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Album preview by Bénédicte Lelong
      Iconic American guru of pop Dick Clark once said „Music is the soundtrack of our lives“.
      Music IS everywhere. We eat it for breakfast, breathe it on the dance floors and live it 24/7,
                                  MP3 players firmly glued to our ears.
      An eclectic listener‘s paradise, our Musik Laden‘s motto is simple: „Open ears, open mind“.
                                          Satisfaction guaranteed.

  Interpret: Breakbot                                   Breakbot aka Thibaut Berland has announced his debut
  Album: By Your Side                                  album ‘‘By Your Side‘‘ in September 2012. For us this album
                                                       is a little master piece. Breakbot takes you on a journey back
  Genre: Synthpop                                      in time.
  Label: Warner Bros                                    By Your Side is crammed with soulful, robo-disco and
  Origin: France                                       emotive ballads. Retro/future funk at its best.
  Released: September 2012                              I can´t stop listening to the full album. By Your Side is
                                                       an album you can play from the first to the last song without
  Members: Thibaut Berland                             getting bored.
                                                        “I do everything myself except the vocals. I just fiddle
                                                                            about, I couldn’t play a classical part, I do
                                                                            what I can.
                                                                            There are pieces of guitar samples, friends
                                                                            drop-in and play over my instrumentals.
                                                                            I love pop and funk, so I try to take that
                                                                            direction. That’s where that hybrid sound
                                                                            comes from. Breakbot is a dude in a base-
                                                                            ment looking for
                                                                            melodies”, says Thibaut.
                                                                             First impressions: I feel like in a 70´s
                                                                            porn movie or in front of the TV and wat-
                                                                            ching some classic 1970´s shows. LOVE
                                                                             If you are a fan of Michael Jackson,
                                                                            Prince, Stevie Wonder, Air and Daft Punk,
                                                                            you should get this album. The track
                                                                            „Why“ sounds like Michael Jackson is
                                                                            sending us his love from heaven.
                                                                             The track „Fantasy“ features the vocals
                                                                            of L.A. based vocalist Ruckazoid - an asto-
                                                                            nishing discovery whose honied pipes are
                                                                            a dead ringer for the late, lamented King
                                                                            Of Pop.
                                                                             The perfect sound for the winter time.
                                                                            The perfect sound for a long night with
                                                                            your lovers. The perfect sound to forget
                                                                             Must-hear tracks: Fantasy, Why, Baby
                                                                            I´m Yours
                                                                    I will confess that I was kind of new to Dragonette prior
                                                                   to listening to Bodyparts, their new album.
                                                                    As a matter of fact I had only heard and downloaded one
                                                                   of their songs (“Okay Dolore”) many years ago just because
                                                                   it featured one half of my favorite indie rock band, name-
                                                                   ly Sara Quin of Tegan & Sara. Needless to say that I was
                                                                   ready for some more.
                                                                    If you wanted additional proof, stop right there: Cana-
                                                                   dians do indeed do it better. Metric, Peaches, Lights, The
                                                                   Organ… need I go on?
                                                                    What can I say, I happen to be a real sucker for good old
                                                                   electro-infused pop. Like many children of the eighties, I
                                                                   wish I was born a decade earlier: your ears might bleed the
                                                                   second you hear a synthesizer, I for one get an eargasm.
                                                                    I do need my regular fix of New Wave / synthpop. And
                                                                   as it happens, Bodyparts does the trick with its contagious
                                                                   beats and catchy lyrics, especially on songs like “Run Run
                                                                   Run”, “Let It Go”, “My Legs” or “Rocket Ship”.
                                                                    Martina Sorbara’s voice does sound a bit like Metric’s
                                                                   Emily Haines at times, and “Right Woman” reminds me,
Interpret: The XX                                                  for some strange reason, of Kylie Minogue. Go figure.
Album: Coexist                                                      In the end Dragonette is Dragonette, 100% original, and
Genre: Indie pop                                                   if you’re looking to start a riot on the dance floor, look no
                                                                   further. Bodyparts will make you wanna tap your feet. Mis-
Label: Young Turks                                                 sion accomplished.
Origin: UK                                                          Must-hear tracks: Right Woman, My Legs, Rocket Ship.
Released: September 2012
Members: Romy Madley Croft, Oliver Sim,
Jamie Smith

 It took them three years (some might say an eternity!)
but The XX are finally back with their sophomore album,
making our music-hungry hearts and ears more than just                                   Interpret: Dragonette
 Coexist is about entangled relationships, raw emotions
                                                                                            Album: Bodyparts
dripping from its every pore.                                                     Genre: Electropop, synthpop
The dark, atmospheric beats, the spellbinding guitars, the                                    Label: Universal
soulful and sultry voices of its leading duo: it all falls per-                                Origin: Canada
fectly into place.
 Yet the success of this second album wasn’t evident from                           Released: September 2012
the get-go.                                                          Members: Martina Sorbara, Dan Kurtz, Joel
 First impressions, even though they might not always be                                             Stouffer
correct, are oftentimes lasting ones, especially in the music
 When the band’s first album came out in 2009 it was
groundbreaking because it was unlike anything else we had
ever heard at the time.
 It sounded different, bold and new, so of course the natu-
ral reaction after three years of absence was “how the hell
are they going to be able to live up to their debut album?”
Easier said than done, right?
 A bare, introductory track like “Intro” had set the tone
forever and will remain one of the most beautiful songs of
the past couple of years. Needless to say that the bar had
been set very high.
 But in the end the trademark guitar and ambient house
beat on “Swept Away” for instance achieve to remind us
why we fell in love with these Londoners in the first place.
 So lie down, close your eyes and let yourself be trans-
ported by the British trio’s latest musical effort. You won’t
regret it.
 Must-hear tracks: Try, Tides, Swept Away
                                                                  Let’s be honest: you can always count on P!nk for cal-
                                                                 ling a spade a spade. And her sincerity is refreshing in an
                                                                 industry that has taken a tendency to manufacturing artists
                                                                 and hits en masse.
                                                                  She tells it like it is. Ladies, have you ever wondered
                                                                 why when a guy sleeps around he’s just a guy, and when a
                                                                 girl does she’s a slut? We’ve got news for you gentlemen! If
                                                                 you sleep around and I do too, I’m a “Slut Like You”.
                                                                  Some will say that P!nk’s nothing but an obnoxious loud
                                                                 mouth … the truth is, she’s one of the most consistent
                                                                 artists in the biz and her new album is definitely testament
                                                                 to that.
                                                                  The Truth About Love is solid, pop rock goodness that
                                                                 will seriously make your ears beg for more. Turn it up loud.
                                                                 Real loud.
                                                                  And yet it could have gone either way. Why? She’s got
                                                                 a baby now, haven’t you heard? Ask around, it changes a
                                                                 woman. Alanis Morissette just released what might be the
                                                                 most boring album of the decade. Apparently that’s what
                                                                 becoming a mom can do to you. Unless you’re P!nk. Phew.
                                                                  So welcome to Love / Relationship 101 courtesy of the
Interpret: Carly Rae Jepsen                                      absolute Queen of Badassery herself. It hurts SO good.
                                                                  Who else was gonna have the balls to tell you “The
Album: Kiss                                                      (whole) Truth About Love”? It’s “the smelling of armpits”.
Genre: Disco pop                                                 There. You’ve been warned.
Label: 604, Schoolboy, Interscope                                 This album’s a killer that makes us pine for her Euro-
Origin: Canada                                                   pean Tour. Hurry. Please?
                                                                  Must-hear tracks: Are We All We Are, Slut Like You,
Released: September 2012                                         Where Did The Beat Go?

 First off, let me answer THE burning question that’s
on everyone’s minds: does the album live up to Call Me
Maybe?                                                                                              Interpret: P!nk
 Does it live up to that (annoyingly catchy) song that’s                             Album: The Truth About Love
been pursuing us all summer, the song that’s been played to                            Genre: Pop rock, dance rock
no end over and over again on radios everywhere, the song                                               Label:RCA
that you’d have to be living on Mars not to have heard?
Short answer? Yes, it sure does.                                                                       Origin: USA
 The saying “third time’s the charm” never rang quite so                                 Released: September 2012
true than in Carly Rae Jepsen’s case. After releasing her
first full-length Tug Of War in 2008 and an EP earlier this
year mainly to announce her album, Kiss does hit the spot.
 I confess I approached this album with open ears and an
open-mind. I didn’t know what to expect. Britney? Katy?
 As it turns out, she’s a bit different.
 True, her sound is polished with simple lyrics and teen
sensibilities. Nothing new here. It’s about bows and arrows,
crushes and heart strings (but then isn’t every album?)
 The thing with Kiss is that it’s girly bubblegum pop but
with a little twist called “electro”.
 Indeed adding a bit of electro to that mix really tickled
my inner Guetta fan, especially on songs like “Tonight I’m
Getting Over You” that’s most assuredly dance floor anthem
 We should keep an ear out for Carly Rae Jepsen. I can
totally picture her in a couple of years, doing featurings for
big shots like Tiesto or Guetta. She’s got the pipes for it.
 Must-hear tracks: Tiny Little Bows, Beautiful, Tonight
I’m getting Over You
 If you’re feeling a wee bit depressed or blue, I wouldn’t
recommend this EP… unless of course sad songs are a
catharsis for you. Which, come to think of it, is probably
what End Of Daze is all about.
 This being said one (obvious) question remains once
you’ve listened to the 5 tracks that comprise the 4th EP
of this California noise pop band: End of Daze or End of
 I won’t lie to you, this here is a pretty depressing album.
No bows and arrows. It’s about numbness, emptiness, tears,
and hell. There’s even talk of a eulogy.
 It’s humanly impossible not to feel the deep sadness be-
hind lyrics like “There’s nothing left, there is no light / Pull
me out to the other side” or “What can I do, now without
you / I feel nothing”. We’ve all felt that low at one point or
 And so if you’ve suffered a break up or have been hurt in
the name of love recently, you’ll feel (rightfully so) that End
Of Daze hits close to home.
 Crying guitar, slow, burning, insistent rhythm reminis-
cent of the shooting pain you might feel when the blade of
deception penetrates your lovesick soul. It hurts. But in a         Interpret: Michael Jackson
good way.
 The magic of this EP is that you’re completely hanging
                                                                    Album: Bad 25th anniversary edition
on Dee Dee Penny, the lead singer’s every word. Something           Genre: Pop, dance, rock
about her voice really draws you in.                                Label: Sony Legacy
 Not surprisingly, the band’s cover of Strawberry                  Origin: USA
Switchblade’s “Trees and Flowers” sounds less cheesy than
the original (released almost 30 years ago), but also a lot         Released: September 2012
more heartfelt and yes, painful, like the rest of this very
good EP.
 Must-hear tracks: Mine Tonight, I Got Nothing, Lord
                                                                     Writing this review, I promised myself one thing: that
                                                                    I would stay the hell away from clichéd superlatives like
                     Interpret: Dum Dum Girls                       “legend” and “classic”.
                           Album: End of Daze                        But hey, you know something? Michael Jackson IS a
                    Genre: Indie rock, shoegaze                     freaking’ legend and “Bad” is an all-time classic. So there.
                                Label: Sub Pop                      My bad (pun intended).
                                                                     They sure went all out on this release, with no less than
                                    Origin: USA                     3 CD’s (40 songs total), shock full of Michael Jackson
                     Released: September 2012                       gems, AND a Deluxe version that includes a DVD.
          Members: Dee Dee, Jules, Sandy, Malia                      On CD 1 you’ll find 11 newly remastered tracks. I guess
                                                                    the die-hard fans will hear the difference, I will admit that
                                                                    I really didn’t, but it’s always a good excuse to listen to MJ
                                                                    for the thousandth time, am I right? I, for one, can never
                                                                    get enough of songs like “Dirty Diana”.
                                                                     CD 2 comprises 13 tracks, most of which you’ve pro-
                                                                    bably never heard before, including one song about abor-
                                                                    tion that’s bound to be talked about for years to come and
                                                                    “Je Ne Veux Pas La Fin De Nous” (the French version
                                                                    of “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You”), which by the way for
                                                                    the French-speaking music fans among us, is a pretty
                                                                    awkward-sounding title. Whatever. It’s Michael singing in
                                                                    French. Did you say sexy?
                                                                     As for the third CD, it’s Michael’s 1988 live show at
                                                                    Wembley (16 songs). Those were the good times, when he
                                                                    was at the height of his fame. Before things went a little
                                                                     If you’re a self-proclaimed “true” fan, you’ll want the
                                                                    Deluxe box set which includes a 40-track DVD of his
                                                                    Wembley performance. You know what they say, go big or
                                                                    go home.
                                                                     Must-hear tracks: Song Groove, Je Ne Veux Pas La Fin
                                                                    De Nous, Dirty Diana (Live at Wembley).

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Music Laden (Collection 3)

  • 2. 90 MUSIC Album preview by Bénédicte Lelong Iconic American guru of pop Dick Clark once said „Music is the soundtrack of our lives“. Music IS everywhere. We eat it for breakfast, breathe it on the dance floors and live it 24/7, MP3 players firmly glued to our ears. An eclectic listener‘s paradise, our Musik Laden‘s motto is simple: „Open ears, open mind“. Satisfaction guaranteed. Interpret: Breakbot  Breakbot aka Thibaut Berland has announced his debut Album: By Your Side album ‘‘By Your Side‘‘ in September 2012. For us this album is a little master piece. Breakbot takes you on a journey back Genre: Synthpop in time. Label: Warner Bros  By Your Side is crammed with soulful, robo-disco and Origin: France emotive ballads. Retro/future funk at its best. Released: September 2012  I can´t stop listening to the full album. By Your Side is an album you can play from the first to the last song without Members: Thibaut Berland getting bored.  “I do everything myself except the vocals. I just fiddle about, I couldn’t play a classical part, I do what I can. There are pieces of guitar samples, friends drop-in and play over my instrumentals. I love pop and funk, so I try to take that direction. That’s where that hybrid sound comes from. Breakbot is a dude in a base- ment looking for melodies”, says Thibaut.  First impressions: I feel like in a 70´s porn movie or in front of the TV and wat- ching some classic 1970´s shows. LOVE IT.  If you are a fan of Michael Jackson, Prince, Stevie Wonder, Air and Daft Punk, you should get this album. The track „Why“ sounds like Michael Jackson is sending us his love from heaven.  The track „Fantasy“ features the vocals of L.A. based vocalist Ruckazoid - an asto- nishing discovery whose honied pipes are a dead ringer for the late, lamented King Of Pop.  The perfect sound for the winter time. The perfect sound for a long night with your lovers. The perfect sound to forget reality.  Must-hear tracks: Fantasy, Why, Baby I´m Yours
  • 3. 91  I will confess that I was kind of new to Dragonette prior to listening to Bodyparts, their new album.  As a matter of fact I had only heard and downloaded one of their songs (“Okay Dolore”) many years ago just because it featured one half of my favorite indie rock band, name- ly Sara Quin of Tegan & Sara. Needless to say that I was ready for some more.  If you wanted additional proof, stop right there: Cana- dians do indeed do it better. Metric, Peaches, Lights, The Organ… need I go on?  What can I say, I happen to be a real sucker for good old electro-infused pop. Like many children of the eighties, I wish I was born a decade earlier: your ears might bleed the second you hear a synthesizer, I for one get an eargasm.  I do need my regular fix of New Wave / synthpop. And as it happens, Bodyparts does the trick with its contagious beats and catchy lyrics, especially on songs like “Run Run Run”, “Let It Go”, “My Legs” or “Rocket Ship”.  Martina Sorbara’s voice does sound a bit like Metric’s Emily Haines at times, and “Right Woman” reminds me, Interpret: The XX for some strange reason, of Kylie Minogue. Go figure. Album: Coexist  In the end Dragonette is Dragonette, 100% original, and Genre: Indie pop if you’re looking to start a riot on the dance floor, look no further. Bodyparts will make you wanna tap your feet. Mis- Label: Young Turks sion accomplished. Origin: UK  Must-hear tracks: Right Woman, My Legs, Rocket Ship. Released: September 2012 Members: Romy Madley Croft, Oliver Sim, Jamie Smith  It took them three years (some might say an eternity!) but The XX are finally back with their sophomore album, making our music-hungry hearts and ears more than just Interpret: Dragonette satisfied.  Coexist is about entangled relationships, raw emotions Album: Bodyparts dripping from its every pore. Genre: Electropop, synthpop The dark, atmospheric beats, the spellbinding guitars, the Label: Universal soulful and sultry voices of its leading duo: it all falls per- Origin: Canada fectly into place.  Yet the success of this second album wasn’t evident from Released: September 2012 the get-go. Members: Martina Sorbara, Dan Kurtz, Joel  First impressions, even though they might not always be Stouffer correct, are oftentimes lasting ones, especially in the music industry.  When the band’s first album came out in 2009 it was groundbreaking because it was unlike anything else we had ever heard at the time.  It sounded different, bold and new, so of course the natu- ral reaction after three years of absence was “how the hell are they going to be able to live up to their debut album?” Easier said than done, right?  A bare, introductory track like “Intro” had set the tone forever and will remain one of the most beautiful songs of the past couple of years. Needless to say that the bar had been set very high.  But in the end the trademark guitar and ambient house beat on “Swept Away” for instance achieve to remind us why we fell in love with these Londoners in the first place.  So lie down, close your eyes and let yourself be trans- ported by the British trio’s latest musical effort. You won’t regret it.  Must-hear tracks: Try, Tides, Swept Away
  • 4. 92  Let’s be honest: you can always count on P!nk for cal- ling a spade a spade. And her sincerity is refreshing in an industry that has taken a tendency to manufacturing artists and hits en masse.  She tells it like it is. Ladies, have you ever wondered why when a guy sleeps around he’s just a guy, and when a girl does she’s a slut? We’ve got news for you gentlemen! If you sleep around and I do too, I’m a “Slut Like You”.  Some will say that P!nk’s nothing but an obnoxious loud mouth … the truth is, she’s one of the most consistent artists in the biz and her new album is definitely testament to that.  The Truth About Love is solid, pop rock goodness that will seriously make your ears beg for more. Turn it up loud. Real loud.  And yet it could have gone either way. Why? She’s got a baby now, haven’t you heard? Ask around, it changes a woman. Alanis Morissette just released what might be the most boring album of the decade. Apparently that’s what becoming a mom can do to you. Unless you’re P!nk. Phew.  So welcome to Love / Relationship 101 courtesy of the Interpret: Carly Rae Jepsen absolute Queen of Badassery herself. It hurts SO good.  Who else was gonna have the balls to tell you “The Album: Kiss (whole) Truth About Love”? It’s “the smelling of armpits”. Genre: Disco pop There. You’ve been warned. Label: 604, Schoolboy, Interscope  This album’s a killer that makes us pine for her Euro- Origin: Canada pean Tour. Hurry. Please?  Must-hear tracks: Are We All We Are, Slut Like You, Released: September 2012 Where Did The Beat Go?  First off, let me answer THE burning question that’s on everyone’s minds: does the album live up to Call Me Maybe? Interpret: P!nk  Does it live up to that (annoyingly catchy) song that’s Album: The Truth About Love been pursuing us all summer, the song that’s been played to Genre: Pop rock, dance rock no end over and over again on radios everywhere, the song Label:RCA that you’d have to be living on Mars not to have heard? Short answer? Yes, it sure does. Origin: USA  The saying “third time’s the charm” never rang quite so Released: September 2012 true than in Carly Rae Jepsen’s case. After releasing her first full-length Tug Of War in 2008 and an EP earlier this year mainly to announce her album, Kiss does hit the spot.  I confess I approached this album with open ears and an open-mind. I didn’t know what to expect. Britney? Katy? Miley?  As it turns out, she’s a bit different.  True, her sound is polished with simple lyrics and teen sensibilities. Nothing new here. It’s about bows and arrows, crushes and heart strings (but then isn’t every album?)  The thing with Kiss is that it’s girly bubblegum pop but with a little twist called “electro”.  Indeed adding a bit of electro to that mix really tickled my inner Guetta fan, especially on songs like “Tonight I’m Getting Over You” that’s most assuredly dance floor anthem material.  We should keep an ear out for Carly Rae Jepsen. I can totally picture her in a couple of years, doing featurings for big shots like Tiesto or Guetta. She’s got the pipes for it.  Must-hear tracks: Tiny Little Bows, Beautiful, Tonight I’m getting Over You
  • 5. 93  If you’re feeling a wee bit depressed or blue, I wouldn’t recommend this EP… unless of course sad songs are a catharsis for you. Which, come to think of it, is probably what End Of Daze is all about.  This being said one (obvious) question remains once you’ve listened to the 5 tracks that comprise the 4th EP of this California noise pop band: End of Daze or End of Days?  I won’t lie to you, this here is a pretty depressing album. No bows and arrows. It’s about numbness, emptiness, tears, and hell. There’s even talk of a eulogy.  It’s humanly impossible not to feel the deep sadness be- hind lyrics like “There’s nothing left, there is no light / Pull me out to the other side” or “What can I do, now without you / I feel nothing”. We’ve all felt that low at one point or another.  And so if you’ve suffered a break up or have been hurt in the name of love recently, you’ll feel (rightfully so) that End Of Daze hits close to home.  Crying guitar, slow, burning, insistent rhythm reminis- cent of the shooting pain you might feel when the blade of deception penetrates your lovesick soul. It hurts. But in a Interpret: Michael Jackson good way.  The magic of this EP is that you’re completely hanging Album: Bad 25th anniversary edition on Dee Dee Penny, the lead singer’s every word. Something Genre: Pop, dance, rock about her voice really draws you in. Label: Sony Legacy  Not surprisingly, the band’s cover of Strawberry Origin: USA Switchblade’s “Trees and Flowers” sounds less cheesy than the original (released almost 30 years ago), but also a lot Released: September 2012 more heartfelt and yes, painful, like the rest of this very good EP.  Must-hear tracks: Mine Tonight, I Got Nothing, Lord Knows  Writing this review, I promised myself one thing: that I would stay the hell away from clichéd superlatives like Interpret: Dum Dum Girls “legend” and “classic”. Album: End of Daze  But hey, you know something? Michael Jackson IS a Genre: Indie rock, shoegaze freaking’ legend and “Bad” is an all-time classic. So there. Label: Sub Pop My bad (pun intended).  They sure went all out on this release, with no less than Origin: USA 3 CD’s (40 songs total), shock full of Michael Jackson Released: September 2012 gems, AND a Deluxe version that includes a DVD. Members: Dee Dee, Jules, Sandy, Malia  On CD 1 you’ll find 11 newly remastered tracks. I guess the die-hard fans will hear the difference, I will admit that I really didn’t, but it’s always a good excuse to listen to MJ for the thousandth time, am I right? I, for one, can never get enough of songs like “Dirty Diana”.  CD 2 comprises 13 tracks, most of which you’ve pro- bably never heard before, including one song about abor- tion that’s bound to be talked about for years to come and “Je Ne Veux Pas La Fin De Nous” (the French version of “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You”), which by the way for the French-speaking music fans among us, is a pretty awkward-sounding title. Whatever. It’s Michael singing in French. Did you say sexy?  As for the third CD, it’s Michael’s 1988 live show at Wembley (16 songs). Those were the good times, when he was at the height of his fame. Before things went a little south.  If you’re a self-proclaimed “true” fan, you’ll want the Deluxe box set which includes a 40-track DVD of his Wembley performance. You know what they say, go big or go home.  Must-hear tracks: Song Groove, Je Ne Veux Pas La Fin De Nous, Dirty Diana (Live at Wembley).
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