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                  ON THE






      G. A.     CHASE,           M.A.,


Entered according   to the   Act of Parliament of Canada,      in the

year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, by              James
Campbell   &   Son, in the   office of the   Minister of Agriculture,
  In dealing with literature the teacher must have, as in his other
work, one object steadily in view:—his pupils must understand
clearly everything the lesson contains ; nothing must be taken for
granted   ;   it   will   not do to take their  own word for it, or to make
them   learn accurately the           appended notes     ; the teacher must
satisfy himself in          his own way that the work is uhderstood.    It is

very vexatious to            find how little is really taken in by the pupil
reading over a lesson in the usual way.            The   notes will give infor-
mation,   make       suggestions, call attention to what might be passed
over as mere common-place     ; but they can never supply the place

of the teacher       ;he alone that can adapt the question to the
                          it is

needs or capacities of the pupil, he alone that can meet the difficul-
ties and arouse the dormant intelligence of each.    He will speedily
find that he will have to draw largely upon his own knowledge, and
rely upon notes only where his own resources fail.
   The lessons in literature must not be lectures, must not be exami-
nations ; they must be a continued talk, a familiar conversation
between teacher and pupil, for this is the only way that thought
can be reached. The knowledge thus conveyed, and the mental
activity thus aroused will be far more beneficial than any other
kind of teaching can possibly be it makes intelligent boys and girls.

   The teacher will thus see that the very best author to compose
"sets of questions on literature" is himself. There is not a more
wearying, deadening, or destructive work for teacher or student
than to set himself to studying literature by a series of questions.
On the other hand, when his work is well prepared, the teacher
will find nothing in the whole range of his work so delightful, so
instructive to himself and to his charge as literature   he will find,

and be surprised to find, that on going over the same ground again,
he will rarely ask the same question the same way new ideas         ;

will continually arise,new modes of illustration, new facts. The
lesson must not be made prosy.    It is well always to start with
what the pupil knows himself, and gradually add with his own help
to his stock of knowledge.  Thus every question or objection on
the teacher's part must have a definite bearing on the object in

view.        By way                of illustration   we may take   " Iceland."       The   objects
in   view are         a clear idea of the climate, the inhabitants,
                       :    to give
the food, &c., &c.     Beginning with the position of the island,
its size, &c.,
                " Wouldn't a boy like to live in Iceland?" "Yes,
sir."   " No, sir."  " You say, Yes, sir,' now why ?"  ' " Because

there's              snow and ice to ride down hill and skate
                 plenty of
on." The other boy said " No, sir ;" " why would you not like
to live there ?"  " It's so cold." " So cold you like to ride down !

hill and skate, don't you ?"    " Yes, sir." " Then you would like to

have snow and ice    in warm summer days, I suppose you're a soft                ;

boy." " But, sir, things can't grow where it is so cold." " Well
what of that ?" " Why, people can't live where nothing grows."
"But, your book says there are people living in Iceland. How do
they live if nothing grows for them to eat ?"
   And thus question, objection, laugh and information will gradu-
ally bring out and stamp upon the puoils' mind, the conditions of
life   in Iceland, the food, the occupations, the climate, the seasons,
day and night                  ;    the use of cold climates in moderating the heat of
the    more       tropical ones            ;   the swarming seas supplying the lack of
vegetation         :    thousand things all closely connected with
                           in short, a
this cold region. The illustration employed may seem silly to some                                 ;

but before condemning it, let the principle aimed at be as fully
tested as it has been by the writer.
   In the following pages the notes are intended to meet the require-
ments of teachers of the Fourth -book, generally, and of their pupils
as well and it is to be hoped that the object aimed at will be fairly

reached.   Everything deemed a real difficulty has been touched
upon, but a great deal has been left for the intelligence c- the
teacher to complete. Few derivations, comparatively, have been
given but all those that add force or beauty to the word, or from

which anything can really be learned have been carefully inserted,
and the teacher must not burden his pupils with more.
     Finally,      it is           earnestly   recommended    that these lessons in litera-
ture should not be made into lessons in analysis and parsing if                                ;

these latter must be taught, let them be taken completely apart by
themselves else the pupils will be bewildered and disgusted.

                                                                           G. A. Chase.
     Gait,       March, 1878.

         THE NORWEGIAN COLONIES                                    IN GREENLAND.
  William Scoresby, a celebrated Arctic explorer and man of science, was bom in
Yorkshire in 1789, and died in 1857. As captain of a whaler, he made seventeen voyages
to the coasts of Greenland and Spitzbergen, and wrote an account of them. In 1822 he
explored the east coast of Greenland—then an unknown region.          On his return to
England he gave up the sea and became a clergj^man, but ardently studied physical
science.  He wrote  several valuable works.
  The following are some           of the other chief Arctic navigators       :

      Corte Real                                1500   Ross.                                       1818
      Frobi.sher                                1676   Parry (five voyages). ..... ..1818-1825
      Davis                                     1585   Franklin                   1823, 1845-6
      Hudson                                    1610   Rae                                         1847
      Baffin                                    1616   Kane                                        1853
      Cook                                      1776   Hall                                        1854
      McKenzie                                  1789   Nares                                       1875
                                       (See Note on Sir J. Franklin.)

  Iceland— 309   miles long, 200 broad ; 500 miles north of Scotland.   The longest
day       southern part is 20 hours ; in the north, about a week.
      in the                                                       The first visitors
came frem Norway   in the 8th century ; but the island was not settled till A.D. 874.
(See Geography.)

ErlcRauda— ("au"            like   "ou" in hound)        alter   "w"    in sweet). -"Olaus" is the Latin
  —that       is,   He«ry the Red.                       f«rm  of the Norwegian "Olaf."     This
Snoefellzness (pronounce nnu-fellz-ness)                 Olaf was the father of St. Olaf, Olaf
 —                                 —
    ("u" as in "ugly") snow-cape, or                     II. (see Longfellow's "Tales of a Way-
  Sromontory ;"," is the same as "the               side Inn"); he introduced Christianity
   Jaze," in Norway and England, and                     into Norway.
  **no8e."                                             Paganism—from              Latin "pagdmis,"        a
Disseminated— scattered abroad                  like     villager, inhabitant of a distant country
  seeds   — (Latin      "semen" ;   plural, "semi-       district.   In Italy the cities were the
 na."— seeds; "dis"        —   apart, abroad, asun-      first to embrace Christianity ; the dis-
  der.)                                                  tant country districts were so slow in
Finished picture— simply means      that                 following the example of the cities in
 everything they could wish for was to                   this respect, that "paganus" soon came
 be found in this "green" land— just as                  to mean, not only a villager, but also
 nothing is wanting in a picture that is                 one who worshipped idols. In English
  perfect.                                               the word has the latter signification only.
Cattle In some parts of Greenland the                    In the same way " heathen," dwellers  —
  musk-ox is said to exist.                                               —
                                                         on the heath gets its present meaning.
Exodus- agoingout— an emigration;               the    Benighted— literally, covered by the
               of the Bible tells about the
              going out of Egypt.
                                                 Is-     night ; in deep ignorance     ;
                                                                                       just as when
                                                         we are in the dark we see nothing, 80
Leil   — pronounce,      "life."                         when ignorant we know nothing.
Olaus Tryggeson (pronounce                  o-lah-us   Gospel- -formerly spelled "god-spell,"
 tryg-ge«-eon)        —("y" like the sound     next      that    is,   good story or message        — not

 "God's message," as is sometimes said.                         As to be oblivious—This         phrase %.
 {See the "good tidings" in Luke ii. 10.)                        equivalent          to    an adverb,
Centuries— Is  the cent in this word the                         " embarrassed     or more strictly speak-
 same as cent, a piece of money ?                                ing, in apposition with " so ";— showing
Osterbygdt—(pronounce                    ost-er-bygdt)    —      the extent, or degree, of the embarras-
     CEIsterbygdt,"         (see
                                   above)   —   properly,
                                        " Snoefellzness,"

 above)"eastern colony; "Westerbydgt,"
                                                                In the opinion—Parse " in"; what was
                                                                 the opinion f
 western colony :— "bygdt" is the same
 as the Scotch " big (-gin),' a house, or                       Conlecture—The     object of this verb is
 building.                                                       " whether they would                wild
Hamlets— " Ham" means                      home, some-           Greenlanders""; the object of "at-
  times village      :   it is   the same word as in             tempt*' is "to conjecture," &c. (See
  " Wingham," &c.           ;    "let" means small.              note on infinitives under "Discovery of
Garde (pronounce gar-deh).                                        America " below).
30 that a constant—This                     clause   is   ad-   Whether they would be met with—
  verbial to the preceding,                  showing a            "with" here, must be taken as a part
  result arising from it.                                              verb,— would-be-met-with. The
                                                                  of the
It Is generally believed—What does                                sentence, if properly composed, would
  " it " mean here ?                                              be ' people would meet with them ; or
                                                                  leaving out the "with" 'they would be

  es.    (Sec "Snoefellzness," above.)                            met.' We are accustomed, however, to
Wrapt—      Should not this word be spelled                       such sentences as this one in the extract.
  " wrapped ?" When is 'ed " pronounced
                                                                Mixed—Parse           this word.
  like "t"l In "wrapped," try to sound                          Such a,s— such,          qualifies         implements

  "ed" like "d" and observe carefully                             " as"      is   the subject of the next verb.
  what change occurs on the " p."                                                 " one horn." There is
Black DeSith—See History of England,                            Unicom— that is
  reign of Edward III.                                            no such animal as is figured in the
                                                                  English coat of arms. The rhinoceros
Scourged—Show that this word, which
  really means ivhipped, is properly used                         is often called a unicorn. In the ex-
  here as also, extingvished.                                     tract Mr. Scoresby means the "nar-
                                                                  whal" or " sea-unicorn,"— a sea-animal

Especially—modifies "is supposed."
Queen Margaret— born in 1353, died in                             with a long horn or tusk sticking out
                                                                  of the fore part of its head.
 1412    ;
          queen of Norway, Sweden and
 Denmark. She was a very excellent                              Domestic implements— knives,                       axes,
 ruler, and greatly beloved, especially                           awls, &c., &c.
 by the Danes.                                                  Aborigines— the            people in the
Embarrassed—The root of this word is                             country,— those who had their origin
  " bar ";— show how the idea of a " bar "                       in it, so to speak not colonists.

  is present in it.   (See "benighted"                          Circumstance—in apposition to the
  above).   Compare " barrier."                                  sentence "he likewise             coflBn."

                     FOUNDING OF THE                             N. A.            COLONIES.
Close of the fifteenth, &C.—other dis-                            &c.,and making maps of the whole.
  coverers of the New World were John                             Columbus and others had discovered a
  Cabot (Cabo), 1497, who discovered Lab-                         new world, and then it remained for
  rador ; Sebastian Cabot, 1498, discovered                       others to find out               all    the particulars
  Newfoundland, and sailed down the                               about it and make use of them-
  coast      the continent to Virginia
             of                                                 Leaving, &c.—this is a bad sentence as                  ;

  Amerigo Vespucci (Ali-mer-ee-go Ves-                            it stands, tlie word "leaving" cannot be
  putch-chee), 1498, coasted the eastern                          parsed; for there is no pronoun, express-
  part of South America, and, as he gave                          ed or understood, with which it is con-
  the first popular account of the New                            nected.   We must change the con-
  World, it was called after his name.                            struction,        and make        it either,   "If we
In 1498, Vasco de Gama (gah-mah) dis-                             leave out of view," &c., or, " The efforts
  covered the way round the Cape of Good                          of     .   being left out of view, &c." :—

  Hope       to India.                                            this latter being an absolute phrase.
Minute and practical details—that                               Efforts of the             Spaniards—They              colo-
  is,    in surveying the coast,         exploring                ized the        West     Indies, Florida, Mexico,
  bays and        rivers,   taking soundings, &c.,                all S.     America, except Brazil.
FOUNDING OF THE                          N. A.      COLONIES.

Turn theni       to    account—make use of                    other nation could drive the French away.
  them   for their    own advantage,—as trad-                Established footing— her power was
  ing with the Indiana, fishing, &c. , &c.                     made sure or established in Nova Scotia.
Basque (bask)—& race of people living in                     Nova Scotia— Latin for "New Scotland."
  France and Spain in the region of the                      Acadia—or        rather, Acadie (ah-cah-dee).
  western Pyrenees ; they are neither                          Dr. Dawson, of McGill College, Mon-
  French nor Spanish, but are thought to                                         an Indian word mean-
                                                               treal, says this is
  be of the same race as the Turks.                           ing place or region ; this word occurs in
Breton— belonging to Brittany (French,                        other names in Nova Scotia, as Tracodie,
  Bretagne), the north-west peninsula of                      Shubenacadie. Acadia extended to the
  France the people, who are of the same
             ;                                                St. Croix river, between New Brunswick
  race as the Welsh, or the Scotch High-                      and Maine, thus including Nova Scotia
  landers, are hardy sailors.                                  and New Brunswick.
Newfoundland-7ieif-/Mn-Zan(i                    (last syl-   Pioneer— one who goes before others to
   lable strongly accented) is the invariable                  prepare the way. In the army it means
   pronunciation in the Maritime Provinces                     a soldier whose duty it is to make
   {See "Voyage of the Golden Hind.")
Verazzano— pronounce, ver-adz-zah-no.                        Ealeigh     —
                                                               roads, dig trenches, mines, &c.
                                                                         See note under "Voyage of
                                                               the Golden Hind."     See the same for
Francis I.— king of France, a contem-
   porary of Henry VHI. of England.                            "SirH.      Gilbert."
Jacques Cartier- pronounce, jack ("j                         Disastrous— In former days there were
   like "z" in azure), car-t'-ya ("car" as in                  men called ctstrologers (from " astron"
   "carry"): "Jacques" in English is James,                    a star), who pretended they could fore-
   For an account of Cartier, Champlain,                       tellevents from the appearance of the
• Roberval, Verazzaiii, see Hist. (A Canada.                   stars.  If the stars were not favorable,
Anticosti—so called from the Indian                            itwas termed a disaster ("dis," apart,
   name, "Natiscotie."                                         or away from astron); compare "ill-

 St. Lawrence— (French, St. Laurent)—                          starred." Of course, people, and good,
   so called from the Gulf of St, Lawrence,                    sensible people too, believed in these
   which name was given to it by Cartier,                      astrologers.
   when, on his second voyage, he entered                    Auspices— This word belongs to the same
   it on August 10, 1535, St. LawTence's                       class as "disaster," only the events
  day.                                                         were foretold from the flight or sin^ng
Koberval — he was appointed governor                           of birds.— Latin, "avis," bird ; "spicio,"
  of the new colony, but he and Cartier                        to behold. This was the custom among
  did not agree, and so after a year he                        the ancient Romans.
  went home  to Fi-ance ; six years after-                   Possession  was taken of the country
  wards he set out again, but was never                        — See note on this expression under
  heard of more.                                               " The Buccaneers." Compare the two.
Transatlantic— across         (trans) the At-                Vicissitudes— repeated changes, from
   lantic.                                                     prosperous to the opposite.
Civil dissensions —the wars between                          Often privations
                                                                        " contests."
                                                                                   Parse tkese words;
  the Catholics and Protestants, and that                      also,
  between Henry IV. and those who                            Took root—The           colony   is    compared to a
  wished to keep him from being king.                          tree     which   strikes its        roots into the
Civil wars are wars carried on between                         ground, and so grows.
  the inhabitants of the same country.                       Virginia     —
                                                                         discovered by one of Raleigh's
Discord being brought          throne-
                                .   .   .                      expeditions, and called by this name by
  Turn this ijidepcndent phrase into a                         Queen Elizabeth, because she was uu-
  sentence. All such phrases can be turned                     married.
  into adverbial sentences.                                  Plantation— here this word means "col-
Champlain— pronounce         " ch" like "sh."                  ony," a sense now but little used ; the
Amicable       confederacies                —
                                     friendly                  ordinary meaning is a large farm or es-
   unions, or agreements, in which each                        tate in wann countries devoted to rais-
   ))arty is bound to helj) the other.                         ing such crops as sugar-cane, tobacco,
Humbled them—This was        done chiefly                      cotton, &c., &c.            We
                                                                                        never hear of
   by meaMs of the guns of the French, of                      a wheat plantation.
   which the Indians were very much                          "Exodns—See Note under "Norwegian
   afraid.                                                     Colonies in Greenland."
 Fostered— took  care of the settlements ;                   Pilgrim Fathers-('S'ee 'pilgrim' in the dic-
   a foster-child one adopted by a person
                      is                                       tionary). In Queen Elizabeth's reign there
   and brought up as his own.                                  were a groat many people— protestants—
Consolidating her supremacy— ma-                               who did not like the form of worship in
   king her i)ower, lier poseeasion of the                     the Church of England, and so would
   aew country sure, or solid,— ho that no                     not attend it ; they were therefore fined.
  imprisoned, and some of them even put                     Grants of land, &c.—The king was
               "Browiiist" was the name                       supposed to own ail the newly dis-

  to death.
  jjiren to these people  A good many of                      covered land, and "o <'ould give               it   to
  them   left     England and went to Holland       ;         whom he pleased. In Canada we have
  but, getting tired of that country, they

                                                              "crown lands," that is, lands not
  set sail for America in the "Mayflower,"                    owned by any one man, but by the
  and landed at Plymouth, in Alassachu-                 I

                                                        I     country;          the   Government     sells    this
          December, 1620.
  setts, in                  There they                 [
                                                              land, or the treeson it, or does with it
  could worship God as they pleased. See                I     what   isthought best for the country,
  Mrs. Hemans' poem, "The Pilgrim                       j
                                                            Wm.      Penn—a celebrated Quaker who
  Fathers," beginning with                              j
                                                              lived in the reigns of Charles II.. James
  " The breaking waves dashed high                            II., and William III.   Although he had
    On a stern and rock-bound coast."                   I

                                                              a grant of the land from the king, he
Laid the foundation— started or began.                  I
                                                              preferred to buy it honestly from the
                                                              Indians, to whom it really belonged
  These States" are compared to a house;

  we begin a house with the foundation,                       the colony thus escaped the Indian
  so these Pilgrim Fathers, being the first             I
  settlers,      began the "States."                        Quaker— or " Friend," as they call them-
Inaugurate— begin, commence, enter                            selves a religious sect founded by one

  upon. The men who, among the Ro-                            George Fox in Cromwell's time. They
  mans, took the auspices (see above),                        are opposed to all war they have no

  were called "augurs," a word of the                         sacraments, and no ministers in their
  same root as " auspices," and if the                        churches ; any one speaks who feels in-
  auspices were favorable, the Romans                         clined to    or, as they say, "as the

  immediately entered upon what they                          Spirit moves them."     f h»y "often use ar
  had to do. Though we use the word                          peculiar style of language, saying 'thee"
  "inaugurate" no%v, we know that birds                       where other people use " you."
  can tell us nothing about the affairs of                  Pennsylvania— that is Penn's woods,
  men.                                                       (Latin "sylva," wood.^).
Independence of a continent—This is                         New    York -called such from James,
  not quite true. Canada forms a part of                      Duke of York, to whom Charles II.
  America, and is not independent of                         granted It. The Dutch called it " New
  Great Britain.                                              Netherlands ;" New York city was "New
Asylum, &C ,— a place            of   protection.             Amsterdam.
  From the beginning       of Elizabeth's                   Henry Hudson.—This famous                  English
  reign to the end of Charles IPs, the                        navigator, while in the service of the
  Catholi.« were bitterly persecuted                          Dutch, discovered in 1609, the Hudson
  they were fined, imprisoned, and under                      River ;-the Dutch, consequently, claim-
  Elizabeth, put to death for their re-                       ing the surm^iding country as theirs.
  ligion.   They were allowad to hold no                      In the follow..:;,' year he was sent out
  office, could not be lawyers or doctors,                    by the English to explore the Northern
  could not vote;—these were some of                          Seas, and discoveretl the strait and bay
  their disabilities, what they were un-                      now called by his name. His crew
  able t"> be or to do.                                       mutinied, and putting him, his son. and
Carolina— the     Latin for Charles is " Ca-                  some others into open boats, sent them
  rolus."                                                     adrift ; they were never heard of after-
Puritan a name given by way of con-                           wards.
  tempt, in Elizabeth's reign, to those                     When—     This word does not connect the
  people belonging to the Church of                           clause following it to the preceding one
  England, who desired a greater punty                        as adverbial of time ; the two sentences
  in the church ; they wished to be as                        are rather separate; "when" here
  different as possible from the Catholics                    denotes not time but order.
  in their manner of worship. They were                            —
                                                            Planted settled. (See "plantation"
  persecuted by Elizabeth and her two                         above).
  successors ; the Brownists were the ex-                   Swamped —overpowered,                destroyed. A
  treme type of these Puritans, and left                         "
                                                              boat      swamps" when it      fills  with water.
  the Church of England. In America                         Note— Pupils         will not, it is to be   hoped,
  it was a long time before they them-                        imitate Mr. Pedley's English -.-swamped,
  selres learned that every person has a                      planted, when, leaving—and others not
  right to worship God as ho pleasos.                         noted, are all bad.

                          VOYAGE OF THE GOLDEN HIND.
  Sir Humphrey Gilbert.      He was a half-brother of Raleigh , lik- the latter he took
part ill the busy scenes of the time, in war, commerce, privateering against the
Spanish, discovering and colonizing. His privateering was not always successful ; the
ladt expedition of tlie kind being particularly unfortunate.

Raleigh—(Sir          Walter), the " Shepherd                I
                                                                 Shipwright—this word is almost gone
  of the Ocean," as his friend, the poet                     I     out of use we say ship-carpenter in-

  Spenser, called him, was born in 1552.                           stead we still have millwright, wheel-

  Possessed of a most impetuous and                      |
                                                                      wright, &c.           Wright       is   another form of
  generous nature, he left college when                               the word work.
                                                                 Mineral men— miners.

 only seventeen to take part with the                    }

 Huguenots in lie civil w^rs in France ;
                      f                                  :       Omitting—this word qualifies "we."
 thence to Holland to fight, and in 1780                 )       Morns-dancers—that                           is   Moorish dan
 to Ireland ; three years afterwards he                               cersthese dancers, in imitation of the

 went with Gilbert to Nev'fouiidland                    I
                                                                      Moorsof Spain, were dressed fantasti-
 then he tried to found a colony in                                cally, often like noted persons of former

 North Carolina when the war with
                                                                   days, such as Ilobin Hood and his
 Spain broke out he was foremost in the                            company. They had bells around their
 fight, fittuig out privateers to catch                            ancles, rode hobby-horses, &c.        lUe^
 treasure-ships; trying again to found                             " Lady of the Laice " Canto vi :

 colonies again in the fleet for an at-
             ;                                                   "There morricers, with bell at heel.
 tack on the hated Spaniards, his was      —             |

                                                                   And blade in hand, their mazes wheel."
 a life of intense activity VViiile Queen                |       Conceits— here means fancy things,
 Elizabeth lived good fortwne attended                                toys, trinkets,          &c.,— an American would
 him, lOr he was high in her favor,

                                                                      say ''notions."
                                                                 Barque —(or bark), a three -masted vessel,

 and he received large e>ftates both in                  I

 England and in Ireland. lialclgh wasput                              the two front ones having square sails,
                                                                      and the other a sail like a schooner.

 in prison by James I for plotting                       !

 against him, and while there he wrote                   ;
                                                                 Looming— when        an object " looms up'
 his unfinished "History of the World."                  !
                                                                      it is   always indistinct, as                if   in a mi:<t,
 Tired of prison, liP was released to go on              ;
                                                                      seems larger than                 it    really    is,   and   is
 an expedition to a gold-mine in Ameri-                  ;
                                                                      generally distant.
 ca, which he said he knew ; but he                      1
                                                                 Dense fog— everybody has heard                               of the
 attacked the Spaniards, was defeated,                                dense fogs of Newfoundland   ; they are
                                                                   caused, it is said, bv the warm waters

 and on his return to England in 1618,
 put to death by James to please the                     i
                                                                   of the Gulf Stream meeting, near this
 Spaniards.                                              !
                                                                   i.sland, the cold currents from the Arctic
Impoverished -made poor;                   the dlsas-

  ters   were especially the partial           loss of   i
                                                                 It   was just—what                does "it" stand for
 a small             sent out against the Span-
 iards, &c.
             fleet                                       1

                                                                 Ships of various nations'                         —these      were
                                                                   engaged in the fisheries
Patent— a document obtained from Gov-
                                                                 St. John's— in Newfoundland , St. John,

 ernment granting certain privileges.
                                                                   in New Bruiiswick

                                                                                        St. Johns, in Que-
 Gilbert's was to colonize, and to have                  '

 the profits of certain lands whose names                          bec.  Note the spelling.
                                                                 Salvo of ordnance— a discharge of can-

 were mentioned in the paper, for a
  certain time.     Among us, when a man
                                                                   non, as a salute. Ordnance large guns,          —
  invents a      new machine, kc, &c., he

                                                                 Ten-ton cutter— see "cutter"

                                                                                                                         in Reid's
 applies to the Government for a patent,                 '

 which gives him the sole right to maim-                 i
                                                                      dictionary.           A    ton,    in    measuring the
 facture and sell that machine for a                                  capacity of a vessel, consists of 40 cubic

 certain length of time. The document                                 feet.
 is open at one end, hence its name from

                                                                 Bearings—the                   position, or direction of
                                                                      one from another.
 the Latin "pateo," to be open.                              I

                                                                 Like the swan—people once                                believed
Chronicler- one who               writes    down   ac-             that when tiie swan was about                          to die it
  counts of events in the order of time in                            sang beautifully.
  which they occur.                                          |
                                                                 They in the Delight—we would rather
Faculty— here means craft, trade, call-                               say     now     those.
  ing ;— this use of the word has passed                         Winding— wind        in g, putting xoirul into,
  away. We now use it in the of                                or blowing, a musical instrument ; the
  dexterity, knack, cleverness, and of                                past tense and yi-x^t participle is proper-
  powers of the mind or body.                                         ly "winded," though we generally soe

  "wound";       as     "the hunter wound     his          swamped, or struck an          iceberg.
  horn.                                                  Twelve of the clock— notice this form.
Haughtboys—spelled now " hautboys."                       How do we say it ?
  See dictionary.                                        Whereof—of which— that is,            the lights
Battel    —beating-, or     sounding-; "left''             This word is not much used now.
  ended,    left off.                                    Us in the— that is " ns who were in" &c.
Lowering-pronounce             lou-er-ing, threat-       " In " may be parsed as connecting " us "
  enin5?,looking dark. This is the same                    and "Hind."
  word as " lowering " (lo-ering), pro-                  "TfiXhal—xoith that , thereupon.
  nounced differently to show the different              As was this— that is, as this purpose
  meaning ; when a storm threatens, the                    was. Parse " this."
  clouds are " loiver."                                  To possess, &C.— infinitives            used    a^
Cast away— wrecked, lost. It is not                        nouns   in apposition       with "purpoge."
  known whether the "Squirrel" was

                               DISCOVERY OF AMERICA.
  "Robertson," (William), a popular preacher and historian, and principal of the Uni-
versity of Edinburgh died in 1791. He wrote a " History of Scotland," a " History of

Charles V.," and a " History of America."  His writings contain a very large numbe»-
of words derived from the Latin.

ColumhUS— (Co?o?n&o,     in Italian ; Colon,              isfaction for this, because his enemies
 in Spanish.)— This greatest of all navi-                 were favor(^ by the ungrateful Ferdi
 gators was born at Genoa in 1436, or                     nand. One more voyage that turned out
 1446, as some say.    Little is known of                 badly and Columbus returned to Spain
 his early life, except tliat he was a care-              to find Isabella dead, and to die in pover-
 ful student of navigation       and geography.           ty at Valladolid.    Ferdinand gave him
 He   early formed the idea that, as the             |
                                                          a splendid funeral and a monument, as
  earth was round, the East Indies could                  if that could make up for his unjust
  be reached by sailing west ; so he set off              treatment.     After some years, the re-
  to Lisbon, then the centre of maritime                  mains of Columbus were taken up and
  enterprise, and laid his plans before the               removed to Hayti ; but early in the pres-
  king, John XL        Disgusted with the                 ent century they were again tak^n up,
  treatment bo received in Lisbon, Colum-                 and now repose in Havana. Columbus,
  bus went to Spain, to the court of Fer-                 imlike most men, never allowed the
  iinand and Isabella; here, after long                   wrongs he suffered to dishearten him in
  years of waiting and attempted journeys            1
                                                          his great work.
  to England and elsewhere, he got his                   Wished rather, &c. - -the people thought
  wish ; three ships, fitted out, it is said,              that Columbus was leading his sailors to
  by the queen who sold her jewels to get                  certani death.
  the necessary mouej% were put inder                   Altered his course— where would Col-
  his cominaTKl, and he started fromPalos                  umbus have made land if he had con-
  westward over an unknown sea. With                       tinued to   sail   due west from Palos?
  the greatest difficulty, and with danger               To tack— this        is   a sea term, meaning to
  even to his own life from the frightened                  change the course of a vessel.
  and mutinous sailors, he pressed on, and                  It must ever be borne in mind that "in-
  at length reached one of the Bahama                    finitives" are to be pareed according to
  islands, San Salvador, it is thought, Oct.             their office in a sentence. Here " to tack"
  12, 1492  After discovering Cuba, Hayti,               is an infinitive, the object of "required ;"
  and other islands, he returned to Spain,               farther down, " to have"&c. is an infinitive
  March 15, 1493, and was received with                  in apposition with " it" as are also, " to
  the greatest joy, as one returned from                 rekindle," and "to think," &c. ; "to
  the dead.    In September of the same                  quell," is an infinitive used as an adverb,
  year he started again, and discovered                  expressing the purpose of "employing,"
  Jamaica and other islands ; in 1498, on                &c.
  his third voyage, he coasted the north-                Provided— this word    has here really the
  ern part of S. America, and discovered                   force of a conjunction ; it maj', however,
  the Orinoco ; but on arriving at the                     be regarded as  forming with "it being,"
  Spanish colony in Hayti, the governor                    understood, an absolute phrase.         An
  put him in irons and sent him home a                     absolute (or independent) phrase can
  prisoner, to the great indignation of the                always be turned into an adverbial sen-
  Spanish people. He never obtained sat-                   tence.

Sonnding line— or " lead,"     as it is usu-                to leave   it   there,—to signify to   whom
  ally called on shipboard, consists of a                   the land belonged by right of discovery.
  small-sized rope with a heavy "lead"                      In Canada the French hung up a shield
  or " sinker " attached to one end, and                    with an inscription, instead of the flag.
  marked off into fathoms by pieces of                    Could not comprehend—Why could
  leather, &c. ; nowadays tubes are often                   not the natives comprehend what the
  fastened to the lead, for the purpose of                  Spaniards were doing ?
  obtaining a little of the mud of the sea-               Foresee the consequences-destruction
  bottom.                                                   of the natives in the West Indies
Such land birds as— "aa"                  is   here a       colonists from all nations coming to
  relative pronoun.                                         the new land ;—in short, America as it
Cane— a    piece of sugar-cane,            or some               Illustrate more fully.
  such plant.
                                                          Children of the sun The great god of
                                                            the Mexicans and of these Caribs, was
Nigna— pronounce— 7iee?i-yaft.
                                                            the sun ; the ancient Persians (Gebers)
He ordered the sails to be fiirled—                         and Arabians also worshipped the sun ;
  Mr. Abbott would          call this infinitive,
  "complementary"; so           also, "ships to
                                                            Apollo, or Phoebus, was the sun-god of
  lie to."       See Abbott's "   How     to Parse."        the old Greeks and Romans, and so was
                                                            Balder of the old heathen English,
Furled— rolled up.                                          Germans, Danes, &c.        When these
Iiie to— A vessel is said    to "   lie   to "     when     people had no knowledge of the true
  she has part of her sails furled, and the                 God, they deemed the sun their greatest
  rest arranged in such a manner as to                      benefactor, and so worshipped him.
  stop her headway.                                                         —
                                                          The climate it must be kept in mind
                                                            that in western Europe the climate is
Keeping— This word is loosely used here;
  it can hardly, from the sense of the                      much warmer than in the same latitude
  passage, refer to Columbus ; the phrase                   in eastern North America this is caused

  may be regarded as an absolute one,                       by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream
  "keeping" &c., being turned into                          striking on the western coast of Europe,
  ' strict watch being kept.'   It might be                 along with the warm south-west winds
  allowable to take "keeping" as refer-                     blowing off the Atlantic. The place
  ring to ships,'— perhaps, the best way
                                                            where Columbus landed lies more than
  to deal with it.                                          600 miles farther south than Spain.
Forecastle        —
                accent the first syllable                 Every herb, shrub, &c.— Name the
  strongly (see Chambers' dictionary).                      native products of the West Indies
  Worcester defines this word, " In mer-                    that are brought into Canada.
  chant ships the fore part of the vessel                          —
                                                          Fainted Thus our wild Indians put on
  under the deck, where the sailors live."                  " war-paint" yet.
  More commonly it is a house built on                    Transports of joy— showing their great
  deck in the fore part of the vessel, and                  joy by their actions, such as leaping,
  occupied by the common sailors onlj-.                     dancing, &c., &c.
Pedro Guttierez— pronounce pay-dro,                                         —
                                                          Hawk-bells In former times hawks
  goot-tee-a-rdyth, the "oo" as in "boot."                  were much used in hunting, and even
  Pedro our ^^ Peter."                                      as pets.    When carried about in the
Salcedo— pronounce sal-thay-do.                .            hand with a bright hood over their
Comptroller- see Chambers' Etymologi-                       head, they often had little bells fas-
  cal                  —
       Dictionary ; in this passage the                     tened to their legs or around their
  word evidently means the sailing-master,                  neck.
  — the one who had the management                        Bauble— (or "bawble")— here means any
  of the ships.                                             trifling toy.  Originally it mean* a short
Land— San Salvador, one of the Bahamas.                     stick with a comical-looking head carved
Te Deum—     a Latin hynin of thanksgiving                  on it, and carried by clowns, or jesters,
 beginning with "te Deum laudamus"                          in the households of kings or noblemen.
  —we    praise thee, O Lord— used in                     Trunk of a single tree— compare Hia-
  Roman     Catholic   churches ; in the                    watha's canoe.
  Church  of England service the English                  Such provision as— Parse "as" here          :

  translation is employed.                                  compare note on " as" above.
Took solemn possession              —
  practice on making a discovery of a
                                          it   was the    Note.— It seems to be pretty well estab-
                                                           lished that America had been reached
  new land, to erect the flag of the nation                by the Norwegians at least two hundred
  to which the discoverer belonged, and                    years before the time of Columbus.

                               DEATH OF MONTCALM.
A death—Wolfe's. See History of Can-               j
                                                         use the broadsword ; they are armed
  ada.                                                   with rifle and bayonet like the other
This war— it hegan in 1754. Read care-                   soldiers.
  fullyabout this war in the History of                Supported— helped.
  Canada.                                              Having thrown— Parse           this.
Fort William Henry—stood at the                        Troops of the line— the regular soidiera,
  south-west comer of Lake George                       not the French Canadians or volunteers.
  Fort Ticonderoara, on the south-west                 Ramparts—the fortified walls of the
  side of Lake Champlain, where Lake                     city.
  George flows into     it.                            Martello tOWer-These were small round
Quebec— this name is said to be an In-                   towers built of stone ; they were gener-
 dian word—Kepec—meaning "strait."                       ally built near the coast, to protect it
IJaies—fortifications.                                   from invasion.
Cathedral— the chief church of a dio-                  So   much the better—" the" is here            an
  cese — the bisliop's church, or seat, as
          ;                                              adverb   ;   —
                                                                    the meaning is * so much bet-
  the word means.                                        ter by this.
Marquis de Vaudreuil—pronounce—                        Then I shall- " then" is not an adverb
  mar-kee,  ("mar" as in "marry")— de-                   of time here ; compare with ' * then
  vo-dre-ee (the * e   in de and dre the
                        '                                a couple of lines before.
  same as " u" in dust.)                               Lieutenant du roi—lieutenant of the
Come    to     bum—to burn, to look, to re-              king.
  turn, are infinitives showing the pur-               Roussiilon— roos-sce-2/on.
  pose ; hence th»y are adverbial.                     Cape Rouge -red          cape, five or six miles
6calp— The Indians always scalp their                    above Quebec.    There is another cape
  slain enemies ; that is, tear off the hair             of this name, many miles below Quebec.
  from the top      of the head,   with the skin       For myself— Parse for; words have to
  attaclied.                                             be supplied.
Break up the camp—leave it.                            Moment—weight,           importance.
Bridge of boats— made by fastening                     Perplexities.—from      Latin, per— com-
  boats side by side and laying plar.ks                                     —
                                                         pletely ; plecto interweave : difficulties
  across them. The bridge here referred                  that are like a tangled string, all inter
  to was across tlie St Charles, leading to              woven.
  the French camp.                                     Magnanimous— great-souled, noble.
Only  gun—   The banks were so steep that              AsI commanded— Parse " as ;" is it the
  the English could drag only one cannon                 object of    commanded?
  up them.                                             Engage— promise,         undertake.
Broadswords— This was the            old " clay-
                                                       Ursullne—an          order of nuns named after
  more"       of the Highlanders.    The High-
  landers in the British      army do not now            St. Ursula,      a native of Naples.

Cartier—iSee note on "Founding of N.                     steamers, and ships come up to Montreal
  A. Colonies." Read carefully about                     now, because a channel lias been dredged
  Cartier in the Ilistoiy of Canada.                     (or scooped out) through Lake St. Peter.
Hochelaga- hosh-lah-gah.                               Friendly— an adverb        here.   Why      do we
Pinnace— usually an eight oared boat                     not say friendlily ?
 that can be used with sails also. Cartier's           Of long time—What would we say now?
  pinnace would       now be    called a good-         In full dress— dressed in their uniforms.
  sized yacht.                                         Metropolis-literally the mother city—
Hermerillon—Aare-mare-ee-T/o(n).                         the city, among the old Greeks, from
Long-boat—the longest boat in a     ship.                which colonists set out. It now merely
St. Croix -pronounce, sa{n)-crwar—Q'y!a,"                means the largest city in any district or
  as in "walk"). Now called St, Charles.                 country.

                 See map.
                           ("u" as in
                                                       Palisades- a sort
                                                         by driving stout
                                                                                of fortification
                                                                            stakes, sharpened at
                                                         the top, deeply into the ground.

Wintering of the Freneh-They suffered
  much from cold, hunger, and sickness
                                                       Huron               —
                                                                tribe The territory of these
                                                         Indians began about Cornwall and ex-
  25 of the French died.                                 tended westward to the great lakes.
Shallowness of the water               —Ocean

                                     CORTEZ IN MEXICO.
Cortez—iffor-tdith)      ; born in 1485.    He            Gorgeous-This word always conveys the
     came as an adventurdt to the           W
                                        Indies.             idea of large size with beauty and
     In 1519 he landed in Mexico with 700 men,              color; hence, not a delicate beauty.
     80 of whom were horsemen, and 10 can-                  We can say a sunset is magnificent or
     non.   The natives whom Cortez         first   met     gorgeous; the Falls of Niagara are
     were hostile to Montezmna, and this            in-     magnificent but not gorgeous, because
     duced- him to march to the capital where               of the absence of bright colors.
     the king was. The Spaniards were re-                 So worked                     that he, &c.—The
     arded as immortal by the Mexicans, but                 clause beginning with             "he"       is   adver-
     when the head of a Spaniard was sent to                bial,    modifying     "worked"; or more
     Montezuma another opinion was formed,                  accurately, in apposition with "go,"
     and Cortez and his men were in great                   which, however, modifies "worked."
     danger. This led to the seizure of Mon-                It shows the manner or extent of the
     tezuma who, to get free, gave Cortez a                 "working."
     vast amount of gold and gems. The                    As to drive— this    is bad English ; say
     governor of Cuba now became jealous of                 ' that the Mexicans were driven to re-
     Cortez, and sent Narvaez to replace him ;             volt';—this clause modifies "extrava-
     but Cortez attacked Narvaez and took                  gant "; or, as in the preceding note.
     him prisoner, and thus kept his com-                 BlOOdhomid— a large, powerful hound,
     mand till he was called home to Spain.                with a very keen scent, and very fierce.
     As usual, the Spanish king was un-                   Slain their king- Another story sayn
     grateful.                                              Montezuma was only wounded, and
Voyages of discovery— Other Spanish                         feeling deeply disgraced, starved him-
 discoverers were — Balboa, who first
                                                            self to death.
     saw the
           Pacific ; Ponce de Leon, the dia-              Creed—their      religious belief         ;   Latin cre-
  coverer of Florida ; Magellan, the first                  do   — to believe.
  to sail round the world ; De Soto^ the                  Blood or tears—The Spaniards were
  discoverer of the Mississippi.                            extremely cruel towards the natives;
Set afloat started, planned.                                they cared not how many people they
Griialva.—gree-hyal-va.                                     killed, nor how much sorrow they
Diego Velasquez-dee-a-^o vel-as-cdith                 :     caused. Whenever Spanish command-
  he was governor of Cuba at this time,                     ers received a commission from the
 and had got a great deal of treasure by                    king of Spain to make discoveries, they
 trade with the Mexicans ; so he thought                    always said it was for the purpose of
 the country must be rich, and sent out                     extending the true religion, Chris-
 Cortez to conquer it.                                      tianity this was true to some extent

Lay to— iSee note under "Discovery of                       but gold and gems they mostly went
     America."                                              for, and in pursuit of these they cared
Cruel excesses— among the West India                        little what sufferings they inflicted on
     islands; the Spaniards carried on a                    the natives.
     cruel war of externiiuation against the              Etiquette— i^t'C-ket .'—custom in particu-
     Caribs of the islands. They tried to                   lar places or circumstances.
     reduce them to slavery, but failed.

                                     THE BUCCANEERS.
Buccaneers— This word is         said to be de-             would now be called piracy, though
     rived from the Carib (native West Indian)              deemed honorable in those times.
     word "boucan," a sort of gridiron on                 Highway     of the seas— On land, a high-
     which the natives dried or roasted their               way is a road on which everybody has a
     meat. Besides selling hides to the Dutch               right to travel, because no person owns
     and others, the buccaneers sold this                   it ;  so the sea is called a highway be-
     dried meat.                                            cause no one nation owns it, and all
Seaports —Columbus           started from Palos;            have a right to      sail   on   its   waters.
     Cabot, from Bristol     ;   Cartier,   from    St.   Preyed upon— that      is, plundered.  The
     Malo.                                                  song-books of sailors contain many songa
Adventurer— as        boys would say, " one                 about famous pirates, such as Kidd,
     who goes to seek his fortune."                         Ward, and Kelley, who plundered the
       It must be remembered Queen                  vessels of every nation and killed their
     Elizabeth's days, Drake, Hawkins, Ra-                  crews. The only places where pirates
     leigh and others did tliiii'.'-s at son, thnt          now exist are among the East Indi*
10                 NOTES TO THE FOURTH READER.

 islands, and along the coast of China.             immense sums           of       money have been
 The English have gun-boats out there               wasted in this foolish pursuit
 continually engaged in hunting the pi-           Honor among thieves—that is,         thieves
 rates and destroying their vessels and             will not steal from each other,       :hey      —
 villages.                                          act towards each other like honorable
A powerful association— The island of               men ; hence there was no need of bolts,
 Madagascar was, about the beginning of             &c. with the buccaneers.

 the 18th century, the head-quarters of           In guise of a visor—" guise," form or
 another association of pirates       they
                                        ;           shape ; " visor," literally, the eye-piece
 tried for a long time to get England to            of the cap.
 take them into her service, but in vain          Induced to bind themselves, &c.—
 at last Charles XII. of Sweden agreed to           This is done still but the laws made by

 receive them, as he wanted them for a              the English Government to regulate
 war he was going to enter upon against             the practice, are very strict. The per-
 England in the reign of Geo. I. , 1715.            sons so engaged come from Chma,
Pursued and murdered-This was one                   Hindustan, &c. and are called " coolies."

  of the causes of the "Spanish War" of           TortUga—an island near the north coast
 1739.    See Greene's History of England.          of Hayti ; there is another of the same
American continent— that      is, South             name north of Venezuela.
  America the northern coast of this was

  called- the "Spanish Main."
                                                  Desperadoes thoroughly bad men,
                                                    ready to commit any crime however
Smugfrler— one who brings goods secret-             bad or cruel.
 ly into a country, so as to escape paying        Boarding— rushing upon the deck of
 the duty on them.    In former times               the vessel.
 smugglers were hung.                             Quieting their conscience -When the
Because such— Parse " such."                        buccaneers felt they ware doing wrong
Coast-guards—war vessels to             protect     in plundering the Spaniards, they said
  the coasts.                                       to themselves that they w'ere paying
Interloper- one who comes into a place              the Spaniards back for their cruelty to
  where he has no right to be.                      others.
Offensive and defensive— an agreement             Poetic justice.— In              stories in poetry     we
  or alliance between two or more, by               always see that the good are rewarded,
  which each is bound to assist the other           and the bad are punished, though this
  either in defending himself from at-               8 by no means the case in real life.
  tack or in attacking others.                      Now, the Spaniards had been very bad
Independent of peace or war—that is,                to the Mexicans, and the buccaneers un-
  these buccaneers would attack the Span-           dertook to punish them for it thus               ;

 ish at any time, no matter if it was a             doing the justice that poetry demands,
 time of peace or of war in Europe.                 and that we feel is right. It must not
Mine of St. Domingo— The Spanish for               be the persons who are injured that
 a time forced the natives to work in the          inflict the punishment, else it would be
 mines ; but, finding them too weak and            revenge ; it must be others ; and thus
  too stubborn, they imported negroes              these prevent the wrong-doers from
  from Africa, thuj starting slavery and                                           —
                                                   going unpunished, which is the law
  the slave-trade in America.                      of poetry, and which pleases us.
It was taken possession          of—This     is   By thus assuming- ^sstt)«Miflf must be
  an irregular construction, and caimot be         regarded as a noun, the object of "by,"
  satisfactorily explained ; it will be as         though from its force as a verb it has
  well to call "was taken possession of" a         an object after it so also with " with-

  verb in the passive voice ; we feel that         out publicly offering " below.
  this is the force, at least.  In the active     Acquitted                        distinction—acted
  voice it would be, "a number took pos-            very bravely.
  session of it ;" in the passive, properly,      Miguel de Basco-tnee-grat/ day                    bas-co.
  "possession was taken of it by a num-           PortobellO       —a town and fortress a little
  ber."   Theirregularity consists in mak-          east    of    Aspinwall, on the isthmus
  ing "i<" (the object of a preposition)            Darien.
  the subject in the passive, instead of          Galleon -a large Spanish ship having a
  "possession."                                     great number of cannon, and used for
St. Christopher— or St. Kitt's one of
                                    ;               carrying treasure from America to Spain.
  the West India islands.                         Eclipsed— This word means,              in this place,
Unless a will was found-Pirates often               "greatly surpassed."               Show   its   connec-
  had the reputation of bur3'ing their              tion with "hidden," "obscured," as the
  treasure ; Capt. Kidd is famous in this           sun    is   by the moon during an          eclipse.
  respect, and his buried treasure has            Southern Ocean— Balboa, a Spaniard,
  been sought from New York to Halifax              was the first European who saw the
THE EARTHQUAKE OF CARACCAS.                                               11

  Pacific  he gazed on it for the first time
             ;                                           After deducting, .&C.-Compare this with
  Sept. 25, 1513, and gave it the name of                  the Note on " Leaving out of view," in
  the South Sea.    It was only in the latter              Founding of the N. A. Colonies.
  part of the last century that there was                Five hundred men— After hundred,
  any navigation of importance in the                      thousand, dozen, score, the preposition
  Pacific.  The great ignorance regarding                  "of" is understood; as, a hnndred of
  the South Sea was the reason the " South                 men.   These words are nouns, not
  Sea Bubble " had such success at first.                  adjectives.
  Magellan, in 1521, was the first to sail               Jamaica—This island was captured from
  across the Pacific ; in Queen Elizabeth's                the Spaniards by the English admirals
  days. Sir Francis Drake performed the                    Penn and Ven|bles, in 1656, and colon-
  arae feat ; the chief navigators of this                 ized by Cromwell.
  ocean in last century, were Cook, Anson,
  LaPerouse, Carteret, Van Dieman, Van-                  Deputy—one who            acts in the place of
  couver, Bougainville. A great deal yet
  remains to be explored.                                Gave no quarter—that is, he put them
Cliagret-near Aspinwall.                                   to death.

                            THE EARTHQUAKE OF CARACCAS.
  "Humboldt,"— Alexander Humboldt, bom          in 1769, died in 1859, was the greatest of
all naturalists. He early devoted hiiriself to the study of Natural History, and science
generally   but, not content with books, he longed to examine tropical countries for

himself.  In 1799 he visited the Spanish possessions in South America, and spent five
years in exploring them, learning their plants, animals, physical features, history, &c.
In 1804 he returned to Europe, and, among other things, he wrote a most interesting
account of his travels. In 1829 he visited the Ural and the Altai mountains, exploring
the country in those regions. From time to time he took part in politics, being
employed by his sovereign, the king of Prussia, on many unportant occasions. Ho
wrote many books, all of the highest value.

Terra firma— the solid ground.                           Under arms              having    their   weapons
On the one hand— Parse " on."                              with them.
Osciiiation— swinging, heaving.                          San JuajL—san-hwavr-i" a."            like   ah");
Holy Thursday— or,       Ascension Day—                    St.   John.
  the day of Christ's ascension to heaven ;              Capuchin—the name                of   an order of
  the last Thursday but one before Whit-                   monks.
  sunday         —
             the seventh Sunday after                    Caxa,sna.tSi—cah-rah-(fwah- tr
  Easter                                                 Buttresses— masses of ston*. or brick-
Undulation— motion like that of waves.                     work, built up against some structure
  (Latin " unda " a wave.)                                 to support or strengthen it.
Ebullition— boiling.                                     Calamities           of Lisbon, &c.—
Avilai.—ah-vee-lah ; SiUa—see-j/a?i.                       At Lisbon, in 1755, the earth gaped
Vaulted— curved, arched.                                   open and swallowed up a great many
Qtrz.Q.iB.—grah-th eea-.                                   thousands of people who were on their
Nave—    central part.                                     knees^ praying in the great public
So great .... any vestige—See note                         square ; over 60, OW perished within six
  on " so worked" in " Cortez            in   Mexico."     minutes ; in 1698, at Messina, and other
Vestige— trace, remnant:               Latin, "vesti-      places around, 100,000 people perished ;
   gium"— footstep.                                        in 1746, at Lima, out of more than 4000
8uartel-coo-ar-^s2^-quarter3, dwellings.                   people, only 200 escaped.
 UStom-hOUSe— the building containing                    GMSLyra.—gtoah-ee-ra ; Rio— rec-o.
  the offices of those who have to collect               Falling of the earth- Durint? earth-
  the duty, or tax, paid on bringing                       quakes the ground sometimes is raised
  foreign goods into the country.                          up permanently, and sometimes, as
Troops of the line— See note under                         here,   it   ginks.
   " Death           of   Montcalm,"
12                     NOTES TO THE FOURTH READER.

                                    CONQUEST OF PERU.
Huayna Capac— the       Spanish pronun-                     of the Azores ; and to Portugal, all east

  ciation would be hwah-ee-na ca-pac.
Buascar hwas-car. Atalmalpa—-
                                                            of that meridian.
                                                            belong to Spain.
                                                                                 Hence Peru would
               —                                                          —
                                                          Allegiance from the Latin,
                                                            and "ligo"— to bind.
                                                                                                        "ad"— to
Juncture literally, a joining; time,                                                  The friar said
  moment,  occasion.                                        that the Inca was bound to the Pope ;
Pizzaro— (born in 1471) had come to the                     that is, he was the Pope's servant. See
  West Indies and was with Balboa when                      "homage," above.
  the latter discovered ^he Pacific.    He                Declared-- What is the object of this verb?
  traded with the natives on the Pacific                  On this— what?
  coast in 1515, and learned from them of                 Insult offered—The friar said that the
  th^ existence of a rich country farther                   Inca had insulted God by throwing the
  south. Roused by the reports of what                      Bible on the ground.
  Cortez had done in Mexico, he returned
  to Panama, a settlement made by Bal-
                                                          Body-guard       —
                                                                           a company        of soldiers
                                                            whose duty it specially is to protect a
  boa, for volunteers to invade Peru ; but                  particular person. Here it wasthelnea.
  not being able to find enough, he went                  Devoted loyalty— a loyalty that leaCs a
  to Spain, laid his plans before the king,                 person to give up property, or life
  who named him Captain Gen era! of Peru,                   itself, to serve his sovereign.   mother's  A
  with leave to conquer what he could.                      love is devoted, for she thinks only of
  m  1532 he landed in Peru with 180 sol-                   her children, not of herself.
  diers, 27 of     whom     were cavalry, and on          Characterized—that is, the character of
  hearing that Atahualpa was with his                       the Peruvian possesses enduring bravery
  army to the east of the Andes, he march-                  and devoted           loyalty.
  ed thither.        Then   follows    what   is rela-    Following the practice— It was                         also
  ted in the extract.                                       the practice of the ancient Persians to
In    Ills    desperation—in the dangerous                  flee from the battle-field when their lead-
  situation in which he found himself.                      er   was   killed.
Possessing himself, &c.— Compare the                      Their terror        .   .   crowd— T^eir is plural,
  conduct of Cortez toward "Montezuma."                    crowd is singular why should it not

Our country-          Spain.                                be i^s instead of their? Give the rule.
Inca— the Peruvian name      for king.                    The dreams— Pizarro had been told be-
Eemorseless         cruelty—literally, cruelty             fore he invaded Peru, that gold was as
  for which he was not sorry; it                reall3'     plenty there as iron was in Spain ; and
  means, excessive cruelty, pitiless.                       gems were as numerous as pebbles;
Dexterous audacity— boldness                  or dar-       and gold and gems was the base pur-
  ing well carried out.                                     pose for which the Spaniards came to
Homage— promise of obedience and sub-                       Peru.
  mission to a superior. Pizzaro promised                 Baflles all description— cannot pos-
  to be a faithful subject of the Inca.                     sibly be fully described.
Don TXdJlCisco-done fran-this-co ("thi"                   Wedges— simply masses of metal, gener-
  like "thi" in " tAin^r ")— that             is,   Sir     ally squared roughly.
  Francis.  "Don" is a title of                honor      Caciques— ca/i-see/cs ;               native chiefs.
  among the Spaniards.                                    "Pesos—pay-soks.
Descendants of the sun-The Peruvians                      Commander-in-chief- Give                      the plural
  believed that their Incas were the child-                 of this word.
  ren, or descendants, of the god of the
  sun; the old Greeks and Romans thought
                                                          For ambition
                                                            should have
                                                                        —who           of the Spaniards
                                                                              the rule over the land, &c.
  their kings were descendants of the                     Put to death— The                   Inca was condemned
  gods ; and   before the English became                    to be burnt alive ; but, as he consented
  Christians they too believed that the an-                 to be baptized, the sentence was changed
  cestor of their kings was the god, Woden.                 to beheading.
                —                  —
Palanquin pal-an-Jceen the litter on                      Puppet—This word means       here a person
  which the Inca was carried by his at-                     with no will of his own, doing just what
  order of     monks
                    friar   —    do-min-ic-an
                       called after St. Dominic;
                                                —   an
                                                            another wants him to do ; just as a
                                                            boy's " dancing-jack" is made to dance
                                                            by pulling a string or              wire.
  "   "—a monk—literally, "brother."
      friar                                               Worse than all— The       construction la,
Pope had .... Spain— In 1493, the                           *
                                                              the Spaniards quarrelled among them-
  Pope, Alexander VI. in order to prevent
                             ,                             selves, which was worse than all '; the
  quarrels between the Spanish and Por-                    antecedent of " which " is the clause—
  tuguese arising from their discoveries,                   * the Spaniards
                                                                             &c.      '

  granted to the Spaniards all new coun-                  Chazcas— cAa^A-ccw; Biego-dee-a-go
  tries west of the meridian 300 miles west                in English, James.
CONQUEST OF WALES.                                                   13

                              CONQUEST OF WALES.
  NOTK.— It may be as well at the outset to say, that the greater part of this extract
isuntrue, and slanders the king. Teachers must call particular attention to this fact
See Green's " Short History of the English People," but especially E. A. Freeman's
" Life    of   Edward   I."

Hebrews—The Jews in England             in these     times, and Edward even went to Ches-
     early days were not under the protection        ter, the nearest town to Llewyllyn's
     of the law ; and it was customary for a new     home, to satisfy him ; but all to no pur-
     king, on coming to the throne, to pub-         pose.    Llewellyn was conquered and
     lish a proclamation sayin" that he took        treated most (generously by Edward.
     the Jews under his protection ; for this,      Five years after this, David, Llewellyn's
     they had to pay a tax.     They were the       brother, revolted and massacred' an
     chief money-lenders of the time, and de-       English garrison ; and it was in t^war
     manded a very high per cent., often as         that followed on this act that the vVelsh
     high as sixty-five; this made them hat«d;      prince was killed and Wales annexed to
     besides they used to cut (clip) pieces off      England.
     the coins, thus making money bad; they        Suzerain— one who is above or lord over
     were accused of murdering Christian            another.
     children too. At last, in 1290, Edward        People— the verb must be supplied, and
     was forced by the outcries ofthe nation         "Welsh'" is the subject.
     to banish them ; he had tried very often      Indomitable- unconquerable.
     to protect them, and is not to be blamed      Soothsayer—Tliis word            z       formed from
     for their expulsion from England.    The         sooth," truth and " sayei," one who

     Jews did not return to England till                 ;— a prophet.
     about 1650, and even then ministers and       Merlin— this was the gieat prophet and
     lawyers petitioned Cromwell to expel           magician of the Welsh ; he lived during
     them ; but he was too noble, too grand         the latter part of the 5th century. It
     a man, to do that.                             was said he prophesied, that "when
Nearly a thousand,         &c—at the con-           money became round, a Welsh prince
     quest of Britain by the English, begun         should reign over Britain ;" the first
  about A. D. 450.                                  part had now been done, and the Welsh
Scots ....    Saxon— It must be remem-              were trying to get the second part of
 bered that the Highlanders only were               the prophecy fulfilled by rebelling. See
 the real Scots ; the Lowlanders were               Mr. [Tennyson's "Vivien," in the "Idylls
 pure English, or Saxon, as the extract             of the King."
  calls them.   See " Green's History " in         Inspired— Parse      this word.
  reference to the Scots, reign of Edw.          Bards—This story of          Edward's treatment
Observed— What is the object of this                 of the bards is not true            ;   Edward was
  verb ?                                             too wise and kind-hearted to do such a
Marauding excursions— raids,             as   we     thing.
     often say.                                    Cruelty— Mr. Freemtn shows                  fully that
Warders         . . march— that is, " Guar-
                    .                                Edward was the             very opposite          of
     dians " of the boundary between Eng-            cruel.  Once he exclaimed, "3/ at/ show
     land and Wales ; icarder is the same as                  —
                                                     mercy ? why, I will do that for a dog
     guarder ; march, is the same as mark            if he seeks niy grace !"  The old chron-
     or boundary.                                    icler says of him     " This prince was

Principle ....       system—The principle            slow to    all   manner     of strife,      discreet
     meant here is, that if a vassal (or subject     and wise, and true of his word." His
     lord) was called to appear before the           motto was "Serva pactem— keep your
     king and he refused, his lands were de-         word."
     clared forfeited to the king and he him-      Oflce Of     bard— Explain carefully the
     self a traitor.                                 author's   meaning
Superiority— Tliis      superiority was ob-        Medium— means,    or way there were no

     tained by King Offa and acknowledged            newspapers in those days, and but few
     by Welsh princes when there was a               books.
     Eowerful king on the English throne ;         Gray— an   English poet born in 1716 and
       lewellyn never denied it ; but at this        died in 1771.  He wrote " Elegy in a
     time the Welsh were excited and thought         Country Churchyard," and many fine
     they could gain their independence.             "Odes."
     The immediate trouble that led to war         Editors .... opposition— In our days
     was Llewellyn's refusal, under various          the editors write articles in their papers
     pretexts, to come to Edward's corona-          on the doings   of the government, or on
     tion ; he was summoned seven or eight
Notes on english li00chasuoft
Notes on english li00chasuoft
Notes on english li00chasuoft
Notes on english li00chasuoft
Notes on english li00chasuoft
Notes on english li00chasuoft
Notes on english li00chasuoft
Notes on english li00chasuoft
Notes on english li00chasuoft
Notes on english li00chasuoft
Notes on english li00chasuoft

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Notes on english li00chasuoft

  • 1. 1^ iffefil/lR '•ii&m' mmwm^mm^<^?m^m^
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 6. Entered according to the Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, by James Campbell & Son, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture,
  • 7. INTRODUCTION In dealing with literature the teacher must have, as in his other work, one object steadily in view:—his pupils must understand clearly everything the lesson contains ; nothing must be taken for granted ; it will not do to take their own word for it, or to make them learn accurately the appended notes ; the teacher must satisfy himself in his own way that the work is uhderstood. It is very vexatious to find how little is really taken in by the pupil reading over a lesson in the usual way. The notes will give infor- mation, make suggestions, call attention to what might be passed over as mere common-place ; but they can never supply the place of the teacher ;he alone that can adapt the question to the it is needs or capacities of the pupil, he alone that can meet the difficul- ties and arouse the dormant intelligence of each. He will speedily find that he will have to draw largely upon his own knowledge, and rely upon notes only where his own resources fail. The lessons in literature must not be lectures, must not be exami- nations ; they must be a continued talk, a familiar conversation between teacher and pupil, for this is the only way that thought can be reached. The knowledge thus conveyed, and the mental activity thus aroused will be far more beneficial than any other kind of teaching can possibly be it makes intelligent boys and girls. ; The teacher will thus see that the very best author to compose "sets of questions on literature" is himself. There is not a more wearying, deadening, or destructive work for teacher or student than to set himself to studying literature by a series of questions. On the other hand, when his work is well prepared, the teacher will find nothing in the whole range of his work so delightful, so instructive to himself and to his charge as literature he will find, ; and be surprised to find, that on going over the same ground again, he will rarely ask the same question the same way new ideas ; will continually arise,new modes of illustration, new facts. The lesson must not be made prosy. It is well always to start with what the pupil knows himself, and gradually add with his own help to his stock of knowledge. Thus every question or objection on the teacher's part must have a definite bearing on the object in
  • 8. INTRODUCTION. view. By way of illustration we may take " Iceland." The objects in view are a clear idea of the climate, the inhabitants, : to give the food, &c., &c. Beginning with the position of the island, its size, &c., — " Wouldn't a boy like to live in Iceland?" "Yes, sir." " No, sir." " You say, Yes, sir,' now why ?" ' " Because there's snow and ice to ride down hill and skate plenty of on." The other boy said " No, sir ;" " why would you not like to live there ?" " It's so cold." " So cold you like to ride down ! hill and skate, don't you ?" " Yes, sir." " Then you would like to have snow and ice in warm summer days, I suppose you're a soft ; boy." " But, sir, things can't grow where it is so cold." " Well what of that ?" " Why, people can't live where nothing grows." "But, your book says there are people living in Iceland. How do they live if nothing grows for them to eat ?" And thus question, objection, laugh and information will gradu- ally bring out and stamp upon the puoils' mind, the conditions of life in Iceland, the food, the occupations, the climate, the seasons, day and night ; the use of cold climates in moderating the heat of the more tropical ones ; the swarming seas supplying the lack of vegetation : thousand things all closely connected with in short, a this cold region. The illustration employed may seem silly to some ; but before condemning it, let the principle aimed at be as fully tested as it has been by the writer. In the following pages the notes are intended to meet the require- ments of teachers of the Fourth -book, generally, and of their pupils as well and it is to be hoped that the object aimed at will be fairly ; reached. Everything deemed a real difficulty has been touched upon, but a great deal has been left for the intelligence c- the teacher to complete. Few derivations, comparatively, have been given but all those that add force or beauty to the word, or from ; which anything can really be learned have been carefully inserted, and the teacher must not burden his pupils with more. Finally, it is earnestly recommended that these lessons in litera- ture should not be made into lessons in analysis and parsing if ; these latter must be taught, let them be taken completely apart by themselves else the pupils will be bewildered and disgusted. ; G. A. Chase. Gait, March, 1878.
  • 9. NOTES TO THE FOURTH BOOK. THE NORWEGIAN COLONIES IN GREENLAND. William Scoresby, a celebrated Arctic explorer and man of science, was bom in Yorkshire in 1789, and died in 1857. As captain of a whaler, he made seventeen voyages to the coasts of Greenland and Spitzbergen, and wrote an account of them. In 1822 he explored the east coast of Greenland—then an unknown region. On his return to England he gave up the sea and became a clergj^man, but ardently studied physical science. He wrote several valuable works. The following are some of the other chief Arctic navigators : Corte Real 1500 Ross. 1818 Frobi.sher 1676 Parry (five voyages). ..... ..1818-1825 Davis 1585 Franklin 1823, 1845-6 Hudson 1610 Rae 1847 Baffin 1616 Kane 1853 Cook 1776 Hall 1854 McKenzie 1789 Nares 1875 (See Note on Sir J. Franklin.) Iceland— 309 miles long, 200 broad ; 500 miles north of Scotland. The longest day southern part is 20 hours ; in the north, about a week. in the The first visitors came frem Norway in the 8th century ; but the island was not settled till A.D. 874. (See Geography.) ErlcRauda— ("au" like "ou" in hound) alter "w" in sweet). -"Olaus" is the Latin —that is, He«ry the Red. f«rm of the Norwegian "Olaf." This Snoefellzness (pronounce nnu-fellz-ness) Olaf was the father of St. Olaf, Olaf — — ("u" as in "ugly") snow-cape, or II. (see Longfellow's "Tales of a Way- Sromontory ;"," is the same as "the side Inn"); he introduced Christianity Jaze," in Norway and England, and into Norway. **no8e." Paganism—from Latin "pagdmis," a Disseminated— scattered abroad like villager, inhabitant of a distant country seeds — (Latin "semen" ; plural, "semi- district. In Italy the cities were the na."— seeds; "dis" — apart, abroad, asun- first to embrace Christianity ; the dis- der.) tant country districts were so slow in Finished picture— simply means that following the example of the cities in everything they could wish for was to this respect, that "paganus" soon came be found in this "green" land— just as to mean, not only a villager, but also nothing is wanting in a picture that is one who worshipped idols. In English perfect. the word has the latter signification only. — Cattle In some parts of Greenland the In the same way " heathen," dwellers — musk-ox is said to exist. — on the heath gets its present meaning. Exodus- agoingout— an emigration; the Benighted— literally, covered by the Exodus raelites of the Bible tells about the going out of Egypt. Is- night ; in deep ignorance ; — just as when we are in the dark we see nothing, 80 Leil — pronounce, "life." when ignorant we know nothing. Olaus Tryggeson (pronounce o-lah-us Gospel- -formerly spelled "god-spell," tryg-ge«-eon) —("y" like the sound next that is, good story or message — not
  • 10. NOTES TO THE FOURTH READER. "God's message," as is sometimes said. As to be oblivious—This phrase %. {See the "good tidings" in Luke ii. 10.) equivalent to an adverb, modifyin^' Centuries— Is the cent in this word the " embarrassed or more strictly speak- "; same as cent, a piece of money ? ing, in apposition with " so ";— showing Osterbygdt—(pronounce ost-er-bygdt) — the extent, or degree, of the embarras- (see " "Trj'ggeson," CEIsterbygdt," (see above) — properly, " Snoefellzness," sing. above)"eastern colony; "Westerbydgt," In the opinion—Parse " in"; what was the opinion f western colony :— "bygdt" is the same as the Scotch " big (-gin),' a house, or Conlecture—The object of this verb is building. " whether they would wild Hamlets— " Ham" means home, some- Greenlanders""; the object of "at- times village : it is the same word as in tempt*' is "to conjecture," &c. (See " Wingham," &c. ; "let" means small. note on infinitives under "Discovery of Garde (pronounce gar-deh). America " below). 30 that a constant—This clause is ad- Whether they would be met with— verbial to the preceding, showing a "with" here, must be taken as a part result arising from it. verb,— would-be-met-with. The of the It Is generally believed—What does sentence, if properly composed, would " it " mean here ? be ' people would meet with them ; or SkrcelllngS~Norwegian,meaningwre<cA- — leaving out the "with" 'they would be ' es. (Sec "Snoefellzness," above.) met.' We are accustomed, however, to Wrapt— Should not this word be spelled such sentences as this one in the extract. " wrapped ?" When is 'ed " pronounced ' Mixed—Parse this word. like "t"l In "wrapped," try to sound Such a,s— such, qualifies implements ; "ed" like "d" and observe carefully " as" is the subject of the next verb. what change occurs on the " p." " one horn." There is Black DeSith—See History of England, Unicom— that is reign of Edward III. no such animal as is figured in the English coat of arms. The rhinoceros Scourged—Show that this word, which really means ivhipped, is properly used is often called a unicorn. In the ex- here as also, extingvished. tract Mr. Scoresby means the "nar- whal" or " sea-unicorn,"— a sea-animal ; Especially—modifies "is supposed." Queen Margaret— born in 1353, died in with a long horn or tusk sticking out of the fore part of its head. 1412 ; — queen of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. She was a very excellent Domestic implements— knives, axes, ruler, and greatly beloved, especially awls, &c., &c. by the Danes. Aborigines— the people in the earliest Embarrassed—The root of this word is country,— those who had their origin " bar ";— show how the idea of a " bar " in it, so to speak not colonists. ; is present in it. (See "benighted" Circumstance—in apposition to the above). Compare " barrier." sentence "he likewise coflBn." FOUNDING OF THE N. A. COLONIES. Close of the fifteenth, &C.—other dis- &c.,and making maps of the whole. coverers of the New World were John Columbus and others had discovered a Cabot (Cabo), 1497, who discovered Lab- new world, and then it remained for rador ; Sebastian Cabot, 1498, discovered others to find out all the particulars Newfoundland, and sailed down the about it and make use of them- coast the continent to Virginia of Leaving, &c.—this is a bad sentence as ; Amerigo Vespucci (Ali-mer-ee-go Ves- it stands, tlie word "leaving" cannot be putch-chee), 1498, coasted the eastern parsed; for there is no pronoun, express- part of South America, and, as he gave ed or understood, with which it is con- the first popular account of the New nected. We must change the con- World, it was called after his name. struction, and make it either, "If we In 1498, Vasco de Gama (gah-mah) dis- leave out of view," &c., or, " The efforts covered the way round the Cape of Good of . being left out of view, &c." :— . Hope to India. this latter being an absolute phrase. Minute and practical details—that Efforts of the Spaniards—They colo- is, in surveying the coast, exploring ized the West Indies, Florida, Mexico, bays and rivers, taking soundings, &c., all S. America, except Brazil.
  • 11. FOUNDING OF THE N. A. COLONIES. Turn theni to account—make use of other nation could drive the French away. them for their own advantage,—as trad- Established footing— her power was ing with the Indiana, fishing, &c. , &c. made sure or established in Nova Scotia. Basque (bask)—& race of people living in Nova Scotia— Latin for "New Scotland." France and Spain in the region of the Acadia—or rather, Acadie (ah-cah-dee). western Pyrenees ; they are neither Dr. Dawson, of McGill College, Mon- French nor Spanish, but are thought to an Indian word mean- treal, says this is be of the same race as the Turks. ing place or region ; this word occurs in Breton— belonging to Brittany (French, other names in Nova Scotia, as Tracodie, Bretagne), the north-west peninsula of Shubenacadie. Acadia extended to the France the people, who are of the same ; St. Croix river, between New Brunswick race as the Welsh, or the Scotch High- and Maine, thus including Nova Scotia landers, are hardy sailors. and New Brunswick. Newfoundland-7ieif-/Mn-Zan(i (last syl- Pioneer— one who goes before others to lable strongly accented) is the invariable prepare the way. In the army it means pronunciation in the Maritime Provinces a soldier whose duty it is to make {See "Voyage of the Golden Hind.") Verazzano— pronounce, ver-adz-zah-no. Ealeigh — roads, dig trenches, mines, &c. See note under "Voyage of the Golden Hind." See the same for Francis I.— king of France, a contem- porary of Henry VHI. of England. "SirH. Gilbert." Jacques Cartier- pronounce, jack ("j Disastrous— In former days there were like "z" in azure), car-t'-ya ("car" as in men called ctstrologers (from " astron" "carry"): "Jacques" in English is James, a star), who pretended they could fore- For an account of Cartier, Champlain, tellevents from the appearance of the • Roberval, Verazzaiii, see Hist. (A Canada. stars. If the stars were not favorable, Anticosti—so called from the Indian itwas termed a disaster ("dis," apart, name, "Natiscotie." or away from astron); compare "ill- ; St. Lawrence— (French, St. Laurent)— starred." Of course, people, and good, so called from the Gulf of St, Lawrence, sensible people too, believed in these which name was given to it by Cartier, astrologers. when, on his second voyage, he entered Auspices— This word belongs to the same it on August 10, 1535, St. LawTence's class as "disaster," only the events day. were foretold from the flight or sin^ng Koberval — he was appointed governor of birds.— Latin, "avis," bird ; "spicio," of the new colony, but he and Cartier to behold. This was the custom among did not agree, and so after a year he the ancient Romans. went home to Fi-ance ; six years after- Possession was taken of the country wards he set out again, but was never — See note on this expression under heard of more. " The Buccaneers." Compare the two. Transatlantic— across (trans) the At- Vicissitudes— repeated changes, from lantic. prosperous to the opposite. Civil dissensions —the wars between Often privations " contests." — Parse tkese words; the Catholics and Protestants, and that also, between Henry IV. and those who Took root—The colony is compared to a wished to keep him from being king. tree which strikes its roots into the — Civil wars are wars carried on between ground, and so grows. the inhabitants of the same country. Virginia — discovered by one of Raleigh's Discord being brought throne- . . . expeditions, and called by this name by Turn this ijidepcndent phrase into a Queen Elizabeth, because she was uu- sentence. All such phrases can be turned married. into adverbial sentences. Plantation— here this word means "col- Champlain— pronounce " ch" like "sh." ony," a sense now but little used ; the Amicable confederacies — friendly ordinary meaning is a large farm or es- unions, or agreements, in which each tate in wann countries devoted to rais- ))arty is bound to helj) the other. ing such crops as sugar-cane, tobacco, Humbled them—This was done chiefly cotton, &c., &c. We never hear of by meaMs of the guns of the French, of a wheat plantation. which the Indians were very much "Exodns—See Note under "Norwegian afraid. Colonies in Greenland." Fostered— took care of the settlements ; Pilgrim Fathers-('S'ee 'pilgrim' in the dic- a foster-child one adopted by a person is tionary). In Queen Elizabeth's reign there and brought up as his own. were a groat many people— protestants— Consolidating her supremacy— ma- who did not like the form of worship in king her i)ower, lier poseeasion of the the Church of England, and so would aew country sure, or solid,— ho that no not attend it ; they were therefore fined.
  • 12. NOTES TO THE FOURTH READER. imprisoned, and some of them even put Grants of land, &c.—The king was "Browiiist" was the name supposed to own ail the newly dis- I to death. jjiren to these people A good many of covered land, and "o <'ould give it to them left England and went to Holland ; whom he pleased. In Canada we have but, getting tired of that country, they I j — "crown lands," that is, lands not set sail for America in the "Mayflower," owned by any one man, but by the and landed at Plymouth, in Alassachu- I I country; the Government sells this December, 1620. setts, in There they [ land, or the treeson it, or does with it could worship God as they pleased. See I what isthought best for the country, Mrs. Hemans' poem, "The Pilgrim j Wm. Penn—a celebrated Quaker who Fathers," beginning with j lived in the reigns of Charles II.. James " The breaking waves dashed high II., and William III. Although he had On a stern and rock-bound coast." I j a grant of the land from the king, he Laid the foundation— started or began. I preferred to buy it honestly from the Indians, to whom it really belonged ' These States" are compared to a house; ' ; we begin a house with the foundation, the colony thus escaped the Indian so these Pilgrim Fathers, being the first I wars. settlers, began the "States." Quaker— or " Friend," as they call them- Inaugurate— begin, commence, enter selves a religious sect founded by one , upon. The men who, among the Ro- George Fox in Cromwell's time. They mans, took the auspices (see above), are opposed to all war they have no ; — were called "augurs," a word of the sacraments, and no ministers in their same root as " auspices," and if the churches ; any one speaks who feels in- auspices were favorable, the Romans clined to or, as they say, "as the ; immediately entered upon what they Spirit moves them." f h»y "often use ar had to do. Though we use the word peculiar style of language, saying 'thee" "inaugurate" no%v, we know that birds where other people use " you." can tell us nothing about the affairs of Pennsylvania— that is Penn's woods, men. (Latin "sylva," wood.^). Independence of a continent—This is New York -called such from James, not quite true. Canada forms a part of Duke of York, to whom Charles II. America, and is not independent of granted It. The Dutch called it " New Great Britain. Netherlands ;" New York city was "New Asylum, &C ,— a place of protection. Amsterdam. From the beginning of Elizabeth's Henry Hudson.—This famous English reign to the end of Charles IPs, the navigator, while in the service of the Catholi.« were bitterly persecuted Dutch, discovered in 1609, the Hudson they were fined, imprisoned, and under River ;-the Dutch, consequently, claim- Elizabeth, put to death for their re- ing the surm^iding country as theirs. ligion. They were allowad to hold no In the follow..:;,' year he was sent out office, could not be lawyers or doctors, by the English to explore the Northern could not vote;—these were some of Seas, and discoveretl the strait and bay — their disabilities, what they were un- now called by his name. His crew able t"> be or to do. mutinied, and putting him, his son. and Carolina— the Latin for Charles is " Ca- some others into open boats, sent them rolus." adrift ; they were never heard of after- — Puritan a name given by way of con- wards. tempt, in Elizabeth's reign, to those When— This word does not connect the people belonging to the Church of clause following it to the preceding one England, who desired a greater punty as adverbial of time ; the two sentences in the church ; they wished to be as are rather separate; "when" here different as possible from the Catholics denotes not time but order. in their manner of worship. They were — Planted settled. (See "plantation" persecuted by Elizabeth and her two above). successors ; the Brownists were the ex- Swamped —overpowered, destroyed. A treme type of these Puritans, and left " boat swamps" when it fills with water. the Church of England. In America Note— Pupils will not, it is to be hoped, it was a long time before they them- imitate Mr. Pedley's English -.-swamped, selres learned that every person has a planted, when, leaving—and others not right to worship God as ho pleasos. noted, are all bad.
  • 13. VOYAGE OF THE GOLDEN HIND. VOYAGE OF THE GOLDEN HIND. Sir Humphrey Gilbert. He was a half-brother of Raleigh , lik- the latter he took — part ill the busy scenes of the time, in war, commerce, privateering against the Spanish, discovering and colonizing. His privateering was not always successful ; the ladt expedition of tlie kind being particularly unfortunate. Raleigh—(Sir Walter), the " Shepherd I Shipwright—this word is almost gone of the Ocean," as his friend, the poet I out of use we say ship-carpenter in- , Spenser, called him, was born in 1552. stead we still have millwright, wheel- ; j Possessed of a most impetuous and | wright, &c. Wright is another form of generous nature, he left college when the word work. Mineral men— miners. j only seventeen to take part with the } Huguenots in lie civil w^rs in France ; f : Omitting—this word qualifies "we." thence to Holland to fight, and in 1780 ) Morns-dancers—that is Moorish dan to Ireland ; three years afterwards he cersthese dancers, in imitation of the ; j went with Gilbert to Nev'fouiidland I Moorsof Spain, were dressed fantasti- then he tried to found a colony in cally, often like noted persons of former | North Carolina when the war with ; days, such as Ilobin Hood and his Spain broke out he was foremost in the company. They had bells around their fight, fittuig out privateers to catch ancles, rode hobby-horses, &c. lUe^ treasure-ships; trying again to found " Lady of the Laice " Canto vi : j colonies again in the fleet for an at- ; "There morricers, with bell at heel. tack on the hated Spaniards, his was — | I And blade in hand, their mazes wheel." a life of intense activity VViiile Queen | Conceits— here means fancy things, Elizabeth lived good fortwne attended toys, trinkets, &c.,— an American would — him, lOr he was high in her favor, ; say ''notions." Barque —(or bark), a three -masted vessel, i and he received large e>ftates both in I England and in Ireland. lialclgh wasput the two front ones having square sails, and the other a sail like a schooner. } in prison by James I for plotting ! against him, and while there he wrote ; Looming— when an object " looms up' his unfinished "History of the World." ! it is always indistinct, as if in a mi:<t, Tired of prison, liP was released to go on ; seems larger than it really is, and is an expedition to a gold-mine in Ameri- ; generally distant. ca, which he said he knew ; but he 1 Dense fog— everybody has heard of the attacked the Spaniards, was defeated, dense fogs of Newfoundland ; they are caused, it is said, bv the warm waters j and on his return to England in 1618, put to death by James to please the i of the Gulf Stream meeting, near this Spaniards. ! i.sland, the cold currents from the Arctic Ocean. Impoverished -made poor; the dlsas- '< ters were especially the partial loss of i It was just—what does "it" stand for a small sent out against the Span- here? iards, &c. fleet 1 i Ships of various nations' —these were engaged in the fisheries Patent— a document obtained from Gov- St. John's— in Newfoundland , St. John, I ernment granting certain privileges. in New Bruiiswick ! St. Johns, in Que- Gilbert's was to colonize, and to have ' ; the profits of certain lands whose names bec. Note the spelling. Salvo of ordnance— a discharge of can- ! were mentioned in the paper, for a certain time. Among us, when a man I non, as a salute. Ordnance large guns, — invents a new machine, kc, &c., he i cannon. Ten-ton cutter— see "cutter" i in Reid's applies to the Government for a patent, ' which gives him the sole right to maim- i dictionary. A ton, in measuring the facture and sell that machine for a capacity of a vessel, consists of 40 cubic 1 certain length of time. The document feet. is open at one end, hence its name from j ' Bearings—the position, or direction of one from another. — the Latin "pateo," to be open. I Like the swan—people once believed Chronicler- one who writes down ac- that when tiie swan was about to die it counts of events in the order of time in sang beautifully. which they occur. | They in the Delight—we would rather Faculty— here means craft, trade, call- say now those. ing ;— this use of the word has passed Winding— wind in g, putting xoirul into, away. We now use it in the of or blowing, a musical instrument ; the dexterity, knack, cleverness, and of past tense and yi-x^t participle is proper- powers of the mind or body. ly "winded," though we generally soe
  • 14. NOTES TO THE FOURTH READER. "wound"; as "the hunter wound his swamped, or struck an iceberg. horn. Twelve of the clock— notice this form. Haughtboys—spelled now " hautboys." How do we say it ? See dictionary. Whereof—of which— that is, the lights Battel —beating-, or sounding-; "left'' This word is not much used now. ended, left off. Us in the— that is " ns who were in" &c. Lowering-pronounce lou-er-ing, threat- " In " may be parsed as connecting " us " enin5?,looking dark. This is the same and "Hind." word as " lowering " (lo-ering), pro- "TfiXhal—xoith that , thereupon. nounced differently to show the different As was this— that is, as this purpose meaning ; when a storm threatens, the was. Parse " this." clouds are " loiver." To possess, &C.— infinitives used a^ Cast away— wrecked, lost. It is not nouns in apposition with "purpoge." known whether the "Squirrel" was DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. "Robertson," (William), a popular preacher and historian, and principal of the Uni- versity of Edinburgh died in 1791. He wrote a " History of Scotland," a " History of ; Charles V.," and a " History of America." His writings contain a very large numbe»- of words derived from the Latin. ColumhUS— (Co?o?n&o, in Italian ; Colon, isfaction for this, because his enemies in Spanish.)— This greatest of all navi- were favor(^ by the ungrateful Ferdi gators was born at Genoa in 1436, or nand. One more voyage that turned out 1446, as some say. Little is known of badly and Columbus returned to Spain his early life, except tliat he was a care- to find Isabella dead, and to die in pover- ful student of navigation and geography. ty at Valladolid. Ferdinand gave him He early formed the idea that, as the | a splendid funeral and a monument, as earth was round, the East Indies could if that could make up for his unjust be reached by sailing west ; so he set off treatment. After some years, the re- to Lisbon, then the centre of maritime mains of Columbus were taken up and enterprise, and laid his plans before the removed to Hayti ; but early in the pres- king, John XL Disgusted with the ent century they were again tak^n up, treatment bo received in Lisbon, Colum- and now repose in Havana. Columbus, bus went to Spain, to the court of Fer- imlike most men, never allowed the iinand and Isabella; here, after long wrongs he suffered to dishearten him in years of waiting and attempted journeys 1 his great work. to England and elsewhere, he got his Wished rather, &c. - -the people thought wish ; three ships, fitted out, it is said, that Columbus was leading his sailors to by the queen who sold her jewels to get certani death. the necessary mouej% were put inder Altered his course— where would Col- his cominaTKl, and he started fromPalos umbus have made land if he had con- westward over an unknown sea. With tinued to sail due west from Palos? the greatest difficulty, and with danger To tack— this is a sea term, meaning to even to his own life from the frightened change the course of a vessel. and mutinous sailors, he pressed on, and It must ever be borne in mind that "in- at length reached one of the Bahama finitives" are to be pareed according to islands, San Salvador, it is thought, Oct. their office in a sentence. Here " to tack" 12, 1492 After discovering Cuba, Hayti, is an infinitive, the object of "required ;" and other islands, he returned to Spain, farther down, " to have"&c. is an infinitive March 15, 1493, and was received with in apposition with " it" as are also, " to the greatest joy, as one returned from rekindle," and "to think," &c. ; "to the dead. In September of the same quell," is an infinitive used as an adverb, year he started again, and discovered expressing the purpose of "employing," Jamaica and other islands ; in 1498, on &c. his third voyage, he coasted the north- Provided— this word has here really the ern part of S. America, and discovered force of a conjunction ; it maj', however, the Orinoco ; but on arriving at the be regarded as forming with "it being," Spanish colony in Hayti, the governor understood, an absolute phrase. An put him in irons and sent him home a absolute (or independent) phrase can prisoner, to the great indignation of the always be turned into an adverbial sen- Spanish people. He never obtained sat- tence.
  • 15. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. Sonnding line— or " lead," as it is usu- to leave it there,—to signify to whom ally called on shipboard, consists of a the land belonged by right of discovery. small-sized rope with a heavy "lead" In Canada the French hung up a shield or " sinker " attached to one end, and with an inscription, instead of the flag. marked off into fathoms by pieces of Could not comprehend—Why could leather, &c. ; nowadays tubes are often not the natives comprehend what the fastened to the lead, for the purpose of Spaniards were doing ? obtaining a little of the mud of the sea- Foresee the consequences-destruction bottom. of the natives in the West Indies Such land birds as— "aa" is here a colonists from all nations coming to relative pronoun. the new land ;—in short, America as it Cane— a piece of sugar-cane, or some Illustrate more fully. such plant. is. — Children of the sun The great god of the Mexicans and of these Caribs, was Nigna— pronounce— 7iee?i-yaft. the sun ; the ancient Persians (Gebers) He ordered the sails to be fiirled— and Arabians also worshipped the sun ; Mr. Abbott would call this infinitive, "complementary"; so also, "ships to Apollo, or Phoebus, was the sun-god of lie to." See Abbott's " How to Parse." the old Greeks and Romans, and so was Balder of the old heathen English, Furled— rolled up. Germans, Danes, &c. When these Iiie to— A vessel is said to " lie to " when people had no knowledge of the true she has part of her sails furled, and the God, they deemed the sun their greatest rest arranged in such a manner as to benefactor, and so worshipped him. stop her headway. — The climate it must be kept in mind that in western Europe the climate is Keeping— This word is loosely used here; it can hardly, from the sense of the much warmer than in the same latitude passage, refer to Columbus ; the phrase in eastern North America this is caused ; may be regarded as an absolute one, by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream "keeping" &c., being turned into striking on the western coast of Europe, ' strict watch being kept.' It might be along with the warm south-west winds allowable to take "keeping" as refer- blowing off the Atlantic. The place ring to ships,'— perhaps, the best way ' where Columbus landed lies more than to deal with it. 600 miles farther south than Spain. Forecastle — accent the first syllable Every herb, shrub, &c.— Name the strongly (see Chambers' dictionary). native products of the West Indies — Worcester defines this word, " In mer- that are brought into Canada. chant ships the fore part of the vessel — Fainted Thus our wild Indians put on under the deck, where the sailors live." " war-paint" yet. More commonly it is a house built on Transports of joy— showing their great deck in the fore part of the vessel, and joy by their actions, such as leaping, occupied by the common sailors onlj-. dancing, &c., &c. Pedro Guttierez— pronounce pay-dro, — Hawk-bells In former times hawks goot-tee-a-rdyth, the "oo" as in "boot." were much used in hunting, and even — Pedro our ^^ Peter." as pets. When carried about in the Salcedo— pronounce sal-thay-do. . hand with a bright hood over their Comptroller- see Chambers' Etymologi- head, they often had little bells fas- cal — Dictionary ; in this passage the tened to their legs or around their word evidently means the sailing-master, neck. — the one who had the management Bauble— (or "bawble")— here means any of the ships. trifling toy. Originally it mean* a short Land— San Salvador, one of the Bahamas. stick with a comical-looking head carved Te Deum— a Latin hynin of thanksgiving on it, and carried by clowns, or jesters, beginning with "te Deum laudamus" in the households of kings or noblemen. —we praise thee, O Lord— used in Trunk of a single tree— compare Hia- Roman Catholic churches ; in the watha's canoe. Church of England service the English Such provision as— Parse "as" here : translation is employed. compare note on " as" above. Took solemn possession — practice on making a discovery of a it was the Note.— It seems to be pretty well estab- lished that America had been reached new land, to erect the flag of the nation by the Norwegians at least two hundred to which the discoverer belonged, and years before the time of Columbus.
  • 16. NOTES TO THE FOURTH READER. DEATH OF MONTCALM. A death—Wolfe's. See History of Can- j use the broadsword ; they are armed ada. with rifle and bayonet like the other This war— it hegan in 1754. Read care- soldiers. fullyabout this war in the History of Supported— helped. Canada. Having thrown— Parse this. Fort William Henry—stood at the Troops of the line— the regular soidiera, south-west comer of Lake George not the French Canadians or volunteers. Fort Ticonderoara, on the south-west Ramparts—the fortified walls of the side of Lake Champlain, where Lake city. George flows into it. Martello tOWer-These were small round Quebec— this name is said to be an In- towers built of stone ; they were gener- dian word—Kepec—meaning "strait." ally built near the coast, to protect it IJaies—fortifications. from invasion. Cathedral— the chief church of a dio- So much the better—" the" is here an cese — the bisliop's church, or seat, as ; adverb ; — the meaning is * so much bet- the word means. ter by this. Marquis de Vaudreuil—pronounce— Then I shall- " then" is not an adverb mar-kee, ("mar" as in "marry")— de- of time here ; compare with ' * then vo-dre-ee (the * e in de and dre the ' a couple of lines before. same as " u" in dust.) Lieutenant du roi—lieutenant of the Come to bum—to burn, to look, to re- king. turn, are infinitives showing the pur- Roussiilon— roos-sce-2/on. pose ; hence th»y are adverbial. Cape Rouge -red cape, five or six miles 6calp— The Indians always scalp their above Quebec. There is another cape slain enemies ; that is, tear off the hair of this name, many miles below Quebec. from the top of the head, with the skin For myself— Parse for; words have to attaclied. be supplied. Break up the camp—leave it. Moment—weight, importance. Bridge of boats— made by fastening Perplexities.—from Latin, per— com- boats side by side and laying plar.ks — pletely ; plecto interweave : difficulties across them. The bridge here referred that are like a tangled string, all inter to was across tlie St Charles, leading to woven. the French camp. Magnanimous— great-souled, noble. Only gun— The banks were so steep that AsI commanded— Parse " as ;" is it the the English could drag only one cannon object of commanded? up them. Engage— promise, undertake. Broadswords— This was the old " clay- Ursullne—an order of nuns named after more" of the Highlanders. The High- landers in the British army do not now St. Ursula, a native of Naples. JACQUES CARTIER AT HOCHELAGA. Cartier—iSee note on "Founding of N. steamers, and ships come up to Montreal A. Colonies." Read carefully about now, because a channel lias been dredged Cartier in the Ilistoiy of Canada. (or scooped out) through Lake St. Peter. Hochelaga- hosh-lah-gah. Friendly— an adverb here. Why do we Pinnace— usually an eight oared boat not say friendlily ? that can be used with sails also. Cartier's Of long time—What would we say now? pinnace would now be called a good- In full dress— dressed in their uniforms. sized yacht. Metropolis-literally the mother city— Hermerillon—Aare-mare-ee-T/o(n). the city, among the old Greeks, from Long-boat—the longest boat in a ship. which colonists set out. It now merely St. Croix -pronounce, sa{n)-crwar—Q'y!a," means the largest city in any district or as in "walk"). Now called St, Charles. country. Richelieu "but"). — Hochelai—AosA-Zaft-ce. reesh-l'-yu See map. — ("u" as in Palisades- a sort by driving stout of fortification stakes, sharpened at the top, deeply into the ground. made Wintering of the Freneh-They suffered much from cold, hunger, and sickness Huron — tribe The territory of these Indians began about Cornwall and ex- ; 25 of the French died. tended westward to the great lakes. Shallowness of the water —Ocean
  • 17. THE BUCCANEEKS. CORTEZ IN MEXICO. Cortez—iffor-tdith) ; born in 1485. He Gorgeous-This word always conveys the came as an adventurdt to the W Indies. idea of large size with beauty and In 1519 he landed in Mexico with 700 men, color; hence, not a delicate beauty. 80 of whom were horsemen, and 10 can- We can say a sunset is magnificent or non. The natives whom Cortez first met gorgeous; the Falls of Niagara are were hostile to Montezmna, and this in- magnificent but not gorgeous, because duced- him to march to the capital where of the absence of bright colors. the king was. The Spaniards were re- So worked that he, &c.—The arded as immortal by the Mexicans, but clause beginning with "he" is adver- when the head of a Spaniard was sent to bial, modifying "worked"; or more Montezuma another opinion was formed, accurately, in apposition with "go," and Cortez and his men were in great which, however, modifies "worked." danger. This led to the seizure of Mon- It shows the manner or extent of the tezuma who, to get free, gave Cortez a "working." vast amount of gold and gems. The As to drive— this is bad English ; say governor of Cuba now became jealous of ' that the Mexicans were driven to re- Cortez, and sent Narvaez to replace him ; volt';—this clause modifies "extrava- but Cortez attacked Narvaez and took gant "; or, as in the preceding note. him prisoner, and thus kept his com- BlOOdhomid— a large, powerful hound, mand till he was called home to Spain. with a very keen scent, and very fierce. As usual, the Spanish king was un- Slain their king- Another story sayn grateful. Montezuma was only wounded, and Voyages of discovery— Other Spanish feeling deeply disgraced, starved him- discoverers were — Balboa, who first : self to death. saw the Pacific ; Ponce de Leon, the dia- Creed—their religious belief ; Latin cre- coverer of Florida ; Magellan, the first do — to believe. to sail round the world ; De Soto^ the Blood or tears—The Spaniards were discoverer of the Mississippi. extremely cruel towards the natives; — Set afloat started, planned. they cared not how many people they Griialva.—gree-hyal-va. killed, nor how much sorrow they Diego Velasquez-dee-a-^o vel-as-cdith : caused. Whenever Spanish command- he was governor of Cuba at this time, ers received a commission from the and had got a great deal of treasure by king of Spain to make discoveries, they trade with the Mexicans ; so he thought always said it was for the purpose of the country must be rich, and sent out extending the true religion, Chris- Cortez to conquer it. tianity this was true to some extent ; Lay to— iSee note under "Discovery of but gold and gems they mostly went America." for, and in pursuit of these they cared Cruel excesses— among the West India little what sufferings they inflicted on islands; the Spaniards carried on a the natives. cruel war of externiiuation against the Etiquette— i^t'C-ket .'—custom in particu- Caribs of the islands. They tried to lar places or circumstances. reduce them to slavery, but failed. THE BUCCANEERS. Buccaneers— This word is said to be de- would now be called piracy, though rived from the Carib (native West Indian) deemed honorable in those times. word "boucan," a sort of gridiron on Highway of the seas— On land, a high- which the natives dried or roasted their way is a road on which everybody has a meat. Besides selling hides to the Dutch right to travel, because no person owns and others, the buccaneers sold this it ; so the sea is called a highway be- dried meat. cause no one nation owns it, and all Seaports —Columbus started from Palos; have a right to sail on its waters. * Cabot, from Bristol ; Cartier, from St. Preyed upon— that is, plundered. The Malo. song-books of sailors contain many songa Adventurer— as boys would say, " one about famous pirates, such as Kidd, who goes to seek his fortune." Ward, and Kelley, who plundered the It must be remembered Queen vessels of every nation and killed their Elizabeth's days, Drake, Hawkins, Ra- crews. The only places where pirates leigh and others did tliiii'.'-s at son, thnt now exist are among the East Indi*
  • 18. 10 NOTES TO THE FOURTH READER. islands, and along the coast of China. immense sums of money have been The English have gun-boats out there wasted in this foolish pursuit continually engaged in hunting the pi- Honor among thieves—that is, thieves rates and destroying their vessels and will not steal from each other, :hey — villages. act towards each other like honorable A powerful association— The island of men ; hence there was no need of bolts, Madagascar was, about the beginning of &c. with the buccaneers. , the 18th century, the head-quarters of In guise of a visor—" guise," form or another association of pirates they ; shape ; " visor," literally, the eye-piece tried for a long time to get England to of the cap. take them into her service, but in vain Induced to bind themselves, &c.— at last Charles XII. of Sweden agreed to This is done still but the laws made by ; receive them, as he wanted them for a the English Government to regulate war he was going to enter upon against the practice, are very strict. The per- England in the reign of Geo. I. , 1715. sons so engaged come from Chma, Pursued and murdered-This was one Hindustan, &c. and are called " coolies." , of the causes of the "Spanish War" of TortUga—an island near the north coast 1739. See Greene's History of England. of Hayti ; there is another of the same American continent— that is, South name north of Venezuela. America the northern coast of this was ; called- the "Spanish Main." — Desperadoes thoroughly bad men, ready to commit any crime however Smugfrler— one who brings goods secret- bad or cruel. ly into a country, so as to escape paying Boarding— rushing upon the deck of the duty on them. In former times the vessel. smugglers were hung. Quieting their conscience -When the Because such— Parse " such." buccaneers felt they ware doing wrong Coast-guards—war vessels to protect in plundering the Spaniards, they said the coasts. to themselves that they w'ere paying Interloper- one who comes into a place the Spaniards back for their cruelty to where he has no right to be. others. Offensive and defensive— an agreement Poetic justice.— In stories in poetry we or alliance between two or more, by always see that the good are rewarded, which each is bound to assist the other and the bad are punished, though this either in defending himself from at- 8 by no means the case in real life. tack or in attacking others. Now, the Spaniards had been very bad Independent of peace or war—that is, to the Mexicans, and the buccaneers un- these buccaneers would attack the Span- dertook to punish them for it thus ; ish at any time, no matter if it was a doing the justice that poetry demands, time of peace or of war in Europe. and that we feel is right. It must not Mine of St. Domingo— The Spanish for be the persons who are injured that a time forced the natives to work in the inflict the punishment, else it would be mines ; but, finding them too weak and revenge ; it must be others ; and thus too stubborn, they imported negroes these prevent the wrong-doers from from Africa, thuj starting slavery and — going unpunished, which is the law the slave-trade in America. of poetry, and which pleases us. It was taken possession of—This is By thus assuming- ^sstt)«Miflf must be an irregular construction, and caimot be regarded as a noun, the object of "by," satisfactorily explained ; it will be as though from its force as a verb it has well to call "was taken possession of" a an object after it so also with " with- ; verb in the passive voice ; we feel that out publicly offering " below. this is the force, at least. In the active Acquitted distinction—acted voice it would be, "a number took pos- very bravely. session of it ;" in the passive, properly, Miguel de Basco-tnee-grat/ day bas-co. "possession was taken of it by a num- PortobellO —a town and fortress a little ber." Theirregularity consists in mak- east of Aspinwall, on the isthmus ing "i<" (the object of a preposition) Darien. the subject in the passive, instead of Galleon -a large Spanish ship having a "possession." great number of cannon, and used for St. Christopher— or St. Kitt's one of ; carrying treasure from America to Spain. the West India islands. Eclipsed— This word means, in this place, Unless a will was found-Pirates often "greatly surpassed." Show its connec- had the reputation of bur3'ing their tion with "hidden," "obscured," as the treasure ; Capt. Kidd is famous in this sun is by the moon during an eclipse. respect, and his buried treasure has Southern Ocean— Balboa, a Spaniard, been sought from New York to Halifax was the first European who saw the
  • 19. THE EARTHQUAKE OF CARACCAS. 11 Pacific he gazed on it for the first time ; After deducting, .&C.-Compare this with Sept. 25, 1513, and gave it the name of the Note on " Leaving out of view," in the South Sea. It was only in the latter Founding of the N. A. Colonies. part of the last century that there was Five hundred men— After hundred, any navigation of importance in the thousand, dozen, score, the preposition Pacific. The great ignorance regarding "of" is understood; as, a hnndred of the South Sea was the reason the " South men. These words are nouns, not Sea Bubble " had such success at first. adjectives. Magellan, in 1521, was the first to sail Jamaica—This island was captured from across the Pacific ; in Queen Elizabeth's the Spaniards by the English admirals days. Sir Francis Drake performed the Penn and Ven|bles, in 1656, and colon- arae feat ; the chief navigators of this ized by Cromwell. ocean in last century, were Cook, Anson, LaPerouse, Carteret, Van Dieman, Van- Deputy—one who acts in the place of another. couver, Bougainville. A great deal yet remains to be explored. Gave no quarter—that is, he put them Cliagret-near Aspinwall. to death. THE EARTHQUAKE OF CARACCAS. "Humboldt,"— Alexander Humboldt, bom in 1769, died in 1859, was the greatest of all naturalists. He early devoted hiiriself to the study of Natural History, and science generally but, not content with books, he longed to examine tropical countries for ; himself. In 1799 he visited the Spanish possessions in South America, and spent five years in exploring them, learning their plants, animals, physical features, history, &c. In 1804 he returned to Europe, and, among other things, he wrote a most interesting account of his travels. In 1829 he visited the Ural and the Altai mountains, exploring the country in those regions. From time to time he took part in politics, being employed by his sovereign, the king of Prussia, on many unportant occasions. Ho wrote many books, all of the highest value. Terra firma— the solid ground. Under arms having their weapons On the one hand— Parse " on." with them. Osciiiation— swinging, heaving. San JuajL—san-hwavr-i" a." like ah"); Holy Thursday— or, Ascension Day— St. John. the day of Christ's ascension to heaven ; Capuchin—the name of an order of the last Thursday but one before Whit- monks. sunday — the seventh Sunday after Caxa,sna.tSi—cah-rah-(fwah- tr Easter Buttresses— masses of ston*. or brick- Undulation— motion like that of waves. work, built up against some structure (Latin " unda " a wave.) to support or strengthen it. Ebullition— boiling. Calamities of Lisbon, &c.— Avilai.—ah-vee-lah ; SiUa—see-j/a?i. At Lisbon, in 1755, the earth gaped Vaulted— curved, arched. open and swallowed up a great many Qtrz.Q.iB.—grah-th eea-. thousands of people who were on their Nave— central part. knees^ praying in the great public So great .... any vestige—See note square ; over 60, OW perished within six on " so worked" in " Cortez in Mexico." minutes ; in 1698, at Messina, and other Vestige— trace, remnant: Latin, "vesti- places around, 100,000 people perished ; gium"— footstep. in 1746, at Lima, out of more than 4000 8uartel-coo-ar-^s2^-quarter3, dwellings. people, only 200 escaped. UStom-hOUSe— the building containing GMSLyra.—gtoah-ee-ra ; Rio— rec-o. the offices of those who have to collect Falling of the earth- Durint? earth- the duty, or tax, paid on bringing quakes the ground sometimes is raised foreign goods into the country. up permanently, and sometimes, as Troops of the line— See note under here, it ginks. " Death of Montcalm,"
  • 20. 12 NOTES TO THE FOURTH READER. CONQUEST OF PERU. Huayna Capac— the Spanish pronun- of the Azores ; and to Portugal, all east — ciation would be hwah-ee-na ca-pac. Buascar hwas-car. Atalmalpa—- of that meridian. belong to Spain. Hence Peru would atah-wal-pa. — — Allegiance from the Latin, and "ligo"— to bind. "ad"— to Juncture literally, a joining; time, The friar said moment, occasion. that the Inca was bound to the Pope ; Pizzaro— (born in 1471) had come to the that is, he was the Pope's servant. See West Indies and was with Balboa when "homage," above. the latter discovered ^he Pacific. He Declared-- What is the object of this verb? traded with the natives on the Pacific On this— what? coast in 1515, and learned from them of Insult offered—The friar said that the th^ existence of a rich country farther Inca had insulted God by throwing the south. Roused by the reports of what Bible on the ground. Cortez had done in Mexico, he returned to Panama, a settlement made by Bal- Body-guard — a company of soldiers whose duty it specially is to protect a boa, for volunteers to invade Peru ; but particular person. Here it wasthelnea. not being able to find enough, he went Devoted loyalty— a loyalty that leaCs a to Spain, laid his plans before the king, person to give up property, or life who named him Captain Gen era! of Peru, itself, to serve his sovereign. mother's A with leave to conquer what he could. love is devoted, for she thinks only of m 1532 he landed in Peru with 180 sol- her children, not of herself. diers, 27 of whom were cavalry, and on Characterized—that is, the character of hearing that Atahualpa was with his the Peruvian possesses enduring bravery army to the east of the Andes, he march- and devoted loyalty. ed thither. Then follows what is rela- Following the practice— It was also ted in the extract. the practice of the ancient Persians to In Ills desperation—in the dangerous flee from the battle-field when their lead- situation in which he found himself. er was killed. Possessing himself, &c.— Compare the Their terror . . crowd— T^eir is plural, conduct of Cortez toward "Montezuma." crowd is singular why should it not ; Our country- Spain. be i^s instead of their? Give the rule. Inca— the Peruvian name for king. The dreams— Pizarro had been told be- Eemorseless cruelty—literally, cruelty fore he invaded Peru, that gold was as for which he was not sorry; it reall3' plenty there as iron was in Spain ; and means, excessive cruelty, pitiless. gems were as numerous as pebbles; Dexterous audacity— boldness or dar- and gold and gems was the base pur- ing well carried out. pose for which the Spaniards came to Homage— promise of obedience and sub- Peru. mission to a superior. Pizzaro promised Baflles all description— cannot pos- to be a faithful subject of the Inca. sibly be fully described. Don TXdJlCisco-done fran-this-co ("thi" Wedges— simply masses of metal, gener- like "thi" in " tAin^r ")— that is, Sir ally squared roughly. Francis. "Don" is a title of honor Caciques— ca/i-see/cs ; native chiefs. among the Spaniards. "Pesos—pay-soks. Descendants of the sun-The Peruvians Commander-in-chief- Give the plural believed that their Incas were the child- of this word. ren, or descendants, of the god of the sun; the old Greeks and Romans thought For ambition should have —who of the Spaniards the rule over the land, &c. their kings were descendants of the Put to death— The Inca was condemned gods ; and before the English became to be burnt alive ; but, as he consented Christians they too believed that the an- to be baptized, the sentence was changed cestor of their kings was the god, Woden. to beheading. — — Palanquin pal-an-Jceen the litter on Puppet—This word means here a person which the Inca was carried by his at- with no will of his own, doing just what tendants. Dominican order of monks friar — do-min-ic-an called after St. Dominic; — an another wants him to do ; just as a boy's " dancing-jack" is made to dance by pulling a string or wire. " "—a monk—literally, "brother." friar Worse than all— The construction la, Pope had .... Spain— In 1493, the * the Spaniards quarrelled among them- Pope, Alexander VI. in order to prevent , selves, which was worse than all '; the quarrels between the Spanish and Por- antecedent of " which " is the clause— tuguese arising from their discoveries, * the Spaniards &c. ' granted to the Spaniards all new coun- Chazcas— cAa^A-ccw; Biego-dee-a-go tries west of the meridian 300 miles west in English, James.
  • 21. CONQUEST OF WALES. 13 CONQUEST OF WALES. NOTK.— It may be as well at the outset to say, that the greater part of this extract isuntrue, and slanders the king. Teachers must call particular attention to this fact See Green's " Short History of the English People," but especially E. A. Freeman's " Life of Edward I." Hebrews—The Jews in England in these times, and Edward even went to Ches- early days were not under the protection ter, the nearest town to Llewyllyn's of the law ; and it was customary for a new home, to satisfy him ; but all to no pur- king, on coming to the throne, to pub- pose. Llewellyn was conquered and lish a proclamation sayin" that he took treated most (generously by Edward. the Jews under his protection ; for this, Five years after this, David, Llewellyn's they had to pay a tax. They were the brother, revolted and massacred' an chief money-lenders of the time, and de- English garrison ; and it was in t^war manded a very high per cent., often as that followed on this act that the vVelsh high as sixty-five; this made them hat«d; prince was killed and Wales annexed to besides they used to cut (clip) pieces off England. the coins, thus making money bad; they Suzerain— one who is above or lord over were accused of murdering Christian another. children too. At last, in 1290, Edward People— the verb must be supplied, and was forced by the outcries ofthe nation "Welsh'" is the subject. to banish them ; he had tried very often Indomitable- unconquerable. to protect them, and is not to be blamed Soothsayer—Tliis word z formed from for their expulsion from England. The sooth," truth and " sayei," one who '* ; Jews did not return to England till ;— a prophet. saj's about 1650, and even then ministers and Merlin— this was the gieat prophet and lawyers petitioned Cromwell to expel magician of the Welsh ; he lived during them ; but he was too noble, too grand the latter part of the 5th century. It a man, to do that. was said he prophesied, that "when Nearly a thousand, &c—at the con- money became round, a Welsh prince quest of Britain by the English, begun should reign over Britain ;" the first about A. D. 450. part had now been done, and the Welsh Scots .... Saxon— It must be remem- were trying to get the second part of bered that the Highlanders only were the prophecy fulfilled by rebelling. See the real Scots ; the Lowlanders were Mr. [Tennyson's "Vivien," in the "Idylls pure English, or Saxon, as the extract of the King." calls them. See " Green's History " in Inspired— Parse this word. reference to the Scots, reign of Edw. Bards—This story of Edward's treatment Observed— What is the object of this of the bards is not true ; Edward was verb ? too wise and kind-hearted to do such a Marauding excursions— raids, as we thing. often say. Cruelty— Mr. Freemtn shows fully that Warders . . march— that is, " Guar- . Edward was the very opposite of dians " of the boundary between Eng- cruel. Once he exclaimed, "3/ at/ show land and Wales ; icarder is the same as — mercy ? why, I will do that for a dog guarder ; march, is the same as mark if he seeks niy grace !" The old chron- or boundary. icler says of him " This prince was : Principle .... system—The principle slow to all manner of strife, discreet meant here is, that if a vassal (or subject and wise, and true of his word." His lord) was called to appear before the motto was "Serva pactem— keep your king and he refused, his lands were de- word." clared forfeited to the king and he him- Oflce Of bard— Explain carefully the self a traitor. author's meaning here. Superiority— Tliis superiority was ob- Medium— means, or way there were no : tained by King Offa and acknowledged newspapers in those days, and but few by Welsh princes when there was a books. Eowerful king on the English throne ; Gray— an English poet born in 1716 and lewellyn never denied it ; but at this died in 1771. He wrote " Elegy in a time the Welsh were excited and thought Country Churchyard," and many fine they could gain their independence. "Odes." The immediate trouble that led to war Editors .... opposition— In our days was Llewellyn's refusal, under various the editors write articles in their papers pretexts, to come to Edward's corona- on the doings of the government, or on tion ; he was summoned seven or eight