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Building a Rapport
Non-verbal and verbal
No matter what job you have in life, your success will be
determined----- % by your academic credentials----- % by
your professional experiences, and -----% by your
communication skills
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Good doctors bad doctors
Communication Mastery Plus “What Patients Love or
Hate About Their Doctors
Check your answers
No matter what job you have in life, your success
will be determined 5% by your academic
credentials, 15% by your professional experiences,
and 80 % by your communication skills
Imad Hassan
Good doctors bad doctors
Communication Mastery Plus “What Patients Love
or Hate About Their Doctors
Can you recall 6 phases of a communicative act
between a doctor and a patient?
Read the given scenario and provide your
answer /opinion
A new patient attends for a health check
following registration. You meet him in the
waiting room and walk with him to your room.
How do you start the consultation? What your
posture will be?
Read the given alternatives and choose one/or
choose both and speak about advantages and
disadvantages of both alternatives
Alternative one
You; ”Hello Mr, Rogers. Please sit down. I am
Claudia and I am a nurse practitioner, one of
three nurses in the practice”
Patient: “Hello. If you are Claudia, then I am
Alternative Two:
You: “Good morning, Mr. Jones. Please sit down.
I am Sister Edwards”
Patient: “Good morning Sister”
You already know that your patient’s name is
Mr. Jenkins; will you call him Mr. Jenkins or Joe?
Do you think patient can have preferences for
the use of a first or last name?
• Marilyn Edwards (communication skills for
nurses) states that patients can have true
preferences for the names. This is proved by
the results of the survey which involved 475
patients; a study of patients consulting their
GPs; the results showed that only 77 out of
those 475 patients did not like being called by
their first name, most of who were aged 65
years (MsKinstry), 1990).
Some research (Makoul et al, 2007) also
suggests that majority of the patients prefer to
be called by their first names. This makes them
feel more relaxed and put them at easy with the
We already spoke about the role of greeting
patient for an effective communication. This is
confirmed by Silverman et al (2005), where we
read that below given considerations are the
keys to successful communication between the
doctor and the patient;
Greeting the patient
Introducing yourself
Clarifying your role
Obtaining the patient’s name
Demonstrating interest and respect
Attending to the physical comfort of the patient
These aspects are one part of building a rapport
Referring to the above given scenarios, we can
rely on the advice of the author of the present
book (Edwards M.) where we read that the
manner of address will vary depending on
various factors:
Age of patient
Knowing the person through school or socially
The patient might have been seen every week
for wound management over the past year
How comfortable the nurse feels with the
Going back to those scenarios of greeting, it
must be stated that the first greeting is more
informal and will suit some patients, while the
second is slightly more formal. Besides, it is vital
to check the spoken name with the patient
record as it reduces mistaken identity what is
fundamental to patient safety (Makoul et al,
There are proves that most of the patients do
not like to be called by the title Mrs. As it makes
them feel old.
Showing an interest in the patient as a person
and not as a condition, and actively using both
verbal ad non-verbal communication skills are
part of the effective rapport building process.
Roberston (2008) emphases non-verbal means
of communication that help doctors facilitate
the process of communication:
• An open posture, facing, leaning slightly on to
the patient
• Appropriate body movement and distance
from the patient;
• Appropriate eye contact, being aware of
cultural norms
• An open facial expression, appropriately
responsive to the patent’s story;
Marilyn Edwards states that utilization of non-
verbal means needs proper knowledge and
management as, very often, non-verbal
communication skills can have a negative
influence due to misinterpretation as it was in
the James Cook’s case.
One key issue of using body language/non-
verbal communication means is that a patient
shall be convinced that a doctor or a nurse is
listening, interested and following what the
patient is saying.
Body language can be conscious or unconscious.
Body language is often a subconscious activity
intended to create a balance between inner
feelings and outer space. All aspects of body
language relate to both the patient and the
The movement of arms and legs
Body posture
The manner of sitting
Regular gestures such as stroking hair or
touching the nose
Read the body language good and bad signs
distinguish them from each other
try to elaborate what they mean
Eye contact for some seconds ;
Lounging with arms and legs dangling
Smile with open lips and tilt the head slightly
Firm handshake
Sitting with palms up
Eye contact for some seconds ;
Lounging with arms and legs dangling-show that a person
is relaxed
Smile with open lips and tilt the head slightly –shows a
person is attentive
Firm handshake –shows interest and respect
Sitting with palms showing-open posture
Read the types of body language and
say what they suggest
Fiddling with hair
Quickened breathing or clenched fists
Sitting on the edge of the chair with legs outstretched
and feet crossed
Hands clasped behind the head
Patient tapping the feet, looking down, having his head in
his hands
Fiddling with hair –insecurity
Quickened breathing or clenched fists –tension
Sitting on the edge of the chair with legs outstretched
and feet crossed –can signal indifference
Hands clasped behind the head-suggests arrogance
Patient tapping the feet, looking down, having his head in
his hands –probably bored
Read the given verbal and non-verbal communicative
tools; decide which of them show active or passive
Tapping pencil
Darting eyes
‘tell me more”
‘tell me that again”
Tapping pencil =passive listening
smiling –active listening
Darting eyes -passive listening
‘tell me more”-active listening
‘tell me that again” -active listening
Nodding-active listening
Sighing-passive listening
Playing with hair
Looking at clock
“what you are saying is…”
Saying “really’
Saying: “Uh huh” a lot
Can you think of other signs of active listening?
If good then why?
Mrs W attends for her routine check of blood pressure.
She is visible upset when the nurse enters the room.
The nurse has 10 minutes for the procedure so begins
to ask other questions to complete the documentation.
She asks Mrs W what has upset her, and learns that her
best friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Continue the scenario. Think and say on behalf of the
nurse …..
Read two alternative scenarios for the
development of the communication process and
choose the better option; say why you chose
The nurse, after having heard about the diagnose
of the patient’s friend, says ‘ I am sorry to hear this;
Then she silently gives her a tissue and directs her
to the chair.
When finished she explains how the treatment will
be carried out for the following days.
Then she says goodbye and sees the patient out of
the room.
Second version of the present scenario
….The nurse puts down her pen, puts the tissue
box on the desk and listens while the patient
talks about her feelings. Mrs W shares her
feelings and concerns ; the nurse suggests to sit
down, offers a glass of water and says blood
pressure and documentation can wait until she
is not relaxed and calmed down.
Look at the doctors’ positions in the given videos, what do you
think about their posture/ do you feel patients’ are given
freedom to speak out ; what body language signs can you name?
(Watching full videos not needed)
Asking questions as the crucial element of building a
rapport and collecting the important and useful
information about the patient
What do we know about the techniques of
questioning a patient?
Are their any special considerations related to
professional conduct?
There are three types of questions utilized by a
Open-ended questions
Closed questions
Focused questions
Can you name open and closed questions?
Which types of question are more effective
while interviewing a patient and why?
Is physical examination always followed by up
the verbal consultation or reverse?
Read the given scenario and analyze the following points;
Is the given dialogue an example of an effective
doctor-patient interview?
What types of questions does the doctor utilize?
Does the choice of the types of the questions enable doctor to
get the best possible answer from the patient?
Nurse: “what can I do for you today?
Patient: “I have tried to diet but need some help’
Nurse: ‘Tell me what you have tried in the past”
Patient: ‘I have tried all the slimming clubs, I lose
weight but then put it back on”
Nurse: “would you like me to weight you today,
and we can plan what support I can offer you?”
Patient : “Yes please”
Open questions
This type of question allows greater exploration
of an issue, for example:
what brings you here today?
Describe your headache in more details
With this types of questions we give prompts to
a patient and make them talk freely an openly
about the case and make them expand the
Negative versus positive sides
Open-ended questions have their role. The take
up more time, however makes a patient think
more about the case so that a doctor
understands more the concern;
Closed questions:
Closed questions always require simple yes/no
answer and offers little information.
Examples: do you take your inhale every day?
Does your headache become stronger in the
Close questions are useful particularly when the
time is limited. The se questions allow the
doctor to find out the main concern and explore
one sign further.
Can you provide an example of a focused
Read he scenario and try to types of the
questions/focused questions;
Nurse: what can I do for you today?
Patient: I have tried to diet but need some help
Nurse: tell me what you’ve tried in the past
Patient: I have tried all the slimming clubs, I lose weight
but then put it back on
Nurse: would you like me to weigh you today, and we can
plan what support I can offer you?
Nurse: what can I do for you today?---open
Patient: I have tried to diet but need some help
Nurse: tell me what you’ve tried in the past –
focused question to help elaborate
Patient: I have tried all the slimming clubs, I lose
weight but then put it back on
Nurse: would you like me to weigh you today,
and we can plan what support I can offer you?-
Read the given questions and say if they are
You don’t cough at night, do you?
When did you last have a night cough?
These types of questions are called leading
questions which are considered unhelpful and
better avoided.
Leading questions suggest desired answer and
are difficult for the patient to disagree with.
They actually to not allow the patient to think
around the question but just come up with the
answer which can lead to spontaneous decision.
There are more types of questions –compound
questions- which are also considered not
appropriate for gaining information from the
patient: do you have any pain, bleeding from your
mouth or any sensation of throwing out?
This type of question is also called as –backtracking,
and is considered useless; it is recommended asking
questions individually which allows the patient to
think about the question properly
In order to ensure the effectiveness of the
communication, it is always better to use all
three types of questions: open, close-ended and
focused; the other two types of questions-
leading and compound must be avoided.
Reflecting is also considered to be one of the
most effective techniques while interviewing a
What do you know about reflective skills?
How, do you think, reflective skills are
demonstrated by the doctor/nurse?
There are some techniques utilized by the doctor,
which ensure demonstration of reflective skills:
Showing empathy
Speak about them; try to elaborate these
techniques and use them in the sentences;
Read the short dialogue and try to underline
each technique in the dialogue
Patient: “I know I should stop smoking, what
with my asthma and the kids getting at me, and I
can’t afford it. I have tried to give up before, but
started again when the wife was ill. I really need
to stop”;
Nurse: it sounds like you would like to give up
smoking with some help
• Patient: “I do want to stop, but it’s hard with the
worry about job losses.”
• Nurse: “I can understand that you are worried
about your job, I read about it in the paper “
• Patient: “” My breathing’s been bad for the last
two weeks, my inhaler doesn’ t help much. I have
go to do something.’
Nurse: It is hard to stop smoking, but it would
help your breathing and we can offer you help
with this.”
Check your answers
Patient: “I know I should stop smoking, what
with my asthma and the kids getting at me, and I
can’t afford it. I have tried to give up before, but
started again when the wife was ill. I really need
to stop”;
Nurse: it sounds like you would like to give up
smoking with some help (paraphrasing)
• Patient: “I do want to stop, but it’s hard with the
worry about job losses.”
• Nurse: “I can understand that you are worried
about your job, I read about it in the paper “
• Patient: “” My breathing’s been bad for the last
two weeks, my inhaler doesn’ t help much. I have
go to do something.’
Nurse: It is hard to stop smoking, but it would
help your breathing and we can offer you help
with this.” (summarizing).
Based on practical examples try to elaborate
the definition for each of the techniques given
Paraphrasing: it is the ---------- of ------- in a
slightly different format to ---------- the
information has been correctly ----------. Go over
what the patient had said from ---- to ----- to
check you understand what the patient means.
Paraphrasing: it is the repetition of words in a
slightly different format to check the
information has been correctly interpreted. Go
over what the patient had said from time to
time to check you understand what the patient
------------ it is when the patient feels the
doctor/nurse acknowledges the motional
Empathy- it is when the patient feels the
doctor/nurse acknowledges the motional
Giving Information
What do we know about delivering the
Do you think there are special considerations
while delivering information?
• Look at the image;
• What do you think the patient suffers from?
Read the dialogue
Check the types of questions the doctor asks
Say if the questions are good technique based
Change the questions to make them more
structured and improved;
• Patient: Doctor, I’ve headache since yesterday evening.
• Doctor: Have you taken any medicine so far?
• Patient: Saridon, but the headache hasn’t disappeared.
• Doctor: You’ve a running nose. Looks like your headache is a result of sinus infection, and not
the regular one that results from anxiety and fatigue. Lemme check.
• (The doctor checks the patient thoroughly.)
• Doctor: It’s quite clear that the infection in your sinus is the reason for your headache. I’ll
prescribe an antibiotic to clear the infection and a pain reliever to relieve the pain.
• Patient: Thank you, doctor.
Listen to and analyze the dialogue
Watch the videos again and analyze
effectiveness of the patient questioning
techniques applied by the doctor in each case;
Preparation for the pair/group presentation
To check the students’ understanding of the doctor-
patient communication process with the focus on
rapport building aspects such as: environment,
distance/space between the patient and the doctor,
level of confidentiality, position of the doctor, voice-
speed and tone, other non-verbal signs, proper
time, proper types and number of questions,
demonstration of effective listening (provide prof);
7-10 minute Power point presentation including:
General statements on the topic (theory)
Analysis of the video
Partners have to prove their equal contribution
1. Knowledge around the topic – 1 point;
2. Review of the available modern material related to the topic -1point;
3. Relevance to the topic of the presentation-1point;
4. Clear, understandable ideas-1 point;
5. Application of the related vocabulary and style-1 point;
6. Correct organization of the structure of the presentation-1point;
7. Visual and technical side of the material-1 points;
8. Culture of arguing and listening -1 point;
9. Correct and balanced application of body language-1 point;
10. Ability to respond to the questions around the task-1 point;
Total-10 points
Adjusted to online classes
1. Knowledge around the topic – 2 points;
2. Review of the available modern material related to
the topic -2 points; (references necessary)
3. Relevance to the topic of the presentation-2 point;
4. Clear, understandable ideas-1 point;
5. Correct organization of the structure of the
presentation-1 point;
6. Visual and technical side of the material-1 points;
7. Ability to respond to the questions around the task-1
Total 10 points

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  • 1. Building a Rapport Non-verbal and verbal channels
  • 2. No matter what job you have in life, your success will be determined----- % by your academic credentials----- % by your professional experiences, and -----% by your communication skills Imad Hassan Good doctors bad doctors Communication Mastery Plus “What Patients Love or Hate About Their Doctors Check your answers
  • 3. No matter what job you have in life, your success will be determined 5% by your academic credentials, 15% by your professional experiences, and 80 % by your communication skills Imad Hassan Good doctors bad doctors Communication Mastery Plus “What Patients Love or Hate About Their Doctors
  • 4. Can you recall 6 phases of a communicative act between a doctor and a patient?
  • 5. Read the given scenario and provide your answer /opinion
  • 6. A new patient attends for a health check following registration. You meet him in the waiting room and walk with him to your room. How do you start the consultation? What your posture will be? Read the given alternatives and choose one/or choose both and speak about advantages and disadvantages of both alternatives
  • 7. Alternative one You; ”Hello Mr, Rogers. Please sit down. I am Claudia and I am a nurse practitioner, one of three nurses in the practice” Patient: “Hello. If you are Claudia, then I am Sam,
  • 8. Alternative Two: You: “Good morning, Mr. Jones. Please sit down. I am Sister Edwards” Patient: “Good morning Sister”
  • 9. Scenario You already know that your patient’s name is Mr. Jenkins; will you call him Mr. Jenkins or Joe? Do you think patient can have preferences for the use of a first or last name?
  • 10. • Marilyn Edwards (communication skills for nurses) states that patients can have true preferences for the names. This is proved by the results of the survey which involved 475 patients; a study of patients consulting their GPs; the results showed that only 77 out of those 475 patients did not like being called by their first name, most of who were aged 65 years (MsKinstry), 1990).
  • 11. Some research (Makoul et al, 2007) also suggests that majority of the patients prefer to be called by their first names. This makes them feel more relaxed and put them at easy with the doctor.
  • 12. We already spoke about the role of greeting patient for an effective communication. This is confirmed by Silverman et al (2005), where we read that below given considerations are the keys to successful communication between the doctor and the patient;
  • 13. Greeting the patient Introducing yourself Clarifying your role Obtaining the patient’s name Demonstrating interest and respect Attending to the physical comfort of the patient These aspects are one part of building a rapport
  • 14. Referring to the above given scenarios, we can rely on the advice of the author of the present book (Edwards M.) where we read that the manner of address will vary depending on various factors: Age of patient Knowing the person through school or socially
  • 15. The patient might have been seen every week for wound management over the past year How comfortable the nurse feels with the patient
  • 16. Greeting: Going back to those scenarios of greeting, it must be stated that the first greeting is more informal and will suit some patients, while the second is slightly more formal. Besides, it is vital to check the spoken name with the patient record as it reduces mistaken identity what is fundamental to patient safety (Makoul et al, 2007).
  • 17. There are proves that most of the patients do not like to be called by the title Mrs. As it makes them feel old.
  • 18. Showing an interest in the patient as a person and not as a condition, and actively using both verbal ad non-verbal communication skills are part of the effective rapport building process.
  • 19. Roberston (2008) emphases non-verbal means of communication that help doctors facilitate the process of communication: • An open posture, facing, leaning slightly on to the patient • Appropriate body movement and distance from the patient; • Appropriate eye contact, being aware of cultural norms
  • 20. • An open facial expression, appropriately responsive to the patent’s story; Marilyn Edwards states that utilization of non- verbal means needs proper knowledge and management as, very often, non-verbal communication skills can have a negative influence due to misinterpretation as it was in the James Cook’s case.
  • 21. One key issue of using body language/non- verbal communication means is that a patient shall be convinced that a doctor or a nurse is listening, interested and following what the patient is saying.
  • 22. Body language can be conscious or unconscious. Body language is often a subconscious activity intended to create a balance between inner feelings and outer space. All aspects of body language relate to both the patient and the nurse.
  • 23. The movement of arms and legs Body posture The manner of sitting Regular gestures such as stroking hair or touching the nose
  • 24. Read the body language good and bad signs distinguish them from each other try to elaborate what they mean Eye contact for some seconds ; Lounging with arms and legs dangling Smile with open lips and tilt the head slightly Firm handshake Sitting with palms up
  • 25. Eye contact for some seconds ; Lounging with arms and legs dangling-show that a person is relaxed Smile with open lips and tilt the head slightly –shows a person is attentive Firm handshake –shows interest and respect Sitting with palms showing-open posture
  • 26. Read the types of body language and say what they suggest Fiddling with hair Quickened breathing or clenched fists Sitting on the edge of the chair with legs outstretched and feet crossed Hands clasped behind the head Patient tapping the feet, looking down, having his head in his hands
  • 27. Negative Fiddling with hair –insecurity Quickened breathing or clenched fists –tension Sitting on the edge of the chair with legs outstretched and feet crossed –can signal indifference Hands clasped behind the head-suggests arrogance Patient tapping the feet, looking down, having his head in his hands –probably bored
  • 28. Read the given verbal and non-verbal communicative tools; decide which of them show active or passive listening: Tapping pencil smiling Darting eyes ‘tell me more” ‘tell me that again” Nodding Sighing
  • 29. Tapping pencil =passive listening smiling –active listening Darting eyes -passive listening ‘tell me more”-active listening ‘tell me that again” -active listening Nodding-active listening Sighing-passive listening
  • 30. Playing with hair Looking at clock “what you are saying is…” Saying “really’ Saying: “Uh huh” a lot
  • 31. Can you think of other signs of active listening? If good then why?
  • 32. Scenario Mrs W attends for her routine check of blood pressure. She is visible upset when the nurse enters the room. The nurse has 10 minutes for the procedure so begins to ask other questions to complete the documentation. She asks Mrs W what has upset her, and learns that her best friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Continue the scenario. Think and say on behalf of the nurse …..
  • 33. Read two alternative scenarios for the development of the communication process and choose the better option; say why you chose this
  • 34. The nurse, after having heard about the diagnose of the patient’s friend, says ‘ I am sorry to hear this; Then she silently gives her a tissue and directs her to the chair. When finished she explains how the treatment will be carried out for the following days. Then she says goodbye and sees the patient out of the room.
  • 35. Second version of the present scenario ….The nurse puts down her pen, puts the tissue box on the desk and listens while the patient talks about her feelings. Mrs W shares her feelings and concerns ; the nurse suggests to sit down, offers a glass of water and says blood pressure and documentation can wait until she is not relaxed and calmed down.
  • 36. Look at the doctors’ positions in the given videos, what do you think about their posture/ do you feel patients’ are given freedom to speak out ; what body language signs can you name? &t=383s (Watching full videos not needed)
  • 37. Asking questions as the crucial element of building a rapport and collecting the important and useful information about the patient What do we know about the techniques of questioning a patient? Are their any special considerations related to professional conduct?
  • 38. There are three types of questions utilized by a doctor: Open-ended questions Closed questions Focused questions
  • 39. Can you name open and closed questions? Which types of question are more effective while interviewing a patient and why? Is physical examination always followed by up the verbal consultation or reverse?
  • 40. Read the given scenario and analyze the following points; Is the given dialogue an example of an effective doctor-patient interview? What types of questions does the doctor utilize? Does the choice of the types of the questions enable doctor to get the best possible answer from the patient?
  • 41. Nurse: “what can I do for you today? Patient: “I have tried to diet but need some help’ Nurse: ‘Tell me what you have tried in the past” Patient: ‘I have tried all the slimming clubs, I lose weight but then put it back on”
  • 42. Nurse: “would you like me to weight you today, and we can plan what support I can offer you?” Patient : “Yes please”
  • 43. Open questions This type of question allows greater exploration of an issue, for example: what brings you here today? Describe your headache in more details
  • 44. With this types of questions we give prompts to a patient and make them talk freely an openly about the case and make them expand the matter.
  • 45. Negative versus positive sides Open-ended questions have their role. The take up more time, however makes a patient think more about the case so that a doctor understands more the concern;
  • 46. Closed questions: Closed questions always require simple yes/no answer and offers little information. Examples: do you take your inhale every day? Does your headache become stronger in the morning/evening?
  • 47. Close questions are useful particularly when the time is limited. The se questions allow the doctor to find out the main concern and explore one sign further.
  • 48. Can you provide an example of a focused question? Read he scenario and try to types of the questions/focused questions;
  • 49. Nurse: what can I do for you today? Patient: I have tried to diet but need some help Nurse: tell me what you’ve tried in the past Patient: I have tried all the slimming clubs, I lose weight but then put it back on Nurse: would you like me to weigh you today, and we can plan what support I can offer you?
  • 50. Nurse: what can I do for you today?---open Patient: I have tried to diet but need some help Nurse: tell me what you’ve tried in the past – focused question to help elaborate Patient: I have tried all the slimming clubs, I lose weight but then put it back on Nurse: would you like me to weigh you today, and we can plan what support I can offer you?- closed
  • 51. Read the given questions and say if they are useful: You don’t cough at night, do you? When did you last have a night cough?
  • 52. These types of questions are called leading questions which are considered unhelpful and better avoided. Leading questions suggest desired answer and are difficult for the patient to disagree with. They actually to not allow the patient to think around the question but just come up with the answer which can lead to spontaneous decision.
  • 53. There are more types of questions –compound questions- which are also considered not appropriate for gaining information from the patient: do you have any pain, bleeding from your mouth or any sensation of throwing out? This type of question is also called as –backtracking, and is considered useless; it is recommended asking questions individually which allows the patient to think about the question properly
  • 54. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the communication, it is always better to use all three types of questions: open, close-ended and focused; the other two types of questions- leading and compound must be avoided.
  • 55. Reflecting Reflecting is also considered to be one of the most effective techniques while interviewing a patient. What do you know about reflective skills? How, do you think, reflective skills are demonstrated by the doctor/nurse?
  • 56. There are some techniques utilized by the doctor, which ensure demonstration of reflective skills: Paraphrasing Showing empathy Summarizing Speak about them; try to elaborate these techniques and use them in the sentences;
  • 57. Read the short dialogue and try to underline each technique in the dialogue Patient: “I know I should stop smoking, what with my asthma and the kids getting at me, and I can’t afford it. I have tried to give up before, but started again when the wife was ill. I really need to stop”; Nurse: it sounds like you would like to give up smoking with some help
  • 58. • Patient: “I do want to stop, but it’s hard with the worry about job losses.” • Nurse: “I can understand that you are worried about your job, I read about it in the paper “ • Patient: “” My breathing’s been bad for the last two weeks, my inhaler doesn’ t help much. I have go to do something.’
  • 59. Nurse: It is hard to stop smoking, but it would help your breathing and we can offer you help with this.”
  • 60. Check your answers Patient: “I know I should stop smoking, what with my asthma and the kids getting at me, and I can’t afford it. I have tried to give up before, but started again when the wife was ill. I really need to stop”; Nurse: it sounds like you would like to give up smoking with some help (paraphrasing)
  • 61. • Patient: “I do want to stop, but it’s hard with the worry about job losses.” • Nurse: “I can understand that you are worried about your job, I read about it in the paper “ (empathy) • Patient: “” My breathing’s been bad for the last two weeks, my inhaler doesn’ t help much. I have go to do something.’
  • 62. Nurse: It is hard to stop smoking, but it would help your breathing and we can offer you help with this.” (summarizing).
  • 63. Based on practical examples try to elaborate the definition for each of the techniques given above: Paraphrasing: it is the ---------- of ------- in a slightly different format to ---------- the information has been correctly ----------. Go over what the patient had said from ---- to ----- to check you understand what the patient means.
  • 64. Paraphrasing: it is the repetition of words in a slightly different format to check the information has been correctly interpreted. Go over what the patient had said from time to time to check you understand what the patient means.
  • 65. ------------ it is when the patient feels the doctor/nurse acknowledges the motional content.
  • 66. Empathy- it is when the patient feels the doctor/nurse acknowledges the motional content.
  • 67. Giving Information What do we know about delivering the information? Do you think there are special considerations while delivering information?
  • 68. • Look at the image; • What do you think the patient suffers from?
  • 69.
  • 70. Read the dialogue Check the types of questions the doctor asks Say if the questions are good technique based Change the questions to make them more structured and improved;
  • 71. • Patient: Doctor, I’ve headache since yesterday evening. • Doctor: Have you taken any medicine so far? • Patient: Saridon, but the headache hasn’t disappeared. • Doctor: You’ve a running nose. Looks like your headache is a result of sinus infection, and not the regular one that results from anxiety and fatigue. Lemme check. • (The doctor checks the patient thoroughly.) • Doctor: It’s quite clear that the infection in your sinus is the reason for your headache. I’ll prescribe an antibiotic to clear the infection and a pain reliever to relieve the pain. • Patient: Thank you, doctor.
  • 72. Listen to and analyze the dialogue ealth23.htm
  • 73. Watch the videos again and analyze effectiveness of the patient questioning techniques applied by the doctor in each case;
  • 75. Preparation for the pair/group presentation Objective: To check the students’ understanding of the doctor- patient communication process with the focus on rapport building aspects such as: environment, distance/space between the patient and the doctor, level of confidentiality, position of the doctor, voice- speed and tone, other non-verbal signs, proper time, proper types and number of questions, demonstration of effective listening (provide prof);
  • 76. Format 7-10 minute Power point presentation including: General statements on the topic (theory) Analysis of the video Partners have to prove their equal contribution
  • 77. Rubrics Original 1. Knowledge around the topic – 1 point; 2. Review of the available modern material related to the topic -1point; 3. Relevance to the topic of the presentation-1point; 4. Clear, understandable ideas-1 point; 5. Application of the related vocabulary and style-1 point; 6. Correct organization of the structure of the presentation-1point; 7. Visual and technical side of the material-1 points; 8. Culture of arguing and listening -1 point; 9. Correct and balanced application of body language-1 point; 10. Ability to respond to the questions around the task-1 point; Total-10 points
  • 78. Adjusted to online classes 1. Knowledge around the topic – 2 points; 2. Review of the available modern material related to the topic -2 points; (references necessary) 3. Relevance to the topic of the presentation-2 point; 4. Clear, understandable ideas-1 point; 5. Correct organization of the structure of the presentation-1 point; 6. Visual and technical side of the material-1 points; 7. Ability to respond to the questions around the task-1 point; Total 10 points
  • 79.