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Sep 2017
MySQL on Docker:
Containerizing the Dolphin
Ashraf Sharif, Support Engineer
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
About Severalnines and ClusterControl
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
● Introduction
● Image
● Container
● Volume
● Network
● Orchestration
● MySQL Container Management
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
What is Docker?
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
● Lightweight application container platform.
● Each container has its own:
○ Filesystem
○ Process space
○ Network stack
● Use pre-built image.
● Advantages:
○ Rapid deployment
○ Greater density per host
○ Isolation
Docker Architecture
Docker Components
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Docker Components
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Docker Image
Docker Image - Introduction
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
● A template for Docker container.
● Create an image:
○ Commit the container's changes
○ Build from Dockerfile
● Share the image:
○ Save as tarball.
○ Push to registry:
■ Public - Docker Hub, Docker Store
■ Private, hosted - Quay, ECR, GCR, Bintray,
■ Private, self-hosted - Your own registry
# Save image to tarball
$ docker save -o mysql.tar abc
# Start your own Docker registry service
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry
# Push image to Docker Hub
$ docker push myimage/mysql:5.7
Docker Image - Commit a Container
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Save image to tarball
$ docker run -d --name=abc ubuntu:16.04
# Commit the changes (in another window)
$ docker commit abc myimage/mysql:5.7
# Push image to Docker Hub
$ docker exec -it abc /bin/bash
root@abc:/# apt-get update
root@abc:/# DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get
install -y mysql-server
root@abc:/# vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
# Ubuntu 16.04 host
$ apt-get update
$ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y
$ vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
# Run MySQL server as a process
$ mysqld --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysqld.sock
# Run MySQL server as a container
$ docker run -d myimage/mysql:5.7 mysqld
Docker Image - Using Dockerfile
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Build as image
$ docker build -t myimage/mysql:5.7 .
# vi Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y
COPY my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf
# Ubuntu 16.04 host
$ apt-get update
$ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y
$ vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
# Run MySQL server as a process
$ mysqld --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysqld.sock
# Run MySQL server as a container
$ docker run -d myimage/mysql:5.7 mysqld
# Create MySQL config file
$ vi my.cnf
Docker Image - Build an Image
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Get image size
$ docker images
myimage/mysql 5.7 529MB
# Show created layers
$ docker history myimage/mysql:5.7
/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:e8163ef656b6da... 101B
/bin/sh -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ... 370MB
/bin/sh -c apt-get update 39.1MB
/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"] 0B
/bin/sh -c mkdir -p /run/systemd && echo '... 7B
/bin/sh -c sed -i 's/^#s*(deb.*universe... 2.76kB
/bin/sh -c rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 0B
/bin/sh -c set -xe && echo '#!/bin/sh' >... 745B
/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:39d3593ea220e68... 120MB
Image: myimage/mysql:5.7
Docker Image - Best Practice for MySQL
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Get image size
$ docker images
mysql 5.6 299MB
mysql 5.7 412MB
# tail
exec mysqld "$@"
● Extend an existing image available in the registry,
instead of building a new one from scratch.
● The smaller the image size, the faster the deployment.
(Hint: alpine).
● If using an entrypoint script, ensure mysqld command
runs with "exec", indicating it's the primary process
that holds PID 1 inside container.
● General guidelines:
# vi Dockerfile
FROM mysql:5.7
# vi Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get install {all MySQL stuff}
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Docker Container
Docker Container - Run a Single
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Run a MySQL container
$ docker run -d 
--name my-test 
--env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
# Get the container layer size
$ docker ps -s
d51f459239fb mysql my-test 4B (virtual 412MB)
Image layers
412 MB
Container layers
4 B
Docker Container - Run another
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Run a MySQL container
$ docker run -d 
--name my-test2 
--env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
# Get the container layer size
$ docker ps -s
d51f459239fb mysql my-test 4B (virtual 412MB)
e9de9ed50ced mysql my-test2 4B (virtual 412MB)
Image layers
412 MB
layers (RW)
4 B + 4 B
Docker Container - Container Layer
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Operation 2 - Create a schema and table
$ docker exec -it my-test 
mysql -uroot -pmypassword -e 
Supported CoW file system & devices:
AUFS, Btrfs, Device Mapper, OverlayFS/Overlay2, ZFS, VFS
# Operation 1 - Update /etc/mysql/my.cnf
$ docker exec -it my-test vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
Docker Container - Application vs Data
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Application Data
Stateless Stateful
Ephemeral Persistent
Independant Dependant
Frontend Backend
Web, API Database, File Storage
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Docker Volume
Docker Volume - Type
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Mount a named volume into container
-v mysql1-data:/var/lib/mysql
# Mount tmpfs into container
--tmpfs /tmp
● Bind mount:
○ A file or directory on the host machine is
mounted into a container.
○ You manage the directory’s contents.
● Named volume:
○ A new directory is created within Docker’s
storage directory.
○ Docker manages the directory’s contents.
○ Extensible via volume plugin.
● tmpfs:
○ Stored on host machine’s memory (or swap).
○ Linux only.
# Bind mount a directory into container
-v /data/mysql1/data:/var/lib/mysql
# Bind mount a file into container
-v /data/mysql1/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/my.cnf
Docker Volume - Persistent
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Run with persistent named volume, using -v or --volume
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql-local 
--env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
--volume local-datadir:/var/lib/mysql 
# Run with persistent named volume, using --mount
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql-local 
--env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
--mount source=local-datadir,target=/var/lib/mysql 
Docker Volume - Changes on
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Run a container with port 3308
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql-local 
-p 3308:3306 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
-v local-datadir:/var/lib/mysql 
# Run with persistent named volume, using --mount
$ mysql -uroot -p -h127.0.0.1 -P3308 < dump.sql
Docker Volume - Remote Volume
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Run a container with NFS bind mount
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql-nfs 
-p 3308:3306 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
-v /nfs/mysql-nfs:/var/lib/mysql 
# Mount NFS with extra options for MySQL
$ mount /nfs -o
Further Reading - Using NFS with MySQL:
Docker Volume - MySQL Persistency
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Description Variable Name Default Value (5.7)
MySQL data directory datadir /var/lib/mysql
MySQL plugin directory plugin_dir {basedir}/lib/plugin
MySQL configuration directory config_dir /etc/my.cnf.d
MySQL binary log log_bin {datadir}/{hostname}-bin
Slow query log slow_query_log_file {datadir}/{hostname}-slow.log
Error log log_error {datadir}/{hostname}.err
General log general_log_file {datadir}/{hostname}.log
Docker Volume - Non-Persistent
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Run a container with NFS bind mount and tmpfs volumes
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql-nfs-tmp 
-p 3308:3306 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
-v /nfs/mysql-nfs:/var/lib/mysql 
--tmpfs /tmp:rw,size=1g,mode=177 
Docker Volume - Drivers
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
● Default is local.
● You can use other different volume driver (or plugin).
○ Install the plugin.
○ Use --volume-driver option.
● Volume drivers allow you to extend Docker's volume
○ Snapshot
○ Backup
○ Encryption
# Install Rexray EBS docker plugin
$ docker plugin install rexray/ebs EBS_ACCESSKEY=XXXX
# Verify if the plugin is loaded
$ docker info -f '{{json .Plugins.Volume}}' | jq
# Run a container with volume plugin
$ docker run -d 
-v ebs-datadir:/var/lib/mysql 
# List volumes
$ docker volume ls
local local-datadir1
local local-datadir2
rexray ebs-datadir
Docker Volume - Drivers and Storage
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Further Reading - Volume Plugins List:
Fuxi Netshare
Amazon S3
Azure FS
Google PD
Amazon EBS DigitalOcean
Cinder Minio CephFS
Docker Volume - Simple Benchmark
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Local vs NFS vs NFS-tweaked vs EBS-standard
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Docker Network
Docker Network - Types
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
● Single-host:
○ Host
○ None
○ Bridge
■ Default bridge (docker0)
■ User-defined bridge
● Multi-host:
○ Default overlay
○ User-defined overlay
● Extensible via Docker network plugins.
# List all networks
$ docker network ls
bridge bridge local
db_multi overlay swarm
db_single bridge local
docker_gwbridge bridge local
host host local
ingress overlay swarm
none null local
Docker Network - Host Network
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Run a container on host network
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql-host 
--net host 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
Container 1
Container 2
# Display active TCP connections
$ netstat -tulpn | grep mysql
tcp6 0 0 :::3306 :::* LISTEN 24601/mysqld
● Container’s network interfaces will be identical with
the machine host.
● Only one host network per machine host.
● Container linking, --link mysql-test:mysql is not
● Port mapping, --publish 3307:3306 is not
Docker Network - Default Bridge
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Run a container on docker0 bridge network
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql-bridge 
-p 3308:3306 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
Container 1
Container 2
# Display active TCP connections
$ netstat -tulpn | grep 3308
tcp6 0 0 :::3308 :::* LISTEN 24601/docker-proxy
● Packet forwarding by iptables to the bridge network.
● --publish is supported. Run multiple containers with
same image through different ports.
● --link is supported. Link with other containers to
expose environment variables.
● docker-proxy redirects connection to the correct
container through NAT.
(virtual Ethernet bridge)
vethxxx vethyyy
Docker Network - User-Defined
Bridge Network
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Run a container on user bridge network
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql1 
--net db_single 
-p 3308:3306 
--hostname mysql1 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
Container 1
Container 2
# Create a new bridge network
$ docker network create subnet= db_single
Similar to the default docker0 bridge, plus:
● --hostname is supported for sticky hostname.
● --ip is supported for sticky IP address.
● --link is not supported. Use embedded DNS to
resolve container's name in the same network.
(virtual Ethernet bridge)
vethxxx vethyyy
Docker Network - Plugins
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
● Similar to volume, Docker network can be extended
through plugins:
○ Multi-host networking (must use outside of
○ Name resolver and service discovery.
○ Encryption.
● Popular network plugins:
○ Contiv
○ Calico
○ Weave
○ Flannel
Further Reading - Multi-host Networking with Calico:
Docker Network - Default Overlay
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Run a service on default overlay network
$ docker service create 
--name mysql-service 
--replicas 1 
-p 3308:3306 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
-v nfs-datadir:/var/lib/mysql 
Container 1
eth0 eth1
# Initialize Docker Swarm
$ docker swarm init
● Docker Swarm must be enabled.
● Each task (container) has:
○ eth0 - Interface to external network via
○ eth1 - Interface to overlay network via VXLAN.
vethxxx vethyyy
Container 2
eth0 eth1
vethxxx vethyyy
Docker Network - User-Defined
Overlay Network
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Run a service on default overlay network
$ docker service create 
--name mysql-service 
--replicas 1 
--net db_multi 
-p 3308:3306 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
-v nfs-datadir:/var/lib/mysql 
Container 1
eth0 eth1
# Create an overlay network
$ docker network create -d overlay db_multi
Similar with the default overlay, plus:
● Embedded DNS resolver:
○ {service_name} → Service VIP
○ tasks.{service_name} → Container's IP
vethxxx vethyyy
Container 2
eth0 eth1
vethxxx vethyyy
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Docker Orchestration
Docker Orchestration - Container
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
● Simplify container's management at scale.
● Concept:
○ Multiple containers as one entity.
○ Structural YAML formatting.
● Official Docker comes with:
○ Docker Compose:
■ single-host, small scale, separate package.
○ Docker Swarm:
■ multi-host, big scale, out-of-the-box.
■ support compose formatting through
docker stack.
Docker Orchestration - Docker
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Docker CLI
version: '2'
image: mysql:5.7.16
- --innodb_buffer_pool_size=2G
- --max_connections=50
- "3307:3306"
MYSQL_USER: myshop
hostname: mysql-prod
- mysql-datadir:/var/lib/mysql
- mysql-tmp:/tmp
soft: 16824
hard: 16824
mem_limit: 4g
memswap_limit: 4g
driver: bridge
driver: default
- subnet:
# Production MySQL container - full command
$ docker network create
--subnet= db-prod
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql-prod 
--net db-production 
--publish 3307:3306 
--hostname mysql-prod 
--memory 4g 
--memory-swap 4g 
--ulimit nofile=16824:16824 
--volume mysql-datadir:/var/lib/mysql 
--volume mysql-tmp:/tmp 
--env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=r00tP4ssw0rD 
--env MYSQL_USER=myshop 
--env MYSQL_PASSWORD=MyS3creTP4s5 
--env MYSQL_DATABASE=myshop 
Docker Orchestration - Run with
Docker Compose
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Bring up the production MySQL container in background
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "compose_db-prod" with driver "bridge"
Creating compose_mysql-prod_1
# Stop the container
$ docker-compose stop
# Destroy everything
$ docker-compose down
# Start the container
$ docker-compose start
Scaling is supported via docker-compose scale, however
conflicting options must be omitted:
hostname, ports, ipv4_address, volume
Docker Orchestration - Docker Swarm
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
● Multi-host deployment, through overlay network.
● Concepts:
○ Node
■ Manager - Dispatches tasks
■ Worker - Executes tasks by manager
○ Service
■ Replicated - Number of replicas
■ Global - One task per available node
○ Task
■ Container
○ Mesh routing
■ All Swarm nodes route to the running tasks
■ Ingress load balancing (round-robin only)
○ Scheduler
■ Resources availability
■ Label and constraints
Docker Orchestration - Simple Auto
Failover using Swarm
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Run a replica of MySQL service
$ docker service create 
--name mysql-service 
--replicas 1 
--net db_multi 
-p 3307:3306 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
Host 1
Host 2
Docker Orchestration - Galera
Cluster on Swarm
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Bootstrap-only container
$ docker service create 
--name pxc-bs 
--replicas 1 
--net db-multi-hosts 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword123 
-e CLUSTER_NAME=my_galera 
Host 1
# 3-node Galera
$ for i in {1..3}; do docker service create 
--name pxc${i} 
--replicas 1 
--net db-multi-hosts 
-p 330${i}:3306 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword123 
-e CLUSTER_NAME=my_galera 
-e CLUSTER_JOIN=tasks.pxc-bs,tasks.pxc1,tasks.pxc2,tasks.pxc3 
--mount source=pxc{i},target=/var/lib/mysql 
sleep 1m; 
# Remove bootstrap-only container
$ docker service rm pxc-bs
Host 2
Host 3
Docker Orchestration - Other
Orchestration Tools
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Docker Orchestration - Best Practice for
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
● Add label to node and use placement constraints:
○ Avoid overcommit resources.
○ Manageability and predictability.
● Use Service's name and virtual IP address to distinguish
container's role.
● Understand the scheduling strategy:
○ Spread
○ Binpack
○ Random
○ Custom
● Rolling update:
○ Only perform update one container at a time.
○ Add delay before move to the next container.
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
MySQL Container Management
MySQL Container - Service Control
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Get container's log
$ docker logs -f mysql-staging
[Note] mysqld: Shutdown complete
# List processes inside container
$ docker exec -it mysql-staging ps -e
1 ? 00:00:00 mysqld
62 pts/0 00:00:00 bash
86 pts/0 00:00:00 ps
● mysqld must hold PID 1 inside container to receive the
● docker stop might be dangerous. Default is 10s grace
period. If still running, SIGKILL.
● Use docker kill with proper signal (SIGTERM). No
grace period.
● Verify the shutdown process through docker log.
● Stopping won’t delete the container.
# Stop MySQL container using kill
$ docker kill --signal=TERM mysql-staging
# Stop MySQL container using stop
$ docker stop mysql-staging
MySQL Container - Resource Control
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Limit memory and open file descriptors
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql-staging 
--memory 4g 
--memory-swap 4g 
--ulimit nofile=16824:16824 
● By default, no resource constraints, use as much of a
given resource as the host’s kernel will allow.
● Important options!
○ --memory & --memory-swap
■ Must be equal to disable swap.
■ If --memory-swap is not set, container
swap is default to --memory * 2
○ --ulimit nofile={soft:hard}
■ Maximum number of files MySQL server
can open simultaneously.
● Some of the container resources can be controlled
dynamically using docker update:
○ Tune my.cnf accordingly.
# Increase container's memory.
$ docker update 
--memory 6g 
--memory-swap 6g 
MySQL Container - Resource Monitoring
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Monitor containers
$ docker stats --format "table
minio1 0.00% 6.078MiB / 7.78GiB
mysql2 0.12% 194.1MiB / 7.78GiB
mysql-local 0.14% 220MiB / 7.78GiB
● Use docker stats.
● Inside container, free and top commands are not
○ Memory - /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.*
○ CPU - /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.*
○ IO - /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/blkio.*
● External open-source monitoring tools:
○ CLI: sysdig, dockviz
○ UI: Portainer, Shipyard, Rancher, Prometheus
MySQL Container - Configuration
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Bind mount my.cnf
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql1 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
-v /storage/mysql1/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/my.cnf 
● Most MySQL configuration parameters can be changed
during runtime. (Hint: SET GLOBAL)
● You can either:
○ Use persistent storage:
■ Bind mount your my.cnf file.
■ Create a named volume for /etc/my.cnf.d
○ Append the configuration as a "CMD" (right after
image name), passes as flags to mysqld inside
● Standard MySQL and InnoDB optimization applies.
# Named volume for MySQL configuration directory
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql2 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
-v mysql2-conf:/etc/my.cnf.d 
# Append configuration options
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql3 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
MySQL Container - Security
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Create a secret
$ echo 'MyP2s$w0rD' | docker secret mysql_root_passwd -
● Docker Secrets
○ Only for Swarm service.
○ Accessible under /run/secrets/ inside
● Runtime privileges:
○ Unprivileged is default and recommended.
Container is not allowed to access other
○ Use --privileged only if you really need to
modify kernel parameters (sysctl, /proc,/sys)
or you want to run container inside
# Create a service and use the secret as root password
$ docker service create 
--name mysql-container 
--publish 4406:3306 
--secret mysql_root_passwd 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/mysql_root_passwd 
-v local-datadir:/var/lib/mysql 
MySQL Container - Backup
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# mysqldump and store inside physical host
$ docker exec -it mysql-prod mysqldump -uroot -p
--single-transaction > /path/in/physical/host/dump.sql
● Logical backup:
○ Mysqldump
○ mysqlpump
● Xtrabackup (hot-backup):
○ Install inside machine host.
○ Install inside the MySQL container.
○ Use perconalab/percona-xtrabackup image.
● Snapshot:
○ MyISAM only - FTWRL + copy over
○ Stop container + copy over
$ docker exec -it mysql-prod /bin/bash
root@mysql-prod:# mysql -uroot -p
# Copy volume to another location (another terminal)
$ cp /var/lib/docker/volumes/mysql-datadir/_data
# Release lock (same terminal as FTWRL)
# Use perconalab/percona-xtrabackup image to backup
$ docker run --rm -it 
--net db-prod 
-v mysql-datadir:/var/lib/mysql 
-v /tmp/backup:/xtrabackup_backupfiles 
--backup --host=mysql-prod --user=root
MySQL Container - Restore
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# Restore a MySQL dump
$ docker exec -it mysql-staging mysql -uroot -p <
● Logical backup:
○ Fairly straightforward. Use standard procedure.
● Xtrabackup (hot-backup):
○ Have to be prepared first
○ Once prepared, simply starts a new container by
mounting the prepared directory as datadir.
● Snapshot & Copy:
○ Bind mount:
i. Direct mount the directory as a volume.
○ Named volume:
i. Create a volume.
ii. Copy the content to the volume's
iii. Start a new container by mounting the
# Run a test container from a copied datadir
(snapshot) or from a prepared xtrabackup directory.
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql-restored 
-v /tmp/backup:/var/lib/mysql 
# Prepare the backup created by xtrabackup
$ docker run --rm -it 
-v mysql-datadir:/var/lib/mysql 
-v /tmp/backup:/xtrabackup_backupfiles 
--prepare --target-dir /xtrabackup_backupfiles
MySQL Container - Logical Upgrade
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
1. Pull the new image, M.
2. Start new container, B with new image, M.
3. Export MySQL on A.
4. Stop A.
5. Import into B.
6. Run mysql_upgrade inside B.
7. OK? Remove A.
8. Fallback? Stop B, start A.
# 1
$ docker pull mysql:5.7.18
# 2
$ docker run -d 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
-v local-datadir:/var/lib/mysql 
# 3
$ docker exec -it mysql-old mysqldump -uroot -p > dump.sql
# 4
$ docker kill --signal=TERM mysql-old
# 5
$ docker exec -it mysql-new mysql -uroot -p < dump.sql
# 6
$ docker exec -it mysql-new mysql_upgrade -uroot -p
# 7
$ docker rm -f mysqld-old
# 8
$ docker stop mysqld-new
$ docker start mysqld-old
MySQL Container - In-Place Upgrade
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
# 1
$ docker pull mysql:5.7.18
# 2
$ docker exec -it mysql-old mysql -uroot -p -e 'SET GLOBAL
innodb_fast_shutdown = 0'
# 3
$ docker kill --signal=TERM mysqld-old
# 4
$ docker run -d 
--name mysql-new 
--publish 3307:3306 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword 
-v local-datadir:/var/lib/mysql 
# 5
$ docker exec -it mysql-new mysql_upgrade -uroot -p
# 6
$ docker rm -f mysqld-old
# 7
$ docker stop mysqld-new
$ docker start mysqld-old
1. Pull the new image, M.
2. Set innodb_fast_shutdown=0 inside container.
3. Stop the container, A.
4. Start a new container, B with new image, M.
5. Run mysql_upgrade inside B.
6. OK? Remove A.
7. Fallback? Stop B, start A.
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
What's Next?
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
● Visit our booth for a free T-shirt and other goodies. While
stock lasts!
● Follow our MySQL on Docker blog series at
● Attend the MySQL on Docker webinar, Wednesday Sept
27th, 2017:
○ 09:00 BST / 10:00 CEST
○ 09:00 PST (US) / 12:00 EST (US)
● Check out ClusterControl Docker image.
What's Next
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB
Q & A

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MySQL on Docker: Containerizing the Dolphin

  • 1. Sep 2017 MySQL on Docker: Containerizing the Dolphin Ashraf Sharif, Support Engineer Presenter
  • 2. Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB About Severalnines and ClusterControl
  • 3. Agenda Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB ● Introduction ● Image ● Container ● Volume ● Network ● Orchestration ● MySQL Container Management
  • 4. Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Introduction
  • 5. What is Docker? Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB ● Lightweight application container platform. ● Each container has its own: ○ Filesystem ○ Process space ○ Network stack ● Use pre-built image. ● Advantages: ○ Rapid deployment ○ Greater density per host ○ Isolation Docker Architecture
  • 6. Docker Components Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Docker Components
  • 7. Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Docker Image
  • 8. Docker Image - Introduction Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB ● A template for Docker container. ● Create an image: ○ Commit the container's changes ○ Build from Dockerfile ● Share the image: ○ Save as tarball. ○ Push to registry: ■ Public - Docker Hub, Docker Store ■ Private, hosted - Quay, ECR, GCR, Bintray, Artifactory ■ Private, self-hosted - Your own registry # Save image to tarball $ docker save -o mysql.tar abc # Start your own Docker registry service $ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2 # Push image to Docker Hub $ docker push myimage/mysql:5.7
  • 9. Docker Image - Commit a Container Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Host # Save image to tarball $ docker run -d --name=abc ubuntu:16.04 # Commit the changes (in another window) $ docker commit abc myimage/mysql:5.7 # Push image to Docker Hub $ docker exec -it abc /bin/bash root@abc:/# apt-get update root@abc:/# DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y mysql-server root@abc:/# vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf # Ubuntu 16.04 host $ apt-get update $ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y mysql-server $ vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf # Run MySQL server as a process $ mysqld --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysqld.sock --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ Docker # Run MySQL server as a container $ docker run -d myimage/mysql:5.7 mysqld --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysqld.sock --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/
  • 10. Docker Image - Using Dockerfile Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Host # Build as image $ docker build -t myimage/mysql:5.7 . # vi Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN apt-get update RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y mysql-server COPY my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf EXPOSE 3306 # Ubuntu 16.04 host $ apt-get update $ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y mysql-server $ vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf # Run MySQL server as a process $ mysqld --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysqld.sock --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ Docker # Run MySQL server as a container $ docker run -d myimage/mysql:5.7 mysqld --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysqld.sock --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ # Create MySQL config file $ vi my.cnf
  • 11. Docker Image - Build an Image Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Get image size $ docker images REPOSITORY TAG SIZE myimage/mysql 5.7 529MB # Show created layers $ docker history myimage/mysql:5.7 CREATED BY SIZE /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:e8163ef656b6da... 101B /bin/sh -c DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ... 370MB /bin/sh -c apt-get update 39.1MB /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"] 0B /bin/sh -c mkdir -p /run/systemd && echo '... 7B /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/^#s*(deb.*universe... 2.76kB /bin/sh -c rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 0B /bin/sh -c set -xe && echo '#!/bin/sh' >... 745B /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:39d3593ea220e68... 120MB de70fa77eb2b f6016aab25f1 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a 724179e94999 f6016aab25f1 d51f459239fb Image: myimage/mysql:5.7 ubuntu:16.04 ad74af05f5a2 Dockerfile
  • 12. Docker Image - Best Practice for MySQL Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Get image size $ docker images REPOSITORY TAG SIZE mysql 5.6 299MB mysql 5.7 412MB # tail ... ... exec mysqld "$@" ● Extend an existing image available in the registry, instead of building a new one from scratch. ● The smaller the image size, the faster the deployment. (Hint: alpine). ● If using an entrypoint script, ensure mysqld command runs with "exec", indicating it's the primary process that holds PID 1 inside container. ● General guidelines: dockerfile_best-practices/ # vi Dockerfile FROM mysql:5.7 # vi Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN apt-get install {all MySQL stuff}
  • 13. Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Docker Container
  • 14. Docker Container - Run a Single Container Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Run a MySQL container $ docker run -d --name my-test --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword mysql # Get the container layer size $ docker ps -s CONTAINER ID IMAGE NAMES SIZE d51f459239fb mysql my-test 4B (virtual 412MB) Image: de70fa77eb2b f6016aab25f1 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a ad74af05f5a2 d51f459239fb 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a my-test Image layers (RO) 412 MB Container layers (RW) 4 B
  • 15. Docker Container - Run another Container Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Run a MySQL container $ docker run -d --name my-test2 --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword mysql # Get the container layer size $ docker ps -s CONTAINER ID IMAGE NAMES SIZE d51f459239fb mysql my-test 4B (virtual 412MB) e9de9ed50ced mysql my-test2 4B (virtual 412MB) Image: de70fa77eb2b f6016aab25f1 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a ad74af05f5a2 d51f459239fb 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a my-test Image layers (RO) 412 MB Container layers (RW) 4 B + 4 B e9de9ed50ced my-test2
  • 16. Docker Container - Container Layer Changes Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Operation 2 - Create a schema and table $ docker exec -it my-test mysql -uroot -pmypassword -e 'CREATE SCHEMA testdb; CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, data TEXT);' Image: de70fa77eb2b f6016aab25f1 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a ad74af05f5a2 d51f459239fb 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a my-test c33a2b88395d Copy-on-Write (CoW) 416f2a97355f Supported CoW file system & devices: AUFS, Btrfs, Device Mapper, OverlayFS/Overlay2, ZFS, VFS # Operation 1 - Update /etc/mysql/my.cnf $ docker exec -it my-test vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf 1 2New Branch
  • 17. Docker Container - Application vs Data Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Application Data Stateless Stateful Ephemeral Persistent Independant Dependant Frontend Backend Web, API Database, File Storage
  • 18. Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Docker Volume
  • 19. Docker Volume - Type Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Mount a named volume into container -v mysql1-data:/var/lib/mysql # Mount tmpfs into container --tmpfs /tmp ● Bind mount: ○ A file or directory on the host machine is mounted into a container. ○ You manage the directory’s contents. ● Named volume: ○ A new directory is created within Docker’s storage directory. ○ Docker manages the directory’s contents. ○ Extensible via volume plugin. ● tmpfs: ○ Stored on host machine’s memory (or swap). ○ Linux only. # Bind mount a directory into container -v /data/mysql1/data:/var/lib/mysql # Bind mount a file into container -v /data/mysql1/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/my.cnf
  • 20. Docker Volume - Persistent Volumes Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Run with persistent named volume, using -v or --volume $ docker run -d --name mysql-local --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword --volume local-datadir:/var/lib/mysql mysql:5.7 Image: de70fa77eb2b f6016aab25f1 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a ad74af05f5a2 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a mysql-local 416f2a92355f /var/lib/mysql local-datadir # Run with persistent named volume, using --mount $ docker run -d --name mysql-local --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword --mount source=local-datadir,target=/var/lib/mysql mysql:5.7
  • 21. Docker Volume - Changes on Volume Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Run a container with port 3308 $ docker run -d --name mysql-local -p 3308:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword -v local-datadir:/var/lib/mysql mysql Image: de70fa77eb2b f6016aab25f1 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a ad74af05f5a2 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a mysql-local 416f2a92355f /var/lib/mysql local-datadir # Run with persistent named volume, using --mount $ mysql -uroot -p -h127.0.0.1 -P3308 < dump.sql dump .sql 3308
  • 22. Docker Volume - Remote Volume Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Run a container with NFS bind mount $ docker run -d --name mysql-nfs -p 3308:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword -v /nfs/mysql-nfs:/var/lib/mysql mysql Image: de70fa77eb2b f6016aab25f1 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a ad74af05f5a2 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a mysql-nfs 416f2a92355f /var/lib/mysql /storage/docker # Mount NFS with extra options for MySQL $ mount /nfs -o noatime,nodiratime,hard,intr 3308 /nfs/mysql-nfs Further Reading - Using NFS with MySQL: l#disk-issues-nfs
  • 23. Docker Volume - MySQL Persistency Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Description Variable Name Default Value (5.7) MySQL data directory datadir /var/lib/mysql MySQL plugin directory plugin_dir {basedir}/lib/plugin MySQL configuration directory config_dir /etc/my.cnf.d MySQL binary log log_bin {datadir}/{hostname}-bin Slow query log slow_query_log_file {datadir}/{hostname}-slow.log Error log log_error {datadir}/{hostname}.err General log general_log_file {datadir}/{hostname}.log
  • 24. Docker Volume - Non-Persistent Volume Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Run a container with NFS bind mount and tmpfs volumes $ docker run -d --name mysql-nfs-tmp -p 3308:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword -v /nfs/mysql-nfs:/var/lib/mysql --tmpfs /tmp:rw,size=1g,mode=177 mysql Image: de70fa77eb2b f6016aab25f1 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a ad74af05f5a2 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a mysql-nfs-tmp 416f2a92355f /var/lib/mysql /storage/docker 3308 /nfs/mysql-nfs /tmp
  • 25. Docker Volume - Drivers Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB ● Default is local. ● You can use other different volume driver (or plugin). ○ Install the plugin. ○ Use --volume-driver option. ● Volume drivers allow you to extend Docker's volume capabilities: ○ Snapshot ○ Backup ○ Encryption # Install Rexray EBS docker plugin $ docker plugin install rexray/ebs EBS_ACCESSKEY=XXXX EBS_SECRETKEY=YYYY # Verify if the plugin is loaded $ docker info -f '{{json .Plugins.Volume}}' | jq [ "local", "rexray" ] # Run a container with volume plugin $ docker run -d --name=mysql-ebs --volume-driver=rexray/ebs -v ebs-datadir:/var/lib/mysql mysql:5.7 # List volumes $ docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME local local-datadir1 local local-datadir2 rexray ebs-datadir
  • 26. Docker Volume - Drivers and Storage Platforms Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Further Reading - Volume Plugins List: Contiv Fuxi Netshare REX-ray Horcrux Convoy OpenStorage Amazon S3 Azure FS Google PD Amazon EBS DigitalOcean BS Flocker EMC FUSE vSphere iSCSI CIFS NetApp OpenStack Cinder Minio CephFS BeeGFS NFS SMB Infinit
  • 27. Docker Volume - Simple Benchmark Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Local vs NFS vs NFS-tweaked vs EBS-standard
  • 28. Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Docker Network
  • 29. Docker Network - Types Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB ● Single-host: ○ Host ○ None ○ Bridge ■ Default bridge (docker0) ■ User-defined bridge ● Multi-host: ○ Default overlay ○ User-defined overlay ● Extensible via Docker network plugins. # List all networks $ docker network ls NAME DRIVER SCOPE bridge bridge local db_multi overlay swarm db_single bridge local docker_gwbridge bridge local host host local ingress overlay swarm none null local
  • 30. Docker Network - Host Network Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Run a container on host network $ docker run -d --name mysql-host --net host -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword mysql:5.7 Container 1 eth0 eth0 Container 2 eth0 Docker Host # Display active TCP connections $ netstat -tulpn | grep mysql tcp6 0 0 :::3306 :::* LISTEN 24601/mysqld ● Container’s network interfaces will be identical with the machine host. ● Only one host network per machine host. ● Container linking, --link mysql-test:mysql is not supported. ● Port mapping, --publish 3307:3306 is not supported.
  • 31. Docker Network - Default Bridge Network Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Run a container on docker0 bridge network $ docker run -d --name mysql-bridge -p 3308:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword mysql:5.7 Container 1 eth0 eth0 Container 2 eth0 Docker Host # Display active TCP connections $ netstat -tulpn | grep 3308 tcp6 0 0 :::3308 :::* LISTEN 24601/docker-proxy ● Packet forwarding by iptables to the bridge network. ● --publish is supported. Run multiple containers with same image through different ports. ● --link is supported. Link with other containers to expose environment variables. ● docker-proxy redirects connection to the correct container through NAT. docker0 (virtual Ethernet bridge) vethxxx vethyyy
  • 32. Docker Network - User-Defined Bridge Network Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Run a container on user bridge network $ docker run -d --name mysql1 --net db_single -p 3308:3306 --ip --hostname mysql1 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword mysql:5.7 Container 1 eth0 eth0 Container 2 eth0 Docker Host # Create a new bridge network $ docker network create subnet= db_single Similar to the default docker0 bridge, plus: ● --hostname is supported for sticky hostname. ● --ip is supported for sticky IP address. ● --link is not supported. Use embedded DNS to resolve container's name in the same network. db_single (virtual Ethernet bridge) vethxxx vethyyy DNS
  • 33. Docker Network - Plugins Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB ● Similar to volume, Docker network can be extended through plugins: ○ Multi-host networking (must use outside of Swarm) ○ Name resolver and service discovery. ○ Encryption. ● Popular network plugins: ○ Contiv ○ Calico ○ Weave ○ Flannel Further Reading - Multi-host Networking with Calico: g-mysql-containers-part-2-calico
  • 34. Docker Network - Default Overlay Network Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Run a service on default overlay network $ docker service create --name mysql-service --replicas 1 -p 3308:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword -v nfs-datadir:/var/lib/mysql mysql:5.7 Container 1 eth0 eth0 eth1 Docker Host # Initialize Docker Swarm $ docker swarm init ● Docker Swarm must be enabled. ● Each task (container) has: ○ eth0 - Interface to external network via docker_gwbridge. ○ eth1 - Interface to overlay network via VXLAN. docker_gw bridge vethxxx vethyyy br0 External Container 2 eth0 eth1 Docker docker_gw bridge vethxxx vethyyy br0 eth0 Host VXLAN udp/4789
  • 35. Docker Network - User-Defined Overlay Network Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Run a service on default overlay network $ docker service create --name mysql-service --replicas 1 --net db_multi -p 3308:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword -v nfs-datadir:/var/lib/mysql mysql:5.7 Container 1 eth0 eth0 eth1 Docker Host # Create an overlay network $ docker network create -d overlay db_multi Similar with the default overlay, plus: ● Embedded DNS resolver: ○ {service_name} → Service VIP ○ tasks.{service_name} → Container's IP docker_gw bridge vethxxx vethyyy br0 External Container 2 eth0 eth1 Docker docker_gw bridge vethxxx vethyyy br0 eth0 Host VXLAN udp/4789 DNS
  • 36. Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Docker Orchestration
  • 37. Docker Orchestration - Container Orchestration Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB ● Simplify container's management at scale. ● Concept: ○ Multiple containers as one entity. ○ Structural YAML formatting. ● Official Docker comes with: ○ Docker Compose: ■ single-host, small scale, separate package. ○ Docker Swarm: ■ multi-host, big scale, out-of-the-box. ■ support compose formatting through docker stack.
  • 38. Docker Orchestration - Docker Compose Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Docker CLI version: '2' services: mysql-prod: image: mysql:5.7.16 command: - --innodb_buffer_pool_size=2G - --max_connections=50 ports: - "3307:3306" environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: r00tP4ssw0rD MYSQL_USER: myshop MYSQL_PASSWORD: MyS3creTP4s5 MYSQL_DATABASE: myshop hostname: mysql-prod networks: db-prod: ipv4_address: volumes: - mysql-datadir:/var/lib/mysql - mysql-tmp:/tmp ulimits: nofile: soft: 16824 hard: 16824 mem_limit: 4g memswap_limit: 4g volumes: mysql-datadir: mysql-tmp: networks: db-prod: driver: bridge ipam: driver: default config: - subnet: # Production MySQL container - full command $ docker network create --subnet= db-prod $ docker run -d --name mysql-prod --net db-production --publish 3307:3306 --ip --hostname mysql-prod --memory 4g --memory-swap 4g --ulimit nofile=16824:16824 --volume mysql-datadir:/var/lib/mysql --volume mysql-tmp:/tmp --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=r00tP4ssw0rD --env MYSQL_USER=myshop --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=MyS3creTP4s5 --env MYSQL_DATABASE=myshop mysql:5.7.16 --innodb_buffer_pool_size=2G --max_connections=50
  • 39. Docker Orchestration - Run with Docker Compose Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Bring up the production MySQL container in background $ docker-compose up -d Creating network "compose_db-prod" with driver "bridge" Creating compose_mysql-prod_1 Image: de70fa77eb2b f6016aab25f1 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a ad74af05f5a2 0639788facc8 35369f9634e1 937bbdd4305a mysql-prod 416f2a92355f /var/lib/mysql mysql-datadir /tmp mysql-tmp 3307 # Stop the container $ docker-compose stop # Destroy everything $ docker-compose down # Start the container $ docker-compose start Scaling is supported via docker-compose scale, however conflicting options must be omitted: hostname, ports, ipv4_address, volume
  • 40. Docker Orchestration - Docker Swarm Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB ● Multi-host deployment, through overlay network. ● Concepts: ○ Node ■ Manager - Dispatches tasks ■ Worker - Executes tasks by manager ○ Service ■ Replicated - Number of replicas ■ Global - One task per available node ○ Task ■ Container ○ Mesh routing ■ All Swarm nodes route to the running tasks ■ Ingress load balancing (round-robin only) ○ Scheduler ■ Resources availability ■ Label and constraints
  • 41. Docker Orchestration - Simple Auto Failover using Swarm Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Run a replica of MySQL service $ docker service create --name mysql-service --replicas 1 --net db_multi -p 3307:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword --mount type=volume,source=ebs-datadir,destination=/var/lib/mysql ,volume-driver=rexray --mount type=volume,source=ebs-conf,destination=/etc/my.cnf.d,vol ume-driver=rexray mysql:5.7 mysql- service Docker Host 1 ebs-datadir mysql- service Docker Host 2 3307 ebs-conf
  • 42. Docker Orchestration - Galera Cluster on Swarm Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Bootstrap-only container $ docker service create --name pxc-bs --replicas 1 --net db-multi-hosts -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword123 -e CLUSTER_NAME=my_galera -e CLUSTER_JOIN= percona/percona-xtradb-cluster Docker Host 1 tasks. pxc1 # 3-node Galera $ for i in {1..3}; do docker service create --name pxc${i} --replicas 1 --net db-multi-hosts -p 330${i}:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword123 -e CLUSTER_NAME=my_galera -e CLUSTER_JOIN=tasks.pxc-bs,tasks.pxc1,tasks.pxc2,tasks.pxc3 --mount source=pxc{i},target=/var/lib/mysql percona/percona-xtradb-cluster; sleep 1m; done tasks. pxc-b s # Remove bootstrap-only container $ docker service rm pxc-bs Docker Host 2 tasks. pxc2 Docker Host 3 tasks. pxc3 HAproxy 3301 3302 3303 3301 3302 3303 3301 3302 3303 3306
  • 43. Docker Orchestration - Other Orchestration Tools Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 44. Docker Orchestration - Best Practice for MySQL Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB ● Add label to node and use placement constraints: ○ Avoid overcommit resources. ○ Manageability and predictability. ● Use Service's name and virtual IP address to distinguish container's role. ● Understand the scheduling strategy: ○ Spread ○ Binpack ○ Random ○ Custom ● Rolling update: ○ Only perform update one container at a time. ○ Add delay before move to the next container.
  • 45. Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB MySQL Container Management
  • 46. MySQL Container - Service Control Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Get container's log $ docker logs -f mysql-staging ... [Note] mysqld: Shutdown complete # List processes inside container $ docker exec -it mysql-staging ps -e PID TTY TIME CMD 1 ? 00:00:00 mysqld 62 pts/0 00:00:00 bash 86 pts/0 00:00:00 ps ● mysqld must hold PID 1 inside container to receive the signal. ● docker stop might be dangerous. Default is 10s grace period. If still running, SIGKILL. ● Use docker kill with proper signal (SIGTERM). No grace period. ● Verify the shutdown process through docker log. ● Stopping won’t delete the container. # Stop MySQL container using kill $ docker kill --signal=TERM mysql-staging # Stop MySQL container using stop $ docker stop mysql-staging
  • 47. MySQL Container - Resource Control Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Limit memory and open file descriptors $ docker run -d --name mysql-staging --memory 4g --memory-swap 4g --ulimit nofile=16824:16824 mysql:5.7.6 ● By default, no resource constraints, use as much of a given resource as the host’s kernel will allow. ● Important options! ○ --memory & --memory-swap ■ Must be equal to disable swap. ■ If --memory-swap is not set, container swap is default to --memory * 2 ○ --ulimit nofile={soft:hard} ■ Maximum number of files MySQL server can open simultaneously. ● Some of the container resources can be controlled dynamically using docker update: ○ Tune my.cnf accordingly. # Increase container's memory. $ docker update --memory 6g --memory-swap 6g mysql-staging
  • 48. MySQL Container - Resource Monitoring Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Monitor containers $ docker stats --format "table {{.Name}}t{{.CPUPerc}}t{{.MemUsage}}" NAME CPU % MEM USAGE / LIMIT minio1 0.00% 6.078MiB / 7.78GiB mysql2 0.12% 194.1MiB / 7.78GiB mysql-local 0.14% 220MiB / 7.78GiB ● Use docker stats. ● Inside container, free and top commands are not accurate: ○ Memory - /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.* ○ CPU - /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.* ○ IO - /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/blkio.* ● External open-source monitoring tools: ○ CLI: sysdig, dockviz ○ UI: Portainer, Shipyard, Rancher, Prometheus Portainer
  • 49. MySQL Container - Configuration Management Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Bind mount my.cnf $ docker run -d --name mysql1 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword -v /storage/mysql1/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/my.cnf mysql:5.7.6 ● Most MySQL configuration parameters can be changed during runtime. (Hint: SET GLOBAL) ● You can either: ○ Use persistent storage: ■ Bind mount your my.cnf file. ■ Create a named volume for /etc/my.cnf.d ○ Append the configuration as a "CMD" (right after image name), passes as flags to mysqld inside container. ● Standard MySQL and InnoDB optimization applies. # Named volume for MySQL configuration directory $ docker run -d --name mysql2 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword -v mysql2-conf:/etc/my.cnf.d mysql:5.7.6 # Append configuration options $ docker run -d --name mysql3 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword mysql:5.7.6 --innodb_buffer_pool_size=1G --max_connections=100
  • 50. MySQL Container - Security Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Create a secret $ echo 'MyP2s$w0rD' | docker secret mysql_root_passwd - ● Docker Secrets ○ Only for Swarm service. ○ Accessible under /run/secrets/ inside container. ● Runtime privileges: ○ Unprivileged is default and recommended. Container is not allowed to access other devices. ○ Use --privileged only if you really need to modify kernel parameters (sysctl, /proc,/sys) or you want to run container inside container. # Create a service and use the secret as root password $ docker service create --name mysql-container --publish 4406:3306 --secret mysql_root_passwd -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/mysql_root_passwd -v local-datadir:/var/lib/mysql mysql:5.7
  • 51. MySQL Container - Backup Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # mysqldump and store inside physical host $ docker exec -it mysql-prod mysqldump -uroot -p --single-transaction > /path/in/physical/host/dump.sql ● Logical backup: ○ Mysqldump ○ mysqlpump ● Xtrabackup (hot-backup): ○ Install inside machine host. ○ Install inside the MySQL container. ○ Use perconalab/percona-xtrabackup image. ● Snapshot: ○ MyISAM only - FTWRL + copy over ○ Stop container + copy over # FTWRL $ docker exec -it mysql-prod /bin/bash root@mysql-prod:# mysql -uroot -p mysql> FLUSH TABLE WITH READ LOCK; # Copy volume to another location (another terminal) $ cp /var/lib/docker/volumes/mysql-datadir/_data /destination/in/physical/host # Release lock (same terminal as FTWRL) mysql> UNLOCK TABLES; # Use perconalab/percona-xtrabackup image to backup $ docker run --rm -it --net db-prod -v mysql-datadir:/var/lib/mysql -v /tmp/backup:/xtrabackup_backupfiles perconalab/percona-xtrabackup --backup --host=mysql-prod --user=root --password=mypassword
  • 52. MySQL Container - Restore Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # Restore a MySQL dump $ docker exec -it mysql-staging mysql -uroot -p < /path/in/physical/host/dump.sql ● Logical backup: ○ Fairly straightforward. Use standard procedure. ● Xtrabackup (hot-backup): ○ Have to be prepared first ○ Once prepared, simply starts a new container by mounting the prepared directory as datadir. ● Snapshot & Copy: ○ Bind mount: i. Direct mount the directory as a volume. ○ Named volume: i. Create a volume. ii. Copy the content to the volume's directory. iii. Start a new container by mounting the volume. # Run a test container from a copied datadir (snapshot) or from a prepared xtrabackup directory. $ docker run -d --name mysql-restored -v /tmp/backup:/var/lib/mysql mysql:5.7.16 # Prepare the backup created by xtrabackup $ docker run --rm -it -v mysql-datadir:/var/lib/mysql -v /tmp/backup:/xtrabackup_backupfiles perconalab/percona-xtrabackup --prepare --target-dir /xtrabackup_backupfiles
  • 53. MySQL Container - Logical Upgrade Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB 1. Pull the new image, M. 2. Start new container, B with new image, M. 3. Export MySQL on A. 4. Stop A. 5. Import into B. 6. Run mysql_upgrade inside B. 7. OK? Remove A. 8. Fallback? Stop B, start A. # 1 $ docker pull mysql:5.7.18 # 2 $ docker run -d --name=mysql-new -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword -v local-datadir:/var/lib/mysql mysql:5.7.18 # 3 $ docker exec -it mysql-old mysqldump -uroot -p > dump.sql # 4 $ docker kill --signal=TERM mysql-old # 5 $ docker exec -it mysql-new mysql -uroot -p < dump.sql # 6 $ docker exec -it mysql-new mysql_upgrade -uroot -p # 7 $ docker rm -f mysqld-old # 8 $ docker stop mysqld-new $ docker start mysqld-old
  • 54. MySQL Container - In-Place Upgrade Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB # 1 $ docker pull mysql:5.7.18 # 2 $ docker exec -it mysql-old mysql -uroot -p -e 'SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown = 0' # 3 $ docker kill --signal=TERM mysqld-old # 4 $ docker run -d --name mysql-new --publish 3307:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword -v local-datadir:/var/lib/mysql mysql:5.7.18 # 5 $ docker exec -it mysql-new mysql_upgrade -uroot -p # 6 $ docker rm -f mysqld-old # 7 $ docker stop mysqld-new $ docker start mysqld-old 1. Pull the new image, M. 2. Set innodb_fast_shutdown=0 inside container. 3. Stop the container, A. 4. Start a new container, B with new image, M. 5. Run mysql_upgrade inside B. 6. OK? Remove A. 7. Fallback? Stop B, start A.
  • 55. Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB What's Next?
  • 56. Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB ● Visit our booth for a free T-shirt and other goodies. While stock lasts! ● Follow our MySQL on Docker blog series at ● Attend the MySQL on Docker webinar, Wednesday Sept 27th, 2017: ○ 09:00 BST / 10:00 CEST ○ 09:00 PST (US) / 12:00 EST (US) ● Check out ClusterControl Docker image. What's Next
  • 57. Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Copyright 2017 Severalnines AB Q & A