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I certify that project does not incooperate with acknowledgement any materials
previously submitted for any unit in any higher education, and that to the best of
my knowledge and it does not contain any material previously published or
written by another person except where due reference is made in the text.
Balikpapan,June 20th 2017
Nabilla Salsabilla
This is to certify that Diploma III final report by Nabilla Salsabilla, NIM:
1110811 has been approved by the final report advisors for further approval by the
Board of Examiners.
Advisor I
Muhammad Rochman, SS, M.Pd
Advisor II
Serliana Rante Salu, S.Pd
This is to certify that the Diploma III Final Report of Nabilla Salsabilla NIM:
11140811 has been approved by board of Examiners as the requirement for the
degree of Ahli Madya in English For business.
Balikpapan, 2017
Board Examiners
Suzanna Wijayanti, M.Pd (Chairman)
Suzanna Wijayanti, M.Pd (Examiner I)
Muhammad Rochman, SS, M.Pd (Examiner II)
NIP.19731110 200501 1002
Acknowledged by
Akademi Bahasa Asing Balikpapan
H.Muhammad Adenuddin Alwy, S.E, M.M
Firstly, In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious, the most merciful,
the lord of Universe, because of Him, the writer could finish this final report as a
partial of fulfillment to the requirement to complete the Diploma-III program
majoring in English of foreign language academy of Balikpapan in 2017.
Secondly, peace and salutation are always given to our Prophet
Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.
However, this success would not be achieved without those supports,
guidance, advices, helps and encouragements from individuals and institution, and
here, I realized that an appropriate moment for me to the deepest gratitude for:
1. Mr.H.Muhammad Adenuddin Alwy, SE, M.M. as the Director of Akademi
Bahasa Asing Balikpapan.
2. Mr. Muhammad Rochman, SS, MA as my first advisor who has helped a lot
in completing my final report.
3. MRS. Serliana Rante Salu, S.Pd as my second advisor who also has helped in
developing and correcting the mistakes of grammar structure.
4. All the staffs of ABA, who have helped me in processing this final report’
5. My beloved father, mother, and aunt, thanks for all supports, trusts.
6. My best friend in my life, Mr.Sandi Balkis who is always there for me. Thank
you so much for the helps, supports, and trusts.
7. My cousin Mr.Marwan Budianto thank you so much for helping me in editing
my final report.
8. All of my friends at Foreign Languages Academy Balikpapan, Cecepy,
Cocoki, Kpop’s Fangirls for your best favors, interrelationship, and
9. All staffs who have helped me in finishing this final report from Swissbel
Hotel Balikpapan, Mss.Fitria, Mr.Petrus, Mrs.Yunita, and Mrs.Ani thank you
so much.
Finally, this final report is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and
information to the readers. The writer is pleased to accept more suggestions and
contributions from the reader for the improvement of the final report
Balikpapan, 2017
The writer
PAGE OF TITLE........................................................................................ i
DECLARATION SHEET.......................................................................... ii
APPROVAL SHEET.................................................................................. iii
EXAMINER SHEET.................................................................................. iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................ v
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................... vii
1.1. Background...................................................................................... 1
1.2. Methodology.................................................................................... 7
1.2.1. Library Research............................................................... 7
1.2.2. Observation....................................................................... 8
1.2.3. Interview............................................................................ 8
1.2.4. Field Note......................................................................... 8
1.3. Objective of Study........................................................................... 9
2.1 Literature Review.............................................................................. 10
2.1.1 Hotel Management ................................................................ 10
2.1.2 Hotel Communication........................................................... 10 Communication in Hotel Using English.......................... 14
2.1.3 Speaking English in Effective Way...................................... 15
2.1.4 Greeting................................................................................. 17
2.1.5 Warm Greeting Expressions.................................................. 19
2.1.6 Telephone Operator Officer in Hotel.................................... 21
2.2 Company Profile................................................................................ 23
2.2.1 History of SwissBel Hotel.................................................... 23
2.2.2 The Brand ............................................................................. 24
2.2.3 Philosophy, Vision and Mission............................................ 24
2.3 Scope of Work.................................................................................. 26
2.4 Organizational Structure ................................................................... 30
2.5 Job Description.................................................................................. 31
2.6 The Job Description which was Related to Speaking English.......... 33
3.1 Problem Encountered ........................................................................ 35
3.1.1 The Lack of Confidence in Greeting
Foreign Guests...................................................................... 35
3.1.2 The Lack of English Vocabulary to Respond
Foreign Guests...................................................................... 37
3.1.3 Incorrect Pronunciation while Greeting the Guests.............. 38
3.2 Solutions and Evaluation................................................................... 40
3.2.1 Thinking Positive to Avoid Self-distrust............................... 40
3.2.2 Increasing English Vocabulary Bank by Using Flashcards.. 42
3.2.3 Practising the Pronunciation Using Audio
Articulation Method.............................................................. 44
4.1. Conclusion........................................................................................ 48
4.2. Suggestions....................................................................................... 49
REFERENCES .......................................................................................... 50
LIST OF APPENDIXES ............................................................................ 54
The writer comes up with the idea of warm greeting expressions during her
on the job training as the telephone operator officer in Swissbel Hotel of
Balikpapan. There are three sections in this part. They are Background,
Methodology, and Objective of Study. The Background will tell the reasons why
she takes the topic. Meanwhile, the methodology will explain the way she
gathered the data. Then, the objective of study will explain about her purposes in
making this final report.
1.1 Background
Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between
the individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. It
happens in many ways. It also helps people to interact with others, because in
every single opportunity people need communication to make them know what
others need or others want. Most people have used communication as a tool to be
able to see and to understand others in overall, to avoid the infectivity, when there
is inappropriate with something which people want and run, so it will be lost or
wrong direction.
In another side, communication has something important. According to
Morissan (2010) she has mentioned that without communication people will feel
lonely and even have been left then feel dry on their life. This is why
communication is really important.
Communication and society are twin words which cannot be separated. If
there is no communication, then there will not be society and for the vice versa, if
there is no society, then communication will not be able to run. In here, the writer
believes that communication gives a big impact in human’s life. It is important to
communicate well. It can help others to understand what the other person is
saying. It also means that they can express their own needs and concerns.
In addition, communication nowadays becomes more important because
communication can keep the social legacy still goes on. In fact, if people can see
around them, communication becomes a bridge, which connects the mind, feel,
and individual needs with the outside world. Communication builds contacts,
which people can show their existence and try to understand their wills, or others
behavior. The communication itself consists of many ways. In here, the writer
would like to explain the communication that she used in her workplace (hotel)
during her job training.
People believe that, hotels nowadays become very important places,
especially if they are travelers. Hotels become places where the traveler can have
a rest for a while, after they have travelled from some places. In here, the writer
would like to explain about the English speaking which was used as the
communication tool at the international hotel in Balikpapan, which is called
Swissbel hotel.
Swissbel hotel is a four-star hotel. Considering the Swissbel hotel as the
international hotel, it makes this hotel becomes the first destination of any tourist.
Swissbel hotel is the famous hotel, which is known by its excellent services. That
is why many foreigners come to stay in this hotel.
Swissbel hotel has many branches; one of them is located in Balikpapan
city, where the Balikpapan is known as the gate of east Kalimantan. Becoming the
gate of east Kalimantan makes many tourists or travelers easy to visit Balikpapan
and stay there. Therefore, the person who works in the hotel should have
capability in speaking English as the communication tool.
In addition, as Pathak (2014) has mentioned that good communication
skills will impress the guests who will further prove benefit to the hotel business.
From the statement people can conclude that a good communication skill
especially speaking skill brought the satisfaction to the guest, where in this case,
the writer should have the English speaking skill as the communication tool in her
daily activities. The good English speaking skill is believed will give good impact
for the hotel business.
In fact, According to Geikhman (2015) she has declared that working in a
hotel usually requires one specific skill which is spoken English. The statement
has proven that people who work in hotel industry should master the Spoken
English. It becomes one of the requirements if they want to work in this tourism
sector. The English spoken is believed will become the connector language which
can be used between the employees and the guests. For this reason, the writer who
worked in the hotel as a telephone operator officer had to master the English
speaking skill as one of the required skills in the hotel industry.
Meanwhile, According to Yildiz (2015) he has stated that telephone
operator officer is a part of the front office management which has duties to give
information, room reservation, and gives phone service. Beside, in the hotel,
phone is the main key to support the hotel business. That is why, the system of
communication services should be handled by a particular person which is known
as a telephone operator officer. The statement clearly tells that a telephone
operator officer is a person who handles a crucial part of the communication
service in the hotel.
In fact, a telephone operator nowadays should be able to speak English.
Moreover, the telephone operator officer is not only has to master the English
speaking skill, but also many kinds of greeting expressions in operating the
telephone system. In working on her duties as a telephone operator, the writer
found three obstacles in terms of greetings.
Firstly, a telephone operator should master many kinds of greeting
expressions. The telephone operator officer should know how to greet people,
especially by using English greeting Expressions. Greeting is an expression of
kindness or joys even a salutation at the meeting, introducing to others. Greeting
is the main activity for the telephone operator officer when he or she receives the
phone call. She or he greets the customers or the guests when she or he wants to
start the conversation.
In addition, based on Sandro (2016) she has mentioned that a pleasant
phone greeting is essential to a successful call because it sets the stage
emotionally. The listeners tend to mirror or "catch" the emotional states of
speakers. The statement above clearly explains that greetings cannot be
underestimated. The greeting expressions were crucial job for a telephone
operator officer. It is because through greeting the image of the hotel is shown.
The use of greeting expressions should be thought by a telephone operator officer,
whether it is appropriate or not. This is because the listeners or the callers have
their interpretation, which is why the telephone operator should think carefully
about the greetings expression which he or she uses.
Secondly, the greeting expression itself is divided into two types. The first
one is informal greetings Expressions. People usually use informal greeting
expressions when they have already known the person or the individual. In
addition, the informal greeting expressions sometimes are used by the person who
is in the same rank position. However, the informal greeting expressions are often
used in the places such as street, market or in home. The second type of greeting
is formal greeting Expressions. Formal greeting is a greeting, which officially
uses polite languages.
Additionally, according to Himel (2013) he has said that a positive first
impression is an important start to build a relationship, the impression shown
trough the greeting which it is the first opportunity which is often too overlooked.
For this reason, people believe that the first impression come up from the
greetings. Another important thing from the citation is people cannot
underestimate the greeting expression in which greeting is the first chance for a
person in starting the communication.
Meanwhile, in this case, the writer who worked as a telephone operator
was asked to use formal greeting expressions. Furthermore, the writer should
know the different types of greeting expressions, which are applied in various
situations. In addition, the writer had to use many forms greeting expressions,
which appropriate in a particular context.
Thirdly, the guests who stay in Swissbel Hotel are not only foreigners, but
also Indonesians guests. Moreover, the writer is asked not only to know how to
greet and to understand many kinds of greeting expressions, but also know the
differences of the foreigners and local guest accents. These differences also give a
big impact to the company especially the hotel. It must be noticed that the best
impression is shown trough the best greetings. Just in case if the writer warmly
greet the foreigners, it will give the best impression for the guests. The writer in
the work place should know that greetings are not semantically empty
expressions, and that they are used for more functions than initiating social
Therefore, on the ground that of the reasons above, the writer raised
problems about greeting expressions as the interesting subject to be discussed.
Thus, the writer chose the title “Warm Greeting Expressions to The Foreign
Guests in Supporting Performances of the Telephone Operator Officer at Swissbel
Hotel of Balikpapan”. Furthermore, the writer herself seeks the adequate solutions
to the problems above, in her efforts to revise the services perfectly and also
provide the satisfaction of the guests who stay, especially the foreigners who are
the native speaker of English can be more pleasant to stay at Swissbel hotel
1.2 Methodology
The writer believes that methodology is a series of choices about what
information and data to gather, how to analyze the data and information she has
collected. The writer used four methods in collecting the data to make this final
report. They are Library reasearch, Observation, Interview and Field note. This
methodology is believed to have purposes in supporting the information and data
that the writer will point out in her final report related to her topic which is the
warm greeting expressions to the foreign guest in supporting performance of the
telephone operator officer at Swissbel hotel Balikpapan.
1.2.1 Library research
In writing this final report, the writer chose the library research as her
method, because she believed that library research is the way to link the data and
the information of a researcher in scientific way such as books, research, data
analyze and so on. In here, the writer used library research by collecting the
information from books, articles, and took references from website in order to
support the writer’s arguments and also develop the writer’s datas.
1.2.2 Observation
In writing this final report, the writer also chose observation as her
method. The writer chose observation because, she believed that observation is an
obvious method of carrying out research in psychology by observing how is the
condition working in hotel industry, how English spoken is really important and
why does the employee especially the telephone operator should warm in greeting
the guest or the caller. The writer collected the data from observing the spoken
English and the greeting activities at Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan. This activity was
conducted to support the writer’s final report with the interesting subject of Warm
Greeting Expressions to The Foreign Guests in Supporting Performance of the
Telephone Operator Officer at Swissbel Hotel of Balikpapan. (See Appendix 1)
1.2.3 Interview
In this final report, the writer also chose interview as her method, she
believed that interview is the way to collect the data and information related to her
topic which is speaking. Therefore, this Interview was conducted by questioning
directly to the staff. It aimed at determining more specific about greeting
expressions. The writer expected to know the problems which were experienced
by the telephone operator officer. (See Appendix 2)
1.2.4 Field note
In writing this final report, the writer has mentioned the observation
method at the previous section, and in here writer would like to substantiate the
observation by making the field note. The writer believed that field note is part of
the observation which people also call it controlled observation. The controlled
observation is a part of observation which consists of the job descriptions, the
workplaces, and the people who involved in the observation. In this method, the
writer’s job description involved with services to the foreign guests. The writer
wrote journals when she worked as a telephone operator officer. The writer
interacted with the guests by using phone, and she wrote reports in every single
day related to her duties. This field note was made to support the data related to
the speaking problems, especially greeting expression which was used to build the
data of this final report. (See Appendix 3)
1.3 Objective of study
The writer expects the objectives of this final report can be accepted as the
strategy to support the performance of the telephone operator officer in term of the
uses of English greeting expression. These are some objectives of this outline.
They are as follows:
1.3.1 To fulfill the requirement to complete DIII Program of English Department
at Akademi Bahasa Asing of Balikpapan.
1.3.2 To report the result of job training at Swissbel hotel Balikpapan.
1.3.3 To inform some kinds of greeting expressions in supporting the performance
of the telephone operator.
In this section, the writer concerns to discuss a literature review in her
study, company profile, scope of work, organizational structure and also the
writer’s job description during her job training in Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan as a
telephone operator officer.
2.1 Literature Review
In here, the writer would like to discuss about her points in delivering her
report after following the on the job training, which contains statements from the
experts to support the writer’s arguments in her final report.
2.1.1 Hotel Management
Hotel is the essential tourism enterprise, serving the basic need of a person
travelling away from their usual place of residence. Hotel is established to serve
the needs of the guests in temporary travel. According to Sulastiyono (2011) hotel
is a company, which is managed by the owner where they provide food services,
drinks and even the room bed facility, to accommodate people who travel and the
equally valance according to the numbers of services where the guests are offered.
It is obviously clear that hotel is a place which provides not only a place to have a
rest, but also there are so many facilities that may make the guests feel more
comfortable to stay in, even for a while by paying the services which they have
already bought.
In addition, there is a statement according to Suarthana (2006) he has
mentioned that hotel is an accommodation, which uses part of its building, or all
of it, to provide lodging services, drinks, foods, and others services for public in
commercial way. It is clear that hotel gives an accommodation such as services or
places to stay, food and also for commercial purpose. From those statements,
people believe that hotel is a place for having a rest for a temporary period,
especially if they are travelers. Hotel provides so many facilities for everyone, for
commercial purposes. For the example, by selling the main product such as room,
including food service, drink and other necesarry needs.
Furthermore, inside the hotel there is a management. Management is the
organization and coordination of the activities of business in order to achieve
defining objectives. The management systems which manage all of the things
about hotel business are called hotel management. Another way, the hotel
management is the department which provides management techniques including
hotel administration, accounts, marketing, maintenance, housekeeping, catering,
food and beverage management. This management system runs the hotel properly
and manages every single thing as indisputable.
Failure should be avoided as much as possible in this type of management
system, because proper management depends on how perfectly it is managed.
Therefore, every person, which is related to this hotel management system, should
be careful and be aware of their responsibility. That is why the hotel management
needs professionals for their management system. Only the professionals can run
the system properly and perfectly.
The goals of the hotel management create guest’s satisfaction because of
the service quality. According to Lewis and Booms (2008), they have stated that
service quality is a measure how good the level of services which the employee
can give convenient with the hopes of the guest. As a result, hotels employ a high
rate of personnel, ensuring an important role for a special kind of human resources
management. Interdepartmental collaboration and cooperation carry great
importance, making effective internal communications imperative. The
Professionalism of the quality services is shown through communication which
occurs inside of the hotel.
In addition, According to Yildiz (2015), he also has stated that one thing
which should be kept in mind, that the guest’s satisfaction is the key to the success
of a hotel organization, improvement on occupancy and thus productivity depends
greatly on meeting or exceeding guests’ expectations through improving the
quality of service production that in turn depends heavily on personal
communication and interaction. The statement above obviously clear explains
that, the key of a hotel’s success is getting through meeting or exceeding guest
especially through polite communication and warm interaction. Beside, the
guest’s satisfaction also can be achieved, if the quality of the services satisfied the
guest, which usually started with good communication. Therefore, in achieving
the satisfaction of the guests all the activities must be based on the hotel
2.1.2 Hotel Communication
Generally, people show so many signs of communication; even it is verbal
or nonverbal. Khusnia (2013) she has argued that communication was the
requirement of every human’s life. Human’s life will be empty without
communication. It is clear that from the statement all human’s activities must be
involved into communication. People always have duties in their life and all of
that off course consist of communication. Therefore, communication is really
important in human’s life.
Additionally, based on Morrisan (2010) she has said that Communication
is the key to a successful life. The statement clearly explains that the successful
life is based on the communication. It is the foundation of any relation, where
every people must be involved in it. This is why there are words saying that
“People are social creature”. In some cases, people start to create organization by
communicating to others.
Furthermore, there are so many organizations, which always need
communication, for the example here is hotel. Communication is a skill which is
important in offering services inside the hotel, Bartono (2007) he had mentioned
that organization of hotel also have the same condition, they have information’s
channels and need fluent communication to achieve the goals, which deliver the
information as soon as possible, true, and real. It is clear that hotel is also an
organization where there are people inside of it; the people in there need to
cooperate to achieve their goal, which is to satisfy the guest.
In addition, communication is a basic management function and a
connection process. Organization members need to communicate to each others as
they perform their respective duties. People can only interact and learn about
organizational activities through communication within the organization.
Communication plays an integral part throughout the management process and in
an effective completion of organizational tasks. People who work in hotel should
be active in communication. In fact, in communicating with other employees, they
need to have capability in speaking English. Communication in Hotel Using English
Fluent communication makes the hotel employees better in their customer
service. Only knowledgeable hotel staff will be able to convey accurate
information to the customers. Beside of that, communication in hotel usually uses
English. English is a mother tongue of millions of people around the world, and
second language of millions more in Africa and Asia.
In fact, English also becomes the foreign language of any society in
southern Asia. English is the most widely taught read and spoken language around
the world. It has been accepted as the universal language and the language of
international communication, Boonkit (2010). It is clear that English nowadays
has already become the international language. People all around the world
consider that English is very important nowadays. Therefore; hotel, becomes a
destination place of any tourists or expatriate, must apply English as the habitual
Besides, according to Srisudaporn (2006), she has mentioned that
competent English or oral communication skills can be a passport to success in an
international workplace. In here, the hotel is a part of international workplace.
Therefore, English is very important to bridge the communication.
Moreover, communication using English plays an important role in
tourism industry. Based on Seong (2007), he conducted a study focusing on
English for tourism and found that English oral communication skills were the
most valuable as it was a direct means of communication with foreign visitors. It
is obviously clear that the hotel which deals with tourism industry, should have
workers who master English, which they need this skill in communicating to each
other. Thus, the communication must be occurred very often through speaking.
2.1.3 Speaking English in Effective Way
Speaking is one way to communicate the ideas, thoughts and messages
orally. To enable people to communicate, people need to apply the language in
real communication. According to Gert and Hans (2008, they explained that
speaking is speech or utterances with the purpose of having intention to be
recognized by speaker and the receiver processes the statements in order to
recognize their intentions. It is clear that speaking is ability to deliver information
to someone or other directly.
In addition, according to Tarigan (2008) speaking is an ability to spell the
voices of articulation or words to express, explain, or deliver ideas, opinions, and
feels. The statement above clearly tells that speaking is an ability to pronounce the
word event to express and deliver ideas of human’s and their feelings. In fact,
speaking is a system of signs, which is can be heard or audible. Poeple are used to
using speaking in which they produce the signs which consist of sounds and
Speaking effectively usually presents techniques on how to speak
successfully. It makes people think how to approach the effective speaking in the
society and presents proven techniques as concisely and completely as possible.
Besides, according to Suriansyah (2009), he has stated that speaking is an oral
communication of someone in delivering a messages to others. It is totally clear
that speaking is the way people communicate to deliver message to the receiver.
Beside, speaking is an effective way in communication. Thus, speaking has
something important in human’s life.
Moreover, according to Mudini and Purba (2009) they have mentioned
that speaking is to inform something. It is obviously clear that speaking is an
activity to inform someone. People who want to share something must speak to
others. People deliver something to others, it is because the speaker would like to
make the listener get information and even know what the speaker want or say. In
fact, in speaking there are manners of speaking.
Furthermore, according to Harayatmoko (2009) he has stated that manners
in speaking could be a way to build concerns in order to criticize the practice of
speaking, which are nowadays, become compulsive and make the reflection were
ignored for the emotion. It is clear that hotel needs manners of speaking, because
hotel is a place where people work professionally. Therefore, the workers in hotel
are asked to master speaking manner. The manner of speaking is shown through
2.1.4 Greeting
Greeting is a kind of polite expression or a gesture done when greeting
another person. It is a fact, that people cannot imagine a single day without
greetings to somebody. Akindele (2007, has mentioned that greetings are
extremely important strategies for negotiation and control of social identity and
social relationships between participants in a conversation. The importance of
greetings forms cannot be overestimated in the use of a language in any human
society. They serve as an indicator of the social relationship between a speaker
and a listener in terms of status and social distance. Therefore, greetings unites
people in social relationships. First meeting is started with greetings.
Nowadays, greeting is embedded in people social life. These social
interactions in terms of greetings and parting show joyous moment for both the
greeter and greetee. Greeting is an unfamiliar word. Yusriandi (2010), greeting is
a word, which comes from “greet.” It is a word to talk, to start conversation, and
so on, then greet’ word is getting affix so it becomes greeting, which has a
meaning an invitation to start the communication. It is clear that the meaning of
greetings is a group of words, which is used to talk or speak to start the
In addition, there is a system inside of greeting. According to Burhan
(2007), he has stated that the system of greetings is tool of words or expression,
which is used to mention or even call the subject inside an event which is
considered into the aspects of social, such as dialect, variant of situation, or it may
be relation. In system of greetings itself, people should focus or notice the
important of age or the culture, because when people want to greet someone they
must wonder how to get the attention in polite way.
Based on Nababan (2010), greeting is a tool that someone uses to tell
something to others. It is clear that from the statement people can conclude that
every greeting is shown to the opposite of the speaker. Furthermore, almost all
hotels around the world even the elite, and quite properly so, all the staff always
start their conversation by greetings. It is a good way to warm up the situation and
get everyone relaxed a bit. It is a good point to start the conversation.
In fact, there is Korean adage, which said, “first impression is everything’.
Greeting in here happened at the beginning of any relation. People believe that
greeting is something that cannot be underestimated. It is very necessary to be
confident to greet someone, or in this case the guests or the caller. That is why
when greeting someone, people cannot underestimate it. In here, especially in the
hotel the greeting expressions are divided into two types. They are formal and
informal greeting.
a) Formal Greeting Expression
Formal greeting is official greeting expression which is usually done to
welcome or start a conversation to guests, other employees and even to the heads
of the department. It is a compulsory to greet them using formal greeting
b) Informal Greeting Expression
Informal greeting is friendly greeting expression which is usually done to
the same rank of employee or to people whom the greeter has already known. In
fact, the informal greeting expression is usually used if the greeter is allowed to
greet to the same rank staff in his or her work area.
Beside the types of greeting expressions, there are another important
things which the writer thinks should be focused on, they are warm greeting
2.1.5 Warm Greeting Expression
In the context of tourism industry, the first thing that the worker should
master is greeting. Greeting becomes something important in this area, where
people believe that greeting is shown for making best first impression. First
impression will last for a life time, or at least until the guests check out, therefore,
it is important to make a good first impression.
There are numerous expressions which can be used when greeting people
in the first time. Some are very formal and appropriate for greeting guests and
some are more informal and should only be used with friends or company’s
workers. Obviously, employees of the hotel industry should use more formal
expressions. In another hand, the formal expression is shown through warm
greetings. The goal is to make the guests comfortable to start the communication.
In another hand, the key of the successful greeting is shown from the
manners or attitude of the greeter. According to Nurudin (2007) manners are the
norms which are used to judge the goodness or badness of someone. The
statement above has a clear meaning that manners determine the values of
someone. In here, the value of a greeter is judged from his or her greetings.
Greeting is started when someone would like to answer the phone call.
Answering phone call, automatically shown the right person in describing the
image of organization or company. That is why, it is really needed to make the
best first impression, never talk too fast or being nervous.
Greeting represents the voice of the company or organisation. The
manners of the greeter reflects the leadership of a company. People often make a
conclusion about the leadership or the company according to the reaction which
they have got during the call the company or organization. The company or
especially in here the tourism industry (hotel) has already spent so much money to
make a good judgment in public’s image, however if one time the phone call
services make a mistake like unsatisfied the caller then it will destroy entire of the
efforts which has been built by the company.
In additon, warm greeting expression is really needed in this tourist sector.
The tourist who comes in visitting the hotel would feel welcome and fun.
According to Nodoushan (2006), he has said that an expression of greeting such
as “How do you do” as a special kind of speech that makes people glad to hear
that. It is obviously clear that warm greeting makes people satisfied and touched
by the services, especially in here the phone call services.
In another case the caller here, sometimes also the guest who has already
been in the room of the hotel. Based on Sujatno (2008) he has explained that
guests are people who want all the services which hotel already has provided. It is
clear that guest is important for the hotel, therefore without a guest and having a
good relation with the guest, it will make the hotel lose everything, such as
income, and customers. That is why for making the guests feel comfortable to stay
in the hotel for a long time, the hotel especially in this case the telephone operator
officer should be friendly, warm and polite to the guests. Therefore, making
guests feel warm is a duty of the telephone operator officer.
2.1.6 Telephone Operator Officer in Hotel
Telephone operator officer is a part of the front office department, which
has duties to answer phone call where he or she has to greet the caller first.
According to Jaisutthi (2006) also found that English greetings were vitally
important and played a crucial part in the duties of front office hotel staff. This is
why the main responsibility of the front office management involves custommer
service activities, answering telephone, and problem solving, where the staff
should be able to greet using English. It is clear that telephone operator officer is a
uniqe part in front office management in which the telephone operator officer
should have the skill of greeting.
In the hotel, telephone is the important key as the supporter of business.
Therefore, handling the system and communication services is done by a special
person, which is usually called as telephone operator officer. A telephone operator
officer surely can be the image of the company and gives the contribution in
enhancing the hotel image in guests’ point of view. It is a must that the telephone
operator officer should welcome the guest first, to make the guest been impressed
with the services. Furthermore, seeing this case a telephone operator officer has
got an important role where she or he needs to keep the name of the hotel wisely.
A good telephone operator officer should talk clearly and has smooth
voice. Besides, a telephone operator officer should not only have that, but also has
a good personality, kind, polite, and warm.
In Addition According to Bartono (2007) he has stated that telephone
operator officer officer is a person who has multitasking. It is clear that from the
statement, people believe that a telephone operator officer should be able to do
anything to enhance the performances for hotel services. Furthermore, a telephone
operator officer is a person who is invisible. The guest would not know directly
what the telephone operator officer does, but the good personality will give
positive value to the guests, which are out from the telephone operator officer
Additionally, a telephone operator officer has a duty to greet the guest. The
guests’ calls are not only from outside of hotel area but also the guest from the
inside of the hotel area (rooms). Furthermore, the telephone operator officer
usually answers a phone call, and in the beginning of the conversation, the
telephone operator officer should greet first. It is a compulsory for a telephone
operator officer to greet the caller. In fact, it is necessary for the telephone
operator officer to master many kinds of greeting expressions. (See Appendix 4)
2.2 Company Profile
In this section, the writer describes her workplace during her job training
at Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan as the telephone operator officer. The purposes of
this section are to explain about the company and support the writer’s data in term
of explaining her workplace.
2.2.1 The history of Swissbel Hotel
The founder of Swiss-Belhotel was a name, which created in 1987 by the
founder, Swiss national Mr. Peter Gautschi. SWISS is Reflected the founder’s
heritage and the connection with the Swiss hotel industry, arguably the leading
country in the world in respect of hotel management and hospitality. BELHOTEL
has Means beautiful hotel, the goal is to create a hotel as a beautiful environment.
Swissbel hotel is built in Balikpapan city in 2009. This hotel is located in
Jl. Jendral Sudirman, kompleks balcony city Balikpapan. Swissbel hotel
Balikpapan provides one boardroom at first floor up to nine people. Then there are
two meeting rooms at the second floor up to sixty people. Next, there is a meeting
room in the first floor enough for eighty people. Furthermore, there are also three
meeting rooms at Mahakam grand ballroom enough for a hundred and twenty
people each. Then, there is one ballroom at Mahakam ballroom up for a thousand
people ready for dinner.
Inside the hotel, there is Barito café. It is on the lobby area. This Barito
café is enough up to eighty-four people, and also there is live music performance
on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday only, opening for twenty four hour. In
addition, inside of Swissbel hotel is provided spa and swimming pool in second
floor. Swissbel hotel provided two hundred and fifty five available rooms and also
twenty five apartments. The rooms are divided into five types. They are deluxe,
deluxe twin, super deluxe, executive suite club, business suit, and presidential
2.2.2 The Brand of Swissbel Hotel
The Swissbel hotel International logo was created to symbolize
“Professionalism, Passion, Commitment, and Service excellence”. The logo was
created to reflect the nation of Swiss. Then, there is symbol “b” in swissbel hotel
it has a meaning beautiful. The hotel hopes that the swissbell hotel will be
beautifull in all aspects, environement, services and so on. Next, there is symbol
“p” it has a meaning from person to person, or in here means from staff to guest.
Then, in logo of swissbell it uses red and white colours, which specifically chosen
from the national colours of switzerland. Then, the colour of red itsel has a
meaning based on asian people, red is seen as a traditional chinese where the
colour represents success, prosperity, and happiness. (See Appendix 5)
2.2.3 Philosophy, Vision and Mission
To explain more about this company, in this section, the writer will give
details about philosophy, vision, and mission of the Swissbel hotel Balikpapan
when the writer did her job training. This explanation is made to fulfill and
support this final report. They are as follows:
Philosophy is the history which becomes the foundation in developing the
company. The philosophies of Swissbel hotel Balikpapan are Passion and
professionalism. THE VISION
The vision of Swissbel hotel Balikpapan is to be a leading international
hotel and hospitality management group with a global reputation for commitment,
to the management, and service excellence, and where the Passion and
Professionalism are the essence of the Swissbel hotel International. THE MISSION
There are two missions of Swissbel hotel Balikpapan they are as follows:
a. To strengthen the goal of swisbel hotel, which is to be the field leader in
international management of hotel resorts, and serviced residences with its unique
fusion of Swiss hospitality, professionalism and Asian passion and service.
b. To maintain its policy of consulting with the property owners and
investors in the day to day operation of the properties in order to ensure a
harmonious and long-lasting partnership between the owners and Swissbel hotel
2.3. The Scope of Work of a Telephone Operator Officer
In this section, the writer describes her scope of work and her activities
during her job training at Swissbel hotel Balikpapan as the telephone operator
officer, where she was posted in front office department. She did the job training
from July until August 2016. In conducting her work, the writer dealed with these
following departments such as:
2.3.1 Executive Assistant Manager (EAM)
Executive assistant manager is the head of front office (FO) management.
He manages everything happening inside FO management. He is the one who
selects, place, train and evaluate all the front office staffs. Besides, he also makes
sure that all the staff in front of office mastery computer system, the ethic
accepting telephone, and the standart operational of hotel. In addition he also
welcomes the VIP guests, handles the complaints and the problems where the
other staffs cannot solve the problems. In fact, he also manages the quality,
achievement, the year budget of the hotel operation. Infurthermore, He also
always controls situation around the hotels. The name of the executive manager is
Mr. Ivan prawoto. He is totally tight in order to control the occupancy of hotel.
2.3.2 Front Office Manager
Front Office Manager which is commonly called FOM is a person who
directs others and gives instruction to other employees. The name of the FOM is
Mr. Adhitya Giar. He is the one who is in charge of monitoring the works of the
staff, all the activities happened inside the front office management. In fact, he
also makes the monthly report of front office performances. In addition, he also
welcomes the VIP guest. The FOM sometimes also the one who builds the
efficiency of the team by notice the development of the employees on the front
office’s management.
2.3.3 Assistant FOM
Assistant FOM is a person who has the same duty with FOM. He also
controls and gives instruction to other employee. He usually works in night shift.
His name is Mr. Billy Steven Tetengean. He has the duties to give the information
of the facilities around the hotel. Besides, he sometimes monitors the guest in
personal to make sure the level of satisfaction of the guests by the hospitality. In
addition, he also informs the other management about the problem, which is
related to the guests.
2.3.4 Supervisor
There are two Supervisors in Swissbel hotel Balikpapan. They are Mrs.
Anita and Mrs. Mardiani. They both are the people who supervise all the team,
make the team in FO management become one. These supervisors motivate other
employees. Furthermore, the supervisors are people who anticipate and handle the
needs of the guests. In fact, they also listen to the complaints of the guests and
solve them.
2.3.5 Eccommerse
Eccommerse is a person who manages all the advertisement in the web of
swissbel hotel Balikpapan. This person is a person who creates the price, and
provides the special room in internet. His name is Mr. Petrus singgu. The
Eccommerse also a person who should maintain and keep the hospitality to the
guests, especially the special guests which already stay long in the hotel or the
VIP guests.
2.3.6 Telephone operator officer
In here, the writer works as the telephone operator officer who has a duty
to handle phone call. She needs to pick up the phone directly. A telephone
operator officer is a host where she has to welcome every phone call, introduce
hotel, ask for forgiveness if there is a mistake from the hotel services. The
telephone operator officer should know the way of system in telephone works. In
here, the writer who works as the telephone operator officer should memorize the
numbers of extensions in every department.
In fact, the telephone operator officer should understand and know to
differentiate, which one is incoming call from outside the hotel and inside of it.
The telephone operator officer should master English. It is necessary for the
telephone operator officer to speak English fluently and correctly. In addition, the
telephone operator officer also should take the requests from the guest who needs
a help, and deliver them to the department which the guest need.
In the other hand, the phone call is not only from the guests inside the
hotel, but also from the outside of the hotel who look for another department, for
the example in here the accountant and sales. Many people from outside the hotel
have a business with other departments. In here, the operator officer has a duty to
connect the incoming callers to the intended department. The last but not the least,
the operator sometimes needs to deliver an important message to the heads of
department. It is important for the telephone operator officer to use formal
languages, because she has to speak respectfully.
2.3.7 Receptionist or front desk agents
Receptionist or front office agents are people who manage the reservation
of room and any other services such as check in and check out the guest. These
people are the people who provide and book the room numbers. There are six
people in this division. They handle the occupancy of the room numbers. Besides,
they also people who explain the product of the hotel, the services and the
facilities of the hotels.
2.3.8 Bellboy
Bellboy is a person who helps the guest by bringing the suitcase or
lugagge, preparing the trolley for the guest’s goods and also opening the door. In
here, there are seven men in the bellboy division. These men also have duty to
provide the map of the town, explain the regulations of ticket reservation of plane,
or any kinds of the vehicles.
2.4 Organizational Structure
In this section, the writer will describe the structure of organization of
Swissbel hotel Balikpapan. Here is the organizational structure based on her
division in front office management: (FO MANAGEMENT)
Executive Assistant Manager
Front Office Manager Assistant FO Manager
Supervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Eccommerce
Operator BellboyReceptionist
Source : Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan 2016
2.5 Job Description
In here, the writer works as the telephone operator officer during her job
training at Swissbel hotel Balikpapan in July until August. The writer worked in
the morning at 07.00 exactly until 05.00 PM. The job descriptions are as follows:
2.5.1 Handling the phone
The writer had an obligation to handle all the phones call even it was a
phone calls from the inside of the hotel or from the outside of hotel. Phone calls
from the inside of hotel usually from other departments and off course from the
guest rooms. In here, the writer was also asked to memorize all the extension
numbers from all of departments. The telephone operator officer was a connector.
For the example, if there had been a staff who wanted to call someone in another
department, then the telephone operator officer would have made a line and
connected the two of them. That is why the writer in here, was required to have
the ability to memorize the extension numbers.
2.5.2 Greeting
The writer who worked as the telephone operator officer had to greet first,
in every phone call. It was an obligation for the writer to answer the phone with
warm greeting expression. The writer was asked to memorize many kinds of
greeting expressions and had to understand where the phone call came from. In
addition, it was a must for the telephone operator officer to know the address of
the caller, because the telephone operator officer had to greet with different
greeting expressions to make the caller comfortable to start the conversation. That
is why the telephone operator officer should have the ability to differentiate the
2.5.3 Waking up the guests
The writer always started her work exactly at 7.00 o’clock in the morning,
then she had to go to the receptionist, took the wakeup call book, and check if
there was a wakeup call request from the guest. Sometimes the guest asked to be
waken up at 07.30. That is why the writer had to check the wakeup call book and
inform the guest who had requested the wakeup call. In doing this, the telephone
operator officer had to use the warm greeting expression. (See Appendix 7)
2.5.4 Handling the guest requests
The writer who worked as the telephone operator officer had to give
response in any phone calls. In here, the writer was obliged to answer and make a
coversation with the guests. Thus, the writer in here had to respond the guest who
was already in the room, who needed helps. Occasionally, the guests asked about
the wifi code, where the breakfast place was, and where the meeting or event was
held .
Furthermore, sometimes the guests also asked the telephone operator
officer to help them with the amnities of hotel such as soap, towel, shampoo,
slipper and so on. In here, the telephone operator officer had to welcome the guest
warmly and handle the needs correctly. After responding the guest the telephone
operator officer should make some notes about the needs or request in every guest
requests. (See Appendix 8)
2.5.5 Making TV channel report
The writer who worked as the telephone operator officer, has other job
description such as making the TV channel report. In here, the writer was asked to
check all of the tv channel every one hour. The TV channels also supported the
comfortable of the guests. It is one of the facilities which can make the guests
satisfied with the hotel management and services.
Thus, the writer needed to check the TV channel all the time, and made
sure that there was no problem with the tv channel. If there had been problem,
then the telephone operator officer would have informed the technician to fix it.
Then the operator had to make a report lift of what channels which was in trouble.
This problem solving was used to avoid the complaint from the guests in the
rooms. Besides, after making the report of the channel’s problems the writer had
to send the report to Executive assistant manager (EAM). (See Appendix 9)
2.6 The Job description which was related to the Speaking English
In here, the writer will tell her works during the job training in Swissbell
hotel as the telephone operator officer, which is related to English speaking skill.
The main job of the telephone operator officer was handling the phone. Therefore,
she needed to have the skill of using the greeting expressions. The writer in this
case, would greet the upcoming phone call by using the kinds of greeting
expressions which the hotel has already provided like “Thank you for calling
Swissbell hotel Balikpapan, front guest agent Nabila’s speaking how may I help
you?”Then, the speaker on the other side will reply like “yes, is this Swissbell
hotel of Balikpapan? I would like to make a reservation for two nights. Is there
any available room at 15th of July?” Then, the writer will reply like “Very well,
sir/madam, wait for a moment, we are going to check the list first”. The
conversation continued until the caller or the guest was satisfied with what they
wanted. These occurrences obliged the writer to communicate with other people
who gave her opportunity to practices as well as improving her English speaking
In this chapter, the writer concerns to discuss about the problems where she
has experienced during her job training in Swissbel hotel Balikpapan. After the
writer analyzed the problems, she gathered the data from observation, library
reserch, and other sources such as internet or ebooks, then she evaluated them in
order to find the solutions.
3.1 Problem Encountered
In this section the writer has three problems to be discussed in her final
report during her experienced on her job training as the telephone operator officer.
The three problems are involved into her topics.
3.1.1 The Lack of Confidence in Greeting Foreign Guests
The first problem in daily work of the telephone operator officer was laking
confidence in greeting foreign guests, as the telephone operator officer was
unusual to have conversation with them. In this case, the telephone operator
officer was getting shy to greet the foreign guest, she did not have any confidence
to greet them. For the example, in this case the writer sometimes while online in
the phone mumble like “hmm, aaa ,, mm alright, oke” sounds like self-distrust and
nerveous at the same time.
Furthermore, the confidence is the basic foundation of a telephone operator
officer. In fact, the operator here should handling a phone call, starting the
conversation by greeting the guests or caller. In addition based on Fatimah
(2010) she has stated that self confidence is a positive attitude which can develope
the positive value not only for themself, but also the environtment or the situation
where they may faced. It is clear that the self confidence is like a guide which may
direct people naturally for doing something in positive value.
In the other hand, the lack of confidence in greeting people may cause some
troubles, people cannot deny it. As people know the troubles may happen are like
missinterprated or may be, people consider it as a rude action and so on.
Greeting people needs to be confident. Beside, when delivery the greeting
expression, the person should be clear in a row to welcome others. According to
Shekhar (2016) he has stated that the lack of confidence may cause people hesitate
to greet others. It is totally clear that, from the statement people can conclude that
the lack of confidence is the reason why people hard to greet others. The hardness
may cause the other people (receiver) of the greetee disturbed or even insulted.
Another perception from Aziz (2014) he has mentioned that the lack of
confidence in greeting other is because the “R” word, people used to call it
rejection or afraid of getting rejected. Based on his statement it is clear that the
perception of getting rejection is the assumtion where poeple belive it may
influence the confidence of someone. In here, the writer thinks that it is also
influences her job.
From all the arguments which have been stated above, the writer believes
and makes conclusion that the lack of confidence is a serious problem.
Additionlly, the writer who has worked as the telephone operator officer strongly
believes that the lack of confidence at that time could possibly araise some
problems in her works. Thus, the writer had to figure out how to the problem of
laking the confidence.
3.1.2 The lack of English Vocabulary to Respond the Foreign Guests
The main job of the telephone operator officer was handling a phone, where
in here the writer had to keep up the way of conversation by phone. The second
problem which was experienced by the writer as the telephone operator officer
was the lack of vocabulary to respond the foreign guests. In this case, the lack of
vocabulary happened because of the telephone operator officer did not master
English fluently.
Beside, the writer was a non native speaker, that is why she still laked
English vocabulary. She was sometimes confused and afraid of responding the
foreign guests. For the ilustration in this case, the writer only listen to the
foreigners and only respond by saying “oh alright sir we took your problem then
we will contact you after that”, from that ilustration the operator or the writer did
not give the solution while responding the guests especially the foreign guest.
Thus, because the writer in here laked English vocabulary. She did not keep the
conversation clearly by responding the guests.
In another hand, according to Forrey and Lockwood (2007) they have found
that the main problems of a non native English employee who worked as a call
agent (operator) was the limited of vocabulary. It is obviously clear that as the
telephone operator officer or people used to call it a call agent where he or she is a
non native speaker is poor of vocabulary. Thus, the telephone operator officer in
here is an Indonesian, and she is non native speaker who still learns English
Additionally, according to Jaisutthi (2006) she has mentioned that the
greatest barrier of effective oral communication of a front office staff are lack of
vocabularies and problem in word choices. The statement is clearly enough
explains about the problem of a front office staff, where in here the telephone
operator officer also part of the front office management. The telephone operator
officer has got lack of vocabulary, where in here she has to respond the guest,
especially the foreign guest.
In here, the writer makes a conclusion from the statements above. It is clear
that the lack of vocabulary becomes the important problem which the writer
should find out the way to solve it. Therefore, the lack of English vocabulary must
be concerned for the future, where people cannot make the same mistake
3.1.3 Incorrect Pronunciation while Greeting the Guest
The last problem in daily work of telephone operator officer was being
incorrect to pronunce the greeting expressions to the guests. Working as the
telephone operator officer was a new work for her. In fact, it is the first time for
the writer to handle phone call and greet all the time. The writer in here got a
difficculty to pronunce English words, especially when pronuncing the greeting
expressions in English.
This problem appeared because the writer in here was a non native speaker.
This problems caused the writer unconfortable in doing her jobs. The writer in
here was obliged to be well in pronuncing English, therefore she could not be
failed or incorrect in pronuncing. In this case, the writer sometimes delivered an
information to the head of the department and her pronunciation when pronuncing
“accept it “ sounds like “ aksepit” where the right is “egsep it”.
Furthermore, according to Bekleyen (2011) she has claimed that the reason
of mispronunciation problem is believed to be due to lack of focus in stress
patterns in English language. It is clear that incorrect of pronunce appears because
the speacker does not stress the patterns in English languange. In this case, the
things that should be focus on or to be stress on is the use of greeting expressions.
In another hand, based on Khamkhien (2010) he has mentioned that the
correctness of pronunciation of a hotel services cannot be avoided in
communicating with the guest. It is clear that the communication between the
guest and the staff, especially in here the telephone operator officer cannot be
incorrorect in pronunciation, especially when pronouncing the greeting
expressions. Besides, the incorrect of pronunciation may cause the guest’s
missunderstanding of the speech, etc.
Therefore, from all the statements above the writer concluded that the
operator should be a professional person, where she needs to be focus and correct
in pronouncing the English words especially the greeting expressions. Based on
the problem that has already mentioned by the writer above, she needs to figure
out how to solve this problem.
3.2 The Solutions and Evaluation
In this section, the writer has three Solutions to be focused on, in her final
report during her experienced on job training as the telephone operator officer.
The solving cases are based on her evaluation, which are supported by the experts
on her observation trough journals, articles, eBooks, and so on.
3.2.1 Thinking Positive to Avoid Self-Distrust
As the writer has mentioned in her problems, the lack of confidence makes
here uncomfortable to work. To be the telephone operator officer, a professional
worker should be confident; especially in here she has to handle many phone
calls. A mistake is banned in over her works. A telephone operator officer should
be a perfectionist. The telephone operator officer is a face of a hotel industry.
Telephone operator officer is a first person who welcomes people in line. The
important things that the telephone operator officer should have are often to speak
and have high self confidence.
In Addition according to Pathak (2014) the effective communication or
speaking ability is the most important of a quality a hotel management. It is
clearly emphasize that the hotel environment will develop if the quality of the
communication runs better. Thus, the quality of communication especially the
way of speaking runs, is shown trough the employee’s self confidence. The well-
executed of speaking should be based on a big self confidence.
At the same time, after observing the problem of the lack of confidence,
the writer has choosen a solving case. Equally important, the writer chooses to
think positive in her daily work to enhance her self-confidence. For the example
in here, if the writer thinks positive such as “I can do this,”I believe I can pass it”
or sort of, then the self-confidence may show from her personality.
With this intention, thinking positive is considered will make her jobs
clearly run well. It is because; if she thinks positive of everything, it will enhance
her performance while handling the phone. Based on Powell (2009) he has
mentioned that having a positive self-evaluation motivates the person to make
wise choices that could lead to success. From the statement above, people can
conclude that, if a person has a positive thinking about his or herself than a person
will have a way to achieve success. It totally supports the writer faith, if she thinks
positively during her work; it will fix her job especially to avoid her self-distrust.
In fact, there is a study by Snyder et all (2010) has found that a positive
action positively affects both behavior and academic performance. The statement
clearly tells that the positive think may cause people to act positive, in here the act
positive is in confidence way. People who work properly doing their jobs by good
self-confidence, may enhance their performances. This is the way, which the
writer needs to have and increase.
In the same line, thinking positive also included the self-portrait, where in
here, people used to remind their good memories. Good memories will direct
people think positive. Based on Polk (2008) he has said that it is helpful if people
work on a portrait of themselves. It is clear that, the self-portrait helps people
during their job to make people not only think, but also act positively.
In another hand, people who think positively must be shown trough their
acts, where the acts show their self-confidence. Therefore, think positive is a way
for the writer to enhance her performances as the telephone operator officer,
where in here she cannot to be self-distrust. Thinking positive about everything in
her works may show her self-confidence in her personality. With this in mind, it is
a good way for the writer who works as the telephone operator officer of a hotel
industry to have a great self-confidence, whereas she needs to be confident while
greeting the guests.
3.2.2 Increasing English Vocabulary Bank by Using Flashcards
Previously, the writer mentioned her problem with the lack of English
vocabulary, which could give effect on her works as the telephone operator
officer. For the consideration case, the writer sometimes only answered the phone
calls by saying “oh I see, alright we will contact you later”. This example
happened because the writer was limited of English vocabulary, as the result she
could not keep the way of the phone call and left the caller unsatisfied with the
phone call.
To put it another way, the word vocabulary is one of the most important
factors that foreign language people encounter during the process of learning a
foreign language. In this case, the writer who works in tourist area, especially the
international hotel should master and great in English as the connector language.
With this in mind, the writer needs to increase her knowledge of English
vocabulary. Vocabulary learning used to be a neglected aspect of language
learning. In the same way, Min and Hsu (2010) have stated that vocabulary
learning is closely related to foreign languages. It is clear that the non native
speaker or EFL (English for Foreign Learners) are related to a foreign language,
where in this case the writer is a non native speaker which also EFL. Thus, the
writer chooses flashcards to solve her problem in increasing her English
According to Suyanto (2008) flashcards are the cards that usually use thin
paper and stiff which show pictures or words. It is clear that flashcard shows
pictures or words, where in here the writer use the flashcard to make her English
vocabularies become increasing, especially the new words. The use of flashcards
really helps people who want to raise their vocabulary bank, especially for non
native speaking.
Beside, Based on Bolisetti (2015) he has mentioned that the use of
flashcard can help people to buttress their vocabulary studies. It is obviously clear
that vocabulary can be improved by using the flashcard. Therefore, using
flashcard will give such hugh advantages for people who want to develop their
vocabulary bank, especially the English vocabulary bank.
Another statement from Komachali (2012) she has stated that flashcards are
useful for drilling new letters, syllables, words, and other information. The
statement clearly explained that the flashcard useful for people in drilling new
words, words and other informations; where in here the writer also need it to
increase her vocabulary.
Furthermore, the writer in here also gave the ilustration such as “there is a
foreign guest who asks for the amnities of the hotel, but the writer or in this case
the telephone operator officer still lacked of English vocabulary in directing and
give clues to the foreign guest, then she took out her flashcard which consisted of
variants of hotel vocabularies. It turned out the flashcards help her to give the
foreigner willingness”.
With this in mind, the writer had to have much vocabulary to support her
works, where she needed to speak all the time during online in phone call.
Therefore, flashcard in here has an important role in improving the writer’s
vocabulary. Whereas the writer can know that flashcards will help her do her jobs,
especially for keeping the conversation runs smoothly and make the caller
satisfied with it. (See Appendix 10)
3.2.3 Practising the Pronunciation Using Audio Articulation Methode (AAM)
Working as the telephone operator officer is a hard job to do; it is because
the person in this place should work perfectly. The important skill of a telephone
is speaking. Based on that, the telephone operator officer should be great in the
vocal or sounds. This main factor is very necessary to be had by the telephone
operator officer. A bad pronunciation or low voice was banned in her works,
especially when the telephone operator officer was online. Since sounds play an
important role for the telephone operator officer, or in this case, the writer in her
entire works, then she had to keep the sounds and her pronunciation well.
Equally important, pronunciation includes features at the segmental and
supra-segmental levels. Segmental aspects of the sound system consist of
individual consonants and vowels. Sounds beyond the level of individual, sounds
such as stress, rhythm, intonation and linking are referred to as supra-segmentals
or prosody. For the ilustration in here when the writer picked up the phone and
started to greet the caller by saying “thank you for calling Swissbell hotel
Balikpapan, guest servant agent Nabilla’s speaking how may I help you?” ,
sometimes pronunce too fast and no rhythm on it. The words “ how may I help
you” sounds like “missisyu”. This problem occured because of mispronunciation.
At the same time, as the telephone operator officer should maintain the
voice well and even correctly. With this intention, the correct pronunciation is the
best way to have by the writer to support her works. In the other hand, the writer
in here should speak English. English is an international language where the place
she worked is an international hotel. The hotel which provides the best services,
was not only for the Indonesian but also for the foreign visitors. Therefore,
English pronunciation has an important role in here.
In fact, according to Isarankura (2015) he has mentioned that English has
been widely accepted as the language for international communication, it is vital
that speakers of English, either native or non native, is able to exchange meanings
effectively. The statement obviously stated a clear point about English
pronunciation, especially for the writer who is a non native speaker. The statement
above has mentioned that not only natives but also the non native speakers can
also replace English meanings efficiently.
Suporting the statement about the fact of English has become the
international languages, in here the writer also provided the proof that indonesian
as the non native speaker also learn and improve their ability in English skills.
People may have take a look to the diagram based on Melbourne Kompas
Magazine (2012) below :
Figure 1. The survey of (IELTS)
The diagram above was taken from the survey of International English
language testing system (IELTS) on the scale 1-9 started from 2010 until 2012 for
Indonesian, where they are part of non ative English speakers. The diagram above
supported the statement which has mentioned that English has become the
International language, where in here the diagram shows that the English ability of
Indonesians are increasing from year to year. Thus, for making clear everything,
that English has become the International language, where the indonesians also
learn about it.
Furthermore, the writer in here focuses on correctly pronouncing English.
The writer needs to learn how to pronounce English correctly by using recorder as
an audio articulation method, where she can develop her ability especially
pronouncing English words.
2010 2011 2012
result 1
result 2
result 3
As a matter of fact, based on Hismanoglu (2009) he has stated that the audio
articulation method is effective for solving pronunciation problems. It is clear that
using audio articulation method (AAM) can help people to solve the writer’s
problem, which is incorrect pronunciation. The incorrect pronunciation such as
“Tuesday and Thursday” or “Missisyu” will no longer appear or pronunce
anymore. Therefore, the use of audio ariculation methode can help the writer in
avoiding the incorrect pronunciation.
In addition, according to Rahal (2015) she has said that, Audio Articulation
Methode or (AAM) was a method, which stated with a motivation warm up, then
extending to review the words and practiced the languages. The statement clearly
tells that AAM is a way, which consists of reviewing and practising the words,
especially in here, pronouncing English words. For the illustration, the telephone
operator officer recorded her voice which she pronounced some words by using
handphone, after that she showed them to the expert for the example in here her
supervisor, then her supervisor will evaluate the correctness of her pronunciations.
The step will continue by practicing the words regularly, for making the telephone
operator office better in her pronunciation.
From all the arguments, which has already mentioned by the writer above,
people can conclude that the audio articulation method can be the great way to be
chosen for avoiding the pronouncing problem as the writer has told in previous
chapter. Thus, the audio articulation method aka (AAM) has an important function
to make people’s pronunciation better especially the English pronunciation.
In this chapter, the writer focuses on delivering her conclusion and
4.1 Conclusion
From the previous chapter, the writer has explained her problems during her
on the job training as the telephone operator at swissbel hotel balikpapan.
Meanwhile, she also has evaluated the problems by giving solutions with great
ideas and full of responsibilities. Therefore, the writer in here has concluded that
she as a telephone operator should practice more in enhancing her English
vocabulary bank and English pronunciation with uniqes method, where all the
solutions have been supported by some experts. Besides, the writer should be
more active in making her works run smoothly, which she has to learn and master
many kinds of greeting expressions. This way will support her job as a telephone
operator officer.
Then, after all, those efforts are used for making the writer become more
confident, active and more professional, because she improves her English
speaking skill by practising directly as the telephone operator officer at Swissbel
hotel Balikpapan. As the writer has concluded, the more people practise their
English abilities especially vocabulary and pronunciation, the better they
communicate to others. Moreover, in this case the telephone operator staff who
always welcomes the guests with many kinds of greeting expressions will become
more professional.
4.2 Suggestions
In this chapter the writer tries to give suggestions to the parties which are
concerned such as :
The foreign language academy of Balikpapan, especially the students who
work on the final report, if they have similar topic as the writer has, they are not
recommended to copy the writer’s topic. The students should come up and
develop their final report with another ideas which are different with the writer’s.
Therefore, those ideas will create diversity and development of students’
knowledge. Another suggestion for other students are, if they work on the final
report try to read as much as possible, because reading any kinds of information is
the key to finish the final report.
The institution who lets the writer do the job training, which is Swissbel
hotel of Balikpapan, is suggested to make a rule to be more active in speaking
English all the time, or may make a special day where the employees should speak
English all day long. It is very important for the hotel, where every employee
should be great in English. Therefore, the hotel should hold an English day
program which will help the employee enhance their English ability.
To the readers who have similar topic, they are suggested to take a good
care of this final report. It may be useful for the future that can become an
example or guidance to finish their final report.
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1. Observation
2. Interview
3. Field note
4. Greeting Expressions
5. The brands
6. Organizational Structure
7. The waking up call report
8. The guest request report
9. The TV channel report
10. Flashcards
11. Consulting Card
12. Berita Acara
Appendix 1
Object : Pronunciation and Vocabulary
Subject : Staff at front office management
Place : Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan
Period : 19 July – 21st August, 2016
NO Description Yes No
1. It is very necessary to use English in front office
2. All the staffs do greetings first, to the customers or guests
who arrive or make a phone call
3. The staff use Formal language, especially good English
speaking skill
4. The staff knows how to greet people politely by using
phone, moreover if they use English
5. The employee still doubt while using English spoken to the
foreign’s guests
6. All the employee are confidence to speak English with the
The employee sometimes use their mother tongue
8. The staff sometimes needs others to help in understanding
the foreigner’s intentions
9. Some of the staff still shy to respond the expatriate guest,
who use the English accent
10. the others staff support others who cannot speak English
fluently by learn from the expert
The Observer,
Nabilla salsabilla
Appendix 2
Interviewer : Petrus Singgu
Interviewee : Nabilla Salsabilla
Profession : Staff at front office management
Day, Date : Sunday, 25 August 2016
Place : Office
M : Nabilla
N : Petrus
M : Is it important to communicate using English in hotel?
N : Yes, it is. English is really important. Swissbel hotel is an international
hotel; it is a must to speak English, it is a connector language.
M : What kind of Language which is used by the operator?
N : The operator should use Formal language. Formal language can make
the guests feel comfortable to talk.
M : Why does the telephone operator should greet the guest first?
N : It is to show the hospitality.
M : What are the problems in greeting the foreigners?
N : The Obstacle that used to happen to the operator sometimes still lack of
confidence to greet first the foreigners, therefore sometimes they give the
phone to other staff, which brave to greet the foreigners.
M : What is the impact of using formal language while greeting the
foreigners’ guest?
N : If the employee always using formal language when greeting the guests,
It will make the name of the hotel been famous because the politeness of
Appendix 3
Activity : Responding the foreigners’ phone
Subject : Telephone operator Staff
Place : Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan
Period : 19 July – 21 August, 2016
NO Activities
Things to be improve
Craig Nugen, @room
925 ask for pick up at
airport at 15.00 PM
I have got a difficulty
to understand his
Foreigner who works at
Aeroptic, ask at 24,July
2016 by phone call
Alfred Ferguson ,
@room 1225 ask for
costumer services
about the food at.9.00
o’clock in the morning
I lack of vocabulary to
respond him in using
polite language.
This guest asks at 25,July
at 2016 to operator by
Jamshid Zandieh,
@room 918 ask for
Wifi code at 13.00 PM
I cannot understand his
meaning because his
Arabic accent when
speaking English
This guest calls by phone
in room to the operator
asking the code of Wi-Fi
at 25, July 2016
Anthony @room 525
Complain about the
kettle which does not
work properly at.15.18
o’clock in the morning
I still lack of English
vocabulary to respond
the foreigner while
using formal language
This guest calls by phone
in his room at 27, July
ask for fixing the kettle
immediately because he
wants to make a hot tea
Mr.Gerard @room
1105 ask for pick up
his laundry at room at
10.20 PM
I am hard to
understand him,
because his Australian
accent, he talked too
fast in English.
This guest Ask to pick up
his laundry at 28 July
immediately, because he
wants to go outside.
Mr.Honda @room
1228 ask for help, he
lost his phone when
leaving bar
I cannot understand him
because of his accent,
he inadequately speaks
This guest asks for
favors, to find his phone
he forgot where to put his
phone at 30 July 2016,
fortunately he has a
driver who can speak
Appendix 4
Greeting Expressions in Swissbel Hotel of Balikpapan
1. Incoming call from outside building (local People)
a) Selamat pagi, dengan operator (Nabilla) dari Swisbell hotel Balikpapan, ada
yang bisa dibantu?
2) Phone call from out side building ( Foreigners)
a. Thank you for calling Swissbel hotel Balikpapan, guest servant agent
nabilla’s speaking, how may I help you?
3) A phone call from Inside the building (the General and the other heads of
b. Good morning, guest servant agent nabilla’s speaking, how may I help you?
4) A phone call From Inside the building (the Employees Of The Departments)
a. Good morning, Nabila’s Here How may I help you
b. Good morning nabila’s speaking, how can I help you
5) A phone call if we want to give an information to the local guest
a. Selamat pagi, pak / ibu dari operator ingin…..
6) A phone call if we want to give an information to foreigner’s guest
a. Good morning, this is from the operator, nabilla’s speaking would like to
inform you about.......
b. Good morning Mr. / Mrs. / Madam / Sir, this is nabilla the operator I would
like to inform you.....
7) A phone call if we want to give information to the heads of department
a. Good morning, this is guest servant agent Nabilla’s speaking would like to
inform that there is a phone call / a message
Appendix 5
The Brand of Swissbel Hotel of Balikpapan
The Swissbel hotel International logo was created to symbolize
“Professionalism, Passion, Commitment, and Service excellence”
The logo was created to reflect
- the of Swiss (Swiss)
- the of Belhotel (beautiful hotel)
- the Swiss connection
Person to Person
Staff to Guest
The colours red and white were specifically chosen being the
national colours of Switzerland.
Being an Asia based, red is seen as a traditional Chinese colour
representing success, prosperity and happiness.
Appendix 6
Organizational Structure of Swissbel hotel of Balikpapan
Appendix 7
The waking up call report
Appendix 8
The Guests Request Notes
Appendix 9
TV Channel Report
Appendix 10
Below are the examples of flashcards related to hotel vocabulary:
Appendix 11
Consulting Card

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Nabila final report relate to speaking

  • 2. ii DECLARATION SHEET I certify that project does not incooperate with acknowledgement any materials previously submitted for any unit in any higher education, and that to the best of my knowledge and it does not contain any material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the text. Balikpapan,June 20th 2017 Nabilla Salsabilla NIM.1110811
  • 3. iii APPROVAL SHEET This is to certify that Diploma III final report by Nabilla Salsabilla, NIM: 1110811 has been approved by the final report advisors for further approval by the Board of Examiners. Balikpapan, Advisor I Muhammad Rochman, SS, M.Pd NIP. Advisor II Serliana Rante Salu, S.Pd NIK.
  • 4. iv EXAMINER SHEET This is to certify that the Diploma III Final Report of Nabilla Salsabilla NIM: 11140811 has been approved by board of Examiners as the requirement for the degree of Ahli Madya in English For business. Balikpapan, 2017 Board Examiners Suzanna Wijayanti, M.Pd (Chairman) NIDN.1104056701 Suzanna Wijayanti, M.Pd (Examiner I) NIDN.1104056701 Muhammad Rochman, SS, M.Pd (Examiner II) NIP.19731110 200501 1002 Acknowledged by Akademi Bahasa Asing Balikpapan H.Muhammad Adenuddin Alwy, S.E, M.M NIDN.1119106601
  • 5. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious, the most merciful, the lord of Universe, because of Him, the writer could finish this final report as a partial of fulfillment to the requirement to complete the Diploma-III program majoring in English of foreign language academy of Balikpapan in 2017. Secondly, peace and salutation are always given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success would not be achieved without those supports, guidance, advices, helps and encouragements from individuals and institution, and here, I realized that an appropriate moment for me to the deepest gratitude for: 1. Mr.H.Muhammad Adenuddin Alwy, SE, M.M. as the Director of Akademi Bahasa Asing Balikpapan. 2. Mr. Muhammad Rochman, SS, MA as my first advisor who has helped a lot in completing my final report. 3. MRS. Serliana Rante Salu, S.Pd as my second advisor who also has helped in developing and correcting the mistakes of grammar structure. 4. All the staffs of ABA, who have helped me in processing this final report’ administration. 5. My beloved father, mother, and aunt, thanks for all supports, trusts. 6. My best friend in my life, Mr.Sandi Balkis who is always there for me. Thank you so much for the helps, supports, and trusts.
  • 6. vi 7. My cousin Mr.Marwan Budianto thank you so much for helping me in editing my final report. 8. All of my friends at Foreign Languages Academy Balikpapan, Cecepy, Cocoki, Kpop’s Fangirls for your best favors, interrelationship, and togetherness. 9. All staffs who have helped me in finishing this final report from Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan, Mss.Fitria, Mr.Petrus, Mrs.Yunita, and Mrs.Ani thank you so much. Finally, this final report is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. The writer is pleased to accept more suggestions and contributions from the reader for the improvement of the final report Balikpapan, 2017 The writer
  • 7. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OF TITLE........................................................................................ i DECLARATION SHEET.......................................................................... ii APPROVAL SHEET.................................................................................. iii EXAMINER SHEET.................................................................................. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................ v TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................... vii 1. CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background...................................................................................... 1 1.2. Methodology.................................................................................... 7 1.2.1. Library Research............................................................... 7 1.2.2. Observation....................................................................... 8 1.2.3. Interview............................................................................ 8 1.2.4. Field Note......................................................................... 8 1.3. Objective of Study........................................................................... 9 2. CHAPTER II: LITERATUR REVIEW AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 2.1 Literature Review.............................................................................. 10 2.1.1 Hotel Management ................................................................ 10
  • 8. viii 2.1.2 Hotel Communication........................................................... 10 Communication in Hotel Using English.......................... 14 2.1.3 Speaking English in Effective Way...................................... 15 2.1.4 Greeting................................................................................. 17 2.1.5 Warm Greeting Expressions.................................................. 19 2.1.6 Telephone Operator Officer in Hotel.................................... 21 2.2 Company Profile................................................................................ 23 2.2.1 History of SwissBel Hotel.................................................... 23 2.2.2 The Brand ............................................................................. 24 2.2.3 Philosophy, Vision and Mission............................................ 24 2.3 Scope of Work.................................................................................. 26 2.4 Organizational Structure ................................................................... 30 2.5 Job Description.................................................................................. 31 2.6 The Job Description which was Related to Speaking English.......... 33 3. CHAPTER III: ANALYZSIS PROBLEMS 3.1 Problem Encountered ........................................................................ 35 3.1.1 The Lack of Confidence in Greeting Foreign Guests...................................................................... 35 3.1.2 The Lack of English Vocabulary to Respond Foreign Guests...................................................................... 37 3.1.3 Incorrect Pronunciation while Greeting the Guests.............. 38 3.2 Solutions and Evaluation................................................................... 40
  • 9. ix 3.2.1 Thinking Positive to Avoid Self-distrust............................... 40 3.2.2 Increasing English Vocabulary Bank by Using Flashcards.. 42 3.2.3 Practising the Pronunciation Using Audio Articulation Method.............................................................. 44 4. CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 4.1. Conclusion........................................................................................ 48 4.2. Suggestions....................................................................................... 49 REFERENCES .......................................................................................... 50 LIST OF APPENDIXES ............................................................................ 54
  • 10. 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The writer comes up with the idea of warm greeting expressions during her on the job training as the telephone operator officer in Swissbel Hotel of Balikpapan. There are three sections in this part. They are Background, Methodology, and Objective of Study. The Background will tell the reasons why she takes the topic. Meanwhile, the methodology will explain the way she gathered the data. Then, the objective of study will explain about her purposes in making this final report. 1.1 Background Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between the individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. It happens in many ways. It also helps people to interact with others, because in every single opportunity people need communication to make them know what others need or others want. Most people have used communication as a tool to be able to see and to understand others in overall, to avoid the infectivity, when there is inappropriate with something which people want and run, so it will be lost or wrong direction. In another side, communication has something important. According to Morissan (2010) she has mentioned that without communication people will feel lonely and even have been left then feel dry on their life. This is why communication is really important.
  • 11. 2 Communication and society are twin words which cannot be separated. If there is no communication, then there will not be society and for the vice versa, if there is no society, then communication will not be able to run. In here, the writer believes that communication gives a big impact in human’s life. It is important to communicate well. It can help others to understand what the other person is saying. It also means that they can express their own needs and concerns. In addition, communication nowadays becomes more important because communication can keep the social legacy still goes on. In fact, if people can see around them, communication becomes a bridge, which connects the mind, feel, and individual needs with the outside world. Communication builds contacts, which people can show their existence and try to understand their wills, or others behavior. The communication itself consists of many ways. In here, the writer would like to explain the communication that she used in her workplace (hotel) during her job training. People believe that, hotels nowadays become very important places, especially if they are travelers. Hotels become places where the traveler can have a rest for a while, after they have travelled from some places. In here, the writer would like to explain about the English speaking which was used as the communication tool at the international hotel in Balikpapan, which is called Swissbel hotel. Swissbel hotel is a four-star hotel. Considering the Swissbel hotel as the international hotel, it makes this hotel becomes the first destination of any tourist.
  • 12. 3 Swissbel hotel is the famous hotel, which is known by its excellent services. That is why many foreigners come to stay in this hotel. Swissbel hotel has many branches; one of them is located in Balikpapan city, where the Balikpapan is known as the gate of east Kalimantan. Becoming the gate of east Kalimantan makes many tourists or travelers easy to visit Balikpapan and stay there. Therefore, the person who works in the hotel should have capability in speaking English as the communication tool. In addition, as Pathak (2014) has mentioned that good communication skills will impress the guests who will further prove benefit to the hotel business. From the statement people can conclude that a good communication skill especially speaking skill brought the satisfaction to the guest, where in this case, the writer should have the English speaking skill as the communication tool in her daily activities. The good English speaking skill is believed will give good impact for the hotel business. In fact, According to Geikhman (2015) she has declared that working in a hotel usually requires one specific skill which is spoken English. The statement has proven that people who work in hotel industry should master the Spoken English. It becomes one of the requirements if they want to work in this tourism sector. The English spoken is believed will become the connector language which can be used between the employees and the guests. For this reason, the writer who worked in the hotel as a telephone operator officer had to master the English speaking skill as one of the required skills in the hotel industry.
  • 13. 4 Meanwhile, According to Yildiz (2015) he has stated that telephone operator officer is a part of the front office management which has duties to give information, room reservation, and gives phone service. Beside, in the hotel, phone is the main key to support the hotel business. That is why, the system of communication services should be handled by a particular person which is known as a telephone operator officer. The statement clearly tells that a telephone operator officer is a person who handles a crucial part of the communication service in the hotel. In fact, a telephone operator nowadays should be able to speak English. Moreover, the telephone operator officer is not only has to master the English speaking skill, but also many kinds of greeting expressions in operating the telephone system. In working on her duties as a telephone operator, the writer found three obstacles in terms of greetings. Firstly, a telephone operator should master many kinds of greeting expressions. The telephone operator officer should know how to greet people, especially by using English greeting Expressions. Greeting is an expression of kindness or joys even a salutation at the meeting, introducing to others. Greeting is the main activity for the telephone operator officer when he or she receives the phone call. She or he greets the customers or the guests when she or he wants to start the conversation. In addition, based on Sandro (2016) she has mentioned that a pleasant phone greeting is essential to a successful call because it sets the stage emotionally. The listeners tend to mirror or "catch" the emotional states of
  • 14. 5 speakers. The statement above clearly explains that greetings cannot be underestimated. The greeting expressions were crucial job for a telephone operator officer. It is because through greeting the image of the hotel is shown. The use of greeting expressions should be thought by a telephone operator officer, whether it is appropriate or not. This is because the listeners or the callers have their interpretation, which is why the telephone operator should think carefully about the greetings expression which he or she uses. Secondly, the greeting expression itself is divided into two types. The first one is informal greetings Expressions. People usually use informal greeting expressions when they have already known the person or the individual. In addition, the informal greeting expressions sometimes are used by the person who is in the same rank position. However, the informal greeting expressions are often used in the places such as street, market or in home. The second type of greeting is formal greeting Expressions. Formal greeting is a greeting, which officially uses polite languages. Additionally, according to Himel (2013) he has said that a positive first impression is an important start to build a relationship, the impression shown trough the greeting which it is the first opportunity which is often too overlooked. For this reason, people believe that the first impression come up from the greetings. Another important thing from the citation is people cannot underestimate the greeting expression in which greeting is the first chance for a person in starting the communication.
  • 15. 6 Meanwhile, in this case, the writer who worked as a telephone operator was asked to use formal greeting expressions. Furthermore, the writer should know the different types of greeting expressions, which are applied in various situations. In addition, the writer had to use many forms greeting expressions, which appropriate in a particular context. Thirdly, the guests who stay in Swissbel Hotel are not only foreigners, but also Indonesians guests. Moreover, the writer is asked not only to know how to greet and to understand many kinds of greeting expressions, but also know the differences of the foreigners and local guest accents. These differences also give a big impact to the company especially the hotel. It must be noticed that the best impression is shown trough the best greetings. Just in case if the writer warmly greet the foreigners, it will give the best impression for the guests. The writer in the work place should know that greetings are not semantically empty expressions, and that they are used for more functions than initiating social interaction. Therefore, on the ground that of the reasons above, the writer raised problems about greeting expressions as the interesting subject to be discussed. Thus, the writer chose the title “Warm Greeting Expressions to The Foreign Guests in Supporting Performances of the Telephone Operator Officer at Swissbel Hotel of Balikpapan”. Furthermore, the writer herself seeks the adequate solutions to the problems above, in her efforts to revise the services perfectly and also provide the satisfaction of the guests who stay, especially the foreigners who are
  • 16. 7 the native speaker of English can be more pleasant to stay at Swissbel hotel Balikpapan. 1.2 Methodology The writer believes that methodology is a series of choices about what information and data to gather, how to analyze the data and information she has collected. The writer used four methods in collecting the data to make this final report. They are Library reasearch, Observation, Interview and Field note. This methodology is believed to have purposes in supporting the information and data that the writer will point out in her final report related to her topic which is the warm greeting expressions to the foreign guest in supporting performance of the telephone operator officer at Swissbel hotel Balikpapan. 1.2.1 Library research In writing this final report, the writer chose the library research as her method, because she believed that library research is the way to link the data and the information of a researcher in scientific way such as books, research, data analyze and so on. In here, the writer used library research by collecting the information from books, articles, and took references from website in order to support the writer’s arguments and also develop the writer’s datas. 1.2.2 Observation In writing this final report, the writer also chose observation as her method. The writer chose observation because, she believed that observation is an
  • 17. 8 obvious method of carrying out research in psychology by observing how is the condition working in hotel industry, how English spoken is really important and why does the employee especially the telephone operator should warm in greeting the guest or the caller. The writer collected the data from observing the spoken English and the greeting activities at Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan. This activity was conducted to support the writer’s final report with the interesting subject of Warm Greeting Expressions to The Foreign Guests in Supporting Performance of the Telephone Operator Officer at Swissbel Hotel of Balikpapan. (See Appendix 1) 1.2.3 Interview In this final report, the writer also chose interview as her method, she believed that interview is the way to collect the data and information related to her topic which is speaking. Therefore, this Interview was conducted by questioning directly to the staff. It aimed at determining more specific about greeting expressions. The writer expected to know the problems which were experienced by the telephone operator officer. (See Appendix 2) 1.2.4 Field note In writing this final report, the writer has mentioned the observation method at the previous section, and in here writer would like to substantiate the observation by making the field note. The writer believed that field note is part of the observation which people also call it controlled observation. The controlled observation is a part of observation which consists of the job descriptions, the workplaces, and the people who involved in the observation. In this method, the
  • 18. 9 writer’s job description involved with services to the foreign guests. The writer wrote journals when she worked as a telephone operator officer. The writer interacted with the guests by using phone, and she wrote reports in every single day related to her duties. This field note was made to support the data related to the speaking problems, especially greeting expression which was used to build the data of this final report. (See Appendix 3) 1.3 Objective of study The writer expects the objectives of this final report can be accepted as the strategy to support the performance of the telephone operator officer in term of the uses of English greeting expression. These are some objectives of this outline. They are as follows: 1.3.1 To fulfill the requirement to complete DIII Program of English Department at Akademi Bahasa Asing of Balikpapan. 1.3.2 To report the result of job training at Swissbel hotel Balikpapan. 1.3.3 To inform some kinds of greeting expressions in supporting the performance of the telephone operator.
  • 19. 10 CHAPTER II LITERATUR REVIEW AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE In this section, the writer concerns to discuss a literature review in her study, company profile, scope of work, organizational structure and also the writer’s job description during her job training in Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan as a telephone operator officer. 2.1 Literature Review In here, the writer would like to discuss about her points in delivering her report after following the on the job training, which contains statements from the experts to support the writer’s arguments in her final report. 2.1.1 Hotel Management Hotel is the essential tourism enterprise, serving the basic need of a person travelling away from their usual place of residence. Hotel is established to serve the needs of the guests in temporary travel. According to Sulastiyono (2011) hotel is a company, which is managed by the owner where they provide food services, drinks and even the room bed facility, to accommodate people who travel and the equally valance according to the numbers of services where the guests are offered. It is obviously clear that hotel is a place which provides not only a place to have a rest, but also there are so many facilities that may make the guests feel more comfortable to stay in, even for a while by paying the services which they have already bought.
  • 20. 11 In addition, there is a statement according to Suarthana (2006) he has mentioned that hotel is an accommodation, which uses part of its building, or all of it, to provide lodging services, drinks, foods, and others services for public in commercial way. It is clear that hotel gives an accommodation such as services or places to stay, food and also for commercial purpose. From those statements, people believe that hotel is a place for having a rest for a temporary period, especially if they are travelers. Hotel provides so many facilities for everyone, for commercial purposes. For the example, by selling the main product such as room, including food service, drink and other necesarry needs. Furthermore, inside the hotel there is a management. Management is the organization and coordination of the activities of business in order to achieve defining objectives. The management systems which manage all of the things about hotel business are called hotel management. Another way, the hotel management is the department which provides management techniques including hotel administration, accounts, marketing, maintenance, housekeeping, catering, food and beverage management. This management system runs the hotel properly and manages every single thing as indisputable. Failure should be avoided as much as possible in this type of management system, because proper management depends on how perfectly it is managed. Therefore, every person, which is related to this hotel management system, should be careful and be aware of their responsibility. That is why the hotel management needs professionals for their management system. Only the professionals can run the system properly and perfectly.
  • 21. 12 The goals of the hotel management create guest’s satisfaction because of the service quality. According to Lewis and Booms (2008), they have stated that service quality is a measure how good the level of services which the employee can give convenient with the hopes of the guest. As a result, hotels employ a high rate of personnel, ensuring an important role for a special kind of human resources management. Interdepartmental collaboration and cooperation carry great importance, making effective internal communications imperative. The Professionalism of the quality services is shown through communication which occurs inside of the hotel. In addition, According to Yildiz (2015), he also has stated that one thing which should be kept in mind, that the guest’s satisfaction is the key to the success of a hotel organization, improvement on occupancy and thus productivity depends greatly on meeting or exceeding guests’ expectations through improving the quality of service production that in turn depends heavily on personal communication and interaction. The statement above obviously clear explains that, the key of a hotel’s success is getting through meeting or exceeding guest especially through polite communication and warm interaction. Beside, the guest’s satisfaction also can be achieved, if the quality of the services satisfied the guest, which usually started with good communication. Therefore, in achieving the satisfaction of the guests all the activities must be based on the hotel communication.
  • 22. 13 2.1.2 Hotel Communication Generally, people show so many signs of communication; even it is verbal or nonverbal. Khusnia (2013) she has argued that communication was the requirement of every human’s life. Human’s life will be empty without communication. It is clear that from the statement all human’s activities must be involved into communication. People always have duties in their life and all of that off course consist of communication. Therefore, communication is really important in human’s life. Additionally, based on Morrisan (2010) she has said that Communication is the key to a successful life. The statement clearly explains that the successful life is based on the communication. It is the foundation of any relation, where every people must be involved in it. This is why there are words saying that “People are social creature”. In some cases, people start to create organization by communicating to others. Furthermore, there are so many organizations, which always need communication, for the example here is hotel. Communication is a skill which is important in offering services inside the hotel, Bartono (2007) he had mentioned that organization of hotel also have the same condition, they have information’s channels and need fluent communication to achieve the goals, which deliver the information as soon as possible, true, and real. It is clear that hotel is also an organization where there are people inside of it; the people in there need to cooperate to achieve their goal, which is to satisfy the guest.
  • 23. 14 In addition, communication is a basic management function and a connection process. Organization members need to communicate to each others as they perform their respective duties. People can only interact and learn about organizational activities through communication within the organization. Communication plays an integral part throughout the management process and in an effective completion of organizational tasks. People who work in hotel should be active in communication. In fact, in communicating with other employees, they need to have capability in speaking English. Communication in Hotel Using English Fluent communication makes the hotel employees better in their customer service. Only knowledgeable hotel staff will be able to convey accurate information to the customers. Beside of that, communication in hotel usually uses English. English is a mother tongue of millions of people around the world, and second language of millions more in Africa and Asia. In fact, English also becomes the foreign language of any society in southern Asia. English is the most widely taught read and spoken language around the world. It has been accepted as the universal language and the language of international communication, Boonkit (2010). It is clear that English nowadays has already become the international language. People all around the world consider that English is very important nowadays. Therefore; hotel, becomes a destination place of any tourists or expatriate, must apply English as the habitual activity.
  • 24. 15 Besides, according to Srisudaporn (2006), she has mentioned that competent English or oral communication skills can be a passport to success in an international workplace. In here, the hotel is a part of international workplace. Therefore, English is very important to bridge the communication. Moreover, communication using English plays an important role in tourism industry. Based on Seong (2007), he conducted a study focusing on English for tourism and found that English oral communication skills were the most valuable as it was a direct means of communication with foreign visitors. It is obviously clear that the hotel which deals with tourism industry, should have workers who master English, which they need this skill in communicating to each other. Thus, the communication must be occurred very often through speaking. 2.1.3 Speaking English in Effective Way Speaking is one way to communicate the ideas, thoughts and messages orally. To enable people to communicate, people need to apply the language in real communication. According to Gert and Hans (2008, they explained that speaking is speech or utterances with the purpose of having intention to be recognized by speaker and the receiver processes the statements in order to recognize their intentions. It is clear that speaking is ability to deliver information to someone or other directly. In addition, according to Tarigan (2008) speaking is an ability to spell the voices of articulation or words to express, explain, or deliver ideas, opinions, and feels. The statement above clearly tells that speaking is an ability to pronounce the
  • 25. 16 word event to express and deliver ideas of human’s and their feelings. In fact, speaking is a system of signs, which is can be heard or audible. Poeple are used to using speaking in which they produce the signs which consist of sounds and words. Speaking effectively usually presents techniques on how to speak successfully. It makes people think how to approach the effective speaking in the society and presents proven techniques as concisely and completely as possible. Besides, according to Suriansyah (2009), he has stated that speaking is an oral communication of someone in delivering a messages to others. It is totally clear that speaking is the way people communicate to deliver message to the receiver. Beside, speaking is an effective way in communication. Thus, speaking has something important in human’s life. Moreover, according to Mudini and Purba (2009) they have mentioned that speaking is to inform something. It is obviously clear that speaking is an activity to inform someone. People who want to share something must speak to others. People deliver something to others, it is because the speaker would like to make the listener get information and even know what the speaker want or say. In fact, in speaking there are manners of speaking. Furthermore, according to Harayatmoko (2009) he has stated that manners in speaking could be a way to build concerns in order to criticize the practice of speaking, which are nowadays, become compulsive and make the reflection were ignored for the emotion. It is clear that hotel needs manners of speaking, because hotel is a place where people work professionally. Therefore, the workers in hotel
  • 26. 17 are asked to master speaking manner. The manner of speaking is shown through greetings. 2.1.4 Greeting Greeting is a kind of polite expression or a gesture done when greeting another person. It is a fact, that people cannot imagine a single day without greetings to somebody. Akindele (2007, has mentioned that greetings are extremely important strategies for negotiation and control of social identity and social relationships between participants in a conversation. The importance of greetings forms cannot be overestimated in the use of a language in any human society. They serve as an indicator of the social relationship between a speaker and a listener in terms of status and social distance. Therefore, greetings unites people in social relationships. First meeting is started with greetings. Nowadays, greeting is embedded in people social life. These social interactions in terms of greetings and parting show joyous moment for both the greeter and greetee. Greeting is an unfamiliar word. Yusriandi (2010), greeting is a word, which comes from “greet.” It is a word to talk, to start conversation, and so on, then greet’ word is getting affix so it becomes greeting, which has a meaning an invitation to start the communication. It is clear that the meaning of greetings is a group of words, which is used to talk or speak to start the conversation. In addition, there is a system inside of greeting. According to Burhan (2007), he has stated that the system of greetings is tool of words or expression,
  • 27. 18 which is used to mention or even call the subject inside an event which is considered into the aspects of social, such as dialect, variant of situation, or it may be relation. In system of greetings itself, people should focus or notice the important of age or the culture, because when people want to greet someone they must wonder how to get the attention in polite way. Based on Nababan (2010), greeting is a tool that someone uses to tell something to others. It is clear that from the statement people can conclude that every greeting is shown to the opposite of the speaker. Furthermore, almost all hotels around the world even the elite, and quite properly so, all the staff always start their conversation by greetings. It is a good way to warm up the situation and get everyone relaxed a bit. It is a good point to start the conversation. In fact, there is Korean adage, which said, “first impression is everything’. Greeting in here happened at the beginning of any relation. People believe that greeting is something that cannot be underestimated. It is very necessary to be confident to greet someone, or in this case the guests or the caller. That is why when greeting someone, people cannot underestimate it. In here, especially in the hotel the greeting expressions are divided into two types. They are formal and informal greeting. a) Formal Greeting Expression Formal greeting is official greeting expression which is usually done to welcome or start a conversation to guests, other employees and even to the heads of the department. It is a compulsory to greet them using formal greeting expression.
  • 28. 19 b) Informal Greeting Expression Informal greeting is friendly greeting expression which is usually done to the same rank of employee or to people whom the greeter has already known. In fact, the informal greeting expression is usually used if the greeter is allowed to greet to the same rank staff in his or her work area. Beside the types of greeting expressions, there are another important things which the writer thinks should be focused on, they are warm greeting expressions. 2.1.5 Warm Greeting Expression In the context of tourism industry, the first thing that the worker should master is greeting. Greeting becomes something important in this area, where people believe that greeting is shown for making best first impression. First impression will last for a life time, or at least until the guests check out, therefore, it is important to make a good first impression. There are numerous expressions which can be used when greeting people in the first time. Some are very formal and appropriate for greeting guests and some are more informal and should only be used with friends or company’s workers. Obviously, employees of the hotel industry should use more formal expressions. In another hand, the formal expression is shown through warm greetings. The goal is to make the guests comfortable to start the communication. In another hand, the key of the successful greeting is shown from the manners or attitude of the greeter. According to Nurudin (2007) manners are the
  • 29. 20 norms which are used to judge the goodness or badness of someone. The statement above has a clear meaning that manners determine the values of someone. In here, the value of a greeter is judged from his or her greetings. Greeting is started when someone would like to answer the phone call. Answering phone call, automatically shown the right person in describing the image of organization or company. That is why, it is really needed to make the best first impression, never talk too fast or being nervous. Greeting represents the voice of the company or organisation. The manners of the greeter reflects the leadership of a company. People often make a conclusion about the leadership or the company according to the reaction which they have got during the call the company or organization. The company or especially in here the tourism industry (hotel) has already spent so much money to make a good judgment in public’s image, however if one time the phone call services make a mistake like unsatisfied the caller then it will destroy entire of the efforts which has been built by the company. In additon, warm greeting expression is really needed in this tourist sector. The tourist who comes in visitting the hotel would feel welcome and fun. According to Nodoushan (2006), he has said that an expression of greeting such as “How do you do” as a special kind of speech that makes people glad to hear that. It is obviously clear that warm greeting makes people satisfied and touched by the services, especially in here the phone call services. In another case the caller here, sometimes also the guest who has already been in the room of the hotel. Based on Sujatno (2008) he has explained that
  • 30. 21 guests are people who want all the services which hotel already has provided. It is clear that guest is important for the hotel, therefore without a guest and having a good relation with the guest, it will make the hotel lose everything, such as income, and customers. That is why for making the guests feel comfortable to stay in the hotel for a long time, the hotel especially in this case the telephone operator officer should be friendly, warm and polite to the guests. Therefore, making guests feel warm is a duty of the telephone operator officer. 2.1.6 Telephone Operator Officer in Hotel Telephone operator officer is a part of the front office department, which has duties to answer phone call where he or she has to greet the caller first. According to Jaisutthi (2006) also found that English greetings were vitally important and played a crucial part in the duties of front office hotel staff. This is why the main responsibility of the front office management involves custommer service activities, answering telephone, and problem solving, where the staff should be able to greet using English. It is clear that telephone operator officer is a uniqe part in front office management in which the telephone operator officer should have the skill of greeting. In the hotel, telephone is the important key as the supporter of business. Therefore, handling the system and communication services is done by a special person, which is usually called as telephone operator officer. A telephone operator officer surely can be the image of the company and gives the contribution in enhancing the hotel image in guests’ point of view. It is a must that the telephone
  • 31. 22 operator officer should welcome the guest first, to make the guest been impressed with the services. Furthermore, seeing this case a telephone operator officer has got an important role where she or he needs to keep the name of the hotel wisely. A good telephone operator officer should talk clearly and has smooth voice. Besides, a telephone operator officer should not only have that, but also has a good personality, kind, polite, and warm. In Addition According to Bartono (2007) he has stated that telephone operator officer officer is a person who has multitasking. It is clear that from the statement, people believe that a telephone operator officer should be able to do anything to enhance the performances for hotel services. Furthermore, a telephone operator officer is a person who is invisible. The guest would not know directly what the telephone operator officer does, but the good personality will give positive value to the guests, which are out from the telephone operator officer voice. Additionally, a telephone operator officer has a duty to greet the guest. The guests’ calls are not only from outside of hotel area but also the guest from the inside of the hotel area (rooms). Furthermore, the telephone operator officer usually answers a phone call, and in the beginning of the conversation, the telephone operator officer should greet first. It is a compulsory for a telephone operator officer to greet the caller. In fact, it is necessary for the telephone operator officer to master many kinds of greeting expressions. (See Appendix 4)
  • 32. 23 2.2 Company Profile In this section, the writer describes her workplace during her job training at Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan as the telephone operator officer. The purposes of this section are to explain about the company and support the writer’s data in term of explaining her workplace. 2.2.1 The history of Swissbel Hotel The founder of Swiss-Belhotel was a name, which created in 1987 by the founder, Swiss national Mr. Peter Gautschi. SWISS is Reflected the founder’s heritage and the connection with the Swiss hotel industry, arguably the leading country in the world in respect of hotel management and hospitality. BELHOTEL has Means beautiful hotel, the goal is to create a hotel as a beautiful environment. Swissbel hotel is built in Balikpapan city in 2009. This hotel is located in Jl. Jendral Sudirman, kompleks balcony city Balikpapan. Swissbel hotel Balikpapan provides one boardroom at first floor up to nine people. Then there are two meeting rooms at the second floor up to sixty people. Next, there is a meeting room in the first floor enough for eighty people. Furthermore, there are also three meeting rooms at Mahakam grand ballroom enough for a hundred and twenty people each. Then, there is one ballroom at Mahakam ballroom up for a thousand people ready for dinner. Inside the hotel, there is Barito café. It is on the lobby area. This Barito café is enough up to eighty-four people, and also there is live music performance on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday only, opening for twenty four hour. In
  • 33. 24 addition, inside of Swissbel hotel is provided spa and swimming pool in second floor. Swissbel hotel provided two hundred and fifty five available rooms and also twenty five apartments. The rooms are divided into five types. They are deluxe, deluxe twin, super deluxe, executive suite club, business suit, and presidential suit. 2.2.2 The Brand of Swissbel Hotel The Swissbel hotel International logo was created to symbolize “Professionalism, Passion, Commitment, and Service excellence”. The logo was created to reflect the nation of Swiss. Then, there is symbol “b” in swissbel hotel it has a meaning beautiful. The hotel hopes that the swissbell hotel will be beautifull in all aspects, environement, services and so on. Next, there is symbol “p” it has a meaning from person to person, or in here means from staff to guest. Then, in logo of swissbell it uses red and white colours, which specifically chosen from the national colours of switzerland. Then, the colour of red itsel has a meaning based on asian people, red is seen as a traditional chinese where the colour represents success, prosperity, and happiness. (See Appendix 5) 2.2.3 Philosophy, Vision and Mission To explain more about this company, in this section, the writer will give details about philosophy, vision, and mission of the Swissbel hotel Balikpapan when the writer did her job training. This explanation is made to fulfill and support this final report. They are as follows:
  • 34. 25 PHILOSOPY Philosophy is the history which becomes the foundation in developing the company. The philosophies of Swissbel hotel Balikpapan are Passion and professionalism. THE VISION The vision of Swissbel hotel Balikpapan is to be a leading international hotel and hospitality management group with a global reputation for commitment, to the management, and service excellence, and where the Passion and Professionalism are the essence of the Swissbel hotel International. THE MISSION There are two missions of Swissbel hotel Balikpapan they are as follows: a. To strengthen the goal of swisbel hotel, which is to be the field leader in international management of hotel resorts, and serviced residences with its unique fusion of Swiss hospitality, professionalism and Asian passion and service. b. To maintain its policy of consulting with the property owners and investors in the day to day operation of the properties in order to ensure a harmonious and long-lasting partnership between the owners and Swissbel hotel international.
  • 35. 26 2.3. The Scope of Work of a Telephone Operator Officer In this section, the writer describes her scope of work and her activities during her job training at Swissbel hotel Balikpapan as the telephone operator officer, where she was posted in front office department. She did the job training from July until August 2016. In conducting her work, the writer dealed with these following departments such as: 2.3.1 Executive Assistant Manager (EAM) Executive assistant manager is the head of front office (FO) management. He manages everything happening inside FO management. He is the one who selects, place, train and evaluate all the front office staffs. Besides, he also makes sure that all the staff in front of office mastery computer system, the ethic accepting telephone, and the standart operational of hotel. In addition he also welcomes the VIP guests, handles the complaints and the problems where the other staffs cannot solve the problems. In fact, he also manages the quality, achievement, the year budget of the hotel operation. Infurthermore, He also always controls situation around the hotels. The name of the executive manager is Mr. Ivan prawoto. He is totally tight in order to control the occupancy of hotel. 2.3.2 Front Office Manager Front Office Manager which is commonly called FOM is a person who directs others and gives instruction to other employees. The name of the FOM is Mr. Adhitya Giar. He is the one who is in charge of monitoring the works of the
  • 36. 27 staff, all the activities happened inside the front office management. In fact, he also makes the monthly report of front office performances. In addition, he also welcomes the VIP guest. The FOM sometimes also the one who builds the efficiency of the team by notice the development of the employees on the front office’s management. 2.3.3 Assistant FOM Assistant FOM is a person who has the same duty with FOM. He also controls and gives instruction to other employee. He usually works in night shift. His name is Mr. Billy Steven Tetengean. He has the duties to give the information of the facilities around the hotel. Besides, he sometimes monitors the guest in personal to make sure the level of satisfaction of the guests by the hospitality. In addition, he also informs the other management about the problem, which is related to the guests. 2.3.4 Supervisor There are two Supervisors in Swissbel hotel Balikpapan. They are Mrs. Anita and Mrs. Mardiani. They both are the people who supervise all the team, make the team in FO management become one. These supervisors motivate other employees. Furthermore, the supervisors are people who anticipate and handle the needs of the guests. In fact, they also listen to the complaints of the guests and solve them.
  • 37. 28 2.3.5 Eccommerse Eccommerse is a person who manages all the advertisement in the web of swissbel hotel Balikpapan. This person is a person who creates the price, and provides the special room in internet. His name is Mr. Petrus singgu. The Eccommerse also a person who should maintain and keep the hospitality to the guests, especially the special guests which already stay long in the hotel or the VIP guests. 2.3.6 Telephone operator officer In here, the writer works as the telephone operator officer who has a duty to handle phone call. She needs to pick up the phone directly. A telephone operator officer is a host where she has to welcome every phone call, introduce hotel, ask for forgiveness if there is a mistake from the hotel services. The telephone operator officer should know the way of system in telephone works. In here, the writer who works as the telephone operator officer should memorize the numbers of extensions in every department. In fact, the telephone operator officer should understand and know to differentiate, which one is incoming call from outside the hotel and inside of it. The telephone operator officer should master English. It is necessary for the telephone operator officer to speak English fluently and correctly. In addition, the telephone operator officer also should take the requests from the guest who needs a help, and deliver them to the department which the guest need.
  • 38. 29 In the other hand, the phone call is not only from the guests inside the hotel, but also from the outside of the hotel who look for another department, for the example in here the accountant and sales. Many people from outside the hotel have a business with other departments. In here, the operator officer has a duty to connect the incoming callers to the intended department. The last but not the least, the operator sometimes needs to deliver an important message to the heads of department. It is important for the telephone operator officer to use formal languages, because she has to speak respectfully. 2.3.7 Receptionist or front desk agents Receptionist or front office agents are people who manage the reservation of room and any other services such as check in and check out the guest. These people are the people who provide and book the room numbers. There are six people in this division. They handle the occupancy of the room numbers. Besides, they also people who explain the product of the hotel, the services and the facilities of the hotels. 2.3.8 Bellboy Bellboy is a person who helps the guest by bringing the suitcase or lugagge, preparing the trolley for the guest’s goods and also opening the door. In here, there are seven men in the bellboy division. These men also have duty to provide the map of the town, explain the regulations of ticket reservation of plane, or any kinds of the vehicles.
  • 39. 30 2.4 Organizational Structure In this section, the writer will describe the structure of organization of Swissbel hotel Balikpapan. Here is the organizational structure based on her division in front office management: (FO MANAGEMENT) Executive Assistant Manager Front Office Manager Assistant FO Manager Supervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Eccommerce Telephone Operator BellboyReceptionist Source : Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan 2016
  • 40. 31 2.5 Job Description In here, the writer works as the telephone operator officer during her job training at Swissbel hotel Balikpapan in July until August. The writer worked in the morning at 07.00 exactly until 05.00 PM. The job descriptions are as follows: 2.5.1 Handling the phone The writer had an obligation to handle all the phones call even it was a phone calls from the inside of the hotel or from the outside of hotel. Phone calls from the inside of hotel usually from other departments and off course from the guest rooms. In here, the writer was also asked to memorize all the extension numbers from all of departments. The telephone operator officer was a connector. For the example, if there had been a staff who wanted to call someone in another department, then the telephone operator officer would have made a line and connected the two of them. That is why the writer in here, was required to have the ability to memorize the extension numbers. 2.5.2 Greeting The writer who worked as the telephone operator officer had to greet first, in every phone call. It was an obligation for the writer to answer the phone with warm greeting expression. The writer was asked to memorize many kinds of greeting expressions and had to understand where the phone call came from. In addition, it was a must for the telephone operator officer to know the address of the caller, because the telephone operator officer had to greet with different
  • 41. 32 greeting expressions to make the caller comfortable to start the conversation. That is why the telephone operator officer should have the ability to differentiate the callers. 2.5.3 Waking up the guests The writer always started her work exactly at 7.00 o’clock in the morning, then she had to go to the receptionist, took the wakeup call book, and check if there was a wakeup call request from the guest. Sometimes the guest asked to be waken up at 07.30. That is why the writer had to check the wakeup call book and inform the guest who had requested the wakeup call. In doing this, the telephone operator officer had to use the warm greeting expression. (See Appendix 7) 2.5.4 Handling the guest requests The writer who worked as the telephone operator officer had to give response in any phone calls. In here, the writer was obliged to answer and make a coversation with the guests. Thus, the writer in here had to respond the guest who was already in the room, who needed helps. Occasionally, the guests asked about the wifi code, where the breakfast place was, and where the meeting or event was held . Furthermore, sometimes the guests also asked the telephone operator officer to help them with the amnities of hotel such as soap, towel, shampoo, slipper and so on. In here, the telephone operator officer had to welcome the guest warmly and handle the needs correctly. After responding the guest the telephone
  • 42. 33 operator officer should make some notes about the needs or request in every guest requests. (See Appendix 8) 2.5.5 Making TV channel report The writer who worked as the telephone operator officer, has other job description such as making the TV channel report. In here, the writer was asked to check all of the tv channel every one hour. The TV channels also supported the comfortable of the guests. It is one of the facilities which can make the guests satisfied with the hotel management and services. Thus, the writer needed to check the TV channel all the time, and made sure that there was no problem with the tv channel. If there had been problem, then the telephone operator officer would have informed the technician to fix it. Then the operator had to make a report lift of what channels which was in trouble. This problem solving was used to avoid the complaint from the guests in the rooms. Besides, after making the report of the channel’s problems the writer had to send the report to Executive assistant manager (EAM). (See Appendix 9) 2.6 The Job description which was related to the Speaking English In here, the writer will tell her works during the job training in Swissbell hotel as the telephone operator officer, which is related to English speaking skill. The main job of the telephone operator officer was handling the phone. Therefore, she needed to have the skill of using the greeting expressions. The writer in this case, would greet the upcoming phone call by using the kinds of greeting
  • 43. 34 expressions which the hotel has already provided like “Thank you for calling Swissbell hotel Balikpapan, front guest agent Nabila’s speaking how may I help you?”Then, the speaker on the other side will reply like “yes, is this Swissbell hotel of Balikpapan? I would like to make a reservation for two nights. Is there any available room at 15th of July?” Then, the writer will reply like “Very well, sir/madam, wait for a moment, we are going to check the list first”. The conversation continued until the caller or the guest was satisfied with what they wanted. These occurrences obliged the writer to communicate with other people who gave her opportunity to practices as well as improving her English speaking skill.
  • 44. 35 CHAPTER III ANALYSIS PROBLEMS In this chapter, the writer concerns to discuss about the problems where she has experienced during her job training in Swissbel hotel Balikpapan. After the writer analyzed the problems, she gathered the data from observation, library reserch, and other sources such as internet or ebooks, then she evaluated them in order to find the solutions. 3.1 Problem Encountered In this section the writer has three problems to be discussed in her final report during her experienced on her job training as the telephone operator officer. The three problems are involved into her topics. 3.1.1 The Lack of Confidence in Greeting Foreign Guests The first problem in daily work of the telephone operator officer was laking confidence in greeting foreign guests, as the telephone operator officer was unusual to have conversation with them. In this case, the telephone operator officer was getting shy to greet the foreign guest, she did not have any confidence to greet them. For the example, in this case the writer sometimes while online in the phone mumble like “hmm, aaa ,, mm alright, oke” sounds like self-distrust and nerveous at the same time. Furthermore, the confidence is the basic foundation of a telephone operator officer. In fact, the operator here should handling a phone call, starting the
  • 45. 36 conversation by greeting the guests or caller. In addition based on Fatimah (2010) she has stated that self confidence is a positive attitude which can develope the positive value not only for themself, but also the environtment or the situation where they may faced. It is clear that the self confidence is like a guide which may direct people naturally for doing something in positive value. In the other hand, the lack of confidence in greeting people may cause some troubles, people cannot deny it. As people know the troubles may happen are like missinterprated or may be, people consider it as a rude action and so on. Greeting people needs to be confident. Beside, when delivery the greeting expression, the person should be clear in a row to welcome others. According to Shekhar (2016) he has stated that the lack of confidence may cause people hesitate to greet others. It is totally clear that, from the statement people can conclude that the lack of confidence is the reason why people hard to greet others. The hardness may cause the other people (receiver) of the greetee disturbed or even insulted. Another perception from Aziz (2014) he has mentioned that the lack of confidence in greeting other is because the “R” word, people used to call it rejection or afraid of getting rejected. Based on his statement it is clear that the perception of getting rejection is the assumtion where poeple belive it may influence the confidence of someone. In here, the writer thinks that it is also influences her job. From all the arguments which have been stated above, the writer believes and makes conclusion that the lack of confidence is a serious problem. Additionlly, the writer who has worked as the telephone operator officer strongly
  • 46. 37 believes that the lack of confidence at that time could possibly araise some problems in her works. Thus, the writer had to figure out how to the problem of laking the confidence. 3.1.2 The lack of English Vocabulary to Respond the Foreign Guests The main job of the telephone operator officer was handling a phone, where in here the writer had to keep up the way of conversation by phone. The second problem which was experienced by the writer as the telephone operator officer was the lack of vocabulary to respond the foreign guests. In this case, the lack of vocabulary happened because of the telephone operator officer did not master English fluently. Beside, the writer was a non native speaker, that is why she still laked English vocabulary. She was sometimes confused and afraid of responding the foreign guests. For the ilustration in this case, the writer only listen to the foreigners and only respond by saying “oh alright sir we took your problem then we will contact you after that”, from that ilustration the operator or the writer did not give the solution while responding the guests especially the foreign guest. Thus, because the writer in here laked English vocabulary. She did not keep the conversation clearly by responding the guests. In another hand, according to Forrey and Lockwood (2007) they have found that the main problems of a non native English employee who worked as a call agent (operator) was the limited of vocabulary. It is obviously clear that as the telephone operator officer or people used to call it a call agent where he or she is a
  • 47. 38 non native speaker is poor of vocabulary. Thus, the telephone operator officer in here is an Indonesian, and she is non native speaker who still learns English vocabulary. Additionally, according to Jaisutthi (2006) she has mentioned that the greatest barrier of effective oral communication of a front office staff are lack of vocabularies and problem in word choices. The statement is clearly enough explains about the problem of a front office staff, where in here the telephone operator officer also part of the front office management. The telephone operator officer has got lack of vocabulary, where in here she has to respond the guest, especially the foreign guest. In here, the writer makes a conclusion from the statements above. It is clear that the lack of vocabulary becomes the important problem which the writer should find out the way to solve it. Therefore, the lack of English vocabulary must be concerned for the future, where people cannot make the same mistake anymore. 3.1.3 Incorrect Pronunciation while Greeting the Guest The last problem in daily work of telephone operator officer was being incorrect to pronunce the greeting expressions to the guests. Working as the telephone operator officer was a new work for her. In fact, it is the first time for the writer to handle phone call and greet all the time. The writer in here got a difficculty to pronunce English words, especially when pronuncing the greeting expressions in English.
  • 48. 39 This problem appeared because the writer in here was a non native speaker. This problems caused the writer unconfortable in doing her jobs. The writer in here was obliged to be well in pronuncing English, therefore she could not be failed or incorrect in pronuncing. In this case, the writer sometimes delivered an information to the head of the department and her pronunciation when pronuncing “accept it “ sounds like “ aksepit” where the right is “egsep it”. Furthermore, according to Bekleyen (2011) she has claimed that the reason of mispronunciation problem is believed to be due to lack of focus in stress patterns in English language. It is clear that incorrect of pronunce appears because the speacker does not stress the patterns in English languange. In this case, the things that should be focus on or to be stress on is the use of greeting expressions. In another hand, based on Khamkhien (2010) he has mentioned that the correctness of pronunciation of a hotel services cannot be avoided in communicating with the guest. It is clear that the communication between the guest and the staff, especially in here the telephone operator officer cannot be incorrorect in pronunciation, especially when pronouncing the greeting expressions. Besides, the incorrect of pronunciation may cause the guest’s missunderstanding of the speech, etc. Therefore, from all the statements above the writer concluded that the operator should be a professional person, where she needs to be focus and correct in pronouncing the English words especially the greeting expressions. Based on the problem that has already mentioned by the writer above, she needs to figure out how to solve this problem.
  • 49. 40 3.2 The Solutions and Evaluation In this section, the writer has three Solutions to be focused on, in her final report during her experienced on job training as the telephone operator officer. The solving cases are based on her evaluation, which are supported by the experts on her observation trough journals, articles, eBooks, and so on. 3.2.1 Thinking Positive to Avoid Self-Distrust As the writer has mentioned in her problems, the lack of confidence makes here uncomfortable to work. To be the telephone operator officer, a professional worker should be confident; especially in here she has to handle many phone calls. A mistake is banned in over her works. A telephone operator officer should be a perfectionist. The telephone operator officer is a face of a hotel industry. Telephone operator officer is a first person who welcomes people in line. The important things that the telephone operator officer should have are often to speak and have high self confidence. In Addition according to Pathak (2014) the effective communication or speaking ability is the most important of a quality a hotel management. It is clearly emphasize that the hotel environment will develop if the quality of the communication runs better. Thus, the quality of communication especially the way of speaking runs, is shown trough the employee’s self confidence. The well- executed of speaking should be based on a big self confidence. At the same time, after observing the problem of the lack of confidence, the writer has choosen a solving case. Equally important, the writer chooses to
  • 50. 41 think positive in her daily work to enhance her self-confidence. For the example in here, if the writer thinks positive such as “I can do this,”I believe I can pass it” or sort of, then the self-confidence may show from her personality. With this intention, thinking positive is considered will make her jobs clearly run well. It is because; if she thinks positive of everything, it will enhance her performance while handling the phone. Based on Powell (2009) he has mentioned that having a positive self-evaluation motivates the person to make wise choices that could lead to success. From the statement above, people can conclude that, if a person has a positive thinking about his or herself than a person will have a way to achieve success. It totally supports the writer faith, if she thinks positively during her work; it will fix her job especially to avoid her self-distrust. In fact, there is a study by Snyder et all (2010) has found that a positive action positively affects both behavior and academic performance. The statement clearly tells that the positive think may cause people to act positive, in here the act positive is in confidence way. People who work properly doing their jobs by good self-confidence, may enhance their performances. This is the way, which the writer needs to have and increase. In the same line, thinking positive also included the self-portrait, where in here, people used to remind their good memories. Good memories will direct people think positive. Based on Polk (2008) he has said that it is helpful if people work on a portrait of themselves. It is clear that, the self-portrait helps people during their job to make people not only think, but also act positively.
  • 51. 42 In another hand, people who think positively must be shown trough their acts, where the acts show their self-confidence. Therefore, think positive is a way for the writer to enhance her performances as the telephone operator officer, where in here she cannot to be self-distrust. Thinking positive about everything in her works may show her self-confidence in her personality. With this in mind, it is a good way for the writer who works as the telephone operator officer of a hotel industry to have a great self-confidence, whereas she needs to be confident while greeting the guests. 3.2.2 Increasing English Vocabulary Bank by Using Flashcards Previously, the writer mentioned her problem with the lack of English vocabulary, which could give effect on her works as the telephone operator officer. For the consideration case, the writer sometimes only answered the phone calls by saying “oh I see, alright we will contact you later”. This example happened because the writer was limited of English vocabulary, as the result she could not keep the way of the phone call and left the caller unsatisfied with the phone call. To put it another way, the word vocabulary is one of the most important factors that foreign language people encounter during the process of learning a foreign language. In this case, the writer who works in tourist area, especially the international hotel should master and great in English as the connector language. With this in mind, the writer needs to increase her knowledge of English vocabulary. Vocabulary learning used to be a neglected aspect of language
  • 52. 43 learning. In the same way, Min and Hsu (2010) have stated that vocabulary learning is closely related to foreign languages. It is clear that the non native speaker or EFL (English for Foreign Learners) are related to a foreign language, where in this case the writer is a non native speaker which also EFL. Thus, the writer chooses flashcards to solve her problem in increasing her English vocabulary. According to Suyanto (2008) flashcards are the cards that usually use thin paper and stiff which show pictures or words. It is clear that flashcard shows pictures or words, where in here the writer use the flashcard to make her English vocabularies become increasing, especially the new words. The use of flashcards really helps people who want to raise their vocabulary bank, especially for non native speaking. Beside, Based on Bolisetti (2015) he has mentioned that the use of flashcard can help people to buttress their vocabulary studies. It is obviously clear that vocabulary can be improved by using the flashcard. Therefore, using flashcard will give such hugh advantages for people who want to develop their vocabulary bank, especially the English vocabulary bank. Another statement from Komachali (2012) she has stated that flashcards are useful for drilling new letters, syllables, words, and other information. The statement clearly explained that the flashcard useful for people in drilling new words, words and other informations; where in here the writer also need it to increase her vocabulary.
  • 53. 44 Furthermore, the writer in here also gave the ilustration such as “there is a foreign guest who asks for the amnities of the hotel, but the writer or in this case the telephone operator officer still lacked of English vocabulary in directing and give clues to the foreign guest, then she took out her flashcard which consisted of variants of hotel vocabularies. It turned out the flashcards help her to give the foreigner willingness”. With this in mind, the writer had to have much vocabulary to support her works, where she needed to speak all the time during online in phone call. Therefore, flashcard in here has an important role in improving the writer’s vocabulary. Whereas the writer can know that flashcards will help her do her jobs, especially for keeping the conversation runs smoothly and make the caller satisfied with it. (See Appendix 10) 3.2.3 Practising the Pronunciation Using Audio Articulation Methode (AAM) Working as the telephone operator officer is a hard job to do; it is because the person in this place should work perfectly. The important skill of a telephone is speaking. Based on that, the telephone operator officer should be great in the vocal or sounds. This main factor is very necessary to be had by the telephone operator officer. A bad pronunciation or low voice was banned in her works, especially when the telephone operator officer was online. Since sounds play an important role for the telephone operator officer, or in this case, the writer in her entire works, then she had to keep the sounds and her pronunciation well.
  • 54. 45 Equally important, pronunciation includes features at the segmental and supra-segmental levels. Segmental aspects of the sound system consist of individual consonants and vowels. Sounds beyond the level of individual, sounds such as stress, rhythm, intonation and linking are referred to as supra-segmentals or prosody. For the ilustration in here when the writer picked up the phone and started to greet the caller by saying “thank you for calling Swissbell hotel Balikpapan, guest servant agent Nabilla’s speaking how may I help you?” , sometimes pronunce too fast and no rhythm on it. The words “ how may I help you” sounds like “missisyu”. This problem occured because of mispronunciation. At the same time, as the telephone operator officer should maintain the voice well and even correctly. With this intention, the correct pronunciation is the best way to have by the writer to support her works. In the other hand, the writer in here should speak English. English is an international language where the place she worked is an international hotel. The hotel which provides the best services, was not only for the Indonesian but also for the foreign visitors. Therefore, English pronunciation has an important role in here. In fact, according to Isarankura (2015) he has mentioned that English has been widely accepted as the language for international communication, it is vital that speakers of English, either native or non native, is able to exchange meanings effectively. The statement obviously stated a clear point about English pronunciation, especially for the writer who is a non native speaker. The statement above has mentioned that not only natives but also the non native speakers can also replace English meanings efficiently.
  • 55. 46 Suporting the statement about the fact of English has become the international languages, in here the writer also provided the proof that indonesian as the non native speaker also learn and improve their ability in English skills. People may have take a look to the diagram based on Melbourne Kompas Magazine (2012) below : Figure 1. The survey of (IELTS) The diagram above was taken from the survey of International English language testing system (IELTS) on the scale 1-9 started from 2010 until 2012 for Indonesian, where they are part of non ative English speakers. The diagram above supported the statement which has mentioned that English has become the International language, where in here the diagram shows that the English ability of Indonesians are increasing from year to year. Thus, for making clear everything, that English has become the International language, where the indonesians also learn about it. Furthermore, the writer in here focuses on correctly pronouncing English. The writer needs to learn how to pronounce English correctly by using recorder as an audio articulation method, where she can develop her ability especially pronouncing English words. 5.8 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 2010 2011 2012 result 1 result 2 result 3
  • 56. 47 As a matter of fact, based on Hismanoglu (2009) he has stated that the audio articulation method is effective for solving pronunciation problems. It is clear that using audio articulation method (AAM) can help people to solve the writer’s problem, which is incorrect pronunciation. The incorrect pronunciation such as “Tuesday and Thursday” or “Missisyu” will no longer appear or pronunce anymore. Therefore, the use of audio ariculation methode can help the writer in avoiding the incorrect pronunciation. In addition, according to Rahal (2015) she has said that, Audio Articulation Methode or (AAM) was a method, which stated with a motivation warm up, then extending to review the words and practiced the languages. The statement clearly tells that AAM is a way, which consists of reviewing and practising the words, especially in here, pronouncing English words. For the illustration, the telephone operator officer recorded her voice which she pronounced some words by using handphone, after that she showed them to the expert for the example in here her supervisor, then her supervisor will evaluate the correctness of her pronunciations. The step will continue by practicing the words regularly, for making the telephone operator office better in her pronunciation. From all the arguments, which has already mentioned by the writer above, people can conclude that the audio articulation method can be the great way to be chosen for avoiding the pronouncing problem as the writer has told in previous chapter. Thus, the audio articulation method aka (AAM) has an important function to make people’s pronunciation better especially the English pronunciation.
  • 57. 48 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS In this chapter, the writer focuses on delivering her conclusion and suggestions. 4.1 Conclusion From the previous chapter, the writer has explained her problems during her on the job training as the telephone operator at swissbel hotel balikpapan. Meanwhile, she also has evaluated the problems by giving solutions with great ideas and full of responsibilities. Therefore, the writer in here has concluded that she as a telephone operator should practice more in enhancing her English vocabulary bank and English pronunciation with uniqes method, where all the solutions have been supported by some experts. Besides, the writer should be more active in making her works run smoothly, which she has to learn and master many kinds of greeting expressions. This way will support her job as a telephone operator officer. Then, after all, those efforts are used for making the writer become more confident, active and more professional, because she improves her English speaking skill by practising directly as the telephone operator officer at Swissbel hotel Balikpapan. As the writer has concluded, the more people practise their English abilities especially vocabulary and pronunciation, the better they communicate to others. Moreover, in this case the telephone operator staff who
  • 58. 49 always welcomes the guests with many kinds of greeting expressions will become more professional. 4.2 Suggestions In this chapter the writer tries to give suggestions to the parties which are concerned such as : The foreign language academy of Balikpapan, especially the students who work on the final report, if they have similar topic as the writer has, they are not recommended to copy the writer’s topic. The students should come up and develop their final report with another ideas which are different with the writer’s. Therefore, those ideas will create diversity and development of students’ knowledge. Another suggestion for other students are, if they work on the final report try to read as much as possible, because reading any kinds of information is the key to finish the final report. The institution who lets the writer do the job training, which is Swissbel hotel of Balikpapan, is suggested to make a rule to be more active in speaking English all the time, or may make a special day where the employees should speak English all day long. It is very important for the hotel, where every employee should be great in English. Therefore, the hotel should hold an English day program which will help the employee enhance their English ability. To the readers who have similar topic, they are suggested to take a good care of this final report. It may be useful for the future that can become an example or guidance to finish their final report.
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  • 63. LIST OF APPENDIXES 1. Observation 2. Interview 3. Field note 4. Greeting Expressions 5. The brands 6. Organizational Structure 7. The waking up call report 8. The guest request report 9. The TV channel report 10. Flashcards 11. Consulting Card 12. Berita Acara
  • 64. Appendix 1 OBSERVATION SHEET Object : Pronunciation and Vocabulary Subject : Staff at front office management Place : Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan Period : 19 July – 21st August, 2016 NO Description Yes No 1. It is very necessary to use English in front office management √ 2. All the staffs do greetings first, to the customers or guests who arrive or make a phone call √ 3. The staff use Formal language, especially good English speaking skill √ 4. The staff knows how to greet people politely by using phone, moreover if they use English √ 5. The employee still doubt while using English spoken to the foreign’s guests √ 6. All the employee are confidence to speak English with the foreigners √ 7. The employee sometimes use their mother tongue √ 8. The staff sometimes needs others to help in understanding the foreigner’s intentions √ 9. Some of the staff still shy to respond the expatriate guest, who use the English accent √ 10. the others staff support others who cannot speak English fluently by learn from the expert √ The Observer, Nabilla salsabilla
  • 65. Appendix 2 INTERVIEW SHEET Interviewer : Petrus Singgu Interviewee : Nabilla Salsabilla Profession : Staff at front office management Day, Date : Sunday, 25 August 2016 Place : Office M : Nabilla N : Petrus M : Is it important to communicate using English in hotel? N : Yes, it is. English is really important. Swissbel hotel is an international hotel; it is a must to speak English, it is a connector language. M : What kind of Language which is used by the operator? N : The operator should use Formal language. Formal language can make the guests feel comfortable to talk. M : Why does the telephone operator should greet the guest first? N : It is to show the hospitality. M : What are the problems in greeting the foreigners? N : The Obstacle that used to happen to the operator sometimes still lack of confidence to greet first the foreigners, therefore sometimes they give the phone to other staff, which brave to greet the foreigners. M : What is the impact of using formal language while greeting the foreigners’ guest? N : If the employee always using formal language when greeting the guests, It will make the name of the hotel been famous because the politeness of employee.
  • 66. Appendix 3 FIELD NOTE Activity : Responding the foreigners’ phone Subject : Telephone operator Staff Place : Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan Period : 19 July – 21 August, 2016 NO Activities Things to be improve Comment 1. Craig Nugen, @room 925 ask for pick up at airport at 15.00 PM I have got a difficulty to understand his meaning. Foreigner who works at Aeroptic, ask at 24,July 2016 by phone call 2. Alfred Ferguson , @room 1225 ask for costumer services about the food at.9.00 o’clock in the morning I lack of vocabulary to respond him in using polite language. This guest asks at 25,July at 2016 to operator by phone 3. Jamshid Zandieh, @room 918 ask for Wifi code at 13.00 PM I cannot understand his meaning because his Arabic accent when speaking English This guest calls by phone in room to the operator asking the code of Wi-Fi at 25, July 2016 4. Anthony @room 525 Complain about the kettle which does not work properly at.15.18 o’clock in the morning I still lack of English vocabulary to respond the foreigner while using formal language This guest calls by phone in his room at 27, July ask for fixing the kettle immediately because he wants to make a hot tea 5. Mr.Gerard @room 1105 ask for pick up his laundry at room at 10.20 PM I am hard to understand him, because his Australian accent, he talked too fast in English. This guest Ask to pick up his laundry at 28 July immediately, because he wants to go outside. 6. Mr.Honda @room 1228 ask for help, he lost his phone when leaving bar I cannot understand him because of his accent, he inadequately speaks English. This guest asks for favors, to find his phone he forgot where to put his phone at 30 July 2016, fortunately he has a driver who can speak English.
  • 67. Appendix 4 Greeting Expressions in Swissbel Hotel of Balikpapan 1. Incoming call from outside building (local People) a) Selamat pagi, dengan operator (Nabilla) dari Swisbell hotel Balikpapan, ada yang bisa dibantu? 2) Phone call from out side building ( Foreigners) a. Thank you for calling Swissbel hotel Balikpapan, guest servant agent nabilla’s speaking, how may I help you? 3) A phone call from Inside the building (the General and the other heads of department) b. Good morning, guest servant agent nabilla’s speaking, how may I help you? 4) A phone call From Inside the building (the Employees Of The Departments) a. Good morning, Nabila’s Here How may I help you b. Good morning nabila’s speaking, how can I help you 5) A phone call if we want to give an information to the local guest a. Selamat pagi, pak / ibu dari operator ingin….. 6) A phone call if we want to give an information to foreigner’s guest a. Good morning, this is from the operator, nabilla’s speaking would like to inform you about....... b. Good morning Mr. / Mrs. / Madam / Sir, this is nabilla the operator I would like to inform you..... 7) A phone call if we want to give information to the heads of department a. Good morning, this is guest servant agent Nabilla’s speaking would like to inform that there is a phone call / a message
  • 68. Appendix 5 The Brand of Swissbel Hotel of Balikpapan The Swissbel hotel International logo was created to symbolize “Professionalism, Passion, Commitment, and Service excellence” The logo was created to reflect - the of Swiss (Swiss) - the of Belhotel (beautiful hotel) - the Swiss connection Person to Person Staff to Guest The colours red and white were specifically chosen being the national colours of Switzerland. Being an Asia based, red is seen as a traditional Chinese colour representing success, prosperity and happiness.
  • 69. Appendix 6 Organizational Structure of Swissbel hotel of Balikpapan
  • 70. Appendix 7 The waking up call report
  • 71. Appendix 8 The Guests Request Notes
  • 73. Appendix 10 Flashcards Below are the examples of flashcards related to hotel vocabulary: