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• Obsessions and Compulsions:
      patient experience them against their will but
sense of personal possession of act is not lost
although control over voluntary activity is lost.
• Delusion of passivity:
     here control over thought, action and feeling is
lost as well as they are experienced as being
manufactured against his will by some foreign
• Disorders of adaptive movements
    a) Disorders of expressive movement
    b) Disorders of reactive movements
    c) Disorders of goal-directed movements
• Disorders of non-adaptive movements
    a) Spontaneous movements
    b) Abnormal induced movements
• Motor speech disturbances
• Disorders of posture
• Abnormal complex patterns of behavior
     a) Non-goal-directed abnormal patterns of
     b) Goal-directed abnormal patterns of
• Movement       disorders  associated    with
  antipsychotic medication
• A. Disorders of expressive movement
Expressive movement involves face, arm, hands and
the upper trunk. Extent vary with emotional states
and range may vary in different cultures.
The occurrence of a fold like the Greek letter omega
in the forehead above the root of the nose
produced by the excessive action of the corrugator
muscle. It was described by Athanassio; seen in
2. Verugath fold
The main fold in upper lid is angulated upwards
and backwards at the junction of the inner third
with the middle third of the folds; seen in
3. Other expressive movement disorder in
a. Lack of facial expression and it’s mobility.
b. Diminished or absent gestures in retarded
    depression. Patient walk slowly and bowed
    down as it carrying heavy loads on shoulder.
c. restlessness and apprehension in agitated
and anxious depression. Patient sit moving hand
and feet , fidgeting. Some patient may stand up
and sit down again.
4. Expressive movement disorder in catatonia
a. stiff expressionless facies and scanty
expressive movement of body.
b. excessive grimacing and facial contortion.
c. rounded lips thrust forward in tubular
manner called as Schnauzkrampf ( snout spasm).
5. Expressive movement disorder in mania:
a. Undue cheerfulness and wide expansive
b. Emotional lability.
c. Ecstasy – rapt intense look. Patient is
incommunicative and completely absorbed by
intense experiences.
Reactive movements are immediate automatic
adjustments to new stimuli, as needed in
response to a threat or while attending to
source of a percept.
a. startle reflex – in severe anxiety reactive
movements are prompt and excessive.
 b. loss of reactive movements in catatonia due
to obstruction, which are carried out in stiff
disjointed manner.
Usually all these movements are carried out
without any deliberate awareness on the part of
the patient. These movements reflect
personality as well as the current mood state of
the subject.
a. Psychomotor Retardation :
It is experienced subjectively as difficulty to initiate
and carry out any activity. There is lack of
expression with furrowed eyebrows and downgazed
 b. Blocking or Obstruction ( sperrung ):
It can be defined as irregular stroboscopic
movement in perception, in which the patient
would not be able to initiate the movement
depending upon the will but with the chance factor.
Kleist described that the cardinal feature of the
obstruction is the “reaction at the last moment”. As
the severity increases it gradually ascends to
akinesia and then even to stupor.
c. Mannerism :
cardinal feature of mannerism are:
Unusual repetition
Exaggeration of normal and adaptive act
Personal significance
Goal- directed
Mannerism can be found in normal subjects,
abnormal personalities, schizophrenia and
neurological disorders.
In non-psychotic mannerism is likely to occur
 when subject has need to be noticed but not
 has capacity be intellectually outstanding.
In abnormal personalities it may be result of
 lack of control over motor behavior often
 associated with lack of self-confidence.
Schizophrenic mannerism may arise from
 delusional ideas.
In neurological disorders mannerism are result
 of lack of pyramidal and extrapyramidal
Spontaneous movements are automatic motion,
balanced by the sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems, and are called involuntary motion.
1. Tics
They are sudden involuntary twitching of small groups of
muscles that are reminiscent of expressive movements
and defensive reflexes. The characteristic feature of tic is
that the movement is usually preceded by an urge to
move, and it can be suppressed for a short time (about
30-60 sec) by voluntary effort. They are rapid, recurrent,
non-rhythmic, stereotyped.
• Simple motor tics- are eye blinking, nose
  wrinkling, neck jerking, shoulder shrugging,
  facial grimacing, and abdominal tensing.
  These tics usually last less than several
  hundred milliseconds.
• Complex motor tics- include hand gestures,
  jumping, touching, pressing, facial contortion,
  twirling when walking, and assuming and
  holding unusual postures. These tics are
  longer in duration, lasting seconds or longer
2. Tremor
Tremor is an involuntary, somewhat rhythmic,
muscle contraction and relaxation involving to-and-
fro movements (oscillations or twitching) of one or
more body parts.
Tremors are classified as normal (or physiologic)
and abnormal (or pathologic). It can be rest tremor
(Parkinson’s     disease     tremor,     alcoholism,
thyrotoxicosis) or action tremor. Action tremors
again can be of two types: postural tremor
(Physiologic tremor, Essential tremor, Drug-induced
tremors) and kinetic tremor (Intention tremor and
Task-specific tremor) .
3. Chorea
is a quick, irregular, and predominantly distal involuntary
movement. The term ‘semi purposive’ has been used to
facilitate its identification. These jerky movements
resemble fragments of expressive or reactive movements.
4. Athetosis
Athetosis is a condition in which the spontaneous
movements are slow, twisting and writhing, which bring
about strange postures of the body, especially of the hands.
The maintained posture is interrupted by relatively slow,
sinuous, purposeless movements that have a tendency to
flow into one another. Choreoathetosis is a movement of
intermediate speed, between the quick, fleeting
movements of chorea and the slower, writhing movements
of athetosis.
5. Parakinesia
Parakinesia is a term used by Kleist (1943) to describe the
occurrence in catatonic schizophrenic patients of motor activity
which is reminiscent of, but somehow different from chorea,
athetosis, and tics. It consists of a continuous irregular
movement of the musculature so that patients with this
symptom grimace, twitch, and jerk continuously. Patients are
usually referred to as parakinetic catatonic, and the older
psychiatrist used to call the behavior as‘clown like.
6. Stereotypy
Stereotypy is a repetitive, seemingly driven, and nonfunctional
motor behavior. They are repeated movements that are regular
(unlike tics) and without any obvious significance (unlike
mannerism). It is required to be distinguished from agitation.
Unlike mannerism, stereotypy is an abnormal, non- adaptive,
non-goal directed and senseless act.
             Automatic Obedience (also called command automatism) is an
  exaggerated cooperation with examiner’s request, or repeated movements
  that are requested once (Bush et al, 1996). The patient carries out every
  action regardless of the consequences (Hamilton, 1985). How to examine:
  Reach into pocket and state, ‘stick out your tongue, I want to stick pin into
  it’. (Bush et al, 1996)
 Echopraxia is the repetition by imitation of movements of another. The
  action is not a willed or voluntary one and has a semiautomatic and
  uncontrollable quality (APA, 2000). Raising an arm over the head is imitated,
  the patient raising his right arm as the examiner raises his left. Patients do
  not know why they make these movements and they usually give a silly or
  inadequate reason for it, denying their illness. Study by Chapman and
  McGhie on schizophrenic patients revealed that echopraxia usually happens
  when the patient is trying to communicate with another person, and is more
  common when he finds it difficult to communicate verbally. Three types of
  echopraxia has been mentioned corresponding to the different stages of
  imitation in childhood described by Piaget: Completely automatic
  echopraxia, Echopraxia to memory images and Voluntary echopraxia.
 Perseveration is a senseless repetition of a goal-directed action, which
    has already served its purpose (Hamilton, 1985). It can be understood
    under phenomenon categorized as;
       1. Pathological repetition of the same response to different stimuli,
as in a repetition of the same verbal response to different questions.
      2. Persistent repetition of specific words or concepts in the process
of speaking. Seen in cognitive disorders, schizophrenia, and other mental
         Freeman & Gathercole (1966) studied perseveration in
schizophrenia, arteriosclerotic dementia and senile dementia. They
described three types of perseveration:
          Compulsive repetition, in which the act is repeated until the
patient receives another instruction. Seen more commonly in
          Impairment of switching, in which the repetition continues after
the patient has been given a new task. Seen more commonly in dementia.
          Ideational perseveration, in which the patient repeats words and
phrases during their reply to a question.
• Manifestation of perseveration when speech is
  affected, due to coarse brain disease, can be of two
  types (Hamilton, 1985)
      Logoclonia- The last syllable of the last word is
      Palilalia- Patient repeats the perseverated word
with increasing frequency.
• Perseveration can be distinguished from stereotypy by
  the fact that the stereotypy is an abnormal, non-
  adaptive act whereas perseveration is a repetition even
  when the purpose is served. Stereotypy is non-goal
  directed whereas perseveration is goal directed.
  Stereotypy is spontaneous but perseveration is an
  induced movement.
 Mitmachen (cooperation) is also a form of an extreme
  compliance on the part of the patient. In this despite the
  instruction to the patient for non-compliance, the patient’s
  body can be put in any position without any resistance. It is
  usually found in catatonia and other neurological diseases.
  It occurs when the patient acquiesces in every passive
  movement of the body made by the examiner.

 Mitgehen (going along with) is another kind of excessive
  compliance in which the examiner is able to move the
  patient’s body with the slightest touch, but the body part
  immediately returns to the previous position, unlike waxy
  flexibility. It is also known as the “anglepoise effect” or
  “angle poise lamp sign” (Hamilton, 1985). It can be called as
  an extreme form of mitmachen.
          Forced grasping is a phenomenon in which the patient
  forcibly and repeatedly grasps the hands of an examiner when
  offered. It is an involuntary flexion of the fingers to tactile or
  tendon stimulation on the palm of the hand, producing an
  uncontrollable grasp; which is usually associated with frontal
  lobe lesions. Commonly seen in chronic catatonia and dementia.
          Magnet reaction is a reflex in which light finger pressure
  on a toe pad causes a slow reflex contraction in the lower
  extremity, which seems to follow the examiner's hand, as if
  drawn by a magnet.
      Ambitendency is a phenomenon in which the patient
  alternates between resistance to and cooperation with the
  examiner’s instructions; for example, when asked to shake
  hands, the patient repeatedly extends and withdraws the hand.
  Patient appears “stuck” in indecisive, hesitant motor movements
  (Bush et al, 1996). It can be regarded as a mild variety of
  negativism or as the result of obstruction.
        Negativism: Patient resists examiner’s manipulations,
   whether light or vigorous, with strength equal to that
   applied, as if bound to the stimulus of the examiner’s
   action. Negativism occurs when the subject consistently
   does the opposite of what is asked, e.g. asked to open the
   hands, it is closed tighter (WHO, 1998). Negativism may or
   may not be associated with a defensive attitude. It can be
   of two types namely:
          Passive negativism: When the patient does not
follow the given command and resist any kind of interference.
          Active or command negativism: When the patient
not only resists the command given, but also does the
opposite of what is said.
 Gegenhalten or opposition
          all passive movements are opposed with same
degree of force as being applied by the examiner.
 Mannerism
   only a few words may be mispronounced or there may be
distortion of most of the words.
 Verbal stereotypy
   words or phrases are repeated continuously. They may be
spontaneous or set off by a question.
 Verbigeration
 one or several sentences or strings of fragemented words are
repeated continuously.
 Wurgstimme
 few schizophrenic speak in strange strangled voice
 Verbal perseveration
 Echolalia is a pathological, parrot like, and apparently senseless
  repetition of a word or a phrase just spoken (APA, 2000). Jasper (1962)
  describes it as repetition of everything patient hears in a parrot-
  fashion. It can also be present in developmental disorders as autism.
  There are two types of echolalia, namely immediate and delayed
  echolalia. Immediate echolalia appears to tap into the person's short-
  term memory for auditory input. This is defined as the repetition of a
  word or phrase just spoken by another person. Delayed echolalia
  appears to tap into long-term auditory memory, and for this reason,
  may be a different phenomenon from immediate echolalia. Because it
  can involve the recitation of entire scripts, delayed echolalia is often
  thought to denote evidence of near-genius intellect. There are two
  described categories of delayed echolalia: No communicative
  repetition and communicative repetition. The patient echoes a part or
  the whole of what has been said to him, irrespective of whether he
  understands them or not. It could be the result of disinhibition of a
  childhood speech pattern.
 Echologia (Kleist, 1943): The patient replies to questions by echoing
  the content of the questions in different words.
 Manneristic posture: A manneristic posture is an odd
  stilted posture that is an exaggeration of a normal
  posture and not rigidly preserved.
 Stereotyped posture: It is an abnormal and non-adaptive
  posture that is rigidly maintained.
 Psychological pillow is a dramatic posture, in which the
  supine patient lies with head and shoulders raised as if
  resting on a pillow.
 Perseveration of posture: The patient persists with a
  particular movement that has lost its initial significance.
  The patient allows the examiner to put his body into
  strange uncomfortable positions and then maintains such
  postures for at least one minute and usually much longer
  (Hamilton, 1985).
     Posturing: Patient is able to maintain the same posture for long
  periods. The classic example of posturing is “crucifix”. Other
  examples are sitting with upper and lower portions of the body
  twisted at the right angle, holding finger and hands in odd position.
  So it can be called as a spontaneous maintenance of postures for
  extended period of time.
 Waxy flexibility (flexibilitas cerea): The examiner is able to position
  the patient in what would be highly uncomfortable postures, which
  are maintained for a considerable period of time. During
  reposturing of patient, patient offers initial resistance before
  allowing himself to be repositioned, best felt during reposturing of
     Catalepsy: Maintains posture, including mundane (e.g., sitting or
  standing for long periods without reacting) (WHO, 1998). It is a
  condition in which a person maintains the body position in which
  he is placed, observed in severe cases of catatonic schizophrenia.
  Catalepsy usually lasts for more than one minute and ends with the
  body slowly sinking back into the resting position. It is often very
  variable and may even disappear for a day or so only to return
  again. Unlike waxy flexibility, in catalepsy when the examiner
  releases the body those muscles which fixes the body in the
  abnormal position can be felt to contract.
 A. Non-goal-directed abnormal patterns of behavior
 Stupor: Unresponsiveness, hypo activity, and reduced or altered arousal
   during which the patient fails to respond to queries, when severe, the
   patient is mute, immobile, and does not withdraw from painful stimuli.
   Stupor can be seen under the conditions of depression, catatonia,
   epilepsy, cycloid psychosis and coarse brain disease. It is further classified
       Psychogenic stupor: It may occur in the setting of severe psychological
shock. The patient appears as if ‘paralyzed with fear’ and is unable to retreat
from danger – can be terminated by sedation and reassurance.
       Hysterical stupor: It emerges as an acute psychogenic reaction to
severe trauma and then becomes a goal-directed reaction. It is presented by
the subject for some gains, although he is not fully aware of his hidden
motivation. It tends to occur in appreciation needing personality.
        Catatonic stupor: In this muscle tension is permanently increased or it
varies from time to time and is associated with obstruction. Significant
features are “dead-pan” facial expression, changes in muscle tone, catalepsy,
stereotypies and incontinence of urine.
 Excitement: It can characterize as an extreme hyperactivity, constant
    motor unrest which is apparently non-purposeful. This is not to be
    attributed to akathisia or goal-directed agitation (Bush et al, 1996).
    Psychogenic excitements may be acute reactions or goal-directed
          Acute reactions: Predisposed subjects may react to moderately
stressful situations with senseless violence. Chaotic restlessness rather like a
‘storm of movement’ may occur in susceptible subjects during catastrophes,
and in unsophisticated and mentally subnormal persons subject to mild
          Goal-directed reactions: Excitement is part of attention-seeking
behavior. Even during severe excitement, it is usually possible to make contact
with these patients and interrupt the over activity. They seem eager to be
punished and enjoy a good fight.
          Excitement in depression: Moderately severe agitated depression:
takes a mechanical form; patient wanders about restlessly and bewail his fate
monotonously though in severe agitation the patient wrings his hands
continuously, sits up in bed, rocks to and fro and laments; sometimes picking
the hair, rubbing the face or pulling the hair; the total picture is one of abject
          Catatonic excitement: In such patients body movements are often
stiff, stilted and violence is usually senseless and purposeless
 B. Goal-directed abnormal patterns of behavior:
 Compulsive rituals: These are characteristic of obsessive compulsive
  disorder, and are the motor act results from obsessions. Often manifested
  in the forms of cleaning, checking and repeating.
 Brutal and aggressive behavior: It is often socially determined. Many a
  times in conditions like schizophrenia, it is manifested because of the
  involvement of hallucinations, persecution or referential ideas, or
  assuming others as a part of delusional system. In mood disorders too, it is
  very much likely to be manifested either due to elevation of mood itself or
  due to accompanied psychosis.
 Extended suicide’: It is a condition in which the patient with delusional
  depression murders his children in the mistaken belief that they have
  incurable inherited insanity or some foul disease. The children are
  therefore murdered in the mistaken belief that they would be ‘better off
 Disinhibition resulting from organic brain disease, mania or schizophrenia
  may give rise to promiscuous behavior, leading to increased risk of
  pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease.
 Dissociative fugue: It is characterized as a fugue state, formally
  Dissociative Fugue, previously called Psychogenic Fugue. It is a rare
  psychiatric disorder characterized by reversible amnesia for personal
  identity, including the memories, personality and other identifying
  characteristics of individuality. Dissociative fugue usually involves
  unplanned travel or wandering, and is sometimes accompanied by the
  establishment of a new identity.
   Drug induced dyskinesia: It can be applied to any type of involuntary
  movement but is most frequently employed for the rather complex
  choreic and dystonic movements that occur after the prolonged treatment
  with neuroleptics. The term neuroleptic means “that which takes
  neurons” was coined by Deniker. It occurs in the form of stereotypy,
  defined as repetitive, coordinated, seemingly purposeful movements,
  other drug –induced dyskinesias are manifested by dystonia, chorea, tics,
  tremors and miscellaneous involuntary movements.
     Acute dystonia: Acute dystonic reaction is sustained, repetitive,
  patterned, muscle spasm resulting in twisting, squeezing, pulling, and
  often painful posturing. The symptoms may occurs within hours after
  administration of the offending drug and may be the first extra-pyramidal
  side effect encountered with the neuroleptic.
    Acute and tardive akathisia: The term akathisia (not sitting) was first
  introduced by Haskovec in 1901 to describe individuals unable to remain
  in a seated position. Akathisia may occur within the first three months of
  neuroleptic therapy and may persist as tardive akathisia even when the
  offending drug is stopped. It is characterized by a subjective feeling of
  restlessness accompanied by motor stereotypies. The restlessness has
  been described using such phrases as “nervousness”.
 Tardive dyskinesia: It is a distortion of voluntary movements with
  involuntary muscular activity. The American Psychiatric Association Task
  Force defines tardive dyskinesias as abnormal involuntary movement
  resulting from treatment with a neuroleptic drug for three months in a
  patient with no other identifiable cause for movement disorder (Joesph &
  Young, 1999). The essential features of Neuroleptic-Induced tardive
  dyskinesia are abnormal, involuntary movement of the tongue, jaw, trunk,
  or extremities that develop in association with the use of neuroleptic
  medication. The movements are present over a period of at least 4 weeks
  and may be choreiform( rapid, jerky, non repetitive), athetoid (slow,
  sinuous, continual), or rhythmic (e.g., stereotypies) in nature. The signs or
  symptoms develop during exposure to a neuroleptic medication or within
  four weeks of withdrawal from an oral (or within 8 weeks of withdrawal
  from a depot) neuroleptic medication (APA, 2000).Tardive dyskinesia is
  often a persistent disorder, but spontaneous remissions are frequently
  encountered, particularly in the younger population.
 Tardive tremor: It is a relatively rare form of tardive dyskinesia. This
  rhythmic movement is distinguishable from the more common stereotypy
  in that it consists of an oscillatory movement rather than coordinator,
  seemingly purposeful movement seen in tardive stereotypy. Tardive
  tremor differs from tremor observed in patients in parkinsons disease in
  that it is predominantly postural and kinetic and it is not necessarily
  accompanied by other parkinsonian signs.
 Tardive Dystonia: It is a persistent dystonic movement disorder and therefore it
  differs from acute transient dystonic reaction. Criteria for its diagnosis include
  the presence of chronic dystonia, prior or concurrent neuroleptic use, exclusion
  of non causes of secondary dystonia, and a negative family history for dystonia.
  It is characterized by sustained, slow or rapid twisting movements involving the
  face, neck, trunk, or limbs, tardive dystonia may occur after only three days of
  antipsychotic treatment, but usually it follows months of neuroleptic therapy.
 Tardive tourettism: Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is a neurobehavioral disorder
  characterized by motor and phonic tics and a variety of behavioral problems.
  Motor tics are coordinated involuntary movements occurring in patterned
  sequences in a spontaneous, unpredictable, abrupt, and transient manner.
  Involuntary vocalizations, repetition of words as phrases (echolalia), use of
  obscenities (coprolalia), and mimicking of gestures (echopraxia) often occurs in
  the patient with Tourette syndrome.
 Tardive Myoclonus: Myoclonus, a jerk- like contraction of muscle group may be
  rhythmic or arrhythmic, arising from cortical, subcortical, and spinal cord
  structures. Myoclonus must be differentiated from other movement disorders.
  Tics differ from myoclonus in that tics can be voluntarily controlled and are more
  complex movements. Dystonic contractions are more prolonged and often
  twisting whereas myoclonic jerks are brief and simple. Tremors are oscillatory
  movements that differentiate them from rhythmic myoclonus which are
  secondary to repetitive agonist muscle contractions. Myoclonus differs from
  chorea in that chorea is a random flow of brief contractions.
• Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: (NMS) was first described by Delay
  and Deniker in 1968, and is believed to be a consequence of impaired
  hypothalamic and striatal dopamine transmission or sudden
  withdrawal from dopamine therapy. NMS is characterized by
  hyperpyrexia, muscular rigidity, autonomic dysfunction, and
  alternations in consciousness.
• Serotonin Syndrome: Concurrent administration of SSRI with a MAO
  inhibitor, L-tryptophan, or lithium can raise plasma serotonin
  concentrations to toxic levels, producing a constellation of symptoms
  called the serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome is composed of
  Diarrhea, Diaphoresis, Tremor, Ataxia, Myoclonus, Hyperactive
  reflexes, Disorientation, and lability of mood (Sadock and Sadock,
• Rabbit Syndrome: The rabbit syndrome is another neuroleptic drug
  induced disorder. It is probably best conceptualized as an acute EPS
  phenomenon. It was first described in 1972 as “perioral muscular
  movements strikingly imitating the rapid, chewing-like movements of a
  rabbit’s mouth.” These movements did not involve the tongue and
  were limited exclusively to the territory of the oral and masticatory
  muscle. This clinical picture was immediately labeled “the Rabbit
  syndrome”. The primary signs of rabbit syndrome involve rapid perioral
  movements. These are principally in the vertical plane and do not
  involve horizontal, or rotator jaw motions.

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Motor disorders in psychiatry

  • 2. SUBJECTIVE MOTOR DISORDER • Obsessions and Compulsions: patient experience them against their will but sense of personal possession of act is not lost although control over voluntary activity is lost. • Delusion of passivity: here control over thought, action and feeling is lost as well as they are experienced as being manufactured against his will by some foreign influences.
  • 3. OBJECTIVE MOTOR DISORDERS • Disorders of adaptive movements a) Disorders of expressive movement b) Disorders of reactive movements c) Disorders of goal-directed movements • Disorders of non-adaptive movements a) Spontaneous movements b) Abnormal induced movements
  • 4. • Motor speech disturbances • Disorders of posture • Abnormal complex patterns of behavior a) Non-goal-directed abnormal patterns of behavior b) Goal-directed abnormal patterns of behavior • Movement disorders associated with antipsychotic medication
  • 5. DISORDERS OF ADAPTIVE MOVEMENTS • A. Disorders of expressive movement Expressive movement involves face, arm, hands and the upper trunk. Extent vary with emotional states and range may vary in different cultures. 1. OMEGA SIGN The occurrence of a fold like the Greek letter omega in the forehead above the root of the nose produced by the excessive action of the corrugator muscle. It was described by Athanassio; seen in depression.
  • 6. 2. Verugath fold The main fold in upper lid is angulated upwards and backwards at the junction of the inner third with the middle third of the folds; seen in depression. 3. Other expressive movement disorder in depression a. Lack of facial expression and it’s mobility. b. Diminished or absent gestures in retarded depression. Patient walk slowly and bowed down as it carrying heavy loads on shoulder.
  • 7. c. restlessness and apprehension in agitated and anxious depression. Patient sit moving hand and feet , fidgeting. Some patient may stand up and sit down again. 4. Expressive movement disorder in catatonia a. stiff expressionless facies and scanty expressive movement of body. b. excessive grimacing and facial contortion. c. rounded lips thrust forward in tubular manner called as Schnauzkrampf ( snout spasm).
  • 8. 5. Expressive movement disorder in mania: a. Undue cheerfulness and wide expansive gestures. b. Emotional lability. c. Ecstasy – rapt intense look. Patient is incommunicative and completely absorbed by intense experiences. B. DISORDERS OF REACTIVE MOVEMENT: Reactive movements are immediate automatic adjustments to new stimuli, as needed in response to a threat or while attending to source of a percept.
  • 9. a. startle reflex – in severe anxiety reactive movements are prompt and excessive. b. loss of reactive movements in catatonia due to obstruction, which are carried out in stiff disjointed manner. C. DISORDERS OF GOAL DIRECTED MOVEMENTS: Usually all these movements are carried out without any deliberate awareness on the part of the patient. These movements reflect personality as well as the current mood state of the subject.
  • 10. a. Psychomotor Retardation : It is experienced subjectively as difficulty to initiate and carry out any activity. There is lack of expression with furrowed eyebrows and downgazed eye. b. Blocking or Obstruction ( sperrung ): It can be defined as irregular stroboscopic movement in perception, in which the patient would not be able to initiate the movement depending upon the will but with the chance factor. Kleist described that the cardinal feature of the obstruction is the “reaction at the last moment”. As the severity increases it gradually ascends to akinesia and then even to stupor.
  • 11. c. Mannerism : cardinal feature of mannerism are: Unusual repetition Exaggeration of normal and adaptive act Personal significance Goal- directed Mannerism can be found in normal subjects, abnormal personalities, schizophrenia and neurological disorders.
  • 12. In non-psychotic mannerism is likely to occur when subject has need to be noticed but not has capacity be intellectually outstanding. In abnormal personalities it may be result of lack of control over motor behavior often associated with lack of self-confidence. Schizophrenic mannerism may arise from delusional ideas. In neurological disorders mannerism are result of lack of pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems.
  • 13. NON ADAPTIVE MOVEMENTS • A. SPONTANEOUS: Spontaneous movements are automatic motion, balanced by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and are called involuntary motion. 1. Tics They are sudden involuntary twitching of small groups of muscles that are reminiscent of expressive movements and defensive reflexes. The characteristic feature of tic is that the movement is usually preceded by an urge to move, and it can be suppressed for a short time (about 30-60 sec) by voluntary effort. They are rapid, recurrent, non-rhythmic, stereotyped.
  • 14. • Simple motor tics- are eye blinking, nose wrinkling, neck jerking, shoulder shrugging, facial grimacing, and abdominal tensing. These tics usually last less than several hundred milliseconds. • Complex motor tics- include hand gestures, jumping, touching, pressing, facial contortion, twirling when walking, and assuming and holding unusual postures. These tics are longer in duration, lasting seconds or longer
  • 15. 2. Tremor Tremor is an involuntary, somewhat rhythmic, muscle contraction and relaxation involving to-and- fro movements (oscillations or twitching) of one or more body parts. Tremors are classified as normal (or physiologic) and abnormal (or pathologic). It can be rest tremor (Parkinson’s disease tremor, alcoholism, thyrotoxicosis) or action tremor. Action tremors again can be of two types: postural tremor (Physiologic tremor, Essential tremor, Drug-induced tremors) and kinetic tremor (Intention tremor and Task-specific tremor) .
  • 16. 3. Chorea is a quick, irregular, and predominantly distal involuntary movement. The term ‘semi purposive’ has been used to facilitate its identification. These jerky movements resemble fragments of expressive or reactive movements. 4. Athetosis Athetosis is a condition in which the spontaneous movements are slow, twisting and writhing, which bring about strange postures of the body, especially of the hands. The maintained posture is interrupted by relatively slow, sinuous, purposeless movements that have a tendency to flow into one another. Choreoathetosis is a movement of intermediate speed, between the quick, fleeting movements of chorea and the slower, writhing movements of athetosis.
  • 17. 5. Parakinesia Parakinesia is a term used by Kleist (1943) to describe the occurrence in catatonic schizophrenic patients of motor activity which is reminiscent of, but somehow different from chorea, athetosis, and tics. It consists of a continuous irregular movement of the musculature so that patients with this symptom grimace, twitch, and jerk continuously. Patients are usually referred to as parakinetic catatonic, and the older psychiatrist used to call the behavior as‘clown like. 6. Stereotypy Stereotypy is a repetitive, seemingly driven, and nonfunctional motor behavior. They are repeated movements that are regular (unlike tics) and without any obvious significance (unlike mannerism). It is required to be distinguished from agitation. Unlike mannerism, stereotypy is an abnormal, non- adaptive, non-goal directed and senseless act.
  • 18. • B. ABNORMAL INDUCED MOVEMENTS  Automatic Obedience (also called command automatism) is an exaggerated cooperation with examiner’s request, or repeated movements that are requested once (Bush et al, 1996). The patient carries out every action regardless of the consequences (Hamilton, 1985). How to examine: Reach into pocket and state, ‘stick out your tongue, I want to stick pin into it’. (Bush et al, 1996)  Echopraxia is the repetition by imitation of movements of another. The action is not a willed or voluntary one and has a semiautomatic and uncontrollable quality (APA, 2000). Raising an arm over the head is imitated, the patient raising his right arm as the examiner raises his left. Patients do not know why they make these movements and they usually give a silly or inadequate reason for it, denying their illness. Study by Chapman and McGhie on schizophrenic patients revealed that echopraxia usually happens when the patient is trying to communicate with another person, and is more common when he finds it difficult to communicate verbally. Three types of echopraxia has been mentioned corresponding to the different stages of imitation in childhood described by Piaget: Completely automatic echopraxia, Echopraxia to memory images and Voluntary echopraxia.
  • 19.  Perseveration is a senseless repetition of a goal-directed action, which has already served its purpose (Hamilton, 1985). It can be understood under phenomenon categorized as; 1. Pathological repetition of the same response to different stimuli, as in a repetition of the same verbal response to different questions. 2. Persistent repetition of specific words or concepts in the process of speaking. Seen in cognitive disorders, schizophrenia, and other mental illness. Freeman & Gathercole (1966) studied perseveration in schizophrenia, arteriosclerotic dementia and senile dementia. They described three types of perseveration: Compulsive repetition, in which the act is repeated until the patient receives another instruction. Seen more commonly in schizophrenia. Impairment of switching, in which the repetition continues after the patient has been given a new task. Seen more commonly in dementia. Ideational perseveration, in which the patient repeats words and phrases during their reply to a question.
  • 20. • Manifestation of perseveration when speech is affected, due to coarse brain disease, can be of two types (Hamilton, 1985) Logoclonia- The last syllable of the last word is repeated. Palilalia- Patient repeats the perseverated word with increasing frequency. • Perseveration can be distinguished from stereotypy by the fact that the stereotypy is an abnormal, non- adaptive act whereas perseveration is a repetition even when the purpose is served. Stereotypy is non-goal directed whereas perseveration is goal directed. Stereotypy is spontaneous but perseveration is an induced movement.
  • 21.  Mitmachen (cooperation) is also a form of an extreme compliance on the part of the patient. In this despite the instruction to the patient for non-compliance, the patient’s body can be put in any position without any resistance. It is usually found in catatonia and other neurological diseases. It occurs when the patient acquiesces in every passive movement of the body made by the examiner.  Mitgehen (going along with) is another kind of excessive compliance in which the examiner is able to move the patient’s body with the slightest touch, but the body part immediately returns to the previous position, unlike waxy flexibility. It is also known as the “anglepoise effect” or “angle poise lamp sign” (Hamilton, 1985). It can be called as an extreme form of mitmachen.
  • 22. Forced grasping is a phenomenon in which the patient forcibly and repeatedly grasps the hands of an examiner when offered. It is an involuntary flexion of the fingers to tactile or tendon stimulation on the palm of the hand, producing an uncontrollable grasp; which is usually associated with frontal lobe lesions. Commonly seen in chronic catatonia and dementia.  Magnet reaction is a reflex in which light finger pressure on a toe pad causes a slow reflex contraction in the lower extremity, which seems to follow the examiner's hand, as if drawn by a magnet.  Ambitendency is a phenomenon in which the patient alternates between resistance to and cooperation with the examiner’s instructions; for example, when asked to shake hands, the patient repeatedly extends and withdraws the hand. Patient appears “stuck” in indecisive, hesitant motor movements (Bush et al, 1996). It can be regarded as a mild variety of negativism or as the result of obstruction.
  • 23. Negativism: Patient resists examiner’s manipulations, whether light or vigorous, with strength equal to that applied, as if bound to the stimulus of the examiner’s action. Negativism occurs when the subject consistently does the opposite of what is asked, e.g. asked to open the hands, it is closed tighter (WHO, 1998). Negativism may or may not be associated with a defensive attitude. It can be of two types namely: Passive negativism: When the patient does not follow the given command and resist any kind of interference. Active or command negativism: When the patient not only resists the command given, but also does the opposite of what is said.  Gegenhalten or opposition all passive movements are opposed with same degree of force as being applied by the examiner.
  • 24. MOTOR SPEECH DISORDER  Mannerism only a few words may be mispronounced or there may be distortion of most of the words.  Verbal stereotypy words or phrases are repeated continuously. They may be spontaneous or set off by a question.  Verbigeration one or several sentences or strings of fragemented words are repeated continuously.  Wurgstimme few schizophrenic speak in strange strangled voice  Verbal perseveration
  • 25.  Echolalia is a pathological, parrot like, and apparently senseless repetition of a word or a phrase just spoken (APA, 2000). Jasper (1962) describes it as repetition of everything patient hears in a parrot- fashion. It can also be present in developmental disorders as autism. There are two types of echolalia, namely immediate and delayed echolalia. Immediate echolalia appears to tap into the person's short- term memory for auditory input. This is defined as the repetition of a word or phrase just spoken by another person. Delayed echolalia appears to tap into long-term auditory memory, and for this reason, may be a different phenomenon from immediate echolalia. Because it can involve the recitation of entire scripts, delayed echolalia is often thought to denote evidence of near-genius intellect. There are two described categories of delayed echolalia: No communicative repetition and communicative repetition. The patient echoes a part or the whole of what has been said to him, irrespective of whether he understands them or not. It could be the result of disinhibition of a childhood speech pattern.  Echologia (Kleist, 1943): The patient replies to questions by echoing the content of the questions in different words.
  • 26. DISORDER OF POSTURE  Manneristic posture: A manneristic posture is an odd stilted posture that is an exaggeration of a normal posture and not rigidly preserved.  Stereotyped posture: It is an abnormal and non-adaptive posture that is rigidly maintained.  Psychological pillow is a dramatic posture, in which the supine patient lies with head and shoulders raised as if resting on a pillow.  Perseveration of posture: The patient persists with a particular movement that has lost its initial significance. The patient allows the examiner to put his body into strange uncomfortable positions and then maintains such postures for at least one minute and usually much longer (Hamilton, 1985).
  • 27. Posturing: Patient is able to maintain the same posture for long periods. The classic example of posturing is “crucifix”. Other examples are sitting with upper and lower portions of the body twisted at the right angle, holding finger and hands in odd position. So it can be called as a spontaneous maintenance of postures for extended period of time.  Waxy flexibility (flexibilitas cerea): The examiner is able to position the patient in what would be highly uncomfortable postures, which are maintained for a considerable period of time. During reposturing of patient, patient offers initial resistance before allowing himself to be repositioned, best felt during reposturing of patient.  Catalepsy: Maintains posture, including mundane (e.g., sitting or standing for long periods without reacting) (WHO, 1998). It is a condition in which a person maintains the body position in which he is placed, observed in severe cases of catatonic schizophrenia. Catalepsy usually lasts for more than one minute and ends with the body slowly sinking back into the resting position. It is often very variable and may even disappear for a day or so only to return again. Unlike waxy flexibility, in catalepsy when the examiner releases the body those muscles which fixes the body in the abnormal position can be felt to contract.
  • 28. ABNORMAL COMPLEX PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR  A. Non-goal-directed abnormal patterns of behavior  Stupor: Unresponsiveness, hypo activity, and reduced or altered arousal during which the patient fails to respond to queries, when severe, the patient is mute, immobile, and does not withdraw from painful stimuli. Stupor can be seen under the conditions of depression, catatonia, epilepsy, cycloid psychosis and coarse brain disease. It is further classified as; Psychogenic stupor: It may occur in the setting of severe psychological shock. The patient appears as if ‘paralyzed with fear’ and is unable to retreat from danger – can be terminated by sedation and reassurance. Hysterical stupor: It emerges as an acute psychogenic reaction to severe trauma and then becomes a goal-directed reaction. It is presented by the subject for some gains, although he is not fully aware of his hidden motivation. It tends to occur in appreciation needing personality. Catatonic stupor: In this muscle tension is permanently increased or it varies from time to time and is associated with obstruction. Significant features are “dead-pan” facial expression, changes in muscle tone, catalepsy, stereotypies and incontinence of urine.
  • 29.  Excitement: It can characterize as an extreme hyperactivity, constant motor unrest which is apparently non-purposeful. This is not to be attributed to akathisia or goal-directed agitation (Bush et al, 1996). Psychogenic excitements may be acute reactions or goal-directed reactions. Acute reactions: Predisposed subjects may react to moderately stressful situations with senseless violence. Chaotic restlessness rather like a ‘storm of movement’ may occur in susceptible subjects during catastrophes, and in unsophisticated and mentally subnormal persons subject to mild stress. Goal-directed reactions: Excitement is part of attention-seeking behavior. Even during severe excitement, it is usually possible to make contact with these patients and interrupt the over activity. They seem eager to be punished and enjoy a good fight. Excitement in depression: Moderately severe agitated depression: takes a mechanical form; patient wanders about restlessly and bewail his fate monotonously though in severe agitation the patient wrings his hands continuously, sits up in bed, rocks to and fro and laments; sometimes picking the hair, rubbing the face or pulling the hair; the total picture is one of abject misery. Catatonic excitement: In such patients body movements are often stiff, stilted and violence is usually senseless and purposeless (Hamilton,1985).
  • 30.  B. Goal-directed abnormal patterns of behavior:  Compulsive rituals: These are characteristic of obsessive compulsive disorder, and are the motor act results from obsessions. Often manifested in the forms of cleaning, checking and repeating.  Brutal and aggressive behavior: It is often socially determined. Many a times in conditions like schizophrenia, it is manifested because of the involvement of hallucinations, persecution or referential ideas, or assuming others as a part of delusional system. In mood disorders too, it is very much likely to be manifested either due to elevation of mood itself or due to accompanied psychosis.  Extended suicide’: It is a condition in which the patient with delusional depression murders his children in the mistaken belief that they have incurable inherited insanity or some foul disease. The children are therefore murdered in the mistaken belief that they would be ‘better off dead’.  Disinhibition resulting from organic brain disease, mania or schizophrenia may give rise to promiscuous behavior, leading to increased risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease.  Dissociative fugue: It is characterized as a fugue state, formally Dissociative Fugue, previously called Psychogenic Fugue. It is a rare psychiatric disorder characterized by reversible amnesia for personal identity, including the memories, personality and other identifying characteristics of individuality. Dissociative fugue usually involves unplanned travel or wandering, and is sometimes accompanied by the establishment of a new identity.
  • 31. MOVEMENT DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH ANTIPSYCHOTIC MEDICATION  Drug induced dyskinesia: It can be applied to any type of involuntary movement but is most frequently employed for the rather complex choreic and dystonic movements that occur after the prolonged treatment with neuroleptics. The term neuroleptic means “that which takes neurons” was coined by Deniker. It occurs in the form of stereotypy, defined as repetitive, coordinated, seemingly purposeful movements, other drug –induced dyskinesias are manifested by dystonia, chorea, tics, tremors and miscellaneous involuntary movements.  Acute dystonia: Acute dystonic reaction is sustained, repetitive, patterned, muscle spasm resulting in twisting, squeezing, pulling, and often painful posturing. The symptoms may occurs within hours after administration of the offending drug and may be the first extra-pyramidal side effect encountered with the neuroleptic.  Acute and tardive akathisia: The term akathisia (not sitting) was first introduced by Haskovec in 1901 to describe individuals unable to remain in a seated position. Akathisia may occur within the first three months of neuroleptic therapy and may persist as tardive akathisia even when the offending drug is stopped. It is characterized by a subjective feeling of restlessness accompanied by motor stereotypies. The restlessness has been described using such phrases as “nervousness”.
  • 32.  Tardive dyskinesia: It is a distortion of voluntary movements with involuntary muscular activity. The American Psychiatric Association Task Force defines tardive dyskinesias as abnormal involuntary movement resulting from treatment with a neuroleptic drug for three months in a patient with no other identifiable cause for movement disorder (Joesph & Young, 1999). The essential features of Neuroleptic-Induced tardive dyskinesia are abnormal, involuntary movement of the tongue, jaw, trunk, or extremities that develop in association with the use of neuroleptic medication. The movements are present over a period of at least 4 weeks and may be choreiform( rapid, jerky, non repetitive), athetoid (slow, sinuous, continual), or rhythmic (e.g., stereotypies) in nature. The signs or symptoms develop during exposure to a neuroleptic medication or within four weeks of withdrawal from an oral (or within 8 weeks of withdrawal from a depot) neuroleptic medication (APA, 2000).Tardive dyskinesia is often a persistent disorder, but spontaneous remissions are frequently encountered, particularly in the younger population.  Tardive tremor: It is a relatively rare form of tardive dyskinesia. This rhythmic movement is distinguishable from the more common stereotypy in that it consists of an oscillatory movement rather than coordinator, seemingly purposeful movement seen in tardive stereotypy. Tardive tremor differs from tremor observed in patients in parkinsons disease in that it is predominantly postural and kinetic and it is not necessarily accompanied by other parkinsonian signs.
  • 33.  Tardive Dystonia: It is a persistent dystonic movement disorder and therefore it differs from acute transient dystonic reaction. Criteria for its diagnosis include the presence of chronic dystonia, prior or concurrent neuroleptic use, exclusion of non causes of secondary dystonia, and a negative family history for dystonia. It is characterized by sustained, slow or rapid twisting movements involving the face, neck, trunk, or limbs, tardive dystonia may occur after only three days of antipsychotic treatment, but usually it follows months of neuroleptic therapy.  Tardive tourettism: Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is a neurobehavioral disorder characterized by motor and phonic tics and a variety of behavioral problems. Motor tics are coordinated involuntary movements occurring in patterned sequences in a spontaneous, unpredictable, abrupt, and transient manner. Involuntary vocalizations, repetition of words as phrases (echolalia), use of obscenities (coprolalia), and mimicking of gestures (echopraxia) often occurs in the patient with Tourette syndrome.  Tardive Myoclonus: Myoclonus, a jerk- like contraction of muscle group may be rhythmic or arrhythmic, arising from cortical, subcortical, and spinal cord structures. Myoclonus must be differentiated from other movement disorders. Tics differ from myoclonus in that tics can be voluntarily controlled and are more complex movements. Dystonic contractions are more prolonged and often twisting whereas myoclonic jerks are brief and simple. Tremors are oscillatory movements that differentiate them from rhythmic myoclonus which are secondary to repetitive agonist muscle contractions. Myoclonus differs from chorea in that chorea is a random flow of brief contractions.
  • 34. • Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: (NMS) was first described by Delay and Deniker in 1968, and is believed to be a consequence of impaired hypothalamic and striatal dopamine transmission or sudden withdrawal from dopamine therapy. NMS is characterized by hyperpyrexia, muscular rigidity, autonomic dysfunction, and alternations in consciousness. • Serotonin Syndrome: Concurrent administration of SSRI with a MAO inhibitor, L-tryptophan, or lithium can raise plasma serotonin concentrations to toxic levels, producing a constellation of symptoms called the serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome is composed of Diarrhea, Diaphoresis, Tremor, Ataxia, Myoclonus, Hyperactive reflexes, Disorientation, and lability of mood (Sadock and Sadock, 2007). • Rabbit Syndrome: The rabbit syndrome is another neuroleptic drug induced disorder. It is probably best conceptualized as an acute EPS phenomenon. It was first described in 1972 as “perioral muscular movements strikingly imitating the rapid, chewing-like movements of a rabbit’s mouth.” These movements did not involve the tongue and were limited exclusively to the territory of the oral and masticatory muscle. This clinical picture was immediately labeled “the Rabbit syndrome”. The primary signs of rabbit syndrome involve rapid perioral movements. These are principally in the vertical plane and do not involve horizontal, or rotator jaw motions.