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                                           A GUIDE TO DAY-TO-DAY LIFE
                                           IN NEW ZEALAND


 Bank accounts and credit cards
 Your present bank should be able to help you set up
 a bank account in New Zealand before you leave, so
 that you can make credit card and other withdrawals
 when you arrive.

 Documents, credit references and driver licences
 Your first few days in New Zealand are more likely to
                                                          “THERE IS A UNIQUE TOLERANCE
 be easy and problem-free if you arrive with the              IN NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY –                                           01
 following documents:
                                                           A GENUINE LACK OF PREJUDICE
 •   birth certificates
                                                           AND A WILLINGNESS TO JUDGE
 •   marriage certificates
 •   academic qualifications                                    PEOPLE ON THEIR MERIT.”
 •   references from previous employers
                                                               B U L G A R I A N M I G R A N T, P O E T A N D N O V E L I S T,
 •   curriculum vitae
 •   credit references                                                                           K A P K A K A S S A B O VA .
 •   an international driver licence or permit.

 All documents should be originals (not copies).
 If documents are not in English they should be
 accompanied by a certified translation.

 Plan what to wear
 The weather is changeable, so bring a range of clothes
 and do not forget to include a raincoat. Remember,
 seasons are the reverse of those in the northern
Money requirements when you first arrive                      Bringing your belongings
     If possible, arrive with some New Zealand money               The New Zealand Customs Service pamphlet, Advice
     in mixed denominations ($5, $10 and $20 notes;                on Importing Goods into New Zealand, provides full
     $50 and $100 notes are unusual), as traveller’s cheques       information about importing goods into New Zealand.
     may not be accepted for small purchases.                      The pamphlet is available from New Zealand immi-
                                                                   gration, diplomatic and trade offices or directly from:
     If you are expecting mail to arrive for you in New
     Zealand, but you do not have a permanent address,
     then New Zealand Post can set up a ‘private box’ or           Televisions, computers and other electrical goods
     ‘private bag’ at a post office in the city or town in which   Most people do not bring items such as televisions,
     you plan to stay. Many organisations, such as banks,          telephones, computers and other electrical goods,
     will accept a post office box or private bag as your          since most foreign electrical appliances do not work
     official address.                                             here. New Zealand’s power system is 240 volts and
                                                                   50 cycles per second, and plugs have two or three
                                                                   narrow pins. (For prices of electrical goods see
     New Zealand has a high rate of Internet use, with
02                                                                 Appendix page 21.)
     nearly 50% of households having access to the Internet.
     Internet cafes and other Internet services are also           Pets
     common.                                                       You may need to plan six months ahead if you wish
                                                                   to bring your domestic pets into the country. For full
                                                                   information, contact the Import Management Office
                                                                   of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF).
                                                                   Telephone: +64 4 498 9264, Fax: +64 4 474 4132, or

                                                                   The Automobile Association
                                                                   The New Zealand Automobile Association has
                                                                   reciprocal benefits, but you will need to produce your
                                                                   membership card. Membership can also be trans-
                                                                   ferred before you leave for New Zealand or after you
                                                                   arrive. For New Zealand membership, Freephone: 0800
                                                                   108 809.
WHEN YOU FIRST ARRIVE                                       The airport and the city
                                                            Money exchange
 Customs declarations                                       Most New Zealand banks have branches at international
 Plant and animal materials                                 airports with comprehensive foreign exchange facilities.
 New Zealand has strict laws to protect its agricultural    Maps, city guides, accommodation
 industries from imported pests and diseases. If you        Free accommodation brochures, maps and city guides
 bring in items such as food and plants, these must         are available from self-service information booths.
 be declared to Customs officials. Fines for illegally      Hotel and motel bookings can also be made by
 importing plants, animal materials and foodstuffs are      freephone from the airport.
 up to $500,000 and/or 12 months in prison. Items that      Transport
 need to be declared include:                               You can get to the central city by taxi, airport bus or
 • food, and the products and ingredients used for          a fixed-price ‘shuttle’ van that will drop you off at your
   preparing food                                           destination. Taxis have reliable meters that calculate
 • plants and parts of plants (alive or dead), including    the fares – bargaining and tipping are not practised.
   cane, straw and rattan                                   The taxi driver can estimate the likely cost for you.
 • animals (alive or dead), or products from animals        Airport buses and shuttle vans are significantly cheaper,
 • equipment used with animals                              but just as reliable.
 • camping gear, golf clubs, hiking boots, shoes,              All cities have bus and taxi services. Only Wellington
   equestrian equipment and used bicycles                   has an extensive commuter train system; there are no
 • biological specimens.                                    underground rail networks.
                                                            Information Centres
 If you are in doubt about any items, declare them.         Free information on accommodation, transport, food,
 There is no penalty for declaring items that cannot be     tourist attractions and entertainment is available
 brought into New Zealand.                                  from Information Centres. These are identified by a
    Like other countries, New Zealand has strict security   prominent ‘i ’ logo.
 concerning drugs, firearms and other dangerous goods.      Food
                                                            A good range of fresh food is available from local
                                                            supermarkets, and moderately priced cafes and
                                                            restaurants are plentiful. Motels also have cooking
                                                            facilities where you can make your own meals.
                                                            (For food prices, see Appendix page 21.)
Tipping                                                       Getting help with speaking English
     New Zealanders do not generally follow the custom             For contact details, see Appendix page 22. For further
     of giving a tip to waiters, porters and other service         information, see Education.
     people. However, tipping is appropriate in the more
     expensive restaurants and hotels – particularly if you
                                                                   Public telephone booths are usually located in town
     have received unusually good service. A tip of between
                                                                   centres and suburban shopping areas. Very few are
     five and ten percent of the total bill is appropriate.
                                                                   coin-operated and most require pre-purchased phone
                                                                   cards. These are available in a range of values from
     All New Zealand tap water is safe to drink and most
                                                                   $5 to $100 and can be purchased from most super-
     is of very high quality.
                                                                   markets, newsagents, dairies and other shops. If you
                                                                   cannot find a number, the Directory Service (dial 018)
     Shops and supermarkets are similar to those in most
                                                                   can help.
     Western countries. New Zealanders use the word ‘dairy’
     to refer to small local shops that sell ice creams, sweets,   Time
     newspapers, magazines and some basic grocery                  All parts of New Zealand operate in the same
     items, and the word ‘superette’ to refer to small local       time zone.
                                                                   Opening a bank account
        Most shops are open during working hours, usually
                                                                   Opening a bank account is easy – you do not need to
     9:00am to 5:30pm from Monday to Saturday. Late
                                                                   be a resident of New Zealand, or to provide references.
     Thursday and Friday night and Sunday shopping is
                                                                   Most banks will have an account operating for you
     also common. Many supermarkets are open until
                                                                   within ten days, and often much sooner. To find
     9:00pm, and some stay open for 24 hours, seven days
                                                                   a bank, look under ‘Banks’ in the Yellow Pages. You
     a week. Some shops, such as takeaway food outlets
                                                                   will need to give the bank a permanent address,
     and those attached to petrol stations, are also open
                                                                   either residential or a post office box or private bag
     for extended hours.
                                                                   (see page 2). A hotel or motel address is not acceptable.
                                                                      If you want to open a cheque account, the bank
                                                                   will need identification, such as your passport or driver
                                                                   licence, and a deposit – usually about $200. When
                                                                   paying by cheque, it is normal to show identification
                                                                   such as a driver licence, credit card or passport.
                                                                      If you earn income, you will need to give the bank
                                                                   a ‘tax number’. To get a tax number, contact the Inland
                                                                   Revenue Department (IRD), Freephone: 0800 227 774.
                                                                   (For further information, see Government.)
Bank hours
Banks are normally open from 9:00am to 4:30pm,
Monday to Friday. ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines)
operate 24 hours a day.

Bank services
In addition to cheque and savings accounts and foreign
exchange services, New Zealand banks offer a range
of services that include personal loans, home loans,
insurance, investment, credit cards, and property and
business finance. Foreign exchange services are
particularly efficient.

Bank fees
Most banks charge a fee for every transaction made,
including ATM transactions, cheques and savings
withdrawals. Fees for ATM and EFTPOS (Electronic             “ATTITUDE IS IMPORTANT.
Funds Transfer at Point of Sale) transactions are             95% OF KIWIS ARE HARD-
normally 15 to 50 cents; 50 cents to $1.25 can be
charged for cheque transactions or when dealing with
                                                          WORKING, STRAIGHT-TALKING
a bank teller in person.                                 PEOPLE. YOU HAVE TO LEARN TO
Migrant services                                           DO THINGS YOURSELF HERE.”
Some major banks offer special services for new
                                                             INDIAN MIGRANT AND BUSINESS PROFESSOR,
migrants, and have multilingual staff who can help
with advice and information.                                                          KAMAL GHOSE.

Safe custody
Deposit boxes for the secure storage of personal
valuables, such as jewellery and financial and legal
papers, are available at most banks for a modest fee.
GETTING AROUND NEW ZEALAND                                      Driving rules
                                                                     The road code in New Zealand is similar to that
      Public transport                                               in most Western countries, but there are a few
      New Zealand has good air, train and bus links, and all         important features that need to be noted in advance
      services are listed in the Yellow Pages. Schedules are         of your arrival.
      available at most Information Centres.
                                                                     Keep left
      Driving                                                        New Zealanders drive on the left side of the road. This
      Driving in New Zealand is usually easy. Roads are              is easy to forget when you first arrive, as old habits
      good, congestion is rare, speeding is not common,              die hard, but such lapses can be fatal.
      and drunk driving incurs heavy penalties. However,             Keep left at all times.
      city traffic can be heavy, especially in ‘rush hours’
      on the Auckland and Wellington motorways. Most                 Speed limits
      ‘State Highways’ throughout the country are not large          Towns and cities: 50 kilometres per hour
      by overseas standards – many have only two lanes.              Open road: 100 kilometres per hour
      Rural roads require special care, because many are             Limited Speed Zone (LSZ): 50 kilometres per hour
      winding and some have a gravel or ‘metalled’ surface.          in bad conditions; 100 kilometres per hour in good
      Driver licences
      All drivers need a driver licence. You can be fined if         Give way rules
      you do not have your licence when stopped by the               Give way to all traffic crossing or approaching from
      Police. Always carry your licence with you when you            your right. If you are:
      drive. If you have a driver licence in your home country,      • at a ‘Give Way’ sign, be ready to stop and give way
      or an international driving permit or driver licence,            to all traffic
      you can drive in New Zealand. (If you have an                  • at a ‘Stop’ sign, stop completely and then give way
      international driving permit, it will help clarify the types     to all traffic
      of vehicles you are entitled to drive in New Zealand.)         • going straight ahead, give way to all vehicles coming
      However, you will need to apply for a New Zealand                straight through from your right
      driver licence and pass an eyesight examinaton,                • turning, give way to all vehicles not turning
      as well as a driving theory and practical test, within         • turning left, give way to vehicles coming towards
      12 months of arrival.                                            you that are turning right
                                                                     • turning right, give way to vehicles on your right that
                                                                       are turning right.
Parking                                                      Drink driving rules
You are not allowed to park on or beside a yellow line,      If you drink, don’t drive. Drinking more than the legal
or within six metres of an intersection or a pedestrian      limit and then driving is a very serious offence.
crossing.                                                    The Police can test any driver for alcohol at any time.
  Parking signs with red writing on a white background       If you are convicted of driving while over the legal
apply at all times.                                          limit, you will automatically lose your licence and be
  Parking signs with white writing on a blue back-           fined or imprisoned.
ground apply Monday to Saturday, 8:00am to 6:00pm.
                                                             For more information contact:
Safety belts                                                 The Land Transport Safety Authority, Freephone: 0800
All people in a car (in the front and rear seats) must       822 422 or visit:
wear safety belts at all times.
                                                             Copies of the New Zealand Road Code can also be
Children in cars                                             purchased from most bookshops and stationery outlets.
If you are driving a car, you are responsible for ensuring
that all children under five years old are restrained in
an approved child seat. The only exception is when
you are travelling in a taxi. If the taxi has no restraint
available, the child must sit in the back seat.

Safety helmets
Safety helmets are compulsory for all cyclists and
motorcyclists. This includes passengers and children
being carried on bicycles. The helmets must conform
to the New Zealand Standard and be securely fastened.
Approved safety helmets can be bought from cycle
shops. A fine of $55 is imposed if a cyclist is caught
cycling without a helmet.
HIGHLIGHTS FOR NEW MIGRANTS                                Arts, culture, festivals and entertainment
                                                                New Zealand has a thriving cultural life, with a unique
      Natural beauty and National Parks                         mix of European, Maori, Polynesian and, increasingly,
      New Zealand has many wilderness areas, including          other traditions.
      National Parks in Fiordland, Mt Cook, Tongariro and          Some of its orchestras and dance companies
      elsewhere, that attract tourists from around the world.   are internationally regarded – of particular note
      Exploring these wilderness reserves is a great way to     are the New Zealand Symphony and Auckland Phil-
      get a feel for the dramatic scenic contrasts and unique   harmonic Orchestras, Royal New Zealand Ballet and
      outdoor opportunities New Zealand offers. More            Black Grace Dance Company. There are also numerous
      information is available from:                            lesser-known professional theatre, dance and opera                                   companies. Theatre is strong in the main centres –
      The Department of Conservation website. The Depart-       particularly Wellington and Christchurch – and offers
      ment is responsible for maintaining the walking tracks    a stimulating mix of local and overseas productions.
      and huts in the National Parks.                           The local film industry is vibrant – its famous
                                                                exports include the Lord of the Rings trilogy,                                    Once Were Warriors and The Piano. Overseas artists
08    A general tourism website. National Parks are listed      and exhibitions also tour regularly.
      under ‘Top Resources’ in the left hand menu bar.             Several centres hold International Arts Festivals                                            featuring a wide range of local and international artists.
      Tourism New Zealand’s promotional website, with           The most well-known is probably the International
      many of the country’s famous natural attractions and      Festival of the Arts which is held in Wellington every
      activities.                                               two years and attracts a stellar cast of international
                                                                artists. Similarly, Opera in the Park concerts have                                     become hugely popular, with many centres lending
      Provides a national directory of Visitor Information      their own interpretation to these events.
      Centres. These centres usually provide information on        Maori cultural traditions receive strong support from
      a strictly regional basis.                                both the Maori community and the general public.
                                                                There has in recent years been a dramatic revival in
                                                                all Maori art forms, from carving and weaving to
                                                                traditional dance. Kapa Haka – a range of performing
                                                                arts that includes haka, waiata, and poi dancing –
                                                                enjoys enormous cross-cultural support. Regional and
                                                                national competitions in these performing arts are a
                                                                dominant feature of contemporary cultural life.
Wine and food                                                  In 1840, New Zealand was established as a colony
 New Zealand has world-class wines, and a distinctive           under the British Crown, when the chiefs of most Maori
 Pacific Rim cuisine that combines Asian and European           tribes and representatives of the Crown signed the
 influences, using the best local produce. High quality         Treaty of Waitangi on 6 February 1840. This agreement
 wine and food are not just the preserve of the wealthy         is recognised as the founding document of the nation.
 but are available to everyone. This is partly a reflection     The British connection remained an important part of
 of New Zealand’s lack of a formal class system, and            New Zealand culture, and Britain was often referred
 the fact that the cost of eating out is low by international   to as ‘home’. Just over 100,000 New Zealanders fought
 standards. Most New Zealanders eat out regularly and           on Britain’s behalf in World War I. New Zealand also
 the restaurant trade has boomed in recent years. There         made a significant contribution during World War II,
 are, for example, over 300 restaurants and cafes in            with nearly 10% of the population serving overseas.
 central Wellington, which now has more restaurants             After the war, New Zealand’s agricultural products
 per capita than any city in the world.                         were in demand and the 1950s saw prosperity, full
                                                                employment and considerable industrial growth.

 The first Polynesian settlers, the Maori, arrived in New
 Zealand in the 10th century and named it Aotearoa –
 Land of the Long White Cloud. By the 12th century,
 there were scattered settlements in favoured parts of
 the country. In 1840, the Maori population was
 estimated at 100,000.
   In 1642, the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman sighted
 Aotearoa. He mapped parts of the West Coast but did
 not land. In 1769, the British naval captain James Cook
 and his crew became the first Europeans to set foot
 on New Zealand soil. Eventually, sealers and whalers
 began to arrive, followed by Christian missionaries,
 and the first European settlements were established.
Maori culture                                                Languages
     Maori people have a distinctive culture, much of which       English
     is based around the marae – the meeting place of an          All New Zealanders speak English and many speak no
     iwi (tribe) or hapu (subtribe). The word marae refers        other language, so it is essential that you can speak
     to the open ground in front of a wharenui (meeting           English well if you are to settle easily. It may take time
     house), although the word is sometimes used to refer         to get used to the New Zealand accent, so you may
     simultaneously to the wharenui, the open space and           have to ask people to talk more slowly, and to
     other communal facilities.                                   repeat what they have said. Do not be shy about this,
        The marae is a spiritual place where the dead are         most people will be intrigued by your interest and
     mourned, guests are housed, weddings are held,               happy to help.
     reunions are celebrated, and matters of importance to        Maori
     the community are discussed. Each iwi has a number           New Zealand Maori, the indigenous language of New
     of marae in its rohe (tribal area). In addition, there are   Zealand, is spoken by about 50,000 Maori people and
     also urban marae – set up as increasing numbers of           a small number of Europeans. Interest in promoting
     Maori people migrate to urban areas. Urban marae             Maori language (te reo) has increased dramatically
     typically serve as community centres for people from         over the last 20 years. It is commonly heard on the
     a number of iwi, and they have modern as well as             marae and in rural areas where Maori people
     traditional carvings and decorations. If you visit a         predominate. Maori language is also taught in schools
     marae with a group on a formal occasion, you will            and universities.
     receive a ceremonial welcome. The ceremony will                For more information, see The Treaty of Waitangi.
     differ according to the kawa (protocol) of the iwi.
                                                                  Becoming a citizen
        For more information, see The Treaty of Waitangi
                                                                  New Zealand citizenship gives you the same rights as
     and Migrants.
                                                                  people born in New Zealand, including the right to
                                                                  have a New Zealand passport. Contact the Department
                                                                  of Internal Affairs for more information, Freephone:
                                                                  0800 22 51 51.
GETTING TO KNOW US                                                   Informality and friendliness
                                                                     Forms of address
 Social values                                                       New Zealanders dislike formality and people tend
 New Zealanders have a very similar way of life and                  to see each other as ‘equals’. Neighbours and people
 share values common to most Western countries, but                  in the workplace are normally on first-name terms.
 there are some special features. We are passionate                    However, it is still quite common to speak more
 about sport, and have a firm belief in social equality.             formally to people in authority. For example, a doctor
 The social welfare system prevents extreme poverty,                 might be called ‘Doctor Smith’ rather than ‘Mary’ or
 and the nation has neither a strong class system                    ‘Bill’. It is also, of course, standard to address police
 nor major social tensions. Differences between high                 as ‘Constable’ or ‘Officer’. However, this title is normally
 and low-income people are not pronounced. Some                      used only when addressing a doctor or policeman in
 minor ethnic tensions exist, but are low by international           his or her professional capacity. Also, children and
 standards, and goodwill between races is usually                    teenagers usually speak to adults as ‘Mrs. Smith’ or
 evident.                                                            ‘Mr. Smith’, unless invited to do otherwise.
                                                                       It is also standard to address all correspondence,
                                                                     and particularly job applications, formally to Mr. or Ms.
                                                                     or Mrs. Smith. However, old-fashioned greetings such
                                                                     as ‘Honourable Sir’, ‘Esteemed Editor’ and closing
                                                                     phrases such ‘I remain your humble servant’ will be
“WHAT WE REALLY LIKE IS THAT                                         regarded with derision.
M U M B A I . WE L O V E WE L L I N G T O N ,
                                       INDIAN MIGRANTS,

                      V E N A A N D M A H E N D E R PA L I W A L .
Social relations at work                                    Everyday behaviour
     New Zealanders dislike stuffiness and needless              Many New Zealanders praise new migrants for their
     formality, and this attitude is evident in the workplace.   good manners and politeness, and you will probably
     Most companies are small, with between five and ten         find that New Zealanders are mostly similar to people
     employees. In this context, formality is unworkable         everywhere when it comes to the types of behaviour
     and managers and business owners usually treat their        they like and dislike. For example, they like people to
     staff as they would friends. Although relations are         wait their turn in queues, to ask if it is acceptable to
     inevitably more structured in large organisations,          smoke, and not to make uninvited sexual advances.
     informality and friendliness is still generally the rule.   When walking down pavements, it is normal to keep
        Relations between the sexes are egalitarian. Requests    left so that people do not have to dodge each other –
     from male staff for their female colleagues to ‘get a       it is considered rude for groups of people to take up
     cup of tea’ or ‘wash the dishes’, and patronising or        most of the pavement width when walking together.
     sexually motivated remarks about women or girls, are        It is not considered polite to spit in the street, or to
     not acceptable. However, old-fashioned courtesies           blow your nose on to the pavement. All types of
     such as opening doors for female colleagues, although       personal violence are frowned upon. For example,
     no longer standard, are still generally appreciated.        it is increasingly considered unacceptable to smack or
        Informality and friendliness also extend to social       otherwise physically discipline children, and more
     occasions, and it is common for management to               serious instances of family violence are criminal
     socialise with their staff on equal terms. Particularly     offences.
     in small firms, this often extends to entertainment at
     the manager’s or owner’s home – often barbeque get-
     togethers held in the summer months. A standard and
     rather charming feature of working life in New Zealand
     is ‘Friday Fives’, which generally involves management
     and staff sharing drinks together in the office after
     close of work on Friday.
LIFE AND LEISURE                                             Fishing
                                                             Fishing is New Zealand’s most popular sport, with 23%
 Sports                                                      of New Zealanders fishing regularly. New Zealand
 New Zealand’s national sport is rugby. However,             is reputed to have the best trout fishing in the world.
 New Zealanders also participate in a full range of other    There are no private waters and the licence fee is
 sporting activities – often with considerable success       modest. Fishing regulations are strictly observed and
 at international level. Sports hold a high profile in our   trout fishermen are noted for their sporting ethic.
 education system and patterns established in early life        There is no licence fee for sea fishing, but strict
 tend to continue well into adulthood. Most adults           regulations apply to fishing methods, maximum
 actively participate in at least one team or individual     catches, fishing seasons and prohibited areas. Specific
 sport, and veterans teams catering for players forty        rules also apply to gathering shellfish. It is forbidden
 years and older are a standard feature of the sporting      to sell or trade your catch. Breaking the fishing
 scene. As with all aspects of New Zealand’s social life,    regulations, including those governing the collection
 a key feature of this and other sporting activities is      of wild shellfish, is totally unacceptable and can result
 their accessibility. Almost 15% of New Zealand families     in heavy fines and even imprisonment.
 own their own boat, and the number of golf courses
 per capita is the highest in the world. By international    For more information about fresh water fishing, contact     13
 standards, club costs are very low and membership           the local office of Fish and Game New Zealand, or a
 is generally open.                                          sporting goods shop, or visit:

 Outdoor activities: the wilderness and the sea              For information on sea fishing rules, contact the
 Getting away from the crowds is never a problem, and        Ministry of Fisheries, on Freephone: 0800 478 5370
 the freedom and safety New Zealanders enjoy in their        (0800 FOR RULES) or visit:
 outdoor pursuits is one of the distinct advantages of
 life here. Even those living in the major centres are
 often within less than a twenty-minute drive of open
 and unspoilt countryside. As a result, many New
 Zealanders spend their weekends and holidays in the
 outdoors. Even on weekdays, a walk on a lonely beach
 alone with the sea and surf is an option available
 to most urban residents.
Dinner parties and social events                              Parties and the ‘do’
     At dinner parties, it is customary for guests to bring        If someone says “We’re having a ‘do’, and hope you
     a bottle of wine. It is also quite common, but not            can come”, this means you are invited to a party. If it
     obligatory, to ask “Is there anything I can bring?”           is a ‘do’ for your workplace, then it is customary for
     Often, the hosts will decline the offer, but sometimes        the management to supply food and drink. If it is a
     they will suggest that you bring pre-dinner snacks,           party organised by a club or a group of friends,
     a salad, a dessert or perhaps after-dinner mints.             then it is likely that everyone will bring a share of the
     Sometimes guests will be asked to ‘bring a plate’. This       food and drink, or will ‘chip in’ (contribute their share
     is a local phrase that means ‘bring some food’. It does       to pay for it). If you are unsure what is expected, do
     not mean that you give a plate to the hosts.                  ask – New Zealand customs are very flexible, so ‘the
     If you are asked to ‘bring a plate’, it is best to ask what   locals’ often have to ask questions as well.
     sort of food is expected, since this will vary depending
     on the event.
                                                                   New Zealand weddings are generally less formal than
                                                                   in other Western countries, but this is not always the
                                                                   case. If you are unsure what to expect, do not be afraid
14                                                                 to ask.

                                                                   New migrants are often startled by the informality of
                                                                   some New Zealand funerals. Personalised funerals
                                                                   designed in line with family wishes, and which follow
                                                                   no particular liturgy, have become increasingly popular.
                                                                   Solemnity and grieving is often combined with
                                                                   ‘celebrating the life’ of the deceased, and lighter
                                                                   moments are now a feature of most funerals. Formal
                                                                   dress is not obligatory and semi-formal dress
                                                                   increasingly common. An important exception to this
                                                                   pattern is the tangi, the traditional Maori funeral. These
                                                                   are solemn rituals, at which marae protocol
                                                                   is strictly observed.
Holidays                                                          The National Anthem
New Zealand celebrates 11 public holidays a year,                 New Zealand’s National Anthem is sung at many formal
on days of national, religious or cultural significance.          and sporting occasions. Normally, only the first two
The public holidays are:                                          verses are sung.

1.   Christmas Day      25 December                               English
2.   Boxing Day         26 December                               God of Nations! At thy feet
3.   New Year’s Day     1 January                                 In the bonds of love we meet.
4.   2 January          2 January                                 Hear our voices we entreat,
5.   Waitangi Day       6 February                                God defend our free land.
                        marking the signing of the                Guard Pacific’s triple star
                        Treaty of Waitangi                        From the shafts of strife and war.
6.   Good Friday        the Friday before Easter, which usually   Make her praises heard afar,
                        falls in late March or early April        God defend New Zealand.
7.   Easter Monday      the Monday after Easter
                                                                  Men of every creed and race
8.   Anzac Day          25 April
                                                                  Gather here before Thy face,
                        a national day of remembrance that
                                                                  Asking Thee to bless this place,
                        honours the nation’s war dead
                                                                  God defend our free land.
9.   Queen’s Birthday   the Monday after the first weekend
                                                                  From dissension, envy, hate
                        in June
                                                                  And corruption guard our State.                        15
10. Labour Day          the last Monday in October
                                                                  Make our country good and great,
                        celebrating the introduction of the
                                                                  God defend New Zealand.
                        eight-hour working day
11. Anniversary Day     The Anniversary Day of each province –
                        dates vary from province to province.
                                                                  E Ihoa, Atua
                                                                  O nga Iwi Matou ra.
                                                                  Ata whakarongo na,
Every person is entitled to these 11 days’ holiday.               Me aroha noa.
                                                                  Kia hua ko te pai
If any of the first four days happens to fall on a weekend        Kia tau to atawhai.
when most people do not work, the holiday itself still            Manaakitia mai,
occurs on that day, but the legal entitlement to a day
                                                                  Ona mano tangata
off work is transferred to the next Monday or Tuesday.
                                                                  Kiri whero, kiri ma,
                                                                  Iwi Maori Pakeha,
                                                                  Rupeke katoa,
                                                                  Nei ka tono ko nga he
                                                                  Mau e whakaahu ke.
                                                                  Kia ora marire,
Media                                                      There are also some national and regional cable
     New Zealand has five free-to-air television channels:      channels:

     TV1: A mix of British and local drama, documentaries       Sky Television: A pay channel that shows movies,
     and sporting events. Also features favourites such as      sports, documentaries, news, magazine programmes
     Coronation Street.                                         and teenage dramas.

     TV2: Sporting events and popular New Zealand               TelstraClear: Runs a cable TV channel, screening sports,
     programmes, such as the soap opera Shortland Street        music channels, news, cartoons and family programmes.
     and well-known American shows such as Friends.
                                                                The two main state-owned radio stations are National
     TV3: Sports and high-rating American programmes,           Radio, which has many current affairs programmes,
     such as Oprah Winfrey and The Practice.                    and Concert FM, which specialises in classical music.
                                                                There are several Maori language radio stations, and
     TV4: The old, I Dream of Jeannie, the famous, South
                                                                about 120 private radio stations that mostly specialise
     Park, and the popular, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Targets
                                                                in various types of popular music.
     15-55 age group. Also game shows, dramas and
                                                                   New Zealand’s larger cities and towns have daily
16                                                              newspapers, and there are two national Sunday papers
     PrimeTV: Documentaries, nature programmes and              – these are, however, modest in size when compared
     comedies, such as Seinfeld.                                with American or British Sunday papers. There is no
                                                                national daily, but there are many national magazines,
                                                                both weekly and monthly.
                                                                   New Zealand news can be found on the Internet at:
PRACTICAL MATTERS                                            Consumer rights
                                                             New Zealand has laws to protect you from misleading
 Your rights                                                 advertising, faulty goods, poor workmanship, unfair
 New Zealand is a modern democratic country in which         trading and other problems you might meet as a
 human rights are protected. It is illegal to discriminate   consumer. Help is available from the Citizens Advice
 on grounds such as race, religion or ethnicity.             Bureau. Always keep receipts, quotations and
 Complaints about discrimination should be made to           estimates, copies of agreements and other such
 the Human Rights Commission office listed in the Blue       documents, since these can help if a dispute arises.
 Pages of The Telephone Book. For contact details, see       (See Business.)
 Appendix, page 23.
                                                             Daylight saving time
 Free help and advice                                        During summer, ‘daylight saving time’ applies –
 Citizens Advice Bureau                                      all clocks are put forward one hour on the first Sunday
 All major towns in New Zealand have a Citizens Advice       in October, and put back one hour on the third
 Bureau (CAB). These provide free information and            Sunday in March.
 assistance on matters such as the law, translation
 services, social welfare, health, education, housing,
 budgeting, employment rights, consumer rights and
 personal and family issues. The service is confidential
 and anyone can use it – you do not need to be a New
 Zealand citizen.
    Freephone: 0800 367 222 (0800 FOR CAB).
 Community Law Centres
 Community Law Centres offer free legal advice and
 information (but usually not on business problems or
 buying or selling houses). Your local Citizens Advice
 Bureau can provide details.
Electricity                                                 Earthquakes and other emergencies
     The power system in New Zealand is 240 volts,               New Zealand is not a dangerous country, but it is prone
     50 cycles.                                                  to earthquakes and you are likely to feel a few minor
        In New Zealand, you are allowed to do minor              tremors each year. Although this is generally nothing
     electrical repair work, such as changing fuses, replacing   to worry about, it is advisable to take a few simple
     light bulbs, rewiring plugs and installing new oven         precautions. For information on how to prepare
     elements. However, for safety and insurance reasons,        for earthquakes and other emergencies, look in the
     registered electricians are required to do any other        inside front, or back cover of the Yellow Pages or visit:
     electrical work. Look in the Yellow Pages , under 
                                                                 Rubbish collection and recycling
     Telephone connections                                       When and how rubbish is collected from your home
     The main telephone companies in New Zealand are             will depend on where you live, so talk to your
     Telecom, TelstraClear and Vodafone (which only deals        neighbours or contact your local council for details.
     with mobile phones). Pricing plans vary widely.                Most city councils provide rubbish bags that can be
        Most houses will have a telephone already installed.     bought from supermarkets. These must be left on the
18   If not, one can be purchased from an electronic goods       footpath outside the home for collection on a specific
     retailer or telephone company. Your telephone should        day each week. A small number of councils operate
     be connected within two or three days of contacting         a bin system.
     a telephone company.                                           Most councils will not collect garden rubbish or
        Telephone books are supplied free. Each major            large items. These should be taken to the local tip –
     city has its own telephone book, and other areas are        a council-run refuse collection centre. Call your local
     covered by provincial telephone books. The White            council for information. Freight-container-sized rubbish
     Pages version lists residential numbers and the Yellow      skips can also be hired. Look under ‘Rubbish Bin Hire’
     Pages version lists business numbers. Both are              in the Yellow Pages.
     available on the Internet ( and           Many councils operate Recycling Centres where                                     paper, glass and plastic can be placed in special
                                                                 bins. These are usually located near schools or
                                                                 shopping centres.
                                                                   If you live in a rural area, you are responsible for
                                                                 the disposal of your own rubbish.
Maintenance and home help                                    Buying a car
New Zealand families do not have full-time servants,         Protection against mechanical faults
gardeners or cooks, but a small number hire ‘home            The AA (Automobile Association) can do a vehicle
help’ – usually an individual who does their house           inspection to find any mechanical problems. Freephone:
cleaning for a few hours each week. More common is           0800 500 333. The fee is $95 for AA members and $120
the hiring of ‘handymen’ or small ‘odd job’ contractors      for non-members.
to mow lawns, maintain gardens and/or complete               Protection against dishonesty
minor repairs. However, electrical, gasfitting and           Car sales companies with LMVD after the name are
plumbing work must be done by registered tradesmen.          Licensed Motor Vehicle Dealers. These firms are bound
   When you want someone to do some work for you,            by a code of ethics. LMVD firms must also display the
it is best to ascertain costs first. There are two ways      model name, year of manufacture, number of previous
of doing this:                                               owners, warranty category and full price.
                                                                By law, they must offer buyers a warranty for a set
• Ask for a ‘quote’. A quote is an offer to do a job for
                                                             period, although this varies with the age of the car.
  a certain price. If you accept the quote, the contractor
                                                                To check if a dealer is licensed, Freephone: 0800
  has to do the work for that price, unless you agree
                                                             108 106.
  to change it.                                                                                                       19
                                                             Advice on motor registration, car licensing,
• Ask for an ‘estimate’. An estimate is a price the
                                                             and change of ownership
  contractor thinks the work will cost. It is not a firm
                                                             Contact the Land Transport Safety Authority.
  offer to do the job for that price. If you decide to use
                                                             Freephone: 0800 108 809, or visit:
  that particular contractor, make it clear that you want
  to be told – before work starts – if the final price is
  going to be higher than the estimate.

Ask for quotes and estimates in writing. For advice on
charges, and on ways of making sure you get jobs
done well, contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau,
Freephone: 0800 367 222 . You can also visit:
LEGAL MATTERS                                               Alcohol and the law
                                                                 Wine and beer are available from most supermarkets
      Marriages                                                  seven days a week, and wine, beer and spirits at
      The legal age of marriage in New Zealand is 16 years.      specialist outlets (‘bottle stores’).
      If one or both partners are under the age of 20 and           Anyone aged 18 years or over can go into ‘licensed
      have not been married before, then parental consent        premises’ and buy and drink alcohol. Licensed
      to marry is required.                                      premises include hotels, pubs, restaurants, clubs, bottle
      Divorce                                                    stores, supermarkets, cafes, bars and nightclubs.
      Divorce in New Zealand is simple. Couples can separate     If you are asked to prove you are aged 18 or over, you
      immediately and a divorce is granted automatically         can use either:
      after they have lived apart for two years. Dissolution     • a New Zealand photo driver licence
      is granted on the basis of irreconcilable differences.     • a New Zealand or overseas passport, or
      These grounds for divorce cover all reasons for ending     • an ‘evidence of age’ document from the Hotel
      a marriage.                                                  Association of New Zealand (available at any New
         All matrimonial property is generally divided equally     Zealand Post Shop for $20).
20    between the partners if they are divorcing after three
      years of marriage. This also applies to same-sex and       People who are under 18 can be supplied with alcohol
      de facto relationships. For shorter marriages,             by their parent or legal guardian, either at home or at
      the equal sharing rules may be modified.                   a private social gathering. It is illegal for people under
         For further information, contact the Registrar          18 to drink in a public place.
      of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Freephone: 0800           Drink driving rules
      22 52 52, or visit:                        If you drink, don’t drive. See page 7.
      Making a will
      Anyone aged 18 years and over can make a will either
      through the Public Trust, which provides a simple and
      low cost service, or a private lawyer.
        Freephone: 0800 371 471 or visit: www.publictrust.
 Sample shopping list
 Representative weekly shop for a four person family
 Oranges                       1kg              $0.61   Hand soap (liquid)                    500ml      $3.79
 Apples                        2kg              $3.99   Cat litter                            3L         $3.05
 Bananas                       small prepack    $2.79   Cat biscuits                          1kg        $3.50
 Carrots                       1kg              $1.69
                                                        Total                                          $187.99
 Lettuce                       1 head           $2.99
 Cauliflower                   1 head           $2.99   Source:, August 2002.
 Flour                         1.5kg            $1.39
 Sugar                         1.5kg            $2.09
 Pasta (spaghetti)             500g             $1.99
                                                        Prices of electrical goods
 Rice                          1kg              $1.59   Hewlett-Packard
 Sliced brown bread            1 pack           $2.75   Pavilion Computer Package Deal
 Butter                        500g             $2.19   (includes a good level of software,
 Margarine                     500g             $2.69   40GB hard drive and 256MB RAM)                $2,248.87
 Eggs                          12 eggs          $3.70
 Honey                         250g             $2.05   Samsung
 Potatoes                      10kg             $6.95   5kg Electronic Washing Machine                 $699.99
 Milk                          2L               $3.19   Kambrook                                                  21
 Cheese                        500g             $6.25   Vacuum Cleaner                                 $129.99
 Canned spaghetti              300g             $1.46
 Coco Pops                     425g             $3.99   Vidal Sassoon
 Potato chips (crisps)         190g             $2.35   Hair Dryer                                      $39.99
 Biscuits                      200g             $2.69   Simpson
 Water crackers                125g             $1.49   Manual Dishwasher                              $899.99
 Nescafé coffee                100g             $3.99
 Robert Harris ground coffee   200g             $6.99   Simpson
 Tea bags                      100 bags         $4.19   3.5kg Manual Dryer                             $399.99
 Coca Cola                     2.25L            $1.79   Doro
 Orange juice                  3L               $3.99   Basic Corded Phone                              $39.99
 Beer                          6 pack           $7.69
 Wine                          750ml            $9.99   AWA
 Premium beef mince            1kg             $12.99   14’’ Television                                $329.99
 Steak, scotch fillet          195g             $4.40   Source: Noel Leeming, August 2002.
 Fresh fish fillets, hoki      480g             $6.89
 Frozen fish                   360g             $6.59
 Lamb chops                    4 pack           $7.50
 Pork chops                    1kg             $13.99
 Sausages                      pack of 10       $4.91
 Canola oil                    500ml            $2.49
 Toilet paper                  4 rolls          $3.02
 Bleach                        1.25L            $2.19
 Washing machine soap powder   1.5kg            $3.50
 Detergent                     1L               $3.69
 Paper towels                  2 pack           $2.99
                                                                               WEBSITES AND NEW ZEALAND FREEPHONES
     If you need help in learning English, your local Citizens Advice Bureau
     (CAB) is a good place to start. CAB staff are trained in assisting         N E W Z E A L A N D I M M I G R AT I O N S E R V I C E S I T E S
     new migrants and will be able to refer you to local ESOL training
     organisations, colleges and schools that can provide the type
                                                                                Move To New Zealand.
     of tuition you require. Local CAB offices are listed under CITIZENS
                                                                                Information and links on doing business, working and living in
     ADVICE BUREAUX (INC) in the White Pages of The Telephone Book.
                                                                                New Zealand.
     Skill New Zealand also produces an English for Migrants Course
                                                                                Migrant Helpline
     Directory. You can obtain this by calling free on: 0800 376 569 or         A freephone referral service that helps new migrants find
     download it from the website.                                              the answers to questions about life in New Zealand.
                                                                                The service is free and aims to put migrants in touch with the                                                          right organisations and people who are ready and waiting
     National Association of ESOL Home Tutor Schemes.                           to help. Issues covered include: housing, health, schooling,
     Runs one-to-one ESOL teaching at home, social English groups,
                                                                                ESOL courses, employment and many other everyday topics.
     special focus groups for learning skills such as driver licence
                                                                                Operates from 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
     theory and social events.
                                                                                Does not deal with business inquiries.                                               Freephone: 0508 55 88 55 (for calls outside Auckland)
     New Zealand Correspondence School                                          09 914 4100 (for Auckland and all mobile phone calls).
     Provides ESOL correspondence courses at beginner, intermediate
22   and advanced levels.
                                                                                Official site of the New Zealand Immigration Service.
                                                                                Comprehensive information on all aspects of New Zealand
                                                                                immigration policy and procedures. All policy guidelines and
                                                                                most application forms can be downloaded.
                                                                                Citizens Advice Bureau                                                        All major towns in New Zealand have a Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB).
Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management                              These provide free information and assistance on matters such as
Information on how to prepare for earthquakes and other emergencies.            the law, translation services, social welfare, health, education, housing,                                                             budgeting, employment rights, consumer rights and personal and
New Zealand Customs Service                                                     family issues.
Information on all aspects of customs formalities and also what                 The CAB’s website also provides comprehensive and easily accessible
cannot be brought into New Zealand with you, focusing particularly              information on these and other issues. The service is confidential
on illegal items such as drugs and weapons.                                     and anyone can use it – you do not need to be a New Zealand citizen.                                                                 Freephone: 0800 367 222 (0800 FOR CAB)
Department of Internal Affairs                                                  Visit:
Processes citizenship applications, as well as many other documents
such as birth, death, and marriage registers, and certificates and passports.                                                                In an emergency, dial 111 –
Ministry of Fisheries                                                           Fire
Information on sea fishing.
Fish and Game New Zealand                                                       Police
Information on fresh water fishing and game hunting.                                                                                                                                              23
Human Rights Commission                                                         GENERAL SITES
An independent agency responsible for investigating and
resolving complaints about discrimination and other human rights issues.
Freephone: 0800 4 496 877 (0800 4 YOUR RIGHTS).                                 Consumers’ Institute of New Zealand
                                                                                For complaints about misleading advertising, unfair trading practices                                                                and other consumer advice.
Land Transport Safety Authority
Information on all aspects of transport regulation and                
driver safety campaigns on New Zealand roads.                                   New Zealand Automobile Association Inc.
                                                                                Website provides prices of new cars in New Zealand.
General Road Safety enquiries: 0800 699 000                                     The Association provides services ranging from insurance and loans to
Driver Licensing: 0800 822 422                                                  a 24-hour breakdown service to members and travel guides.
                                                                                Freephone: 0800 500 444
Road User Charges: 0800 655 644
Motor Vehicle Registration: 0800 108 809                                        New Zealand Post                                                                 Main operator of postal services in New Zealand.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry                                            At Post Shop outlets you can also pay bills, buy rugby tickets
Protects New Zealand’s agricultural, horticultural and                          and use the services of Kiwibank. Freephone: 0800 501 501
forestry industries.                                                                                                            Water Safety New Zealand
Information on imports of plants and animals.                                   Raises awareness of water safety.

                                                                                Shop online from this major New Zealand supermarket,
                                                                                or just browse to get a feel for prices.
NEWS SITES                                   
                                                            Scenic Circle Hotels and Resorts
                                                            Hotel accommodation in major tourist areas.
                                                            Freephone: 0800 69 69 63 (0800 NZ OWNED)

     TELEVISION/TV SITES                                    Jasons New Zealand Travel Channel                                      Accommodation listings as well as information on transport,
     Prime TV                                               activities and events
     Freephone: 0800 774 638 (0800 PRIMETV)
                                                                                          Contacts for Visitor Information Centres
     Sky TV
     Pay TV channel.
                                                            TRANSPORT SITES
     Telstra Clear offers pay TV on cable
                                                            Plan your route across town, using either buses, trains, ferries,                                         or a combination.
     Television New Zealand
                                                            Hamilton:                                        Timetables and fares of bus services both within Hamilton city
     TV One                                                 and the Waikato region.
                                                            Freephone: 0800 4287 5463 (0800 4BUSLINE)
24   TV Two                                                 Wellington:
                                                            Access bus and train timetables and fares.
     TV Three                                               Christchurch:
                                                            Bus timetables.
     TV Four                                                Dunedin:
                                                            Bus timetables and fares.

     W E B L I S T I N G S F O R A C C O M M O D AT I O N
                                                            BANK SITES
     Golden Chain Motels                          
     Freephone: 0800 80 465 336                   
     Mainstay Hotels
     Freephone: 0800 62 46 46 (0800 MAIN HOTELS)
     AA Host Motel Accommodation
     Freephone: 0800 500 543
                                                            Please note: Freephone numbers do not accept
     AA New Zealand Accommodation Guide                     international calls.
     Internet database comprised of information published
     in the AA’s accommodation guides.
Scenario Communications Limited,
Principal Photographer
Earp-Jones Originals,
Contributing Photographer
Wreford Hann Photography Ltd,
The NZIS acknowledges with thanks the many parties who
have contributed material for this publication. Special thanks
to Venture Southland, Dunedin City Council,
Adrian Heke Photographer.
The information included in this was drawn from a number
of sources and was current at the time of print. Accordingly,
NZIS is not able to guarantee the accuracy of that information.
Text may be reproduced without permission but
acknowledgement of source is required.
Photographs remain copyright of the photographers.
Published by the New Zealand Immigration Service –
a service of the Department of Labour.

                                                                  ISBN 0-477-03682-1
                                                                                       NZIS 2009

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Point Based Skilled Immigration to Australia

Nzis Sp Settling In

  • 2. SETTLING IN THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR NEW ZEALAND Bank accounts and credit cards Your present bank should be able to help you set up a bank account in New Zealand before you leave, so that you can make credit card and other withdrawals when you arrive. Documents, credit references and driver licences Your first few days in New Zealand are more likely to “THERE IS A UNIQUE TOLERANCE be easy and problem-free if you arrive with the IN NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY – 01 following documents: A GENUINE LACK OF PREJUDICE • birth certificates AND A WILLINGNESS TO JUDGE • marriage certificates • academic qualifications PEOPLE ON THEIR MERIT.” • references from previous employers B U L G A R I A N M I G R A N T, P O E T A N D N O V E L I S T, • curriculum vitae • credit references K A P K A K A S S A B O VA . • an international driver licence or permit. All documents should be originals (not copies). If documents are not in English they should be accompanied by a certified translation. Plan what to wear The weather is changeable, so bring a range of clothes and do not forget to include a raincoat. Remember, seasons are the reverse of those in the northern hemisphere.
  • 3. Money requirements when you first arrive Bringing your belongings If possible, arrive with some New Zealand money The New Zealand Customs Service pamphlet, Advice in mixed denominations ($5, $10 and $20 notes; on Importing Goods into New Zealand, provides full $50 and $100 notes are unusual), as traveller’s cheques information about importing goods into New Zealand. may not be accepted for small purchases. The pamphlet is available from New Zealand immi- gration, diplomatic and trade offices or directly from: Mail If you are expecting mail to arrive for you in New E-mail: Zealand, but you do not have a permanent address, then New Zealand Post can set up a ‘private box’ or Televisions, computers and other electrical goods ‘private bag’ at a post office in the city or town in which Most people do not bring items such as televisions, you plan to stay. Many organisations, such as banks, telephones, computers and other electrical goods, will accept a post office box or private bag as your since most foreign electrical appliances do not work official address. here. New Zealand’s power system is 240 volts and 50 cycles per second, and plugs have two or three Internet narrow pins. (For prices of electrical goods see New Zealand has a high rate of Internet use, with 02 Appendix page 21.) nearly 50% of households having access to the Internet. Internet cafes and other Internet services are also Pets common. You may need to plan six months ahead if you wish to bring your domestic pets into the country. For full information, contact the Import Management Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF). Telephone: +64 4 498 9264, Fax: +64 4 474 4132, or visit: The Automobile Association The New Zealand Automobile Association has reciprocal benefits, but you will need to produce your membership card. Membership can also be trans- ferred before you leave for New Zealand or after you arrive. For New Zealand membership, Freephone: 0800 108 809.
  • 4. WHEN YOU FIRST ARRIVE The airport and the city Money exchange Customs declarations Most New Zealand banks have branches at international Plant and animal materials airports with comprehensive foreign exchange facilities. New Zealand has strict laws to protect its agricultural Maps, city guides, accommodation industries from imported pests and diseases. If you Free accommodation brochures, maps and city guides bring in items such as food and plants, these must are available from self-service information booths. be declared to Customs officials. Fines for illegally Hotel and motel bookings can also be made by importing plants, animal materials and foodstuffs are freephone from the airport. up to $500,000 and/or 12 months in prison. Items that Transport need to be declared include: You can get to the central city by taxi, airport bus or • food, and the products and ingredients used for a fixed-price ‘shuttle’ van that will drop you off at your preparing food destination. Taxis have reliable meters that calculate • plants and parts of plants (alive or dead), including the fares – bargaining and tipping are not practised. cane, straw and rattan The taxi driver can estimate the likely cost for you. • animals (alive or dead), or products from animals Airport buses and shuttle vans are significantly cheaper, 03 • equipment used with animals but just as reliable. • camping gear, golf clubs, hiking boots, shoes, All cities have bus and taxi services. Only Wellington equestrian equipment and used bicycles has an extensive commuter train system; there are no • biological specimens. underground rail networks. Information Centres If you are in doubt about any items, declare them. Free information on accommodation, transport, food, There is no penalty for declaring items that cannot be tourist attractions and entertainment is available brought into New Zealand. from Information Centres. These are identified by a Like other countries, New Zealand has strict security prominent ‘i ’ logo. concerning drugs, firearms and other dangerous goods. Food A good range of fresh food is available from local supermarkets, and moderately priced cafes and restaurants are plentiful. Motels also have cooking facilities where you can make your own meals. (For food prices, see Appendix page 21.)
  • 5. Tipping Getting help with speaking English New Zealanders do not generally follow the custom For contact details, see Appendix page 22. For further of giving a tip to waiters, porters and other service information, see Education. people. However, tipping is appropriate in the more Telephones expensive restaurants and hotels – particularly if you Public telephone booths are usually located in town have received unusually good service. A tip of between centres and suburban shopping areas. Very few are five and ten percent of the total bill is appropriate. coin-operated and most require pre-purchased phone Water cards. These are available in a range of values from All New Zealand tap water is safe to drink and most $5 to $100 and can be purchased from most super- is of very high quality. markets, newsagents, dairies and other shops. If you Shopping cannot find a number, the Directory Service (dial 018) Shops and supermarkets are similar to those in most can help. Western countries. New Zealanders use the word ‘dairy’ to refer to small local shops that sell ice creams, sweets, Time newspapers, magazines and some basic grocery All parts of New Zealand operate in the same items, and the word ‘superette’ to refer to small local time zone. 04 supermarkets. Opening a bank account Most shops are open during working hours, usually Opening a bank account is easy – you do not need to 9:00am to 5:30pm from Monday to Saturday. Late be a resident of New Zealand, or to provide references. Thursday and Friday night and Sunday shopping is Most banks will have an account operating for you also common. Many supermarkets are open until within ten days, and often much sooner. To find 9:00pm, and some stay open for 24 hours, seven days a bank, look under ‘Banks’ in the Yellow Pages. You a week. Some shops, such as takeaway food outlets will need to give the bank a permanent address, and those attached to petrol stations, are also open either residential or a post office box or private bag for extended hours. (see page 2). A hotel or motel address is not acceptable. If you want to open a cheque account, the bank will need identification, such as your passport or driver licence, and a deposit – usually about $200. When paying by cheque, it is normal to show identification such as a driver licence, credit card or passport. If you earn income, you will need to give the bank a ‘tax number’. To get a tax number, contact the Inland Revenue Department (IRD), Freephone: 0800 227 774. (For further information, see Government.)
  • 6. Bank hours Banks are normally open from 9:00am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines) operate 24 hours a day. Bank services In addition to cheque and savings accounts and foreign exchange services, New Zealand banks offer a range of services that include personal loans, home loans, insurance, investment, credit cards, and property and business finance. Foreign exchange services are particularly efficient. Bank fees Most banks charge a fee for every transaction made, including ATM transactions, cheques and savings withdrawals. Fees for ATM and EFTPOS (Electronic “ATTITUDE IS IMPORTANT. 05 Funds Transfer at Point of Sale) transactions are 95% OF KIWIS ARE HARD- normally 15 to 50 cents; 50 cents to $1.25 can be charged for cheque transactions or when dealing with WORKING, STRAIGHT-TALKING a bank teller in person. PEOPLE. YOU HAVE TO LEARN TO Migrant services DO THINGS YOURSELF HERE.” Some major banks offer special services for new INDIAN MIGRANT AND BUSINESS PROFESSOR, migrants, and have multilingual staff who can help with advice and information. KAMAL GHOSE. Safe custody Deposit boxes for the secure storage of personal valuables, such as jewellery and financial and legal papers, are available at most banks for a modest fee.
  • 7. GETTING AROUND NEW ZEALAND Driving rules The road code in New Zealand is similar to that Public transport in most Western countries, but there are a few New Zealand has good air, train and bus links, and all important features that need to be noted in advance services are listed in the Yellow Pages. Schedules are of your arrival. available at most Information Centres. Keep left Driving New Zealanders drive on the left side of the road. This Driving in New Zealand is usually easy. Roads are is easy to forget when you first arrive, as old habits good, congestion is rare, speeding is not common, die hard, but such lapses can be fatal. and drunk driving incurs heavy penalties. However, Keep left at all times. city traffic can be heavy, especially in ‘rush hours’ on the Auckland and Wellington motorways. Most Speed limits ‘State Highways’ throughout the country are not large Towns and cities: 50 kilometres per hour by overseas standards – many have only two lanes. Open road: 100 kilometres per hour Rural roads require special care, because many are Limited Speed Zone (LSZ): 50 kilometres per hour winding and some have a gravel or ‘metalled’ surface. in bad conditions; 100 kilometres per hour in good 06 conditions. Driver licences All drivers need a driver licence. You can be fined if Give way rules you do not have your licence when stopped by the Give way to all traffic crossing or approaching from Police. Always carry your licence with you when you your right. If you are: drive. If you have a driver licence in your home country, • at a ‘Give Way’ sign, be ready to stop and give way or an international driving permit or driver licence, to all traffic you can drive in New Zealand. (If you have an • at a ‘Stop’ sign, stop completely and then give way international driving permit, it will help clarify the types to all traffic of vehicles you are entitled to drive in New Zealand.) • going straight ahead, give way to all vehicles coming However, you will need to apply for a New Zealand straight through from your right driver licence and pass an eyesight examinaton, • turning, give way to all vehicles not turning as well as a driving theory and practical test, within • turning left, give way to vehicles coming towards 12 months of arrival. you that are turning right • turning right, give way to vehicles on your right that are turning right.
  • 8. Parking Drink driving rules You are not allowed to park on or beside a yellow line, If you drink, don’t drive. Drinking more than the legal or within six metres of an intersection or a pedestrian limit and then driving is a very serious offence. crossing. The Police can test any driver for alcohol at any time. Parking signs with red writing on a white background If you are convicted of driving while over the legal apply at all times. limit, you will automatically lose your licence and be Parking signs with white writing on a blue back- fined or imprisoned. ground apply Monday to Saturday, 8:00am to 6:00pm. For more information contact: Safety belts The Land Transport Safety Authority, Freephone: 0800 All people in a car (in the front and rear seats) must 822 422 or visit: wear safety belts at all times. Copies of the New Zealand Road Code can also be Children in cars purchased from most bookshops and stationery outlets. If you are driving a car, you are responsible for ensuring that all children under five years old are restrained in an approved child seat. The only exception is when 07 you are travelling in a taxi. If the taxi has no restraint available, the child must sit in the back seat. Safety helmets Safety helmets are compulsory for all cyclists and motorcyclists. This includes passengers and children being carried on bicycles. The helmets must conform to the New Zealand Standard and be securely fastened. Approved safety helmets can be bought from cycle shops. A fine of $55 is imposed if a cyclist is caught cycling without a helmet.
  • 9. HIGHLIGHTS FOR NEW MIGRANTS Arts, culture, festivals and entertainment New Zealand has a thriving cultural life, with a unique Natural beauty and National Parks mix of European, Maori, Polynesian and, increasingly, New Zealand has many wilderness areas, including other traditions. National Parks in Fiordland, Mt Cook, Tongariro and Some of its orchestras and dance companies elsewhere, that attract tourists from around the world. are internationally regarded – of particular note Exploring these wilderness reserves is a great way to are the New Zealand Symphony and Auckland Phil- get a feel for the dramatic scenic contrasts and unique harmonic Orchestras, Royal New Zealand Ballet and outdoor opportunities New Zealand offers. More Black Grace Dance Company. There are also numerous information is available from: lesser-known professional theatre, dance and opera companies. Theatre is strong in the main centres – The Department of Conservation website. The Depart- particularly Wellington and Christchurch – and offers ment is responsible for maintaining the walking tracks a stimulating mix of local and overseas productions. and huts in the National Parks. The local film industry is vibrant – its famous exports include the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Once Were Warriors and The Piano. Overseas artists 08 A general tourism website. National Parks are listed and exhibitions also tour regularly. under ‘Top Resources’ in the left hand menu bar. Several centres hold International Arts Festivals featuring a wide range of local and international artists. Tourism New Zealand’s promotional website, with The most well-known is probably the International many of the country’s famous natural attractions and Festival of the Arts which is held in Wellington every activities. two years and attracts a stellar cast of international artists. Similarly, Opera in the Park concerts have become hugely popular, with many centres lending Provides a national directory of Visitor Information their own interpretation to these events. Centres. These centres usually provide information on Maori cultural traditions receive strong support from a strictly regional basis. both the Maori community and the general public. There has in recent years been a dramatic revival in all Maori art forms, from carving and weaving to traditional dance. Kapa Haka – a range of performing arts that includes haka, waiata, and poi dancing – enjoys enormous cross-cultural support. Regional and national competitions in these performing arts are a dominant feature of contemporary cultural life.
  • 10. Wine and food In 1840, New Zealand was established as a colony New Zealand has world-class wines, and a distinctive under the British Crown, when the chiefs of most Maori Pacific Rim cuisine that combines Asian and European tribes and representatives of the Crown signed the influences, using the best local produce. High quality Treaty of Waitangi on 6 February 1840. This agreement wine and food are not just the preserve of the wealthy is recognised as the founding document of the nation. but are available to everyone. This is partly a reflection The British connection remained an important part of of New Zealand’s lack of a formal class system, and New Zealand culture, and Britain was often referred the fact that the cost of eating out is low by international to as ‘home’. Just over 100,000 New Zealanders fought standards. Most New Zealanders eat out regularly and on Britain’s behalf in World War I. New Zealand also the restaurant trade has boomed in recent years. There made a significant contribution during World War II, are, for example, over 300 restaurants and cafes in with nearly 10% of the population serving overseas. central Wellington, which now has more restaurants After the war, New Zealand’s agricultural products per capita than any city in the world. were in demand and the 1950s saw prosperity, full employment and considerable industrial growth. BECOMING A NEW ZEALANDER 09 History The first Polynesian settlers, the Maori, arrived in New Zealand in the 10th century and named it Aotearoa – Land of the Long White Cloud. By the 12th century, there were scattered settlements in favoured parts of the country. In 1840, the Maori population was estimated at 100,000. In 1642, the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman sighted Aotearoa. He mapped parts of the West Coast but did not land. In 1769, the British naval captain James Cook and his crew became the first Europeans to set foot on New Zealand soil. Eventually, sealers and whalers began to arrive, followed by Christian missionaries, and the first European settlements were established.
  • 11. Maori culture Languages Maori people have a distinctive culture, much of which English is based around the marae – the meeting place of an All New Zealanders speak English and many speak no iwi (tribe) or hapu (subtribe). The word marae refers other language, so it is essential that you can speak to the open ground in front of a wharenui (meeting English well if you are to settle easily. It may take time house), although the word is sometimes used to refer to get used to the New Zealand accent, so you may simultaneously to the wharenui, the open space and have to ask people to talk more slowly, and to other communal facilities. repeat what they have said. Do not be shy about this, The marae is a spiritual place where the dead are most people will be intrigued by your interest and mourned, guests are housed, weddings are held, happy to help. reunions are celebrated, and matters of importance to Maori the community are discussed. Each iwi has a number New Zealand Maori, the indigenous language of New of marae in its rohe (tribal area). In addition, there are Zealand, is spoken by about 50,000 Maori people and also urban marae – set up as increasing numbers of a small number of Europeans. Interest in promoting Maori people migrate to urban areas. Urban marae Maori language (te reo) has increased dramatically typically serve as community centres for people from over the last 20 years. It is commonly heard on the 10 a number of iwi, and they have modern as well as marae and in rural areas where Maori people traditional carvings and decorations. If you visit a predominate. Maori language is also taught in schools marae with a group on a formal occasion, you will and universities. receive a ceremonial welcome. The ceremony will For more information, see The Treaty of Waitangi. differ according to the kawa (protocol) of the iwi. Becoming a citizen For more information, see The Treaty of Waitangi New Zealand citizenship gives you the same rights as and Migrants. people born in New Zealand, including the right to have a New Zealand passport. Contact the Department of Internal Affairs for more information, Freephone: 0800 22 51 51.
  • 12. GETTING TO KNOW US Informality and friendliness Forms of address Social values New Zealanders dislike formality and people tend New Zealanders have a very similar way of life and to see each other as ‘equals’. Neighbours and people share values common to most Western countries, but in the workplace are normally on first-name terms. there are some special features. We are passionate However, it is still quite common to speak more about sport, and have a firm belief in social equality. formally to people in authority. For example, a doctor The social welfare system prevents extreme poverty, might be called ‘Doctor Smith’ rather than ‘Mary’ or and the nation has neither a strong class system ‘Bill’. It is also, of course, standard to address police nor major social tensions. Differences between high as ‘Constable’ or ‘Officer’. However, this title is normally and low-income people are not pronounced. Some used only when addressing a doctor or policeman in minor ethnic tensions exist, but are low by international his or her professional capacity. Also, children and standards, and goodwill between races is usually teenagers usually speak to adults as ‘Mrs. Smith’ or evident. ‘Mr. Smith’, unless invited to do otherwise. It is also standard to address all correspondence, and particularly job applications, formally to Mr. or Ms. 11 or Mrs. Smith. However, old-fashioned greetings such as ‘Honourable Sir’, ‘Esteemed Editor’ and closing phrases such ‘I remain your humble servant’ will be “WHAT WE REALLY LIKE IS THAT regarded with derision. EVERYTHING IS REASONABLY CLOSE TO WHERE WE LIVE AND WORK. IT’S EASY TO GET ABOUT THE CITY AND SUBURBS, UNLIKE M U M B A I . WE L O V E WE L L I N G T O N , IT’S JUST RIGHT FOR US.” INDIAN MIGRANTS, V E N A A N D M A H E N D E R PA L I W A L .
  • 13. Social relations at work Everyday behaviour New Zealanders dislike stuffiness and needless Many New Zealanders praise new migrants for their formality, and this attitude is evident in the workplace. good manners and politeness, and you will probably Most companies are small, with between five and ten find that New Zealanders are mostly similar to people employees. In this context, formality is unworkable everywhere when it comes to the types of behaviour and managers and business owners usually treat their they like and dislike. For example, they like people to staff as they would friends. Although relations are wait their turn in queues, to ask if it is acceptable to inevitably more structured in large organisations, smoke, and not to make uninvited sexual advances. informality and friendliness is still generally the rule. When walking down pavements, it is normal to keep Relations between the sexes are egalitarian. Requests left so that people do not have to dodge each other – from male staff for their female colleagues to ‘get a it is considered rude for groups of people to take up cup of tea’ or ‘wash the dishes’, and patronising or most of the pavement width when walking together. sexually motivated remarks about women or girls, are It is not considered polite to spit in the street, or to not acceptable. However, old-fashioned courtesies blow your nose on to the pavement. All types of such as opening doors for female colleagues, although personal violence are frowned upon. For example, no longer standard, are still generally appreciated. it is increasingly considered unacceptable to smack or 12 Informality and friendliness also extend to social otherwise physically discipline children, and more occasions, and it is common for management to serious instances of family violence are criminal socialise with their staff on equal terms. Particularly offences. in small firms, this often extends to entertainment at the manager’s or owner’s home – often barbeque get- togethers held in the summer months. A standard and rather charming feature of working life in New Zealand is ‘Friday Fives’, which generally involves management and staff sharing drinks together in the office after close of work on Friday.
  • 14. LIFE AND LEISURE Fishing Fishing is New Zealand’s most popular sport, with 23% Sports of New Zealanders fishing regularly. New Zealand New Zealand’s national sport is rugby. However, is reputed to have the best trout fishing in the world. New Zealanders also participate in a full range of other There are no private waters and the licence fee is sporting activities – often with considerable success modest. Fishing regulations are strictly observed and at international level. Sports hold a high profile in our trout fishermen are noted for their sporting ethic. education system and patterns established in early life There is no licence fee for sea fishing, but strict tend to continue well into adulthood. Most adults regulations apply to fishing methods, maximum actively participate in at least one team or individual catches, fishing seasons and prohibited areas. Specific sport, and veterans teams catering for players forty rules also apply to gathering shellfish. It is forbidden years and older are a standard feature of the sporting to sell or trade your catch. Breaking the fishing scene. As with all aspects of New Zealand’s social life, regulations, including those governing the collection a key feature of this and other sporting activities is of wild shellfish, is totally unacceptable and can result their accessibility. Almost 15% of New Zealand families in heavy fines and even imprisonment. own their own boat, and the number of golf courses per capita is the highest in the world. By international For more information about fresh water fishing, contact 13 standards, club costs are very low and membership the local office of Fish and Game New Zealand, or a is generally open. sporting goods shop, or visit: Outdoor activities: the wilderness and the sea For information on sea fishing rules, contact the Getting away from the crowds is never a problem, and Ministry of Fisheries, on Freephone: 0800 478 5370 the freedom and safety New Zealanders enjoy in their (0800 FOR RULES) or visit: outdoor pursuits is one of the distinct advantages of life here. Even those living in the major centres are often within less than a twenty-minute drive of open and unspoilt countryside. As a result, many New Zealanders spend their weekends and holidays in the outdoors. Even on weekdays, a walk on a lonely beach alone with the sea and surf is an option available to most urban residents.
  • 15. Dinner parties and social events Parties and the ‘do’ At dinner parties, it is customary for guests to bring If someone says “We’re having a ‘do’, and hope you a bottle of wine. It is also quite common, but not can come”, this means you are invited to a party. If it obligatory, to ask “Is there anything I can bring?” is a ‘do’ for your workplace, then it is customary for Often, the hosts will decline the offer, but sometimes the management to supply food and drink. If it is a they will suggest that you bring pre-dinner snacks, party organised by a club or a group of friends, a salad, a dessert or perhaps after-dinner mints. then it is likely that everyone will bring a share of the Sometimes guests will be asked to ‘bring a plate’. This food and drink, or will ‘chip in’ (contribute their share is a local phrase that means ‘bring some food’. It does to pay for it). If you are unsure what is expected, do not mean that you give a plate to the hosts. ask – New Zealand customs are very flexible, so ‘the If you are asked to ‘bring a plate’, it is best to ask what locals’ often have to ask questions as well. sort of food is expected, since this will vary depending Weddings on the event. New Zealand weddings are generally less formal than in other Western countries, but this is not always the case. If you are unsure what to expect, do not be afraid 14 to ask. Funerals New migrants are often startled by the informality of some New Zealand funerals. Personalised funerals designed in line with family wishes, and which follow no particular liturgy, have become increasingly popular. Solemnity and grieving is often combined with ‘celebrating the life’ of the deceased, and lighter moments are now a feature of most funerals. Formal dress is not obligatory and semi-formal dress increasingly common. An important exception to this pattern is the tangi, the traditional Maori funeral. These are solemn rituals, at which marae protocol is strictly observed.
  • 16. Holidays The National Anthem New Zealand celebrates 11 public holidays a year, New Zealand’s National Anthem is sung at many formal on days of national, religious or cultural significance. and sporting occasions. Normally, only the first two The public holidays are: verses are sung. 1. Christmas Day 25 December English 2. Boxing Day 26 December God of Nations! At thy feet 3. New Year’s Day 1 January In the bonds of love we meet. 4. 2 January 2 January Hear our voices we entreat, 5. Waitangi Day 6 February God defend our free land. marking the signing of the Guard Pacific’s triple star Treaty of Waitangi From the shafts of strife and war. 6. Good Friday the Friday before Easter, which usually Make her praises heard afar, falls in late March or early April God defend New Zealand. 7. Easter Monday the Monday after Easter Men of every creed and race 8. Anzac Day 25 April Gather here before Thy face, a national day of remembrance that Asking Thee to bless this place, honours the nation’s war dead God defend our free land. 9. Queen’s Birthday the Monday after the first weekend From dissension, envy, hate in June And corruption guard our State. 15 10. Labour Day the last Monday in October Make our country good and great, celebrating the introduction of the God defend New Zealand. eight-hour working day 11. Anniversary Day The Anniversary Day of each province – Maori dates vary from province to province. E Ihoa, Atua O nga Iwi Matou ra. Ata whakarongo na, Every person is entitled to these 11 days’ holiday. Me aroha noa. Kia hua ko te pai If any of the first four days happens to fall on a weekend Kia tau to atawhai. when most people do not work, the holiday itself still Manaakitia mai, Aotearoa. occurs on that day, but the legal entitlement to a day Ona mano tangata off work is transferred to the next Monday or Tuesday. Kiri whero, kiri ma, Iwi Maori Pakeha, Rupeke katoa, Nei ka tono ko nga he Mau e whakaahu ke. Kia ora marire, Aotearoa.
  • 17. Media There are also some national and regional cable New Zealand has five free-to-air television channels: channels: TV1: A mix of British and local drama, documentaries Sky Television: A pay channel that shows movies, and sporting events. Also features favourites such as sports, documentaries, news, magazine programmes Coronation Street. and teenage dramas. TV2: Sporting events and popular New Zealand TelstraClear: Runs a cable TV channel, screening sports, programmes, such as the soap opera Shortland Street music channels, news, cartoons and family programmes. and well-known American shows such as Friends. The two main state-owned radio stations are National TV3: Sports and high-rating American programmes, Radio, which has many current affairs programmes, such as Oprah Winfrey and The Practice. and Concert FM, which specialises in classical music. There are several Maori language radio stations, and TV4: The old, I Dream of Jeannie, the famous, South about 120 private radio stations that mostly specialise Park, and the popular, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Targets in various types of popular music. 15-55 age group. Also game shows, dramas and New Zealand’s larger cities and towns have daily comedies. 16 newspapers, and there are two national Sunday papers PrimeTV: Documentaries, nature programmes and – these are, however, modest in size when compared comedies, such as Seinfeld. with American or British Sunday papers. There is no national daily, but there are many national magazines, both weekly and monthly. New Zealand news can be found on the Internet at: and
  • 18. PRACTICAL MATTERS Consumer rights New Zealand has laws to protect you from misleading Your rights advertising, faulty goods, poor workmanship, unfair New Zealand is a modern democratic country in which trading and other problems you might meet as a human rights are protected. It is illegal to discriminate consumer. Help is available from the Citizens Advice on grounds such as race, religion or ethnicity. Bureau. Always keep receipts, quotations and Complaints about discrimination should be made to estimates, copies of agreements and other such the Human Rights Commission office listed in the Blue documents, since these can help if a dispute arises. Pages of The Telephone Book. For contact details, see (See Business.) Appendix, page 23. Daylight saving time Free help and advice During summer, ‘daylight saving time’ applies – Citizens Advice Bureau all clocks are put forward one hour on the first Sunday All major towns in New Zealand have a Citizens Advice in October, and put back one hour on the third Bureau (CAB). These provide free information and Sunday in March. assistance on matters such as the law, translation services, social welfare, health, education, housing, 17 budgeting, employment rights, consumer rights and personal and family issues. The service is confidential and anyone can use it – you do not need to be a New Zealand citizen. Freephone: 0800 367 222 (0800 FOR CAB). Community Law Centres Community Law Centres offer free legal advice and information (but usually not on business problems or buying or selling houses). Your local Citizens Advice Bureau can provide details.
  • 19. Electricity Earthquakes and other emergencies The power system in New Zealand is 240 volts, New Zealand is not a dangerous country, but it is prone 50 cycles. to earthquakes and you are likely to feel a few minor In New Zealand, you are allowed to do minor tremors each year. Although this is generally nothing electrical repair work, such as changing fuses, replacing to worry about, it is advisable to take a few simple light bulbs, rewiring plugs and installing new oven precautions. For information on how to prepare elements. However, for safety and insurance reasons, for earthquakes and other emergencies, look in the registered electricians are required to do any other inside front, or back cover of the Yellow Pages or visit: electrical work. Look in the Yellow Pages , under ‘Electricians’. Rubbish collection and recycling Telephone connections When and how rubbish is collected from your home The main telephone companies in New Zealand are will depend on where you live, so talk to your Telecom, TelstraClear and Vodafone (which only deals neighbours or contact your local council for details. with mobile phones). Pricing plans vary widely. Most city councils provide rubbish bags that can be Most houses will have a telephone already installed. bought from supermarkets. These must be left on the 18 If not, one can be purchased from an electronic goods footpath outside the home for collection on a specific retailer or telephone company. Your telephone should day each week. A small number of councils operate be connected within two or three days of contacting a bin system. a telephone company. Most councils will not collect garden rubbish or Telephone books are supplied free. Each major large items. These should be taken to the local tip – city has its own telephone book, and other areas are a council-run refuse collection centre. Call your local covered by provincial telephone books. The White council for information. Freight-container-sized rubbish Pages version lists residential numbers and the Yellow skips can also be hired. Look under ‘Rubbish Bin Hire’ Pages version lists business numbers. Both are in the Yellow Pages. available on the Internet ( and Many councils operate Recycling Centres where paper, glass and plastic can be placed in special bins. These are usually located near schools or shopping centres. If you live in a rural area, you are responsible for the disposal of your own rubbish.
  • 20. Maintenance and home help Buying a car New Zealand families do not have full-time servants, Protection against mechanical faults gardeners or cooks, but a small number hire ‘home The AA (Automobile Association) can do a vehicle help’ – usually an individual who does their house inspection to find any mechanical problems. Freephone: cleaning for a few hours each week. More common is 0800 500 333. The fee is $95 for AA members and $120 the hiring of ‘handymen’ or small ‘odd job’ contractors for non-members. to mow lawns, maintain gardens and/or complete Protection against dishonesty minor repairs. However, electrical, gasfitting and Car sales companies with LMVD after the name are plumbing work must be done by registered tradesmen. Licensed Motor Vehicle Dealers. These firms are bound When you want someone to do some work for you, by a code of ethics. LMVD firms must also display the it is best to ascertain costs first. There are two ways model name, year of manufacture, number of previous of doing this: owners, warranty category and full price. By law, they must offer buyers a warranty for a set • Ask for a ‘quote’. A quote is an offer to do a job for period, although this varies with the age of the car. a certain price. If you accept the quote, the contractor To check if a dealer is licensed, Freephone: 0800 has to do the work for that price, unless you agree 108 106. to change it. 19 Advice on motor registration, car licensing, • Ask for an ‘estimate’. An estimate is a price the and change of ownership contractor thinks the work will cost. It is not a firm Contact the Land Transport Safety Authority. offer to do the job for that price. If you decide to use Freephone: 0800 108 809, or visit: that particular contractor, make it clear that you want to be told – before work starts – if the final price is going to be higher than the estimate. Ask for quotes and estimates in writing. For advice on charges, and on ways of making sure you get jobs done well, contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau, Freephone: 0800 367 222 . You can also visit:
  • 21. LEGAL MATTERS Alcohol and the law Wine and beer are available from most supermarkets Marriages seven days a week, and wine, beer and spirits at The legal age of marriage in New Zealand is 16 years. specialist outlets (‘bottle stores’). If one or both partners are under the age of 20 and Anyone aged 18 years or over can go into ‘licensed have not been married before, then parental consent premises’ and buy and drink alcohol. Licensed to marry is required. premises include hotels, pubs, restaurants, clubs, bottle Divorce stores, supermarkets, cafes, bars and nightclubs. Divorce in New Zealand is simple. Couples can separate If you are asked to prove you are aged 18 or over, you immediately and a divorce is granted automatically can use either: after they have lived apart for two years. Dissolution • a New Zealand photo driver licence is granted on the basis of irreconcilable differences. • a New Zealand or overseas passport, or These grounds for divorce cover all reasons for ending • an ‘evidence of age’ document from the Hotel a marriage. Association of New Zealand (available at any New All matrimonial property is generally divided equally Zealand Post Shop for $20). 20 between the partners if they are divorcing after three years of marriage. This also applies to same-sex and People who are under 18 can be supplied with alcohol de facto relationships. For shorter marriages, by their parent or legal guardian, either at home or at the equal sharing rules may be modified. a private social gathering. It is illegal for people under For further information, contact the Registrar 18 to drink in a public place. of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Freephone: 0800 Drink driving rules 22 52 52, or visit: If you drink, don’t drive. See page 7. Making a will Anyone aged 18 years and over can make a will either through the Public Trust, which provides a simple and low cost service, or a private lawyer. Freephone: 0800 371 471 or visit: www.publictrust.
  • 22. APPENDIX: TYPICAL COSTS AND PRICES Sample shopping list Representative weekly shop for a four person family Oranges 1kg $0.61 Hand soap (liquid) 500ml $3.79 Apples 2kg $3.99 Cat litter 3L $3.05 Bananas small prepack $2.79 Cat biscuits 1kg $3.50 Carrots 1kg $1.69 Total $187.99 Lettuce 1 head $2.99 Cauliflower 1 head $2.99 Source:, August 2002. Flour 1.5kg $1.39 Sugar 1.5kg $2.09 Pasta (spaghetti) 500g $1.99 Prices of electrical goods Rice 1kg $1.59 Hewlett-Packard Sliced brown bread 1 pack $2.75 Pavilion Computer Package Deal Butter 500g $2.19 (includes a good level of software, Margarine 500g $2.69 40GB hard drive and 256MB RAM) $2,248.87 Eggs 12 eggs $3.70 Honey 250g $2.05 Samsung Potatoes 10kg $6.95 5kg Electronic Washing Machine $699.99 Milk 2L $3.19 Kambrook 21 Cheese 500g $6.25 Vacuum Cleaner $129.99 Canned spaghetti 300g $1.46 Coco Pops 425g $3.99 Vidal Sassoon Potato chips (crisps) 190g $2.35 Hair Dryer $39.99 Biscuits 200g $2.69 Simpson Water crackers 125g $1.49 Manual Dishwasher $899.99 Nescafé coffee 100g $3.99 Robert Harris ground coffee 200g $6.99 Simpson Tea bags 100 bags $4.19 3.5kg Manual Dryer $399.99 Coca Cola 2.25L $1.79 Doro Orange juice 3L $3.99 Basic Corded Phone $39.99 Beer 6 pack $7.69 Wine 750ml $9.99 AWA Premium beef mince 1kg $12.99 14’’ Television $329.99 Steak, scotch fillet 195g $4.40 Source: Noel Leeming, August 2002. Fresh fish fillets, hoki 480g $6.89 Frozen fish 360g $6.59 Lamb chops 4 pack $7.50 Pork chops 1kg $13.99 Sausages pack of 10 $4.91 Canola oil 500ml $2.49 Toilet paper 4 rolls $3.02 Bleach 1.25L $2.19 Washing machine soap powder 1.5kg $3.50 Detergent 1L $3.69 Paper towels 2 pack $2.99
  • 23. GETTING HELP WITH SPEAKING ENGLISH WEBSITES AND NEW ZEALAND FREEPHONES If you need help in learning English, your local Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) is a good place to start. CAB staff are trained in assisting N E W Z E A L A N D I M M I G R AT I O N S E R V I C E S I T E S new migrants and will be able to refer you to local ESOL training organisations, colleges and schools that can provide the type Move To New Zealand. of tuition you require. Local CAB offices are listed under CITIZENS Information and links on doing business, working and living in ADVICE BUREAUX (INC) in the White Pages of The Telephone Book. New Zealand. Skill New Zealand also produces an English for Migrants Course Migrant Helpline Directory. You can obtain this by calling free on: 0800 376 569 or A freephone referral service that helps new migrants find download it from the website. the answers to questions about life in New Zealand. The service is free and aims to put migrants in touch with the right organisations and people who are ready and waiting National Association of ESOL Home Tutor Schemes. to help. Issues covered include: housing, health, schooling, Runs one-to-one ESOL teaching at home, social English groups, ESOL courses, employment and many other everyday topics. special focus groups for learning skills such as driver licence Operates from 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. theory and social events. Does not deal with business inquiries. Freephone: 0508 55 88 55 (for calls outside Auckland) New Zealand Correspondence School 09 914 4100 (for Auckland and all mobile phone calls). Provides ESOL correspondence courses at beginner, intermediate 22 and advanced levels. Official site of the New Zealand Immigration Service. Comprehensive information on all aspects of New Zealand immigration policy and procedures. All policy guidelines and most application forms can be downloaded.
  • 24. GOVERNMENT SITES Citizens Advice Bureau All major towns in New Zealand have a Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management These provide free information and assistance on matters such as Information on how to prepare for earthquakes and other emergencies. the law, translation services, social welfare, health, education, housing, budgeting, employment rights, consumer rights and personal and New Zealand Customs Service family issues. Information on all aspects of customs formalities and also what The CAB’s website also provides comprehensive and easily accessible cannot be brought into New Zealand with you, focusing particularly information on these and other issues. The service is confidential on illegal items such as drugs and weapons. and anyone can use it – you do not need to be a New Zealand citizen. Freephone: 0800 367 222 (0800 FOR CAB) Department of Internal Affairs Visit: Processes citizenship applications, as well as many other documents such as birth, death, and marriage registers, and certificates and passports. In an emergency, dial 111 – Ministry of Fisheries Fire Information on sea fishing. Ambulance Fish and Game New Zealand Police Information on fresh water fishing and game hunting. 23 Human Rights Commission GENERAL SITES An independent agency responsible for investigating and resolving complaints about discrimination and other human rights issues. Freephone: 0800 4 496 877 (0800 4 YOUR RIGHTS). Consumers’ Institute of New Zealand For complaints about misleading advertising, unfair trading practices and other consumer advice. Land Transport Safety Authority Information on all aspects of transport regulation and driver safety campaigns on New Zealand roads. New Zealand Automobile Association Inc. Website provides prices of new cars in New Zealand. General Road Safety enquiries: 0800 699 000 The Association provides services ranging from insurance and loans to Driver Licensing: 0800 822 422 a 24-hour breakdown service to members and travel guides. Freephone: 0800 500 444 Road User Charges: 0800 655 644 Motor Vehicle Registration: 0800 108 809 New Zealand Post Main operator of postal services in New Zealand. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry At Post Shop outlets you can also pay bills, buy rugby tickets Protects New Zealand’s agricultural, horticultural and and use the services of Kiwibank. Freephone: 0800 501 501 forestry industries. Water Safety New Zealand Information on imports of plants and animals. Raises awareness of water safety. Woolworths Shop online from this major New Zealand supermarket, or just browse to get a feel for prices.
  • 25. NEWS SITES Scenic Circle Hotels and Resorts Hotel accommodation in major tourist areas. Freephone: 0800 69 69 63 (0800 NZ OWNED) TELEVISION/TV SITES Jasons New Zealand Travel Channel Accommodation listings as well as information on transport, Prime TV activities and events Freephone: 0800 774 638 (0800 PRIMETV) Contacts for Visitor Information Centres Sky TV Pay TV channel. TRANSPORT SITES Auckland: Telstra Clear offers pay TV on cable Plan your route across town, using either buses, trains, ferries, or a combination. Television New Zealand Hamilton: Timetables and fares of bus services both within Hamilton city TV One and the Waikato region. Freephone: 0800 4287 5463 (0800 4BUSLINE) 24 TV Two Wellington: Access bus and train timetables and fares. TV Three Christchurch: Bus timetables. TV Four Dunedin: Bus timetables and fares. W E B L I S T I N G S F O R A C C O M M O D AT I O N BANK SITES Golden Chain Motels Freephone: 0800 80 465 336 Mainstay Hotels Freephone: 0800 62 46 46 (0800 MAIN HOTELS) AA Host Motel Accommodation Freephone: 0800 500 543 Please note: Freephone numbers do not accept AA New Zealand Accommodation Guide international calls. Internet database comprised of information published in the AA’s accommodation guides.
  • 26. Design Scenario Communications Limited, Principal Photographer Earp-Jones Originals, Contributing Photographer Wreford Hann Photography Ltd, Acknowledgements The NZIS acknowledges with thanks the many parties who have contributed material for this publication. Special thanks to Venture Southland, Dunedin City Council, Adrian Heke Photographer. Disclaimer The information included in this was drawn from a number of sources and was current at the time of print. Accordingly, NZIS is not able to guarantee the accuracy of that information. Copyright Text may be reproduced without permission but acknowledgement of source is required. Photographs remain copyright of the photographers. Published by the New Zealand Immigration Service – a service of the Department of Labour. ISBN 0-477-03682-1 NZIS 2009