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One Click Deployment with Jenkins

Florian Anderiasch / Thorsten Rinne
PHP Unconference 201 Hamburg

                                      © 201 Mayflower GmbH
„I rant a lot“

@anderiasch      Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 2
Team Lead / Scrum Master
Head of Open Source Labs

@ThorstenRinne             Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 3
Who are you?

       Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 4

       Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 5

         Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 6

     Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 7
Continuous Integration?

             Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 8
How much time do you
 need for a release?

           Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 9
More than a year?

          Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 10
6 - 12 months?

         Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 11
1 - 6 months?

        Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 12
2 - 4 weeks?

        Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 13
1 - 14 days?

        Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 14
1 - 24 hours?

        Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 15
Less than 15 minutes?

            Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 16
15 Minutes!

       Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 17
Why One Click

        Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 18
Everything is getting faster.

                Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 19
Faster feedback from
your customer / user

            Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 20
Faster ROI
(return on invest)

           Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 21
Faster response
if the market changes
                 Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 22
Developers are lazy.
            Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 23
Basic requirements

           Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 24
Agile software

         Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 25
Scrum or Kanban

         Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 26
Test Driven Development

             Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 27
Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 28
Continuous Integration

             Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 29
Continuous Inspection

            Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 30

       Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 31
Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 32

         Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 32
Scrum   Continuous
Kanban   Integration

                 Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 32
Scrum   Continuous Continuous
Kanban   Integration Inspection

                Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 32
Scrum   Continuous Continuous
Kanban   Integration Inspection

Continuous Deployment
                Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 32
Things you don‘t want.

             Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 33
Having your SVN repo in
your webserver‘s docroot.

              Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 34
Using SSH and vi and your
 root account on the live
      server. Never.

              Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 35
Who‘s still doing this? :-)

                Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 36
Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 37
What do we need?

         Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 38
First: a central build server

                 Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 39
Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 40
Continous Testing with

             Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 41

      Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 42
Test results at one central

               Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 43
Software metrics at one
     central page

             Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 44
Errors can be identified
  fast and then fixed
             Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 45

      Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 46
      Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 47
Continuous Integration in
      PHP projects

              Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 48

     Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 49
Continuous Inspection in
      PHP projects

              Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 50
PHP Depend
      Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 51

      Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 52

         Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 53
Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 54
Developer VM
Ubuntu 11.04

       Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 55
Testing VM + Jenkins VM:
      Ubuntu 11.04

              Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 56
Staging VMs:
  Frontend: Ubuntu 11.04
Backend: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

              Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 57
amazon AWS live:
  Frontend: Ubuntu 11.04
Backend: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

              Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 58
Front Nodes
 PHP 5.3 with APC
Zend Framework 1.1  1
   dojo toolkit 1.6
    Doctrine 2.1
            Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 59
Backend Nodes
MySQL Master/Slave
   Apache Solr
 PHP 5.3 with APC
          Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 60
Development workflow

           Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 61
1. git workflow
$ git   add Foo.php
$ git   commit -m ″Bar″
$ ant   jslint
$ ant   phpunit
$ git   push

               Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 62
2. Post commit hook

Build triggered on Jenkins

                Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 63
Jenkins build checks

            Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 64
1. PHPUnit Build:
Controller Tests (Zend_Test)
  PHP Code Coverage

                Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 65
2. Debian Package Build

             Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 66
3. Deploy to staging
4. Deploy staging to live

              Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 67
What is a build process?

              Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 68
ant sync
  ant clean
ant db-update
 ant phpunit
  ant phpcb
   ant deb
         Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 69
ant phpunit
  description="Run all tests">
  <exec executable="phpunit"
    <arg line="--configuration $
{basedir}/tests/phpunit-verbose.xml $
{basedir}/tests/AllTests.php" />

                        Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 70
         Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 71
Build Debian Package
ant autoloader
  ant phpunit
    ant clean
 ant compilejs
ant compilecss
            Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 72
ant deb (I)
   description="Generate Debian package">
   <exec executable="gpg">
     <arg value="--armor" />
     <arg value="--import" />
     <arg value="scripts/build/deb/" />
   <buildnumber />

                        Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 73
ant deb (II)
<exec executable="git"
  <arg value="describe" />
  <arg value="--always" />
  <arg value="--match" />
  <arg value="" />
<touch file="debian/changelog" />
<move file="debian/changelog"
      tofile="debian/changelog.old" />

                     Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 74
ant deb (III)
   <exec executable="git"
     <arg value="log" />
     <arg value="-n" />
     <arg value="1" />
     <arg value='--format=format:mapolis-
web (${build.number}-${githash})
unstable; urgency=low%n%n * %s%n%n --
%an &lt;%ae&gt; %aD%n%n' />

                        Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 75
ant deb (IV)
<concat destfile="debian/changelog">
   file="debian/" />
   file="debian/changelog.old" />
<delete file="debian/" />
<delete file="debian/changelog.old" />

                     Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 76
ant deb (V)
   <exec executable="dpkg-buildpackage">
     <arg value="-b" />
     <arg value="-v${build.number}-$
{githash}" />
     <arg value="-Zlzma" />
     <arg value="-z9" />
     <arg value="-k78532445" />
     <arg value="-pgpg" />
     <arg value="-sgpg" />
     <arg value="-mMayflower Mapolis Team
&lt;;" />

                        Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 77
ant deb (VI)
  <move todir="build/deb/">
   <fileset dir="${basedir}/../">
     <include name="mapolis*.deb" />
     <include name="mapolis*.changes" />
  <exec executable="dpkg-buildpackage">
     <arg value="-Tclean" />

                       Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 78
Deploy Staging
     ant clean
   ant deb-sign
ant db-staging-up
scp to all hosts

          Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 79
Deploy Staging to live
scp to all hosts

             Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 80
Disadvantages and

          Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 81
Build time
15 min on harddisk
  massive disk i/o
4 min on ramdisk :-)

            Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 82
Complexity beginning such
    a infrastructure

              Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 83
Single point of failure!

              Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 84
Cool stuff
which is now possible

            Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 85
Deploy by customer. :-)
              Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 86
Jenkins Chuck Norris Plugin

                Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 87
git bisect start

         Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 88
Minimum time from
bugreport to deploy:
    30 minutes

            Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 89
$ git branch hotfix-2011-08-22
$ git checkout hotfix-2011-08-22
$ git reset --hard "last stable sha-1"
$ git cherry-pick "hotfix sha-1"
$ echo build.number=23 > build.number
$ ant deb
$ scp build/deb/*.deb
$ git checkout master
$ git push origin hotfix-2011-08-10

                         Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 90

       Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I   Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 91
Thank you very much for your attention!

Contact   Florian Anderiasch              Thorsten Rinne

          +49 89 242054-1   134           +49 89 242054-31

          Mayflower GmbH                   Mayflower GmbH
          Mannhardtstr. 6                 Mannhardtstr. 6
          80538 München                   80538 München
          Germany                         Germany

                                                                       © 201 Mayflower GmbH

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One Click Deployment with Jenkins - PHP Unconference 2011

  • 1. One Click Deployment with Jenkins Florian Anderiasch / Thorsten Rinne PHP Unconference 201 Hamburg 1, © 201 Mayflower GmbH 1
  • 2. DevOp „I rant a lot“ @anderiasch Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 2
  • 3. Team Lead / Scrum Master Head of Open Source Labs @ThorstenRinne Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 3
  • 4. Who are you? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 4
  • 5. Developers? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 5
  • 6. Administrators? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 6
  • 7. DevOps? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 7
  • 8. Continuous Integration? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 8
  • 9. How much time do you need for a release? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 9
  • 10. More than a year? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 10
  • 11. 6 - 12 months? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 11
  • 12. 1 - 6 months? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 12
  • 13. 2 - 4 weeks? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 13
  • 14. 1 - 14 days? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 14
  • 15. 1 - 24 hours? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 15
  • 16. Less than 15 minutes? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 16
  • 17. 15 Minutes! Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 17
  • 18. Why One Click Deployment? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 18
  • 19. Everything is getting faster. Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 19
  • 20. Faster feedback from your customer / user Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 20
  • 21. Faster ROI (return on invest) Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 21
  • 22. Faster response if the market changes Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 22
  • 23. Developers are lazy. Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 23
  • 24. Basic requirements Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 24
  • 25. Agile software development Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 25
  • 26. Scrum or Kanban Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 26
  • 27. Test Driven Development Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 27
  • 28. Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 28
  • 29. Continuous Integration Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 29
  • 30. Continuous Inspection Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 30
  • 31. Refactoring Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 31
  • 32. Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 32
  • 33. Scrum Kanban Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 32
  • 34. Scrum Continuous Kanban Integration Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 32
  • 35. Scrum Continuous Continuous Kanban Integration Inspection Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 32
  • 36. Scrum Continuous Continuous Kanban Integration Inspection Continuous Deployment Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 32
  • 37. Things you don‘t want. Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 33
  • 38. Having your SVN repo in your webserver‘s docroot. Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 34
  • 39. Using SSH and vi and your root account on the live server. Never. Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 35
  • 40. Who‘s still doing this? :-) Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 36
  • 41. Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 37
  • 42. What do we need? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 38
  • 43. First: a central build server Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 39
  • 44. Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 40
  • 45. Continous Testing with PHPUnit Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 41
  • 46. Advantages Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 42
  • 47. Test results at one central page Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 43
  • 48. Software metrics at one central page Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 44
  • 49. Errors can be identified fast and then fixed Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 45
  • 50. Awareness Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 46
  • 51. Awareness! Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 47
  • 52. Continuous Integration in PHP projects Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 48
  • 53. PHPUnit DocBlox Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 49
  • 54. Continuous Inspection in PHP projects Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 50
  • 55. PHPCS PHP Depend PHPMD phpcpd jslint Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 51
  • 56. jslint? yes! Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 52
  • 57. Infrastructure Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 53
  • 58. Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 54
  • 59. Developer VM Ubuntu 11.04 Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 55
  • 60. Testing VM + Jenkins VM: Ubuntu 11.04 Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 56
  • 61. Staging VMs: Frontend: Ubuntu 11.04 Backend: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 57
  • 62. amazon AWS live: Frontend: Ubuntu 11.04 Backend: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 58
  • 63. Front Nodes Varnish nginx PHP 5.3 with APC Zend Framework 1.1 1 dojo toolkit 1.6 Doctrine 2.1 Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 59
  • 64. Backend Nodes MySQL Master/Slave Apache Solr PHP 5.3 with APC RabbitMQ ejabberd Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 60
  • 65. Development workflow Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 61
  • 66. 1. git workflow $ git add Foo.php $ git commit -m ″Bar″ $ ant jslint $ ant phpunit ... $ git push Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 62
  • 67. 2. Post commit hook Build triggered on Jenkins Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 63
  • 68. Jenkins build checks Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 64
  • 69. 1. PHPUnit Build: Unittests Controller Tests (Zend_Test) PHP Code Coverage Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 65
  • 70. 2. Debian Package Build Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 66
  • 71. 3. Deploy to staging 4. Deploy staging to live Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 67
  • 72. What is a build process? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 68
  • 73. ant sync ant clean ant db-update parallelTasks: ant phpunit ant phpcb ant deb Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 69
  • 74. ant phpunit <target name="phpunit" depends="db-test" description="Run all tests"> <exec executable="phpunit" failonerror="true"> <arg line="--configuration $ {basedir}/tests/phpunit-verbose.xml $ {basedir}/tests/AllTests.php" /> </exec> </target> Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 70
  • 75. parallelTasks: php_depend phpmd phpunit phpcpd phpcs jslint Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 71
  • 76. Build Debian Package ant autoloader ant phpunit ant clean ant compilejs ant compilecss Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 72
  • 77. ant deb (I) <target name="deb" depends="autoloader,phpunit- coverage,clean,autoloader,compilejs,compi lecss" description="Generate Debian package"> <exec executable="gpg"> <arg value="--armor" /> <arg value="--import" /> <arg value="scripts/build/deb/" /> </exec> <buildnumber /> Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 73
  • 78. ant deb (II) <exec executable="git" outputproperty="githash"> <arg value="describe" /> <arg value="--always" /> <arg value="--match" /> <arg value="" /> </exec> <touch file="debian/changelog" /> <move file="debian/changelog" tofile="debian/changelog.old" /> Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 74
  • 79. ant deb (III) <exec executable="git" output="debian/"> <arg value="log" /> <arg value="-n" /> <arg value="1" /> <arg value='--format=format:mapolis- web (${build.number}-${githash}) unstable; urgency=low%n%n * %s%n%n -- %an &lt;%ae&gt; %aD%n%n' /> </exec> Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 75
  • 80. ant deb (IV) <concat destfile="debian/changelog"> <fileset file="debian/" /> <fileset file="debian/changelog.old" /> </concat> <delete file="debian/" /> <delete file="debian/changelog.old" /> Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 76
  • 81. ant deb (V) <exec executable="dpkg-buildpackage"> <arg value="-b" /> <arg value="-v${build.number}-$ {githash}" /> <arg value="-Zlzma" /> <arg value="-z9" /> <arg value="-k78532445" /> <arg value="-pgpg" /> <arg value="-sgpg" /> <arg value="-mMayflower Mapolis Team &lt;;" /> </exec> Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 77
  • 82. ant deb (VI) <move todir="build/deb/"> <fileset dir="${basedir}/../"> <include name="mapolis*.deb" /> <include name="mapolis*.changes" /> </fileset> </move> <exec executable="dpkg-buildpackage"> <arg value="-Tclean" /> </exec> </target> Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 78
  • 83. Deploy Staging ant clean ant deb-sign ant db-staging-up scp to all hosts Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 79
  • 84. Deploy Staging to live scp to all hosts Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 80
  • 85. Disadvantages and problems Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 81
  • 86. Build time 15 min on harddisk massive disk i/o 4 min on ramdisk :-) Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 82
  • 87. Complexity beginning such a infrastructure Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 83
  • 88. Jenkins: Single point of failure! Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 84
  • 89. Cool stuff which is now possible Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 85
  • 90. Deploy by customer. :-) Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 86
  • 91. Jenkins Chuck Norris Plugin Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 87
  • 92. git bisect start $BAD $GOOD Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 88
  • 93. Minimum time from bugreport to deploy: 30 minutes Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 89
  • 94. $ git branch hotfix-2011-08-22 $ git checkout hotfix-2011-08-22 $ git reset --hard "last stable sha-1" $ git cherry-pick "hotfix sha-1" $ echo build.number=23 > build.number $ ant deb $ scp build/deb/*.deb opt/repository/ $ git checkout master $ git push origin hotfix-2011-08-10 Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 90
  • 95. Questions? Continuous Improvement in PHP Projects I Mayflower GmbH I 25th February I 91
  • 96. Thank you very much for your attention! Contact Florian Anderiasch Thorsten Rinne +49 89 242054-1 134 +49 89 242054-31 Mayflower GmbH Mayflower GmbH Mannhardtstr. 6 Mannhardtstr. 6 80538 München 80538 München Germany Germany © 201 Mayflower GmbH 1