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October 2010
                                                                                            Last night to buy tickets
                                                                                              for Trifusion End of
                                                                                            Season Social on Friday
                                                                                                November 19th!!

                                                                                             See Natalie G. tonight!!

                                                                                                        BOD, Sponsors,
                                         No Place like                                                     Calendar
                                             Kona                                      Warm you              Page 12
                    Group Riding          Pages 5-6          Kona Ironman
                                                                                        up Soup!
                      Etiquette                              Ben Greenfield
                                                                                          Page 11
                                                              Race Report
                      Pages 2-4                                Pages 7-10

Court: Triathlon not responsible
                                                            “NEW” to you can help!!
        for Florida death
       A federal appeals court has upheld a jury’s       I’m looking for ALL the help and contribution from
verdict that the organizers of the 2006 Florida          all of you in this Club to send me anything that you
Ironman competition were not responsible for the         would like to see put in the Monthly Newsletter to
death of a 35-year-old Montana man who collapsed         share with the Club….
during the race.
       The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlan-       I’m looking for any kind of articles about all things
ta issued a ruling Monday affirming the jury’s ver-      from Multisport, Healthy Recipes, Race Reports,
dict in the case of Barney Rice, who died three          upcoming races & events etc!
days after collapsing during the 1.2 mile swim por-
tion of the triathlon at Panama City Beach.              You can send these articles, web links etc. to my
        Rice’s family sued North American Sports
inc. and USA Triathlon for wrongful death, saying
                                                        Please be sure to submit these by the end of the
organizers didn’t follow their own safety protocols.
                                                        weekend before the Wednesday meeting each
        But an eight-person jury ruled against          month, the sooner is much appreciated!
Rice’s family in July 2009, and the appeals court
said if found no reason to overturn the ruling.         You can see the Final Results of the 2010-2012
              - The Seattle Times (via: Roger Thompson) Board of Directors on the Final Page of this News-
                                                                      Thanks for all your amazing support
                                                         and contribution to making this club the way it is!!

“Group Riding Etiquette”                                        proach a situation where cyclists are going in all different
                                                                   directions or just blowing through stops. Part of being pre-
                                                                   dictable is riding within the rules of the road as a vehicle.
             - Roger Thompson                                      Groups should maintain integrity when approaching inter-
                                                                   sections. That means staying in the correct lane, stopping
                                                                   together, and starting together as traffic allows. It goes
                                                                   without saying that if we demand the right to ride on the
          After riding in many groups, I started to up with a      road, then we must be willing to ride responsibly… especially
list of suggestions. After searching around a bit for some         as a group.
pics, I stumbled upon some other ‘lists’ and now I will share
them with you.

        Group riding can be a lot of fun when people all are
‘speaking the same language’. As triathletes, we often train
alone and therefore really only pay attention to what we
need. But change that solo ride into a group (4+) and the
dynamics change quite a bit. What we think is common
sense, we soon realize isn’t so common afterall.

         Although cycling has it benefits and is relaxing and
fun, it’s always more pleasurable to with someone than to
ride alone. However, riding with someone or riding in a
group requires adherence to certain rules. It also requires
skills that may take a little practice before mixing it up with
the local club. No one likes a squirrel in the pack so I
                                                                   DON’T OVERLAP WHEELS - This habit will get you in
thought I’d outline several common sense “rules” of eti-
                                                                   real trouble. This is a good way to test you ability to do cart-
quette to follow when we are out there enjoying the scenery
                                                                   wheels if you don’t adhere to this rule. Some people do it
with a group of friends. These “rules” will increase your
                                                                   from lack of concentration, others may just not know any
enjoyment and safety whether you are just putzing along or
                                                                   better, but sooner or later they’ll crash. There is no recovery
if you are hammering in a fast paced training ride. You
                                                                   from a front wheel deflection. All it takes is for the person in
surely don’t want to peel yourself off the pavement or some-
                                                                   the front to move sideways a few inches...if someone is over-
one else to be seriously injured by displaying poor habits.
                                                                   lapping his wheel, that someone will go down along with
                                                                   practically everyone who is behind him. Many times the per-
BE PREDICTABLE - This may be the most important                    son in front can recover, but not the people behind.
rule (even for solo riding) and it involves every aspect of rid-
ing from changing positions in the group to following the
traffic rules. You might say that all the other rules support
this one. Smooth predictable riding isn’t just a matter of
style. If unpredictability is the only predictable part of your
riding style, you are a hazard to yourself and everyone else
who has the misfortune to ride with you. Have you ever
been on a ride where the group stops at a n intersection and
people scatter all over the lane? Some going through on the
wrong side of the road and others turning left from the right
side? Some running the stop sign and others doing it right?
It’s confusing and irritating to drivers of ... Vehicles ap-

… Riding Etiquette (cont’d)                                       tions. One note here, use your right arm straight out to
                                                                  signal a right turn. It’s uncool to stick out your left bent
                                                                  arm to signal a right turn; more importantly, it impractical
                                                                  and ineffective. In a big group combine this with a loud vo-
                                                                  cal warning of your intentions.
BE STEADY - This includes speed and line. If the person
behind you fails to adhere to #2, you will contribute to a
crash if you wallow around all over the road. When every-         DON’T FIXATE - If you are staring at something (i.e., the
one is working for the group, maintain a steady speed as you      wheel in front of you), eventually you’ll hit it! When you
go to the front. Ever notice how easy it is to ride behind        walk in a crowd, you don’t stare at the back of the person in
some folks? If you take note of their riding style you’ll prob-   front of you….so you shouldn’t ride like that either. Learn
ably notice they don’t yo– yo around in the pack. They are        to be comfortable looking around or through the riders
rock steady. When they take the lead, they don’t accelerate.      ahead of you. This will allow you to see things that are de-
If they are strong enough to accelerate the group, they do it     veloping in front of the group. With a little practice you will
after the previous pull has rejoined the rear of the group        be able to “sense” how far you are off the wheel in front of
and they only gradually so as to not string out the pack.         you.
When they are leading, they ride a straight line and their
speed. It means steady pressure on the pedals...uphill or
downhill, headwind or tailwind. When you are following            STAY OFF THE AERO BARS - This shouldn’t require
someone like this, life is good! When they are following,         much discussion. They are much too unstable to be used in
they don’t make sudden moves or they know how to control          a group ride. Plus, you don’t need to be on aero bars if you
their spacing by using their body position instead of using       are in a pack as you will receive more aerodynamic effect
the breaks. Sudden braking will set off general alarms from       from the other riders anyway. exception…
everyone in the rear and make you very unpopular. If you          when you are at the front pulling you can get away with it,
do use the brakes, feather the front brake only and keep          but never, never, never when you are within the group or
pedaling against the resistance. This allows you to moder-        following a wheel. I know there are some people, usually
ate your speed with out disturbing trailing riders.               triathletes, who are more comfortable on the bars. But,
                                                                  sooner or later, steering with your elbows in a group will
                                                                  add new meaning to the term “lunch on the road”. Use aero
ANNOUNCE HAZARDS - When you are in the lead, you                  bars for what they are meant for...solo fast riding.
are responsible for the safety of everyone behind you. You
will become very unpopular very quickly if people behind
you keep bouncing off of potholes, running over rocks, or         DON’T LEAVE STRAGGLERS - If you get separated at
reacting to unsafe traffic situations that you fail to point      intersections, as matter of
out. You need to be very vocal when approaching intersec-         courtesy, the lead group
tions, slowing, stopping, or turning and all actions should be    should soft pedal until the
smooth and deliberate. Sudden, unannounced actions will           rest have rejoined. Another
throw terror into any peloton. Riders in the pack should          note here is that if you are
relay these warnings to the rear. When you are following,         the one who will be caught at
announce oncoming traffic from the this case oth-       the light, don’t run the red
ers should relay this info towards the front.                     light to maintain contact. If
                                                                  they don’t wait for you to
                                                                  catch up, you many not want to be riding with them any-
SIGNAL - Signaling lets eve-                                      way. Also as a courtesy to those who may not be able to
ryone ( vehicles and riders)                                      stay with the group, the pack should wait at certain points
know your intentions… re-                                         along the route to regroup. Especially, at turn points and if
member #1? This makes you                                         the stragglers don’t know the route. No one should be left
predictable. Also it’s a good                                     alone on a group ride. If you don’t adhere to this rule, your
idea to make eye contact with                                     “group” will get smaller each week until you’re riding solo.
oncoming traffic at intersec-

… Riding Etiquette (cont’d)                                   them? If you need to stand, shift up a gear to compensate
                                                              for the slower cadence and stand up
                                                              smoothly keeping a steady pressure
                                                              on the pedals. This will keep you
KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS - If you’re not strong                  from moving backward relative to
enough or too tired to take a turn at the front, stay near    the rider behind you. Apply the op-
the back and let the stronger cyclists pull in front of you   posite technique when changing to a
instead of making them go to the back of the line. Unless sitting position. Downshift and keep
they are a complete...well you know...they will appreciate    a steady pressure on the pedals to
that more that having to get past you to get back to the      avoid abrupt changes in speed. It
front. Plus, it strokes the animal’s ego as you admit that    takes a little practice, but your rid-
he/she is the stronger rider. Another point here, don’t pull ing buddies will be glad you spent
at the front faster and longer then you have energy to get    the time learning how to do it right.
back in at the rear (Remember, your “pull” isn’t over until
you do). I’ve seen this scenario many times, it comes
“biker wannabe’s” time to take his/her pull and the pace is DESCENDING - The leader must overcome a much
getting up there. The thoughts running through his/her        greater wind resistance as the speed increases. If you are
mind is, “I need to show these guys that I can pull 2mph      leading, keep pedaling. If you don’t, everyone behind you
faster than everyone else has been pulling”. They go to the will eat your lunch. Riders to the rear will accelerate fast-
front and hammer. Legs begin to burn after a monumen- er downhill as drafting becomes more effective at the high-
tal it’s time to pull over and some “lesser” rider er speeds. If you are following, back off a couple of bike
take a turn. Well, the “lesser” biker is all refreshed after  lengths to compensate for the greater affects of drafting. If
tagging on a wheel and is ready to punch it up another        you are closing on the rider in front, sit up and let the wind
notch. It’s bye-bye to the first rider as he/she gets blown   slow you or use light braking to maintain spacing, but in
off the back...toast! Testosterone and ego is volatile mix    both cases you should keep pedaling against the resistance.
and it can get you dropped in a heartbeat.                    Keeping your legs moving not only makes it easier to keep
                                                               the spacing, but also helps the legs get rid of the acid build
                                                               up form the previous climb.
ginner faux pas is to stop pedaling just before pulling off
the front. This creates a accordion effect towards the rear.   RELAX - This is really important. It will allow you to be
Keep a steady pressure on the pedals until you have            smooth and responsive. You can bet that if you see some-
cleared the front. After pulling off, soft pedal and the       one who is riding a straight line and is very steady, he/she
group pull through. As the last couple riders are passing      is relaxed on the bike. It not only saves energy, but it
through, begin to apply more pressure to smoothly take         makes bike handling much more effective. Anytime you
your position at the rear. If you don’t time it correctly,     are riding in close proximity of other riders there’s always
you’ll create a gap and have to sprint to get back on. A       the chance that you may come into contact. If you have
technique used to reenter the line is to move your bike        tense arms and get bumped from the side, the shock will go
sideways first then your body. Try it. It will feel awkward    directly to the front wheel and you will swerve, possibly
at first, but it is the safest way to move within a group.     lose control, and possibly cause a massive pile up. If you
It’s just a small subtle move not an exaggerated one. If       are relaxed, it’s much easier to absorb the bump without
you lean your body first and misjudge the speed or the per-    losing control. A good exercise is to go to a grassy field
son in front of you slows down, you’ll touch wheels and be     (which is softer then pavement if you fall) with a friend
leaning the wrong way...bad situation! If you move the         and ride slowly side by side. Relax your arms and lightly
bike first, you will have a chance to pull it back.            bump each other using your relaxed elbows to absorb the
                                                               (light) impact. You will become familiar with how to safely
                                                               recover from that type of contact. It may save you some
CLIMBING– Ever been behind someone when they stood             road rash someday.
up going up hill and all of a sudden you were all over

“There's no place daveerickson360, and
                  search "2009 Hawaii Iron-                    A few interview highlights
like Kona,        man".                                        include catching up with
there's no place                                               fellow Tri-Fusion member,
like Kona ”                                                    Kathi Best. This was
                                                               Kathi's first Ironman in
- Dave Erickson                                                Kona. She qualified by fin-
                                                               ishing second in her age
Returning to the Big Is-                                       group at Ironman Canada
land of Hawaii 'was' like                                      this year. She finished Can-
coming home. It was only                                       ada in 11:27:30. She was
my third time on the Big                                       2nd out of 97 women in her
Island and second for the                                      age group. We did our in-
Ford Ironman World                                             terview while sitting out-
Championship but it felt                                       side Island Lava Java, my
very comfortable. It might                                     second home during race
have something to do with                                      week. Another fun and
living on Oahu for 6                                           easy interview was with
months in 2005. And when                                       Ben Greenfield. I grabbed
I arrived on Sunday after-                                     the 3x Hawaii Ironman
noon, it was just as warm                                      qualifier for a little talkie-
                                This year I was there on a
and humid as when I left
                                very orchestrated and
nearly 12 months earlier.
                                planned working/vacation.
Even though the weather
                                I went with the goal of in-
conditions, water tempera-
                                terviewing as many ath-
ture and electricity in the
                                letes as possible before
air was quite similar, it was
                                race day while also show-
a very different trip com-
                                casing a few of the events
pared to last year. Last
                                prior; Parade of Nations,
year I was there with about
                                athlete registration, etc. I
a dozen Tri-Fusion mem-
                                would end up interviewing
bers and really
                                more than 20 athletes and
'experienced' the island. I                                    talk at Dig Me Beach. And
                                even got an exclusive with
did manage, with Roger's                                       before I forget, a big thank
                                3-time Ironman World
help, shoot some great foot-                                   you to Steve Anderson for
                                Champion, Chrissie Wel-
age on race day and helped                                     helping me shoot video.
                                lington. As of October 15th,
interview a handful of ath-                                    Steve would stand back
                                I had posted more than 40
letes. If you haven't seen                                     with my HD FlipVideo
                                videos on my personal web-
Roger's work in front of the                                   camera and get "two-shots"
camera providing live com-                                     during my interviews. I
mentary, check out my                                          used his footage for "cut-
                                and still had about 10 more
Youtube page,                                                  away" shots. So far myy in-
                                to go.                                               terview with Ben has been
                                              5 like Kona (cont’d)     only 200 worldwide to get       and ran the marathon only
                                those slots. Here's an inter-   7 minutes slower than Tre-
far and away the most           esting fact about Paul, he      vor. Those are some pretty
watched video on my             donated a kidney recently       good genes.
Youtube page. Ben had an        and his recipient is now
amazing race and finished       training to do a triathlon,     Congratulations to everyone
under 10 hours at               talk about 'paying it for-      who raced this year and I
9:53:13. Another name           ward.' Tom is a later bloom-    hope to return next year
you're most likely familiar     er when it comes to triath-
                                                                and do it all over again. Un-
with is Spokane's Haley         lon. He started participating
Cooper-Scott. We did a short    just 4 years ago. At that       til then, aloha and mahalo!
interview the day before the    time, he was 250 pounds
race. For those that don't      and his health was in poor
know, Haley is another mul-     shape. He was inspired to
tiple Ironman qualifier and     start training after watching
professional triathlete. Even   his son finish Ironman
though she didn't have her      Coeur d'Alene. He decided to
best race (DNF), it was fun     sign up for the same race
to do a follow up from last     and hasn't slowed down
year when Roger did a three     since.
part interview with her.
                              Two guys I was hoping to
                              meet up with prior to race
                              was father and son duo, Jeff
                              and Trevor Blackwell. Tre-
                              vor had a phenominal day.
                              Like Ben, Trevor finished
                              under 10 hours. To know                   Dave Erickson
                              what a sub 10-hour Ironman
                                                                     2X Ironman Triathlete
                              looks like, check out Trevors
                              face after he crossed the fin-         KXLY4 News Anchor
                              ish line. I caught it on vid-
I also met and interviewed eo. He was zapped. He fin-
two men from the Inland       ished in 9 hours, 56 minutes
Northwest who were lucky and 29 seconds! Father                       For a complete list
enough to win a lottery spot Blackwell had a fantastic             of all my video reports:
in Kona. Statistically, win- race too. At 53 years of age,
ning an Ironman lottery       Jeff finished the 140.6 mile                http://
slot is better than the real  course in 10 hours, 53   
lottery but either way it's   minutes and 3 seconds. He                 kona2010/
still incredible. 61 year old was only 14 minutes back
Paul Burke and 54 year old from Trevor on the swim, 35
Tom Luttermoser were 2 of minutes slower on the bike
Kona Ironman Ben                 the halfway "boat" in 32 minutes,    pens here. You just push through
 Greenfield Race Report just a bit off pace - but really                  it and it goes away after 15
                                     pushed the envelope coming back      minutes or so.
The race is over! After popping 2 into the pier (by pushing the enve-
Phenocane, 8 Recoverease, and        lope, I mean that I mercilessly      2. Out and back on the Kuakini
liberally smearing topical Magnesi- drafted off a big-boned guy with      highway - bike fueling "clock"
um all over my body, I actually      large feet who was wearing a         starts at Hot Corner - take 1 gel
don't feel the same searing pain I PZ3+ skinsuit just like me) and        and 2 more Athlytes (fueling early
felt after crossing the finish line. made it back in 29 minutes for a     and often is key for Ironman).
So since I'm awake at 3am after      swim time of 1:01.                   Done. I was flying by people at
consuming nearly 20 caffeinated                                           this point.
sugar gels and a crapload of         Pre-swim: Slammed my 2 delta-
Coke, here's the ultimate scoop on E's and Enerprime, mixed into         3. Queen K to airport - hold ego
Ironman Hawaii, with my notes        NutraRev. Although I was plan-      back. Watch folks fly by me and
interjected into my pre-race plan... ning to take 1 double-caffeine GU   trust my plan and 22-22.5mph
                                    Roctane, I kinda forgot it. So be- pacing (that's AVERAGE - there
The Swim:                           fore I got in the water, I grabbed a will of course be portions where I'll
                                    half bottle of Powerbar Perform      probably be going 5mph into a
My final workout leading up to      out of a trash can and drank that headwind). I should be hitting the
this race was 10x400 at a 1:20      instead, keeping my fingers          aid stations (spaced every 10
pace, and that was in a pool. In    crossed that it wasn't someone's     miles) every 50-55 minutes. At the
the choppy water, there will likely pre-race piss bottle.                second aid station, refill water bot-
be an extra 5-10 seconds per 100,                                        tle, and continue this for every
putting me out of the water in      The Bike:                            other station. On the aid stations
around 55 minutes. So this was                                           in between, grab a bottle for rins-
my goal.                            T1 was fairly seamless and I felt    ing and cooling.
                                    fresh. I wore TheRecoverySock
However, at the swim start, I man- (my Raggedy-Andy style calf high- YIPES! Just before the airport,
aged to find myself caught up in- compression socks that take an         there was a big boom and I knew
side a group of several dozen       extra minute to put on), drank a     I'd flatted. In my haste to change
swimmers who seemed deter-          couple glasses of water and head- the flat, I twisted the tube and had
mined to take the entire alloted    ed out. Mentally I split the bike    to re-insert it, making my total flat
time of over 2 hours to do the      into several key portions:           time 6 minutes and change. The
swim (I'm always curious why the-                                        flat wasn't that big of a deal, but it
se folks line up at the FRONT of    1. Makala Blvd loop - replace        really affected my mental focus
the swim).                          swim energy with a bag of GU         and my tracking of the race clock.
                                    chomps and 2 Athlytes salt cap-      As a result, I underfueled by near-
It took me several precious         sules. I did this, and as expected, ly 90 calories per hour on the
minutes to fight my way out of      with as much sea water as I swal- bike. This came back to bite me
this group and settle into my de- lowed, had a bit of stomach            pretty hard later on.
sired pace. As a result, I reached cramping, but that always hap-

...B.G. Race Report (cont’d)       out of T1, I will have 9 gels, 3          pulled up alongside me (Uh-Oh!),
4. Airport to Waikaloa - Stay cool bags of Chomps and a canister of          slowed down, and the official on
and continue to fuel with 1 GU     Athlytes).                                the back gave me a big smile and
Roctane every 20 minutes, 2 Ath-                                             a thumbs up. Guess I was doing
lytes every 30 minutes, and half a Got off my bike for 30 seconds            something right.
bag of Chomps at the end of each and stretched the hip flexors.
hour (total 390 calories/hr).      Magical.                                  Goal bike time: 5:00. Actual time:
                                                                             5:12. Not bad with the flat. I can
Due to the flat, I was now back      8. Hawi to turn back onto Queen         go sub-5 on this course in an ideal
with primarily female age group-     K - focus and be prepared for           race (but do those exist?).
ers, and had to work my way back     crosswinds. Fuel when crosswinds
up through the crowd while trying    are down, be ready to adapt.     Run Strategy:
to avoid any drafting penalties.
                                     Legs feeling good. Continuing to        I planned on using a run-walk
5. Waikoloa to turn at Hawi -        pass people.                            pacing plan for the marathon. For
Don't burn out legs, prepare for                                             21 minutes, I was going to run
toughest portion of course.            9. Queen K to Waikoloa - get          7:15 minute miles, which would
                                       through this portion, and then a      have put me at the 3rd aid station
It started to get a little windy here, mental high-five - done with          in 21:45-ish, where I would then
but primarily, I noticed that it       toughest portion of course.           walk for 60 seconds at a 15:00/
seemed hotter than usual. Turns                                              mile pace, and then begin to run
out that race day climbed into the Damn. It's hot.                           again. This strategy would allow
low 100's, with pavement temper-                                             me to run the marathon in about
atures of 120 degrees! Water dos- 10. Waikoloa to airport - stay             3 hours and 10 minutes without
ing became crucial at every aid        mentally focused and positive.        overheating (core cools down dur-
station.                                                                     ing each walk).
                                       Still picking up speed. Wondering
6. Climb to Hawi - Maintain ca-                                        But something didn't feel right
                                       how fast I could have ridden with-
dence, no gear mashing, stay           out flat. Between the 6 minutes coming off the bike. T2 was pleas-
aero.                                                                  ant enough, but as soon as I start-
                                       gained from the flat and the faster
                                       crowds I would have been in, 5  ed running, I didn't have the
Annoyingly windy as usual, but         hours was reasonable.           oomph I wanted. I slogged
nothing out of the ordinary. By                                        through 4 miles, then my world
this time, I was back into a crowd 11. Airport to town - prepare to    started to go a bit fuzzy. I stum-
of competitive male age groupers. run. Stand and stretch several       bled onto a lawn and stood there
                                   times. No gear mashing, cadence for a few minutes mentally adding
7. Hawi turnaround - Get special slows. Take final gel at Makala       up the calories I consumed on the
needs bag, which will have 8 gels Blvd.                                bike. Turns out I was closer to 300
and 2 bags of Chomps, and a                                            than to 400 calories per hour. Not
canister of Athlytes. (when I head At this point, a referee motorcycle good, but I knew what I needed to

...B.G. Race Report (cont’d)                                                  Mile 18. Started thinking about
do, since I felt like I was about to   2) turn-around at Alii Drive           pulling the trigger, speeding up
fall asleep.                           (approx 5 miles)                       and going to the pain-cave.

I then walked to the nearest aid       I was walking by this point, and       8) Aid Station #18, another walk
station and grabbed Coke, the on-      really thinking about withdrawing      break, and a decision of whether
ly thing that seemed palatable at      from the race. Pre-Coke.               or not to speed up by 5 seconds
the time. 20 ounces of Coke later,                                            per mile.
I could feel my mood getting bet-      3) Aid Station #6, another walk
ter. For the next 5 aid stations, I    break.                                 Sped up. Feeling good. Thanks
drank 8 ounces of Coke on ice.                                                Coke. Glanced at my watch and
That's about 100 calories a pop.       Still off pace, but starting to feel   knew I could beat 10 hours. Fun-
Interestingly, once you begin          good.                                  ny how 90 minutes earlier I was
drinking Coke, no other nutrition                                             ready to quit, and now I was mak-
really works well on your stom-        4) Aid Station #9, another walk        ing time goals. Goes to show that
ach, so I was forced into drinking     break.                                 Ironman is a long day.
Coke the entire race, although I
reduced my intake to 3-4 ounces     This was on Palani hill. I was real- 9) Aid Station #21, another walk
at every aid station after that     ly feeling the energy come back at break, and another decision of
point.                              this point.                          whether to speed up again by 5
                                                                         seconds per mile.
I only drank water twice, at about 5) Top of Palani drive, just past
4 ounces. I calculated the fluid in 10 miles.                            Didn't want to stop and walk, eat
Coke to be enough, and didn't                                            or anything. But I forced myself
want too much fluid in my stom- I began passing a lot of folks on        too. Last thing I wanted was a
ach. Aside from Coke, I also        the Queen K.                         bonk before coming back down
dumped ice down the jersey at                                            Palani.
every chance.                       6) Aid Station #12, another walk
                                    break.                               10) Aid Station #23: final walk
I also continued to take my Ath-                                         break, and time to speed up and
lytes every 30 minutes. No cramp- Toughest part of the marathon          go to a world of pain.
ing at all in 100+ degrees, thanks really, slogging out to the Energy
to these little babies...           Lab on a long, lonely strip of high- Once again, tempted to not stop,
                                    way with no end in sight.            but I did, for one more hit of
Several intermediate landmark                                            Coke. Glad I did because once I
goals on the run I planned to in-   7) turn into Energy lab. run to      got into town, just after the 3:30
clude were:                         Special Needs, where I get one       marathon mark, I was beginning
                                    more canister of Athlytes, cross     to bonk again.
1) Aid Station #3, where I will be the timing mat, and turn around
able to check pacing.               to head home.
I knew pacing was off here.

...B.G. Race Report (cont’d)                         Key Gear Used In This Race
The Finish:
                                                      Skinsuit: Blue Seventy PZ3+
The finish line, was of course, magical, and at 9:53, Goggles: Blue Seventy Hydravision
a Hawaii Ironman PR. As soon as I made it, I broke Sunglasses: Zeal Optics "Slingshots"
down crying (after flashing the peace sign of         Bike: Gray Storm TT
course). My breath was coming in heaving sobs, and Saddle: ISM Road Saddle
my legs were on fire with sharp pins and needles - I Wheels: Gray 9.0 Clinchers
could barely walk. For nearly an hour, I simply sat   Helmet: Gray Aerodome Helmet
on the beach in tons of pain, surrounded by friends Pedals: LOOK Ti
and family, before I hobbled off for a massage.       Cycling Shoes: Specialized TriVent
                                                      Running Shoes: Avia Avi-Bolts
Put another Kona in the books. Will I ever race this Compression Socks: "TheRecoverySock".
again? Maybe. I can get to the podium here with a
good race, and that's tempting. Without a flat and a
bonk, I would have been able to shave nearly 25
minutes, giving me the 9:30 I wanted. That's always
what keeps you coming back...

But in the meanwhile, time for some R&R. Next
stop: Rosehall International Distance Triathlon in
Jamaica in 2 weeks - http://!

Key Nutrition Used In Ironman Hawaii

Pre-Race: Ancient Minerals Topical Magnesium
Oil, Scape Sunblock, Enerprime, delta-E, Millenni-
um Sports Carnage, Millennium Sports Cordygen
VO2, Sweet Potatoes, nuun hydration, Peter
Gillham's NutraRev

During Race: GU Roctane and Millennium Sports
Athlytes, delta-E at all special needs

Post-Race: Wicked Fast Recoverease, Ancient
Minerals Topical Magnesium Oil, Mt. Capra Solar
Synergy, Mt. Capra Double Bonded Protein, Bio-
letics Amino Acids, nuun hydration
                                                                       Ben Greenfield

Lentil Sausage Soup
                 t hy
           H eal                                   (via & Jessi Thompson)
           RE CIP

                                                   INGREDIENTS:                8-10 servings

•   1 Pound French green Lentils
    (recommended: du Puy)
                                                           •   3 cups medium diced celery (8 stalks)
•   1/4 cup of olive oil, plus extra for serving           •   3 cups medium diced carrots (4-6 carrots)
•   4 cups diced yellow Onions (3 Large)
                                                           •   3 quarts Homemade Chicken stock/or canned broth
•   4 cups chopped leeks, white & light green parts only •     1/4 cup tomato paste
    (2 leeks)
                                                           •   1 pound Kielbasa, cut in 1/2 lengthwise & sliced 1/3 -
•   1 tablespoon minced garlic (2 Large cloves)
                                                               inch thick (try it with Turkey Kielbasa, lower fat)
•   1 tablespoon kosher salt                               •   2 tablespoons dry red wine or red wine vinegar
•   1 1/2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
                                                           •   Freshly grated Parmesan, for serving
•   1 tablespoon minced fresh thyme leaves
•   1 teaspoon ground cumin

    In a large bowl, cover the lentils with boiling water and allow to sit for 15 minutes. Drain.

    In a large stockpot over medium heat, heat the olive oil and sauté the onions, leeks, garlic,
    salt, pepper, thyme, and cumin for 20 minutes, or until the vegetables are translucent and
    tender. Add the celery and carrots and sauté for another 10 minutes. Add the chicken
    stock, tomato paste, and drained lentils, cover, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and
    simmer uncovered for 1 hour, or until the lentils are cooked through and tender. Check
    the seasonings. Add the kielbasa and red wine and simmer until the kielbasa is hot. Serve
    drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with grated Parmesan.

    (You can find how to make homemade chicken stock and other great recipes on

The Board of Directors, Sponsors and
                 the Calendar of Upcoming Events .

• STEVE ANDERSON - SPONSORSHIP LIAISON                                                    We would like to extend a
• TIFFANY BRYD - UNIFORM DIRECTOR                                                        generous Thank You to our
                                                                                          truly amazing sponsors!!

   Oct-Dec. Calendar                     Races:                                            Upcoming Events:
                                         •    Trifusion Sink or Swim Masters Meet          •   Tri Fusion’s Annual GreenBluff Social is
   Training Opportunities:                    Oct. 23rd              THIS Sunday, Oct. 24th meeting at
                                              EventShow.jsp?returnPage=%                       Northside Starbucks @ 2:00pm, or at
   •   Whitworth Masters Swim: Mon-           2FEventsCurrent.jsp&id=96239&team=ieswat
                                                                                               Siemer’s Farm @ 2:30pm...for fun time
       Wed-Fri @ 8:30-10pm. For more •        Pumpkin Pacer Oct. 30th                          picking pumpkins, drinking cider, pump-
       info. Contact                                            kin donuts, gathering together! Don’t                                                              miss out!
                                         •    Monster Dash Oct. 31, Manito Park
   •   HLR (headlamp runs) is starting •                                                   •   Tri Fusion’s End of Season Social is on
                                              TriCities Marathon/Marathon Relay
       up this Thursday October 21st.         Oct. 31 9:30am, Richland, Wa.                    Friday, November 19th @ 7:00pm at
       6:30pm Check out the Tri Fusion                                                         the Spokane Country Club! Tickets are
                                          •   BRRC Cross Country - Qulchan                     on sale ($25/ each) tonight or via mail in.
       forum (training) for more details!     Nov. 7th, South Hill, Spokane                    Find more info on the
   •   Continue to post & check for any •     Columbia River Classic– 2mile/10mile   , on the forum.
       training swim/ride/run on the Fo-      Nov. 13th, Richland, Wa.
                                                                                           Next Membership Meeting:
       rum, Facebook page and/or send •       Manito TURKEY TROT - Nov. 25th
                                                                                           No Meeting November & December!!
       out an email! Get those rides in       9am, tradition to join teammates @
                                                                                           Happy Holidays!
       before the weather lays SNOW!!         Krispy Kremes after for yumminess!
                                                                                           Next Meeting January 19th, 6:30pm
                                         •    America’s Marathon/Half Marathon             Northside Twigs
                                              Nov. 28th 8am, Seattle, Wa.


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TriFusion Newsletter - Oct.'10

  • 1. October 2010 Last night to buy tickets for Trifusion End of Season Social on Friday November 19th!! See Natalie G. tonight!! BOD, Sponsors, No Place like Calendar Kona Warm you Page 12 Group Riding Pages 5-6 Kona Ironman up Soup! Etiquette Ben Greenfield Page 11 Race Report Pages 2-4 Pages 7-10 Court: Triathlon not responsible “NEW” to you can help!! for Florida death A federal appeals court has upheld a jury’s I’m looking for ALL the help and contribution from verdict that the organizers of the 2006 Florida all of you in this Club to send me anything that you Ironman competition were not responsible for the would like to see put in the Monthly Newsletter to death of a 35-year-old Montana man who collapsed share with the Club…. during the race. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlan- I’m looking for any kind of articles about all things ta issued a ruling Monday affirming the jury’s ver- from Multisport, Healthy Recipes, Race Reports, dict in the case of Barney Rice, who died three upcoming races & events etc! days after collapsing during the 1.2 mile swim por- tion of the triathlon at Panama City Beach. You can send these articles, web links etc. to my email: Rice’s family sued North American Sports inc. and USA Triathlon for wrongful death, saying Please be sure to submit these by the end of the organizers didn’t follow their own safety protocols. weekend before the Wednesday meeting each But an eight-person jury ruled against month, the sooner is much appreciated! Rice’s family in July 2009, and the appeals court said if found no reason to overturn the ruling. You can see the Final Results of the 2010-2012 - The Seattle Times (via: Roger Thompson) Board of Directors on the Final Page of this News- letter. Thanks for all your amazing support and contribution to making this club the way it is!! 1
  • 2. “Group Riding Etiquette” proach a situation where cyclists are going in all different directions or just blowing through stops. Part of being pre- dictable is riding within the rules of the road as a vehicle. - Roger Thompson Groups should maintain integrity when approaching inter- sections. That means staying in the correct lane, stopping together, and starting together as traffic allows. It goes without saying that if we demand the right to ride on the After riding in many groups, I started to up with a road, then we must be willing to ride responsibly… especially list of suggestions. After searching around a bit for some as a group. pics, I stumbled upon some other ‘lists’ and now I will share them with you. Group riding can be a lot of fun when people all are ‘speaking the same language’. As triathletes, we often train alone and therefore really only pay attention to what we need. But change that solo ride into a group (4+) and the dynamics change quite a bit. What we think is common sense, we soon realize isn’t so common afterall. Although cycling has it benefits and is relaxing and fun, it’s always more pleasurable to with someone than to ride alone. However, riding with someone or riding in a group requires adherence to certain rules. It also requires skills that may take a little practice before mixing it up with the local club. No one likes a squirrel in the pack so I DON’T OVERLAP WHEELS - This habit will get you in thought I’d outline several common sense “rules” of eti- real trouble. This is a good way to test you ability to do cart- quette to follow when we are out there enjoying the scenery wheels if you don’t adhere to this rule. Some people do it with a group of friends. These “rules” will increase your from lack of concentration, others may just not know any enjoyment and safety whether you are just putzing along or better, but sooner or later they’ll crash. There is no recovery if you are hammering in a fast paced training ride. You from a front wheel deflection. All it takes is for the person in surely don’t want to peel yourself off the pavement or some- the front to move sideways a few inches...if someone is over- one else to be seriously injured by displaying poor habits. lapping his wheel, that someone will go down along with practically everyone who is behind him. Many times the per- BE PREDICTABLE - This may be the most important son in front can recover, but not the people behind. rule (even for solo riding) and it involves every aspect of rid- ing from changing positions in the group to following the traffic rules. You might say that all the other rules support this one. Smooth predictable riding isn’t just a matter of style. If unpredictability is the only predictable part of your riding style, you are a hazard to yourself and everyone else who has the misfortune to ride with you. Have you ever been on a ride where the group stops at a n intersection and people scatter all over the lane? Some going through on the wrong side of the road and others turning left from the right side? Some running the stop sign and others doing it right? It’s confusing and irritating to drivers of ... Vehicles ap- 2
  • 3. … Riding Etiquette (cont’d) tions. One note here, use your right arm straight out to signal a right turn. It’s uncool to stick out your left bent arm to signal a right turn; more importantly, it impractical and ineffective. In a big group combine this with a loud vo- cal warning of your intentions. BE STEADY - This includes speed and line. If the person behind you fails to adhere to #2, you will contribute to a crash if you wallow around all over the road. When every- DON’T FIXATE - If you are staring at something (i.e., the one is working for the group, maintain a steady speed as you wheel in front of you), eventually you’ll hit it! When you go to the front. Ever notice how easy it is to ride behind walk in a crowd, you don’t stare at the back of the person in some folks? If you take note of their riding style you’ll prob- front of you….so you shouldn’t ride like that either. Learn ably notice they don’t yo– yo around in the pack. They are to be comfortable looking around or through the riders rock steady. When they take the lead, they don’t accelerate. ahead of you. This will allow you to see things that are de- If they are strong enough to accelerate the group, they do it veloping in front of the group. With a little practice you will after the previous pull has rejoined the rear of the group be able to “sense” how far you are off the wheel in front of and they only gradually so as to not string out the pack. you. When they are leading, they ride a straight line and their speed. It means steady pressure on the pedals...uphill or downhill, headwind or tailwind. When you are following STAY OFF THE AERO BARS - This shouldn’t require someone like this, life is good! When they are following, much discussion. They are much too unstable to be used in they don’t make sudden moves or they know how to control a group ride. Plus, you don’t need to be on aero bars if you their spacing by using their body position instead of using are in a pack as you will receive more aerodynamic effect the breaks. Sudden braking will set off general alarms from from the other riders anyway. exception… everyone in the rear and make you very unpopular. If you when you are at the front pulling you can get away with it, do use the brakes, feather the front brake only and keep but never, never, never when you are within the group or pedaling against the resistance. This allows you to moder- following a wheel. I know there are some people, usually ate your speed with out disturbing trailing riders. triathletes, who are more comfortable on the bars. But, sooner or later, steering with your elbows in a group will add new meaning to the term “lunch on the road”. Use aero ANNOUNCE HAZARDS - When you are in the lead, you bars for what they are meant for...solo fast riding. are responsible for the safety of everyone behind you. You will become very unpopular very quickly if people behind you keep bouncing off of potholes, running over rocks, or DON’T LEAVE STRAGGLERS - If you get separated at reacting to unsafe traffic situations that you fail to point intersections, as matter of out. You need to be very vocal when approaching intersec- courtesy, the lead group tions, slowing, stopping, or turning and all actions should be should soft pedal until the smooth and deliberate. Sudden, unannounced actions will rest have rejoined. Another throw terror into any peloton. Riders in the pack should note here is that if you are relay these warnings to the rear. When you are following, the one who will be caught at announce oncoming traffic from the this case oth- the light, don’t run the red ers should relay this info towards the front. light to maintain contact. If they don’t wait for you to catch up, you many not want to be riding with them any- SIGNAL - Signaling lets eve- way. Also as a courtesy to those who may not be able to ryone ( vehicles and riders) stay with the group, the pack should wait at certain points know your intentions… re- along the route to regroup. Especially, at turn points and if member #1? This makes you the stragglers don’t know the route. No one should be left predictable. Also it’s a good alone on a group ride. If you don’t adhere to this rule, your idea to make eye contact with “group” will get smaller each week until you’re riding solo. oncoming traffic at intersec- 3
  • 4. … Riding Etiquette (cont’d) them? If you need to stand, shift up a gear to compensate for the slower cadence and stand up smoothly keeping a steady pressure on the pedals. This will keep you KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS - If you’re not strong from moving backward relative to enough or too tired to take a turn at the front, stay near the rider behind you. Apply the op- the back and let the stronger cyclists pull in front of you posite technique when changing to a instead of making them go to the back of the line. Unless sitting position. Downshift and keep they are a complete...well you know...they will appreciate a steady pressure on the pedals to that more that having to get past you to get back to the avoid abrupt changes in speed. It front. Plus, it strokes the animal’s ego as you admit that takes a little practice, but your rid- he/she is the stronger rider. Another point here, don’t pull ing buddies will be glad you spent at the front faster and longer then you have energy to get the time learning how to do it right. back in at the rear (Remember, your “pull” isn’t over until you do). I’ve seen this scenario many times, it comes “biker wannabe’s” time to take his/her pull and the pace is DESCENDING - The leader must overcome a much getting up there. The thoughts running through his/her greater wind resistance as the speed increases. If you are mind is, “I need to show these guys that I can pull 2mph leading, keep pedaling. If you don’t, everyone behind you faster than everyone else has been pulling”. They go to the will eat your lunch. Riders to the rear will accelerate fast- front and hammer. Legs begin to burn after a monumen- er downhill as drafting becomes more effective at the high- tal it’s time to pull over and some “lesser” rider er speeds. If you are following, back off a couple of bike take a turn. Well, the “lesser” biker is all refreshed after lengths to compensate for the greater affects of drafting. If tagging on a wheel and is ready to punch it up another you are closing on the rider in front, sit up and let the wind notch. It’s bye-bye to the first rider as he/she gets blown slow you or use light braking to maintain spacing, but in off the back...toast! Testosterone and ego is volatile mix both cases you should keep pedaling against the resistance. and it can get you dropped in a heartbeat. Keeping your legs moving not only makes it easier to keep the spacing, but also helps the legs get rid of the acid build up form the previous climb. CHANGE POSITIONS CORRECTLY - A common be- ginner faux pas is to stop pedaling just before pulling off the front. This creates a accordion effect towards the rear. RELAX - This is really important. It will allow you to be Keep a steady pressure on the pedals until you have smooth and responsive. You can bet that if you see some- cleared the front. After pulling off, soft pedal and the one who is riding a straight line and is very steady, he/she group pull through. As the last couple riders are passing is relaxed on the bike. It not only saves energy, but it through, begin to apply more pressure to smoothly take makes bike handling much more effective. Anytime you your position at the rear. If you don’t time it correctly, are riding in close proximity of other riders there’s always you’ll create a gap and have to sprint to get back on. A the chance that you may come into contact. If you have technique used to reenter the line is to move your bike tense arms and get bumped from the side, the shock will go sideways first then your body. Try it. It will feel awkward directly to the front wheel and you will swerve, possibly at first, but it is the safest way to move within a group. lose control, and possibly cause a massive pile up. If you It’s just a small subtle move not an exaggerated one. If are relaxed, it’s much easier to absorb the bump without you lean your body first and misjudge the speed or the per- losing control. A good exercise is to go to a grassy field son in front of you slows down, you’ll touch wheels and be (which is softer then pavement if you fall) with a friend leaning the wrong way...bad situation! If you move the and ride slowly side by side. Relax your arms and lightly bike first, you will have a chance to pull it back. bump each other using your relaxed elbows to absorb the (light) impact. You will become familiar with how to safely recover from that type of contact. It may save you some CLIMBING– Ever been behind someone when they stood road rash someday. up going up hill and all of a sudden you were all over 4
  • 5. “There's no place daveerickson360, and search "2009 Hawaii Iron- A few interview highlights like Kona, man". include catching up with there's no place fellow Tri-Fusion member, Kona…” like Kona ” Kathi Best. This was Kathi's first Ironman in - Dave Erickson Kona. She qualified by fin- ishing second in her age Returning to the Big Is- group at Ironman Canada land of Hawaii 'was' like this year. She finished Can- coming home. It was only ada in 11:27:30. She was my third time on the Big 2nd out of 97 women in her Island and second for the age group. We did our in- Ford Ironman World terview while sitting out- Championship but it felt side Island Lava Java, my very comfortable. It might second home during race have something to do with week. Another fun and living on Oahu for 6 easy interview was with months in 2005. And when Ben Greenfield. I grabbed I arrived on Sunday after- the 3x Hawaii Ironman noon, it was just as warm qualifier for a little talkie- This year I was there on a and humid as when I left very orchestrated and nearly 12 months earlier. planned working/vacation. Even though the weather I went with the goal of in- conditions, water tempera- terviewing as many ath- ture and electricity in the letes as possible before air was quite similar, it was race day while also show- a very different trip com- casing a few of the events pared to last year. Last prior; Parade of Nations, year I was there with about athlete registration, etc. I a dozen Tri-Fusion mem- would end up interviewing bers and really more than 20 athletes and 'experienced' the island. I talk at Dig Me Beach. And even got an exclusive with did manage, with Roger's before I forget, a big thank 3-time Ironman World help, shoot some great foot- you to Steve Anderson for Champion, Chrissie Wel- age on race day and helped helping me shoot video. lington. As of October 15th, interview a handful of ath- Steve would stand back I had posted more than 40 letes. If you haven't seen with my HD FlipVideo videos on my personal web- Roger's work in front of the camera and get "two-shots" site, camera providing live com- during my interviews. I mentary, check out my used his footage for "cut- and still had about 10 more Youtube page, away" shots. So far myy in- to go. terview with Ben has been 5
  • 6. like Kona (cont’d) only 200 worldwide to get and ran the marathon only those slots. Here's an inter- 7 minutes slower than Tre- far and away the most esting fact about Paul, he vor. Those are some pretty watched video on my donated a kidney recently good genes. Youtube page. Ben had an and his recipient is now amazing race and finished training to do a triathlon, Congratulations to everyone under 10 hours at talk about 'paying it for- who raced this year and I 9:53:13. Another name ward.' Tom is a later bloom- hope to return next year you're most likely familiar er when it comes to triath- and do it all over again. Un- with is Spokane's Haley lon. He started participating Cooper-Scott. We did a short just 4 years ago. At that til then, aloha and mahalo! interview the day before the time, he was 250 pounds race. For those that don't and his health was in poor know, Haley is another mul- shape. He was inspired to tiple Ironman qualifier and start training after watching professional triathlete. Even his son finish Ironman though she didn't have her Coeur d'Alene. He decided to best race (DNF), it was fun sign up for the same race to do a follow up from last and hasn't slowed down year when Roger did a three since. part interview with her. Two guys I was hoping to meet up with prior to race was father and son duo, Jeff and Trevor Blackwell. Tre- vor had a phenominal day. Like Ben, Trevor finished under 10 hours. To know Dave Erickson what a sub 10-hour Ironman 2X Ironman Triathlete looks like, check out Trevors face after he crossed the fin- KXLY4 News Anchor ish line. I caught it on vid- I also met and interviewed eo. He was zapped. He fin- two men from the Inland ished in 9 hours, 56 minutes Northwest who were lucky and 29 seconds! Father For a complete list enough to win a lottery spot Blackwell had a fantastic of all my video reports: in Kona. Statistically, win- race too. At 53 years of age, ning an Ironman lottery Jeff finished the 140.6 mile http:// slot is better than the real course in 10 hours, 53 lottery but either way it's minutes and 3 seconds. He kona2010/ still incredible. 61 year old was only 14 minutes back Paul Burke and 54 year old from Trevor on the swim, 35 Tom Luttermoser were 2 of minutes slower on the bike 6
  • 7. Kona Ironman Ben the halfway "boat" in 32 minutes, pens here. You just push through Greenfield Race Report just a bit off pace - but really it and it goes away after 15 pushed the envelope coming back minutes or so. The race is over! After popping 2 into the pier (by pushing the enve- Phenocane, 8 Recoverease, and lope, I mean that I mercilessly 2. Out and back on the Kuakini liberally smearing topical Magnesi- drafted off a big-boned guy with highway - bike fueling "clock" um all over my body, I actually large feet who was wearing a starts at Hot Corner - take 1 gel don't feel the same searing pain I PZ3+ skinsuit just like me) and and 2 more Athlytes (fueling early felt after crossing the finish line. made it back in 29 minutes for a and often is key for Ironman). So since I'm awake at 3am after swim time of 1:01. Done. I was flying by people at consuming nearly 20 caffeinated this point. sugar gels and a crapload of Pre-swim: Slammed my 2 delta- Coke, here's the ultimate scoop on E's and Enerprime, mixed into 3. Queen K to airport - hold ego Ironman Hawaii, with my notes NutraRev. Although I was plan- back. Watch folks fly by me and interjected into my pre-race plan... ning to take 1 double-caffeine GU trust my plan and 22-22.5mph Roctane, I kinda forgot it. So be- pacing (that's AVERAGE - there The Swim: fore I got in the water, I grabbed a will of course be portions where I'll half bottle of Powerbar Perform probably be going 5mph into a My final workout leading up to out of a trash can and drank that headwind). I should be hitting the this race was 10x400 at a 1:20 instead, keeping my fingers aid stations (spaced every 10 pace, and that was in a pool. In crossed that it wasn't someone's miles) every 50-55 minutes. At the the choppy water, there will likely pre-race piss bottle. second aid station, refill water bot- be an extra 5-10 seconds per 100, tle, and continue this for every putting me out of the water in The Bike: other station. On the aid stations around 55 minutes. So this was in between, grab a bottle for rins- my goal. T1 was fairly seamless and I felt ing and cooling. fresh. I wore TheRecoverySock However, at the swim start, I man- (my Raggedy-Andy style calf high- YIPES! Just before the airport, aged to find myself caught up in- compression socks that take an there was a big boom and I knew side a group of several dozen extra minute to put on), drank a I'd flatted. In my haste to change swimmers who seemed deter- couple glasses of water and head- the flat, I twisted the tube and had mined to take the entire alloted ed out. Mentally I split the bike to re-insert it, making my total flat time of over 2 hours to do the into several key portions: time 6 minutes and change. The swim (I'm always curious why the- flat wasn't that big of a deal, but it se folks line up at the FRONT of 1. Makala Blvd loop - replace really affected my mental focus the swim). swim energy with a bag of GU and my tracking of the race clock. chomps and 2 Athlytes salt cap- As a result, I underfueled by near- It took me several precious sules. I did this, and as expected, ly 90 calories per hour on the minutes to fight my way out of with as much sea water as I swal- bike. This came back to bite me this group and settle into my de- lowed, had a bit of stomach pretty hard later on. sired pace. As a result, I reached cramping, but that always hap- 7
  • 8. ...B.G. Race Report (cont’d) out of T1, I will have 9 gels, 3 pulled up alongside me (Uh-Oh!), 4. Airport to Waikaloa - Stay cool bags of Chomps and a canister of slowed down, and the official on and continue to fuel with 1 GU Athlytes). the back gave me a big smile and Roctane every 20 minutes, 2 Ath- a thumbs up. Guess I was doing lytes every 30 minutes, and half a Got off my bike for 30 seconds something right. bag of Chomps at the end of each and stretched the hip flexors. hour (total 390 calories/hr). Magical. Goal bike time: 5:00. Actual time: 5:12. Not bad with the flat. I can Due to the flat, I was now back 8. Hawi to turn back onto Queen go sub-5 on this course in an ideal with primarily female age group- K - focus and be prepared for race (but do those exist?). ers, and had to work my way back crosswinds. Fuel when crosswinds up through the crowd while trying are down, be ready to adapt. Run Strategy: to avoid any drafting penalties. Legs feeling good. Continuing to I planned on using a run-walk 5. Waikoloa to turn at Hawi - pass people. pacing plan for the marathon. For Don't burn out legs, prepare for 21 minutes, I was going to run toughest portion of course. 9. Queen K to Waikoloa - get 7:15 minute miles, which would through this portion, and then a have put me at the 3rd aid station It started to get a little windy here, mental high-five - done with in 21:45-ish, where I would then but primarily, I noticed that it toughest portion of course. walk for 60 seconds at a 15:00/ seemed hotter than usual. Turns mile pace, and then begin to run out that race day climbed into the Damn. It's hot. again. This strategy would allow low 100's, with pavement temper- me to run the marathon in about atures of 120 degrees! Water dos- 10. Waikoloa to airport - stay 3 hours and 10 minutes without ing became crucial at every aid mentally focused and positive. overheating (core cools down dur- station. ing each walk). Still picking up speed. Wondering 6. Climb to Hawi - Maintain ca- But something didn't feel right how fast I could have ridden with- dence, no gear mashing, stay out flat. Between the 6 minutes coming off the bike. T2 was pleas- aero. ant enough, but as soon as I start- gained from the flat and the faster crowds I would have been in, 5 ed running, I didn't have the Annoyingly windy as usual, but hours was reasonable. oomph I wanted. I slogged nothing out of the ordinary. By through 4 miles, then my world this time, I was back into a crowd 11. Airport to town - prepare to started to go a bit fuzzy. I stum- of competitive male age groupers. run. Stand and stretch several bled onto a lawn and stood there times. No gear mashing, cadence for a few minutes mentally adding 7. Hawi turnaround - Get special slows. Take final gel at Makala up the calories I consumed on the needs bag, which will have 8 gels Blvd. bike. Turns out I was closer to 300 and 2 bags of Chomps, and a than to 400 calories per hour. Not canister of Athlytes. (when I head At this point, a referee motorcycle good, but I knew what I needed to 8
  • 9. ...B.G. Race Report (cont’d) Mile 18. Started thinking about do, since I felt like I was about to 2) turn-around at Alii Drive pulling the trigger, speeding up fall asleep. (approx 5 miles) and going to the pain-cave. I then walked to the nearest aid I was walking by this point, and 8) Aid Station #18, another walk station and grabbed Coke, the on- really thinking about withdrawing break, and a decision of whether ly thing that seemed palatable at from the race. Pre-Coke. or not to speed up by 5 seconds the time. 20 ounces of Coke later, per mile. I could feel my mood getting bet- 3) Aid Station #6, another walk ter. For the next 5 aid stations, I break. Sped up. Feeling good. Thanks drank 8 ounces of Coke on ice. Coke. Glanced at my watch and That's about 100 calories a pop. Still off pace, but starting to feel knew I could beat 10 hours. Fun- Interestingly, once you begin good. ny how 90 minutes earlier I was drinking Coke, no other nutrition ready to quit, and now I was mak- really works well on your stom- 4) Aid Station #9, another walk ing time goals. Goes to show that ach, so I was forced into drinking break. Ironman is a long day. Coke the entire race, although I reduced my intake to 3-4 ounces This was on Palani hill. I was real- 9) Aid Station #21, another walk at every aid station after that ly feeling the energy come back at break, and another decision of point. this point. whether to speed up again by 5 seconds per mile. I only drank water twice, at about 5) Top of Palani drive, just past 4 ounces. I calculated the fluid in 10 miles. Didn't want to stop and walk, eat Coke to be enough, and didn't or anything. But I forced myself want too much fluid in my stom- I began passing a lot of folks on too. Last thing I wanted was a ach. Aside from Coke, I also the Queen K. bonk before coming back down dumped ice down the jersey at Palani. every chance. 6) Aid Station #12, another walk break. 10) Aid Station #23: final walk I also continued to take my Ath- break, and time to speed up and lytes every 30 minutes. No cramp- Toughest part of the marathon go to a world of pain. ing at all in 100+ degrees, thanks really, slogging out to the Energy to these little babies... Lab on a long, lonely strip of high- Once again, tempted to not stop, way with no end in sight. but I did, for one more hit of Several intermediate landmark Coke. Glad I did because once I goals on the run I planned to in- 7) turn into Energy lab. run to got into town, just after the 3:30 clude were: Special Needs, where I get one marathon mark, I was beginning more canister of Athlytes, cross to bonk again. 1) Aid Station #3, where I will be the timing mat, and turn around able to check pacing. to head home. I knew pacing was off here. 9
  • 10. ...B.G. Race Report (cont’d) Key Gear Used In This Race The Finish: Skinsuit: Blue Seventy PZ3+ The finish line, was of course, magical, and at 9:53, Goggles: Blue Seventy Hydravision a Hawaii Ironman PR. As soon as I made it, I broke Sunglasses: Zeal Optics "Slingshots" down crying (after flashing the peace sign of Bike: Gray Storm TT course). My breath was coming in heaving sobs, and Saddle: ISM Road Saddle my legs were on fire with sharp pins and needles - I Wheels: Gray 9.0 Clinchers could barely walk. For nearly an hour, I simply sat Helmet: Gray Aerodome Helmet on the beach in tons of pain, surrounded by friends Pedals: LOOK Ti and family, before I hobbled off for a massage. Cycling Shoes: Specialized TriVent Running Shoes: Avia Avi-Bolts Put another Kona in the books. Will I ever race this Compression Socks: "TheRecoverySock". again? Maybe. I can get to the podium here with a good race, and that's tempting. Without a flat and a bonk, I would have been able to shave nearly 25 minutes, giving me the 9:30 I wanted. That's always what keeps you coming back... But in the meanwhile, time for some R&R. Next stop: Rosehall International Distance Triathlon in Jamaica in 2 weeks - http://! Key Nutrition Used In Ironman Hawaii Pre-Race: Ancient Minerals Topical Magnesium Oil, Scape Sunblock, Enerprime, delta-E, Millenni- um Sports Carnage, Millennium Sports Cordygen VO2, Sweet Potatoes, nuun hydration, Peter Gillham's NutraRev During Race: GU Roctane and Millennium Sports Athlytes, delta-E at all special needs Post-Race: Wicked Fast Recoverease, Ancient Minerals Topical Magnesium Oil, Mt. Capra Solar Synergy, Mt. Capra Double Bonded Protein, Bio- letics Amino Acids, nuun hydration Ben Greenfield 10
  • 11. Lentil Sausage Soup t hy H eal (via & Jessi Thompson) Es RE CIP INGREDIENTS: 8-10 servings • 1 Pound French green Lentils (recommended: du Puy) • 3 cups medium diced celery (8 stalks) • 1/4 cup of olive oil, plus extra for serving • 3 cups medium diced carrots (4-6 carrots) • 4 cups diced yellow Onions (3 Large) • 3 quarts Homemade Chicken stock/or canned broth • 4 cups chopped leeks, white & light green parts only • 1/4 cup tomato paste (2 leeks) • 1 pound Kielbasa, cut in 1/2 lengthwise & sliced 1/3 - • 1 tablespoon minced garlic (2 Large cloves) inch thick (try it with Turkey Kielbasa, lower fat) • 1 tablespoon kosher salt • 2 tablespoons dry red wine or red wine vinegar • 1 1/2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper • Freshly grated Parmesan, for serving • 1 tablespoon minced fresh thyme leaves • 1 teaspoon ground cumin DIRECTIONS: In a large bowl, cover the lentils with boiling water and allow to sit for 15 minutes. Drain. In a large stockpot over medium heat, heat the olive oil and sauté the onions, leeks, garlic, salt, pepper, thyme, and cumin for 20 minutes, or until the vegetables are translucent and tender. Add the celery and carrots and sauté for another 10 minutes. Add the chicken stock, tomato paste, and drained lentils, cover, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer uncovered for 1 hour, or until the lentils are cooked through and tender. Check the seasonings. Add the kielbasa and red wine and simmer until the kielbasa is hot. Serve drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with grated Parmesan. (You can find how to make homemade chicken stock and other great recipes on 11
  • 12. The Board of Directors, Sponsors and Events…. the Calendar of Upcoming Events . BOARD OF DIRECTORS • STEVE ANDERSON - SPONSORSHIP LIAISON We would like to extend a • TIFFANY BRYD - UNIFORM DIRECTOR generous Thank You to our • ERIC BRYD - MENTOR DIRECTOR truly amazing sponsors!! • NATALIE GALLAGHER - SOCIAL DIRECTOR • GREG GALLAGHER - VICE PRESIDENT • BEN GREENFIELD - WEBSITE DIRECTOR • ADAM LITTLE - MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR • JENNIFER LITTLE - TREASURER • ALISON STITT - NEWSLETTER DIRECTOR • JESSI THOMPSON - SECRETARY • ROGER THOMPSON - PRESIDENT • DANIELLE WARNOCK - TRI FUSION KID’S CLUB DIRECTOR Oct- Oct-Dec. Calendar Races: Upcoming Events: • Trifusion Sink or Swim Masters Meet • Tri Fusion’s Annual GreenBluff Social is Training Opportunities: Oct. 23rd THIS Sunday, Oct. 24th meeting at EventShow.jsp?returnPage=% Northside Starbucks @ 2:00pm, or at • Whitworth Masters Swim: Mon- 2FEventsCurrent.jsp&id=96239&team=ieswat Siemer’s Farm @ 2:30pm...for fun time Wed-Fri @ 8:30-10pm. For more • Pumpkin Pacer Oct. 30th picking pumpkins, drinking cider, pump- info. Contact kin donuts, gathering together! Don’t miss out! • Monster Dash Oct. 31, Manito Park • HLR (headlamp runs) is starting • • Tri Fusion’s End of Season Social is on TriCities Marathon/Marathon Relay up this Thursday October 21st. Oct. 31 9:30am, Richland, Wa. Friday, November 19th @ 7:00pm at 6:30pm Check out the Tri Fusion the Spokane Country Club! Tickets are • BRRC Cross Country - Qulchan on sale ($25/ each) tonight or via mail in. forum (training) for more details! Nov. 7th, South Hill, Spokane Find more info on the • Continue to post & check for any • Columbia River Classic– 2mile/10mile, on the forum. training swim/ride/run on the Fo- Nov. 13th, Richland, Wa. Next Membership Meeting: rum, Facebook page and/or send • Manito TURKEY TROT - Nov. 25th No Meeting November & December!! out an email! Get those rides in 9am, tradition to join teammates @ Happy Holidays! before the weather lays SNOW!! Krispy Kremes after for yumminess! Next Meeting January 19th, 6:30pm • America’s Marathon/Half Marathon Northside Twigs Nov. 28th 8am, Seattle, Wa. 12