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Obtaining the Core Architecture of
Business Information Systems Families
               Ildefonso Montero Pérez, 75760309-B


               Supervised by Prof. Dr. Joaquin Peña
                and Prof. Dr. Antonio Ruiz-Cortés

Thesis project submitted to the Department of Computer Languages
     and Systems of the University of Sevilla in partial fulfilment
of the requirements for the degree of Ph.D. in Computer Engineering.

                          (Thesis Project)
Support: This work has been partially supported by the European
Commission (FEDER) and Spanish Government under CICYT project Web-
Factories (TIN2006-00472) and by the Andalusian Government under project
ISABEL (TIC-2533).

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
     1.1    Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
     1.2    Research context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
            1.2.1 Business Process Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
            1.2.2 Software Product Lines and Feature Models . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
            1.2.3 Process Family Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     1.3    Structure of the document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2 Hypothesis and Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     2.1    Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     2.2    Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     3.1    Relevant Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
            3.1.1 International Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
            3.1.2 International Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
            3.1.3 National Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
     3.2    Other Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
            3.2.1 Eclipse M2M Transformation Project Contribution . . . . . . 25
     3.3    Summary of Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
     4.1    Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

5 Work plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
     5.1    Work plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
iv                                                                                Contents

A Curriculum vitae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

B Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
List of Figures

1.1   Business Process Model Notation subset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2   Phases during Choreography Design and Implementation from [41] 10
1.3   Feature Model of Web Service Choreography Interface (WSCI) specifica-
      tion Airline Travel Agency example [40] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4   Variability aspects defined by the PFE approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.1   Tool Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
vi   List of Figures
List of Tables

3.1   Summary of Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
viii   List of Tables

   Now that this thesis project comes to an end, it is time to express my grat-
itude to the people who have supported me along this path. First of all, I
would like to thank to my family and friends for their support when it was so
necessary. Thus, I would like to thank to Lucia, for her endless patience and

   In addition, I would like to thank my research advisors, Joaquin and Anto-
nio, for their help and support into my research career.

   Finally, I would like also to thank to all my industry and academic col-
leagues, whose comments and suggestions improved the contents and pre-
sentation of this report substantially.
x   Acknowledgements

    Nowadays large organizations are the result of the interrelation of many
business units which tend to be managed based on its business processes. The
development of the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports
these organizations is a complex task, due to the existence of diferent versions
of the same process, namely core process, tailored in terms of each unit that ex-
ecutes it. Thus, organizations lost the matching between each version and the
original. It implies problems in the maintenance of process specifications, that
drives to an inaccurate execution of the business strategies of the organization.

    The introduction of Software Product Lines (SPL) techniques into the de-
velopment of Business Information Systems (BIS) is expected to become a new
development paradigm, of what we call Business Families, maximizing reuse
and dealing with variability on process definitions. Current SPL-based pro-
posals do not solve the identified problems, because the proposed design of
the reusable core specification is not performed in a systematic way that main-
tains its traceability with derived processes.

    In this PhD thesis, our main goal is to provide a methodological framework
that taking into account the identified drawbacks makes feasible to obtain,
systematically, the core architecture of a Business Information System Fam-
ily, composed by the core process and the extra information needed to derive,
systematically too, each version. For that purpose, we propose a methodology
named Business Family Engineering (BFE), and we define the fragment of this
methodology, namely Business Family Domain Engineering, that is the focus
of our research. In addition, we explore how to ensure the systematization in
the discovery, resolution and application of the transformation rules, propos-
ing a set of technological components to be implanted in the infrastructure of
the specific members of the family. The work will be validated in a case study.
2   Acknowledgements
Chapter 1

1.1 Motivation

   Bider states in [6] that any organization can be considered from a business
process perspective. In addition, is a fact that the larger the size of the orga-
nization and the number of business units with which it interacts, the more
accurate is this perspective focused on its business process and on how the
organization is managed based on its specifications.

    In this context, the development of Business Information Systems (BIS) is
focused on providing techniques and mechanisms for designing software sys-
tems based on the business processes of the organizations, defined graphically
by means of business process modeling notations, mainly Business Process
Model Notation (BPMN)[7]. This software systems are commonly integrated
into the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure of the organization with
the purpose of providing support for performing its business process defini-
tions. Thus, we have identified the following situations: On the one hand,
is a fact that the process definitions are very changeable, and the existence of
several versions of the same business processes, in function of the character-
istics of the unit that performs it, is very common. On the other hand, we
must also take into account other less likely but possible situations where a
company has to put in the disposal of other its business processes definitions
so that these are shared by both (i.e: company mergers and acquisitions, cre-
ation of delegations, or situations regulated under Government Acts). Both
situations support the claim that nowadays organizations lost the matching
between different versions of the process established in each of its business
units and the original, which implies ambiguity and problems in the main-
tenance of its specifications. In addition, is a fact that the variability level of
average-size BIS is usually highly enough for making the design of this kind
4                                                       Chapter 1. Introduction

of systems a complex task.

    Once the problem is identified, to maximize the level of reuse of these def-
initions is considered a core need because it can minimize: (i) the investment
that company owners must take to redefine their business processes, under a
business management perspective; and (ii), the development times and costs
of this redefinition by a process engineer, under an operational perspective.
The importance of this need is emphasized by the frequent failures in the exe-
cution of business strategies, 70-90%, identified in [22], defining strategy as the
direction, scope and goals of an organization and the set of business processes
to execute it.

    To contextualize our motivation scenario, we must enter into detail of cur-
rent solutions. Mainly, there is an approach, called Process Family Engineer-
ing (PFE) [4] (See Section §1.2.3 for more details), that tries to increase the
reusability on the development of BIS using ideas from the Software Prod-
uct Lines (SPL) field [30]. Roughly speaking, the SPL field systematizes the
reuse across the set of similar products that a software company provides.
For that purpose, this approach requires to describe the products by means of
Feature Models (FM), that contains only features observable by the end user,
and relationships between them, showing which features are present in all the
products, called core features, and which not, called variable features. (See
Section §1.2.2 for a more detailed description). In addition, the PFE approach
identifies some variability aspects on business process models, and proposes
to extend the standard BPMN for representing it [34]. However, although the
PFE approach is quite valuable, it presents some drawbacks [25] related with
ambiguity and maintenance that are presented at Section §1.2.3.

   Given the problems of the current proposal, the main motivation of our
research is to define a methodology framework focused on obtaining the
reusable core architecture of a family of BIS. Roughly speaking, the proposed
framework is composed by two different activities focused (i) on capturing
the information of the problem domain and the needs of each member of the
family; and (ii) on the design of the core architecture. This core architecture is
defined by means of the reusable process definition, namely core process, and
the extra information needed to derive each specific version from it, namely
transformation rules.

    Thus, under a business management perspective, we improve the devel-
opment of business information systems reducing its complexity level in sit-
uations where is needed to perform a Business Family, using our proposed
methodology. It implies to companies owners that the traceability between
the core and reusable specification of its business processes and its variations
is better guaranteed, improving alignment between the deployed process def-
1.2. Research context                                                           5

initions for each unit, and its business strategies. In addition, under a research
perspective, we provide to process engineers an improvement based on the
systematization of their activities. In addition, our proposal provides a basic
structure of the business process model that supports the variability aspects
identified by the PFE approach, without the need of extending the standard
notation of BPMN.

1.2 Research context

    In order to clarify the context of this research, in this section we provide a
set of definitions and considerations about (i) Business Process Management
(BPM), concretely about designing Business Information Systems (BIS), mod-
eling specifications, and choreography models; (ii) the Software Product Line
(SPL) field; and (iii) the Process Family Engineering (PFE) approach.

1.2.1 Business Process Management

    Weske define in [41] that Business Process Management (BPM) is based on
the observation that each product that a company provides to the market is
the outcome of a number of activities performed. Thus, a first step for defin-
ing a Business Process (BP) could be that a BP is considered as a set of these
activities. In addition, Brown establish, in [8], as a core need that a company
must be able to manage what is called the 3-K :

   • Know what you got, roughly speaking, the services that the company
     provides to the market, also named business goals;

   • Know who is doing what, in other words, the set of business partners
     that performs several business processes in the company;

   • and Know when things change and what it means, which means that the
     business processes of the company must deal with the implicit variabil-
     ity of the market, since to companies must adapt to continuous market

   Taking into account these considerations, a Business Process (BP) is de-
fined as a set of well known activities of a company, performed by a set of
business partners (may own the company or not), for realizing a business goal.
In addition, the definition of specificic business processes must be able to be
6                                                     Chapter 1. Introduction

adapted when company changes. Business Process Management provides the
techniques and methods to support the analysis, design and implementation
of business processes.

    Is a fact that most companies, in whichever field, have a software system
that helps managing all the aspects of the company. Consequently, the Infor-
mation Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports it must provide support
for the techniques and methods defined in BPM. Thus, a new kind of soft-
ware system is defined: Business Information Systems (BIS). A BIS is a soft-
ware system which is based on a business process design, usually a model
specification, that is deployed into a process engine that executes it. Thus,
the Business-Driven Development (BDD) field is focused on providing tech-
niques and mechanisms for defining the development of Business Information

   Our research work is focused on improving the design of Business Infor-
mation Systems when reuse across several businesses can be exploited. Thus,
our main research context is the Business-Driven Development (BDD) field.

   Once the main research context is defined, we explore the set of models
needed for designing a BIS: (i) a business process diagram, which defines
a business process by means of several notations, such as Business Process
Model Notation (BPMN), that is defined in the following subsection; and (ii)
a choreography and collaboration models, defined in Section § Business Process Modeling and BPMN

    Business Process Models are expressed in Business Process Diagrams.
Each business process diagram consists of a set of modeling elements. These
elements allow expressing business processes and are easy to comprehend, so
that process designers can use them without extensive training. Several nota-
tions are introduced for defining business process diagrams, such as Business
Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) [7], Petri-net based process modeling lan-
guages [19], UML activity diagrams [1] or event-driven process chains [39].

    While these modeling languages focus on different levels of abstraction,
ranging from a business level to a more technical level, BPMN aims at sup-
porting the complete range of abstraction levels, including business levels and
software technology levels. Thus, our research is focused on this notation, but
it also can be translated to other one.

   Business Process Model Notation (BPMN) is defined by the Object Man-
agement Group (OMG) in [7] as a flow chart based notation for defining busi-
1.2. Research context                                                         7

ness processes. BPMN provides (i) a graphical notation based on Business
Process Diagram (BPD); and (ii) a formal mapping to an execution language:
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). Figure §1.1 depicts the subset
of the most commonly used BPMN elements. These elements can be grouped
by the following categories:

   • Swimlanes: a set of symbols that allows us to organize the model. This
     set contains the elements named Pool and Lane, as shown in Figure
     §1.1.a. A pool represents a participant in a process and acts as a con-
     tainer of elements. A lane represents a sub-partition of a pool and are
     used to organize and categorize activities.

   • Flow objects: a set of symbols that represents the core elements of a busi-
     ness process model. Usually this elements are contained in a swimlane.
     This set contains the elements named Task, Event and Gateway. Figure
     §1.1.b show these elements. A task, also called activity or sub-process, is
     the basic element of a work in an organization, it can be atomic or non-
     atomic. Event is something that happens in our process that fires the
     execution of one or more activities. There exists a lot of events grouped
     by: start, intermediate or end event, as for example message events, as
     shown in figure. A gateway is used to control the divergence or con-
     vergence of flows as logic doors. In our research we focus on three dif-
     ferent gateways: (i) And : which defines that all the subprocesses con-
     trolled by this gateway must be completed for performing a task, (ii)
     Xor : which defines that only one subprocess controlled by this gateway
     must be completed for performing a task, and (iii) Or : which defines that
     almost one subprocess controlled by this gateway must be completed for
     performing a task. The specification of BPMN does not provide any con-
     straint about the order of performing this subprocesses in this situations,
     it can be done as a sequence or parallel.

   • Connection objects: a set of symbols that represents the connections be-
     tween the rest of objects in the model. It often represents the messages
     between two objects from different swimlanes. Figure §1.1.c depicts this
     set, which contains the elements named flows such as, sequences, asso-
     ciations and messages.

   • Artifacts: a set of additional elements that represents information about
     the model or output artifacts of a process represented in it. This elements
     are very useful to represent additional information to the reader of the
     BPMN, as group, comments or artifacts, also named, data objects gen-
     erated or consumed by a business process. Figure §1.1.d. show these
8                                                                            Chapter 1. Introduction

    A1           A2        A                                                                           Sequence
                       Sub-Process                  Start Intermediate End                             Message
                                                   Start Intermediate End                              Flow
                                                  Message MessageMessage
                                                                                  (C) Connection Objects
                       Expanded Sub-Process                Events


                                                     Gateway      Gateway                      Group
                       Collapsed Sub-Process                       XOR

                               Tasks                                                           Artifact /
                                                                                               Data Object

                Lane                                 Gateway      Gateway
                                                      AND           OR                         Comment /
         Pool                                                                                  Annotation

(A) Swimlanes                          (B) Flow Objects                                    (D) Artifacts

Figure 1.1: Business Process Model Notation subset.

    Although BPMN is a graph-based model, it can be defined by mathemat-
ical and theoretical foundations and formalisms, such as CSP [42], Petri-nets
[15] or Pi -Calculus [32]. Concretely, in our research we explore the capability
of BPMN for implementing finite state machine representations.

    However, although BPMN is a good choice for modeling business pro-
cesses, there exists a several number of proposals which provides very inter-
esting additional elements or extensions to the standard notation [4, 33]. Our
research explore the feasibility of the current BPMN specification for provid-
ing support for variability aspects into the design of business families and the
drawbacks of extending the standard notation. Choreography Models

   In the Business Driven-Development (BDD) field, and specially in Service-
Oriented Computing (SOC), choreography models are acquiring a special im-
portance. A choreography lists all possible interactions between a set of busi-
ness partners, together with the behavioral constraints between them [12].
Choreography models represents the observable behavior of business part-
ners defined by means of interaction contracts. Several industry initiatives are
1.2. Research context                                                         9

in place for establishing standarized choreographies in particular domains,
such as Health Level Seven (HL7) for heath care services †1 .

   Process choreographies describe the interaction of multiple business pro-
cesses and, as such, are an important concept for supporting business-to-
business collaboration. Thus, modeling choreographies is considered a core
need for designing Business Information Systems. The activities needed for
develop a choreography model are described as follows:

   • High-level Structure Design: in this activity the participant roles as well
     as their communication structures are identified.
   • High-level Behavioral Design: this activity is focused on specifying the
     goals, also named milestones, of the collaboration and the order in which
     the goals are reached.
   • Collaboration Scenarios: in this activity the high-level choreographies
     are refined by introducing dedicated collaboration scenarios that relate
     the reaching of goals to the communication between process partici-
   • Behavioral Interfaces: from these collaboration scenarios, for each par-
     ticipant role, a behavioral interface is derived in this activity.

    Once the choreography is designed, the behavioral interface of each busi-
ness partner can be defined as a process orchestration for implementing the
choreography, using the Web Service Choreography Interface (WSCI) specifi-
cation [40] . Figure §1.2 describes the big-picture of the choreography design
and implementation phases defined in [41]. Since to our research is focused in
the design of Business Information Systems, in this context, we focus on the
choreography design phase.

   However, although choreography modeling is considered a core need in
our research context, there not exists an standard notation for that purpose.
Latest drafts for BPMN 2.0. specification †2 , explores new notations for rep-
resenting it, since to some drawbacks has been identified on modeling chore-
ographies using the current BPMN specification [14]. In addition, there exists
several proposals of specific choreography modeling languages such as Let’s
Dance [43] or BPEL4Chor [13].

   In addition, current proposals for modeling choreographies does not pro-
vide any support for introducing variability aspects into the design of busi-
ness families. Thus, other contribution of this research work is two-fold. In
10                                                                                 Chapter 1. Introduction

                                                         Domain scoping

                                                                                Milestone definition

                                                                                                                        M. Weske: Business Process Management,
                                                                                                                         © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
         Business                                      Scenario modelling

         System                    Message                                      Choreography
         Architect               identification                                   definition

           Deve-                                  Behavioural                Behavioural
           loper                                  interface 1                interface n

                                                Process                        Process
                                             orchestration 1                orchestration n

Figure 1.2: Phases during Choreography Design and Implementation from

the one hand, we propose a choreography model based on an UML2 pro-
file used on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) field that makes
feasible the variability support; and in the other hand we provide a transfor-
mation between this choreography model and BPMN elements for improving
the design of what we call business families, by means of the Business Family
Engineering approach without extending the current notation of BPMN.

1.2.2 Software Product Lines and Feature Models

    Pohl et al. define in [18, 30] that Software Product Line (SPL) develop-
ment aims at and achieves pro-active, constructive reuse, based on the idea
to develop software products which share a significant amount of character-
istics, namely features. Thus, a feature is a characteristic of the system that
is observable by the end user. Roughly speaking, SPL systematizes the reuse
across the set of similar products, defined by means of their features, that a
software company provides.
1.2. Research context                                                        11

    The SPL approach is devoted to overcome complexity providing all the
techniques needed for enabling the mass production of software in a certain
application domain. The variability concept appears in SPL to represent the
differences and commonalities inside an application domain. Variability is
one of the critical aspects of SPL and it must be managed at all the stages of
SPL development. Thus, the software process of SPL is divided into two main
stages: Domain Engineering, which is in charge of providing the reusable core
assets that are exploited during the derivation of products, done at a second
stage named Application Engineering [30].

    One of the most accepted techniques to represent the set of products of
an SPL are Feature Models (FM) [10]. The main goal of feature modeling is
to identify commonalities and differences among all products of an SPL. A
feature model is a compact representation of all potential products of an SPL
showing a set of features in an hierarchical structure where it is shown which
features are present in a product of the product line. Figure §1.3 shows the
feature model of our case study. A FM establishes a parental relationship be-
tween each feature, as shown in Figure §1.3, that can be:

   • Mandatory: if a child feature node is defined as mandatory, it must be
     included in every product that contains the parent;

   • Optional: if a child feature node is defined as optional, it can be included
     or not when its father feature appears in a product;

   • Alternative: if the relationship between a set of children nodes and their
     father is defined as alternative, only one of the children features could
     be included in every product that contains the parent;

   • Or: if the relationship between a set of children nodes and their father is
     defined as or, one or more of them could be included in every product
     that contains the parent.

    Our approach for developing families of business information systems is
based on introducing some SPL techniques. For that purpose, the feature
model is used in our approach for describing the set of business informa-
tion systems that are members of the business family, and for representing the
variability of each business information system. In addition, the introduction
of SPL techniques implies a reduction of development times and costs and a
quality improvement of the final products.
12                                                                                                      Chapter 1. Introduction

     A                A
                                                                             Airline Travel
     B                B

 Mandatory Optional
  relation relation

             A                                                                          Change           Reserve        Cancel
                           Inform                Extras         Order Trip
                                                                                        Itinerary        Tickets       Itinerary

     B1      B2       B3
           relation                                   Travel   Verify Seats                    Book      Reserve      Send           Send
                                                       Card     Availability                  Tickets     Seats      Tickets       Statement

     B1      B2       B3
                                                                                                        Book Seats

Figure 1.3: Feature Model of Web Service Choreography Interface (WSCI)
specification Airline Travel Agency example [40].

1.2.3 Process Family Engineering

    The Process Family Engineering (PFE) [4] approach explores the idea of
applying SPL philosophy for managing the variability of business information
systems. In PFE, feature models are used for representing the set of processes
contained into a business. In addition, a business process diagram notation,
such as BPMN, is used for representing an specific process. However, the syn-
tax of this notation is redefined for providing support for representing highly
variable business process models, namely variant-rich business process mod-
els [20].

   The PFE approach defines a variant-rich business process model as a pro-
cess model that represents how to deal with some identified variability as-

     • Alternative behaviors: it defines when there exists several different
       ways for performing an activity into a business process definition. Fig-
       ure §1.4.a shows an example about a refinement of the Inform business
       process from the WSCI case study, represented using BPMN. When the
       Airline Traffic Control System submit some information to the Travel
       Agencies it could be done by e-mail, publishing the information as a
       new into the Intranet, etc. As shown, the PFE approach introduces some
       stereotypes: (i) ≪Abstract≫, for defining the activity that has an al-
       ternative behavior; (ii) ≪VarPoint≫, for identifying the activities that
       implements each possible behavior, this stereotype sometimes is repre-
1.2. Research context                                                                                             13

                                                   Number of Seats        <<VarPoint >>          <<Null>>
              << Abstract >>                           > 100             Send Tickets         Book Tickets
                                                 <<Parameterization >>
 <<Implementation >>   <<Implementation >>
                                              Number of Seats > 50       <<Inheritance >>
    << VarPoint >>         <<VarPoint >>
     << Default >>          Inform by
      Inform by                                                           Send Tickets
                             Intranet                                    and Information
        E-Mail                                                                                  Quality
                                                                           about Trip

       (A) Alternative Behavior              (B) Parameterization        (C) Inheritance    (D) Extension Point

Figure 1.4: Variability aspects defined by the PFE approach.

         sented as a puzzle piece into the activity; and (iii) ≪Implementation≫,
         for describing a new kind of flow not defined in the standard BPMN
         notation, that represents that an activity marked as ≪VarPoint≫ imple-
         ments the behavior of other activity marked as ≪Abstract≫. In addi-
         tion, the default implementation can be provided introducing the stereo-
         type ≪Default≫.
     • Parameterization: it defines that each BPMN attribute can be parameter-
       ized to support a range of values. Figure §1.4.b shows how to represent
       possible ranges of the value Number of Seats, into the subprocess Ver-
       ify Seats Availability from the case study of this paper. This attribute is
       marked using a grouping box and associated to other possible values by
       means of a new association flow defined with a new stereotype named
     • Inheritance: it defines a modification of an existing subprocess by
       adding or removing elements regarding to specific rules. This allows
       for realizing alternative variation points. As shown in Figure §1.4.c, the
       business process Send Tickets has been modified to Send Tickets and In-
       formation about Trip since to the Travel Agency has a contract with some
       tourism companies for providing information about them when it sends
       tickets to the Traveler. This situation is marked with a new association
       defined using the stereotype ≪Inheritance≫.
     • Extension Points: it defines an optional behavior. Figure §1.4.d depicts
       how an optional behavior from Book Tickets subprocess could be in-
       cluded for quality assurance of this activity. This situation is marked
       using the stereotype ≪Extension≫.

    The main difference between SPL and PFE is that the SPL field provides a
set of different products that shares common features, and the PFE approach
14                                                    Chapter 1. Introduction

provides only one product, which represents a business, that evolves at run-
time, and each possible configuration of this business is managed as a product
that contains a subset of processes enabled at a certain moment of the execu-
tion. On the one hand, the SPL products are implemented by software arti-
facts. For each of them there exists a feature selection phase that generates
the final products (a set of core and variable features). On the other hand, the
PFE products are implemented by processes. For each product, the system can
evolve to another product increasing or decreasing the variable set of features
thus, each product is a software system based on processes.

    However, although the PFE approach proposes a methodology for design-
ing highly variable business processes, based on overcoming the complexity
derived from variability, by means of applying software product lines for man-
aging it; this approach presents some drawbacks. For example, the use of fea-
ture models and the derivation of business processes from it presents some
problems, such as ambiguity, that has been explored for us in [25]. Another
consideration is the need of redefining the BPMN syntax introducing some in-
formation about variability which is also present in the feature models, thus,
information is duplicated with the obvious problems for maintenance. In ad-
dition, there not exists support for this new syntax of BPMN, because it is not
an standard notation.

    Our approach overcomes the variability of the business information sys-
tems using SPL techniques, taking into account the PFE approach ideas and
without providing extra information to the standard notation used to repre-
sent the business process models. In addition, as stated previously, each PFE
product is considered as an evolving system. Our approach takes into account
this advantage for representing the evolution of the business information sys-
tems of the family.

1.3 Structure of the document

   This PhD Thesis project is structured as follows: Chapter 2 present our
hypothesis, research questions and goals. A brief description of the state of
the art and our contributions so far is presented in Chapter 3. We describe
the research methodology to be used in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 summarizes our
work plan and main milestones. Finally, we summarize our conclusions in
Chapter 6.
Chapter 2
                               Hypothesis and Goals

2.1 Hypothesis

   In this section, we state the hypothesis and research questions that moti-
vate our research in the context of the design of business families. These are:

    Hypothesis: Current process engineers redesign each Business Informa-
tion System using ad hoc techniques to maximize the level of reuse from one
product to another. Our hypothesis states that the reuse across businesses
by means of Software Product Line (SPL) techniques is feasible, improving
the current SPL-solutions. For that purpose, our hypothesis states that it is
possible to define a methodological fragment that makes feasible to obtain,
systematically, the core architecture of a Business Information System Family,
composed by the core process and the extra information needed to derive, sys-
tematically too, each version. In addition, our methodological fragment could
be partially supported by means of an automated treatment.

   In order to demonstrate our hypotesis, our PhD dissertation must answer
some questions. In the following we state some of them and envision their
possible answers:

   • Business Families. Does it makes sense? : Increasing the business pro-
     cess definitions reusability is an active field of research in the Business
     Driven-Development (BDD) community [3, 9, 17, 20, 35, 36]. The answer
     is that business families are feasible. Its main benefit is that software
     companies that provide BDD solutions, can reuse process in a system-
     atic way, thus reducing costs (in time and money) and improving the
     quality of their products, since they are tested for several clients. We ex-
     plore this topic in [23], thus, this issue is closed, but we are planning to
16                                             Chapter 2. Hypothesis and Goals

        elevate this discussion to higher research communities, as for example
        the BPM conference†1 .
     • The Software Product Line (SPL) field has a lot of benefits and Business
       Process Management too, How many benefits have SPL and BPM to-
       gether? : Nowadays, variability is one of the most active topics in several
       academic and industry communities [31, 37, 38]. We have explored in
       [24] and [26] that the main benefits of SPL and BPM together are focused
       on increasing the reusability level of the business process definitions,
       and in addition, providing a model for representing runtime variability
       in BIS. Future work planned for this issue is focused on formalizing our
       proposal for representing runtime variability in BIS, and integrating it
       into proposals for improving the development of self-adaptative appli-
       cations, such as [29].
     • How many approaches explores the idea of introduce SPL techniques
       in the Business-Driven Development (BDD) field? : We have identified
       some approaches that explores how to increase the reusability of busi-
       ness process definitions, but, to the best of our knowledge, there ex-
       ists only one approach, called Process Family Engineering (PFE), which
       propose the use of SPL techniques. We have explored this approach in
       several contributions [23, 24, 26, 28], and an improvement of its design
       phase has been proposed in [25]. Once this issue is closed, a survey
       should be performed and submitted to an international conference or
       journal as future work.
     • What kind of variability aspects can be performed on defining business
       processes? : On exploring the PFE approach, we have explored the vari-
       ability aspects identified by this approach. However, although this pro-
       posal provides a concrete set of variability aspects, some activities such
       as requirements engineering in the context of Business-Driven Develop-
       ment are not taking into account. Our future work is to identify new
       variability aspects and clasify them in order to provide a best support of
       them by means of our approach.
     • How many approaches provides variability support on designing Busi-
       ness Information Systems (BIS)? : Nowadays, to the best of our knowl-
       edge, only PFE provides variability support. In addition, a proposal
       which describes the feasibility of the equivalence between feature mod-
       els and business process modes is explored [3]. We have proposed an au-
       tomated transformation between both models, based on several abstract
       foundations, such as automata theory and formal languages in [25]. In
       addition, this issue is covered in this research report. Thus, it is closed.
2.2. Goals                                                                 17

   • How many kinds of variability are present in the definition of a BIS and
     how are them represented? : We have identified at least two kinds of
     variability, static and dynamic variability, also named design-time and
     runtime variability. Current approaches for supporting variability in the
     definition of BIS, only takes into account the static variability. We have
     proposed a model for representing runtime variability without extend-
     ing the standard BPMN notation in [26], and our future work is to inte-
     grate it into our approach. In addition, we have proposed too, a visual-
     isation technique of this kind of variability and a research roadmap for
     an analysis framework in [28]. These proposals are in a very preliminar
     stage, and they should be revised and refined as future work.
   • How many current proposals for modeling choreographies deals with
     variability aspects? : To the best of our knowledge, there not exists any
     approach for modeling choreographies that deals with variability as-
     pects. We take [16] as starting point of our research. A proposal for a
     choreography model for designing business families and for integrating
     it into our approach is one of our most recent open issues.
   • How many current proposals for modeling choreographies provides an
     automated treatment for obtaining collaboration scenarios and behav-
     ior interfaces? : Current proposals does not provide support for an au-
     tomated transformation from a choreography model to a collaboration
     scenario and behaviour interfaces. Thus, due to we take [16] as starting
     point for defining a choreography model, and it is based on an UML2.0
     profile defined by its metamodel, Model-Driven Development (MDD)
     techniques should be applied for obtaining the desired target models. In
     addition, resulting models must not present any known drawbacks in
     choreography modeling defined in [14].

2.2 Goals

   The goals of this PhD Thesis are:

   • Elaboration of the PhD Thesis document. Our main goal is the elabo-
     ration of our PhD Dissertation.
   • Publication of results. One of our priorities is to promote our work
     through a number of both national and international publications. So
     far, we have published 6 technical papers in international and national
     conferences and workshops. In the near feature, we plan to continue
     submitting works to the main journals and forums in the area.
18                                           Chapter 2. Hypothesis and Goals

     • Transference of Results: We will integrate the results of our PhD Thesis
       in e-MaCMAS, a Spin Off of University of Seville.
Chapter 3

3.1 Relevant Contributions

3.1.1 International Conferences
  • From Feature Models to Business Processes: I. Montero, J. Peña, A.
    Ruiz-Cortés. IEEE International Conference on Services Computing
    (SSC). 2605–608. Honolulu, HI. 2008 [25].

    Abstract: The variability level of average-size Business Information Sys-
    tems (BIS) is highly enough for making the design of this kind of sys-
    tems a complex task. There is an approach called Process Family Engi-
    neering (PFE) that tries to ease the design of BIS using ideas from the
    Software Product Lines (SPL) field. Roughly speaking, they propose to,
    first, study the variability of the system without entering into details by
    means of building a variability model (called feature model), that is used
    later for building the business process. However, in PFE the process of
    deriving the business process from the feature model is performed man-
    ually. Authors use feature models with a different meaning that is com-
    monly accepted in SPL. In this paper, we provide a rigorous description
    for the new meaning of feature models, and a mapping relationship that
    defines how to use the information in the FM for obtaining the basic
    structure of the business process. In addition, as a proof of concepts, we
    have implemented an MDD transformation that provides the expected

    Quality Levels: Acceptance Rate: 18%, IEEE Core: A
  • Representing Runtime Variability in Business-Driven Development
20                                                      Chapter 3. Background

       Systems: I. Montero, J. Peña, A. Ruiz-Cortés. 7th IEEE Int. Conf.
       on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS). 228–231. Madrid,
       Spain. 2008 [26].

       Abstract: Business-Driven Development(BDD) is a research field that
       provides techniques and mechanisms for designing software systems
       starting from the business processes of the companies. Companies are
       in continuous evolution to adapt to market changes, thus, current pro-
       cess engineers redesign the processes every time that is needed using ad
       hoc techniques. This situation motivates that these changes, called run-
       time variability, must be managed. Some authors have used Software
       Product Lines (SPL) ideas to manage it. Current approaches for docu-
       menting runtime variability in SPL and BDD, proposes different model
       representations. Unfortunately, we have determined that the expressive-
       ness level in BDD is not adequate, and that SPL solutions needs for adap-
       tation to BDD context for describing under which circumstances a busi-
       ness evolves. In this paper, we present a model for representing runtime
       variability in BDD systems. The main contributions of this proposal are:
       (i) it presents the enough expressiveness level for representing runtime
       variability; and (ii) process engineers can represent and understand un-
       der which events a business evolves and how this evolution is managed,
       which is not present in current approaches. We call this approach Prod-
       uct Evolution Model (PEM).

       Quality Levels: Acceptance Rate: 33%, IEEE Core: B


          ⋄ Modeling the Variability Space of Self-Adaptive Applications: G.
            Perrouin, F. Chauvel, J. DeAntoni, J. Jézéequel. IEEE Computer So-
            ciety 2nd International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product
            Lines (DSPL 2008, Volume 2), in conjunction with SPLC08, 15–22,
            Limerick, Ireland, 2008.

     • Representing Runtime Variability in Business-Driven Development
       Systems - Poster: I. Montero, J. Peña, A. Ruiz-Cortés. 7th IEEE Int. Conf.
       on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS). 241. Madrid, Spain.
       2008. [27].

       Abstract: Current approaches for documenting runtime variability in
       Software Product Lines (SPL) and Business Driven-Development, pro-
       poses different model representations. Unfortunately, we have deter-
3.1. Relevant Contributions                                                  21

     mined that the expressiveness level in BDD is not adequate, and that
     SPL solutions needs for adaptation to BDD context for describing un-
     der which circumstances a business evolves. In this panel, we present
     a model for representing runtime variability in BDD systems. The main
     contributions of this proposal are: (i) it presents the enough expressive-
     ness level for representing runtime variability; and (ii) process engineers
     can represent and understand under which events a business evolves
     and how this evolution is managed, which is not present in current ap-
     proaches. We call this approach Product Evolution Model (PEM).

     Quality Levels: Acceptance Rate: 33%, IEEE Core: B

3.1.2 International Workshops
   • Towards Visualisation and Analysis of Runtime Variability in Execu-
     tion Time of Business Information Systems based on Product Lines:
     I. Montero, J. Peña, A. Ruiz-Cortés. 2nd. International Workshop on
     Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VAMOS). 151–160.
     Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany. 2008 . [28].

     Abstract: There is a set of techniques that build Business Information
     Systems (BIS) deploying business processes of the company directly on
     a process engine. Business processes of companies are continuously
     changing in order to adapt to changes in the environment. This kind of
     variability appears at runtime, when a business subprocess is enabled
     or disabled. To the best of our knowledge, there exists only one ap-
     proach able to represent properly runtime variability of BIS using Soft-
     ware Product Lines (SPL), namely, Product Evolution Model (PEM). This
     approach manages the variability by means of a SPL where each prod-
     uct represents a possible evolution of the system. However, although
     this approach is quite valuable, it does not provide process engineers
     with the proper support for improving the processes by visualising and
     analysing execution-time (non-design) properties taking advantage of
     the benefits provided by the use of SPL. In this paper, we present our
     first steps towards solving this problem. The contribution of this paper
     is twofold: on the one hand, we provide a visualisation dashboard for
     execution-traces based on the use of UML 2.0 timing diagrams, that uses
     the PEM approach; on the other hand, we provide a conceptual frame-
     work that shows a roadmap of the future research needed for analysing
     execution-time properties of this kind of systems. Thus, due the use of
     SPL, our approach opens the possibility for evaluating specific condi-
22                                                       Chapter 3. Background

       tions and properties of a business process that current approaches do
       not cover.


         ⋄ From Static to Dynamic Software Product Lines: K. Schmid, H.
           Eichelberger. IEEE Computer Society 2nd International Workshop
           on Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL 2008, Volume 2), in con-
           junction with SPLC08, Limerick, Ireland, 2008.

     • Business Family Engineering. Managing The Evolution Of Business-
       Driven Systems: I. Montero, J. Peña, A. Ruiz-Cortés. IEEE Computer
       Society 1st International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines
       (DSPL 2007, Volume 1), in conjunction with SPLC07, 33-40, Kyoto, Japan,
       2007 [24].

       Abstract: Nowadays most companies in whichever field have a soft-
       ware system that helps managing all the aspects of the company, from
       the strategic management to daily activities. Companies are in continu-
       ous evolution to adapt to market changes, and consequently, the Infor-
       mation Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports it must also evolve.
       Thus, software companies are currently supporting this evolution with
       ad hoc techniques. We think that, as it is being done for traditional soft-
       ware systems (non-oriented to business process) in the software prod-
       uct line (SPL) field, institutionalized techniques for performing a sys-
       tematic reuse of business processes across different businesses can be
       introduced. In this paper, we propose to adapt SPL techniques, oriented
       to reuse software, to Business-Driven Development (BDD), oriented to
       reuse processes, across different businesses; we call this proposal Busi-
       ness Family Engineering (BFE). We present a first approach to build a
       SPL of BDD systems that evolves at runtime.

3.1.3 National Workshops

     • Business Family Engineering. Does it make sense?: I. Montero, J. Peña,
       A. Ruiz-Cortés. Actas de los Talleres de las Jornadas de Ingeniería del
       Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD). 1er Taller de Procesos de Negocio
       e Ingeniería del Software (PNIS). II Congreso Español de Informática
       (CEDI 2007). Pag. 34-40, Zaragoza, España. 2007 [23].

       Abstract: Nowadays most companies in whichever field have a soft-
       ware system that helps managing all the aspects of the company, from
3.2. Other Contributions                                                       23

       the strategic management to daily activities. Companies are in continu-
       ous evolution to adapt to market changes, and consequently, the Infor-
       mation Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports it must also evolve.
       Thus, software companies are currently supporting this evolution with
       ad hoc techniques. We think that, as it is being done for traditional soft-
       ware systems (non-oriented to business process) in the software prod-
       uct line (SPL) field, institutionalized techniques for performing a sys-
       tematic reuse of business processes across different businesses can be
       introduced. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of adapting SPL
       techniques, oriented to reuse software, to Business-Driven Development
       (BDD), oriented to reuse processes, across different businesses; we call
       this approach Business Family Engineering (BFE). As a result of our
       study, we show some of the problems we have identified and some of
       the key aspects needed to enable this new field.

3.2 Other Contributions

3.2.1 Eclipse M2M Transformation Project Contribution

    The Eclipse Model to Model (M2M) Transformation project†1 is focused
on providing a framework for Model-Driven Development (MDD) model to
model transformation languages. Nowadays, there exist three transformation
engines that are developed in the scope of this project. One of this transforma-
tion engines is the ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL) †2 .

    We have performed a transformation between the FeAture Model Ana-
lyzer (FAMA) †3 metamodel as source and the Eclipse SOA Tool Platform2
BPMN metamodel †4 as target metamodel using the ATL language. Figure
§3.1 presents an screenshot of this contribution. It has been published on the
Eclipse ATL Transformation Scenarios zoo. ATL code and specification is de-
scribed in the following research report:

   • ATL Transformation: Feature Models for representing runtime vari-
     ability in BIS to Business Process Model Notation. I. Montero, J. Peña,
     A. Ruiz-Cortés. ISA Research Group Report, 2008.

24                                                  Chapter 3. Background

Figure 3.1: Tool Support.

     Abstract: The FM to BPMN example describes a transformation from
     a feature model for representing runtime variability in business infor-
     mation systems created using FAMA (FeAture Model Analyzer) into a
     business process model diagram represented by means of BPMN meta-
     model provided by the Eclipse STP (SOA Tool Platform) project.

     Eclipse URL:

     ISA Research Group URL:

3.3. Summary of Contributions                                            25

            Context                    No Publications   DBLP
            International Conference          3            3
            National Conference               0            0
            International Workshop            2            1
            National Workshop                 1            0
            Other                             1            0

Table 3.1: Summary of Contributions.

3.3 Summary of Contributions

    A summary of our contributions is presented in Table §3.1. Rows show the
different research contexts in which our contributions were presented. The
number of publications in each context is showed in the second column. Fi-
nally, the last column show the number of these contributions which are pre-
sented in an DBLP listed conference.
26   Chapter 3. Background
Chapter 4

4.1 Methodology

    Based on the experience of our research group in research and transfer of
results, we have decided to combine two methodologies, the Action Research
and the Unified Process. On the one hand, Action Research [11] is an approach
provided by our research group as a contribution to the debate about the prob-
lems in software engineering research [5]. In this methodology two important
factors to be considered are research results dissemination and technological
transfer. On the other hand, the Unified Process [21] is a framework that pro-
vides an iterative and incremental development process. It is highly appro-
priated for our project, since we aim for a dynamic development by applying
constantly knowledge updating in a controlled way.

    The first two phases of our methodology are based on Unified Process as

   • Inception. At this phase, we define what the problem that we will solve
     is. Once identified the work to be done, we have to identify the key
     points of it. Based on our previous experience in the research context of
     our work, we define a possible solution. This phase was finnished on
     the research period in which the Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) was
     obtained. We carried out this activity through meetings with the PhD
     Thesis’s supervisors.

   • Elaboration. The main goal of this phase is to identify and define the
     relevant work packets and their tasks. At this phase we develop a coarse-
     grained project plan for the Action Research methodology. During the
28                                                     Chapter 4. Methodology

       execution of the work project, those tasks are reviewed and refined in
       order to achieve the best solution.

    We consider that the next two phases of the Unified Process, the Construc-
tion and Transition phases, are embedded in the Action Research methodol-
ogy. At this point we use this methodology because it is focused on research
results dissemination and technological transfer. Then, for each task defined
in the elaboration phase we proceed with the following phases:

     • Research. At this phase, for each task defined in the work packets we
       review the literature, design a solution and validate it by means of tools,
       prototypes or validation tests. In addition, we determine the workshops,
       conferences or journals where the Research Result (RR) can be dissem-
       inated. After the validation of the RR, we disseminate it in the forums
       previously identi?ed. The work method used to define steps and objec-
       tives during this phase is through periodic meetings with PhD Thesis’s
       supervisors and research reports. In this way, the researcher will present
       and document the advances achieved, whether they are research results
       or conclusions about literature reviewed.

     • Apply Research Results. At this point we establish a transfer planning
       of RR to the interested companies as Transfer Result (TR). We apply our
       main RR to real contexts, converting them into TR.

     • Follow-up. At this phase, we are ready to transfer our main results to the
       research project’s Observer and Promoter Companies (EPOs) in which is
       placed this thesis. At this point another important step is essential, to
       redefine our strategy based on the feedback obtained from the interested
Chapter 5
                                                        Work plan

5.1 Work plan

    Our thesis work plan is structured in five main stages, some of which, have
already been passed completed. These are:

   • Doctoral courses.[Finished ] The student passed successfully the doc-
     toral courses in 2007.
   • Research period.[Finished ] The research period took place during 2008.
     As a result, a research report was presented containing most part of our
     study in 2009.
   • Publications and Proof of Concepts.[In execution ] This is the activity
     that has more scope in the timetable. The objective of this activity is to
     publish all results to be obtained throughout the course of our research.
     The dissemination of our research results is an important task in our
     research methodology. In addition, several proposals of tool support as
     proof of concepts has been defined and developed.
   • PhD Thesis dissertation. In mid-2012, we intend to have a preliminary
     version of the thesis dissertation, indicated at Preliminary version. Later
     in the timeline we set Final version, the point at which we believe that
     the final version of the thesis will be ready to submit to the doctoral
   • Knowledge transfer. Once obtained the PhD, we plan to focus on trans-
     ferring our knowledge to the society by means of the collaboration with
     the EPOs of the research projects supporting our work.
30   Chapter 5. Work plan
Chapter 6

    The development of the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure that
supports business processes of large organizations is a very complex task, due
to the existence of different versions of the same process defined in terms of
the units that execute it. This variability claims that maximizing the reuse of
these definitions is a core need.

   In our PhD dissertation we propose a methodological framework named
Business Family Engineering, and we define the fragment focused on obtain-
ing, systematically, the reusable core architecture of a business family, namely
Business Family Domain Engineering. The main contributions of our ap-
proach can be decomposed into two perspectives: (i) contributions for busi-
ness management, focusing on minimizing the deviation in the definition of
the core process regarding its variants and to improve the matching between
them. It implies an improvement in the alignment between the different ver-
sions deployed in all the units and its business strategies [22]; and (ii) research
contributions, focusing on minimizing the development times and costs, and
improving current proposals, such as Process Family Engineering (PFE), by
means of the proposed systematization and eliminating its ambiguity prob-

   Thus, we summarise the main contributions of our research as follows:

   • Business Families and Business Family Engineering: we propose a
     new concept into the Business-Driven Development (BDD) context fo-
     cused on define a set of Business Information Systems (BIS) which shares
     common business processes definitions. The main conclusion is that
     business families are feasible and it provides several advantages to im-
     prove the process engineers activities [23, 24]. In addition, we define a
     methodology for performing business families named Business Family
32                                                      Chapter 6. Conclusions

     • Variability Modeling of Business Information Systems: we provide to
       process engineers several techniques and models for representing (static
       and dynamic - also named runtime ) variability in Business Information
       Systems without the need of extending current standard notations [25,
       26]. In addition, our proposal makes feasible to visualise and analyse
       variability in this context [28].

     • From Feature Models to Business Processes: we improve the design
       step of the Process Family Engineering (PFE) approach, providing a
       systematic transformation between feature models and business process
       definitions in BPMN. As proof of concepts, we develop this transforma-
       tions by means of Model-Driven Development (MDD) tools, and it has
       been included into an official Eclipse project repository.

     • Dealing with Variability on Choreography Modeling: we propose a
       choreography modeling technique based on an UML profile from the
       Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) field, that makes feasible
       to deal with the implicit variability of business families. In addition, a
       preliminary transformation catalog between this model and BPMN in or-
       der to obtain collaboration scenarios and behavioral interfaces has been

    Our future work must be focused, on the one hand, into the open issues
identified on Section §2.1, and on the other hand, on to remark our novel po-
sition on providing a methodology fragment that makes feasible the devel-
opment of families of Business Information Systems into the Service-Oriented
Computing context.
Appendix A
                                         Curriculum vitae

    The Curriculum vitae of the author of this PhD Thesis Project is enclosed
in the following in Spanish. Further information can be provided at request if
34   Appendix A. Curriculum vitae
Appendix B

[1]  Unified Modeling Language. 2.1.1 edition, feb 2007. Object Management Group
[2] G. Alonso, P. Dadam, and M. Rosemann, editors. Business Process Management,
     5th International Conference, BPM 2007, Brisbane, Australia, September 24-28,
     2007, Proceedings, volume 4714 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer,
[3] J. Bae and S. Kang. A Method to Generate a Feature Model from a Business
     Process Model for Business Applications. In CIT ’07: Proceedings of the 7th
     IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT
     2007), pages 879–884, Washington, DC, USA, 2007. IEEE Computer Society.
[4] J. Bayer, W. Buhl, C. Giese, T. Lehner, A. Ocampo, F. Puhlmann, E. Richter,
     A. Schnieders, J. Weiland, and M. Weske. Process Family Engineering. Mod-
     eling Variant-Rich Processes. Technical report.
[5] D. Benavides and M. Toro. Aplicando la filosofia de las ciencias de la compleji-
     dad a la ingenieria del software. In 1st. Workshop en Metodos de Investigacion y
     Fundamentos Filosoficos en Ingenieria del Software MIFISIS 2002, pages 97106.
     Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain, 2002.
[6] I. Bider. Striving for Better Administrative Quality as a Stimulus for Business
     Process Change. In 10th Workshop on Business Process Modeling, Develop-
     ment, and Support (BPMDS), co-located with CAISE, 2009.
[7] BPMI. Business Process Modeling Notation BPMN version 1.0 - may 3, 2004.
     Object Management Group (OMG).
[8] A. Brown. Practical Approaches to Delivering Service-Oriented Solutions: The
     Role of Software Architects and Architecture in a SOA World. In 7th. Int. Conf.
     on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS08), page 16, Madrid, Spain,
     Feb 2008. IEEE Computer Society Press.
[9] D. Ciuksys and A. Caplinskas. Ontology-Based Approach to Reuse of Busi-
     ness Process Knowledge. Informacijos Mosklai ISSN:1392-0561, (42-43):168–174,
[10] K. Czarnecki and M. Antkiewicz. Mapping Features to Models: A Template
     Approach Based on Superimposed Variants. 2005.
36                                                                   Bibliography

[11] M. M. D.E. Avison, F. Lau and P. Nielsen. Action Research. Commun. ACM,
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Montero thesis-project

  • 1. Obtaining the Core Architecture of Business Information Systems Families Ildefonso Montero Pérez, 75760309-B Supervised by Prof. Dr. Joaquin Peña and Prof. Dr. Antonio Ruiz-Cortés Thesis project submitted to the Department of Computer Languages and Systems of the University of Sevilla in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Ph.D. in Computer Engineering. (Thesis Project)
  • 2.
  • 3. Support: This work has been partially supported by the European Commission (FEDER) and Spanish Government under CICYT project Web- Factories (TIN2006-00472) and by the Andalusian Government under project ISABEL (TIC-2533).
  • 4. ii
  • 5. Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 Research context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.2.1 Business Process Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.2.2 Software Product Lines and Feature Models . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.2.3 Process Family Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.3 Structure of the document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2 Hypothesis and Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.1 Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.2 Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.1 Relevant Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.1.1 International Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.1.2 International Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.1.3 National Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.2 Other Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.2.1 Eclipse M2M Transformation Project Contribution . . . . . . 25 3.3 Summary of Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4.1 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5 Work plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5.1 Work plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
  • 6. iv Contents A Curriculum vitae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 B Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
  • 7. List of Figures 1.1 Business Process Model Notation subset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.2 Phases during Choreography Design and Implementation from [41] 10 1.3 Feature Model of Web Service Choreography Interface (WSCI) specifica- tion Airline Travel Agency example [40] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.4 Variability aspects defined by the PFE approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.1 Tool Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
  • 8. vi List of Figures
  • 9. List of Tables 3.1 Summary of Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
  • 10. viii List of Tables
  • 11. Acknowledgements Now that this thesis project comes to an end, it is time to express my grat- itude to the people who have supported me along this path. First of all, I would like to thank to my family and friends for their support when it was so necessary. Thus, I would like to thank to Lucia, for her endless patience and love. In addition, I would like to thank my research advisors, Joaquin and Anto- nio, for their help and support into my research career. Finally, I would like also to thank to all my industry and academic col- leagues, whose comments and suggestions improved the contents and pre- sentation of this report substantially.
  • 12. x Acknowledgements
  • 13. Abstract Nowadays large organizations are the result of the interrelation of many business units which tend to be managed based on its business processes. The development of the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports these organizations is a complex task, due to the existence of diferent versions of the same process, namely core process, tailored in terms of each unit that ex- ecutes it. Thus, organizations lost the matching between each version and the original. It implies problems in the maintenance of process specifications, that drives to an inaccurate execution of the business strategies of the organization. The introduction of Software Product Lines (SPL) techniques into the de- velopment of Business Information Systems (BIS) is expected to become a new development paradigm, of what we call Business Families, maximizing reuse and dealing with variability on process definitions. Current SPL-based pro- posals do not solve the identified problems, because the proposed design of the reusable core specification is not performed in a systematic way that main- tains its traceability with derived processes. In this PhD thesis, our main goal is to provide a methodological framework that taking into account the identified drawbacks makes feasible to obtain, systematically, the core architecture of a Business Information System Fam- ily, composed by the core process and the extra information needed to derive, systematically too, each version. For that purpose, we propose a methodology named Business Family Engineering (BFE), and we define the fragment of this methodology, namely Business Family Domain Engineering, that is the focus of our research. In addition, we explore how to ensure the systematization in the discovery, resolution and application of the transformation rules, propos- ing a set of technological components to be implanted in the infrastructure of the specific members of the family. The work will be validated in a case study.
  • 14. 2 Acknowledgements
  • 15. Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Bider states in [6] that any organization can be considered from a business process perspective. In addition, is a fact that the larger the size of the orga- nization and the number of business units with which it interacts, the more accurate is this perspective focused on its business process and on how the organization is managed based on its specifications. In this context, the development of Business Information Systems (BIS) is focused on providing techniques and mechanisms for designing software sys- tems based on the business processes of the organizations, defined graphically by means of business process modeling notations, mainly Business Process Model Notation (BPMN)[7]. This software systems are commonly integrated into the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure of the organization with the purpose of providing support for performing its business process defini- tions. Thus, we have identified the following situations: On the one hand, is a fact that the process definitions are very changeable, and the existence of several versions of the same business processes, in function of the character- istics of the unit that performs it, is very common. On the other hand, we must also take into account other less likely but possible situations where a company has to put in the disposal of other its business processes definitions so that these are shared by both (i.e: company mergers and acquisitions, cre- ation of delegations, or situations regulated under Government Acts). Both situations support the claim that nowadays organizations lost the matching between different versions of the process established in each of its business units and the original, which implies ambiguity and problems in the main- tenance of its specifications. In addition, is a fact that the variability level of average-size BIS is usually highly enough for making the design of this kind
  • 16. 4 Chapter 1. Introduction of systems a complex task. Once the problem is identified, to maximize the level of reuse of these def- initions is considered a core need because it can minimize: (i) the investment that company owners must take to redefine their business processes, under a business management perspective; and (ii), the development times and costs of this redefinition by a process engineer, under an operational perspective. The importance of this need is emphasized by the frequent failures in the exe- cution of business strategies, 70-90%, identified in [22], defining strategy as the direction, scope and goals of an organization and the set of business processes to execute it. To contextualize our motivation scenario, we must enter into detail of cur- rent solutions. Mainly, there is an approach, called Process Family Engineer- ing (PFE) [4] (See Section §1.2.3 for more details), that tries to increase the reusability on the development of BIS using ideas from the Software Prod- uct Lines (SPL) field [30]. Roughly speaking, the SPL field systematizes the reuse across the set of similar products that a software company provides. For that purpose, this approach requires to describe the products by means of Feature Models (FM), that contains only features observable by the end user, and relationships between them, showing which features are present in all the products, called core features, and which not, called variable features. (See Section §1.2.2 for a more detailed description). In addition, the PFE approach identifies some variability aspects on business process models, and proposes to extend the standard BPMN for representing it [34]. However, although the PFE approach is quite valuable, it presents some drawbacks [25] related with ambiguity and maintenance that are presented at Section §1.2.3. Given the problems of the current proposal, the main motivation of our research is to define a methodology framework focused on obtaining the reusable core architecture of a family of BIS. Roughly speaking, the proposed framework is composed by two different activities focused (i) on capturing the information of the problem domain and the needs of each member of the family; and (ii) on the design of the core architecture. This core architecture is defined by means of the reusable process definition, namely core process, and the extra information needed to derive each specific version from it, namely transformation rules. Thus, under a business management perspective, we improve the devel- opment of business information systems reducing its complexity level in sit- uations where is needed to perform a Business Family, using our proposed methodology. It implies to companies owners that the traceability between the core and reusable specification of its business processes and its variations is better guaranteed, improving alignment between the deployed process def-
  • 17. 1.2. Research context 5 initions for each unit, and its business strategies. In addition, under a research perspective, we provide to process engineers an improvement based on the systematization of their activities. In addition, our proposal provides a basic structure of the business process model that supports the variability aspects identified by the PFE approach, without the need of extending the standard notation of BPMN. 1.2 Research context In order to clarify the context of this research, in this section we provide a set of definitions and considerations about (i) Business Process Management (BPM), concretely about designing Business Information Systems (BIS), mod- eling specifications, and choreography models; (ii) the Software Product Line (SPL) field; and (iii) the Process Family Engineering (PFE) approach. 1.2.1 Business Process Management Weske define in [41] that Business Process Management (BPM) is based on the observation that each product that a company provides to the market is the outcome of a number of activities performed. Thus, a first step for defin- ing a Business Process (BP) could be that a BP is considered as a set of these activities. In addition, Brown establish, in [8], as a core need that a company must be able to manage what is called the 3-K : • Know what you got, roughly speaking, the services that the company provides to the market, also named business goals; • Know who is doing what, in other words, the set of business partners that performs several business processes in the company; • and Know when things change and what it means, which means that the business processes of the company must deal with the implicit variabil- ity of the market, since to companies must adapt to continuous market changes. Taking into account these considerations, a Business Process (BP) is de- fined as a set of well known activities of a company, performed by a set of business partners (may own the company or not), for realizing a business goal. In addition, the definition of specificic business processes must be able to be
  • 18. 6 Chapter 1. Introduction adapted when company changes. Business Process Management provides the techniques and methods to support the analysis, design and implementation of business processes. Is a fact that most companies, in whichever field, have a software system that helps managing all the aspects of the company. Consequently, the Infor- mation Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports it must provide support for the techniques and methods defined in BPM. Thus, a new kind of soft- ware system is defined: Business Information Systems (BIS). A BIS is a soft- ware system which is based on a business process design, usually a model specification, that is deployed into a process engine that executes it. Thus, the Business-Driven Development (BDD) field is focused on providing tech- niques and mechanisms for defining the development of Business Information Systems. Our research work is focused on improving the design of Business Infor- mation Systems when reuse across several businesses can be exploited. Thus, our main research context is the Business-Driven Development (BDD) field. Once the main research context is defined, we explore the set of models needed for designing a BIS: (i) a business process diagram, which defines a business process by means of several notations, such as Business Process Model Notation (BPMN), that is defined in the following subsection; and (ii) a choreography and collaboration models, defined in Section § Business Process Modeling and BPMN Business Process Models are expressed in Business Process Diagrams. Each business process diagram consists of a set of modeling elements. These elements allow expressing business processes and are easy to comprehend, so that process designers can use them without extensive training. Several nota- tions are introduced for defining business process diagrams, such as Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) [7], Petri-net based process modeling lan- guages [19], UML activity diagrams [1] or event-driven process chains [39]. While these modeling languages focus on different levels of abstraction, ranging from a business level to a more technical level, BPMN aims at sup- porting the complete range of abstraction levels, including business levels and software technology levels. Thus, our research is focused on this notation, but it also can be translated to other one. Business Process Model Notation (BPMN) is defined by the Object Man- agement Group (OMG) in [7] as a flow chart based notation for defining busi-
  • 19. 1.2. Research context 7 ness processes. BPMN provides (i) a graphical notation based on Business Process Diagram (BPD); and (ii) a formal mapping to an execution language: Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). Figure §1.1 depicts the subset of the most commonly used BPMN elements. These elements can be grouped by the following categories: • Swimlanes: a set of symbols that allows us to organize the model. This set contains the elements named Pool and Lane, as shown in Figure §1.1.a. A pool represents a participant in a process and acts as a con- tainer of elements. A lane represents a sub-partition of a pool and are used to organize and categorize activities. • Flow objects: a set of symbols that represents the core elements of a busi- ness process model. Usually this elements are contained in a swimlane. This set contains the elements named Task, Event and Gateway. Figure §1.1.b show these elements. A task, also called activity or sub-process, is the basic element of a work in an organization, it can be atomic or non- atomic. Event is something that happens in our process that fires the execution of one or more activities. There exists a lot of events grouped by: start, intermediate or end event, as for example message events, as shown in figure. A gateway is used to control the divergence or con- vergence of flows as logic doors. In our research we focus on three dif- ferent gateways: (i) And : which defines that all the subprocesses con- trolled by this gateway must be completed for performing a task, (ii) Xor : which defines that only one subprocess controlled by this gateway must be completed for performing a task, and (iii) Or : which defines that almost one subprocess controlled by this gateway must be completed for performing a task. The specification of BPMN does not provide any con- straint about the order of performing this subprocesses in this situations, it can be done as a sequence or parallel. • Connection objects: a set of symbols that represents the connections be- tween the rest of objects in the model. It often represents the messages between two objects from different swimlanes. Figure §1.1.c depicts this set, which contains the elements named flows such as, sequences, asso- ciations and messages. • Artifacts: a set of additional elements that represents information about the model or output artifacts of a process represented in it. This elements are very useful to represent additional information to the reader of the BPMN, as group, comments or artifacts, also named, data objects gen- erated or consumed by a business process. Figure §1.1.d. show these elements.
  • 20. 8 Chapter 1. Introduction A A1 A2 A Sequence Flow Sub-Process Start Intermediate End Message Flow A Association Start Intermediate End Flow Message MessageMessage (C) Connection Objects Expanded Sub-Process Events A Gateway Gateway Group Collapsed Sub-Process XOR Tasks Artifact / Data Object Lane Gateway Gateway AND OR Comment / Text Pool Annotation Gateways (A) Swimlanes (B) Flow Objects (D) Artifacts Figure 1.1: Business Process Model Notation subset. Although BPMN is a graph-based model, it can be defined by mathemat- ical and theoretical foundations and formalisms, such as CSP [42], Petri-nets [15] or Pi -Calculus [32]. Concretely, in our research we explore the capability of BPMN for implementing finite state machine representations. However, although BPMN is a good choice for modeling business pro- cesses, there exists a several number of proposals which provides very inter- esting additional elements or extensions to the standard notation [4, 33]. Our research explore the feasibility of the current BPMN specification for provid- ing support for variability aspects into the design of business families and the drawbacks of extending the standard notation. Choreography Models In the Business Driven-Development (BDD) field, and specially in Service- Oriented Computing (SOC), choreography models are acquiring a special im- portance. A choreography lists all possible interactions between a set of busi- ness partners, together with the behavioral constraints between them [12]. Choreography models represents the observable behavior of business part- ners defined by means of interaction contracts. Several industry initiatives are
  • 21. 1.2. Research context 9 in place for establishing standarized choreographies in particular domains, such as Health Level Seven (HL7) for heath care services †1 . Process choreographies describe the interaction of multiple business pro- cesses and, as such, are an important concept for supporting business-to- business collaboration. Thus, modeling choreographies is considered a core need for designing Business Information Systems. The activities needed for develop a choreography model are described as follows: • High-level Structure Design: in this activity the participant roles as well as their communication structures are identified. • High-level Behavioral Design: this activity is focused on specifying the goals, also named milestones, of the collaboration and the order in which the goals are reached. • Collaboration Scenarios: in this activity the high-level choreographies are refined by introducing dedicated collaboration scenarios that relate the reaching of goals to the communication between process partici- pants. • Behavioral Interfaces: from these collaboration scenarios, for each par- ticipant role, a behavioral interface is derived in this activity. Once the choreography is designed, the behavioral interface of each busi- ness partner can be defined as a process orchestration for implementing the choreography, using the Web Service Choreography Interface (WSCI) specifi- cation [40] . Figure §1.2 describes the big-picture of the choreography design and implementation phases defined in [41]. Since to our research is focused in the design of Business Information Systems, in this context, we focus on the choreography design phase. However, although choreography modeling is considered a core need in our research context, there not exists an standard notation for that purpose. Latest drafts for BPMN 2.0. specification †2 , explores new notations for rep- resenting it, since to some drawbacks has been identified on modeling chore- ographies using the current BPMN specification [14]. In addition, there exists several proposals of specific choreography modeling languages such as Let’s Dance [43] or BPEL4Chor [13]. In addition, current proposals for modeling choreographies does not pro- vide any support for introducing variability aspects into the design of busi- ness families. Thus, other contribution of this research work is two-fold. In †1 †2
  • 22. 10 Chapter 1. Introduction Domain scoping Participant Milestone definition identification M. Weske: Business Process Management, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007 Business Scenario modelling Engineer Design System Message Choreography Architect identification definition Implementation Deve- Behavioural Behavioural loper interface 1 interface n Process Process orchestration 1 orchestration n Figure 1.2: Phases during Choreography Design and Implementation from [41]. the one hand, we propose a choreography model based on an UML2 pro- file used on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) field that makes feasible the variability support; and in the other hand we provide a transfor- mation between this choreography model and BPMN elements for improving the design of what we call business families, by means of the Business Family Engineering approach without extending the current notation of BPMN. 1.2.2 Software Product Lines and Feature Models Pohl et al. define in [18, 30] that Software Product Line (SPL) develop- ment aims at and achieves pro-active, constructive reuse, based on the idea to develop software products which share a significant amount of character- istics, namely features. Thus, a feature is a characteristic of the system that is observable by the end user. Roughly speaking, SPL systematizes the reuse across the set of similar products, defined by means of their features, that a software company provides.
  • 23. 1.2. Research context 11 The SPL approach is devoted to overcome complexity providing all the techniques needed for enabling the mass production of software in a certain application domain. The variability concept appears in SPL to represent the differences and commonalities inside an application domain. Variability is one of the critical aspects of SPL and it must be managed at all the stages of SPL development. Thus, the software process of SPL is divided into two main stages: Domain Engineering, which is in charge of providing the reusable core assets that are exploited during the derivation of products, done at a second stage named Application Engineering [30]. One of the most accepted techniques to represent the set of products of an SPL are Feature Models (FM) [10]. The main goal of feature modeling is to identify commonalities and differences among all products of an SPL. A feature model is a compact representation of all potential products of an SPL showing a set of features in an hierarchical structure where it is shown which features are present in a product of the product line. Figure §1.3 shows the feature model of our case study. A FM establishes a parental relationship be- tween each feature, as shown in Figure §1.3, that can be: • Mandatory: if a child feature node is defined as mandatory, it must be included in every product that contains the parent; • Optional: if a child feature node is defined as optional, it can be included or not when its father feature appears in a product; • Alternative: if the relationship between a set of children nodes and their father is defined as alternative, only one of the children features could be included in every product that contains the parent; • Or: if the relationship between a set of children nodes and their father is defined as or, one or more of them could be included in every product that contains the parent. Our approach for developing families of business information systems is based on introducing some SPL techniques. For that purpose, the feature model is used in our approach for describing the set of business informa- tion systems that are members of the business family, and for representing the variability of each business information system. In addition, the introduction of SPL techniques implies a reduction of development times and costs and a quality improvement of the final products.
  • 24. 12 Chapter 1. Introduction A A Airline Travel Agency B B Mandatory Optional relation relation A Change Reserve Cancel Inform Extras Order Trip Itinerary Tickets Itinerary B1 B2 B3 Alternative relation Travel Verify Seats Book Reserve Send Send Restaurant Card Availability Tickets Seats Tickets Statement A B1 B2 B3 Book Seats Or relation Figure 1.3: Feature Model of Web Service Choreography Interface (WSCI) specification Airline Travel Agency example [40]. 1.2.3 Process Family Engineering The Process Family Engineering (PFE) [4] approach explores the idea of applying SPL philosophy for managing the variability of business information systems. In PFE, feature models are used for representing the set of processes contained into a business. In addition, a business process diagram notation, such as BPMN, is used for representing an specific process. However, the syn- tax of this notation is redefined for providing support for representing highly variable business process models, namely variant-rich business process mod- els [20]. The PFE approach defines a variant-rich business process model as a pro- cess model that represents how to deal with some identified variability as- pects: • Alternative behaviors: it defines when there exists several different ways for performing an activity into a business process definition. Fig- ure §1.4.a shows an example about a refinement of the Inform business process from the WSCI case study, represented using BPMN. When the Airline Traffic Control System submit some information to the Travel Agencies it could be done by e-mail, publishing the information as a new into the Intranet, etc. As shown, the PFE approach introduces some stereotypes: (i) ≪Abstract≫, for defining the activity that has an al- ternative behavior; (ii) ≪VarPoint≫, for identifying the activities that implements each possible behavior, this stereotype sometimes is repre-
  • 25. 1.2. Research context 13 Number of Seats <<VarPoint >> <<Null>> << Abstract >> > 100 Send Tickets Book Tickets Inform <<Parameterization >> <<Implementation >> <<Implementation >> Number of Seats > 50 <<Inheritance >> <<Extension>> << VarPoint >> <<VarPoint >> << Default >> Inform by Inform by Send Tickets Intranet and Information E-Mail Quality about Trip Assurance (A) Alternative Behavior (B) Parameterization (C) Inheritance (D) Extension Point Figure 1.4: Variability aspects defined by the PFE approach. sented as a puzzle piece into the activity; and (iii) ≪Implementation≫, for describing a new kind of flow not defined in the standard BPMN notation, that represents that an activity marked as ≪VarPoint≫ imple- ments the behavior of other activity marked as ≪Abstract≫. In addi- tion, the default implementation can be provided introducing the stereo- type ≪Default≫. • Parameterization: it defines that each BPMN attribute can be parameter- ized to support a range of values. Figure §1.4.b shows how to represent possible ranges of the value Number of Seats, into the subprocess Ver- ify Seats Availability from the case study of this paper. This attribute is marked using a grouping box and associated to other possible values by means of a new association flow defined with a new stereotype named ≪Parameterization≫. • Inheritance: it defines a modification of an existing subprocess by adding or removing elements regarding to specific rules. This allows for realizing alternative variation points. As shown in Figure §1.4.c, the business process Send Tickets has been modified to Send Tickets and In- formation about Trip since to the Travel Agency has a contract with some tourism companies for providing information about them when it sends tickets to the Traveler. This situation is marked with a new association defined using the stereotype ≪Inheritance≫. • Extension Points: it defines an optional behavior. Figure §1.4.d depicts how an optional behavior from Book Tickets subprocess could be in- cluded for quality assurance of this activity. This situation is marked using the stereotype ≪Extension≫. The main difference between SPL and PFE is that the SPL field provides a set of different products that shares common features, and the PFE approach
  • 26. 14 Chapter 1. Introduction provides only one product, which represents a business, that evolves at run- time, and each possible configuration of this business is managed as a product that contains a subset of processes enabled at a certain moment of the execu- tion. On the one hand, the SPL products are implemented by software arti- facts. For each of them there exists a feature selection phase that generates the final products (a set of core and variable features). On the other hand, the PFE products are implemented by processes. For each product, the system can evolve to another product increasing or decreasing the variable set of features thus, each product is a software system based on processes. However, although the PFE approach proposes a methodology for design- ing highly variable business processes, based on overcoming the complexity derived from variability, by means of applying software product lines for man- aging it; this approach presents some drawbacks. For example, the use of fea- ture models and the derivation of business processes from it presents some problems, such as ambiguity, that has been explored for us in [25]. Another consideration is the need of redefining the BPMN syntax introducing some in- formation about variability which is also present in the feature models, thus, information is duplicated with the obvious problems for maintenance. In ad- dition, there not exists support for this new syntax of BPMN, because it is not an standard notation. Our approach overcomes the variability of the business information sys- tems using SPL techniques, taking into account the PFE approach ideas and without providing extra information to the standard notation used to repre- sent the business process models. In addition, as stated previously, each PFE product is considered as an evolving system. Our approach takes into account this advantage for representing the evolution of the business information sys- tems of the family. 1.3 Structure of the document This PhD Thesis project is structured as follows: Chapter 2 present our hypothesis, research questions and goals. A brief description of the state of the art and our contributions so far is presented in Chapter 3. We describe the research methodology to be used in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 summarizes our work plan and main milestones. Finally, we summarize our conclusions in Chapter 6.
  • 27. Chapter 2 Hypothesis and Goals 2.1 Hypothesis In this section, we state the hypothesis and research questions that moti- vate our research in the context of the design of business families. These are: Hypothesis: Current process engineers redesign each Business Informa- tion System using ad hoc techniques to maximize the level of reuse from one product to another. Our hypothesis states that the reuse across businesses by means of Software Product Line (SPL) techniques is feasible, improving the current SPL-solutions. For that purpose, our hypothesis states that it is possible to define a methodological fragment that makes feasible to obtain, systematically, the core architecture of a Business Information System Family, composed by the core process and the extra information needed to derive, sys- tematically too, each version. In addition, our methodological fragment could be partially supported by means of an automated treatment. In order to demonstrate our hypotesis, our PhD dissertation must answer some questions. In the following we state some of them and envision their possible answers: • Business Families. Does it makes sense? : Increasing the business pro- cess definitions reusability is an active field of research in the Business Driven-Development (BDD) community [3, 9, 17, 20, 35, 36]. The answer is that business families are feasible. Its main benefit is that software companies that provide BDD solutions, can reuse process in a system- atic way, thus reducing costs (in time and money) and improving the quality of their products, since they are tested for several clients. We ex- plore this topic in [23], thus, this issue is closed, but we are planning to
  • 28. 16 Chapter 2. Hypothesis and Goals elevate this discussion to higher research communities, as for example the BPM conference†1 . • The Software Product Line (SPL) field has a lot of benefits and Business Process Management too, How many benefits have SPL and BPM to- gether? : Nowadays, variability is one of the most active topics in several academic and industry communities [31, 37, 38]. We have explored in [24] and [26] that the main benefits of SPL and BPM together are focused on increasing the reusability level of the business process definitions, and in addition, providing a model for representing runtime variability in BIS. Future work planned for this issue is focused on formalizing our proposal for representing runtime variability in BIS, and integrating it into proposals for improving the development of self-adaptative appli- cations, such as [29]. • How many approaches explores the idea of introduce SPL techniques in the Business-Driven Development (BDD) field? : We have identified some approaches that explores how to increase the reusability of busi- ness process definitions, but, to the best of our knowledge, there ex- ists only one approach, called Process Family Engineering (PFE), which propose the use of SPL techniques. We have explored this approach in several contributions [23, 24, 26, 28], and an improvement of its design phase has been proposed in [25]. Once this issue is closed, a survey should be performed and submitted to an international conference or journal as future work. • What kind of variability aspects can be performed on defining business processes? : On exploring the PFE approach, we have explored the vari- ability aspects identified by this approach. However, although this pro- posal provides a concrete set of variability aspects, some activities such as requirements engineering in the context of Business-Driven Develop- ment are not taking into account. Our future work is to identify new variability aspects and clasify them in order to provide a best support of them by means of our approach. • How many approaches provides variability support on designing Busi- ness Information Systems (BIS)? : Nowadays, to the best of our knowl- edge, only PFE provides variability support. In addition, a proposal which describes the feasibility of the equivalence between feature mod- els and business process modes is explored [3]. We have proposed an au- tomated transformation between both models, based on several abstract foundations, such as automata theory and formal languages in [25]. In addition, this issue is covered in this research report. Thus, it is closed. †1
  • 29. 2.2. Goals 17 • How many kinds of variability are present in the definition of a BIS and how are them represented? : We have identified at least two kinds of variability, static and dynamic variability, also named design-time and runtime variability. Current approaches for supporting variability in the definition of BIS, only takes into account the static variability. We have proposed a model for representing runtime variability without extend- ing the standard BPMN notation in [26], and our future work is to inte- grate it into our approach. In addition, we have proposed too, a visual- isation technique of this kind of variability and a research roadmap for an analysis framework in [28]. These proposals are in a very preliminar stage, and they should be revised and refined as future work. • How many current proposals for modeling choreographies deals with variability aspects? : To the best of our knowledge, there not exists any approach for modeling choreographies that deals with variability as- pects. We take [16] as starting point of our research. A proposal for a choreography model for designing business families and for integrating it into our approach is one of our most recent open issues. • How many current proposals for modeling choreographies provides an automated treatment for obtaining collaboration scenarios and behav- ior interfaces? : Current proposals does not provide support for an au- tomated transformation from a choreography model to a collaboration scenario and behaviour interfaces. Thus, due to we take [16] as starting point for defining a choreography model, and it is based on an UML2.0 profile defined by its metamodel, Model-Driven Development (MDD) techniques should be applied for obtaining the desired target models. In addition, resulting models must not present any known drawbacks in choreography modeling defined in [14]. 2.2 Goals The goals of this PhD Thesis are: • Elaboration of the PhD Thesis document. Our main goal is the elabo- ration of our PhD Dissertation. • Publication of results. One of our priorities is to promote our work through a number of both national and international publications. So far, we have published 6 technical papers in international and national conferences and workshops. In the near feature, we plan to continue submitting works to the main journals and forums in the area.
  • 30. 18 Chapter 2. Hypothesis and Goals • Transference of Results: We will integrate the results of our PhD Thesis in e-MaCMAS, a Spin Off of University of Seville.
  • 31. Chapter 3 Background 3.1 Relevant Contributions 3.1.1 International Conferences • From Feature Models to Business Processes: I. Montero, J. Peña, A. Ruiz-Cortés. IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SSC). 2605–608. Honolulu, HI. 2008 [25]. Abstract: The variability level of average-size Business Information Sys- tems (BIS) is highly enough for making the design of this kind of sys- tems a complex task. There is an approach called Process Family Engi- neering (PFE) that tries to ease the design of BIS using ideas from the Software Product Lines (SPL) field. Roughly speaking, they propose to, first, study the variability of the system without entering into details by means of building a variability model (called feature model), that is used later for building the business process. However, in PFE the process of deriving the business process from the feature model is performed man- ually. Authors use feature models with a different meaning that is com- monly accepted in SPL. In this paper, we provide a rigorous description for the new meaning of feature models, and a mapping relationship that defines how to use the information in the FM for obtaining the basic structure of the business process. In addition, as a proof of concepts, we have implemented an MDD transformation that provides the expected results. Quality Levels: Acceptance Rate: 18%, IEEE Core: A • Representing Runtime Variability in Business-Driven Development
  • 32. 20 Chapter 3. Background Systems: I. Montero, J. Peña, A. Ruiz-Cortés. 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS). 228–231. Madrid, Spain. 2008 [26]. Abstract: Business-Driven Development(BDD) is a research field that provides techniques and mechanisms for designing software systems starting from the business processes of the companies. Companies are in continuous evolution to adapt to market changes, thus, current pro- cess engineers redesign the processes every time that is needed using ad hoc techniques. This situation motivates that these changes, called run- time variability, must be managed. Some authors have used Software Product Lines (SPL) ideas to manage it. Current approaches for docu- menting runtime variability in SPL and BDD, proposes different model representations. Unfortunately, we have determined that the expressive- ness level in BDD is not adequate, and that SPL solutions needs for adap- tation to BDD context for describing under which circumstances a busi- ness evolves. In this paper, we present a model for representing runtime variability in BDD systems. The main contributions of this proposal are: (i) it presents the enough expressiveness level for representing runtime variability; and (ii) process engineers can represent and understand un- der which events a business evolves and how this evolution is managed, which is not present in current approaches. We call this approach Prod- uct Evolution Model (PEM). Quality Levels: Acceptance Rate: 33%, IEEE Core: B Citations: ⋄ Modeling the Variability Space of Self-Adaptive Applications: G. Perrouin, F. Chauvel, J. DeAntoni, J. Jézéequel. IEEE Computer So- ciety 2nd International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL 2008, Volume 2), in conjunction with SPLC08, 15–22, Limerick, Ireland, 2008. • Representing Runtime Variability in Business-Driven Development Systems - Poster: I. Montero, J. Peña, A. Ruiz-Cortés. 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS). 241. Madrid, Spain. 2008. [27]. Abstract: Current approaches for documenting runtime variability in Software Product Lines (SPL) and Business Driven-Development, pro- poses different model representations. Unfortunately, we have deter-
  • 33. 3.1. Relevant Contributions 21 mined that the expressiveness level in BDD is not adequate, and that SPL solutions needs for adaptation to BDD context for describing un- der which circumstances a business evolves. In this panel, we present a model for representing runtime variability in BDD systems. The main contributions of this proposal are: (i) it presents the enough expressive- ness level for representing runtime variability; and (ii) process engineers can represent and understand under which events a business evolves and how this evolution is managed, which is not present in current ap- proaches. We call this approach Product Evolution Model (PEM). Quality Levels: Acceptance Rate: 33%, IEEE Core: B 3.1.2 International Workshops • Towards Visualisation and Analysis of Runtime Variability in Execu- tion Time of Business Information Systems based on Product Lines: I. Montero, J. Peña, A. Ruiz-Cortés. 2nd. International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VAMOS). 151–160. Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany. 2008 . [28]. Abstract: There is a set of techniques that build Business Information Systems (BIS) deploying business processes of the company directly on a process engine. Business processes of companies are continuously changing in order to adapt to changes in the environment. This kind of variability appears at runtime, when a business subprocess is enabled or disabled. To the best of our knowledge, there exists only one ap- proach able to represent properly runtime variability of BIS using Soft- ware Product Lines (SPL), namely, Product Evolution Model (PEM). This approach manages the variability by means of a SPL where each prod- uct represents a possible evolution of the system. However, although this approach is quite valuable, it does not provide process engineers with the proper support for improving the processes by visualising and analysing execution-time (non-design) properties taking advantage of the benefits provided by the use of SPL. In this paper, we present our first steps towards solving this problem. The contribution of this paper is twofold: on the one hand, we provide a visualisation dashboard for execution-traces based on the use of UML 2.0 timing diagrams, that uses the PEM approach; on the other hand, we provide a conceptual frame- work that shows a roadmap of the future research needed for analysing execution-time properties of this kind of systems. Thus, due the use of SPL, our approach opens the possibility for evaluating specific condi-
  • 34. 22 Chapter 3. Background tions and properties of a business process that current approaches do not cover. Citations: ⋄ From Static to Dynamic Software Product Lines: K. Schmid, H. Eichelberger. IEEE Computer Society 2nd International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL 2008, Volume 2), in con- junction with SPLC08, Limerick, Ireland, 2008. • Business Family Engineering. Managing The Evolution Of Business- Driven Systems: I. Montero, J. Peña, A. Ruiz-Cortés. IEEE Computer Society 1st International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL 2007, Volume 1), in conjunction with SPLC07, 33-40, Kyoto, Japan, 2007 [24]. Abstract: Nowadays most companies in whichever field have a soft- ware system that helps managing all the aspects of the company, from the strategic management to daily activities. Companies are in continu- ous evolution to adapt to market changes, and consequently, the Infor- mation Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports it must also evolve. Thus, software companies are currently supporting this evolution with ad hoc techniques. We think that, as it is being done for traditional soft- ware systems (non-oriented to business process) in the software prod- uct line (SPL) field, institutionalized techniques for performing a sys- tematic reuse of business processes across different businesses can be introduced. In this paper, we propose to adapt SPL techniques, oriented to reuse software, to Business-Driven Development (BDD), oriented to reuse processes, across different businesses; we call this proposal Busi- ness Family Engineering (BFE). We present a first approach to build a SPL of BDD systems that evolves at runtime. 3.1.3 National Workshops • Business Family Engineering. Does it make sense?: I. Montero, J. Peña, A. Ruiz-Cortés. Actas de los Talleres de las Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD). 1er Taller de Procesos de Negocio e Ingeniería del Software (PNIS). II Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 2007). Pag. 34-40, Zaragoza, España. 2007 [23]. Abstract: Nowadays most companies in whichever field have a soft- ware system that helps managing all the aspects of the company, from
  • 35. 3.2. Other Contributions 23 the strategic management to daily activities. Companies are in continu- ous evolution to adapt to market changes, and consequently, the Infor- mation Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports it must also evolve. Thus, software companies are currently supporting this evolution with ad hoc techniques. We think that, as it is being done for traditional soft- ware systems (non-oriented to business process) in the software prod- uct line (SPL) field, institutionalized techniques for performing a sys- tematic reuse of business processes across different businesses can be introduced. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of adapting SPL techniques, oriented to reuse software, to Business-Driven Development (BDD), oriented to reuse processes, across different businesses; we call this approach Business Family Engineering (BFE). As a result of our study, we show some of the problems we have identified and some of the key aspects needed to enable this new field. 3.2 Other Contributions 3.2.1 Eclipse M2M Transformation Project Contribution The Eclipse Model to Model (M2M) Transformation project†1 is focused on providing a framework for Model-Driven Development (MDD) model to model transformation languages. Nowadays, there exist three transformation engines that are developed in the scope of this project. One of this transforma- tion engines is the ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL) †2 . We have performed a transformation between the FeAture Model Ana- lyzer (FAMA) †3 metamodel as source and the Eclipse SOA Tool Platform2 BPMN metamodel †4 as target metamodel using the ATL language. Figure §3.1 presents an screenshot of this contribution. It has been published on the Eclipse ATL Transformation Scenarios zoo. ATL code and specification is de- scribed in the following research report: • ATL Transformation: Feature Models for representing runtime vari- ability in BIS to Business Process Model Notation. I. Montero, J. Peña, A. Ruiz-Cortés. ISA Research Group Report, 2008. †1 †2 †3 †4
  • 36. 24 Chapter 3. Background Figure 3.1: Tool Support. Abstract: The FM to BPMN example describes a transformation from a feature model for representing runtime variability in business infor- mation systems created using FAMA (FeAture Model Analyzer) into a business process model diagram represented by means of BPMN meta- model provided by the Eclipse STP (SOA Tool Platform) project. Eclipse URL: ISA Research Group URL: Screencast:
  • 37. 3.3. Summary of Contributions 25 Context No Publications DBLP International Conference 3 3 National Conference 0 0 International Workshop 2 1 National Workshop 1 0 Other 1 0 Table 3.1: Summary of Contributions. 3.3 Summary of Contributions A summary of our contributions is presented in Table §3.1. Rows show the different research contexts in which our contributions were presented. The number of publications in each context is showed in the second column. Fi- nally, the last column show the number of these contributions which are pre- sented in an DBLP listed conference.
  • 38. 26 Chapter 3. Background
  • 39. Chapter 4 Methodology 4.1 Methodology Based on the experience of our research group in research and transfer of results, we have decided to combine two methodologies, the Action Research and the Unified Process. On the one hand, Action Research [11] is an approach provided by our research group as a contribution to the debate about the prob- lems in software engineering research [5]. In this methodology two important factors to be considered are research results dissemination and technological transfer. On the other hand, the Unified Process [21] is a framework that pro- vides an iterative and incremental development process. It is highly appro- priated for our project, since we aim for a dynamic development by applying constantly knowledge updating in a controlled way. The first two phases of our methodology are based on Unified Process as follows: • Inception. At this phase, we define what the problem that we will solve is. Once identified the work to be done, we have to identify the key points of it. Based on our previous experience in the research context of our work, we define a possible solution. This phase was finnished on the research period in which the Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) was obtained. We carried out this activity through meetings with the PhD Thesis’s supervisors. • Elaboration. The main goal of this phase is to identify and define the relevant work packets and their tasks. At this phase we develop a coarse- grained project plan for the Action Research methodology. During the
  • 40. 28 Chapter 4. Methodology execution of the work project, those tasks are reviewed and refined in order to achieve the best solution. We consider that the next two phases of the Unified Process, the Construc- tion and Transition phases, are embedded in the Action Research methodol- ogy. At this point we use this methodology because it is focused on research results dissemination and technological transfer. Then, for each task defined in the elaboration phase we proceed with the following phases: • Research. At this phase, for each task defined in the work packets we review the literature, design a solution and validate it by means of tools, prototypes or validation tests. In addition, we determine the workshops, conferences or journals where the Research Result (RR) can be dissem- inated. After the validation of the RR, we disseminate it in the forums previously identi?ed. The work method used to define steps and objec- tives during this phase is through periodic meetings with PhD Thesis’s supervisors and research reports. In this way, the researcher will present and document the advances achieved, whether they are research results or conclusions about literature reviewed. • Apply Research Results. At this point we establish a transfer planning of RR to the interested companies as Transfer Result (TR). We apply our main RR to real contexts, converting them into TR. • Follow-up. At this phase, we are ready to transfer our main results to the research project’s Observer and Promoter Companies (EPOs) in which is placed this thesis. At this point another important step is essential, to redefine our strategy based on the feedback obtained from the interested companies.
  • 41. Chapter 5 Work plan 5.1 Work plan Our thesis work plan is structured in five main stages, some of which, have already been passed completed. These are: • Doctoral courses.[Finished ] The student passed successfully the doc- toral courses in 2007. • Research period.[Finished ] The research period took place during 2008. As a result, a research report was presented containing most part of our study in 2009. • Publications and Proof of Concepts.[In execution ] This is the activity that has more scope in the timetable. The objective of this activity is to publish all results to be obtained throughout the course of our research. The dissemination of our research results is an important task in our research methodology. In addition, several proposals of tool support as proof of concepts has been defined and developed. • PhD Thesis dissertation. In mid-2012, we intend to have a preliminary version of the thesis dissertation, indicated at Preliminary version. Later in the timeline we set Final version, the point at which we believe that the final version of the thesis will be ready to submit to the doctoral committee. • Knowledge transfer. Once obtained the PhD, we plan to focus on trans- ferring our knowledge to the society by means of the collaboration with the EPOs of the research projects supporting our work.
  • 42. 30 Chapter 5. Work plan
  • 43. Chapter 6 Conclusions The development of the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports business processes of large organizations is a very complex task, due to the existence of different versions of the same process defined in terms of the units that execute it. This variability claims that maximizing the reuse of these definitions is a core need. In our PhD dissertation we propose a methodological framework named Business Family Engineering, and we define the fragment focused on obtain- ing, systematically, the reusable core architecture of a business family, namely Business Family Domain Engineering. The main contributions of our ap- proach can be decomposed into two perspectives: (i) contributions for busi- ness management, focusing on minimizing the deviation in the definition of the core process regarding its variants and to improve the matching between them. It implies an improvement in the alignment between the different ver- sions deployed in all the units and its business strategies [22]; and (ii) research contributions, focusing on minimizing the development times and costs, and improving current proposals, such as Process Family Engineering (PFE), by means of the proposed systematization and eliminating its ambiguity prob- lems. Thus, we summarise the main contributions of our research as follows: • Business Families and Business Family Engineering: we propose a new concept into the Business-Driven Development (BDD) context fo- cused on define a set of Business Information Systems (BIS) which shares common business processes definitions. The main conclusion is that business families are feasible and it provides several advantages to im- prove the process engineers activities [23, 24]. In addition, we define a methodology for performing business families named Business Family Engineering.
  • 44. 32 Chapter 6. Conclusions • Variability Modeling of Business Information Systems: we provide to process engineers several techniques and models for representing (static and dynamic - also named runtime ) variability in Business Information Systems without the need of extending current standard notations [25, 26]. In addition, our proposal makes feasible to visualise and analyse variability in this context [28]. • From Feature Models to Business Processes: we improve the design step of the Process Family Engineering (PFE) approach, providing a systematic transformation between feature models and business process definitions in BPMN. As proof of concepts, we develop this transforma- tions by means of Model-Driven Development (MDD) tools, and it has been included into an official Eclipse project repository. • Dealing with Variability on Choreography Modeling: we propose a choreography modeling technique based on an UML profile from the Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) field, that makes feasible to deal with the implicit variability of business families. In addition, a preliminary transformation catalog between this model and BPMN in or- der to obtain collaboration scenarios and behavioral interfaces has been proposed. Our future work must be focused, on the one hand, into the open issues identified on Section §2.1, and on the other hand, on to remark our novel po- sition on providing a methodology fragment that makes feasible the devel- opment of families of Business Information Systems into the Service-Oriented Computing context.
  • 45. Appendix A Curriculum vitae The Curriculum vitae of the author of this PhD Thesis Project is enclosed in the following in Spanish. Further information can be provided at request if necessary
  • 46. 34 Appendix A. Curriculum vitae
  • 47. Appendix B Bibliography [1] Unified Modeling Language. 2.1.1 edition, feb 2007. Object Management Group (OMG). [2] G. Alonso, P. Dadam, and M. Rosemann, editors. Business Process Management, 5th International Conference, BPM 2007, Brisbane, Australia, September 24-28, 2007, Proceedings, volume 4714 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2007. [3] J. Bae and S. Kang. A Method to Generate a Feature Model from a Business Process Model for Business Applications. In CIT ’07: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2007), pages 879–884, Washington, DC, USA, 2007. IEEE Computer Society. [4] J. Bayer, W. Buhl, C. Giese, T. Lehner, A. Ocampo, F. Puhlmann, E. Richter, A. Schnieders, J. Weiland, and M. Weske. Process Family Engineering. Mod- eling Variant-Rich Processes. Technical report. [5] D. Benavides and M. Toro. Aplicando la filosofia de las ciencias de la compleji- dad a la ingenieria del software. In 1st. Workshop en Metodos de Investigacion y Fundamentos Filosoficos en Ingenieria del Software MIFISIS 2002, pages 97106. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain, 2002. [6] I. Bider. Striving for Better Administrative Quality as a Stimulus for Business Process Change. In 10th Workshop on Business Process Modeling, Develop- ment, and Support (BPMDS), co-located with CAISE, 2009. [7] BPMI. Business Process Modeling Notation BPMN version 1.0 - may 3, 2004. Object Management Group (OMG). [8] A. Brown. Practical Approaches to Delivering Service-Oriented Solutions: The Role of Software Architects and Architecture in a SOA World. In 7th. Int. Conf. on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS08), page 16, Madrid, Spain, Feb 2008. IEEE Computer Society Press. [9] D. Ciuksys and A. Caplinskas. Ontology-Based Approach to Reuse of Busi- ness Process Knowledge. Informacijos Mosklai ISSN:1392-0561, (42-43):168–174, 2007. [10] K. Czarnecki and M. Antkiewicz. Mapping Features to Models: A Template Approach Based on Superimposed Variants. 2005.
  • 48. 36 Bibliography [11] M. M. D.E. Avison, F. Lau and P. Nielsen. Action Research. Commun. ACM, 42(1): 9497, January 1999. [12] G. Decker, O. Kopp, F. Leymann, K. Pfitzner, and M. Weske. Modeling Ser- vice Choreographies Using BPMN and BPEL4Chor. In Z. Bellahsene and M. Léonard, editors, CAiSE, volume 5074 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 79–93. Springer, 2008. [13] G. Decker, O. Kopp, F. Leymann, and M. Weske. BPEL4Chor: Extending BPEL for Modeling Choreographies. In ICWS, pages 296–303. IEEE Computer Society, 2007. [14] G. Decker and M. Weske. Local Enforceability in Interaction Petri Nets. In Alonso et al. [2], pages 305–319. [15] R. M. Dijkman, M. Dumas, and C. Ouyang. Formal Semantics and Automated Analysis of BPMN Process Models. Preprint:7115, Queensland University of Technology, April 2007. [16] J. Fabra, J. Pena, A. Ruiz-Cortés, and J. Ezpeleta. Enabling the Evolution of Service-Oriented Solutions Using an UML2 Profile and a Reference Petri Nets Execution Platform. In ICIW ’08: Proceedings of the 2008 Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, pages 198–204, Washington, DC, USA, 2008. IEEE Computer Society. [17] F. Gottschalk, W. van der Aalst, M. Jansen-Vullers, and M. L. Rosa. Configurable Workflow Models. BETA Working paper 222, Eindhoven University of Technol- ogy, The Netherlands, June 2007. [18] G. Halmans and K. Pohl. Communicating the Variability of a Software-Product Family to Customers. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl., 18(3-4):113–131, 2004. [19] A. Hofstede and W. van der Alst. Workflow Patterns: On the Expressive Power of (Petri-Net-Based) Workflow Languages. Technical report. [20] A. Koschmider and A. Oberweis. How To Detect Semantic Business Process Model Variants? In SAC ’07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, pages 1263–1264, New York, NY, USA, 2007. ACM. [21] P. Kruchten. The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction (3rd Ed.). Addison- Wesley Longman Publishing, Boston, MA, USA, 2004. [22] W. M. M. Morgan, R. E. Levitt. Executing Your Strategy. How to Break It Down and Get It Done. Harvard Business School Press, 2007. [23] I. Montero, J. Peña, and A. Ruiz-Cortés. Business Family Engineering. Does it Make Sense? In I JISBD Taller sobre Procesos de Negocio e Ingeniería del Software (PNIS), pages 34–40, Zaragoza, Spain, Sep 2007. [24] I. Montero, J. Peña, and A. Ruiz-Cortés. Business Family Engineering. Manag- ing the Evolution of Business-Driven Development Systems. In SPLC Interna- tional Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Line (DSPL), pages 33–40, Ky- oto, Japan, Sep 2007. [25] I. Montero, J. Peña, and A. Ruiz-Cortés. From Features Models To Business Processes. In IEEE Conference on Services Computing (SSC), volume 2, pages 605–608, Honolulu, HI, Jul 2008. IEEE Computer Society Press. [26] I. Montero, J. Peña, and A. Ruiz-Cortés. Representing Runtime Variability in Business-Driven Development systems. In Proceedings of the Seventh Interna- tional Conference on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS08), 2008.
  • 49. Bibliography 37 [27] I. Montero, J. Peña, and A. Ruiz-Cortés. Representing Runtime Variabil- ity in Business-Driven Development Systems - Poster. In 7th Int. Conf. on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS), page 241, Madrid, Spain, Feb 2008. IEEE Computer Society Press. [28] I. Montero, J. Peña, and A. Ruiz-Cortés. Towards Visualisation and Analysis of Runtime Variability in Execution Time of Business-Driven Development Sys- tems. In 2nd. International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software- intensive Systems (VAMOS), pages 151–160, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Ger- many, Jan 2008. ICB Research Report No 22. [29] G. Perrouin, F. Chauvel, J. DeAntoni, and J.-M. Jézéquel. Modeling the Vari- ability Space of Self-Adaptive Applications. In S. Thiel and K. Pohl, editors, 2nd Dynamic Software Product Lines Workshop (SPLC 2008, Volume 2), pages 15–22, Limerick, Ireland, Sept. 2008. IEEE Computer Society. [30] K. Pohl, G. Böckle, and F. van der Linden. Software Product Line Engineering: Foundations, Principles and Techniques. Springer, September 2005. [31] K. Pohl and A. Metzger. Variability Management in Software Product Line Engi- neering. In ICSE ’06: Proceeding of the 28th international conference on Software engineering. ACM Press, 2006. [32] F. Puhlmann. On the Suitability of the Pi-Calculus for Business Process Man- agement. In Technologies for Business Information Systems. Berlin, Springer- Verlag. 2007. [33] A. Rodríguez, E. Fernández-Medina, and M. Piattini. Towards CIM to PIM Transformation: From Secure Business Processes Defined in BPMN to Use- Cases. In Alonso et al. [2], pages 408–415. [34] A. Schnieders and F. Puhlmann. Variability Mechanisms in E-Business Process Families. In H. C. M. Witold Abramowicz, editor, 9th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2006), May 31 - June 2, 2006, Klagenfurt, Austria, pages 583–601. Springer-Verlag, 2006. [35] A. Schnieders and F. Puhlmann. Variability Mechanisms in E-Business Process Families. In Proceedings of BIS ’06: Business Information Systems, 2006. [36] A. Schnieders and F. Puhlmann. Variability Modeling and Product Derivation in E-Business Process Families. In Technologies for Information Systems, pages 63–74. Springer, 2007. [37] M. Sinnema, S. Deelstra, J. Nijhuis, and J. Bosch. COVAMOF: A Framework for Modeling Variability in Software Product Families. 2004. [38] J. C. Trigaux and P. Heymans. Modelling Variability Requirements in Software Product Lines: a comparative Survey. Technical report, University of Namur – Computer Science Institute, November 2003. [39] W. van der Aalst. Formalization and Verification of Event-Driven Process Chains. Technical report. [40] W3C. Web Service Choreography Interface (WSCI) 1.0, nov. 2002. www. [41] M. Weske. Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures. Springer Verlag, first edition, November 2007. [42] P. Y. Wong and J. Gibbons. A Process Semantics for BPMN. Submitted for publication. Available at pub/bpmnsem.pdf. 2007.
  • 50. 38 Bibliography [43] J. M. Zaha, A. P. Barros, M. Dumas, and A. H. M. ter Hofstede. Let’s Dance: A Language for Service Behavior Modeling. In R. Meersman and Z. Tari, editors, OTM Conferences (1), volume 4275 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 145–162. Springer, 2006.
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