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Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science
ISSN 3453-9875
It was established in November 2016 with support from the Norwegian Academy of Science.
The Scientific journal “Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science” is issued 24 times a year
and is a scientific publication on topical problems of science.
Editor in chief – Karin Kristiansen (University of Oslo, Norway)
The assistant of theeditor in chief – Olof Hansen
• James Smith (University of Birmingham, UK)
• Kristian Nilsen (University Centre in Svalbard, Norway)
• Arne Jensen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
• Sander Svein (University of Tromsø, Norway)
• Lena Meyer (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
• Hans Rasmussen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
• Chantal Girard (ESC Rennes School of Business, France)
• Ann Claes (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
• Ingrid Karlsen (University of Oslo, Norway)
• Terje Gruterson (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway)
• Sander Langfjord (University Hospital, Norway)
• Fredrik Mardosas (Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway)
• Emil Berger (Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Norway)
• Sofie Olsen (BioFokus, Norway)
• Rolf Ulrich Becker (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
• Lutz Jäncke (University of Zürich, Switzerland)
• Elizabeth Davies (University of Glasgow, UK)
• Chan Jiang(Peking University, China) and other independent experts
1000 copies
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science
Iduns gate 4A, 0178, Oslo, Norway
Prokopchuk V., Matusiak M.
UNIVERSITY .................................................................3
Nykytiyk P.
LIVESTOCK FARM ACTIVITIES ......................................9
Nikityuk Yu., Teslyuk A.
Ostapets T.
Moroz V., Vorobyova O.
POLISSYA ...................................................................18
Shologonova S.
REPUBLIC OF SAKHA (YAKUTIA) ................................21
Al Mukayed S., Ishchenko O.
PERIOD 2015-2019....................................................24
Panasovskyi M., Arcatov A.
FORM OF AZOOSPERMIA..........................................26
Zelter P., Kolsanov A.,
Chaplygin S., Ponyatov A., Pervushkin S.
CAUSED BY COVID-19................................................30
Syniachenko O., Aliieva T., Fedorov D.,
Iermolaieva M., Liventsova K., Verzilov S.
WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS ................................36
Ivanov L., Tanaeva T., Chernyshova T.
CHRONIC PANCREATITIS............................................40
Fasakhov R., Gaizatullin R.
JOINTS .......................................................................50
Fasakhov R., Gaizatullin R.
THE FOOT. CLINICAL EXAMPLE..................................52
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 3
УДК: 378.141:635.01
Prokopchuk V.,
PhD of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Forestry, Landscape Gardening,
Horticulture and Viticulture of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Matusiak M.
PhD of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Forestry, Landscape Gardening,
Horticulture and Viticulture of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2020-51-2-3-9
An analysis and project proposals for landscaping of the park zone of VNAU were made. On the basis of the
conducted inspections project works on formation of system of gardening of the given territory (territory of a
temple) in the following sequence are offered: a stage of preparation, a stage of project search, a stage of an
estimation, a stage of detailed designing. The result of the analysis of the initial situation is the selected material
for landscaping. Taking into account the exploratory design for the organization of the structural element of the
landscaping system, the functional use of this area as a recreational area with the specification of greenery, typical
of the given conditions, was determined.
At the evaluation stage, a comparative analysis of project options was conducted and the best option was
selected and approved. An analysis of the potential of the adopted option was carried out in order to ensure the
planning continuity and completeness of the assigned functions. The Realtime Landscaping Architect 2013 design
program was used to compile a detailed master plan with dendroplan elements. shrubs, which adds aesthetic appeal
to the site.
Keywords: project, park zone, landscape design, demonstration site, compositions, taxonomic composition,
decorative properties, dendroplan.
Problem statement. Landscaping is one of the ur-
gent problems of modern construction and design,
which includes a number of measures to improve the
sanitary and hygienic conditions of housing, equipping
them with the necessary equipment, improving the ur-
ban environment through landscaping, as well as sani-
tation. With its help the favorable living environment
with providing comfortable conditions for all types of
activity of the population is created. Landscaping of the
site, landscaping and landscaping are becoming in-
creasingly important [2].
In modern conditions, landscaping of cities and
towns play the role of the most important means of reg-
ulation, protection and optimization of the human envi-
ronment and the biosphere as a whole. In order to pro-
tect the human body, a system of sanitary and hygienic
norms and requirements for sources of pollution is be-
ing put into practice. A significant place in these activ-
ities belongs to the development of green building, the
creation of different types of parks and green areas for
various institutions, including educational [3].
Green plantations of cities and towns are the great-
est wealth, which combines artistic and aesthetic quali-
ties with sanitary and social functions. Plantations are
the most important factor in the human living environ-
ment, work, leisure and culture. They are designed to
protect human health, increase their employment, edu-
cate and meet cultural needs in communication with na-
ture [5].
The purpose of our research was to create a land-
scape project of the park zone of Vinnytsia National
Agrarian University. The project envisages improving
the appearance of the area near the university church
due to new plantings of ornamental plants. The project
plans to use new technologies for landscaping, provid-
ing optimal conditions for growth and development of
planting material.
The task of the project regarding the landscaping
of the VNAU territory is to improve its aesthetic appeal
with a clear division by functional zones.
On the basis of the conducted inspections it is of-
fered to carry out design works on formation of system
of gardening of the given territory with use of the bro-
ken territories in its structure in the following sequence:
a stage of preparation, a stage of project search, an as-
sessment stage, a stage of detailed designing [4].
The input information for the analysis of the exist-
ing situation regarding the design object is the design
task, reference plan, regulatory data, recommendations,
design conditions. The result of the analysis of the ini-
tial situation is the selected material for landscaping.
Materials and methods of the research. The
main research methods were: analysis, comparison,
forecasting, modeling and graphic design. The source
information was a preliminary sketch, data from pre-
liminary calculations, proposals that meet the require-
ments of rational functional zoning of the city in terms
of protection from pollution, noise and dust.
At the final stage of the project process, search de-
sign was performed to organize the structural element
of the landscaping system in the disturbed area, indicat-
ing the chosen direction of functional use of recrea-
tional or general health purposes with specification of
greenery typical of the conditions.
4 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020
At the evaluation stage, a comparative analysis of
project options was conducted and the best option was
selected and approved. An analysis of the potential of
the adopted option was also carried out in order to en-
sure the planning continuity and completeness of the
assigned functions [4].
The Realtime Landscaping Architect 2013 design
program was used to compile a detailed master plan
with dendroplan elements. The assortment composition
of plants presented in this program allows to reproduce
the idea of the created project as realistically and qual-
itatively as possible. The ability to visit the projected
area in real time allows the customer to check all the
nuances and creates the effect of presence. Realtime
Landscaping Architect 2013 is designed to develop a
variety of landscape design projects and offers ample
opportunities for specialized planning [1].
Results of the research. The area in front of
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University is a public ob-
ject. The square is located in front of the school and
serves as the main entrance to the building and is
formed as a regular style object.
A significant area is occupied by the lawn, which
is currently in satisfactory condition. Decorative com-
positions of evergreen plants are placed on separate
sections of the lawn. The compositions are evenly
spaced. Currently, the square performs several utilitar-
ian functions, the main of which is the main entrance to
the school building, through which a large number of
students pass daily.
Road dust does not get in large quantities to the
areas in front of VNAU due to the planting of trees on
the north side. This has a positive effect on the growth
and development of plants in the area. On the north side
of the central building, in area, there is a road that sep-
arates the territory of VNAU from the temple area.
The object to be landscaped is represented by a
rectangular area covered with an abandoned garden
lawn. The construction of the temple on the area of 0.05
hectares is carried out on the site.
In this area, the existing plantation has lost its aes-
thetic appearance over the years and is subject to recon-
struction. There is no bush layer at all.
The natural vegetation of this area is not pre-
served. At present, the state of landscaping and land-
scaping of the study area of Vinnytsia National Agrar-
ian University requires certain measures to improve the
aesthetic appearance and ensure the proper level of
At formation of plantings it is offered to apply two
types of landings:
1. Ordinary planting, performed on both sides of
the tracks, which divides the landscaping area into
functional zones;
2. Group planting in the amount of 3,5 trees and
shrubs, which add aesthetic appeal to the site.
Ordinary landing performs a utilitarian function,
protects from noise, dust and absorbs harmful sub-
stances from the air. Trees with a pyramidal crown are
planted in ordinary planting (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Ordinary landing along the alley
Group planting is used in the accents of the sites,
in places of local landscaping. Combined plants that
have seasonal and permanent crown color.
Single trees are used only with decorative crowns,
unusual color of leaves and abundant flowering.
The selection of the range of woody, shrubby and
herbaceous plants is made taking into account their bi-
oecological characteristics. Along the main alley it is
proposed to plant a hedge imitating a small labyrinth in
the middle of which the accents are evergreen cypress
with a pyramidal shape of the crown.
According to the project of landscaping and im-
provement of the object, the plot is divided into a visit-
ing area and a walking area. To the right of the main
alley there is a cozy walking area in the form of a circle
surrounded by a hedge, which will allow visitors to en-
joy the decorativeness of the main composition without
distracting their attention from other elements of land-
scaping. On the left - a quiet recreation area is created,
the feature of which is a decorative fountain, the jets of
which create unforgettable impressions and comple-
ment the visual perception with the feeling of the
sounds of nature (Fig. 2).
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 5
Fig. 2. The use of evergreen plants in the projected area
Against the background of the lawn formed group
plantings, to increase the expressiveness of the compo-
sition used only highly ornamental species and varieties
of woody and shrubby vegetation. Virgin magnolia will
add charm and mystery to the object of landscaping in
the spring, and boxwood evergreen and juniper hori-
zontal will not lose its aesthetic appearance in the win-
Both single and group plantings of evergreen
plants were used throughout the territory to preserve the
continuity of landscaping. About ten groups with dif-
ferent breed composition have been created, among
them there are high-altitude and planar compositions,
thanks to the topiary haircut the hedge emphasizes the
decorativeness of some groups (Fig. 3).
Assortment list of species used in landscaping,
formed from eighteen species of trees and shrubs.
Among them are Japanese maple, hanging birch,
Lavalier hawthorn, and common oak form solitary
plantings. A complete list of plants used in the design
is presented in Table 1.
Fig. 3. Example of using a molding hedge
It is thanks to the plants, successful zoning of the
territory and using all the advantages of the terrain, it
was possible to hide the shortcomings of the territory.
Figures 4 and 5 show the design solutions in the form
of a master plan with elements of the dendroplan and
detailing the main compositional solutions.
6 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020
Table 1
Assortment of trees and shrubs
Назва виду Кількість
Acer japonicum 1
Berberis thunbergii 37
Bеtula pеndula 1
Buxus sempervirens 10
Crataegus Lavallei 1
Cupressus sempervirens 2
Hydrangea arborescens 22
Hydrangea macrophylla 7
Juniperus chinensis 4
Juniperus communis 8
Juniperus horizontalis 25
Magnolia virginiana 3
Picea pungens 2
Quercus robur 1
Rhododendron 4
Spiraea japonica 4
Taxus baccata 5
Thuja occidentalis 8
18 145
According to the assortment information, which is
compiled in accordance with the dendroplan of the
demonstration area of the park zone of VNAU, the most
common shrub plants are Thunberg's barberry, tree hy-
drangea and horizontal juniper. The woody vegetation
is mostly represented by the magnolia of Vergin. This
species composition is justified by the decorative qual-
ities of the presented plants and the compliance of their
growing conditions to the area.
Fig. 4. Master plan with dendroplan elements and object detailing
The general plan with elements of the dendroplane reflects all the structural elements of the projected area.
These include a road network, small architectural forms, existing buildings, shrubs and lawns.
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 7
Fig. 5. Visualization of the dendroplan of the demonstration area in the park zone of VNAU
Table 2 shows the need for lawn grass seeds to create a normal garden lawn on the territory of the object
Table 2
The need for lawn grass seeds
The composition of the herbal
The content of the species in the
mixture, %
The need for
seeds, kg
Poa pratensis 60 40 0,03 0,72
Lolium pratensis 40 120 0,03 1,44
Total 100 2,16
The calculation of the estimated cost of con-
struction of a garden and park facility and works on
its care is carried out and systematized in tables 3-6.
The calculation of the balance of the territory
- total area of the landscaping object;
- area, which is allocated for small architectural
- the area of plots that are designed for greenery;
- area for lawn arrangement;
- the area of paths and platforms of different
To create the designed garden lawn, we use data
on the balance of the territory of the object and the
required number of seeds for its creation. The data
obtained are shown in Table 3. The area of the lawn
depends on the area of landscaping minus the area
occupied by trees and shrubs.
Table 3
Calculation of the cost of lawn grasses
№ in or-
The composition of the
herbal mixture
Lawn area,
per unit,
1 Poa pratensis 0,03 kg 0,72 170,0 122,4
2 Lolium pratensis 0,03 kg 1,44 135,0 194,4
Total: 316,8
8 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020
Table 4
Calculation of the cost of trees and shrubs used in landscaping
№ in order Name of planting material Unit Quantity
per unit, hrn. total, hrn.
1 Acer japonicum piece 1 4200,0 4200,0
2 Berberis thunbergii piece 37 140,0 5180,0
3 Bеtula pеndula piece 1 260,0 260,0
4 Buxus sempervirens piece 10 70,0 700,0
5 Crataegus Lavallei piece 1 3299,0 3299,0
6 Cupressus sempervirens piece 2 339,0 678,0
7 Hydrangea arborescens piece 22 140,0 3080,0
8 Hydrangea macrophylla piece 7 190,0 1330,0
9 Juniperus chinensis piece 4 445,0 1780,0
10 Juniperus communis piece 8 299,0 2392,0
11 Juniperus horizontalis piece 25 325,0 8125,0
12 Magnolia virginiana piece 3 760,0 2280,0
13 Picea pungens piece 2 550,0 1100,0
14 Quercus robur piece 1 2500,0 2500,0
15 Rhododendron piece 4 350,0 1400,0
16 Spiraea japonica piece 4 115,0 460,0
17 Taxus baccata piece 5 315,0 1575,0
18 Thuja occidentalis piece 8 160,0 1280,0
Total: 145 41619,0
In order to reduce the cost of transportation of
planting material were selected outlets located within a
radius of 20 km from the object under study. The cal-
culation of the cost of planting material was carried out
according to the dendroplan (Table 4).
The purchase of construction materials necessary
for the improvement of the demonstration area of the
park zone of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
must be carried out immediately before the start of
work. Since the cost of building materials is a variable
unit, the calculation is relevant only for 2020 and the
total cost may change depending on the level of market
prices. The estimated cost of building materials and
small architectural forms are presented in tables 5,6.
Table 5
Calculation of the cost of small architectural forms
№ in order The name of the architectural form Unit
for 1 piece, hrn. всього, hrn.
1 Urns piece 9 300,0 2700,0
2 Benches piece 5 1500,0 7500,0
3 Garden lanterns piece 15 600,0 9000,0
Total: 19200,0
On the territory of the landscaping object, in ad-
dition to the existing asphalt roads, we design the
creation of paths from paving slabs.
Table 6
Calculation of the cost of materials for road construction according to the project
Tiled floor Unit Project area
per unit, грн. total, грн.
paving slabs м2
85 125,0 10625,0
sand т 13,2 160,0 2112,0
screening т 3,8 60,0 228,0
cement т 0,9 1250,0 1125,0
crushed stone т 17,8 180,0 3204,0
Тotal 17294,0
Along with the accrual of the salary fund, business
entities are also obliged to accrue and make contribu-
tions to the pension and social insurance funds.
Due to the seasonal nature of work in green build-
ing, it is advisable to plan the required number of work-
ers on a monthly basis. It should be noted that the same
workers after the end of one job can be used for other
jobs, the execution time of which does not coincide
with the previous ones.
During the calculations and economic substantia-
tion of design decisions, the average cost at the pro-
posed prices of outlets relevant in Vinnytsia region was
used. The total estimate of the proposed landscaping
and improvement of the demonstration area of the park
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 9
zone of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, at
2020 prices, is 85б5 thousand uan.
1. The location of the study area is favorable for
the growth and development of greenery and visitors,
as the area is remote from industrial structures, it is
characterized by a low level of traffic and, accordingly,
a low level of gassiness and dust in the air..
2. The project envisages the appropriate use of
the territory in accordance with the requirements of
functional zoning. According to the project of land-
scaping and improvement of the object, the plot is di-
vided into a visiting area and a walking area.
3. The species composition of the species used
during landscaping includes eighteen species of shrubs.
The selection was carried out taking into account the
biological and ecological characteristics of each spe-
cies, taking into account the soil and climatic condi-
tions of the area and provides an aesthetic appearance
and continuity of the compositions throughout the year.
4. During the project implementation it is neces-
sary to adhere to the basic technological and agrotech-
nical methods, as well as to pay special attention to
compliance with the recommendations for planting
plant material.
1. Kokhno N. A., Kurdiuk A. M. (1994). Te-
oretycheskye osnovy y opyt yntroduktsyy drevesnykh
rastenyi v Ukrayne [Theoretical foundations and expe-
rience of the introduction of woody plants in Ukraine].
K.: Naukova dumka, 186 s. [in Russian].
2. Lapyn P. Y., Sydneva S. V. (1973). Otsenka
perspektyvnosty yntroduktsyy drevesnykh rastenyi po
dannym vyzualnykh nabliudenyi [Evaluation of the
prospects for the introduction of woody plants accord-
ing to visual observations]. M.: Yzd. Hl. bot. sada AN
SSSR, S. 7-67. [in Russian].
3.Kalinichenko O. A. (2003) Dekorativna den-
drologiya: navchalniy posibnik [Decorative dendrol-
ogy: a textbook]. K.: Vischa shkola. 199 s. [in Ukrain-
4. Monarkh V., Prokopchuk V., Matusiak M.
Analisis and evaluation of plants of genus Syringa L. in
Podilia. Scientitic Light. Vol 1, N 36 (2020), S. 3-10.
5. Matusiak M., Prokopchuk V. Study of the spe-
cific features of development of less-common tree-
shrub plantations created in conditions of the dendro-
logical park of local significance «Ladyzhyn grove».
Norwegian Journal of development of the International
Science. 2020. Vol. 1, P. 5-11
6. Prokopchuk V. M., Matusiak M. V., Pank-
ratiev Yu. O., Yelisavenko Yu. A. Osoblyvosti intro-
duktsii maloposhyrenykh dekoratyvnykh vydiv v umo-
vakh dendroparku «Ladyzhynskyi hai». Zbirnyk nau-
kovykh prats VNAU. Silske hospodarstvo ta
lisivnytstvo. 2020. №16. S. 176-193
UDC 58.073:58.04:574.21
Nykytiyk P.
Polissya National University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Zhytomyr
DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2020-51-2-9-12
The article raises the issues of assessing the environmental nature environments under the influence of live-
stock farm activities.
Keywords: the environmental nature, farm activities.
In connection with the deep transformation of the
natural environment that is under the influence of an-
thropogenic impact, reaching global level, escalate and
become urgent problems of preserving the ecosystem
and biosphere as a whole.
According to the European Charter on environ-
ment and health everyone has the right to an environ-
ment that would facilitate the highest level of health.
Regulation of relations in the field of protection,
use and reproduction of natural resources, ensuring
ecological safety, prevention and liquidation of nega-
tive impact of economic and other activities on the nat-
ural environment, conservation of natural resources,
genetic Fund of wildlife, landscapes and other natural
complexes is the main goal of the laws of Ukraine "On
environmental protection", "On protection of atmos-
pheric air" and "On ensuring sanitary and epidemic
wellbeing of the population".
The study of the level of influence of economic
activities of modern livestock farms of Ukraine of dif-
ferent areas of production on the environment: soil,
groundwater and surface waters, the air space is im-
portant for timely implementation of the necessary
measures to improve the ecological state as a whole and
facilitate the production of quality livestock products.
The growth rate of the sector for the production of
livestock products of livestock in the world is the high-
est among other branches of agriculture. Livestock in
global agricultural production is 40 %.
Environmental problems of livestock production
must be viewed from multiple sides associated with an
10 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020
existing negative impact of livestock on the environ-
ment and the production of environmentally friendly
products to meet the needs of the population.
Under modern conditions of development of man-
kind the environmental quality of livestock products
becomes an important prerequisite for ensuring eco-
nomic and ecological security of the state.
The livestock industries that are rapidly evolving
and large-scale in our country in recent years, and
therefore become pollutants of the environment are
poultry and pig production.
In modern conditions of poultry in Ukraine is one
of the major producers of important protein products
that differ in biological usefulness to the human body
and affordability for most consumers.
Poultry industry offered the quick and effective
way to increase resources, environmentally-safe high-
grade food protein, so it should use economic priority
in the process of accelerated development of the
branches of cattle breeding in the conditions of insuffi-
cient provision of the population with meat and meat
Increase the volume of production of eggs and
poultry meat leads to intensification of production, on
the one hand, and on the other to the growth of the pop-
ulation, which in turn lead to the accumulation of waste
Poultry is one of the developed branches of agri-
culture, which is characterized as intensive develop-
ment of relatively small, private facilities with poultry,
and by the development of heavy duty industries for
keeping and feeding birds. The use of modern technol-
ogy reduces the impact on the environment, but does
not exclude it. The study of the negative impact of poul-
try farms on the environment requires attention and fur-
ther research.
The problem of reliable environmental protection
from pollution, bird droppings, sewage and non-food
waste from poultry farms is an important problem for
all regions of Ukraine. The negative trend that is emerg-
ing in this livestock industry leads to unpredictable con-
sequences, destruction of fauna and flora adjacent to
poultry farms of the territories of the spreading of in-
fectious and invasive diseases in humans, animals and
According to the world health organization (who)
manure, litter and wastewater livestock enterprises,
which are the main raw materials for the production of
organic fertilizers may be the source of more than 100
infectious and parasitic diseases, in particular zoonoses.
Yourself organic waste can serve as a favorable envi-
ronment for the development and survival of patho-
genic organisms, contain elevated levels of heavy met-
als, pesticides, medicines, radioactive substances and
other toxicants.
Today the main characteristic of intensive animal
husbandry is the maintenance of a large number of an-
imals in a small area. To obtain at minimum cost the
maximum amount of products some owners save space,
power, make cheaper the process, are not taking into
account the natural needs of the animals, and most im-
portantly – the ecological situation, which leads to irre-
versible changes in the biosphere.
Recently the need arose to search for alternative
methods of determining the level of environmental haz-
ard of anthropogenic loaded territories. Such territories
include the zone of location of livestock, including
large poultry farms bordering natural ecosystems. Im-
portant is the implementation of environmental assess-
ment state of the environment with the aim of predic-
tion and prevention of undesirable consequences of do-
ing poultry. Among the wide Arsenal of analytical,
chemical, microbiological methods the relevance of a
biological indication, i.e. assessment of the environ-
ment by the reaction of living organisms.
Indicators of the biodiversity of insects and bioin-
dication with plants could serve as additional criteria of
effectiveness study of the effect of production of poul-
try products on the environment.
The relevance of the study Barselona with insects
due to their large number and value in ecosystems, sen-
sitivity to changes in the biocenotic modes.
Especially significant air pollution, where there
are poultry occurs through the emission of exhaust air
from industrial premises: poultry houses, slaughter-
houses, incubators, sanitary-veterinary points. Moreo-
ver, the largest volumes of air with high content of
harmful substances come from areas where the bird.
The lack of non-waste technology of production leads
to the removal of arable land for the storage and pro-
cessing of poultry manure and litter for poultry. Studies
of the negative impact of poultry farms on the condition
of the air environment is an important problem that re-
quires a comprehensive environmental approach to its
Pig breeding is the second important livestock in-
dustry of Ukraine, and its products account for one third
of total meat production in the state. According to ana-
lytical Department of Association "the Pig producers of
Ukraine" in January – November 2019 in Ukraine pro-
duced nearly 231 thousand tons fresh, chilled and fro-
zen pork, which is 4.1% more than in the same period
of 2015.
In the modern scientific literature much attention
is paid to the breeding and keeping of pigs, their feed-
ing, and the like. However, the subject of environmen-
tal impact assessment of pork production in the condi-
tions of intensive technology of farms in various capac-
ities on the state of the environment in the areas of
location of enterprises according to environmental cri-
teria, illuminated enough.
Among domestic scientists involved in this topic,
the following should be noted scientists. In Particular,
O. M. and O. V. Jukonski Nikiforuk evaluated the in-
fluence of activity of the enterprises for the production
of pork for the state of the environment depending on
their economic and technological features. In his work
I. V. Mosberg described the impact of livestock facili-
ties, including pig-breeding, on the ecological state of
aquatic ecosystems and coastal areas of Western Cri-
mea. Studies to determine the level of negative impact
of production activities of pig farms in various capaci-
ties on the state of atmospheric air through the analysis
of the results of sanitary-epidemiological examination
conducted by scientists of the Institute of hygiene and
medical ecology named after A. M. Marzeev Academy
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 11
of medical Sciences of Ukraine. Environmental moni-
toring of water quality of centralized water supply
sources in the zone of influence of the complex on pro-
duction of pork was conducted by scientists of Uman
national University of horticulture.
However, the experiments do not reveal the im-
pact of pig farms with the same technology of waste
management with homogeneous natural conditions on
the ecological state of atmospheric air, soil, surface wa-
ters, depending on their power. Therefore, our study
was aimed at studying precisely this issue.
The necessity of studying these problems and de-
termined the relevance of our dissertation research.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results. For
the first time in Ukraine implemented the system of in-
tegrated environmental assessment state of environ-
ment for bioindicative indicators in the area of poultry
at different levels of organization of ecosystems (steril-
ity of pollen, the percentage of Mature seed rudiments,
change in morphometric indices among the conifers,
species diversity of insect communities).
The novelty of this work is of both fundamental
and applied nature. The fundamental contribution of the
work lies in the assessment of pairwise interdepend-
ence of the information rates of the species and the tax-
onomic structure of insect communities and their re-
sponse to the impact of the poultry industry. The ap-
plied aspect is the outcome of multi-level monitoring of
technogenic transformed territories in the areas of loca-
tion of enterprises for production of poultry products.
For the first time in Ukraine implemented a com-
prehensive system of environmental assessment of the
environment within the location of pig farms in various
capacities on the physico-chemical, microbiological,
bioindicative indicators.
It is established that the increase in the production
capacity of the farms reinforces their negative toxic ef-
fects on the ecological state of the environment: we in-
vestigated the pollution of air, soil, surface waters
greatly exceed the maximum permissible concentration
(MPC). For the first time in Ukraine the peculiarities of
the influence of the pig farms on indicators of season-
Experimentally proved that the existing dimen-
sions of sanitary protection zones (SPZ) households av-
erage power do not provide the necessary protection of
the environment and the population from the impact of
cattle-breeding complexes.
Developed methodological recommendations
"Ecological assessment of soils by the impact of the ac-
tivities of the pig farms of different capacity," "Ecolog-
ical assessment of the impact of farms on the environ-
ment" monograph "Environmental assessment of air
quality in the area of poultry".
Practical significance of the obtained results. The
received information data and statistically significant
results of the carried out scientific-practical researches
is a scientific and practical base for environmental
monitoring of the impact of livestock farms.
The obtained results point to the need to regulate
the increase in size of sanitary protection zones of live-
stock farms and to improve technologies of waste stor-
age and disposal.
Proposed a systematic set of methods of ecologi-
cal monitoring of the environment set out in the meth-
odological recommendations and monographs recom-
mended for the evaluation of the ecological state of the
territory of activities of livestock farmers.
Recommended in the practice of ecological moni-
toring of the environment in the zone of influence of
poultry farms use integrated bioindication studies that
objectively characterize the condition of the natural en-
In the thesis proposed bioindication methods,
analysis of species and taxonomic characteristics of in-
sects for estimation of ecological state of atmospheric
air sanitary protection zone of poultry farms.
It is recommended to apply in integrated assess-
ment technology, environmental studies, indices of tax-
onomic diversity and complexity of the groups of in-
sects that can detect ecosystem with the critical values
of these indicators, which indicates a high level of vio-
By results of the conducted comprehensive re-
search of the ecological state of the environment re-
vealed significant pollution of air, soil and open water
bodies in the zone of influence of cattle-breeding farms
of toxic substances and microorganisms. On the basis
of research results, their statistical and analytical gen-
eralizations the following conclusions:
Retrospective analysis revealed the high potential
of Ukraine for the development of pig breeding. Now
the pork production is growing thanks to the develop-
ment of livestock breeding, intensification, industriali-
zation, introduction of new and improvement of old
technologies. Found that pig farming is a source of var-
ious harmful substances, which include ammonia, hy-
drogen sulfide, chlorides, sulfates, volatile organic
compounds, etc., as well as pathogenic microorganisms
(Escherichia coli, Salmonella, enterococci, cholera
Vibrio, causative agents of influenza, measles and the
like), which significantly pollute surrounding areas.
Air pollution with ammonia, hydrogen sulfide,
volatile organic compounds, specific smells within the
SPZ farms for the production of pork and poultry in 2-
4 times higher than MPC or guideline value. Pollution
of rivers with organic matter and E. coli in 5-6 times
exceed the hygienic requirements to water quality of
public service consumption. Along with the ecological
condition of the soil in these areas is assessed as
"slightly polluted" the larvae and pupae of flies with E.
The degree of pollution of atmospheric air and soil
with harmful substances (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide,
volatile organic compounds, chlorides, sulfates, etc)
and microorganisms (Escherichia coli, streptomycetes,
saprophytes, etc.) increases along with increase in the
capacity of livestock farms.
The current size of the SPZ of the studied pig
farms do not provide the necessary protection of the
population and environment from their harmful effects,
as evidenced by a significant excess of MPC or recom-
mended values of a number of indicators outside of
these zones. This requires a revision of the SPZ dimen-
sions of farms and the improvement of technologies for
handling waste disposal.
12 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020
Revealed the seasonal dynamics of environmental
pollution with harmful substances and microorganisms
in areas of livestock farms. Significant deterioration of
the ecological state of the environment observed in the
warm period of the year when most indices of the eco-
logical state of the environment exceed the winter val-
ues by 1.5–3 times. This is due to the intensification of
this season of redox reactions in the waste that is ac-
companied by intense release of harmful substances,
enhanced multiplication of microorganisms (including
pathogens) and their rapid spread in the environment.
It is proved that for the environmental assessment
and monitoring the impact of poultry and pig farms in
the state of the environment in the early stages of con-
tamination are highly effective bioindication methods.
The best of these is the ecological assessment of the en-
vironment for root growth of onions, the presence of
plant indicators of low agrochemical assessment of soil
quality and the proportion of dead Daphnia.
Farms for the production of chicken and pork re-
quire the improvement of existing and introduction of
new technologies in the construction of appropriate
treatment facilities for wastewater and processing the
solid fraction of manure that will ensure proper clean-
ing of the waste before their release to the environment.
The results of the determination of environmental
indexes SPZ poultry plants show their negaive impact
on biological diversity and richness of insect groups. In
particular, the index value of species richness of Mar-
galef 25% less in the territory of the SPZ of farms in
comparison with the control plot, and the value of spe-
cies diversity of Shannon by 12%. A further reduction
of species diversity can lead to rapid degradation of
ecosystems adjacent to the area of the poultry farms.
Assessing taxonomic diversity, complexity,
groups of insects and their competitive structure in the
area of Ptitsefabrika proven inverse relationship be-
tween the percentage eudomania and subrecipients, as
well as the predominance of recedents percent over the
percentage of dominants.
It is established that the percentage of Mature
seeds of the common locust Robinia pseudoacacia L. in
the sanitary protection zone of the poultry farm is
46.6%, compared to the control plot (75.6 per cent), in-
dicating significant pollution of atmospheric air on the
territory of the SPZ of the production activities of en-
Investigated the potential mutagenicity of atmos-
pheric air with the use of plants-bioindicators of Hyper-
icum perforatum L., yarrow Achillea steppe stepposa
Klok., celandine Chelidonium majus L., the sour cherry
Cerasus vulgaris Mill. The results of cytogenetic bioas-
say set to "medium risk" category the ecological safety
of the sanitary protection zone of the poultry farm
(WPU = 0,35) and the "safe" category of ecological
safety of the territory at a distance of 800 m from the
enterprise (OPU = 0,05) .
It is established that the level of toxicity of the air
category of environmental safety sanitary protection
zone of the poultry farm belongs to the class of "dan-
gerous" with a high level usagenote and critical as bio-
The state of the environment, for complex mor-
phological traits (needles, shoots, buds) for Scots pine
Pinus sylvestris L. in the area of production activities
of poultry enterprises. Found that the length of the nee-
dles of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. is reduced with
the approach to the sanitary protection zone of the poul-
try farm due to increasing air pollution by toxicants. It
is proved that the use of coniferous woody plants is in-
formative when conducting bioindication of polluted
territories in the area of production activities of house-
holds for livestock production.
Because poultry is characterized by a significant
air pollution in connection with storage of large quan-
tities of solid wastes (chicken manure) on their terri-
tory, and for pig farms – storage of waste in liquid form,
which contributes largely to the seepage of toxic sub-
stances into the soil and underground and surface wa-
ter, therefore, ecological environment monitoring in a
zone of activity of such enterprises mandatory to de-
velop measures to reduce their negative impact on the
1. Arave C.W. Effect of Poultry Waste Feeding
on Intake Body Weight and Milk Yield of Holstein
Cows / C.W. Arave, D.C. Dobson, M.J. Arambel, D.
Purcell, J.L. Walters // Journal of Dairy Science. 1990.
Vol. 73. № 1. P. 129– 134.
2. Avula R.Y. Recycling of poultry process
wastewater by ultrafiltration / R.Y. Avula, H.M. Nel-
son, R.K. Singh //Innovative Food Science & Emerging
Technologies. 2009. Vol. 10. № 1. P. 1– 8.
3. Burnett W.E. Microbiological and chemical
changes in poultry manure associated with decomposi-
tion and odour generation / W.E. Burnett, N.C. Don-
dero // Animal Waste Management: Proceedings of
Cornell University Conference of Agriculture Waste
Management. 1969. P. 271–274.
4. Buttle C.S. A discomfort survey in a poultry–
processing plant / C. Stuart– Buttle // Applied Ergo-
nomics. 1994 Vol. 25. P. 47–52.
5. Chávez C. Poultry slaughter wastewater treat-
ment with an up– flow anaerobic sludge blanket
(UASB) reactor / C. Chávez, R. Castillo L., L. Den-
dooven, E.M. Escamilla– Silva // Bioresource Technol-
ogy. 2005. Vol. 96. № 15. P. 1730– 1736.
6. Colanbeen M. Invloed van strooisel en NH3 op
de produktieresultaten bijslachtpluimvee: litera-
tuuroverzicht / M. Colanbeen, G. Neukermans //Rev.
Agr. 1990. Vol. 43. № 2. P. 227–240.
7. Dávalos J.Z. Evaluation of poultry litter as a
feasible fuel / J.Z. Dávalos, M.V. Roux, P. Jiménez //
Thermochimica Acta. 2002. Vol. 394. № 1– 2. P. 261–
8. Henderson S.R.. Managing land– use conflict
around urban centres: Australian poultry farmer atti-
tudes towards relocation / S.R. Henderson // Applied
Geography. 2005. Vol. 25. № 2. P. 97– 119.
9. Romaniuk W. Metody obrobki pomiotu kur-
zego / W. Romaniuk, A. Glaszczka, W. Wardal //
Przegl.Techn.roln.lesn. 2001. № 10. P. 6–9.
10. Ruff M.D. Important parasites in poultry pro-
duction systems / M.D. Ruff// Veterinary Parasitology.
1999. Vol. 84. №s 3– 4. P. 337– 347.
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Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 13
UDC 633.113.1
Nikityuk Yu.,
Teslyuk A.
Polissya National University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine
DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2020-51-2-13-14
The article raises questions of the assessment of the influence of organic fertilizers on the yield of grain crops
in the conditions of zhytomyr polissya.
Keywords: influence of organic fertilizers, yield of grain crops.
Among the factors of man-caused load on the bio-
sphere a special place is occupied by radiation pollution
of the northern regions of Zhytomyr Polissya and
chemicalization of agriculture, because there is a viola-
tion of self-regulation in wildlife, weakening the pro-
tective functions of plants, animals and humans.
Relevant for the Polissya zone is the study of the
impact of the use of organic fertilizers on soil quality
and the entry of radionuclides into the crop. This is due
to the fact that as a result of the Chornobyl catastrophe,
a significant amount of radionuclides with a total activ-
ity of 300 MKi (11.1 × 1018 Bq) was released into the
environment. Of these, about 20% of emissions of 6.7
× 1017Bq was 131I, about 10% of cesium isotopes - 1.9
× 1010Bq 134Cs and 3.7 × 1016Bq - 1.9 × 1010Bq
137Cs, about 3% were rare earth elements.
In addition, unreasonable doses of mineral fertiliz-
ers, numerous treatments with chemical plant protec-
tion products, violations of the technology of their use
and intensive tillage have led to a number of negative
environmental consequences. The catastrophic state of
our lands requires urgent scientifically based measures
aimed at improving soil fertility and obtaining environ-
mentally friendly food.
One of the directions of greening of agriculture is
preservation of soil quality, reduction of radioactive
contamination, organization of biological control of all
agrotechnical measures, maintenance of a certain ho-
meostasis of soil microorganisms, including their com-
position and number.
The purpose of the study is to identify the impact
of organic fertilizers on soil quality and productivity of
agricultural lands in the cultivation of cereals under
conditions of radiation pollution and reduce the content
of radionuclides in agricultural products.
According to the purpose the following tasks will
be solved:
- to establish the effect of organic fertilizers on the
physical and agrochemical properties of the soil;
- assess the impact of organic fertilizers on grain
- to characterize the influence of organic fertiliz-
ers on radionuclide contamination of grain crops;
- to establish the features of migration processes
in the system "soil - plant-products" depending on the
amount of fertilizers.
When growing crops in 2019, the weather condi-
tions were different for the months, ie in the month of
active germination of the studied crops, the amount of
precipitation decreased by 18.2, 26.6 and 38 mm, re-
spectively, compared to the long-term average. And the
average daily temperature in this period, on the con-
trary, was higher than the average long-term. For ex-
ample, in April it increased by 1.40C, in May - by
3.50C, and in June - by 2.90C.
Thus, at the beginning and in the first half of the
growing season of agricultural crops, weather condi-
tions were unfavorable for plant growth and develop-
ment. In the second half of the growing season, the con-
ditions of growth and development of crops and ripen-
ing conditions corresponded to approximately optimal
in the region.
Studies have shown that the best indicators of soil
quality were observed in the variant with the introduc-
tion of organic fertilizers from chicken manure (not
The indicators did not differ significantly in the
variant with the application of organic fertilizers and
compost (70 and 30%, respectively). The indicators of
the control variant, where organic fertilizers were not
applied, differed significantly from the previous data.
Moisture reserves in sandy sod-core podzolic soil
changed significantly after harvest. This is especially
noticeable at the depth of the soil layer 0-50 cm. Soil
moisture decreased significantly.
Soil density, on the other hand, increased, which
contributed to the improvement of oat grain formation.
Moisture reserves in sandy sod-core podzolic soil
changed significantly after harvest. This was especially
evident at the depth of the soil layer 0-50 cm. Soil mois-
ture decreased significantly.
Measurement of the hardness of the arable layer at
its moisture content of 5% in 2018 showed a sharp in-
crease in this indicator with depth: from 11–17 kg / cm2
at a depth of 5 cm to 57–73 kg / cm2 at a depth of 20–
25 cm. layer of soil after growing corn, where during
the growing season inter-row tillage was carried out. In
2018, organic fertilizers did not reduce the hardness of
the soil under any of the crops.
Due to the fact that the hardness of the soil largely
depends on its moisture, the results obtained when
measuring soil moisture were 7-10% in 2019, which is
2 times lower than in 2018. At this humidity there was
no sharp increase in its hardness with depth. The anal-
ysis of the results obtained in 2018 did not reveal the
effect of organic fertilizers on reducing the hardness of
14 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020
the soil in the arable layer, except for its upper 10 cm
layer in crops on options II and III, where these indica-
tors decreased to 6.7-5.9 kg / cm relative to 9.5–8.2 kg
/ cm typical of other variants.
Also in 2019, at a soil moisture of 7–10%, the
hardness of its arable layer increased sharply with
depth, from 7–10 kg / cm2 in the upper 5 cm layer to
45–50 kg / cm2 at a depth of 25 cm. The lowest was the
hardness of the upper 10 cm layer in buckwheat crops,
4.7–11.4 kg / cm2, which may be due to the introduc-
tion of manure compost under this crop. It was also low
in lupine crops, which were sown after corn, under
which manure composts were also applied.
From the use of manure composts with organic
fertilizers for buckwheat in 2019, there was a tendency
to reduce the hardness of the upper 5 cm layer of soil,
but such a reduction was insignificant. In 2019, deter-
mination of soil hardness at the end of the growing sea-
son in drought conditions showed its sharp growth with
a depth of 10–12 kg / cm2 to 72–86 kg / cm2 at a depth
of 20 cm. In such conditions, its growth was observed
in corn crops at depth greater than 10 cm. However, ac-
cording to the average data for the entire research pe-
riod, there was a tendency to reduce the hardness of the
soil to the entire depth of the arable layer from the use
of organic fertilizers and manure compost. However,
the average data from all fields for other variants were
almost the same and can not indicate a change in the
hardness of the arable soil layer from the use of organic
fertilizers for 3 years, both when applied directly to the
soil and with manure compost.
Characteristically, every year, the density of the
upper soil layer gradually decreased in all variants of
the experiment, from 1.51–1.47 to 1.25–1.19. When
growing oats, winter rye and buckwheat in 2, 3 variants
of the experiment, the most pronounced tendency to de-
crease the soil density was observed with the use of or-
ganic fertilizers with manure compost.
Changes in agrochemical properties of soil under
the influence of manure composts and organic fertiliz-
ers. The obtained data of experimental researches tes-
tify not so much to the influence of organic fertilizers
on the change of moisture reserves in a meter layer of
sandy soil as to their dependence on the terrain. Such
soils contained low moisture reserves in 1 m layer be-
fore sowing crops, which depending on the terrain con-
ditions varied within 110.0–172 mm, and in the upper
30 cm layer within 37.4–53.6 mm in 2018. and respec-
tively in the range of 105.2–135.4 and 29.7–33.5 mm
in 2019. Also after sowing of agricultural crops, these
indicators were 91.0–144.2 and 19.5–26.2 mm.
The analysis of the results shows a tendency to in-
crease the humus content in the arable layer of sod-me-
dium podzolic sandy soil in different crop rotation
fields in the first year of joint use of organic fertilizers
and compost in lupine crops from 1.25 to 1.52%, oats
from 1.22 to 1, 41 and from 1.22 to 1.28%, buckwheat
from 1.16 to 1.29%.
From the application of organic fertilizers alone,
the tendency to increase the humus content in the arable
layer was less pronounced and was observed only in lu-
pine crops. Its content increased in these variants to
1.30–1.37% relative to 1.25% in the control.
In the variants with the use of organic fertilizers,
the pH of the arable layer and its hydrolytic acidity did
not change relative to the control. There is only a ten-
dency to increase the amount of absorbed bases with
the combined use of organic fertilizers and compost to
2.8-3.4 mg-eq. per 100 g at 2.6–2.8 mg in the control.
Similarly, in this variant there is also a tendency to
increase the content of alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen in
the arable layer to 6.6–8.1 mg per 100 g relative to 5.6–
6.9 mg of its content in the soil in the control variant.
Lupine crops in this variant also showed a ten-
dency to increase the content of mobile phosphorus in
the soil to 27.9 mg per 100 g with its content of 20.1
mg in the arable layer of the soil in the control variant.
According to the results of the content of mobile potas-
sium, nitrate and ammonium nitrogen in the arable
layer to detect the impact of organic fertilizers on these
indicators in 2018 was not possible.
In contrast to 2018, in 2019 the arable layer also
had the highest content of phosphorus and potassium
compounds available to plants at 31.6 and 13.1 mg per
100 g, respectively, compared to 29.6 and 9.3 mg,
which was studied in the arable layer. layers on the con-
trol option.
Also in 2019, only in the version of the experiment
with the combined use of organic fertilizers and com-
post there was a tendency to increase the humus content
from 1.20 to 1.43%, pH, the amount of absorbed bases
and alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen and mobile potas-
Thus, after analyzing the obtained data of experi-
mental studies, it was found that without the use of min-
eral fertilizers, the processes of soil fertility reproduc-
tion, in particular the accumulation of humus in it, are
more intense.
1. Pysarenko V.M., Antonecz A.S., Lukyanenko
G.V., Pysarenko P.V.. Systema organichnogo zem-
lerobstva agroekologa S.S. Antoncya. Poltava. 2016.
2. Degodyuk E.G., Vitviczka O.I., Degodyuk
T.S. Suchasni pidxody do optymizaciyi mineralnogo
zhyvlennya roslyn v organichnomu zemlerobstvi.
Zbirnyk naukovyh pracz Nacionalnogo naukovogo
centru «Instytut zemlerobstva NAAN». 2014. Vyp. 1-
2. S. 33-39.
3. Kamenskyj V.F., Gadzalo Ya.M., Sajko V.F.,
Kornijchuk M.S. Zemlerobstvo XXI stolittya – prob-
lemy ta shlyaxy vyrishennya. Kyiv: VP «Edelvejs»,
2015. 272 s.
4. Patyka V.P., Tyxonovych I.A., Filipyev I.D.
Mikroorganizmy i al`ternatyvne zemlerobstvo. K.,
Urozhaj, 1993. 176s.
5. Shuvar I., Gnydyuk V., Bunchak O., Sendec-
zkyj V., Tymofijchuk O. Texnologiyi polipshennya ro-
dyuchosti gruntu. Zerno, 2016. # 2(119). S. 158 – 163.
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 15
UDC 663. 264: 631. 531. 02
Ostapets T.
Research Fellow
National Research Center
"Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine", village Chabany
DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2020-51-2-15-17
In the course of research, six forms of different types of fescue were selected: red fescue, blue fescue, sheep
fescue, which differ in markers and leaf color, panicles and stems from varieties of fescue of the respective species.
which causes stable changes in the color of the leaf blade surface - from green to blue with slight shades.
It is established that the color of the plate of the fescue leaf is controlled by plasma genes that are transmitted
through the maternal line. Regardless of the color of the leaf blade of the parent component of the cross, the color
of the hybrid is determined by the embryonic plasma of the parent component.
Keywords: population, selected form¸ leaf blade color, fescue, crossing, hybrid, maternal component¸ pater-
nal form.
It is known from the literature that in many species
of cereals the color of the leaf blade is inherited through
the cytoplasm [1, 2].
The development and systematic improvement of
the genetic basis of selection of each specific plant spe-
cies should be based on common to all species genetic
and selection provisions, patterns and methods, and on
the basis of knowledge of the features of their applied
genetics. It is known that the development of scientifi-
cally sound models of plant varieties suitable for highly
efficient use for certain purposes and adapted to certain
soil and climatic conditions and cultivation technolo-
gies is possible only on the basis of knowledge of the
inheritance of traits that determine the value of a vari-
ety. [3, 5, 9]
Chromosomal theory of heredity has established a
leading role in the phenomena of heredity of the nu-
cleus and the chromosomes that are in it. But at the
same time in the first years of formation of genetics as
a science were known facts that show that the inher-
itance of some traits is associated with non-chromoso-
mal components of the cell and is not subject to Mendel
laws [6, 7]. Heredity is a property of the cell as a system
in the process of its work and division. It is impossible
to consider that the nucleus is important for heredity
and the cytoplasm is not important. The task of research
is to identify the function and structure of individual
components of the cell, which in the process of evolu-
tion received its special purpose [4].
The nucleus can be called the organ of storage of
heredity, the cytoplasm - the organ of heredity. The
structure and functions of the nucleus have fundamen-
tal differences [7].
The first stage of the work was the selection of dif-
ferent types of fescues from wild local populations and
the involvement of varieties of foreign selection. As a
result, fescue species were selected and studied within
the population. Thus, 3 populations were obtained,
which had the original color of the leaf blade, panicle
and stems. Thus, the population of red fescue included
plants with bluish leaves, panicles and stems; bluish
color of leaves and brown color of panicles and stems;
green leaves, panicles and stems; green leaves and
brown panicles and stems.
Populations of sheep fescue had plants with bluish
leaves, panicles and stems; plants with bluish leaves
and green panicles and stems; green leaves, panicles
and stems. Also among the plants of sheep fire there are
forms with a bluish color of leaves, panicles and stems,
in which in the summer of high solar insolation the
color gradually becomes black and green.
Populations of blue fescue were plants with white-
blue color of the leaves of the panicle and stems and
plants with bluish color of the leaves, panicle and
After studying the populations, fescue forms were
selected within each population, which were distin-
guished by the color of the leaf blade and established
the extent to which the selected traits are stable on the
same plant depending on growing conditions, their in-
heritance when propagated by seeds from group polli-
nation, and when propagated by seeds pollination. Af-
ter clarifying the above issues, we proceeded to the re-
production of the obtained forms and compare them
with the zoned varieties of fescues: red fescue variety
Syretskaya, blue fescue variety Seeigel, sheep fescue
variety Bornito.
In the course of the study, the morphological fea-
tures of the selected forms were studied and compared
with the features of the species of the corresponding
The selected form of red fescue was compared
with the Syretska variety. In the course of research it
was established that the selected form №1 of red fescue
differed from the variety in leaf width - in the standard
2 mm, in the form №1 - 3 mm; by stem height - 70 cm
and 72 cm, respectively; spikelet length - in the stand-
ard 10 mm, in the selected form №1 - 15 mm. The color
of the panicle and stems in the red fescue of the Sy-
retska variety is red, and in the selected form №1 the
red fescue is blue. The color of the leaf blade in the va-
riety is green, and in the selected form №1 - blue. The
16 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020
leaves of the variety have a tongue, and in the selected
form №1 - the tongue is absent, which, as we have stud-
ied, is a recessive trait, and may be a marker in the se-
lection of true hybrids F1. Marker feature is also the
presence of pubescence on the spikelets (dominant fea-
In the population of blue fescue, two forms were
selected that differ in morphological features. The se-
lected forms of blue fescue differed from the variety in
leaf width: in the variety - 0.8 mm, in the form №2 –1.2
mm, in the form №3 - 1 mm; panicle length: in the
standard - 7 cm, in the form of №2 –9 cm, in the form
of №3 - 6 cm. the presence of awns on the lower flower
The morphological features of selected forms of
sheep fescue fire were also studied and compared with
the Bornito variety. The selected forms of sheep fescue
№4, №5, №6 differed from the standard of sheep fescue
Bornito variety on a number of grounds. Thus, the
width of the leaves in the variety was 0.5 mm, in the
form №4 - 0.7 mm, in the form №5 –0.8 mm, in the
form №6 - 1 mm; the height of the stems also had dif-
ferent indicators: in the variety - 50 cm, in the form №4
- 57 cm, in the form №5 –62 cm, in the form №6 - 60
cm; spikelets differed in length and number of flowers:
in the Bornito variety the length of the spikelet was 5
mm, the number of flowers was 4, in the form №4 - 8
mm and 4 flowers, in the form №5 –7 mm and 4 flow-
ers, in the form №6 - 9 mm and 6 flowers. The selected
forms also differed from the variety in the color of
leaves, stems and panicles - form №4 had a light blue
color of panicles, stems and leaves; form №5 had a
bright blue color of leaves and blue panicles and stems;
form №6 had dark green leaves, stems and panicles. In
addition, the selected forms of sheep fescue differed
from the variety in marker characteristics - the presence
of a tongue on the leaf (dominant trait) and the absence
of a ridge on the lower flower scales (recessive trait).
With the help of these features it is possible to deter-
mine the true hybrids when studying the peculiarities of
leaf color inheritance in this species of fescue.
In the course of further research it was found that
the color of the leaf blade in fescue species is inherited
through the cytoplasm. This phenomenon is confirmed
by a number of authors in other cereals. [7, 8]
To establish the fact of non-nuclear inheritance of
the trait color of the leaf blade, reciprocal crosses were
performed, which helped to identify the difference in
trait transmission depending on which component of
the crosses was used as the maternal form.
In order to study the peculiarities of leaf color in-
heritance in red fescue (Festuca rubra), blue fescue
(Festuca glauca) and sheep fescue (Festuca ovina) a se-
ries of crosses of isolated, leaf-colored forms with va-
rieties that had a green leaf color. To obtain a sufficient
number of seeds of hybrids F1, 10-12 panicles were
castrated from each combination of crosses.
To identify true hybrids in the first generation, va-
rieties were selected that differed in quality marker
characteristics from the selected forms. Thus, the vari-
ety of red fire Syretska had a green color of the leaf
blade, had a tongue at the leaf (dominant trait), and pu-
bescence of spikelets - weakly expressed (recessive).
Form №1 of this species was characterized by a domi-
nant sign of pubescence and recessive - no tongue in
the leaf, and also had a bluish color of the leaves.
When crossing the fescue red form №1 / Sy-
retskaya, F1 hybrids had a gray leaf color, spikelets
were pubescent, leaves with a well-defined tongue, ie
hybrids were true because they had a dominant feature
"the presence of a tongue in the leaf", which character-
ized the parent form variety Syretska Hybrids of the
first generation, obtained from backcrosses, had pubes-
cent spikelets and green leaves, ie hybrids inherited a
dominant trait of pubescence from the parent compo-
nent of the form №1. The obtained results indicate that
hybrids in which the maternal component was the form
№1 had a gray leaf color, and when the maternal com-
ponent was the Syretska variety with green leaf color -
green, which indicates the inheritance of leaf plate color
from the maternal form.
In the campfire, the gray form №2 had a bluish leaf
color, as well as a spike on the lower flower scales
(dominant trait) and a non-pubescent stem (recessive).
The Seeigel variety was characterized by a dominant
trait of pubescence and recessive - the absence of
aphids on the lower flower scales, and also had a green
color of the leaves.
When crossing the campfire blue form №2 /
Seeigel, hybrids F1 had a bluish color of leaves, pubes-
cent stems and leaves with a pronounced tongue, this
indicates the truth of hybrids that had a dominant trait
of "stem pubescence" inherent in the variety Seeigel
(parent form). In reverse crosses, the first generation
hybrids had a tip on the lower flower scales and green
leaves, the hybrids inherited the dominant feature of the
presence of the tip from the parent component of the
form №2. In addition, hybrids in which the maternal
component was the №2 form had bluish leaf color, and
when the maternal component was the Seeigel variety
with green leaves, it was green, indicating cytoplasmic
inheritance of this trait.
Selected forms of sheep fescue had a light blue
(form №4) and bright blue (form №5) color of the
leaves with a pronounced tongue (dominant trait) and
lower flower scales without noticeable aphids (reces-
sive trait). The variety of fescue Bornito was character-
ized by a dominant feature of the presence of aphids on
the lower flower scales and recessive - the absence of
the tongue on the leaves, and also had a green color of
the leaves. When crossing selected forms of sheep fes-
cue form №4 / Bornito and form №5 / Bornito F1 hy-
brids had light blue and bright blue color of the leaves,
with a pronounced awn on the lower flower scales and
the tongue of the leaves, this indicates the truth of hy-
brids, because they had the dominant feature of the
presence of "awns", characteristic of the variety Born-
ito (parental form).
In reverse crosses, the first generation hybrids had
a noticeable tongue on the leaves and green leaves that
are the hybrids inherited the dominant feature of the
presence of the tongue from the parental components of
form №4 and form №5. In addition, hybrids in which
the maternal components were form №4 and form №5
had light blue and bright blue leaves, respectively, and
when the maternal component was Bornito with green
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 17
leaves - green, indicating the cytoplasmic inheritance
of this signs.
Thus, when studying the features of leaf color in-
heritance in red fescue (Festuca rubra), blue fescue
(Festuca glauca) and sheep fescue (Festuca ovina) it
was found that all first-generation hybrids were true hy-
brids because they inherited the dominant trait from the
parent component, only the color of the leaf blade de-
pended on the maternal form and had a cytoplasmic na-
1. Anderson E. Introgressive hybridization. /
New York, 1949.
2. Aim V., Fang G., Busso C. et al. A linkage
map of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) and
comparative mapping with other Poacea spesies / The-
oretical and Applied Genetics. 2003. № 108. Р. 25-40.
3. Гречушкина-Сухорукова Л.А. К вопросу
интродукционного прогноза выращивания газон-
ных трав в степной зоне. Вестник ВГУ, Серия:
география, геоэкология. 2010. №2. С. 107–109.
4. Джинкс Дж. Нехромосомная наследствен-
ность / Перевод с англ. И.П. Воробьевой, Н.Л.
Клячко и В.П. Коноплева. [Под ред. и с предисл.
чл.-корр. АН СССР В.Л. Рыжкова]. М. Из-во
«Мир», 1966.
5. Мирошниченко Е.Я. Газонные травы.
«Цветоводство». 1965. №4.
6. Эфрусси Б.С. Об ядерной и цитоплазмати-
ческой наследственности. Изд. АН СССР, серия
биол., 1959. №3. C.359-367.
7. Correns C. Zur Kenntnis der Rolle Von Kern
and Plasma bei der Vererbung, Zschr. induct. Abstamm
/ C. Correns – Vererb. lehre, 2, 1909. – p. 331-340
8. Darlington C.D. The Evolution of Genetic
Systems / C.D. Darlington – New York: The Macmillan
company, 1939.
9. Hackel E. In: Boissier E. Flora Orientalis. T.5.
Genevae et Basileae, 1884.
18 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020
Moroz V.,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Biology and
Protection of the Forest
Polіssky National University, Ukraine, Zhytomyr
Vorobyova O.
Polіssky National University, Ukraine, Zhytomyr
Мороз В.В.
кандидат сільськогосподарських наук,
доцент кафедри біології та захисту лісу
Поліській національний університет, Україна, м. Житомир
Воробйова О.В.
Поліській національний університет, Україна, м. Житомир
DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2020-51-2-18-21
Over the past ten years, it is observed in the territory of Zhytomyr woodland drying of forest plantations as a
result of their injury to insects. Among the existing insects, the highest harm is delivering Diprion pini L.
According to our research, it has been established that an increase or decrease in pests in forest ecosystems is
directly related to solar activity.
За останні десять років спостерігається на території Житомирського Полісся всихання деревних наса-
джень внаслідок їх пошкоджень комахами. Серед існуючих комах найбільшу шкоду завдає Diprion pini L.
За нашими дослідженнями встановлено, що збільшення або зменшення осередків шкідників в лісових
екосистемах безпосередньо пов’язана з сонячною активністю.
Keywords: dry trees, insects pests, sun activity, linear equation
Ключові слова: всихання дерев, ентомошкідники, активність сонця, лінійне рівняння
Вступ. У Житомирському Поліссі починаючи
з 2010 року, спостерігається масове всихання голо-
вних лісоутворюючих порід – сосна (Pinus), дуб
(Quercus), ялина (Picea), береза (Betula) та ясен
(Fraxinus). Подібна ситуація спостерігається на всіх
континентах у лісових біоценозах зони помірного
клімату Північної кулі. Особливо катастрофічно
склалася ситуація у хвойних лісах. Так, всихання
хвойних порід у Північній Америці та Сибіру нара-
ховує мільйони гектар. Не краща ситуація і в Єв-
ропі, де за останні 20 років спостерігається масове
всихання сосни звичайної (Pinus sylvestris L.) та
ялини європейської (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst). Вси-
хання головних лісоутворюючих деревних порід у
лісах північної кулі в більшості випадків мають по-
дібні ознаки перебігу процесу і викликані спала-
хами масового розмноження, подібних за своєю бі-
ологією стовбурових шкідників. Наприклад: денд-
роктон (Dendroctonus micans Kud) у Північній
Америці, уссурійський поліграф (Polygraphus
proximus Blandford) в Східній Азії, короїд-типограф
(Ips typographus Linnaeus) та короїд верхівковий
(Ips acuminatus Gyllenhal) в Європі [3, 5, 6, 12].
Багато науковців у своїх публікаціях ствер-
джують, що причини всихання дерев і виникнення
осередків шкідників, ще досі не відомі. Деякі це
пов’язують з вегетаційним періодом, з кліматич-
ними змінами, антропогенним впливом, збільшен-
ням температури повітря та зменшенням кількості
опадів [1, 7, 8].
Не дивлячи на багато думок і тверджень, в лі-
тературних джерелах нам так і не вдалося знайти
дослідження пов’язані з вивченням взаємозв’язків
збільшення чисельності комах з екологічними чин-
В своїй науковій праці В.В. Мороз і Ю.А. Ни-
китюк [13], ми спробували знайти такі залежності.
В ході статистичного аналізу нами було встанов-
лено, що існує безпосередній вплив сонячної акти-
вності (число Вольфа (W)) на загибель лісових на-
саджень України в наслідок їх пошкоджень ентомо-
шкідниками та фітохворобами.
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 19
Наша думка цілком узгоджується з тверджен-
нями таких науковців як О. Л. Чижевський, П. Фа-
раоне, В. С. Мартинюк, Н. А. Темур’янц,
Б. М. Владимирський, Г. О. Жеребцов, В. А. Кова-
ленко, С. І. Молодих, К. Є. Кириченко, П. П. Мель-
ник, В. Б. Чернишов [2, 4, 9, 10, 11].
Продовжуючи свій науковий пошук ми вирі-
шили дослідити яким чином здійснюється вплив
ентомошкідників на лісові насадження кожної фі-
зико-географічної зони, розпочавши дослідження з
Житомирського Полісся.
Результати досліджень. Згідно даних Держа-
вного агентства лісових ресурсів в Україні площі
пошкоджених лісів становлять 440 тис. га, в тому
числі соснові – 243 тис. га, ялинові – 26,0 тис. га,
дубові – 107 тис. га, інші породи 64 тис. га.
В останні роки, через масове всихання дерев,
спостерігається інтенсивне зростання санітарних
рубань в Житомирському обласному управлінні лі-
сового та мисливського господарства (ОУЛМГ)
(рис. 1).
Рис. 1. Динаміка інтенсивності санітарних рубань за період 2008-2019 рр.
За проведеним аналізом ДСЛП «Вінницялісо-
захист», щодо всихання соснових насаджень в роз-
різі віку, бонітету, типів лісорослинних умов вста-
новлено, що найбільше пошкоджуються високобо-
нітетні насадження віком 60-120 років, що
зростають в умовах (В2, С2). Результати дослі-
джень, вказують на те що середньовікові та стиглі
насадження не пристосовані до кліматичних змін.
Згідно наданих «Звітів про проведення лісоза-
хисних робіт» (Форма №12 ЛГ) державним агентс-
твом лісових ресурсів України, нами зауважено, що
в Житомирському Поліссі за період 2010-2019 рр.
найбільшу шкоду лісовим деревостанам завдавали
- з хвоєгрузучих – звичайний сосновий пиль-
щик, сосновий шовкопряд;
- з листогризучих – непарний шовкопряд,
комплекс п'ядунів, дубовий блошак, золотогузка;
- з інших шкідників – стовбурові шкідники,
хрущі, сосновий підкоровий клоп.
Визначено, що за останні десять років найбі-
льшу шкодочинну дію лісовим насадженням Жито-
мирського Полісся завдає звичайний сосновий пи-
льщик (Diprion pini L.) (рис. 1).
Рис. 1. Наявність осередків шкідників у лісових насадженнях за період 2010-2019 рр.
20 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020
Найбільші спалахи ентомошкідника Diprion
pini L спостерігалися у 2012-2014 рр., де наса-
дження зазнавали пошкодження на площі 11000 га.
З 2016 року кількість осередків шкідника зменши-
лась майже у 2 рази.
Вивчаючи динаміку активності сонця нами за-
уважено, що за період 2010-2019 рр. найбільша ак-
тивність сонця спостерігалась з 2012 по 2014 роки,
наступні роки визначалися зниженням сонячної ак-
тивності (рис. 2).
Рис. 2. Значення середньорічних чисел Вольфа за період 2010-2019 рр.
Аналізуючи вплив числа W (рис. 2) на виник-
нення осередків шкідників нами помічена певна за-
кономірність. У роки підвищеної сонячної активно-
сті спостерігається зростання осередків комах у лі-
сових насадженнях, а в роки мінімальної сонячної
активності їх чисельність знижується (див. рис. 1 і
Проведений кореляційний аналіз парних кое-
фіцієнтів підтвердив нашу думку, щодо впливу со-
нячної активності на ентомофауну (табл. 1).
Таблиця 1
Кореляційна матриця парних коефіцієнтів осередків виникнення шкідників та сонячної акти-
Показники Число, W Площа, тис. га
Число, W 1 –
Площа, тис. га 0,907 1
Як видно з табл. 1, взаємозв’язок між показни-
ками становить 91%, що дає можливість математи-
чного моделювання з метою одержання залежності
(рис. 3).
Рис. 3. Вплив числа Вольфа на виникнення осередків шкідників
в Житомирському Поліссі.
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 21
Отже, міра визначеності одержаного лінійної
залежність дорівнює 0,823, що вказує на достатню
апроксимацію показників з вихідними даними.
Згідно проведеного аналізу, можна стверджу-
вати, що активність сонця має безпосередній впив
на виникнення осередків шкідників у Житомирсь-
кому Поліссі. У періоди зростання сонячної актив-
ності спостерігається збільшення площ лісових на-
саджень пошкоджених ентомошкідниками, фазу
зниження активності сонця їх чисельність знижу-
Отримана математична залежність може мати
практичне застосування для прогнозування спала-
хів ентомофауни з метою вживання необхідних по-
переджальних заходів боротьби з ними.
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УДК 628.3
Shologonova S.
Master student, Mining Institute, North-Eastern Federal University,
Scientific adviser Afanasy Prokopyevich Pesterov,
candidate of biological sciences, associate professor in the specialty "Geoecology"
Russia Yakutsk
Шологонова С.Е.
Магистрант, Горного института Северо-Восточного федерального университета,
Научный руководитель Пестеров Афанасий Прокопьевич, кандидат биологических наук, доцент по
специальности "Геоэкология"
Россия г. Якутск
DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2020-51-2-21-23
The article describes the main wastewater treatment in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The main task of
JSC Vodokanal is to provide Yakutsk with high-quality and reliable water supply. For this, on the banks of the
river in the northeastern part of the city, the water is raised and treated in a complex of water intake and water
treatment facilities. The capacity of the complex is 110 thousand cubic meters. per day, which today is twice the
actual needs of the city. The raised water goes through a multi-stage process of purification and disinfection, after
which it is distributed to water pumping stations and further to consumers in the city of Yakutsk. Since 2018,
22 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020
liquid chlorine has been discontinued for water treatment, replacing it with more effective and less harmful sodium
hypochlorite. In addition, the purified water undergoes ultraviolet treatment. Today, the water supplied to the city
complies with all SanPiN and is potable.
Another task is to preserve the ecological well-being of the Lena River and prevent its pollution by sewage.
The station of biological wastewater treatment with a capacity of 90 cubic meters copes with this task. per day.
Once at the station, wastewater also undergoes multi-stage treatment, including the use of live bacteria. As a result,
water that is not inferior in quality to river water returns to the Lena River.
В статье написано об основных очистках сточных вод в Республике Саха (Якутия). Главной задачей
предприятия АО «Водоканал» является обеспечение Якутска качественным и надежным водоснабжением.
Для этого на берегу реки в северо-восточной части города, воду поднимают и очищают в комплексе водо-
заборных и водоочистных сооружений. Мощность комплекса 110 тысяч куб.м. в сутки, что на сегодня в
два раза превышает фактические потребности города. Поднятая вода проходит многоступенчатый процесс
очистки и обеззараживания, после чего распределяется на водопроводные насосные станции и далее по-
требителям города Якутска. С 2018 года для очистки воды перестали использовать жидкий хлор, заменив
его более эффективным и менее вредным гипохлоритом натрия. Кроме того, очищенная вода проходит
ультрафиолетовую обработку. На сегодняшний день, подаваемая в город вода соответствует всем СанПиН
и является питьевой.
Еще одной задачей является сохранение экологического благополучия реки Лены и недопущение ее
загрязнения сточными водами. С этой задачей справляется Станция биологической очистки сточных вод
мощностью 90 куб.м. в сутки. Попадая на станцию, сточные воды также проходят многоступенчатую
очистку, в том числе с использованием живых бактерий. В результате этого, в реку Лену возвращается
вода не уступающая по качеству речной воде.
Keywords: waste water treatment, treatment efficiency.
Ключевые слова: очистка сточных вод, эффективность очистки.
Качество биологической очистки зависит от
таких важных факторов, как температура, содержа-
ние растворенного кислорода в иловой смеси, при-
сутствие токсинов, оптимальное соотношение
между концентрацией загрязняющих веществ, при-
сутствующих в сточных водах и рабочей дозой ак-
тивного ила по массе и целого ряда других, не ме-
нее важных факторов.
Эффективность очистки всего комплекса со-
оружений составила: по взвешенным веществам –
97%, по БПК полн–96%, по ХПК –80%.Для увели-
чения прироста активного ила иногда в зависимо-
сти от концентрации ВВ и БПК один отстойник от-
ключают. Кроме того, в настоящий момент в пер-
вичные отстойники подается избыточный актив-
ный ил, что способствует дополнительной флоку-
ляции и повышению эффективности очистки, но
предельно допустимая концентрация на сброс в во-
доем рыбохозяйственного назначения не соблюда-
ется по фосфору фосфатов
Эффективность удаления загрязняющих ве-
ществ на Станции биологической очистки стоков в
2016 году составила по X IIK - 91,8%, взвешенным
веществам - 96,4% , БПК - 98,1%, по азоту аммо-
нийному - 99%, по железу - 95,7%, по нефтепродук-
там - 92,7, по фенолам и СПАВ - 92%.
Диаграмма 6.1 «Показатели СБОС по эффективности удаление загрязняющих веществ
Эффективность очистки сточных вод
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 23
Забор воды для хозяйственно-питьевых и про-
изводственных нужд производится на основании
Договора водопользования №14-
РДЗВХ-С-2014-02524/00 от 03.02.2014г., заключен-
ного с Департаментом по водным отношениям Рес-
публики Саха (Якутия) и зарегистрированного в
государственном водном реестре. 8
В целях улучшения влагоотдачи в осадок до-
бавляется раствор катионового полиэлектролита,
затем уплотненный осадок направляется в метан-
тенки, где в анаэробных условиях при температуре
33-35С тепла подвергается брожению, выделяемый
неиспользуемый газ сжигается на факеле, пере-
гнивший в метантенках осадок перекачивается на
ленточные фильтр-пресс на обезвоживание. Обез-
воженный на ленточных фильтр-прессах осадок с
влажностью 70% подается в сушильный барабан,
где он сушится под действием горячего воздуха.
Далее высушенный осадок подается в рукав-
ный фильтр-циклон, где отделяется от смеси воз-
духа, пыли, пара, затем он поступает в сито, где раз-
деляется по фракциям на крупные и мелкие гра-
нулы. Конечной продукцией является
гранулированный осадок с плотностью 0,7 т/м3 и
влажностью 10%, который можно использовать в
сельском хозяйстве. Все технологические процессы
очистки сточных вод и обработки осадков автома-
тизированы и управляются с диспетчерского
пункта при помощи компьютеров.
Главный корпус имеет большую площадь бо-
лее 19 тыс. кв.м., производительность равна 90 тыс.
м3 в сутки.
1. Степанов, А.С. Интенсификация процессов
биологической очистки на очистных сооружениях /
А.С. Степанов// Водоснабжение и санитарная
техника. –2006. –No 6. –С. 27-34.2.
2. Пермяков, П.П. Необходимые
мероприятия для повышения эффективности
очистки сточных вод города Якутска / П.П.
Пермяков, К.В. Кожухов, С.Д. Иванова, Т.И.
Константинова // Промышленное и гражданское
строительство. –2013. –No 8. –С. 43-48.
3. Определение технологических
возможностей и разработка оптимального режима
эксплуатации станции биологической очистки
сточных вод г. Якутска на стадии проектных
разработок. Заключительный отчет –М.: ЗАО
«Водоснабжение и водоотведение,2010. –C. 32-143.
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  • 1. №51/2020 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science ISSN 3453-9875 VOL.2 It was established in November 2016 with support from the Norwegian Academy of Science. DESCRIPTION The Scientific journal “Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science” is issued 24 times a year and is a scientific publication on topical problems of science. Editor in chief – Karin Kristiansen (University of Oslo, Norway) The assistant of theeditor in chief – Olof Hansen • James Smith (University of Birmingham, UK) • Kristian Nilsen (University Centre in Svalbard, Norway) • Arne Jensen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) • Sander Svein (University of Tromsø, Norway) • Lena Meyer (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) • Hans Rasmussen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) • Chantal Girard (ESC Rennes School of Business, France) • Ann Claes (University of Groningen, Netherlands) • Ingrid Karlsen (University of Oslo, Norway) • Terje Gruterson (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway) • Sander Langfjord (University Hospital, Norway) • Fredrik Mardosas (Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway) • Emil Berger (Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Norway) • Sofie Olsen (BioFokus, Norway) • Rolf Ulrich Becker (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) • Lutz Jäncke (University of Zürich, Switzerland) • Elizabeth Davies (University of Glasgow, UK) • Chan Jiang(Peking University, China) and other independent experts 1000 copies Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science Iduns gate 4A, 0178, Oslo, Norway email: site:
  • 2. CONTENT AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Prokopchuk V., Matusiak M. PROJECT PROPOSALS FOR GREENING OF THE DEMONSTRATION SECTION OF THE PARK ZONE IN THE VINNITSA NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY .................................................................3 Nykytiyk P. ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL NATURE ENVIRONMENTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF LIVESTOCK FARM ACTIVITIES ......................................9 Nikityuk Yu., Teslyuk A. ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIC FERTILIZERS ON THE YIELD OF GRAIN CROPS IN THE CONDITIONS OF ZHYTOMYR POLISSYA..........13 Ostapets T. COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF MAIN MORPHOLOGICAL INDICATION AND TYPE OF INHERITANCE OF LEAF PLATE COLOR IN SPECIES FESTUCA GLAUCA, FESTUCA RUBRA, FESTUCA OVINA........................................................................15 EARTH SCIENCES Moroz V., Vorobyova O. THE EFFECTS OF SOLAR ACTIVITY ON THE OCCURRENCE OF INSECT PERSTS SITES IN ZHYTOMYR POLISSYA ...................................................................18 Shologonova S. EFFICIENCY OF WASTE WATER TREATMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF SAKHA (YAKUTIA) ................................21 MEDICAL SCIENCES Al Mukayed S., Ishchenko O. DYNAMICS OF A FEMALE INFERTILITY FOR THE PERIOD 2015-2019....................................................24 Panasovskyi M., Arcatov A. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF SURGICAL METHODS OF VASO-VASOANASTOMOSIS IN OBSTRUCTIVE FORM OF AZOOSPERMIA..........................................26 Zelter P., Kolsanov A., Chaplygin S., Ponyatov A., Pervushkin S. COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY WITH AUTOMATIC QUANTITATION IN PATIENTS WITH PNEUMONIA CAUSED BY COVID-19................................................30 Syniachenko O., Aliieva T., Fedorov D., Iermolaieva M., Liventsova K., Verzilov S. MIDDLE MASS MOLECULES IN BLOOD OF PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS ................................36 Ivanov L., Tanaeva T., Chernyshova T. CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC PICTURE OF PANCREATIC STEATOSIS WITH OBESITY AND CONCOMITANT CHRONIC PANCREATITIS............................................40 Fasakhov R., Gaizatullin R. COMBINED THERAPY CONTRACTURES OF THE HAND JOINTS .......................................................................50 Fasakhov R., Gaizatullin R. TREATMENT OF TRAUMATIC SKIN DETACHMENT OF THE FOOT. CLINICAL EXAMPLE..................................52
  • 3. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 3 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES УДК: 378.141:635.01 PROJECT PROPOSALS FOR GREENING OF THE DEMONSTRATION SECTION OF THE PARK ZONE IN THE VINNITSA NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY Prokopchuk V., PhD of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Forestry, Landscape Gardening, Horticulture and Viticulture of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University Matusiak M. PhD of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Forestry, Landscape Gardening, Horticulture and Viticulture of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2020-51-2-3-9 Abstract An analysis and project proposals for landscaping of the park zone of VNAU were made. On the basis of the conducted inspections project works on formation of system of gardening of the given territory (territory of a temple) in the following sequence are offered: a stage of preparation, a stage of project search, a stage of an estimation, a stage of detailed designing. The result of the analysis of the initial situation is the selected material for landscaping. Taking into account the exploratory design for the organization of the structural element of the landscaping system, the functional use of this area as a recreational area with the specification of greenery, typical of the given conditions, was determined. At the evaluation stage, a comparative analysis of project options was conducted and the best option was selected and approved. An analysis of the potential of the adopted option was carried out in order to ensure the planning continuity and completeness of the assigned functions. The Realtime Landscaping Architect 2013 design program was used to compile a detailed master plan with dendroplan elements. shrubs, which adds aesthetic appeal to the site. Keywords: project, park zone, landscape design, demonstration site, compositions, taxonomic composition, decorative properties, dendroplan. Problem statement. Landscaping is one of the ur- gent problems of modern construction and design, which includes a number of measures to improve the sanitary and hygienic conditions of housing, equipping them with the necessary equipment, improving the ur- ban environment through landscaping, as well as sani- tation. With its help the favorable living environment with providing comfortable conditions for all types of activity of the population is created. Landscaping of the site, landscaping and landscaping are becoming in- creasingly important [2]. In modern conditions, landscaping of cities and towns play the role of the most important means of reg- ulation, protection and optimization of the human envi- ronment and the biosphere as a whole. In order to pro- tect the human body, a system of sanitary and hygienic norms and requirements for sources of pollution is be- ing put into practice. A significant place in these activ- ities belongs to the development of green building, the creation of different types of parks and green areas for various institutions, including educational [3]. Green plantations of cities and towns are the great- est wealth, which combines artistic and aesthetic quali- ties with sanitary and social functions. Plantations are the most important factor in the human living environ- ment, work, leisure and culture. They are designed to protect human health, increase their employment, edu- cate and meet cultural needs in communication with na- ture [5]. The purpose of our research was to create a land- scape project of the park zone of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. The project envisages improving the appearance of the area near the university church due to new plantings of ornamental plants. The project plans to use new technologies for landscaping, provid- ing optimal conditions for growth and development of planting material. The task of the project regarding the landscaping of the VNAU territory is to improve its aesthetic appeal with a clear division by functional zones. On the basis of the conducted inspections it is of- fered to carry out design works on formation of system of gardening of the given territory with use of the bro- ken territories in its structure in the following sequence: a stage of preparation, a stage of project search, an as- sessment stage, a stage of detailed designing [4]. The input information for the analysis of the exist- ing situation regarding the design object is the design task, reference plan, regulatory data, recommendations, design conditions. The result of the analysis of the ini- tial situation is the selected material for landscaping. Materials and methods of the research. The main research methods were: analysis, comparison, forecasting, modeling and graphic design. The source information was a preliminary sketch, data from pre- liminary calculations, proposals that meet the require- ments of rational functional zoning of the city in terms of protection from pollution, noise and dust. At the final stage of the project process, search de- sign was performed to organize the structural element of the landscaping system in the disturbed area, indicat- ing the chosen direction of functional use of recrea- tional or general health purposes with specification of greenery typical of the conditions.
  • 4. 4 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 At the evaluation stage, a comparative analysis of project options was conducted and the best option was selected and approved. An analysis of the potential of the adopted option was also carried out in order to en- sure the planning continuity and completeness of the assigned functions [4]. The Realtime Landscaping Architect 2013 design program was used to compile a detailed master plan with dendroplan elements. The assortment composition of plants presented in this program allows to reproduce the idea of the created project as realistically and qual- itatively as possible. The ability to visit the projected area in real time allows the customer to check all the nuances and creates the effect of presence. Realtime Landscaping Architect 2013 is designed to develop a variety of landscape design projects and offers ample opportunities for specialized planning [1]. Results of the research. The area in front of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University is a public ob- ject. The square is located in front of the school and serves as the main entrance to the building and is formed as a regular style object. A significant area is occupied by the lawn, which is currently in satisfactory condition. Decorative com- positions of evergreen plants are placed on separate sections of the lawn. The compositions are evenly spaced. Currently, the square performs several utilitar- ian functions, the main of which is the main entrance to the school building, through which a large number of students pass daily. Road dust does not get in large quantities to the areas in front of VNAU due to the planting of trees on the north side. This has a positive effect on the growth and development of plants in the area. On the north side of the central building, in area, there is a road that sep- arates the territory of VNAU from the temple area. The object to be landscaped is represented by a rectangular area covered with an abandoned garden lawn. The construction of the temple on the area of 0.05 hectares is carried out on the site. In this area, the existing plantation has lost its aes- thetic appearance over the years and is subject to recon- struction. There is no bush layer at all. The natural vegetation of this area is not pre- served. At present, the state of landscaping and land- scaping of the study area of Vinnytsia National Agrar- ian University requires certain measures to improve the aesthetic appearance and ensure the proper level of functioning. At formation of plantings it is offered to apply two types of landings: 1. Ordinary planting, performed on both sides of the tracks, which divides the landscaping area into functional zones; 2. Group planting in the amount of 3,5 trees and shrubs, which add aesthetic appeal to the site. Ordinary landing performs a utilitarian function, protects from noise, dust and absorbs harmful sub- stances from the air. Trees with a pyramidal crown are planted in ordinary planting (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Ordinary landing along the alley Group planting is used in the accents of the sites, in places of local landscaping. Combined plants that have seasonal and permanent crown color. Single trees are used only with decorative crowns, unusual color of leaves and abundant flowering. The selection of the range of woody, shrubby and herbaceous plants is made taking into account their bi- oecological characteristics. Along the main alley it is proposed to plant a hedge imitating a small labyrinth in the middle of which the accents are evergreen cypress with a pyramidal shape of the crown. According to the project of landscaping and im- provement of the object, the plot is divided into a visit- ing area and a walking area. To the right of the main alley there is a cozy walking area in the form of a circle surrounded by a hedge, which will allow visitors to en- joy the decorativeness of the main composition without distracting their attention from other elements of land- scaping. On the left - a quiet recreation area is created, the feature of which is a decorative fountain, the jets of which create unforgettable impressions and comple- ment the visual perception with the feeling of the sounds of nature (Fig. 2).
  • 5. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 5 Fig. 2. The use of evergreen plants in the projected area Against the background of the lawn formed group plantings, to increase the expressiveness of the compo- sition used only highly ornamental species and varieties of woody and shrubby vegetation. Virgin magnolia will add charm and mystery to the object of landscaping in the spring, and boxwood evergreen and juniper hori- zontal will not lose its aesthetic appearance in the win- ter. Both single and group plantings of evergreen plants were used throughout the territory to preserve the continuity of landscaping. About ten groups with dif- ferent breed composition have been created, among them there are high-altitude and planar compositions, thanks to the topiary haircut the hedge emphasizes the decorativeness of some groups (Fig. 3). Assortment list of species used in landscaping, formed from eighteen species of trees and shrubs. Among them are Japanese maple, hanging birch, Lavalier hawthorn, and common oak form solitary plantings. A complete list of plants used in the design is presented in Table 1. Fig. 3. Example of using a molding hedge It is thanks to the plants, successful zoning of the territory and using all the advantages of the terrain, it was possible to hide the shortcomings of the territory. Figures 4 and 5 show the design solutions in the form of a master plan with elements of the dendroplan and detailing the main compositional solutions.
  • 6. 6 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 Table 1 Assortment of trees and shrubs Назва виду Кількість Acer japonicum 1 Berberis thunbergii 37 Bеtula pеndula 1 Buxus sempervirens 10 Crataegus Lavallei 1 Cupressus sempervirens 2 Hydrangea arborescens 22 Hydrangea macrophylla 7 Juniperus chinensis 4 Juniperus communis 8 Juniperus horizontalis 25 Magnolia virginiana 3 Picea pungens 2 Quercus robur 1 Rhododendron 4 Spiraea japonica 4 Taxus baccata 5 Thuja occidentalis 8 18 145 According to the assortment information, which is compiled in accordance with the dendroplan of the demonstration area of the park zone of VNAU, the most common shrub plants are Thunberg's barberry, tree hy- drangea and horizontal juniper. The woody vegetation is mostly represented by the magnolia of Vergin. This species composition is justified by the decorative qual- ities of the presented plants and the compliance of their growing conditions to the area. Fig. 4. Master plan with dendroplan elements and object detailing The general plan with elements of the dendroplane reflects all the structural elements of the projected area. These include a road network, small architectural forms, existing buildings, shrubs and lawns.
  • 7. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 7 Fig. 5. Visualization of the dendroplan of the demonstration area in the park zone of VNAU Table 2 shows the need for lawn grass seeds to create a normal garden lawn on the territory of the object Table 2 The need for lawn grass seeds The composition of the herbal mixture The content of the species in the mixture, % Norm sowing, kg/ha Square lawn, ha The need for seeds, kg Poa pratensis 60 40 0,03 0,72 Lolium pratensis 40 120 0,03 1,44 Total 100 2,16 The calculation of the estimated cost of con- struction of a garden and park facility and works on its care is carried out and systematized in tables 3-6. The calculation of the balance of the territory includes: - total area of the landscaping object; - area, which is allocated for small architectural forms; - the area of plots that are designed for greenery; - area for lawn arrangement; - the area of paths and platforms of different function. To create the designed garden lawn, we use data on the balance of the territory of the object and the required number of seeds for its creation. The data obtained are shown in Table 3. The area of the lawn depends on the area of landscaping minus the area occupied by trees and shrubs. Table 3 Calculation of the cost of lawn grasses № in or- der The composition of the herbal mixture Lawn area, ha Unit measure- ment Quantity Cost per unit, hrn. total, hrn. 1 Poa pratensis 0,03 kg 0,72 170,0 122,4 2 Lolium pratensis 0,03 kg 1,44 135,0 194,4 Total: 316,8
  • 8. 8 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 Table 4 Calculation of the cost of trees and shrubs used in landscaping № in order Name of planting material Unit Quantity Cost per unit, hrn. total, hrn. 1 Acer japonicum piece 1 4200,0 4200,0 2 Berberis thunbergii piece 37 140,0 5180,0 3 Bеtula pеndula piece 1 260,0 260,0 4 Buxus sempervirens piece 10 70,0 700,0 5 Crataegus Lavallei piece 1 3299,0 3299,0 6 Cupressus sempervirens piece 2 339,0 678,0 7 Hydrangea arborescens piece 22 140,0 3080,0 8 Hydrangea macrophylla piece 7 190,0 1330,0 9 Juniperus chinensis piece 4 445,0 1780,0 10 Juniperus communis piece 8 299,0 2392,0 11 Juniperus horizontalis piece 25 325,0 8125,0 12 Magnolia virginiana piece 3 760,0 2280,0 13 Picea pungens piece 2 550,0 1100,0 14 Quercus robur piece 1 2500,0 2500,0 15 Rhododendron piece 4 350,0 1400,0 16 Spiraea japonica piece 4 115,0 460,0 17 Taxus baccata piece 5 315,0 1575,0 18 Thuja occidentalis piece 8 160,0 1280,0 Total: 145 41619,0 In order to reduce the cost of transportation of planting material were selected outlets located within a radius of 20 km from the object under study. The cal- culation of the cost of planting material was carried out according to the dendroplan (Table 4). The purchase of construction materials necessary for the improvement of the demonstration area of the park zone of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University must be carried out immediately before the start of work. Since the cost of building materials is a variable unit, the calculation is relevant only for 2020 and the total cost may change depending on the level of market prices. The estimated cost of building materials and small architectural forms are presented in tables 5,6. Table 5 Calculation of the cost of small architectural forms № in order The name of the architectural form Unit Projected quantity Cost for 1 piece, hrn. всього, hrn. 1 Urns piece 9 300,0 2700,0 2 Benches piece 5 1500,0 7500,0 3 Garden lanterns piece 15 600,0 9000,0 Total: 19200,0 On the territory of the landscaping object, in ad- dition to the existing asphalt roads, we design the creation of paths from paving slabs. Table 6 Calculation of the cost of materials for road construction according to the project Tiled floor Unit Project area Cost per unit, грн. total, грн. paving slabs м2 85 125,0 10625,0 sand т 13,2 160,0 2112,0 screening т 3,8 60,0 228,0 cement т 0,9 1250,0 1125,0 crushed stone т 17,8 180,0 3204,0 Тotal 17294,0 Along with the accrual of the salary fund, business entities are also obliged to accrue and make contribu- tions to the pension and social insurance funds. Due to the seasonal nature of work in green build- ing, it is advisable to plan the required number of work- ers on a monthly basis. It should be noted that the same workers after the end of one job can be used for other jobs, the execution time of which does not coincide with the previous ones. During the calculations and economic substantia- tion of design decisions, the average cost at the pro- posed prices of outlets relevant in Vinnytsia region was used. The total estimate of the proposed landscaping and improvement of the demonstration area of the park
  • 9. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 9 zone of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, at 2020 prices, is 85б5 thousand uan. Conclusions. 1. The location of the study area is favorable for the growth and development of greenery and visitors, as the area is remote from industrial structures, it is characterized by a low level of traffic and, accordingly, a low level of gassiness and dust in the air.. 2. The project envisages the appropriate use of the territory in accordance with the requirements of functional zoning. According to the project of land- scaping and improvement of the object, the plot is di- vided into a visiting area and a walking area. 3. The species composition of the species used during landscaping includes eighteen species of shrubs. The selection was carried out taking into account the biological and ecological characteristics of each spe- cies, taking into account the soil and climatic condi- tions of the area and provides an aesthetic appearance and continuity of the compositions throughout the year. 4. During the project implementation it is neces- sary to adhere to the basic technological and agrotech- nical methods, as well as to pay special attention to compliance with the recommendations for planting plant material. REFERENCES: 1. Kokhno N. A., Kurdiuk A. M. (1994). Te- oretycheskye osnovy y opyt yntroduktsyy drevesnykh rastenyi v Ukrayne [Theoretical foundations and expe- rience of the introduction of woody plants in Ukraine]. K.: Naukova dumka, 186 s. [in Russian]. 2. Lapyn P. Y., Sydneva S. V. (1973). Otsenka perspektyvnosty yntroduktsyy drevesnykh rastenyi po dannym vyzualnykh nabliudenyi [Evaluation of the prospects for the introduction of woody plants accord- ing to visual observations]. M.: Yzd. Hl. bot. sada AN SSSR, S. 7-67. [in Russian]. 3.Kalinichenko O. A. (2003) Dekorativna den- drologiya: navchalniy posibnik [Decorative dendrol- ogy: a textbook]. K.: Vischa shkola. 199 s. [in Ukrain- ian]. 4. Monarkh V., Prokopchuk V., Matusiak M. Analisis and evaluation of plants of genus Syringa L. in Podilia. Scientitic Light. Vol 1, N 36 (2020), S. 3-10. 5. Matusiak M., Prokopchuk V. Study of the spe- cific features of development of less-common tree- shrub plantations created in conditions of the dendro- logical park of local significance «Ladyzhyn grove». Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science. 2020. Vol. 1, P. 5-11 6. Prokopchuk V. M., Matusiak M. V., Pank- ratiev Yu. O., Yelisavenko Yu. A. Osoblyvosti intro- duktsii maloposhyrenykh dekoratyvnykh vydiv v umo- vakh dendroparku «Ladyzhynskyi hai». Zbirnyk nau- kovykh prats VNAU. Silske hospodarstvo ta lisivnytstvo. 2020. №16. S. 176-193 UDC 58.073:58.04:574.21 ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL NATURE ENVIRONMENTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF LIVESTOCK FARM ACTIVITIES Nykytiyk P. Polissya National University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Zhytomyr DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2020-51-2-9-12 Abstract The article raises the issues of assessing the environmental nature environments under the influence of live- stock farm activities. Keywords: the environmental nature, farm activities. In connection with the deep transformation of the natural environment that is under the influence of an- thropogenic impact, reaching global level, escalate and become urgent problems of preserving the ecosystem and biosphere as a whole. According to the European Charter on environ- ment and health everyone has the right to an environ- ment that would facilitate the highest level of health. Regulation of relations in the field of protection, use and reproduction of natural resources, ensuring ecological safety, prevention and liquidation of nega- tive impact of economic and other activities on the nat- ural environment, conservation of natural resources, genetic Fund of wildlife, landscapes and other natural complexes is the main goal of the laws of Ukraine "On environmental protection", "On protection of atmos- pheric air" and "On ensuring sanitary and epidemic wellbeing of the population". The study of the level of influence of economic activities of modern livestock farms of Ukraine of dif- ferent areas of production on the environment: soil, groundwater and surface waters, the air space is im- portant for timely implementation of the necessary measures to improve the ecological state as a whole and facilitate the production of quality livestock products. The growth rate of the sector for the production of livestock products of livestock in the world is the high- est among other branches of agriculture. Livestock in global agricultural production is 40 %. Environmental problems of livestock production must be viewed from multiple sides associated with an
  • 10. 10 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 existing negative impact of livestock on the environ- ment and the production of environmentally friendly products to meet the needs of the population. Under modern conditions of development of man- kind the environmental quality of livestock products becomes an important prerequisite for ensuring eco- nomic and ecological security of the state. The livestock industries that are rapidly evolving and large-scale in our country in recent years, and therefore become pollutants of the environment are poultry and pig production. In modern conditions of poultry in Ukraine is one of the major producers of important protein products that differ in biological usefulness to the human body and affordability for most consumers. Poultry industry offered the quick and effective way to increase resources, environmentally-safe high- grade food protein, so it should use economic priority in the process of accelerated development of the branches of cattle breeding in the conditions of insuffi- cient provision of the population with meat and meat products. Increase the volume of production of eggs and poultry meat leads to intensification of production, on the one hand, and on the other to the growth of the pop- ulation, which in turn lead to the accumulation of waste products. Poultry is one of the developed branches of agri- culture, which is characterized as intensive develop- ment of relatively small, private facilities with poultry, and by the development of heavy duty industries for keeping and feeding birds. The use of modern technol- ogy reduces the impact on the environment, but does not exclude it. The study of the negative impact of poul- try farms on the environment requires attention and fur- ther research. The problem of reliable environmental protection from pollution, bird droppings, sewage and non-food waste from poultry farms is an important problem for all regions of Ukraine. The negative trend that is emerg- ing in this livestock industry leads to unpredictable con- sequences, destruction of fauna and flora adjacent to poultry farms of the territories of the spreading of in- fectious and invasive diseases in humans, animals and birds. According to the world health organization (who) manure, litter and wastewater livestock enterprises, which are the main raw materials for the production of organic fertilizers may be the source of more than 100 infectious and parasitic diseases, in particular zoonoses. Yourself organic waste can serve as a favorable envi- ronment for the development and survival of patho- genic organisms, contain elevated levels of heavy met- als, pesticides, medicines, radioactive substances and other toxicants. Today the main characteristic of intensive animal husbandry is the maintenance of a large number of an- imals in a small area. To obtain at minimum cost the maximum amount of products some owners save space, power, make cheaper the process, are not taking into account the natural needs of the animals, and most im- portantly – the ecological situation, which leads to irre- versible changes in the biosphere. Recently the need arose to search for alternative methods of determining the level of environmental haz- ard of anthropogenic loaded territories. Such territories include the zone of location of livestock, including large poultry farms bordering natural ecosystems. Im- portant is the implementation of environmental assess- ment state of the environment with the aim of predic- tion and prevention of undesirable consequences of do- ing poultry. Among the wide Arsenal of analytical, chemical, microbiological methods the relevance of a biological indication, i.e. assessment of the environ- ment by the reaction of living organisms. Indicators of the biodiversity of insects and bioin- dication with plants could serve as additional criteria of effectiveness study of the effect of production of poul- try products on the environment. The relevance of the study Barselona with insects due to their large number and value in ecosystems, sen- sitivity to changes in the biocenotic modes. Especially significant air pollution, where there are poultry occurs through the emission of exhaust air from industrial premises: poultry houses, slaughter- houses, incubators, sanitary-veterinary points. Moreo- ver, the largest volumes of air with high content of harmful substances come from areas where the bird. The lack of non-waste technology of production leads to the removal of arable land for the storage and pro- cessing of poultry manure and litter for poultry. Studies of the negative impact of poultry farms on the condition of the air environment is an important problem that re- quires a comprehensive environmental approach to its solution. Pig breeding is the second important livestock in- dustry of Ukraine, and its products account for one third of total meat production in the state. According to ana- lytical Department of Association "the Pig producers of Ukraine" in January – November 2019 in Ukraine pro- duced nearly 231 thousand tons fresh, chilled and fro- zen pork, which is 4.1% more than in the same period of 2015. In the modern scientific literature much attention is paid to the breeding and keeping of pigs, their feed- ing, and the like. However, the subject of environmen- tal impact assessment of pork production in the condi- tions of intensive technology of farms in various capac- ities on the state of the environment in the areas of location of enterprises according to environmental cri- teria, illuminated enough. Among domestic scientists involved in this topic, the following should be noted scientists. In Particular, O. M. and O. V. Jukonski Nikiforuk evaluated the in- fluence of activity of the enterprises for the production of pork for the state of the environment depending on their economic and technological features. In his work I. V. Mosberg described the impact of livestock facili- ties, including pig-breeding, on the ecological state of aquatic ecosystems and coastal areas of Western Cri- mea. Studies to determine the level of negative impact of production activities of pig farms in various capaci- ties on the state of atmospheric air through the analysis of the results of sanitary-epidemiological examination conducted by scientists of the Institute of hygiene and medical ecology named after A. M. Marzeev Academy
  • 11. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 11 of medical Sciences of Ukraine. Environmental moni- toring of water quality of centralized water supply sources in the zone of influence of the complex on pro- duction of pork was conducted by scientists of Uman national University of horticulture. However, the experiments do not reveal the im- pact of pig farms with the same technology of waste management with homogeneous natural conditions on the ecological state of atmospheric air, soil, surface wa- ters, depending on their power. Therefore, our study was aimed at studying precisely this issue. The necessity of studying these problems and de- termined the relevance of our dissertation research. The scientific novelty of the obtained results. For the first time in Ukraine implemented the system of in- tegrated environmental assessment state of environ- ment for bioindicative indicators in the area of poultry at different levels of organization of ecosystems (steril- ity of pollen, the percentage of Mature seed rudiments, change in morphometric indices among the conifers, species diversity of insect communities). The novelty of this work is of both fundamental and applied nature. The fundamental contribution of the work lies in the assessment of pairwise interdepend- ence of the information rates of the species and the tax- onomic structure of insect communities and their re- sponse to the impact of the poultry industry. The ap- plied aspect is the outcome of multi-level monitoring of technogenic transformed territories in the areas of loca- tion of enterprises for production of poultry products. For the first time in Ukraine implemented a com- prehensive system of environmental assessment of the environment within the location of pig farms in various capacities on the physico-chemical, microbiological, bioindicative indicators. It is established that the increase in the production capacity of the farms reinforces their negative toxic ef- fects on the ecological state of the environment: we in- vestigated the pollution of air, soil, surface waters greatly exceed the maximum permissible concentration (MPC). For the first time in Ukraine the peculiarities of the influence of the pig farms on indicators of season- ality. Experimentally proved that the existing dimen- sions of sanitary protection zones (SPZ) households av- erage power do not provide the necessary protection of the environment and the population from the impact of cattle-breeding complexes. Developed methodological recommendations "Ecological assessment of soils by the impact of the ac- tivities of the pig farms of different capacity," "Ecolog- ical assessment of the impact of farms on the environ- ment" monograph "Environmental assessment of air quality in the area of poultry". Practical significance of the obtained results. The received information data and statistically significant results of the carried out scientific-practical researches is a scientific and practical base for environmental monitoring of the impact of livestock farms. The obtained results point to the need to regulate the increase in size of sanitary protection zones of live- stock farms and to improve technologies of waste stor- age and disposal. Proposed a systematic set of methods of ecologi- cal monitoring of the environment set out in the meth- odological recommendations and monographs recom- mended for the evaluation of the ecological state of the territory of activities of livestock farmers. Recommended in the practice of ecological moni- toring of the environment in the zone of influence of poultry farms use integrated bioindication studies that objectively characterize the condition of the natural en- vironment. In the thesis proposed bioindication methods, analysis of species and taxonomic characteristics of in- sects for estimation of ecological state of atmospheric air sanitary protection zone of poultry farms. It is recommended to apply in integrated assess- ment technology, environmental studies, indices of tax- onomic diversity and complexity of the groups of in- sects that can detect ecosystem with the critical values of these indicators, which indicates a high level of vio- lations. By results of the conducted comprehensive re- search of the ecological state of the environment re- vealed significant pollution of air, soil and open water bodies in the zone of influence of cattle-breeding farms of toxic substances and microorganisms. On the basis of research results, their statistical and analytical gen- eralizations the following conclusions: Retrospective analysis revealed the high potential of Ukraine for the development of pig breeding. Now the pork production is growing thanks to the develop- ment of livestock breeding, intensification, industriali- zation, introduction of new and improvement of old technologies. Found that pig farming is a source of var- ious harmful substances, which include ammonia, hy- drogen sulfide, chlorides, sulfates, volatile organic compounds, etc., as well as pathogenic microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Salmonella, enterococci, cholera Vibrio, causative agents of influenza, measles and the like), which significantly pollute surrounding areas. Air pollution with ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, volatile organic compounds, specific smells within the SPZ farms for the production of pork and poultry in 2- 4 times higher than MPC or guideline value. Pollution of rivers with organic matter and E. coli in 5-6 times exceed the hygienic requirements to water quality of public service consumption. Along with the ecological condition of the soil in these areas is assessed as "slightly polluted" the larvae and pupae of flies with E. coli. The degree of pollution of atmospheric air and soil with harmful substances (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, volatile organic compounds, chlorides, sulfates, etc) and microorganisms (Escherichia coli, streptomycetes, saprophytes, etc.) increases along with increase in the capacity of livestock farms. The current size of the SPZ of the studied pig farms do not provide the necessary protection of the population and environment from their harmful effects, as evidenced by a significant excess of MPC or recom- mended values of a number of indicators outside of these zones. This requires a revision of the SPZ dimen- sions of farms and the improvement of technologies for handling waste disposal.
  • 12. 12 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 Revealed the seasonal dynamics of environmental pollution with harmful substances and microorganisms in areas of livestock farms. Significant deterioration of the ecological state of the environment observed in the warm period of the year when most indices of the eco- logical state of the environment exceed the winter val- ues by 1.5–3 times. This is due to the intensification of this season of redox reactions in the waste that is ac- companied by intense release of harmful substances, enhanced multiplication of microorganisms (including pathogens) and their rapid spread in the environment. It is proved that for the environmental assessment and monitoring the impact of poultry and pig farms in the state of the environment in the early stages of con- tamination are highly effective bioindication methods. The best of these is the ecological assessment of the en- vironment for root growth of onions, the presence of plant indicators of low agrochemical assessment of soil quality and the proportion of dead Daphnia. Farms for the production of chicken and pork re- quire the improvement of existing and introduction of new technologies in the construction of appropriate treatment facilities for wastewater and processing the solid fraction of manure that will ensure proper clean- ing of the waste before their release to the environment. The results of the determination of environmental indexes SPZ poultry plants show their negaive impact on biological diversity and richness of insect groups. In particular, the index value of species richness of Mar- galef 25% less in the territory of the SPZ of farms in comparison with the control plot, and the value of spe- cies diversity of Shannon by 12%. A further reduction of species diversity can lead to rapid degradation of ecosystems adjacent to the area of the poultry farms. Assessing taxonomic diversity, complexity, groups of insects and their competitive structure in the area of Ptitsefabrika proven inverse relationship be- tween the percentage eudomania and subrecipients, as well as the predominance of recedents percent over the percentage of dominants. It is established that the percentage of Mature seeds of the common locust Robinia pseudoacacia L. in the sanitary protection zone of the poultry farm is 46.6%, compared to the control plot (75.6 per cent), in- dicating significant pollution of atmospheric air on the territory of the SPZ of the production activities of en- terprises. Investigated the potential mutagenicity of atmos- pheric air with the use of plants-bioindicators of Hyper- icum perforatum L., yarrow Achillea steppe stepposa Klok., celandine Chelidonium majus L., the sour cherry Cerasus vulgaris Mill. The results of cytogenetic bioas- say set to "medium risk" category the ecological safety of the sanitary protection zone of the poultry farm (WPU = 0,35) and the "safe" category of ecological safety of the territory at a distance of 800 m from the enterprise (OPU = 0,05) . It is established that the level of toxicity of the air category of environmental safety sanitary protection zone of the poultry farm belongs to the class of "dan- gerous" with a high level usagenote and critical as bio- indicators. The state of the environment, for complex mor- phological traits (needles, shoots, buds) for Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. in the area of production activities of poultry enterprises. Found that the length of the nee- dles of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. is reduced with the approach to the sanitary protection zone of the poul- try farm due to increasing air pollution by toxicants. It is proved that the use of coniferous woody plants is in- formative when conducting bioindication of polluted territories in the area of production activities of house- holds for livestock production. Because poultry is characterized by a significant air pollution in connection with storage of large quan- tities of solid wastes (chicken manure) on their terri- tory, and for pig farms – storage of waste in liquid form, which contributes largely to the seepage of toxic sub- stances into the soil and underground and surface wa- ter, therefore, ecological environment monitoring in a zone of activity of such enterprises mandatory to de- velop measures to reduce their negative impact on the environment. REFERENCES: 1. Arave C.W. Effect of Poultry Waste Feeding on Intake Body Weight and Milk Yield of Holstein Cows / C.W. Arave, D.C. Dobson, M.J. Arambel, D. Purcell, J.L. Walters // Journal of Dairy Science. 1990. Vol. 73. № 1. P. 129– 134. 2. Avula R.Y. Recycling of poultry process wastewater by ultrafiltration / R.Y. Avula, H.M. Nel- son, R.K. Singh //Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2009. Vol. 10. № 1. P. 1– 8. 3. Burnett W.E. Microbiological and chemical changes in poultry manure associated with decomposi- tion and odour generation / W.E. Burnett, N.C. Don- dero // Animal Waste Management: Proceedings of Cornell University Conference of Agriculture Waste Management. 1969. P. 271–274. 4. Buttle C.S. A discomfort survey in a poultry– processing plant / C. Stuart– Buttle // Applied Ergo- nomics. 1994 Vol. 25. P. 47–52. 5. Chávez C. Poultry slaughter wastewater treat- ment with an up– flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor / C. Chávez, R. Castillo L., L. Den- dooven, E.M. Escamilla– Silva // Bioresource Technol- ogy. 2005. Vol. 96. № 15. P. 1730– 1736. 6. Colanbeen M. Invloed van strooisel en NH3 op de produktieresultaten bijslachtpluimvee: litera- tuuroverzicht / M. Colanbeen, G. Neukermans //Rev. Agr. 1990. Vol. 43. № 2. P. 227–240. 7. Dávalos J.Z. Evaluation of poultry litter as a feasible fuel / J.Z. Dávalos, M.V. Roux, P. Jiménez // Thermochimica Acta. 2002. Vol. 394. № 1– 2. P. 261– 266. 8. Henderson S.R.. Managing land– use conflict around urban centres: Australian poultry farmer atti- tudes towards relocation / S.R. Henderson // Applied Geography. 2005. Vol. 25. № 2. P. 97– 119. 9. Romaniuk W. Metody obrobki pomiotu kur- zego / W. Romaniuk, A. Glaszczka, W. Wardal // Przegl.Techn.roln.lesn. 2001. № 10. P. 6–9. 10. Ruff M.D. Important parasites in poultry pro- duction systems / M.D. Ruff// Veterinary Parasitology. 1999. Vol. 84. №s 3– 4. P. 337– 347. 11. Szogi A.A. Prospects for phosphorus recovery from poultry litter / A.A. Szogi // Bioresource Technol- ogy. 2009. Vol. 100. № 22. P. 5461– 5465.
  • 13. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 13 UDC 633.113.1 ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIC FERTILIZERS ON THE YIELD OF GRAIN CROPS IN THE CONDITIONS OF ZHYTOMYR POLISSYA Nikityuk Yu., Teslyuk A. Polissya National University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2020-51-2-13-14 Abstract The article raises questions of the assessment of the influence of organic fertilizers on the yield of grain crops in the conditions of zhytomyr polissya. Keywords: influence of organic fertilizers, yield of grain crops. Among the factors of man-caused load on the bio- sphere a special place is occupied by radiation pollution of the northern regions of Zhytomyr Polissya and chemicalization of agriculture, because there is a viola- tion of self-regulation in wildlife, weakening the pro- tective functions of plants, animals and humans. Relevant for the Polissya zone is the study of the impact of the use of organic fertilizers on soil quality and the entry of radionuclides into the crop. This is due to the fact that as a result of the Chornobyl catastrophe, a significant amount of radionuclides with a total activ- ity of 300 MKi (11.1 × 1018 Bq) was released into the environment. Of these, about 20% of emissions of 6.7 × 1017Bq was 131I, about 10% of cesium isotopes - 1.9 × 1010Bq 134Cs and 3.7 × 1016Bq - 1.9 × 1010Bq 137Cs, about 3% were rare earth elements. In addition, unreasonable doses of mineral fertiliz- ers, numerous treatments with chemical plant protec- tion products, violations of the technology of their use and intensive tillage have led to a number of negative environmental consequences. The catastrophic state of our lands requires urgent scientifically based measures aimed at improving soil fertility and obtaining environ- mentally friendly food. One of the directions of greening of agriculture is preservation of soil quality, reduction of radioactive contamination, organization of biological control of all agrotechnical measures, maintenance of a certain ho- meostasis of soil microorganisms, including their com- position and number. The purpose of the study is to identify the impact of organic fertilizers on soil quality and productivity of agricultural lands in the cultivation of cereals under conditions of radiation pollution and reduce the content of radionuclides in agricultural products. According to the purpose the following tasks will be solved: - to establish the effect of organic fertilizers on the physical and agrochemical properties of the soil; - assess the impact of organic fertilizers on grain productivity; - to characterize the influence of organic fertiliz- ers on radionuclide contamination of grain crops; - to establish the features of migration processes in the system "soil - plant-products" depending on the amount of fertilizers. When growing crops in 2019, the weather condi- tions were different for the months, ie in the month of active germination of the studied crops, the amount of precipitation decreased by 18.2, 26.6 and 38 mm, re- spectively, compared to the long-term average. And the average daily temperature in this period, on the con- trary, was higher than the average long-term. For ex- ample, in April it increased by 1.40C, in May - by 3.50C, and in June - by 2.90C. Thus, at the beginning and in the first half of the growing season of agricultural crops, weather condi- tions were unfavorable for plant growth and develop- ment. In the second half of the growing season, the con- ditions of growth and development of crops and ripen- ing conditions corresponded to approximately optimal in the region. Studies have shown that the best indicators of soil quality were observed in the variant with the introduc- tion of organic fertilizers from chicken manure (not granular). The indicators did not differ significantly in the variant with the application of organic fertilizers and compost (70 and 30%, respectively). The indicators of the control variant, where organic fertilizers were not applied, differed significantly from the previous data. Moisture reserves in sandy sod-core podzolic soil changed significantly after harvest. This is especially noticeable at the depth of the soil layer 0-50 cm. Soil moisture decreased significantly. Soil density, on the other hand, increased, which contributed to the improvement of oat grain formation. Moisture reserves in sandy sod-core podzolic soil changed significantly after harvest. This was especially evident at the depth of the soil layer 0-50 cm. Soil mois- ture decreased significantly. Measurement of the hardness of the arable layer at its moisture content of 5% in 2018 showed a sharp in- crease in this indicator with depth: from 11–17 kg / cm2 at a depth of 5 cm to 57–73 kg / cm2 at a depth of 20– 25 cm. layer of soil after growing corn, where during the growing season inter-row tillage was carried out. In 2018, organic fertilizers did not reduce the hardness of the soil under any of the crops. Due to the fact that the hardness of the soil largely depends on its moisture, the results obtained when measuring soil moisture were 7-10% in 2019, which is 2 times lower than in 2018. At this humidity there was no sharp increase in its hardness with depth. The anal- ysis of the results obtained in 2018 did not reveal the effect of organic fertilizers on reducing the hardness of
  • 14. 14 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 the soil in the arable layer, except for its upper 10 cm layer in crops on options II and III, where these indica- tors decreased to 6.7-5.9 kg / cm relative to 9.5–8.2 kg / cm typical of other variants. Also in 2019, at a soil moisture of 7–10%, the hardness of its arable layer increased sharply with depth, from 7–10 kg / cm2 in the upper 5 cm layer to 45–50 kg / cm2 at a depth of 25 cm. The lowest was the hardness of the upper 10 cm layer in buckwheat crops, 4.7–11.4 kg / cm2, which may be due to the introduc- tion of manure compost under this crop. It was also low in lupine crops, which were sown after corn, under which manure composts were also applied. From the use of manure composts with organic fertilizers for buckwheat in 2019, there was a tendency to reduce the hardness of the upper 5 cm layer of soil, but such a reduction was insignificant. In 2019, deter- mination of soil hardness at the end of the growing sea- son in drought conditions showed its sharp growth with a depth of 10–12 kg / cm2 to 72–86 kg / cm2 at a depth of 20 cm. In such conditions, its growth was observed in corn crops at depth greater than 10 cm. However, ac- cording to the average data for the entire research pe- riod, there was a tendency to reduce the hardness of the soil to the entire depth of the arable layer from the use of organic fertilizers and manure compost. However, the average data from all fields for other variants were almost the same and can not indicate a change in the hardness of the arable soil layer from the use of organic fertilizers for 3 years, both when applied directly to the soil and with manure compost. Characteristically, every year, the density of the upper soil layer gradually decreased in all variants of the experiment, from 1.51–1.47 to 1.25–1.19. When growing oats, winter rye and buckwheat in 2, 3 variants of the experiment, the most pronounced tendency to de- crease the soil density was observed with the use of or- ganic fertilizers with manure compost. Changes in agrochemical properties of soil under the influence of manure composts and organic fertiliz- ers. The obtained data of experimental researches tes- tify not so much to the influence of organic fertilizers on the change of moisture reserves in a meter layer of sandy soil as to their dependence on the terrain. Such soils contained low moisture reserves in 1 m layer be- fore sowing crops, which depending on the terrain con- ditions varied within 110.0–172 mm, and in the upper 30 cm layer within 37.4–53.6 mm in 2018. and respec- tively in the range of 105.2–135.4 and 29.7–33.5 mm in 2019. Also after sowing of agricultural crops, these indicators were 91.0–144.2 and 19.5–26.2 mm. The analysis of the results shows a tendency to in- crease the humus content in the arable layer of sod-me- dium podzolic sandy soil in different crop rotation fields in the first year of joint use of organic fertilizers and compost in lupine crops from 1.25 to 1.52%, oats from 1.22 to 1, 41 and from 1.22 to 1.28%, buckwheat from 1.16 to 1.29%. From the application of organic fertilizers alone, the tendency to increase the humus content in the arable layer was less pronounced and was observed only in lu- pine crops. Its content increased in these variants to 1.30–1.37% relative to 1.25% in the control. In the variants with the use of organic fertilizers, the pH of the arable layer and its hydrolytic acidity did not change relative to the control. There is only a ten- dency to increase the amount of absorbed bases with the combined use of organic fertilizers and compost to 2.8-3.4 mg-eq. per 100 g at 2.6–2.8 mg in the control. Similarly, in this variant there is also a tendency to increase the content of alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen in the arable layer to 6.6–8.1 mg per 100 g relative to 5.6– 6.9 mg of its content in the soil in the control variant. Lupine crops in this variant also showed a ten- dency to increase the content of mobile phosphorus in the soil to 27.9 mg per 100 g with its content of 20.1 mg in the arable layer of the soil in the control variant. According to the results of the content of mobile potas- sium, nitrate and ammonium nitrogen in the arable layer to detect the impact of organic fertilizers on these indicators in 2018 was not possible. In contrast to 2018, in 2019 the arable layer also had the highest content of phosphorus and potassium compounds available to plants at 31.6 and 13.1 mg per 100 g, respectively, compared to 29.6 and 9.3 mg, which was studied in the arable layer. layers on the con- trol option. Also in 2019, only in the version of the experiment with the combined use of organic fertilizers and com- post there was a tendency to increase the humus content from 1.20 to 1.43%, pH, the amount of absorbed bases and alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen and mobile potas- sium. Thus, after analyzing the obtained data of experi- mental studies, it was found that without the use of min- eral fertilizers, the processes of soil fertility reproduc- tion, in particular the accumulation of humus in it, are more intense. REFERENCES: 1. Pysarenko V.M., Antonecz A.S., Lukyanenko G.V., Pysarenko P.V.. Systema organichnogo zem- lerobstva agroekologa S.S. Antoncya. Poltava. 2016. 131s. 2. Degodyuk E.G., Vitviczka O.I., Degodyuk T.S. Suchasni pidxody do optymizaciyi mineralnogo zhyvlennya roslyn v organichnomu zemlerobstvi. Zbirnyk naukovyh pracz Nacionalnogo naukovogo centru «Instytut zemlerobstva NAAN». 2014. Vyp. 1- 2. S. 33-39. 3. Kamenskyj V.F., Gadzalo Ya.M., Sajko V.F., Kornijchuk M.S. Zemlerobstvo XXI stolittya – prob- lemy ta shlyaxy vyrishennya. Kyiv: VP «Edelvejs», 2015. 272 s. 4. Patyka V.P., Tyxonovych I.A., Filipyev I.D. Mikroorganizmy i al`ternatyvne zemlerobstvo. K., Urozhaj, 1993. 176s. 5. Shuvar I., Gnydyuk V., Bunchak O., Sendec- zkyj V., Tymofijchuk O. Texnologiyi polipshennya ro- dyuchosti gruntu. Zerno, 2016. # 2(119). S. 158 – 163.
  • 15. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 15 UDC 663. 264: 631. 531. 02 COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF MAIN MORPHOLOGICAL INDICATION AND TYPE OF INHERITANCE OF LEAF PLATE COLOR IN SPECIES FESTUCA GLAUCA, FESTUCA RUBRA, FESTUCA OVINA Ostapets T. Research Fellow National Research Center "Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine", village Chabany DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2020-51-2-15-17 Abstract In the course of research, six forms of different types of fescue were selected: red fescue, blue fescue, sheep fescue, which differ in markers and leaf color, panicles and stems from varieties of fescue of the respective species. which causes stable changes in the color of the leaf blade surface - from green to blue with slight shades. It is established that the color of the plate of the fescue leaf is controlled by plasma genes that are transmitted through the maternal line. Regardless of the color of the leaf blade of the parent component of the cross, the color of the hybrid is determined by the embryonic plasma of the parent component. Keywords: population, selected form¸ leaf blade color, fescue, crossing, hybrid, maternal component¸ pater- nal form. It is known from the literature that in many species of cereals the color of the leaf blade is inherited through the cytoplasm [1, 2]. The development and systematic improvement of the genetic basis of selection of each specific plant spe- cies should be based on common to all species genetic and selection provisions, patterns and methods, and on the basis of knowledge of the features of their applied genetics. It is known that the development of scientifi- cally sound models of plant varieties suitable for highly efficient use for certain purposes and adapted to certain soil and climatic conditions and cultivation technolo- gies is possible only on the basis of knowledge of the inheritance of traits that determine the value of a vari- ety. [3, 5, 9] Chromosomal theory of heredity has established a leading role in the phenomena of heredity of the nu- cleus and the chromosomes that are in it. But at the same time in the first years of formation of genetics as a science were known facts that show that the inher- itance of some traits is associated with non-chromoso- mal components of the cell and is not subject to Mendel laws [6, 7]. Heredity is a property of the cell as a system in the process of its work and division. It is impossible to consider that the nucleus is important for heredity and the cytoplasm is not important. The task of research is to identify the function and structure of individual components of the cell, which in the process of evolu- tion received its special purpose [4]. The nucleus can be called the organ of storage of heredity, the cytoplasm - the organ of heredity. The structure and functions of the nucleus have fundamen- tal differences [7]. The first stage of the work was the selection of dif- ferent types of fescues from wild local populations and the involvement of varieties of foreign selection. As a result, fescue species were selected and studied within the population. Thus, 3 populations were obtained, which had the original color of the leaf blade, panicle and stems. Thus, the population of red fescue included plants with bluish leaves, panicles and stems; bluish color of leaves and brown color of panicles and stems; green leaves, panicles and stems; green leaves and brown panicles and stems. Populations of sheep fescue had plants with bluish leaves, panicles and stems; plants with bluish leaves and green panicles and stems; green leaves, panicles and stems. Also among the plants of sheep fire there are forms with a bluish color of leaves, panicles and stems, in which in the summer of high solar insolation the color gradually becomes black and green. Populations of blue fescue were plants with white- blue color of the leaves of the panicle and stems and plants with bluish color of the leaves, panicle and stems. After studying the populations, fescue forms were selected within each population, which were distin- guished by the color of the leaf blade and established the extent to which the selected traits are stable on the same plant depending on growing conditions, their in- heritance when propagated by seeds from group polli- nation, and when propagated by seeds pollination. Af- ter clarifying the above issues, we proceeded to the re- production of the obtained forms and compare them with the zoned varieties of fescues: red fescue variety Syretskaya, blue fescue variety Seeigel, sheep fescue variety Bornito. In the course of the study, the morphological fea- tures of the selected forms were studied and compared with the features of the species of the corresponding fescues. The selected form of red fescue was compared with the Syretska variety. In the course of research it was established that the selected form №1 of red fescue differed from the variety in leaf width - in the standard 2 mm, in the form №1 - 3 mm; by stem height - 70 cm and 72 cm, respectively; spikelet length - in the stand- ard 10 mm, in the selected form №1 - 15 mm. The color of the panicle and stems in the red fescue of the Sy- retska variety is red, and in the selected form №1 the red fescue is blue. The color of the leaf blade in the va- riety is green, and in the selected form №1 - blue. The
  • 16. 16 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 leaves of the variety have a tongue, and in the selected form №1 - the tongue is absent, which, as we have stud- ied, is a recessive trait, and may be a marker in the se- lection of true hybrids F1. Marker feature is also the presence of pubescence on the spikelets (dominant fea- ture). In the population of blue fescue, two forms were selected that differ in morphological features. The se- lected forms of blue fescue differed from the variety in leaf width: in the variety - 0.8 mm, in the form №2 –1.2 mm, in the form №3 - 1 mm; panicle length: in the standard - 7 cm, in the form of №2 –9 cm, in the form of №3 - 6 cm. the presence of awns on the lower flower scales. The morphological features of selected forms of sheep fescue fire were also studied and compared with the Bornito variety. The selected forms of sheep fescue №4, №5, №6 differed from the standard of sheep fescue Bornito variety on a number of grounds. Thus, the width of the leaves in the variety was 0.5 mm, in the form №4 - 0.7 mm, in the form №5 –0.8 mm, in the form №6 - 1 mm; the height of the stems also had dif- ferent indicators: in the variety - 50 cm, in the form №4 - 57 cm, in the form №5 –62 cm, in the form №6 - 60 cm; spikelets differed in length and number of flowers: in the Bornito variety the length of the spikelet was 5 mm, the number of flowers was 4, in the form №4 - 8 mm and 4 flowers, in the form №5 –7 mm and 4 flow- ers, in the form №6 - 9 mm and 6 flowers. The selected forms also differed from the variety in the color of leaves, stems and panicles - form №4 had a light blue color of panicles, stems and leaves; form №5 had a bright blue color of leaves and blue panicles and stems; form №6 had dark green leaves, stems and panicles. In addition, the selected forms of sheep fescue differed from the variety in marker characteristics - the presence of a tongue on the leaf (dominant trait) and the absence of a ridge on the lower flower scales (recessive trait). With the help of these features it is possible to deter- mine the true hybrids when studying the peculiarities of leaf color inheritance in this species of fescue. In the course of further research it was found that the color of the leaf blade in fescue species is inherited through the cytoplasm. This phenomenon is confirmed by a number of authors in other cereals. [7, 8] To establish the fact of non-nuclear inheritance of the trait color of the leaf blade, reciprocal crosses were performed, which helped to identify the difference in trait transmission depending on which component of the crosses was used as the maternal form. In order to study the peculiarities of leaf color in- heritance in red fescue (Festuca rubra), blue fescue (Festuca glauca) and sheep fescue (Festuca ovina) a se- ries of crosses of isolated, leaf-colored forms with va- rieties that had a green leaf color. To obtain a sufficient number of seeds of hybrids F1, 10-12 panicles were castrated from each combination of crosses. To identify true hybrids in the first generation, va- rieties were selected that differed in quality marker characteristics from the selected forms. Thus, the vari- ety of red fire Syretska had a green color of the leaf blade, had a tongue at the leaf (dominant trait), and pu- bescence of spikelets - weakly expressed (recessive). Form №1 of this species was characterized by a domi- nant sign of pubescence and recessive - no tongue in the leaf, and also had a bluish color of the leaves. When crossing the fescue red form №1 / Sy- retskaya, F1 hybrids had a gray leaf color, spikelets were pubescent, leaves with a well-defined tongue, ie hybrids were true because they had a dominant feature "the presence of a tongue in the leaf", which character- ized the parent form variety Syretska Hybrids of the first generation, obtained from backcrosses, had pubes- cent spikelets and green leaves, ie hybrids inherited a dominant trait of pubescence from the parent compo- nent of the form №1. The obtained results indicate that hybrids in which the maternal component was the form №1 had a gray leaf color, and when the maternal com- ponent was the Syretska variety with green leaf color - green, which indicates the inheritance of leaf plate color from the maternal form. In the campfire, the gray form №2 had a bluish leaf color, as well as a spike on the lower flower scales (dominant trait) and a non-pubescent stem (recessive). The Seeigel variety was characterized by a dominant trait of pubescence and recessive - the absence of aphids on the lower flower scales, and also had a green color of the leaves. When crossing the campfire blue form №2 / Seeigel, hybrids F1 had a bluish color of leaves, pubes- cent stems and leaves with a pronounced tongue, this indicates the truth of hybrids that had a dominant trait of "stem pubescence" inherent in the variety Seeigel (parent form). In reverse crosses, the first generation hybrids had a tip on the lower flower scales and green leaves, the hybrids inherited the dominant feature of the presence of the tip from the parent component of the form №2. In addition, hybrids in which the maternal component was the №2 form had bluish leaf color, and when the maternal component was the Seeigel variety with green leaves, it was green, indicating cytoplasmic inheritance of this trait. Selected forms of sheep fescue had a light blue (form №4) and bright blue (form №5) color of the leaves with a pronounced tongue (dominant trait) and lower flower scales without noticeable aphids (reces- sive trait). The variety of fescue Bornito was character- ized by a dominant feature of the presence of aphids on the lower flower scales and recessive - the absence of the tongue on the leaves, and also had a green color of the leaves. When crossing selected forms of sheep fes- cue form №4 / Bornito and form №5 / Bornito F1 hy- brids had light blue and bright blue color of the leaves, with a pronounced awn on the lower flower scales and the tongue of the leaves, this indicates the truth of hy- brids, because they had the dominant feature of the presence of "awns", characteristic of the variety Born- ito (parental form). In reverse crosses, the first generation hybrids had a noticeable tongue on the leaves and green leaves that are the hybrids inherited the dominant feature of the presence of the tongue from the parental components of form №4 and form №5. In addition, hybrids in which the maternal components were form №4 and form №5 had light blue and bright blue leaves, respectively, and when the maternal component was Bornito with green
  • 17. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 17 leaves - green, indicating the cytoplasmic inheritance of this signs. Thus, when studying the features of leaf color in- heritance in red fescue (Festuca rubra), blue fescue (Festuca glauca) and sheep fescue (Festuca ovina) it was found that all first-generation hybrids were true hy- brids because they inherited the dominant trait from the parent component, only the color of the leaf blade de- pended on the maternal form and had a cytoplasmic na- ture. REFERENCES: 1. Anderson E. Introgressive hybridization. / New York, 1949. 2. Aim V., Fang G., Busso C. et al. A linkage map of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) and comparative mapping with other Poacea spesies / The- oretical and Applied Genetics. 2003. № 108. Р. 25-40. 3. Гречушкина-Сухорукова Л.А. К вопросу интродукционного прогноза выращивания газон- ных трав в степной зоне. Вестник ВГУ, Серия: география, геоэкология. 2010. №2. С. 107–109. 4. Джинкс Дж. Нехромосомная наследствен- ность / Перевод с англ. И.П. Воробьевой, Н.Л. Клячко и В.П. Коноплева. [Под ред. и с предисл. чл.-корр. АН СССР В.Л. Рыжкова]. М. Из-во «Мир», 1966. 5. Мирошниченко Е.Я. Газонные травы. «Цветоводство». 1965. №4. 6. Эфрусси Б.С. Об ядерной и цитоплазмати- ческой наследственности. Изд. АН СССР, серия биол., 1959. №3. C.359-367. 7. Correns C. Zur Kenntnis der Rolle Von Kern and Plasma bei der Vererbung, Zschr. induct. Abstamm / C. Correns – Vererb. lehre, 2, 1909. – p. 331-340 8. Darlington C.D. The Evolution of Genetic Systems / C.D. Darlington – New York: The Macmillan company, 1939. 9. Hackel E. In: Boissier E. Flora Orientalis. T.5. Genevae et Basileae, 1884.
  • 18. 18 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 EARTH SCIENCES THE EFFECTS OF SOLAR ACTIVITY ON THE OCCURRENCE OF INSECT PERSTS SITES IN ZHYTOMYR POLISSYA Moroz V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology and Protection of the Forest Polіssky National University, Ukraine, Zhytomyr Vorobyova O. master Polіssky National University, Ukraine, Zhytomyr ВПЛИВ АКТИВНОСТІ СОНЦЯ НА ВИНИКНЕННЯ ОСЕРЕДКІВ ЕНТОМОШКІДНИКІВ У ЖИТОМИРСЬКОМУ ПОЛІССІ Мороз В.В. кандидат сільськогосподарських наук, доцент кафедри біології та захисту лісу Поліській національний університет, Україна, м. Житомир Воробйова О.В. магістр Поліській національний університет, Україна, м. Житомир DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2020-51-2-18-21 Abstract Over the past ten years, it is observed in the territory of Zhytomyr woodland drying of forest plantations as a result of their injury to insects. Among the existing insects, the highest harm is delivering Diprion pini L. According to our research, it has been established that an increase or decrease in pests in forest ecosystems is directly related to solar activity. Анотація За останні десять років спостерігається на території Житомирського Полісся всихання деревних наса- джень внаслідок їх пошкоджень комахами. Серед існуючих комах найбільшу шкоду завдає Diprion pini L. За нашими дослідженнями встановлено, що збільшення або зменшення осередків шкідників в лісових екосистемах безпосередньо пов’язана з сонячною активністю. Keywords: dry trees, insects pests, sun activity, linear equation Ключові слова: всихання дерев, ентомошкідники, активність сонця, лінійне рівняння Вступ. У Житомирському Поліссі починаючи з 2010 року, спостерігається масове всихання голо- вних лісоутворюючих порід – сосна (Pinus), дуб (Quercus), ялина (Picea), береза (Betula) та ясен (Fraxinus). Подібна ситуація спостерігається на всіх континентах у лісових біоценозах зони помірного клімату Північної кулі. Особливо катастрофічно склалася ситуація у хвойних лісах. Так, всихання хвойних порід у Північній Америці та Сибіру нара- ховує мільйони гектар. Не краща ситуація і в Єв- ропі, де за останні 20 років спостерігається масове всихання сосни звичайної (Pinus sylvestris L.) та ялини європейської (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst). Вси- хання головних лісоутворюючих деревних порід у лісах північної кулі в більшості випадків мають по- дібні ознаки перебігу процесу і викликані спала- хами масового розмноження, подібних за своєю бі- ологією стовбурових шкідників. Наприклад: денд- роктон (Dendroctonus micans Kud) у Північній Америці, уссурійський поліграф (Polygraphus proximus Blandford) в Східній Азії, короїд-типограф (Ips typographus Linnaeus) та короїд верхівковий (Ips acuminatus Gyllenhal) в Європі [3, 5, 6, 12]. Багато науковців у своїх публікаціях ствер- джують, що причини всихання дерев і виникнення осередків шкідників, ще досі не відомі. Деякі це пов’язують з вегетаційним періодом, з кліматич- ними змінами, антропогенним впливом, збільшен- ням температури повітря та зменшенням кількості опадів [1, 7, 8]. Не дивлячи на багато думок і тверджень, в лі- тературних джерелах нам так і не вдалося знайти дослідження пов’язані з вивченням взаємозв’язків збільшення чисельності комах з екологічними чин- никами. В своїй науковій праці В.В. Мороз і Ю.А. Ни- китюк [13], ми спробували знайти такі залежності. В ході статистичного аналізу нами було встанов- лено, що існує безпосередній вплив сонячної акти- вності (число Вольфа (W)) на загибель лісових на- саджень України в наслідок їх пошкоджень ентомо- шкідниками та фітохворобами.
  • 19. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 19 Наша думка цілком узгоджується з тверджен- нями таких науковців як О. Л. Чижевський, П. Фа- раоне, В. С. Мартинюк, Н. А. Темур’янц, Б. М. Владимирський, Г. О. Жеребцов, В. А. Кова- ленко, С. І. Молодих, К. Є. Кириченко, П. П. Мель- ник, В. Б. Чернишов [2, 4, 9, 10, 11]. Продовжуючи свій науковий пошук ми вирі- шили дослідити яким чином здійснюється вплив ентомошкідників на лісові насадження кожної фі- зико-географічної зони, розпочавши дослідження з Житомирського Полісся. Результати досліджень. Згідно даних Держа- вного агентства лісових ресурсів в Україні площі пошкоджених лісів становлять 440 тис. га, в тому числі соснові – 243 тис. га, ялинові – 26,0 тис. га, дубові – 107 тис. га, інші породи 64 тис. га. В останні роки, через масове всихання дерев, спостерігається інтенсивне зростання санітарних рубань в Житомирському обласному управлінні лі- сового та мисливського господарства (ОУЛМГ) (рис. 1). Рис. 1. Динаміка інтенсивності санітарних рубань за період 2008-2019 рр. За проведеним аналізом ДСЛП «Вінницялісо- захист», щодо всихання соснових насаджень в роз- різі віку, бонітету, типів лісорослинних умов вста- новлено, що найбільше пошкоджуються високобо- нітетні насадження віком 60-120 років, що зростають в умовах (В2, С2). Результати дослі- джень, вказують на те що середньовікові та стиглі насадження не пристосовані до кліматичних змін. Згідно наданих «Звітів про проведення лісоза- хисних робіт» (Форма №12 ЛГ) державним агентс- твом лісових ресурсів України, нами зауважено, що в Житомирському Поліссі за період 2010-2019 рр. найбільшу шкоду лісовим деревостанам завдавали шкідники: - з хвоєгрузучих – звичайний сосновий пиль- щик, сосновий шовкопряд; - з листогризучих – непарний шовкопряд, комплекс п'ядунів, дубовий блошак, золотогузка; - з інших шкідників – стовбурові шкідники, хрущі, сосновий підкоровий клоп. Визначено, що за останні десять років найбі- льшу шкодочинну дію лісовим насадженням Жито- мирського Полісся завдає звичайний сосновий пи- льщик (Diprion pini L.) (рис. 1). Рис. 1. Наявність осередків шкідників у лісових насадженнях за період 2010-2019 рр.
  • 20. 20 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 Найбільші спалахи ентомошкідника Diprion pini L спостерігалися у 2012-2014 рр., де наса- дження зазнавали пошкодження на площі 11000 га. З 2016 року кількість осередків шкідника зменши- лась майже у 2 рази. Вивчаючи динаміку активності сонця нами за- уважено, що за період 2010-2019 рр. найбільша ак- тивність сонця спостерігалась з 2012 по 2014 роки, наступні роки визначалися зниженням сонячної ак- тивності (рис. 2). Рис. 2. Значення середньорічних чисел Вольфа за період 2010-2019 рр. Аналізуючи вплив числа W (рис. 2) на виник- нення осередків шкідників нами помічена певна за- кономірність. У роки підвищеної сонячної активно- сті спостерігається зростання осередків комах у лі- сових насадженнях, а в роки мінімальної сонячної активності їх чисельність знижується (див. рис. 1 і 2). Проведений кореляційний аналіз парних кое- фіцієнтів підтвердив нашу думку, щодо впливу со- нячної активності на ентомофауну (табл. 1). Таблиця 1 Кореляційна матриця парних коефіцієнтів осередків виникнення шкідників та сонячної акти- вності Показники Число, W Площа, тис. га Число, W 1 – Площа, тис. га 0,907 1 Як видно з табл. 1, взаємозв’язок між показни- ками становить 91%, що дає можливість математи- чного моделювання з метою одержання залежності (рис. 3). Рис. 3. Вплив числа Вольфа на виникнення осередків шкідників в Житомирському Поліссі.
  • 21. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 21 Отже, міра визначеності одержаного лінійної залежність дорівнює 0,823, що вказує на достатню апроксимацію показників з вихідними даними. Висновки. Згідно проведеного аналізу, можна стверджу- вати, що активність сонця має безпосередній впив на виникнення осередків шкідників у Житомирсь- кому Поліссі. У періоди зростання сонячної актив- ності спостерігається збільшення площ лісових на- саджень пошкоджених ентомошкідниками, фазу зниження активності сонця їх чисельність знижу- ється. Отримана математична залежність може мати практичне застосування для прогнозування спала- хів ентомофауни з метою вживання необхідних по- переджальних заходів боротьби з ними. СПИСОК ЛІТЕРАТУРИ: 1. Дідух Я. П. Екологічні аспекти глобальних змін клімату: причини, наслідки, дії. Вісник НАН України, 2009. № 2. С. 34–44. 2. Жеребцов Г. А., Коваленко В. А., Мо- лодых С. И., Кириченко К. Е. Влияние солнечной активности на температуру тропосферы и поверх- ности океана. Иркутск: Известия Оренбургского го- сударственного аграрного университета. 2013. Т.6. №1. С. 61-79. 3. Козак Г. П. Вплив екологічних чинників на стан популяцій комах-фітофагів озимої пшениці в Лісостепу України [рукопис]: дис… канд. с.-г. наук: 03.00.16. К., 2006. 159 с. 4. Мартынюк В. С., Темурьянц Н. А., Влади- мирский Б. М. У природы нет плохой погоды: космическая погода в нашей жизни. К.: Издатель В. С. Мартынюк, 2008. 212 с. 5. Мельник П. П. Еколого-економічні основи управління природокористуванням в агроекосисте- мах. К: ДАІ, 2016. 328 с. 6. Семенова И. Г. Оценка засушливых усло- вий на Украине в конце ХХ – в начале ХХІ столе- тия. Вестник Балтийского федерального универси- тета им. Канта. 2014. Вып 2. С. 20-29. 7. Симоненкова В. А. Анализ возникновения и развития вспышек массового размножения осно- вных листогрызущих вредителей. Оренбург. Изве- стия Оренбургского государственного аграрного университета. 2011. №2(30). С. 242-244. 8. Симоненкова В. А. Обоснование ре- грессионной модели для оценки площади очагов насекомых-вредителей. Оренбург. Известия Орен- бургского государственного аграрного универси- тета. 2011. №4(32). С. 276-280. 9. Фараоне П. Ежедневные наблюдения (1970–1992 гг.) флуктуаций частоты появления се- кторной структуры в колониях бактерий, отобран- ных из окружающего воздуха и из культур S.aureus. Биофизика. 1995. T. 40, № 4. C. 786–792. 10. Чернышев В. Б. Солнечная активность и насекомые. Проблемы космической биологии. Л.: Наука, 1989. С. 215–224. 11. Чижевский А. Л. Земное эхо солнечных бурь. М.: Из-во. «Мысль». 1976. 367 с. 12. Яворський П. П. Вплив змін клімату на лі- сові екосистеми. Лісове і садово-паркове господар- ство. 2015. №6. /9995. 13. Moroz V. V., Nykytiuk U. A. The effects of solar activity, moisture supply, and carbon dioxide on Ukrainian forest plantation death. Danish scientific journal. 2020. №34. Vol. 2. P.8-14. УДК 628.3 EFFICIENCY OF WASTE WATER TREATMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF SAKHA (YAKUTIA) Shologonova S. Master student, Mining Institute, North-Eastern Federal University, Scientific adviser Afanasy Prokopyevich Pesterov, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor in the specialty "Geoecology" Russia Yakutsk ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ ОЧИСТКИ СТОЧНЫХ ВОД В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ САХА (ЯКУТИЯ) Шологонова С.Е. Магистрант, Горного института Северо-Восточного федерального университета, Научный руководитель Пестеров Афанасий Прокопьевич, кандидат биологических наук, доцент по специальности "Геоэкология" Россия г. Якутск DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2020-51-2-21-23 Abstract The article describes the main wastewater treatment in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The main task of JSC Vodokanal is to provide Yakutsk with high-quality and reliable water supply. For this, on the banks of the river in the northeastern part of the city, the water is raised and treated in a complex of water intake and water treatment facilities. The capacity of the complex is 110 thousand cubic meters. per day, which today is twice the actual needs of the city. The raised water goes through a multi-stage process of purification and disinfection, after which it is distributed to water pumping stations and further to consumers in the city of Yakutsk. Since 2018,
  • 22. 22 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 liquid chlorine has been discontinued for water treatment, replacing it with more effective and less harmful sodium hypochlorite. In addition, the purified water undergoes ultraviolet treatment. Today, the water supplied to the city complies with all SanPiN and is potable. Another task is to preserve the ecological well-being of the Lena River and prevent its pollution by sewage. The station of biological wastewater treatment with a capacity of 90 cubic meters copes with this task. per day. Once at the station, wastewater also undergoes multi-stage treatment, including the use of live bacteria. As a result, water that is not inferior in quality to river water returns to the Lena River. Аннотация В статье написано об основных очистках сточных вод в Республике Саха (Якутия). Главной задачей предприятия АО «Водоканал» является обеспечение Якутска качественным и надежным водоснабжением. Для этого на берегу реки в северо-восточной части города, воду поднимают и очищают в комплексе водо- заборных и водоочистных сооружений. Мощность комплекса 110 тысяч куб.м. в сутки, что на сегодня в два раза превышает фактические потребности города. Поднятая вода проходит многоступенчатый процесс очистки и обеззараживания, после чего распределяется на водопроводные насосные станции и далее по- требителям города Якутска. С 2018 года для очистки воды перестали использовать жидкий хлор, заменив его более эффективным и менее вредным гипохлоритом натрия. Кроме того, очищенная вода проходит ультрафиолетовую обработку. На сегодняшний день, подаваемая в город вода соответствует всем СанПиН и является питьевой. Еще одной задачей является сохранение экологического благополучия реки Лены и недопущение ее загрязнения сточными водами. С этой задачей справляется Станция биологической очистки сточных вод мощностью 90 куб.м. в сутки. Попадая на станцию, сточные воды также проходят многоступенчатую очистку, в том числе с использованием живых бактерий. В результате этого, в реку Лену возвращается вода не уступающая по качеству речной воде. Keywords: waste water treatment, treatment efficiency. Ключевые слова: очистка сточных вод, эффективность очистки. Качество биологической очистки зависит от таких важных факторов, как температура, содержа- ние растворенного кислорода в иловой смеси, при- сутствие токсинов, оптимальное соотношение между концентрацией загрязняющих веществ, при- сутствующих в сточных водах и рабочей дозой ак- тивного ила по массе и целого ряда других, не ме- нее важных факторов. Эффективность очистки всего комплекса со- оружений составила: по взвешенным веществам – 97%, по БПК полн–96%, по ХПК –80%.Для увели- чения прироста активного ила иногда в зависимо- сти от концентрации ВВ и БПК один отстойник от- ключают. Кроме того, в настоящий момент в пер- вичные отстойники подается избыточный актив- ный ил, что способствует дополнительной флоку- ляции и повышению эффективности очистки, но предельно допустимая концентрация на сброс в во- доем рыбохозяйственного назначения не соблюда- ется по фосфору фосфатов Эффективность удаления загрязняющих ве- ществ на Станции биологической очистки стоков в 2016 году составила по X IIK - 91,8%, взвешенным веществам - 96,4% , БПК - 98,1%, по азоту аммо- нийному - 99%, по железу - 95,7%, по нефтепродук- там - 92,7, по фенолам и СПАВ - 92%. Диаграмма 6.1 «Показатели СБОС по эффективности удаление загрязняющих веществ 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 Эффективность очистки сточных вод
  • 23. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 51/2020 23 Забор воды для хозяйственно-питьевых и про- изводственных нужд производится на основании Договора водопользования №14- РДЗВХ-С-2014-02524/00 от 03.02.2014г., заключен- ного с Департаментом по водным отношениям Рес- публики Саха (Якутия) и зарегистрированного в государственном водном реестре. 8 В целях улучшения влагоотдачи в осадок до- бавляется раствор катионового полиэлектролита, затем уплотненный осадок направляется в метан- тенки, где в анаэробных условиях при температуре 33-35С тепла подвергается брожению, выделяемый неиспользуемый газ сжигается на факеле, пере- гнивший в метантенках осадок перекачивается на ленточные фильтр-пресс на обезвоживание. Обез- воженный на ленточных фильтр-прессах осадок с влажностью 70% подается в сушильный барабан, где он сушится под действием горячего воздуха. Далее высушенный осадок подается в рукав- ный фильтр-циклон, где отделяется от смеси воз- духа, пыли, пара, затем он поступает в сито, где раз- деляется по фракциям на крупные и мелкие гра- нулы. Конечной продукцией является гранулированный осадок с плотностью 0,7 т/м3 и влажностью 10%, который можно использовать в сельском хозяйстве. Все технологические процессы очистки сточных вод и обработки осадков автома- тизированы и управляются с диспетчерского пункта при помощи компьютеров. Главный корпус имеет большую площадь бо- лее 19 тыс. кв.м., производительность равна 90 тыс. м3 в сутки. СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ: 1. Степанов, А.С. Интенсификация процессов биологической очистки на очистных сооружениях / А.С. Степанов// Водоснабжение и санитарная техника. –2006. –No 6. –С. 27-34.2. 2. Пермяков, П.П. Необходимые мероприятия для повышения эффективности очистки сточных вод города Якутска / П.П. Пермяков, К.В. Кожухов, С.Д. Иванова, Т.И. Константинова // Промышленное и гражданское строительство. –2013. –No 8. –С. 43-48. 3. Определение технологических возможностей и разработка оптимального режима эксплуатации станции биологической очистки сточных вод г. Якутска на стадии проектных разработок. Заключительный отчет –М.: ЗАО «Водоснабжение и водоотведение,2010. –C. 32-143.