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Not your father’s tests
Advanced Testing Patterns in Java (and Scala)
Sean P. Floyd
• Full Stack Engineer @ Zalando
• ~20 years experience
• Java, Maven, Spring, Scala,
• StackOverflow:
• Software Design Principles (applied to tests)
• JUnit best practices
• Matchers
• Mocks
• Extending the Lifecycle
• Testing in Scala
• Testing the Untestable
Software Design
(and their application in tests)
THE SOLID Principles
• Single Responsibility Principle
• Open / Closed Principle
• Liskov Substitution Principle
• Interface Segregation Principle
• Dependency Inversions Principle
• Michael Feathers, Uncle Bob Martin, ~2003
Single Responsibility Principle
• Mapping production to test:
• 3 levels of production code (class, method, input)
• JUnit: 2 levels of test (class, method)
• Only one type of change should break any given test
A class should have only a single responsibility (i.e. only one potential
change in the software's specification should be able to affect the
specification of the class)
class StringUtils{ // dimension 1
// dimension 2
static String leftPad(String s, char c, int n){
if(s==null) return s; // dimension 3 a
if(n <= s.length()) return s; // dimension 3 b
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n);
for(int i = s.length(); i < n; i++){
// dimension 3 c
return sb.append(s).toString();
public class BadStringUtilsTest {
/* violates single responsibility
principle */
@Test public void badLeftPadTest() {
assertNull(leftPad(null, ' ', 10));
assertEquals("foo", leftPad("foo", ' ', 3));
assertEquals("foo", leftPad("foo", ' ', 4));
Open / Closed Principle
• Closed for modification applies to tests also
• Antipattern: Subclasses for Tests
• Antipattern: package protected access
• Better: Clean abstractions, mock objects
“Software entities should be open for extension, but
closed for modification”
class TightlyCoupledClass{
private final MyService ms = new MyServiceImpl();
public String foo(){ return; }
class TightlyCoupledClassTest{
@Test public void fooTest(){
TightlyCoupledClass t = new TCC(){
@Override public String foo(){
return "baz";
} };
final class NotSoTightlyCoupledClass{
public NSTCC(MyService ms){ = ms;}
private final MyService ms;
public String foo(){ return; }
class NotSoTightlyCoupledClassTest{
@Test public void fooTest(){
MyService ms = Mockito.mock(MyService.class);
NotSoTightlyCoupledClass n = new NSTCC(ms);
Liskov Substitution Principle
• When designing class hierarchies, design
corresponding test class hierarchies
• If the classes have a common contract, the same is
true for the test classes
“Objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of
their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program.”
abstract class AbstractCollectionTest{
protected abstract <T> Collection<T> create();
@Test public void equalsTest(){
assertEquals(create(), create());
// etc.
class ArrayListTest extends AbstractCollectionTest{
protected <T> Collection<T> create(){
return new ArrayList<>();
class HashSetTest extends AbstractCollectionTest{
protected <T> Collection<T> create(){
return new HashSet<>();
Interface Segregation Principle
• If a class implements multiple interfaces, test them
“Many client-specific interfaces are better than one
general-purpose interface.”
class Multi implements Fooable, Barable {
@Override public String foo() { return "foo"; }
@Override public String bar() { return "bar"; }
class FooableMultiTest extends AbstractFooableTest {
@Override protected Fooable create() {
return new Multi();
class BarableMultiTest extends AbstractBarableTest {
@Override protected Barable create(){
return new Multi();
Dependency Inversion Principle
• Test public methods, not implementation details
• Test on the same level of abstraction as the
• Don’t change or test internal state
“Depend upon Abstractions. Do not depend upon
class WayTooInvolvedArrayListTest {
public void testAdd() throws Exception {
List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
Field f = ArrayList.class
Object[] arr = (Object[]) f.get(l);
assertEquals("foo", arr[0]);
JUnit 4.x

Best Practices
Assertions vs
public class TestWithStandardAssertions {
private List<String> list;
public void exactlyOneNoneEmptyString() {
assertEquals(list.size(), 1);
assertNotEquals(list.get(0).trim(), "");
Plain JUnit assertions
private List<String> list;
list = Arrays.asList();
Expected :0
Actual :1
list = Arrays.asList(" ");
java.lang.AssertionError: Values should be
different. Actual:
Output from plain assertions
• “Matchers that can be combined to create flexible
expressions of intent”
• Make tests (and failure output) readable
• Work on the correct abstraction level
• Built-in matchers, extendable with custom
public class TestWithHamcrestMatchers {
private List<String> list;
public void exactlyOneNoneEmptyString() {
assertThat(list, hasSize(1));
assertThat(list, hasItem(nonEmptyString()));
// custom Matcher
private Matcher<String> nonEmptyString() {
return new TypeSafeMatcher<String>() {
boolean matchesSafely(String s) {
return !s.trim().isEmpty(); }
void describeTo(Description d) {
"a non-empty String"); }
// Error messages for Hamcrest Matchers:
private List<String> list;
Expected: a collection with size <1>
but: was null
list = Arrays.asList();
Expected: a collection with size <1>
but: collection size was <0>
list = Arrays.asList(" ");
Expected: a collection containing a non-empty
String but: was " "
Dependency Inversion
Principle revisited
• Abstraction in its main sense is a conceptual
process by which general rules and concepts are
derived from the usage and classification of
specific examples, literal ("real" or "concrete")
signifiers, first principles, or other methods.

• The hard part is finding the right level of abstraction
Abstraction level: too low
• “Stringly typed”:
• Method parameters that
take strings when other
more appropriate types
should be used.
• Message passing without
using typed messages etc.
• Tests will most likely have to
parse custom Strings, tightly
coupling them to domain
Abstraction level: too high
• “Baklava Code”:
• While thin layers are fine for a
pastry, thin software layers
don’t add much value,
especially when you have
many such layers piled on
each other. Each layer has to
be pushed onto your mental
stack as you dive into the
• Tests will most likely have to
either set up or mock multiple
layers, introducing tight coupling
Example: JSON
• JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is becoming the
lingua franca for Web-based (Restful?) APIs
• Almost every application deals with JSON in one
form or another
• How can we test JSON output for correctness?
public class ManualJsonTest {
private String json = "{ "id": 123, "name": "John Smith"}";
public void exactMatch() {
// missing a space breaks the assertion, although the semantics
// are still correct
assertEquals(json, "{"id": 123, "name": "John Smith"}");
Bad: Manual JSON assertions
False negatives through irrelevant things like
whitespace or property ordering
public class RegexJsonTest {
private String json = "{ "id": 123, "name": "John Smith"}";
public void regexMatch() {
// too technical, we have to effectively implement a JSON parser
// which violates the single responsibility principle
// also, re-ordering of properties is semantically correct
// but breaks the test
"{s*"id"s*:s*123s*,s*"name"s*:s*"John Smith"}"));
Bad: Regex JSON assertions
False negatives through property reordering or
grammar edge cases
public class JacksonJsonTest {
private String json = "{ "id": 123, "name": "John Smith"}";
public void jacksonMatch() throws IOException {
// better: we no longer have to implement our own parsing
JsonNode jsonNode = new ObjectMapper().readTree(json);
// but this is still more complicated than necessary:
assertEquals(jsonNode.get("name").asText(),"John Smith");
Better: Using Jackson
Still: much boilerplate
Non-descriptive error messages
A library with hamcrest-matchers for JsonPath.
public class JaywayJsonTest {
String json = "{ "id": 123, "name": "John Smith"}";
public void jsonPathMatch() throws IOException {
.assertEquals("id", 123)
.assertEquals("name", "John Smith");
Perfect: Using JsonAssert
No boilerplate, automatic type conversion,
descriptive error messages
Matchers (summary)
• Look for existing matcher libraries
• Write your own matchers in a re-usable way
• start with a local factory method
• if you need it in another class, move it to a dedicated helper
class (e.g. XyzMatchers)
• if you need it in multiple projects, make your own matcher library
mock: verb (gerund or present participle: mocking)
1. tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner
2. make (something) seem laughably unreal or impossible
3. make a replica or imitation of something.
No, really
• A mock object is a testing tool that acts as a stand-in for a
“real” object during testing in much the same way as an Elvis
impersonator stands in for the real King. The impersonator is
cheaper, easier to access, and most likely lighter weight.
• Mocking in Java can take take numerous forms:
• overriding methods of the original class
• providing an alternative interface implementation
• creating a proxy (interface based or cglib etc.)
Recalling SOLID
• overriding methods of the original class
• violates Open / Closed principle
• providing an alternative interface implementation
• violates Interface segregation principle
• creating a proxy (interface based or cglib etc.)
• violates Dependency Inversion Principle
public interface UserService {
Optional<Session> login(
String user, String pass);
interface Session{ /* stuff in here */ }
public class LoginService {
private final UserService us;
public boolean login(String user, String pass){
return us.login(user, pass).isPresent();
public class LoginServiceTestWithoutMockito {
public void loginSuccess() {
LoginService ls = new LoginService(
(user, password) -> Optional.of(new Session() {}));
assertTrue(ls.login("ali baba", "open sesame"));
public void loginFailure() {
LoginService ls = new LoginService((user, password) -> Optional.empty());
assertFalse(ls.login("ali baba", "open sesame"));
Mocking without Mockito
• if interface evolves, all tests break
• code duplication, no common setup
public class LoginServiceTestWithMockito {
UserService userService; LoginService ls;
@Before public void setUp(){
userService= mock(UserService.class);
ls = new LoginService(userService);
@Test public void loginSuccess() {
when(userService.login(anyString(), anyString()))
assertTrue(ls.login("ali baba", "open sesame"));
verify(ls,times(1)).login("ali baba", "open sesame"));
Mocking with Mockito
• Common setup
• No tight coupling to UserService and Session
• Verify mock interaction (reduce false positives)
Advanced Mockito
• All methods in a mock return default values (null for
references, 0 or false for primitives)
• Use Mockito.spy(object) to wrap an existing object
inside a mock
• Use .thenAnswer() to interact with method
parameters rather than return static values
• Use deep stubs to return chained mocks (huge
code smell, but useful for legacy code)
Mocking Web APIs
• Scenario: Testing API clients
• Blackbox:
• Faking the API calls by a 3rd party Mock Server
• MockServer, WireMock
• Whitebox:
• Using the API’s own code to create the Mock
• Example: Spring MockMvc
• No actual network call, mock requests / responses
new MockServerClient("", 1080)
.withQueryStringParameters(new Parameter("returnUrl", "/account"))
.withBody(exact("{username: 'foo', password: 'bar'}")),
new Header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"),
new Header("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=86400")
.withBody("{ message: 'incorrect username and password combination' }")
Example: MockServer
• set up behavior to mimic real API
• start up server via @Before method or @Rule
Spring Mvc Controller
@RestController @RequestMapping("/contacts")
public class ContactController {
private final ContactRepository contactRepository;
public ContactController(ContactRepository contactRepository) {
this.contactRepository = contactRepository;
@RequestMapping(method = GET, value = "/{contactId}")
public Contact getContact(@PathVariable int contactId) {
return contactRepository.findOne(contactId);
public class ContactControllerTest {
ContactRepository contactRepository; MockMvc mockMvc;
@Before public void setup() {
contactRepository = mock(ContactRepository.class);
ContactController controller = new ContactController(contactRepository);
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).build();
@Test public void getContactById() throws Exception {
final Contact contact = new Contact();
mockMvc.perform(get("/contacts/123").accept(APPLICATION_JSON)) //
.andExpect(status().isOk()) //
.andExpect(content().contentType(APPLICATION_JSON)) //
• Request / response cycle is virtual
• Integrates nicely with Mockito and JsonPath
JUnit lifecycle
Runners, rules, annotations
Basic Lifecycle
• @Before / @After
• instance, before / after every test
• setting up / cleaning up test data
• instantiating classes and mocks
• @BeforeClass / @AfterClass
• static, before / after entire test class
• bootstrapping databases and web servers
• creating and deleting temporary folders
Okay, but
• What if I need the same kind of setup in many
• Move the setup to an abstract test class
• If setup needs test-specific parameters, get them
from abstract methods
Inheritance vs aggregation
• This works fine for test hierarchies with a clear relation
(“AbstractUserServiceTest” -> “UserServiceLoginTest”)
• LSP says: common hierarchies for production and tests
• Which means: we probably shouldn’t have an
AbstractDBIntegrationTest, since we probably don’t
have an AbstractDatabaseService
• Okay, so how can we embrace DRY without
Custom JUnit Runners
• @RunWith(someclass) replaces JUnit’s standard Runner
• Full control over entire lifecycle
Example Runners
• SpringJunit4Runner
• Ties JUnit lifecycle to Spring lifecycle
• Dependency injection, transaction handling
• MockitoRunner
• Mocks all fields annotated with @Mock
• Parameterized
• Runs tests with parameters
public class FibonacciTest {
@Parameters public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
{ 0, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 1 }, { 3, 2 },
{ 4, 3 }, { 5, 5 }, { 6, 8 }
@Parameter(0) public int fInput;
@Parameter(1) public int fExpected;
@Test public void test() {
assertEquals(fExpected, Fibonacci.compute(fInput));
Parameterized Example
• Generates one test per method, per values array
• Values are common for all test methods
• You can’t mix runners (e.g. Spring + Mockito)
• Runner interface is very technical
• You have to do everything
Runner Drawbacks
JUnit Rules
Reusable JUnit lifecycle
public static class HasTempFolder {
public TemporaryFolder folder = new TemporaryFolder();
public void testUsingTempFolder() throws IOException {
File createdFile = folder.newFile("myfile.txt");
File createdFolder = folder.newFolder("subfolder");
// ...
Example test rule
• Rules can interact with test lifecycle
• @Rule is per test, @ClassRule is per test class
public class NTimes implements TestRule {
private final int times; private final Logger logger;
public NTimes(final int times, final Logger logger) {
this.times = times; this.logger = logger; }
@Override public Statement apply(Statement base, Description desc) {
return new Statement() {
@Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { base.evaluate();}"Executed {} times in {} ms", times,
Implementing our own rule
• runs every test n times, logs total duration
Lifecycle recap
• Use @Before / @After for specific local setup
• Use @Rule / @ClassRule if you want to reuse setup
logic, ideally move your rules to libraries
• Use custom runners for parameterized testing or
Spring (but you can’t combine them)
• You probably shouldn’t write a custom runner
Testing in Scala
Scala Test frameworks
• ScalaTest
• supports a plethora of testing styles
• very readable DSLs
• custom matcher SPI
• alternative: Spec2
class ExampleSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"A Stack" should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in {
val stack = new Stack[Int]
stack.pop() should be (2)
stack.pop() should be (1)
it should "throw NoSuchElementException if an empty stack is popped" in {
val emptyStack = new Stack[Int]
a [NoSuchElementException] should be thrownBy {
Example from ScalaTest
• Java:
• tests are defined through annotated methods, instantiated through
• 2 levels of nesting (class, method)
• Scala:
• tests are defined programmatically, using a DSL
• no isolation: runtime error in one test destroys everything
• arbitrary levels of nesting
• many different ways to write tests
class TestWithArbitraryDepth extends FunSpec{
describe("my package"){
describe("my class"){
describe("my method"){
it("should reject nulls"){
intercept[NullPointerException] {
it("should return true for non-null params"){
Arbitrary nesting in ScalaTest
my package
my class
my method
- should reject nulls
- should return true for non-null params
- should return false for input 42 * FAILED
• Extend your test class with the Matchers trait
• Matchers enable “readable” assertions with the
“should” keyword, e.g.

result should have length 3

file should have ('name ("temp.txt"))
• You can create custom matchers and combine
them using a DSL
trait CustomMatchers {
class ExtensionMatcher(expected: String)
extends Matcher[] {
def apply(left: = {
val name = left.getName
s"""File $name did not end with extension "$expected"""",
s"""File $name ended with extension "$expected""""
def hasExtension(extension: String) = new ExtensionMatcher(extension)
Custom matcher
Property-based testing with
• ScalaCheck is a tool for testing Scala and Java
programs, based on property specifications and
automatic test data generation.
• Define a property that specifies the behaviour of a
method or some unit of code, and ScalaCheck
checks that the property holds.
• All test data are generated automatically in a
random fashion, so you don't have to worry about
any missed cases.
class Fraction(n: Int, d: Int) {
require(d != 0)
require(d != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
require(n != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
val numer = if (d < 0) -1 * n else n
val denom = d.abs
override def toString = numer + " / " + denom
Class to test
class PropertySpec extends FlatSpec with PropertyChecks
with Matchers {
forAll { (n: Int, d: Int) =>
whenever(d != 0 && d != Integer.MIN_VALUE
&& n != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
val f = new Fraction(n, d)
if (n < 0 && d < 0 || n > 0 && d > 0)
f.numer should be > 0
else if (n != 0) f.numer should be < 0
else f.numer should be === 0
f.denom should be > 0
Property Testing (Part1)
val invalidCombos =
("n", "d"),
(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE),
(1, Integer.MIN_VALUE),
(Integer.MIN_VALUE, 1),
(Integer.MIN_VALUE, 0),
(1, 0)
forAll(invalidCombos) { (n: Int, d: Int) =>
evaluating {
new Fraction(n, d)
} should produce[IllegalArgumentException]
Property Testing (Part2)
JUnit ScalaTest
Use Hamcrest Matchers Mix in Matchers Trait
@Before, @After Do it in code
@Rule Mix in a trait
Parameterized runner Property Testing with ScalaCheck
Solving similar problems in
JUnit and ScalaTest
What now?
• Java and Scala can be combined
• You can write tests for your Java code in Scala
• No runtime dependencies to Scala
• Scala can be integrated easily into all major build
systems and IDEs
OK but what if I really don’t
like Scala?
• JUnit 4 is also kinda cool when you use Hamcrest,
Mockito and Rules
• JUnit 5 will come soon, supporting lots of new cool
• New test callback mechanism
• Dynamic test generation (limited)
• Lambda support
Testing the Untestable
Untestable Software
• Shared static state
• Lack of Visibility
• Deep dependency tree
Case Study
Stripes Framework
used by Zalando Shop
in the early years
The madness
• Stripes relies on static initialization in a Servlet Filter
• Controllers, Localization and many other
components depend on this state
• Spring integration is worse:



Divide and conquer
• Create solutions for Stripes and Spring, separately
• Make sure you tear up everything you set up
• Keep low-tech hacks in one place
• Provide high level facades for your tests
static StripesFilter stripesFilter;
static MockServletContext ctx;
public static void initStripes() throws Exception {
if (!stripesIsAlreadyActive()) {
stripesFilter = new StripesFilter();
final MockFilterConfig config = new MockFilterConfig();
config.addInitParameter("ActionResolver.Packages", "");
ctx = new MockServletContext(); config.setServletContext(ctx);
public static void shutdownStripes() throws Exception {
if (stripesFilter != null) {
stripesFilter.destroy(); stripesFilter = null; ctx = null; }
private static boolean stripesIsAlreadyActive() {
final Logger stripesLogger = Logger.getLogger(StripesFilter.class);
final Level oldLevel = stripesLogger.getLevel();
try { new LocalizableMessage("link.catalog") .getMessage(Locale.GERMAN);
return true; } catch (final Exception e) { return false; }
finally { stripesLogger.setLevel(oldLevel); }
StripesTestUtils (extract)
private static ConfigurableWebApplicationContext ctx;
public static void registerBean(Object service, String beanName) {
getOrCreateTestWebAppContext().getBeanFactory().registerSingleton(beanName, service); }
private static ConfigurableWebApplicationContext setupContextLoaderTestWebApplicationContext() {
try { ConfigurableWebApplicationContext cwa = new GenericWebApplicationContext();
AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor autowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor =
new AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor();
getCurrentContextField().set(null, cwa); ctx = cwa; return cwa;
} catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); throw new IllegalStateException(); } }
private static Field getCurrentContextField() throws NoSuchFieldException {
final Field contextField = ContextLoader.class.getDeclaredField("currentContext");
contextField.setAccessible(true); return contextField; }
private static ConfigurableWebApplicationContext getOrCreateTestWebAppContext() {
WebApplicationContext currentWebApplicationContext = ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext();
ConfigurableWebApplicationContext twa;
if ((currentWebApplicationContext instanceof ConfigurableWebApplicationContext)
&& (currentWebApplicationContext == ctx)) {
twa = (ConfigurableWebApplicationContext) currentWebApplicationContext;
} else { twa = setupContextLoaderTestWebApplicationContext(); }
return twa; }
SpringTestUtils (extract)
• If you control the sources, change
visibility to package-protected
• If you don’t, use reflection and build
high-level facades
Case study
ANTLR (ANother Tool for
Language Recognition) is a
powerful parser generator
for reading, processing, or
translating structured files.
• You develop a grammar, ANTLR will generate the
parser class for it
• Example grammar:

grammar Expr; 

prog:(expr NEWLINE)* ;

expr:expr ('*'|'/') expr

| expr ('+'|'-') expr


| '(' expr ')';

NEWLINE : [rn]+ ;

INT : [0-9]+ ;
How to unit test a grammar?
• Grammars consist of rules
• Let’s try to test rules separately
• Each rule is a dedicated method in the parser, and it’s
protected, so we have to hack it
• Let’s use convention over configuration to generate
test from sample files
• We’ll use the file naming convention <rule>.txt and
create test dynamically with ScalaTest
describe("Valid examples for") {
(f) => {
val ruleName: String = f.getName.replace(".txt", "")
describe(ruleName) {
try { val method: Method = parserType.getDeclaredMethod(ruleName)
describe("should be successfully parsed") {
val source: String = new String(Files.readAllBytes(f.toPath), UTF_8)
val index = new AtomicInteger();
source.split("---+").map(stripComments).foreach((src) => {
val ct: Int = index.getAndIncrement()
it("item[" + ct + "]") {
val parser: P = parserFor(src, ruleName)
try { method.invoke(parser) } catch {
case e: InvocationTargetException
=> fail(s"$ruleName[${ct}]", e.getCause)
} } }) }
} catch {
case e: NoSuchMethodException => {
err.println(s"Bad rule name: $ruleName")
} } } } }) }
Generating tests dynamically
Deep Dependency Tree
Law of Demeter
• the Law of Demeter for functions
requires that a method m of an
object O may only invoke the
methods of the following kinds of
• O itself
• m's parameters
• Any objects created / instantiated
within m
• O's direct component objects
• A global variable, accessible by
O, in the scope of m
Testing tightly coupled code
if (articleDetailLayout.getArticleMedia() != null
&& articleDetailLayout.getArticleMedia().getThreeSixty() != null
&& articleDetailLayout.getArticleMedia().getThreeSixty()
.getImage().getMediumUrl() != null) {
• Use Mockito’s deep stubbing technique
@Test public void deepStubbing() {
ArticleDetailLayout articleDetailLayout =
mock(ArticleDetailLayout.class, RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);
String url = "";
.getImage().getMediumUrl(), is(url));}

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Not your father's tests

  • 1. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Not your father’s tests Advanced Testing Patterns in Java (and Scala)
  • 2. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Sean P. Floyd • Full Stack Engineer @ Zalando • ~20 years experience • Java, Maven, Spring, Scala, Groovy • StackOverflow:
  • 3. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Agenda • Software Design Principles (applied to tests) • JUnit best practices • Matchers • Mocks • Extending the Lifecycle • Testing in Scala • Testing the Untestable
  • 5. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech THE SOLID Principles • Single Responsibility Principle • Open / Closed Principle • Liskov Substitution Principle • Interface Segregation Principle • Dependency Inversions Principle • Michael Feathers, Uncle Bob Martin, ~2003
  • 6. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Single Responsibility Principle • Mapping production to test: • 3 levels of production code (class, method, input) • JUnit: 2 levels of test (class, method) • Only one type of change should break any given test A class should have only a single responsibility (i.e. only one potential change in the software's specification should be able to affect the specification of the class)
  • 7. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech class StringUtils{ // dimension 1 // dimension 2 static String leftPad(String s, char c, int n){ if(s==null) return s; // dimension 3 a if(n <= s.length()) return s; // dimension 3 b StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n); for(int i = s.length(); i < n; i++){ sb.append(c); } // dimension 3 c return sb.append(s).toString(); }
  • 8. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public class BadStringUtilsTest { /* violates single responsibility principle */ @Test public void badLeftPadTest() { assertNull(leftPad(null, ' ', 10)); assertEquals("foo", leftPad("foo", ' ', 3)); assertEquals("foo", leftPad("foo", ' ', 4)); } }
  • 9. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Open / Closed Principle • Closed for modification applies to tests also • Antipattern: Subclasses for Tests • Antipattern: package protected access • Better: Clean abstractions, mock objects “Software entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification”
  • 10. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech class TightlyCoupledClass{ private final MyService ms = new MyServiceImpl(); public String foo(){ return; } } class TightlyCoupledClassTest{ @Test public void fooTest(){ TightlyCoupledClass t = new TCC(){ @Override public String foo(){ return "baz"; } }; assertEquals("baz",; } }
  • 11. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech final class NotSoTightlyCoupledClass{ public NSTCC(MyService ms){ = ms;} private final MyService ms; public String foo(){ return; } } class NotSoTightlyCoupledClassTest{ @Test public void fooTest(){ MyService ms = Mockito.mock(MyService.class); NotSoTightlyCoupledClass n = new NSTCC(ms); when("baz"); assertEquals("baz",; } }
  • 12. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Liskov Substitution Principle • When designing class hierarchies, design corresponding test class hierarchies • If the classes have a common contract, the same is true for the test classes “Objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program.”
  • 13. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech abstract class AbstractCollectionTest{ protected abstract <T> Collection<T> create(); @Test public void equalsTest(){ assertEquals(create(), create()); } // etc. } class ArrayListTest extends AbstractCollectionTest{ protected <T> Collection<T> create(){ return new ArrayList<>(); }} class HashSetTest extends AbstractCollectionTest{ protected <T> Collection<T> create(){ return new HashSet<>(); }}}
  • 14. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Interface Segregation Principle • If a class implements multiple interfaces, test them separately “Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface.”
  • 15. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech class Multi implements Fooable, Barable { @Override public String foo() { return "foo"; } @Override public String bar() { return "bar"; } } class FooableMultiTest extends AbstractFooableTest { @Override protected Fooable create() { return new Multi(); } } class BarableMultiTest extends AbstractBarableTest { @Override protected Barable create(){ return new Multi(); } }
  • 16. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Dependency Inversion Principle • Test public methods, not implementation details • Test on the same level of abstraction as the implementation • Don’t change or test internal state “Depend upon Abstractions. Do not depend upon concretions.”
  • 17. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech class WayTooInvolvedArrayListTest { @Test public void testAdd() throws Exception { List<String> l = new ArrayList<>(); l.add("foo"); Field f = ArrayList.class .getDeclaredField("elementData"); Object[] arr = (Object[]) f.get(l); assertEquals("foo", arr[0]); } }
  • 20. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public class TestWithStandardAssertions { private List<String> list; @Test public void exactlyOneNoneEmptyString() { assertNotNull(list); assertEquals(list.size(), 1); assertNotEquals(list.get(0).trim(), ""); } } Plain JUnit assertions
  • 21. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech private List<String> list; java.lang.AssertionError at list = Arrays.asList(); java.lang.AssertionError: Expected :0 Actual :1 list = Arrays.asList(" "); java.lang.AssertionError: Values should be different. Actual: Output from plain assertions
  • 22. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Hamcrest • “Matchers that can be combined to create flexible expressions of intent” • Make tests (and failure output) readable • Work on the correct abstraction level • Built-in matchers, extendable with custom matchers
  • 23. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public class TestWithHamcrestMatchers { private List<String> list; @Test public void exactlyOneNoneEmptyString() { assertThat(list, hasSize(1)); assertThat(list, hasItem(nonEmptyString())); } }
  • 24. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech // custom Matcher private Matcher<String> nonEmptyString() { return new TypeSafeMatcher<String>() { boolean matchesSafely(String s) { return !s.trim().isEmpty(); } void describeTo(Description d) { d.appendText( "a non-empty String"); } }; }
  • 25. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech // Error messages for Hamcrest Matchers: private List<String> list; Expected: a collection with size <1> but: was null list = Arrays.asList(); Expected: a collection with size <1> but: collection size was <0> list = Arrays.asList(" "); Expected: a collection containing a non-empty String but: was " "
  • 26. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Dependency Inversion Principle revisited • Abstraction in its main sense is a conceptual process by which general rules and concepts are derived from the usage and classification of specific examples, literal ("real" or "concrete") signifiers, first principles, or other methods.
 Source: • The hard part is finding the right level of abstraction
  • 27. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Abstraction level: too low • “Stringly typed”: • Method parameters that take strings when other more appropriate types should be used. • Message passing without using typed messages etc. • Tests will most likely have to parse custom Strings, tightly coupling them to domain knowledge
  • 28. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Abstraction level: too high • “Baklava Code”: • While thin layers are fine for a pastry, thin software layers don’t add much value, especially when you have many such layers piled on each other. Each layer has to be pushed onto your mental stack as you dive into the code. • Tests will most likely have to either set up or mock multiple layers, introducing tight coupling
  • 29. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Example: JSON • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is becoming the lingua franca for Web-based (Restful?) APIs • Almost every application deals with JSON in one form or another • How can we test JSON output for correctness?
  • 30. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public class ManualJsonTest { private String json = "{ "id": 123, "name": "John Smith"}"; @Test public void exactMatch() { // missing a space breaks the assertion, although the semantics // are still correct assertEquals(json, "{"id": 123, "name": "John Smith"}"); } } Bad: Manual JSON assertions False negatives through irrelevant things like whitespace or property ordering
  • 31. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public class RegexJsonTest { private String json = "{ "id": 123, "name": "John Smith"}"; @Test public void regexMatch() { // too technical, we have to effectively implement a JSON parser // which violates the single responsibility principle // also, re-ordering of properties is semantically correct // but breaks the test assertTrue(json.matches( "{s*"id"s*:s*123s*,s*"name"s*:s*"John Smith"}")); } } Bad: Regex JSON assertions False negatives through property reordering or grammar edge cases
  • 32. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public class JacksonJsonTest { private String json = "{ "id": 123, "name": "John Smith"}"; @Test public void jacksonMatch() throws IOException { // better: we no longer have to implement our own parsing JsonNode jsonNode = new ObjectMapper().readTree(json); assertTrue(jsonNode.isObject()); // but this is still more complicated than necessary: assertEquals(jsonNode.get("id").asInt(),123); assertEquals(jsonNode.get("name").asText(),"John Smith"); } } Better: Using Jackson Still: much boilerplate Non-descriptive error messages
  • 33. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech JsonPath-assert A library with hamcrest-matchers for JsonPath.
  • 34. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public class JaywayJsonTest { String json = "{ "id": 123, "name": "John Smith"}"; @Test public void jsonPathMatch() throws IOException { JsonAssert.with(json) .assertEquals("id", 123) .assertEquals("name", "John Smith"); } } Perfect: Using JsonAssert No boilerplate, automatic type conversion, descriptive error messages
  • 35. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Matchers (summary) • Look for existing matcher libraries • Write your own matchers in a re-usable way • start with a local factory method • if you need it in another class, move it to a dedicated helper class (e.g. XyzMatchers) • if you need it in multiple projects, make your own matcher library
  • 36. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Mocking mock: verb (gerund or present participle: mocking) 1. tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner 2. make (something) seem laughably unreal or impossible 3. make a replica or imitation of something.
  • 37. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech No, really • A mock object is a testing tool that acts as a stand-in for a “real” object during testing in much the same way as an Elvis impersonator stands in for the real King. The impersonator is cheaper, easier to access, and most likely lighter weight. • Mocking in Java can take take numerous forms: • overriding methods of the original class • providing an alternative interface implementation • creating a proxy (interface based or cglib etc.)
  • 38. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Recalling SOLID • overriding methods of the original class • violates Open / Closed principle • providing an alternative interface implementation • violates Interface segregation principle • creating a proxy (interface based or cglib etc.) • violates Dependency Inversion Principle
  • 40. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public interface UserService { Optional<Session> login( String user, String pass); } interface Session{ /* stuff in here */ } public class LoginService { private final UserService us; public boolean login(String user, String pass){ return us.login(user, pass).isPresent(); } }
  • 41. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public class LoginServiceTestWithoutMockito { @Test public void loginSuccess() { LoginService ls = new LoginService( (user, password) -> Optional.of(new Session() {})); assertTrue(ls.login("ali baba", "open sesame")); } @Test public void loginFailure() { LoginService ls = new LoginService((user, password) -> Optional.empty()); assertFalse(ls.login("ali baba", "open sesame")); } } Mocking without Mockito • if interface evolves, all tests break • code duplication, no common setup
  • 42. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public class LoginServiceTestWithMockito { UserService userService; LoginService ls; @Before public void setUp(){ userService= mock(UserService.class); ls = new LoginService(userService); } @Test public void loginSuccess() { when(userService.login(anyString(), anyString())) .thenReturn(Optional.of(mock(Session.class))); assertTrue(ls.login("ali baba", "open sesame")); verify(ls,times(1)).login("ali baba", "open sesame")); } } Mocking with Mockito • Common setup • No tight coupling to UserService and Session • Verify mock interaction (reduce false positives)
  • 43. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Advanced Mockito • All methods in a mock return default values (null for references, 0 or false for primitives) • Use Mockito.spy(object) to wrap an existing object inside a mock • Use .thenAnswer() to interact with method parameters rather than return static values • Use deep stubs to return chained mocks (huge code smell, but useful for legacy code)
  • 44. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Mocking Web APIs • Scenario: Testing API clients • Blackbox: • Faking the API calls by a 3rd party Mock Server • MockServer, WireMock • Whitebox: • Using the API’s own code to create the Mock • Example: Spring MockMvc • No actual network call, mock requests / responses
  • 45. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech new MockServerClient("", 1080) .when( request() .withMethod("POST").withPath("/login") .withQueryStringParameters(new Parameter("returnUrl", "/account")) .withBody(exact("{username: 'foo', password: 'bar'}")), exactly(1) ) .respond( response() .withStatusCode(401) .withHeaders( new Header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"), new Header("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=86400") ) .withBody("{ message: 'incorrect username and password combination' }") ); Example: MockServer • set up behavior to mimic real API • start up server via @Before method or @Rule
  • 46. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Spring Mvc Controller @RestController @RequestMapping("/contacts") public class ContactController { private final ContactRepository contactRepository; public ContactController(ContactRepository contactRepository) { this.contactRepository = contactRepository; } @RequestMapping(method = GET, value = "/{contactId}") public Contact getContact(@PathVariable int contactId) { return contactRepository.findOne(contactId); } }
  • 47. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public class ContactControllerTest { ContactRepository contactRepository; MockMvc mockMvc; @Before public void setup() { contactRepository = mock(ContactRepository.class); ContactController controller = new ContactController(contactRepository); mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).build(); } @Test public void getContactById() throws Exception { final Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setFirstName("Jim"); when(contactRepository.findOne(anyInt())).thenReturn(contact); mockMvc.perform(get("/contacts/123").accept(APPLICATION_JSON)) // .andExpect(status().isOk()) // .andExpect(content().contentType(APPLICATION_JSON)) // .andExpect(jsonPath("$.firstName").value("Jim")); } } MockMvc • Request / response cycle is virtual • Integrates nicely with Mockito and JsonPath
  • 49. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Basic Lifecycle • @Before / @After • instance, before / after every test • setting up / cleaning up test data • instantiating classes and mocks • @BeforeClass / @AfterClass • static, before / after entire test class • bootstrapping databases and web servers • creating and deleting temporary folders
  • 50. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Okay, but • What if I need the same kind of setup in many tests? • Move the setup to an abstract test class • If setup needs test-specific parameters, get them from abstract methods
  • 51. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Inheritance vs aggregation • This works fine for test hierarchies with a clear relation (“AbstractUserServiceTest” -> “UserServiceLoginTest”) • LSP says: common hierarchies for production and tests • Which means: we probably shouldn’t have an AbstractDBIntegrationTest, since we probably don’t have an AbstractDatabaseService • Okay, so how can we embrace DRY without inheritance?
  • 52. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Custom JUnit Runners • @RunWith(someclass) replaces JUnit’s standard Runner • Full control over entire lifecycle
  • 53. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Example Runners • SpringJunit4Runner • Ties JUnit lifecycle to Spring lifecycle • Dependency injection, transaction handling • MockitoRunner • Mocks all fields annotated with @Mock • Parameterized • Runs tests with parameters
  • 54. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class FibonacciTest { @Parameters public static Collection<Object[]> data() { return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 1 }, { 3, 2 }, { 4, 3 }, { 5, 5 }, { 6, 8 } }); } @Parameter(0) public int fInput; @Parameter(1) public int fExpected; @Test public void test() { assertEquals(fExpected, Fibonacci.compute(fInput)); } } Parameterized Example • Generates one test per method, per values array • Values are common for all test methods
  • 55. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech • You can’t mix runners (e.g. Spring + Mockito) • Runner interface is very technical • You have to do everything Runner Drawbacks
  • 57. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public static class HasTempFolder { @Rule public TemporaryFolder folder = new TemporaryFolder(); @Test public void testUsingTempFolder() throws IOException { File createdFile = folder.newFile("myfile.txt"); File createdFolder = folder.newFolder("subfolder"); // ... } } Example test rule • Rules can interact with test lifecycle • @Rule is per test, @ClassRule is per test class
  • 58. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech public class NTimes implements TestRule { private final int times; private final Logger logger; public NTimes(final int times, final Logger logger) { this.times = times; this.logger = logger; } @Override public Statement apply(Statement base, Description desc) { return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { base.evaluate();}"Executed {} times in {} ms", times, stopWatch.getLastTaskTimeMillis()); }}; }} Implementing our own rule • runs every test n times, logs total duration
  • 59. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Lifecycle recap • Use @Before / @After for specific local setup • Use @Rule / @ClassRule if you want to reuse setup logic, ideally move your rules to libraries • Use custom runners for parameterized testing or Spring (but you can’t combine them) • You probably shouldn’t write a custom runner
  • 61. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Scala Test frameworks • ScalaTest • supports a plethora of testing styles • very readable DSLs • custom matcher SPI • alternative: Spec2
  • 62. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech class ExampleSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers { "A Stack" should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { val stack = new Stack[Int] stack.push(1) stack.push(2) stack.pop() should be (2) stack.pop() should be (1) } it should "throw NoSuchElementException if an empty stack is popped" in { val emptyStack = new Stack[Int] a [NoSuchElementException] should be thrownBy { emptyStack.pop() } } } Example from ScalaTest
  • 63. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Differences • Java: • tests are defined through annotated methods, instantiated through reflection • 2 levels of nesting (class, method) • Scala: • tests are defined programmatically, using a DSL • no isolation: runtime error in one test destroys everything • arbitrary levels of nesting • many different ways to write tests
  • 64. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech class TestWithArbitraryDepth extends FunSpec{ describe("my package"){ describe("my class"){ describe("my method"){ it("should reject nulls"){ intercept[NullPointerException] { myClass.myMethod(null) } } it("should return true for non-null params"){ assert(myClass.myMethod("foo")) } } } } } Arbitrary nesting in ScalaTest
  • 65. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech TestWithArbitraryDepth: my package my class my method - should reject nulls - should return true for non-null params - should return false for input 42 * FAILED Output
  • 66. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Matchers • Extend your test class with the Matchers trait • Matchers enable “readable” assertions with the “should” keyword, e.g.
 result should have length 3
 file should have ('name ("temp.txt")) • You can create custom matchers and combine them using a DSL
  • 67. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech trait CustomMatchers { class ExtensionMatcher(expected: String) extends Matcher[] { def apply(left: = { val name = left.getName MatchResult( name.endsWith(expected), s"""File $name did not end with extension "$expected"""", s"""File $name ended with extension "$expected"""" ) } } def hasExtension(extension: String) = new ExtensionMatcher(extension) } Custom matcher
  • 68. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Property-based testing with ScalaCheck • ScalaCheck is a tool for testing Scala and Java programs, based on property specifications and automatic test data generation. • Define a property that specifies the behaviour of a method or some unit of code, and ScalaCheck checks that the property holds. • All test data are generated automatically in a random fashion, so you don't have to worry about any missed cases.
  • 69. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech class Fraction(n: Int, d: Int) { require(d != 0) require(d != Integer.MIN_VALUE) require(n != Integer.MIN_VALUE) val numer = if (d < 0) -1 * n else n val denom = d.abs override def toString = numer + " / " + denom } Class to test
  • 70. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech class PropertySpec extends FlatSpec with PropertyChecks with Matchers { forAll { (n: Int, d: Int) => whenever(d != 0 && d != Integer.MIN_VALUE && n != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { val f = new Fraction(n, d) if (n < 0 && d < 0 || n > 0 && d > 0) f.numer should be > 0 else if (n != 0) f.numer should be < 0 else f.numer should be === 0 f.denom should be > 0 } } Property Testing (Part1)
  • 71. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech val invalidCombos = Table( ("n", "d"), (Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE), (1, Integer.MIN_VALUE), (Integer.MIN_VALUE, 1), (Integer.MIN_VALUE, 0), (1, 0) ) forAll(invalidCombos) { (n: Int, d: Int) => evaluating { new Fraction(n, d) } should produce[IllegalArgumentException] } } Property Testing (Part2) Source:
  • 72. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech JUnit ScalaTest Use Hamcrest Matchers Mix in Matchers Trait @Before, @After Do it in code @Rule Mix in a trait Parameterized runner Property Testing with ScalaCheck Solving similar problems in JUnit and ScalaTest
  • 73. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech What now? • Java and Scala can be combined • You can write tests for your Java code in Scala • No runtime dependencies to Scala • Scala can be integrated easily into all major build systems and IDEs
  • 74. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech OK but what if I really don’t like Scala? • JUnit 4 is also kinda cool when you use Hamcrest, Mockito and Rules • JUnit 5 will come soon, supporting lots of new cool features: • New test callback mechanism • Dynamic test generation (limited) • Lambda support
  • 76. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Untestable Software checklist • Shared static state • Lack of Visibility • Deep dependency tree
  • 77. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Case Study Stripes Framework used by Zalando Shop in the early years
  • 78. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech The madness • Stripes relies on static initialization in a Servlet Filter • Controllers, Localization and many other components depend on this state • Spring integration is worse:
  • 79. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Divide and conquer • Create solutions for Stripes and Spring, separately • Make sure you tear up everything you set up • Keep low-tech hacks in one place • Provide high level facades for your tests
  • 80. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech static StripesFilter stripesFilter; static MockServletContext ctx; public static void initStripes() throws Exception { if (!stripesIsAlreadyActive()) { stripesFilter = new StripesFilter(); final MockFilterConfig config = new MockFilterConfig(); config.addInitParameter("ActionResolver.Packages", ""); ctx = new MockServletContext(); config.setServletContext(ctx); stripesFilter.init(config); } } public static void shutdownStripes() throws Exception { if (stripesFilter != null) { stripesFilter.destroy(); stripesFilter = null; ctx = null; } } private static boolean stripesIsAlreadyActive() { final Logger stripesLogger = Logger.getLogger(StripesFilter.class); final Level oldLevel = stripesLogger.getLevel(); stripesLogger.setLevel(Level.FATAL); try { new LocalizableMessage("link.catalog") .getMessage(Locale.GERMAN); return true; } catch (final Exception e) { return false; } finally { stripesLogger.setLevel(oldLevel); } } StripesTestUtils (extract)
  • 81. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech private static ConfigurableWebApplicationContext ctx; public static void registerBean(Object service, String beanName) { getOrCreateTestWebAppContext().getBeanFactory().registerSingleton(beanName, service); } private static ConfigurableWebApplicationContext setupContextLoaderTestWebApplicationContext() { try { ConfigurableWebApplicationContext cwa = new GenericWebApplicationContext(); AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor autowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor = new AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor(); autowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.setBeanFactory(cwa.getBeanFactory()); cwa.getBeanFactory().addBeanPostProcessor(autowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor); getCurrentContextField().set(null, cwa); ctx = cwa; return cwa; } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); throw new IllegalStateException(); } } private static Field getCurrentContextField() throws NoSuchFieldException { final Field contextField = ContextLoader.class.getDeclaredField("currentContext"); contextField.setAccessible(true); return contextField; } private static ConfigurableWebApplicationContext getOrCreateTestWebAppContext() { WebApplicationContext currentWebApplicationContext = ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext(); ConfigurableWebApplicationContext twa; if ((currentWebApplicationContext instanceof ConfigurableWebApplicationContext) && (currentWebApplicationContext == ctx)) { twa = (ConfigurableWebApplicationContext) currentWebApplicationContext; } else { twa = setupContextLoaderTestWebApplicationContext(); } return twa; } SpringTestUtils (extract)
  • 82. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Visibility • If you control the sources, change visibility to package-protected • If you don’t, use reflection and build high-level facades
  • 83. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Case study ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, or translating structured files.
  • 84. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech • You develop a grammar, ANTLR will generate the parser class for it • Example grammar:
 grammar Expr; 
 prog:(expr NEWLINE)* ;
 expr:expr ('*'|'/') expr
 | expr ('+'|'-') expr
 | INT
 | '(' expr ')';
 NEWLINE : [rn]+ ;
 INT : [0-9]+ ;
  • 85. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech How to unit test a grammar? • Grammars consist of rules • Let’s try to test rules separately • Each rule is a dedicated method in the parser, and it’s protected, so we have to hack it • Let’s use convention over configuration to generate test from sample files • We’ll use the file naming convention <rule>.txt and create test dynamically with ScalaTest
  • 86. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech describe("Valid examples for") { baseDir.listFiles().foreach({ (f) => { val ruleName: String = f.getName.replace(".txt", "") describe(ruleName) { try { val method: Method = parserType.getDeclaredMethod(ruleName) describe("should be successfully parsed") { val source: String = new String(Files.readAllBytes(f.toPath), UTF_8) val index = new AtomicInteger(); source.split("---+").map(stripComments).foreach((src) => { val ct: Int = index.getAndIncrement() it("item[" + ct + "]") { val parser: P = parserFor(src, ruleName) try { method.invoke(parser) } catch { case e: InvocationTargetException => fail(s"$ruleName[${ct}]", e.getCause) } } }) } } catch { case e: NoSuchMethodException => { err.println(s"Bad rule name: $ruleName") } } } } }) } Generating tests dynamically
  • 88. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Law of Demeter • the Law of Demeter for functions requires that a method m of an object O may only invoke the methods of the following kinds of objects: • O itself • m's parameters • Any objects created / instantiated within m • O's direct component objects • A global variable, accessible by O, in the scope of m
  • 89. @oldJavaGuy@ZalandoTech Testing tightly coupled code if (articleDetailLayout.getArticleMedia() != null && articleDetailLayout.getArticleMedia().getThreeSixty() != null && articleDetailLayout.getArticleMedia().getThreeSixty() .getImage().getMediumUrl() != null) { articleContainer.setProduct360DegreeView( articleDetailLayout.getArticleMedia().getThreeSixty() .getImage().getMediumUrl()); } • Use Mockito’s deep stubbing technique @Test public void deepStubbing() { ArticleDetailLayout articleDetailLayout = mock(ArticleDetailLayout.class, RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS); String url = ""; when(articleDetailLayout.getArticleMedia().getThreeSixty().getImage() .getMediumUrl()).thenReturn(url); assertThat(articleDetailLayout.getArticleMedia().getThreeSixty() .getImage().getMediumUrl(), is(url));}