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Office for New Europeanism
Office for New Europeanism visited Pilsen,
to explore the Czech perspective
on European identity.
7 July - 19 September 2014
Pilsen’s new symbol for Europe
Winning proposal ‘ Pilsen’s new symbol for Europe’. By Martin Pelikan, 11 years old.
During the summer, Office O.N.E. launched a competition to invite people in Pilsen to create new symbols for Europe, that reflects the Czech perspective on European identity. The winning
­proposal is chosen out of 46 entrees. The jury was surprised by the multi layered identity in the design. A European citizen has a regional, national and European identity, all at the same time.
A.i.R. — 7 July - 19 September
ON | office O.N.E. |
‘My dreams are like
excel sheets.’
Office for New Europeanism is a mobile EU office that ­travels
throughout ­Europe to research European identity. Office
O.N.E. explores together with people what Europe means to
them and if an European identity e­xists in their hearts.
During the summer of 2014, Office O.N.E. transformed ­gallery
­Vestředu into a temporary EU ­office in the centre of Pilsen.
During seven open Wednesdays, people could explore their
­European ­identity by entering the gallery on a blue carpet, that
connected public space with the office through the ­window.
­Office O.N.E.’s research method exists of a questionnaire
­consisting seven ­questions to open the ­dialogue on topics that
are related to the ­management of EU ­symbolism in the ­local
community. Besides, a ­competition was launched to invite
people in Pilsen to create their new ­symbol for Europe.
On the 17th of September, the winner of the competition was
announced, winning a cash prize and the cover page of this
publication. The artist is Martin Pelikan, 11 years old.
Four residents were invited for an interview, to tell about their
­perspective on 10 years of Czech EU membership. These
­interviews have resulted in the documentary ‘Grand ­Hotel
For a copy, please send an email to
Founder of Office O.N.E.
Office O.N.E. - Office for New Europeanism is founded by Jonmar van Vlijmen in 2010 as a result of his artistic research project on European identity, during his post-graduate program ‘Multiplicity &
Visual identity’ in Zürich (Switzerland). The research explores te development of European identity and questions the existence of one single European identity from an EU perspective. Office O.N.E.
had its debut at Liteside Festival in the Westerpark, Amsterdam.
European election market at the OBA library. (Amsterdam)
Presentation about democratic innovation in the European Parliament. (Brussels)Rosen Dimov, testing his European identity at cultural center Tolhuistuin. (Amsterdam)
Erik van der Langkruis in Community center ‘de Meevaart’, with Lauren Dyer (Amsterdam).
Constance De Vereaux (Canada) holds the highest score in the European test. (Cluj Napoca). Office O.N.E.’s founder Jonmar van Vlijmen at the polling station on 22 May 2014.
During Transeuropa Festival 2011, Office O.N.E traveled to Cluj Napoca to join the social market at the Museum square in the center of Cluj Napoca. Transeuropa Festival is a cultural and political
festival that took place in 12 cities, spread around Europe simultaneously. On this picture, OFFICE O.N.E. is interviewing a German professor, who visited Cluj Napoca with her students.
Europe in Pilsen
On 6 August, Office for New Europeanism opened its doors
(or window to be more precise) for the people in Pilsen. A blue
­carpet was rolled out to connect the ­public space with the
­exhibition space of Gallery Vestředu and ­provides the ­residents
of Pilsen a space to share their ­opinion on ­European topics.
The first Open Office day was a big ­success because we had
lovely Italian food made by Valeria Pupilli!
The second open Office day has been a very productive one.
­After starting the day with an interview for a newspaper, soon
people were coming in to talk about Europe. This time the
­visitors in the Office were more international. Two young ­people
from ­Malaysia came in, a few young Roma children were very
sure they recognised the man on the picture...
And a ­student from the university from Prague explained how
she felt ­European when she visited Russia last year. ‘Being part
of the European Union makes me feel safe’, she said.
During the third open day at the office, the façade of the ­office
was showing more images. It resulted in more reactions from
passers-by. A school teacher told me that he wanted to be
­honest with and he said that if he were me, he would only
show positive images about European identity... ‘I will think
about how you can change the façade and I’ll come back next
Wednesday to show a proposal’, he said.
During this third opening the gallery has transformed into a
timeline, starting in 1918 until 2014. Visitors of Office O.N.E.
can add their own personal European memories and historical
facts to the timeline.
On the fourth open day, we ran the regular program. Which
means; talking to passers-by and offering them the possibility
to test their Europenism with a quiz, consisting of 7 ­questions.
Another part of the program is making new symbols for ­Europe
— this part was very popular amongst the children, that could
­easily spend a couple of hours on producing new flags for
At the end of the fifth open day, Office O.N.E. gave a­presentation
with the preliminary results of 5 open office days. The event
was announced widely with the title ‘Why Europe doesn’t make
you dream’, hoping to provoke some response.
On 17 september, a final presentation about the Czech ­perspec-
tive on European identity took place, presenting all the results
and announcing the winner of the competition, whose brilliant
work is on the cover page of this publication.
Gallery Vestředu — Martinska 3, Pilsen
Opening: 6 August 2014
These children were sure they recognised the man on the picture.
The blue carpet connects public space with the galleryAdding a new layer to the gallery.
Czech grandmother with her granddaughter, living in Germany.
Impression of a ‘regular’ Office day.Proud kids, showing their ‘European nail-art’.
Are you European?
/ Jste Evropan?
No								 IIIII IIIII I						 	 11		 18%
I am not sure					 IIIII							 	 5		 8%
total	 61		 100%
Results Number %Main answers
Question 1
‘...the Czechs
were always
dominated by a
foreign power.’
Question 1b
Do you feel European?
/ Cítíte se jako Evropan?
I am not sure					 IIIII IIIII IIII						 14		 23%
No								 IIIII IIIII						 	 10		 17%
Central European			 IIIII 								 5		 8%
total	 61		 100%
Results Number %Main answers
‘Being part of the
European Union,
makes me
feel safe.’
Question 2
Do you know who the man on the picture is?
/ Víte, kdo je muž na obrázku?
Herman van Rompuy			 IIIII IIIII 							 10 		 16%
President EU					 IIIII II							 7		 12%
Yes								 IIII								 4		 7%
An EU official ?		 			 III								 3		 5%	
Gerd van Rompuy				II								 2		 4%	
total	 59		 100%
Results Number %Main answers
In November 2009, the first president of Europe was elected. Office O.N.E. decided to write Herman van Rompuy a letter, as the elections were not including the European citizens very well.
Only the leaders of the EU member states are able to vote. In the letter Office O.N.E. congratulated the new President with his new job and asked him what he thinks about the fact that I’m
not asked to vote for him. Until today the letter has not been answered. Office O.N.E. decided to open a website, dedicated to improve the communication between Herman and the citizens.
Question 3
What is the first word that you think about
when you think of Europe? / Jaké slovo Vás
napadne jako první, když se řekne Evropa?
Euro				 IIII
Home				 III
Brussels				 II
Travelling			 III
Map					 I
United				 I
Green				 I
Political integration	 I
Europe				 I
Humanity			 I
Pilsen				 I
Victory				 I
Newspapers			 I
Education			 I
Germany			 I
Amazing “WOW!!!”	 I
Freedom			 I
Mature economy		 I
Schengen			 I	
High Living standard	 I
European flag		 I
‘Europe is a symbol
of good quality and
Do you know the difference between the stars on the EU
flag and the flag of America? / Víte, jaký je rozdíl mezi
hvězdami na americké vlajce a vlajce EU?
Good							 III		 					 	 3	 	 5%
No idea							 IIIII IIIII II							 12		 21%
total	 59		 100%
Results Number %Main answers
Question 4
Deconstruction of the EU flag
Based on the fact that not many people in Europe know what the meaning is of the current EU flag and what the meaning is of the 12 stars on
the flag. Office O.N.E. created ‘Deconstruction of the EU flag’ as a poetic counter proposal that invites people to use their imagination. The flag
is winner of an EU wide competition and was exhibited in the EU Parliament in March 2014. Materials: fabric and ink coated paper. Technique:
heat press. (i.c.w. Aliki van der Kruis)
‘This is the place we have been
living for hundreds of years,
everything going on around
us has influence on our lifes.’
Question 5
Every country has it’s own symbols to express their own
identity. The European Union uses 5 official symbols, do
you know which 5? / Každá země používá určité symboly
k vyjádření vlastní identity. Evropská Unie
jich používá 5. Víte, které to jsou?
Euro							 IIIII IIIII I 							 11/57	 19%
United in diversity	 			 III								 3/57	 5%
9 May - day of Europe			 I		 						 1/57	 2%		
No idea							 IIIII IIIII IIIII I						16/57	 28%
Results Number %Main answers
‘It is not so clear for
me anymore, what is
a Czech product and
what is a European
Question 6
The Czech republic joined the EU exactly ten years ago,
have you experienced many changes being part of the
European Union? / Česká Republika je součástí
Evropské Unie již 10 let. Pocítil/a jste
od té doby nějaké změny?
Yes, I have felt some changes and I have to say that all of them
wered always the good ones! But we shouldn´t forget on rum
and fresh cream butter! ☺
are replaced by European ones. Almost no support of Czech agri­
culture. On the other hand I can see kind of a huge ­progress in
­development of rural areas and education.
Yes, the change is mainly shown in seeing how important it seems
that the quality of democratical processes in the Czech Republic are
improving, in the eyes of EU
More paperworks, more wasteful hypocrisy, better chance to get a
job in EU countries.
Yes, but I cannot mention one concrete (fundings, restrictions etc.)
Unfortunately no. We do not have suitable news in Czech media
channels about what is going on „in the EU level“ and in EU ­countries.
Money from EU are used unefficiently or they steal them directly.
It is going slowly… I mean integration.
Not yet.
Main answers
‘I wouldn’t be surprised if the castle
is ­renovated with money from the
­European Union, ­saving
it like a prince on a white horse —
it’s like a ­modern fairy tale.’
‘Investments of EU in our infra-
structure ­produces sympathy
­towards EU. But EU ­regulations
­concerning our rum, cheese and
butter ­produces criticism.’
Question 7
Not many people have voted in the EU elections this
year, what do you think is the reason for the low turnout?
/ Tento rok se do Evropských voleb zapojil extrémně
nízký počet lidí. Z jakého důvodu se tak dle Vašeho
názoru stalo?
People don´t trust European politicians… I do not know, maybe it is
also because of they do not see what exactly EU does and in what
exactly can EU influence.
Because of lack of information about the importance of Czech
­Republic being part of desillusion of Czech ­inhabitants,
many elections which took place in the last months gave almost no
clue about how EU works
No information, no interest about politics in general. Small ­influence
of Czech deputies in EUparliament (nihilism of the Czechs).
Politicans of our country make a disgrace.
The first European Jiří z Poděbrad would be ashamed for them!
In my opinion it is a matter of distrust.
Mainly because of a lack of information and interest of people about
EU. They often do not get the whole concept and idea, but they only
know the negative aspects from the media.
Czech politicians are just interested in money.
I do not know.
Main answers
‘On state level, there is
resistance, because it
brings ‘work’ and
Pilsen is doing
well !
The result
‘ a summary...
it is pretty good that we are part
of the European Union.
Without any doubt.’
Office O.N.E. was invited by OPEN A.i.R. - Artist in Residence,
in the framework of Pilsen2015 - European Capital of Culture.
The Office was accomodated in gallery Vestředu. The Artist in
Residency is part of an exchange program with the Arnhem
based residency program Motel Spatie. Office O.N.E. is funded
by Amsterdam Fund for the Arts for its activities in Amsterdam.
Thank you for your great support:
Adéla Foldynová
Tereza Svášková
Claudia Schouten
Françoise Beaussant
Anna Houžvičková
Laurene Laval
Valeria Pupilli
Carlos Carmonamedina
Ronald Boer
Honza & Klara Salzmann
Ondra Rucký
Jan Ostrolucky
Tomas Hamberger
Jana Trávníčková
Silvie Haslova & Walter Olbrich
and all other people that played a role in the project!
Petra Vaněčková
Štěpán Soutner & neighbours
Richard Salzmann
Josef Machalíček & Viktor Machalíček
Musician in the streets of Prague,
earning money to see his family in Berlin.
Photo credits
Luboš Soutner (documentary)
Jonmar van Vlijmen
A copy of (parts of) this publication can not be made without
permission of Office O.N.E. (copyright 2014)
Supported by
Letter from Walter Olbrich
Hello Jonmar!
I´m very sorry not to answer your above e-mail.
The reason was, because it was part of spammail, I never check
Thank you for your mail and the interesting enclosed ­fotos.
You are working on a very interesting, ­challenging project to
find out what the Czech perspective on ­European ­identity is. I´m
very glad to hear that you are also interested in the ­history of
“Sudetenland”. As you maybe have heard from ­Silvie ­Haslova
I was born in that part of the Czech Republic, ­former Czecho-
slovakia. Because my parents and relatives were ­Germans and
the ­Germans were not willing to ­intermingle with the ­majority of
the native population, we had to leave the country, most of them
in 1946. Of course at that time it was agreed by the ­Allies too,
to sent my fellow ­countrymen back to Germany. So almost 3.3
million Germans had to leave the country to Germany, where
they came from up to 800 - 900 years ago. This compulsary jour-
ney they had to make was in a uncertain future. There were no
friends, no relatives just the common connexion was ­language
und maybe religion. For my grandparents and my mother (father
died during world war II) it was a disaster. So, I was grown up
nearby Munich and made my way in Germany, as my ­generation
did ­during the German economic miracle.
So most of us are deeply rooted in Germany and of course the
European Union and not stick in the muds. Even though there
were monthly ­magazines ­published of the people of ­Sudetenland
I never ordered any to read. There is even a building in Munich,
the so-called house of the people of ­Sudetenland and ­displaced
persons “Haus der ­Sudetendeutschen und ­Vertriebenen” I have
never ­visited either, because I deeply believe this time is ­finished
and it was a big ­mistake of my people lived in Czechoslovakia not
to ­integrate with the ­Czech population, instead of that, they have
followed the regime of Hitler. Also my children, grown up both in
Germany and Austria have no interest so far to visit this historic
places anymore, where we came from. But I have good Czech
friends in Odry, a small town nearby Olomouc, where I was born.
Every year I´m visiting them and we admire the worth seeing
places together and are happy to be together in one ­Europe,
which hopefully will finally become the United States of Europe.
Jonmar, this is the way it goes. We are all ­Europeans and the
future will be more bright for all of us and the new ­generations, if
we will live peaceful together without war and take our chances
on a global scale. I´m not sure if I can help you on your project,
if you think I can, just contact me.
Best regards Walter Olbrich

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  • 2.
  • 4. Office for New Europeanism visited Pilsen, to explore the Czech perspective on European identity. 7 July - 19 September 2014
  • 5. Pilsen’s new symbol for Europe Winning proposal ‘ Pilsen’s new symbol for Europe’. By Martin Pelikan, 11 years old. During the summer, Office O.N.E. launched a competition to invite people in Pilsen to create new symbols for Europe, that reflects the Czech perspective on European identity. The winning ­proposal is chosen out of 46 entrees. The jury was surprised by the multi layered identity in the design. A European citizen has a regional, national and European identity, all at the same time.
  • 6. A.i.R. — 7 July - 19 September OFFICE O.N.E. ON | office O.N.E. | CHANGE YOUR IDENTITY HERE
  • 8.
  • 9. ‘My dreams are like excel sheets.’
  • 10. Introduction OFFICE O.N.E. Office for New Europeanism is a mobile EU office that ­travels throughout ­Europe to research European identity. Office O.N.E. explores together with people what Europe means to them and if an European identity e­xists in their hearts. During the summer of 2014, Office O.N.E. transformed ­gallery ­Vestředu into a temporary EU ­office in the centre of Pilsen. During seven open Wednesdays, people could explore their ­European ­identity by entering the gallery on a blue carpet, that connected public space with the office through the ­window. ­Office O.N.E.’s research method exists of a questionnaire ­consisting seven ­questions to open the ­dialogue on topics that are related to the ­management of EU ­symbolism in the ­local community. Besides, a ­competition was launched to invite people in Pilsen to create their new ­symbol for Europe. On the 17th of September, the winner of the competition was announced, winning a cash prize and the cover page of this publication. The artist is Martin Pelikan, 11 years old. Four residents were invited for an interview, to tell about their ­perspective on 10 years of Czech EU membership. These ­interviews have resulted in the documentary ‘Grand ­Hotel ­Evropa’. For a copy, please send an email to
  • 11. Founder of Office O.N.E. OFFICE O.N.E. Office O.N.E. - Office for New Europeanism is founded by Jonmar van Vlijmen in 2010 as a result of his artistic research project on European identity, during his post-graduate program ‘Multiplicity & Visual identity’ in Zürich (Switzerland). The research explores te development of European identity and questions the existence of one single European identity from an EU perspective. Office O.N.E. had its debut at Liteside Festival in the Westerpark, Amsterdam.
  • 12. European election market at the OBA library. (Amsterdam) Presentation about democratic innovation in the European Parliament. (Brussels)Rosen Dimov, testing his European identity at cultural center Tolhuistuin. (Amsterdam)
  • 13. Erik van der Langkruis in Community center ‘de Meevaart’, with Lauren Dyer (Amsterdam). Constance De Vereaux (Canada) holds the highest score in the European test. (Cluj Napoca). Office O.N.E.’s founder Jonmar van Vlijmen at the polling station on 22 May 2014.
  • 14. During Transeuropa Festival 2011, Office O.N.E traveled to Cluj Napoca to join the social market at the Museum square in the center of Cluj Napoca. Transeuropa Festival is a cultural and political festival that took place in 12 cities, spread around Europe simultaneously. On this picture, OFFICE O.N.E. is interviewing a German professor, who visited Cluj Napoca with her students.
  • 15. Europe in Pilsen OFFICE O.N.E. On 6 August, Office for New Europeanism opened its doors (or window to be more precise) for the people in Pilsen. A blue ­carpet was rolled out to connect the ­public space with the ­exhibition space of Gallery Vestředu and ­provides the ­residents of Pilsen a space to share their ­opinion on ­European topics. The first Open Office day was a big ­success because we had lovely Italian food made by Valeria Pupilli! The second open Office day has been a very productive one. ­After starting the day with an interview for a newspaper, soon people were coming in to talk about Europe. This time the ­visitors in the Office were more international. Two young ­people from ­Malaysia came in, a few young Roma children were very sure they recognised the man on the picture... And a ­student from the university from Prague explained how she felt ­European when she visited Russia last year. ‘Being part of the European Union makes me feel safe’, she said. During the third open day at the office, the façade of the ­office was showing more images. It resulted in more reactions from passers-by. A school teacher told me that he wanted to be ­honest with and he said that if he were me, he would only show positive images about European identity... ‘I will think about how you can change the façade and I’ll come back next Wednesday to show a proposal’, he said. During this third opening the gallery has transformed into a timeline, starting in 1918 until 2014. Visitors of Office O.N.E. can add their own personal European memories and historical facts to the timeline. On the fourth open day, we ran the regular program. Which means; talking to passers-by and offering them the possibility to test their Europenism with a quiz, consisting of 7 ­questions. Another part of the program is making new symbols for ­Europe — this part was very popular amongst the children, that could ­easily spend a couple of hours on producing new flags for ­Europe. At the end of the fifth open day, Office O.N.E. gave a­presentation with the preliminary results of 5 open office days. The event was announced widely with the title ‘Why Europe doesn’t make you dream’, hoping to provoke some response. On 17 september, a final presentation about the Czech ­perspec- tive on European identity took place, presenting all the results and announcing the winner of the competition, whose brilliant work is on the cover page of this publication. OFFICE O.N.E.
  • 16. OFFICE O.N.E. OFFICE O.N.E. OPEN ON WEDNESDAY EXPLORE YOUR IDENTITY Gallery Vestředu — Martinska 3, Pilsen Opening: 6 August 2014
  • 17.
  • 18. These children were sure they recognised the man on the picture. The blue carpet connects public space with the galleryAdding a new layer to the gallery.
  • 19.
  • 20. Czech grandmother with her granddaughter, living in Germany. Impression of a ‘regular’ Office day.Proud kids, showing their ‘European nail-art’.
  • 21. Are you European? / Jste Evropan? Yes IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII 45 74% No IIIII IIIII I 11 18% I am not sure IIIII 5 8% ------------------------------------------------- total 61 100% OFFICE O.N.E. Results Number %Main answers Question 1
  • 22. ‘...the Czechs were always dominated by a foreign power.’
  • 24. Question 1b OFFICE O.N.E. Do you feel European? / Cítíte se jako Evropan? Yes IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII II 32 52% I am not sure IIIII IIIII IIII 14 23% No IIIII IIIII 10 17% Central European IIIII 5 8% ------------------------------------------------- total 61 100% Results Number %Main answers
  • 26. ‘Being part of the European Union, makes me feel safe.’
  • 27. Question 2 OFFICE O.N.E. Do you know who the man on the picture is? / Víte, kdo je muž na obrázku? No IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII III 33 56% Herman van Rompuy IIIII IIIII 10 16% President EU IIIII II 7 12% Yes IIII 4 7% An EU official ? III 3 5% Gerd van Rompuy II 2 4% ------------------------------------------------- total 59 100% Results Number %Main answers
  • 29. In November 2009, the first president of Europe was elected. Office O.N.E. decided to write Herman van Rompuy a letter, as the elections were not including the European citizens very well. Only the leaders of the EU member states are able to vote. In the letter Office O.N.E. congratulated the new President with his new job and asked him what he thinks about the fact that I’m not asked to vote for him. Until today the letter has not been answered. Office O.N.E. decided to open a website, dedicated to improve the communication between Herman and the citizens. OFFICE O.N.E. WOULD YOU FEEL THE SAME IN MY POSITION?
  • 30. Question 3 OFFICE O.N.E. What is the first word that you think about when you think of Europe? / Jaké slovo Vás napadne jako první, když se řekne Evropa? Continent IIIII IIIII IIIII I Euro IIII Home III Brussels II Travelling III Map I United I Green I Political integration I Europe I Humanity I Pilsen I Victory I Newspapers I Education I Germany I Amazing “WOW!!!” I Freedom I Mature economy I Schengen I High Living standard I European flag I
  • 31. ‘Europe is a symbol of good quality and welvare.’
  • 32. OFFICE O.N.E. Do you know the difference between the stars on the EU flag and the flag of America? / Víte, jaký je rozdíl mezi hvězdami na americké vlajce a vlajce EU? Good III 3 5% Wrong IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII 44 74% No idea IIIII IIIII II 12 21% ------------------------------------------------- total 59 100% Results Number %Main answers Question 4
  • 33. Deconstruction of the EU flag Based on the fact that not many people in Europe know what the meaning is of the current EU flag and what the meaning is of the 12 stars on the flag. Office O.N.E. created ‘Deconstruction of the EU flag’ as a poetic counter proposal that invites people to use their imagination. The flag is winner of an EU wide competition and was exhibited in the EU Parliament in March 2014. Materials: fabric and ink coated paper. Technique: heat press. (i.c.w. Aliki van der Kruis) OFFICE O.N.E.
  • 34. ‘This is the place we have been living for hundreds of years, everything going on around us has influence on our lifes.’
  • 36. Question 5 OFFICE O.N.E. Every country has it’s own symbols to express their own identity. The European Union uses 5 official symbols, do you know which 5? / Každá země používá určité symboly k vyjádření vlastní identity. Evropská Unie jich používá 5. Víte, které to jsou? Flag IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII I 41/57 72% Anthem IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII I 36/57 63% Euro IIIII IIIII I 11/57 19% United in diversity III 3/57 5% 9 May - day of Europe I 1/57 2% No idea IIIII IIIII IIIII I 16/57 28% Results Number %Main answers
  • 38. ‘It is not so clear for me anymore, what is a Czech product and what is a European product.’
  • 41. Question 6 OFFICE O.N.E. The Czech republic joined the EU exactly ten years ago, have you experienced many changes being part of the European Union? / Česká Republika je součástí Evropské Unie již 10 let. Pocítil/a jste od té doby nějaké změny? Yes, I have felt some changes and I have to say that all of them wered always the good ones! But we shouldn´t forget on rum and fresh cream butter! ☺ Yes–rumisnotrumanymore☺.AndotherCzechnamesof­products are replaced by European ones. Almost no support of Czech agri­ culture. On the other hand I can see kind of a huge ­progress in ­development of rural areas and education. Yes, the change is mainly shown in seeing how important it seems that the quality of democratical processes in the Czech Republic are improving, in the eyes of EU More paperworks, more wasteful hypocrisy, better chance to get a job in EU countries. Yes, but I cannot mention one concrete (fundings, restrictions etc.) Unfortunately no. We do not have suitable news in Czech media channels about what is going on „in the EU level“ and in EU ­countries. Money from EU are used unefficiently or they steal them directly. It is going slowly… I mean integration. Not yet. Main answers
  • 42. ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if the castle is ­renovated with money from the ­European Union, ­saving it like a prince on a white horse — it’s like a ­modern fairy tale.’
  • 44. ‘Investments of EU in our infra- structure ­produces sympathy ­towards EU. But EU ­regulations ­concerning our rum, cheese and butter ­produces criticism.’
  • 45. Question 7 OFFICE O.N.E. Not many people have voted in the EU elections this year, what do you think is the reason for the low turnout? / Tento rok se do Evropských voleb zapojil extrémně nízký počet lidí. Z jakého důvodu se tak dle Vašeho názoru stalo? People don´t trust European politicians… I do not know, maybe it is also because of they do not see what exactly EU does and in what exactly can EU influence. Because of lack of information about the importance of Czech ­Republic being part of desillusion of Czech ­inhabitants, many elections which took place in the last months gave almost no clue about how EU works No information, no interest about politics in general. Small ­influence of Czech deputies in EUparliament (nihilism of the Czechs). Politicans of our country make a disgrace. The first European Jiří z Poděbrad would be ashamed for them! In my opinion it is a matter of distrust. Mainly because of a lack of information and interest of people about EU. They often do not get the whole concept and idea, but they only know the negative aspects from the media. Czech politicians are just interested in money. I do not know. Main answers
  • 47. ‘On state level, there is resistance, because it brings ‘work’ and responsibilities.’
  • 49. QUIZ - THE RESULTS OFFICE O.N.E. Congratulations, Pilsen is doing well !
  • 51. ‘ a summary... it is pretty good that we are part of the European Union. Without any doubt.’
  • 52. Credits OFFICE O.N.E. Office O.N.E. was invited by OPEN A.i.R. - Artist in Residence, in the framework of Pilsen2015 - European Capital of Culture. The Office was accomodated in gallery Vestředu. The Artist in Residency is part of an exchange program with the Arnhem based residency program Motel Spatie. Office O.N.E. is funded by Amsterdam Fund for the Arts for its activities in Amsterdam. Thank you for your great support: Adéla Foldynová Tereza Svášková Claudia Schouten Françoise Beaussant Anna Houžvičková Laurene Laval Valeria Pupilli Carlos Carmonamedina Ronald Boer Honza & Klara Salzmann Ondra Rucký Jan Ostrolucky Tomas Hamberger Jana Trávníčková Silvie Haslova & Walter Olbrich and all other people that played a role in the project! Documentary Petra Vaněčková Štěpán Soutner & neighbours Richard Salzmann Josef Machalíček & Viktor Machalíček Music Musician in the streets of Prague, earning money to see his family in Berlin. Photo credits Luboš Soutner (documentary) Jonmar van Vlijmen A copy of (parts of) this publication can not be made without permission of Office O.N.E. (copyright 2014)
  • 53. Supported by OFFICE O.N.E. OFFICE O.N.E . OFFICE O.N.E . OFFICE O.N.E . OFFICE O.N.E .
  • 55. Letter from Walter Olbrich OFFICE O.N.E. Hello Jonmar! I´m very sorry not to answer your above e-mail. The reason was, because it was part of spammail, I never check ­carefully. Thank you for your mail and the interesting enclosed ­fotos. You are working on a very interesting, ­challenging project to find out what the Czech perspective on ­European ­identity is. I´m very glad to hear that you are also interested in the ­history of “Sudetenland”. As you maybe have heard from ­Silvie ­Haslova I was born in that part of the Czech Republic, ­former Czecho- slovakia. Because my parents and relatives were ­Germans and the ­Germans were not willing to ­intermingle with the ­majority of the native population, we had to leave the country, most of them in 1946. Of course at that time it was agreed by the ­Allies too, to sent my fellow ­countrymen back to Germany. So almost 3.3 million Germans had to leave the country to Germany, where they came from up to 800 - 900 years ago. This compulsary jour- ney they had to make was in a uncertain future. There were no friends, no relatives just the common connexion was ­language und maybe religion. For my grandparents and my mother (father died during world war II) it was a disaster. So, I was grown up nearby Munich and made my way in Germany, as my ­generation did ­during the German economic miracle. So most of us are deeply rooted in Germany and of course the European Union and not stick in the muds. Even though there were monthly ­magazines ­published of the people of ­Sudetenland I never ordered any to read. There is even a building in Munich, the so-called house of the people of ­Sudetenland and ­displaced persons “Haus der ­Sudetendeutschen und ­Vertriebenen” I have never ­visited either, because I deeply believe this time is ­finished and it was a big ­mistake of my people lived in Czechoslovakia not to ­integrate with the ­Czech population, instead of that, they have followed the regime of Hitler. Also my children, grown up both in Germany and Austria have no interest so far to visit this historic places anymore, where we came from. But I have good Czech friends in Odry, a small town nearby Olomouc, where I was born. Every year I´m visiting them and we admire the worth seeing places together and are happy to be together in one ­Europe, which hopefully will finally become the United States of Europe. Jonmar, this is the way it goes. We are all ­Europeans and the future will be more bright for all of us and the new ­generations, if we will live peaceful together without war and take our chances on a global scale. I´m not sure if I can help you on your project, if you think I can, just contact me. Best regards Walter Olbrich