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1Multilateral Newsletter
this IssueInside
Focus Story
G20: Collective Commitment for Revival of Growth................2
Leaders endorse new G20/OECD principles on long-term
investment financing.............................................................8
South Asia Economic Summit- Colombo, Srilanka..............9
October 2013, Volume 1, Issue 1
Message for Mr Chandrajit Banerjee, DG, CII
India’s engagement at multilateral forums has significantly increased over the last one decade. It
has been playing a constructive role in forums like G-20 (B-20) which has been deliberating on
critical issues of global economic and trade governance post the financial crisis. In multilateral
trade negotiations under the aegis of WTO and climate change, India’s role to champion and
protect the interests of developing and poor countries is highly appreciated.
Besides, India has also joined the groupings like IBSA and BRICS, which are again playing an important role in
the current global scenario. These blocks are promoting the larger South-South cooperation and positioning
themselves as major growth poles in post-economic crisis period.
While India’s role is well recognized at these multilateral forums by both developed and developing countries,
India too has done its part in terms of extending benefits to its South Asian neighbours and the larger group
of Least Developed Countries (LDCs). India granted duty free market access to LDCs as per the WTO Hong
Kong Ministerial Declaration. Under SAFTA, India has granted many concessions to its neighbours and duty
free access to South Asian LDCs on almost all products (except 25) in Indian market.
CII complements the Government of India’s enhanced engagement with East and Southeast Asia, Africa and
Latin America. In the Southeast Asia region, CII is working with international agencies like the World Bank,
ADB, UNDP on regions such as Mekong with a special focus on Myanmar. Similarly, in Africa, CII is actively
engaging in the development of the private sector through the promotion of Indian investments in African
manufacturing and services sector, which adds value to GOI’s developmental cooperation agenda.
Indian industry greatly values GOI’s endeavour in championing India’s and other developing countries’ cause
at these forums internationally. In recent years, Indian industry too has started taking keen interest on these
issues and is looking outward, slowly emerging as one of the significant sources of global investment. CII in
association with its partner business associations has formed a Business 20 alliance to feed business inputs
into the G-20 discussions on issues which are of direct interest to them.
I am happy to introduce CII’s newsletter of all such multilateral and regional engagements of India and Indian
industry and hope that this information is of worth and value to the readers. Your feedback would be most
useful to enable us improve the future editions.
Chandrajit Banerjee,
Director General, CII
Core Group of Immigration and Visa Experts..........................9
The commonwealth
Commonwealth launches first index measuring
Youth Development.............................................................10
EVENTS....................................................................... 11
2 Multilateral Newsletter
G20: Collective Commitment for
Revival of Growth
The 8th
summit of the G20 grouping, which accounts for 90 per cent of the global economy and two-third of
the global population concluded at St. Petersburg in Russia on 6 September. Born in the immediate aftermath of
the 2008 global economic crisis, the G20, from its first summit in Washington DC, has over the years morphed
into the world’s preeminent forum of global economic coordination. Besides the G8 grouping of developed
economies, the G20 has emerged as a more representative grouping bringing in its fold top emerging developing
economies, including India. In the first three years after the 2008 downturn, the G20 acted as an effective crisis
manager, and is now evolving to provide leadership on key global economic issues.
The context and challenges for the St Petersburg summit were different as compared to the earlier Los Cabos
and the Cannes summits in 2012 and 2011 respectively when the focus was on terminal gloom in the eurozone
and its corrosive impact on emerging economies. Since then, the US economy has shown an upswing and the
eurozone is proving that all is not lost. This time round, the spotlight was, therefore, on developing effective
coordination mechanisms and policy innovations to spur sturdy, balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth.
The operative mantra here is sustainable recovery as the global economic debate has moved beyond growth
versus austerity to a decisive shift in favour of growth and greater international coordination to sustain growth
and recovery.
3Multilateral Newsletter
Glimpse of BRICS meeting held at the sidelines of G20
BRICS Leaders met on 5 September 2013, ahead of the formal opening of the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg.
The Leaders noted the continued slow pace of the recovery, high unemployment in some countries, and on-
going challenges and vulnerabilities in the global economy, particularly in advanced economies. They believe
that major economies, including G20, could do more to boost global demand and market confidence. They
also expressed their concern with the stalling of the International Monetary Fund reform process. They recalled
the urgent need to implement the 2010 IMF Quota and Governance Reform, as well as to complete the next
general quota review by January 2014 as agreed at the G20 Seoul Summit in order ensure the Fund’s credibility,
legitimacy and effectiveness.
The G20 Leaders look forward to the 9th World Trade Organisation’s Ministerial conference to be held in
December 2013, and expect that it will be a stepping stone to the successful and balanced conclusion of the
Doha Development Round.
In light of the progress achieved both in the negotiations the BRICS leaders expect tangible results by the time
of the next Summit. The Leaders welcomed the first meeting of the BRICS Business Council held recently in
Johannesburg, South Africa, and encouraged the business community to increase contacts and cooperation.
The Leaders welcomed the good progress made towards the establishment of the BRICS-led New Development
Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement.
On the NDB, progress has been made in negotiating its capital structure, membership, shareholding and governance.
The Bank will have an initial subscribed capital of US$ 50 billion from the BRICS countries. On the CRA, consensus
has been achieved on many key aspects and operational details regarding its establishment. As agreed in Durban,
the CRA will have an initial size of US$100 billion. Country's individual commitments to the CRA will be as follows:
China - US$41 billion; Brazil, India, and Russia - US$18 billion each; and South Africa - US$5 billion.
In light of the progress achieved both in the negotiations of the NDB and CRA the BRICS leaders expect tangible
results by the time of the next Summit.
4 Multilateral Newsletter
G-20 St. Petersburg Declaration – Key Highlights
•	 G-20 agreed that it remains critical for them to focus all joint efforts on engineering a durable exit from
the longest and most protracted crisis in modern history.
•	 G-20 endorsed the work plan that helped them to assess factors affecting the availability and accessibility
of long-term financing for investment and committed to identify and start to implement a set of collective
and country-specific measures that tangibly improve their domestic investment environments.
•	 G-20 stressed the crucial importance of strong multilateral trading system and call on all the WTO
members to show the necessary flexibility and reach a successful outcome in this year’s multilateral trade
negotiations. The leaders extend their commitment to refrain from protectionist measures and aim at
enhancing transparency in trade, including in regional trade agreements.
•	 G-20 endorsed plans to address cross-border tax evasion and avoidance, which undermine public finances
and people’s trust in the fairness of the tax system.
•	 The G-20 countries share a common interest in developing cleaner, more efficient and reliable energy
supplies, as well as more transparent physical and financial commodity markets.
•	 The leaders reiterate that excess volatility of financial flows and disorderly movements in exchange rates
can have adverse implications for economic and financial stability, as observed recently in some emerging
•	 To address the challenges and to place the global economy on a stronger, more sustainable and balanced
growth path, G-20 has built on its previous actions with new measures as set out in the St Petersburg
Action Plan. The Action Plan is designed to boost economic activity and job creation, support the recovery,
and address near-term risks to the outlook, while strengthening the foundations for strong, sustainable
and balanced growth through ambitious and well-targeted reforms.
India’s Priorities
India, along with other emerging
economies, is concerned about the
volatile capital flows resulting from
quantitative easing of advanced
economies, which are affecting
economies of emerging countries
and hence the burden should be
shared. Indian is also in favour of defending the capital controls as legitimate and acceptable defence against
speculative capital flows and press for creating an effective framework for the adjustment process.
The key priority of India for the G20 summit is to keep the grouping’s focus on long-term financing for investment
in infrastructure and SMEs. In previous summits, India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had drawn the attention
of world leaders to the urgent need to build institutional frameworks to ensure steady and uninterrupted flow
of finance for a range of developmental activities, especially in countries and regions with massive infrastructure
In this context, the leaders of G20 countries are being pressured to focus on closer coordination between
multilateral development banks (MDBs) to mobilise private capital to address infrastructure needs in public-
private partnerships.
5Multilateral Newsletter
With the creation of the
G20, businesses from the
G20 countries organized
themselves to contribute
to the emerging global
discussions and provide
input to the G20 and the
international organisations.
“G20 business summits”
took place in the UK (2009),
Canada (2010), South-Korea
(2010), France (2011) and
Mexico (2012). Previously,
the most representative
business federations from
the G8 countries – the “B8”
– provided input to the G8
In 2011, the G20 business
summit took a step forward
and it became a mirror of
the G20 by ensuring business
representation from all the
G20 countries. To ensure
the durability of this important new business forum, MEDEF (Mouvement des entreprises de France) worked
collaboratively with 23 national and regional business confederations from around the world. It also used, for
the first time, the term “Business-20” (B-20) to stress the new dimension of the business summit. Confederation
of Indian Industry (CII) represents India in this Coalition. CII is one of the founder members of this coalition. CII
secretariat was represented in most of the Business-20 meetings held at various cities.
To achieve this objective, the Coalition considers that the G20 Business Community will speak and interact with
the G20 with a unique and legitimate voice by:
•	 Representing the full range of sectors and size of enterprises
•	 Interfacing with the G20 by organizing joint meetings and parallel Summits;
•	 Proposing and advocating operational and pragmatic business-oriented solutions through position papers in
any economic, social and financial issues raised by the G20;
•	 Following-up the enforcement of the G20 commitments, evaluate its impacts and, if necessary, propose new
•	 Ensuring a continuum of agendas from a B20 Summit to the other (and also at the G20 level);
•	 Identifying and proposing new issues for G20 to tackle.
Business 20 Coalition on G-20
OF B-20
OF B-20
6 Multilateral Newsletter
India’s G-20 Private Advisory Group
On the advice from Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission and India's G-20 Sherpa,
CII has constituted a high-powered industry group with whom Government of Indian can regularly interact on
the subjects which include International Trade, Investments & Infrastructure, Restoring confidence in Financial
System, Global Priorities for Innovation & Development, Job Creation & Investment in Human Capital, and
Transparency & Anti-corruption.
The advisory group is chaired by Mr S Gopalakrishnan, President, CII. The first meeting of India G20 Advisory
Group was held at 9 September, 2013 at Planning Commission, New Delhi.
The main objective of constituting “India G20 Advisory Group” is to smoothen out the communication process
between the two major stakeholders i.e. the Government and the industrial group as both play a vital role in
the holistic economic development of the nation.
•	 The advisory group plays an important role in highlighting the key points which need to be prioritized at the
G-20 summit from an industries point of view.
•	 The brain storming meeting facilitates free exchange of views among the high powered industry groups and
the government.
•	 Formulating and submitting proposals to G20 leaders.
•	 Consolidating positions of business communities in global dialogue on crucial issues of international
•	 Facilitating effective dialogue with high level industrial leaders in finding effective solutions to the key issues
being addressed at the G-20.
7Multilateral Newsletter
Azevêdo welcomes progress on Bali issues
Director-General Roberto Azevêdo has welcomed the involvement
of Senior Officials from capitals in a meeting in Geneva held on 19
September 2013 to advance preparations for the 9th Ministerial
Conference to be held in Bali, 3-6 December. The Senior Officials
meeting follows an intensification of work on Bali issues since
the Director-General assumed his new role at the beginning of
September. The first cycle of these meetings will conclude with a
meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee on 23 September.
Director-General Azevêdo launches Global Seminar on WTO Accessions
WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo launched on 23 September 2013 the first Global Seminar on WTO
Accessions, a week-long event at the WTO bringing together officials from 17 governments seeking to join the
WTO. “The event provides an important platform for dialogue between WTO members and acceding governments
and for capacity building in this highly important area for the future of the WTO,” said DG Azevêdo.
The main objectives of the Global Seminar was to strengthen the expertise of government officials negotiating
entry into the WTO, to share experiences and best-practices, to review and consolidate the results of the 31
concluded accessions since the establishment of the WTO and to ensure that the results obtained by WTO
members since their accession strengthen the rules-based multilateral trading system.
The seminar provides a platform for discussions between both capital and Geneva-based officials from the acceding
governments and officials from WTO members. Speakers included expert negotiators and WTO specialists. Of the 31
members that have joined the WTO since 1995, six are least-developed countries. Four completed their accession in 2011
— the record year for WTO accessions — and 24 governments are currently undertaking accession negotiations.
The Global Seminar was organized jointly by the Accessions Division and the Institute for Training and Technical
EU donates EUR 700,000 to enhance trade capacity of developing countries
This year, the European Union will donate EUR 400,000 (about CHF 494,000) to the Trade Facilitation National
Needs Assessments Trust Fund and EUR 200,000 (about CHF 247,000) to the Trade Facilitation Window I Trust
Fund. Another donation of EUR 100,000 (about CHF 124,000) will be allocated to support the effective participation
of Least Developed Countries in the 9th WTO Ministerial Conference.
“The European Union's generosity will help us to fulfil our continuous commitment to making the multilateral
trading system as inclusive as possible. Strengthening the participation of developing countries and LDCs in
world trade is of crucial importance for the WTO, particularly in these difficult economic times,” declared WTO
Director-General Roberto Azevêdo.
Angelos Pangratis, Ambassador of the European Union, stated that “it is a priority for the EU to assist developing
and the least developed countries to further integrate into the global economy and reap the full benefits of
trade. This contribution to the WTO Trust Funds, which is about helping countries improve and streamline the
very transactions of trade, reflects that. This speaks specifically to the EU's commitment to assist the most
vulnerable of WTO Members in participating effectively in negotiations as well as it is about supporting them
in implementing commitments they are ready to undertake.”
8 Multilateral Newsletter
Leaders endorse new G20/OECD principles
on long-term investment financing
At the recent G20 summit held at St. Petersburg the G20 leaders endorsed
an OECD-launched initiative to encourage the flow of institutional investment
towards longer-term assets, such as infrastructure and renewable energy
projects, in order to strengthen the global economy.
Currently, pension funds, insurers, mutual funds and sovereign wealth funds hold
more than USD 80 trillion in assets. Pension funds alone managed over USD
20 trillion in assets as of the end of 2012, with a net annual inflow of savings
of over $1 trillion. But only 1% of those assets were invested in infrastructure
projects, with an even smaller fraction in clean energy projects.
The High-Level Principles of Long-Term Investment Financing by Institutional
Investors, prepared by an OECD Taskforce working together with G20 members,
establish a framework for encouraging institutional investment in long-term
assets. They set out the preconditions to long-term investment, such as the
need for stable macroeconomic conditions, a clear and transparent government
plan for projects, as well as opportunities for private sector involvement via
public procurement and public-private partnerships investment. The principles
also address specific policies, including:
•	 Improving incentives to mobilize higher levels of long-term savings
•	 Strengthening the governance of institutional investors to provide the right incentives for the adoption of a
long-term perspectives and the management of often illiquid assets
•	 Ensuring the tax and regulatory framework reflects the particular risk characteristics of the investments,
promotes long-term strategies and lowers barriers
•	 Informing and educating consumers about the virtues of long-term saving.
As part of its work for the G20, the OECD will also be intensifying monitoring of institutional investors and
carrying out in-depth analysis of a variety of policy and market-based incentives to facilitate long-term investment,
including in clean energy.
OECD Secretary-General Angel
Gurría said: “The fall-out from
financial crisis has exposed
the limitations of relying on
traditional sources of long-term
investment finance such as
banks. Governments are looking
for other sources of funds to
support the long-term projects
that are essential to sustaining a
dynamic economy. There is huge
potential among institutional
investors to support development
in a range of areas such as
infrastructure, new technology
and small businesses.”
OECD Contribtutions to St. Petersburg by Theme
•	 Financing for investment
	 –	 G20-OECD High-level Principles of Long-term Investment Financing by Institutional Investors
	 –	 Policy Guidance for Investment in Clean Energy Infrastructure: Expanding Access to Clean Energy for Growth and Development
•	 Employment and Social Policies
	 –	 Addressing employment, labour market and social protection challenges in G20 countries: key measures since 2010 ILO and OECD
	 –	 The short-term labour market outlook and key challenges in G20 countries ILO and OECD
	 –	 Activation Strategies for Stronger and More Inclusive Labour Markets in G20 Countries: Key Policy challenges and Good practices OECD
•	 Energy
	 –	 Global Marine Environmental Protection Iniative website OECD
•	 Financial Sector Reform
	 –	 Advancing National Strategies for Financial Education OECD, G20
	 –	 National Strategies for Financial Education OECD
	 –	 G20-OECD Task Force on Financial Consumer ProtectionG20, OEC
•	 Taxation
	 –	 OECD Secretary-General Tax Report to G20 OECD
	 –	 Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
•	 Trade
	 –	 Implications of global value chains for trade, investment, development and jobs WTO, OECD, UNCTAD
	 –	 9th
Report on G20 Trade and Investment Measures WTO, OECD, UNCTAD
9Multilateral Newsletter
South Asia Economic Summit- Colombo, Srilanka
The sixth South Asian Economic Summit under the theme Towards
a stronger, dynamic, and inclusive South Asia was held at Colombo,
Srilanka from 2-4 September. The event witnessed participation of
several dignitaries and renowned economists in the South Asian region
and beyond.
The summit was centered around four issues which were termed as
“The Big Four” on topics such as harnessing human capital potential,
managing water resources, Food security and climate change and
addressing inter-country growth disparities.
Delivering the keynote address at the event, Minister of Finance Planning
for the Government of Pakistan Ahsan Iqbal expressed his sentiments
on various topics surrounding the economy. “So let this South Asian
Economic Summit come out with a Colombo consensus. Which says
that growth whose fruits are not being shared by the people across
the society; Growth which does not provide equal opportunities to its
people; growth which is insensitive to growing inequality and poverty
in society; growth which does not provide political stability and social
harmony? Maybe growth in numbers but cannot be called growth of
societies. It cannot be called development because development starts
with people and ends with people.”
SAARC addresses the Core Group of Immigration and Visa Experts
H.E. Mr. Ahmed Saleem, Secretary-General of SAARC, addressed the Core Group of Immigration and Visa Experts
at the SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu. Participated in by representatives of all the Member States, the two-
day Meeting of the Core Group brings together immigration and visa experts from the region in a bid to expand
the scope of the SAARC Visa Exemption Scheme. The Scheme currently entitles a limited number of people to
visa-free travel within the region.
The Fifth SAARC Summit held in November 1990 in the Maldives had decided to launch the SAARC Visa Exemption
Scheme with the ultimate objective of putting in place a visa free regime in South Asia.
The Guidelines and Procedures governing the SAARC Visa Exemption
Scheme provides for annual meetings of the Immigration Authorities of
Member States in order to facilitate its smooth functioning. The Fifth
Meeting of Immigration Authorities held in Malé on 24 September 2012
had recommended the convening of the Core Group of Immigration
and Visa Experts to consider including new categories of persons.
On the recommendation of the Fifth Meeting of Immigration Authorities,
a Meeting of Experts is to convene at the Secretariat immediately
following the Core Group’s meeting, to consider the establishment of
the SAARC Immigration Liaison Network, a proposal mooted by the
“I am happy to note that this
meeting convenes finally today and
tomorrow at the SAARC Secretariat
with the participation of all the
Member States. The presence of
delegates from all the Member States
not only signifies the importance of
this meeting, but also augurs well for
its success, paving the way for the
smooth functioning of the SAARC
Visa Exemption Scheme,” said the
Secretary-General in his address.
Economic cooperation for South
Asia specially in SAARC region is
extremely important. An economic
cooperation is what is going to
make or break the SAARC. It is
extremely important for us to
conduct business among all the
others. I am really happy that
the trade is increasing in fact in
the South Asian region unlike
sometime ago. Trades have now
increased to something like
2.5 billion. I know it is peanuts
compared to what we can
do. Because this is the fastest
developing regions in the world.
We should put in much much
Ahmed Saleem,
Secretary General, SAARC
10 Multilateral Newsletter
Commonwealth launches first index
measuring Youth Development
The Commonwealth has launched the first index measuring the development and empowerment of young people
in countries worldwide. The Youth Development Index (YDI) offers an inter-country comparison of the environment
for young people, aged 15 to 29, across five key areas: education, health, employment, civic participation and
political participation. The first comprehensive attempt to aggregate global data on young people, the YDI
was formulated to help decision-makers identify and learn from areas of success, pinpoint priority areas for
investment, and track progress over time. The methodology was developed by independent academic experts
from across The Commonwealth, in conjunction with the Institute for Economics and Peace.
Launching the YDI and its accompanying website and report on 19 September, Commonwealth Secretary-General
Kamalesh Sharma said: “The Index raises awareness both of successes and of investment needs, it will help
identify and share good practices between countries, and will enable the tracking of progress over time.”
Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba added: “The current demographic
profile of The Commonwealth, with a significant youth bulge in most member states, makes it more vital than
ever that we engage in practical action that matches the sense of urgency and impatience for change being
expressed by younger generations."
“The Commonwealth will continue to work with its member governments to develop and implement policies
and programmes for the empowerment of young people.”
Key findings:
•	 The countries with the highest overall YDI score in The Commonwealth are Australia, Canada and New
Zealand, who are also some of the best performers globally.
•	 70% of Commonwealth countries are classified as having medium youth development, and 13% as having
high youth development.
•	 On average, young people aged 15-29 make up around 28% of the population in Commonwealth countries.
The top ten countries in the YDI have smaller youth populations, averaging 23%.
•	 Some low and middle-income countries outscore higher-income countries. Researchers found that a focus on
economic growth at the expense of other key factors such as governance and services may not necessarily
translate into gains for youth development.
•	 Democracies score considerably better in the YDI compared to Authoritarian regimes.
•	 The average youth unemployment rate in Commonwealth countries is 22.9%, compared to the global average
of 19.2%. The prevalence of HIV amongst youth in Commonwealth countries is 2.1%, two and a half times
the global average.
Researchers stressed the importance of more comprehensive data collection on indicators important to youth
development, to produce evidence-based youth policies and continue to enhance the Index.
Director of the Commonwealth Foundation, Vijay Krishnarayan said: “It is tempting to see the Index as either
an indictment or endorsement of past performances but rather we should see it as a spur to action, an aid to
planning and a guide to the way ahead.”
Marc Kidson, Chair of the British Youth Council, added: “What is so encouraging to me, is that the Index is not
a report about young people, it is a tool for young people. A tool to make sure they can draw attention to
the challenges they face, a tool to make sure governments cannot assume they know best what young people
need, and a tool to strengthen young voices with credible evidence.”
The commonwealth
11Multilateral Newsletter
September Statistics release: Composite Leading Indicators.
September Launch of: Synthesis report on The Competitiveness of Global Port-Cities. Rotterdam, the
September Statistics release: Harmonized Unemployment Rates
September Launch of Ireland Economic Survey
September OECD statistics news release: G20 GDP Growth Q2, 2013.
September Conference "Shrinking cities in Europe" (LEED Programme). Essen, Germany.
Launch of Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation 2013. Brussels, Belgium. See OECD work
on Agriculture.
September Global Forum on Environment Climate Change Expert Group- Plenary.
September European Forum for New Ideas. Participation of OECD. Sopot, Poland
September - 6th
September World Water Week: Eye on Asia, Stockholm, Sweden
September - 4th
September 	 Asia Trade Finance Week 2013
Raffles City Convention Centre, Swissôtel the Stamford, Singapore
Live Online Chat - Asia’s Economic Transformation: Where to, How and How Fast?
Online, 14:00-15:00 Manila time/06:00-07:00GMT
Brown Bag Lunch by Peter Morgan: Regional Financial Regulation in Asia
ADBI, Tokyo, Japan
Seminar by Professor Atsuyuki Kato: Projection of Japan's Current Account over the Next Several
Decades, ADBI, Tokyo, Japan
September - 13 September
CLMV Project Training Program on Agricultural Reforms and Productivity in CLMV Countries,
Suzhou, PRC
Publication launch: ADB-WHO's Managing Regional Public Goods for Health - Community Based
Dengue Control
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines
2nd Inclusive Business Forum for the Philippines
Auditorium D, ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines
September - 18 September
Seminar and Policy Dialog on Enhancing the Investment Environment in APEC and ASEAN
Economies, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Launch of Regional MDGs Report 2012/2013: "Asia-Pacific Aspirations: Perspectives for a Post-
2015 Development Agenda"
Bangkok, Thailand
World Trade Organization
Committee Meetings
September Committee on Trade and Development
September Committee on Regional Trade Agreements
September Trade Policy Review Body Meeting- Viet Nam
September Council for Trade in Goods
Copyright © 2013 by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, me-
chanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. CII has made every effort to ensure the accuracy
of information presented in this document. However, neither CII nor any of its office bearers or analysts or employees can be held responsible for any financial
consequences arising out of the use of information provided herein. However, in case of any discrepancy, error, etc., same may please be brought to the notice
of CII for appropriate corrections.
Published by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), The Mantosh Sondhi Centre; 23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003 (INDIA)
Tel: +91-11-24629994-7, Fax: +91-11-24626149; Email:; Web:
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CII Multilateral Newsletter, October 2013, Vol. 1, Issue 1

  • 1. 1Multilateral Newsletter this IssueInside Focus Story G20: Collective Commitment for Revival of Growth................2 Update Leaders endorse new G20/OECD principles on long-term investment financing.............................................................8 SAARC 6th South Asia Economic Summit- Colombo, Srilanka..............9 October 2013, Volume 1, Issue 1 Message for Mr Chandrajit Banerjee, DG, CII India’s engagement at multilateral forums has significantly increased over the last one decade. It has been playing a constructive role in forums like G-20 (B-20) which has been deliberating on critical issues of global economic and trade governance post the financial crisis. In multilateral trade negotiations under the aegis of WTO and climate change, India’s role to champion and protect the interests of developing and poor countries is highly appreciated. Besides, India has also joined the groupings like IBSA and BRICS, which are again playing an important role in the current global scenario. These blocks are promoting the larger South-South cooperation and positioning themselves as major growth poles in post-economic crisis period. While India’s role is well recognized at these multilateral forums by both developed and developing countries, India too has done its part in terms of extending benefits to its South Asian neighbours and the larger group of Least Developed Countries (LDCs). India granted duty free market access to LDCs as per the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration. Under SAFTA, India has granted many concessions to its neighbours and duty free access to South Asian LDCs on almost all products (except 25) in Indian market. CII complements the Government of India’s enhanced engagement with East and Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America. In the Southeast Asia region, CII is working with international agencies like the World Bank, ADB, UNDP on regions such as Mekong with a special focus on Myanmar. Similarly, in Africa, CII is actively engaging in the development of the private sector through the promotion of Indian investments in African manufacturing and services sector, which adds value to GOI’s developmental cooperation agenda. Indian industry greatly values GOI’s endeavour in championing India’s and other developing countries’ cause at these forums internationally. In recent years, Indian industry too has started taking keen interest on these issues and is looking outward, slowly emerging as one of the significant sources of global investment. CII in association with its partner business associations has formed a Business 20 alliance to feed business inputs into the G-20 discussions on issues which are of direct interest to them. I am happy to introduce CII’s newsletter of all such multilateral and regional engagements of India and Indian industry and hope that this information is of worth and value to the readers. Your feedback would be most useful to enable us improve the future editions. Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, CII Multilateral Core Group of Immigration and Visa Experts..........................9 The commonwealth Commonwealth launches first index measuring Youth Development.............................................................10 EVENTS....................................................................... 11 NEWSLETTER
  • 2. 2 Multilateral Newsletter G20: Collective Commitment for Revival of Growth The 8th summit of the G20 grouping, which accounts for 90 per cent of the global economy and two-third of the global population concluded at St. Petersburg in Russia on 6 September. Born in the immediate aftermath of the 2008 global economic crisis, the G20, from its first summit in Washington DC, has over the years morphed into the world’s preeminent forum of global economic coordination. Besides the G8 grouping of developed economies, the G20 has emerged as a more representative grouping bringing in its fold top emerging developing economies, including India. In the first three years after the 2008 downturn, the G20 acted as an effective crisis manager, and is now evolving to provide leadership on key global economic issues. The context and challenges for the St Petersburg summit were different as compared to the earlier Los Cabos and the Cannes summits in 2012 and 2011 respectively when the focus was on terminal gloom in the eurozone and its corrosive impact on emerging economies. Since then, the US economy has shown an upswing and the eurozone is proving that all is not lost. This time round, the spotlight was, therefore, on developing effective coordination mechanisms and policy innovations to spur sturdy, balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth. The operative mantra here is sustainable recovery as the global economic debate has moved beyond growth versus austerity to a decisive shift in favour of growth and greater international coordination to sustain growth and recovery. FOCUS Source:
  • 3. 3Multilateral Newsletter Glimpse of BRICS meeting held at the sidelines of G20 BRICS Leaders met on 5 September 2013, ahead of the formal opening of the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg. The Leaders noted the continued slow pace of the recovery, high unemployment in some countries, and on- going challenges and vulnerabilities in the global economy, particularly in advanced economies. They believe that major economies, including G20, could do more to boost global demand and market confidence. They also expressed their concern with the stalling of the International Monetary Fund reform process. They recalled the urgent need to implement the 2010 IMF Quota and Governance Reform, as well as to complete the next general quota review by January 2014 as agreed at the G20 Seoul Summit in order ensure the Fund’s credibility, legitimacy and effectiveness. The G20 Leaders look forward to the 9th World Trade Organisation’s Ministerial conference to be held in December 2013, and expect that it will be a stepping stone to the successful and balanced conclusion of the Doha Development Round. In light of the progress achieved both in the negotiations the BRICS leaders expect tangible results by the time of the next Summit. The Leaders welcomed the first meeting of the BRICS Business Council held recently in Johannesburg, South Africa, and encouraged the business community to increase contacts and cooperation. The Leaders welcomed the good progress made towards the establishment of the BRICS-led New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement. On the NDB, progress has been made in negotiating its capital structure, membership, shareholding and governance. The Bank will have an initial subscribed capital of US$ 50 billion from the BRICS countries. On the CRA, consensus has been achieved on many key aspects and operational details regarding its establishment. As agreed in Durban, the CRA will have an initial size of US$100 billion. Country's individual commitments to the CRA will be as follows: China - US$41 billion; Brazil, India, and Russia - US$18 billion each; and South Africa - US$5 billion. In light of the progress achieved both in the negotiations of the NDB and CRA the BRICS leaders expect tangible results by the time of the next Summit. FOCUS Source:
  • 4. 4 Multilateral Newsletter G-20 St. Petersburg Declaration – Key Highlights • G-20 agreed that it remains critical for them to focus all joint efforts on engineering a durable exit from the longest and most protracted crisis in modern history. • G-20 endorsed the work plan that helped them to assess factors affecting the availability and accessibility of long-term financing for investment and committed to identify and start to implement a set of collective and country-specific measures that tangibly improve their domestic investment environments. • G-20 stressed the crucial importance of strong multilateral trading system and call on all the WTO members to show the necessary flexibility and reach a successful outcome in this year’s multilateral trade negotiations. The leaders extend their commitment to refrain from protectionist measures and aim at enhancing transparency in trade, including in regional trade agreements. • G-20 endorsed plans to address cross-border tax evasion and avoidance, which undermine public finances and people’s trust in the fairness of the tax system. • The G-20 countries share a common interest in developing cleaner, more efficient and reliable energy supplies, as well as more transparent physical and financial commodity markets. • The leaders reiterate that excess volatility of financial flows and disorderly movements in exchange rates can have adverse implications for economic and financial stability, as observed recently in some emerging markets. • To address the challenges and to place the global economy on a stronger, more sustainable and balanced growth path, G-20 has built on its previous actions with new measures as set out in the St Petersburg Action Plan. The Action Plan is designed to boost economic activity and job creation, support the recovery, and address near-term risks to the outlook, while strengthening the foundations for strong, sustainable and balanced growth through ambitious and well-targeted reforms. FOCUS India’s Priorities India, along with other emerging economies, is concerned about the volatile capital flows resulting from quantitative easing of advanced economies, which are affecting economies of emerging countries and hence the burden should be shared. Indian is also in favour of defending the capital controls as legitimate and acceptable defence against speculative capital flows and press for creating an effective framework for the adjustment process. The key priority of India for the G20 summit is to keep the grouping’s focus on long-term financing for investment in infrastructure and SMEs. In previous summits, India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had drawn the attention of world leaders to the urgent need to build institutional frameworks to ensure steady and uninterrupted flow of finance for a range of developmental activities, especially in countries and regions with massive infrastructure gaps. In this context, the leaders of G20 countries are being pressured to focus on closer coordination between multilateral development banks (MDBs) to mobilise private capital to address infrastructure needs in public- private partnerships.
  • 5. 5Multilateral Newsletter With the creation of the G20, businesses from the G20 countries organized themselves to contribute to the emerging global discussions and provide input to the G20 and the international organisations. “G20 business summits” took place in the UK (2009), Canada (2010), South-Korea (2010), France (2011) and Mexico (2012). Previously, the most representative business federations from the G8 countries – the “B8” – provided input to the G8 summits. In 2011, the G20 business summit took a step forward and it became a mirror of the G20 by ensuring business representation from all the G20 countries. To ensure the durability of this important new business forum, MEDEF (Mouvement des entreprises de France) worked collaboratively with 23 national and regional business confederations from around the world. It also used, for the first time, the term “Business-20” (B-20) to stress the new dimension of the business summit. Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) represents India in this Coalition. CII is one of the founder members of this coalition. CII secretariat was represented in most of the Business-20 meetings held at various cities. To achieve this objective, the Coalition considers that the G20 Business Community will speak and interact with the G20 with a unique and legitimate voice by: • Representing the full range of sectors and size of enterprises • Interfacing with the G20 by organizing joint meetings and parallel Summits; • Proposing and advocating operational and pragmatic business-oriented solutions through position papers in any economic, social and financial issues raised by the G20; • Following-up the enforcement of the G20 commitments, evaluate its impacts and, if necessary, propose new orientations; • Ensuring a continuum of agendas from a B20 Summit to the other (and also at the G20 level); • Identifying and proposing new issues for G20 to tackle. Business 20 Coalition on G-20 ROLES AND OBJECTIVES OF B-20 COALITION ROLES AND OBJECTIVES OF B-20 COALITION FOCUS
  • 6. 6 Multilateral Newsletter India’s G-20 Private Advisory Group On the advice from Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission and India's G-20 Sherpa, CII has constituted a high-powered industry group with whom Government of Indian can regularly interact on the subjects which include International Trade, Investments & Infrastructure, Restoring confidence in Financial System, Global Priorities for Innovation & Development, Job Creation & Investment in Human Capital, and Transparency & Anti-corruption. The advisory group is chaired by Mr S Gopalakrishnan, President, CII. The first meeting of India G20 Advisory Group was held at 9 September, 2013 at Planning Commission, New Delhi. The main objective of constituting “India G20 Advisory Group” is to smoothen out the communication process between the two major stakeholders i.e. the Government and the industrial group as both play a vital role in the holistic economic development of the nation. • The advisory group plays an important role in highlighting the key points which need to be prioritized at the G-20 summit from an industries point of view. • The brain storming meeting facilitates free exchange of views among the high powered industry groups and the government. • Formulating and submitting proposals to G20 leaders. • Consolidating positions of business communities in global dialogue on crucial issues of international development. • Facilitating effective dialogue with high level industrial leaders in finding effective solutions to the key issues being addressed at the G-20. FOCUS
  • 7. 7Multilateral Newsletter Azevêdo welcomes progress on Bali issues Director-General Roberto Azevêdo has welcomed the involvement of Senior Officials from capitals in a meeting in Geneva held on 19 September 2013 to advance preparations for the 9th Ministerial Conference to be held in Bali, 3-6 December. The Senior Officials meeting follows an intensification of work on Bali issues since the Director-General assumed his new role at the beginning of September. The first cycle of these meetings will conclude with a meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee on 23 September. Source: Director-General Azevêdo launches Global Seminar on WTO Accessions WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo launched on 23 September 2013 the first Global Seminar on WTO Accessions, a week-long event at the WTO bringing together officials from 17 governments seeking to join the WTO. “The event provides an important platform for dialogue between WTO members and acceding governments and for capacity building in this highly important area for the future of the WTO,” said DG Azevêdo. The main objectives of the Global Seminar was to strengthen the expertise of government officials negotiating entry into the WTO, to share experiences and best-practices, to review and consolidate the results of the 31 concluded accessions since the establishment of the WTO and to ensure that the results obtained by WTO members since their accession strengthen the rules-based multilateral trading system. The seminar provides a platform for discussions between both capital and Geneva-based officials from the acceding governments and officials from WTO members. Speakers included expert negotiators and WTO specialists. Of the 31 members that have joined the WTO since 1995, six are least-developed countries. Four completed their accession in 2011 — the record year for WTO accessions — and 24 governments are currently undertaking accession negotiations. The Global Seminar was organized jointly by the Accessions Division and the Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation.  Source: EU donates EUR 700,000 to enhance trade capacity of developing countries This year, the European Union will donate EUR 400,000 (about CHF 494,000) to the Trade Facilitation National Needs Assessments Trust Fund and EUR 200,000 (about CHF 247,000) to the Trade Facilitation Window I Trust Fund. Another donation of EUR 100,000 (about CHF 124,000) will be allocated to support the effective participation of Least Developed Countries in the 9th WTO Ministerial Conference. “The European Union's generosity will help us to fulfil our continuous commitment to making the multilateral trading system as inclusive as possible. Strengthening the participation of developing countries and LDCs in world trade is of crucial importance for the WTO, particularly in these difficult economic times,” declared WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo. Angelos Pangratis, Ambassador of the European Union, stated that “it is a priority for the EU to assist developing and the least developed countries to further integrate into the global economy and reap the full benefits of trade. This contribution to the WTO Trust Funds, which is about helping countries improve and streamline the very transactions of trade, reflects that. This speaks specifically to the EU's commitment to assist the most vulnerable of WTO Members in participating effectively in negotiations as well as it is about supporting them in implementing commitments they are ready to undertake.” Source: WTO
  • 8. 8 Multilateral Newsletter Leaders endorse new G20/OECD principles on long-term investment financing At the recent G20 summit held at St. Petersburg the G20 leaders endorsed an OECD-launched initiative to encourage the flow of institutional investment towards longer-term assets, such as infrastructure and renewable energy projects, in order to strengthen the global economy. Currently, pension funds, insurers, mutual funds and sovereign wealth funds hold more than USD 80 trillion in assets. Pension funds alone managed over USD 20 trillion in assets as of the end of 2012, with a net annual inflow of savings of over $1 trillion. But only 1% of those assets were invested in infrastructure projects, with an even smaller fraction in clean energy projects. The High-Level Principles of Long-Term Investment Financing by Institutional Investors, prepared by an OECD Taskforce working together with G20 members, establish a framework for encouraging institutional investment in long-term assets. They set out the preconditions to long-term investment, such as the need for stable macroeconomic conditions, a clear and transparent government plan for projects, as well as opportunities for private sector involvement via public procurement and public-private partnerships investment. The principles also address specific policies, including: • Improving incentives to mobilize higher levels of long-term savings • Strengthening the governance of institutional investors to provide the right incentives for the adoption of a long-term perspectives and the management of often illiquid assets • Ensuring the tax and regulatory framework reflects the particular risk characteristics of the investments, promotes long-term strategies and lowers barriers • Informing and educating consumers about the virtues of long-term saving. As part of its work for the G20, the OECD will also be intensifying monitoring of institutional investors and carrying out in-depth analysis of a variety of policy and market-based incentives to facilitate long-term investment, including in clean energy. OECD OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría said: “The fall-out from financial crisis has exposed the limitations of relying on traditional sources of long-term investment finance such as banks. Governments are looking for other sources of funds to support the long-term projects that are essential to sustaining a dynamic economy. There is huge potential among institutional investors to support development in a range of areas such as infrastructure, new technology and small businesses.” OECD Contribtutions to St. Petersburg by Theme • Financing for investment – G20-OECD High-level Principles of Long-term Investment Financing by Institutional Investors – Policy Guidance for Investment in Clean Energy Infrastructure: Expanding Access to Clean Energy for Growth and Development • Employment and Social Policies – Addressing employment, labour market and social protection challenges in G20 countries: key measures since 2010 ILO and OECD – The short-term labour market outlook and key challenges in G20 countries ILO and OECD – Activation Strategies for Stronger and More Inclusive Labour Markets in G20 Countries: Key Policy challenges and Good practices OECD • Energy – Global Marine Environmental Protection Iniative website OECD • Financial Sector Reform – Advancing National Strategies for Financial Education OECD, G20 – National Strategies for Financial Education OECD – G20-OECD Task Force on Financial Consumer ProtectionG20, OEC • Taxation – OECD Secretary-General Tax Report to G20 OECD – Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting • Trade – Implications of global value chains for trade, investment, development and jobs WTO, OECD, UNCTAD – 9th Report on G20 Trade and Investment Measures WTO, OECD, UNCTAD Source: Source:
  • 9. 9Multilateral Newsletter 6th South Asia Economic Summit- Colombo, Srilanka The sixth South Asian Economic Summit under the theme Towards a stronger, dynamic, and inclusive South Asia was held at Colombo, Srilanka from 2-4 September. The event witnessed participation of several dignitaries and renowned economists in the South Asian region and beyond. The summit was centered around four issues which were termed as “The Big Four” on topics such as harnessing human capital potential, managing water resources, Food security and climate change and addressing inter-country growth disparities. Delivering the keynote address at the event, Minister of Finance Planning for the Government of Pakistan Ahsan Iqbal expressed his sentiments on various topics surrounding the economy. “So let this South Asian Economic Summit come out with a Colombo consensus. Which says that growth whose fruits are not being shared by the people across the society; Growth which does not provide equal opportunities to its people; growth which is insensitive to growing inequality and poverty in society; growth which does not provide political stability and social harmony? Maybe growth in numbers but cannot be called growth of societies. It cannot be called development because development starts with people and ends with people.” SAARC addresses the Core Group of Immigration and Visa Experts H.E. Mr. Ahmed Saleem, Secretary-General of SAARC, addressed the Core Group of Immigration and Visa Experts at the SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu. Participated in by representatives of all the Member States, the two- day Meeting of the Core Group brings together immigration and visa experts from the region in a bid to expand the scope of the SAARC Visa Exemption Scheme. The Scheme currently entitles a limited number of people to visa-free travel within the region. The Fifth SAARC Summit held in November 1990 in the Maldives had decided to launch the SAARC Visa Exemption Scheme with the ultimate objective of putting in place a visa free regime in South Asia. The Guidelines and Procedures governing the SAARC Visa Exemption Scheme provides for annual meetings of the Immigration Authorities of Member States in order to facilitate its smooth functioning. The Fifth Meeting of Immigration Authorities held in Malé on 24 September 2012 had recommended the convening of the Core Group of Immigration and Visa Experts to consider including new categories of persons. On the recommendation of the Fifth Meeting of Immigration Authorities, a Meeting of Experts is to convene at the Secretariat immediately following the Core Group’s meeting, to consider the establishment of the SAARC Immigration Liaison Network, a proposal mooted by the Maldives. “I am happy to note that this meeting convenes finally today and tomorrow at the SAARC Secretariat with the participation of all the Member States. The presence of delegates from all the Member States not only signifies the importance of this meeting, but also augurs well for its success, paving the way for the smooth functioning of the SAARC Visa Exemption Scheme,” said the Secretary-General in his address. Economic cooperation for South Asia specially in SAARC region is extremely important. An economic cooperation is what is going to make or break the SAARC. It is extremely important for us to conduct business among all the others. I am really happy that the trade is increasing in fact in the South Asian region unlike sometime ago. Trades have now increased to something like 2.5 billion. I know it is peanuts compared to what we can do. Because this is the fastest developing regions in the world. We should put in much much more.” Ahmed Saleem, Secretary General, SAARC SAARC Source: Source:
  • 10. 10 Multilateral Newsletter Commonwealth launches first index measuring Youth Development The Commonwealth has launched the first index measuring the development and empowerment of young people in countries worldwide. The Youth Development Index (YDI) offers an inter-country comparison of the environment for young people, aged 15 to 29, across five key areas: education, health, employment, civic participation and political participation. The first comprehensive attempt to aggregate global data on young people, the YDI was formulated to help decision-makers identify and learn from areas of success, pinpoint priority areas for investment, and track progress over time. The methodology was developed by independent academic experts from across The Commonwealth, in conjunction with the Institute for Economics and Peace. Launching the YDI and its accompanying website and report on 19 September, Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma said: “The Index raises awareness both of successes and of investment needs, it will help identify and share good practices between countries, and will enable the tracking of progress over time.” Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba added: “The current demographic profile of The Commonwealth, with a significant youth bulge in most member states, makes it more vital than ever that we engage in practical action that matches the sense of urgency and impatience for change being expressed by younger generations." “The Commonwealth will continue to work with its member governments to develop and implement policies and programmes for the empowerment of young people.” Key findings: • The countries with the highest overall YDI score in The Commonwealth are Australia, Canada and New Zealand, who are also some of the best performers globally. • 70% of Commonwealth countries are classified as having medium youth development, and 13% as having high youth development. • On average, young people aged 15-29 make up around 28% of the population in Commonwealth countries. The top ten countries in the YDI have smaller youth populations, averaging 23%. • Some low and middle-income countries outscore higher-income countries. Researchers found that a focus on economic growth at the expense of other key factors such as governance and services may not necessarily translate into gains for youth development. • Democracies score considerably better in the YDI compared to Authoritarian regimes. • The average youth unemployment rate in Commonwealth countries is 22.9%, compared to the global average of 19.2%. The prevalence of HIV amongst youth in Commonwealth countries is 2.1%, two and a half times the global average. Researchers stressed the importance of more comprehensive data collection on indicators important to youth development, to produce evidence-based youth policies and continue to enhance the Index. Director of the Commonwealth Foundation, Vijay Krishnarayan said: “It is tempting to see the Index as either an indictment or endorsement of past performances but rather we should see it as a spur to action, an aid to planning and a guide to the way ahead.” Marc Kidson, Chair of the British Youth Council, added: “What is so encouraging to me, is that the Index is not a report about young people, it is a tool for young people. A tool to make sure they can draw attention to the challenges they face, a tool to make sure governments cannot assume they know best what young people need, and a tool to strengthen young voices with credible evidence.” The commonwealth Source:
  • 11. 11Multilateral Newsletter OECD DATES ACTIVTIES 9th September Statistics release: Composite Leading Indicators. 9th September Launch of: Synthesis report on The Competitiveness of Global Port-Cities. Rotterdam, the 10th September Statistics release: Harmonized Unemployment Rates 12th September Launch of Ireland Economic Survey 12th September OECD statistics news release: G20 GDP Growth Q2, 2013. 12th -13th September Conference "Shrinking cities in Europe" (LEED Programme). Essen, Germany. 18th September Launch of Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation 2013. Brussels, Belgium. See OECD work on Agriculture. 23rd -24th September Global Forum on Environment Climate Change Expert Group- Plenary. 25th -27th September European Forum for New Ideas. Participation of OECD. Sopot, Poland ADB DATES ACTIVTIES 1st September - 6th September World Water Week: Eye on Asia, Stockholm, Sweden 2nd September - 4th September Asia Trade Finance Week 2013 Raffles City Convention Centre, Swissôtel the Stamford, Singapore 5th September Live Online Chat - Asia’s Economic Transformation: Where to, How and How Fast? Online, 14:00-15:00 Manila time/06:00-07:00GMT 5th September Brown Bag Lunch by Peter Morgan: Regional Financial Regulation in Asia ADBI, Tokyo, Japan 6th September Seminar by Professor Atsuyuki Kato: Projection of Japan's Current Account over the Next Several Decades, ADBI, Tokyo, Japan 9th September - 13 September CLMV Project Training Program on Agricultural Reforms and Productivity in CLMV Countries, Suzhou, PRC 12th September Publication launch: ADB-WHO's Managing Regional Public Goods for Health - Community Based Dengue Control 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines 16th September 2nd Inclusive Business Forum for the Philippines Auditorium D, ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines 16th September - 18 September Seminar and Policy Dialog on Enhancing the Investment Environment in APEC and ASEAN Economies, Beijing, People's Republic of China 20th September Launch of Regional MDGs Report 2012/2013: "Asia-Pacific Aspirations: Perspectives for a Post- 2015 Development Agenda" Bangkok, Thailand World Trade Organization Committee Meetings 16th September Committee on Trade and Development 17th -18th September Committee on Regional Trade Agreements 17th -19th September Trade Policy Review Body Meeting- Viet Nam 23rd September Council for Trade in Goods Copyright © 2013 by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, me- chanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. CII has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of information presented in this document. However, neither CII nor any of its office bearers or analysts or employees can be held responsible for any financial consequences arising out of the use of information provided herein. However, in case of any discrepancy, error, etc., same may please be brought to the notice of CII for appropriate corrections. Published by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), The Mantosh Sondhi Centre; 23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003 (INDIA) Tel: +91-11-24629994-7, Fax: +91-11-24626149; Email:; Web: For suggestions please contact: / EVENTS