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Open Letter to H. E. Mr. Gurjit Singh,
Ambassador of India in Abyssinia (Fake
Dr. MuhammadShamsaddinMegalommatis
July 24, 2008
Attention: H. E. Mr. Gurjit Singh
Ambassador of India
Mr. Naveen Kamal Sharma
Private Secretary
Ms. Ekram Beyan,
Social Secretary
Tel: 011-123 55 44 (Direct)
011-123 55 38 to 41 (General)
Fax: 011-123 55 47 or 1235548
Your Excellency,
As I read your comments about "Ethiopia´s contribution toward ensuring peace in
the Horn of Africa" and ´Ethiopian´ foreign policy in general (in Abdi Guled´s recent
article ´India supports the presence of the Ethiopian troops in Somalia´ -
6ddbe2a4349819f4a41548),I felt obliged to share with you the following points, being
sure that your real interest is to promote in Africa the best possible image of the
country of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore.
I am convinced that you do your best to promote India´s cooperation with Abyssinia
(;but I
am also absolutely convinced that you, making the reported comments, acted in
striking opposition to Mahatma´s loftiest value, Satya (Truth).
One could understand that diplomacy is not a philosophical endeavour but in our
global world, I believe you will agree with me, Your Excellency, it is the patchwork
of Gandhi´s Search that is missing most. That is why so many people in Africa and
elsewhere expect so much from India´s rise to a globally prominent position.
What would otherwise be the point of India´s becoming the world´s no 4 GDP (US $
3 trillion), if the country pursues typical colonial foreign policy, perceiving for
instance the antagonism to China´s penetration in Africa only in terms of immoral
stance, disregard for Truth, disrespect for Human Rights, and utter historical and
political fallacy?
Your Excellency,
If Mohandas Gandhi was humble and great enough to solemnly declare that his life´s
purpose, namely the discovery of Satya (Truth – perceived as God), could be
achieved mainly through ´learning from his own mistakes and conducting
experiments´ (, I believe you have
the strength and the honesty to do precisely the same, during your tenure in Eastern
India CannotPursue Anti-GandhiPolicy in ColonialAbyssinia
(Fake ´Ethiopia´)
In fact, ´Ethiopia´ did not ensure "peace in the Horn of Africa and the continent as a
whole" because – before all the rest – ´Ethiopia´ did not ensure peace at home.
It would even be an oxymoron to expect from this country to do so, after having
butchered the subjugated Nation of the Ogadenis (in 2007), after having massacred
the subjugated Nation of the Anuak (in December 2003
/,after having slaughtered the
subjugated Nation of the Sidamas (in May 2002
after having murdered the subjugated Nation of the Shekacho (in March 2002
/,and after
having performed similar, inhuman policies as regards many other subjugated and
tyrannized nations, namely the Afars, the Oromos, the Kaffas, the Kambaatas, the
Gedeos, the Hadiyas, the Wolayitas, the Gumuz, the Berta, the Shinasha, and the
Your Excellency,
I am sure I am not the first to address you, speaking of 'Ethiopia' and making use of
the proper term 'Genocide' for the policies and the practices carried out by the ruling
Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians, who invaded all the aforementioned
nations' lands in different moments in the late 19th century, and tyrannized,
terrorized and dehumanized them ever since. Many distinct scholars used the term
´Genocide´ when analyzing aspects of the ´Ethiopian' tyranny
&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=3);it reflects an undeniable historical reality.
Your Excellency,
The term Genocide starts with the improper, criminal use of the name of 'Ethiopia'
for the country ruled by the Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians. The
correct name of the country is Abyssinia; under the use of the term 'Ethiopia' is
hidden Africa's most excruciating – cultural, spiritual and physical – Genocide.
I have noticed your ceaseless effort to strengthen India's presence in Abyssinia; I
believe that you must have already noticed the first building of bank in that country
on a nice small picture dating back in 1905; you certainly know that the name of the
institution was 'Bank of Abyssinia'.
The name of the country changed during the 1940s and the 1950s, following the
political advice given by colonial England and France and afterthe conclusions
drawn by the ruling Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians as regards the
perpetuation of their illegal occupation of the lands of other nations. In other words,
the historically fallacious use of the national name of ´Ethiopia´, which consists in
utter usurpation of a national name of another land and nation, was viciously
conceived and tyrannically implemented in order to justify the aforementioned
Genocide through the execrable and evil plan providing for the religious, cultural,
linguistic, social, behavioural, and political amharization of the subjugated nations.
However, the subjugated nations never renounced their rights to Independent
Nationhood and Homeland.
The Historical and Political Truth about Abyssinia is synopsized in the following
1. Tiny, isolated, early 19th c. Abyssinia invadedothernations'
lands, extendingits territory for ca. 15 times.
Originated from Yemen, the Abyssinians (presently divided into Amhara and
Tigray), after a long period of isolation and meager contribution to regional affairs,
started expanding at the detriment of surrounding nations around the middle of the
19th century, due to an agreement with the English colonials; the basic political -
diplomatic directions of the English – Abyssinian cooperation were anti-Catholic /
anti-Italian and anti-Islamic / anti-Ottoman.
At the epic moment of the Indian Rebellion (1857), when Hindu and Muslim Indian
soldiers accused the East India Company of mass conversions of Hindus and
Muslims to Christianity, the Oromos of Shoa had took the arms against the
Abyssinian 'king' Tewodros, a coarse vagabond whose real name is Kassa Haile. The
clash was due to the fact that he intended to invade and annex their lands, and
impose his own nation's religion, culture and language – which all were totally alien
to them.
And only 12 years after Queen Victoria had been named Empress of India (1877),
'Menelik', another Abyssinian tramp whose real name is Sahle Mariam, proclaimed
(1889) himself as "Emperor of Ethiopia" in order to imitate Ezana, the first christened
king of Axumite Abyssinia, who had invaded Kush (Ethiopia) and added the name
of Ethiopia to those of other subjugated realms. As Abyssinia's history is full of
falsifications, it is essential to note here that every claim to royal descent is ludicrous,
and the mythologized line of Abyssinian kings supposedly originating from the
fictional Menelik, the son to King Solomon of Israel and the Yemenite Queen of
Sheba, was compiled by the incredulous authors of the medieval Kebra Negast
forgery without any reference to earlier historical sources.
More credible is that you personally, Your Excellency, descend from the Great King
Asoka than any Abyssinian tramp, preposterously self-styled ´king´ (or even more
comically ´emperor´), originates from the historical Axumite Abyssinian kings.
Anything prior to them is not historical but mythical, and if employed in today´s
politics, racist, fascist, discriminatory and inhuman.
2. RealEthiopia is AncientSudan – Kush, the fatherland ofthe
Eastern Kushites
In fact, Ethiopia is a name given by the Ancient Greeks and Romans to the country
immediately south of Egypt in the area of today´s Sudan. That country was known as
Kas in Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic texts, Mat Kuusi in Ancient Assyrian –
Babylonian Cuneiform texts, and Cush in Ancient Biblical Hebrew texts. Almost in
every point of the Biblical text where Cush (Kush) was mentioned in the Hebrew Old
Testament, the Septuagint translators wrote 'Ethiopia' in Ancient Greek.
As we know much (through archeological excavations and Ancient Egyptian
epigraphic evidence, and to lesser extent through the two non-deciphered Meroitic
hieroglyphic and cursive writing systems) about the different phases of the great
Kushitic civilization (which spanned over more than two and half millennia before
the Abyssinian invasion – ca. 360 CE), we can understand very well that Ancient
Kush / Meroe, in Sudan, i.e. the true Ethiopia, was totally unrelated to all the
developments that led to the formation (during the last pre-Christian centuries) and
the rise of the Axumite Abyssinian kingdom (4th – 6th century CE).
The Abyssinians are, like the Ancient Yemenites, Semites – associated with the
Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Aramaeans, the Canaanites, the Phoenicians, the
Jews, the Carthaginians, and the Arabs.
The Ancient Ethiopians (also called Cushites and Meroites – from Meroe their last
Pre-Christian capital in the area of today´s Bagrawiyah in Sudan) were of Cushitic
origin – associated with the Modern Cushitic nations of the Horn of Africa, namely
with the Oromos, the Sidamas, the Somalis, with the Berbers of Libya, Tunisia,
Algeria and Morocco, and with the Tuareg, the Fulani and the Hausa speaking
nations of Western Africa.
More analytically:
3. Historical Christian Ethiopia waslocated in Sudan – being
otherthan Axumite Abyssinia
Although Axumite Abyssinia was surely christened first, Ethiopia (Kush / Sudan)
adhered to Christianity a few decades after the Ezana's invasion of the south-eastern
part of Ethiopia's territory. Quite interestingly, the Axumite occupation did not last
much in the south-eastern part of the Ethiopian territory, and it did not contribute at
all to the Christianization of Ethiopia (Sudan / Kush). Quite contrarily, Christianity
was diffused in Ethiopia (Sudan / Kush) mostly from the North (Egypt).
Three Christian Ethiopian states have been formed on today's Sudanese territory (i.e.
on the historically true Ethiopia's soil) during the first half of the 5th century, namely
Nobatia (around Faras in the area of today´s Sudanese – Egyptian border), Makuria
(around Dongola, ca. 550 km in the south) and Alodia (around Khartoum).
They controlled far larger territory than the area of the Abyssinian kingdom (ca.
Axum and Adulis on the Red Sea coast), and they lasted much longer (Alodia
collapsed ca. 1550 – 1600).Axum collapsed with the rise of Islam, and disappeared
for centuries.
The Agaw dynasty does not consist in a continuity of Axumite Abyssinia in any
sense - ethnic identity and race, linguistic classification or royal / political ideology -
except religion. And the rise of the Amhara Abyssinia through bloodshed does not in
fact represent Agaw continuity but disruption.
4. Ethno-religiousbreakdown:the identity of the tyranny
In today's Abyssinia, following the 19th – 20th century colonial expansion, an
excruciating Semitic Amhara and Tigray Abyssinian tyranny has been imposed over
the outright majority of the country, e.g. the masses of the subjugated nations that
are all either Cushitic (Oromo, Ogadeni, Sidama, Afar, Shekacho, Kaffa,Kambaata,
Gedeo and Hadiya) or Nilo-Saharan (Anuak,Berta, Nuer, Shinasha).
Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians total ca.30% of the country's population. However,
the complexity of the Abyssinian quagmire involves religious oppression as well,
and this is practiced either against the aforementionednations (which adhere to
various religions, namely Islam, Christianity and several historical African religions)
or against the significant Abyssinian Muslim minority. As ruling ethno-religious
group, the Monophysitic (Tewahedo) Abyssinians do not exceed 18% of the country's
5. The MonophysiticAbyssiniansare notproperChristians, but
Their hatred against the Roman Catholic Church is proverbial. At the times of the
Ottoman Empire and the Safevid Empire of Iran, it was better for a Catholic priest or
missionary to spend years in Islamic territories than in the heinous, unrepentant
Monophysitic Abyssinia.
The following excerpt from the Catholic Encyclopedia New Advent highlights the
sort of 'Christianity' that the Monophysitic Amhara and Tigray Abyssinian pseudo-
diplomats represent. At the same time, it offers a summary of the Anti-Christian
persecution that took place in this ominous country, the so-called 'friend of the
Western Christians'.
This is what the unrepresentative pseudo-diplomats of Abyssinia try to keep hidden
from everyone:
"The Sovereign Pontiffs, nevertheless, have bestowed a constant solicitude on the
Christians of Ethiopia. The first missionaries sent to their aid were the Dominicans,
whose success, however, roused the fanaticism of the Monophysites against them,
and caused their martyrdom. For more than a hundred years silence enfolded the
ruins of this Church. At a later period, the fame of the Crusades having spread,
pilgrim monks, on their return from Jerusalem,wakened once more, by what they
told in the Ethiopian court, the wish to be reunited to the Church.
The Acts of the Council of Florence tell of the embassy sent by the Emperor Zéra-
Jacob with the object of obtaining this result (1452). The union was brought about;
but on their home journey, the messengers, while passing through Egypt, were given
up to the schismatic Copts, and to the Caliph, and put to death before they could
bring the good news to their native land.
More than a hundred years later, in 1557, the JesuitFather Oviedo penetrated into
Ethiopia. One of his successors,Father Paëz,succeeded in converting the Emperor
Socinios himself. On 11 December, 1624, the Church of Abyssinia, abjuring the heresy
of Eutyches and the schism of Dioscorus, was reunited to the true Church, a union
which, unfortunately, proved to be only temporary.
In 1632, the Negus Basilides mounted the throne. Addicted as he was to polygamy
and to every vice, he showed himself the relentless enemy of Catholicism, and of its
moral law. The Jesuits were handed over to the axe of the executioner, and Abyssinia
remained closed to the missionaries until 1702.In that year, three Franciscans gotas
far as Gondar, the capital, where they converted several princes.The Negus wrote
with his own hand to Clement XI, professing his submission to His Holiness.Once
more the hope proved futile.
A palace revolution overthrew the Negus, and heresy again assumed the reigns of
power. From then until the middle of the nineteenth century, a silence as of death lay
on the Church of Abyssinia. In 1846, the Holy See divided Ethiopia into two
Apostolic vicariates: that of Abyssinia, trusted to the Lazarists,and that of Galla,
given to the Capuchins. In the former, the labors and successes of M. de Jacobus
awakened the jealousy of the schismatic clergy.
An ex-Emir of Cairo, who had become Abouna of Ethiopia, and a man of low birth
named Kassa, who had been anointed Negus under the name of Theodoros, joined
forces to persecute the Catholics,drive out the missionaries, and put them to death.
The Negus Johannes IV, who succeeded Theodoros, followed in his predecessor's
footsteps. His reign of twenty years was a time of trouble and suffering for the
Catholics of Abyssinia".
6. Fake ´Ethiopia´: the world'smost inhuman tyranny – a brief
With a brief enumeration of barbaric, inhuman and genocidal policies ceaselessly
practiced by any 'Addis Ababa' regime (monarchical,pro-communist or pseudo-
republican), I will close my reference to the unfortunate realm and the ominous
tyranny that was repeatedly described as 21st century Hell, Cenotaph or Morgue
As basic bibliographical reference, I would mention the excellent contribution by
Prof. Mekuria Bulcha, 'The Making of the Oromo Diaspora - A Historical Sociology
of Forced Migration' whereby the author identifies the roots of the Diaspora in slave
trade and repressive regimes, while extensively giving details about the physical
elimination of millions of Oromos in the 19th and the 20th centuries
I would also add the collective volume 'Arrested Development in Ethiopia - Essays
on Underdevelopment, Democracy and Self-Determination', edited by Seyoum
Hameso and Mohammed Hassen, which provides the reader with a wider focus on
Ogadenis, Oromos, Sidamas, Afars, and other subjugated nations
So systematic the multi-faceted and multi-layered genocide perpetrated by the
Monophysitic Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians was that it involved the following
measures for the survivors, all those who escaped physical annihilation:
1 - Prohibition of use of their language
2 - Prohibition of use of their own writing system (if extant, otherwise prohibition of
introduction of a writing system)
3 - Prohibition of practice of religious rituals, rites, ceremonies, and acts of faith
4 - Prohibition of practice of all traditional customs and procedures of social order
5 - Prohibition of selection of representatives empowered to represent the tyrannized
nations at all levels, local, regional, national, and of course international
6 - Prohibition of the study of their past, history, language, culture and society
7 - Prohibition of attendance at the primary and secondary education, and atthe
universities, except for few cases of culturally alienated renegades
8 - Imposition of an alien language (Amharic) and of an alien writing system (that
derived from the Axumite Abyssinian Ge´ez writing system) as compulsory means
of communication through all levels of education
9 - Imposition of an alien language and writing system (as above) as official language
throughout the annexed territories of the tyrannized nations
10 - Selection and imposition of few renegades among the subjugated and oppressed
nations so that they, functioning as fake representatives, facilitate the imposition of
the state tyranny.
11 - Promotion of high treason among the subjugated Nations as the only chance for
materially respectable survival
12 - Expropriation of lands, forests and pasturages
13 - Prohibition of any major economic activity for the entire population of all the
subjugated nations
14 - Imposition of a bogus-historical dogma of purely racist nature (Ethiopianism),
according to which there is a nation called 'Ethiopian', which is made out of all the
tyrannized subjugated nations and the cruel, ruling Abyssinians. This criminal
fabrication is the bias through which the Amhara Monophysitic Abyssinians
villainously try to abyssinianize the outright majority of the country.
15 - Imposition of a systematic policy of abyssinianization at the level of language,
writing system, religion, culture, social-behavioural system, and political life. The
recent festivities (September 2007) of the false 'Ethiopian Millennium' are a mere
example, because the Ethiopian Millennium reflects the cultural values of only 18%
of the country´s entire population)
16 - Systematic deprecation of all the subjugated peoples, and of their cultures,
languages, historical past, religions and social-behavioural systems, involving
differentiation within purely racist context.
These are the incorrigible and unrepentant Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians, who
have – shamelessly for human beings – manned the successive tyrannical regimes
(monarchical, communist and pseudo-republican) down to our days; through
combinations of the aforementioned practices, they even attempt now to present
themselves, under the mask of various Ethio-fascist political formations, namely the
racist parties Kinijit and Ginbot 7, as the 'only alternative' to the ruthless tyrant
7. Abyssinian (Fake 'Ethiopian')Presence in Somalia is
Historical Revenge, Anti-SomaliRacism, and EvilOdium
Focusing on Monophysitic Abyssinian deeds perpetrated out of the borders of the
aforementioned Cenotaph´Ethiopia´,one attests numerous examples of incessant
Monophysitic Abyssinian racism in Somalia where Zenawi´s thugs, fallaciously
impersonating a national army (whereas they are exclusively Monophysitic
Abyssinians representing only 18% of the total population of 'Ethiopia'), butcher
Somalis in mosques, fuel fratricidal strife, and support secessionist pseudo-
governments (like those of the illegal 'states' Somaliland and Puntland).
If one finds it difficult to believe that a human nation could possibly express such
paranoid and evil hatred, as the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians do against the
Somalis, one has to better focus on the History of the Horn of Africa region, which
represents some of the most illustrious pages of the Islamic Civilization.
The inhuman anti-Somali racist hysteria of the Abyssinians dates back to the days of
the legendary Somali King Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim of Awdal whose invasion of
Abyssinia in the early 16th century was about to terminate the existence of the tiny
Abyssinian state, which was saved by the Portuguese. The great historical Annals
under the title Futuh al Habasha, written by the 16th c. Yemeni historian Shehab ad
Din Ahmad bin Abd el Qader consist in this regard in a great narrative revealing the
traditionally inhuman atrocities and the evil plans of the then tiny, rancorous and
perversely Anti-Islamic kingdom of Abyssinia. The Great Somali King Ahmed Ibn
Ibrahim of Awdal, one of the greatest Africans of all times, has been erratically
vilified as Mohamed Gragn for centuries in rancorous, perverse Abyssinia, and there
is abundant literature on the subject – enough to reject all possible Abyssinian lies
and pretensions of good intentions, goodwill and friendly predisposition.
In other words, while pursuing revengeful policies, the Abyssinians in Somalia fight
against historical ghosts, thus spreading death among living human beings. At the
same time, they promote their already unveiled plans for a vast colonial empire
spanning from Egypt to Tanzania.
Questionsfor the Indian Ambassadorin Abyssinia to answer
Your Excellency,
I am sure you understand that, by serving as Ambassador of India, you don't
represent your co-religionists only, but your entire country.
And I want still to believe that you are not motivated against Islam, and your
country's vast Muslim populations, who – as you know very well – totally disagree
with your reported discourse.
1. You reportedly said that "Ethiopia's contribution toward ensuring peace in the
Horn of Africa and the continent as a whole is commendable".
What is "commendable", AmbassadorSingh? Massacres inside the mosques of
Mogadishu, perpetrated by the criminal, inhuman,and evil Amhara and Tigray
Monophysitic Abyssinian thugs?
2. You reportedly said that "the country´s contribution to the stability of the continent
is huge and deserves encouragement".
What is "stability" for you, Ambassador Singh? Ceaseless fights and massacres
everywhere in Somalia; is this "stability" for you? Would you like to see the same
happening back in your country, so that you get a more illuminated, inward vision
of how it feels?
3. You reportedly said that "India supports the policy of Ethiopia toward securing
durable peace in the continent" and "thatthe policy is highly useful as it is action
What is "durable peace" for you, Ambassador Singh? Voiceless corpses in the streets
of occupied Somalia, in the squares of occupied Ogaden, in the roads of occupied
Oromia, in the pathways of occupied Sidama Land, in the fields of Anuak Land, and
in the villages of the Shekacho Land? Whatis the action you dare laud, Ambassador?
Genocides? Is this Gandhi's India or an evil replica of Freemasonic Colonial England
at its worst?
4. You reportedly said that "Ethiopia is a country where different nations and
nationalities as well as religions co-exist peacefully and harmoniously. These are
important indicators for other countries to follow".
Are you unaware of the aforementioned genocides that occurred in the country
where you serve and you have to monitor all local developments? Or are you
eventually a common liar, Ambassador Singh?
5. You reportedly said that "Ethiopia's contribution in restoring peace and stability in
Somalia is a courageous move that everyone recognizes".
Who is "everyone" for you, Ambassador Singh? Speaking of Somalia, did you ask the
leaders of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS), who have signed an
internationally recognized Agreement with TFG in Djibouti? They have repeatedly
denounced the evil presence of the Abyssinian criminals in Somalia, and they signed
the Djibouti Agreement precisely in order to put an end to the barbaric presence of
Africa's cruelest thugs in Somalia. If just one leader of the Alliance denounces the
illegal and inhuman presence of Abyssinian soldiers in Somalia, you are proven liar –
because, trying to serve dictator Zenawi and hide all your illegal deals with his
administration, you said the unnecessary word "everyone". And actually all the ARS
leaders repeatedly rejected the Abyssinian presence as the Focus of Evil. And this is
quite enough to irrevocably refute you and irreversibly discredit you.
Your Excellency,
India has a millennia long glorious history, and offered to the rest of the Mankind
some of the noblest and most humane concepts, principles, visions, and values.
It would be tragic for the country and fateful for you, if for your tenure's success in
commercial figures, you sold out the fair name of India.
Hundreds of years of Sikhism and thousands of years of Indian Civilization look
straight at your eyes.
Will you deny them, Ambassador Singh, only for some more deals with an ailing
tyrannical country loathed by more than 80% of its inhabitants?
Best Regards,
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
Picture: The heroic fighters of Somali resistance prove the Indian Ambassador at
Abyssinia as liar; in fact, not "everyone" recognizes "Ethiopia's contribution in
restoring peace and stability in Somalia" as "a courageous move". It's high time for
the Ambassador to rectify.
Open letter to h. e. mr. gurjit singh, ambassador of india in abyssinia (fake ethiopia)

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Open letter to h. e. mr. gurjit singh, ambassador of india in abyssinia (fake ethiopia)

  • 1. Open Letter to H. E. Mr. Gurjit Singh, Ambassador of India in Abyssinia (Fake 'Ethiopia') Dr. MuhammadShamsaddinMegalommatis =============================== July 24, 2008 Attention: H. E. Mr. Gurjit Singh Ambassador of India Mr. Naveen Kamal Sharma Private Secretary Ms. Ekram Beyan, Social Secretary Tel: 011-123 55 44 (Direct) 011-123 55 38 to 41 (General) Fax: 011-123 55 47 or 1235548 Email: Your Excellency, As I read your comments about "Ethiopia´s contribution toward ensuring peace in the Horn of Africa" and ´Ethiopian´ foreign policy in general (in Abdi Guled´s recent article ´India supports the presence of the Ethiopian troops in Somalia´ - 6ddbe2a4349819f4a41548),I felt obliged to share with you the following points, being sure that your real interest is to promote in Africa the best possible image of the country of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore. I am convinced that you do your best to promote India´s cooperation with Abyssinia (;but I am also absolutely convinced that you, making the reported comments, acted in striking opposition to Mahatma´s loftiest value, Satya (Truth). One could understand that diplomacy is not a philosophical endeavour but in our global world, I believe you will agree with me, Your Excellency, it is the patchwork of Gandhi´s Search that is missing most. That is why so many people in Africa and elsewhere expect so much from India´s rise to a globally prominent position.
  • 2. What would otherwise be the point of India´s becoming the world´s no 4 GDP (US $ 3 trillion), if the country pursues typical colonial foreign policy, perceiving for instance the antagonism to China´s penetration in Africa only in terms of immoral stance, disregard for Truth, disrespect for Human Rights, and utter historical and political fallacy? Your Excellency, If Mohandas Gandhi was humble and great enough to solemnly declare that his life´s purpose, namely the discovery of Satya (Truth – perceived as God), could be achieved mainly through ´learning from his own mistakes and conducting experiments´ (, I believe you have the strength and the honesty to do precisely the same, during your tenure in Eastern Africa. India CannotPursue Anti-GandhiPolicy in ColonialAbyssinia (Fake ´Ethiopia´) In fact, ´Ethiopia´ did not ensure "peace in the Horn of Africa and the continent as a whole" because – before all the rest – ´Ethiopia´ did not ensure peace at home. It would even be an oxymoron to expect from this country to do so, after having butchered the subjugated Nation of the Ogadenis (in 2007), after having massacred the subjugated Nation of the Anuak (in December 2003 /,after having slaughtered the subjugated Nation of the Sidamas (in May 2002 /, after having murdered the subjugated Nation of the Shekacho (in March 2002 /,and after having performed similar, inhuman policies as regards many other subjugated and tyrannized nations, namely the Afars, the Oromos, the Kaffas, the Kambaatas, the Gedeos, the Hadiyas, the Wolayitas, the Gumuz, the Berta, the Shinasha, and the Agaw. Your Excellency, I am sure I am not the first to address you, speaking of 'Ethiopia' and making use of the proper term 'Genocide' for the policies and the practices carried out by the ruling Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians, who invaded all the aforementioned nations' lands in different moments in the late 19th century, and tyrannized, terrorized and dehumanized them ever since. Many distinct scholars used the term ´Genocide´ when analyzing aspects of the ´Ethiopian' tyranny ( &hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=3);it reflects an undeniable historical reality. Your Excellency, The term Genocide starts with the improper, criminal use of the name of 'Ethiopia' for the country ruled by the Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians. The
  • 3. correct name of the country is Abyssinia; under the use of the term 'Ethiopia' is hidden Africa's most excruciating – cultural, spiritual and physical – Genocide. I have noticed your ceaseless effort to strengthen India's presence in Abyssinia; I believe that you must have already noticed the first building of bank in that country on a nice small picture dating back in 1905; you certainly know that the name of the institution was 'Bank of Abyssinia'. The name of the country changed during the 1940s and the 1950s, following the political advice given by colonial England and France and afterthe conclusions drawn by the ruling Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians as regards the perpetuation of their illegal occupation of the lands of other nations. In other words, the historically fallacious use of the national name of ´Ethiopia´, which consists in utter usurpation of a national name of another land and nation, was viciously conceived and tyrannically implemented in order to justify the aforementioned Genocide through the execrable and evil plan providing for the religious, cultural, linguistic, social, behavioural, and political amharization of the subjugated nations. However, the subjugated nations never renounced their rights to Independent Nationhood and Homeland. The Historical and Political Truth about Abyssinia is synopsized in the following points: 1. Tiny, isolated, early 19th c. Abyssinia invadedothernations' lands, extendingits territory for ca. 15 times. Originated from Yemen, the Abyssinians (presently divided into Amhara and Tigray), after a long period of isolation and meager contribution to regional affairs, started expanding at the detriment of surrounding nations around the middle of the 19th century, due to an agreement with the English colonials; the basic political - diplomatic directions of the English – Abyssinian cooperation were anti-Catholic / anti-Italian and anti-Islamic / anti-Ottoman. At the epic moment of the Indian Rebellion (1857), when Hindu and Muslim Indian soldiers accused the East India Company of mass conversions of Hindus and Muslims to Christianity, the Oromos of Shoa had took the arms against the Abyssinian 'king' Tewodros, a coarse vagabond whose real name is Kassa Haile. The clash was due to the fact that he intended to invade and annex their lands, and impose his own nation's religion, culture and language – which all were totally alien to them. And only 12 years after Queen Victoria had been named Empress of India (1877), 'Menelik', another Abyssinian tramp whose real name is Sahle Mariam, proclaimed (1889) himself as "Emperor of Ethiopia" in order to imitate Ezana, the first christened king of Axumite Abyssinia, who had invaded Kush (Ethiopia) and added the name of Ethiopia to those of other subjugated realms. As Abyssinia's history is full of falsifications, it is essential to note here that every claim to royal descent is ludicrous, and the mythologized line of Abyssinian kings supposedly originating from the fictional Menelik, the son to King Solomon of Israel and the Yemenite Queen of Sheba, was compiled by the incredulous authors of the medieval Kebra Negast
  • 4. forgery without any reference to earlier historical sources. More credible is that you personally, Your Excellency, descend from the Great King Asoka than any Abyssinian tramp, preposterously self-styled ´king´ (or even more comically ´emperor´), originates from the historical Axumite Abyssinian kings. Anything prior to them is not historical but mythical, and if employed in today´s politics, racist, fascist, discriminatory and inhuman. 2. RealEthiopia is AncientSudan – Kush, the fatherland ofthe Eastern Kushites In fact, Ethiopia is a name given by the Ancient Greeks and Romans to the country immediately south of Egypt in the area of today´s Sudan. That country was known as Kas in Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic texts, Mat Kuusi in Ancient Assyrian – Babylonian Cuneiform texts, and Cush in Ancient Biblical Hebrew texts. Almost in every point of the Biblical text where Cush (Kush) was mentioned in the Hebrew Old Testament, the Septuagint translators wrote 'Ethiopia' in Ancient Greek. As we know much (through archeological excavations and Ancient Egyptian epigraphic evidence, and to lesser extent through the two non-deciphered Meroitic hieroglyphic and cursive writing systems) about the different phases of the great Kushitic civilization (which spanned over more than two and half millennia before the Abyssinian invasion – ca. 360 CE), we can understand very well that Ancient Kush / Meroe, in Sudan, i.e. the true Ethiopia, was totally unrelated to all the developments that led to the formation (during the last pre-Christian centuries) and the rise of the Axumite Abyssinian kingdom (4th – 6th century CE). The Abyssinians are, like the Ancient Yemenites, Semites – associated with the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Aramaeans, the Canaanites, the Phoenicians, the Jews, the Carthaginians, and the Arabs. The Ancient Ethiopians (also called Cushites and Meroites – from Meroe their last Pre-Christian capital in the area of today´s Bagrawiyah in Sudan) were of Cushitic origin – associated with the Modern Cushitic nations of the Horn of Africa, namely with the Oromos, the Sidamas, the Somalis, with the Berbers of Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, and with the Tuareg, the Fulani and the Hausa speaking nations of Western Africa. More analytically: Note: 3. Historical Christian Ethiopia waslocated in Sudan – being otherthan Axumite Abyssinia Although Axumite Abyssinia was surely christened first, Ethiopia (Kush / Sudan) adhered to Christianity a few decades after the Ezana's invasion of the south-eastern part of Ethiopia's territory. Quite interestingly, the Axumite occupation did not last much in the south-eastern part of the Ethiopian territory, and it did not contribute at all to the Christianization of Ethiopia (Sudan / Kush). Quite contrarily, Christianity
  • 5. was diffused in Ethiopia (Sudan / Kush) mostly from the North (Egypt). Three Christian Ethiopian states have been formed on today's Sudanese territory (i.e. on the historically true Ethiopia's soil) during the first half of the 5th century, namely Nobatia (around Faras in the area of today´s Sudanese – Egyptian border), Makuria (around Dongola, ca. 550 km in the south) and Alodia (around Khartoum). They controlled far larger territory than the area of the Abyssinian kingdom (ca. Axum and Adulis on the Red Sea coast), and they lasted much longer (Alodia collapsed ca. 1550 – 1600).Axum collapsed with the rise of Islam, and disappeared for centuries. The Agaw dynasty does not consist in a continuity of Axumite Abyssinia in any sense - ethnic identity and race, linguistic classification or royal / political ideology - except religion. And the rise of the Amhara Abyssinia through bloodshed does not in fact represent Agaw continuity but disruption. 4. Ethno-religiousbreakdown:the identity of the tyranny In today's Abyssinia, following the 19th – 20th century colonial expansion, an excruciating Semitic Amhara and Tigray Abyssinian tyranny has been imposed over the outright majority of the country, e.g. the masses of the subjugated nations that are all either Cushitic (Oromo, Ogadeni, Sidama, Afar, Shekacho, Kaffa,Kambaata, Gedeo and Hadiya) or Nilo-Saharan (Anuak,Berta, Nuer, Shinasha). Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians total ca.30% of the country's population. However, the complexity of the Abyssinian quagmire involves religious oppression as well, and this is practiced either against the aforementionednations (which adhere to various religions, namely Islam, Christianity and several historical African religions) or against the significant Abyssinian Muslim minority. As ruling ethno-religious group, the Monophysitic (Tewahedo) Abyssinians do not exceed 18% of the country's population. 5. The MonophysiticAbyssiniansare notproperChristians, but heretics. Their hatred against the Roman Catholic Church is proverbial. At the times of the Ottoman Empire and the Safevid Empire of Iran, it was better for a Catholic priest or missionary to spend years in Islamic territories than in the heinous, unrepentant Monophysitic Abyssinia. The following excerpt from the Catholic Encyclopedia New Advent highlights the sort of 'Christianity' that the Monophysitic Amhara and Tigray Abyssinian pseudo- diplomats represent. At the same time, it offers a summary of the Anti-Christian persecution that took place in this ominous country, the so-called 'friend of the Western Christians'. This is what the unrepresentative pseudo-diplomats of Abyssinia try to keep hidden from everyone:
  • 6. "The Sovereign Pontiffs, nevertheless, have bestowed a constant solicitude on the Christians of Ethiopia. The first missionaries sent to their aid were the Dominicans, whose success, however, roused the fanaticism of the Monophysites against them, and caused their martyrdom. For more than a hundred years silence enfolded the ruins of this Church. At a later period, the fame of the Crusades having spread, pilgrim monks, on their return from Jerusalem,wakened once more, by what they told in the Ethiopian court, the wish to be reunited to the Church. The Acts of the Council of Florence tell of the embassy sent by the Emperor Zéra- Jacob with the object of obtaining this result (1452). The union was brought about; but on their home journey, the messengers, while passing through Egypt, were given up to the schismatic Copts, and to the Caliph, and put to death before they could bring the good news to their native land. More than a hundred years later, in 1557, the JesuitFather Oviedo penetrated into Ethiopia. One of his successors,Father Paëz,succeeded in converting the Emperor Socinios himself. On 11 December, 1624, the Church of Abyssinia, abjuring the heresy of Eutyches and the schism of Dioscorus, was reunited to the true Church, a union which, unfortunately, proved to be only temporary. In 1632, the Negus Basilides mounted the throne. Addicted as he was to polygamy and to every vice, he showed himself the relentless enemy of Catholicism, and of its moral law. The Jesuits were handed over to the axe of the executioner, and Abyssinia remained closed to the missionaries until 1702.In that year, three Franciscans gotas far as Gondar, the capital, where they converted several princes.The Negus wrote with his own hand to Clement XI, professing his submission to His Holiness.Once more the hope proved futile. A palace revolution overthrew the Negus, and heresy again assumed the reigns of power. From then until the middle of the nineteenth century, a silence as of death lay on the Church of Abyssinia. In 1846, the Holy See divided Ethiopia into two Apostolic vicariates: that of Abyssinia, trusted to the Lazarists,and that of Galla, given to the Capuchins. In the former, the labors and successes of M. de Jacobus awakened the jealousy of the schismatic clergy. An ex-Emir of Cairo, who had become Abouna of Ethiopia, and a man of low birth named Kassa, who had been anointed Negus under the name of Theodoros, joined forces to persecute the Catholics,drive out the missionaries, and put them to death. The Negus Johannes IV, who succeeded Theodoros, followed in his predecessor's footsteps. His reign of twenty years was a time of trouble and suffering for the Catholics of Abyssinia". From: 6. Fake ´Ethiopia´: the world'smost inhuman tyranny – a brief enumerationofpractices With a brief enumeration of barbaric, inhuman and genocidal policies ceaselessly practiced by any 'Addis Ababa' regime (monarchical,pro-communist or pseudo- republican), I will close my reference to the unfortunate realm and the ominous tyranny that was repeatedly described as 21st century Hell, Cenotaph or Morgue 'Ethiopia'.
  • 7. As basic bibliographical reference, I would mention the excellent contribution by Prof. Mekuria Bulcha, 'The Making of the Oromo Diaspora - A Historical Sociology of Forced Migration' whereby the author identifies the roots of the Diaspora in slave trade and repressive regimes, while extensively giving details about the physical elimination of millions of Oromos in the 19th and the 20th centuries ( I would also add the collective volume 'Arrested Development in Ethiopia - Essays on Underdevelopment, Democracy and Self-Determination', edited by Seyoum Hameso and Mohammed Hassen, which provides the reader with a wider focus on Ogadenis, Oromos, Sidamas, Afars, and other subjugated nations ( Note: So systematic the multi-faceted and multi-layered genocide perpetrated by the Monophysitic Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians was that it involved the following measures for the survivors, all those who escaped physical annihilation: 1 - Prohibition of use of their language 2 - Prohibition of use of their own writing system (if extant, otherwise prohibition of introduction of a writing system) 3 - Prohibition of practice of religious rituals, rites, ceremonies, and acts of faith 4 - Prohibition of practice of all traditional customs and procedures of social order 5 - Prohibition of selection of representatives empowered to represent the tyrannized nations at all levels, local, regional, national, and of course international 6 - Prohibition of the study of their past, history, language, culture and society 7 - Prohibition of attendance at the primary and secondary education, and atthe universities, except for few cases of culturally alienated renegades 8 - Imposition of an alien language (Amharic) and of an alien writing system (that derived from the Axumite Abyssinian Ge´ez writing system) as compulsory means of communication through all levels of education 9 - Imposition of an alien language and writing system (as above) as official language throughout the annexed territories of the tyrannized nations 10 - Selection and imposition of few renegades among the subjugated and oppressed nations so that they, functioning as fake representatives, facilitate the imposition of the state tyranny. 11 - Promotion of high treason among the subjugated Nations as the only chance for materially respectable survival
  • 8. 12 - Expropriation of lands, forests and pasturages 13 - Prohibition of any major economic activity for the entire population of all the subjugated nations 14 - Imposition of a bogus-historical dogma of purely racist nature (Ethiopianism), according to which there is a nation called 'Ethiopian', which is made out of all the tyrannized subjugated nations and the cruel, ruling Abyssinians. This criminal fabrication is the bias through which the Amhara Monophysitic Abyssinians villainously try to abyssinianize the outright majority of the country. 15 - Imposition of a systematic policy of abyssinianization at the level of language, writing system, religion, culture, social-behavioural system, and political life. The recent festivities (September 2007) of the false 'Ethiopian Millennium' are a mere example, because the Ethiopian Millennium reflects the cultural values of only 18% of the country´s entire population) Note: 16 - Systematic deprecation of all the subjugated peoples, and of their cultures, languages, historical past, religions and social-behavioural systems, involving differentiation within purely racist context. Note: These are the incorrigible and unrepentant Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians, who have – shamelessly for human beings – manned the successive tyrannical regimes (monarchical, communist and pseudo-republican) down to our days; through combinations of the aforementioned practices, they even attempt now to present themselves, under the mask of various Ethio-fascist political formations, namely the racist parties Kinijit and Ginbot 7, as the 'only alternative' to the ruthless tyrant Zenawi. Note: 7. Abyssinian (Fake 'Ethiopian')Presence in Somalia is Historical Revenge, Anti-SomaliRacism, and EvilOdium Focusing on Monophysitic Abyssinian deeds perpetrated out of the borders of the aforementioned Cenotaph´Ethiopia´,one attests numerous examples of incessant
  • 9. Monophysitic Abyssinian racism in Somalia where Zenawi´s thugs, fallaciously impersonating a national army (whereas they are exclusively Monophysitic Abyssinians representing only 18% of the total population of 'Ethiopia'), butcher Somalis in mosques, fuel fratricidal strife, and support secessionist pseudo- governments (like those of the illegal 'states' Somaliland and Puntland). Note: If one finds it difficult to believe that a human nation could possibly express such paranoid and evil hatred, as the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians do against the Somalis, one has to better focus on the History of the Horn of Africa region, which represents some of the most illustrious pages of the Islamic Civilization. The inhuman anti-Somali racist hysteria of the Abyssinians dates back to the days of the legendary Somali King Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim of Awdal whose invasion of Abyssinia in the early 16th century was about to terminate the existence of the tiny Abyssinian state, which was saved by the Portuguese. The great historical Annals under the title Futuh al Habasha, written by the 16th c. Yemeni historian Shehab ad Din Ahmad bin Abd el Qader consist in this regard in a great narrative revealing the traditionally inhuman atrocities and the evil plans of the then tiny, rancorous and perversely Anti-Islamic kingdom of Abyssinia. The Great Somali King Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim of Awdal, one of the greatest Africans of all times, has been erratically vilified as Mohamed Gragn for centuries in rancorous, perverse Abyssinia, and there is abundant literature on the subject – enough to reject all possible Abyssinian lies and pretensions of good intentions, goodwill and friendly predisposition. Note: habasha-by.html In other words, while pursuing revengeful policies, the Abyssinians in Somalia fight against historical ghosts, thus spreading death among living human beings. At the same time, they promote their already unveiled plans for a vast colonial empire spanning from Egypt to Tanzania. Questionsfor the Indian Ambassadorin Abyssinia to answer Your Excellency, I am sure you understand that, by serving as Ambassador of India, you don't represent your co-religionists only, but your entire country. And I want still to believe that you are not motivated against Islam, and your country's vast Muslim populations, who – as you know very well – totally disagree with your reported discourse. 1. You reportedly said that "Ethiopia's contribution toward ensuring peace in the
  • 10. Horn of Africa and the continent as a whole is commendable". What is "commendable", AmbassadorSingh? Massacres inside the mosques of Mogadishu, perpetrated by the criminal, inhuman,and evil Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinian thugs? 2. You reportedly said that "the country´s contribution to the stability of the continent is huge and deserves encouragement". What is "stability" for you, Ambassador Singh? Ceaseless fights and massacres everywhere in Somalia; is this "stability" for you? Would you like to see the same happening back in your country, so that you get a more illuminated, inward vision of how it feels? 3. You reportedly said that "India supports the policy of Ethiopia toward securing durable peace in the continent" and "thatthe policy is highly useful as it is action oriented". What is "durable peace" for you, Ambassador Singh? Voiceless corpses in the streets of occupied Somalia, in the squares of occupied Ogaden, in the roads of occupied Oromia, in the pathways of occupied Sidama Land, in the fields of Anuak Land, and in the villages of the Shekacho Land? Whatis the action you dare laud, Ambassador? Genocides? Is this Gandhi's India or an evil replica of Freemasonic Colonial England at its worst? 4. You reportedly said that "Ethiopia is a country where different nations and nationalities as well as religions co-exist peacefully and harmoniously. These are important indicators for other countries to follow". Are you unaware of the aforementioned genocides that occurred in the country where you serve and you have to monitor all local developments? Or are you eventually a common liar, Ambassador Singh? 5. You reportedly said that "Ethiopia's contribution in restoring peace and stability in Somalia is a courageous move that everyone recognizes". Who is "everyone" for you, Ambassador Singh? Speaking of Somalia, did you ask the leaders of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS), who have signed an internationally recognized Agreement with TFG in Djibouti? They have repeatedly denounced the evil presence of the Abyssinian criminals in Somalia, and they signed the Djibouti Agreement precisely in order to put an end to the barbaric presence of Africa's cruelest thugs in Somalia. If just one leader of the Alliance denounces the illegal and inhuman presence of Abyssinian soldiers in Somalia, you are proven liar – because, trying to serve dictator Zenawi and hide all your illegal deals with his administration, you said the unnecessary word "everyone". And actually all the ARS leaders repeatedly rejected the Abyssinian presence as the Focus of Evil. And this is quite enough to irrevocably refute you and irreversibly discredit you. Your Excellency, India has a millennia long glorious history, and offered to the rest of the Mankind
  • 11. some of the noblest and most humane concepts, principles, visions, and values. It would be tragic for the country and fateful for you, if for your tenure's success in commercial figures, you sold out the fair name of India. Hundreds of years of Sikhism and thousands of years of Indian Civilization look straight at your eyes. Will you deny them, Ambassador Singh, only for some more deals with an ailing tyrannical country loathed by more than 80% of its inhabitants? Best Regards, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis Note Picture: The heroic fighters of Somali resistance prove the Indian Ambassador at Abyssinia as liar; in fact, not "everyone" recognizes "Ethiopia's contribution in restoring peace and stability in Somalia" as "a courageous move". It's high time for the Ambassador to rectify.