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                                                                                        Draft 1_011812
                                                               CASSAVA VARIETAL ADOPTION
                                                                                            February 2012
Module A - Identity
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent
should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.

GPS coordinates                                                                                       Cassava production
 GPS ID ID number on GPS device                                                                        A14 In the last 12 months, did you cultivate (plant and/or harvest)                 Link to module D and F
 GPS 1 Elevation (meters)                                                                                   cassava?                                                                           1 = Yes 2 = No
 GPS 2 Latitude (decimal degrees)                                                                                                                                                         IF NO, INTERVIEW ENDS
 GPS 3 Longitude (decimal degrees)                                                                                                                                                                  HERE

   A1    PDA number                                                         programmed
   A2    Household number                                                   programmed
   A3    Interviewer ID                                                       A3 codes                Household Information
   A4    Supervisor ID                                                        A4 codes                 A15 Name of household head (First, middle and last names)
   A5    Date of interview                                                  programmed                        A15a - Last name       A15b - First name A15c - Middle name
   A6    Time started (in 24 hour clock)                                    programmed                 A16 What is the gender of the household head?                              1 = Male 2 = Female
   A7    Time ended (in 24 hour clock)                                      programmed                 A17 Respondent relationship to household head                                     A17 codes
   A8    Language in which interview was conducted                            A8 codes                 A18 If A17≠ 1 , What is the name of the respondent?
                                                                                                         A18a - Last name           A18b - First name          A18c - Middle name
                                                                                                       A19 What is the respondent's GSM (mobile) number?
Location                                                                                               A20 Number of people living in household (including you)                      Link to module B
   A9      State                                                             A9 codes                  A21 How long has this household lived in this village? (in years)
  A10      LGA                                                               A10 codes                 A22 Is this household an itinerant household?                                   1 = Yes 2 = No
  A11      Ward                                                             open ended                 A23 What is the respondent's tribe?                                               A23 codes
  A12      Enumeration Area                                                 open ended                 A24 What is the respondent's religion?                                            A24 codes
  A13      Village/Locality name                                            open ended

                                                                                             DEFINITION OF A HOUSEHOLD
 A household is a group of people who sleep in the same dwelling and share meals. These people may or may not be related by blood, but make common provision for food or other essentials for living and they have
                           only one person whom they all regard as the head of the household. A household may consist of one member, a couple or several couples with or without children.
                                         All persons that have been away from the household for more than six months are not considered to be household members EXCEPT:
1) the person who is identified as head of the household even if he/she has not been with the household for nine months or more; 2) a newly born child; 3) students and seasonal workers who have not been living in or
                                                                                              as part of another household.
Module B - Household Composition
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head),
otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.

  B1      B2          B2a                    B3                B4           B5               B6              B7              B8               B9                   B10               B11
 Hhold Household Respondent?         Relationship to           Sex          Age         What is the     What was the       Marital         Primary             Secondary        How many
Member Member                     head of household                                     household       highest level      status        occupation           occupation          years of
  ID     name         For          For Enumerator:                                      member's        of education                     (in terms of         (in terms of      experience
                 Enumerator: DO NOT ASK THIS                                              level of      completed?                     income - please      income - please       does the
                 DO NOT ASK -            FOR THE                                         literacy?                                     include implicit     include implicit     household
                 just fill in on      RESPONDENT                                                                                           /in-kind             /in-kind       member have
                   your own         AGAIN SINCE IT                                                                                      consumption)         consumption)        in cassava
                                     WAS ASKED IN                                                                                                                               cultivation?
                                   MODULE A - just
                                  fill in on your own
                                 based on response
                                 from A17… you can
                                  ask informally for

                           1 = yes                           1 = Male    In complete                                                                              B9 code
           (open ended)                    A17 codes                                       B6 code         B7 codes        B8 code           B9 code                           In complete years
                           2 = no                           2 = Female       years                                                                             plus -88 = NA

   1                                                                     For programmers: all questions will be asked for household members 15 years of age and older
   2                                                                                   For minors, i.e. household members less than 15 years of age, stop at B7.
   3                                 For programmers: There can be more than one wife so please do not restrict code 2 to one per household
Module CA - Land Ownership
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head),
otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.
For enumerator to fill in:
           Crespond                      Who is the respondent?                            Link to Module B

    C1       What was the total land area you cultivated in the last 12 months?                                                                       C1unit codes
             For enumerator: cultivated land is farm land only. Remember to emphasize that we are interested in total farm land.
    C2       Do you own this total cultivated land area?                                                                                                 1 = Yes
                                                                                                                                                         2 = No
    C3       If C2 = 2, what percentage of the total land area is rented?
             For enumerator: show land proportion diagrams here
    C4       If C2 = 2, what percentage of the total land area is borrowed?
             For enumerator: show land proportion diagrams here

Module CB - Crop Production (last 12 months)
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head),
otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.
     C6                 C7                         C8                        C9                     C10
  Crop ID      Which crops did you       What was the main reason   Did you cultivate this Did you cultivate this
              cultivate in the last 12    for growing this crop?    crop in the last rainy  crop in the last dry
                     months?                                              season ?               season ?

                                                                          1 = yes                 1 = yes
                See crop codes                  C8 codes
                                                                          2 = no                  2 = no
Module DA - Cassava General
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head),
otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.
For enumerator to fill in:
            DArespond                  Who is the respondent?                            Link to Module B

      DA1         What was the total land area dedicated to cassava cultivation in the last 12 months?                                                    C1unit codes
                  For programmer: if answer is "don't know (-99)", then ask DA2 else go to DA3.                                                         -99 = don't know
                  Note to enumerator:if this land area is greater than the answer given in C1, please double check with the
                  respondent to make sure they are giving the correct answer
      DA2         If DA1 = -99, What percentage of your total land area in C1 was allocated to cassava cultivation in the last 12                               %
      DA3         In the last 12 months, did you intercrop the cassava you cultivated, with any other crop(s)?                                               1 = Yes
                                                                                                                                                             2 = No
      DA4         If DA3 = 1 , which crop(s) did you intercrop cassava with?                                                                      see crop codes from module
                  Multicheck                                                                                                                                   C
      DA5         From which of the following do you typically receive advice from concerning cassava production?                                          DA5 codes

      DA6         In the last 12 months, did you or anyone in your household attend a farm plot demonstration on cassava                                     1 = Yes
                  cultivation?                                                                                                                               2 = No

      DA7         If DA6=1, who gave the demonstration?                                                                                                    DA5 codes

      DA8         In the last 12 months, did you buy cassava stem cuttings?                                                                                  1 = Yes
                                                                                                                                                         2 = No >> DA11

      DA9         If DA8=1, how much did you spend on cassava stem cuttings in the last 12 months?                                                            in ₦

     DA10         If DA8=1, from whom/where do you buy the cassava stem cuttings?                                                                          DA10 codes
     DA11         In the last 12 months, did you receive free cassava stem cuttings from:                                                                    1 = Yes
                  a) a research institute (e.g. IITA)                                                                                                        2 = No
                  b) an NGO
                  c) a government institution? (E.g. NRCRI)
     DA12         In the last 12 months, did you sell cassava stem cuttings?                                                                                 1 = Yes
                                                                                                                                                             2 = No
     DA13         If DA12=1, how much did you receive for cassava stem cuttings which you sold in the last 12 months?                                         in ₦
DA14   If DA12=1, where do you sell the cassava stem cuttings?                                             DA14 codes
DA15   In the last 12 months, did you give away (i.e. for free or gifted) cassava stem cuttings?             1 = Yes
                                                                                                         2 = No >> DA17
DA16   If DA15=1, to whom did you give free stem cuttings to?                                              DA16 codes
DA17   If DA15=1, where is this person located?                                                      1 = in the same village
                                                                                                   2 = in a neighboring village
                                                                                                    within this district/ward
                                                                                                   3 = in a village outside this
                                                                                                         district or ward

DA18   In the last 12 months, did you use a tractor for land preparation?                                    1 = Yes
                                                                                                             2 = No

DA19   In the last 12 months, did you use any pesticides for cassava cultivation?                            1 = Yes
                                                                                                         2 = No >> DA21

DA20   If DA19=1 , how much did you spend?                                                                     in ₦

DA21   In the last 12 months did you use any herbicides for cassava cultivation?                             1 = Yes
                                                                                                         2 = No >> DA23

DA22   If DA21=1 , how much did you spend?                                                                     in ₦

DA23   In the last 12 months, did you use any fertilizer for cassava cultivation?                            1 = Yes
                                                                                                       2 = No >> end here

DA24   If DA23=1 , how much did you spend?                                                                     in ₦
Module DB - Cassava Varieties
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most
likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.
For enumerator to fill in:
DBrespond                            Who is the respondent?               Link to Module B

    DB1              DB2                 DB3           DB4       DB5            DB6             DB7           DB8            DB9            DB10               DB11           DB12
Cassava ID Please name all Is this variety Which cassava What year From where did Have you                 If DB7=2,     If DB7=1, in If DB7=1, from       If DB7=1, how     Did you
 number       the cassava     an improved product/food is did you first you first hear of ever planted     why not?       which year where did you        did you acquire cultivate
             varieties you      variety?    this variety  hear of this      or obtain     this variety?                  did you first obtain the first       the stem    (plant and/or
           have been aware                 best used for?   variety?      information                                      plant this   stem cutting        cuttings from harvest) this
           of in your village                                              about this                                       variety?       for this         the source in   variety in
           over the last five                                               variety?                                                      variety?              DB9?       the past 5
                  years                                                                                                                                                      years ?

              varieties should be
             listed first and then                                                                          DB8 codes
             questions asked for
                                        1 = yes                                                1 = yes    end here and                                                       1 = yes
                EACH variety to                      DB4 codes   Year         DB6 codes                                      Year         DB10 codes        DB11 codes
                                        2 = no                                                 2 = no     move to next                                                       2 = no
             Open ended or from                                                                              variety
               list obtained from

DB13                DB14            DB15             DB16             DB17               DB18           DB16                  DB17              DB18            DB19
  Did you harvest      In the last 12    Which two       Which two       Which two         In the last 12 If DB18= -99, In When did you plant this From where       How many
[variety] over the    months, which      production      processing    consumption         months, how        the last 12    variety that you         did you       long-stem
 last 12 months?          cassava       traits do you   traits do you trait do you like   much land area months, what harvested in the last 12 obtain the           bundles of
                       product(s) did like most about like most about   most about        did you use to   percentage of         months?           stem cuttings   [variety] did
                      you make using      [variety]?      [variety]?     [variety]?           cultivate   the land area in                         you planted?     you plant?
                         [variety]?                                                          [variety]?         DA1 was
                                                                                                            dedicated to
                        Multicheck     Multicheck -     Multicheck -     Multicheck -                          [variety]?
                                         limit 2          limit 2          limit 2

        1 = yes                                                                                   codes
        2 = no
                         DB4 codes       DB15 codes       DB16 codes      DB17 codes      Qty      -99 =         %           Month          Year     DB10 codes

       VARIETY!                                                                                   don't

                      For programmer: questions DB14 to DB21 are for varieties harvested in the last 12 months only. Respondent should only be asked if DB13=1 for that var
DB20           DB21            DB22               DB23
       How many         How many       Of the total    What was the
     stem cuttings months did it       quantity of     majority of this
     of [variety] did     take for       cassava      harvested variety
       you plant? [variety] to get harvested over         used for?
                       to the point    the last 12
                       where it was   months, what
                      fully ready for  percentage
                        uprooting?    would you say
                                      comprised of

         Number      Complete months       %              C8 codes

1 for that variety
Module DB (cont) - Cassava Varieties

 DB1best Which of the varieties harvested in the last 12 months (from DB13) is your favorite/best variety?                  Linked from DB13 varieties
                                                                                                                         Link to module M and module E
                                                                                                                                  (question E5)

 DB2best From one hectare of land, how many pick-up vans (full loads) would you typically get from this variety?                     Number

 DB3best Do you normally buy cassava stems for this variety?                                                                         1 = Yes
                                                                                                                                2 = No >> DB5best

 DB4best If DB3best = 1, how much would a bundle of 50 long-stems of this variety typically cost?

 DB5best Do you add palm oil to the gari you make with this variety?                                                                 1 = Yes
                                                                                                                                      2 = No
                                                                                                                                    -88 = NA
                                                                                                                       (I do not make gari with this variety)
 DB6best How many months does it typically take for this variety to to get to the point where it was fully ready for            Complete months
Module DC1 - Cassava Harvest
Respondent should be the wife of the household head or the woman responsible for cooking, otherwise, respondent should be other adult female household member
who is 15 years of age or older.

 DC101 Did you harvest cassava in the last 12 months?                                                                                          1 = Yes
       For programmer: if answer is "no" please skip to next module                                                                            2 = No

DC1month DC102                    DC103                     DC104                DC105                    DC106                 DC107                DC108         DC109
 Month How many           When did you plant the      At what point did    What was the total    How much of the cassava   If DC106=-99,        How much of the    If DC108=-99,
         times did       cassava you harvested in      you receive the     quantity of cassava   harvested in [month] was what percentage     cassava harvested in      what
            you                 [month]?                cassava stem          harvested?              used for home       of the harvest in    [month] was sold? percentage of
          harvest                                        cuttings you                                 consumption?        DC105 was used                           the harvest in
        cassava in                                         planted?                                                           for home                               DC105 was
         [month]?                                                                                                          consumption?                                 sold?

                         Month                                                                                    DC105                                   DC105
                         (actual                                                                                    unit                                    unit
                         month                                                         DC105                      codes                                   codes
names to
            Number      names to         Year               DC104             Qty       unit          Qty          -99 =          %             Qty        -99 =         %
                           be                                                          codes                      Don't                                   Don't
                       entered/co                                                                                know/re                                 know/re
                        ded later)                                                                               member                                  member

Module DC2 - Cassava Processing
Respondent should be the wife of the household head or the woman responsible for cooking, otherwise, respondent should be other adult female household
member who is 15 years of age or older.

 DC201 Do you process the cassava produce (fufu, lafun, gari etc.) that you consume at home on your own?                                                      1 = Yes
                                                                                                                                                         2 = No >> DC203
 DC202 Which cassava products do you process on your own?                                                                                                    1 = gari
       For programmer: this should be linked to the respective product in the table below                                                            2 = lafun/cassava flour
                                                                                                                                                          3 = fufu/akpu

 DC203 Do you process the cassava produce (fufu, lafun, gari etc.) you consume at home at a local processor or processing                                     1 = Yes
          center (mill)?                                                                                                                                 2 = No >> DC205
For programmer: if answer is "no" to both DC201 and DC203, please skip to next module
 DC204 Which cassava products do you process at the local processor or processing center (mill)?                                                             1 = gari
       For programmer: this should be linked to the respective product in the table below                                                            2 = lafun/cassava flour
                                                                                                                                                          3 = fufu/akpu

 DC205 How many days after harvest do you wait before peeling your harvested cassava?                                                                    Number of days

 DC206 If DC202=1 or DC204=1 for gari, do you add palm oil to your GARI during frying/processing?                                                            1 = Yes
                                                                                                                                                             2 = No

                              GARI                           LAFUN/CASSAVA FLOUR                                FUFU/AKPU
DC2month         DC206               DC207           DC209                       DC210                    DC211                  DC212
 Month Did you make GARI - on When did you       Did you make              When did you finish    Did you make FUFU - on     When did you
          your own or through finish consuming LAFUN - on your               consuming the         your own or through     finish consuming
         processing center - for the GARI that  own or through              LAFUN that you        processing center - for the FUFU that you
         home consumption in      you made in  processing center -         made in [month]?        home consumption in made in [month]?
               [month]?            [month]?        for home                                              [month]?
                                                consumption in
 (actual                                  Code:                                                                                  Code:
                                                            1 = Yes                Code:
  month            1 = Yes            1 = month 1                                                          1 = Yes           1 = month 1
                                                            2 = No             1 = month 1
names to           2 = No             2 = month 2,                                                         2 = No            2 = month 2,
                                                       >> move to next        2 = month 2,
    be         >> move to next             etc.                                                   >> move to next product         etc.
                                                          product (if                etc.
 entered    product (if applicable)     13 = still                                                    (if applicable)          13 = still
                                                         applicable)       13 = still consuming
  later)                               consuming                                                                              consuming

Module DC3 - Cassava Marketing
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise,
respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.

  DC3by1 In the last 12 months, did you buy cassava in raw form?

  DC3by2      In the last 12 months, did you buy cassava flour/lafun?
                                                                                                                             1 = Yes
  DC3by3      In the last 12 months, did you buy fufu/akpu?                                                                  2 = No

  DC3by4      In the last 12 months, did you buy gari?

For programmer: for people who answer yes to the respective product, please link to table below for EACH respective product (i.e. cassava flour,
fufu, gari). Each product should have its own table - same format
 DC3bymth                DC3by5                      DC3by6                      DC3by7                            DC3by8
  Month         Did you buy PRODUCT in       How much did you spend on In which month did you finish        From where did you buy
                        [month]?               PRODUCT in [month]?       consuming the PRODUCT               PRODUCT in [month]?
                                                                          you bought in [month]?

  (actual                                                                               Code:
   month                                                                            1 = month 1
                         1 = Yes
names to be                                              in ₦                      2 = month 2,                    DA10 codes
                         2 = No
  entered                                                                                 etc.
   later)                                                                       13 = still consuming

Module DC3 - Cassava Marketing
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head),
otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.

    DC3sl1    In the last 12 months, did you sell cassava in raw form?

     DC3sl2       In the last 12 months, did you sell cassava flour/lafun?
                                                                                                                  1 = Yes
     DC3sl3       In the last 12 months, did you sell fufu/akpu?                                                  2 = No

     DC3sl4       In the last 12 months, did you sell gari?

For programmer: for people who answer yes to the respective product, please link to table below for EACH respective product
(i.e. cassava flour, fufu, gari). Each product should have its own table - same format
    DC3slmth               DC3sl5                   DC3sl6                  DC3sl7
     Month         Did you sell PRODUCT       How much did you         Where did you sell
                        in [month]?          receive for PRODUCT      PRODUCT in [month]?
                                                sales in total in

 (actual month
                           1 = Yes
  names to be                                         in ₦                 DA10 codes
                           2 = No
 entered later)

Module E - Cassava Varietal Traits
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head),
otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.

For enumerator to fill in
         Erespond                Who is the respondent?                                    Link to Module B


     E1              E2                                     E3                                           E4                              E5
Trait group        Trait ID                                Trait                           How important is [trait] in your How well did your best variety
  ID no.                                                                                     choice of Cassava variety? (identified in DB13) do in terms
                                                                                                                                     of [trait]?

                                                                                                       E4 codes                    Link with best variety from
     1        Production
                      1          Resistance to drought
                      2          Resistance to field pests
                      3          Resistance to diseases
                      4          Early maturity
                      5          Yield
                      6          Stem height
                      7          Tuber size
     3        Processing
                      1          Good pounding ability
                      2          DMC: Good quantity of Gari from 100kg tubers
                      3          Starch content
                      4          Fibre content
                      5          Market demand
     4        Consumption
                      1          Tuber palatability when steamed
                                 Tuber palatability when roasted
                      2          Taste for cassava flour or Lafun
                      3          Taste for Gari
                      4          Taste for Fufu
Module F - Cassava Decision making and Labor Input
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of
the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.

Activity                   Cassava production activity                         F1                                F2                         F3
  ID                                                             Do you practice [activity] when   Who in your household is the     Who else in your
                                                                     you produce cassava?            decision maker when it     household is the decision
                                                                                                   comes to [cassava production maker when it comes to
                                                                                                             activity]?           [cassava production

                                                                           1 = Yes >> F2a          For programmer: Link to module B   For programmer: Link to module
                                                                       2 = No >> next activity             [ID from Mod B or                          B
                                                                                                                 -88=NA]                     [ID from Mod B or

   1       Land preparation

   2       Stem variety to cultivate

   3       Choosing, acquiring, selecting and storing of stem

   4       Planting

   5       Harvesting

   6       Processing of cassava

   7       Selling in the market

   8       Buying from the market
Module GA - Social Capital
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of
the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.


  GA1                    GA2                         GA3          GA4                GA5            GA6            GA7              GA8            GA9                GA10
 Group                  Group                   Has anyone What are the         What year did    Does your     What is/was How important How important           How important
   ID                                              in your      two most       your household household still the reason for    is/ was the is/was this group   is/was this group
                                                household      important      (or the housheold belong to the   leaving the     group as a    as a source of      as a source of
                                                been a part functions of this member) join this    group?         group?         source of   information on      information on
                                                of a [group]     group?             group?                                   information on    health and        cassava varietal
                                               in the past 3                                                                   agricultural     nutrition?           choice?
                                                    years?   Multicheck - 2                                                   technologies?

                                                 1 = Yes                                      1 = Yes >> GA8
                                                              GA4 codes           year                          GA7 codes       E4 codes         E4 codes           E4 codes
                                                 2 = No                                       2 = No >> GA7

   1     Farmers' group
   2     Cooperative society/ savings' group
   3     Religious group
   4     Other group (please specify)
GA11               GA12              GA13                GA14
How often do   How much did/do Do you know the          Are some of the
 you meet            you trust     cassava varieties cassava varieties you
  [group]?       information that that are grown by cultivated in the last
               you receive/obtain the members of      12 months the same
                from members of        [group]?      as those cultivated by
                    this group?                         members of this

                                        1 = Yes
GA11 codes        GA12 codes        2 = No >> next            GA14

Module GB - Media & Information Sources
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household
head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.


   GB1                   GB2                       GB3                 GB4                GB5              GB6             GB7             GB8            GB9
  Media        Information source/media     Do you or anyone in For media 2 and For media 7, who      For media 8,   How important How often do you How much do
    ID                                      your household get 3: What kind of do you receive text what is the name    is/ was the   get information   you trust
                                             information from    station is this?   messages from     of the NGO?   media/informati from [media]? information that
                                                 [media]?                                about                       on source with                  you read/hear
                                                                                  agriculture/health/                   regards to                    on [media]?
                                                                                       nutrition?                    infromation on
                                                                 [multi check]                                      technologies and

                                                                                  [open ended]                         E4 codes        GA9 codes       GA10 codes

    1      Newspapers/magazine
    2      Radio
    3      Television
    4      Billboard/poster/handout
    5      Health clinic
    6      Agricultural extension officer
    7      Phone (text messages)
    8      NGO
    9      Neighbors/friends
    10     Family members
    11     Other information sources
Module HA - Dietary Diversity (last 24 hours and 1 week recalls)
Respondent should be the wife of the household head or the woman responsible for cooking, otherwise, respondent should be other adult female household
member who is 15 years of age or older. The female respondent should answer questions about her own consumption.
For enumerator to fill in:
     HArespond          Who is the respondent?                                             Link to Module B
        HA1             Did you eat any food at a special ocassion in the last seven days?       1 = Yes 2 =No

 Haitem                                      Food Item                                                HA2                          HA3                         HA4
                                                                                             Did you consume [food       Did you consume [food       How many days in the last
                                                                                           item] in the last 24 hours?   item] in the last 7 days?     seven days did you
                                                                                                                                                      consume [food item]?

                                                                                                  1 = Yes >> HA4                1 = Yes >> HA4
                                                                                                  2 = No >> HA3               2 = No >> next item         Number of days
                                                                                           -99 = Don't know/remember     -99 = Don't know/remember

    1     Cassava (such as Gari, Akpu, Fufu, Lafun, etc)
    2     Cereals (such as Rice, Maize, Millet, etc)
    3     Beans and other pulses (such as cowpeas, etc.)
    4     Nuts and seeds
    5     Sugar
    6     Sweet potato
    7     Other roots and tubers (yam, irish potatoes, white fleshed sweet potato etc.)
    8     Fruits (pineapple, guava, pawpaw etc.)
    9     Wild fruits
   10     Eggs
   11     Milk, cheese
   12     Dark-green leafy vegetables
   13     Other vegetables (tomatoes etc.)
   14     Fish and other seafood (shrimp, crab etc.)
   15     Red meat (cow/goat/pig/sheep/pork etc.)
   16     Kidney, and other offals (abats)
   17     Poultry (chicken, duck, etc.)
   18     Blue band margarine (vitamin A fortified)
   19     Fats and oils (butter, other margarine, soybean, mustard ghee, etc)
   20     Mango
   21     Pumpkin
   22     Animal liver
   23     Red palm oil
Module HB - Frequency of cassava food consumption (Average frequency in the last 7 days)
Respondent should be the wife of the household head or the woman responsible for cooking, otherwise, respondent should be other adult female
household member who is 15 years of age or older. The female respondent should answer questions about her own consumption.
For enumerator to fill in:
      HBrespond            Who is the respondent?                 Link to Module B

   HB1                                     HB2                                           HB3                         HB4                    HB5
                How often did you or any member of your household consume      Did you consume [cassava Did you consume [cassava How many days in the last
               [Cassava & Cassava Food Item/Products] in the last one month?    food item] in the last 24 food item] in the last 7   seven days did you
                                                                                        hours?                    days?            consume [cassava food

                                                                                      1 = Yes >> HB4               1 = Yes >> HB4
                                                                                      2 = No >> HB3             2 = No >> next item    Number of days
                                                                               -99 = Don't know/remember   -99 = Don't know/remember

     1      Gari (cooked)
     2      Gari (for drinking)
     3      Fufu/akpu
     4      Cooked odourless fufu
     5      Starch
     6      Lafun (white Amala)
     7      Unfermented cassava flour
     8      Cassava bread
     9      Cassava chips
    10      Boiled root
    11      Anyan Ekpang
    12      Asa Iwa (Raw cassava)
    13      Imang
    14      Cassava akara (akara-iwa or ojojo)
    15      Edita-iwa
    16      Cassava leaves
    17      Others
Module IA -Frequent Expenditure
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most
likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.

For enumerator to fill in:
IArespond                                                             Who is the respondent?                     Link to Module B

  IA1                                                                           IA2                  IA3                   IA4               IA5                    IA6
                                                                      In the last 30 days did How much did        FOR FOOD ONLY          What was the       FOR FOOD ONLY
                                                                      your household spend you spend on                 (ITEM 1):      average monthly           (ITEM 1):
                                                                        money on [item] ?     [item] in the last      What is the       expenditure on         What is the
                                                                                                  30 days?       estimated value of [item] for the last 12 estimated average
                                                                                                                   food consumed           months?          monthly value of
Item ID                               Item name                                                                        from own                              food from own
                                                                                                                  production in the                         production in the
                                                                                                                     last 30 days?                           last 12 months?

                                                                              1 = Yes
                                                                                               Amount in Naira    Amount in Naira     Amount in Naira      Amount in Naira
                                                                          2 = No >> IA5
   1      Food
   2      Fuel (firewood, charcoal, kerosene, gas)
   3      Transport expenses
   4      Communication (cell phone, airtime, calling)
   5      Cultural/religious activities (e.g. church)
   6      Utilities and maintainance costs (electric bill, water)
   7      Other, specify
Module IB -Less Frequent Expenditure
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head),
otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.

For enumerator to fill in:
IBrespond                                                                                Who is the respondent?         Link to Module B

    IB1                                                                                                 IB2                       IB3
                                                                                           In the last 12 months, did       What was your
                                                                                             your household spend          household's total
                                                                                                money on [item]?         expenditure on [item]
                                                                                                                            over the last 12
  Item ID                                     Item name

                                                                                                     1 = Yes
                                                                                                                           Amount in Naira
                                                                                                 2 = No >> IB3
     1       Clothes and shoes (including school uniforms)
     2       School fees and other educational expenses
     3       Social events (age grade, wedding, funeral, sonkhasonkha, chilimba etc)
     4       Housing improvement (latrine, new roof, etc)
     5       Human Health expenses (medication,consultation, hospitalization)
     6       Other1, specify
     7       Other2, specify
Module J - Assets
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the
household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.

For enumerator to fill in:
JrespondWho is the respondent?                  Link to Module B

Module JA - Household Assets

  JA1                                                                 JA2                    JA3                    JA4                       JA5
Asset ID                        Asset                         Does any household    How many [asset] does What is the total area of  What is the current
                                                             member currently own   your entire household land that you currently estimated value of total
                                                                    [asset]?           currently own?       own (cultivated and     [asset] owned by your
                                                                                                              uncultivated)?          entire household?

                                                                 1 = yes >> JA3        Current number                                       Naira
                                                              2 = no >> next item                                        C1unit
                                                                                                                       -99 = don't

  1        Land
  2        Houses (including the one you live in IF OWNED)
  3        Other buildings owned including stores/shops
  4        Livestock structures
  5        Traditional granary
  6        Wooden or concrete storage
  7        Car
  8        Bicycle
  9        Motorcycle
  10       Cell/mobile phone(s)
  11       Radio
  12       Television
Module JB - Farm Assets
  JB1                                                JB2                    JB3                       JB4
Asset ID                            Asset    Does any household    How many [asset] does     What is the current
                                            member currently own   your entire household   estimated value of total
                                                   [asset]?           currently own?        [asset] owned by your
                                                                                              entire household?

                                                1 = yes >> K3         Current number                Naira
                                             2 = no >> next item
   1       Plough
   2       Tractor
   3       Bees/Bee hives
   4       Wheel barrow
   5       Fish pond
   6       Other (please specify)

Module JC - Livestock Assets
  JC1                                                JC2                    JC3                       JC4
Asset ID                            Asset    Does any household    How many [asset] does     What is the current
                                            member currently own   your entire household   estimated value of total
                                                   [asset]?           currently own?        [asset] owned by your
                                                                                              entire household?

                                                1 = yes >> KC3        Current number                Naira
                                             2 = no >> next item
   1       Poultry
   2       Sheep
   3       Goat
   4       Cow
   5       Pig
   6       Donkey
   7       Oxen
   8       Bull
   9       Other cattle
Module K - Household conditions, Savings & credit
Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household
head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older.

For enumerator to fill in:
Krespond     Who is the respondent?                         Link to Module B

Module KA - Household conditions

    KA1       What is the roofing material of the main house?                                                               KA1 codes
    KA2       What is the outer wall material of the main house?                                                            KA2 codes
    KA3       What is the floor material of the main house?                                                                 KA3 codes
    KA4       What is main source of drinking water?                                                                        KA4 codes
    KA5       What is the main source of water for domestic use?                                                            KA4 codes
    KA6       What is the main source of lighting used in the main house?                                                   KA6 codes
    KA7       Do you and/or any of the other members in your household use mosquito nets?                    1 = Yes      2 = No -99 = don't know
Module L - Knowledge
Respondent should be the wife of the household head or the woman responsible for cooking, otherwise, respondent should be other adult female household member
who is 15 years of age or older.
For enumerator to fill in:
Lrespond Who is the respondent?                                     Link to Module B

              L1                       L2                 L3             L4             L5              L6               L7                 L8          L9               L10
                                 Have you ever      Where did you   For item 1     For item 1    Have you ever      If LA6 = 1,        If LA6 = 1,   Have you     For item 5 only:
                                 heard of/ read       first hear       only:          only:      participated in   What was the      where did this ever seen      What do you
                                   about… ?            of/read      List 3 food   What are the    any activities   nature of this     activity take any posters     think GM is?
                                                      about…?       items that    symptoms of     related to…?       activity?            place?      on….?
                                                                    are rich in     vitamin A
                                                                     vitamin A     deficiency?

                                      1 = Yes         LA3 codes      LA4 codes     LA5 codes          1 = Yes        LA7 codes         LA8 codes       1 = Yes       LA11 codes
                                  2 = No >>> next                                                 2 = No >>> LA9                                        2 = No
     1      Vitamin A
     2      Yellow cassava
     3      Vitamin A Cassava
     4      GM
     5      GM Cassava
Module M - Choice Experiment
Enumerator: Please follow intrstructions in the choice experiment introduction sheet

             Mrespond                Who is the respondent?             Link to Module B

Enumerator: Please explain the attributes and levels and the choice making process slowly and clearly - information on these are in your

**Programmer: please link to variety identified in DBbest1
Please consider your best variety, [link to DBbest1] and compare to the varieties in the illustrations below…

[Enumerator: record the respondent’s choice here]
    M2                              M3
 Choice set                       Choice
                                                                        Programmers: Choice sets should be programmed
                                                                            into the devices, if possible.Please see the
                                                                           attached choice experiment word document

     M4       Why did you choose your current stem?                                        M4 Codes

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Nigeria cassava varietal adoption study draft 1 011812

  • 1. HarvestPlus Draft 1_011812 CASSAVA VARIETAL ADOPTION NIGERIA February 2012 Module A - Identity Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. GPS coordinates Cassava production GPS ID ID number on GPS device A14 In the last 12 months, did you cultivate (plant and/or harvest) Link to module D and F GPS 1 Elevation (meters) cassava? 1 = Yes 2 = No GPS 2 Latitude (decimal degrees) IF NO, INTERVIEW ENDS GPS 3 Longitude (decimal degrees) HERE Interview A1 PDA number programmed A2 Household number programmed A3 Interviewer ID A3 codes Household Information A4 Supervisor ID A4 codes A15 Name of household head (First, middle and last names) A5 Date of interview programmed A15a - Last name A15b - First name A15c - Middle name A6 Time started (in 24 hour clock) programmed A16 What is the gender of the household head? 1 = Male 2 = Female A7 Time ended (in 24 hour clock) programmed A17 Respondent relationship to household head A17 codes A8 Language in which interview was conducted A8 codes A18 If A17≠ 1 , What is the name of the respondent? A18a - Last name A18b - First name A18c - Middle name A19 What is the respondent's GSM (mobile) number? Location A20 Number of people living in household (including you) Link to module B A9 State A9 codes A21 How long has this household lived in this village? (in years) A10 LGA A10 codes A22 Is this household an itinerant household? 1 = Yes 2 = No A11 Ward open ended A23 What is the respondent's tribe? A23 codes A12 Enumeration Area open ended A24 What is the respondent's religion? A24 codes A13 Village/Locality name open ended DEFINITION OF A HOUSEHOLD A household is a group of people who sleep in the same dwelling and share meals. These people may or may not be related by blood, but make common provision for food or other essentials for living and they have only one person whom they all regard as the head of the household. A household may consist of one member, a couple or several couples with or without children. All persons that have been away from the household for more than six months are not considered to be household members EXCEPT: 1) the person who is identified as head of the household even if he/she has not been with the household for nine months or more; 2) a newly born child; 3) students and seasonal workers who have not been living in or as part of another household.
  • 2. Module B - Household Composition Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. B1 B2 B2a B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 Hhold Household Respondent? Relationship to Sex Age What is the What was the Marital Primary Secondary How many Member Member head of household household highest level status occupation occupation years of ID name For For Enumerator: member's of education (in terms of (in terms of experience Enumerator: DO NOT ASK THIS level of completed? income - please income - please does the DO NOT ASK - FOR THE literacy? include implicit include implicit household just fill in on RESPONDENT /in-kind /in-kind member have your own AGAIN SINCE IT consumption) consumption) in cassava WAS ASKED IN cultivation? MODULE A - just fill in on your own based on response from A17… you can ask informally for verification 1 = yes 1 = Male In complete B9 code (open ended) A17 codes B6 code B7 codes B8 code B9 code In complete years 2 = no 2 = Female years plus -88 = NA 1 For programmers: all questions will be asked for household members 15 years of age and older 2 For minors, i.e. household members less than 15 years of age, stop at B7. 3 For programmers: There can be more than one wife so please do not restrict code 2 to one per household 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
  • 3. Module CA - Land Ownership Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. For enumerator to fill in: Crespond Who is the respondent? Link to Module B C1 What was the total land area you cultivated in the last 12 months? C1unit codes For enumerator: cultivated land is farm land only. Remember to emphasize that we are interested in total farm land. C2 Do you own this total cultivated land area? 1 = Yes 2 = No C3 If C2 = 2, what percentage of the total land area is rented? For enumerator: show land proportion diagrams here C4 If C2 = 2, what percentage of the total land area is borrowed? For enumerator: show land proportion diagrams here Module CB - Crop Production (last 12 months) Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 Crop ID Which crops did you What was the main reason Did you cultivate this Did you cultivate this cultivate in the last 12 for growing this crop? crop in the last rainy crop in the last dry months? season ? season ? 1 = yes 1 = yes See crop codes C8 codes 2 = no 2 = no 1 2 3 4 5
  • 4. Module DA - Cassava General Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. For enumerator to fill in: DArespond Who is the respondent? Link to Module B DA1 What was the total land area dedicated to cassava cultivation in the last 12 months? C1unit codes For programmer: if answer is "don't know (-99)", then ask DA2 else go to DA3. -99 = don't know Note to enumerator:if this land area is greater than the answer given in C1, please double check with the respondent to make sure they are giving the correct answer DA2 If DA1 = -99, What percentage of your total land area in C1 was allocated to cassava cultivation in the last 12 % months? DA3 In the last 12 months, did you intercrop the cassava you cultivated, with any other crop(s)? 1 = Yes 2 = No DA4 If DA3 = 1 , which crop(s) did you intercrop cassava with? see crop codes from module Multicheck C DA5 From which of the following do you typically receive advice from concerning cassava production? DA5 codes DA6 In the last 12 months, did you or anyone in your household attend a farm plot demonstration on cassava 1 = Yes cultivation? 2 = No DA7 If DA6=1, who gave the demonstration? DA5 codes DA8 In the last 12 months, did you buy cassava stem cuttings? 1 = Yes 2 = No >> DA11 DA9 If DA8=1, how much did you spend on cassava stem cuttings in the last 12 months? in ₦ DA10 If DA8=1, from whom/where do you buy the cassava stem cuttings? DA10 codes Multicheck DA11 In the last 12 months, did you receive free cassava stem cuttings from: 1 = Yes a) a research institute (e.g. IITA) 2 = No b) an NGO c) a government institution? (E.g. NRCRI) DA12 In the last 12 months, did you sell cassava stem cuttings? 1 = Yes 2 = No DA13 If DA12=1, how much did you receive for cassava stem cuttings which you sold in the last 12 months? in ₦
  • 5. DA14 If DA12=1, where do you sell the cassava stem cuttings? DA14 codes Multicheck DA15 In the last 12 months, did you give away (i.e. for free or gifted) cassava stem cuttings? 1 = Yes 2 = No >> DA17 DA16 If DA15=1, to whom did you give free stem cuttings to? DA16 codes Multicheck DA17 If DA15=1, where is this person located? 1 = in the same village 2 = in a neighboring village within this district/ward 3 = in a village outside this district or ward DA18 In the last 12 months, did you use a tractor for land preparation? 1 = Yes 2 = No DA19 In the last 12 months, did you use any pesticides for cassava cultivation? 1 = Yes 2 = No >> DA21 DA20 If DA19=1 , how much did you spend? in ₦ DA21 In the last 12 months did you use any herbicides for cassava cultivation? 1 = Yes 2 = No >> DA23 DA22 If DA21=1 , how much did you spend? in ₦ DA23 In the last 12 months, did you use any fertilizer for cassava cultivation? 1 = Yes 2 = No >> end here DA24 If DA23=1 , how much did you spend? in ₦
  • 6. Module DB - Cassava Varieties Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. For enumerator to fill in: DBrespond Who is the respondent? Link to Module B DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 DB8 DB9 DB10 DB11 DB12 Cassava ID Please name all Is this variety Which cassava What year From where did Have you If DB7=2, If DB7=1, in If DB7=1, from If DB7=1, how Did you number the cassava an improved product/food is did you first you first hear of ever planted why not? which year where did you did you acquire cultivate varieties you variety? this variety hear of this or obtain this variety? did you first obtain the first the stem (plant and/or have been aware best used for? variety? information plant this stem cutting cuttings from harvest) this of in your village about this variety? for this the source in variety in over the last five variety? variety? DB9? the past 5 years years ? Programmer: varieties should be listed first and then DB8 codes questions asked for 1 = yes 1 = yes end here and 1 = yes EACH variety to DB4 codes Year DB6 codes Year DB10 codes DB11 codes 2 = no 2 = no move to next 2 = no follow Open ended or from variety list obtained from FGD??? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 7. DB13 DB14 DB15 DB16 DB17 DB18 DB16 DB17 DB18 DB19 Did you harvest In the last 12 Which two Which two Which two In the last 12 If DB18= -99, In When did you plant this From where How many [variety] over the months, which production processing consumption months, how the last 12 variety that you did you long-stem last 12 months? cassava traits do you traits do you trait do you like much land area months, what harvested in the last 12 obtain the bundles of product(s) did like most about like most about most about did you use to percentage of months? stem cuttings [variety] did you make using [variety]? [variety]? [variety]? cultivate the land area in you planted? you plant? [variety]? [variety]? DA1 was dedicated to Multicheck Multicheck - Multicheck - Multicheck - [variety]? limit 2 limit 2 limit 2 C1unit 1 = yes codes 2 = no IF NO, MOVE TO NEXT DB4 codes DB15 codes DB16 codes DB17 codes Qty -99 = % Month Year DB10 codes VARIETY! don't know For programmer: questions DB14 to DB21 are for varieties harvested in the last 12 months only. Respondent should only be asked if DB13=1 for that var
  • 8. DB20 DB21 DB22 DB23 How many How many Of the total What was the stem cuttings months did it quantity of majority of this of [variety] did take for cassava harvested variety you plant? [variety] to get harvested over used for? to the point the last 12 where it was months, what fully ready for percentage uprooting? would you say comprised of [variety]? Number Complete months % C8 codes 1 for that variety
  • 9. Module DB (cont) - Cassava Varieties DB1best Which of the varieties harvested in the last 12 months (from DB13) is your favorite/best variety? Linked from DB13 varieties Link to module M and module E (question E5) DB2best From one hectare of land, how many pick-up vans (full loads) would you typically get from this variety? Number DB3best Do you normally buy cassava stems for this variety? 1 = Yes 2 = No >> DB5best DB4best If DB3best = 1, how much would a bundle of 50 long-stems of this variety typically cost? DB5best Do you add palm oil to the gari you make with this variety? 1 = Yes 2 = No -88 = NA (I do not make gari with this variety) DB6best How many months does it typically take for this variety to to get to the point where it was fully ready for Complete months uprooting?
  • 10. Module DC1 - Cassava Harvest Respondent should be the wife of the household head or the woman responsible for cooking, otherwise, respondent should be other adult female household member who is 15 years of age or older. DC101 Did you harvest cassava in the last 12 months? 1 = Yes For programmer: if answer is "no" please skip to next module 2 = No DC1month DC102 DC103 DC104 DC105 DC106 DC107 DC108 DC109 Month How many When did you plant the At what point did What was the total How much of the cassava If DC106=-99, How much of the If DC108=-99, times did cassava you harvested in you receive the quantity of cassava harvested in [month] was what percentage cassava harvested in what you [month]? cassava stem harvested? used for home of the harvest in [month] was sold? percentage of harvest cuttings you consumption? DC105 was used the harvest in cassava in planted? for home DC105 was [month]? consumption? sold? Month DC105 DC105 (actual (actual unit unit month month DC105 codes codes names to Number names to Year DC104 Qty unit Qty -99 = % Qty -99 = % be be codes Don't Don't entered entered/co know/re know/re later) ded later) member member 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 11. Module DC2 - Cassava Processing Respondent should be the wife of the household head or the woman responsible for cooking, otherwise, respondent should be other adult female household member who is 15 years of age or older. DC201 Do you process the cassava produce (fufu, lafun, gari etc.) that you consume at home on your own? 1 = Yes 2 = No >> DC203 DC202 Which cassava products do you process on your own? 1 = gari For programmer: this should be linked to the respective product in the table below 2 = lafun/cassava flour 3 = fufu/akpu DC203 Do you process the cassava produce (fufu, lafun, gari etc.) you consume at home at a local processor or processing 1 = Yes center (mill)? 2 = No >> DC205 For programmer: if answer is "no" to both DC201 and DC203, please skip to next module DC204 Which cassava products do you process at the local processor or processing center (mill)? 1 = gari For programmer: this should be linked to the respective product in the table below 2 = lafun/cassava flour 3 = fufu/akpu DC205 How many days after harvest do you wait before peeling your harvested cassava? Number of days DC206 If DC202=1 or DC204=1 for gari, do you add palm oil to your GARI during frying/processing? 1 = Yes 2 = No GARI LAFUN/CASSAVA FLOUR FUFU/AKPU DC2month DC206 DC207 DC209 DC210 DC211 DC212 Month Did you make GARI - on When did you Did you make When did you finish Did you make FUFU - on When did you your own or through finish consuming LAFUN - on your consuming the your own or through finish consuming processing center - for the GARI that own or through LAFUN that you processing center - for the FUFU that you home consumption in you made in processing center - made in [month]? home consumption in made in [month]? [month]? [month]? for home [month]? consumption in [month]? (actual Code: Code: 1 = Yes Code: month 1 = Yes 1 = month 1 1 = Yes 1 = month 1 2 = No 1 = month 1 names to 2 = No 2 = month 2, 2 = No 2 = month 2, >> move to next 2 = month 2, be >> move to next etc. >> move to next product etc. product (if etc. entered product (if applicable) 13 = still (if applicable) 13 = still applicable) 13 = still consuming later) consuming consuming 1 2 …. … 12
  • 12. Module DC3 - Cassava Marketing Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. CASSAVA PURCHASES DC3by1 In the last 12 months, did you buy cassava in raw form? DC3by2 In the last 12 months, did you buy cassava flour/lafun? 1 = Yes DC3by3 In the last 12 months, did you buy fufu/akpu? 2 = No DC3by4 In the last 12 months, did you buy gari? For programmer: for people who answer yes to the respective product, please link to table below for EACH respective product (i.e. cassava flour, fufu, gari). Each product should have its own table - same format DC3bymth DC3by5 DC3by6 DC3by7 DC3by8 Month Did you buy PRODUCT in How much did you spend on In which month did you finish From where did you buy [month]? PRODUCT in [month]? consuming the PRODUCT PRODUCT in [month]? you bought in [month]? (actual Code: month 1 = month 1 1 = Yes names to be in ₦ 2 = month 2, DA10 codes 2 = No entered etc. later) 13 = still consuming 1 2 …. … 12
  • 13. Module DC3 - Cassava Marketing Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. CASSAVA SALES DC3sl1 In the last 12 months, did you sell cassava in raw form? DC3sl2 In the last 12 months, did you sell cassava flour/lafun? 1 = Yes DC3sl3 In the last 12 months, did you sell fufu/akpu? 2 = No DC3sl4 In the last 12 months, did you sell gari? For programmer: for people who answer yes to the respective product, please link to table below for EACH respective product (i.e. cassava flour, fufu, gari). Each product should have its own table - same format DC3slmth DC3sl5 DC3sl6 DC3sl7 Month Did you sell PRODUCT How much did you Where did you sell in [month]? receive for PRODUCT PRODUCT in [month]? sales in total in [month]? (actual month 1 = Yes names to be in ₦ DA10 codes 2 = No entered later) 1 2 …. … 12
  • 14. Module E - Cassava Varietal Traits Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. For enumerator to fill in Erespond Who is the respondent? Link to Module B IMPORTANCE OF TRAIT E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Trait group Trait ID Trait How important is [trait] in your How well did your best variety ID no. choice of Cassava variety? (identified in DB13) do in terms of [trait]? E4 codes Link with best variety from DBbest1 1 Production 1 Resistance to drought 2 Resistance to field pests 3 Resistance to diseases 4 Early maturity 5 Yield 6 Stem height 7 Tuber size 3 Processing 1 Good pounding ability 2 DMC: Good quantity of Gari from 100kg tubers 3 Starch content 4 Fibre content 5 Market demand 4 Consumption 1 Tuber palatability when steamed Tuber palatability when roasted 2 Taste for cassava flour or Lafun 3 Taste for Gari 4 Taste for Fufu
  • 15. Module F - Cassava Decision making and Labor Input Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. Activity Cassava production activity F1 F2 F3 ID Do you practice [activity] when Who in your household is the Who else in your you produce cassava? decision maker when it household is the decision comes to [cassava production maker when it comes to activity]? [cassava production activity]? 1 = Yes >> F2a For programmer: Link to module B For programmer: Link to module 2 = No >> next activity [ID from Mod B or B -88=NA] [ID from Mod B or -88=NA] 1 Land preparation 2 Stem variety to cultivate 3 Choosing, acquiring, selecting and storing of stem 4 Planting 5 Harvesting 6 Processing of cassava 7 Selling in the market 8 Buying from the market
  • 16. Module GA - Social Capital Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. SOCIAL CAPITAL GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 GA6 GA7 GA8 GA9 GA10 Group Group Has anyone What are the What year did Does your What is/was How important How important How important ID in your two most your household household still the reason for is/ was the is/was this group is/was this group household important (or the housheold belong to the leaving the group as a as a source of as a source of been a part functions of this member) join this group? group? source of information on information on of a [group] group? group? information on health and cassava varietal in the past 3 agricultural nutrition? choice? years? Multicheck - 2 technologies? 1 = Yes 1 = Yes >> GA8 GA4 codes year GA7 codes E4 codes E4 codes E4 codes 2 = No 2 = No >> GA7 1 Farmers' group 2 Cooperative society/ savings' group 3 Religious group 4 Other group (please specify)
  • 17. GA11 GA12 GA13 GA14 How often do How much did/do Do you know the Are some of the you meet you trust cassava varieties cassava varieties you [group]? information that that are grown by cultivated in the last you receive/obtain the members of 12 months the same from members of [group]? as those cultivated by this group? members of this group? 1 = Yes GA11 codes GA12 codes 2 = No >> next GA14 module 8 9 10 11
  • 18. Module GB - Media & Information Sources Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. MEDIA AND INFORMATION SOURCES GB1 GB2 GB3 GB4 GB5 GB6 GB7 GB8 GB9 Media Information source/media Do you or anyone in For media 2 and For media 7, who For media 8, How important How often do you How much do ID your household get 3: What kind of do you receive text what is the name is/ was the get information you trust information from station is this? messages from of the NGO? media/informati from [media]? information that [media]? about on source with you read/hear agriculture/health/ regards to on [media]? nutrition? infromation on agricultural [multi check] technologies and health? [open ended] E4 codes GA9 codes GA10 codes 1 Newspapers/magazine 2 Radio 3 Television 4 Billboard/poster/handout 5 Health clinic 6 Agricultural extension officer 7 Phone (text messages) 8 NGO 9 Neighbors/friends 10 Family members 11 Other information sources
  • 19. Module HA - Dietary Diversity (last 24 hours and 1 week recalls) Respondent should be the wife of the household head or the woman responsible for cooking, otherwise, respondent should be other adult female household member who is 15 years of age or older. The female respondent should answer questions about her own consumption. For enumerator to fill in: HArespond Who is the respondent? Link to Module B HA1 Did you eat any food at a special ocassion in the last seven days? 1 = Yes 2 =No Haitem Food Item HA2 HA3 HA4 Did you consume [food Did you consume [food How many days in the last item] in the last 24 hours? item] in the last 7 days? seven days did you consume [food item]? 1 = Yes >> HA4 1 = Yes >> HA4 2 = No >> HA3 2 = No >> next item Number of days -99 = Don't know/remember -99 = Don't know/remember 1 Cassava (such as Gari, Akpu, Fufu, Lafun, etc) 2 Cereals (such as Rice, Maize, Millet, etc) 3 Beans and other pulses (such as cowpeas, etc.) 4 Nuts and seeds 5 Sugar 6 Sweet potato 7 Other roots and tubers (yam, irish potatoes, white fleshed sweet potato etc.) 8 Fruits (pineapple, guava, pawpaw etc.) 9 Wild fruits 10 Eggs 11 Milk, cheese 12 Dark-green leafy vegetables 13 Other vegetables (tomatoes etc.) 14 Fish and other seafood (shrimp, crab etc.) 15 Red meat (cow/goat/pig/sheep/pork etc.) 16 Kidney, and other offals (abats) 17 Poultry (chicken, duck, etc.) 18 Blue band margarine (vitamin A fortified) 19 Fats and oils (butter, other margarine, soybean, mustard ghee, etc) 20 Mango 21 Pumpkin 22 Animal liver 23 Red palm oil
  • 20. Module HB - Frequency of cassava food consumption (Average frequency in the last 7 days) Respondent should be the wife of the household head or the woman responsible for cooking, otherwise, respondent should be other adult female household member who is 15 years of age or older. The female respondent should answer questions about her own consumption. For enumerator to fill in: HBrespond Who is the respondent? Link to Module B HB1 HB2 HB3 HB4 HB5 How often did you or any member of your household consume Did you consume [cassava Did you consume [cassava How many days in the last [Cassava & Cassava Food Item/Products] in the last one month? food item] in the last 24 food item] in the last 7 seven days did you hours? days? consume [cassava food item]? 1 = Yes >> HB4 1 = Yes >> HB4 2 = No >> HB3 2 = No >> next item Number of days -99 = Don't know/remember -99 = Don't know/remember 1 Gari (cooked) 2 Gari (for drinking) 3 Fufu/akpu 4 Cooked odourless fufu 5 Starch 6 Lafun (white Amala) 7 Unfermented cassava flour 8 Cassava bread 9 Cassava chips 10 Boiled root 11 Anyan Ekpang 12 Asa Iwa (Raw cassava) 13 Imang 14 Cassava akara (akara-iwa or ojojo) 15 Edita-iwa 16 Cassava leaves 17 Others
  • 21. Module IA -Frequent Expenditure Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. For enumerator to fill in: IArespond Who is the respondent? Link to Module B IA1 IA2 IA3 IA4 IA5 IA6 In the last 30 days did How much did FOR FOOD ONLY What was the FOR FOOD ONLY your household spend you spend on (ITEM 1): average monthly (ITEM 1): money on [item] ? [item] in the last What is the expenditure on What is the 30 days? estimated value of [item] for the last 12 estimated average food consumed months? monthly value of Item ID Item name from own food from own production in the production in the last 30 days? last 12 months? 1 = Yes Amount in Naira Amount in Naira Amount in Naira Amount in Naira 2 = No >> IA5 1 Food 2 Fuel (firewood, charcoal, kerosene, gas) 3 Transport expenses 4 Communication (cell phone, airtime, calling) 5 Cultural/religious activities (e.g. church) 6 Utilities and maintainance costs (electric bill, water) 7 Other, specify
  • 22. Module IB -Less Frequent Expenditure Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. For enumerator to fill in: IBrespond Who is the respondent? Link to Module B IB1 IB2 IB3 In the last 12 months, did What was your your household spend household's total money on [item]? expenditure on [item] over the last 12 months? Item ID Item name 1 = Yes Amount in Naira 2 = No >> IB3 1 Clothes and shoes (including school uniforms) 2 School fees and other educational expenses 3 Social events (age grade, wedding, funeral, sonkhasonkha, chilimba etc) 4 Housing improvement (latrine, new roof, etc) 5 Human Health expenses (medication,consultation, hospitalization) 6 Other1, specify 7 Other2, specify
  • 23. Module J - Assets Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. For enumerator to fill in: JrespondWho is the respondent? Link to Module B Module JA - Household Assets JA1 JA2 JA3 JA4 JA5 Asset ID Asset Does any household How many [asset] does What is the total area of What is the current member currently own your entire household land that you currently estimated value of total [asset]? currently own? own (cultivated and [asset] owned by your uncultivated)? entire household? 1 = yes >> JA3 Current number Naira 2 = no >> next item C1unit codes Qty -99 = don't know 1 Land 2 Houses (including the one you live in IF OWNED) 3 Other buildings owned including stores/shops 4 Livestock structures 5 Traditional granary 6 Wooden or concrete storage 7 Car 8 Bicycle 9 Motorcycle 10 Cell/mobile phone(s) 11 Radio 12 Television
  • 24. Module JB - Farm Assets JB1 JB2 JB3 JB4 Asset ID Asset Does any household How many [asset] does What is the current member currently own your entire household estimated value of total [asset]? currently own? [asset] owned by your entire household? 1 = yes >> K3 Current number Naira 2 = no >> next item 1 Plough 2 Tractor 3 Bees/Bee hives 4 Wheel barrow 5 Fish pond 6 Other (please specify) Module JC - Livestock Assets JC1 JC2 JC3 JC4 Asset ID Asset Does any household How many [asset] does What is the current member currently own your entire household estimated value of total [asset]? currently own? [asset] owned by your entire household? 1 = yes >> KC3 Current number Naira 2 = no >> next item 1 Poultry 2 Sheep 3 Goat 4 Cow 5 Pig 6 Donkey 7 Oxen 8 Bull 9 Other cattle
  • 25. Module K - Household conditions, Savings & credit Respondent should be the head of the household. If the household head is not available, then ask for the second in command (most likely the wife of the household head), otherwise, respondent should be other household member who is 15 years of age or older. For enumerator to fill in: Krespond Who is the respondent? Link to Module B Module KA - Household conditions KA1 What is the roofing material of the main house? KA1 codes KA2 What is the outer wall material of the main house? KA2 codes KA3 What is the floor material of the main house? KA3 codes KA4 What is main source of drinking water? KA4 codes KA5 What is the main source of water for domestic use? KA4 codes KA6 What is the main source of lighting used in the main house? KA6 codes KA7 Do you and/or any of the other members in your household use mosquito nets? 1 = Yes 2 = No -99 = don't know
  • 26. Module L - Knowledge Respondent should be the wife of the household head or the woman responsible for cooking, otherwise, respondent should be other adult female household member who is 15 years of age or older. For enumerator to fill in: Lrespond Who is the respondent? Link to Module B L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Have you ever Where did you For item 1 For item 1 Have you ever If LA6 = 1, If LA6 = 1, Have you For item 5 only: heard of/ read first hear only: only: participated in What was the where did this ever seen What do you about… ? of/read List 3 food What are the any activities nature of this activity take any posters think GM is? about…? items that symptoms of related to…? activity? place? on….? are rich in vitamin A vitamin A deficiency? 1 = Yes LA3 codes LA4 codes LA5 codes 1 = Yes LA7 codes LA8 codes 1 = Yes LA11 codes 2 = No >>> next 2 = No >>> LA9 2 = No item 1 Vitamin A 2 Yellow cassava 3 Vitamin A Cassava 4 GM 5 GM Cassava
  • 27. Module M - Choice Experiment Enumerator: Please follow intrstructions in the choice experiment introduction sheet Mrespond Who is the respondent? Link to Module B Enumerator: Please explain the attributes and levels and the choice making process slowly and clearly - information on these are in your **Programmer: please link to variety identified in DBbest1 Please consider your best variety, [link to DBbest1] and compare to the varieties in the illustrations below… [Enumerator: record the respondent’s choice here] M2 M3 Choice set Choice 1 Programmers: Choice sets should be programmed 2 into the devices, if possible.Please see the 3 attached choice experiment word document 4 5 6 M4 Why did you choose your current stem? M4 Codes