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Old Testament (OT) Journey
Lesson 30: Jeremiah, Jehovah throws
Old Testament Summary
The Patriarchal Ages
The Judges
The Reign of Royalty
The Prophetic Era
OT Journey- The Prophetic Era
• The Early Prophets
• Elijah, Elisha
• Isaiah, the Lord has Saved
• Jeremiah, Jehovah
• Daniel, Highly Esteemed
of God
• Daniel, Visions of the
• Ezekiel, the Watchman
• The Minor Prophets
• Israel Restored to Receive
Presentation Overview
Jeremiah, Jehovah throws
• Outline and Summary
• Jeremiah Purified
• Jeremiah and the Potter
• Jeremiah Prepared
• Jeremiah Prophecies Persecution
of Jews
• Jeremiah Pulverises Popularity
• Jeremiah Prays, Preaches and
• Jeremiah Prophecies Messiah,
New Covenant
• Read Jeremiah, Lamentations
• Study Jeremiah 31-33. Get learnings on the new
• What does Jeremiah foretell on the future of Israel? Study
Jeremiah 18:1-12
Timeline of the Prophets
rebuilt 444
Key Theme: Divine judgment is at hand
Key Purpose -To:
 Demonstrate God’s judgment over Judah as it gets
overthrown by its enemies
 Highlight that this is only for purification purposes as God
waits for His people to repent
 Unveil the promise of the Messiah (Jesus) and new
covenant as hope in darkness
Key verse
Jeremiah’s Audience
Jeremiah proclaimed a message of:
• Doom to the rebels before the Babylonian
captivity (Jer. 1-39)
• Hope to the remnant who were
discouraged(Jer. 40-52) (Lamentations 3)
Jeremiah Authorship
• Jeremiah means “Jehovah
• Several ancient writers say
that Jeremiah was stoned to
death (by the Jews), in
Tahpanhes, Egypt.
• Jeremiah’s life spans pre-exile
and exile reflected in his
Jeremiah the Man
• Jeremiah, facing intense persecution and rejection,
wanted to resign, but he had a burning desire to proclaim
God’s word ( Jeremiah 20:7-9)
• The pagan king of Babylon took better care of him
(Jeremiah 39:11,12)
• He was not allowed to marry (Jeremiah16:1-4)
• He completely identified with Israel’s sin (Lamentations)
• Jeremiah was finally exiled in Egypt (Jeremiah 43:1-7)
Jeremiah, Lamentations Outline
• Jeremiah dictated his words to his scribe, Baruch
(Jeremiah 36:1-4,27-32; 51:64)
• Not chronological, the books cover:
• Call of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1)
• Prophecies of doom (Jeremiah 2-29)
• Prophecies of hope (Jeremiah 30-33)
• Siege and fall of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 34-39)
• Jeremiah laments but hopes (Lamentations)
• Post Jerusalem fall (Jeremiah 40-44)
• Prophecies to foreign nations (Jeremiah 46-51)
• Fall of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 52)
Date of Jeremiah’s Books
• Jeremiah prophesied approximately 46 years,
627-580 B.C. The book Jeremiah was also
written during the time.
• Lamentations was likely written between 586 and
575 B.C., during or soon after Jerusalem’s fall
Jeremiah Commissioned
Jeremiah 1:9 Then the
LORD reached out his
hand and touched my
mouth and said to me, "I
have put my words in
your mouth”.
Jeremiah and the Potter
Whenever a pot turns out
badly, the potter simply
starts over.
Jeremiah 18:5
Then God’s Message
came to me: “Can’t I do
just as this potter
does, people of Israel?”
The Potter and the Clay
Jeremiah 11:14 “Do not
pray for this people..,
because I will not listen...
Jer 33:3 ‘Call to me and I
will answer you...’
• 4 I will slay in my anger
and wrath.. because of all
its wickedness.
• 6 “Nevertheless, I will
bring health and healing
to it
• 7 I will bring Judah and
Israel back from captivity
and will rebuild them.
The Potters Field [1]
Jeremiah, Zechariah Matthew
1 In Jeremiah 19:1 Chief priests
and elders purchase from the
potter a pot – a symbol of God’s
judgments against themselves
In Matt 27:7, chief priests
and elders purchase plot
– a symbol of God’s
2 In Jeremiah 19.10 the earthen
container bought from the potter
was cast down in front of his
opponents again in his case as a
symbol of judgment and as a
portent of destruction of
Jerusalem. Also refer Zechariah
In Matthew 26.15; 27:3,
5, Judas betrays Jesus
for 30 pieces of silver and
casts the 30 pieces of
silver down to the elders
in the temple
The Potters Field (Cont’d)
Jeremiah, Zechariah Matthew
3 In Jeremiah 19:6 the valley
where the casting down took
place had its name changed to
the Valley of Slaughter
In Matt 27:8, the field
bought by the chief priests
was known as field of
4 And in Jeremiah 32:7-14 field’s
title deeds were put in an
earthen container similar to that
bought from the potter in
Jeremiah 19:1. This signified
that after judgment had come,
mercy would follow so that
fields would have value again
After Christ’s death and
subsequent judgment to
the Jews, mercy would
follow and they will be the
light of the nations once
Jeremiah Prepared
Jeremiah 12:5 "If you
have raced with men
on foot and they have
worn you out, how can
you compete with
Jeremiah Laments (Lamentations 1,4)
Identifies with Israel’s state
Hope in Despair
Lamentations 3: 22 The Lord’s loving
kindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
Hope in Despair (Lamentations 3)
Right Response
Bear the
Return to
All Powerful God
Lamentations 3: 37 Who is there who speaks and it comes
to pass, unless the Lord has commanded
it? 38 Is it not from the mouth of the Most High
That both good and ill go forth?
Jeremiah Pulverises Popularity Prophets
Jeremiah 23:16,17 “Don’t listen to
the sermons of the prophets.
It’s all hot air. Lies, lies, and more
They make it all up.
Not a word they speak comes
from me.
They preach their ‘Everything Will
Turn Out Fine’ sermon
to congregations with no taste
for God,
Their ‘Nothing Bad Will Ever Happen
to You’ sermon
to people who are set in their own
ways.– The Message
Jeremiah’s Prophesies Jesus’ Rule
Jeremiah 33:15 “‘In those
days and at that time I will
make a
righteous Branch
sprout from David’s line;
he will do what is just and
right in the land’
Jeremiah Prophecies Persecution of Jews
Jeremiah 30:7
Alas! For that
day is great,
So that none is like
And it is the time of
Jacob’s trouble, But
he shall be saved out of
Jeremiah’s Prophesies New Covenant
Jeremiah 31:33 "The days
are coming," declares the
LORD, "when I will make
a new covenant with
the people of Israel and
with the people of
Judah…. for they shall
all know me, from the
least of them to the
greatest, declares
the LORD. For I will forgive
their iniquity, and I will
remember their sin no
Jeremiah Prophesies Nations Uniting to
Worship Christ
Jeremiah 3:17 At that
time they will call
Jerusalem The Throne
of the Lord, and all
nations will gather
in Jerusalem to
honor the name of the
Lord. No longer will they
follow the stubbornness
of their evil hearts.
Jeremiah Prophecies Good Shepherds
Jeremiah 23:3 “I myself
will gather the remnant of
my flock out of all the
countries where I have
driven them 4 I will place
shepherds over
them who will
tend them, and they
will no longer be afraid or
terrified, nor will any be
missing,” declares the
Jeremiah – Regathering of Israel
Jeremiah 23:7–8 “Therefore, behold, the days are coming,”
says the LORD, “that they shall no longer say, ‘As
the LORD lives who brought up the children of Israel from
the land of Egypt,’ but, ‘As the LORD lives who brought up
and led the descendants of the house of Israel from
the north country and from all the
countries where I had driven them.’ And they shall
dwell in their own land.” (NKJV)
• What are common features of Jeremiah’s time and
today’s age
• How can we respond to God’s commission in the current
times to the saved? Unsaved?
• What responses can we expect from the saved?
• What motivates the prophets to lead a lonely life of
constant rejection?
References: Babylonian Captivity
Date Deportation Captives Taken
(first year)*
First Nobles, Daniel
(2 K. 24:1; Dan. 1:1-2)
(seventh year)*
Second Jehoiachin,
(2 K. 24:12; Jer.
52:28; Ezk. 1:1-2)
(nineteenth year)*
Third Jerusalem
(2 K. 25:8; Jer. 52:29)
(twenty-third year)*
Small Group of
745 Jews
(Jer. 52:30)
* Years of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar
Old Testament (OT) Journey
Lesson 31: Daniel, Highly Esteemed by God
Old Testament Summary
The Patriarchal Ages
The Judges
The Reign of Royalty
The Prophetic Era
OT Journey- The Prophetic Era
• The Early Prophets
• Elijah, the Prophet who
never died
• Isaiah, the Lord has Saved
• Jeremiah, Jehovah Throws
• Daniel, Highly Esteemed
of God
• Daniel, Visions of the
• Ezekiel, the Watchman
• The Minor Prophets
• Israel Restored to Receive
Timeline of The Prophets
rebuilt 444
Daniel, Highly Esteemed of God
Presentation Overview
Daniel never compromised on
• Food
• Worship
• Integrity
• Prayer
• Wisdom
Daniel, Highly Esteemed of God
• Daniel is flashed as a model in the business/ professional
world for his unique combination of professional as well
as spiritual leadership.
• Above all, he was highly esteemed by God
Daniel 10:11 He said to me, “O Daniel, man of high
esteem, understand the words that I am about to tell you
and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you.”
Daniel 10:19 He said, “O man of high esteem, do not
be afraid. Peace be with you; take courage and be
Daniel - Authorship
1. The book directly states that Daniel
was the human author (Daniel 10:2,
2. The author shows a remarkable
knowledge of Babylonian and Persian
customs and culture.
3. Jesus said Daniel was the author
(Matt 24:15).
Outline of Daniel
The traditional approach: chapters 1-6: historical
chapters 7-12: prophetic
The linguistic approach: chapter 1-2:4a: introduction
(in Hebrew)
chapters 2:4b-7: Aramaic
(referring to Gentiles)
chapters 8-12: Hebrew
(referring to Jews)
Daniel 1-6 3rd person
Daniel 7-12 1st person
Why were Jewish Youths taken?
• Secure Jehoiakim’s loyalty (hostages)
• Train future leaders in Babylonians ways.
• Remind Nebuchadnezzar of his success in battle.
• Bring the best and most gifted people into the empire.
Pool the best brains and abilities.
The Requirements
• Heritage – Royalty
• Age – “youths” (14-17 years old)
• Physical – “no defect” (healthy) “good-looking” (physically
• Mental – “insight in all wisdom,” “knowers of knowledge,”
and “understanders of knowledge”
• Social – “ability to stand in the king’s court” (personality,
The Brainwashing Process
Language and
The Regimen
Daniel 1:5b “And
appointed that they
should be educated
three years at the end
of which they were to
enter the king’s
personal service”
The Language and Literature
Daniel 1:4b “and he ordered him to teach them the
literature and language of the Chaldeans
The Chaldeans accumulated literature included
omens, magical incantations, prayers, hymns,
myths, legends, scientific formulae for skills such
as glass-making, mathematics and astrology.
New Lifestyle
Daniel 1:5 And the king
appointed for them a daily
ration from the king’s
choice food and from the
wine which he drank
• To solicit good will and a
sense of obligation
• To insure that they were
• To get them accustomed
to the good life
New Loyalty
Name Meaning
Daniel (God is my
Belteshazzar (Bel
protect his life
Hananiah (Yahweh is
Shadrach (Aku is
Mishael (Who is what
God is)
Meshach (Who is what
Aku is)
Azariah (Yahweh is my
Abednego (Servant of
New Identity
It’s objective was:
To demonstrate control
A gesture giving credit
to the gods of Babylon
To further divorce and
alienate the young
men from their
background and
assimilate them into
Babylonian life.
Daniel’s Stand
While he excelled in his
work and knowledge of
the culture, when a
conflict arose
• He never
• He never allowed
himself to be
Daniel, never Compromised
• On Food
• On Worship
• On Integrity
• On Prayer
• On Wisdom
• Daniel’s visions
Daniel Refuses the King’s Food
But Daniel resolved
not to defile himself
with the royal food and
wine, and he asked the
chief official for
permission not to defile
himself this way. Daniel
God Gives them Wisdom
Daniel 1:17 To these four young men
God gave knowledge and
understanding of all kinds of literature
and learning. And Daniel could
understand visions and dreams of all
On Worship
• Daniel 3:12 But there are some Jews whom you
have set over the affairs of the province of
Babylon—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego—
who pay no attention to you, Your Majesty. They
neither serve your gods nor worship the image of
gold you have set up.”
God Walks with them in the Fire
Daniel 3:25 He said,
“Look! I see four
men walking
around in the fire,
unbound and
unharmed, and the
fourth looks like a
son of the gods.”
God gave him Supreme Favour
Daniel 6:3 Then Daniel began distinguishing himself above
the administrators and the satraps because an
exceptional spirit was in him, and so the king planned to
appoint him over the whole kingdom.
Daniel stood out,
not for his exceptional skills
but for his exceptional Spirit
On Integrity
Daniel 6:5Then these
men said, “We will not
find any pretext against
this Daniel unless we
find it in connection with
the law of his God.”
On Prayer
Daniel 6:10 Now when
Daniel learned that the
decree had been
published, he went
home.. Three times a
day he got down on his
knees and prayed,.. just
as he had done before.
On Prayer
In Chapter 8 and 9 we
see God’s seriousness in
responding to his prayer –
first through Gabriel and
next time probably Jesus
This is because he was
“highly esteemed” by
Daniel 9:23 “and I have
come to tell you, for you
are highly esteemed”
Daniel 10:11 “O Daniel,
man of high esteem”
God closes the mouth of lions
Daniel 6:22a My
God sent his
angel, and he
shut the mouths
of the lions.
Highly Esteemed by God
Daniel Continued
And Daniel continued even to the first
year of king Cyrus. Daniel 1:21
"As for you, go your way till the end.
You will rest, and then at the end of the
days you will rise to receive your
allotted inheritance.“ Daniel 12:13
Daniel survived through the reign of
three kings – a long blessed life
• What were Daniel’s faith survival secrets in a foreign
• What prevents us from taking the stand of Daniel? How
can we change our stance?
• In a corrupt world, how do we achieve the longevity that
Daniel did?
Old Testament (OT) Journey
Lesson 32: Daniel: Visions of the Future
Old Testament Summary
The Patriarchal Ages
The Judges
The Reign of Royalty
The Prophetic Era
OT Journey- The Prophetic Era
• The Early Prophets
• Elijah, the Prophet who
Never Died
• Isaiah, the Lord has saved
• Jeremiah, Jehovah Throws
• Daniel, Highly Esteemed of
• Daniel, Visions of the
• Ezekiel, the Watchman
• The Minor Prophets
• Israel Restored to Receive
Timeline of The Prophets
rebuilt 444
Presentation Overview
• Nebuchadnezzar’s visions
• Belshazzar – writing on the wall
• Daniel’s visions
• 4 beasts (ch 7)
• Ram and goat (ch 8), Gabriel’s explanation
• Gabriel’s response to prayer (ch 9) – 70 weeks
• God’s response to prayer (ch 10-12)
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream - Idol
Dream of Nebuchadnezzar,
King of Babylon interpreted by
Daniel after vision.
Kingdoms of the earth: Daniel
• Babylon (gold)
• Medo-Persia (silver)
• Greek - 4 part (bronze)
• Rome (iron)
• Divided kingdom (iron and
• God’s kingdom
Other Royal Visions
These are more short
• Nebuchadnazzar’s
second vision
• God brings down the
great King
• Balshazzar’s sees
writing on wall
• Kingdom given to
Medes and Persians
Daniel’s vision of four beasts – ch 7
• Lion with eagle’s wings
• Bear
• Leopard – 4 heads
• Beast-10 horns
representing world
powers from which
antichrist emerges – (1
very powerful horn)
destroying 3 kingdoms
• Christ’s kingdom rules
Daniel’s vision of ram and goat – ch 8
Gabriel’s interpretation
• Ram with 2 horns –
Medes, Persians
• Goat – Greece
• One powerful horn –
• Little horn – Antichrist
desecrates sanctuary for
2300 days
The Antichrist Daniel 8
Daniel’s Revelation New Testament Revelation
Vs 24 He will become very
strong, but not by his own
Rev 13:2 ... and the dragon gave him his
power, and his seat, and great authority.
Vs 24 He will cause
astounding devastation and
will succeed in whatever he
Rev 13:3-4 All the world wondered after the
beast... they worshipped the beast, saying,
Who is like the beast? Who is able to make
war with him?
Vs 24 He will destroy the
mighty men and the holy
Rev 13:7 And it was given unto him to make
war with the saints, and to overcome them.
The Antichrist Daniel 8
New Testament Revelation
Vs 25 He will cause
deceit to prosper,
and he will consider
himself superior.
Rev 13:5,13-14 It performs great signs... it deceives
those who dwell on earth.
2nd Thes 2:3-4,9-10 ... who opposes and exalts
himself against every so-called god or object of
Vs 25 When they
feel secure, he will
destroy many and
take his stand
against the Prince
of princes
1 Thess 5:2 While people are saying, "There is peace
and security," then sudden destruction will come upon
Rev 19:19 And I saw the beast and the kings of the
earth with their armies gathered to make war against
him who was sitting on the horse (Jesus – the King of
Vs 25 Yet he will be
destroyed, but not
by human power.
2 Thess 2:8 The lawless one will be revealed, whom
the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and
bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.
Daniel and Gabriel – 70 weeks (Daniel 9)
24 “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and
your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of
sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting
righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint
the most holy place. 25 So you are to know and discern
that from the issuing of a decree to restore and
rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there
will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built
again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress. 26
Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be
cut off (killed) and have nothing (but not
for himself),
One interpretation of 70 weeks (Dan 9)
• In Ezra 7 Artexerxes gives decree to rebuild temple in 457
• In Nehemiah 2 in 444 BC Artexerxes [4] gave decree to
rebuild walls of Jerusalem.
• The first 69 weeks (of years ie. 69*7 years), starting 444
BC. refer to the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and using Jewish
calendar could date to death of Christ (anointed one).
Interpretation of 70 weeks (Daniel 9)
• .. and the people of the prince who is to come
will destroy the city and the
sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even
to the end there will be war;
desolations are determined. V 26
• There appears to be a gap after the 69th week during
which Jerusalem and the temple is destroyed. There are
wars and desolation for the Jews.[1]
• The end is (v 27), Christ’s final and ultimate victory The
description of the final 7 years also seems to map to the 7
years of tribulation in ch 12, with the desolating sacrilege
in the temple / abomination of desolation.
Vision (ch 10)
Daniel sees a man – probably Jesus
5 dressed in linen, whose waist was girded with a
belt of pure gold of Uphaz. 6 .. his eyes were like flaming
torches, his arms and feet like the gleam of polished
bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a
tumult. Daniel 10
Compare with John’s vision of Jesus in Revelation a son of man, clothed in a robe.. girded across His
chest with a golden sash. 14 .. His eyes were like a flame
of fire. 15 His feet were like burnished bronze, when it has
been made to glow in a furnace, and His voice was like the
sound of many waters. Rev 1
Vision (ch 11)
Prophesy on:
• Rise and fall of Babylon, Persia, Greece (with division into
four), Antiochus; desolating sacrilege. Dan 11:1-35 – this
happened before Christ’s first coming
• Bridge (time gap from Christ’s time till 7 years prior to
second coming) - 35 Some of those who have insight will
fall, in order to refine, purge and make them pure until
the end time; because it is still to come at the appointed
time. V 35
• Antichrist, desolating sacrilege; final war, his final
destruction. v. 36 onward. (last 7 years, tribulation Christ’s
second coming)
Vision (ch 12)
• Great tribulation, rapture and judgment. (v 1-3) – this is a
description of those last 7 years
• Time frame: 3.5 years (time, times and half a time), till
(another) desolating sacrilege (first one was before
Christ’s first coming, second, before Christ’s second
coming)/ “1290 days till holy people are shattered.”
• Another 3.5 yrs- 1330 days for Christ’s complete victory.
• After this His royal reign of 1000 years will commence on
this earth – which will never be the same
Confusions in Daniel
• There are two similar sets of events prior to Christ’s first
coming and prior to Christ’s second coming which could
be confusing as there are:
• >1 anointed one/ prince (in 70 weeks) in different versions
• >1 reference to Rome – past and futuristic
• >1 King of North and King of South (in fact there are
several of these world powers referred as King of North
and King of South over the ages)– past and futuristic
• >1 abomination of desolation or desolating sacrilege –
past and futuristic
Confusions in Daniel
• > 1 period of 7 years (last vision) – also 2300 days (ram
and goat vision)
• > 1 period of 3.5 yrs (approx) – 1290, 1330 days, time,
times, half a time – past and futuristic. (last vision)
• Last week of 70 weeks could describe both first and
second coming of Christ (ch 9:24,25) – dual referencing
• In ch. 12 righteous and wicked rise in one sentence (in
Revelation there is 1000 years in between these two
• These apparent confusions are actually dual referencing –
similar events reoccurring – a biblical pattern
In the interim…
But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a
secret; seal up the book until the time
of the end, when many will rush here
and there, and knowledge will increase.
– Daniel 12:4
Even Daniel may have been confused and only
now we are beginning to piece things together.
Knowledge will continue to increase for the
anointed ones as time goes by.
Recap – Royal Visions
Long Term Vision – Powers through the ages till Christ reigns
• Nebuchadnezzar’s first vision: The idol represented Babylon,
Persia, Greece, Rome, (+ revived Rome – current age),
God’s rule
Short Term Visions – occurred during their reigns
• Nebuchadnezzar’s second vision: tree followed by his fall
• Belshazzar – writing on the wall followed by his fall
Recap – Daniel’s Visions
• 4 beasts (ch 7) Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome,
(+revived Rome – current age), God’s rule
• Ram and goat (ch 8) Gabriel’s explanation: Babylon,
Persia, Greece, desolating sacrilege, Antichrist rise
and fall, Christ’s rule.
• Daniel’s prayer and Gabriel’s response (ch 9) – 70
weeks: rise and fall of Jerusalem, Christ’s death,
desolating sacrilage, Antichrist.
• Daniel’s prayer and God’s response (ch 10) Babylon
Persia, Greece, Ch 11 (Antiochus, desolating
sacrilages, Antichrist), Ch 12 End times
1. What gave Daniel’s prayers such power that God’s
response was so prominent.
2. Why does God want to hide the future? (12 v 4,10)
3. What are some common aspects of all dreams (other
than short term)? What can we learn?
4. What lessons can we learn from Daniel’s life and
influence (on heaven and earth)?
Xerxes (Persia), Philip, Alexander
• 2 And now I will tell you the truth. Behold, three more
kings are going to arise in Persia. Then a fourth will gain
far more riches than all of them; as soon as he becomes
strong through his riches, he will arouse the whole empire
against the realm of Greece. 3 And a mighty king will
arise, and he will rule with great authority and do as he
Greece: Ptolemy, Seleucus, Lysimachus,
• 4 But as soon as he has arisen, his kingdom will be
broken up and parceled out toward the four points of the
compass, though not to his own descendants, nor
according to his authority which he wielded, for his
sovereignty will be uprooted and given to others besides
Ptolemy, called Soter, King of Egypt
• 5 “Then the king of the
South will grow strong,
along with one of his princes
who will gain ascendancy
over him and obtain
dominion; his domain will be
a great dominion indeed.
Antiochus 2, Laodice, Bernice (Ptolemy’s
• 6 After some years they will
form an alliance, and the
daughter of the king of the
South will come to the king of
the North to carry out a
peaceful arrangement. But
she will not retain her position
of power, nor will he remain
with his [l]power, but she will
be given up, along with those
who brought her in and the
one who sired her as well as
he who supported her in those
Bernice’s brother, Ptolemy III (South),
Selucus II, (North)
• 7 But one of the descendants of
her line will arise in his place,
and he will come against their
army and enter the fortress of
the king of the North, and he
will deal with them and display
great strength. 8 Also their gods
with their metal images and
their precious vessels of silver
and gold he will take into
captivity to Egypt, and he on his
part will [o]refrain from
attacking the king of the North
for some years. 9 Then the
latter will enter the realm of the
king of the South, but will return
to his own land.
Selucus III, Antiochus III (north), Ptolemy
IV (south) – Battle of Raphia
• attacks with 20000 killing tens of
• 10 “His sons will [q]mobilize and
assemble a multitude of great
forces; and one of them will keep on
coming and overflow and pass
through, that he may [r]again wage
war up to his very fortress.
• 11 The king of the South will be
enraged and go forth and fight
[s]with the king of the North. Then
the latter will raise a great multitude,
but that multitude will be given into
the hand of the former. 12 When the
multitude is carried away, his heart
will be lifted up, and he will cause
tens of thousands to fall; yet he will
not prevail.
Ptolemy Epiphenes attacked by Antiochus
III + Philip (Macedonia) +Jews
• 13 For the king of the North
will again raise a greater
multitude than the former, and
[u]after an interval of some
years he will [v]press on with
a great army and much
equipment. 14 “Now in those
times many will rise up
against the king of the South;
the violent ones among your
people will also lift themselves
up in order to fulfill the vision,
but they will fall down.
Antiochus the great captures Judea over Egypt,
gives daughter Cleopatra to Ptolemy Epiphenes
• 15 Then the king of the North will come, cast
up a siege ramp and capture a well-fortified
city; and the forces of the South will not stand
their ground, not even their choicest troops,
for there will be no strength to make a stand.
16 But he who comes against him will do as
he pleases, and no one will be able to
withstand him; he will also stay for a time in
the y]Beautiful Land, with destruction in his
hand. 17 He will set his face to come with the
power of his whole kingdom, bringing with
him a proposal of peace which he will put into
effect; he will also give him the daughter of
women to ruin it. But she will not take a stand
for him or be on his side. 18 Then he will turn
his face to the coastlands and capture many.
But a commander will put a stop to his scorn
against him; moreover, he will repay him for
his scorn. 19 So he will turn his face toward
the fortresses of his own land, but he will
stumble and fall and be found no more.
Selucus IV poisoned by tax collector Hellodorus. Rise
ofAntiochus Epiphenes, banquet with Ptolemy III (Dual)
• 20 “Then in his place one will arise who will send an
oppressor through the Jewel of his kingdom; yet
within a few days he will be shattered, though not in
anger nor in battle. 21 In his place a despicable
person will arise, on whom the honor of kingship has
not been conferred, but he will come in a time of
tranquility and seize the kingdom by intrigue. 22 The
overflowing forces will be flooded away before him
and shattered, and also the prince of the covenant.
23 After an alliance is made with him he will practice
deception, and he will go up and gain power with a
small force of people. 24 In a time of tranquility he
will enter the richest parts of the realm, and he will
accomplish what his fathers never did, nor his
ancestors; he will distribute plunder, booty and
possessions among them, and he will devise his
schemes against strongholds, but only for a time. 25
He will stir up his strength and courage against the
king of the South with a large army; so the king of
the South will mobilize an extremely large and
mighty army for war; but he will not stand, for
schemes will be devised against him. 26 Those who
eat his choice food will destroy him, and his army will
overflow, but many will fall down slain. 27 As for both
kings, their hearts will be intent on evil, and they will
speak lies to each other at the same table; but it will
not succeed, for the end is still to come at the
appointed time
Antiochus Epiphenes, plunders and desecrates
temple, massacres Jews (Dual)
• 28 Then he will return to his land with
much plunder; but his heart will be set
against the holy covenant, and he will take
action and then return to his own land.
• 29 “At the appointed time he will return and
come into the South, but this last time it will
not turn out the way it did before. 30 For
ships of Kittim will come against him;
therefore he will be disheartened and will
return and become enraged at the holy
covenant and take action; so he will come
back and show regard for those who
forsake the holy covenant. 31 Forces from
him will arise, desecrate the sanctuary
fortress, and do away with the regular
sacrifice. And they will set up the
abomination of desolation. 32 By smooth
words he will [ao]turn to godlessness those
who act wickedly toward the covenant, but
the people who know their God will display
strength and take action.
Antiochus Epiphanes, gap referring to
• 32 By smooth words he will turn to
godlessness those who act wickedly
toward the covenant, but the people who
know their God will display strength and
take action.
• 33 Those who have insight among the
people will give understanding to the
many; yet they will fall by sword and by
flame, by captivity and by plunder for
many days. 34 Now when they fall they
will be granted a little help, and many
will join with them in hypocrisy. 35 Some
of those who have insight will fall, in
order to refine, purge and make them
pure until the end time; because it is still
to come at the appointed time.
Antiochus, Future Antichrist -Dual
• 36 “Then the king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt
and magnify himself above every god and will speak
monstrous things against the God of gods; and he will
prosper until the indignation is finished, for that which is
decreed will be done. 37 He will show no regard for the
gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he
show regard for any other god; for he will magnify
himself above them all. 38 But instead he will honor a
god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know;
he will honor him with gold, silver, costly stones and
treasures. 39 He will take action against the strongest of
fortresses with the help of a foreign god; he will give great
honor to those who acknowledge him and will cause them
to rule over the many, and will parcel out land for a price.
The Future Antichrist
• 40 “At the end time the king of the South will collide with him,
and the king of the North will storm against him with chariots,
with horsemen and with many ships; and he will enter
countries, overflow them and pass through. 41 He will also
enter the Beautiful Land, and many countries will fall; but these
will be rescued out of his hand: Edom, Moab and the
foremost of the sons of Ammon. 42 Then he will stretch out his
hand against other countries, and the land of Egypt will not
escape. 43 But he will gain control over the hidden treasures of
gold and silver and over all the precious things of Egypt; and
Libyans and Ethiopians will follow at his heels. 44 But rumors
from the East and from the North will disturb him, and he will go
forth with great wrath to destroy and annihilate many. 45 He will
pitch the tents of his royal pavilion between the seas and the
beautiful Holy Mountain; yet he will come to his end, and no
one will help him.
• Ref Rev 12:13-16
Rapture, Tribulation, Second coming (Ch
• 12 “Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands
guard over the sons of your people, will arise. And there
will be a time of distress such as never occurred since
there was a nation until that time; and at that time your
people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be
rescued. 2 Many of those who sleep in the dust of the
ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others
to disgrace and everlasting contempt.
God’s eternal Kingdom
• 3 Those who have insight will shine brightly like the
brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead
the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.
• 4 But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up
the book until the end of time; many will go back and
forth, and knowledge will increase.”
2. @ Dr. Heinz Lycklama

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Old Testament (OT) Journey 30-32 v. 2

  • 1. GOD’S TOUCHPOINTS Old Testament (OT) Journey Lesson 30: Jeremiah, Jehovah throws Old Testament Summary The Patriarchal Ages The Judges The Reign of Royalty The Prophetic Era
  • 2. OT Journey- The Prophetic Era • The Early Prophets • Elijah, Elisha • Isaiah, the Lord has Saved • Jeremiah, Jehovah throws • Daniel, Highly Esteemed of God • Daniel, Visions of the Future • Ezekiel, the Watchman • The Minor Prophets • Israel Restored to Receive Christ
  • 3. Presentation Overview Jeremiah, Jehovah throws • Outline and Summary • Jeremiah Purified • Jeremiah and the Potter • Jeremiah Prepared • Jeremiah Prophecies Persecution of Jews • Jeremiah Pulverises Popularity Prophets • Jeremiah Prays, Preaches and Laments • Jeremiah Prophecies Messiah, New Covenant
  • 4. Preparation • Read Jeremiah, Lamentations • Study Jeremiah 31-33. Get learnings on the new covenant. • What does Jeremiah foretell on the future of Israel? Study Jeremiah 18:1-12
  • 5. Timeline of the Prophets Walls rebuilt 444
  • 6. Objectives Key Theme: Divine judgment is at hand Key Purpose -To:  Demonstrate God’s judgment over Judah as it gets overthrown by its enemies  Highlight that this is only for purification purposes as God waits for His people to repent  Unveil the promise of the Messiah (Jesus) and new covenant as hope in darkness
  • 8. Jeremiah’s Audience Jeremiah proclaimed a message of: • Doom to the rebels before the Babylonian captivity (Jer. 1-39) • Hope to the remnant who were discouraged(Jer. 40-52) (Lamentations 3)
  • 9. Jeremiah Authorship • Jeremiah means “Jehovah throws” • Several ancient writers say that Jeremiah was stoned to death (by the Jews), in Tahpanhes, Egypt. • Jeremiah’s life spans pre-exile and exile reflected in his prophecies
  • 10. Jeremiah the Man • Jeremiah, facing intense persecution and rejection, wanted to resign, but he had a burning desire to proclaim God’s word ( Jeremiah 20:7-9) • The pagan king of Babylon took better care of him (Jeremiah 39:11,12) • He was not allowed to marry (Jeremiah16:1-4) • He completely identified with Israel’s sin (Lamentations) • Jeremiah was finally exiled in Egypt (Jeremiah 43:1-7)
  • 11. Jeremiah, Lamentations Outline • Jeremiah dictated his words to his scribe, Baruch (Jeremiah 36:1-4,27-32; 51:64) • Not chronological, the books cover: • Call of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1) • Prophecies of doom (Jeremiah 2-29) • Prophecies of hope (Jeremiah 30-33) • Siege and fall of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 34-39) • Jeremiah laments but hopes (Lamentations) • Post Jerusalem fall (Jeremiah 40-44) • Prophecies to foreign nations (Jeremiah 46-51) • Fall of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 52)
  • 12. Date of Jeremiah’s Books • Jeremiah prophesied approximately 46 years, 627-580 B.C. The book Jeremiah was also written during the time. • Lamentations was likely written between 586 and 575 B.C., during or soon after Jerusalem’s fall
  • 13. Jeremiah Commissioned Jeremiah 1:9 Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "I have put my words in your mouth”.
  • 14. Jeremiah and the Potter Whenever a pot turns out badly, the potter simply starts over. Jeremiah 18:5 Then God’s Message came to me: “Can’t I do just as this potter does, people of Israel?” watch?v=qsDrZF2lY4w
  • 15. The Potter and the Clay Jeremiah 11:14 “Do not pray for this people.., because I will not listen... Jer 33:3 ‘Call to me and I will answer you...’ • 4 I will slay in my anger and wrath.. because of all its wickedness. • 6 “Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it • 7 I will bring Judah and Israel back from captivity and will rebuild them.
  • 16. The Potters Field [1] Jeremiah, Zechariah Matthew 1 In Jeremiah 19:1 Chief priests and elders purchase from the potter a pot – a symbol of God’s judgments against themselves In Matt 27:7, chief priests and elders purchase plot – a symbol of God’s judgment 2 In Jeremiah 19.10 the earthen container bought from the potter was cast down in front of his opponents again in his case as a symbol of judgment and as a portent of destruction of Jerusalem. Also refer Zechariah 11:12,13 In Matthew 26.15; 27:3, 5, Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver and casts the 30 pieces of silver down to the elders in the temple
  • 17. The Potters Field (Cont’d) Jeremiah, Zechariah Matthew 3 In Jeremiah 19:6 the valley where the casting down took place had its name changed to the Valley of Slaughter In Matt 27:8, the field bought by the chief priests was known as field of blood 4 And in Jeremiah 32:7-14 field’s title deeds were put in an earthen container similar to that bought from the potter in Jeremiah 19:1. This signified that after judgment had come, mercy would follow so that fields would have value again After Christ’s death and subsequent judgment to the Jews, mercy would follow and they will be the light of the nations once again.
  • 18. Jeremiah Prepared Jeremiah 12:5 "If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses?
  • 19. Jeremiah Laments (Lamentations 1,4) Identifies with Israel’s state naked bitter afflicted groaning
  • 20. Hope in Despair Lamentations 3: 22 The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.
  • 21. Hope in Despair (Lamentations 3) Right Response Bear the yoke examine Return to God
  • 22. All Powerful God Lamentations 3: 37 Who is there who speaks and it comes to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it? 38 Is it not from the mouth of the Most High That both good and ill go forth?
  • 23. Jeremiah Pulverises Popularity Prophets Jeremiah 23:16,17 “Don’t listen to the sermons of the prophets. It’s all hot air. Lies, lies, and more lies. They make it all up. Not a word they speak comes from me. They preach their ‘Everything Will Turn Out Fine’ sermon to congregations with no taste for God, Their ‘Nothing Bad Will Ever Happen to You’ sermon to people who are set in their own ways.– The Message
  • 24. Jeremiah’s Prophesies Jesus’ Rule Jeremiah 33:15 “‘In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line; he will do what is just and right in the land’ 24
  • 25. Jeremiah Prophecies Persecution of Jews Jeremiah 30:7 Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, But he shall be saved out of it.
  • 26. Jeremiah’s Prophesies New Covenant Jeremiah 31:33 "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah…. for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”
  • 27. Jeremiah Prophesies Nations Uniting to Worship Christ Jeremiah 3:17 At that time they will call Jerusalem The Throne of the Lord, and all nations will gather in Jerusalem to honor the name of the Lord. No longer will they follow the stubbornness of their evil hearts.
  • 28. Jeremiah Prophecies Good Shepherds Jeremiah 23:3 “I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them 4 I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing,” declares the Lord.
  • 29. Jeremiah – Regathering of Israel Jeremiah 23:7–8 “Therefore, behold, the days are coming,” says the LORD, “that they shall no longer say, ‘As the LORD lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt,’ but, ‘As the LORD lives who brought up and led the descendants of the house of Israel from the north country and from all the countries where I had driven them.’ And they shall dwell in their own land.” (NKJV)
  • 30. Discussion • What are common features of Jeremiah’s time and today’s age • How can we respond to God’s commission in the current times to the saved? Unsaved? • What responses can we expect from the saved? Unsaved? • What motivates the prophets to lead a lonely life of constant rejection?
  • 32. References: Babylonian Captivity Date Deportation Captives Taken 605 (first year)* First Nobles, Daniel (2 K. 24:1; Dan. 1:1-2) 597 (seventh year)* Second Jehoiachin, Ezekiel (2 K. 24:12; Jer. 52:28; Ezk. 1:1-2) 586 (nineteenth year)* Third Jerusalem (2 K. 25:8; Jer. 52:29) 582 (twenty-third year)* Fourth (Minor) Small Group of 745 Jews (Jer. 52:30) * Years of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar
  • 33. GOD’S TOUCHPOINTS Old Testament (OT) Journey Lesson 31: Daniel, Highly Esteemed by God Old Testament Summary The Patriarchal Ages The Judges The Reign of Royalty The Prophetic Era
  • 34. OT Journey- The Prophetic Era • The Early Prophets • Elijah, the Prophet who never died • Isaiah, the Lord has Saved • Jeremiah, Jehovah Throws • Daniel, Highly Esteemed of God • Daniel, Visions of the Future • Ezekiel, the Watchman • The Minor Prophets • Israel Restored to Receive Christ
  • 35. Timeline of The Prophets Walls rebuilt 444
  • 36. Daniel, Highly Esteemed of God Presentation Overview Daniel never compromised on • Food • Worship • Integrity • Prayer • Wisdom
  • 37. Daniel, Highly Esteemed of God • Daniel is flashed as a model in the business/ professional world for his unique combination of professional as well as spiritual leadership. • Above all, he was highly esteemed by God Daniel 10:11 He said to me, “O Daniel, man of high esteem, understand the words that I am about to tell you and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you.” Daniel 10:19 He said, “O man of high esteem, do not be afraid. Peace be with you; take courage and be courageous!”
  • 38. Daniel - Authorship 1. The book directly states that Daniel was the human author (Daniel 10:2, 12:4-5) 2. The author shows a remarkable knowledge of Babylonian and Persian customs and culture. 3. Jesus said Daniel was the author (Matt 24:15).
  • 39. Outline of Daniel The traditional approach: chapters 1-6: historical chapters 7-12: prophetic The linguistic approach: chapter 1-2:4a: introduction (in Hebrew) chapters 2:4b-7: Aramaic (referring to Gentiles) chapters 8-12: Hebrew (referring to Jews)
  • 40. Daniel 1-6 3rd person Daniel 7-12 1st person
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. Why were Jewish Youths taken? To: • Secure Jehoiakim’s loyalty (hostages) • Train future leaders in Babylonians ways. • Remind Nebuchadnezzar of his success in battle. • Bring the best and most gifted people into the empire. Pool the best brains and abilities.
  • 46. The Requirements • Heritage – Royalty • Age – “youths” (14-17 years old) • Physical – “no defect” (healthy) “good-looking” (physically appealing) • Mental – “insight in all wisdom,” “knowers of knowledge,” and “understanders of knowledge” • Social – “ability to stand in the king’s court” (personality, poise)
  • 47. The Brainwashing Process Regimen Language and Literature Lifestyle Loyalty Identity
  • 48. The Regimen Daniel 1:5b “And appointed that they should be educated three years at the end of which they were to enter the king’s personal service”
  • 49. The Language and Literature Daniel 1:4b “and he ordered him to teach them the literature and language of the Chaldeans The Chaldeans accumulated literature included omens, magical incantations, prayers, hymns, myths, legends, scientific formulae for skills such as glass-making, mathematics and astrology.
  • 50. New Lifestyle Daniel 1:5 And the king appointed for them a daily ration from the king’s choice food and from the wine which he drank • To solicit good will and a sense of obligation • To insure that they were healthy • To get them accustomed to the good life
  • 51. New Loyalty Name Meaning Daniel (God is my Judge) Belteshazzar (Bel protect his life Hananiah (Yahweh is gracious) Shadrach (Aku is exalted) Mishael (Who is what God is) Meshach (Who is what Aku is) Azariah (Yahweh is my help) Abednego (Servant of Nebo)
  • 52. New Identity It’s objective was: To demonstrate control A gesture giving credit to the gods of Babylon To further divorce and alienate the young men from their background and assimilate them into Babylonian life.
  • 53. Daniel’s Stand While he excelled in his work and knowledge of the culture, when a conflict arose • He never compromised • He never allowed himself to be brainwashed
  • 54. Daniel, never Compromised • On Food • On Worship • On Integrity • On Prayer • On Wisdom • Daniel’s visions
  • 55. Daniel Refuses the King’s Food But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Daniel 1:8
  • 56. God Gives them Wisdom Daniel 1:17 To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds. 7zpVU7bE
  • 57. On Worship • Daniel 3:12 But there are some Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego— who pay no attention to you, Your Majesty. They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up.”
  • 58. God Walks with them in the Fire Daniel 3:25 He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”
  • 59. God gave him Supreme Favour Daniel 6:3 Then Daniel began distinguishing himself above the administrators and the satraps because an exceptional spirit was in him, and so the king planned to appoint him over the whole kingdom.
  • 60. Daniel stood out, not for his exceptional skills but for his exceptional Spirit
  • 61. On Integrity Daniel 6:5Then these men said, “We will not find any pretext against this Daniel unless we find it in connection with the law of his God.”
  • 62. On Prayer Daniel 6:10 Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home.. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed,.. just as he had done before.
  • 63. On Prayer In Chapter 8 and 9 we see God’s seriousness in responding to his prayer – first through Gabriel and next time probably Jesus himself. This is because he was “highly esteemed” by God. Daniel 9:23 “and I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed” Daniel 10:11 “O Daniel, man of high esteem”
  • 64. God closes the mouth of lions Daniel 6:22a My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions.
  • 66. Daniel Continued And Daniel continued even to the first year of king Cyrus. Daniel 1:21 "As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.“ Daniel 12:13 Daniel survived through the reign of three kings – a long blessed life
  • 67. Discussion • What were Daniel’s faith survival secrets in a foreign regime? • What prevents us from taking the stand of Daniel? How can we change our stance? • In a corrupt world, how do we achieve the longevity that Daniel did?
  • 68. GOD’S TOUCHPOINTS Old Testament (OT) Journey Lesson 32: Daniel: Visions of the Future Old Testament Summary The Patriarchal Ages The Judges The Reign of Royalty The Prophetic Era
  • 69. OT Journey- The Prophetic Era • The Early Prophets • Elijah, the Prophet who Never Died • Isaiah, the Lord has saved • Jeremiah, Jehovah Throws • Daniel, Highly Esteemed of God • Daniel, Visions of the Future • Ezekiel, the Watchman • The Minor Prophets • Israel Restored to Receive Christ
  • 70. Timeline of The Prophets Walls rebuilt 444
  • 71. Presentation Overview • Nebuchadnezzar’s visions • Belshazzar – writing on the wall • Daniel’s visions • 4 beasts (ch 7) • Ram and goat (ch 8), Gabriel’s explanation • Gabriel’s response to prayer (ch 9) – 70 weeks • God’s response to prayer (ch 10-12)
  • 72. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream - Idol Dream of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon interpreted by Daniel after vision. Kingdoms of the earth: Daniel 2:39-46 • Babylon (gold) • Medo-Persia (silver) • Greek - 4 part (bronze) • Rome (iron) • Divided kingdom (iron and clay) • God’s kingdom 72
  • 73. Other Royal Visions These are more short term: • Nebuchadnazzar’s second vision • God brings down the great King • Balshazzar’s sees writing on wall • Kingdom given to Medes and Persians
  • 74. Daniel’s vision of four beasts – ch 7 • Lion with eagle’s wings • Bear • Leopard – 4 heads • Beast-10 horns representing world powers from which antichrist emerges – (1 very powerful horn) destroying 3 kingdoms • Christ’s kingdom rules earth
  • 75. Daniel’s vision of ram and goat – ch 8 Gabriel’s interpretation • Ram with 2 horns – Medes, Persians • Goat – Greece • One powerful horn – Alexander • Little horn – Antichrist desecrates sanctuary for 2300 days
  • 76. The Antichrist Daniel 8 Daniel’s Revelation New Testament Revelation Vs 24 He will become very strong, but not by his own power. Rev 13:2 ... and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. Vs 24 He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. Rev 13:3-4 All the world wondered after the beast... they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him? Vs 24 He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people Rev 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them.
  • 77. The Antichrist Daniel 8 Daniel’s Revelation New Testament Revelation Vs 25 He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. Rev 13:5,13-14 It performs great signs... it deceives those who dwell on earth. 2nd Thes 2:3-4,9-10 ... who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship... Vs 25 When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes 1 Thess 5:2 While people are saying, "There is peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon them.. Rev 19:19 And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies gathered to make war against him who was sitting on the horse (Jesus – the King of Kings) Vs 25 Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power. 2 Thess 2:8 The lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.
  • 78. Daniel and Gabriel – 70 weeks (Daniel 9) 24 “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place. 25 So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress. 26 Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off (killed) and have nothing (but not for himself),
  • 79. One interpretation of 70 weeks (Dan 9) • In Ezra 7 Artexerxes gives decree to rebuild temple in 457 BC. • In Nehemiah 2 in 444 BC Artexerxes [4] gave decree to rebuild walls of Jerusalem. • The first 69 weeks (of years ie. 69*7 years), starting 444 BC. refer to the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and using Jewish calendar could date to death of Christ (anointed one).
  • 80. Interpretation of 70 weeks (Daniel 9) • .. and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined. V 26 • There appears to be a gap after the 69th week during which Jerusalem and the temple is destroyed. There are wars and desolation for the Jews.[1] • The end is (v 27), Christ’s final and ultimate victory The description of the final 7 years also seems to map to the 7 years of tribulation in ch 12, with the desolating sacrilege in the temple / abomination of desolation.
  • 81. Vision (ch 10) Daniel sees a man – probably Jesus 5 dressed in linen, whose waist was girded with a belt of pure gold of Uphaz. 6 .. his eyes were like flaming torches, his arms and feet like the gleam of polished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a tumult. Daniel 10 Compare with John’s vision of Jesus in Revelation a son of man, clothed in a robe.. girded across His chest with a golden sash. 14 .. His eyes were like a flame of fire. 15 His feet were like burnished bronze, when it has been made to glow in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of many waters. Rev 1
  • 82. Vision (ch 11) Prophesy on: • Rise and fall of Babylon, Persia, Greece (with division into four), Antiochus; desolating sacrilege. Dan 11:1-35 – this happened before Christ’s first coming • Bridge (time gap from Christ’s time till 7 years prior to second coming) - 35 Some of those who have insight will fall, in order to refine, purge and make them pure until the end time; because it is still to come at the appointed time. V 35 • Antichrist, desolating sacrilege; final war, his final destruction. v. 36 onward. (last 7 years, tribulation Christ’s second coming)
  • 83. Vision (ch 12) • Great tribulation, rapture and judgment. (v 1-3) – this is a description of those last 7 years • Time frame: 3.5 years (time, times and half a time), till (another) desolating sacrilege (first one was before Christ’s first coming, second, before Christ’s second coming)/ “1290 days till holy people are shattered.” • Another 3.5 yrs- 1330 days for Christ’s complete victory. • After this His royal reign of 1000 years will commence on this earth – which will never be the same
  • 84. Confusions in Daniel • There are two similar sets of events prior to Christ’s first coming and prior to Christ’s second coming which could be confusing as there are: • >1 anointed one/ prince (in 70 weeks) in different versions • >1 reference to Rome – past and futuristic • >1 King of North and King of South (in fact there are several of these world powers referred as King of North and King of South over the ages)– past and futuristic • >1 abomination of desolation or desolating sacrilege – past and futuristic
  • 85. Confusions in Daniel • > 1 period of 7 years (last vision) – also 2300 days (ram and goat vision) • > 1 period of 3.5 yrs (approx) – 1290, 1330 days, time, times, half a time – past and futuristic. (last vision) • Last week of 70 weeks could describe both first and second coming of Christ (ch 9:24,25) – dual referencing • In ch. 12 righteous and wicked rise in one sentence (in Revelation there is 1000 years in between these two events) • These apparent confusions are actually dual referencing – similar events reoccurring – a biblical pattern
  • 86. In the interim… But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase. – Daniel 12:4 Even Daniel may have been confused and only now we are beginning to piece things together. Knowledge will continue to increase for the anointed ones as time goes by.
  • 87. Recap – Royal Visions Long Term Vision – Powers through the ages till Christ reigns • Nebuchadnezzar’s first vision: The idol represented Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, (+ revived Rome – current age), God’s rule Short Term Visions – occurred during their reigns • Nebuchadnezzar’s second vision: tree followed by his fall • Belshazzar – writing on the wall followed by his fall
  • 88. Recap – Daniel’s Visions • 4 beasts (ch 7) Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, (+revived Rome – current age), God’s rule • Ram and goat (ch 8) Gabriel’s explanation: Babylon, Persia, Greece, desolating sacrilege, Antichrist rise and fall, Christ’s rule. • Daniel’s prayer and Gabriel’s response (ch 9) – 70 weeks: rise and fall of Jerusalem, Christ’s death, desolating sacrilage, Antichrist. • Daniel’s prayer and God’s response (ch 10) Babylon Persia, Greece, Ch 11 (Antiochus, desolating sacrilages, Antichrist), Ch 12 End times
  • 89. Discussion 1. What gave Daniel’s prayers such power that God’s response was so prominent. 2. Why does God want to hide the future? (12 v 4,10) 3. What are some common aspects of all dreams (other than short term)? What can we learn? 4. What lessons can we learn from Daniel’s life and influence (on heaven and earth)?
  • 90. Xerxes (Persia), Philip, Alexander (Greece) • 2 And now I will tell you the truth. Behold, three more kings are going to arise in Persia. Then a fourth will gain far more riches than all of them; as soon as he becomes strong through his riches, he will arouse the whole empire against the realm of Greece. 3 And a mighty king will arise, and he will rule with great authority and do as he pleases.
  • 91. Greece: Ptolemy, Seleucus, Lysimachus, Cassander • 4 But as soon as he has arisen, his kingdom will be broken up and parceled out toward the four points of the compass, though not to his own descendants, nor according to his authority which he wielded, for his sovereignty will be uprooted and given to others besides them.
  • 92. Ptolemy, called Soter, King of Egypt • 5 “Then the king of the South will grow strong, along with one of his princes who will gain ascendancy over him and obtain dominion; his domain will be a great dominion indeed.
  • 93. Antiochus 2, Laodice, Bernice (Ptolemy’s daughter) • 6 After some years they will form an alliance, and the daughter of the king of the South will come to the king of the North to carry out a peaceful arrangement. But she will not retain her position of power, nor will he remain with his [l]power, but she will be given up, along with those who brought her in and the one who sired her as well as he who supported her in those times.
  • 94. Bernice’s brother, Ptolemy III (South), Selucus II, (North) • 7 But one of the descendants of her line will arise in his place, and he will come against their army and enter the fortress of the king of the North, and he will deal with them and display great strength. 8 Also their gods with their metal images and their precious vessels of silver and gold he will take into captivity to Egypt, and he on his part will [o]refrain from attacking the king of the North for some years. 9 Then the latter will enter the realm of the king of the South, but will return to his own land.
  • 95. Selucus III, Antiochus III (north), Ptolemy IV (south) – Battle of Raphia • attacks with 20000 killing tens of thousands: • 10 “His sons will [q]mobilize and assemble a multitude of great forces; and one of them will keep on coming and overflow and pass through, that he may [r]again wage war up to his very fortress. • 11 The king of the South will be enraged and go forth and fight [s]with the king of the North. Then the latter will raise a great multitude, but that multitude will be given into the hand of the former. 12 When the multitude is carried away, his heart will be lifted up, and he will cause tens of thousands to fall; yet he will not prevail.
  • 96. Ptolemy Epiphenes attacked by Antiochus III + Philip (Macedonia) +Jews • 13 For the king of the North will again raise a greater multitude than the former, and [u]after an interval of some years he will [v]press on with a great army and much equipment. 14 “Now in those times many will rise up against the king of the South; the violent ones among your people will also lift themselves up in order to fulfill the vision, but they will fall down.
  • 97. Antiochus the great captures Judea over Egypt, gives daughter Cleopatra to Ptolemy Epiphenes • 15 Then the king of the North will come, cast up a siege ramp and capture a well-fortified city; and the forces of the South will not stand their ground, not even their choicest troops, for there will be no strength to make a stand. 16 But he who comes against him will do as he pleases, and no one will be able to withstand him; he will also stay for a time in the y]Beautiful Land, with destruction in his hand. 17 He will set his face to come with the power of his whole kingdom, bringing with him a proposal of peace which he will put into effect; he will also give him the daughter of women to ruin it. But she will not take a stand for him or be on his side. 18 Then he will turn his face to the coastlands and capture many. But a commander will put a stop to his scorn against him; moreover, he will repay him for his scorn. 19 So he will turn his face toward the fortresses of his own land, but he will stumble and fall and be found no more.
  • 98. Selucus IV poisoned by tax collector Hellodorus. Rise ofAntiochus Epiphenes, banquet with Ptolemy III (Dual) • 20 “Then in his place one will arise who will send an oppressor through the Jewel of his kingdom; yet within a few days he will be shattered, though not in anger nor in battle. 21 In his place a despicable person will arise, on whom the honor of kingship has not been conferred, but he will come in a time of tranquility and seize the kingdom by intrigue. 22 The overflowing forces will be flooded away before him and shattered, and also the prince of the covenant. 23 After an alliance is made with him he will practice deception, and he will go up and gain power with a small force of people. 24 In a time of tranquility he will enter the richest parts of the realm, and he will accomplish what his fathers never did, nor his ancestors; he will distribute plunder, booty and possessions among them, and he will devise his schemes against strongholds, but only for a time. 25 He will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South with a large army; so the king of the South will mobilize an extremely large and mighty army for war; but he will not stand, for schemes will be devised against him. 26 Those who eat his choice food will destroy him, and his army will overflow, but many will fall down slain. 27 As for both kings, their hearts will be intent on evil, and they will speak lies to each other at the same table; but it will not succeed, for the end is still to come at the appointed time
  • 99. Antiochus Epiphenes, plunders and desecrates temple, massacres Jews (Dual) • 28 Then he will return to his land with much plunder; but his heart will be set against the holy covenant, and he will take action and then return to his own land. • 29 “At the appointed time he will return and come into the South, but this last time it will not turn out the way it did before. 30 For ships of Kittim will come against him; therefore he will be disheartened and will return and become enraged at the holy covenant and take action; so he will come back and show regard for those who forsake the holy covenant. 31 Forces from him will arise, desecrate the sanctuary fortress, and do away with the regular sacrifice. And they will set up the abomination of desolation. 32 By smooth words he will [ao]turn to godlessness those who act wickedly toward the covenant, but the people who know their God will display strength and take action.
  • 100. Antiochus Epiphanes, gap referring to present • 32 By smooth words he will turn to godlessness those who act wickedly toward the covenant, but the people who know their God will display strength and take action. • 33 Those who have insight among the people will give understanding to the many; yet they will fall by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plunder for many days. 34 Now when they fall they will be granted a little help, and many will join with them in hypocrisy. 35 Some of those who have insight will fall, in order to refine, purge and make them pure until the end time; because it is still to come at the appointed time.
  • 101. Antiochus, Future Antichrist -Dual • 36 “Then the king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will speak monstrous things against the God of gods; and he will prosper until the indignation is finished, for that which is decreed will be done. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all. 38 But instead he will honor a god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know; he will honor him with gold, silver, costly stones and treasures. 39 He will take action against the strongest of fortresses with the help of a foreign god; he will give great honor to those who acknowledge him and will cause them to rule over the many, and will parcel out land for a price.
  • 102. The Future Antichrist • 40 “At the end time the king of the South will collide with him, and the king of the North will storm against him with chariots, with horsemen and with many ships; and he will enter countries, overflow them and pass through. 41 He will also enter the Beautiful Land, and many countries will fall; but these will be rescued out of his hand: Edom, Moab and the foremost of the sons of Ammon. 42 Then he will stretch out his hand against other countries, and the land of Egypt will not escape. 43 But he will gain control over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the precious things of Egypt; and Libyans and Ethiopians will follow at his heels. 44 But rumors from the East and from the North will disturb him, and he will go forth with great wrath to destroy and annihilate many. 45 He will pitch the tents of his royal pavilion between the seas and the beautiful Holy Mountain; yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him. • Ref Rev 12:13-16
  • 103. Rapture, Tribulation, Second coming (Ch 12) • 12 “Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued. 2 Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt.
  • 104. God’s eternal Kingdom • 3 Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.
  • 105. • 4 But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.”
  • 106. References 1. .htm 2. @ Dr. Heinz Lycklama 3. 4. studies/daniel/study015/page04-start-date-of-daniels- 70-week-prophecy.html 5. eks