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Title: My Friend Andy
Author: Carlos Torres
Year: 2014
Genre: Romance - Spiritualism - Inspiration
Pages: 281 pages
Diagram: Microsoft World
Size: 16 x 23 cm.
Font: Times New Roman – Size: 12
Status Book: Registered in the National Library.
Country: Brazil
Target group: Men and women looking an overcoming, inspirational, and redemption.
Summary: Andy, an old boxing fighter, ends up losing everything he won as fighter and when
he gets old he sees himself inside misery, guilty and the deepest solitude ever. When
everythings seems to be lost, he meets Budd, a boy in his eight years old who becomes his best
friend and shows him the real meaning of life.
Sinopse: Andy Aaron Ray is a former boxer of 74 years old. A man who became very rich
when young, however he ended uo losing everything he fought due to greed, pride and
selfishness. In 1964, after been hospitalized and get in come during two months he is stolen for
his own businessperson and is made to leave rings and the proud of Las Vegas to live alone on
the streets for decades until been met by a young couple of rich doctors and been invited to live
in an old barn behind their mansion where they lived around Canton, close to Jackson city,
capital of Mississipi state, U.S.A southeast.
Due to the hard blows life hit him, plus the hard blows from the incredible fights in the 70’, old
Andy ended up getting many side effects physical and emotional ones. Now, old, sick and living
in deep solitude, without any improvement , he sees himself abandoned by life, without
relatives, nor siblings, no friends and given to the deepest sadness of soul. Although, in the
begining of 2014 he knew Budd, a boy of only eight years old who every Friday after school
stopped in front of Klein’s house to talk and learn sbout the secrets of life and listen to the
exciting Andy’s histories about the golden age of the American boxing. When he was a young
athlete, Andy was called the "Two A" or “Two Arms”. Who nick named him was Allie, his
couch and older brother, because of the power of his crossed blows which easily knockout his
opponents, either with his right or left arm.
After so much time passed and feeling an old man sick and forgotten by the world, suddenly he
is recognized again by someone, an ordinary boy who shows up in his life and becomes his only
However, the boy realizes the deep depression which Andy comes facing and tries at all cost to
help him finding a meaning for his life, unfortunately his proud is too powerful that he cannot
getaway that situation.
In a raining April afternoon, inside the barn, during a brief conversation, Andy decides to reveal
his deepest secrets to the boy, however, a dramatic talk over makes everything go wrong.
Without thinking, Andy scream is angry and say to the boy never cross his way, saying that no
person on Earth would be able to help an old lonely man close to death like him.
Budd gets scared with that violence and the screams and decides never to return. Andy regrets
and takes a decision, he gets his old backpack and goes toward his only friend. But what would
have happened to Budd?
The search for forgiveness ends up making Andy Aaron Ray’s life into a shocking history of
redemption and spiritual learning, without ever think about it, his life takes him to meet the real
meaning of life.
The magic of the word is love.
I dedicate this book to my friend and mentor, Adhemar Ramos.
Eternal gratitude.
Canton – Mississippi 2014-------------------------------------------------------------------------1
Two days later----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
Andy & Budd------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
The beginning of a friendship---------------------------------------------------------------------4
The second meeting---------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
O`Neal bridge- 1950---------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
The third meeting -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Wayne – the boatman-------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Lord Cockrane----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
Two weeks later ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
1958 – The rising-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
The Golden title belt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
The hidden devils-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
Banjos Music Bar-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------14
Crazy Eddie -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15
Andy & Eleonora -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
Gordon Black ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17
The revenge-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
The Drama ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19
Arguing with Budd --------------------------------------------------------------------------------20
The regreting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
The carriage-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22
Coffee grounds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23
The journey------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24
Memphis - Tennessee------------------------------------------------------------------------------25
Saturday morning----------------------------------------------------------------------------------26
The mansion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28
The pier----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29
The destiny-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30
Lord’s messages -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------31
1st Chapter
Canton – Mississippi
February 2014
An annoying noise of rusty tap and a refreshing smell of wet grass begin to
be felt outside the house, calling the attention of Dr. William Kline, better known
as Dr. Kline, a promising young surgeon only in his thirty-two years age and his
wife Suzanne Klein, an obstetrician and a little older, thirty-five years old.
A couple extremely focused on their careers
William Kline's dream was always to build a hospital in the city of Canton
where he decided to live with his beloved wife since they were married in
September 2009.
As practically the entire family of Suzanne resided nearby Canton and have
always been linked to medicine, the couple decided to buy an old mansion on the
outskirts of the city and with much effort reformed the old mansion built in the
year 1845 by a very wealthy man and owner of the largest farms of maize in the
The effort of the couple Klein was not in vain, they transformed that awful
and abandoned place in a place of extreme beauty. The house became a mansion
and the garden was so beautiful and well maintained that looked like a small
paradise. Everyone who walked in front of the garden admired such beauty,
especially the children who took their parents to spend weekends in front of the
beautiful house of the Kleins to see the garden full of birds, colorful flowers, a
small lake of clean water and a lawn full of bushes carved in the shape of animals
that the gardener loved to do using his old steel scissors.
However, the proudest thing for Dr. William Klein were his black
thoroughbred horses, purchased at an auction in North Carolina when he traveled
in the company of his father-in-law, also a doctor, to know the State hospitals.
The mansion was undoubtedly the most beautiful grounds in the region. All
the city said it was a miracle the Kleins have managed to turn that place abandoned
and overgrown in a warm and wonderful place.
The entire mansion had more than ten thousand square meters of land. A
wonderful place, but there was a mystical air through that place, especially in the
garden where occasionally you could feel a strange and delightful aroma of
jasmine floating in the air.
William and Suzanne did not know whence came that infectious aroma of
jasmine, but the entire neighborhood within a radius of almost five hundred meters
felt the peculiar sweetish aroma.
But how is it possible that if there was no Jasmine tree planted in the
garden? – Might it be the work of that old man who lived in the barn at the rear of
the mansion there is seventy meters away from the mansion? - Certainly yes,
because he was exactly who built this wonderful garden shortly after the reform of
the house completed in mid-2010.
It was a sunny morning of a Wednesday, and the noise of rusty tap insisted
and kept bothering Dr. Suzanne and William Klein’s breakfast.
Klein takes the last sip of milk from his mug, put it on the table and
-Honey. What's that noise anyway?
William gets up and goes to the window to see what was happening outside
in the garden.
-And then? What's happening baby? Where is it coming all that noise?
-I do not know. I cannot see anything here. - I think I'm going out there to
see. Keep taking your breakfast, because we have to rush to the hospital within a
few minutes. Thank God today, our shifts are scheduled for the same time. It
means that we can come back together in the evening and have dinner here at home. -
What do you think we eat veal steak with white sauce, with red wine and emmental
cheese? We deserve it. Don’t you think so?
Suzanne grins of satisfaction, demonstrating immense happiness by being
married to the person who she felt to be the man of her life.
-Yes, dear. I would love to have a romantic dinner tonight.
-Then it's settled. Today we are having dinner together.
-Great. I'll ask our maid Madeleine to go to the market to buy white meat and
give to our St. Charles for him to prepare the delicious veal steak you suggested.
-You do that dear. It will be wonderful.
-I'm already salivating just because of thinking. - Honey, you know how I love
Parisian food, even more if accompanied by a good cheese and a good red wine.
-Of course I know dear.
-Ahh! I'll ask Madeleine also to buy Italian bread and a bottle of Sardella for
remembering the honeymoon we spent in Rome. Remember?
- How could I forget?
-What do you think?
-Perfect, Dear. It will be an
unforgettable evening, just as happened in
our honeymoon. Or better, right?
Suzanne smiled quietly to see St.
Charles, the cook, approaching. She wipes
her lips and gently closes her eyes as if
From the outside, the sound of creaking iron seemed to increase more and more.
William gives a passionate kiss on his lover, wearing white medical lab apron and
going to the barn in the back of the mansion.
Near the old barn he does not believe in what he sees, there was the old gardener
all wet on his knees trying to fix the spinner water that watered some sunflower
seedlings that he had just planted.
Dr. Klein realizes the desperation gardener trying to fix the spinner and cannot
understand what the hell he was doing. Outraged, he goes to turn off the tap and the
water kept gushing and make the spinner spin full speed.
He calmly walks over and stands behind the old gardener who was dressed in a
denim overalls:
-What is going on here anyway?
The gardener turns back and grins all wet dull:
-Dr. Klein? I was just trying to fix that damn spinner. I cannot stand that noise of
creaking iron. I think it's time to buy a new spinner, because this one is too old. I think
it's so old that it should be here since the mansion was built.
Klein cannot hold and smile to see the old gardener totally wet and with a few
white hairs bristling up.
The old man always wore the same clothes, overalls and jeans he was always
seen all the time shirtless, because he said that the best thing in the world was feeling
the heat of the sun beating down on his bare backs.
Intrigued, William asks:
-Andy, My dear. You are a very strange guy. Tell me something, why don’t you
turn off the tap to fix that damn spinner?
The old Andy, in his 74 years old, shakes his head and does not respond.
Sometimes he had daydreams and seemed to get off the real world for a while.
Andy actually suffering from a syndrome known as *dementia of boxers. So,
from time to time, he lost the discernment and suddenly started doing nonsense things,
such as what he was doing: trying to get a spinner water while connected.
Actually Dr. Klein was already suspecting
mental health problems caused by hard knocks that
Andy received when he was young, was turning into
something serious. Perhaps a more advanced
schizophrenia or even the dreaded Alzheimer's disease.
By symptoms that Andy had shown, Klein was
almost sure that he was witnessing the beginning of a
serious illness. He even suggested numerous times for
Andy to do some tests in the central hospital of the city
of Canton, but Andy, proud and rough as ever, replied
that he needed not do a damn exams much less take
medicines because his health was good like a lion and
his conscience was perfect - pure and clear as the
crystal clear water that sprang from the Tennessee river, where he used to swim as a
child near the city of Florence, under the O`Neal famous steel bridge, built in 1939.
Andy responds, however, demonstrates his pride authority:
-Dr. Klein see, I really like you and lady Suzanne, and I'm very grateful for what
you have done for me. If you had not pulled me off the streets, and gave me this job as a
gardener and this old barn to live when I found thrown on the sidewalk next to the
church from the city center, surely I'd be dead. But I'm sorry - it does not give you the
right to come here and say how I should do my job.
Klein smiles to see the proud posture and his immature at the same time Andy
and feel it is not time to start a discussion, because although sometimes seem a little
muddled, Andy was a good hearted man.
Moreover, Klein knew that even though he was old enough to be his father, if by
chance Andy was really angry, he was sure he would lose a fight man to man because
the old man was very strong and had an enviable physical structure for his age .
Suzanne shows up anxious in the mansion window and showing a hurry:
-Darling. Come on, it's late. I cannot be late at the hospital. I just received a
message from the emergency room saying that a girl has just arrived with contractions
and is about to give birth.
-It's okay. I'm coming baby! I'm coming!
-Andy. I did not come to the barn to bother you. Go back to doing what you
were doing. But see if this drug arranges rotary sprinkler, as agreed with that noise of
creaking iron beneath the bedroom window is not pleasant. You know how Suzanne is a
perfectionist and boring with these things, don’t you?
Yes sir. I'll fix it. Leave it to me. Tell Mrs. Suzanne not to worry. - Goodbye and
have a good day at work, doctor.
-Goodbye Andy. - Do you need anything else?
-Actually I do.
-Then tell because I am in a hurry.
-Doctor, I've been feeling really bad lately. I'm feeling tired and sometimes feel
a little fever and shortness of breath. What do you think that is?
-I do not know. I would need to examine you more calmly. Tomorrow I promise
to come back here and examine it to get an accurate diagnosis.
-It's okay. I wait for it.
-Andy, I already told you need to do some tests, but you are a stubborn guy and
not accepted. You never made any examination. You must come with me to the hospital
for a complete check-up.
-No way doctor. I did not walk into that hospital at all. You know very well that
I'm terrified of hospitals. I have had horrible experiences in Las Vegas and I prefer that
you examine me right here if you do not mind.
-Done. Since you insist. We'll do it tomorrow.
-Thank you. Goodbye doctor. Have a good day's work.
-Thank you. Goodbye Andy. Take care of yourself.
Klein walks toward Suzanne waited impatiently beside the car and Andy is still
looking at them with a sad countenance, like an abandoned child.
Suzanne looks at her husband and asks:
-What did he want?
-I do not know. He seems a little lost, don’t you think?
-I guess. He’s been very strange lately.
-You're right. Do you believe that Andy raised his voice to me just now? He was
always a quiet and respectful person. I'm finding that the process of Alzheimer's is
getting worse.
-Yeah. Remember that I told you about this the other day in breakfast?
-I remember. My God! So sad!
Suddenly Andy, still sitting on the wet grass and holding a wrench in his right
hand, screams interrupting their conversation:
-Hey! Cute couple. Want to know something?
Both Suzanne and Willian looks back curiously.
-Go ahead, Andy! - Suzanne responds.
-I love you. I owe my life to you both. You deserve all that life can afford. You
were the only people in the last forty years that helped an old lonely and abandoned like
-Thank you Andy! - Suzanne replied with an air of indifference.
-He continues:
-You guys are enlightened people. So I say fearless in my heart, I love you.
Suzanne never expected to hear those words coming from the mouth of that rude
and non-assignable man in the morning. But his words were true and touching, so true
that they were able to thrill Suzanne that she could not stand and hugged her husband
trying to hide the tears which started streaming down her face.
Suzanne was thrilled deep inside due to not the gratitude that Andy was
showing, but his words made her think, even for a brief moment about her own life.
What he had said as a simple gardener deserve all that life could offer was like an arrow
hitting her heart, because her biggest dream was to have two children by her beloved
husband William Klein.
However, she knew that dream was almost impossible to come tonight because
he was fully aware of her sterility and could never give a child for her husband.
But it was a secret she kept under lock and key because she never had the
courage to tell it to William.
However, it was only a matter of time, because one day Suzanne would have to
tell the truth, but certainly this was not the ideal time for her to do that.
With joy and satisfaction, Suzanne enters intrigued by the ease with which Andy
had uttered such words. She says:
-Darling. Andy is really strange. I wonder what is happening to him. I never
heard him talking that way. Is he depressed? Distressed? Sad?
-Yeah right, yes, dear. As far as I know, he was always a very lonely man.
-Yeah. The other day he told me he did not have any family. He said they all
died and he ended up abandoned in the world. He said he has no siblings, cousins,
uncles and even friends. Nothing, just anyone. He said he only has us.
-That is very sad! What else do you know about him?
-Few things. I also know that he was a great boxer during the sixties.
-He said that to you?
-I do not believe that is true. Do you believe?
-I think so.
-Honey, you better speed up because we are too late. - Suzanne says
demonstrating authority and irritation.
-Calm down dear. We are gonna arrive on time, do not worry.
-Willian Damn! It's all your fault. You always do this. It is there in the barn
giving attention to that crazy old and every morning we leave late for work.
-Why so much irritation Suzanne? - Calm! I'll cut through the highway. Do not
-You do that.
William enters the left:
-Why are you so mean to him, dear?
-That isn’t peeve of mine. It is that we have so many important things to worry
about and you're wasting time on the old. That's it. We have to think of our lives - in
realizing our dreams - to build a family. These things all couples often do. You see?
Klein does not respond. Remains silent and tries to disguise keeping the focus on
the road.
Suzanne is not satisfied and asks another question:
-What else did he say to you?
-Who? Andy?
-Sure. It's not him we're talking about?
-Actually he did not say much. He said he does not like to remember things of
the past, he did much wrong, and when he remembers the mistakes, he has got the
feeling of being missing again, as if repeating the same mistakes again.
-What has he done so wrong in the past?
-No idea... He said people should not brood
and reminiscing the past, it is something that has
passed and will never exist. Something that should
be forgotten and wiped away from the mind.
-When he said these things to you?
-When rescued from the streets and brought him to live in the barn to work as
our gardener. - When I met him he was carrying an old leather backpack and a woolen
blanket rolled up under his arm. - When we got to the barn and showed where he would
live from that day, he smiled, thanked me and asked if he could preach one thing and
another in the ceiling on the wall.
-What Things?
-Two Things I never imagined that an old man like him would carry for so long
with him.
-What was it?
-A golden title shot boxing champion with a wide ribbon, striped with the colors
of the American flag: red, white and blue.
In the middle of a golden medal embossed scripture that said, "World
Heavyweight Champion".
-Was there his name written on the title belt?
-No. There was only written the year of the championship, 1962 There were also
five gold stars in high relief and the name of the city where the fight happened - Las
-Very strange that! He certainly must have stolen this title belt of any store, for
any boxing champion would live on the streets as a ragged beggar.
-I'm sorry. But I believe it Suzanne. Andy never steal from someone. I'm sure.
-You know what your problem is, Willian?
-You're too good for people. One day, that kindness will bring you many
problems. You believe in people, you know? Sometimes I think you are very innocent. -
Need to be careful, because when you least expect that old will also steal you.
-How come you have a negative mind, Suzanne!
-Sorry, but I do not trust him. Actually I do not trust anyone.
-You should have a little more compassion in your heart!
-Could be. But I am this way.
-I think we better stop here Suzanne. I do not want to start arguing with you
while driving.
-We're discussing, dear. Why are you worried? Tell me what more he kept inside
the backpack beyond the title belt of boxing?
-He had a scout red leather, those fighters hang from the ceiling to train. You
know that?
-Yes I know. That thing that looks like a pear?
-How strange! He must be fanatical about boxing. Must be why he carries such
-I'm telling you, he was a famous boxer in the sixties.
-Dear, this is bullshit. If he did not steal those things someone should have given
to him.
-You're too bad, dear. What is happening to you? You have a heavy heart
because of something? It seems that you hate the world.
Suzanne lowers her head sorry for what she had just said and try to disguise:
-Darling: - I never went into the barn after you brought Andy to live with us.
Actually I feel very sorry for that poor man, but you know. I ...
William gets annoyed with the judgmental words of Suzanne and raises his
-Honey. Want to know what I think? - I think you do not feel sorry for Andy. I
think you are afraid of him. - One thing is different from another.
-Not quite that, dear. Not fear I feel. - Suzanne scratches her head feeling guilty
and confused.
-No need to be dull. I know what you feel for him.
-You feel contempt. This is prejudice because he is an old poor man and
miserable. That's what you feel. - Andy is a lonely old man who lived on the streets
almost a lifetime. This is the reason for your prejudice.
-That's not true!
-Yes, it is true. You'll never stop and go to the barn to talk to him. You are never
interested in knowing that poor man’s life history. - You know dear: sometimes people
just need to talk a little, that's all. - Just because he is a miserable man and lives alone in
the world, does not make it a dangerous person, malicious or have some sort of
contagious disease. Andy is only one person, a suffered old man that needs some
attention, that's all.
-Sorry dear, I did not want to make a discussion.
-I do not either. But you need to hear.
Suzanne redeems herself and listen:
-As physicians, we have an obligation to recognize the human side of the people
and do not think only of the money that people have and what they wear. - Honey, one
thing I learned from my father when I was a teenager and it is still alive. My father was
a poor man and never had the opportunity to study to be someone in life, because he had
to work his entire life as a farmer in cornfields and my mother was always sewing. But
he said one thing one day and I've never forgotten.
-What did he say?
He said that people believe in what they have, but they are not what they have.
What gives a person the real value is the character that they carry within themselves and
not what they have.
Suzanne does not respond and quickly tries to change the subject because she
has always been an extremely ambitious and materialistic woman.
William realizes that silence immediately blew inside the car. He looks from the
corner of his eyes and try to have any response Suzanne.
She realizes the provocation and tries to answer:
-You're right Willian. I do not want to think that way about Andy. Sorry dear. I
swear I wanted to treat him more naturally like I treat other employees from home, but
-I know dear. No need to explain. I get it. I know you've been treated like a
princess by your parents and always had everything you wanted. You've always had a
lot of money and never passed financial difficulties in life. - For this reason I think you
could never understand the suffering of a man like Andy. You may never understand the
pain and loneliness that corrodes the soul of an old man like him, a man who was
forsaken by the world and have no one to share his life poor and mediocre, not even a
single child he has to be on his side in recent years that is remaining of his life.
-Deep touched, Suzanne feels a lump in her throat due to hearing William
talking about the theme: Children. But she would rather to keep quiet and say nothing
more. Just turns her face to the side and follows the journey looking at the immense
cornfields through the car window.
2nd Chapter
Two days later
Instead of asking why you suffer,
try to find out what is being healed within you.
As agreed, the next day Andy waited for Dr. Klein all day lying on bed, because
he was not feeling very well.
But Klein did not show up to examine him the next day because there was a
serious accident on the highway and many wounded were rushed to the emergency
room in the morning. Because of the accident caused, Dr. Klein had to stretch the duty
until the evening of that day to attend the surgeries and more than ten injured.
Two of them unfortunately did not support the trauma and succumbed to death,
others were in serious condition in intensive center, but did not suffer life-threatening.
Since he was a child, Klein always wanted to be a surgeon, but also the
difficulties of life led him to learn about cancer and the causes that led people to
develop sick and degenerative cells - perhaps to try to understand the early death of her
mother at forty-two years of age because of a malignant skin cancer.
Andy waited all day for the return of William Klein, because he was feeling a lot
of pain in the chest, fever and mental disordered, something he had never felt before,
not even when he was hospitalized in a coma for four months at the central hospital in
Las Vegas after a fight against one of the most experienced of his time - Carlos
Sanchez, a Mexican middleweight also known as El Matador.
*Dementia pugilistica: Boxing is an ancient sport, in which head injury is common and inherent to it.
Therefore it has acute effects on the central nervous system, such as bleeding, carotid dissection or thrombosis
(Payne, 1968) and chronic such as dementia pugilistica (Millspaugh, 1937). The latter can also be called progressive
chronic boxer's encephalopathy (Critchley, 1957) or punch drunk syndrome (Martland, 1928) and represents
neurological result in long-term cumulative effects of repeated head trauma (Martland, 1928; Roberts, 1969;
Critchley 1957; Mendez 1995).
Table 01: Traumatic encephalopathy in boxing
Phase Body Cognitive Psychiatric
Begin Approximately
75% Dysarthria
Trembling little
especially non-
dominant hand.
Lowered attention
to complex
Mental instability,
Irritability, distrust
and Agression.
Intermediate Approximately
17% of Parkinson
Syndrom worsens
from Dysarthia,
tremors and
Mental speed
lowered. Light
lacks of memory,
attention and hand
spontaneity, too
much distrust,
Advanced Approximately 3%
pyramidal signs
Parkinson Syndrom
tremors and
Dysarthria and
Ataxia important
Lorewered speed in
talking and thinking
Amnesia. Lack of
Childish, decreased
Insight, Paranoia,
Violence, Possible
Adapted from: Mendez, M.F Neuropsychiatric aspects of boxing Int J psychiatry
in Medicine 25(3) 249(69) 1995
However, in the morning of the next day, his distress would end. Lying in his
bed, listening to Andy's old barn door move:
-Morning. Excuse me Andy. Are you there?
It was Dr. William Klein.
-Yes Dr. Klein. Come in.
Klein is startled to see Andy’s face.
-What is happening to you, Andy? You are very depressed.
-I do not know doctor. Just know that this morning I had a very strange
nightmare and I spent the night with breathing difficulties and a severe chest pain.
-What did you dream? You remember, Andy?
-There were People here walking around the barn. They pounded on the door
wanting to come in and said they wanted to talk to me, but I did not dare to get up and
see who it was. I'm too scared doctor. I do not know if it was a dream or reality. Nobody
came in here. - I take good care of the house when you're not around. You that ?
-Yes I know, Andy. Do not worry about it. It was just a nightmare. Let me take
your temperature and your blood pressure.
-Please, doctor. I'm scared of such a nightmare.
-You have to worry about your health and not about your nightmares.
Nightmares are just strange dreams that the mind makes up when we are tired and
Klein wanted to take the opportunity to tell Andy about the imminent diagnosis
of Alzheimer's disease that could be settling. But he felt that this was not the proper
time to say.
-Well Andy. Your temperature is a little above normal.
-Above normal?
-Yes, but there is no need to be worried, it is 37.5º of fever. Your pressure is a
little high, but it is certainly because of nervousness. It is also not to worry. However, I
would like to take you to the hospital tomorrow morning to do a full check-up and take
some questions.
What Dr. William really wanted to do was a tomography scan and a magnetic
resonance imaging on his skull to eliminate any chance of Alzheimer's or maybe some
brain tumor.
Andy immediately responds being sure:
-No way doctor. I am not going into the hospital. I accept any medicines that you
prescribe me, but entering at the hospital I do not go.
-Oh! My God! You are a stubborn same old. Well, in this case I do not have
much to do. I go to my house to get one medicine to lower your fever and also
something for you to eat. Apparently you have not eaten anything since yesterday, is not
-Yeah, I did nothing to eat today. See how much I have left to wash dishes.
Sorry, but I could not get out of bed. It is not laziness, doctor. I'm a strong guy, you
know me too well. The problem is that I really had very bad night. - Excuse me Allie.
William is scared to hear Andy calling him Allie.
-Allie? You said Allie? Who is Allie? And why are you apologizing and giving
many explanations for me? No need to do that.
Andy seemed to be going through another crisis of forgetting and being whipped
by daydreams and memories of childhood.
-Excuse me doctor. I’ve been a little confused lately.
-All right Andy. Do not worry. I understand. Let me examine your eyes, excuse
Klein approaches and their miniature flashlight illuminates the pupil of Andy
trying to figure out some kind of brain tumor through the back of his eye that older
doctors used to do. He examines, so far he does not see anything strange.
-Andy. I want you to look at me now.
-I'm looking doctor.
-Who am I?
-You're Dr. Willian.
-So, why you called me Allie?
-I do not know doctor. Suddenly you seemed to be my brother, Allie.
-Your brother? You never said you had a brother.
-Yeah, But I had a brother. He was my best friend and also my coach. But he
was three years older than me.
-And you know where he is now?
-He is dead. He died in 1964 when I was 24 years old. After he was gone, my
career as a fighter suffered a meltdown because there was no one to support me.
-You were scared of him? So was apologizing and giving many explanations?
-Yeah. He was very disciplined and brooked no disobedience. His orders were to
be done. He was a very hard man, but he did not do it because he was bad, he was
disciplined, especially when it came to practice, cleaning and feeding.
-Where did you live when you were young?
-We lived at a gym in Memphis and then we lived in a rented house in the back
of a quarter. I had to keep everything clean, because he said that a simple bacteria or
food poisoning could end once and for all with my career as a boxer. He was right, I
never doubted him. But unfortunately he was gone and it got really bad in my life from
Andy suddenly begins to get nervous for no apparent reason. William realizes
and tries to calm him down:
-Calm down Andy! No need to be nervous. Just a brief reminder of the past. I
understand that you are going through a difficult time in your life and you must be
missing a lot of your brother, Allie, isn’t it?
-It's true. I just had him in life. He was my driving force, the person who made
me get up every day and fight. Whenever I was discouraged and lost a fight, he sat
beside me on the edge of the ring and said softly only for me to hear:
"Ray, when everything seems to be lost, it is time to lift your head and look
forward, because there is always a way out. Always. "
-Your brother should be a quite a man, Andy.
-You're right, he was. Allie was actually my father, my brother, my friend. All at
Klein goes to the barn door and light a single bulb that illuminated the place.
There were no divisions separating the bedroom, the kitchen and the pantry, like a
normal house. It was all together, a simple bed with a yellow lamp illuminating the
room, an old leather chair, one two-burner stove where prepared his food and a small
closet where he kept some clothes and shoes. Just that. The rest of the barn was full of
harness horses, horseshoes and a small emery where Andy used to sharpen the knives
and scissors for gardening.
-Andy. Pretty soon I'll be leaving you with some medication and then I’ll be
going back to the hospital. Okay?
-All right doctor.
-You're going to be okay?
-Yes sir. I'm already feeling better just from you to come here to talk a bit to me.
It was clear that Andy was suffering from depression, loneliness and melancholy
by spending many years living alone on the streets of the states of Mississippi,
Tenneessee, Nevada and Alabama.
Associated with all this, he should be with some organic problem in progress,
but unfortunately any diagnosis would be possible only if he accepted to go to the
hospital for tests. And that of course was not in his plans.
William says:
-I'm glad you're feeling better Andy.
-When you will return here again, Doctor?
-This evening, so I will go back to the hospital, I come here to see you again.
-Good! I do not know what would I do without you and Mrs. Suzanne.
William holds Andy’s hands firmly:
-Andy, I know you hate being alone, but I need to tell you something.
-What? - He answers his eyes widening.
-I and Suzanne have a very important conference to attend in London in the
coming days and we will be ten days off.
-London? Why so far?
-Yeah the annual meeting of the Inter American surgeons. Suzanne goes along
with me because she likes the subject and also because we want to walk a little in
Britain. She has a dream of visiting the ruins of Stonehenge in the English countryside.
Andy lowers his head, sits on the edge of the bed and then loosk deep into his
eyes and smiling responds:
-Yeah that's exactly what you need to do. You are young and need to enjoy life.
Do not worry about that cranky old here. I'll be fine, do not worry.
-Good, Andy you understand my situation.
Of course I understand. You are young and should enjoy. I will not be alone as
well - I have the birds, the flowers, the trees and the whole house to look after. I wish a
good journey to you both.
-Only if being possible, I would like you to do me a favor, doctor.
-Which one? Just let me know.
-Ask your wife to come here to say goodbye to me before you leave to travel. I
really love your wife. I cannot say what this feeling is, but I feel a different love for her.
-What do you mean, Andy?
-Do not worry doctor. It is not love from a man to a woman.
-I know that. - Klein smiles. - Must be such unconditional love. The
unconditional love that many churches say, is it?
-Yes, this must be love what you're saying. My wife used to say much about this
love when we were young.
-You said wife? Have you ever been married, Andy?
Andy suddenly begins to get changed and his forehead starts to sweat.
He gets up from the bed and distinctly nervous going to the direction of grinding
looking for something to sharpen.
With his back to Klein he grabs a pair of scissors to cut the grass and begins to
-I do not want to talk about that doctor. I think you better get out of here right
-What was, Andy? I said something wrong?
Let me here alone in this fucking barn, please, Doctor.
-But… Andy?
Andy suddenly changes countenance, raises the scissors gardener and says
without hesitation:
-Go Now! Leave me alone, please. Go. Before I make a bullshit.
Suddenly this man who seemed to be loving and kind, begins to show a violent
and misunderstood person.
-All right Andy. Calm down. I did not want to touch the subject of your wife.
Andy takes a deep breath and suddenly start throwing all he sees ahead, as if he
were mad.
Startled, Klein pulls away and stands by the door to the barn, but will not go
away because it realizes that this demonstration of violence was only one way that
Andy had to free his guilt and anguish.
Minutes later, after having lost his sense, Andy calms down, sits on the bed and
starts to cry like a child.
Klein comes closer, but prefers not to get too close for fear of starting another psychotic
Andy seems to calm down. Breathe a few times and then immediately says
feeling too breathless:
-You know doctor I suffer a lot. This is true. I am a very lonely person and I do
not have to talk. I'm an old wanderer, walking the world looking for something to fill
that empty drug that insists on being part of my life. An emptiness that hurts and it hurts
too much. I just wanted to know why I suffer so much in this fucking life? Why? Why?
With the scissors still in hand, Andy looks at Klein and says:
-I'm feeling very strange doctor. You'd better get out of here right now.
-All right! Alright! I'm already going. - But before I go I want you to know one
thing ... Andy
-Instead of asking why you suffer, try to find out what is being healed within
you. - My friend, the whole process of suffering in the background is a healing process.
The problem is that people are afraid to find out what makes them suffer. If people did
the right questions, they would heal their deepest sorrows. Andy try to ask the right
question and the right answer will come in your mind. The secret of life is the questions
and not the answers, my dear.
Andy lowers his head thinking about what Klein had said and responds with his
typical and usual aloof and proud tone:
-Yeah easy for you to say doctor. You are handsome, rich, recognized and loved
by everyone, young and full of friends, you have a beautiful wife waiting for you every
day for dinner and love. I wanted to see you saying that if you were here in my place
inside this filthy barn, smelly, alone and abandoned by God. I ask for your help as a
doctor and not as a counselor. So I repeat, doctor. I think you better go now.
-Sorry Andy, I did not mean to offend you. I think I'd better leave you. Have a
nice day.
-Goodbye. Thank you for worrying about me, but I'm strong enough to endure
the trials of life. Do not worry.
If you want so, all right Andy. - Klein responds and turns his back.
-Doctor! - Andy calls before closing the barn door.
-See you tonight? Before leaving to London?
-I hope so. If I do not have a surprise in the hospital, certainly yes. Now I must
go, I'm late. Goodbye Andy.
Mental disorders and dementia boxer Andy sometimes left unchecked,
especially when some insights of the past breaks in minds, as happened at the time
when he remembered his beautiful wife Eleonora Victorine.
He seemed to be a tough man, at least that was what he wanted to show to
people. However, minutes after the event he regretted having spoken that rude and
reckless manner to Dr. Klein.
In desperation, he sits in the old leather chair and starts crying. Then holding the
scissors with anger and throws it with all his strength against the wooden wall of the
barn, digging it between the cracks.
Take a deep breath and whispers to himself:
"I hope that doctor does not tell Lady Suzanne what happened here. If he
tells, she will be more afraid of me than he already is. I know she does not like me
very much. What the hell! How could I screw up again. It's always the same thing.
It seems that something inside me take care of my body and my mind when I start
to remember things of the past. What is it anyway? What the hell! I cannot stand
to live like this anymore! Damn life. "
3rd Chapter
Andy & Budd
The day started like any other day, the sun rose and the night soon took over the
city of Canton. Andy was waiting for the doctor to return late in the evening, DR. Klein
did not return though.
Andy was not feeling well. He started feeling ill again and did not know who to
ask for help, because then all the employees had gone home. The only thing he could do
was lie on bed, trying to calm down and wait for the doctor to come back to prescribe
some stronger medication order to solve that damn chest pain.
By nine o'clock in the evening, he decided to get up and prepare a toasted bread
with butter in skillet and a strong coffee to relieve and get ok from the tiredness that he
had felt. Lying on bed, he turned on the small black and white portable TV from the
seventies that Klein had given him as a gift. He decided to watch the final game of the
NBA to support for his favorite team, Los Angeles Lakers.
However, caffeine seems to have done the opposite effect, rather than keep him
awake, Andy got into bed and fell asleep in the first minutes of the game. At least it was
a chance to rest a little after two long sleepless nights.
That Thursday was definitely not easy for Andy, much less to Dr. Klein. In
addition to the casualties who needed constant care in the intensive care unit that day
two more complex cases in the emergency department emerged a fifty-two-year-old
man came home drunk after being stabbed at dinner to have flirted a married woman -
and the other person was a young woman of twenty-two years of age who came to the
emergency room with a severe bleeding after suffering a spontaneous miscarriage.
Unfortunately the girl could not stand the bleeding and the patient died in the operating
Because of these setbacks, Suzanne Klein and William Klein only made it back
home around two o'clock in the morning. Suzanne arrived home exhausted physically
and mentally, because that afternoon she had faced one of the most difficult situations
of her life as an obstetrician. It was she who had to remove the fetus from the uterus of
the patient in the operating room.
And then, what to do? That was the trial of whom chose medicine as a
However, it was certain that before long the couple overcome the painful
memories of that day, because every day such things happen.
Klein used to say to all his team members were the real doctors, especially
surgeons, worked all the time on the threshold of life and death, so they had to get used
to that kind of thing.
But was it that simple? William Klein said he did not put emotion in his work
and always remained austere on the item death. Really?
Klein sighs deeply when parking the car in the garage of his home around two in
the morning and with a clearly tired voice says to his beloved wife:
-Honey. I know that the day was very difficult and you are very tired. But we
need to wake up at five in the morning to go to the airport. Our flight to London is
scheduled for nine o'clock in the morning. You did not forget our trip, did you?
-Of course not, dear. We are going to England to work, but we are also spending
a good time together, aren´t we?
-Sure we are, honey. Sure.
-My God. It's almost two in the morning, we have to get some sleep, dear. I'm
-That’s sounds nice, darling. But before we take a shower and get some sleep, I
go to the barn to see how Andy is. I promised him to see him before traveling.
-Go there, dear. I'm warming up the shower for you.
-But another thing, dear.
-Andy asked ...
-What did he ask? - Suzanne responds raging as she always did when the name
Andy was placed in the middle of a conversation.
-Honey, he actually begged you to go to the barn to say goodbye to him.
-Who? I? Why does he want me to do this? You sure about that William?
When Suzanne called her husband William, it was a sign that she was really
-Yeah. He told me this morning. He was not feeling very well and I let him take
some painkillers.
-Suzanne deep breath and calms down a bit:
-But why do I have to do this? It's late and I'm exhausted. I want to take a hot
shower and some rest. I worked like you. You know very well how today was a tough
day, don’t you?
-I do know it. But make an effort. Please, dear.
Suzanne gets annoyed again at the urging of Klein and responds sharply:
-Why do I have to do something for him? You treat that old beggar like a child,
William! Why do you treat him that way? He is not our relative, is not our grandfather,
is not our uncle, he is nothing. Why do you insist on letting him live here with us. Well
you could take it to the center of social assistance in the city center and let the
government take care of him. This is the responsibility of the state and not ours. We
already have so many responsibilities and so many problems to worry! Want to know
-What? - Klein responds distressed to hear his wife complaining about
-Actually such as Andy is only bringing problems to our life. And I already have
too many problems in my life!
-What kind of problems he is bringing to our lives? I do not understand.
-I do not know Willian! I don’t know! Just know that his presence here at home
annoys me. That is the truth.
-Suzanne it’s okay. If you do not want to go to the barn say bye to him, no need.
I'm going alone.
-Better this way. Soon we'll be back in London and then you can get that old babysitting
as long as you want. But now I must rest. It will be only ten days away dear. It is an
eternity. Stop being so worried about him.
-I know, but I really like Andy and do not want to leave him alone.
-Yeah William! - Unfortunately what goes around comes around, that is not how
they say? - Suzanne responds ironically and enters the front door of the mansion.
Klein lights the garden lights, walks across the lawn to the barn and realizes that the TV
was on. Pushes the barn door slowly and softly whispers:
-Andy, are you there, buddy?
The light was off and the room lit only by the light of the small TV that sat on an
old wooden box where he used to keep the apples picked in the orchard during the day.
Andy does not respond. He was sleeping.
Klein whispers to himself:
“Yeah I better let the poor Andy rest. I will not bother him. I think I'll leave a
note on the TV with my cell phone number and the phone number of the hotel where we
will stay in central London. Ahh! I will also let the phone of the hospital if he needs to.
With the numbers in hand he can call me anytime he wants.”
Klein takes the pen from the pocket of his lab coat, writing and puts the ticket on
the TV. Then he turns off the television quietly and turns his back to let Andy sleeping
The next morning ...
Six o'clock in the morning. Klein and Suzanne lost time and ended up leaving
late. He did not have time even to talk to his employees of the house and let the
guidelines for the next ten days they would be gone.
The house had two maids, a cleaning lady, one maid and a cook specializing in
French food that Suzanne wanted to hire, because she always loved the Parisian
The house was beautiful, all white, with four columns at the entrance, two floors,
six bedrooms and a large living room well ventilated and illuminated by the rays of the
morning sun. A beautiful fireplace decorated with stones and a kitchen to envy any chef,
with furniture and fixtures of the best material, modern and manufactured especially for
Suzanne, as she always desired, a mixture of hardwoods with rustic style and detail
stainless steel and mirrors.
Even going out late to catch the flight for London, the Kleins eventually arrived
at the airport on time and everything went as expected.
By nine o'clock in the morning, Andy wakes up in a good mood after sleeping
on one of the best nights of his life. But once he opens his eyes he realizes that someone
had been there since the TV was off, and he never turned off the television because he
had a habit of falling asleep with the television on.
Sits on the edge of the bed and sees the note that Klein had left during the night.
Taking a deep breath he decides to read.
Andy smiles and exclaims to himself:
“This guy is awesome! I love this guy. I do not know why I like him so much.
For me, William Klein is an example of man. He resembles my dear brother Allie. -
Ahh! If I had a son like him to be like him. – Willian, The doctor has many things to
worry about, so many patients, so many problems, so many projects, but even so he
came here during the night to see if I was doing well. - Well, thank God I woke up this
morning better and I'm feeling fine. - You know what I do? - I think I'll leave this barn,
grab my tools work and do the garden. That's what I'll do! It's been a week that I do not
care the shrubs. The children leaving school must be complaining that klein’s garden is
abandoned. What a shame! I will start working to have the same garden ever. - I just
need to find my sharp scissors wear my old suit and a rubber boot and spend the day
doing the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Klein. I am going to make this a lush garden, so when
they get to London to realize that I did my best to please them. I cannot have money and
be a rude and ill-mannered guy, but Dr. Klein know I love them so much and will do
everything I can to give back all that they did for me today.
Andy wears his inseparable denim overalls and whispers softly to himself, "My
God, what's happening to me? I am thinking and saying things I never said before,
I'm talking about love, about gratitude. I do not know, I think I'm turning an old
sentimental too. - I'm not sure what it is, because no one ever taught me about
these things. I always learned to be a tough guy and fight valiantly to get what I
wanted. Now I'm here, after all I've been through in life, sitting on a bed of straw
inside an old barn and talking care about these strange things are coming in my
mind all the time. What the hell! How can an old fighter like me, stay saying nice
things and taking care of delicate and fragrant flowers in a garden? Is it something
old or is that my heart is softening after so many years? Well, it does not matter
now. I'll get up and do what needs to be done. I'll make the beautiful and
wonderful garden when Mrs. Suzanne arrives and she will be proud of me and will
smile of satisfaction with the work I did. "
Andy gets out of bed and walks over to the bushes that were near some of the street.
Places the tools on the lawn, unlock the straps of his overalls, takes off his shirt, put an
old navy blue cap that kept since the time of wrestler with the initials "AA"
embroidered on the right side, representing his old nickname "The Two "and starts
That morning of Friday seemed different from other mornings when he was
preparing for what used to be called "natural work of art." Beautiful bushes cut to
animal form done with extreme perfection and detail formats.
Andy was getting ready to start cutting one of the largest bushes into a bear form
that was beside the fence, close to the street - with more than two meters tall.
As the bush was too high, to do the job properly, he would have to go back to
the barn and grab the ladder.
He says to himself:
“Well! I'll have to go back to get the ladder, but before that I will sweep these
dry leaves at the underbrush. I want children to leave school at lunchtime and once
again admire the sculptures in Lady Suzanne’s garden. - While talking alone, Andy
begins to cut the tips of the bushes with huge steel scissors.
Suddenly he hears music coming from somewhere who could not distinguish.
Were they the servants of the house who were taking advantage of the absence
of the Kleins to connect the stereo in the room and listen to music so loud? Certainly not
because they did not like that kind of melody and did not know how to connect the
devices of the room. - It would then be the cook? Certainly not because he spent the
whole day listening to pop music on the phone.
Andy could not understand what was that song that played harmoniously and
progressed through the garden. He did not know, but it was an old composition of
Tchaikovsky who played softly.
The type of music Andy liked was a good Bluegrass in southern Alabama, well
played, with just guitar, a banjo and a good letter about a lost love, as his countrymen
used to sing on Saturday night in the bars of the city of Florence, the city where one day
he met his beloved wife. But what was his biggest secret, something they do not tell
But that was okay - not liking the same music style until Andy was enjoying the
melodies of Tchaikovsky, it brought a bit of peace and harmony that morning.
That's exactly what happened. Without realizing it, Andy has spent more than
two hours working in the garden packed by the beautiful compositions of Tchaikovsky
playing in the background. Maybe it was coming the nearest neighbor, the house of Mr.
Harrison, one very reputable vet in town and lover of fine arts, poetry and the
magnificent paintings of Leonardo da Vinci.
Anyway it was strange, because Mr. Harrison did not usually listen to classical
music so loud to be able to listen to more than one hundred meters away.
Andy looks at his watch and notices that is already 11:30am in the morning. His
watch was old and certainly was broken, because it still marked 8:30am morning.
He says:
“My God! What happened? It's almost lunch time and I'm here working like
crazy without feeling hunger and thirst. - I better get a ladder to trim the ends off this
bear before children begin to leave school. I want to surprise them!”
Andy went to the barn and returned minutes later without the blessed ladder.
Suddenly the music stops playing in the background and more than fifty children
begin to go running and screaming down the street in the front garden of Kleins’s
Seeing this, Andy smiles when confronted with the provision of those boys and
girls who were running towards the cars of their parents, eager to return to their homes
on Friday.
Since Andy came to the house of the Kleins, he always had a habit of standing
near the fence at leaving time from school because he loved to see the kids out euphoric
and stopping in front of the garden to admire its beautiful natural sculptures.
Many children were already accustomed to the presence of Andy over there and
whenever they saw him, they greeted him.
Andy, proud and tough like always, loved the recognition of children, but not
like a snob boy about ten years old that went hand in hand with his mother and always
greeted ironically saying: “ - Morning Grandfather, how are you going?”
Andy hated that kid, because he was still a young fighter, strong and fearless like
always when he was young. He did not admitted being called grandfather. Andy was
fighting all the time against the truth, as if he were fighting against being old.
He could not be a boxer, but he was certainly still a fighter because he kept fighting
against himself, against his pride, his troubles, the mistakes of the past and the terrible
fear of growing old and die without realizing his dream - to rediscover the love of his
life - Eleonora Victorine, a young woman to whom he married in the early sixties when
he became a rich and famous boxer. A time of glamor, fame and wealthy.
However his intimate life has always been a secret, something that was locked
away inside his mind and he did not reveal to anyone. Nobody at all.
But what would have happened to Eleanor? A beautiful woman he fell madly in
love? What would separate the two anyway? Nobody knew anything about the life story
of the two, much less about the whereabouts of Eleonora.
Andy was angry. He wanted to cut the bush in a bear form, but he was eager to know
who had gone to the barn and grabbed his ladder.
Furious, he grabs the rake and begins to piece together the dry leaves that had
fallen from the bushes, in the late afternoon used to put it all together in a big bonfire
and burn.
While working, the kids would race and not see him. Andy suddenly hear a
voice from the other side of the fence, on the street.
-Sir. Excuse me.
Andy turns, looks across the fence and sees a boy stopped.
He had never seen this boy before. He prefers not to pay attention and keep
cutting the bush with his scissors.
The boy insists:
-Sir! Mr.! Excuse me.
Andy looks back and sees the boy standing with his right hand raised as if
making a kind of oath.
-Hey kid. What do you want?
-Why are you nervous? - The boy seriously asks.
-Who are you boy?
-My name is Budd.
-I never saw you here, boy. Are you new at school?
-Yeah. I'm studying there for a few weeks ago and I walk home every Friday. On
other days of the week, my older brother picks me.
-I see. - Andy responds and lowers his head showing that he is not much to talk.
He insists:
-You usually do this forever?
-What? Gather the dry leaves? Yes. I always do it, boy.
-I'm not saying about the leaves. I'm wondering if you are always rude and do
not answer the questions that people make.
Andy let the rake into the bush, raises his head with rough countenance and the
kid answers the question with another question:
-Why do you think I'm nervous, boy?
-Because you're breathing hard and your look is as lost as your thoughts while
using this tool.
-That's a rake, kid. Never saw one of that?
-Sorry, I do not I know the name of this business.
Andy smiles showing the boy to feel comfortable.
-You know what is happening to me, boy?
-You got someone taking my stuff from the barn. I always keep everything
organized and know exactly where to find the tools I need. That's why I'm nervous.
Why would anyone go away with my tools?
-Who did this?
-I think that is effeminate St. Charles, Lady Suzanne Cook. I'm sure he wants to
make me nervous. He is enjoying the bosses are away from home in the next ten days
and is making me angry.
-Never mind. Why would you get andry?
-Because that guy is boring. Just for that. I do not like him.
-You have to thank for the life you have, you have one of the best jobs in the
world. Take care of flowers and plants and is constantly moving on Earth. In addition,
living alongside the birds, the trees and the fruit - I think you should be grateful for life
instead of just complaining.
The usual pride of Andy seems to have adopted the words of Budd:
-Why are you saying this kid? Know that I am not a gardener. I am a ...
He could not finish the sentence, he begins to scream in pain and jump like
-Ow! woow!
-What is it sir?
Andy looks at his boots and realize he is being attacked by several giant ants.
The leafcutter ant’s sting is extremely painful and he knows it. Look around and see
multiple anthills bubbling with hundreds of hungry ants lurking around the bushes.
Something he had never seen before in the garden.
-Hei Boy! I need to get back to the barn and get out of here. I'm being attacked
by ants.
Andy looks up at the canopy of one of the apple trees that stood between the
road and the fence, just above the boy's head, and sees a huge swarm of bees bubbling
with fury. Certainly they were angered by the noise and the pounding on the tree, which
unwittingly Andy did with the rake in desperation to get rid of ants.
Seconds later they were already flying over the head of the small Budd and
enveloping him completely.
Andy realizes the danger and desperately yells:
-Yo Boy! Run! Run!
-Why you?
-Come! Run here. I'll open the gate and you come off before the bees begin to
attack you. Go boy! Run! - If you take a sting of a bee like those, hardly you’ll return
Budd does what Andy says. Toward the gate and run across the lawn of the house of the
Andy keeps screaming:
-Go go! Do not stop running! Run up to that bench near the barn and wait for me
there. I will set fire to the dry leaves in order to the smoke calm these angry bees down.
Go! Run!
While preparing the dried leaves he says to himself:
-What hell! Where are they coming so many ants and bees from?
Rushed, Andy tries to prevent bees to move in the direction of the garden.
Meanwhile looking at the entrance of the house and sees the Kleins Cook St. Charles
stopped and looking at everything happen without doing anything. St. Charles was
wearing his typical clothing Parisian cook, standing in front of the entrance staircase of
the house with open arms and smiling like a fool. Certainly he was feeling the owner of
that wonderful mansion.
Something strange was happening. Suddenly Andy sees an ambulance stopped at
the front of the house and some paramedics out the back door carrying a stretcher Mrs.
Madeleine - the maid.
What would have happened to the poor maid of Kleins?
St. Charles did not seem to give a damn about what was happening. Quite the
contrary, he seemed happy, as she sat in the rocking chair on the porch, opened a bottle
of Californian white wine that Dr. William used to keep in the cellar and began singing
as if nothing was happening.
Had the scoundrel St. Charles poisoned the poor lady and was happy about it?
For his semblance of satisfaction, he certainly was involved with what was happening.
Had they discussed and Madeleine got sick of nervousness?
Paramedics put Madeleine in the ambulance, close the door and hurried out from
the back of the mansion gate. Then immediately move down the street, turning on the
siren and go at full speed towards the hospital.
Andy definitely did not like St. Charles; much less the Parisian songs he used to
sing when finished making lunch and went out on the porch to smoke a cigarette.
What irritated Andy was not just the fact of the cook singing the beautiful songs of the
famous French artist Charles Aznavour, the problem is that he sang completely out of
tune and had a nasty habit of throwing the cigarette butts in the middle of the lawn when
he finished smoking. That left Andy out of his mind. Actually his will was to advance
on such cook and punch him like you used to with the people who took the serious, but
he knew if he did that would buy a huge fight with Mrs. Suzanne and Mr. William.
Andy lights the fire and soon the smoke begins to scare the bees. Calmer he
returns mumbling through the garden toward the barn.
When passing in front of the balcony, Andy for a few seconds and is staring at
St. Charles who kept drinking his Californian white wine. His will was to punch him,
however, when looking toward the barn he sees the small Budd sitting on an iron bench
beside a large purple Ipê tree.
He gives up going to the porch of the house to get a trouble with the cook.
St. Charles does not care for Andy and keeps drinking his wine while relaxing
comfortably sitting in the rocking chair that was once Mr. Christian, father of Suzanne.
But to let Andy even more nervous, he gives the last drag on his cigarette and
throws the butt on the grass as usual. Andy gets mad disrespect, but prefers to meet
Shirtless Andy buttons his overall jeans puts the rake over his shoulder and
mentally says to the cook:
- Idiot and rude cook!
This guy pisses me off! How come Mrs. Suzanne enjoy him so much this idiot
stuck up into French!
While walking back to the barn, he looks back to see if the fire was fulfilling its
role as a protective shield against bees and follows to the meeting of Budd - clearly a
serious and introspective boy.
4th Chapter
The beginning of a friendship
-Everything okay with you?
Andy pulls a wooden trunk and sits in front of the boy to breathe a little.
-Yeah. It's okay, kid. And you? Did you get any of those bees sting?
-I do not think so. I'm not feeling anything.
-Let me see. - Andy raises Budd’s shirt with his hands trying to find some sting.
Look at your legs, the nape. And nothing.
-How is that possible kid? You were surrounded by dozens of them and took no
-No Sir. Bees are my friends. We have never had problems.
-How's that boy? Are you going bananas? Those were deadly African bees.
Andy suddenly looks down and sees some ants crawl up the leg of the little
-Boy. You will be bitten by ants. Look! They are rising in your legs!
Budd does not care and does not go into despair like Andy seeing two large ants
climbing through his calf.
-Calm down Andy! Ants are also my friends. They would never do me wrong.
He looks scared for the boy:
-Hey Boy! How do you know my name if I did not tell you?
Budd looked to the side and was embarrassed:
-I heard a boy from school the other day greeting you by your name. That’s I know it.
Andy did not accept that answer, but continued the conversation.
-You're very strange boy! What is your name once again?
-My name is Budd, sir.
-Very pleased. My name is Andy. - Andy Aaron Ray.
-What interesting name! It sounds like a blues guitarist.
That simple comment immediately gained the confidence of the old Andy
because unwittingly small Budd described one of the biggest dreams of his life: being a
famous singer Bluegrass. But of course that's not how it happened, and life eventually
led him to other paths.
-You have time to go, kid?
-No Sir. I'm in no hurry. I can stay here a little longer if you do not mind, of
-No worry. You can stay.
-Thank you. You know Andy, I love nature. - Budd squat body and handle with
care the two giant ants that were already walking on his knee. He looks ants and does
nothing, just puts his hand on her thigh and let rise in his hand. Then gets up from the
bench and head in the direction of one of the nests that appeared suddenly in the middle
of the lawn.
Carefully and without fear, he kneels on the grass near the anthill, lays his hand
on the ground and dozens of ants start walking on the palm of his hand. Calmly ants
were mingling and Budd leaves them alone to return inside the anthill.
Budd sits on the bench again and looks quiet places his hands on his knees and
continues to talk to Andy as if nothing had happened.
Andy does not understand that. How could a boy put his hand just inside the
anthill and not take even one bite?
With his typical gentle and engaging voice, Budd asks:
-How old are you, sir Andy?
-I'm 74 years old. And you?
-I am eight years old.
Andy thinks about getting up and asking the boy to leave because his pride said it was
not a good idea to stand there wasting time and goofing off with a child.
Budd does not give Andy time to think and ask another question:
-Can I get a little here with you? Sorry. But I do not have many people to talk.
Andy's eyes widen and suddenly is reflected in the boy, because as a child he
also felt the same sensation, he had no one to talk too. Suddenly his pride gives way to
good sense and realize that Andy had no problem spending a few minutes talking to the
boy, after all, what harm that poor defenseless boy of only eight years old could do?
Intrigued, Andy asks:
-By chance do you have any special gift, boy?
Because you took no sting of bees and ants. Just for that. I've always lived in the
midst of nature as a child and I had never seen anything like it.
-All People have special gifts, Andy. You know what happens?
-People Forgot they are also part of nature. I live on a farm a few miles from
here and live there all the time between the nature and animals. For me it's all very
-You live on a farm?
-Yes sir.
-that’s why, you are not afraid of ants?
-Yeah. Actually it's all one thing. - They told the people that they are apart from
nature because all the time they live in their homes, in their cars, the malls and they are
always locked up and afraid of everything around them. I cannot understand why people
do this. I think they do it because deep down they are afraid.
-You're right. People die of fear. But fear of what?
Andy was already involved without realizing that friendly conversation and the
extremely intelligent boy.
-I think people are afraid of themselves. So they live in hiding. They think the
animals are dangerous, but the animals are not dangerous. The greatest danger is the
men themselves. This is the great fear they have - the man himself. People have no
fences, railings, iron gates, alarms and video cameras placed everywhere afraid of ants,
bees and insects, they do it because they are afraid of themselves.
-You have all the reason, kid.
-I cannot understand why people are so afraid of themselves.
-You're very smart for your age, did you know it, kid?
Budd smiles but remains silent for a few seconds looking at the anthill. Then he
asks a question that ends up taking the old Andy:
-Andy, you afraid of me?
Embarrassed, he looks around trying to find a plausible answer, but he cannot.
-I know what you're afraid of me. But do not worry, this fear will disappear
when I return here next week after class to talk a little more.
-The next week? But I ...
-It's okay. If you do not want I'm not coming back. No problem.
-It was not what I meant. As a matter of fact ...
-Do not worry sir. Do not fret. I think it's time for me to go. My family must be
worried about me.
-You live near here, boy?
-My House is not very close, but I usually get there fast.
-So, See you here on next Friday. Okay?
-It's okay. But I'll be back here within only one condition.
-Which condition? - Andy was intrigued.
-Please, I wish you not to call me the way you do.
-I do not call me boy. Call me Budd, because that's my name.
-Andy gets boring towards the boy.
-Sorry kid. Or better. Sorry Budd. But why not boy?
-By chance would you like me to call you grandfather?
-No, I hate it when they call me old man or grandfather.
-See, It's the same thing. That's why I'm asking you not to call me boy. Because I do not
like it. Just for that. From now on I will call you Andy and you will call me Budd. Deal?
-Deal, Budd.
-So, guess I'll go home now. - Until next week Andy.
-Goodbye Budd.
Budd raises the bank and walks away slowly across the lawn. Passes in front of
the St. Charles Cook; greets him lowering his head and beyond the gate to go back
Andy is in the same place, sitting on the trunk of wood trying to understand what
had just happened.
While Budd walks slowly through the garden, he feels something strange that
suddenly makes him cry in silence.
Andy was intrigued because he did not understand why he was crying so natural
in that sudden way. It was a familiar feeling, as if that boy with calm and serene
countenance was someone very close. Perhaps a child or even a grandchild he never
Besides the brief thrill that invaded his heart, let him annoyed else. Besides the
Pacific that the boy had involvement with ants and bees, the countenance of Budd was
too serious for a boy of only eight years old. So serious that he hardly smiled or showed
any sign of affection and sympathy. Apparently suffered a personality and embittered.
Should be one of those gifted boys who dominated all about technology,
computers, cellphones and knew everything that was happening around the world
through the internet. - But will a boy who lived on a farm could be so connected and
Anyway this unexpected encounter seems to have awakened Andy for
something good, something new, maybe a new way of seeing life and the world around
Instead of being just complaining about life, loneliness and spend sleepless
nights brooding over past mistakes, something from that day began to make him feel
better. Her depression was gradually turning into gratitude and loneliness becoming a
huge desire to review such a boy as soon as possible.
He knew it was only a week of waiting until the boy return next Friday, but the anxiety
in reviewing Budd was such that the days seemed long in passing.
To relax from some of the anxiety and the rare drive in their Kleins during the
period in which they were traveling, Andy decided to work tirelessly for the whole day
cleaning and leaving the impeccable garden, he had never done before. Everything to
please Suzanne and now Budd, his new friend who apparently loved Nature.
5th Chapter
The second meeting
If you do not find a meaning to your life, it will never make sense.
A week later ...
There were seven days of waiting, long days that seemed an eternity.
During that week Andy felt no chest pain and shortness of breath. Or remedies
that Dr. Klein prescribed him were doing well or meeting with small Budd brought back
some courage to keep living.
That week Andy had no space for disease and suffering. What he wanted was to
work and make the most beautiful garden possible.
They were days of hard work, as he had never worked before. Andy almost did
not sleep. In the morning, instead awakening tired and unwell as happened an
enthusiasm beyond normal seemed to have invaded his body and his mind.
He always did everything with love and affection, especially when taking care of
sunflowers. But now, besides making everything more will and determination, there
was something else, something he could not understand exactly what it was.
On the seventh day, when he woke in the morning as expected Friday, the day
that Budd would return him to make a new visit, an inexplicable silence breaks in the
mansion of the Kleins. Such as a great silence that came to bother.
Surely some very serious thing had happened to Madeleine, the maid, and Mrs.
Suzanne decided to dismiss employees, including Cook St. Charles.
Andy was used to the silence, but everything was very quiet. Quiet too much.
Andy lived for more than forty years of his life roaming the streets and squares
of the states of Nevada, Mississippi and Alabama, however, even living so long alone,
he never got used to loneliness, because it was an uncontrollable feeling that depressed
too, especially when he lays on the sidewalks during the cold winter nights and tried to
close his eyes to forget the terrible memories of the past.
But it was all in vain, for solitude was a virtually invincible feeling to it. Even
though the major urban centers of the United States and walking among thousands of
people all day, the pain of loneliness strangling his bowels especially when he saw
couples strolling hand in hand and smiling as eternal lovers.
For him, to see that was like to feel a sharp knife going through his gut and
tearing his soul. It was an irrepressible pain. Actually it was the pain of loss and regret
that came to the fore whenever he could see a couple walking down the street.
No matter if it was a young or older couple, the pain was always the same - it
was the pain of remembering, the pain of leaving the love of his life from without even
knowing where - a pain that seemed incurable, who mistreated his body, his emotions
and his feelings, transforming that lonely man, each year that a person was going more
and more angry, bitter and depressing day.
Andy did not know, but he was being attacked by the twenty-first century
disease. Infamous Depression - the unconscious self-condemnation, anger that plump
introjected into himself and transformed into a kind of food that insists on supplying a
fault that can never be understood and forgiven.
Andy was never a man of much talk. If perchance someone asked him
something about his past, about his family or something that would remember the
mistakes, he soon shut up or became violent and an aloof person.
However, the strange and silent somehow week made him feel something he had
not felt for so long - he was feeling homesick - homesick for reviewing and talk to
Budd, that calm and serene boy. Even without knowing, empathy seemed to have
involved the old and the boy somehow. Or was it just a lack of affection from Andy?
With the same overall and always with the tools in hand, around 11:45am on a
Friday morning, Andy goes to see the children who soon would leave school and would
run in front of the mansion of the Klein family.
The garden was impeccable and in an extraordinarily colorful; exuded a peculiar
aroma of jasmine, thus attracting dozens of blue and yellow butterflies around the
Andy hears the school bell ringing in the distance, there are at least three
hundred meters away from Kleins’s house.
He approaches a little more, he bends over and waits children pass within a few
Once they leave the school gate, they start screaming and running down the
street. Andy grins demonstrating immense satisfaction to see the joy of those little
creatures running.
Strangely, they approach and pass unnoticed by the beautiful garden that Andy
had worked on. He grieves because everyone passes without even looking at the beauty
of his work.
He does not understand that and immediately feel rejected and unappreciated.
However his brief sadness is soon replaced by a view that lets him excited again. Budd
was coming toward him, slowly and with low side of another slightly older boy when he
head. Perhaps he was eleven or twelve years old, a blond boy, clear-eyed, lean with long
Andy waits the two approach and prefer not to show that he is anxious.
Budd comes closer, passes in front of Andy and do not even greet him. He keeps
moving. Seems not to have realized that he was there, leaning over the fence waiting for
at least a hello.
Appalled at the neglect of the boy, Andy gets angry and turns his back to the
-Naughty boy. I thought you were different from those boys who study at this
damn school. I knew you were just like everyone else. Just illusion think a kid would
give attention to a boring old and cranky man like me.
Clearly rejected and saddened to find that all he had done for the past seven days
had been in vain, Andy bends down to pick up the toolbox that was on the lawn.
Immediately the sadness begins to turn to anger and the blood starts pumping
through his veins as he always did when he was upset or offended. A voice inside his
head starts to say: - Do not worry baby Andy, raise your head and give this kid a lesson.
Who he think he is? - And you? Who are you anyway? A brave fighter or an old fool
who is afraid even of a little child?
It was the same voice always. The same voices that accompanied him
throughout his life and made him commit so many mistakes.
Angry, Andy gets up, sees the two boys who keep walking and whistles
forcefully twice without saying anything. Only loud whistles and expects the reaction.
Budd hear the whistles and becomes frightened. For more than ten feet away he
stares into the eyes of Andy as if to hypnotize him.
Andy shows anger in his eyes and Budd stands with the austere countenance
ever. Andy is suddenly enveloped by a feeling of calm and serenity and an almost
involuntary way he says:
-Budd Hello! How are you?
He did not want to say "Hello Budd", what he meant was "Hey, idiot boy, get out
of here with that idiot buddy and never appear in front of me, you hear?".
But perhaps the catchy look sickly boy has mastered his pride during those brief
seconds, making him redeem himself in front of his own pride.
Budd responds quietly without showing fear:
-Hi Sir Andy. I'm doing very well thank you. And you?
Andy replied calmly:
-I'm fine. I'm doing great. - You did not see me standing here on the fence? I was
waiting for you. Forgot you agreed to meet me on Fridays after school?
-I haven’t forgotten you. Actually I was also waiting for you.
-Waiting for me?
-I was expecting you to call me.
Budd and his friend begin to return to near the fence.
-You were waiting for me to call you? But why?
-Because I wanted to know if you would call me a kid again. If you called me
boy I would not answer and follow along, but if you called me Budd I would go back to
talk to you. That's what I was expecting from you. That's it. I was wondering if our deal
was still standing.
Andy smiled trying to relax, but Budd keeps his serious and seemingly sad
-You're a very strange child, Budd. But that's okay. If we combine that would be
so, then it's settled. You're right Budd. Deal's a deal.
-I am well, sir Andy. Unlike other children who attend this school. One day you
will understand what is wrong with me.
-What you have differently from other boys?
-Time will show to you one day. I'm a perfectionist and like things explained
well. I hate people who do not do what they promise. If the person says he will do, then
he should do. Understand?
-I understand. - And who is this guy on your side?
-Ahh! This is my brother Anderson.
-Very pleased Anderson, how are you?
-Very glad you Andy. Budd said about you. - In fact, I would say that you are to
be congratulated because it is very capricious and careful with your garden. It is a
garden worthy of admiration. Congratulations!
Anderson also seemed to be a very intelligent, but different boy from Budd, seemed to
be much more outgoing and communicative.
If you want to get to know the house and the garden, you are welcome. - Andy
says with a smile, always wearing the same clothes. Shirtless, in jeans overall hold only
by the clip on the left side and showing the muscled arm. A typical redneck, in fact.
-Thank you very much for the offer, sir. But I need to go home.
Andy accepts the apology and nods showing anytime Anderson would be
Anderson hits Budd’s forehead and says:
-Goodbye Brother. See you later at home to play with you. You will not be late,
-No. Tell Mrs. Azizah I will soon be back.
-Stay calm. I notice it. - Bye!
-Bye fella.
-Who is Azizah, Budd? - Andy asks.
Yeah the person who takes care of us.
-Azizah is the maid of your parents, is it?
-No Sir. She's not a maid. She is much more than that.
-What did she do?
-I do not come here today to talk about me. Come to talk about other things. We
will enter or leave me out here in the street?
-Sure! You can enter Budd.
-Thank you.
Both walk through the garden to reach near the barn, at the foot of Purple Ipê.
Budd sits on the bench and says:
-Congratulations Andy, you did quite a job in the garden. Must have worked
-I worked so hard! I guess I never worked so hard in my life.
-You're better than last week. Hopefully next week you're even better.
-You really think I'm better?
-Yeah. You are showing a better face today.
-Thank you. - You do not want to go inside the barn, take a glass of water and eat
something? You must be hungry !
-Yes, I am very much. If possible I would rather eat something, please.
Inside the barn ...
-Put the backpack on the ground and sit on the bed to get some rest. It's kind of
hard, but it is comfortable.
Budd sits on the edge of the old straw bed, but would rather hold the bag in his
Andy goes to the two-burner stove that he used to use to prepare his meals and
starts messing with cups and glasses.
With his back to Budd, as he looked for the cutlery, Budd looks the left side of
the bed and realizes a little dried blood which was side of the pillow as well. He is
startled to see that. Since he was afraid of blood, he puts his backpack on the red spot to
not have to stare at it.
Worried, he asks:
-Is everything okay with you, Andy?
-Yeah. I'm great. Now with you here with me I'm better. I like your company did
you know it, Budd?
-I also like you so much, sir. - Budd responds and looks again at the stained
Budd thinks but does not say logically: Is Andy sick and he won’t tell me?
He insists:
-Are you sure that you are not sick?
-Why are you asking?
-For nothing. It was just a question.
-Want a cup of coffee with hot milk? I prepare for you if you want.
-Yes, I accept. I'm starving. I have eaten nothing since I woke up.
-Do you also want some grilled bread?
-Whoa! I'd love too! You have fresh bread there?
-I guess wo, but am not finding it. - The old man bends down trying to find
which certainly did not exist - fresh bread, because he did not go out to buy groceries
for over a week.
I know I have fresh bread somewhere. I'm sure I bought bread at the supermarket
yesterday afternoon. It has to be somewhere. - And still looking as the water from the
pot and boil the jug of milk on the stove.
Budd sees the despair of Andy when trying to find the loaves and soon realizes
that he is suffering from some sort of amnesia or something.
Budd tries to help him. Unexpectedly the boy closes his eyes and his fists and
starts to make a prayer in a language like Arabic and whispers to himself only.
Andy looks back trying to understand what the boy was doing and does not care
- still looking for the bread.
Thus ending his brief prayer, Budd interrupts:
-Andy, why you do not open that bag indigo blue that is there on the potatoes
and ears of corn?
-Where? Where?
-Over there. Do not you see that blue bag?
-This Here?
-Yeah. Exactly.
Andy opens the bag and starts to laugh to see that inside there were two loaves
of crackling so fresh.
-My God! I must be getting a little crazy. Well that Dr. Klein said I'm too forgetful
lately. I was sure that the loaves were here somewhere. Were in front of me and I could
not see.
Of course Andy did not notice, but Budd had done something beyond the normal
for those breads appear right there in front of him. Was it some kind of magic? Magic?
Some trick?
Budd said nothing. Was just looking at the lack of coordination of his new
friend. His or his magic trick again would be in the plans of the unknown, as happened
when he put his hands inside the nest and got rid of stinging bees.
Nervous, Andy tries to find among the cutlery:
-I'll prepare a bread with butter and a cup of coffee with milk for you Budd. If you want
to know my house, or rather the barn, feel free. When I get ready I call you.
Thank you Sir Andy. I'll look around the barn.
Budd out of bed and goes to the bottom of the barn. He was really curious about
that enigmatic place where Andy lived.
About ten minutes later without Andy called him back, Budd returns and sits
back down on the edge of the bed:
-What is that orange red ball like a pear hanging from the ceiling?
Andy starts laughing. Pulls a wooden box, put two pieces of bread with butter on
a small plate and fill two cups of coffee with milk.
-That Business called speedbag. It is to train.
-To Serving?
-To Practice boxing. It is a very old equipment, but it was thanks to it that he
conquered a lot in my life. It was through it that strengthened my arms and improved
my strokes. Also, it gave me an unmatched resistance to other fighters because I trained
more than two hours per day. It serves to strengthen the shoulders and make the fighter
keep the guard up during the fifteen rounds of a fight.
-Guard? What is it?
-Keep Arms and fists raised for a long time.
-That should not be difficult.
-Seems easier to stick with his arms raised, doesn’t it?
-You mean that you were a boxer when you were young?
Andy smiled proudly.
-Yeah. I was a great fighter, my friend.
-How interesting! I never imagined I would meet a real boxer.
-Interesting? Much more than interesting! That old who are here in front of you
is not anybody, my dear. - Wait a minute there. I'll get you something to see. Do not
move. Stay where you are sitting.
Andy runs clumsy to the bottom of the barn to look for something that was never
shown to anyone. At least the last forty years he lived roaming the streets.
Budd takes a cup of coffee with milk and gives the piece a few bites of warm
bread. He was not lying, he was really hungry.
Andy back enthusiastic about anything wrapped in a piece of burgundy flannel.
Budd sits beside the panting and says:
-I want to show you something. If you wouldn’t care to see, of course. Would
you like to see?
Budd's silent staring at his face for a few seconds. Then look at the dirt floor.
-What is it? - Andy asks. - Why did not you answer Budd? Are you looking at
the floor as if asking permission to someone? What?
Budd looks back at the old, gives the last bite of bread and responds:
-I want to see what you have to show me. What is it?
Andy proud smiles and begins to unwrap the cloth. Were about fifteen old
photos in black and white.
Andy responds enthusiastically:
They're able to keep some memories that last. - What was left of my life. If not
for these photos certainly no one would believe an old forgotten and confused like me.
-You already showed these photos to someone, Andy?
-After I was robbed by my manager and left the central hospital in Las Vegas
after being four months in a coma in 1964, I just showed it to a person.
-A guy I met at a gas roadside on the border of the states of Nevada and
Mississippi post. We were drunk. Were there drinking and complaining about life and
then I decided to tell him I had been a world champion boxer. He of course did not
believe me and started arguing.
-He doubted you?
-Yeah. All doubt when I say that I was world boxing champion.
And what did you do?
-I ended up showing the photos to him to prove I was not lying. In a first moment he did
not believe, but when he saw the tattoo of an eagle on his right arm wrestler in the
picture, he did not hesitate and asked me to show my right arm to see if it was the same
-And you showed?
-Yeah. I showed and he couldn’t believe he was drinking a bottle of whiskey
with nothing more, nothing less than "The Two", the champion, also known as “Steel
fists of Alabama”.
-And what happened after that?
-We fell in laughter and drank the whole bottle of whiskey. But I ended up
regretting to show the photos to that guy.
-Because he got excited and said he wanted to see the other photos.
-You showed?
-Yeah. Unfortunately I showed.
-And there? What happened? - Budd seemed quite interested.
-He took a photo that was not supposed to catch. The problem was not that he
held the picture in his hands. The problem was the comment he made to see the photo.
He should not have said that.
-What did he say? What did he see?
Andy started to get nervous and anxious.
-It does not matter what he said, much less what happened, boy. It does not
matter. - Take the rest of your coffee and to ask questions. You would not understand
certain things that men do.
-Why are you getting nervous, Andy?
-I have my reasons. I have my reasons. Damn! But it will pass. Do not worry.
-You're scaring me, Andy.
-I'm sorry.
Andy tries to change the subject:
-Look this photo! - I am my brother's side of the coach and my manager shortly
after I won the championship belt in Las Vegas in 1962.
-Whoa! You were very strong and far thinner than today!
-You're right. I was really very strong. I may be old, but my biceps are still strong as
before. - Andy gets up and does the typical pose of fighter, showing the muscled arm.
-He approaches and proudly says:
-Can you tighten the muscles Budd? See for yourself the hardness of these
muscles of steel that once knocked out the greatest fighters of the United States.
-Budd gets dull.
-Come on! Squeeze! Do not be afraid.
With tiny hands, his right bicep Budd tightens and widens his eyes:
-My God! It is so hard it looks like it has a piece of wood inside of your arm!
Andy smiled proud:
-Were these arms that won one gold title belt there that hangs on the wall? Many
longed for that title belt, but I never let anyone take it away from me. - My coach was
very disciplined. It was he who turned me into a virtually invincible fighter. I owe him
-He looks a lot like you in that picture. But there's a kind of distant look. What's
his name?
-His Name is Allie Ray Carson he was my older brother and unfortunately died a
long time ago -. In the spring of 1964, shortly after I started making lots of money and
become famous.
-What penalty. And who is this gray suit?
-This was my best friend and also my manager. His name was Cockrane
-Was He who robbed you?
-No. Who stole me this was another standing behind me with gray hair.
Budd looks at the barn wall and then look again at the picture.
-This title belt with golden stripes that you are wearing in the photo here is one
that hangs on the wall?
-Exactly. This is proof that not let me lie. This title belt and this photo prove
who I was. Want to hold the belt a little?
-Can I?
-Of course you can. Many have fought for this title belt, but it will never be far from
me, even when I die. When I leave this world, I want it to be buried next to me. Because
it is the only thing left in my life.
-You do not have any relatives?
-I have no one. I have no father, mother, siblings, sons and wife. I am a lonely
traveler. The only thing I have is my past. That's the only thing that I have in life. In fact
it is the only thing the elders of my age have. Only memories. Nothing more.
-What Sad!
-Very sad. It is not easy getting old, my friend.
Budd puts his head down and feel the sadness in the voice of Andy.
Silence invades the barn and Andy realizes that Budd was not there to absorb his
sad memories.
He quickly tries to break the ice:
-Can I consider you my friend, Budd? Because I already feel you as a friend.
-Yeah. Of course you can. - You have no friends?
-Actually no. I had everything in life. Money, women and hundreds of people
around me. But really everyone was by my side for interest, for money, for fame, for
convenience or just to promote themselves. It was all interest when I lost everything,
including my physical and mental health, everyone disappeared. Simply everyone. No
one left.
Suddenly Budd sees some tears running down the face of Andy.
Well he tried to hide his sadness but the bitterness, anger and pride would not let
him turn off the mistakes of the past. It was an effort in vain.
The small, well intentioned Budd tries to remedy the situation:
-You cannot have only bad things to remember. Must have something else that
makes you happy, Andy. Have to find something good that makes sense for your life. -
If you do not find the meaning of your life, it will never make sense.
Andy gets emotional and tears with clean wrists.
-Unfortunately my life has no more feeling since a long time ago. I'm not saying
just to say. This title belt is the only thing that brings some meaning to my life.
Everything else is gone - vanished. There is nothing, simply nothing.
-Have you relatives died?
-I think so. I do not know exactly what happened to them. Some were lost,
others disappeared. I do not know where they are. Actually not want to talk about it.
-It's okay. I did not let you sad, Andy.
-You have no blame for anything, Budd. Do not worry.
-Andy takes the photos of the kid's hands and decides to show one by one, but
only those who brought good memories.
The hours passed and the afternoon was approaching. Amazingly neither of
them seemed to be bothered with the time.
6th Chapter
1950 - O`Neal Bridge
-Take a look at this photo, Budd.
-Who are the two boys in the picture? And this man standing holding the horse?
-The younger one is me, on the corn I am six years old. The one in front of me is
Allie, my older brother. He was ten years old when we were taken this picture.
-You were blond and had enough hair. You were skinny and looked hungry.
-Yes. I suffered a lot in that
time. I could barely eat. My brother
and I worked pretty much like adults
on the farm for my father and my
uncle. They had leased a farm and rose
corn and cotton.
-I see it, you all look sad in this
photo. Nothing much has changed
your current face is not very different.
The difference is that now you are old
and wrinkled. That's it.
-You think so, Budd?
-Yeah. It seems that not much has changed since that time. When was that?
-I believe that was when the World War II ended. See the back of the picture.
Maybe some note.
Budd turns the photo. Was annotated in pencil below:
Família Ray - Littleville March 16th 1946.
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My Friend Andy - Living Forever
My Friend Andy - Living Forever
My Friend Andy - Living Forever
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My Friend Andy - Living Forever
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My Friend Andy - Living Forever

  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 Title: My Friend Andy Author: Carlos Torres Year: 2014 Genre: Romance - Spiritualism - Inspiration Pages: 281 pages Diagram: Microsoft World Size: 16 x 23 cm. Font: Times New Roman – Size: 12 Status Book: Registered in the National Library. Country: Brazil Target group: Men and women looking an overcoming, inspirational, and redemption. Summary: Andy, an old boxing fighter, ends up losing everything he won as fighter and when he gets old he sees himself inside misery, guilty and the deepest solitude ever. When everythings seems to be lost, he meets Budd, a boy in his eight years old who becomes his best friend and shows him the real meaning of life. Sinopse: Andy Aaron Ray is a former boxer of 74 years old. A man who became very rich when young, however he ended uo losing everything he fought due to greed, pride and selfishness. In 1964, after been hospitalized and get in come during two months he is stolen for his own businessperson and is made to leave rings and the proud of Las Vegas to live alone on the streets for decades until been met by a young couple of rich doctors and been invited to live in an old barn behind their mansion where they lived around Canton, close to Jackson city, capital of Mississipi state, U.S.A southeast. Due to the hard blows life hit him, plus the hard blows from the incredible fights in the 70’, old Andy ended up getting many side effects physical and emotional ones. Now, old, sick and living in deep solitude, without any improvement , he sees himself abandoned by life, without relatives, nor siblings, no friends and given to the deepest sadness of soul. Although, in the begining of 2014 he knew Budd, a boy of only eight years old who every Friday after school stopped in front of Klein’s house to talk and learn sbout the secrets of life and listen to the exciting Andy’s histories about the golden age of the American boxing. When he was a young athlete, Andy was called the "Two A" or “Two Arms”. Who nick named him was Allie, his couch and older brother, because of the power of his crossed blows which easily knockout his opponents, either with his right or left arm. After so much time passed and feeling an old man sick and forgotten by the world, suddenly he is recognized again by someone, an ordinary boy who shows up in his life and becomes his only friend. However, the boy realizes the deep depression which Andy comes facing and tries at all cost to help him finding a meaning for his life, unfortunately his proud is too powerful that he cannot getaway that situation. In a raining April afternoon, inside the barn, during a brief conversation, Andy decides to reveal his deepest secrets to the boy, however, a dramatic talk over makes everything go wrong. Without thinking, Andy scream is angry and say to the boy never cross his way, saying that no person on Earth would be able to help an old lonely man close to death like him. Budd gets scared with that violence and the screams and decides never to return. Andy regrets and takes a decision, he gets his old backpack and goes toward his only friend. But what would have happened to Budd? The search for forgiveness ends up making Andy Aaron Ray’s life into a shocking history of redemption and spiritual learning, without ever think about it, his life takes him to meet the real meaning of life.
  • 3. 3 The magic of the word is love. I dedicate this book to my friend and mentor, Adhemar Ramos. Eternal gratitude.
  • 4. 4 Summary Canton – Mississippi 2014-------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Two days later----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Andy & Budd------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 The beginning of a friendship---------------------------------------------------------------------4 The second meeting---------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 O`Neal bridge- 1950---------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 The third meeting -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Wayne – the boatman-------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Lord Cockrane----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Two weeks later ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 1958 – The rising-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 The Golden title belt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 The hidden devils-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 Banjos Music Bar-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 Crazy Eddie -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 Andy & Eleonora -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 Gordon Black ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 The revenge-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 The Drama ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 Arguing with Budd --------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 The regreting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
  • 5. 5 The carriage-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 Coffee grounds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 The journey------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 Memphis - Tennessee------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 Saturday morning----------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 Eastport----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 The mansion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 The pier----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29 The destiny-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 Lord’s messages -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------31
  • 6. 6 1st Chapter Canton – Mississippi February 2014 An annoying noise of rusty tap and a refreshing smell of wet grass begin to be felt outside the house, calling the attention of Dr. William Kline, better known as Dr. Kline, a promising young surgeon only in his thirty-two years age and his wife Suzanne Klein, an obstetrician and a little older, thirty-five years old. A couple extremely focused on their careers William Kline's dream was always to build a hospital in the city of Canton where he decided to live with his beloved wife since they were married in September 2009. As practically the entire family of Suzanne resided nearby Canton and have always been linked to medicine, the couple decided to buy an old mansion on the outskirts of the city and with much effort reformed the old mansion built in the year 1845 by a very wealthy man and owner of the largest farms of maize in the region. The effort of the couple Klein was not in vain, they transformed that awful and abandoned place in a place of extreme beauty. The house became a mansion and the garden was so beautiful and well maintained that looked like a small paradise. Everyone who walked in front of the garden admired such beauty, especially the children who took their parents to spend weekends in front of the beautiful house of the Kleins to see the garden full of birds, colorful flowers, a small lake of clean water and a lawn full of bushes carved in the shape of animals that the gardener loved to do using his old steel scissors.
  • 7. 7 However, the proudest thing for Dr. William Klein were his black thoroughbred horses, purchased at an auction in North Carolina when he traveled in the company of his father-in-law, also a doctor, to know the State hospitals. The mansion was undoubtedly the most beautiful grounds in the region. All the city said it was a miracle the Kleins have managed to turn that place abandoned and overgrown in a warm and wonderful place. The entire mansion had more than ten thousand square meters of land. A wonderful place, but there was a mystical air through that place, especially in the garden where occasionally you could feel a strange and delightful aroma of jasmine floating in the air. William and Suzanne did not know whence came that infectious aroma of jasmine, but the entire neighborhood within a radius of almost five hundred meters felt the peculiar sweetish aroma. But how is it possible that if there was no Jasmine tree planted in the garden? – Might it be the work of that old man who lived in the barn at the rear of the mansion there is seventy meters away from the mansion? - Certainly yes, because he was exactly who built this wonderful garden shortly after the reform of the house completed in mid-2010. It was a sunny morning of a Wednesday, and the noise of rusty tap insisted and kept bothering Dr. Suzanne and William Klein’s breakfast. Klein takes the last sip of milk from his mug, put it on the table and whispers: -Honey. What's that noise anyway? William gets up and goes to the window to see what was happening outside in the garden. -And then? What's happening baby? Where is it coming all that noise? -I do not know. I cannot see anything here. - I think I'm going out there to see. Keep taking your breakfast, because we have to rush to the hospital within a few minutes. Thank God today, our shifts are scheduled for the same time. It means that we can come back together in the evening and have dinner here at home. - What do you think we eat veal steak with white sauce, with red wine and emmental cheese? We deserve it. Don’t you think so? Suzanne grins of satisfaction, demonstrating immense happiness by being married to the person who she felt to be the man of her life. -Yes, dear. I would love to have a romantic dinner tonight. -Then it's settled. Today we are having dinner together.
  • 8. 8 -Great. I'll ask our maid Madeleine to go to the market to buy white meat and give to our St. Charles for him to prepare the delicious veal steak you suggested. -You do that dear. It will be wonderful. -I'm already salivating just because of thinking. - Honey, you know how I love Parisian food, even more if accompanied by a good cheese and a good red wine. -Of course I know dear. -Ahh! I'll ask Madeleine also to buy Italian bread and a bottle of Sardella for remembering the honeymoon we spent in Rome. Remember? - How could I forget? -What do you think? -Perfect, Dear. It will be an unforgettable evening, just as happened in our honeymoon. Or better, right? Suzanne smiled quietly to see St. Charles, the cook, approaching. She wipes her lips and gently closes her eyes as if daydreaming. From the outside, the sound of creaking iron seemed to increase more and more. William gives a passionate kiss on his lover, wearing white medical lab apron and going to the barn in the back of the mansion. Near the old barn he does not believe in what he sees, there was the old gardener all wet on his knees trying to fix the spinner water that watered some sunflower seedlings that he had just planted. Dr. Klein realizes the desperation gardener trying to fix the spinner and cannot understand what the hell he was doing. Outraged, he goes to turn off the tap and the water kept gushing and make the spinner spin full speed. He calmly walks over and stands behind the old gardener who was dressed in a denim overalls: -What is going on here anyway? The gardener turns back and grins all wet dull: -Dr. Klein? I was just trying to fix that damn spinner. I cannot stand that noise of creaking iron. I think it's time to buy a new spinner, because this one is too old. I think it's so old that it should be here since the mansion was built.
  • 9. 9 Klein cannot hold and smile to see the old gardener totally wet and with a few white hairs bristling up. The old man always wore the same clothes, overalls and jeans he was always seen all the time shirtless, because he said that the best thing in the world was feeling the heat of the sun beating down on his bare backs. Intrigued, William asks: -Andy, My dear. You are a very strange guy. Tell me something, why don’t you turn off the tap to fix that damn spinner? The old Andy, in his 74 years old, shakes his head and does not respond. Sometimes he had daydreams and seemed to get off the real world for a while. Andy actually suffering from a syndrome known as *dementia of boxers. So, from time to time, he lost the discernment and suddenly started doing nonsense things, such as what he was doing: trying to get a spinner water while connected. Actually Dr. Klein was already suspecting mental health problems caused by hard knocks that Andy received when he was young, was turning into something serious. Perhaps a more advanced schizophrenia or even the dreaded Alzheimer's disease. By symptoms that Andy had shown, Klein was almost sure that he was witnessing the beginning of a serious illness. He even suggested numerous times for Andy to do some tests in the central hospital of the city of Canton, but Andy, proud and rough as ever, replied that he needed not do a damn exams much less take medicines because his health was good like a lion and his conscience was perfect - pure and clear as the crystal clear water that sprang from the Tennessee river, where he used to swim as a child near the city of Florence, under the O`Neal famous steel bridge, built in 1939. Andy responds, however, demonstrates his pride authority: -Dr. Klein see, I really like you and lady Suzanne, and I'm very grateful for what you have done for me. If you had not pulled me off the streets, and gave me this job as a gardener and this old barn to live when I found thrown on the sidewalk next to the church from the city center, surely I'd be dead. But I'm sorry - it does not give you the right to come here and say how I should do my job. Klein smiles to see the proud posture and his immature at the same time Andy and feel it is not time to start a discussion, because although sometimes seem a little muddled, Andy was a good hearted man.
  • 10. 10 Moreover, Klein knew that even though he was old enough to be his father, if by chance Andy was really angry, he was sure he would lose a fight man to man because the old man was very strong and had an enviable physical structure for his age . Suzanne shows up anxious in the mansion window and showing a hurry: -Darling. Come on, it's late. I cannot be late at the hospital. I just received a message from the emergency room saying that a girl has just arrived with contractions and is about to give birth. -It's okay. I'm coming baby! I'm coming! -Andy. I did not come to the barn to bother you. Go back to doing what you were doing. But see if this drug arranges rotary sprinkler, as agreed with that noise of creaking iron beneath the bedroom window is not pleasant. You know how Suzanne is a perfectionist and boring with these things, don’t you? Yes sir. I'll fix it. Leave it to me. Tell Mrs. Suzanne not to worry. - Goodbye and have a good day at work, doctor. -Goodbye Andy. - Do you need anything else? -Actually I do. -Then tell because I am in a hurry. -Doctor, I've been feeling really bad lately. I'm feeling tired and sometimes feel a little fever and shortness of breath. What do you think that is? -I do not know. I would need to examine you more calmly. Tomorrow I promise to come back here and examine it to get an accurate diagnosis. -It's okay. I wait for it. -Andy, I already told you need to do some tests, but you are a stubborn guy and not accepted. You never made any examination. You must come with me to the hospital for a complete check-up. -No way doctor. I did not walk into that hospital at all. You know very well that I'm terrified of hospitals. I have had horrible experiences in Las Vegas and I prefer that you examine me right here if you do not mind. -Done. Since you insist. We'll do it tomorrow. -Thank you. Goodbye doctor. Have a good day's work. -Thank you. Goodbye Andy. Take care of yourself. Klein walks toward Suzanne waited impatiently beside the car and Andy is still looking at them with a sad countenance, like an abandoned child.
  • 11. 11 Suzanne looks at her husband and asks: -What did he want? -I do not know. He seems a little lost, don’t you think? -I guess. He’s been very strange lately. -You're right. Do you believe that Andy raised his voice to me just now? He was always a quiet and respectful person. I'm finding that the process of Alzheimer's is getting worse. -Alzheimer? -Yeah. Remember that I told you about this the other day in breakfast? -I remember. My God! So sad! Suddenly Andy, still sitting on the wet grass and holding a wrench in his right hand, screams interrupting their conversation: -Hey! Cute couple. Want to know something? Both Suzanne and Willian looks back curiously. -Go ahead, Andy! - Suzanne responds. -I love you. I owe my life to you both. You deserve all that life can afford. You were the only people in the last forty years that helped an old lonely and abandoned like me. -Thank you Andy! - Suzanne replied with an air of indifference. -He continues: -You guys are enlightened people. So I say fearless in my heart, I love you. Suzanne never expected to hear those words coming from the mouth of that rude and non-assignable man in the morning. But his words were true and touching, so true that they were able to thrill Suzanne that she could not stand and hugged her husband trying to hide the tears which started streaming down her face. Suzanne was thrilled deep inside due to not the gratitude that Andy was showing, but his words made her think, even for a brief moment about her own life. What he had said as a simple gardener deserve all that life could offer was like an arrow hitting her heart, because her biggest dream was to have two children by her beloved husband William Klein. However, she knew that dream was almost impossible to come tonight because he was fully aware of her sterility and could never give a child for her husband.
  • 12. 12 But it was a secret she kept under lock and key because she never had the courage to tell it to William. However, it was only a matter of time, because one day Suzanne would have to tell the truth, but certainly this was not the ideal time for her to do that. With joy and satisfaction, Suzanne enters intrigued by the ease with which Andy had uttered such words. She says: -Darling. Andy is really strange. I wonder what is happening to him. I never heard him talking that way. Is he depressed? Distressed? Sad? -Yeah right, yes, dear. As far as I know, he was always a very lonely man. -Lonely? -Yeah. The other day he told me he did not have any family. He said they all died and he ended up abandoned in the world. He said he has no siblings, cousins, uncles and even friends. Nothing, just anyone. He said he only has us. -That is very sad! What else do you know about him? -Few things. I also know that he was a great boxer during the sixties. -He said that to you? Yeah. -I do not believe that is true. Do you believe? -I think so. -Honey, you better speed up because we are too late. - Suzanne says demonstrating authority and irritation. -Calm down dear. We are gonna arrive on time, do not worry. -Willian Damn! It's all your fault. You always do this. It is there in the barn giving attention to that crazy old and every morning we leave late for work. -Why so much irritation Suzanne? - Calm! I'll cut through the highway. Do not worry. -You do that. William enters the left: -Why are you so mean to him, dear?
  • 13. 13 -That isn’t peeve of mine. It is that we have so many important things to worry about and you're wasting time on the old. That's it. We have to think of our lives - in realizing our dreams - to build a family. These things all couples often do. You see? Klein does not respond. Remains silent and tries to disguise keeping the focus on the road. Suzanne is not satisfied and asks another question: -What else did he say to you? -Who? Andy? -Sure. It's not him we're talking about? -Actually he did not say much. He said he does not like to remember things of the past, he did much wrong, and when he remembers the mistakes, he has got the feeling of being missing again, as if repeating the same mistakes again. -What has he done so wrong in the past? -No idea... He said people should not brood and reminiscing the past, it is something that has passed and will never exist. Something that should be forgotten and wiped away from the mind. -When he said these things to you? -When rescued from the streets and brought him to live in the barn to work as our gardener. - When I met him he was carrying an old leather backpack and a woolen blanket rolled up under his arm. - When we got to the barn and showed where he would live from that day, he smiled, thanked me and asked if he could preach one thing and another in the ceiling on the wall. -What Things? -Two Things I never imagined that an old man like him would carry for so long with him. -What was it? -A golden title shot boxing champion with a wide ribbon, striped with the colors of the American flag: red, white and blue. In the middle of a golden medal embossed scripture that said, "World Heavyweight Champion". -Was there his name written on the title belt?
  • 14. 14 -No. There was only written the year of the championship, 1962 There were also five gold stars in high relief and the name of the city where the fight happened - Las Vegas. -Very strange that! He certainly must have stolen this title belt of any store, for any boxing champion would live on the streets as a ragged beggar. -I'm sorry. But I believe it Suzanne. Andy never steal from someone. I'm sure. -You know what your problem is, Willian? -What? -You're too good for people. One day, that kindness will bring you many problems. You believe in people, you know? Sometimes I think you are very innocent. - Need to be careful, because when you least expect that old will also steal you. -How come you have a negative mind, Suzanne! -Sorry, but I do not trust him. Actually I do not trust anyone. -You should have a little more compassion in your heart! -Could be. But I am this way. -I think we better stop here Suzanne. I do not want to start arguing with you while driving. -We're discussing, dear. Why are you worried? Tell me what more he kept inside the backpack beyond the title belt of boxing? -He had a scout red leather, those fighters hang from the ceiling to train. You know that? -Yes I know. That thing that looks like a pear? -Yeah. -How strange! He must be fanatical about boxing. Must be why he carries such things. -I'm telling you, he was a famous boxer in the sixties. -Dear, this is bullshit. If he did not steal those things someone should have given to him. -You're too bad, dear. What is happening to you? You have a heavy heart because of something? It seems that you hate the world. Suzanne lowers her head sorry for what she had just said and try to disguise:
  • 15. 15 -Darling: - I never went into the barn after you brought Andy to live with us. Actually I feel very sorry for that poor man, but you know. I ... William gets annoyed with the judgmental words of Suzanne and raises his voice: -Honey. Want to know what I think? - I think you do not feel sorry for Andy. I think you are afraid of him. - One thing is different from another. -Not quite that, dear. Not fear I feel. - Suzanne scratches her head feeling guilty and confused. -No need to be dull. I know what you feel for him. -What? -You feel contempt. This is prejudice because he is an old poor man and miserable. That's what you feel. - Andy is a lonely old man who lived on the streets almost a lifetime. This is the reason for your prejudice. -That's not true! -Yes, it is true. You'll never stop and go to the barn to talk to him. You are never interested in knowing that poor man’s life history. - You know dear: sometimes people just need to talk a little, that's all. - Just because he is a miserable man and lives alone in the world, does not make it a dangerous person, malicious or have some sort of contagious disease. Andy is only one person, a suffered old man that needs some attention, that's all. -Sorry dear, I did not want to make a discussion. -I do not either. But you need to hear. Suzanne redeems herself and listen: -As physicians, we have an obligation to recognize the human side of the people and do not think only of the money that people have and what they wear. - Honey, one thing I learned from my father when I was a teenager and it is still alive. My father was a poor man and never had the opportunity to study to be someone in life, because he had to work his entire life as a farmer in cornfields and my mother was always sewing. But he said one thing one day and I've never forgotten. -What did he say? He said that people believe in what they have, but they are not what they have. What gives a person the real value is the character that they carry within themselves and not what they have.
  • 16. 16 Suzanne does not respond and quickly tries to change the subject because she has always been an extremely ambitious and materialistic woman. William realizes that silence immediately blew inside the car. He looks from the corner of his eyes and try to have any response Suzanne. She realizes the provocation and tries to answer: -You're right Willian. I do not want to think that way about Andy. Sorry dear. I swear I wanted to treat him more naturally like I treat other employees from home, but ... -I know dear. No need to explain. I get it. I know you've been treated like a princess by your parents and always had everything you wanted. You've always had a lot of money and never passed financial difficulties in life. - For this reason I think you could never understand the suffering of a man like Andy. You may never understand the pain and loneliness that corrodes the soul of an old man like him, a man who was forsaken by the world and have no one to share his life poor and mediocre, not even a single child he has to be on his side in recent years that is remaining of his life. -Deep touched, Suzanne feels a lump in her throat due to hearing William talking about the theme: Children. But she would rather to keep quiet and say nothing more. Just turns her face to the side and follows the journey looking at the immense cornfields through the car window.
  • 17. 17 2nd Chapter Two days later Instead of asking why you suffer, try to find out what is being healed within you. As agreed, the next day Andy waited for Dr. Klein all day lying on bed, because he was not feeling very well. But Klein did not show up to examine him the next day because there was a serious accident on the highway and many wounded were rushed to the emergency room in the morning. Because of the accident caused, Dr. Klein had to stretch the duty until the evening of that day to attend the surgeries and more than ten injured. Two of them unfortunately did not support the trauma and succumbed to death, others were in serious condition in intensive center, but did not suffer life-threatening. Since he was a child, Klein always wanted to be a surgeon, but also the difficulties of life led him to learn about cancer and the causes that led people to develop sick and degenerative cells - perhaps to try to understand the early death of her mother at forty-two years of age because of a malignant skin cancer. Andy waited all day for the return of William Klein, because he was feeling a lot of pain in the chest, fever and mental disordered, something he had never felt before, not even when he was hospitalized in a coma for four months at the central hospital in Las Vegas after a fight against one of the most experienced of his time - Carlos Sanchez, a Mexican middleweight also known as El Matador.
  • 18. 18 *Dementia pugilistica: Boxing is an ancient sport, in which head injury is common and inherent to it. Therefore it has acute effects on the central nervous system, such as bleeding, carotid dissection or thrombosis (Payne, 1968) and chronic such as dementia pugilistica (Millspaugh, 1937). The latter can also be called progressive chronic boxer's encephalopathy (Critchley, 1957) or punch drunk syndrome (Martland, 1928) and represents neurological result in long-term cumulative effects of repeated head trauma (Martland, 1928; Roberts, 1969; Critchley 1957; Mendez 1995). Table 01: Traumatic encephalopathy in boxing Phase Body Cognitive Psychiatric Begin Approximately 75% Dysarthria Trembling little incoordination especially non- dominant hand. Lowered attention to complex activities Mental instability, Euphoria, Irritability, distrust and Agression. Intermediate Approximately 17% of Parkinson Syndrom worsens from Dysarthia, tremors and incoordination Mental speed lowered. Light lacks of memory, attention and hand skills Magnified personality, decreased spontaneity, too much distrust, violent inappropriate attacks. Advanced Approximately 3% pyramidal signs Parkinson Syndrom tremors and Dysarthria and Ataxia important Lorewered speed in talking and thinking Amnesia. Lack of attention Childish, decreased Insight, Paranoia, Psychosis, Violence, Possible Klüver-Bucy Adapted from: Mendez, M.F Neuropsychiatric aspects of boxing Int J psychiatry in Medicine 25(3) 249(69) 1995 However, in the morning of the next day, his distress would end. Lying in his bed, listening to Andy's old barn door move: -Morning. Excuse me Andy. Are you there? It was Dr. William Klein. -Yes Dr. Klein. Come in. Klein is startled to see Andy’s face.
  • 19. 19 -What is happening to you, Andy? You are very depressed. -I do not know doctor. Just know that this morning I had a very strange nightmare and I spent the night with breathing difficulties and a severe chest pain. -What did you dream? You remember, Andy? -There were People here walking around the barn. They pounded on the door wanting to come in and said they wanted to talk to me, but I did not dare to get up and see who it was. I'm too scared doctor. I do not know if it was a dream or reality. Nobody came in here. - I take good care of the house when you're not around. You that ? -Yes I know, Andy. Do not worry about it. It was just a nightmare. Let me take your temperature and your blood pressure. -Please, doctor. I'm scared of such a nightmare. -You have to worry about your health and not about your nightmares. Nightmares are just strange dreams that the mind makes up when we are tired and confused. Klein wanted to take the opportunity to tell Andy about the imminent diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease that could be settling. But he felt that this was not the proper time to say. -Well Andy. Your temperature is a little above normal. -Above normal? -Yes, but there is no need to be worried, it is 37.5º of fever. Your pressure is a little high, but it is certainly because of nervousness. It is also not to worry. However, I would like to take you to the hospital tomorrow morning to do a full check-up and take some questions. What Dr. William really wanted to do was a tomography scan and a magnetic resonance imaging on his skull to eliminate any chance of Alzheimer's or maybe some brain tumor. Andy immediately responds being sure: -No way doctor. I am not going into the hospital. I accept any medicines that you prescribe me, but entering at the hospital I do not go. -Oh! My God! You are a stubborn same old. Well, in this case I do not have much to do. I go to my house to get one medicine to lower your fever and also something for you to eat. Apparently you have not eaten anything since yesterday, is not it?
  • 20. 20 -Yeah, I did nothing to eat today. See how much I have left to wash dishes. Sorry, but I could not get out of bed. It is not laziness, doctor. I'm a strong guy, you know me too well. The problem is that I really had very bad night. - Excuse me Allie. William is scared to hear Andy calling him Allie. -Allie? You said Allie? Who is Allie? And why are you apologizing and giving many explanations for me? No need to do that. Andy seemed to be going through another crisis of forgetting and being whipped by daydreams and memories of childhood. -Excuse me doctor. I’ve been a little confused lately. -All right Andy. Do not worry. I understand. Let me examine your eyes, excuse me. Klein approaches and their miniature flashlight illuminates the pupil of Andy trying to figure out some kind of brain tumor through the back of his eye that older doctors used to do. He examines, so far he does not see anything strange. -Andy. I want you to look at me now. -I'm looking doctor. -Who am I? -You're Dr. Willian. -So, why you called me Allie? -I do not know doctor. Suddenly you seemed to be my brother, Allie. -Your brother? You never said you had a brother. -Yeah, But I had a brother. He was my best friend and also my coach. But he was three years older than me. -And you know where he is now? -He is dead. He died in 1964 when I was 24 years old. After he was gone, my career as a fighter suffered a meltdown because there was no one to support me. -You were scared of him? So was apologizing and giving many explanations? -Yeah. He was very disciplined and brooked no disobedience. His orders were to be done. He was a very hard man, but he did not do it because he was bad, he was disciplined, especially when it came to practice, cleaning and feeding. -Where did you live when you were young?
  • 21. 21 -We lived at a gym in Memphis and then we lived in a rented house in the back of a quarter. I had to keep everything clean, because he said that a simple bacteria or food poisoning could end once and for all with my career as a boxer. He was right, I never doubted him. But unfortunately he was gone and it got really bad in my life from then. Andy suddenly begins to get nervous for no apparent reason. William realizes and tries to calm him down: -Calm down Andy! No need to be nervous. Just a brief reminder of the past. I understand that you are going through a difficult time in your life and you must be missing a lot of your brother, Allie, isn’t it? -It's true. I just had him in life. He was my driving force, the person who made me get up every day and fight. Whenever I was discouraged and lost a fight, he sat beside me on the edge of the ring and said softly only for me to hear: "Ray, when everything seems to be lost, it is time to lift your head and look forward, because there is always a way out. Always. " -Your brother should be a quite a man, Andy. -You're right, he was. Allie was actually my father, my brother, my friend. All at once. Klein goes to the barn door and light a single bulb that illuminated the place. There were no divisions separating the bedroom, the kitchen and the pantry, like a normal house. It was all together, a simple bed with a yellow lamp illuminating the room, an old leather chair, one two-burner stove where prepared his food and a small closet where he kept some clothes and shoes. Just that. The rest of the barn was full of harness horses, horseshoes and a small emery where Andy used to sharpen the knives and scissors for gardening. -Andy. Pretty soon I'll be leaving you with some medication and then I’ll be going back to the hospital. Okay? -All right doctor. -You're going to be okay? -Yes sir. I'm already feeling better just from you to come here to talk a bit to me. It was clear that Andy was suffering from depression, loneliness and melancholy by spending many years living alone on the streets of the states of Mississippi, Tenneessee, Nevada and Alabama.
  • 22. 22 Associated with all this, he should be with some organic problem in progress, but unfortunately any diagnosis would be possible only if he accepted to go to the hospital for tests. And that of course was not in his plans. William says: -I'm glad you're feeling better Andy. -When you will return here again, Doctor? -This evening, so I will go back to the hospital, I come here to see you again. -Good! I do not know what would I do without you and Mrs. Suzanne. William holds Andy’s hands firmly: -Andy, I know you hate being alone, but I need to tell you something. -What? - He answers his eyes widening. -I and Suzanne have a very important conference to attend in London in the coming days and we will be ten days off. -London? Why so far? -Yeah the annual meeting of the Inter American surgeons. Suzanne goes along with me because she likes the subject and also because we want to walk a little in Britain. She has a dream of visiting the ruins of Stonehenge in the English countryside. Andy lowers his head, sits on the edge of the bed and then loosk deep into his eyes and smiling responds: -Yeah that's exactly what you need to do. You are young and need to enjoy life. Do not worry about that cranky old here. I'll be fine, do not worry. -Good, Andy you understand my situation. Of course I understand. You are young and should enjoy. I will not be alone as well - I have the birds, the flowers, the trees and the whole house to look after. I wish a good journey to you both. -Only if being possible, I would like you to do me a favor, doctor. -Which one? Just let me know. -Ask your wife to come here to say goodbye to me before you leave to travel. I really love your wife. I cannot say what this feeling is, but I feel a different love for her. -What do you mean, Andy? -Do not worry doctor. It is not love from a man to a woman.
  • 23. 23 -I know that. - Klein smiles. - Must be such unconditional love. The unconditional love that many churches say, is it? -Yes, this must be love what you're saying. My wife used to say much about this love when we were young. -You said wife? Have you ever been married, Andy? Andy suddenly begins to get changed and his forehead starts to sweat. He gets up from the bed and distinctly nervous going to the direction of grinding looking for something to sharpen. With his back to Klein he grabs a pair of scissors to cut the grass and begins to rant: -I do not want to talk about that doctor. I think you better get out of here right now. -What was, Andy? I said something wrong? Let me here alone in this fucking barn, please, Doctor. -But… Andy? Andy suddenly changes countenance, raises the scissors gardener and says without hesitation: -Go Now! Leave me alone, please. Go. Before I make a bullshit. Suddenly this man who seemed to be loving and kind, begins to show a violent and misunderstood person. -All right Andy. Calm down. I did not want to touch the subject of your wife. Andy takes a deep breath and suddenly start throwing all he sees ahead, as if he were mad. Startled, Klein pulls away and stands by the door to the barn, but will not go away because it realizes that this demonstration of violence was only one way that Andy had to free his guilt and anguish. Minutes later, after having lost his sense, Andy calms down, sits on the bed and starts to cry like a child. Klein comes closer, but prefers not to get too close for fear of starting another psychotic outbreak. Andy seems to calm down. Breathe a few times and then immediately says feeling too breathless:
  • 24. 24 -You know doctor I suffer a lot. This is true. I am a very lonely person and I do not have to talk. I'm an old wanderer, walking the world looking for something to fill that empty drug that insists on being part of my life. An emptiness that hurts and it hurts too much. I just wanted to know why I suffer so much in this fucking life? Why? Why? With the scissors still in hand, Andy looks at Klein and says: -I'm feeling very strange doctor. You'd better get out of here right now. -All right! Alright! I'm already going. - But before I go I want you to know one thing ... Andy -What? -Instead of asking why you suffer, try to find out what is being healed within you. - My friend, the whole process of suffering in the background is a healing process. The problem is that people are afraid to find out what makes them suffer. If people did the right questions, they would heal their deepest sorrows. Andy try to ask the right question and the right answer will come in your mind. The secret of life is the questions and not the answers, my dear. Andy lowers his head thinking about what Klein had said and responds with his typical and usual aloof and proud tone: -Yeah easy for you to say doctor. You are handsome, rich, recognized and loved by everyone, young and full of friends, you have a beautiful wife waiting for you every day for dinner and love. I wanted to see you saying that if you were here in my place inside this filthy barn, smelly, alone and abandoned by God. I ask for your help as a doctor and not as a counselor. So I repeat, doctor. I think you better go now. -Sorry Andy, I did not mean to offend you. I think I'd better leave you. Have a nice day. -Goodbye. Thank you for worrying about me, but I'm strong enough to endure the trials of life. Do not worry. If you want so, all right Andy. - Klein responds and turns his back. -Doctor! - Andy calls before closing the barn door. -Andy? -See you tonight? Before leaving to London? -I hope so. If I do not have a surprise in the hospital, certainly yes. Now I must go, I'm late. Goodbye Andy. -Goodbye.
  • 25. 25 Mental disorders and dementia boxer Andy sometimes left unchecked, especially when some insights of the past breaks in minds, as happened at the time when he remembered his beautiful wife Eleonora Victorine. He seemed to be a tough man, at least that was what he wanted to show to people. However, minutes after the event he regretted having spoken that rude and reckless manner to Dr. Klein. In desperation, he sits in the old leather chair and starts crying. Then holding the scissors with anger and throws it with all his strength against the wooden wall of the barn, digging it between the cracks. Take a deep breath and whispers to himself: "I hope that doctor does not tell Lady Suzanne what happened here. If he tells, she will be more afraid of me than he already is. I know she does not like me very much. What the hell! How could I screw up again. It's always the same thing. It seems that something inside me take care of my body and my mind when I start to remember things of the past. What is it anyway? What the hell! I cannot stand to live like this anymore! Damn life. "
  • 26. 26 3rd Chapter Andy & Budd The day started like any other day, the sun rose and the night soon took over the city of Canton. Andy was waiting for the doctor to return late in the evening, DR. Klein did not return though. Andy was not feeling well. He started feeling ill again and did not know who to ask for help, because then all the employees had gone home. The only thing he could do was lie on bed, trying to calm down and wait for the doctor to come back to prescribe some stronger medication order to solve that damn chest pain. By nine o'clock in the evening, he decided to get up and prepare a toasted bread with butter in skillet and a strong coffee to relieve and get ok from the tiredness that he had felt. Lying on bed, he turned on the small black and white portable TV from the seventies that Klein had given him as a gift. He decided to watch the final game of the NBA to support for his favorite team, Los Angeles Lakers. However, caffeine seems to have done the opposite effect, rather than keep him awake, Andy got into bed and fell asleep in the first minutes of the game. At least it was a chance to rest a little after two long sleepless nights. That Thursday was definitely not easy for Andy, much less to Dr. Klein. In addition to the casualties who needed constant care in the intensive care unit that day two more complex cases in the emergency department emerged a fifty-two-year-old
  • 27. 27 man came home drunk after being stabbed at dinner to have flirted a married woman - and the other person was a young woman of twenty-two years of age who came to the emergency room with a severe bleeding after suffering a spontaneous miscarriage. Unfortunately the girl could not stand the bleeding and the patient died in the operating room. Because of these setbacks, Suzanne Klein and William Klein only made it back home around two o'clock in the morning. Suzanne arrived home exhausted physically and mentally, because that afternoon she had faced one of the most difficult situations of her life as an obstetrician. It was she who had to remove the fetus from the uterus of the patient in the operating room. And then, what to do? That was the trial of whom chose medicine as a profession. However, it was certain that before long the couple overcome the painful memories of that day, because every day such things happen. Klein used to say to all his team members were the real doctors, especially surgeons, worked all the time on the threshold of life and death, so they had to get used to that kind of thing. But was it that simple? William Klein said he did not put emotion in his work and always remained austere on the item death. Really? Klein sighs deeply when parking the car in the garage of his home around two in the morning and with a clearly tired voice says to his beloved wife: -Honey. I know that the day was very difficult and you are very tired. But we need to wake up at five in the morning to go to the airport. Our flight to London is scheduled for nine o'clock in the morning. You did not forget our trip, did you? -Of course not, dear. We are going to England to work, but we are also spending a good time together, aren´t we? -Sure we are, honey. Sure. -My God. It's almost two in the morning, we have to get some sleep, dear. I'm exhausted. -That’s sounds nice, darling. But before we take a shower and get some sleep, I go to the barn to see how Andy is. I promised him to see him before traveling. -Go there, dear. I'm warming up the shower for you. -But another thing, dear. -What?
  • 28. 28 -Andy asked ... -What did he ask? - Suzanne responds raging as she always did when the name Andy was placed in the middle of a conversation. -Honey, he actually begged you to go to the barn to say goodbye to him. -Who? I? Why does he want me to do this? You sure about that William? When Suzanne called her husband William, it was a sign that she was really irritated. -Yeah. He told me this morning. He was not feeling very well and I let him take some painkillers. -Suzanne deep breath and calms down a bit: -But why do I have to do this? It's late and I'm exhausted. I want to take a hot shower and some rest. I worked like you. You know very well how today was a tough day, don’t you? -I do know it. But make an effort. Please, dear. Suzanne gets annoyed again at the urging of Klein and responds sharply: -Why do I have to do something for him? You treat that old beggar like a child, William! Why do you treat him that way? He is not our relative, is not our grandfather, is not our uncle, he is nothing. Why do you insist on letting him live here with us. Well you could take it to the center of social assistance in the city center and let the government take care of him. This is the responsibility of the state and not ours. We already have so many responsibilities and so many problems to worry! Want to know more? -What? - Klein responds distressed to hear his wife complaining about everything. -Actually such as Andy is only bringing problems to our life. And I already have too many problems in my life! -What kind of problems he is bringing to our lives? I do not understand. -I do not know Willian! I don’t know! Just know that his presence here at home annoys me. That is the truth. -Suzanne it’s okay. If you do not want to go to the barn say bye to him, no need. I'm going alone. -Better this way. Soon we'll be back in London and then you can get that old babysitting as long as you want. But now I must rest. It will be only ten days away dear. It is an eternity. Stop being so worried about him.
  • 29. 29 -I know, but I really like Andy and do not want to leave him alone. -Yeah William! - Unfortunately what goes around comes around, that is not how they say? - Suzanne responds ironically and enters the front door of the mansion. Klein lights the garden lights, walks across the lawn to the barn and realizes that the TV was on. Pushes the barn door slowly and softly whispers: -Andy, are you there, buddy? The light was off and the room lit only by the light of the small TV that sat on an old wooden box where he used to keep the apples picked in the orchard during the day. Andy does not respond. He was sleeping. Klein whispers to himself: “Yeah I better let the poor Andy rest. I will not bother him. I think I'll leave a note on the TV with my cell phone number and the phone number of the hotel where we will stay in central London. Ahh! I will also let the phone of the hospital if he needs to. With the numbers in hand he can call me anytime he wants.” Klein takes the pen from the pocket of his lab coat, writing and puts the ticket on the TV. Then he turns off the television quietly and turns his back to let Andy sleeping peacefully. The next morning ... Six o'clock in the morning. Klein and Suzanne lost time and ended up leaving late. He did not have time even to talk to his employees of the house and let the guidelines for the next ten days they would be gone. The house had two maids, a cleaning lady, one maid and a cook specializing in French food that Suzanne wanted to hire, because she always loved the Parisian gastronomy. The house was beautiful, all white, with four columns at the entrance, two floors, six bedrooms and a large living room well ventilated and illuminated by the rays of the morning sun. A beautiful fireplace decorated with stones and a kitchen to envy any chef,
  • 30. 30 with furniture and fixtures of the best material, modern and manufactured especially for Suzanne, as she always desired, a mixture of hardwoods with rustic style and detail stainless steel and mirrors. Even going out late to catch the flight for London, the Kleins eventually arrived at the airport on time and everything went as expected. By nine o'clock in the morning, Andy wakes up in a good mood after sleeping on one of the best nights of his life. But once he opens his eyes he realizes that someone had been there since the TV was off, and he never turned off the television because he had a habit of falling asleep with the television on. Sits on the edge of the bed and sees the note that Klein had left during the night. Taking a deep breath he decides to read. Andy smiles and exclaims to himself: “This guy is awesome! I love this guy. I do not know why I like him so much. For me, William Klein is an example of man. He resembles my dear brother Allie. - Ahh! If I had a son like him to be like him. – Willian, The doctor has many things to worry about, so many patients, so many problems, so many projects, but even so he came here during the night to see if I was doing well. - Well, thank God I woke up this morning better and I'm feeling fine. - You know what I do? - I think I'll leave this barn, grab my tools work and do the garden. That's what I'll do! It's been a week that I do not care the shrubs. The children leaving school must be complaining that klein’s garden is abandoned. What a shame! I will start working to have the same garden ever. - I just need to find my sharp scissors wear my old suit and a rubber boot and spend the day doing the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Klein. I am going to make this a lush garden, so when they get to London to realize that I did my best to please them. I cannot have money and be a rude and ill-mannered guy, but Dr. Klein know I love them so much and will do everything I can to give back all that they did for me today. Andy wears his inseparable denim overalls and whispers softly to himself, "My God, what's happening to me? I am thinking and saying things I never said before, I'm talking about love, about gratitude. I do not know, I think I'm turning an old sentimental too. - I'm not sure what it is, because no one ever taught me about these things. I always learned to be a tough guy and fight valiantly to get what I wanted. Now I'm here, after all I've been through in life, sitting on a bed of straw inside an old barn and talking care about these strange things are coming in my mind all the time. What the hell! How can an old fighter like me, stay saying nice things and taking care of delicate and fragrant flowers in a garden? Is it something old or is that my heart is softening after so many years? Well, it does not matter now. I'll get up and do what needs to be done. I'll make the beautiful and wonderful garden when Mrs. Suzanne arrives and she will be proud of me and will smile of satisfaction with the work I did. "
  • 31. 31 Andy gets out of bed and walks over to the bushes that were near some of the street. Places the tools on the lawn, unlock the straps of his overalls, takes off his shirt, put an old navy blue cap that kept since the time of wrestler with the initials "AA" embroidered on the right side, representing his old nickname "The Two "and starts working. That morning of Friday seemed different from other mornings when he was preparing for what used to be called "natural work of art." Beautiful bushes cut to animal form done with extreme perfection and detail formats. Andy was getting ready to start cutting one of the largest bushes into a bear form that was beside the fence, close to the street - with more than two meters tall. As the bush was too high, to do the job properly, he would have to go back to the barn and grab the ladder. He says to himself: “Well! I'll have to go back to get the ladder, but before that I will sweep these dry leaves at the underbrush. I want children to leave school at lunchtime and once again admire the sculptures in Lady Suzanne’s garden. - While talking alone, Andy begins to cut the tips of the bushes with huge steel scissors. Suddenly he hears music coming from somewhere who could not distinguish. Were they the servants of the house who were taking advantage of the absence of the Kleins to connect the stereo in the room and listen to music so loud? Certainly not because they did not like that kind of melody and did not know how to connect the devices of the room. - It would then be the cook? Certainly not because he spent the whole day listening to pop music on the phone. Andy could not understand what was that song that played harmoniously and progressed through the garden. He did not know, but it was an old composition of Tchaikovsky who played softly. The type of music Andy liked was a good Bluegrass in southern Alabama, well played, with just guitar, a banjo and a good letter about a lost love, as his countrymen used to sing on Saturday night in the bars of the city of Florence, the city where one day he met his beloved wife. But what was his biggest secret, something they do not tell anyone. But that was okay - not liking the same music style until Andy was enjoying the melodies of Tchaikovsky, it brought a bit of peace and harmony that morning.
  • 32. 32 That's exactly what happened. Without realizing it, Andy has spent more than two hours working in the garden packed by the beautiful compositions of Tchaikovsky playing in the background. Maybe it was coming the nearest neighbor, the house of Mr. Harrison, one very reputable vet in town and lover of fine arts, poetry and the magnificent paintings of Leonardo da Vinci. Anyway it was strange, because Mr. Harrison did not usually listen to classical music so loud to be able to listen to more than one hundred meters away. Andy looks at his watch and notices that is already 11:30am in the morning. His watch was old and certainly was broken, because it still marked 8:30am morning. He says: “My God! What happened? It's almost lunch time and I'm here working like crazy without feeling hunger and thirst. - I better get a ladder to trim the ends off this bear before children begin to leave school. I want to surprise them!” Andy went to the barn and returned minutes later without the blessed ladder. Suddenly the music stops playing in the background and more than fifty children begin to go running and screaming down the street in the front garden of Kleins’s house. Seeing this, Andy smiles when confronted with the provision of those boys and girls who were running towards the cars of their parents, eager to return to their homes on Friday. Since Andy came to the house of the Kleins, he always had a habit of standing near the fence at leaving time from school because he loved to see the kids out euphoric and stopping in front of the garden to admire its beautiful natural sculptures. Many children were already accustomed to the presence of Andy over there and whenever they saw him, they greeted him. Andy, proud and tough like always, loved the recognition of children, but not like a snob boy about ten years old that went hand in hand with his mother and always greeted ironically saying: “ - Morning Grandfather, how are you going?” Andy hated that kid, because he was still a young fighter, strong and fearless like always when he was young. He did not admitted being called grandfather. Andy was fighting all the time against the truth, as if he were fighting against being old. He could not be a boxer, but he was certainly still a fighter because he kept fighting against himself, against his pride, his troubles, the mistakes of the past and the terrible fear of growing old and die without realizing his dream - to rediscover the love of his life - Eleonora Victorine, a young woman to whom he married in the early sixties when he became a rich and famous boxer. A time of glamor, fame and wealthy.
  • 33. 33 However his intimate life has always been a secret, something that was locked away inside his mind and he did not reveal to anyone. Nobody at all. But what would have happened to Eleanor? A beautiful woman he fell madly in love? What would separate the two anyway? Nobody knew anything about the life story of the two, much less about the whereabouts of Eleonora. Andy was angry. He wanted to cut the bush in a bear form, but he was eager to know who had gone to the barn and grabbed his ladder. Furious, he grabs the rake and begins to piece together the dry leaves that had fallen from the bushes, in the late afternoon used to put it all together in a big bonfire and burn. While working, the kids would race and not see him. Andy suddenly hear a voice from the other side of the fence, on the street. -Sir. Excuse me. Andy turns, looks across the fence and sees a boy stopped. He had never seen this boy before. He prefers not to pay attention and keep cutting the bush with his scissors. The boy insists: -Sir! Mr.! Excuse me. Andy looks back and sees the boy standing with his right hand raised as if making a kind of oath. -Hey kid. What do you want? -Why are you nervous? - The boy seriously asks. -Who are you boy? -My name is Budd. -I never saw you here, boy. Are you new at school? -Yeah. I'm studying there for a few weeks ago and I walk home every Friday. On other days of the week, my older brother picks me. -I see. - Andy responds and lowers his head showing that he is not much to talk.
  • 34. 34 He insists: -You usually do this forever? -What? Gather the dry leaves? Yes. I always do it, boy. -I'm not saying about the leaves. I'm wondering if you are always rude and do not answer the questions that people make. Andy let the rake into the bush, raises his head with rough countenance and the kid answers the question with another question: -Why do you think I'm nervous, boy? -Because you're breathing hard and your look is as lost as your thoughts while using this tool. -That's a rake, kid. Never saw one of that? -Sorry, I do not I know the name of this business. Andy smiles showing the boy to feel comfortable. -You know what is happening to me, boy? -What? -You got someone taking my stuff from the barn. I always keep everything organized and know exactly where to find the tools I need. That's why I'm nervous. Why would anyone go away with my tools? -Who did this? -I think that is effeminate St. Charles, Lady Suzanne Cook. I'm sure he wants to make me nervous. He is enjoying the bosses are away from home in the next ten days and is making me angry. -Never mind. Why would you get andry? -Because that guy is boring. Just for that. I do not like him. -You have to thank for the life you have, you have one of the best jobs in the world. Take care of flowers and plants and is constantly moving on Earth. In addition, living alongside the birds, the trees and the fruit - I think you should be grateful for life instead of just complaining. The usual pride of Andy seems to have adopted the words of Budd: -Why are you saying this kid? Know that I am not a gardener. I am a ...
  • 35. 35 He could not finish the sentence, he begins to scream in pain and jump like crazy. -Ow! woow! -What is it sir? Andy looks at his boots and realize he is being attacked by several giant ants. The leafcutter ant’s sting is extremely painful and he knows it. Look around and see multiple anthills bubbling with hundreds of hungry ants lurking around the bushes. Something he had never seen before in the garden. -Hei Boy! I need to get back to the barn and get out of here. I'm being attacked by ants. Andy looks up at the canopy of one of the apple trees that stood between the road and the fence, just above the boy's head, and sees a huge swarm of bees bubbling with fury. Certainly they were angered by the noise and the pounding on the tree, which unwittingly Andy did with the rake in desperation to get rid of ants. Seconds later they were already flying over the head of the small Budd and enveloping him completely. Andy realizes the danger and desperately yells: -Yo Boy! Run! Run! -Why you? -Come! Run here. I'll open the gate and you come off before the bees begin to attack you. Go boy! Run! - If you take a sting of a bee like those, hardly you’ll return home. Budd does what Andy says. Toward the gate and run across the lawn of the house of the Kleins. Andy keeps screaming: -Go go! Do not stop running! Run up to that bench near the barn and wait for me there. I will set fire to the dry leaves in order to the smoke calm these angry bees down. Go! Run! While preparing the dried leaves he says to himself: -What hell! Where are they coming so many ants and bees from? Rushed, Andy tries to prevent bees to move in the direction of the garden. Meanwhile looking at the entrance of the house and sees the Kleins Cook St. Charles stopped and looking at everything happen without doing anything. St. Charles was wearing his typical clothing Parisian cook, standing in front of the entrance staircase of
  • 36. 36 the house with open arms and smiling like a fool. Certainly he was feeling the owner of that wonderful mansion. Something strange was happening. Suddenly Andy sees an ambulance stopped at the front of the house and some paramedics out the back door carrying a stretcher Mrs. Madeleine - the maid. What would have happened to the poor maid of Kleins? St. Charles did not seem to give a damn about what was happening. Quite the contrary, he seemed happy, as she sat in the rocking chair on the porch, opened a bottle of Californian white wine that Dr. William used to keep in the cellar and began singing as if nothing was happening. Had the scoundrel St. Charles poisoned the poor lady and was happy about it? For his semblance of satisfaction, he certainly was involved with what was happening. Had they discussed and Madeleine got sick of nervousness? Paramedics put Madeleine in the ambulance, close the door and hurried out from the back of the mansion gate. Then immediately move down the street, turning on the siren and go at full speed towards the hospital. Andy definitely did not like St. Charles; much less the Parisian songs he used to sing when finished making lunch and went out on the porch to smoke a cigarette. What irritated Andy was not just the fact of the cook singing the beautiful songs of the famous French artist Charles Aznavour, the problem is that he sang completely out of tune and had a nasty habit of throwing the cigarette butts in the middle of the lawn when he finished smoking. That left Andy out of his mind. Actually his will was to advance on such cook and punch him like you used to with the people who took the serious, but he knew if he did that would buy a huge fight with Mrs. Suzanne and Mr. William. Andy lights the fire and soon the smoke begins to scare the bees. Calmer he returns mumbling through the garden toward the barn. When passing in front of the balcony, Andy for a few seconds and is staring at St. Charles who kept drinking his Californian white wine. His will was to punch him, however, when looking toward the barn he sees the small Budd sitting on an iron bench beside a large purple Ipê tree. He gives up going to the porch of the house to get a trouble with the cook. St. Charles does not care for Andy and keeps drinking his wine while relaxing comfortably sitting in the rocking chair that was once Mr. Christian, father of Suzanne. But to let Andy even more nervous, he gives the last drag on his cigarette and throws the butt on the grass as usual. Andy gets mad disrespect, but prefers to meet Budd.
  • 37. 37 Shirtless Andy buttons his overall jeans puts the rake over his shoulder and mentally says to the cook: - Idiot and rude cook! This guy pisses me off! How come Mrs. Suzanne enjoy him so much this idiot stuck up into French! While walking back to the barn, he looks back to see if the fire was fulfilling its role as a protective shield against bees and follows to the meeting of Budd - clearly a serious and introspective boy.
  • 38. 38 4th Chapter The beginning of a friendship -Everything okay with you? Andy pulls a wooden trunk and sits in front of the boy to breathe a little. -Yeah. It's okay, kid. And you? Did you get any of those bees sting? -I do not think so. I'm not feeling anything. -Let me see. - Andy raises Budd’s shirt with his hands trying to find some sting. Look at your legs, the nape. And nothing. -How is that possible kid? You were surrounded by dozens of them and took no sting? -No Sir. Bees are my friends. We have never had problems. -How's that boy? Are you going bananas? Those were deadly African bees. Andy suddenly looks down and sees some ants crawl up the leg of the little Budd. -Boy. You will be bitten by ants. Look! They are rising in your legs! Budd does not care and does not go into despair like Andy seeing two large ants climbing through his calf. -Calm down Andy! Ants are also my friends. They would never do me wrong.
  • 39. 39 He looks scared for the boy: -Hey Boy! How do you know my name if I did not tell you? Budd looked to the side and was embarrassed: -I heard a boy from school the other day greeting you by your name. That’s I know it. Andy did not accept that answer, but continued the conversation. -You're very strange boy! What is your name once again? -My name is Budd, sir. -Very pleased. My name is Andy. - Andy Aaron Ray. -What interesting name! It sounds like a blues guitarist. That simple comment immediately gained the confidence of the old Andy because unwittingly small Budd described one of the biggest dreams of his life: being a famous singer Bluegrass. But of course that's not how it happened, and life eventually led him to other paths. -You have time to go, kid? -No Sir. I'm in no hurry. I can stay here a little longer if you do not mind, of course. -No worry. You can stay. -Thank you. You know Andy, I love nature. - Budd squat body and handle with care the two giant ants that were already walking on his knee. He looks ants and does nothing, just puts his hand on her thigh and let rise in his hand. Then gets up from the bench and head in the direction of one of the nests that appeared suddenly in the middle of the lawn. Carefully and without fear, he kneels on the grass near the anthill, lays his hand on the ground and dozens of ants start walking on the palm of his hand. Calmly ants were mingling and Budd leaves them alone to return inside the anthill. Budd sits on the bench again and looks quiet places his hands on his knees and continues to talk to Andy as if nothing had happened. Andy does not understand that. How could a boy put his hand just inside the anthill and not take even one bite? With his typical gentle and engaging voice, Budd asks: -How old are you, sir Andy? -I'm 74 years old. And you?
  • 40. 40 -I am eight years old. Andy thinks about getting up and asking the boy to leave because his pride said it was not a good idea to stand there wasting time and goofing off with a child. Budd does not give Andy time to think and ask another question: -Can I get a little here with you? Sorry. But I do not have many people to talk. Andy's eyes widen and suddenly is reflected in the boy, because as a child he also felt the same sensation, he had no one to talk too. Suddenly his pride gives way to good sense and realize that Andy had no problem spending a few minutes talking to the boy, after all, what harm that poor defenseless boy of only eight years old could do? Intrigued, Andy asks: -By chance do you have any special gift, boy? -Why? Because you took no sting of bees and ants. Just for that. I've always lived in the midst of nature as a child and I had never seen anything like it. -All People have special gifts, Andy. You know what happens? -What? -People Forgot they are also part of nature. I live on a farm a few miles from here and live there all the time between the nature and animals. For me it's all very natural. -You live on a farm? -Yes sir. -that’s why, you are not afraid of ants? -Yeah. Actually it's all one thing. - They told the people that they are apart from nature because all the time they live in their homes, in their cars, the malls and they are always locked up and afraid of everything around them. I cannot understand why people do this. I think they do it because deep down they are afraid. -You're right. People die of fear. But fear of what? Andy was already involved without realizing that friendly conversation and the extremely intelligent boy. -I think people are afraid of themselves. So they live in hiding. They think the animals are dangerous, but the animals are not dangerous. The greatest danger is the men themselves. This is the great fear they have - the man himself. People have no
  • 41. 41 fences, railings, iron gates, alarms and video cameras placed everywhere afraid of ants, bees and insects, they do it because they are afraid of themselves. -You have all the reason, kid. -I cannot understand why people are so afraid of themselves. -You're very smart for your age, did you know it, kid? Budd smiles but remains silent for a few seconds looking at the anthill. Then he asks a question that ends up taking the old Andy: -Andy, you afraid of me? Embarrassed, he looks around trying to find a plausible answer, but he cannot. -I know what you're afraid of me. But do not worry, this fear will disappear when I return here next week after class to talk a little more. -The next week? But I ... -It's okay. If you do not want I'm not coming back. No problem. -It was not what I meant. As a matter of fact ... -Do not worry sir. Do not fret. I think it's time for me to go. My family must be worried about me. -You live near here, boy? -My House is not very close, but I usually get there fast. -So, See you here on next Friday. Okay? -It's okay. But I'll be back here within only one condition. -Which condition? - Andy was intrigued. -Please, I wish you not to call me the way you do. -How? -I do not call me boy. Call me Budd, because that's my name. -Andy gets boring towards the boy. -Sorry kid. Or better. Sorry Budd. But why not boy? -By chance would you like me to call you grandfather? -No, I hate it when they call me old man or grandfather.
  • 42. 42 -See, It's the same thing. That's why I'm asking you not to call me boy. Because I do not like it. Just for that. From now on I will call you Andy and you will call me Budd. Deal? -Deal, Budd. -So, guess I'll go home now. - Until next week Andy. -Goodbye Budd. Budd raises the bank and walks away slowly across the lawn. Passes in front of the St. Charles Cook; greets him lowering his head and beyond the gate to go back home. Andy is in the same place, sitting on the trunk of wood trying to understand what had just happened. While Budd walks slowly through the garden, he feels something strange that suddenly makes him cry in silence. Andy was intrigued because he did not understand why he was crying so natural in that sudden way. It was a familiar feeling, as if that boy with calm and serene countenance was someone very close. Perhaps a child or even a grandchild he never had. Besides the brief thrill that invaded his heart, let him annoyed else. Besides the Pacific that the boy had involvement with ants and bees, the countenance of Budd was too serious for a boy of only eight years old. So serious that he hardly smiled or showed any sign of affection and sympathy. Apparently suffered a personality and embittered. Should be one of those gifted boys who dominated all about technology, computers, cellphones and knew everything that was happening around the world through the internet. - But will a boy who lived on a farm could be so connected and intelligent? Anyway this unexpected encounter seems to have awakened Andy for something good, something new, maybe a new way of seeing life and the world around him. Instead of being just complaining about life, loneliness and spend sleepless nights brooding over past mistakes, something from that day began to make him feel better. Her depression was gradually turning into gratitude and loneliness becoming a huge desire to review such a boy as soon as possible. He knew it was only a week of waiting until the boy return next Friday, but the anxiety in reviewing Budd was such that the days seemed long in passing. To relax from some of the anxiety and the rare drive in their Kleins during the period in which they were traveling, Andy decided to work tirelessly for the whole day
  • 43. 43 cleaning and leaving the impeccable garden, he had never done before. Everything to please Suzanne and now Budd, his new friend who apparently loved Nature. 5th Chapter The second meeting If you do not find a meaning to your life, it will never make sense. A week later ... There were seven days of waiting, long days that seemed an eternity. During that week Andy felt no chest pain and shortness of breath. Or remedies that Dr. Klein prescribed him were doing well or meeting with small Budd brought back some courage to keep living. That week Andy had no space for disease and suffering. What he wanted was to work and make the most beautiful garden possible. They were days of hard work, as he had never worked before. Andy almost did not sleep. In the morning, instead awakening tired and unwell as happened an enthusiasm beyond normal seemed to have invaded his body and his mind. He always did everything with love and affection, especially when taking care of sunflowers. But now, besides making everything more will and determination, there was something else, something he could not understand exactly what it was. On the seventh day, when he woke in the morning as expected Friday, the day that Budd would return him to make a new visit, an inexplicable silence breaks in the mansion of the Kleins. Such as a great silence that came to bother.
  • 44. 44 Surely some very serious thing had happened to Madeleine, the maid, and Mrs. Suzanne decided to dismiss employees, including Cook St. Charles. Andy was used to the silence, but everything was very quiet. Quiet too much. Andy lived for more than forty years of his life roaming the streets and squares of the states of Nevada, Mississippi and Alabama, however, even living so long alone, he never got used to loneliness, because it was an uncontrollable feeling that depressed too, especially when he lays on the sidewalks during the cold winter nights and tried to close his eyes to forget the terrible memories of the past. But it was all in vain, for solitude was a virtually invincible feeling to it. Even though the major urban centers of the United States and walking among thousands of people all day, the pain of loneliness strangling his bowels especially when he saw couples strolling hand in hand and smiling as eternal lovers. For him, to see that was like to feel a sharp knife going through his gut and tearing his soul. It was an irrepressible pain. Actually it was the pain of loss and regret that came to the fore whenever he could see a couple walking down the street. No matter if it was a young or older couple, the pain was always the same - it was the pain of remembering, the pain of leaving the love of his life from without even knowing where - a pain that seemed incurable, who mistreated his body, his emotions and his feelings, transforming that lonely man, each year that a person was going more and more angry, bitter and depressing day. Andy did not know, but he was being attacked by the twenty-first century disease. Infamous Depression - the unconscious self-condemnation, anger that plump introjected into himself and transformed into a kind of food that insists on supplying a fault that can never be understood and forgiven. Andy was never a man of much talk. If perchance someone asked him something about his past, about his family or something that would remember the mistakes, he soon shut up or became violent and an aloof person. However, the strange and silent somehow week made him feel something he had not felt for so long - he was feeling homesick - homesick for reviewing and talk to Budd, that calm and serene boy. Even without knowing, empathy seemed to have involved the old and the boy somehow. Or was it just a lack of affection from Andy? With the same overall and always with the tools in hand, around 11:45am on a Friday morning, Andy goes to see the children who soon would leave school and would run in front of the mansion of the Klein family.
  • 45. 45 The garden was impeccable and in an extraordinarily colorful; exuded a peculiar aroma of jasmine, thus attracting dozens of blue and yellow butterflies around the bushes. Andy hears the school bell ringing in the distance, there are at least three hundred meters away from Kleins’s house. He approaches a little more, he bends over and waits children pass within a few minutes. Once they leave the school gate, they start screaming and running down the street. Andy grins demonstrating immense satisfaction to see the joy of those little creatures running. Strangely, they approach and pass unnoticed by the beautiful garden that Andy had worked on. He grieves because everyone passes without even looking at the beauty of his work. He does not understand that and immediately feel rejected and unappreciated. However his brief sadness is soon replaced by a view that lets him excited again. Budd was coming toward him, slowly and with low side of another slightly older boy when he head. Perhaps he was eleven or twelve years old, a blond boy, clear-eyed, lean with long legs. Andy waits the two approach and prefer not to show that he is anxious. Budd comes closer, passes in front of Andy and do not even greet him. He keeps moving. Seems not to have realized that he was there, leaning over the fence waiting for at least a hello. Appalled at the neglect of the boy, Andy gets angry and turns his back to the street: -Naughty boy. I thought you were different from those boys who study at this damn school. I knew you were just like everyone else. Just illusion think a kid would give attention to a boring old and cranky man like me. Clearly rejected and saddened to find that all he had done for the past seven days had been in vain, Andy bends down to pick up the toolbox that was on the lawn. Immediately the sadness begins to turn to anger and the blood starts pumping through his veins as he always did when he was upset or offended. A voice inside his head starts to say: - Do not worry baby Andy, raise your head and give this kid a lesson. Who he think he is? - And you? Who are you anyway? A brave fighter or an old fool who is afraid even of a little child? It was the same voice always. The same voices that accompanied him throughout his life and made him commit so many mistakes.
  • 46. 46 Angry, Andy gets up, sees the two boys who keep walking and whistles forcefully twice without saying anything. Only loud whistles and expects the reaction. Budd hear the whistles and becomes frightened. For more than ten feet away he stares into the eyes of Andy as if to hypnotize him. Andy shows anger in his eyes and Budd stands with the austere countenance ever. Andy is suddenly enveloped by a feeling of calm and serenity and an almost involuntary way he says: -Budd Hello! How are you? He did not want to say "Hello Budd", what he meant was "Hey, idiot boy, get out of here with that idiot buddy and never appear in front of me, you hear?". But perhaps the catchy look sickly boy has mastered his pride during those brief seconds, making him redeem himself in front of his own pride. Budd responds quietly without showing fear: -Hi Sir Andy. I'm doing very well thank you. And you? Andy replied calmly: -I'm fine. I'm doing great. - You did not see me standing here on the fence? I was waiting for you. Forgot you agreed to meet me on Fridays after school? -I haven’t forgotten you. Actually I was also waiting for you. -Waiting for me? -I was expecting you to call me. Budd and his friend begin to return to near the fence. -You were waiting for me to call you? But why? -Because I wanted to know if you would call me a kid again. If you called me boy I would not answer and follow along, but if you called me Budd I would go back to talk to you. That's what I was expecting from you. That's it. I was wondering if our deal was still standing. Andy smiled trying to relax, but Budd keeps his serious and seemingly sad countenance. -You're a very strange child, Budd. But that's okay. If we combine that would be so, then it's settled. You're right Budd. Deal's a deal. -I am well, sir Andy. Unlike other children who attend this school. One day you will understand what is wrong with me.
  • 47. 47 -What you have differently from other boys? -Time will show to you one day. I'm a perfectionist and like things explained well. I hate people who do not do what they promise. If the person says he will do, then he should do. Understand? -I understand. - And who is this guy on your side? -Ahh! This is my brother Anderson. -Very pleased Anderson, how are you? -Very glad you Andy. Budd said about you. - In fact, I would say that you are to be congratulated because it is very capricious and careful with your garden. It is a garden worthy of admiration. Congratulations! Anderson also seemed to be a very intelligent, but different boy from Budd, seemed to be much more outgoing and communicative. If you want to get to know the house and the garden, you are welcome. - Andy says with a smile, always wearing the same clothes. Shirtless, in jeans overall hold only by the clip on the left side and showing the muscled arm. A typical redneck, in fact. -Thank you very much for the offer, sir. But I need to go home. Andy accepts the apology and nods showing anytime Anderson would be welcome. Anderson hits Budd’s forehead and says: -Goodbye Brother. See you later at home to play with you. You will not be late, right? -No. Tell Mrs. Azizah I will soon be back. -Stay calm. I notice it. - Bye! -Bye fella. -Who is Azizah, Budd? - Andy asks. Yeah the person who takes care of us. -Azizah is the maid of your parents, is it? -No Sir. She's not a maid. She is much more than that. -What did she do? -I do not come here today to talk about me. Come to talk about other things. We will enter or leave me out here in the street?
  • 48. 48 -Sure! You can enter Budd. -Thank you. Both walk through the garden to reach near the barn, at the foot of Purple Ipê. Budd sits on the bench and says: -Congratulations Andy, you did quite a job in the garden. Must have worked hard. -I worked so hard! I guess I never worked so hard in my life. -You're better than last week. Hopefully next week you're even better. -You really think I'm better? -Yeah. You are showing a better face today. -Thank you. - You do not want to go inside the barn, take a glass of water and eat something? You must be hungry ! -Yes, I am very much. If possible I would rather eat something, please. Inside the barn ... -Put the backpack on the ground and sit on the bed to get some rest. It's kind of hard, but it is comfortable. Budd sits on the edge of the old straw bed, but would rather hold the bag in his lap. Andy goes to the two-burner stove that he used to use to prepare his meals and starts messing with cups and glasses. With his back to Budd, as he looked for the cutlery, Budd looks the left side of the bed and realizes a little dried blood which was side of the pillow as well. He is startled to see that. Since he was afraid of blood, he puts his backpack on the red spot to not have to stare at it. Worried, he asks: -Is everything okay with you, Andy?
  • 49. 49 -Yeah. I'm great. Now with you here with me I'm better. I like your company did you know it, Budd? -I also like you so much, sir. - Budd responds and looks again at the stained sheet. Budd thinks but does not say logically: Is Andy sick and he won’t tell me? He insists: -Are you sure that you are not sick? -Why are you asking? -For nothing. It was just a question. -Want a cup of coffee with hot milk? I prepare for you if you want. -Yes, I accept. I'm starving. I have eaten nothing since I woke up. -Do you also want some grilled bread? -Whoa! I'd love too! You have fresh bread there? -I guess wo, but am not finding it. - The old man bends down trying to find which certainly did not exist - fresh bread, because he did not go out to buy groceries for over a week. I know I have fresh bread somewhere. I'm sure I bought bread at the supermarket yesterday afternoon. It has to be somewhere. - And still looking as the water from the pot and boil the jug of milk on the stove. Budd sees the despair of Andy when trying to find the loaves and soon realizes that he is suffering from some sort of amnesia or something. Budd tries to help him. Unexpectedly the boy closes his eyes and his fists and starts to make a prayer in a language like Arabic and whispers to himself only. Andy looks back trying to understand what the boy was doing and does not care - still looking for the bread. Thus ending his brief prayer, Budd interrupts: -Andy, why you do not open that bag indigo blue that is there on the potatoes and ears of corn? -Where? Where? -Over there. Do not you see that blue bag? -This Here?
  • 50. 50 -Yeah. Exactly. Andy opens the bag and starts to laugh to see that inside there were two loaves of crackling so fresh. -My God! I must be getting a little crazy. Well that Dr. Klein said I'm too forgetful lately. I was sure that the loaves were here somewhere. Were in front of me and I could not see. Of course Andy did not notice, but Budd had done something beyond the normal for those breads appear right there in front of him. Was it some kind of magic? Magic? Some trick? Budd said nothing. Was just looking at the lack of coordination of his new friend. His or his magic trick again would be in the plans of the unknown, as happened when he put his hands inside the nest and got rid of stinging bees. Nervous, Andy tries to find among the cutlery: -I'll prepare a bread with butter and a cup of coffee with milk for you Budd. If you want to know my house, or rather the barn, feel free. When I get ready I call you. Thank you Sir Andy. I'll look around the barn. Budd out of bed and goes to the bottom of the barn. He was really curious about that enigmatic place where Andy lived. About ten minutes later without Andy called him back, Budd returns and sits back down on the edge of the bed: -What is that orange red ball like a pear hanging from the ceiling? Andy starts laughing. Pulls a wooden box, put two pieces of bread with butter on a small plate and fill two cups of coffee with milk. -That Business called speedbag. It is to train. -To Serving? -To Practice boxing. It is a very old equipment, but it was thanks to it that he conquered a lot in my life. It was through it that strengthened my arms and improved my strokes. Also, it gave me an unmatched resistance to other fighters because I trained more than two hours per day. It serves to strengthen the shoulders and make the fighter keep the guard up during the fifteen rounds of a fight. -Guard? What is it? -Keep Arms and fists raised for a long time. -That should not be difficult.
  • 51. 51 -Seems easier to stick with his arms raised, doesn’t it? -You mean that you were a boxer when you were young? Andy smiled proudly. -Yeah. I was a great fighter, my friend. -How interesting! I never imagined I would meet a real boxer. -Interesting? Much more than interesting! That old who are here in front of you is not anybody, my dear. - Wait a minute there. I'll get you something to see. Do not move. Stay where you are sitting. Andy runs clumsy to the bottom of the barn to look for something that was never shown to anyone. At least the last forty years he lived roaming the streets. Budd takes a cup of coffee with milk and gives the piece a few bites of warm bread. He was not lying, he was really hungry. Andy back enthusiastic about anything wrapped in a piece of burgundy flannel. Budd sits beside the panting and says: -I want to show you something. If you wouldn’t care to see, of course. Would you like to see? Budd's silent staring at his face for a few seconds. Then look at the dirt floor. -What is it? - Andy asks. - Why did not you answer Budd? Are you looking at the floor as if asking permission to someone? What? Budd looks back at the old, gives the last bite of bread and responds: -I want to see what you have to show me. What is it? Andy proud smiles and begins to unwrap the cloth. Were about fifteen old photos in black and white. Andy responds enthusiastically: They're able to keep some memories that last. - What was left of my life. If not for these photos certainly no one would believe an old forgotten and confused like me. -You already showed these photos to someone, Andy? -After I was robbed by my manager and left the central hospital in Las Vegas after being four months in a coma in 1964, I just showed it to a person. -Who?
  • 52. 52 -A guy I met at a gas roadside on the border of the states of Nevada and Mississippi post. We were drunk. Were there drinking and complaining about life and then I decided to tell him I had been a world champion boxer. He of course did not believe me and started arguing. -He doubted you? -Yeah. All doubt when I say that I was world boxing champion. And what did you do? -I ended up showing the photos to him to prove I was not lying. In a first moment he did not believe, but when he saw the tattoo of an eagle on his right arm wrestler in the picture, he did not hesitate and asked me to show my right arm to see if it was the same tattoo. -And you showed? -Yeah. I showed and he couldn’t believe he was drinking a bottle of whiskey with nothing more, nothing less than "The Two", the champion, also known as “Steel fists of Alabama”. -And what happened after that? -We fell in laughter and drank the whole bottle of whiskey. But I ended up regretting to show the photos to that guy. -Why? -Because he got excited and said he wanted to see the other photos. -You showed? -Yeah. Unfortunately I showed. -And there? What happened? - Budd seemed quite interested. -He took a photo that was not supposed to catch. The problem was not that he held the picture in his hands. The problem was the comment he made to see the photo. He should not have said that. -What did he say? What did he see? Andy started to get nervous and anxious. -It does not matter what he said, much less what happened, boy. It does not matter. - Take the rest of your coffee and to ask questions. You would not understand certain things that men do. -Why are you getting nervous, Andy?
  • 53. 53 -I have my reasons. I have my reasons. Damn! But it will pass. Do not worry. -You're scaring me, Andy. -I'm sorry. Andy tries to change the subject: -Look this photo! - I am my brother's side of the coach and my manager shortly after I won the championship belt in Las Vegas in 1962. -Whoa! You were very strong and far thinner than today! -You're right. I was really very strong. I may be old, but my biceps are still strong as before. - Andy gets up and does the typical pose of fighter, showing the muscled arm. -He approaches and proudly says: -Can you tighten the muscles Budd? See for yourself the hardness of these muscles of steel that once knocked out the greatest fighters of the United States. -Budd gets dull. -Come on! Squeeze! Do not be afraid. With tiny hands, his right bicep Budd tightens and widens his eyes: -My God! It is so hard it looks like it has a piece of wood inside of your arm! Andy smiled proud: -Were these arms that won one gold title belt there that hangs on the wall? Many longed for that title belt, but I never let anyone take it away from me. - My coach was very disciplined. It was he who turned me into a virtually invincible fighter. I owe him everything. -He looks a lot like you in that picture. But there's a kind of distant look. What's his name? -His Name is Allie Ray Carson he was my older brother and unfortunately died a long time ago -. In the spring of 1964, shortly after I started making lots of money and become famous. -What penalty. And who is this gray suit? -This was my best friend and also my manager. His name was Cockrane -Was He who robbed you? -No. Who stole me this was another standing behind me with gray hair. Budd looks at the barn wall and then look again at the picture.
  • 54. 54 -This title belt with golden stripes that you are wearing in the photo here is one that hangs on the wall? -Exactly. This is proof that not let me lie. This title belt and this photo prove who I was. Want to hold the belt a little? -Can I? -Of course you can. Many have fought for this title belt, but it will never be far from me, even when I die. When I leave this world, I want it to be buried next to me. Because it is the only thing left in my life. -You do not have any relatives? -I have no one. I have no father, mother, siblings, sons and wife. I am a lonely traveler. The only thing I have is my past. That's the only thing that I have in life. In fact it is the only thing the elders of my age have. Only memories. Nothing more. -What Sad! -Very sad. It is not easy getting old, my friend. Budd puts his head down and feel the sadness in the voice of Andy. Silence invades the barn and Andy realizes that Budd was not there to absorb his sad memories. He quickly tries to break the ice: -Can I consider you my friend, Budd? Because I already feel you as a friend. -Yeah. Of course you can. - You have no friends? -Actually no. I had everything in life. Money, women and hundreds of people around me. But really everyone was by my side for interest, for money, for fame, for convenience or just to promote themselves. It was all interest when I lost everything, including my physical and mental health, everyone disappeared. Simply everyone. No one left. Suddenly Budd sees some tears running down the face of Andy. Well he tried to hide his sadness but the bitterness, anger and pride would not let him turn off the mistakes of the past. It was an effort in vain. The small, well intentioned Budd tries to remedy the situation: -You cannot have only bad things to remember. Must have something else that makes you happy, Andy. Have to find something good that makes sense for your life. - If you do not find the meaning of your life, it will never make sense.
  • 55. 55 Andy gets emotional and tears with clean wrists. -Unfortunately my life has no more feeling since a long time ago. I'm not saying just to say. This title belt is the only thing that brings some meaning to my life. Everything else is gone - vanished. There is nothing, simply nothing. -Have you relatives died? -I think so. I do not know exactly what happened to them. Some were lost, others disappeared. I do not know where they are. Actually not want to talk about it. -It's okay. I did not let you sad, Andy. -You have no blame for anything, Budd. Do not worry. -Andy takes the photos of the kid's hands and decides to show one by one, but only those who brought good memories. The hours passed and the afternoon was approaching. Amazingly neither of them seemed to be bothered with the time.
  • 56. 56 6th Chapter 1950 - O`Neal Bridge -Take a look at this photo, Budd. -Who are the two boys in the picture? And this man standing holding the horse? -The younger one is me, on the corn I am six years old. The one in front of me is Allie, my older brother. He was ten years old when we were taken this picture. -You were blond and had enough hair. You were skinny and looked hungry. -Yes. I suffered a lot in that time. I could barely eat. My brother and I worked pretty much like adults on the farm for my father and my uncle. They had leased a farm and rose corn and cotton. -I see it, you all look sad in this photo. Nothing much has changed your current face is not very different. The difference is that now you are old and wrinkled. That's it. -You think so, Budd? -Yeah. It seems that not much has changed since that time. When was that? -I believe that was when the World War II ended. See the back of the picture. Maybe some note. Budd turns the photo. Was annotated in pencil below: Família Ray - Littleville March 16th 1946.