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RELS 101: Introduction to World Religions: Summer 2010 (Online
      Department of Religious Studies: San Diego State University

                Dr. Khaleel Mohammed
                Office: Al 674
                Wimba Classroom Hours: Wed/Th: Noon-1 p.m.
                (Private Wimba or phone consultations by appointment)

  This syllabus is intended to guide us through the semester. However, circumstances may change
  and so I reserve the right to change the syllabus as needed to ensure that we fulfill the course
  objectives. You will receive full and fair notification regarding any such changes.

Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners: As your instructor, I will do everything within reason to actively
support a wide range of learning styles and abilities. I have taken training and applied the principles of
Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education to this course. Feel free to discuss your progress in this
course with me at anytime. If you require any accommodations, please let me know at the start of the
course. You may also wish to contact Student Disability Services at Calpulli Center (Suite 3101),
telephone: 619.594.6473, or visit

Distance Learning Prerequisites
          Please take the ‘readiness survey’ at
 and, if this is the right
          course for you, please prepare your computer for the course.
    • Please download necessary software, including: Adobe’s Acrobat Reader and Flash Player,
       QuickTime Player, and Microsoft Word Viewer (if you do not already have Word installed).

            o     If this sounds intimidating, please do not panic! Information about all of these tools and
                  links enabling you to install them are kept under the ‘Technical Support’ button on our
                  Blackboard Website.

    •   Please enter the Wimba Classroom and run the Wimba Classroom Setup Wizard that appears.

    •   Please get speakers or a headset so that you can hear pre-recorded lectures, film soundtracks,
        office hour discussions, etc.

    •   Please learn how to use Blackboard. For an orientation to Blackboard or for Blackboard help, go

                          Remember: This is an online course. Information technology or IT challenges
                          can and will come up. Be prepared to handle them.
                          Please be assured that if and when problems occur on the SDSU end, you will not
                          be penalized. However, when problems occur on your end, the story is different:
                          You are responsible for your computing needs. When problems occur on your
                          end, you must fix them. The instructor cannot provide IT support. IT problems
                          that you experience do not constitute an acceptable excuse for non-completion
                          of work.

Course Description
REL S 101 which is an introduction to the academic study of the world’s major religious traditions. We
will explore diverse religious philosophies and practices to understand how they enrich humanity, and
shed light on the nature, meaning and struggles of human existence. Since this course does not seek to
affirm or deny the belief systems of any of these traditions, personal religious conviction or lack thereof
will neither benefit nor hinder one’s performance.

RELS 101 is one of the nine courses that you will take in General Education Foundations. Foundations
courses cultivate skills in reading, writing, research, communications, computation, information literacy,
and use of technology. They furthermore introduce you to basic concepts, theories and approaches in a
variety of disciplines in order to provide the intellectual breadth necessary to help you integrate the
more specialized knowledge gathered in your major area of study into a broader world picture.
This course is one of the four Foundations courses that you will take in the area of Humanities and Fine
Arts. Upon completion of this area of Foundations, you will be able to
    1. Analyze written, visual, or performed texts in the Humanities and Fine Arts with sensitivity to
        their diverse cultural contexts and historical settings.
    2. Describe various aesthetic and other value systems and the ways they are communicated across
        time and cultures.
    3. Identify issues in the Humanities that have personal and global relevance.
    4. Demonstrate the ability to approach complex problems and ask complex questions drawing
        upon knowledge of the Humanities.

Required Texts
               A Concise Introduction to World Religions by Willard Oxtoby and Alan Segal (editors):
                Oxford University Press, Don Mills, Canada, 2007. Hereinafter referred to as “class text.”
               Student Workbook: Oxtoby Version (available ONLY at Aztec).

              I have selected two books that are informative and economical. They are available at
     Please take advantage of the SDSU Bookstore free shipping offer by
              using coupon code "Summer10" on the payment process page. All orders are shipped by the
              next business day. You can contact the SDSU Bookstore online ordering dept at 866-388-7378

Course Requirements
   1. Demonstrated completion of Workbook Learning Enhancement Exercises by answering
      questions via Wimba Live classroom
   2. Effective participation on Discussion Board on Blackboard.
   3. Successful and timely completion of all quizzes and examinations.

Learning Objectives
                           •    Discuss the role religion plays in culture and to improve multicultural
                           •    Define and use specialist religion terminology appropriate to the level
                                of study.
                           •    Discuss the basic history, philosophy, and practices of major religious
                                traditions and begin to engage in Comparative studies.
                           •    Differentiate between confessional and academic studies of religion.
                           •    Discuss Religion in the American context.

How will the course be conducted? Via Blackboard and the Wimba Classroom.

How will I access WIMBA? You will need to run the Wimba setup wizard available on Blackboard.
Please ensure that you run the wizard on any computer that you might use to access Live Classroom. If
not, you will NOT be able to attend Live Classroom.

Is there anything I can do to ensure things are set up correctly from the beginning? You can run the
wizard right now; this will allow us to troubleshoot in advance if you run into any problems with Live
Classroom. If all systems are up and running, you will be relaxed and ready to embark on the learning

  To run the Live Classroom Setup Wizard
      1. Go to the RELS 101 Course Blackboard site
      2. Click on the “Live Classroom” (left side of menu)
      3. You will find a room titled “Live Presentations of the RELS 101 Materials”
      4. Click the blue upward facing arrow (below “enter”)
      5. A pop-up window will appear asking “Is your computer ready?”
      6. Click on the “Run Wizard” and follow the instructions.

                     How do I know where to look for an assignment, or notes, or quizzes? You will need
to familiarize yourself with the Blackboard functions. From Control Board, you will see self-explanatory
labels: such as Course Documents, Assignments, Discussion Boards, and Grade Book etc.
How can I communicate with the course Professor? Via WIMBA classroom, by email, either directly at or through Blackboard using the “Send Email”tool within the BB
communication folder. Your email subject line MUST show “RELS101” and your surname, with a very
short reference term to your email topic—failure to include RELS101 may result in your email being
rejected by my spam detectors. I will try to respond within 24 hours during weekdays, but it is your
responsibility to re-contact me if you do not hear back within that time. If the issue cannot be solved via
email, a telephone call or individual WIMBA session can be arranged.

How can I ensure that I will get course-related Email? Check and update your Email address at SDSU
Webportal ( as this address will be used automatically by Blackboard.

How will you know that I am NOT cheating? In many cases, quizzes etc. will be timed. As much as
possible, I will try to design assignments in order to minimize the possibility of cheating. Section 41301
of Title V of the California Code of Regulations defines academic misconduct as “cheating or plagiarism
in connection with an academic program at a campus.” Cheating includes copying others’ work during
an exam, falsifying data or records for an exercise, etc. Examples of plagiarism include copying other
students’ answers or, when working in collaborative groups, not stating answers in your own words
based on your own understanding. More information is available from the SDSU Center for Students
Rights and Responsibilities (

Does this mean that we cannot work in groups to complete the learning enhancement exercises in the
workbook? No; I encourage you to work in groups to discuss and find the answers. What will be
deemed as cheating is if you are not part of a group and borrow someone’s workbook to copy answers.

How will you conduct a learning module/classroom session? I will lecture and use PowerPoint slides to
facilitate active learning. That means you and I will be working together, rather than me just lecturing.
YOU are required to come to each session fully prepared to participate in polling questions quizzes etc.
This means you will have completed the assigned readings and workbook learning enhancement
exercises BEFORE each lesson. Since I will focus on the MAJOR religions of North America, I have not
scheduled any LIVE CLASSROOM for Chapter 10. Note too that for the Chapter on Indigenous Religions,
although I will focus on the material from the workbook, you are required to read the entire chapter in
the class text. This is to improve your reading and independent analytical skills as you will be asked
about this material in the final examination and quizzes.

Will you give us learning guides for the final and quizzes? Not directly. Those are built into each module
and your workbook. As you study each religion, you should use your workbook and ensure you find the
right answers to the questions therein.
The questions in your workbook are taken from the same bank that I will use for your quizzes and
exams. You may also use the Discussion Board feature on Blackboard to engage your peers in on-line
study sessions. If you wish to do so in specific groups only, I will be happy to set up such a forum if you
provide me with the names consenting participants.

How will you ensure that we are on schedule? Keeping on schedule is your
responsibility. The schedule is designed to allow you optimum convenience, and I
have strategically designed tests and quizzes to assist you in your learning goals. I
may send email reminders, but will not act as a kindergarten school teacher, rousting
and nagging you.

Ground Rules
Students and teachers have obligations to each other. Successful teaching and learning depends to a
great degree on honoring these obligations.

             Here’s what I expect from students: Since you have chosen to be part of this class, you
             will enter every session prepared to and give your full attention there. You will come to
             class, having done the required readings and preparation, and submit all required work on
             time. You will treat everyone in the class, including the professor, with the respect due to
             all human beings. (If someone in our class is treating you disrespectfully, you will alert me
             immediately.) You acknowledge that previous academic preparation will affect your
             performance. You acknowledge that your perception of effort, by itself, is not enough to
             justify a distinguished grade. You will not make excuses for your failure to do what you
             ought. You will accept the consequences of your actions. Given the nature of this course,
you will keep your personal faith beliefs to yourself and understand that the academic study of religion
means that we are only concerned with certain points of investigating the various religions we will
study, and NOT making value judgments.

                 Here is what students can expect from me: I will treat you with respect. I will prepare
                 and monitor every class with care. I will manage the class in a professional manner;
                 that may include educating you and or other students in appropriate behavior. I will
                 keep careful records of your on-line activity, performance and progress. I may allow
                 extensions or make-ups only for students with valid excuses that I have confirmed. I
                 will pursue to the fullest extent the university imposed penalty for plagiarism, cheating
                 and other violations of academic integrity. I will make myself available to your for
                 advising. I will maintain appropriate confidentiality concerning your performance. I will
                 support your efforts at learning. Your grade will reflect the quality of your work and
                 nothing else.

Components of Final Grade Assessment
WORKBOOK (5%): Your workbook is to assist you in self-assessment while reading the material in the
class text, and to assess your writing skills as required in General Education courses. At the end of each
workbook religion topic, there are several essay type questions. Starting from Judaism, you are
required to answer ONE of these questions from each religion topic. You will submit your answer to me
via email AFTER we finish the religion of focus, and before we go on to the next religion. I will ensure
that the dates for submission are noted in your syllabus or learning guides. You will also use the multiple
choice questions in your workbook as a learning guide and to prepare for quizzes/exams. I will read
your answers at random and give an overall grade at the end of the course for this component.

                         DISCUSSION BOARD PARTICIPATION (25%)
                         We will utilize this tool to engage in critical thinking and to expand upon issues
                         raised during our online classes and from your readings. The Discussion Board
                         allows you the opportunity to interact with your classmates and with me and to
                         discuss topics of interest. Do note that your input must be effective in order to
                         get the marks for this segment of the course. Do not ask a question just to be on
                         the board.

                         I may start some discussions myself. In such cases, you are required to post one
response of your own and to post one reply to a classmate’s response. Thus, you must respond twice to
each Discussion Board topic. You are effective if you make your posts in a timely way. This means that
you must make a post or respond to one during the week after we first encounter a new chapter or
topic. If, for example, we start discussing Buddhism on June 11, you will need to make your posts on the
Learning Discussion board topics by June 18 to receive credit. If I feel that your responses are not
original, I may disable the function that allows you to see what your peers have posted. You are still
required to respond, and since you will NOT see other postings, this will presume your truly personal
input. In some cases, I may put you in groups so that we may have the choice of various topics on a
specific religion.

Your 25% will be calculated thus: at the end of the summer session, I will review the input and award up
to 5 points for each of up to 10 discussion Board postings that you have made over the course of the
semester. The provision of 5 points for your posting will be based on the quality of your post. The
maximum points available for Discussion board participation are 50.


                You will be assigned to a small group by Week 2 of the course. Each team will form a
                collaborative learning community through which you can find camaraderie and support.
                After the first week, all discussion board-type learning activities will occur within your
                small group’s discussion board. Through your groups, you will be assured of more
                fulfilling interaction than you might experience if only interacting with the class as a

TESTS (40%)
There will be THREE tests, to be taken as noted in the schedule below. Together, these tests are worth
40% of your course mark. Each test will be worth 50 points. The tests will cover each section of the
course independently: they are not cumulative.

All test questions will come from lectures and readings in the textbook, the lectures, and from the same
question bank as the workbook. You MUST read the textbook in addition to answering the questions
and doing the supplementary readings in the workbook. Do note that I do not think my role is to
rehash everything that is in the class text. I explain or add where necessary, and respond to questions. If
you read something that you don’t understand and I don’t cover it in my lecture, please ensure you ask
me about it. Good questions via the Discussion board will get you points.

All tests will be completed via Blackboard. Instructions will be forwarded later.

There will be FIVE quizzes, each carrying a maximum of 20 points. You may not use your textbook or any
other materials, including your class notes to assist you in completing the on-line quizzes. There is a
running timer for each quiz to insure you do not use any outside material. I will drop the lowest of your
five quiz scores when calculating your final grade. You may want to make sure that you complete the
relevant multiple choice questions in your workbook before taking any quiz.

                        It is your responsibility to complete quizzes, exams, and other
                        assignments in a timely way, that is, before they are due. This policy
                        is intended to insure that you are working on each chapter
                        according to the syllabus schedule. All quizzes and exams will be
                        available on Blackboard for a specific time only. Once they have
                        been removed, they will NOT be made available to you again. DO

    CRASHED TESTS: Tests sometimes ‘crash’ if the system is overloaded. This sometimes happens very
    close to a deadline. If your test crashes, let me know right away through both an email to and a phone call to 619.594.3108. Remember, although I can reset
    a crashed test for you, I do need ample notice to do so. If your test crashes between the close of
    business and midnight, even with notification via phone and email, I may not be able to reset it in
    time for you and you will receive an F (unless the problem was SDSU-based). To help yourself avoid
    the crash hassle, take your test early—take it before noon if possible.
    Furthermore, although I may ‘reset’ crashed tests for retaking, the decision to do so is at my
    discretion. The circumstances in which a given test crashes will be taken into account as I decide on
    the appropriate course of action.
    To prevent crashes, do not adjust your browser or switch between programs in any way during a
    quiz or test.

    Missed tests and quizzes (make-ups): Because tests are taken online, make-ups will only be
    permitted in the direst of unexpected and unanticipated emergencies (e.g., hospitalization,
    extradition), provided that appropriate and legitimate documentation has been supplied. In other
    words, take all of your tests when they are due. Since I will drop the lowest quiz score, there are
    NO make-ups for missed quizzes.

                           Polling Questions during Live Online Classes

    During almost every online class session, I will present polling questions. These polling questions
    will be used in several different ways. Most often, I will use them to review lecture content on-the-
    fly as well as allow for student input. Specifically, this means that I will build in questions that will
    permit you and me to know if you are learning what I am teaching, and to allow you the

     opportunity to enrich our active learning by your personal knowledge and experience. These
     questions will also give you a good sense of the sorts of multiple choice questions that will appear
     on the tests. Sometimes there will not be any right or wrong answers to such questions; your
     answers, however, will help me gauge the overall perceptions of the class with regard to specific
     issues of interest in the course. You will also have the opportunity to score discussion board points.
     For every one correct answer, you will receive one point.

                    During the course of the semester, you will be able to see your grade by checking
                    the GRADEBOOK section on BLACKBOARD. Your final grade is determined on the
                    basis of accumulated points from quizzes, tests, discussion board and brief writing
                    exercises. This is an introductory course, so with industrious application of study
                    and effort, an A is not beyond reach. If you are taking the course for C/NC, do note
                    that the university considers a C- (C minus) as a NC or failing grade.

                    Please note that all scores in this course are converted to percentages and that
                    course weighting applies. This means that if you obtain 50 points in the Discussion
                    board component, you get the full 25%. The same amount of marks in the TEST
                    component, however, will translate differently. Since TESTS account for 40% of your
                    grade weighting, the percentage in terms of your overall grade score will be
                                        50 40
                    calculated thus:      ×    = 13.3%.
                                       150 100

I will only issue an Authorized Incomplete (I) when a small portion of required coursework has not been
completed due to unforeseen, but fully justified reasons. You must complete the required work within
one calendar year immediately following the end of the term in which it was assigned. If this is not done,
you will receive an IC-Incomplete Charged Grade that will count as an F for GPA computation.

A grade of "WU" for "Withdrawal Unauthorized" (formerly "U") indicates that you did not officially
withdraw from the course, but failed to complete course requirements. For purposes of GPA
computation, this grade is equivalent to an "F". If you attend a portion of a course and then, after
receiving a failing average, stop attending without officially withdrawing, you will receive a final grade of
"F" rather than "WU".

Grade Queries: Grades are very carefully determined and checked prior to being entered into the Grade
Book feature on Blackboard. If you do find an error, or have a question, please feel free to ask about it.
It pleases me greatly to raise grades when warranted. On the flip side, it annoys me terribly when
students push for points when they are not warranted; this is disrespectful to me, your fellow students
and yourself—so please avoid it. Such a request will bring your entire test and, in some cases, your
entire record into account and may result in lower as well as higher grades. Queries MUST be done
within two days of the grade posting.

                         A total of 300 points is possible. You can keep track and
                         determine your grade using these tables.

                       Total Points                      Course Weight   Your Mark
Workbook               20                                10%

Quiz 1
         (June 8)      20
Quiz 2                 20
         (June 14)
Quiz 3                 20 (your lowest quiz score
         (June 23)         will be dropped               25%
Quiz 4                 20
         (June 28)
Quiz 5                 20
         (June 30)
Test 1
         (June 2)      50
Test 2
         (June 17)     50                                40%
Test 3
        (July 7)       50
Board/                 50                                25%
Total                  300                               100%

                    Minimum %/=Letter Grade   Minimum %=Letter Grade
                         94     A                   74     C
                         90    A-                   70     C-
                         85    B+                   65     D+
                         82    B                    60     D
                         79    B-                   55     D-
                         77   C+
                                          Course Schedule

       Date             Topic       Reading/ Learning                    Specific Student Learning Outcomes
5/27          Introduction/Overview Oxtoby: Chapters I,             1. Discuss syllabus and related
6/1           of Study Content/ 11.                                    administrative material
              Nature of Religion    Workbook:                       2. Explain importance of religion
                                    Pp 1-6.                         3. Define religion
                                                                    4. Defining common terms used in the study
                                                                       of religion
                                                                    5. Explain the different approaches to the
                                                                       study of religion.
6/2           Indigenous Religions                                  1. Define indigenous religion
                                                                    2. Discuss Western approaches to
                                                                       indigenous religions
                                                                    3. Provide reason for non-coverage of non-
                                                                       American indigenous traditions
                                                                    4. Describe four major indigenous traditions
                                                                    5. Discuss some terminology of indigenous
6/2                                                        TEST 1
6/3           Judaism                   Oxtoby: Ch. 2               6.  Defining Judaism
6/7                                                                 7.  Describe Origins/Social Setting of Biblical
                                                                    8. Describe Composition of “Tanakh’
                                                                    9. Explain why we should not use “Old
                                                                        Testament” as a term.
                                                                    10. Describe Documentary Hypothesis.
6/8                                     Workbook: 31-7              11. Describe evolution of Judaism and its
                                                                        modern denominations
                                                                    12. Describe the evolution from Temple to
                                                                    13. Discuss some Jewish ritual
                                                                        observances/the law
                                        By midnight on 6/8,         14. Discuss the Holocaust/Israel/Zionism
                                        you must submit             15. Discuss Judaism in America
                                        the essay answer            16. Compare some themes in
                                        to your workbook                Judaism/Christianity
                                        question on page
6/8                                  Quiz 1 : Subject: Judaism
Course Schedule                                                  12

       Date             Topic                 Reading/ Learning         Specific Student Learning Outcomes
6/9                                           Oxtoby: Ch. 3        17. Explain the Social Setting to which Jesus
6/10                                                                   came. Discuss who is a Christian or what
              Christianity                    Workbook:                Christianity is.
                                              39-46                18. Discuss historical versus creedal Jesus
                                                                   19. Describe compilation of scripture
                                                                   20. Discuss Paul and development of the
                                                                   21. Discuss Constantine’s Conversion,

              Christianity                                         22. Discuss Development of creeds/classical
                                                                       and sectarian developments and
                                                                   23. Discuss medieval Christian scholasticism/
6/14                                          By midnight, you     24. Discuss Protestantism, Modern
                                              must submit your         movements
                                              essay type answer    25. Discuss Christianity in the US:
                                              to any question on       Fundamentalism, Evangelical Christianity,
                                              p. 46 of your            Politics and Religion
6/14          Quiz 2: Subject: Christianity
6/15          Islam                           Oxtoby: Ch. 4        1.  Describe social setting to which Islam
6/16                                          Workbook: 47-54          came
                                                                   2. Discuss etymology of “Islam” and
                                                                   3. Explain main sources of Islam
                                                                   4. Explain main beliefs of Islam
                                                                   5. Discuss compilation of Qur’an
                                                                   6. Discuss the caliphate.
                                              Midnight on 6/20     7. Describe sectarian movements
                                              deadline for         8. Discuss Civil war in early Islam
                                              submission of        9. Discuss modern developments, crises,
                                              essay type answer:       Israel, Afghanistan, Iraq
                                                                   10. Discuss Muslims in America
                                              Workbook, p. 54.
6/17          Test 2
Course Schedule                                                   13

       Date              Topic              Reading/ Learning          Specific Student Learning Outcomes
6/21          Hinduism                      Oxtoby, Ch. 5        1.    Discuss the problematic issues of
                                            Workbook: 57-67            defining Hinduism
6/22                                                             2.    Discuss origins, development of
                                                                 3.    Describe the stages of life
                                                                 4.    Describe the four goals
                                                                 5.    Describe the caste system
                                                                 6.    Discuss aspects of advaita philosophy

                                                                 7.    Discuss scriptures, different types
                                                                 8.    Describe different ways to liberation
                                                                 9.    Explain Moksha, Samsara, Dharma,
                                                                       other specific terms
                                                                 10.   Discuss Hindus in diaspora
                                                                 11.   Discuss Hinduism as foundation of other
                                            Midnight deadline    12.   Sanskrit and its influence on western
                                            for submission of          languages
                                            essay type answer:   13.   Discuss Hinduism and modernity,
                                            Workbook, p. 67.           Hinduism in modern politics
6/23          Quiz 3
6/24          Sikhism                       Oxtoby, Ch. 6        1.    Discuss the social setting in which
                                            Workbook: 69-78            Sikhism arose.
                                            Midnight 6/27:       2.    Describe the early ideas of founder
                                            deadline for         3.    Discuss development of Sikhism
                                                                 4.    Discuss its some of its teachings vis a vis
                                            submission of
                                                                       Hinduism and Islam
                                            essay type answer:   5.    Discuss Sikhism in the USA
                                            Workbook, p. 78.
6/28          Jainism                       Chapter 7, Oxtoby    6.    Discuss basic ideas of Jainism
                                            Workbook: 78-87      7.    Name latest Jina and
                                                                       understand/memorize terms at end of
                                            Midnight deadline          chapter 7, Oxtoby
                                                                 8.    Understand some comparative aspects
                                            for submission of
                                                                       of Jainism, Hinduism, Sikhism
                                            essay type answer:   9.    Discuss Jain influence on the Satyagraha
                                            Workbook, p. 87            of Mahatma Gandhi
6/28                    Quiz 4: Subject: Sikhism and Jainism
6/29          Buddhism                      Oxtoby: Ch. 8        10. Discuss the early life of the Buddha
                                            Workbook:            11. Describe his path to “awakening” and
                                            89-100                   early history of Buddhism
                                                                 12. Explain different sectarian movements
                                                                     of Buddhism
                                            Midnight deadline
                                                                 13. Describe basic ideas of Buddhism
                                            for submission of    14. Provide overview of Buddhism in
                                            essay type answer:       America, famous American Buddhists
                                            Workbook, p. 100     15. Discuss the Dalai Lama
6/30          Chinese Religions             Oxtoby: Ch 9,10      16. Discuss essential philosophical concepts
Course Schedule                                                       14

       Date            Topic           Reading/ Learning             Specific Student Learning Outcomes
                                       Workbook: 101-13              of these religions.
                                       Midnight deadline         17. Discuss Falun Gong.
                                       on 7/5 for
                                       submission of
                                       essay type answer,
                                       Workbook, p. 113
6/30                                       QUIZ 5: subject: Chinese Religions
7/5           Independence Day         No class
7/6           Wrap up.                 From on-line            1.   Discuss definitions of cult versus religion
                                       sources /possible       2.   Examine ideas of Latter Day Saints,
                                       video                        Rastafari, and other Religious
              Latter Day                                            Movements.
                                                               3.   Discuss proliferation of religious
              Religious Movements                              4.   Discuss idea of spirituality vs. institutional
              in America                                            religion.
                                                               5.   Discuss reification, institution, and
                                                               6.   Recap major issues course
7/7           Test 3

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Dr. Mohammed's Religion 101 Syllabus (Online course)

  • 1. RELS 101: Introduction to World Religions: Summer 2010 (Online Course) Department of Religious Studies: San Diego State University Dr. Khaleel Mohammed Office: Al 674 619-594-3108 Wimba Classroom Hours: Wed/Th: Noon-1 p.m. (Private Wimba or phone consultations by appointment) This syllabus is intended to guide us through the semester. However, circumstances may change and so I reserve the right to change the syllabus as needed to ensure that we fulfill the course objectives. You will receive full and fair notification regarding any such changes. Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners: As your instructor, I will do everything within reason to actively support a wide range of learning styles and abilities. I have taken training and applied the principles of Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education to this course. Feel free to discuss your progress in this course with me at anytime. If you require any accommodations, please let me know at the start of the course. You may also wish to contact Student Disability Services at Calpulli Center (Suite 3101), telephone: 619.594.6473, or visit Distance Learning Prerequisites Please take the ‘readiness survey’ at and, if this is the right course for you, please prepare your computer for the course. • Please download necessary software, including: Adobe’s Acrobat Reader and Flash Player, QuickTime Player, and Microsoft Word Viewer (if you do not already have Word installed). o If this sounds intimidating, please do not panic! Information about all of these tools and links enabling you to install them are kept under the ‘Technical Support’ button on our Blackboard Website. • Please enter the Wimba Classroom and run the Wimba Classroom Setup Wizard that appears. • Please get speakers or a headset so that you can hear pre-recorded lectures, film soundtracks, office hour discussions, etc.
  • 2. 2 • Please learn how to use Blackboard. For an orientation to Blackboard or for Blackboard help, go to: Remember: This is an online course. Information technology or IT challenges can and will come up. Be prepared to handle them. Please be assured that if and when problems occur on the SDSU end, you will not be penalized. However, when problems occur on your end, the story is different: You are responsible for your computing needs. When problems occur on your end, you must fix them. The instructor cannot provide IT support. IT problems that you experience do not constitute an acceptable excuse for non-completion of work. Course Description REL S 101 which is an introduction to the academic study of the world’s major religious traditions. We will explore diverse religious philosophies and practices to understand how they enrich humanity, and shed light on the nature, meaning and struggles of human existence. Since this course does not seek to affirm or deny the belief systems of any of these traditions, personal religious conviction or lack thereof will neither benefit nor hinder one’s performance. RELS 101 is one of the nine courses that you will take in General Education Foundations. Foundations courses cultivate skills in reading, writing, research, communications, computation, information literacy, and use of technology. They furthermore introduce you to basic concepts, theories and approaches in a variety of disciplines in order to provide the intellectual breadth necessary to help you integrate the more specialized knowledge gathered in your major area of study into a broader world picture. This course is one of the four Foundations courses that you will take in the area of Humanities and Fine Arts. Upon completion of this area of Foundations, you will be able to 1. Analyze written, visual, or performed texts in the Humanities and Fine Arts with sensitivity to their diverse cultural contexts and historical settings. 2. Describe various aesthetic and other value systems and the ways they are communicated across time and cultures. 3. Identify issues in the Humanities that have personal and global relevance. 4. Demonstrate the ability to approach complex problems and ask complex questions drawing upon knowledge of the Humanities. Required Texts  A Concise Introduction to World Religions by Willard Oxtoby and Alan Segal (editors): Oxford University Press, Don Mills, Canada, 2007. Hereinafter referred to as “class text.”  Student Workbook: Oxtoby Version (available ONLY at Aztec).
  • 3. 3 I have selected two books that are informative and economical. They are available at Please take advantage of the SDSU Bookstore free shipping offer by using coupon code "Summer10" on the payment process page. All orders are shipped by the next business day. You can contact the SDSU Bookstore online ordering dept at 866-388-7378 Course Requirements 1. Demonstrated completion of Workbook Learning Enhancement Exercises by answering questions via Wimba Live classroom 2. Effective participation on Discussion Board on Blackboard. 3. Successful and timely completion of all quizzes and examinations. Learning Objectives • Discuss the role religion plays in culture and to improve multicultural literacy. • Define and use specialist religion terminology appropriate to the level of study. • Discuss the basic history, philosophy, and practices of major religious traditions and begin to engage in Comparative studies. • Differentiate between confessional and academic studies of religion. • Discuss Religion in the American context. FAQS How will the course be conducted? Via Blackboard and the Wimba Classroom. How will I access WIMBA? You will need to run the Wimba setup wizard available on Blackboard. Please ensure that you run the wizard on any computer that you might use to access Live Classroom. If not, you will NOT be able to attend Live Classroom. Is there anything I can do to ensure things are set up correctly from the beginning? You can run the wizard right now; this will allow us to troubleshoot in advance if you run into any problems with Live Classroom. If all systems are up and running, you will be relaxed and ready to embark on the learning voyage. To run the Live Classroom Setup Wizard 1. Go to the RELS 101 Course Blackboard site 2. Click on the “Live Classroom” (left side of menu) 3. You will find a room titled “Live Presentations of the RELS 101 Materials” 4. Click the blue upward facing arrow (below “enter”) 5. A pop-up window will appear asking “Is your computer ready?” 6. Click on the “Run Wizard” and follow the instructions.
  • 4. 4 How do I know where to look for an assignment, or notes, or quizzes? You will need to familiarize yourself with the Blackboard functions. From Control Board, you will see self-explanatory labels: such as Course Documents, Assignments, Discussion Boards, and Grade Book etc. How can I communicate with the course Professor? Via WIMBA classroom, by email, either directly at or through Blackboard using the “Send Email”tool within the BB communication folder. Your email subject line MUST show “RELS101” and your surname, with a very short reference term to your email topic—failure to include RELS101 may result in your email being rejected by my spam detectors. I will try to respond within 24 hours during weekdays, but it is your responsibility to re-contact me if you do not hear back within that time. If the issue cannot be solved via email, a telephone call or individual WIMBA session can be arranged. How can I ensure that I will get course-related Email? Check and update your Email address at SDSU Webportal ( as this address will be used automatically by Blackboard. How will you know that I am NOT cheating? In many cases, quizzes etc. will be timed. As much as possible, I will try to design assignments in order to minimize the possibility of cheating. Section 41301 of Title V of the California Code of Regulations defines academic misconduct as “cheating or plagiarism in connection with an academic program at a campus.” Cheating includes copying others’ work during an exam, falsifying data or records for an exercise, etc. Examples of plagiarism include copying other students’ answers or, when working in collaborative groups, not stating answers in your own words based on your own understanding. More information is available from the SDSU Center for Students Rights and Responsibilities ( Does this mean that we cannot work in groups to complete the learning enhancement exercises in the workbook? No; I encourage you to work in groups to discuss and find the answers. What will be deemed as cheating is if you are not part of a group and borrow someone’s workbook to copy answers.
  • 5. 5 How will you conduct a learning module/classroom session? I will lecture and use PowerPoint slides to facilitate active learning. That means you and I will be working together, rather than me just lecturing. YOU are required to come to each session fully prepared to participate in polling questions quizzes etc. This means you will have completed the assigned readings and workbook learning enhancement exercises BEFORE each lesson. Since I will focus on the MAJOR religions of North America, I have not scheduled any LIVE CLASSROOM for Chapter 10. Note too that for the Chapter on Indigenous Religions, although I will focus on the material from the workbook, you are required to read the entire chapter in the class text. This is to improve your reading and independent analytical skills as you will be asked about this material in the final examination and quizzes. Will you give us learning guides for the final and quizzes? Not directly. Those are built into each module and your workbook. As you study each religion, you should use your workbook and ensure you find the right answers to the questions therein. The questions in your workbook are taken from the same bank that I will use for your quizzes and exams. You may also use the Discussion Board feature on Blackboard to engage your peers in on-line study sessions. If you wish to do so in specific groups only, I will be happy to set up such a forum if you provide me with the names consenting participants.
  • 6. 6 How will you ensure that we are on schedule? Keeping on schedule is your responsibility. The schedule is designed to allow you optimum convenience, and I have strategically designed tests and quizzes to assist you in your learning goals. I may send email reminders, but will not act as a kindergarten school teacher, rousting and nagging you. Ground Rules Students and teachers have obligations to each other. Successful teaching and learning depends to a great degree on honoring these obligations. Here’s what I expect from students: Since you have chosen to be part of this class, you will enter every session prepared to and give your full attention there. You will come to class, having done the required readings and preparation, and submit all required work on time. You will treat everyone in the class, including the professor, with the respect due to all human beings. (If someone in our class is treating you disrespectfully, you will alert me immediately.) You acknowledge that previous academic preparation will affect your performance. You acknowledge that your perception of effort, by itself, is not enough to justify a distinguished grade. You will not make excuses for your failure to do what you ought. You will accept the consequences of your actions. Given the nature of this course, you will keep your personal faith beliefs to yourself and understand that the academic study of religion means that we are only concerned with certain points of investigating the various religions we will study, and NOT making value judgments. Here is what students can expect from me: I will treat you with respect. I will prepare and monitor every class with care. I will manage the class in a professional manner; that may include educating you and or other students in appropriate behavior. I will keep careful records of your on-line activity, performance and progress. I may allow extensions or make-ups only for students with valid excuses that I have confirmed. I will pursue to the fullest extent the university imposed penalty for plagiarism, cheating and other violations of academic integrity. I will make myself available to your for advising. I will maintain appropriate confidentiality concerning your performance. I will support your efforts at learning. Your grade will reflect the quality of your work and nothing else. Components of Final Grade Assessment WORKBOOK (5%): Your workbook is to assist you in self-assessment while reading the material in the class text, and to assess your writing skills as required in General Education courses. At the end of each workbook religion topic, there are several essay type questions. Starting from Judaism, you are required to answer ONE of these questions from each religion topic. You will submit your answer to me via email AFTER we finish the religion of focus, and before we go on to the next religion. I will ensure that the dates for submission are noted in your syllabus or learning guides. You will also use the multiple choice questions in your workbook as a learning guide and to prepare for quizzes/exams. I will read your answers at random and give an overall grade at the end of the course for this component.
  • 7. 7 DISCUSSION BOARD PARTICIPATION (25%) We will utilize this tool to engage in critical thinking and to expand upon issues raised during our online classes and from your readings. The Discussion Board allows you the opportunity to interact with your classmates and with me and to discuss topics of interest. Do note that your input must be effective in order to get the marks for this segment of the course. Do not ask a question just to be on the board. I may start some discussions myself. In such cases, you are required to post one response of your own and to post one reply to a classmate’s response. Thus, you must respond twice to each Discussion Board topic. You are effective if you make your posts in a timely way. This means that you must make a post or respond to one during the week after we first encounter a new chapter or topic. If, for example, we start discussing Buddhism on June 11, you will need to make your posts on the Learning Discussion board topics by June 18 to receive credit. If I feel that your responses are not original, I may disable the function that allows you to see what your peers have posted. You are still required to respond, and since you will NOT see other postings, this will presume your truly personal input. In some cases, I may put you in groups so that we may have the choice of various topics on a specific religion. Your 25% will be calculated thus: at the end of the summer session, I will review the input and award up to 5 points for each of up to 10 discussion Board postings that you have made over the course of the semester. The provision of 5 points for your posting will be based on the quality of your post. The maximum points available for Discussion board participation are 50. DISCUSSION BOARDS You will be assigned to a small group by Week 2 of the course. Each team will form a collaborative learning community through which you can find camaraderie and support. After the first week, all discussion board-type learning activities will occur within your small group’s discussion board. Through your groups, you will be assured of more fulfilling interaction than you might experience if only interacting with the class as a whole. TESTS (40%) There will be THREE tests, to be taken as noted in the schedule below. Together, these tests are worth 40% of your course mark. Each test will be worth 50 points. The tests will cover each section of the course independently: they are not cumulative. All test questions will come from lectures and readings in the textbook, the lectures, and from the same question bank as the workbook. You MUST read the textbook in addition to answering the questions and doing the supplementary readings in the workbook. Do note that I do not think my role is to rehash everything that is in the class text. I explain or add where necessary, and respond to questions. If you read something that you don’t understand and I don’t cover it in my lecture, please ensure you ask me about it. Good questions via the Discussion board will get you points. All tests will be completed via Blackboard. Instructions will be forwarded later.
  • 8. 8 QUIZZES (30%) There will be FIVE quizzes, each carrying a maximum of 20 points. You may not use your textbook or any other materials, including your class notes to assist you in completing the on-line quizzes. There is a running timer for each quiz to insure you do not use any outside material. I will drop the lowest of your five quiz scores when calculating your final grade. You may want to make sure that you complete the relevant multiple choice questions in your workbook before taking any quiz. It is your responsibility to complete quizzes, exams, and other assignments in a timely way, that is, before they are due. This policy is intended to insure that you are working on each chapter according to the syllabus schedule. All quizzes and exams will be available on Blackboard for a specific time only. Once they have been removed, they will NOT be made available to you again. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO DO THE QUIZZES AND TESTS. CRASHED TESTS: Tests sometimes ‘crash’ if the system is overloaded. This sometimes happens very close to a deadline. If your test crashes, let me know right away through both an email to and a phone call to 619.594.3108. Remember, although I can reset a crashed test for you, I do need ample notice to do so. If your test crashes between the close of business and midnight, even with notification via phone and email, I may not be able to reset it in time for you and you will receive an F (unless the problem was SDSU-based). To help yourself avoid the crash hassle, take your test early—take it before noon if possible. Furthermore, although I may ‘reset’ crashed tests for retaking, the decision to do so is at my discretion. The circumstances in which a given test crashes will be taken into account as I decide on the appropriate course of action. To prevent crashes, do not adjust your browser or switch between programs in any way during a quiz or test. Missed tests and quizzes (make-ups): Because tests are taken online, make-ups will only be permitted in the direst of unexpected and unanticipated emergencies (e.g., hospitalization, extradition), provided that appropriate and legitimate documentation has been supplied. In other words, take all of your tests when they are due. Since I will drop the lowest quiz score, there are NO make-ups for missed quizzes. Polling Questions during Live Online Classes During almost every online class session, I will present polling questions. These polling questions will be used in several different ways. Most often, I will use them to review lecture content on-the- fly as well as allow for student input. Specifically, this means that I will build in questions that will permit you and me to know if you are learning what I am teaching, and to allow you the
  • 9. 9 opportunity to enrich our active learning by your personal knowledge and experience. These questions will also give you a good sense of the sorts of multiple choice questions that will appear on the tests. Sometimes there will not be any right or wrong answers to such questions; your answers, however, will help me gauge the overall perceptions of the class with regard to specific issues of interest in the course. You will also have the opportunity to score discussion board points. For every one correct answer, you will receive one point. Grades During the course of the semester, you will be able to see your grade by checking the GRADEBOOK section on BLACKBOARD. Your final grade is determined on the basis of accumulated points from quizzes, tests, discussion board and brief writing exercises. This is an introductory course, so with industrious application of study and effort, an A is not beyond reach. If you are taking the course for C/NC, do note that the university considers a C- (C minus) as a NC or failing grade. Please note that all scores in this course are converted to percentages and that course weighting applies. This means that if you obtain 50 points in the Discussion board component, you get the full 25%. The same amount of marks in the TEST component, however, will translate differently. Since TESTS account for 40% of your grade weighting, the percentage in terms of your overall grade score will be 50 40 calculated thus: × = 13.3%. 150 100 I will only issue an Authorized Incomplete (I) when a small portion of required coursework has not been completed due to unforeseen, but fully justified reasons. You must complete the required work within one calendar year immediately following the end of the term in which it was assigned. If this is not done, you will receive an IC-Incomplete Charged Grade that will count as an F for GPA computation. A grade of "WU" for "Withdrawal Unauthorized" (formerly "U") indicates that you did not officially withdraw from the course, but failed to complete course requirements. For purposes of GPA computation, this grade is equivalent to an "F". If you attend a portion of a course and then, after receiving a failing average, stop attending without officially withdrawing, you will receive a final grade of "F" rather than "WU". Grade Queries: Grades are very carefully determined and checked prior to being entered into the Grade Book feature on Blackboard. If you do find an error, or have a question, please feel free to ask about it. It pleases me greatly to raise grades when warranted. On the flip side, it annoys me terribly when students push for points when they are not warranted; this is disrespectful to me, your fellow students and yourself—so please avoid it. Such a request will bring your entire test and, in some cases, your entire record into account and may result in lower as well as higher grades. Queries MUST be done within two days of the grade posting.
  • 10. 10 A total of 300 points is possible. You can keep track and determine your grade using these tables. Total Points Course Weight Your Mark Workbook 20 10% Quiz 1 (June 8) 20 Quiz 2 20 (June 14) Quiz 3 20 (your lowest quiz score (June 23) will be dropped 25% Quiz 4 20 (June 28) Quiz 5 20 (June 30) Test 1 (June 2) 50 Test 2 (June 17) 50 40% Test 3 (July 7) 50 Discussion Board/ 50 25% Polling Questions Participation Total 300 100% Minimum %/=Letter Grade Minimum %=Letter Grade 94 A 74 C 90 A- 70 C- 85 B+ 65 D+ 82 B 60 D 79 B- 55 D- 77 C+
  • 11. 11 Course Schedule Date Topic Reading/ Learning Specific Student Learning Outcomes Exercises 5/27 Introduction/Overview Oxtoby: Chapters I, 1. Discuss syllabus and related 6/1 of Study Content/ 11. administrative material Nature of Religion Workbook: 2. Explain importance of religion Pp 1-6. 3. Define religion 4. Defining common terms used in the study of religion 5. Explain the different approaches to the study of religion. 6/2 Indigenous Religions 1. Define indigenous religion 2. Discuss Western approaches to indigenous religions 3. Provide reason for non-coverage of non- American indigenous traditions 4. Describe four major indigenous traditions 5. Discuss some terminology of indigenous religions 6/2 TEST 1 6/3 Judaism Oxtoby: Ch. 2 6. Defining Judaism 6/7 7. Describe Origins/Social Setting of Biblical Judaism 8. Describe Composition of “Tanakh’ 9. Explain why we should not use “Old Testament” as a term. 10. Describe Documentary Hypothesis. 6/8 Workbook: 31-7 11. Describe evolution of Judaism and its modern denominations 12. Describe the evolution from Temple to Synagogue 13. Discuss some Jewish ritual observances/the law By midnight on 6/8, 14. Discuss the Holocaust/Israel/Zionism you must submit 15. Discuss Judaism in America the essay answer 16. Compare some themes in to your workbook Judaism/Christianity question on page 37 6/8 Quiz 1 : Subject: Judaism
  • 12. Course Schedule 12 Date Topic Reading/ Learning Specific Student Learning Outcomes Exercises 6/9 Oxtoby: Ch. 3 17. Explain the Social Setting to which Jesus 6/10 came. Discuss who is a Christian or what Christianity Workbook: Christianity is. 39-46 18. Discuss historical versus creedal Jesus 19. Describe compilation of scripture 20. Discuss Paul and development of the Church. 21. Discuss Constantine’s Conversion, Catholicism Christianity 22. Discuss Development of creeds/classical and sectarian developments and controversies. 23. Discuss medieval Christian scholasticism/ theology 6/14 By midnight, you 24. Discuss Protestantism, Modern must submit your movements essay type answer 25. Discuss Christianity in the US: to any question on Fundamentalism, Evangelical Christianity, p. 46 of your Politics and Religion workbook. 6/14 Quiz 2: Subject: Christianity 6/15 Islam Oxtoby: Ch. 4 1. Describe social setting to which Islam 6/16 Workbook: 47-54 came 2. Discuss etymology of “Islam” and “Muslim” 3. Explain main sources of Islam 4. Explain main beliefs of Islam 5. Discuss compilation of Qur’an 6. Discuss the caliphate. Midnight on 6/20 7. Describe sectarian movements deadline for 8. Discuss Civil war in early Islam submission of 9. Discuss modern developments, crises, essay type answer: Israel, Afghanistan, Iraq 10. Discuss Muslims in America Workbook, p. 54. 6/17 Test 2
  • 13. Course Schedule 13 Date Topic Reading/ Learning Specific Student Learning Outcomes Exercises 6/21 Hinduism Oxtoby, Ch. 5 1. Discuss the problematic issues of Workbook: 57-67 defining Hinduism 6/22 2. Discuss origins, development of Hinduism 6/23 3. Describe the stages of life 4. Describe the four goals 5. Describe the caste system 6. Discuss aspects of advaita philosophy 7. Discuss scriptures, different types 8. Describe different ways to liberation (yoga) 9. Explain Moksha, Samsara, Dharma, other specific terms 10. Discuss Hindus in diaspora 11. Discuss Hinduism as foundation of other religions Midnight deadline 12. Sanskrit and its influence on western for submission of languages essay type answer: 13. Discuss Hinduism and modernity, Workbook, p. 67. Hinduism in modern politics 6/23 Quiz 3 6/24 Sikhism Oxtoby, Ch. 6 1. Discuss the social setting in which Workbook: 69-78 Sikhism arose. Midnight 6/27: 2. Describe the early ideas of founder deadline for 3. Discuss development of Sikhism 4. Discuss its some of its teachings vis a vis submission of Hinduism and Islam essay type answer: 5. Discuss Sikhism in the USA Workbook, p. 78. 6/28 Jainism Chapter 7, Oxtoby 6. Discuss basic ideas of Jainism Workbook: 78-87 7. Name latest Jina and understand/memorize terms at end of Midnight deadline chapter 7, Oxtoby 8. Understand some comparative aspects for submission of of Jainism, Hinduism, Sikhism essay type answer: 9. Discuss Jain influence on the Satyagraha Workbook, p. 87 of Mahatma Gandhi 6/28 Quiz 4: Subject: Sikhism and Jainism 6/29 Buddhism Oxtoby: Ch. 8 10. Discuss the early life of the Buddha Workbook: 11. Describe his path to “awakening” and 89-100 early history of Buddhism 12. Explain different sectarian movements of Buddhism Midnight deadline 13. Describe basic ideas of Buddhism for submission of 14. Provide overview of Buddhism in essay type answer: America, famous American Buddhists Workbook, p. 100 15. Discuss the Dalai Lama 6/30 Chinese Religions Oxtoby: Ch 9,10 16. Discuss essential philosophical concepts
  • 14. Course Schedule 14 Date Topic Reading/ Learning Specific Student Learning Outcomes Exercises Workbook: 101-13 of these religions. Midnight deadline 17. Discuss Falun Gong. on 7/5 for submission of essay type answer, Workbook, p. 113 6/30 QUIZ 5: subject: Chinese Religions 7/5 Independence Day No class 7/6 Wrap up. From on-line 1. Discuss definitions of cult versus religion sources /possible 2. Examine ideas of Latter Day Saints, video Rastafari, and other Religious Latter Day Movements. 3. Discuss proliferation of religious Saints/Rastafari/Other movements Religious Movements 4. Discuss idea of spirituality vs. institutional in America religion. 5. Discuss reification, institution, and canonization. 6. Recap major issues course 7/7 Test 3