  • 76. Major Responsibilities The BDPA National Conference Program Chairperson becomes a part of the National Board of Directors while serving in this capacity. NCPC reports directly to the National Conference General Chairman (Liaison). 1. Narrow Conference Hotel selection making recommendation on top three sites. 2. Prepare tentative Conference Budget. 3. Select Local Conference Committee Team Leaders. 4. Find Opening Speakers for initial general sessions. 5. Provide overall leadership to Conference Committees locally. a) Call status meetings with all committees. b) Secure progress reports weekly from team leaders. 6. Locate and secure commitment of computers for registration and computer competition. 7. Require, at a minimum, monthly written reports from team leaders. Maintain bi-weekly communication. 8. Secure corporate support to underwrite printing of proceedings, banquet costs, hospitality receptions, awards for and transportation of student competition, kits etc. 9. Secure Speaker for Banquet and Prayer Breakfast.
  • 77. 1993 Strategic Plan - First Quarter Activities: During the first quarter of 1993, the Conference Planning Committee will develop a Conference Management Plan (CMP) which will define the conference scope, objective, mission and a detailed task list with deadlines for completion of all conference tasks. A. Event Objectives and Work Schedule 1. Strategic Planning Committee - set overall objectives 2. Coordinate with appropriate committees 3. Establish basic timeline with deadlines for critical functions B. The Conference Strategic Planning Committee: * Chairperson, LeRoy Washington * Steering Committee - Co-Chairperson Howard James - Treasurer Mary Anne Lowery - Conference Advisors Priscilla Brown - Corporate Advisory Council ________ Representative * Six Team Leaders - Logistics _______________ - Corporate Relations Toki Keyejo - Communications James McQueen - Development Lorraine Mitchell - Youth Programs Cecelia Spivey - Special Events Karen James
  • 78. First Quarter - Activities Phone Calls The budgeted $50.00 per quarter is a minimum. Local Chapter Mailing The purpose here is to have an official conference bulletin mailed to each local member regarding the 1995 Conference. The associated cost: Approved $25.00 Budgeted $76.00 The mailings would occur at the end of each quarter. The intent is to encourage local chapter participation on the conference team as well as prepping each member for full conference registration in 1995. Currently, less than one third of our paid members are attending monthly program meetings. I submit that the monthly mailings are not enough. Miscellaneous Expense The purpose here is to make allowance for additional cost that will surely be incurred. Approved $50.00 per quarter. Budgeted $50.00 per quarter.
  • 79. 1993 Strategic Plan - Second Quarter - Activities Phone Calls The budgeted $50.00 per quarter is a minimum. Local Chapter Mailing The purpose here is to have an official conference bulletin mailed to each local member regarding the 1995 Conference. The associated cost: Approved $25.00 Budgeted $76.00 The mailings would occur at the end of each quarter. The intent is to encourage local chapter participation on the conference team as well as prepping each member for full conference registration in 1995. Currently, less than one third of our paid members are attending monthly program meetings. I submit that the monthly mailings are not enough. Miscellaneous Expense The purpose here is to make allowance for additional cost that will surely be incurred. Approved $50.00 per quarter. Budgeted $50.00 per quarter. Second - Quarter Activities: During the second quarter of 1993, the Conference Planning Committee will finalize Financial Management Plan (FMP) which will define the conference accounts and line items. A. Financial Management 1. Develop a comprehensive budget for local and national approval 2. Provide monthly financial statements, actual vs. budget 3. Establish necessary accounts and authorizations in conference name. 4. Review all invoices against contracts and services provided 5. Verify and code all bills to the appropriate line item 6. Present final financial report B. Promotion 1. Identify the markets for potential attendees and methods for attracting them. 2. Accumulate the appropriate mailing lists Conference Letterhead Paper Printed The 1995 Conference Theme will be presented to national at the
  • 80. February Board Meeting in Houston, Texas. We would like a decision at the time. If that is not the case, I would expect that the theme would be confirmed during the second quarter of 1993. Upon approval, we will print 500 copies. The cost: 500 * .10 = $50.00 Corporate Mailings The Corporate Mailing will allow us to establish communication with 100 major corporation per year in the Delaware Valley Area. We seek to Identify and notify potential Corporate Supporters. Mailings will be continued on a quarterly basis. The cost associated with these mailings are: A. One Flyer 100 * .05 = $05.00 100 * .29 = $29.00 Total $34.00 per quarter Black Expos Copies The purpose here is to get major exposure to the local community. Needless to say, this will present a great opportunity to publicize the 1995 Conference. We are expecting to print at a minimum of 4000 copies of paper at .05 cents per copy. The cost incurred is $200.00
  • 81. 1993 Strategic Plan - Third - Quarter Activities: Phone Calls The budgeted $50.00 per quarter is a minimum. Local Chapter Mailing The purpose here is to have an official conference bulletin mailed to each local member regarding the 1995 Conference. The associated cost: Approved $25.00 Budgeted $76.00 The mailings would occur at the end of each quarter. The intent is to encourage local chapter participation on the conference team as well as prepping each member for full conference registration in 1995. Currently, less than one third of our paid members are attending monthly program meetings. I submit that the monthly mailings are not enough. Miscellaneous Expense The purpose here is to make allowance for additional cost that will surely be incurred. Approved $50.00 per quarter. Budgeted $50.00 per quarter. Corporate Mailings The Corporate Mailing will allow us to establish communication with 100 major corporation per year in the Delaware Valley Area. We seek to Identify and notify potential Corporate Supporters. Mailings will be continued on a quarterly basis. The cost associated with these mailings are: A. One Flyer 100 * .05 = $05.00 100 * .29 = $29.00 Total $34.00 per quarter
  • 82. 1993 Strategic Plan - Fourth Quarter - Activities Phone Calls The budgeted $50.00 per quarter is a minimum. Local Chapter Mailing The purpose here is to have an official conference bulletin mailed to each local member regarding the 1995 Conference. The associated cost: Approved $25.00 Budgeted $76.00 The mailings would occur at the end of each quarter. The intent is to encourage local chapter participation on the conference team as well as prepping each member for full conference registration in 1995. Currently, less than one third of our paid members are attending monthly program meetings. I submit that the monthly mailings are not enough. Miscellaneous Expense The purpose here is to make allowance for additional cost that will surely be incurred. Approved $50.00 per quarter. Budgeted $50.00 per quarter. Exhibit - Career Fair - Entrepreneur Management During the fourth quarter of 1993, the Conference Planning Committee will develop a marketing mix for potential exhibitors. A. Marketing 1. Identify exhibit market and compile prospect list B. Design and Production 1. Create floor plan diagram 2. Design exhibit prospectus 2.3.5 Corporate Advisory Council 2.3.6 Corporate Relations COMMITTEE: Corporate Relations Committee CHAIRPERSON:Patricia Wynn
  • 83. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1- Preside over all corporate relations committee meetings. 2- Develop strategies to generate monetary contributions from corporate america. 3- Plan corporate sponsorship presentations to companies and individuals. PAST YEAR ASSESSMENT: (for your area of responsibility and others) Area/s of Strength List areas here. Explain. The corporate relations committee has worked diligently in making contacts and establishing relationships with the corporate community. Secured Conrail as a local chapter corporate sponsor. Areas of Potential Improvement List areas here. Explain. Determine other ways to get the corporate community involved with BDPA, thus establishing a relationship. Target more companies and entrepreneurs. Improve the number of corporate sponsors secured during each quarter. Develop a contingency plan to address the possibility of not receiving the projected income for each quarter. Obtain feedback from all members of the committee and BDPA in general, both locally and nationally. Improve marketing skills. Continue to refine, which will enable us to "SELL" BDPA more effectively. RECOMMENDATIONS: Ensure that all committee members and officers are fully aware of the Corporate Relations Sponsorship Program policies and procedures. In addition, all committee members and officers should be able to present and sell the sponsorship program to anyone at any given time.
  • 84. 2.3.7 Education COMMITTEE:Education CHAIRPERSON: Leonard Dantzler MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES/EVENTS: 1- High School Computer Competition 2- Omega Psi Phi Computer Literacy Training 3- YMCA "Black Achievers" Program 4- BDPA/Upward Bound Computer Literacy Program 5- Drexel Mentorship Program Support 6- Student Re-union 7- Montessori Genesis II Proposal 8- National Computer Competition Coordinator Meeting 9- Scholarship Selection 10- ICCP
  • 85. Responsibility/Event #: 1 Responsibility/Event Name: High School Computer Competition Description: The Computer Competition events will begin during the month of March, 1993, starting the Open House registration, three rounds of preliminary testing and the Spring/Summer training for semi-finalist students. Resources Needed: School liaison - responsible for contacting schools, student organizations and disseminating information regarding the upcoming events. Corporate liaison - responsible for contacting corporations to obtain financial support specifically for the Computer Competition activities. Instructors (10) - responsible for the coordination and development of the various workshops, testing requirements and training plans. Chaperons (2) - responsible for escorting the students to the National Conference in Kansas City, MO. Training center(s) equipped with eight to ten IBM/IBM- Compatible personal computers, TV, VCR and overhead projector. Work Start Date: 01/01/93 Work End Date: 08/22/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Scholarships (4 students) $ 4,000.0010/93 * Air Transportation $ 1,800.00 8/93 Hotel Accommodations $ 1,500.00 8/93 Savings Bonds (4) $ 200.0010/93 Student Memberships (8) $ 120.00 4/93 Food Allowance $ 400.0010/93 Mini-conference registration $ 100.00 8/93 National conference registration $ 300.00 8/93 Training materials $ 500.00 2/93 Travel Insurance $ 150.00 8/93 Copying Expenses $ 100.00 2/93 Total Expenses $ 9,170.00 Other Comments:
  • 86. * Scholarship expenses will be incurred, but not paid in 1993.
  • 87. Responsibility/Event #: 2 Responsibility/Event Name: Omega Psi Phi Computer Literacy Training Description: The Education Committee will coordinate and present several basic computer literacy workshops to train the officers of the Omega Psi Phi. They will coordinate the activities with Dave Benson, of Omega Psi Phi and BDPA. In addition, BDPA will assist Omega using the procedures to train the rest of the organization. Resources Needed: Instructors (10) - responsible for the coordination and training of the workshops. The workshops will probably include "Introduction to PC-DOS" and "Introduction to WordPerfect". An estimated number of four workshops will be needed to train the officers of Omega Psi Phi. Work Start Date: 02/01/93 Work End Date: 02/20/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: N/A Other Comments:
  • 88. Responsibility/Event #: 3 Responsibility/Event Name: YMCA "Black Achievers" Program Description: The Education Committee will coordinate the Computer Science career cluster of the YMCA program. BDPA members will volunteer to instruct various modules of the career curriculum related to the field of computer science. The program starts in the month of October and ends in May. Classes are held approximately every other Saturday and the sessions rotate among the three YMCA centers: North, South and West. Resources Needed: Coordinator - responsible for the coordination of the various workshops and the BDPA members who will present the workshops. Instructors (5) - responsible for presenting one or more of various workshops covering, but limited to the following subjects: "Introduction to Data Processing"; "Introduction to Computer Hardware"; hands-on training of the Macintosh personal computer; Effective Presentation Workshop; tour of a data center. Work Start Date: 01/02/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: N/A Other Comments:
  • 89. Responsibility/Event #: 4 Responsibility/Event Name: BDPA/Upward Bound Computer Literacy Program Description: The Computer Literacy program is a joint effort between BDPA and the Upward Bound Program of the University Of Pennsylvania to introduce computer science to middle school students who have little or no computer literacy skills. The program will also involve interpersonal skills and cultural events. Resources Needed: Coordinator - responsible for the development of the curricu- lum and the coordination of the various workshops and the BDPA members who will present the workshops. Instructors (5) - responsible for presenting one or more of various workshops covering, but limited to the following subjects: "Introduction to Data Processing"; "Introduction to Computer Hardware"; "Introduction to Computer Software"; hands-on training of the IBM/IBM-Compatible personal computer; Effective Presentation Workshop. Training center(s) equipped with IBM/IBM-Compatible personal computers (5), overhead projector, TV/VCR and chalkboard. Work Start Date: 01/02/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Student memberships (10) $ 150.00 10/93 Other Comments:
  • 90. Responsibility/Event #: 5 Responsibility/Event Name: Support of Drexel Mentorship Program Description: Establish procedures to support specific Drexel University Black student organizations by providing BDPA mentors to match-up with students requesting mentors. Resources Needed: Coordinator - responsible for the development of procedures to select BDPA mentors and to match the mentors with Drexel students. They will also need to develop the necessary guidelines for which BDPA will be a participant in the Drexel program(s). Mentors - responsible for meeting with respective student(s) once a week to assist in their scholastic and career planning development. The number of mentors needed is difficult to determine since they will be based on the number of students requesting a mentor and the number of BDPA members who participate. Work Start Date: 01/02/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: N/A Other Comments: BDPA's participation in the Drexel University Mentorship program was not approved by the executive committee. In addition, our support of this program is not functioning or coordinated with the Drexel University student organizations. No Drexel student should be required at this moment to become a BDPA member in order to participate in the mentorship program. One or more Drexel students who have become BDPA members may be under this perception. Whereas, the support of Drexel's mentorship program could be beneficial to all concerned parties, if we cannot establish reasonable guide- lines and open communications from Drexel associates, I would recommend withdrawing support.
  • 91. Responsibility/Event #: 6 Responsibility/Event Name: Student Re-union Description: The purpose of this event is to bring together of the present and past students involved in BPDA program and activities. It will be scheduled to coincide with the holiday time-frame. Resources Needed: Coordinator - responsible for the planning and development of the event. Work Start Date: 11/01/93 Work End Date: 12/18/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Food expenses $ 50.00 Other Comments:
  • 92. Responsibility/Event #: 7 Responsibility/Event Name: Montessori Genesis II Proposal Description: The purpose of this proposal is to establish a computer literacy program with the Montessori Genesis II School in exchange for the use of training/office space. The classes will be initially scheduled for every other Saturday. Resources Needed: Coordinator(s) - responsible for the development of the computer literacy training program for the students of the Montessori Genesis II School. This person(s) will also act as liaison between the school and BDPA to coordinate any activities such as use of the assigned training/office space. Instructors (2) - responsible for presenting the various workshops such as, but not limited to the following: "Intro- duction to PC-DOS"; "Introduction to Computer Hardware"; "Introduction to Computer Software"; Data Processing History. Work Start Date: 02/01/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: N/A Other Comments:
  • 93. Responsibility/Event #: 8 Responsibility/Event Name: National Computer Competition Coor- dinator Meeting Description: This meeting is scheduled annually to discuss and resolve issues regarding the upcoming National Computer Competition events. All chapters who plan to send a team to the National Conference in Kansas City, MO are required to be represented at this meeting. Cecilia Spivey, Northeast Region Computer Competition Coordinator, has been asked by Tony Williams, National Computer Competition Chairperson, to present a "Chaperon Responsibilities" workshop for all of the team coordinators. Resources Needed: Computer Competition Coordinator - responsible for the development and coordination of the local events and training Northeast Region Coordinator - responsible for disseminating information regarding Computer Competition activities and acts as liaison between the chapters and the National Computer Competition Chairperson. Work Start Date: 02/07/93 Work End Date: 02/20/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Transportation (2 persons) $ 600.00 Hotel expenses (2 persons) $ 200.00 Total expenses $ 800.00 Other Comments:
  • 94. Responsibility/Event #: 9 Responsibility/Event Name: Scholarship Selection Description: This activity involves the selection of a high school student who applies for the annual scholarship monies to be awarded by the Philadelphia chapter. The person(s) responsible for selecting the student will review their involvement in BDPA activities, community activities, school grades and their selection of a major in the Information Technology field. Resources Needed: Coordinator - responsible for the developing the search procedures and student criteria for awarding the scholarship during the awards banquet in October. Work Start Date: 02/01/93 Work End Date: 10/01/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: Student Scholarship $ 500.00 Other Comments:
  • 95. Responsibility/Event #: 10 Responsibility/Event Name: ICCP Description: This activity involves the disseminating of information regarding ICCP certification and the development of seminars and workshops related to certification awareness. Resources Needed: Coordinator - responsible for the coordination of seminars and workshops to bring awareness of the ICCP certification process. Work Start Date: 01/02/93 Work End Date: 12/31/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: N/A Other Comments:
  • 96. 2.3.8 Elections COMMITTEE: Elections CHAIRPERSON: Mary Anne Lowery COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES/EVENTS: 1- Nominations: announcement of nominations oversight 2- Elections ballots oversight Responsibility/Event #1 Responsibility/Event Name: Nominations Description: Distribute Nominations announcement along with requirements of office. Review all nominations for eligibility Resources Needed: At least two committee members Work Start Date: 06/01/93 Work End Date: 09/17/93 Estimated Cost Breakdown: 200 Announcements/requirements $16.00 mailing 58.00 Total Expense $74.00