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Meet the Team
Marketing Communication. She has a passion for
the media and entertainment industry and has the
opportunity to work at several top-notch companies
where she learned to apply her knowledge in a real-life
setting. She has experience with brand management,
licensing, event production, media planning, and digital
campaigns. After graduation she hopes to obtain work
that develops her skills and challenges her to excel. A
native of Temecula, California, Isabella enjoys spending
free time with her friends, going to the movies, doing
pilates, and lounging at the beach.
Oregon, where he learned such activities as composting,
bike riding and mushroom hunting. He then ventured
to the sunny coast of Malibu for a degree in Advertising
at Pepperdine. Last year he studied abroad in Shanghai,
and ate lots of noodles. Ross also just returned from his
gap semester in Oahu, where he used his Japanese as a
snorkel guide, taking Japanese tourists swimming with
wild dolphins and turtles daily. Ross is currently finishing
his Junior year, and can be seen doing the weather every
Friday morning on Good Morning Malibu.
Katrina Kirsch ventured to Southern California
from Chicago, Illinois to escape winter and expand her
palette beyond pizza. As a senior studying Integrated
Marketing Communication, she has learned how
important a message can be when connecting with a
client, co-worker or stranger. Her experience working
in a creative marketing agency, a newsroom and a coffee
shop have sparked her interest in global communication
and storytelling. She enjoys learning about cultures
and hopes to find an opportunity in the international
workplace. Her passions lie in content writing,
photography, travel, classic rock and killer espresso.
Klara Tomkins was born and raised in the beautiful
Santa Cruz mountains of Northern California. She
grew up riding horses, fencing and exploring the vast
wilderness that surrounded her home with her two older
sisters. By the time one sister graduated Pepperdine in
2008, Klara was convinced it was the university for her.
In 2012 she made Malibu her home. When she’s not in
class, Klara enjoys surfing, running, spending time with
family and eating large amounts of Thai food. In Spring
of 2016 Klara will graduate with her B.A in Advertising
and a concentration in Business Administration. She is
passionate about advertising and excited to continue
discovering more about the field.
Jesse Segura is currently a junior at Pepperdine
University, where he is studying Integrated Marketing
Communication. He is originally from a small town
in rural Wisconsin. He has a passion for creativity and
business, both of which fall under his field of study. He
hopes to one day manage his own business, specifically,
a juice bar. He spent a year studying in Lausanne,
Switzerland, which expanded his understanding of the
global perspective. He enjoys sail boats, motorcycle
rides, and jammin’ to good tunes.
Madii LaFerney, a Texan born and raised, moved
to California to earn her B.A. in Integrated Marketing
Communication. Live music, animals, and queso are
a few of her favorite things. Madii is passionate about
helping others in pursuit of a creative vision; she is
committed to assisting others reach their goals through
strategic planning and innovative designs. Before joining
Muse, Madii worked at a national ticket brokerage, a
marketing and public relations agency, and an animal
rescue shelter. Her sidekick, Pepper, is a 15-month-old
chihuahua who enjoys eating grass and also serves as the
agency therapist.
At Muse Media, we believe you are unique.
By understanding each client individually and personally,
we recognize the nuances and passions that make your
brand one-of-a-kind.
Table of Contents
Letter to Client
Creative Brief
Campaign Strategy
Target Market
	 Explode the Dot
Target Area
	 Los Angeles
	 Pacific Palisades
	 Simi Valley
	 E-Book Publishing
	 Pet Industry Trends
Online Tactics
	 Google AdWords
	 Digital Ad
	 Direct Email
	 Social Media
	 Mobile Ad
Print Tactics
	 Newspaper FSI
Out of Home
	 Pooch Parade
	 Business Card
	 Book Cover
	 Missing Poster
Television Tactic
Team Member Contribution
16 April 2015
Dear Louis & Eugenie Spirito,
Muse Media is thrilled you have chosen to consider our agency for marketing your book, Gimme
Shelter. We believe the book is a moving, inspirational story of how unexpected occurrences can
change the outlook of one’s life and are excited to help share your story with others through an
effective advertising campaign.
At Muse Media, we believe you are unique. By understanding each client individually and
personally, we recognize the nuances and passions that make your brand one-of-a-kind. Gimme
Shelter is a journey of one man’s struggle to overcome anger - a learned behavior that dominates
his daily interactions - and ultimately help his relationships thrive. Muse Media recognizes the
emotional impact of this book and believes our promotional efforts can expand its existing
customer base by focusing on peoples’ desire to reroute their own courses.
In addition to increasing the sale of Gimme Shelter, we also plan to highlight Mr. Spirito’s
personality and voice as a writer to drive customers to other works and future opportunities in
writing or public speaking.
Thank you for giving Muse Media the opportunity to represent your brand. We look forward to
working with you to make your campaign a personalized, unique success.
Muse Media
Ross Seeman
Isabella Gonzalez
Madii LaFerney
Klara Tomkins
Katrina Kirsch
Jesse Segura
Brief Description of Product: Gimme Shelter is a book detailing a glimpse in Louis Spirito’s past
and how the adoption of an abused dog, Tanner, changed his future.
Role of Advertising: Since Gimme Shelter has been available for over a year, an advertising
campaign will bring awareness of the product to areas outside the saturated Malibu market. The
campaign aims to increase book sales, as well as gain website traffic and recognition for Louis
Spirito as an author and speaker. Consumers will get the chance to read a personal, emotional
story of how one man and his wife discovered a dog that changed their outlook on life.
Communication Purpose:
____ General leads 				 ____ Introduce new product or service
_X_ Sell company image 			 _X_ Other (Increase brand recognition)
How do you want people to respond?
____ Contact company (call, email, other) 	 _X_ Go to website
____ No action, image only			 _X_ Other (Purchase book)
Target Audience(s): Men and women, ages 34-54 who are extreme dog lovers and support
animal shelters/rescues. Live in upscale areas, have an income of $75K+, and consider pets a
part of the family.
Key Insight: Pacific Palisades is the ideal location to advertise Gimme Shelter because the
dominant age groups are 35-49 and 50-64 year olds. Over 70% of the population has earned a
Bachelor’s degree or higher, and the average income is primarily $125K+.
Audience’s current perception of your company and product: The audience in our target
cities are likely unaware of Louis Spirito and Gimme Shelter. Our goal is to create awareness and
desire for the book, Tanner as a distinct personality, and Louis as an author.
What differentiates you from the competition?
While most animal stories are primarily inspirational and heart-warming, Gimme Shelter has an
edge to its storyline. Spirito weaves past emotional dramas into his book, and discusses how the
adoption of Tanner changed his attitude and outlook on communicating with others. Tanner
has a distinct personality, and we aim to highlight that in the ad campaign.
Creative Brief
Client: Louis, Eugenie & Tanner Spirito
Product Features: Entertainment through reading book full of emotion, humor, rescue, and
life advice.
Product Benefits: Readers can relate the story to their own lives, find a way to deal with past
issues and struggles, and look forward to changing their future.
Choose desired advertising characteristics from list below:
___ Conservative	 _X_ Contemporary 	 ___ Cutting Edge 	
___ Factual 	 ___ Emotional 		 _X_ Clever/Witty
	 • Increase sales of Gimme Shelter
	 • Create book-related video
	 • Redesign of the author’s website & book cover
	 • Drive customers to author’s website via social media promotion
What one single fact or idea should audience remember/take away from the
	 Lou and Tanner’s story is interesting, intriguing and worth the purchase.
Creative Brief
Client: Louis, Eugenie & Tanner Spirito
1. Old dog new tricks
2. Alternative to therapy
3. Transformation
4. Renewal, Regrowth, Redemption
5. Who’s taking who for a walk?
6. Saved by the (pit)bull
7. Redemption comes in many forms
8. Two dominant breeds
9. How saving a dog saved my life
10. A journey of dog walks man
11. Anger’s ruff, take a walk
12. Sometimes a wrong turn leads you to the right place
13. Wrong turns and rough roads to redemption
14. Journey of turning points
15. Shifting old patterns
16. Trying to recapture the past
17. Breaking habits
18. Altering course
19. How I rescued my owner
20. Discovering wants versus needs
21. Tanner Tales (Tails)
Campaign Strategy
Unique Selling Point of Gimme Shelter:
For animal shelter supporters, Louis Spirito’s Gimme Shelter is the most personal recount of the
struggles and triumphs that accompany animal adoption, standing out from all other animal-
based memoirs. Unlike traditional stories, this journey of how one shelter stray unknowingly
rescues his new owner will make any reader contemplate the course of life and the people and
pets who impact it the most.
The primary objectives are as follows:
	 • Drive consumers to purchase Gimme Shelter
	 • Build brand awareness for author Louis Spirito
	 • Promote USP across all advertising media
The advertising campaign will accomplish these goals:
	 • Increase book sales and extend shelf life
	 • Drive customers to author’s website
	 • Produce book trailer
	 • Spark interest for reading Tanner’s blog
	 • Boost fans and followers on social media platforms
	 • Generate name recognition for the author
To achieve the goals outlined above, Muse Media will use effective advertising tactics to show
the benefits readers will gain from purchasing Gimme Shelter. These include an understanding
of human’s constant struggle to better themselves and how one shelter dog was the catalyst of
change. Readers will also look more introspectively at the direction their life is taking and the
path they want to take in the future.
1. Who is our target market? Give brief lifestyle/additional descriptions. Include some
demographics too. Are they users, heavy users, nonusers, and users of competitive
brands? What is the relationship to other product/service usage.
	 We are targeting men and women, ages 35-54, in Simi Valley and the Los Angeles city
area, focusing on Pacific Palisades and Brentwood. Our target audience has household incomes
over $75K+ annually. This audience consists of individuals who are not only pet owners but
also are pet enthusiasts. In addition, they are users of competitive brands, specifically other
inspirational animal stories. Competitive brands are more prevalent in their lives because our
product currently lacks brand awareness.
2. Where is our product in the mind of our target market? They don’t know us...
They know us, but don’t use us... They prefer another brand because...they don’t
understand what we can do...They don’t use us enough...Etc.
	 Gimme Shelter is not currently in the minds of our target market, as most of the marketing
efforts have been focused in Malibu. They do not understand the story the book has to offer, so
we plan to introduce them to the product and create a desire for it.
3. Where is our competition in the mind of this person? Use the same approach as
above, but concentrate on competing brands.
	 Our competition is in the minds of our target market, especially with books such as
Marley & Me and The Art of Racing in the Rain. These books have gained a following and been
popularized through their brand recognition.
4. Where would our product like to be in the mind of this person? Product is
positioned as...product is the best choice they know the product will...
	 We would like the target market to think of Gimme Shelter when discussing forms of
entertainment with friends. They will know the product, use it and then recommend it to
friends. Since word-of-mouth helped sell the book in Malibu, our marketing efforts will
encourage sharing it in the Los Angeles area as well.
Target Market
5. What is the consumer promise and the “big idea”? State your major focus of
your campaign. Not a tagline at this stage, but a concise idea that sums up what the
campaign should be about.
	 The consumer promise of Gimme Shelter is that readers will be entertained by one man
and dog’s inspiring, relatable story. The big idea of the campaign is to sell the book by playing
into Louis and Tanner’s rough and tough personalities. The ads will draw in consumers
using the slogan “Most Interesting Dog in the World.” Our photos will show Tanner doing
unconventional things, such as wearing a leather jacket or sunglasses.
6. What is the supporting evidence? Build benefit after benefit in support of your big
idea, which you state in #5 above.
	 A play off of the Dos Equis campaign “Most Interesting Man in the World,” the goal of
our campaign is to make Tanner’s story intriguing enough that viewers purchase the book on
Amazon or visit Lou’s website. According to AdAge’s “Top Ad Campaigns of the 21st Century,”
the Dos Equis campaign is ranked at #11. Since our target market pampers their pets, we
believe they will be attracted to ads that show a dog going above and beyond normal activities.
A 2013 eMarketer report shows 68% of households in the US own a pet, and those pets are
increasingly getting all-star treatment. As more and more people are treating pets like part of
the family, Lou and Tanner’s story will resonate with them.
7. What is the Tone of Voice? Decide on appropriate tone - warm, family values, star-
tling , high-tech, sobering fact, mild guilt, humor, etc.
	 The tone of voice of our campaign is primarily intrigue, with photos, copy, and headlines
focusing on the “Most Interesting Dog in the World” theme.
Target Market
Questions cont.
We are looking at men and women, ages 35-54, with household incomes of over $75K
per year. This audience is not comprised of merely pet owners but those who dedicate an above
average amount of time, money and resources to the care and happiness of their animals. They
log their social hours at the local dog park or pet-friendly spaces, with furry friend in tow.
	 According to Mintel Academic, although this audience may or may not have children,
these pet owners take precautions with their animals as if they were children. Labels of food,
treats, toys, and cleaning products are read for any unsafe ingredients or materials.1
They may
buy supplements for their animal’s extended health and well-being.2
	 While this audience enjoys maintaining their animals’ happiness, they are also the ones
who have nurtured a sick or abused animal back to his or her proper health. According to
Mintel, many of their current or past pets were adopted from an animal shelter or rescued from
a pound.3
They are also likely to contribute to local shelters or organizations that fight to save
abandoned animals.
	 Keep in mind this audience considers their animal a part of the family, so they will be
emotionally connected to others who do the same.4
Target Market
Target Market
Explode the Dot
Explode the Dot Method5
Los Angeles (city) Map:
Total: 3.8 million
	 Female: 50.2%
	 Male: 49.8%
	 Age 18-64: 59.8%
Total: 1,320,960
Persons per household: 2.83
Target Market
Research: Los Angeles City
United States Census - Los Angeles (city), CA6
Target Market
Research: Pacific Palisades
Household Income in 1000s of dollars Average Age
Education Level
Mapping L.A - Pacific Palisades7
Total Population: 23,940
Target Market
Mapping L.A - Brentwood8
Household Income in 1000s of dollars Average Age
Education Level
Total Population: 31,344
Target Market
Research: Simi Valley
	 Total: 126,181
	 Females: 51.2%
	 Males: 48.8%
	 Median resident age: 37.6 years
	 Total: 41,237
	 Persons per household: 3.00
	 Median income: $106,009
Average AgeHousehold Income in 1000s of dollars
Education Level
Simi Valley, CA - Realtor.com9
Why Black & White?
In his study conducted to observe the effects of nostalgia, social psychologist Clay Routledge
presented his participants with images that reminded them of fond memories of their past. He
found that participants who reached a state of nostalgia experienced an increase in positive
emotions — many times, these feelings of nostalgia translated into an improved, good mood. In
addition, he found that reminiscing over fond memories of the past resulted in good emotions
in the present. Overall, it left the participants inspired, energized, with a lower stress level and a
feeling of self-worth.10
Our campaign used the above study to justify why a black and white color scheme is a beneficial
for the Gimme Shelter campaign. Since the target audience is 34-54 years old, their memories
of black and white videos or print ads from their childhoods will be invoked by the “old-
school” theme we have created for the campaign. We will preserve the nostalgic feel while
simultaneously giving the campaign a present-day twist by the use of white space. The final
ad product fits Gimme Shelter well because it is a book that reflects on the decades past while
showing change happening in the present.
Market Research
Media & Ebook Publishing
PC Internet 183.3
TV 163.5
Mobile Phone 62.2
Tablet Internet 38.3
Books (print) 35.6
Print Newspapers/Magazines 23.4
Daily Time Spent with Media Among Consumers in US, by type, 2013 (minutes).11
Market Research
Lifestyle & Pet Industry Trends
• Market for pets, pet food, and pet-related products and services is
forecast to increase 21% from 2014-2019.15
• 1 in 10 pets has a social media profile.16
• To build brand awareness and loyalty, any marketer of pet-related
products or services needs to leverage the use of social media and, in
particular, its interactivity and networking effect.17
• About one in 10 pets are acquired as a favor to a family member or
friend who can no longer care for it. Men are somewhat more likely
than women to acquire a pet for this reason.18
• High income households are more willing to join an online pet
*SRDS Index represents the likelihood to participate in one of the listed lifestyle attributes and the
single selected lifestyle versus the listed lifestyle alone.
Pet Industry Trends
Lifestyle Trends
Lifestyle of the Elite Suburb Group		 SRDS Index
Interested in the Arts					154
Prefer Specialty Stores					154
Do some sport/exercise once a week			 143
Avoid watching tv commercials				 135
Online Tactics
Social Media // YouTube
Out of Context:
The YouTube promotional video is unique in that it allows Tanner and Louis to interact, tell
their story, visually represent their book, and create personalities for themselves through a spot
that lasts just over one minute. This book trailer incorporates the important facts that lead
to the creation of Gimme Shelter, and interacts with the audience throughout the duration
of the video. The spot is clever and captivating, with catchy music, a clever yet lighthearted
feel, and a definitive call-to-action. Users who are watching the video, will already be in front
of their computer or mobile device, minimizing the steps needed to visit Amazon to buy the
book. Traffic will be drawn to the video through postings on Louis’s Facebook page, The Linda
Blair Worldheart Foundation’s Facebook page, uploading links on Tanner’s blog, and sending
a link to the video through email promotions. The video will exponentially gain success as the
above platforms are used to direct consumers to the book trailer. Not only is YouTube a free
advertising and promotional tactic, but it is also the number one site for streaming digital videos
as shown by a 2014 eMarketer research survey. 75% of respondents used YouTube to stream,
with Facebook as the second most used site at 33%.20
1 2
Promotion: The Linda Blair Worldheart Foundation
Reach: 23,273
Online Tactics
Social Media // YouTube
3 4
5 6
7 8
Online Tactics
Social Media // YouTube
11 12
13 14
15 16
17 18
Online Tactics
Social Media // YouTube
19 20
21 22
23 24
25 26
Online Tactics
Google AdWords
This medium is proven to give us the highest conversion rates – enabling us to get the biggest
bang for the buck. Google AdWords works on a bidding system – meaning we can essentially set
our own price and only pay per click. We plan to allocate a cost of $200 throughout the entire
3-month campaign.21
The search optimization Google Adwords offers is paramount to promoting Gimme Shelter.
Currently, the book does not appear in the top 10 items when “Gimme Shelter book” is
searched on Google. By choosing keywords relevant to the book, website, and blog, we will
not only be able to compete with other products named Gimme Shelter but will show up when
consumers perform searches for “animal rescue” or “animal shelters.” Adwords will boost
the position of Gimme Shelter by placing bids on the specific keywords listed below. We believe
Adwords will be effective because according to a survey of most effective marketing methods
for small business owners, SEO/organic search visibility was ranked as the fourth most effective
method. Another benefit of Adwords is the potential for the ad to be seen on Google-affiliated
sites, such as YouTube.22
Key Words:
Anger Management / Pet Book / Gimme Shelter / Gimme Shelter Amazon / Animal Rescue
Dog Rescue / Dog Shelter / Animal Story / Pet Story / Pet Adoption / Dog Book / Pet Blog
Local Animal Shelters / Local Animal Rescues / Southern California Shelters / Louis Spirito
How to take care of a rescue dog / How to take care of a rescue pet / Pacific Palisades Shelters
Estimated traffic summary:
The following are approximations for the keywords above.
Based on max CPC: $5.63 and budget: $10.00/day.
Avg. CPC: $4.61 - $5.63
Clicks/day: 1 - 2
Cost/day: $9.00 - $11.00
400 clicks over the first month at book cost of $14.99 = $5,996
Standard delivery:
(the default option) tries to show your ads
throughout the entire day to make sure
that you don’t spend your whole budget
in the morning and cause your ads to
stop showing for the rest of the day.
Total Reach: 431,000
Projected Purchase: 1,153
Delivery: Standard
CPM: $4.61
ROI: 47.4%
Online Tactics
Google AdWords
Headline: Gimme Shelter
Body Copy: The Most Interesting Dog
And how he rescued his human
Gimme Shelter
The most interesting dog in the world and his best friends best
Gimme Shelter
Online Tactics
Digital Ad // is an online resource for pet care information and pet health information. The
website features more than 10,000 veterinarian approved articles of pet information and
heartwarming Pet Stories, making it a great fit for Gimme Shelter. According to SRDS, around
19% of the website U.S. audience is between the ages of 35 and 44.23
Also, about 22% of the
American audience is between the ages of 45 and 54, meaning our target age group makes up
41% of the website audience. PetPlace has 168,545 unique visitors, with each visitor viewing the
website an average of 1.17 times.24
Advertising on this website is a cost effective way to reach
animal lovers between the ages of 35 and 54 who would be interested in Louis’s story.
• Animated Leaderboard
• Length: 11.5 seconds (replays every 10 seconds)
• Location: Top Center, Article Pages
• Accepted: Image Ads, Flash Ads
• Estimated Impressions: 425,000
• Geographic Targeting
Size: 728x90
CPM: $3.00
CPC: $0.46
Reach: 30,000
ROI: 250%
0.1 seconds
0.5 seconds
0.2 seconds
Online Tactics
Digital Ad //
1.0 seconds
0.2 seconds
1.0 seconds
2.0 seconds
1.0 seconds
1.0 seconds
0.2 seconds
Online Tactics
Digital Ad //
0.5 seconds
0.2 seconds
0.2 seconds
10 seconds
2.0 seconds
1.0 seconds
Out-of-Context cont.:
Online Tactics
Digital Ad //
Online Tactics
Direct E-mail
According to Business News Daily, e-mail marketing offers businesses several advantages over
other types of marketing strategies including low cost at a higher frequency, as well as higher
turnaround and greater tracking options.25
In our direct e-mails, we want our direct marketing approach to feel personal to the receiver.
We plan to pay $195 for e-mail blast lists that targets dog lovers in the greater Los Angeles
county area. We chose relevant age demographics as well as categories for the list, such as book
buyers, charitable donors, dog owners, and gift givers. Our target market will be sent an e-mail
that shows the book trailer video and tells receivers where to buy the book. Research done by
eMarketer on US internet users who open e-mails from retailers shows that users aged 35-44
open and read 73% of promotional e-mails, while users 45-54 open and read 71%.26
study done by eMarketer showed the benefits of using video in e-mail marketing where 55% of
marketing executives saw increased clickthrough rates and 15% increased sales.27
Size: 77KB
CPM: $150.00
Reach: 1,300
ROI: 212%
Online Tactics
Direct E-mail
In Context:
Online Tactics
Social Media // Facebook
After conducting research on eMarketer, we found Facebook would be a great way to target our
audience while also allowing us to control our limited budget. According to an eMarketer 2014
survey of small business owner’s most effective marketing methods, Facebook and other social
media sites were ranked the second most effective method of promotion.28
Facebook was also
the preferred social media site for receiving ads, chosen by 67% of males and 63% of females.
According to the Facebook Ad Manager, we would reach a potential audience of 44,000.29
Using Facebook’s ad bidding process, we plan to spread out these targeted ads over the duration
of our 3 month campaign for a total of $325.
Size: 254 x133 pixels
Weight: 342 KB
CPM: $0.65
CPC: $0.46
Reach: 44,000
ROI: 15.2%
Online Tactics
Social Media // Facebook
Online Tactics
Mobile Ad // Humane Society
Based on the target market, directing the mobile campaign toward websites involving
animals, and more specifically pet adoption, will be most effective. We decided to advertise
on, the national website for the Humane Society. Our full-page overlay
advertisement will fill the screen when the webpage is accessed via iPhone or
iTouch, and will geo-target our desired market of California. When the full-page ad is clicked
on, the consumer will be directed to the Amazon selling page of Gimme Shelter. Approximately
66,847 Californians access this website monthly, therefore our advertisement will have a very
wide reach.30
$100 will be allocated to the mobile advertisement, through the iAd software. By
using Debbie Wideroe’s formula, based off our bid of $100, an estimated exposure of 8,356
views will occur, translating into a calculated 209 books sold.31
Size: 750 x 100 pixels
Weight: 87KB
CPM: $100
CPC: $0.10
Reach: 1,000
ROI: 235%
Online Tactics
Mobile Ad // Humane Society
Online Tactics
Mobile Ad // Humane Society
Online Tactics
With an existing Goodreads account, Louis Spirito already has the first step done towards
engaging in targeted advertising on the website. Through this site, he can gain access to a
massive audience of more than 30 million book lovers. With more than 300 million page views
and 45 million unique visitors a month, Goodreads offers advertisers integrated advertising and
promotional programs to reach our highly affluent and educated audience of book readers.32
Goodreads’ users will see the advertisement if Gimme Shelter is relevant to their book categories of
interest. We will be advertising on Goodreads for one month, using a fixed budget of $100 for
the four weeks.
Size: 50 x 60px
CPM: $0.71
CPC: $0.50
Reach: 140,625
ROI: 137%
Ad Title: Gimme Shelter
Ad Description: The Most Interesting Dog In The World
URL: Link to Amazon page
Image: Book Cover
Online Tactics
The Palisadian-Post is one out of the only two newspapers that completely saturate the high
income households of the Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica Canyon, and adjoining areas. In
addition to news racks, the hyper-local newspaper is distributed weekly by the U.S. Postal
Service to every household. With a circulation of over 5,500 per week, this newspaper provides
the perfect opportunity for Gimme Shelter to reach the wealthy animal lovers in Pacific Palisades.33
4/0 Color one-sided: $95/1000 inserts
Print Fee: $60
Size: 8.5” x 11”
Weight: 10.3 MB
CPM: $155
Reach: 1,000
ROI: 67%
Print Tactic
Newspaper // Palisadian-Post
Print Tactic
Newspaper // Palisadian-Post
Print Tactic
Newspaper // Palisadian-Post
Out of Home
Pooch Parade
When: July 19th
, 2015 from 9am - 4pm
Where: San Buenaventura State Beach Park, Ventura, CA
What: Fundraising Dog Walk and Pet Expo
Theme: “Seniors Need Second Chances Too!”
The Pooch Parade is an annual event held along the Ventura Beach Promenade that attracts
over 2,000 walkers and their dogs. It is hosted by the Canine Adoption and Rescue League
(C.A.R.L.), and raises money through a silent auction and walkers’ fundraising efforts. In 2014,
there were over 50 vendor booths at the parade, which are set up at the end of the walk in
the San Buenaventura State Beach Park. Vendors and participants come from Santa Barbara,
Ventura, and Los Angeles County.34
Throughout the day there will be pet contests, raffles, food,
pet adoptions and demonstrations for attendees, but more importantly, Louis and Eugenie
Spirito can promote and sell Gimme Shelter by having the book on-hard and passing out business
cards. For each hard copy of the book sold, Louis make a profit of $5.30. Since the e-book profit
is only $3.35, it would will be beneficial to sell hard copies of Gimme Shelter at the Pooch Parade
to receive the highest return. In order to break even on the vendor costs, Louis would have to
sell 50 books at the event, which requires just 2.5% of the estimated 2,000 attendees to buy
a book. Since the participants and other vendors are likely to be supporters of animal rescue
shelters, within the targeted income range, and dog lovers, Louis will get the opportunity to sell
his book directly to his target audience. Another perk of the parade is that Tanner could join
Louis and Eugenie at the booth to help create appeal for the book. If Louis sold books to one-
third of audience present, he would make profit of $3532.98.
CPM: $132.50
Reach: 2,000
ROI: 123%
Description						Cost ($)		# Requested
Booth - 10ft x 10ft (includes 1 parking pass)		 $180/booth			 1
Canopy - 10ft x 10ft					$75/canopy			1
Table - 6ft							$8/table			1
Chair								$2/chair			2	
											Total - $265
Out of Home
Pooch Parade
Business Card
Size: 3.5”x 2”
	 Back: 883 KB
	 Front: 802 KB
Cost: $10 for 500 cards
Out of Home
Pooch Parade
Book Cover:
	 Book: 19”x 13”
	 Spine: 0.53”x 9.0”
Weight: 2.9 MB
Out of Home
Pooch Parade
In Context:
Out of Home
Missing Poster
The missing poster will be posted throughout Brentwood, Pacific Palisades and Simi Valley
in animal rescues and shelters, on community boards in coffee shops, on trees/poles near dog
parks, and in high-traffic areas of the towns. Our goal is to attract passerbys with the “missing”
copy and encourage them to take a tab at the bottom on the poster. On the tab is the call to
action to buy Gimme Shelter at We will be printing 1,000 copies of the poster, so
each town will have approximately 333 posters posted throughout. Using Professor Wideroe’s
formula for out-of-home advertising buys, we estimated 213 people would buy the book.35
the profit per book and percentage of current sales for e-books versus hard copy given to us by
Louis Spirito, we calculated the ROI to be 109%.
Size: 8.5” x 11”
Weight: 6.5 MB
CPM: $0.29
Reach: 204,671
ROI: 109%
Out of Home
Missing Poster
Out of Home
Missing Poster
In Context:
PSA advertisements are unique in that they allow empty time slots to be filled with
announcements that benefit the community. For Gimme Shelter, we have created a PSA that
raises awareness about animal rescue and the Humane Society, through Tanner telling his story.
The PSA features Tanner speaking out on his adoption journey, and how his life changed for
the best. Although the PSA will be featured alongside our book trailer on YouTube, the hope
is to be featured by Time Warner Cable on television. PSA advertising is fairly competitive,
gaining roughly 17 seconds of airtime per hour on television.36
It is also demonstrated that 46%
of PSA advertisements are aired between the hours of 12:00am - 6:00am, while 13% of PSA
advertisements are aired during primetime.37
Many television stations use PSA advertisements
to fill empty slots in the late night hours. Although there is no guarantee that our PSA will be
shown, the possibility of being featured on television is well worth the production. Research
shows that more than 1/3 of men talk to family and friends about commercials they have
seen. Also 22% of men are shown to visit the website of the ad, after the advertisement has
Our PSA ad will be targeted at the Pacific Palisades, which according to Time Warner
Cable, has a 94% rate of watching traditional television.39
By creating the PSA, we have given
Gimme Shelter the opportunity to be featured on television for no cost, and created another
promotional video that can be circulated alongside the book trailer.
Television Tactic
PSA // Time Warner Cable
Hey, as you already know, I’m the most interesting dog in the world. But what you don’t know
is that I used to be in shelters. There are over 2.7 million dogs in shelters. Who knows? One of
them could be as interesting as me. I doubt it. So pick up a copy of Gimme Shelter, it’s about me.
And donate today, ok? Please?
MUSE MEDIATelevision Tactic
PSA // Time Warner Cable
1 2
3 4
5 6
Television Tactic
PSA // Time Warner Cable
Ad Cost
% of
Budget Cpm Reach
Direct Email
Newspaper FSI
Pooch Parade
OOH Flyer
Business Card
> 0.1%
Google AdWords
Direct E-Mail
Newspaper FSI
OOH Flyer
Pooch Parade
July August September
Campaign 2015
Direct E-Mail
Google AdWords
Campaign Budget/Timeline
Campaign Book
Target Market
Creative Brief
Letter to the Client
Creative Design
Print Ad
Campaign Research
Book Cover
Presentation Deck
Book Cover
Team Member Contribution
Mobile Ad Research
PSA Research
YouTube Research
Madii Online Ad
Mobile Ad Creative
Campaign Book
Pooch Parade Research
Business Card
Book Cover
	 • PSA
	 • YouTube book trailer
	 • Introduction
Scripts and Copy for Videos
Video Set-up & Backdrop
Research for Ad Pieces
Brooks, Chad. “Email Marketing: A Small Business Guide.” Business News Daily, 16 Apr. 2014. Web. 11 Feb.
“Corporate Support.” The Humane Society of the United States, 10 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.
eMarketer. “Attitudes Toward Reading Printed Books vs. Ebooks According to US Internet Users, by Demo-
graphic, March 2014.” Harris Interactive, 17 April 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.
eMarketer. “Benefits of Using Video in Email Marketing According to US Marketing Executives, Feb 2013.”
The Relevancy Group, 10 June 2013. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.
eMarketer. “Channels Used to Watch TV or Digital Video Content Among US Smartphone/Tablet Users, by
Generation, Oct 2014.” Millward Brown Digital, 5 Feb. 2015. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
eMarketer. “Daily Time Spent with Media Among Consumers in Select Countries, by Type, 2013 (minutes).”
Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, 15 July 2014. Web. 13 February 2015.
eMarketer. “Most Effective Marketing Methods According to US SMBs.” Thrive Analytics, 20 Feb. 2014. Web. 14
Feb. 2015.
eMarketer. “Newspaper Inserts Still Have Their Perks.” Newspaper Association of America, 02 Oct. 2014. Web. 12
Apr. 2015.
eMarketer. “Pampered Pets Drive Record Industry Sales.” eMarketer, 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
eMarketer. “Preferred Social Network for Receiving Ads According to US Facebook Users, by Demographic,
Oct 2013.” Analytic Partners, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.
eMarketer. “Reach of Videos Brands Worldwide Post on Facebook, March 2013.” Socialbakers, 6 Mar. 2014.
Web. 12 Apr. 2015.
eMarketer. “Streaming Sites/Apps Used to Watch Digital Video Among US Digital Video Viewers, June 2014.”
Frank N. Magid Associates, 20 Oct, 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.
eMarketer. “US Ereader User Metrics, by Age, 2013-2019.” eMarketer, 2 Feb. 2015. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.
eMarketer. “US Internet Users Who Open and Read Promotional Emails from Retailers, by Age.” Listrak, Dec.
2014. 16 Mar. 2015.
eMarketer. “Why Do Consumers Read Retail Promo Emails?” Listrak, 23 Feb. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
Facebook Ad Guides. “Clicks to Website: Links.” Facebook, 2015. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.
Goodreads. “Author Program - Use Goodreads to Promote Yourself and Your Books.” Goodreads Inc., 2015. Web.
15 Mar. 2015.
Google Adwords. “Campaign Management.” Google, 2015. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
Lewis, N. “Local Charities See Drop in Donated TV Time.” Chronicle of Philanthropy: 20:8. p.23 2008. Web. 04
Apr. 2015.
Life4Paws. “Animal Information from Life4Paws.” Life4Paws Inc., 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.
“Mapping L.A. - Brentwood.” Los Angeles Times, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015.
“Mapping L.A. - Pacific Palisades.” Los Angeles Times, n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.
Mintel Academic. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.” Mintel Academic, Sept. 2014. Web. 16 Mar.
Mintel Academic. “Pet Supplies.” Mintel Academic, June 2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.
McCarthy, Allison. “US Digital Users: Q1 2015 Complete Forecast.” eMarketer, 27 Feb. 2015. Web. 16 Mar.
O’Donnell, Fiona. “Marketing to Men.” Mintel Academic, July 2014. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.
Palisadian-Post Media Kit. Pacific Palisades Post, 2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.
“Pooch Parade 2015.” Canine Adoption Rescue League, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015.
Routledge, Clay. “Rehabilitation of a New Emotion: A Science in Nostalgia.” Scientific American.Online
Periodical. 10 April 2015.
“Simi Valley, CA: Lifestyle & Demographics.”, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015.
SRDS Media Solutions. “”Lifestyle Analysis Reports.” Kantar Media, 2014. Web. 14 Feb. 2015.
SRDS Media Solutions. “” Kantar Media, 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.
SRDS Media Solutions. “PRIZM Reports.” Kantar Media, 2014. Web. 14 Feb. 2015.
“State & Country Quickfacts: Los Angeles (city).” United States Census Bureau, 31 Mar. 2015. Web. 06 Apr. 2015.
Time Warner Cable. “Time Warner Cable Bundles in Pacific Palisades, CA.” Time Warner Cable, 2015. Web. 14
Feb. 2015.
Wideroe, Debbie. “Advertising Media Planning.” Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA. Fall 2014. Lecture.
Zickuhr, Kathryn and Lee Rainie. “A Snapshot of Reading in America in 2013.” Pew Research Center. Pew
Research Center, 16 Jan. 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.
Bibliography MUSE MEDIA
eMarketer. “Pampered Pets Drive Record Industry Sales.” eMarketer, 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.” Mintel Academic, Sept. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.”
Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.”
Wideroe, Debbie. “Advertising Media Planning.” Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA. Fall 2014. Lecture.
“State & Country Quickfacts: Los Angeles (city).” United States Census Bureau, 31 Mar. 2015. Web. 06 Apr. 2015.
“Mapping L.A. - Pacific Palisades.” Los Angeles Times, n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.
“Mapping L.A. - Brentwood.” Los Angeles Times, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015.
“Simi Valley, CA: Lifestyle & Demographics.”, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015.
Routledge, Clay. “Rehabilitation of a New Emotion: A Science in Nostalgia.” Scientific American. Online
Periodical. 10 April 2015.
eMarketer. “Daily Time Spent with Media Among Consumers in Select Countries, by Type, 2013 (minutes).”
Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, 15 July 2014. Web. 13 February 2015.
eMarketer. “Attitudes Toward Reading Printed Books vs. Ebooks According to US Internet Users, by
Demographic, March 2014.” Harris Interactive, 17 April 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.
eMarketer. “US Ereader User Metrics, by Age, 2013-2019.” eMarketer, 2 Feb. 2015. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.
SRDS Media Solutions. “PRIZM Reports.” Kantar Media, 2014. Web. 14 Feb. 2015.
Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.” Mintel Academic, Sept. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.”
Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.”
Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.”
Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.”
eMarketer. “Streaming Sites/Apps Used to Watch Digital Video Among US Digital Video Viewers, June
2014.” Frank N. Magid Associates, 20 Oct, 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.
Google Adwords. “Campaign Management.” Google, 2015. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
eMarketer. “Most Effective Marketing Methods According to US SMBs.” Thrive Analytics, 20 Feb. 2014. Web.
14 Feb. 2015.
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Brooks, Chad. “Email Marketing: A Small Business Guide.” Business News Daily, 16 Apr. 2014. Web. 11 Feb.
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Dec. 2014. 16 Mar. 2015.
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Facebook Ad Guides. “Clicks to Website: Links.” Facebook, 2015. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.
“Corporate Support.” The Humane Society of the United States, 10 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.
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2015. Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
Palisadian-Post Media Kit. Pacific Palisades Post, 2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.
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Apr. 2015.
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O’Donnell, Fiona. “Marketing to Men.” Mintel Academic, July 2014. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.
Time Warner Cable. “Time Warner Cable Bundles in Pacific Palisades, CA.” Time Warner Cable, 2015.
Web. 14 Feb. 2015.
Muse Media Final Compressed

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Muse Media Final Compressed

  • 2. Meet the Team IsabellaGonzalezisaseniormajoringinIntegrated Marketing Communication. She has a passion for the media and entertainment industry and has the opportunity to work at several top-notch companies where she learned to apply her knowledge in a real-life setting. She has experience with brand management, licensing, event production, media planning, and digital campaigns. After graduation she hopes to obtain work that develops her skills and challenges her to excel. A native of Temecula, California, Isabella enjoys spending free time with her friends, going to the movies, doing pilates, and lounging at the beach. RossSeemanwasbornandraisedininnerPortland, Oregon, where he learned such activities as composting, bike riding and mushroom hunting. He then ventured to the sunny coast of Malibu for a degree in Advertising at Pepperdine. Last year he studied abroad in Shanghai, China,wherehestudiedMandarin,playedwithmonkeys and ate lots of noodles. Ross also just returned from his gap semester in Oahu, where he used his Japanese as a snorkel guide, taking Japanese tourists swimming with wild dolphins and turtles daily. Ross is currently finishing his Junior year, and can be seen doing the weather every Friday morning on Good Morning Malibu. Katrina Kirsch ventured to Southern California from Chicago, Illinois to escape winter and expand her palette beyond pizza. As a senior studying Integrated Marketing Communication, she has learned how important a message can be when connecting with a client, co-worker or stranger. Her experience working in a creative marketing agency, a newsroom and a coffee shop have sparked her interest in global communication and storytelling. She enjoys learning about cultures and hopes to find an opportunity in the international workplace. Her passions lie in content writing, photography, travel, classic rock and killer espresso. MUSE MEDIA
  • 3. Klara Tomkins was born and raised in the beautiful Santa Cruz mountains of Northern California. She grew up riding horses, fencing and exploring the vast wilderness that surrounded her home with her two older sisters. By the time one sister graduated Pepperdine in 2008, Klara was convinced it was the university for her. In 2012 she made Malibu her home. When she’s not in class, Klara enjoys surfing, running, spending time with family and eating large amounts of Thai food. In Spring of 2016 Klara will graduate with her B.A in Advertising and a concentration in Business Administration. She is passionate about advertising and excited to continue discovering more about the field. Jesse Segura is currently a junior at Pepperdine University, where he is studying Integrated Marketing Communication. He is originally from a small town in rural Wisconsin. He has a passion for creativity and business, both of which fall under his field of study. He hopes to one day manage his own business, specifically, a juice bar. He spent a year studying in Lausanne, Switzerland, which expanded his understanding of the global perspective. He enjoys sail boats, motorcycle rides, and jammin’ to good tunes. Madii LaFerney, a Texan born and raised, moved to California to earn her B.A. in Integrated Marketing Communication. Live music, animals, and queso are a few of her favorite things. Madii is passionate about helping others in pursuit of a creative vision; she is committed to assisting others reach their goals through strategic planning and innovative designs. Before joining Muse, Madii worked at a national ticket brokerage, a marketing and public relations agency, and an animal rescue shelter. Her sidekick, Pepper, is a 15-month-old chihuahua who enjoys eating grass and also serves as the agency therapist. MUSE MEDIA
  • 4. At Muse Media, we believe you are unique. By understanding each client individually and personally, we recognize the nuances and passions that make your brand one-of-a-kind. MUSE MEDIA
  • 5. Table of Contents Letter to Client Creative Brief Brainstorm Campaign Strategy Target Market Questions Profile Explode the Dot Target Area Los Angeles Pacific Palisades Brentwood Simi Valley Research Campaign E-Book Publishing Pet Industry Trends Online Tactics YouTube Google AdWords Digital Ad Direct Email Social Media Mobile Ad Goodreads Print Tactics Newspaper FSI Out of Home Pooch Parade Business Card Book Cover Missing Poster Television Tactic PSA Budget Overview Breakdown Schedule Supplemental Website Team Member Contribution Bibliography Notes MUSE MEDIA
  • 6. 16 April 2015 Dear Louis & Eugenie Spirito, Muse Media is thrilled you have chosen to consider our agency for marketing your book, Gimme Shelter. We believe the book is a moving, inspirational story of how unexpected occurrences can change the outlook of one’s life and are excited to help share your story with others through an effective advertising campaign. At Muse Media, we believe you are unique. By understanding each client individually and personally, we recognize the nuances and passions that make your brand one-of-a-kind. Gimme Shelter is a journey of one man’s struggle to overcome anger - a learned behavior that dominates his daily interactions - and ultimately help his relationships thrive. Muse Media recognizes the emotional impact of this book and believes our promotional efforts can expand its existing customer base by focusing on peoples’ desire to reroute their own courses. In addition to increasing the sale of Gimme Shelter, we also plan to highlight Mr. Spirito’s personality and voice as a writer to drive customers to other works and future opportunities in writing or public speaking. Thank you for giving Muse Media the opportunity to represent your brand. We look forward to working with you to make your campaign a personalized, unique success. Best, Muse Media Ross Seeman Isabella Gonzalez Madii LaFerney Klara Tomkins Katrina Kirsch Jesse Segura MUSE MEDIA
  • 7. Brief Description of Product: Gimme Shelter is a book detailing a glimpse in Louis Spirito’s past and how the adoption of an abused dog, Tanner, changed his future. Role of Advertising: Since Gimme Shelter has been available for over a year, an advertising campaign will bring awareness of the product to areas outside the saturated Malibu market. The campaign aims to increase book sales, as well as gain website traffic and recognition for Louis Spirito as an author and speaker. Consumers will get the chance to read a personal, emotional story of how one man and his wife discovered a dog that changed their outlook on life. Communication Purpose: ____ General leads ____ Introduce new product or service _X_ Sell company image _X_ Other (Increase brand recognition) How do you want people to respond? ____ Contact company (call, email, other) _X_ Go to website ____ No action, image only _X_ Other (Purchase book) Target Audience(s): Men and women, ages 34-54 who are extreme dog lovers and support animal shelters/rescues. Live in upscale areas, have an income of $75K+, and consider pets a part of the family. Key Insight: Pacific Palisades is the ideal location to advertise Gimme Shelter because the dominant age groups are 35-49 and 50-64 year olds. Over 70% of the population has earned a Bachelor’s degree or higher, and the average income is primarily $125K+. Audience’s current perception of your company and product: The audience in our target cities are likely unaware of Louis Spirito and Gimme Shelter. Our goal is to create awareness and desire for the book, Tanner as a distinct personality, and Louis as an author. What differentiates you from the competition? While most animal stories are primarily inspirational and heart-warming, Gimme Shelter has an edge to its storyline. Spirito weaves past emotional dramas into his book, and discusses how the adoption of Tanner changed his attitude and outlook on communicating with others. Tanner has a distinct personality, and we aim to highlight that in the ad campaign. Creative Brief Client: Louis, Eugenie & Tanner Spirito MUSE MEDIA
  • 8. Product Features: Entertainment through reading book full of emotion, humor, rescue, and life advice. Product Benefits: Readers can relate the story to their own lives, find a way to deal with past issues and struggles, and look forward to changing their future. Choose desired advertising characteristics from list below: ___ Conservative _X_ Contemporary ___ Cutting Edge ___ Factual ___ Emotional _X_ Clever/Witty Mandatories: • Increase sales of Gimme Shelter • Create book-related video • Redesign of the author’s website & book cover • Drive customers to author’s website via social media promotion What one single fact or idea should audience remember/take away from the advertising? Lou and Tanner’s story is interesting, intriguing and worth the purchase. Creative Brief Client: Louis, Eugenie & Tanner Spirito MUSE MEDIA
  • 9. Brainstorm 1. Old dog new tricks 2. Alternative to therapy 3. Transformation 4. Renewal, Regrowth, Redemption 5. Who’s taking who for a walk? 6. Saved by the (pit)bull 7. Redemption comes in many forms 8. Two dominant breeds 9. How saving a dog saved my life 10. A journey of dog walks man 11. Anger’s ruff, take a walk 12. Sometimes a wrong turn leads you to the right place 13. Wrong turns and rough roads to redemption 14. Journey of turning points 15. Shifting old patterns 16. Trying to recapture the past 17. Breaking habits 18. Altering course 19. How I rescued my owner 20. Discovering wants versus needs 21. Tanner Tales (Tails) MUSE MEDIA
  • 10. Campaign Strategy Statement Unique Selling Point of Gimme Shelter: For animal shelter supporters, Louis Spirito’s Gimme Shelter is the most personal recount of the struggles and triumphs that accompany animal adoption, standing out from all other animal- based memoirs. Unlike traditional stories, this journey of how one shelter stray unknowingly rescues his new owner will make any reader contemplate the course of life and the people and pets who impact it the most. Objectives The primary objectives are as follows: • Drive consumers to purchase Gimme Shelter • Build brand awareness for author Louis Spirito • Promote USP across all advertising media Goals The advertising campaign will accomplish these goals: • Increase book sales and extend shelf life • Drive customers to author’s website • Produce book trailer • Spark interest for reading Tanner’s blog • Boost fans and followers on social media platforms • Generate name recognition for the author To achieve the goals outlined above, Muse Media will use effective advertising tactics to show the benefits readers will gain from purchasing Gimme Shelter. These include an understanding of human’s constant struggle to better themselves and how one shelter dog was the catalyst of change. Readers will also look more introspectively at the direction their life is taking and the path they want to take in the future. MUSE MEDIA
  • 11. 1. Who is our target market? Give brief lifestyle/additional descriptions. Include some demographics too. Are they users, heavy users, nonusers, and users of competitive brands? What is the relationship to other product/service usage. We are targeting men and women, ages 35-54, in Simi Valley and the Los Angeles city area, focusing on Pacific Palisades and Brentwood. Our target audience has household incomes over $75K+ annually. This audience consists of individuals who are not only pet owners but also are pet enthusiasts. In addition, they are users of competitive brands, specifically other inspirational animal stories. Competitive brands are more prevalent in their lives because our product currently lacks brand awareness. 2. Where is our product in the mind of our target market? They don’t know us... They know us, but don’t use us... They prefer another brand because...they don’t understand what we can do...They don’t use us enough...Etc. Gimme Shelter is not currently in the minds of our target market, as most of the marketing efforts have been focused in Malibu. They do not understand the story the book has to offer, so we plan to introduce them to the product and create a desire for it. 3. Where is our competition in the mind of this person? Use the same approach as above, but concentrate on competing brands. Our competition is in the minds of our target market, especially with books such as Marley & Me and The Art of Racing in the Rain. These books have gained a following and been popularized through their brand recognition. 4. Where would our product like to be in the mind of this person? Product is positioned as...product is the best choice they know the product will... We would like the target market to think of Gimme Shelter when discussing forms of entertainment with friends. They will know the product, use it and then recommend it to friends. Since word-of-mouth helped sell the book in Malibu, our marketing efforts will encourage sharing it in the Los Angeles area as well. Target Market Questions MUSE MEDIA
  • 12. 5. What is the consumer promise and the “big idea”? State your major focus of your campaign. Not a tagline at this stage, but a concise idea that sums up what the campaign should be about. The consumer promise of Gimme Shelter is that readers will be entertained by one man and dog’s inspiring, relatable story. The big idea of the campaign is to sell the book by playing into Louis and Tanner’s rough and tough personalities. The ads will draw in consumers using the slogan “Most Interesting Dog in the World.” Our photos will show Tanner doing unconventional things, such as wearing a leather jacket or sunglasses. 6. What is the supporting evidence? Build benefit after benefit in support of your big idea, which you state in #5 above. A play off of the Dos Equis campaign “Most Interesting Man in the World,” the goal of our campaign is to make Tanner’s story intriguing enough that viewers purchase the book on Amazon or visit Lou’s website. According to AdAge’s “Top Ad Campaigns of the 21st Century,” the Dos Equis campaign is ranked at #11. Since our target market pampers their pets, we believe they will be attracted to ads that show a dog going above and beyond normal activities. A 2013 eMarketer report shows 68% of households in the US own a pet, and those pets are increasingly getting all-star treatment. As more and more people are treating pets like part of the family, Lou and Tanner’s story will resonate with them. 7. What is the Tone of Voice? Decide on appropriate tone - warm, family values, star- tling , high-tech, sobering fact, mild guilt, humor, etc. The tone of voice of our campaign is primarily intrigue, with photos, copy, and headlines focusing on the “Most Interesting Dog in the World” theme. Target Market Questions cont. MUSE MEDIA
  • 13. We are looking at men and women, ages 35-54, with household incomes of over $75K per year. This audience is not comprised of merely pet owners but those who dedicate an above average amount of time, money and resources to the care and happiness of their animals. They log their social hours at the local dog park or pet-friendly spaces, with furry friend in tow. According to Mintel Academic, although this audience may or may not have children, these pet owners take precautions with their animals as if they were children. Labels of food, treats, toys, and cleaning products are read for any unsafe ingredients or materials.1 They may buy supplements for their animal’s extended health and well-being.2 While this audience enjoys maintaining their animals’ happiness, they are also the ones who have nurtured a sick or abused animal back to his or her proper health. According to Mintel, many of their current or past pets were adopted from an animal shelter or rescued from a pound.3 They are also likely to contribute to local shelters or organizations that fight to save abandoned animals. Keep in mind this audience considers their animal a part of the family, so they will be emotionally connected to others who do the same.4 Target Market Profile MUSE MEDIA
  • 14. Target Market Explode the Dot Explode the Dot Method5 MUSE MEDIA
  • 15. MUSE MEDIA Los Angeles (city) Map: Population: Total: 3.8 million Female: 50.2% Male: 49.8% Age 18-64: 59.8% Households: Total: 1,320,960 Persons per household: 2.83 Target Market Research: Los Angeles City United States Census - Los Angeles (city), CA6
  • 16. Target Market Research: Pacific Palisades Household Income in 1000s of dollars Average Age Education Level Mapping L.A - Pacific Palisades7 Total Population: 23,940 Ethnicity MUSE MEDIA
  • 17. Target Market Brentwood Mapping L.A - Brentwood8 Household Income in 1000s of dollars Average Age Education Level Total Population: 31,344 Ethnicity MUSE MEDIA
  • 18. Target Market Research: Simi Valley Population: Total: 126,181 Females: 51.2% Males: 48.8% Median resident age: 37.6 years Households: Total: 41,237 Persons per household: 3.00 Median income: $106,009 Average AgeHousehold Income in 1000s of dollars Education Level Simi Valley, CA - Realtor.com9 MUSE MEDIA
  • 19. Campaign Research Why Black & White? In his study conducted to observe the effects of nostalgia, social psychologist Clay Routledge presented his participants with images that reminded them of fond memories of their past. He found that participants who reached a state of nostalgia experienced an increase in positive emotions — many times, these feelings of nostalgia translated into an improved, good mood. In addition, he found that reminiscing over fond memories of the past resulted in good emotions in the present. Overall, it left the participants inspired, energized, with a lower stress level and a feeling of self-worth.10 Our campaign used the above study to justify why a black and white color scheme is a beneficial for the Gimme Shelter campaign. Since the target audience is 34-54 years old, their memories of black and white videos or print ads from their childhoods will be invoked by the “old- school” theme we have created for the campaign. We will preserve the nostalgic feel while simultaneously giving the campaign a present-day twist by the use of white space. The final ad product fits Gimme Shelter well because it is a book that reflects on the decades past while showing change happening in the present. MUSE MEDIA
  • 20. Market Research Media & Ebook Publishing 13 12 MUSE MEDIA PC Internet 183.3 TV 163.5 Mobile Phone 62.2 Tablet Internet 38.3 Books (print) 35.6 Print Newspapers/Magazines 23.4 Daily Time Spent with Media Among Consumers in US, by type, 2013 (minutes).11
  • 21. Market Research Lifestyle & Pet Industry Trends • Market for pets, pet food, and pet-related products and services is forecast to increase 21% from 2014-2019.15 • 1 in 10 pets has a social media profile.16 • To build brand awareness and loyalty, any marketer of pet-related products or services needs to leverage the use of social media and, in particular, its interactivity and networking effect.17 • About one in 10 pets are acquired as a favor to a family member or friend who can no longer care for it. Men are somewhat more likely than women to acquire a pet for this reason.18 • High income households are more willing to join an online pet community.19 14 *SRDS Index represents the likelihood to participate in one of the listed lifestyle attributes and the single selected lifestyle versus the listed lifestyle alone. Pet Industry Trends Lifestyle Trends Lifestyle of the Elite Suburb Group SRDS Index Interested in the Arts 154 Prefer Specialty Stores 154 Do some sport/exercise once a week 143 Avoid watching tv commercials 135 MUSE MEDIA
  • 22. Online Tactics Social Media // YouTube MUSE MEDIA Out of Context: The YouTube promotional video is unique in that it allows Tanner and Louis to interact, tell their story, visually represent their book, and create personalities for themselves through a spot that lasts just over one minute. This book trailer incorporates the important facts that lead to the creation of Gimme Shelter, and interacts with the audience throughout the duration of the video. The spot is clever and captivating, with catchy music, a clever yet lighthearted feel, and a definitive call-to-action. Users who are watching the video, will already be in front of their computer or mobile device, minimizing the steps needed to visit Amazon to buy the book. Traffic will be drawn to the video through postings on Louis’s Facebook page, The Linda Blair Worldheart Foundation’s Facebook page, uploading links on Tanner’s blog, and sending a link to the video through email promotions. The video will exponentially gain success as the above platforms are used to direct consumers to the book trailer. Not only is YouTube a free advertising and promotional tactic, but it is also the number one site for streaming digital videos as shown by a 2014 eMarketer research survey. 75% of respondents used YouTube to stream, with Facebook as the second most used site at 33%.20 1 2 Promotion: The Linda Blair Worldheart Foundation Reach: 23,273
  • 23. Online Tactics Social Media // YouTube MUSE MEDIA 3 4 5 6 7 8 109
  • 24. Online Tactics Social Media // YouTube 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MUSE MEDIA
  • 25. Online Tactics Social Media // YouTube 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MUSE MEDIA
  • 26. Online Tactics Google AdWords This medium is proven to give us the highest conversion rates – enabling us to get the biggest bang for the buck. Google AdWords works on a bidding system – meaning we can essentially set our own price and only pay per click. We plan to allocate a cost of $200 throughout the entire 3-month campaign.21 The search optimization Google Adwords offers is paramount to promoting Gimme Shelter. Currently, the book does not appear in the top 10 items when “Gimme Shelter book” is searched on Google. By choosing keywords relevant to the book, website, and blog, we will not only be able to compete with other products named Gimme Shelter but will show up when consumers perform searches for “animal rescue” or “animal shelters.” Adwords will boost the position of Gimme Shelter by placing bids on the specific keywords listed below. We believe Adwords will be effective because according to a survey of most effective marketing methods for small business owners, SEO/organic search visibility was ranked as the fourth most effective method. Another benefit of Adwords is the potential for the ad to be seen on Google-affiliated sites, such as YouTube.22 Key Words: Anger Management / Pet Book / Gimme Shelter / Gimme Shelter Amazon / Animal Rescue Dog Rescue / Dog Shelter / Animal Story / Pet Story / Pet Adoption / Dog Book / Pet Blog Local Animal Shelters / Local Animal Rescues / Southern California Shelters / Louis Spirito How to take care of a rescue dog / How to take care of a rescue pet / Pacific Palisades Shelters Estimated traffic summary: The following are approximations for the keywords above. Based on max CPC: $5.63 and budget: $10.00/day. Avg. CPC: $4.61 - $5.63 Clicks/day: 1 - 2 Cost/day: $9.00 - $11.00 400 clicks over the first month at book cost of $14.99 = $5,996 Standard delivery: (the default option) tries to show your ads throughout the entire day to make sure that you don’t spend your whole budget in the morning and cause your ads to stop showing for the rest of the day. Total Reach: 431,000 Projected Purchase: 1,153 Delivery: Standard CPM: $4.61 ROI: 47.4% MUSE MEDIA
  • 27. Online Tactics Google AdWords Out-of-Context: Headline: Gimme Shelter Link: Body Copy: The Most Interesting Dog And how he rescued his human In-Context: Gimme Shelter The most interesting dog in the world and his best friends best friend Gimme Shelter MUSE MEDIA
  • 28. Online Tactics Digital Ad // is an online resource for pet care information and pet health information. The website features more than 10,000 veterinarian approved articles of pet information and heartwarming Pet Stories, making it a great fit for Gimme Shelter. According to SRDS, around 19% of the website U.S. audience is between the ages of 35 and 44.23 Also, about 22% of the American audience is between the ages of 45 and 54, meaning our target age group makes up 41% of the website audience. PetPlace has 168,545 unique visitors, with each visitor viewing the website an average of 1.17 times.24 Advertising on this website is a cost effective way to reach animal lovers between the ages of 35 and 54 who would be interested in Louis’s story. • Animated Leaderboard • Length: 11.5 seconds (replays every 10 seconds) • Location: Top Center, Article Pages • Accepted: Image Ads, Flash Ads • Estimated Impressions: 425,000 • Geographic Targeting Size: 728x90 CPM: $3.00 CPC: $0.46 Reach: 30,000 ROI: 250% 0.1 seconds 0.5 seconds 0.2 seconds Out-of-Context: MUSE MEDIA
  • 29. Online Tactics Digital Ad // 1.0 seconds 0.2 seconds 1.0 seconds 2.0 seconds 1.0 seconds 1.0 seconds 0.2 seconds MUSE MEDIA
  • 30. Online Tactics Digital Ad // 0.5 seconds 0.2 seconds 0.2 seconds 10 seconds 2.0 seconds 1.0 seconds Out-of-Context cont.: MUSE MEDIA
  • 31. Online Tactics Digital Ad // In-Context: MUSE MEDIA
  • 32. Online Tactics Direct E-mail According to Business News Daily, e-mail marketing offers businesses several advantages over other types of marketing strategies including low cost at a higher frequency, as well as higher turnaround and greater tracking options.25 In our direct e-mails, we want our direct marketing approach to feel personal to the receiver. We plan to pay $195 for e-mail blast lists that targets dog lovers in the greater Los Angeles county area. We chose relevant age demographics as well as categories for the list, such as book buyers, charitable donors, dog owners, and gift givers. Our target market will be sent an e-mail that shows the book trailer video and tells receivers where to buy the book. Research done by eMarketer on US internet users who open e-mails from retailers shows that users aged 35-44 open and read 73% of promotional e-mails, while users 45-54 open and read 71%.26 Another study done by eMarketer showed the benefits of using video in e-mail marketing where 55% of marketing executives saw increased clickthrough rates and 15% increased sales.27 Size: 77KB CPM: $150.00 Reach: 1,300 ROI: 212% Out-of-Context: MUSE MEDIA
  • 33. Online Tactics Direct E-mail In Context: MUSE MEDIA
  • 34. Online Tactics Social Media // Facebook After conducting research on eMarketer, we found Facebook would be a great way to target our audience while also allowing us to control our limited budget. According to an eMarketer 2014 survey of small business owner’s most effective marketing methods, Facebook and other social media sites were ranked the second most effective method of promotion.28 Facebook was also the preferred social media site for receiving ads, chosen by 67% of males and 63% of females. According to the Facebook Ad Manager, we would reach a potential audience of 44,000.29 Using Facebook’s ad bidding process, we plan to spread out these targeted ads over the duration of our 3 month campaign for a total of $325. Size: 254 x133 pixels Weight: 342 KB CPM: $0.65 CPC: $0.46 Reach: 44,000 ROI: 15.2% Out-of-Context: MUSE MEDIA
  • 35. Online Tactics Social Media // Facebook In-Context: MUSE MEDIA
  • 36. Online Tactics Mobile Ad // Humane Society Based on the target market, directing the mobile campaign toward websites involving animals, and more specifically pet adoption, will be most effective. We decided to advertise on, the national website for the Humane Society. Our full-page overlay advertisement will fill the screen when the webpage is accessed via iPhone or iTouch, and will geo-target our desired market of California. When the full-page ad is clicked on, the consumer will be directed to the Amazon selling page of Gimme Shelter. Approximately 66,847 Californians access this website monthly, therefore our advertisement will have a very wide reach.30 $100 will be allocated to the mobile advertisement, through the iAd software. By using Debbie Wideroe’s formula, based off our bid of $100, an estimated exposure of 8,356 views will occur, translating into a calculated 209 books sold.31 Size: 750 x 100 pixels Weight: 87KB CPM: $100 CPC: $0.10 Reach: 1,000 ROI: 235% MUSE MEDIA
  • 37. Online Tactics Mobile Ad // Humane Society Out-of-Context: MUSE MEDIA
  • 38. Online Tactics Mobile Ad // Humane Society In-Context:
  • 39. Online Tactics With an existing Goodreads account, Louis Spirito already has the first step done towards engaging in targeted advertising on the website. Through this site, he can gain access to a massive audience of more than 30 million book lovers. With more than 300 million page views and 45 million unique visitors a month, Goodreads offers advertisers integrated advertising and promotional programs to reach our highly affluent and educated audience of book readers.32 Goodreads’ users will see the advertisement if Gimme Shelter is relevant to their book categories of interest. We will be advertising on Goodreads for one month, using a fixed budget of $100 for the four weeks. Size: 50 x 60px CPM: $0.71 CPC: $0.50 Reach: 140,625 ROI: 137% Out-of-Context: Ad Title: Gimme Shelter Ad Description: The Most Interesting Dog In The World URL: Link to Amazon page Image: Book Cover
  • 41. The Palisadian-Post is one out of the only two newspapers that completely saturate the high income households of the Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica Canyon, and adjoining areas. In addition to news racks, the hyper-local newspaper is distributed weekly by the U.S. Postal Service to every household. With a circulation of over 5,500 per week, this newspaper provides the perfect opportunity for Gimme Shelter to reach the wealthy animal lovers in Pacific Palisades.33 4/0 Color one-sided: $95/1000 inserts Print Fee: $60 Size: 8.5” x 11” Weight: 10.3 MB CPM: $155 Reach: 1,000 ROI: 67% Print Tactic Newspaper // Palisadian-Post
  • 43. Print Tactic Newspaper // Palisadian-Post In-Context: MUSE MEDIA
  • 44. Out of Home Pooch Parade When: July 19th , 2015 from 9am - 4pm Where: San Buenaventura State Beach Park, Ventura, CA What: Fundraising Dog Walk and Pet Expo Theme: “Seniors Need Second Chances Too!” MUSE MEDIA The Pooch Parade is an annual event held along the Ventura Beach Promenade that attracts over 2,000 walkers and their dogs. It is hosted by the Canine Adoption and Rescue League (C.A.R.L.), and raises money through a silent auction and walkers’ fundraising efforts. In 2014, there were over 50 vendor booths at the parade, which are set up at the end of the walk in the San Buenaventura State Beach Park. Vendors and participants come from Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angeles County.34 Throughout the day there will be pet contests, raffles, food, pet adoptions and demonstrations for attendees, but more importantly, Louis and Eugenie Spirito can promote and sell Gimme Shelter by having the book on-hard and passing out business cards. For each hard copy of the book sold, Louis make a profit of $5.30. Since the e-book profit is only $3.35, it would will be beneficial to sell hard copies of Gimme Shelter at the Pooch Parade to receive the highest return. In order to break even on the vendor costs, Louis would have to sell 50 books at the event, which requires just 2.5% of the estimated 2,000 attendees to buy a book. Since the participants and other vendors are likely to be supporters of animal rescue shelters, within the targeted income range, and dog lovers, Louis will get the opportunity to sell his book directly to his target audience. Another perk of the parade is that Tanner could join Louis and Eugenie at the booth to help create appeal for the book. If Louis sold books to one- third of audience present, he would make profit of $3532.98. CPM: $132.50 Reach: 2,000 ROI: 123% Costs: Description Cost ($) # Requested Booth - 10ft x 10ft (includes 1 parking pass) $180/booth 1 Canopy - 10ft x 10ft $75/canopy 1 Table - 6ft $8/table 1 Chair $2/chair 2 Total - $265 Out-of-Context:
  • 45. Out of Home Pooch Parade Business Card Front Back Size: 3.5”x 2” Weight: Back: 883 KB Front: 802 KB Cost: $10 for 500 cards Out-of-Context:
  • 46. Out of Home Pooch Parade Book Cover: Size: Book: 19”x 13” Spine: 0.53”x 9.0” Weight: 2.9 MB
  • 47. Out of Home Pooch Parade In Context:
  • 48. Out of Home Missing Poster The missing poster will be posted throughout Brentwood, Pacific Palisades and Simi Valley in animal rescues and shelters, on community boards in coffee shops, on trees/poles near dog parks, and in high-traffic areas of the towns. Our goal is to attract passerbys with the “missing” copy and encourage them to take a tab at the bottom on the poster. On the tab is the call to action to buy Gimme Shelter at We will be printing 1,000 copies of the poster, so each town will have approximately 333 posters posted throughout. Using Professor Wideroe’s formula for out-of-home advertising buys, we estimated 213 people would buy the book.35 Using the profit per book and percentage of current sales for e-books versus hard copy given to us by Louis Spirito, we calculated the ROI to be 109%. Size: 8.5” x 11” Weight: 6.5 MB CPM: $0.29 Reach: 204,671 ROI: 109%
  • 50. Out of Home Missing Poster In Context:
  • 51. PSA advertisements are unique in that they allow empty time slots to be filled with announcements that benefit the community. For Gimme Shelter, we have created a PSA that raises awareness about animal rescue and the Humane Society, through Tanner telling his story. The PSA features Tanner speaking out on his adoption journey, and how his life changed for the best. Although the PSA will be featured alongside our book trailer on YouTube, the hope is to be featured by Time Warner Cable on television. PSA advertising is fairly competitive, gaining roughly 17 seconds of airtime per hour on television.36 It is also demonstrated that 46% of PSA advertisements are aired between the hours of 12:00am - 6:00am, while 13% of PSA advertisements are aired during primetime.37 Many television stations use PSA advertisements to fill empty slots in the late night hours. Although there is no guarantee that our PSA will be shown, the possibility of being featured on television is well worth the production. Research shows that more than 1/3 of men talk to family and friends about commercials they have seen. Also 22% of men are shown to visit the website of the ad, after the advertisement has aired.38 Our PSA ad will be targeted at the Pacific Palisades, which according to Time Warner Cable, has a 94% rate of watching traditional television.39 By creating the PSA, we have given Gimme Shelter the opportunity to be featured on television for no cost, and created another promotional video that can be circulated alongside the book trailer. Television Tactic PSA // Time Warner Cable MUSE MEDIA Hey, as you already know, I’m the most interesting dog in the world. But what you don’t know is that I used to be in shelters. There are over 2.7 million dogs in shelters. Who knows? One of them could be as interesting as me. I doubt it. So pick up a copy of Gimme Shelter, it’s about me. And donate today, ok? Please? Script:
  • 52. MUSE MEDIATelevision Tactic PSA // Time Warner Cable Out-of-Context: 1 2 3 4 4 5 6
  • 53. Television Tactic PSA // Time Warner Cable MUSE MEDIA In-Context:
  • 54. Budget Overview MUSE MEDIA Ad Cost % of Budget Cpm Reach AdWords PetPlace Direct Email Facebook Goodreads Newspaper FSI Pooch Parade OOH Flyer Business Card YouTube PSA Mobile 22% 18% 13% 13% 10% 7% 7% 6% 4% > 0.1% - - $325 $265 $200 $195 $155 $100 $100 $90 $60 $10 $0 $0 $0.65 $132.50 $4.61 $150 $155 $100 $0.71 $3.00 $0.29 - - - 706 2,000 431,000 1,300 1,000 1,000 140,625 30,000 204,671 500 23,273 -
  • 56. Budget Schedule MUSE MEDIA Google AdWords PetPlace Direct E-Mail Facebook YouTube Goodreads Mobile Newspaper FSI OOH Flyer Pooch Parade July August September Campaign 2015
  • 63. Isabella Direct E-Mail Google AdWords Goodreads Campaign Budget/Timeline Katrina Campaign Book Target Market Creative Brief Letter to the Client Photographer Bibliography Jesse Creative Design Print Ad Videographer Photographer Campaign Research Book Cover Presentation Deck Book Cover Team Member Contribution Breakdown Ross Mobile Ad Research PSA Research YouTube Research Madii Online Ad Mobile Ad Creative Website/Blog Campaign Book Pooch Parade Research Business Card Book Cover Klara Videos • PSA • YouTube book trailer • Introduction Scripts and Copy for Videos Video Set-up & Backdrop Collective Brainstorm Photoshoots Research for Ad Pieces MUSE MEDIA
  • 64. Bibliography Brooks, Chad. “Email Marketing: A Small Business Guide.” Business News Daily, 16 Apr. 2014. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. “Corporate Support.” The Humane Society of the United States, 10 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. eMarketer. “Attitudes Toward Reading Printed Books vs. Ebooks According to US Internet Users, by Demo- graphic, March 2014.” Harris Interactive, 17 April 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. eMarketer. “Benefits of Using Video in Email Marketing According to US Marketing Executives, Feb 2013.” The Relevancy Group, 10 June 2013. Web. 12 Apr. 2015. eMarketer. “Channels Used to Watch TV or Digital Video Content Among US Smartphone/Tablet Users, by Generation, Oct 2014.” Millward Brown Digital, 5 Feb. 2015. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. eMarketer. “Daily Time Spent with Media Among Consumers in Select Countries, by Type, 2013 (minutes).” Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, 15 July 2014. Web. 13 February 2015. eMarketer. “Most Effective Marketing Methods According to US SMBs.” Thrive Analytics, 20 Feb. 2014. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. eMarketer. “Newspaper Inserts Still Have Their Perks.” Newspaper Association of America, 02 Oct. 2014. Web. 12 Apr. 2015. eMarketer. “Pampered Pets Drive Record Industry Sales.” eMarketer, 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. eMarketer. “Preferred Social Network for Receiving Ads According to US Facebook Users, by Demographic, Oct 2013.” Analytic Partners, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 10 Feb. 2015. eMarketer. “Reach of Videos Brands Worldwide Post on Facebook, March 2013.” Socialbakers, 6 Mar. 2014. Web. 12 Apr. 2015. eMarketer. “Streaming Sites/Apps Used to Watch Digital Video Among US Digital Video Viewers, June 2014.” Frank N. Magid Associates, 20 Oct, 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. eMarketer. “US Ereader User Metrics, by Age, 2013-2019.” eMarketer, 2 Feb. 2015. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. eMarketer. “US Internet Users Who Open and Read Promotional Emails from Retailers, by Age.” Listrak, Dec. 2014. 16 Mar. 2015. eMarketer. “Why Do Consumers Read Retail Promo Emails?” Listrak, 23 Feb. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. Facebook Ad Guides. “Clicks to Website: Links.” Facebook, 2015. Web. 12 Feb. 2015. Goodreads. “Author Program - Use Goodreads to Promote Yourself and Your Books.” Goodreads Inc., 2015. Web. 15 Mar. 2015. MUSE MEDIA
  • 65. Google Adwords. “Campaign Management.” Google, 2015. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. Lewis, N. “Local Charities See Drop in Donated TV Time.” Chronicle of Philanthropy: 20:8. p.23 2008. Web. 04 Apr. 2015. Life4Paws. “Animal Information from Life4Paws.” Life4Paws Inc., 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2015. “Mapping L.A. - Brentwood.” Los Angeles Times, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015. “Mapping L.A. - Pacific Palisades.” Los Angeles Times, n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. Mintel Academic. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.” Mintel Academic, Sept. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. Mintel Academic. “Pet Supplies.” Mintel Academic, June 2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. McCarthy, Allison. “US Digital Users: Q1 2015 Complete Forecast.” eMarketer, 27 Feb. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. O’Donnell, Fiona. “Marketing to Men.” Mintel Academic, July 2014. Web. 12 Feb. 2015. Palisadian-Post Media Kit. Pacific Palisades Post, 2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2014. “Pooch Parade 2015.” Canine Adoption Rescue League, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015. Routledge, Clay. “Rehabilitation of a New Emotion: A Science in Nostalgia.” Scientific American.Online Periodical. 10 April 2015. “Simi Valley, CA: Lifestyle & Demographics.”, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015. SRDS Media Solutions. “”Lifestyle Analysis Reports.” Kantar Media, 2014. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. SRDS Media Solutions. “” Kantar Media, 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2015. SRDS Media Solutions. “PRIZM Reports.” Kantar Media, 2014. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. “State & Country Quickfacts: Los Angeles (city).” United States Census Bureau, 31 Mar. 2015. Web. 06 Apr. 2015. Time Warner Cable. “Time Warner Cable Bundles in Pacific Palisades, CA.” Time Warner Cable, 2015. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. Wideroe, Debbie. “Advertising Media Planning.” Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA. Fall 2014. Lecture. Zickuhr, Kathryn and Lee Rainie. “A Snapshot of Reading in America in 2013.” Pew Research Center. Pew Research Center, 16 Jan. 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. Bibliography MUSE MEDIA
  • 66. Notes 1 eMarketer. “Pampered Pets Drive Record Industry Sales.” eMarketer, 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. 2 Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.” Mintel Academic, Sept. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. 3 Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.” 4 Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.” 5 Wideroe, Debbie. “Advertising Media Planning.” Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA. Fall 2014. Lecture. 6 “State & Country Quickfacts: Los Angeles (city).” United States Census Bureau, 31 Mar. 2015. Web. 06 Apr. 2015. 7 “Mapping L.A. - Pacific Palisades.” Los Angeles Times, n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. 8 “Mapping L.A. - Brentwood.” Los Angeles Times, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015. 9 “Simi Valley, CA: Lifestyle & Demographics.”, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015. 10 Routledge, Clay. “Rehabilitation of a New Emotion: A Science in Nostalgia.” Scientific American. Online Periodical. 10 April 2015. 11 eMarketer. “Daily Time Spent with Media Among Consumers in Select Countries, by Type, 2013 (minutes).” Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, 15 July 2014. Web. 13 February 2015. 12 eMarketer. “Attitudes Toward Reading Printed Books vs. Ebooks According to US Internet Users, by Demographic, March 2014.” Harris Interactive, 17 April 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. 13 eMarketer. “US Ereader User Metrics, by Age, 2013-2019.” eMarketer, 2 Feb. 2015. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. 14 SRDS Media Solutions. “PRIZM Reports.” Kantar Media, 2014. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. 15 Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.” Mintel Academic, Sept. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. 16 Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.” 17 Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.” 18 Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.” 19 Mintel. “America’s Pet Owners - US - September 2014.” 20 eMarketer. “Streaming Sites/Apps Used to Watch Digital Video Among US Digital Video Viewers, June 2014.” Frank N. Magid Associates, 20 Oct, 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. MUSE MEDIA
  • 67. 21 Google Adwords. “Campaign Management.” Google, 2015. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. 22 eMarketer. “Most Effective Marketing Methods According to US SMBs.” Thrive Analytics, 20 Feb. 2014. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. 23 SRDS Media Solutions. “” Kantar Media, 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2015. 24 SRDS Media Solutions. “” 25 Brooks, Chad. “Email Marketing: A Small Business Guide.” Business News Daily, 16 Apr. 2014. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. 26 eMarketer. “US Internet Users Who Open and Read Promotional Emails from Retailers, by Age.” Listrak, Dec. 2014. 16 Mar. 2015. 27 eMarketer. “Benefits of Using Video in Email Marketing According to US Marketing Executives, Feb 2013.” The Relevancy Group, 10 June 2013. Web. 12 Apr. 2015. 28 eMarketer. “Most Effective Marketing Methods According to US SMBs.” 29 Facebook Ad Guides. “Clicks to Website: Links.” Facebook, 2015. Web. 12 Feb. 2015. 30 “Corporate Support.” The Humane Society of the United States, 10 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. 31 Wideroe, Debbie. Lecture. 32 Goodreads. “Author Program - Use Goodreads to Promote Yourself and Your Books.” Goodreads Inc., 2015. Web. 15 Mar. 2015. 33 Palisadian-Post Media Kit. Pacific Palisades Post, 2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2014. 34 “Pooch Parade 2015.” Canine Adoption Rescue League, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015. 35 Wideroe, Debbie. Lecture. 36 Lewis, N. “Local Charities See Drop in Donated TV Time.” Chronicle of Philanthropy: 20:8. p.23 2008. Web. 04 Apr. 2015. 37 Lewis, N. “Local Charities See Drop in Donated TV Time.” 38 O’Donnell, Fiona. “Marketing to Men.” Mintel Academic, July 2014. Web. 12 Feb. 2015. 39 Time Warner Cable. “Time Warner Cable Bundles in Pacific Palisades, CA.” Time Warner Cable, 2015. Web. 14 Feb. 2015.