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Health Notes
If you become ill within the next three weeks with:    be asked to provide New Zealand contact                         Medical care for sickness is not free to
diarrhoea; and/or vomiting; or skin rash; or fever     information; your information will be securely                  visitors, but some costs of accident-related
please see a doctor and say that you have              destroyed when no longer required and can be                    medical treatment may be met by the Accident
recently arrived from overseas.                        updated by contacting any Public Health Unit.                   Compensation Corporation; you should make
If a public health risk is identified (e.g. a person   You can be fined NZ$500 under the Health Act                    your own arrangements to cover your medical
with a suspected infectious disease) you may           1956 for non-compliance.                                        care while in the country.

Privacy Statement
Information sought on the New Zealand                  The Customs and Excise Act 1996, s.280,                         Arrival Card provide penalties for the non
Passenger Arrival Card is required to administer       authorises the New Zealand Customs Service                      supply of information. These range from
Currency, Customs, Fines Enforcement,                  to release information for data matching                        denying you permission to enter New Zealand
Health, Immigration, Police, Quarantine, and           purposes to the Ministry of Social Development                  through to fines.
Wildlife laws of New Zealand. Collection and           (MSD) and Inland Revenue. Pursuant to the                       The Privacy Act 1993 provides rights of access
dissemination of this information is authorised        Immigration Act 1987, s.141A and 141AE, and                     to, and correction of, personal information held
by legislation administered by the New Zealand         the Electoral Act 1993, s.263A, Immigration                     in readily retrievable form. Should you wish to
Border Agencies. These agencies will disclose          New Zealand is authorised to release                            exercise these rights please contact the
this information to those Government bodies            information for data matching purposes to                       New Zealand Customs Service on
authorised to receive it under New Zealand law.        MSD, the Ministry of Justice and the Electoral                  Phone: 0800 428 786 during business
Once collected, the Statistics Act 1975 allows         Enrolment Centre.                                               hours, Fax: 0-9-359 6730, or
for the information collected to be used for           The laws authorising the collection of                          E-mail:
statistical purposes by Statistics New Zealand.        information from the New Zealand Passenger

                        Comments/Enquiries: The Border Agencies welcome your comments in relation to your arrival in New Zealand.
                           Phone: 0800 428 786 during business hours or Fax: 0-9-359 6730 or E-mail:

 New Zealand Passenger Arrival Card – and Notes
                                       Haere mai. Welcome to New Zealand.
What to do                                             How to fill out the card                                        At the Airport
  A separate Arrival Card must be                        Please answer in English.                                     After collecting your baggage you must decide
  completed for all passengers                           Print in capital letters like this:                           which way out to take.
  including children.                                                                                                    If you have declared any Customs or
  If necessary, use the notes to assist.               N E W               Z E A L A N D                                 Agricultural goods on your Arrival Card, or if
                                                                                                                         you are unsure, please go to the ‘Goods to
  Tear the card from the notes.                          Or mark answers like this:                                      Declare Way Out’ (Red Exit).
  Show your card and passport at                         Remember to fill in BOTH sides.                                 Otherwise depart through the ‘Nothing to
  Passport Control in New Zealand.                                                                                       Declare Way Out’ (Green Exit).
                                                                                                                         Give your Arrival Card to an official.
                                                                                                                         You may be stopped and questioned about
                                                                Remember honesty                                         your decision. Your baggage will also be
                                                                  is the best policy.                                    subjected to further scrutiny including
                                                                If you are not sure –                                    search, x-ray, or detector dog examination.
                                                                                                                         The Arrival Card is a legal document — false
                                                                      declare it !!                                      declarations can lead to penalties including
                                                                                                                         confiscation of goods, fines, prosecution and
                                                        TEAR OFF THE CARD BEFORE HANDING IN

                                New Zealand Passenger Arrival Card                                                                                                               April 2007

 1  flight	number/	                                                  2a Answer this section if                           2b Answer this section if you DO NOT
    name	of	ship                                                            you live in New Zealand.                           live in New Zealand.
passport	                                                                   Otherwise go to ‘2b’.
number                                                                                                                    	How	long	do	you	intend	to	stay	in	New	Zealand?
                                                                         	How	long	have	you	been	away	from		
nationality	as		                                                          New	Zealand?                                                                	 years		    months		     days
shown	on	passport                                                    	     years		   months		    days                         permanently			or
family	name
                                                                                                                          	If	you	are	not	staying	permanently	what	is	your	
given	or	first	names                                                     	Which	country	did	you	spend	most	time		          MAIN	reason	for	coming	to	New	Zealand?
                                                                          in	while	overseas?                                  visiting	friends	         business              holiday/
date	of		                                                                                                                     or	relatives	                                   vacation
birth     day                month           year
occupation	                                                                                                                                             education	            other
or	job                                                                   	What	was	the	MAIN	reason	for	your	trip?
full	contact	or	                                                     	       business		           education               	Where	did	you	last	live	for	12	months	or	more?
residential	address	                                                                                                     country
in	New	Zealand                                                       	       other

country	of		                                                             	Which	country	will	you	mostly	live	in	for	     state,	province,		
birth                                                                     the	next	12	months?                            or	prefecture            zip	or	postal	code
overseas	port	where	you	                                             	       New	Zealand		        other	
boarded	THIS	aircraft/ship

                                            PlEASE TuRN OvER FOR MORE quESTIONS AND TO SIGN
3    Biosecurity Notes
New Zealand operates very strict biosecurity procedures at airports and ports to prevent the introduction of pests and diseases of animals and plants. You are
required to declare to an inspector in Part 3 of the New Zealand Passenger Arrival Card (pursuant to s30(1)(a) of the Biosecurity Act 1993), all items in your
possession that are listed below. If you are not sure about any items, ask a MAF Quarantine officer. Note: Heavy penalties exist for false declarations.
Animal and Animal Products                                        Plants and Plant Products                                           Other Items
 	 Live	animals,	pets,	birds,	fish,	and	insects.                    	 Fruit	and	vegetables	(fresh,	dried,	frozen	or	cooked).           	 Camping/hiking/hunting	gear	and	boots,	bicycles	and	
 	 Meat	and	meat	products	(fresh	or	cooked).                        	 Nuts	unprocessed	and	raw.                                          spiked/cleated/studded	sporting	shoes.
 	 Dairy	products	including	cheese,	milk,	milk	powder,	             	 Herbs	and	spices.                                                	 Animal	food,	remedies	supplements,	cultures	and	
   butter	and	ghee.                                                 	 Noodles	and	rice.                                                  biologicals.
 	 Egg	and	egg	products	including	egg	powder,	and	                  	 Mushrooms	and	fungi	(fresh	or	dried).                            	 Riding	gear,	including	clothing,	footwear	and		
   instant	meal	products.                                                                                                                grooming	equipment.
                                                                    	 Plants	live	and	dried,	including	plant	cuttings	and	
 	 Fish/shellfish	(fresh,	dried	and	frozen).                                                                                           	 Equipment	and	clothing	used	in	association	with	animals.
 	 Honey,	pollen,	honeycombs,	and	bees	wax.                                                                                            	 Fresh	water	fishing	equipment,	fishing	bait	and		
                                                                    	 Seeds,	bulbs,	corms,	rhizomes	and	tubers.
 	 Feathers,	bones,	tusks,	furs,	skins,	hunting	trophies,	                                                                               fly	tying	material.
   stuffed	animals	and	reptiles.                                    	 Straw	and	mats	in	any	form.
 	 Unprocessed	wool	and	animal	hair,	including	yarns,	              	 Cut	flowers,	dried	flowers	and	leaves.                          Miscellaneous
   rugs,	and	apparel.                                               	 Pine	cones	and	pot	pourri.                                        	 You must declare if you have:
 	 Coral,	turtle	and	tortoise	shells	and	ivory.                     	 Wood	carvings	and	artefacts.                                        –	 been	to	a	farm,	abattoir	or	meat/dairy	packing	house.
 	 Sea	shells.                                                      	 Bamboo,	cane,	rattan	and	basketware.                                –	 visited	a	forest	or	been	hiking/camping/hunting	in	
 	 Biologicals,	cultures	and	organisms.                             	 Soil	and	water.                                                        rural	areas	or	parkland.
             WARNING: Failure to make a correct declaration may result in an instant fine of $200 or                                  You	must	list	all	countries	you	have	been	in,	(including	
              prosecution resulting in a fine of up to $100,000 or imprisonment for up to five years.                                 lived	in),	during	the	past	30	days.

4    Customs Notes
Prohibited and Restricted Items                                       than	1125ml	of	spirits,	liqueur,	or	other	spirituous	           Cash Reporting
Prohibited	and	restricted	goods	include:                              beverages;	and                                                  If	you	are	carrying,	on	your	person	or	in	your	baggage,	
 	 Weapons	such	as	firearms,	flick	knives,	sword	sticks;	           	 4.5	litres	of	wine	or	4.5	litres	of	beer	(this	is	the	          cash	in	any	currency	to	the	value	of	NZ$10,000	or	
   and	protection	sprays.                                             equivalent	of	six	750ml	bottles);	and                           more,	you	must	report	this	to	a	Customs	officer	when	
 	 Objectionable	(indecent)	articles	such	as	video	tapes,	          	 200	cigarettes	or	250	grams	of	tobacco	or	50	cigars	or	a	       you	are	completing	passport	formalities	on	arrival	in	
   films,	records,	CD-ROMs,	and	publications.                         mixture	of	all	three	not	weighing	more	than	250	grams.          New	Zealand.	If	anyone	you	are	responsible	for,	who	is	
 	 Illicit	drugs	and	drug	paraphernalia.                                                                                              travelling	with	you,	has	cash	to	that	value,	you	must	tell	
 	 Endangered	species	of	Flora	and	Fauna,	and	products	           Full	Customs	charges	are	payable	on	goods	which	                    the	Customs	officer	about	that	too.	Under	the	Financial	
   derived	from	these	endangered	species.	                        are	not	eligible	for	concession	or	are	in	excess	of	the	            Transactions	Reporting	Act	1996,	it	is	an	offence	to	fail		
                                                                  allowance.	If	the	duty	and/or	Goods	and	Services	Tax	               to	report	as	instructed	here.
Personal Concessions                                              combined	is	less	than	$50,	no	collection	will	be	made.	
Your	personal	concession	allows	you	to	bring	into		               However	this	does	not	apply	on	tobacco	products,		                  Biographical information and Part 4 of the New Zealand
New	Zealand	free	of	duty	the	following:                           i.e.,	cigarettes,	cigars,	and	loose	tobacco.                        Passenger Arrival Card are required to be produced
 	 Goods	obtained	overseas	and/or	purchased	duty	free	                                                                                pursuant to Regulation 26 of the Customs and Excise
                                                                  17	years	is	the	age	limit	prescribed	in	international	tourism	      Regulations 1996.
   in	New	Zealand	with	a	total	combined	value	of	not	             treaties	to	which	this	country	is	a	contracting	party.	The	Sale	
   more	than	NZ$700	(don’t	count	clothing,	toiletries	and	
   jewellery	intended	for	your	own	personal	use	and	not	          of	Liquor	Act	1989	and	the	Smoke-free	Environments	Act	             WARNING: The importation of prohibited goods,
   for	gift,	sale,	or	exchange);	and, if you are 17 years         1990	prohibits	the	sale	of	alcoholic	beverages	and	tobacco	         smuggling, and using false receipts brings the risk of
   of age or over,                                                products	to	persons	under	the	age	of	18.	This	restriction	          fines, loss of goods, or even prison. Think, is it worth
 	 One	bottle	(or	other	container)	containing	not	more	           also	applies	to	New	Zealand	duty	free	outlets.                      the risk?

5    Immigration Notes
Permit Application                                                WARNING: Failure	to	make	a	correct	declaration	is	an	               Biographical information and Parts 5, 6, and 7 of the
Apply	for	the	same	type	of	permit	as	the	visa	in	your	            offence	punishable	by	imprisonment	and	may	result	in	               Passenger Arrival Card are required to be produced
passport.	For	example,	apply	for	a	student	permit	if	you	have	    removal	from	New	Zealand.                                           pursuant to the Immigration Act 1987.
a	student	visa,	residence	permit	if	you	have	a	residence	visa,	   IMPORTANT NOTE: You	are	required	by	law	to	leave		                  For further information:
visitor	permit	if	you	have	a	visitor	visa	(or	you	know	you	do	    New	Zealand	before	your	permit	expires.	If	you	do	not		             Auckland callers phone 914 4100, for others
not	need	to	hold	a	visitor	visa	for	your	visit).                  do	this,	Immigration	New	Zealand	has	the	power	to	                  call free 0508-558 855
                                                                  make	you	leave.
                                                                    TEAR OFF THE CARD BEFORE HANDING IN

 3        *See the Biosecurity Notes                                                yes no          4       See the Customs Notes          Are you bringing into New Zealand:             yes no
     Did you pack your own bags?                                                                         		goods	that	may	be	prohibited	or	restricted?		
     Are you bringing into New Zealand: 	                                                                		goods	over	the	personal	concession	for	alcohol	and	tobacco	products?
       	 food of any kind? 	                                                                             		goods	over	the	NZ$700	personal	concession,	or	for	business	or		
                                                                                                           commercial	use,	or	carried	on	behalf	of	other	persons?		
       	 animals or animal products* including:	meat,	honey,	feathers,	skins,		                          		NZ$10,000	or	more,	or	the	equivalent	in	foreign	currency?		
         eggs,	dairy	products,	wool,	bone,	or	cultures/biologicals?		
       	 plants or plant products* including:	fruit,	vegetables,	flowers	or	
         foliage,	seeds,	bulbs,	wood,	bamboo,	cane,	or	straw?	
                                                                                                    5       	Do	you	hold	a	New	Zealand	passport	or	a	New	Zealand	Returning	Resident’s	Visa?		Go	to	8
                                                                                                            	Are	you	a	New	Zealand	citizen	using	a	foreign	passport?		                       Go	to	8
       	 other risk items* including:	used	tents,	tramping	and	hiking	footwear,	
         spiked/studded	sporting	shoes,	equipment/medication	used	with	                                     	Do	you	hold	an	Australian	passport	or	an	Australian	Returning	Resident’s	Visa?		 Go	to	7
         animals,	soil,	water	and	fishing	equipment?		 	
     In	the	past	30 days,	while	outside	of	New	Zealand,	have	you	been:
                                                                                                    6      See the Immigration Notes       All others	apply	for	one	of	these:
                                                                                                         I	apply	for:       visitor’s	permit         residence	permit              work	permit
        –	 in	contact with any animals? (except domestic cats and dogs)
                                                                                                               exemption	from	holding	a	permit       student	permit          limited	purpose	permit
       –	 to	a	farm, abattoir or meat packing house?
                                                                                                        – You must leave New Zealand before expiry of your permit, or face removal –
       –	 in	a	forest or hiking, camping, hunting in rural areas or parkland?
                                                                                                        Are	you	coming	to	New	Zealand	for	medical	treatment	or	consultation	              yes no
     List below all countries	you	have	been	in,	in	the	past	30	days:
                                                                                                        or	to	give	birth?
                                                                                                                                                                                  yes no
                                                                                                    7   All others please	answer	this:	Have	you	ever	been	sentenced	to		
                                                                                                        12	months	or	more	in	prison;	or	been	deported	or	removed	from	any	country?	

                                                                                                    8   I	declare	that	the	information	I	have	given	is	true,	correct	and	complete.
     WARNING: Failure to make a correct declaration may result in an instant fine of $200 or
     prosecution resulting in a fine of up to $100,000 or imprisonment for up to five years.       signature                                                                    date

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Arrival Card

  • 1. Health Notes If you become ill within the next three weeks with: be asked to provide New Zealand contact Medical care for sickness is not free to diarrhoea; and/or vomiting; or skin rash; or fever information; your information will be securely visitors, but some costs of accident-related please see a doctor and say that you have destroyed when no longer required and can be medical treatment may be met by the Accident recently arrived from overseas. updated by contacting any Public Health Unit. Compensation Corporation; you should make If a public health risk is identified (e.g. a person You can be fined NZ$500 under the Health Act your own arrangements to cover your medical with a suspected infectious disease) you may 1956 for non-compliance. care while in the country. Privacy Statement Information sought on the New Zealand The Customs and Excise Act 1996, s.280, Arrival Card provide penalties for the non Passenger Arrival Card is required to administer authorises the New Zealand Customs Service supply of information. These range from Currency, Customs, Fines Enforcement, to release information for data matching denying you permission to enter New Zealand Health, Immigration, Police, Quarantine, and purposes to the Ministry of Social Development through to fines. Wildlife laws of New Zealand. Collection and (MSD) and Inland Revenue. Pursuant to the The Privacy Act 1993 provides rights of access dissemination of this information is authorised Immigration Act 1987, s.141A and 141AE, and to, and correction of, personal information held by legislation administered by the New Zealand the Electoral Act 1993, s.263A, Immigration in readily retrievable form. Should you wish to Border Agencies. These agencies will disclose New Zealand is authorised to release exercise these rights please contact the this information to those Government bodies information for data matching purposes to New Zealand Customs Service on authorised to receive it under New Zealand law. MSD, the Ministry of Justice and the Electoral Phone: 0800 428 786 during business Once collected, the Statistics Act 1975 allows Enrolment Centre. hours, Fax: 0-9-359 6730, or for the information collected to be used for The laws authorising the collection of E-mail: statistical purposes by Statistics New Zealand. information from the New Zealand Passenger Comments/Enquiries: The Border Agencies welcome your comments in relation to your arrival in New Zealand. Phone: 0800 428 786 during business hours or Fax: 0-9-359 6730 or E-mail: New Zealand Passenger Arrival Card – and Notes Haere mai. Welcome to New Zealand. What to do How to fill out the card At the Airport A separate Arrival Card must be Please answer in English. After collecting your baggage you must decide completed for all passengers Print in capital letters like this: which way out to take. including children. If you have declared any Customs or If necessary, use the notes to assist. N E W Z E A L A N D Agricultural goods on your Arrival Card, or if you are unsure, please go to the ‘Goods to Tear the card from the notes. Or mark answers like this: Declare Way Out’ (Red Exit). Show your card and passport at Remember to fill in BOTH sides. Otherwise depart through the ‘Nothing to Passport Control in New Zealand. Declare Way Out’ (Green Exit). Give your Arrival Card to an official. You may be stopped and questioned about Remember honesty your decision. Your baggage will also be is the best policy. subjected to further scrutiny including If you are not sure – search, x-ray, or detector dog examination. The Arrival Card is a legal document — false declare it !! declarations can lead to penalties including confiscation of goods, fines, prosecution and imprisonment. TEAR OFF THE CARD BEFORE HANDING IN New Zealand Passenger Arrival Card April 2007 1 flight number/ 2a Answer this section if 2b Answer this section if you DO NOT name of ship you live in New Zealand. live in New Zealand. passport Otherwise go to ‘2b’. number How long do you intend to stay in New Zealand? How long have you been away from nationality as New Zealand? years months days shown on passport years months days permanently or family name If you are not staying permanently what is your given or first names Which country did you spend most time MAIN reason for coming to New Zealand? in while overseas? visiting friends business holiday/ date of or relatives vacation birth day month year conference/ occupation education other convention or job What was the MAIN reason for your trip? full contact or business education Where did you last live for 12 months or more? residential address country in New Zealand other country of Which country will you mostly live in for state, province, birth the next 12 months? or prefecture zip or postal code overseas port where you New Zealand other boarded THIS aircraft/ship PlEASE TuRN OvER FOR MORE quESTIONS AND TO SIGN
  • 2. 3 Biosecurity Notes New Zealand operates very strict biosecurity procedures at airports and ports to prevent the introduction of pests and diseases of animals and plants. You are required to declare to an inspector in Part 3 of the New Zealand Passenger Arrival Card (pursuant to s30(1)(a) of the Biosecurity Act 1993), all items in your possession that are listed below. If you are not sure about any items, ask a MAF Quarantine officer. Note: Heavy penalties exist for false declarations. Animal and Animal Products Plants and Plant Products Other Items Live animals, pets, birds, fish, and insects. Fruit and vegetables (fresh, dried, frozen or cooked). Camping/hiking/hunting gear and boots, bicycles and Meat and meat products (fresh or cooked). Nuts unprocessed and raw. spiked/cleated/studded sporting shoes. Dairy products including cheese, milk, milk powder, Herbs and spices. Animal food, remedies supplements, cultures and butter and ghee. Noodles and rice. biologicals. Egg and egg products including egg powder, and Mushrooms and fungi (fresh or dried). Riding gear, including clothing, footwear and instant meal products. grooming equipment. Plants live and dried, including plant cuttings and Fish/shellfish (fresh, dried and frozen). Equipment and clothing used in association with animals. budwood. Honey, pollen, honeycombs, and bees wax. Fresh water fishing equipment, fishing bait and Seeds, bulbs, corms, rhizomes and tubers. Feathers, bones, tusks, furs, skins, hunting trophies, fly tying material. stuffed animals and reptiles. Straw and mats in any form. Unprocessed wool and animal hair, including yarns, Cut flowers, dried flowers and leaves. Miscellaneous rugs, and apparel. Pine cones and pot pourri. You must declare if you have: Coral, turtle and tortoise shells and ivory. Wood carvings and artefacts. – been to a farm, abattoir or meat/dairy packing house. Sea shells. Bamboo, cane, rattan and basketware. – visited a forest or been hiking/camping/hunting in Biologicals, cultures and organisms. Soil and water. rural areas or parkland. WARNING: Failure to make a correct declaration may result in an instant fine of $200 or You must list all countries you have been in, (including prosecution resulting in a fine of up to $100,000 or imprisonment for up to five years. lived in), during the past 30 days. 4 Customs Notes Prohibited and Restricted Items than 1125ml of spirits, liqueur, or other spirituous Cash Reporting Prohibited and restricted goods include: beverages; and If you are carrying, on your person or in your baggage, Weapons such as firearms, flick knives, sword sticks; 4.5 litres of wine or 4.5 litres of beer (this is the cash in any currency to the value of NZ$10,000 or and protection sprays. equivalent of six 750ml bottles); and more, you must report this to a Customs officer when Objectionable (indecent) articles such as video tapes, 200 cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco or 50 cigars or a you are completing passport formalities on arrival in films, records, CD-ROMs, and publications. mixture of all three not weighing more than 250 grams. New Zealand. If anyone you are responsible for, who is Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia. travelling with you, has cash to that value, you must tell Endangered species of Flora and Fauna, and products Full Customs charges are payable on goods which the Customs officer about that too. Under the Financial derived from these endangered species. are not eligible for concession or are in excess of the Transactions Reporting Act 1996, it is an offence to fail allowance. If the duty and/or Goods and Services Tax to report as instructed here. Personal Concessions combined is less than $50, no collection will be made. Your personal concession allows you to bring into However this does not apply on tobacco products, Biographical information and Part 4 of the New Zealand New Zealand free of duty the following: i.e., cigarettes, cigars, and loose tobacco. Passenger Arrival Card are required to be produced Goods obtained overseas and/or purchased duty free pursuant to Regulation 26 of the Customs and Excise 17 years is the age limit prescribed in international tourism Regulations 1996. in New Zealand with a total combined value of not treaties to which this country is a contracting party. The Sale more than NZ$700 (don’t count clothing, toiletries and jewellery intended for your own personal use and not of Liquor Act 1989 and the Smoke-free Environments Act WARNING: The importation of prohibited goods, for gift, sale, or exchange); and, if you are 17 years 1990 prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco smuggling, and using false receipts brings the risk of of age or over, products to persons under the age of 18. This restriction fines, loss of goods, or even prison. Think, is it worth One bottle (or other container) containing not more also applies to New Zealand duty free outlets. the risk? 5 Immigration Notes Permit Application WARNING: Failure to make a correct declaration is an Biographical information and Parts 5, 6, and 7 of the Apply for the same type of permit as the visa in your offence punishable by imprisonment and may result in Passenger Arrival Card are required to be produced passport. For example, apply for a student permit if you have removal from New Zealand. pursuant to the Immigration Act 1987. a student visa, residence permit if you have a residence visa, IMPORTANT NOTE: You are required by law to leave For further information: visitor permit if you have a visitor visa (or you know you do New Zealand before your permit expires. If you do not Auckland callers phone 914 4100, for others not need to hold a visitor visa for your visit). do this, Immigration New Zealand has the power to call free 0508-558 855 make you leave. TEAR OFF THE CARD BEFORE HANDING IN 3 *See the Biosecurity Notes yes no 4 See the Customs Notes Are you bringing into New Zealand: yes no Did you pack your own bags? goods that may be prohibited or restricted? Are you bringing into New Zealand: goods over the personal concession for alcohol and tobacco products? food of any kind? goods over the NZ$700 personal concession, or for business or commercial use, or carried on behalf of other persons? animals or animal products* including: meat, honey, feathers, skins, NZ$10,000 or more, or the equivalent in foreign currency? eggs, dairy products, wool, bone, or cultures/biologicals? plants or plant products* including: fruit, vegetables, flowers or foliage, seeds, bulbs, wood, bamboo, cane, or straw? 5 Do you hold a New Zealand passport or a New Zealand Returning Resident’s Visa? Go to 8 Are you a New Zealand citizen using a foreign passport? Go to 8 other risk items* including: used tents, tramping and hiking footwear, spiked/studded sporting shoes, equipment/medication used with Do you hold an Australian passport or an Australian Returning Resident’s Visa? Go to 7 animals, soil, water and fishing equipment? In the past 30 days, while outside of New Zealand, have you been: 6 See the Immigration Notes All others apply for one of these: I apply for: visitor’s permit residence permit work permit – in contact with any animals? (except domestic cats and dogs) exemption from holding a permit student permit limited purpose permit – to a farm, abattoir or meat packing house? – You must leave New Zealand before expiry of your permit, or face removal – – in a forest or hiking, camping, hunting in rural areas or parkland? Are you coming to New Zealand for medical treatment or consultation yes no List below all countries you have been in, in the past 30 days: or to give birth? yes no 7 All others please answer this: Have you ever been sentenced to 12 months or more in prison; or been deported or removed from any country? 8 I declare that the information I have given is true, correct and complete. WARNING: Failure to make a correct declaration may result in an instant fine of $200 or prosecution resulting in a fine of up to $100,000 or imprisonment for up to five years. signature date