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Newbury College
 Celebrating 50 years

  The Gemini Group
       December 22, 2011

This is where it starts. This is the launching pad of new ideas, new experiences, new friendships… a new life.
This is where you pick up your road map and find your true North. Yes, this is where it starts.

This is where you begin to realize who you really are. Where you find your passions and figure out your
place. This is where you come to soak it up. Take it in. Find it out. It’s where you gather the tools to build
something better. Something that suddenly seems within reach. This is where you learn to wonder why and
begin to ask why not. It’s where you find the courage to take a new path and chart a new direction. It’s where
you can make your mark not just with footprints that show where you’ve been, but with blueprints that chart
where you are going.

This is where you interact with new people, take on new challenges, seize new opportunities and where you
discover out just how much you can accomplish in a day and even in an hour. It’s where you can venture
outside of your comfort zone and feel…well, comfortable. And it’s knowing that you can change the world –
because you’ve already changed yourself. More confident, more secure, more sure of who you are and what
you want to be. It’s a feeling that doesn’t go away after graduation, but stays with you, makes you stand out
from the crowd. Because this is an education that goes beyond academics or athletics. It’s rooted in the real
world and founded on a tradition of innovation. This is an education that embraces all that the city has to
offer and offers you a chance to shoot for the stars. This is where it starts. But not where it ends.
This is an education for life.

“	I wanted a small college where I could
 get a solid liberal arts education and
 still learn real, marketable skills.
 Here, I’ve interned at a top ad agency,
 volunteered at the Boston Marathon
 and had my poetry published.
 Newbury College was exactly what I
 was looking for.” –Amelia ’14

                                           John Williams ‘02 and Bruce Winkle ‘03, met in a
                                           Newbury College Hotel Management class where
                                           their final project was to create a concept for a local
                                           restaurant. Although their idea was an upscale Cajun
                                           bistro (they got a B+), they enjoyed working together
                                           and continued to write up business plans. Today, their
                                           gourmet hot dog truck “Good Dogs!” is a lunchtime
                                           fixture in downtown Boston and has been featured
                                           on The Food Network.
one-on-one   Academics lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.                            50 REASONS TO LOVE NEWBURY

                                                                        Aliquam ac erat urna. Sed vestibulum porttitor tincidunt vestibulum porttitor,
                                                                        neque vitae scelerisque feugiat, sem dolor porttitor arcu, ac dictum ipsum
                                                                        nisi vitae dui. Phasellus aliquam placerat neque, non egestas nisl aliquam
                                                                        id. Fusce leo lorem, commodo sed fermentum vitae, porta ut tellus.
                                                                        Praesent eu ante erat. In sed accumsan lacus.
                                                                                                                                                                      Founded on Newbury Street in 1962. Can
                                                                        Sed sed purus dui. Fusce eu sapien libero. Maecenas convallis nulla quis                      it get any Nam a dolor viverra neque iaculis
                                                                                                                                                                      ullamcorper. Donec posuere libero nec ipsum
                                                                        eros pellentesque vitae tempor erat ultricies. Nunc sit amet sapien ac velit
                                                                                                                                                                      dapibus consectetur. Suspendisse rutrum, augue
                                                                        fringilla ornare ut eu mauris. Donec tincidunt nulla ac lectus scelerisque eget               eu condimentum luctus, enim erat feugiat enim,
                                                                                                                                                                      ut dignissim libero quam vel turpis.
                                                                        tempus tellus faucibus. Ut sit amet nunc ut nisi tempor lacinia. Etiam
                                                                        ac mi velit. Nulla rhoncus cursus tortor, sodales vestibulum risus viverra
                                                                        malesuada.                                                                                    Hot fudge sundaes on a Friday night.
                                                                                                                                                                      Nam a dolor viverra neque iaculis
                                                                        Nunc urna mi, sodales non sodales sed, feugiat eget turpis. Morbi et                          ullamcorper. Donec posuere libero

IT’S NOT JUST WHO YOU KNOW,                                             lacus sed eros lacinia hendrerit eget vel felis. Nam a dolor viverra neque
                                                                        iaculis ullamcorper. Donec posuere libero nec ipsum dapibus consectetur.
                                                                                                                                                                      nec ipsum dapibus consectetur.
                                                                                                                                                                      Suspendisse rutrum, augue eu
                                                                                                                                                                      condimentum luctus, enim erat

                                                                                                                                                                      feugiat enim, ut dignissim libero
                                                                        Suspendisse rutrum, augue eu condimentum luctus, enim erat feugiat                            quam vel turpis.

At Newbury College, classes are small. So you get
to know your professors and, more importantly, they
                                                                                                                                                                                               Drama club. Nam a dolor
know you. And because our professors are not just                                                                                                                                              viverra neque iaculis
                                                                                                                                                                                               ullamcorper. Donec
academics, but also professionals who are at the                                                                                                                                               posuere libero nec ipsum

                                                                           team work
                                                                                                                                                                                               dapibus consectetur.
top of their game, you benefit educationally, personally                                                                                                                   3
                                                                                                                                                                                               Suspendisse rutrum, augue
                                                                                                                                                                                               eu condimentum luctus,
                                                                                                                                                                                               enim erat feugiat enim,
and professionally…..                                                                                                                                                                          ut dignissim libero quam
                                                                                                                                                                                               vel turpis.

Franklin Gothic Extra Condensed   Franklin Gothic Book Condensed

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Color Palette

Newbury College: A Whole New Tradition

Rooted in Boston history but always looking to the future, Newbury College is redefining what a liberal arts education can
be. While we’re proud of our past, we don’t rest on our reputation. We never have. We’re too busy reinventing tradition.
And turning it into something better. Something that works. Right now. Relevant, real and ready to tackle the challenges of
today’s world, Newbury College gives students the tools they need to succeed – the competitive edge that really makes a
difference. The way things have always been doesn’t interest us. We care more about looking ahead. That’s our tradition
– a rich history of anticipating change, embracing creativity and finding simply brilliant solutions. We don’t just respond to
what’s happening in our world now, we welcome what next and prepare students to take their place as leaders.

Sure, we can boast of where we’ve been – but we’re even more excited about where we’re going because at Newbury
College, our tradition has always been innovation. Our most cherished traditions aren’t played out on a football field or in
fraternity house they happen in the classrooms where professors and students challenge the status quo, in businesses
and boardrooms where students learn real world lessons and gain real professional experience and in the excitement
and opportunities that come from simply being in Boston. Yesterday, today and tomorrow… it’s Newbury College where
students discover a whole new way to get an amazing education, find a whole new way to navigate the world and find out
that there’s a whole new way to feel confident about themselves and what they can accomplish.

At Newbury College, it’s a whole new tradition.
                                  INT ERN SH IPS
                      FAC ULT Y
                                            New Tradition
                                                 A Whole
                                                                                                                      It’s a Whole

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    STUDENT LIFE
                                                                                                                   New Experience .
                                                                                                                             It’s Your Life.

                                                                                                                                                                                       FAC ULT Y
                                                                                                                 Get Excited. Get Started.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   INT ERN SH IPS
“The pop art of the 1960s – particularly Peter Max–
                                                                                   The first week of freshman year is not just intense, it’s transformative. That’s
was my inspiration for this design which was chosen                                right. You’ll change. You’ll meet people with new ideas who will challenge you
   to wrap the Newbury Nourish food truck. It’s like                               in new ways, you’ll explore a new city and discover that even though you’re in
                having my portfolio all over town!”                                college now, there’s a whole lot to learn about the world and about yourself.
                                                                                   You’ll find a balance at Newbury. A small college, just outside of a world-class
                                          Adrian ’14
                                                                                   city, students here have access to the best of both worlds. There’s a balance
                                                                                   academically, too. That’s because we believe that a liberal arts education
                                                                                   should also have a practical side. So we prepare students to succeed not just
                                                                                   as scholars, but as professionals in their chosen field – with practical skills that

                                       NEWBURY MOMENT

                                       Author, Wes Moore visited campus and
                                                                                   give them the competitive edge in today’s economy.

                                                                                   Suspendisse ante ligula, placerat varius rhoncus ut, condimentum ut sapien.
                                                                                   Etiam eget eros enim. Fusce sagittis risus ut urna tristique scelerisque. In
                                       shared the true story behind his New        eleifend congue nunc sed dictum. Fusce gravida erat nec ipsum tincidunt
                                                                                   porttitor. Ut sed dapibus arcu. Donec id nulla ultricies tellus adipiscing iaculis.
                                       York Times bestseller “The Other Wes
                                                                                   In in interdum magna. Sed in augue sed erat placerat dignissim. Nam pharetra
                                      Moore,” at a literary forum for first year   enim nec ipsum viverra et sodales odio bibendum.
                                      students who read the book as part of        Aliquam erat volutpat.
                                      their orientation program.

 Jody Adams, chef/owner of Boston’s
                                                                                                                                                 A Whole

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   STUDENT LIFE
 award-winning restaurant Rialto, brought
her four-star experience to the Culinary
Arts department as a visiting chef
during Newbury College’s Restaurant
                                                                                                                                            New Approach.
                                                                                                                                                Real Life Experience.

                                                                                                                                                                                      FAC ULT Y
Week. Other activities included a pop-up
restaurant, wine tastings and on-campus
farmer’s market.                                                                                                                                  Real Life Success.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  INT ERN SH IPS
                                                                                               We believe that experience is the best teacher. That’s why at Newbury College
                                                                                               our professors aren’t just academics but they’re seasoned professionals with
                                                                                               years of experience working at the top of their field. With a student–teacher
                                                                                               ratio of 18–1, professors don’t just know their students, they mentor them...
                                                                                               id leo pretium dignissim arcu sem vitae augue. Nulla viverra imperdiet arcu,
                                                                                               ac volutpat eros tincidunt in. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla tempus consequat
                                                                                               metus, vel lacinia felis tincidunt ac. Praesent non pharetra risus. Nulla vel ligula
                                                                                               enim, sed consequat odio. Fusce gravida erat nec ipsum tincidunt porttitor.
                                                                                               Aliquam cursus augue quis felis congue et vestibulum ligula adipiscing

                                                                                               Suspendisse ante ligula, placerat varius rhoncus ut, condimentum ut sapien.
                                                                                               Etiam eget eros enim. Fusce sagittis risus ut urna tristique scelerisque. In
                                                                                               eleifend congue nunc sed dictum. Fusce gravida erat nec ipsum tincidunt
                                                                                               porttitor. Ut sed dapibus arcu. Donec id nulla ultricies tellus adipiscing iaculis.
                                                                                               In in interdum magna. Sed in augue sed erat placerat dignissim. Nam pharetra
                                     “	I never thought of myself as a scientist, but when we
                                                                                               enim nec ipsum viverra et sodales odio bibendum. Aliquam erat volutpat.
                                       started to study Molecular Gastronomy, I couldn’t
                                       believe how cool it was. The beet foam on the           Nam commodo, nisl in ultricies semper, lacus dolor fermentum leo, sit amet
                                        hazelnut brulee was outrageously good. When            mollis tortor ipsum ullamcorper lectus. Nam nec eros diam. Etiam luctus
                                                                                               vestibulum ornare. Vivamus turpis velit, imperdiet eget fermentum in, luctus
                                         technology meets the tongue, everyone’s happy!
                                                                                               sollicitudin eros. Donec rutrum ullamcorper augue. Aliquam cursus augue quis
                                          – Lisa ’13                                           felis congue et vestibulum ligula adipiscing. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi.

Spiegel roman                    Spiegel semi bold

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1234567890                       1234567890
@&!?:;’*                         @&!?:;’*

Spiegel bold

abcdefghijklmnopqr stuv w x yz
Color Palette
Newbury College Social Media
What a social media campaign can do for Newbury College
•	 Clarity & consistency in message and branding
•	 Total optimization of your social media properties
•	 Custom Facebook application
•	 Ongoing Promotion
•	 Social Proof

•	 Ongoing research
•	 Keep up to date with API updates
•	 Security risk/vulnerabilities
•	 New opportunities & technologies

•	 Facebook Page Optimization
•	 Social Media Profile Linking
•	 Twitter Auto-Responders
•	 Twitter Setup/Optimization
•	 Custom Application Development

Ongoing Promotion
•	 Facebook PPC Management
•	 Ongoing Twitter & Facebook Promotion
•	 Scheduled Social media updates
•	 Clout Analysis & Reporting
                                                          Custom Facebook Application
Newbury Nourish food truck
Newbury College 50th Anniversary Support

INCREASE STUDENT ENROLLMENT                                      ENGAGE ALUMNI                                                   OPTIMIZE VISIBILIT Y/
•	 Targeted postcard to high school guidance counselors,         •	 50th Anniversary magazine (50th YEAR BOOK?)                  COMMUNIT Y RELATIONS
   department heads, subject teachers (graphic design,              highlighting achievements of alumni and illuminating         •	 Happy Birthday Celebration – Cupcake giveaway on Newbury
   business, interior, etc)                                         college milestones.                                             Street. Giant birthday card installation invites public to sign.
•	 Mentoring program pairs high school or junior high school     •	 50th Anniversary Golden Gala and Alumni Appeal with          •	 50th Anniversary Speaker Series. High profile names to visit
   student with Newbury College student in chosen program           awards for distinguished alumni, champagne with 50th            campus. Open to the public. High-end donors will receive golden
•	 Program specific Facebook pages will give high school            “golden” anniversary label. QR code mailing directs alumni      ticket to have the opportunity to mingle with speakers after event.
   students insider info about Newbury programs and invite          to fun video on 50th anniversary events.
                                                                                                                                 •	 50th Birthday Party on campus, open to the public.
   them to “like.”                                               •	 Alumni luncheons in cities outside of Massachusetts.
                                                                                                                                 •	 50th Anniversary website, part of the Newbury College website
•	 Mini-camps or classes for high school and junior high            Invite guest speaker and current Newbury College
                                                                                                                                 •	 50th Anniversary banners on campus and Newbury Street
   students. Taught by professors in areas like: Graphic            president.
                                                                                                                                 •	 Student run food truck “Newbury Nourish” serves up healthy
   Design, Culinary Arts, Interior Design. On campus intros to   •	 50th Anniversary Fund with specific goals (for new
                                                                                                                                    lunch downtown.
   college life. Promoted through high schools.                     academic programs, enhancing campus)
                                                                                                                                 •	 Host summer or vacation tennis and soccer camps on campus
•	 Increased presence on T, radio, YouTube videos/               •	 Match Alumni with current student. Send student profile
                                                                                                                                    for elementary, middle and high school students.
   Facebook (see World’s Largest Cupcake – we could beat            to alum and ask for their expertise in mentoring, job
   this!             placement or just meeting up for lunch.                      •	 Dorm Room Design Competition – could be city-wide
   ture=related)                                                                                                                    or just between Newbury Interior Design Students.
                                                                 •	 Facebook page for Alumni to share memories, make
                                                                                                                                    Press coverage.
•	 Create “board of experts” that the media can call on for         connections.
   quotes and opinions on topics ranging from the cost of a                                                                      •	 On Campus Farmer’s Market. Students have booth selling fresh
                                                                 •	 Alumni slideshow on alumni web page. Each picture has
   college education to how to cook a turkey.                                                                                       bread or pies.
                                                                    a little blurb about what they do and where they are now.
•	 Top Chef Competition for high schools scholarship                                                                             •	 Time Capsule. Newbury buries a time capsule on campus to be
                                                                 •	 Alumni networking mixer
                                                                                                                                    opened in 50 years. Media attends.
                                                                                                                                 •	 50 Reasons to Love Newbury poster to Alumni.
                                                                                                                                 •	 Special 50th Anniversary t-shirt, iPad cover etc.
                                                                                                                                 •	 Organize “Day of Service.” Students go out in the community to

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Newbury College Creative Book

  • 1. Newbury College Celebrating 50 years The Gemini Group December 22, 2011
  • 3. NEWBURY COLLEGE: EDUCATION FOR LIFE This is where it starts. This is the launching pad of new ideas, new experiences, new friendships… a new life. This is where you pick up your road map and find your true North. Yes, this is where it starts. This is where you begin to realize who you really are. Where you find your passions and figure out your place. This is where you come to soak it up. Take it in. Find it out. It’s where you gather the tools to build something better. Something that suddenly seems within reach. This is where you learn to wonder why and begin to ask why not. It’s where you find the courage to take a new path and chart a new direction. It’s where you can make your mark not just with footprints that show where you’ve been, but with blueprints that chart where you are going. This is where you interact with new people, take on new challenges, seize new opportunities and where you discover out just how much you can accomplish in a day and even in an hour. It’s where you can venture outside of your comfort zone and feel…well, comfortable. And it’s knowing that you can change the world – because you’ve already changed yourself. More confident, more secure, more sure of who you are and what you want to be. It’s a feeling that doesn’t go away after graduation, but stays with you, makes you stand out from the crowd. Because this is an education that goes beyond academics or athletics. It’s rooted in the real world and founded on a tradition of innovation. This is an education that embraces all that the city has to offer and offers you a chance to shoot for the stars. This is where it starts. But not where it ends. This is an education for life.
  • 5. “ I wanted a small college where I could get a solid liberal arts education and still learn real, marketable skills. Here, I’ve interned at a top ad agency, volunteered at the Boston Marathon and had my poetry published. Newbury College was exactly what I was looking for.” –Amelia ’14 John Williams ‘02 and Bruce Winkle ‘03, met in a Newbury College Hotel Management class where their final project was to create a concept for a local restaurant. Although their idea was an upscale Cajun bistro (they got a B+), they enjoyed working together and continued to write up business plans. Today, their gourmet hot dog truck “Good Dogs!” is a lunchtime fixture in downtown Boston and has been featured on The Food Network.
  • 6. one-on-one Academics lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 50 REASONS TO LOVE NEWBURY ACADEMICS Aliquam ac erat urna. Sed vestibulum porttitor tincidunt vestibulum porttitor, neque vitae scelerisque feugiat, sem dolor porttitor arcu, ac dictum ipsum nisi vitae dui. Phasellus aliquam placerat neque, non egestas nisl aliquam 1 id. Fusce leo lorem, commodo sed fermentum vitae, porta ut tellus. Praesent eu ante erat. In sed accumsan lacus. Founded on Newbury Street in 1962. Can Sed sed purus dui. Fusce eu sapien libero. Maecenas convallis nulla quis it get any Nam a dolor viverra neque iaculis ullamcorper. Donec posuere libero nec ipsum eros pellentesque vitae tempor erat ultricies. Nunc sit amet sapien ac velit dapibus consectetur. Suspendisse rutrum, augue fringilla ornare ut eu mauris. Donec tincidunt nulla ac lectus scelerisque eget eu condimentum luctus, enim erat feugiat enim, ut dignissim libero quam vel turpis. tempus tellus faucibus. Ut sit amet nunc ut nisi tempor lacinia. Etiam ac mi velit. Nulla rhoncus cursus tortor, sodales vestibulum risus viverra malesuada. Hot fudge sundaes on a Friday night. Nam a dolor viverra neque iaculis Nunc urna mi, sodales non sodales sed, feugiat eget turpis. Morbi et ullamcorper. Donec posuere libero IT’S NOT JUST WHO YOU KNOW, lacus sed eros lacinia hendrerit eget vel felis. Nam a dolor viverra neque iaculis ullamcorper. Donec posuere libero nec ipsum dapibus consectetur. nec ipsum dapibus consectetur. Suspendisse rutrum, augue eu condimentum luctus, enim erat IT’S WHO KNOWS YOU. feugiat enim, ut dignissim libero Suspendisse rutrum, augue eu condimentum luctus, enim erat feugiat quam vel turpis. 2 At Newbury College, classes are small. So you get to know your professors and, more importantly, they Drama club. Nam a dolor know you. And because our professors are not just viverra neque iaculis ullamcorper. Donec academics, but also professionals who are at the posuere libero nec ipsum team work dapibus consectetur. top of their game, you benefit educationally, personally 3 Suspendisse rutrum, augue eu condimentum luctus, enim erat feugiat enim, and professionally….. ut dignissim libero quam vel turpis.
  • 7. Typeface Franklin Gothic Extra Condensed Franklin Gothic Book Condensed ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRS TUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghi jklmnopqr s tuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 1234567890 @&!?:;’* @&!?:;’* Scala ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 @&!?:;’*
  • 9. 50TH ANNIVERSARY THEME 2 Newbury College: A Whole New Tradition
  • 10. NEWBURY COLLEGE: A WHOLE NEW TRADITION Rooted in Boston history but always looking to the future, Newbury College is redefining what a liberal arts education can be. While we’re proud of our past, we don’t rest on our reputation. We never have. We’re too busy reinventing tradition. And turning it into something better. Something that works. Right now. Relevant, real and ready to tackle the challenges of today’s world, Newbury College gives students the tools they need to succeed – the competitive edge that really makes a difference. The way things have always been doesn’t interest us. We care more about looking ahead. That’s our tradition – a rich history of anticipating change, embracing creativity and finding simply brilliant solutions. We don’t just respond to what’s happening in our world now, we welcome what next and prepare students to take their place as leaders. Sure, we can boast of where we’ve been – but we’re even more excited about where we’re going because at Newbury College, our tradition has always been innovation. Our most cherished traditions aren’t played out on a football field or in fraternity house they happen in the classrooms where professors and students challenge the status quo, in businesses and boardrooms where students learn real world lessons and gain real professional experience and in the excitement and opportunities that come from simply being in Boston. Yesterday, today and tomorrow… it’s Newbury College where students discover a whole new way to get an amazing education, find a whole new way to navigate the world and find out that there’s a whole new way to feel confident about themselves and what they can accomplish. At Newbury College, it’s a whole new tradition.
  • 11. STUDENT LIFE INT ERN SH IPS FAC ULT Y ACAD EMICS New Tradition College A Whole Newbury 1962–2012
  • 12. ACAD EMICS It’s a Whole STUDENT LIFE New Experience . It’s Your Life. FAC ULT Y Get Excited. Get Started. INT ERN SH IPS “The pop art of the 1960s – particularly Peter Max– The first week of freshman year is not just intense, it’s transformative. That’s was my inspiration for this design which was chosen right. You’ll change. You’ll meet people with new ideas who will challenge you to wrap the Newbury Nourish food truck. It’s like in new ways, you’ll explore a new city and discover that even though you’re in having my portfolio all over town!” college now, there’s a whole lot to learn about the world and about yourself. You’ll find a balance at Newbury. A small college, just outside of a world-class Adrian ’14 city, students here have access to the best of both worlds. There’s a balance academically, too. That’s because we believe that a liberal arts education should also have a practical side. So we prepare students to succeed not just as scholars, but as professionals in their chosen field – with practical skills that 2011 NEWBURY MOMENT Author, Wes Moore visited campus and give them the competitive edge in today’s economy. Suspendisse ante ligula, placerat varius rhoncus ut, condimentum ut sapien. Etiam eget eros enim. Fusce sagittis risus ut urna tristique scelerisque. In shared the true story behind his New eleifend congue nunc sed dictum. Fusce gravida erat nec ipsum tincidunt porttitor. Ut sed dapibus arcu. Donec id nulla ultricies tellus adipiscing iaculis. York Times bestseller “The Other Wes In in interdum magna. Sed in augue sed erat placerat dignissim. Nam pharetra Moore,” at a literary forum for first year enim nec ipsum viverra et sodales odio bibendum. students who read the book as part of Aliquam erat volutpat. their orientation program.
  • 13. 2002 NEWBURY MOMENT Jody Adams, chef/owner of Boston’s A Whole STUDENT LIFE award-winning restaurant Rialto, brought her four-star experience to the Culinary Arts department as a visiting chef during Newbury College’s Restaurant New Approach. Real Life Experience. FAC ULT Y Week. Other activities included a pop-up restaurant, wine tastings and on-campus farmer’s market. Real Life Success. INT ERN SH IPS We believe that experience is the best teacher. That’s why at Newbury College our professors aren’t just academics but they’re seasoned professionals with years of experience working at the top of their field. With a student–teacher ratio of 18–1, professors don’t just know their students, they mentor them... id leo pretium dignissim arcu sem vitae augue. Nulla viverra imperdiet arcu, ac volutpat eros tincidunt in. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla tempus consequat metus, vel lacinia felis tincidunt ac. Praesent non pharetra risus. Nulla vel ligula enim, sed consequat odio. Fusce gravida erat nec ipsum tincidunt porttitor. Aliquam cursus augue quis felis congue et vestibulum ligula adipiscing Suspendisse ante ligula, placerat varius rhoncus ut, condimentum ut sapien. Etiam eget eros enim. Fusce sagittis risus ut urna tristique scelerisque. In eleifend congue nunc sed dictum. Fusce gravida erat nec ipsum tincidunt porttitor. Ut sed dapibus arcu. Donec id nulla ultricies tellus adipiscing iaculis. In in interdum magna. Sed in augue sed erat placerat dignissim. Nam pharetra “ I never thought of myself as a scientist, but when we enim nec ipsum viverra et sodales odio bibendum. Aliquam erat volutpat. started to study Molecular Gastronomy, I couldn’t believe how cool it was. The beet foam on the Nam commodo, nisl in ultricies semper, lacus dolor fermentum leo, sit amet hazelnut brulee was outrageously good. When mollis tortor ipsum ullamcorper lectus. Nam nec eros diam. Etiam luctus vestibulum ornare. Vivamus turpis velit, imperdiet eget fermentum in, luctus technology meets the tongue, everyone’s happy! sollicitudin eros. Donec rutrum ullamcorper augue. Aliquam cursus augue quis – Lisa ’13 felis congue et vestibulum ligula adipiscing. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi.
  • 14. Typeface Spiegel roman Spiegel semi bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV WXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqr stuv w x yz 1234567890 1234567890 @&!?:;’* @&!?:;’* Spiegel bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV WXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqr stuv w x yz 1234567890 @&!?:;’*
  • 16. Newbury College Social Media What a social media campaign can do for Newbury College • Clarity & consistency in message and branding • Total optimization of your social media properties • Custom Facebook application • Ongoing Promotion • Social Proof Benefits • Ongoing research • Keep up to date with API updates • Security risk/vulnerabilities • New opportunities & technologies Setup • Facebook Page Optimization • Social Media Profile Linking • Twitter Auto-Responders • Twitter Setup/Optimization • Custom Application Development Ongoing Promotion • Facebook PPC Management • Ongoing Twitter & Facebook Promotion • Scheduled Social media updates • Clout Analysis & Reporting Custom Facebook Application
  • 18. Newbury College 50th Anniversary Support INCREASE STUDENT ENROLLMENT ENGAGE ALUMNI OPTIMIZE VISIBILIT Y/ • Targeted postcard to high school guidance counselors, • 50th Anniversary magazine (50th YEAR BOOK?) COMMUNIT Y RELATIONS department heads, subject teachers (graphic design, highlighting achievements of alumni and illuminating • Happy Birthday Celebration – Cupcake giveaway on Newbury business, interior, etc) college milestones. Street. Giant birthday card installation invites public to sign. • Mentoring program pairs high school or junior high school • 50th Anniversary Golden Gala and Alumni Appeal with • 50th Anniversary Speaker Series. High profile names to visit student with Newbury College student in chosen program awards for distinguished alumni, champagne with 50th campus. Open to the public. High-end donors will receive golden • Program specific Facebook pages will give high school “golden” anniversary label. QR code mailing directs alumni ticket to have the opportunity to mingle with speakers after event. students insider info about Newbury programs and invite to fun video on 50th anniversary events. • 50th Birthday Party on campus, open to the public. them to “like.” • Alumni luncheons in cities outside of Massachusetts. • 50th Anniversary website, part of the Newbury College website • Mini-camps or classes for high school and junior high Invite guest speaker and current Newbury College • 50th Anniversary banners on campus and Newbury Street students. Taught by professors in areas like: Graphic president. • Student run food truck “Newbury Nourish” serves up healthy Design, Culinary Arts, Interior Design. On campus intros to • 50th Anniversary Fund with specific goals (for new lunch downtown. college life. Promoted through high schools. academic programs, enhancing campus) • Host summer or vacation tennis and soccer camps on campus • Increased presence on T, radio, YouTube videos/ • Match Alumni with current student. Send student profile for elementary, middle and high school students. Facebook (see World’s Largest Cupcake – we could beat to alum and ask for their expertise in mentoring, job this! placement or just meeting up for lunch. • Dorm Room Design Competition – could be city-wide ture=related) or just between Newbury Interior Design Students. • Facebook page for Alumni to share memories, make Press coverage. • Create “board of experts” that the media can call on for connections. quotes and opinions on topics ranging from the cost of a • On Campus Farmer’s Market. Students have booth selling fresh • Alumni slideshow on alumni web page. Each picture has college education to how to cook a turkey. bread or pies. a little blurb about what they do and where they are now. • Top Chef Competition for high schools scholarship • Time Capsule. Newbury buries a time capsule on campus to be • Alumni networking mixer opened in 50 years. Media attends. • 50 Reasons to Love Newbury poster to Alumni. • Special 50th Anniversary t-shirt, iPad cover etc. • Organize “Day of Service.” Students go out in the community to volunteer.