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What are your spiritual beliefs?

• “I am a Muslim, a Hindu, a Christian and a
  Jew” - Mahatma Gandhi
• Within every religion there is a mystic
  path: Jewish Kabbalists, Christian
  Gnostics, Muslim Sufis, etc.
• Though these paths are diverse, they
  arrive at the one goal: experience of God
• Widespread, unmediated knowledge of
  God is an aspect of the age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius? – Don’t tell
me you’re into that New Age Stuff
                  Consider the orbit of the earth
                  around the sun. The earth rotates
                  daily around an axis that is tilted
                  in respect to its orbital plane, and
                  oriented toward Polaris, the North
                  Star. Since the tilt and orientation
                  do not vary significantly during a
                  single orbit, in January the
                  northern hemisphere is inclined
                  away from the sun, causing
                  winter. The opposite occurs in
                  June, giving mid-summer. In
                  March and September, the
                  inclination is at right angles to the
                  radius to the sun, causing the
Right – so what does that have to
do with the “Age of Aquarius”?
                  Consider the orbit of the earth as a
                  fixed circle in space, defined by the
                  zodiac of fixed stars. The location
                  where the spring equinox occurs
                  within this circle slowly moves
                  because of the precession. During the
                  period when the Old Testament
                  prophecies were being written, the
                  spring equinox occurred when the
                  image of the sun was in the House of
                  Aries. This was therefore perceived
                  as the Age of Aries. Christ was born
                  shortly after the cosmos moved into
                  the Age of Pisces. We are now
                  entering the Age of Aquarius (see
                  Figure 1).
The Age of Gemini
               The Age of Gemini (c.6000 — c.4000)
               corresponded to the flourishing period of
               early Hinduism. It was under this sign that
               Rama, the seventh incarnation of Vishnu
               was manifested by the birth of the two pair
               of brothers: Rama and Lakshmana on the
               one hand, Satrughna and Bharata on the
               other. Rama Himself had twin sons: Lav
               and Kush (in harmony with the name of
               the constellation where the Sun was at
               that time). Lav went to Russia from this we
               get the name of Slav. The other son, Kush
               went to China, hence we get the name
               Kushan. These two divine principles were
               also incarnated as Buddha and Mahavira,
               then as Adi Shankaracharya and
               Gnyaneshwara. In other Avatars they were
               Hassan and Hussein the sons of Fatima
               and Hazrat Ali… Rama incarnated during
               the Treta Yuga when the fourth chakra
               (Adi Anahathh) was opened in Virata.
               Anahathh is an important centre of the
               human being since it is here (on the left
               side, at the heart level) where the
               individual Spirit or the Self resides. "For
               where your treasure is, there also will your
               heart be" Jesus said (Luke 12:34).
The Age of Taurus
                The Age of Taurus (c.4000 — c.2000
                          The Age of Taurus (c.4000 — c.2000
                          B.C.) The aeon governing this age
                          was Krishna, the eight Avatar, the
                          Lord of the cows (Govinda). The age
                          stayed under the sign of the bull
                          (Apis, or sacred bull Mnevis of
                          Helipolis, identified to Ra), of the holy
                          cow (Hathor in Egypt, surahbhi or
                          Kamadhenu in India or may be
                          worshipped in many spiritual
                          cultures), or the golden calf in the
                          polytheistic beliefs (see Exodus 32:4),
                          preceding the Judaic monotheism.
                          Krishna was said to have lived at the
                          end of Dvapara Yuga (Encyclopaedia
                          Universalis, Paris 1968, vol. 9, p.711)
                          considered by some to have ended in
                          the year 3102 B.C. (Zimmer, quoted
                          work). According to tradition, Krishna
                          lived in the fourth millennium B.C. (La
                          grande encyclopedie, H. Lamirault et
                          Co., Paris, vol. 21, p.647). During his
                          time the fifth chakra (Adi Vishuddhi) of
                          the Cosmic Being was enlightened.
The Age of Aries
               The Age of Aries (c.2000 — 1 B.C.)
               was characterized by the
               establishment of the monotheistic
               Judaism through great spiritual
               personalities like Abraham (19th
               century B.C.) and Moses (13th
               century B.C.). Generally, this period
               was dominated by the manifestation
               of the universal principle of the
               spiritual master (Adi Guru Dattatreya).
               Indeed, before the Christian era,
               Zarathustra incarnated (7th or 6th or
               even 10th century according to some
               opinions), Confucius and Lao-Tse
               (6th century), Socrates (5th century),
               alongside with the two great Jewish
               prophets. The symbol of the ram (or
               the Passover lamb) appeared as an
               object of sacrifice instead of worship,
               as a reaction against the belief of the
               previous age. That could be illustrated
               by the cult of Mithra who stabbed the
               mythological bull.
The Age of Pisces
               The Age of Pisces (A.D. 1 — c.2000)
               during which Christianity appeared
               and spread out. The fish was known
               to have been the secret sign used by
               the early Christians to identify each
               other. The Greek word Ichtus (fish)
               was made up of the following phrase
               capitals (acrostic): Iesous Christos
               Theou Uios Soter (Jesus Christ Son
               of God, the Saviour). In Hinduism it
               was also the symbol of the Saviour
               (Vishnu's first incarnation in the shape
               of a fish saved Manu from the flood)
Wait! – So who exactly was Jesus?
Similar to Mahavishnu, Jesus represented the          The Mahabharata (14.2784) says that the gate
ninth Avatar, who opened the Agnya chakra             of heaven is very small and narrow. It cannot be
within the Cosmic Being. The reflection of this       seen by those without any sense and blinded by
chakra at the microcosmic human level is              the vain illusions of this world. Even those who
situated in the centre of the forehead where the      can see well, who see the way and want to
left channel (Ida nadi) and the right channel         enter, will find the door locked and hard to open.
(Pingala nadi) form a subtle crossing. From an        Its heavy bolts are pride, lust, greed and
anatomical point of view, this is the place of:       debauchery. Jesus said to the Pharisees: "The
  – the decussatio pyramidum (crossing of the         kingdom of God does not come with
      motor nuclei fibres of the spinal nerves for    observation" (Luke 17:20). Schmemaan wrote:
      the upper limb and upper trunk and for the      "For the early Christians the all-encompassing
      lower limb and lower trunk respectively),       reality and the terrific newness of their belief
      corresponding to the posterior aspect of the    was precisely that the Kingdom had drawn near
      chakra (back Agnya).                            and though unseen, it had already been there,
                                                      among the people, illuminating and working in
  – the chiasma opticalis (optical nerve              the world.“
      crossing), corresponding to the anterior
      aspect of the chakra (front Agnya);
The three channels cross at the Agnya which           The Agnya chakra controls mental processes.
represents the most narrow way for the                Maitrayana Upanishad says (6:34) that the
Kundalini to pass through. It is the "narrow gate"    thoughts are the only cause of the cycle of birth
that Jesus said about: "Strive with earnestness       and death; man, therefore should endeavour to
to enter through the narrow door, for many, I         purify his thoughts. A man is what he thinks: this
say, will seek to enter and will not be able" (Luke   is the ancient secret. The same idea was
13:24). "Enter through the narrow gate"               expressed by Guatama Buddha in the first line
(Matthew 7:13). Jesus revealed Himself as the         of the Dhammapada: All that we are is the result
Master of the Agnya chakra: "I am the door; if        of what we have thought, is based on our
any one enter in by Me, he shall be saved"            thoughts, and made out of our thoughts. That is
(John 10.9). He will be saved because he will be      why Yogis attach such a great importance to
able to reach the end, of the spiritual ascent,       thought detachment and getting into the
Sahasrara (the Kingdom of Heavens the                 "thoughtless awareness" or Nirvichara Samadhi;
synthesis of all chakras, where the individual        the real state of meditation enabling the union
Spirit joins with the Universal Spirit — God).        (Yoga).
The Age of Aquarius
               The Age of Aquarius (c.2000 — ) starts at
               the dawn of Satya Yuga. The beginning of
               this age was estimated by various
               calculations around the year 2000. Some
               astrologers believe that mankind will step
               out of the mystical age of Pisces right into
               the luminous age of Aquarius between
               2000 and 2050, which means the end of
               superstitions and of dogmatic religions
               (apud Bruno Wurtz). It is not without
               interest to go back to the Ahmadiya
               Movement of Islam speaking about
               Mahdi's appearence on the Earth. We
               shall quote here Gibb and Kramer (Shorter
               Encyclopaedia of Islam, p.24): "To believe
               in His as the Second or the Promised
               Messiah is an article of faith, because first
               of all His coming early in the 14th century
               of the Hidjra was predicted by
               Muhammad." Or, Hidjra (Hegira), the
               starting point of the Muhammadan period
               was the 20th of September, 622 and that
               gives us the date close to the end of the
               year 1922 maybe the beginning of the
               year 1923 for the start of the new era.
So the Age of Aquarius has already
                 The astrologer Alain considered that
                 the age of Aquarius started in 1962.
                 In Benjamin Creme's opinion, the
                 beginning of this age would be in the
                 spring of 1982, and according to
                 others in 1987. Creme even asserted
                 that Christ's new Avatar manifested
                 Himself among us since 1977. The
                 famous psychologist Carl Gustav
                 Jung (1875-1961) considered that this
                 age would start in 1997 (Bruno Wurtz,
                 New Age, Ed. de Vest, Timisoara
                 1992). Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
                 announced that Satya Yuga has
                 started in 1993 on the vernal
Shri Satya-rupa Devi
September 16, 1983 — USA
               “Now very interesting it is to see that this
               Kundalini is the one which is called as the
               Kumbha — in Sanskrit language, means
               the Aquarius. We call it Aquarius, as one
               of the signs, and is the same as Kumbha
               in Sanskrit language. So it is the age of
               Aquarius, is the Age of the Kundalini.
               Secondly is the Age of the Kundalini which
               will nourish, which is the Mother (Adi
               Shakti, Holy Spirit or Ruh of Allah) within
               you, which will rise, will give you the
               completeness of it, and which will connect
               you with your Spirit which ultimately gives
               you the enlightenment by which you
               become collectively conscious. You
               'become', again I say. It's not just telling a
               story. You just become!"
Ok. Tell me more about the Age of
We remember that Jesus is the Beginning and        The cusp of time that has elapsed and the time
the End, the Alpha and the Omega. He is to         that is still to come represents the apotheosis of
descend for the second time as Kalki, the 10th     the divine revelation, the opening of the seventh,
and last Avatar of the Evolution Principle,        therefore, the last chakra (Adi Sahasrara) of the
thereby being the aeon under which the Age of      Universal Being, the crowning of the whole
Aquarius is placed. J. Carmignac gave an           evolutionary process. "In the days of the voice of
interpretation of the manuscripts found beside     the seventh angel, when he is about to sound
the Dead Sea, in which he identified "the          the trumpet, the mystery of God also shall be
Teacher of Righteousness" (Faith) with "the One    completed" (Revelation 10:7). "The Omega point
who pours the rain of Righteousness" (Faith).      symbolises the end of the evolution towards the
Many authors are known to have considered          noosphere, the sphere of the spirit, towards
Jesus as being none other than the Teacher of      which all knowledge converges" (Chevalier,
Righteousness (see, for instance, I.D. Amusin's    Gheerbrant, p.26). Sahasrara is the final point of
quoted work). Jesus was the one to announce        the spiritual ascent, the Kingdom of Heavens.
the Age of Aquarius: "a man will meet you          When asked by the Pharisees where the
carrying an earthen pitcher of water; follow him   Kingdom of God lies, Jesus replied: "they shall
into the house where he goes in" (Luke 22:10;      not say, Lo here, or, Lo there; for behold, the
Mark 14:13). The Last Supper was the symbol of     Kingdom of God is in the midst of you" (Luke
the future "unio mystica."                         17:21).
There’s more isn’t there?
The opening of the Sahasrara at the level      The Age of Aquarius is interpreted as the
of the whole Creation, allowed for the         water of life pouring upon the people (the
awakening of the Kundalini energy en           Kundalini), of the Spirit, of the Holy Ghost,
masse through Sahaja Yoga, which has           in sign of harmony between the human
been revealed to the whole mankind by          microcosm and the divine macrocosm, of
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who witnessed        really attained "unio mystica" (Yoga). But
that cosmic phenomenon Herself. The Adi        for this to take place, it is necessary that
Sahasrara was opened on May 5th, 1970.         man should become Adam who had been
Scriptures foretold the collective             created by God, as a divine embodiment
manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the form   "in His image" (Genesis 1:27; see also
of the Kundalini: "In the last days, saith     5:1). Because, as John said about the last
God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all     coming of the Saviour: "What we shall be
flesh" (Acts 2:17). This prophecy was          had not been manifested; we shall know
announced long time ago by Isaiah (44:3),      that if it is manifested we shall be like Him,
Ezekiel (36:27), Joel (2:28-29), Zechariah     for we shall see Him as He is. And every
(2:10). "I will give wonders in the heaven     one that has this hope in Him purifies
above and the signs on the earth below"        himself even as He is pure" (1 John 3:2-3).
(Acts 2:19; see Joel 2:30 too). The wonder     In other words, man has to deify himself
in the heaven was the opening of the           and that implies the purification at the
cosmic Sahasrara. "Then, whatsoever            energetic level, allowing for Kundalini to
shall call upon the name of [the] Lord shall   achieve the mystical union. At the human
be saved" (Acts 2:21; Joel 2:32). Of           level, this purification will make the
course, it refers to the activation of the     enlightenment possible .
kundalini by taking mantras, a fact that is
well-known by the Yogis.
There’s lots more…
Levi H. Dowling (1844-1911) had                The gospel described the beginning of the
transmitted . . . by revelation the Aquarian   Aquarian (i.e. the one that bears the
Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean     pitcher of water) Age as follows: "And then
Age (L.N. Fowler & Co. Ltd., Romford,          the man who bears the pitcher will walk
Essex) . . . Among Dowling's manuscripts       across an arc of heaven. The sign and
there was one called "The Cusp of the          signet of the Son of man stands forth in
Ages" describing the transfer of dominion      the eastern sky. The wise will then lift up
from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age.      their heads and know that the redemption
It was published by Eva S. Dowling in the      of the earth is near" (157.29,30). And the
introduction to this gospel. Here is the       accompanying footnote (within the French
description of the new era.                    edition; our translation) explained: "From
" This age will be an age of                   the beginning of this age, i.e. from this
splendour and of light, because it is          moment on, more and more people will try
the home of the Holy Breath; and               to understand the spirit of the Gospel
the Holy Breath will testify anew for          instead of merely following its text. When
Christ, the Logos of the eternal               the largest part of the human race has
Love. At first of every age this               been penetrated by this spirit, to which this
Logos is made manifest in flesh so             book makes its contribution, mankind will
man can see and know and                       undoubtedly be in the Aquarian Age.
comprehend a Love that is not                  That's why the Aquarian Gospel was given
narrow, circumscribed. Twelve                  its present title."
times in every revolution of the sun
this christed Love of God is made
full manifest in flesh upon the
planes of earth, and you may read it
in Akasha the wondrous lessons
that these Christs have taught to

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Operation Phoenix

  • 1. What are your spiritual beliefs? • “I am a Muslim, a Hindu, a Christian and a Jew” - Mahatma Gandhi • Within every religion there is a mystic path: Jewish Kabbalists, Christian Gnostics, Muslim Sufis, etc. • Though these paths are diverse, they arrive at the one goal: experience of God • Widespread, unmediated knowledge of God is an aspect of the age of Aquarius
  • 2. The Age of Aquarius? – Don’t tell me you’re into that New Age Stuff Consider the orbit of the earth around the sun. The earth rotates daily around an axis that is tilted in respect to its orbital plane, and oriented toward Polaris, the North Star. Since the tilt and orientation do not vary significantly during a single orbit, in January the northern hemisphere is inclined away from the sun, causing winter. The opposite occurs in June, giving mid-summer. In March and September, the inclination is at right angles to the radius to the sun, causing the equinoxes.
  • 3. Right – so what does that have to do with the “Age of Aquarius”? Consider the orbit of the earth as a fixed circle in space, defined by the zodiac of fixed stars. The location where the spring equinox occurs within this circle slowly moves because of the precession. During the period when the Old Testament prophecies were being written, the spring equinox occurred when the image of the sun was in the House of Aries. This was therefore perceived as the Age of Aries. Christ was born shortly after the cosmos moved into the Age of Pisces. We are now entering the Age of Aquarius (see Figure 1).
  • 4. The Age of Gemini The Age of Gemini (c.6000 — c.4000) corresponded to the flourishing period of early Hinduism. It was under this sign that Rama, the seventh incarnation of Vishnu was manifested by the birth of the two pair of brothers: Rama and Lakshmana on the one hand, Satrughna and Bharata on the other. Rama Himself had twin sons: Lav and Kush (in harmony with the name of the constellation where the Sun was at that time). Lav went to Russia from this we get the name of Slav. The other son, Kush went to China, hence we get the name Kushan. These two divine principles were also incarnated as Buddha and Mahavira, then as Adi Shankaracharya and Gnyaneshwara. In other Avatars they were Hassan and Hussein the sons of Fatima and Hazrat Ali… Rama incarnated during the Treta Yuga when the fourth chakra (Adi Anahathh) was opened in Virata. Anahathh is an important centre of the human being since it is here (on the left side, at the heart level) where the individual Spirit or the Self resides. "For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be" Jesus said (Luke 12:34).
  • 5. The Age of Taurus The Age of Taurus (c.4000 — c.2000 The Age of Taurus (c.4000 — c.2000 B.C.) The aeon governing this age was Krishna, the eight Avatar, the Lord of the cows (Govinda). The age stayed under the sign of the bull (Apis, or sacred bull Mnevis of Helipolis, identified to Ra), of the holy cow (Hathor in Egypt, surahbhi or Kamadhenu in India or may be worshipped in many spiritual cultures), or the golden calf in the polytheistic beliefs (see Exodus 32:4), preceding the Judaic monotheism. Krishna was said to have lived at the end of Dvapara Yuga (Encyclopaedia Universalis, Paris 1968, vol. 9, p.711) considered by some to have ended in the year 3102 B.C. (Zimmer, quoted work). According to tradition, Krishna lived in the fourth millennium B.C. (La grande encyclopedie, H. Lamirault et Co., Paris, vol. 21, p.647). During his time the fifth chakra (Adi Vishuddhi) of the Cosmic Being was enlightened.
  • 6. The Age of Aries The Age of Aries (c.2000 — 1 B.C.) was characterized by the establishment of the monotheistic Judaism through great spiritual personalities like Abraham (19th century B.C.) and Moses (13th century B.C.). Generally, this period was dominated by the manifestation of the universal principle of the spiritual master (Adi Guru Dattatreya). Indeed, before the Christian era, Zarathustra incarnated (7th or 6th or even 10th century according to some opinions), Confucius and Lao-Tse (6th century), Socrates (5th century), alongside with the two great Jewish prophets. The symbol of the ram (or the Passover lamb) appeared as an object of sacrifice instead of worship, as a reaction against the belief of the previous age. That could be illustrated by the cult of Mithra who stabbed the mythological bull.
  • 7. The Age of Pisces The Age of Pisces (A.D. 1 — c.2000) during which Christianity appeared and spread out. The fish was known to have been the secret sign used by the early Christians to identify each other. The Greek word Ichtus (fish) was made up of the following phrase capitals (acrostic): Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter (Jesus Christ Son of God, the Saviour). In Hinduism it was also the symbol of the Saviour (Vishnu's first incarnation in the shape of a fish saved Manu from the flood) …
  • 8. Wait! – So who exactly was Jesus? Similar to Mahavishnu, Jesus represented the The Mahabharata (14.2784) says that the gate ninth Avatar, who opened the Agnya chakra of heaven is very small and narrow. It cannot be within the Cosmic Being. The reflection of this seen by those without any sense and blinded by chakra at the microcosmic human level is the vain illusions of this world. Even those who situated in the centre of the forehead where the can see well, who see the way and want to left channel (Ida nadi) and the right channel enter, will find the door locked and hard to open. (Pingala nadi) form a subtle crossing. From an Its heavy bolts are pride, lust, greed and anatomical point of view, this is the place of: debauchery. Jesus said to the Pharisees: "The – the decussatio pyramidum (crossing of the kingdom of God does not come with motor nuclei fibres of the spinal nerves for observation" (Luke 17:20). Schmemaan wrote: the upper limb and upper trunk and for the "For the early Christians the all-encompassing lower limb and lower trunk respectively), reality and the terrific newness of their belief corresponding to the posterior aspect of the was precisely that the Kingdom had drawn near chakra (back Agnya). and though unseen, it had already been there, among the people, illuminating and working in – the chiasma opticalis (optical nerve the world.“ crossing), corresponding to the anterior aspect of the chakra (front Agnya); The three channels cross at the Agnya which The Agnya chakra controls mental processes. represents the most narrow way for the Maitrayana Upanishad says (6:34) that the Kundalini to pass through. It is the "narrow gate" thoughts are the only cause of the cycle of birth that Jesus said about: "Strive with earnestness and death; man, therefore should endeavour to to enter through the narrow door, for many, I purify his thoughts. A man is what he thinks: this say, will seek to enter and will not be able" (Luke is the ancient secret. The same idea was 13:24). "Enter through the narrow gate" expressed by Guatama Buddha in the first line (Matthew 7:13). Jesus revealed Himself as the of the Dhammapada: All that we are is the result Master of the Agnya chakra: "I am the door; if of what we have thought, is based on our any one enter in by Me, he shall be saved" thoughts, and made out of our thoughts. That is (John 10.9). He will be saved because he will be why Yogis attach such a great importance to able to reach the end, of the spiritual ascent, thought detachment and getting into the Sahasrara (the Kingdom of Heavens the "thoughtless awareness" or Nirvichara Samadhi; synthesis of all chakras, where the individual the real state of meditation enabling the union Spirit joins with the Universal Spirit — God). (Yoga).
  • 9. The Age of Aquarius The Age of Aquarius (c.2000 — ) starts at the dawn of Satya Yuga. The beginning of this age was estimated by various calculations around the year 2000. Some astrologers believe that mankind will step out of the mystical age of Pisces right into the luminous age of Aquarius between 2000 and 2050, which means the end of superstitions and of dogmatic religions (apud Bruno Wurtz). It is not without interest to go back to the Ahmadiya Movement of Islam speaking about Mahdi's appearence on the Earth. We shall quote here Gibb and Kramer (Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam, p.24): "To believe in His as the Second or the Promised Messiah is an article of faith, because first of all His coming early in the 14th century of the Hidjra was predicted by Muhammad." Or, Hidjra (Hegira), the starting point of the Muhammadan period was the 20th of September, 622 and that gives us the date close to the end of the year 1922 maybe the beginning of the year 1923 for the start of the new era.
  • 10. So the Age of Aquarius has already started? The astrologer Alain considered that the age of Aquarius started in 1962. In Benjamin Creme's opinion, the beginning of this age would be in the spring of 1982, and according to others in 1987. Creme even asserted that Christ's new Avatar manifested Himself among us since 1977. The famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) considered that this age would start in 1997 (Bruno Wurtz, New Age, Ed. de Vest, Timisoara 1992). Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi announced that Satya Yuga has started in 1993 on the vernal equinox…
  • 11. Shri Satya-rupa Devi September 16, 1983 — USA “Now very interesting it is to see that this Kundalini is the one which is called as the Kumbha — in Sanskrit language, means the Aquarius. We call it Aquarius, as one of the signs, and is the same as Kumbha in Sanskrit language. So it is the age of Aquarius, is the Age of the Kundalini. Secondly is the Age of the Kundalini which will nourish, which is the Mother (Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit or Ruh of Allah) within you, which will rise, will give you the completeness of it, and which will connect you with your Spirit which ultimately gives you the enlightenment by which you become collectively conscious. You 'become', again I say. It's not just telling a story. You just become!"
  • 12. Ok. Tell me more about the Age of Aquarius We remember that Jesus is the Beginning and The cusp of time that has elapsed and the time the End, the Alpha and the Omega. He is to that is still to come represents the apotheosis of descend for the second time as Kalki, the 10th the divine revelation, the opening of the seventh, and last Avatar of the Evolution Principle, therefore, the last chakra (Adi Sahasrara) of the thereby being the aeon under which the Age of Universal Being, the crowning of the whole Aquarius is placed. J. Carmignac gave an evolutionary process. "In the days of the voice of interpretation of the manuscripts found beside the seventh angel, when he is about to sound the Dead Sea, in which he identified "the the trumpet, the mystery of God also shall be Teacher of Righteousness" (Faith) with "the One completed" (Revelation 10:7). "The Omega point who pours the rain of Righteousness" (Faith). symbolises the end of the evolution towards the Many authors are known to have considered noosphere, the sphere of the spirit, towards Jesus as being none other than the Teacher of which all knowledge converges" (Chevalier, Righteousness (see, for instance, I.D. Amusin's Gheerbrant, p.26). Sahasrara is the final point of quoted work). Jesus was the one to announce the spiritual ascent, the Kingdom of Heavens. the Age of Aquarius: "a man will meet you When asked by the Pharisees where the carrying an earthen pitcher of water; follow him Kingdom of God lies, Jesus replied: "they shall into the house where he goes in" (Luke 22:10; not say, Lo here, or, Lo there; for behold, the Mark 14:13). The Last Supper was the symbol of Kingdom of God is in the midst of you" (Luke the future "unio mystica." 17:21).
  • 13. There’s more isn’t there? The opening of the Sahasrara at the level The Age of Aquarius is interpreted as the of the whole Creation, allowed for the water of life pouring upon the people (the awakening of the Kundalini energy en Kundalini), of the Spirit, of the Holy Ghost, masse through Sahaja Yoga, which has in sign of harmony between the human been revealed to the whole mankind by microcosm and the divine macrocosm, of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who witnessed really attained "unio mystica" (Yoga). But that cosmic phenomenon Herself. The Adi for this to take place, it is necessary that Sahasrara was opened on May 5th, 1970. man should become Adam who had been Scriptures foretold the collective created by God, as a divine embodiment manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the form "in His image" (Genesis 1:27; see also of the Kundalini: "In the last days, saith 5:1). Because, as John said about the last God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all coming of the Saviour: "What we shall be flesh" (Acts 2:17). This prophecy was had not been manifested; we shall know announced long time ago by Isaiah (44:3), that if it is manifested we shall be like Him, Ezekiel (36:27), Joel (2:28-29), Zechariah for we shall see Him as He is. And every (2:10). "I will give wonders in the heaven one that has this hope in Him purifies above and the signs on the earth below" himself even as He is pure" (1 John 3:2-3). (Acts 2:19; see Joel 2:30 too). The wonder In other words, man has to deify himself in the heaven was the opening of the and that implies the purification at the cosmic Sahasrara. "Then, whatsoever energetic level, allowing for Kundalini to shall call upon the name of [the] Lord shall achieve the mystical union. At the human be saved" (Acts 2:21; Joel 2:32). Of level, this purification will make the course, it refers to the activation of the enlightenment possible . kundalini by taking mantras, a fact that is well-known by the Yogis.
  • 14. There’s lots more… Levi H. Dowling (1844-1911) had The gospel described the beginning of the transmitted . . . by revelation the Aquarian Aquarian (i.e. the one that bears the Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean pitcher of water) Age as follows: "And then Age (L.N. Fowler & Co. Ltd., Romford, the man who bears the pitcher will walk Essex) . . . Among Dowling's manuscripts across an arc of heaven. The sign and there was one called "The Cusp of the signet of the Son of man stands forth in Ages" describing the transfer of dominion the eastern sky. The wise will then lift up from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age. their heads and know that the redemption It was published by Eva S. Dowling in the of the earth is near" (157.29,30). And the introduction to this gospel. Here is the accompanying footnote (within the French description of the new era. edition; our translation) explained: "From " This age will be an age of the beginning of this age, i.e. from this splendour and of light, because it is moment on, more and more people will try the home of the Holy Breath; and to understand the spirit of the Gospel the Holy Breath will testify anew for instead of merely following its text. When Christ, the Logos of the eternal the largest part of the human race has Love. At first of every age this been penetrated by this spirit, to which this Logos is made manifest in flesh so book makes its contribution, mankind will man can see and know and undoubtedly be in the Aquarian Age. comprehend a Love that is not That's why the Aquarian Gospel was given narrow, circumscribed. Twelve its present title." times in every revolution of the sun this christed Love of God is made full manifest in flesh upon the planes of earth, and you may read it in Akasha the wondrous lessons that these Christs have taught to