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Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection
2013 | 4th Edition
Opportunity International
Governor Community Connection
2013 | 4TH
Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection
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Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection
2013 | 4th Edition 2013 | 4th Edition
A Message from the CEO
In many of the places where Opportunity International works, it’s harvest season. For families in poor
and vulnerable villages, everything hinges on the harvest – if there’s bounty, it means both food on the
table and enough to sell for other needs. But if the crop yield is meager, families face dire challenges for
months to come.
As a Governor – one of our most dedicated and generous supporters – you’ve helped these families start
small businesses, implement sustainable farming operations, purchase insurance, and build savings, so
that all is not lost even if crops fail. Your investment in Opportunity International means stronger local
economies and more resilient households. You have answered Jesus Christ’s call to love and serve the
poor. Believe me, I’ve spoken to those you’ve helped and it’s made a difference – thank you for your
caring heart and giving spirit.
Everything you’ll read about in this newsletter, you make possible. From innovations in agricultural
finance to critical updates to banking systems that serve thousands of hard-working entrepreneurs, you
empower our team and our clients. Your support also leverages important partnerships. This year, we
are proud and grateful to celebrate our 20th anniversary of partnership with the Caterpillar Foundation,
which will help us provide financial services to 16.7 million people.
I invite you to visit our new online Governor toolkit at Here, you’ll
find informative, easy-to-use materials to help spread the word about Opportunity’s programs, goals
and success stories. Your support gives people the chance to transform their lives, their children’s
futures and their communities. On behalf of everyone whose lives you’ve helped improve, thank you
once again for your generosity.
Best regards,
Vicki Escarra
Chief Executive Officer
Opportunity International
Our vision is a world in which all people have the opportunity to achieve a life free from poverty, with
dignity and purpose. Our mission: By providing financial solutions and training, we empower people
living in poverty to transform their lives, their children’s futures and their communities.
How Governors Make Opportunity Work
You know you belong to a group of caring supporters
that brings help and hope to millions of people every
day. But did you ever wonder who else is in your
Governor community?
Right now, there are 675 Governors across the
country, including 95 who’ve joined us this year. You
are represented in nearly every corner of our country—
38 states in all—and your group’s membership ranges in
age from supporters in their 20s to those in their 90s!
Above all, you and your fellow Governors are loyal:
the average length of time that someone supported
Opportunity International at this level is a remarkable
5 years. Your dedication, generosity and guidance mean
the world to us and are making a substantial difference
in the lives of individuals, families and communities
worldwide. Together, we’re truly changing the world for
the better.
Thank you.
Just this year alone, support from your Governor community is making amazing opportunities possible:
26,000 CLIENTS
105,000 PEOPLE affected
through loans, savings and
training services
Over the last 26 years, Governors’
generosity has helped give more than
7 MILLION PEOPLE the opportunity
for a life free from poverty.
Governor Sue Fish (right) and supporter Sue Cottrell at a photo exhibit in St. Helena, Ca. in support of Opportunity’s work with women.
Read more on page 3.
Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection
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Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection
2013 | 4th Edition 2013 | 4th Edition
Exhibit Highlights Opportunity Clients
Around the world, more than 2.5 billion people—70
percent of whom are women—live on less than $2 a
day. But when women come together to find opportunity
and empowerment, amazing things happen. That
inspiration was on display on September 5 at the public
library in St. Helena, California, during a photographic
exhibit called “Picturing Opportunity – a Dozen Women
Changing the World.” This exhibit featured the images
and stories of 12 women in Africa and Latin America
who have lifted themselves, their families and some-
times their communities from poverty through their
perseverance and financial services from Opportunity
International. The event was attended by several area
supporters, and also included a discussion led by
Opportunity staff member Lillian Covington, formerly
of Nairobi, Kenya and now living in Illinois. Our Governors
in St. Helena have a strong history of action, including
12 years of Christmastime poinsettia sales to support
our programs. Over that time, their sales and personal
donations have raised an amazing $200,000 for
Opportunity, helping success stories bloom around
the world.
Rising to the Top in Ghana
Kwame Owusu-Boateng,
CEO, Opportunity Ghana
In just seven years, Kwame
Owusu-Boateng has risen
all the way from a branch
operations officer to CEO of
our Ghana program. Today, he
faces both broad challenges
and enormous opportunities
in a country where 70 percent
of the working population lacks a bank account.
Kwame has seen Opportunity work at nearly every
level in Ghana. He got his start in 2006 as a branch
operations officer, and then was quickly promoted to
managing four branches in Accra, the country’s capital.
After leading one branch to recognition as Ghana’s top
performer, Kwame assumed responsibility for business
growth in 20 branches. Following appointments
as Deputy CEO and Acting CEO, he was formally
promoted to the top spot in August 2013 in recognition
of his outstanding performance.
He’s already set his sights high. “My biggest vision is to
reach out to 1 million clients in five years’ time, and to
make Opportunity a household name through financial
services and transformational activities,” he explained.
Kwame is aware of the obstacles his team will face. In
addition to navigating Ghana’s challenging economic
landscape, organizations like Opportunity face fierce
competition in hiring and retaining experienced microfi-
nance professionals. But Kwame is just the right person
for the job: with 12 years in banking and extensive
knowledge of the way Opportunity works at all levels,
he’s poised to grow the program and help his staff—as
well as our clients—to succeed.
• In August, CEO Vicki Escarra was featured on
“Business Matters,” a BBC radio show, where she
discussed current events and Opportunity’s unique
approach to investing in economic opportunities
for the working poor.
• Dennis Ripley, Opportunity’s Chief Business
Development Officer, joined a panel of international
economics experts for a live chat on “Making
Markets Work for the Poor” on the global
news website The Guardian. Ripley highlighted
Opportunity’s approach to market development
by increasing access to financial resources.
• The Financial Times featured a piece about Oppor-
tunity International’s Director of Mobile Money, Rosa
Wang, which described our use of technology and
mobile services to increase financial literacy. The
article is a result of our efforts to introduce reporters
worldwide to the work we do around the globe.
Upgrading for Client Success
Access to quality financial products, loans and savings
relies heavily on timely innovations. That’s why Oppor-
tunity Colombia recently completed an upgrade of its
core banking system, which will help us more efficiently
deliver services to our rapidly-growing client base.
Our staff worked with local experts to upgrade to a
new technology platform that will run 24/7, ensuring
real-time information updates, as well as improved
functionality, reliability and security. This platform is
scalable to satisfy increasing future client demands
and meets Colombian banking requirements.
Opportunity Colombia also launched a new savings
product called “Proyecto Mi Meta” (Project My Goal,)
which gives clients the chance to save toward a specific
goal, such as enough money to start a new business.
If the client saves at least 50% of their goal during the
established period, they’re eligible for a loan that will
help them achieve the rest.
Opportunity is committed to providing clients in
countries like Colombia with tools to save money in ways
that meet their budget and other needs. Innovations
such as this technology upgrade and pilot program offer
the flexibility and security they need to meet their goals.
Better Schools, Stronger Communities
In developing countries, private schools play an
important role in the education system. Opportunity
supports and strengthens these schools by providing
loans to local school proprietors who want to improve
their communities.
Private schools solve key educational and societal
challenges. Class sizes are smaller. Quality is higher.
Schools are closer to children’s homes. Increased
earnings are reinvested into schools, which helps
them grow and become more effective.
In Uganda, Opportunity’s School Improvement Loans
have resulted in higher enrollment, hiring of more
teachers and a better student to teacher ratio (15:1, vs.
50:1 for an average Ugandan primary school). School
proprietors who receive Opportunity loans help create
jobs and spur community investment. In Uganda, our
data shows that school proprietors who borrow for
36 months or longer have: 25% enrollment growth;
36% more teachers; 63% higher income
With your help, Opportunity’s School Improvement
Loans are bringing better, more sustainable education
to some of the world’s most vulnerable communities.
Opportunity clients in the Progress Trust Group in San Jacinto, Colombia, record their weekly loan pay-
ments.Client Rosa Salamanca, her husband Danny Jose Polonia, and daughter Lisette Tatyana Almana in Albornoz, Colombia
Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection
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Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection
2013 | 4th Edition 2013 | 4th Edition
Harvesting a Dream
Just a few years ago,
J.T. Ayim faced enormous
challenges. If he wanted
to purchase crop seeds
or send his children to
school, he had to sell
his family’s valuable live-
stock. When that wasn’t
possible, he was forced
to consider other alter-
natives, including local
moneylenders charging
exorbitant interest rates,
often exceeding 100
percent. He was well aware that these moneylenders
often turned debtors into slaves but, because local
banks wouldn’t lend to farmers, there were few
alternatives to making ends meet.
That changed in 2010, when Opportunity International
began programs in Ashaiman, the town nearest J.T.’s
small farm in Ghana. At first, he didn’t believe it was
possible – he thought the concept of loans to small
farmers was some kind of joke. But when he watched
his younger brother improve his harvest as an
Opportunity client, he signed up as well.
Since then, life has considerably improved for J.T.—
he’s now able to cultivate more chili peppers, cassava,
watermelon and tomatoes on his 20 acres of land, and
has more resources to buy fertilizer and other supplies
to help ensure a successful crop yield. Instead of selling
livestock to keep his business going, he’s now growing
his family’s herd by leaps and bounds. Because of all
these things, and the sustainable source of income he
has built, his family is now able to save money: almost
$1,500 over the last two years.
What does J.T. intend to do with that money? He wants
to achieve a longtime dream: sending his oldest child
to university. With help from Governors, he’ll not only
be able to accomplish that goal, but also send all six
of his children to university one day. Thank you for the
difference you make in our clients’ lives.
Family, Faith and Service
Three generations of one family are united by one
cause: empowering people in developing countries
to break the cycle of poverty through Opportunity
International. Five members of the family are active
today in our work: current Governors Dave and Cyndi
McCrane, their son Kaelen, their daughter Jenni and
Cyndi’s mother Jeanne Chapman. Their involvement
began nearly 20 years ago.
“I was first introduced to Opportunity International
by Chanin Cooke, who works with my husband David
at Harbinger [the McCrane family business],” Cyndi
explained. “When I learned about what Opportunity
was all about, it touched my heart on so many levels.
Giving has always been important for us, but when we
became Christians, it took on a whole new focus.”
Family and faith are central to the McCranes’ investment
in Opportunity. For David, a successful entrepreneur, the
organization’s program strategy is another critical piece.
“I was personally really intrigued by Opportunity’s
business model,” David said. “It identified so closely
with the core values of my family.”
Opportunity’s mission was so important to Cyndi and
David that they began to pass it on to the rest of their
family – starting with Jeanne, who learned about our
work when Cyndi gave a donation in her name.
“I joined the ‘Poinsettia Ladies,’ as we are called here in
St. Helena, due to our annual sale of poinsettia plants,
with the proceeds going to Opportunity for micro-loans
for women in developing countries,” Jeanne explained.
“It has been a most rewarding endeavor.”
David and Cyndi wanted to pass that entrepreneurial
spirit on to their children as well. Two of them – Kaelen
and Jenni – went on an Insight Trip to Colombia and
returned with an appreciation for what microfinance
can do. The experience inspired both of them to
become even more deeply involved through joining
Young Ambassadors for Opportunity (YAO).
“We share a common goal, a common passion and
that adds so much depth to any relationship,” Kaelen
“My parents’ passion for philanthropy has been a
guiding influence in my life,” Jenni agreed. “Supporting
one mission as a family is a unique experience.”
“Helping others to obtain their dreams for themselves
was exactly what we wanted to do as a family and pass
on to our children,” Cyndi said. “We are blessed to be a
part of Opportunity International.”
You Make Opportunity Possible
Thanks to you, and the hundreds of other Governors across the country, Opportunity International is making a
proven difference in the lives of millions of poor people worldwide. Our aim is to invite others to share in God’s
calling to love and serve the poor. You have answered that call, and for that we are grateful.
You help us reach over five million people with financial services and training.
On behalf of the families and communities we serve, thank you.
Moving Farmers Out of Poverty
Opportunity is committed to evaluating our
performance to ensure that we’re reaching people
who need us most with strong, impactful programs.
A recent Opportunity study on the impact of providing
agricultural loans has confirmed just that. The study,
covering our loans to farmers in three African countries,
revealed two key findings:
1. Opportunity is successfully reaching poor clients
2. Opportunity farmers are moving out of poverty more
successfully than non-Opportunity farmers
This study, which examined loans in Ghana, Malawi and
Uganda from 2009 to 2012, utilized a measure called
the Progress Out of Poverty Index (PPI). This index uses
a set of 10 questions that a farmer can answer in as
little as five minutes. The questions range from inquiries
about housing conditions to queries about children’s
education, and are designed to estimate if a family lives
below established national poverty lines.
Opportunity surveyed more than 1,200 clients in the
three countries, then compared changes in responses
over the three-year period. In Malawi, we found that
56% of respondents lived on less than $1.25 a day—
a strong indication that we’re effectively reaching poor
From 2009 to 2012, we found that the percentage of
farmers who were closest to working themselves above
the poverty line increased by 6.4%. Moreover, upward
mobility among Opportunity clients was almost twice
as fast as among non-client farmers.
The data shows that, with your support, we’re moving in
the right direction. We are reaching poor clients in need
of our services. And, the services we provide help impov-
erished farmers to improve their lives and livelihoods.
Although we’re making progress, more work must be
done. Your continued commitment will empower millions
more people to work their way out of poverty.
Jenni, Zachary, David, Cyndi, and Kaelen McCrane with Jeanne Chapman
Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection
2013 | 4th Edition
Upcoming Events
Insight Trips
• November 2-10: Nicaragua
• November 13-17: Nicaragua
• February 16-20, 2014: Nicaragua
• April 20-26, 2014: Rwanda
• May 18-23, 2014: Ghana
To view a full list of Insight Trips
or register for a trip, visit:
Regional Summits
• November 14: Minneapolis
• November 19: Atlanta
To register visit:
Cover Photo: A tea farmer in Mulanje, Malawi with her loan officer.
Opportunity International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and
serves all people regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender.
441.16.1013 © Opportunity International
2122 York Road, Suite 150
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Opportunity International CEO Vicki Escarra
talks with Caterpillar Foundation President
Michele Sullivan.

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Oi governors report fall 2013_r5_b - lh edits

  • 1. Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection 1 2013 | 4th Edition Opportunity International Governor Community Connection 2013 | 4TH EDITION
  • 2. Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection 1 2 Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection 2013 | 4th Edition 2013 | 4th Edition A Message from the CEO In many of the places where Opportunity International works, it’s harvest season. For families in poor and vulnerable villages, everything hinges on the harvest – if there’s bounty, it means both food on the table and enough to sell for other needs. But if the crop yield is meager, families face dire challenges for months to come. As a Governor – one of our most dedicated and generous supporters – you’ve helped these families start small businesses, implement sustainable farming operations, purchase insurance, and build savings, so that all is not lost even if crops fail. Your investment in Opportunity International means stronger local economies and more resilient households. You have answered Jesus Christ’s call to love and serve the poor. Believe me, I’ve spoken to those you’ve helped and it’s made a difference – thank you for your caring heart and giving spirit. Everything you’ll read about in this newsletter, you make possible. From innovations in agricultural finance to critical updates to banking systems that serve thousands of hard-working entrepreneurs, you empower our team and our clients. Your support also leverages important partnerships. This year, we are proud and grateful to celebrate our 20th anniversary of partnership with the Caterpillar Foundation, which will help us provide financial services to 16.7 million people. I invite you to visit our new online Governor toolkit at Here, you’ll find informative, easy-to-use materials to help spread the word about Opportunity’s programs, goals and success stories. Your support gives people the chance to transform their lives, their children’s futures and their communities. On behalf of everyone whose lives you’ve helped improve, thank you once again for your generosity. Best regards, Vicki Escarra Chief Executive Officer Opportunity International Our vision is a world in which all people have the opportunity to achieve a life free from poverty, with dignity and purpose. Our mission: By providing financial solutions and training, we empower people living in poverty to transform their lives, their children’s futures and their communities. IMPACT: How Governors Make Opportunity Work You know you belong to a group of caring supporters that brings help and hope to millions of people every day. But did you ever wonder who else is in your Governor community? Right now, there are 675 Governors across the country, including 95 who’ve joined us this year. You are represented in nearly every corner of our country— 38 states in all—and your group’s membership ranges in age from supporters in their 20s to those in their 90s! Above all, you and your fellow Governors are loyal: the average length of time that someone supported Opportunity International at this level is a remarkable 5 years. Your dedication, generosity and guidance mean the world to us and are making a substantial difference in the lives of individuals, families and communities worldwide. Together, we’re truly changing the world for the better. Thank you. OPPORTUNITY BY THE NUMBERS Just this year alone, support from your Governor community is making amazing opportunities possible: 26,000 CLIENTS served 105,000 PEOPLE affected through loans, savings and training services Over the last 26 years, Governors’ generosity has helped give more than 7 MILLION PEOPLE the opportunity for a life free from poverty. Governor Sue Fish (right) and supporter Sue Cottrell at a photo exhibit in St. Helena, Ca. in support of Opportunity’s work with women. Read more on page 3.
  • 3. Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection 3 4 Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection 2013 | 4th Edition 2013 | 4th Edition Exhibit Highlights Opportunity Clients Around the world, more than 2.5 billion people—70 percent of whom are women—live on less than $2 a day. But when women come together to find opportunity and empowerment, amazing things happen. That inspiration was on display on September 5 at the public library in St. Helena, California, during a photographic exhibit called “Picturing Opportunity – a Dozen Women Changing the World.” This exhibit featured the images and stories of 12 women in Africa and Latin America who have lifted themselves, their families and some- times their communities from poverty through their perseverance and financial services from Opportunity International. The event was attended by several area supporters, and also included a discussion led by Opportunity staff member Lillian Covington, formerly of Nairobi, Kenya and now living in Illinois. Our Governors in St. Helena have a strong history of action, including 12 years of Christmastime poinsettia sales to support our programs. Over that time, their sales and personal donations have raised an amazing $200,000 for Opportunity, helping success stories bloom around the world. Rising to the Top in Ghana Kwame Owusu-Boateng, CEO, Opportunity Ghana In just seven years, Kwame Owusu-Boateng has risen all the way from a branch operations officer to CEO of our Ghana program. Today, he faces both broad challenges and enormous opportunities in a country where 70 percent of the working population lacks a bank account. Kwame has seen Opportunity work at nearly every level in Ghana. He got his start in 2006 as a branch operations officer, and then was quickly promoted to managing four branches in Accra, the country’s capital. After leading one branch to recognition as Ghana’s top performer, Kwame assumed responsibility for business growth in 20 branches. Following appointments as Deputy CEO and Acting CEO, he was formally promoted to the top spot in August 2013 in recognition of his outstanding performance. He’s already set his sights high. “My biggest vision is to reach out to 1 million clients in five years’ time, and to make Opportunity a household name through financial services and transformational activities,” he explained. Kwame is aware of the obstacles his team will face. In addition to navigating Ghana’s challenging economic landscape, organizations like Opportunity face fierce competition in hiring and retaining experienced microfi- nance professionals. But Kwame is just the right person for the job: with 12 years in banking and extensive knowledge of the way Opportunity works at all levels, he’s poised to grow the program and help his staff—as well as our clients—to succeed. OPPORTUNITY IN THE NEWS • In August, CEO Vicki Escarra was featured on “Business Matters,” a BBC radio show, where she discussed current events and Opportunity’s unique approach to investing in economic opportunities for the working poor. • Dennis Ripley, Opportunity’s Chief Business Development Officer, joined a panel of international economics experts for a live chat on “Making Markets Work for the Poor” on the global news website The Guardian. Ripley highlighted Opportunity’s approach to market development by increasing access to financial resources. • The Financial Times featured a piece about Oppor- tunity International’s Director of Mobile Money, Rosa Wang, which described our use of technology and mobile services to increase financial literacy. The article is a result of our efforts to introduce reporters worldwide to the work we do around the globe. Upgrading for Client Success Access to quality financial products, loans and savings relies heavily on timely innovations. That’s why Oppor- tunity Colombia recently completed an upgrade of its core banking system, which will help us more efficiently deliver services to our rapidly-growing client base. Our staff worked with local experts to upgrade to a new technology platform that will run 24/7, ensuring real-time information updates, as well as improved functionality, reliability and security. This platform is scalable to satisfy increasing future client demands and meets Colombian banking requirements. Opportunity Colombia also launched a new savings product called “Proyecto Mi Meta” (Project My Goal,) which gives clients the chance to save toward a specific goal, such as enough money to start a new business. If the client saves at least 50% of their goal during the established period, they’re eligible for a loan that will help them achieve the rest. Opportunity is committed to providing clients in countries like Colombia with tools to save money in ways that meet their budget and other needs. Innovations such as this technology upgrade and pilot program offer the flexibility and security they need to meet their goals. Better Schools, Stronger Communities In developing countries, private schools play an important role in the education system. Opportunity supports and strengthens these schools by providing loans to local school proprietors who want to improve their communities. Private schools solve key educational and societal challenges. Class sizes are smaller. Quality is higher. Schools are closer to children’s homes. Increased earnings are reinvested into schools, which helps them grow and become more effective. In Uganda, Opportunity’s School Improvement Loans have resulted in higher enrollment, hiring of more teachers and a better student to teacher ratio (15:1, vs. 50:1 for an average Ugandan primary school). School proprietors who receive Opportunity loans help create jobs and spur community investment. In Uganda, our data shows that school proprietors who borrow for 36 months or longer have: 25% enrollment growth; 36% more teachers; 63% higher income With your help, Opportunity’s School Improvement Loans are bringing better, more sustainable education to some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. Opportunity clients in the Progress Trust Group in San Jacinto, Colombia, record their weekly loan pay- ments.Client Rosa Salamanca, her husband Danny Jose Polonia, and daughter Lisette Tatyana Almana in Albornoz, Colombia
  • 4. Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection 5 6 Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection 2013 | 4th Edition 2013 | 4th Edition Harvesting a Dream Just a few years ago, J.T. Ayim faced enormous challenges. If he wanted to purchase crop seeds or send his children to school, he had to sell his family’s valuable live- stock. When that wasn’t possible, he was forced to consider other alter- natives, including local moneylenders charging exorbitant interest rates, often exceeding 100 percent. He was well aware that these moneylenders often turned debtors into slaves but, because local banks wouldn’t lend to farmers, there were few alternatives to making ends meet. That changed in 2010, when Opportunity International began programs in Ashaiman, the town nearest J.T.’s small farm in Ghana. At first, he didn’t believe it was possible – he thought the concept of loans to small farmers was some kind of joke. But when he watched his younger brother improve his harvest as an Opportunity client, he signed up as well. Since then, life has considerably improved for J.T.— he’s now able to cultivate more chili peppers, cassava, watermelon and tomatoes on his 20 acres of land, and has more resources to buy fertilizer and other supplies to help ensure a successful crop yield. Instead of selling livestock to keep his business going, he’s now growing his family’s herd by leaps and bounds. Because of all these things, and the sustainable source of income he has built, his family is now able to save money: almost $1,500 over the last two years. What does J.T. intend to do with that money? He wants to achieve a longtime dream: sending his oldest child to university. With help from Governors, he’ll not only be able to accomplish that goal, but also send all six of his children to university one day. Thank you for the difference you make in our clients’ lives. Family, Faith and Service Three generations of one family are united by one cause: empowering people in developing countries to break the cycle of poverty through Opportunity International. Five members of the family are active today in our work: current Governors Dave and Cyndi McCrane, their son Kaelen, their daughter Jenni and Cyndi’s mother Jeanne Chapman. Their involvement began nearly 20 years ago. “I was first introduced to Opportunity International by Chanin Cooke, who works with my husband David at Harbinger [the McCrane family business],” Cyndi explained. “When I learned about what Opportunity was all about, it touched my heart on so many levels. Giving has always been important for us, but when we became Christians, it took on a whole new focus.” Family and faith are central to the McCranes’ investment in Opportunity. For David, a successful entrepreneur, the organization’s program strategy is another critical piece. “I was personally really intrigued by Opportunity’s business model,” David said. “It identified so closely with the core values of my family.” Opportunity’s mission was so important to Cyndi and David that they began to pass it on to the rest of their family – starting with Jeanne, who learned about our work when Cyndi gave a donation in her name. “I joined the ‘Poinsettia Ladies,’ as we are called here in St. Helena, due to our annual sale of poinsettia plants, with the proceeds going to Opportunity for micro-loans for women in developing countries,” Jeanne explained. “It has been a most rewarding endeavor.” David and Cyndi wanted to pass that entrepreneurial spirit on to their children as well. Two of them – Kaelen and Jenni – went on an Insight Trip to Colombia and returned with an appreciation for what microfinance can do. The experience inspired both of them to become even more deeply involved through joining Young Ambassadors for Opportunity (YAO). “We share a common goal, a common passion and that adds so much depth to any relationship,” Kaelen explained. “My parents’ passion for philanthropy has been a guiding influence in my life,” Jenni agreed. “Supporting one mission as a family is a unique experience.” “Helping others to obtain their dreams for themselves was exactly what we wanted to do as a family and pass on to our children,” Cyndi said. “We are blessed to be a part of Opportunity International.” You Make Opportunity Possible Thanks to you, and the hundreds of other Governors across the country, Opportunity International is making a proven difference in the lives of millions of poor people worldwide. Our aim is to invite others to share in God’s calling to love and serve the poor. You have answered that call, and for that we are grateful. You help us reach over five million people with financial services and training. On behalf of the families and communities we serve, thank you. Moving Farmers Out of Poverty Opportunity is committed to evaluating our performance to ensure that we’re reaching people who need us most with strong, impactful programs. A recent Opportunity study on the impact of providing agricultural loans has confirmed just that. The study, covering our loans to farmers in three African countries, revealed two key findings: 1. Opportunity is successfully reaching poor clients 2. Opportunity farmers are moving out of poverty more successfully than non-Opportunity farmers This study, which examined loans in Ghana, Malawi and Uganda from 2009 to 2012, utilized a measure called the Progress Out of Poverty Index (PPI). This index uses a set of 10 questions that a farmer can answer in as little as five minutes. The questions range from inquiries about housing conditions to queries about children’s education, and are designed to estimate if a family lives below established national poverty lines. Opportunity surveyed more than 1,200 clients in the three countries, then compared changes in responses over the three-year period. In Malawi, we found that 56% of respondents lived on less than $1.25 a day— a strong indication that we’re effectively reaching poor families. From 2009 to 2012, we found that the percentage of farmers who were closest to working themselves above the poverty line increased by 6.4%. Moreover, upward mobility among Opportunity clients was almost twice as fast as among non-client farmers. The data shows that, with your support, we’re moving in the right direction. We are reaching poor clients in need of our services. And, the services we provide help impov- erished farmers to improve their lives and livelihoods. Although we’re making progress, more work must be done. Your continued commitment will empower millions more people to work their way out of poverty. Jenni, Zachary, David, Cyndi, and Kaelen McCrane with Jeanne Chapman
  • 5. Opportunity International | Governor Community Connection 2013 | 4th Edition Upcoming Events Insight Trips • November 2-10: Nicaragua • November 13-17: Nicaragua • February 16-20, 2014: Nicaragua • April 20-26, 2014: Rwanda • May 18-23, 2014: Ghana To view a full list of Insight Trips or register for a trip, visit: Regional Summits • November 14: Minneapolis • November 19: Atlanta To register visit: Cover Photo: A tea farmer in Mulanje, Malawi with her loan officer. Opportunity International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and serves all people regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender. 441.16.1013 © Opportunity International 2122 York Road, Suite 150 Oak Brook, IL 60523 800.793.9455 Opportunity International CEO Vicki Escarra talks with Caterpillar Foundation President Michele Sullivan.