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Mata Dalan Linux
Edisaun Dahuluk
Responsabel Geral
Lino Rogeiro
Ekipa Hakerek:
Agustinho Pereira
Carlito Lopes de Castro
Domingos da C. F. Cardoso
Domingos da Silva
Norbertino Napoleão Marques
Salvador da Costa Oliveira
Adelino Dos Santos
Ekipa Tradusan FONGTIL & TOSC
Layout & Cover
Eligio Moniz do Rego
Ekipa Dezemvolve Modul
Forum NGO Timor Leste (FONGTIL), Rua Caicoli Dili, Timor-Leste
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Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Modul ida nee hanesan Mata Dalan ba utilizador komputador (computer user) sira neebe mak
iha interese atu aprende kona ba Software Livre. Livre signifika Livre halo mudifikasaun,
Livre halo distribuisaun & Livre hodi halo copia no menus hetan virus komputador. Membru
sira nebe'e durante ne'e halo gastu makas iha manutensaun komputador software livre bele
hanesan meus alternativu hodi hamenus no suporta diak liu tan serbisu administrasaun
membru ONGs nian loro-loron.
Informasaun sira mak hakerek iha modul ida nee foti hosi esperiensia implementasaun
Software Livre. Modul ida nee hanesan kontribuisaun husi Forum ONG Timor-leste
(FONGTIL) & Comunidade Software Livre iha Timor-Leste oin nusa bele aselera
sosializasaun Software Livre iha Timor-Leste tanba nee sei presiza ema hotu nia
kontribuisaun hodi hadia diak liu tan, ho nunee karik iha hanoin ruma ne’ebe konstrutivu hodi
aumenta, muda no hadia diak liu tan kontiudu husi modul ida nee imi nia hanoin, ideias,
sujestaun hanesan kontribuisaun boot tebes ba desenvolvimentu konseitu Software Livre iha
Hare ba importansia hodi desenvolve kapasitasaun Sofware Livre nebe'e minimu tebes iha
Timor Leste, ho nune'e Forum ONG Timor-leste (FONGTIL) liu husi Divisaun MST/IT
servisu hamutuk ho Timor-Leste Open Source Community (TOSC) no hetan apoiu financeira
hosi SEFOPE no Plan Internasional hodi hakerek no produs modul ida nee.
Ami mos konsidera katak modul ida nee hanesan pasu inisiu hodi dezenvolve Software Livre
iha Timor Leste. Ho hamosu modul ida ne'e ita espera bele utiliza hodi hakbiit no enkoraja
Juventude, Estudantes, Sosiadade Sivil no Gubernu hodi aprende & partisipa ativa liu tan iha
dezenvolvimentu Teknologia Informasaun & Komunikasaun(TIK) liu-liu iha area hakbiit &
haforsa desenvolvimentu Software Livre iha Timor-Leste.
Ami rekonyese katak modul ida ne'e seidauk kompletu no iha linguazem ruma mak sidauk iha
standarizasaun maibe maluk sira hotu bele hato'o imi nia ideias, sujestaun, no kritika hodi
desenvolve diak liu tan modul ne'e iha futuru. Ikus liu ami la haluha hato'o obrigado barak ba
ema hotu mak fo ona kontribuisaun boot tebes hodi hakerek no publika modul ida ne'e.
Ikus liu mai ita hotu hamutuk desenvolve Software Livre iha Timor-Leste ho motto
desenvolvimento “Karik Laos Ita Se Tan, Karik Laos Agora Bainhira Tan”
Dili, 3 Dezembro 2012
Arsenio Pereira da Silva
Director Executivo FONGTIL
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Modul treinamentu nee uza aplikasaun LibreOffice 3.5. Modul nee hakerek ho lian TETUN
ho materia nebe maka atu diskute maka konhesementu baziku LibreOffice.
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
EKIPA DEZEMVOLVE MODUL....................................................................................i
OBJETIVO TREINAMENTU.......................................................................................iii
LISTA TABELA............................................................................................................v
1. LibreOffice Writer....................................................................................................7
1.1. Prosesu Hahu Uza LibreOffice Writer..............................................................7
1.2. Muda formatu Documentus LibreOffice ba PDF............................................10
1.3. Loke Dokumentus.........................................................................................10
1.4. Taka Dokumentus .........................................................................................10
1.5. Formatu Pajina Dokumentus.........................................................................11
1.6. Regula Pajina Organizer................................................................................11
1.7. Hatama Numeru Pajina ................................................................................14
1.8. Foodnote Ho Endnote...................................................................................14
1.9. Formatu Pajina Diferente...............................................................................15
1.10. Prenxe numeru pajina iha Header ou Footer...............................................16
1.11. Indise ..........................................................................................................17
2. LibreOffice CALC..................................................................................................19
2.1. Introdusaun LibreOffice Calc.........................................................................19
3. LibreOffice IMPRESS ...........................................................................................21
3.1. Introdusaun LibreOffice Impress....................................................................21
3.2. Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun.................................................................23
3.3. Maneja Modelu..............................................................................................28
3.4. Transisaun no Animasaun Slide....................................................................30
3.5. Print Dokumentus Apresentasaun.................................................................33
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Tabela 1: Icon Toolbar.................................................................................................8
Tabela 2: Lista Menu Husi LibreOffice Impress.........................................................22
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Ilustrasaun 1: LibreOffice Word Processor..................................................................6
Ilustrasaun 2: Dialog box nebe mosu wainhira sedauk save ba dokumentus nebe
mak atu taka...........................................................................................10
Ilustrasaun 3: Formatu Pajina Organizer...................................................................11
Ilustrasaun 4: Formatu Pajina Documentu................................................................12
Ilustrasaun 5: Formatu ba Header............................................................................13
Ilustrasaun 6: Formatu ba Footer..............................................................................13
Ilustrasaun 7: Footnote.............................................................................................14
Ilustrasaun 8: Orden Pajina Diferensia......................................................................15
Ilustrasaun 9: Entry Indise........................................................................................16
Ilustrasaun 10: Halo Indise.......................................................................................17
Ilustrasaun 11: Rezultado Halo Indise.......................................................................17
Ilustrasaun 12: LibreOffice Calc................................................................................18
Ilustrasaun 13: LibreOffice Impress...........................................................................20
Ilustrasaun 14: Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun Husi Wizards...............................22
Ilustrasaun 15: Dialogu Autopilot...............................................................................23
Ilustrasaun 16: Hili Slide Design...............................................................................23
Ilustrasaun 17: Hili Slide Transition...........................................................................24
Ilustrasaun 18: Dalan Seluk Loke LibreOffice Impress..............................................25
Ilustrasaun 19: Janela LibreOffice Impress...............................................................25
Ilustrasaun 20: Halo Slide Foun................................................................................26
Ilustrasaun 21: Halo Formatu Pajina.........................................................................27
Ilustrasaun 22: Halo Testu Iha LibreOffice Impress...................................................28
Ilustrasaun 23: Ilustra Auto Layout Nebe Iha Numbered List....................................28
Ilustrasaun 24: Hili Auto Layout.................................................................................28
Ilustrasaun 25: Janela Transisaun no Animasaun.....................................................30
Ilustrasaun 26: Janeila Custom Animation................................................................31
Ilustrasaun 27: Janeila User Interface.......................................................................35
Ilustrasaun 28: Janeila Links.....................................................................................36
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
1. LibreOffice Writer
1.1. Prosesu Hahu Uza LibreOffice Writer
Atu hahu uza LibreOffice 3.5 klik iha Menu, Application → Office → LibreOffice Writer
mak sei mosu hanesan ilustra tuir mai nee :
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 7
Ilustrasaun 1: LibreOffice Word Processor
Prosesu Hahu Uza LibreOffice Writer
1. Pulldown Menu LibreOffice Writer mak hanesan tuir mai nee:
a) Menu File, mak hanesan menu – menu nebe liga ho operasaun File sira nebe
hanesan SAVE File (rai domentus), loke domentus, explora ba File PDF, nebe
atu halo imprime husi rezultadu File sira.
b) Menu Edit, mak menu – menu nebe iha ligasaun ho edita ba lia fuan ruma
nebe lalos
c) Menu View, mak menu – menu nebe iha relasaun ho ilustrasaun.
d) Menu Format, mak iha relasaun ho nia formatu dokumentus nebe iha.
e) Menu Table, mak menu – menu nebe iha relasaun ho tabela ba dokumentus
sira, para ita utiliza hodi halo tabela.
f) Menu Tools, mak menu nebe utiliza hodi hadia dokumentus sira.
g) Menu Windows, mak menu nebe uza atu regula ba janela aplikasaun
LibreOffice nian.
Menu Help, mak hodi utiliza atu ajuda ba aplikasaun LibreOffice nian
2. Icon Toolbar ba default LibreOffice mak:
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 8
Prosesu Hahu Uza LibreOffice Writer
Ilustra Icon Deskripsaun
Icon toolbar atu kria, loke, rai dokumentus no
haruka email.
Icon toolbar atu exporta File ba formatu PDF,
Print, Print Preview no korize lia fuan ruma
nebe lalos.
Icon sira nee funsaun atu Cut, Copy, Paste
dokumentus ho formatu textu.
Undo no Redo funsaun atu halo
kanselamentu ba aktividades/ instrusaun
Funsaun atu halo link, halo table, hamosu
nia drawing, find no replace
Funsaun hanesan navigasaun, (navigator,
loke gallery, hare nia karakter nebe la mosu
no hare dokumentus)
Stiles no Formatting mak target ba Formatu
nebe ita uza
Funsaun atu hili formatu letra no medida
nebe mak atu uza
Funsaun atu fo efektu Bold, Italic no
Underline ba textu nebe iha.
Funsaun hodi halo textu nia formatu hanesan
Align Left, Centered, Align Rigth, Justified
Ajuda tau numero ba lista paragrafu no nia
Tabela 1: Icon Toolbar
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 9
Prosesu Hahu Uza LibreOffice Writer
3. Icon Toolbar ba default LibreOffice mak:
a) Cut (Control+X) = Hasai ka tesi sai lia fuan ruma nebe la relevante
b) Copy (Control+C) = Copia textu
c) Paste (Control+V) = Paste textu nebe ita copia
d) Undo (Control+Z) = Fila fali ba edita dahuluk
e) Redo (Control+Y) = Hamosu fali edita nebe ita halakon
f) Save (Control+S) = Rai dokumentus
g) Open (Control+O) = Loke Documentus
h) New (Control+N) = Pajina foun
1.2. Muda formatu Documentus LibreOffice ba PDF
LibreOffice nia fasilidade exporta conpativilidade ba formatu Portable Document
Format (PDF). PDF sai hanesan formatu standarte dokumentus nebe bele uza ba
teknologia informasaun. Prosesu atu halo ekportasaun mak tuir mai nee;
• Ba iha menu File hili Export as PDF ou;
• Klik ba icon toolbar PDF (Eksport Directly as PDF)
1.3. Loke Dokumentus
Atu loke dokumentus nebe ita rai tiha ona bele halao liu husi maneira hirak tuir mai
• Ba iha menu File depois hili Open,
• Klik Open iha icon toolbar direktori
• Kombinasaun butaun Ctrl+O iha keyboard
1.4. Taka Dokumentus
Atu taka domentus nebe rai tiha ona, bele halao ho maneira tuir mai nee;
• Ba iha menu File depois hili Close (taka domentus nebe aktivu)
• Bele mos ba iha menu File depois hili Exit. (taka tomak dokumentus no sai
husi Aplikasaun LibreOffice Writer).
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 10
Taka Dokumentus
• Selae liu husi kombinasaun butaun Ctrl + Q iha keyboard.
Wainhira dokumentus nebe ita taka mak nia sedauk rai, sei mosu opsaun ba
konfirmasaun hanesan Save (rai dokumentus), Discard (taka maibe la rai) no Cancel
(kansela ba domentus nebe ita atu taka).
Bele hare ilustra iha kraik nee;
1.5. Formatu Pajina Dokumentus
Wainhira utilizador atu kria dokumentus ruma, buat nebe importante no presija atu prepara
mak regula pajina nebe atu uza, exemplu hare nia medida surat tahan, regula nia
Header/Footer, Footnote, Colum no seluktan. Atu maneija formatu pajina dokumentus
nian, klik iha menu Format hili Page. nebe mosu Page Style, kompostu husi ; Organizer,
Page, Background, Header, Footer, Borders, Columns no Footnote .
1.6. Regula Pajina Organizer
➢ Tab Organizer
Iha parte Organizer compostu husi Name, Next Style, no Category. Funsaun ida
nee atu defini formatu ba pajina nebe tuir mai. Dokumentus pajina ida ho seluk iha
formatu nebe hanesan husi causa manajementu Next Style nebe hanesan. Tuir
estandarija pajina nebe sempre uza Next Style ho naran “Default”, bele hare iha
ilustra 3.
Style ativu ho naran “Default” no style tuir mai ho naran “Default”, signifika
katak kada pajina 1 ho 2 uza formatu hanesan. Karik hakarak hadia kada pajina ho
nia formatu nebe diferente , exemplo pajina 1 ho formatu A4, ba pajina 2 formatu
Tabloid no pajina 3 ho formatu Letter. Ida nee fasil atu maneija, hili deit Next
Style (kada pajina labele hanesan) nebe mak uza atu regula formatu pajina tuir
dokumentus nebe ita presija.
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 11
Ilustrasaun 2: Dialog box nebe mosu wainhira sedauk save ba dokumentus nebe
mak atu taka
Regula Pajina Organizer
➢ Tab Page
Tab Page nia funsaun atu regula medida suratahan ou pajina, Margin no Layout
pajina. Iha opsaun oin-oin medida suratahan, nebe mak sei hili tuir hakarak.
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 12
Ilustrasaun 3: Formatu Pajina Organizer
Regula Pajina Organizer
➢ Tab Background
Iha Tab Ida nee atu regula koor background ida nebe atu uza, nebe aplika ba pajina
hotu iha dokumentus nia laran.
➢ Regula Header no Footer
Header hanesan area ida nebe atu uza hodi koloka field hanesan informasaun iha
pajina nia leten, enkuamtu footer hanesan mos header maibe koloka iha pajina nia
okos. Iha Header ou Footer Utilizador bele priense nomeru pajina, titlu kapitulu
naran autor no seluktan. Atu ativu Header ou Footer klik iha menu Format →
Page → Page Style depois hili ba iha tab Footer ou Header. Ativu tiha Header ou
Footer hodi maneja.
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 13
Ilustrasaun 4: Formatu Pajina Documentu
Regula Pajina Organizer
1.7. Hatama Numeru Pajina
Atu monta numeru pajina dokumentu iha parte kraik. Pasu primeiru atu ativu Footer hili
menu Insert → Footer → Default nee para mosu kaixa iha parte kraik dokumentu nian.
Tama iha area, depois hili menu Insert → Field → Page Number.
1.8. Foodnote Ho Endnote
Footnote mak hanesan nota esplikasaun husi textu dokumentu nebe iha kedas okos no
geralmente iha pajina ida ho pajina seluk ita ativu ona Footnote. Footnote hanesan forma
numeru ou karakter ho posisaun superscript iha sorin los teks nebe iha. Endnote atu
hanesan mos footnote, maibe iha endnote textu hakerek iha ikus liu. Atu uza Footnote ou
Endnote muda kursor ba parte los textu dokumentus depois klik menu Insert → Footnote
depois sei mosu imajem tuir mai.
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 14
Ilustrasaun 5: Formatu ba Header Ilustrasaun 6: Formatu ba Footer
Foodnote Ho Endnote
Ilustarsaun iha leten Footnote sei default “Automatic” hanesan numeru nebe sei hahu husi
numeru 1 no resultadu sei aumenta ba footnote tuir mai. Hili buat seluk hanesan karakter
ida nebe hatama hanesan manual exemplu hahu husi “10” ou uza karakter letra “a”. Atu
hatama karakter nebe espesifiku ba Footnote atu halao hodi hili textu iha pajina nia okos.
Iha parte Type deside Footnote ou Endnote, klik Ok, tuir mai sei mosu pajina atu hakerek
textu Footnote nian.
1.9. Formatu Pajina Diferente
Medida primeiro ba pajina nebe diferente mak hanesan A4, segundu tabloid no terceiro
Pasu ba pasu mak hanesan tuir mai nee :
1) Iha pajina dahuluk klik Menu Format → Page → Organizer hili Name :
Default ho Next Style : First Page. Tuir mai klik Page → Paper Format tuir
nececidade A4 (ba Style : default)
2) Muda ba pajina daruak, klik Format → Page → Oganizer. Iha Name : First Page
ho Next Style : left page. Depois regula paper Format hanesan Tabloid (ba Style :
First Style).
3) Muda ba pajina datoluk, difini Next Style no paper Format hanesan pasu ba pasu
iha leten.
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 15
Ilustrasaun 7: Footnote
Prenxe numeru pajina iha Header ou Footer
1.10. Prenxe numeru pajina iha Header ou Footer
1) Numeru Pajina dahuluk la hahu ho numeru 1
 klik insert → Header ou Footer (atu koloka numeru pajina nian)
 klik Insert → Fields → Other → Variabels. hili Set Page, Selectioan : On
Offsefft : 14 ( numeru pajina depois nuberu nebe iha) klik Insert
 klik Show Page Variabel → As page style → Insert
 Pajina sei hahu depois de numeru 14
2) Formatu pajina ho numeru 1 to'o 20
 Klik Insert → Header ou Footer
 Muda pointer mause ba Header ou Footer, antes hakerek numeru pajina
 klik Insert → Field → Page Number (sei mosu numeru iha pajina nia sorin)
 Number → ketik “To'o” no ikus liu klik Insert → Page Count
 Numeru Pajina ho Formatu pajina 1 to'o 20
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 16
Ilustrasaun 8: Orden Pajina Diferensia
1.11. Indise
Indise nia funsaun atu buka informasaun sira iha parte dokumentus nian. Indise hanesan
lista ida nebe enjeral atu hamosu lista pajina nian nebe mk iha titlu, kapitulu, sub kapitulu
nian no seluktan. Indise bele halo manual maibe la efetivu, tamba presiza tempu nebe mak
kleur. Ho fasilidade indexes maka Indise sei halo ho automatika no bele maneja ho fasil.
➢ Halo Indise
 Blokia testu titulu nebe mak atu hao Indise, exemplu “Kapitulu 1 : Inisiu ”
 Hili menu Insert → Indexes and Tables → Entry
 Iha Insert Index/Entry iha parte nebe tenki hili mak hanesan : Selection
Index → Table of Contents
Entry → Level “Kapitulu 1 : Inisiu” sei mosu automatika
Level : “1”, funsaun atu fo informasaun ba Titulu, kapitulu no seluktan.
Level : “2”, funsaun atu fo informasaun ba sub kapitulu sira.
Level : “3”, funsaun atu fo informasaun ba titulu, sub-sub kapitulu no seluk
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 17
Ilustrasaun 9: Entry Indise
Aleinde ida ne'e bele maneja tuir titulu, kapitulu, sub kapitulu seluk ho
prosesu nebe hanesan.
Parte titulu no kapitulu nebe hatama ona, mak nia kor sei sai “malahuk”
Parte Apply All Similar Texts : wainhira la vistu mak sei mosu titulu deit,
klik ba Insert depois klik Close.
 Muda kursor ba pajina nebe mak atu tau Indise. Hili menu Insert → Indexes
and Table : Type → “Table of Contents, depois utilizador bele troka Title
husi Table of Contents sai Indise depois klik OK.
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 18
Ilustrasaun 10: Halo Indise
Ilustrasaun 11: Rezultado Halo Indise
LibreOffice CALC
2. LibreOffice CALC
2.1. Introdusaun LibreOffice Calc
Aplikasaun Office iha Open Source barak tebes maibe, ida nebe diak liu mak Iha aplikasaun LibreOffice nia laran iha fasilidade nebe uza hodi konta
mak hanesan LibreOffice calc ou bele dehan calc.. Calc nebe mak lao iha windows ho
Linux bele konfia atu halo prosessu ba konta. Ba Utilizador Exel, klaru sei la dificil atu
halo migrasaun ba calc maibe calc laos exel. Maibe iha buat seluk nebe lahanesan iha nia
interface no nia syntax.
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 19
Ilustrasaun 12: LibreOffice Calc
Introdusaun LibreOffice Calc
Calc mai husi elementu LibreOffice. aplikasaun ida nee hanesan Office nebe mai
husi Open Source no nia versaun too ona 3.5. Calc hanesan aplikasaun Spread
Sheet, hanesan mos Exel iha Ms.Office. Aplikasauun nee bele halao iha linux no
windows, tamba aplikasaun nee Free Open Source (Libre). Atu hetan aplikasaun
ida nee bele download iha website
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 20
LibreOffice IMPRESS
3. LibreOffice IMPRESS
3.1. Introdusaun LibreOffice Impress
LibreOffice Impress hanesan aplikasaun Office nebe uja atu halo apresentasaun ba
dokumentu ruma.
Aplikasaun Impress hanesan ho PowerPoint, dokumentus PowerPoint nebe antes nee halo
ona aprezentasaun bele loke iha LibreOffice Impress, tamba Janela LibreOffice Impress
barak mak atu hanesan Ms. PwerPoint. Funsaun janela nebe mak iha LibreOffice Impress
mak hanesan tuir mai nee :
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 21
Ilustrasaun 13: LibreOffice Impress
Introdusaun LibreOffice Impress
1 New Atu kria dokumentus Impress foun
2 Open Atu loke File apresentasaun nebe iha tia ona
3 Save Atu Rai dokumentu Impress
4 Edit dokumen Atu Hadia ou edita dokumentus
5 Export directly to PDF Explorasaun File impress ba PDF
6 Print File derictly Atu imprime file
7 Cut,Copy,Paste Atu Tesi, kopia, paste fali teks ka objectu.
8 Undo,Redo Atu Hapara ka hamosu fila fali textu
9 Chart Atu halo grafiku
10 Table Atu halo tabela
11 Hyperlink dialog Atu prense link ba web,email no documentu seluk
12 Navigator Atu hamosu navigator ho nia komponentu sira.
13 Zoom Atu halo bo'ot ka halo kiik slide.
14 Help Ajuda
15 Slide Atu hamosu textu (slide)
16 Style and formatting Janela nebe uja hodi maneja formatu slide.
17 Arrows Halo buat hirak hanesan rama
18 Line Style,line width,line color Maneja/regula linha
19 Area style Maneja/regula kor iha fatin nebe identifika
20 Rectangle Atu halo tipu bloku
21 Ellipse Atu halo tipu sirkulo
22 Text Atu halo tipu bloku textu
23 Curves Atu halo kurva nakloke,taka,poligon, no seluktan
24 Connector Linha kordenasaun entre objetu ida ho objetu seluk
25 Basic Shapes Kria modelu
26 Symbol shape Kria simbolu
27 Block arrows Halo tipo modelu rama
28 Flowchart Kria flowchart
29 Callouts Kria callouts
30 Start Kria modelu fitun
31 Fontwork galery Modifika letra
32 From File Aumenta objetu husi file
33 Gallery Hamosu objetu apresentasaun nebe bele importa ba
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 22
Introdusaun LibreOffice Impress
iha dokumnetu
34 Rotate Rotasaun ba posisaun objetu
35 Allignment Funsaun hodi halo textu nia formatu hanesan Align
Left, Centered, Align Rigth, Justified
36 Arrange Maneja posisaun obejetu
37 Interaction Maneja interasaun entre objetu ho mouse
Tabela 2: Lista Menu Husi LibreOffice Impress
3.2. Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun
1) Kria apresentasaun foun
kria dokumentus aprezentasaun ho libreOffice impres bele halao tuir maneira
hirak nee :
 klik ba iha Menu → Application → LibreOffice Impress
 Waihira loke Libreoffice nebe deit,bele klik iha menu File → Wizards→
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 23
Ilustrasaun 14: Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun Husi Wizards
Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun
 Mosu dialogu autopilot
◦ Empty presentation : halo apresentasaun foun husi monitoria mamuk.
◦ From template : halo apresentasaun foun husi template nebe iha tia ona
◦ Open existing presentation : halao serisu nebe iha halo tia ona antes karik ita
klik next mak sei mosu dialogu “slide-design, hili ida nebe ita interese, klik
next atu halao ka direta klik “Create” atu direta halo aprsentasaun.
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 24
Ilustrasaun 15: Dialogu Autopilot
Ilustrasaun 16: Hili Slide Design
Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun
 Karik ita klik next, mak sei mosu dialogu “slide transition”. Effect no Speed
halo atu maneja animasaun wainhira mudansa slide.
 klik “Create” atu hakotu autpilot.
 Ou bele mos loke Libreoffice nebe deit, bele klik iha retanglu kiik iha sorin
icon New→ Presentation, automatikamente bele ona loke LibreOffice
Impress hodi kria dokumentus apresentasaun foun. Bele hare iha ilustrasaun
okos nee:
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 25
Ilustrasaun 17: Hili Slide Transition
Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun
Hafoin klik iha Presentation sei mosu hanesan ilustrasaun iha okos.
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 26
Ilustrasaun 18: Dalan Seluk Loke
LibreOffice Impress
Ilustrasaun 19: Janela LibreOffice Impress
Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun
2) Hatama Slide foun
Atu hatama slide klik Insert → Slide tab “new slide” hamosu iha parte kraik
workspace. klik ba tab ida atu hamosu slide nebe tuir hakarak.
3) Slide Views
Iha 4 tipo Slide Views :
1. Normal : hatudu Edit apresentasaun laran modelu original
2. Outline View : hatudu titulu-titulu tipoku fo slide-slide apresentasaun,atu Edit no
maneja slide ho strutura fila fali riska liur
3. Notes View : kobre notas ekstra nebe la hare wainhira hatudu apresentasaun .
Slide shorter : iha laran lista slide nebe halo tia ona.
4) Formatu Pajina
Atu fomatu pajina, klik Format → Page. ho dialogu nebe mosu, ita hetan troka
formatu, orentasaun no margin.
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Ilustrasaun 20: Halo Slide Foun
Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun
5) Halao Slide
Atu hatudu slide apresentasaun :
 Hili Slide Show → Slide Show atu komesa slide show.
 Uja butaun rama/arrow keys atu hatudu slide tuir fali mai ka fila ba slide
antes. Ita mos klik mouse ka hanehan spacebar atu hatudu slide depois.
 Wahinra slide ikus mosu, mensajen “Click to exit” sei mosu. klik mouse ka
hanehan arbiru butaun atu sai.
3.3. Maneja Modelu
1) Hatama Testu
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Ilustrasaun 21: Halo Formatu Pajina
Maneja Modelu
2) Halo Bulletted/Numbered Lists
Atu halo testu ho Bullet ka Numbering, hili Auto Layout ida nebe iha Numbered
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Ilustrasaun 22: Halo Testu Iha LibreOffice Impress
Klik ba icon TEXT,
depois Drag too mosu textbox
Ilustrasaun 24: Hili Auto
Ilustrasaun 23: Ilustra Auto Layout Nebe Iha Numbered List
Maneja Modelu
Atu halo formatu ba tipo Bullet nian, klik Format → Bullet and Numbering, depois hili
style ne'ebe mak ita gosta, klik Ok.
• Hanehan Shift + Enter iha Keyboard atu komesa Alinea foun.
• Klik Tab atu halo sub point
3) Troka Background Slide
Tuir mai etapa ba oinsa troka Background Slide nian:
 Hili Format → Page. Iha Page setup nia laran sei mosu tab rua mak hanesa
page no background.
 Klik ba iha Tab Background
 Maneija setting ba iha nia background tuir ita hakarak, depois klik Ok.
3.4. Transisaun no Animasaun Slide
Effect animasaun sei fo nia variasaun rasik iha presentasaun nian. Iha ne'e mos ita nia
apresentasaun sei profesional liu tan e mos amenta nia valor ba materia sira, ita mos bele
halo mudansa ba nia slide-slide presentasaun, tempu ou mos effect husi slide apresentasaun
ne'e rasik.
1) Transisaun Entre Slide
Slide animasaun ita bele hare iha Task Pane | Slide Transition, para atu kria
animasaun wainhira slide sira ne'e halo mudansa ba slide seluk.
a. Effect Mudansa entre slide
Iha Task Pane, hili Slide Transition. Iha modus Slide pane ou Slide sorter,
hili slide ne'ebe mak ita hakarak atu aplika slide ne'ebe ita hili ona wainhira
slide sira ne'e muda ba slide seluk. Kuandu ita hakarak effect mudansa ba
slide sira hotu ne'ebe mak iha, ita la persija halo'o seleksaun ida, ita hili deit
effect transition ida noa aplika hotu ba slide sira ne'ebe mak iha hanesan
dezenu iha sorin ne'e. Ita mos bele Customize tia effect ba iha modifikasaun
transition nian, iha parte ida ita mos amenta ou hamenus slide nia lais sira no
mos effect voice nian. Se ita hakarak atu nia effect voice kontinua nafatin, fo
sinal (√) iha parte Loop until next sound. Klik buttaun Apply to all slides,
atu aplika setting slides sira ne'ebe ita hakarak. Hanehan butaun Play atu halo
fali revisaun ba effect animasaun sira ne'ebe ita halo'o tiha ona ne'e. Hanehan
butaun Slide show atu nune'e bele komesa hare hotu kedas slides sira ne'ebe
mak ita kria ona.
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
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Transisaun no Animasaun Slide
b. Halakon effect transisaun slide,
Hili slide ne'ebe mak ita determina depois klik ba opsaun No Transition iha
parte List slide transition iha Task Pane nian.
c. Hahu Effect animasaun.
Iha maneira oin tolu mak bele uja hodi halao effect animasaun:
 Primeiro, On Click. Effect animasaun sei para tia no sei komesa fali
wainhira ita klik nia mouse.
 Segundu, With previous. Effect animasaun sei lao dala ida ho effect
animasaun ne'ebe iha ona.
 Terceiro, After previous. Effect animasaun mos sei lao dala ida antes
effect animasaun ida uluk atu hotu.
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Ilustrasaun 25: Janela
Transisaun no Animasaun
Transisaun no Animasaun Slide
2) Fo Effect Animasaun
Tuir mai etapa oinsa atu amenta effect animasaun ba iha slides:
 Kria Text/ dokumentus ba apresentasaun slide
 Blok tia Text refere, hili Menu depois Task Pane (Label 1) ou slide show |
custom animation
 Klik add (label 2) atu amenta nia animasaun, klik Entrance no hili nia tipo
animasaun (label 3). iha textu apresentasaun ita mos bele maneija oinsa atu
troka nia ko'or wainhira mosu iha nia slide, klik Emphasis no hili nia tipo e
mos ba nia modifikasaun kolorido ba texto nian.
Atu komesa nia animasaun ba iha nia Textu wainhira ita atu halao, bele maneija
iha animasi nia setting ne rasik tuir ita nia hakarak. Exemplo Klik Start hili
On Click (label 4) Direction hili Vertical (label 5), Speed hili Very fast
(label 6) no ba iha label 7 sei mosu nia deskripsaun kona ba animasaun ne'ebe
mak ita kria wainhira ita halao.
 Klik Play atu hare ou halo revisaun ba animasaun Textu ne'e rasik e slide
show sei hatudu total husi animasaun Textu ne rasik.
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Ilustrasaun 26: Janeila Custom Animation
Transisaun no Animasaun Slide
3.5. Print Dokumentus Apresentasaun
1) Print Dokumentus
Atu print dokumentus, Impress iha opsaun balu mak hanesan print slide ida kada
pajina, print notas, outline, tempu no data e mos iha opsaun balu seluk sira.
 Setting ida ne'e ita bele halo liu husi Menu File → Print atu hatu box dialog
print nian.
 Ba iha opsaun balu mak ita hakarak uja hodi print dokumentus bele hili iha
Option karuk okos. Tuir mai opsaun ba ita atu uja hodi prin dokumentus
apresentasaun nian:
1. Quality
• Default, opsaun ida ne'e ita uja hodi print dokumentus tuir nia
default. Iha opsaun ida ne'e ita sei prin tuir kolorido ne'ebe tau ona
iha slide apresentasaun sira.
• Grayscale, iha opsaun ida ne'e ita sei print ho kolorido ida deit ou
laiha kolorido
• Black & white sei print dokumentus ho nia kolorido Mutin, metan
no grayscale maibe sei la print letra ne'ebe mak ho kolorido seluk.
2. Print
• Page name, wainhira print sei sai mos pajina nia naran iha slide
• Date, wainhira print, sei sai mos nia data ba pajina slide ida-idak
• Tempu mos sei sai iha slide ida-idak nian.
• Hidden pages mos sei print pajina ne'ebe mak fo sinal ona (mark)
Hidden ba iha slide apresentasaun nian.
3. Page Option
• Default, sei print tuir nia size default nian.
• Fit to Page, sei print tuir size suratahan nian, karik size slide nian
kiik liu, nune'e mos print sai mai sei tuir size suratahan nian.
• Tile Pages, sei karik iha slides balu mak kiik liu, nune'e wainhira
print sei sai hamutuk iha suratahan ida deit.
• Brochure, sei print tuir modelu brochure nian.
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Print Dokumentus Apresentasaun
 Klik Page Setting, ba pajina ou suratahan nia setting ita bele maneija iha ne'e.
Dokumentus apresentasaun husi pajina slides sira ita bele print iha suratahan
ida nia laran.
 Atu maneija setting ba size suratahan nian, klik iha properties
 Iha opsaun Job, ita bele maneija priodade lista dokumentus importante ou
cancela printing dokumentus iha tempu saida deit.
 Ba resolusaun imagen nian mos bele maneija iha Printout Mode.
 Opsaun ikus mak Wide Option (General) ne'ebe mak maneija kona ba slides
nia printout mode, brightness, contrast no selu-seluk tan.
2) Export Dokumentus apresentasaun ba formatu seluk
a. Export File Dokumentus LibreOffice ba PDF (Portable Document
LibreOffice iha nia fasilidade atu export File ou dokumentus ruma ba iha
Portable Document Format ou ba-bain ema bolu PDF. Fasilidade ida ne'e
automaticamente integra hamutuk ona ho LibreOffice wainhira halo
instalasaun sistema nian, ho nune'e la persija tan atu halo instalasaun tan ba
PDF nian. Ita bele halo kontrolo ba fasilidade ida ne'e liu husi nia kualidade no
mos proteksaun ba dokumentus.
b. Export File Dokumentus Ne'ebe Labele Kontrolu
Maneira ida mak simple no lais liu atu save File dokumentus, klik deit iha icon
iha toolbar ho nia setting default nanis.
c. Export File Dokumentus Ne'ebe Kontrolu
Maneira ida ne'e hanesa save setting /export File dokumentus ba PDF ho
kontoladu, porexemplu hanesan page setting ne'ebe mak export ba PDF, setting
ba kompress imagen e mos nia password ba dokumentus sira.
Tuir mai etapa oinsa atu export dokumentu ba PDF ho kontroladu:
Klik Menu File → Export as PDF hodi nune'e sei mosu fali janela opsaun
PDF nian, iha ne'eba iha opsaun 5 mak ho nia funsaun ne'ebe lahanesan no
bele defini tuir nescecidade.
1. Parte General iha opsaun hira mak hanesan Range, Image no General.
a) Opsaun Range
Atu Defini pajinas sira ne'ebe mak atu export ba PDF. All,
iha parte katak sei export hotu dokumentus sira ba PDF.
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Print Dokumentus Apresentasaun
Page, pajina balu deit mak expor ba PDF. Selection, sei
export hotu dokumentus ne'ebe mak seleksionadu ona.
b) Opsaun Images
Iha parte ne mos defini nia kualidade hodi export ba PDF
Lossless compression, no image ne'ebe mak export ba PDF
nia kualidade sei hanesan ho imagen original no ita hare sei
furak nafatin maibe iha formatu PDF ne'e nia imagen sei
boot liu fali.
JPEG Compression, oinsa maneija imagen nia kualidade tuir
nescidade iha PDF. Kualidade imagen sei menus maibe bele
halo presaun ba nia size.
Reduce Image resolution hodi hamenus DPI (Dots Per Inch)
ba nia imagen original iha File PDF. Iha ne'e kualidade
imagen sei sai menus.
c) Opsaun General
Tagged PDF, iha ne'e PDF prepara mos tag-tag sira. Iha mos
tag ne'ebe mak utiliza hodi export contekstu, hyperlinks no
controls, maibe opsaun ida ne''e bele amenta size File nian.
Export Notes, export notas iha dokumentus writer ou Calc
hanesan notas PDF.
Export Bookmarks, export heading hanesa Bookmark PDF.
Create PDF Form, Submit Format.
Export automatically inserted blank pages, iha parte ne'e
impress la utiliza opsaun ida ne'e.
Create hybrid File, oinsa halo'o File hybrid.
2. Parte Initial Views. Parte ida ne'e funsaun atu halo'o inisializasaun
oinsa File sira bele le'e iha PDF Viewer. Opsaun ida ne'e compostu
husi Panes, Magnification no Page Layout.
3. Parte User Interface. Maneija setting waihira File ne'e atu loke iha
PDF viewer. Iha opsaun balu importante los ba File balu ne'ebe mak sei
utiliza hanesan File apresentasaun ou display.
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Page 35
Print Dokumentus Apresentasaun
a) Opsain Window options
• Resize window to initial page, jeneila PDF viewer sei
adjust pajina File nia size tuir PDF nian.
• Center window on screen, janeila PDF viewer
otomatikamente sei muda nia posisaun ba iha klaran.
• Open in full screen mode, janeila PDF viewer
otomatikamente sei loke modus fullscreen
• Display document title, janeila PDF viewer mos sei
hatudu titlo dokumentus iha parte tittle bar nian.
b) Parte User interface options
• Hide menu bar, janeila PDF viewer sei subar menu bar
• Hide toolbar, janeila PDF viewer sei subar toolbar
• Hide window controls, janeila PDF viewer sei subar
control windows, inclui mos effect husi mudansa slide
impress nian.
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Ilustrasaun 27: Janeila User Interface
Print Dokumentus Apresentasaun
4. Parte Links
Ne'ebe mak ho nia funsaun atu maneija link dokumentus crossly.
5. Parte Security
Iha parte bele maneija ho nia password atu halo enkripsaun ba
dokument PDF. File PDF ne'ebe mak uza ona password so bele loke
kuandu uja password permission. Ema se deit bele le'e File PDF ne'e
maibe ho nia limitasaun tamba uza password atu aktiva File PDF ne'e.
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
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Ilustrasaun 28: Janeila Links
1. Blog :
2. Blog :
3. Modul : Linux Fundamental and Libre Office : FICOS Universitas 11 Maret
Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email :
Page 38

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Modul mata dalan_libre_office_v1

  • 2. EKIPA DEZEMVOLVE MODUL EKIPA DEZEMVOLVE MODUL Mata Dalan Linux Edisaun Dahuluk Responsabel Geral Lino Rogeiro Ekipa Hakerek: Agustinho Pereira Carlito Lopes de Castro Domingos da C. F. Cardoso Domingos da Silva Norbertino Napoleão Marques Salvador da Costa Oliveira Editor: Adelino Dos Santos Tradusaun: Ekipa Tradusan FONGTIL & TOSC Layout & Cover Eligio Moniz do Rego Ekipa Dezemvolve Modul Forum NGO Timor Leste (FONGTIL), Rua Caicoli Dili, Timor-Leste Website : / E-mail : Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : i
  • 3. PREFASIU PREFASIU Modul ida nee hanesan Mata Dalan ba utilizador komputador (computer user) sira neebe mak iha interese atu aprende kona ba Software Livre. Livre signifika Livre halo mudifikasaun, Livre halo distribuisaun & Livre hodi halo copia no menus hetan virus komputador. Membru sira nebe'e durante ne'e halo gastu makas iha manutensaun komputador software livre bele hanesan meus alternativu hodi hamenus no suporta diak liu tan serbisu administrasaun membru ONGs nian loro-loron. Informasaun sira mak hakerek iha modul ida nee foti hosi esperiensia implementasaun Software Livre. Modul ida nee hanesan kontribuisaun husi Forum ONG Timor-leste (FONGTIL) & Comunidade Software Livre iha Timor-Leste oin nusa bele aselera sosializasaun Software Livre iha Timor-Leste tanba nee sei presiza ema hotu nia kontribuisaun hodi hadia diak liu tan, ho nunee karik iha hanoin ruma ne’ebe konstrutivu hodi aumenta, muda no hadia diak liu tan kontiudu husi modul ida nee imi nia hanoin, ideias, sujestaun hanesan kontribuisaun boot tebes ba desenvolvimentu konseitu Software Livre iha Timor-Leste. Hare ba importansia hodi desenvolve kapasitasaun Sofware Livre nebe'e minimu tebes iha Timor Leste, ho nune'e Forum ONG Timor-leste (FONGTIL) liu husi Divisaun MST/IT servisu hamutuk ho Timor-Leste Open Source Community (TOSC) no hetan apoiu financeira hosi SEFOPE no Plan Internasional hodi hakerek no produs modul ida nee. Ami mos konsidera katak modul ida nee hanesan pasu inisiu hodi dezenvolve Software Livre iha Timor Leste. Ho hamosu modul ida ne'e ita espera bele utiliza hodi hakbiit no enkoraja Juventude, Estudantes, Sosiadade Sivil no Gubernu hodi aprende & partisipa ativa liu tan iha dezenvolvimentu Teknologia Informasaun & Komunikasaun(TIK) liu-liu iha area hakbiit & haforsa desenvolvimentu Software Livre iha Timor-Leste. Ami rekonyese katak modul ida ne'e seidauk kompletu no iha linguazem ruma mak sidauk iha standarizasaun maibe maluk sira hotu bele hato'o imi nia ideias, sujestaun, no kritika hodi desenvolve diak liu tan modul ne'e iha futuru. Ikus liu ami la haluha hato'o obrigado barak ba ema hotu mak fo ona kontribuisaun boot tebes hodi hakerek no publika modul ida ne'e. Ikus liu mai ita hotu hamutuk desenvolve Software Livre iha Timor-Leste ho motto desenvolvimento “Karik Laos Ita Se Tan, Karik Laos Agora Bainhira Tan” Dili, 3 Dezembro 2012 Arsenio Pereira da Silva Director Executivo FONGTIL Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : ii
  • 4. OBJETIVO TREINAMENTU OBJETIVO TREINAMENTU Deskripsaun Modul treinamentu nee uza aplikasaun LibreOffice 3.5. Modul nee hakerek ho lian TETUN ho materia nebe maka atu diskute maka konhesementu baziku LibreOffice. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : iii
  • 5. INDISE INDISE EKIPA DEZEMVOLVE MODUL....................................................................................i PREFASIU..................................................................................................................ii OBJETIVO TREINAMENTU.......................................................................................iii INDISE.......................................................................................................................iv LISTA TABELA............................................................................................................v LISTA 1. LibreOffice Writer....................................................................................................7 1.1. Prosesu Hahu Uza LibreOffice Writer..............................................................7 1.2. Muda formatu Documentus LibreOffice ba PDF............................................10 1.3. Loke Dokumentus.........................................................................................10 1.4. Taka Dokumentus .........................................................................................10 1.5. Formatu Pajina Dokumentus.........................................................................11 1.6. Regula Pajina Organizer................................................................................11 1.7. Hatama Numeru Pajina ................................................................................14 1.8. Foodnote Ho Endnote...................................................................................14 1.9. Formatu Pajina Diferente...............................................................................15 1.10. Prenxe numeru pajina iha Header ou Footer...............................................16 1.11. Indise ..........................................................................................................17 2. LibreOffice CALC..................................................................................................19 2.1. Introdusaun LibreOffice Calc.........................................................................19 3. LibreOffice IMPRESS ...........................................................................................21 3.1. Introdusaun LibreOffice Impress....................................................................21 3.2. Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun.................................................................23 3.3. Maneja Modelu..............................................................................................28 3.4. Transisaun no Animasaun Slide....................................................................30 3.5. Print Dokumentus Apresentasaun.................................................................33 Referensia................................................................................................................38 Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : iv
  • 6. LISTA TABELA LISTA TABELA Tabela 1: Icon Toolbar.................................................................................................8 Tabela 2: Lista Menu Husi LibreOffice Impress.........................................................22 Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : v
  • 7. LISTA ILUSTRASAUN LISTA ILUSTRASAUN Ilustrasaun 1: LibreOffice Word Processor..................................................................6 Ilustrasaun 2: Dialog box nebe mosu wainhira sedauk save ba dokumentus nebe mak atu taka...........................................................................................10 Ilustrasaun 3: Formatu Pajina Organizer...................................................................11 Ilustrasaun 4: Formatu Pajina Documentu................................................................12 Ilustrasaun 5: Formatu ba Header............................................................................13 Ilustrasaun 6: Formatu ba Footer..............................................................................13 Ilustrasaun 7: Footnote.............................................................................................14 Ilustrasaun 8: Orden Pajina Diferensia......................................................................15 Ilustrasaun 9: Entry Indise........................................................................................16 Ilustrasaun 10: Halo Indise.......................................................................................17 Ilustrasaun 11: Rezultado Halo Indise.......................................................................17 Ilustrasaun 12: LibreOffice Calc................................................................................18 Ilustrasaun 13: LibreOffice Impress...........................................................................20 Ilustrasaun 14: Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun Husi Wizards...............................22 Ilustrasaun 15: Dialogu Autopilot...............................................................................23 Ilustrasaun 16: Hili Slide Design...............................................................................23 Ilustrasaun 17: Hili Slide Transition...........................................................................24 Ilustrasaun 18: Dalan Seluk Loke LibreOffice Impress..............................................25 Ilustrasaun 19: Janela LibreOffice Impress...............................................................25 Ilustrasaun 20: Halo Slide Foun................................................................................26 Ilustrasaun 21: Halo Formatu Pajina.........................................................................27 Ilustrasaun 22: Halo Testu Iha LibreOffice Impress...................................................28 Ilustrasaun 23: Ilustra Auto Layout Nebe Iha Numbered List....................................28 Ilustrasaun 24: Hili Auto Layout.................................................................................28 Ilustrasaun 25: Janela Transisaun no Animasaun.....................................................30 Ilustrasaun 26: Janeila Custom Animation................................................................31 Ilustrasaun 27: Janeila User Interface.......................................................................35 Ilustrasaun 28: Janeila Links.....................................................................................36 Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : vi
  • 8. 1. LibreOffice Writer 1.1. Prosesu Hahu Uza LibreOffice Writer Atu hahu uza LibreOffice 3.5 klik iha Menu, Application → Office → LibreOffice Writer mak sei mosu hanesan ilustra tuir mai nee : Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 7 Ilustrasaun 1: LibreOffice Word Processor
  • 9. Prosesu Hahu Uza LibreOffice Writer 1. Pulldown Menu LibreOffice Writer mak hanesan tuir mai nee: a) Menu File, mak hanesan menu – menu nebe liga ho operasaun File sira nebe hanesan SAVE File (rai domentus), loke domentus, explora ba File PDF, nebe atu halo imprime husi rezultadu File sira. b) Menu Edit, mak menu – menu nebe iha ligasaun ho edita ba lia fuan ruma nebe lalos c) Menu View, mak menu – menu nebe iha relasaun ho ilustrasaun. d) Menu Format, mak iha relasaun ho nia formatu dokumentus nebe iha. e) Menu Table, mak menu – menu nebe iha relasaun ho tabela ba dokumentus sira, para ita utiliza hodi halo tabela. f) Menu Tools, mak menu nebe utiliza hodi hadia dokumentus sira. g) Menu Windows, mak menu nebe uza atu regula ba janela aplikasaun LibreOffice nian. Menu Help, mak hodi utiliza atu ajuda ba aplikasaun LibreOffice nian 2. Icon Toolbar ba default LibreOffice mak: Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 8
  • 10. Prosesu Hahu Uza LibreOffice Writer Ilustra Icon Deskripsaun Icon toolbar atu kria, loke, rai dokumentus no haruka email. Icon toolbar atu exporta File ba formatu PDF, Print, Print Preview no korize lia fuan ruma nebe lalos. Icon sira nee funsaun atu Cut, Copy, Paste dokumentus ho formatu textu. Undo no Redo funsaun atu halo kanselamentu ba aktividades/ instrusaun Funsaun atu halo link, halo table, hamosu nia drawing, find no replace Funsaun hanesan navigasaun, (navigator, loke gallery, hare nia karakter nebe la mosu no hare dokumentus) Stiles no Formatting mak target ba Formatu nebe ita uza Funsaun atu hili formatu letra no medida nebe mak atu uza Funsaun atu fo efektu Bold, Italic no Underline ba textu nebe iha. Funsaun hodi halo textu nia formatu hanesan Align Left, Centered, Align Rigth, Justified Ajuda tau numero ba lista paragrafu no nia Indise Tabela 1: Icon Toolbar Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 9
  • 11. Prosesu Hahu Uza LibreOffice Writer 3. Icon Toolbar ba default LibreOffice mak: a) Cut (Control+X) = Hasai ka tesi sai lia fuan ruma nebe la relevante b) Copy (Control+C) = Copia textu c) Paste (Control+V) = Paste textu nebe ita copia d) Undo (Control+Z) = Fila fali ba edita dahuluk e) Redo (Control+Y) = Hamosu fali edita nebe ita halakon f) Save (Control+S) = Rai dokumentus g) Open (Control+O) = Loke Documentus h) New (Control+N) = Pajina foun 1.2. Muda formatu Documentus LibreOffice ba PDF LibreOffice nia fasilidade exporta conpativilidade ba formatu Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF sai hanesan formatu standarte dokumentus nebe bele uza ba teknologia informasaun. Prosesu atu halo ekportasaun mak tuir mai nee; • Ba iha menu File hili Export as PDF ou; • Klik ba icon toolbar PDF (Eksport Directly as PDF) 1.3. Loke Dokumentus Atu loke dokumentus nebe ita rai tiha ona bele halao liu husi maneira hirak tuir mai nee; • Ba iha menu File depois hili Open, • Klik Open iha icon toolbar direktori • Kombinasaun butaun Ctrl+O iha keyboard 1.4. Taka Dokumentus Atu taka domentus nebe rai tiha ona, bele halao ho maneira tuir mai nee; • Ba iha menu File depois hili Close (taka domentus nebe aktivu) • Bele mos ba iha menu File depois hili Exit. (taka tomak dokumentus no sai husi Aplikasaun LibreOffice Writer). Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 10
  • 12. Taka Dokumentus • Selae liu husi kombinasaun butaun Ctrl + Q iha keyboard. Wainhira dokumentus nebe ita taka mak nia sedauk rai, sei mosu opsaun ba konfirmasaun hanesan Save (rai dokumentus), Discard (taka maibe la rai) no Cancel (kansela ba domentus nebe ita atu taka). Bele hare ilustra iha kraik nee; 1.5. Formatu Pajina Dokumentus Wainhira utilizador atu kria dokumentus ruma, buat nebe importante no presija atu prepara mak regula pajina nebe atu uza, exemplu hare nia medida surat tahan, regula nia Header/Footer, Footnote, Colum no seluktan. Atu maneija formatu pajina dokumentus nian, klik iha menu Format hili Page. nebe mosu Page Style, kompostu husi ; Organizer, Page, Background, Header, Footer, Borders, Columns no Footnote . 1.6. Regula Pajina Organizer ➢ Tab Organizer Iha parte Organizer compostu husi Name, Next Style, no Category. Funsaun ida nee atu defini formatu ba pajina nebe tuir mai. Dokumentus pajina ida ho seluk iha formatu nebe hanesan husi causa manajementu Next Style nebe hanesan. Tuir estandarija pajina nebe sempre uza Next Style ho naran “Default”, bele hare iha ilustra 3. Style ativu ho naran “Default” no style tuir mai ho naran “Default”, signifika katak kada pajina 1 ho 2 uza formatu hanesan. Karik hakarak hadia kada pajina ho nia formatu nebe diferente , exemplo pajina 1 ho formatu A4, ba pajina 2 formatu Tabloid no pajina 3 ho formatu Letter. Ida nee fasil atu maneija, hili deit Next Style (kada pajina labele hanesan) nebe mak uza atu regula formatu pajina tuir dokumentus nebe ita presija. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 11 Ilustrasaun 2: Dialog box nebe mosu wainhira sedauk save ba dokumentus nebe mak atu taka
  • 13. Regula Pajina Organizer ➢ Tab Page Tab Page nia funsaun atu regula medida suratahan ou pajina, Margin no Layout pajina. Iha opsaun oin-oin medida suratahan, nebe mak sei hili tuir hakarak. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 12 Ilustrasaun 3: Formatu Pajina Organizer
  • 14. Regula Pajina Organizer ➢ Tab Background Iha Tab Ida nee atu regula koor background ida nebe atu uza, nebe aplika ba pajina hotu iha dokumentus nia laran. ➢ Regula Header no Footer Header hanesan area ida nebe atu uza hodi koloka field hanesan informasaun iha pajina nia leten, enkuamtu footer hanesan mos header maibe koloka iha pajina nia okos. Iha Header ou Footer Utilizador bele priense nomeru pajina, titlu kapitulu naran autor no seluktan. Atu ativu Header ou Footer klik iha menu Format → Page → Page Style depois hili ba iha tab Footer ou Header. Ativu tiha Header ou Footer hodi maneja. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 13 Ilustrasaun 4: Formatu Pajina Documentu
  • 15. Regula Pajina Organizer 1.7. Hatama Numeru Pajina Atu monta numeru pajina dokumentu iha parte kraik. Pasu primeiru atu ativu Footer hili menu Insert → Footer → Default nee para mosu kaixa iha parte kraik dokumentu nian. Tama iha area, depois hili menu Insert → Field → Page Number. 1.8. Foodnote Ho Endnote Footnote mak hanesan nota esplikasaun husi textu dokumentu nebe iha kedas okos no geralmente iha pajina ida ho pajina seluk ita ativu ona Footnote. Footnote hanesan forma numeru ou karakter ho posisaun superscript iha sorin los teks nebe iha. Endnote atu hanesan mos footnote, maibe iha endnote textu hakerek iha ikus liu. Atu uza Footnote ou Endnote muda kursor ba parte los textu dokumentus depois klik menu Insert → Footnote depois sei mosu imajem tuir mai. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 14 Ilustrasaun 5: Formatu ba Header Ilustrasaun 6: Formatu ba Footer
  • 16. Foodnote Ho Endnote Ilustarsaun iha leten Footnote sei default “Automatic” hanesan numeru nebe sei hahu husi numeru 1 no resultadu sei aumenta ba footnote tuir mai. Hili buat seluk hanesan karakter ida nebe hatama hanesan manual exemplu hahu husi “10” ou uza karakter letra “a”. Atu hatama karakter nebe espesifiku ba Footnote atu halao hodi hili textu iha pajina nia okos. Iha parte Type deside Footnote ou Endnote, klik Ok, tuir mai sei mosu pajina atu hakerek textu Footnote nian. 1.9. Formatu Pajina Diferente Medida primeiro ba pajina nebe diferente mak hanesan A4, segundu tabloid no terceiro ENV#12. Pasu ba pasu mak hanesan tuir mai nee : 1) Iha pajina dahuluk klik Menu Format → Page → Organizer hili Name : Default ho Next Style : First Page. Tuir mai klik Page → Paper Format tuir nececidade A4 (ba Style : default) 2) Muda ba pajina daruak, klik Format → Page → Oganizer. Iha Name : First Page ho Next Style : left page. Depois regula paper Format hanesan Tabloid (ba Style : First Style). 3) Muda ba pajina datoluk, difini Next Style no paper Format hanesan pasu ba pasu iha leten. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 15 Ilustrasaun 7: Footnote
  • 17. Prenxe numeru pajina iha Header ou Footer 1.10. Prenxe numeru pajina iha Header ou Footer 1) Numeru Pajina dahuluk la hahu ho numeru 1  klik insert → Header ou Footer (atu koloka numeru pajina nian)  klik Insert → Fields → Other → Variabels. hili Set Page, Selectioan : On Offsefft : 14 ( numeru pajina depois nuberu nebe iha) klik Insert  klik Show Page Variabel → As page style → Insert  Pajina sei hahu depois de numeru 14 2) Formatu pajina ho numeru 1 to'o 20  Klik Insert → Header ou Footer  Muda pointer mause ba Header ou Footer, antes hakerek numeru pajina  klik Insert → Field → Page Number (sei mosu numeru iha pajina nia sorin)  Number → ketik “To'o” no ikus liu klik Insert → Page Count  Numeru Pajina ho Formatu pajina 1 to'o 20 Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 16 Ilustrasaun 8: Orden Pajina Diferensia
  • 18. Indise 1.11. Indise Indise nia funsaun atu buka informasaun sira iha parte dokumentus nian. Indise hanesan lista ida nebe enjeral atu hamosu lista pajina nian nebe mk iha titlu, kapitulu, sub kapitulu nian no seluktan. Indise bele halo manual maibe la efetivu, tamba presiza tempu nebe mak kleur. Ho fasilidade indexes maka Indise sei halo ho automatika no bele maneja ho fasil. ➢ Halo Indise  Blokia testu titulu nebe mak atu hao Indise, exemplu “Kapitulu 1 : Inisiu ”  Hili menu Insert → Indexes and Tables → Entry  Iha Insert Index/Entry iha parte nebe tenki hili mak hanesan : Selection Index → Table of Contents Entry → Level “Kapitulu 1 : Inisiu” sei mosu automatika Level : “1”, funsaun atu fo informasaun ba Titulu, kapitulu no seluktan. Level : “2”, funsaun atu fo informasaun ba sub kapitulu sira. Level : “3”, funsaun atu fo informasaun ba titulu, sub-sub kapitulu no seluk tan. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 17 Ilustrasaun 9: Entry Indise
  • 19. Indise Aleinde ida ne'e bele maneja tuir titulu, kapitulu, sub kapitulu seluk ho prosesu nebe hanesan. Parte titulu no kapitulu nebe hatama ona, mak nia kor sei sai “malahuk” Parte Apply All Similar Texts : wainhira la vistu mak sei mosu titulu deit, klik ba Insert depois klik Close.  Muda kursor ba pajina nebe mak atu tau Indise. Hili menu Insert → Indexes and Table : Type → “Table of Contents, depois utilizador bele troka Title husi Table of Contents sai Indise depois klik OK. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 18 Ilustrasaun 10: Halo Indise Ilustrasaun 11: Rezultado Halo Indise
  • 20. LibreOffice CALC 2. LibreOffice CALC 2.1. Introdusaun LibreOffice Calc Aplikasaun Office iha Open Source barak tebes maibe, ida nebe diak liu mak Iha aplikasaun LibreOffice nia laran iha fasilidade nebe uza hodi konta mak hanesan LibreOffice calc ou bele dehan calc.. Calc nebe mak lao iha windows ho Linux bele konfia atu halo prosessu ba konta. Ba Utilizador Exel, klaru sei la dificil atu halo migrasaun ba calc maibe calc laos exel. Maibe iha buat seluk nebe lahanesan iha nia interface no nia syntax. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 19 Ilustrasaun 12: LibreOffice Calc
  • 21. Introdusaun LibreOffice Calc Calc mai husi elementu LibreOffice. aplikasaun ida nee hanesan Office nebe mai husi Open Source no nia versaun too ona 3.5. Calc hanesan aplikasaun Spread Sheet, hanesan mos Exel iha Ms.Office. Aplikasauun nee bele halao iha linux no windows, tamba aplikasaun nee Free Open Source (Libre). Atu hetan aplikasaun ida nee bele download iha website Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 20
  • 22. LibreOffice IMPRESS 3. LibreOffice IMPRESS 3.1. Introdusaun LibreOffice Impress LibreOffice Impress hanesan aplikasaun Office nebe uja atu halo apresentasaun ba dokumentu ruma. Aplikasaun Impress hanesan ho PowerPoint, dokumentus PowerPoint nebe antes nee halo ona aprezentasaun bele loke iha LibreOffice Impress, tamba Janela LibreOffice Impress barak mak atu hanesan Ms. PwerPoint. Funsaun janela nebe mak iha LibreOffice Impress mak hanesan tuir mai nee : Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 21 Ilustrasaun 13: LibreOffice Impress
  • 23. Introdusaun LibreOffice Impress 1 New Atu kria dokumentus Impress foun 2 Open Atu loke File apresentasaun nebe iha tia ona 3 Save Atu Rai dokumentu Impress 4 Edit dokumen Atu Hadia ou edita dokumentus 5 Export directly to PDF Explorasaun File impress ba PDF 6 Print File derictly Atu imprime file 7 Cut,Copy,Paste Atu Tesi, kopia, paste fali teks ka objectu. 8 Undo,Redo Atu Hapara ka hamosu fila fali textu 9 Chart Atu halo grafiku 10 Table Atu halo tabela 11 Hyperlink dialog Atu prense link ba web,email no documentu seluk 12 Navigator Atu hamosu navigator ho nia komponentu sira. 13 Zoom Atu halo bo'ot ka halo kiik slide. 14 Help Ajuda 15 Slide Atu hamosu textu (slide) 16 Style and formatting Janela nebe uja hodi maneja formatu slide. 17 Arrows Halo buat hirak hanesan rama 18 Line Style,line width,line color Maneja/regula linha 19 Area style Maneja/regula kor iha fatin nebe identifika 20 Rectangle Atu halo tipu bloku 21 Ellipse Atu halo tipu sirkulo 22 Text Atu halo tipu bloku textu 23 Curves Atu halo kurva nakloke,taka,poligon, no seluktan 24 Connector Linha kordenasaun entre objetu ida ho objetu seluk 25 Basic Shapes Kria modelu 26 Symbol shape Kria simbolu 27 Block arrows Halo tipo modelu rama 28 Flowchart Kria flowchart 29 Callouts Kria callouts 30 Start Kria modelu fitun 31 Fontwork galery Modifika letra 32 From File Aumenta objetu husi file 33 Gallery Hamosu objetu apresentasaun nebe bele importa ba Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 22
  • 24. Introdusaun LibreOffice Impress iha dokumnetu 34 Rotate Rotasaun ba posisaun objetu 35 Allignment Funsaun hodi halo textu nia formatu hanesan Align Left, Centered, Align Rigth, Justified 36 Arrange Maneja posisaun obejetu 37 Interaction Maneja interasaun entre objetu ho mouse Tabela 2: Lista Menu Husi LibreOffice Impress 3.2. Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun 1) Kria apresentasaun foun kria dokumentus aprezentasaun ho libreOffice impres bele halao tuir maneira hirak nee :  klik ba iha Menu → Application → LibreOffice Impress  Waihira loke Libreoffice nebe deit,bele klik iha menu File → Wizards→ Presentation, Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 23 Ilustrasaun 14: Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun Husi Wizards
  • 25. Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun  Mosu dialogu autopilot ◦ Empty presentation : halo apresentasaun foun husi monitoria mamuk. ◦ From template : halo apresentasaun foun husi template nebe iha tia ona ◦ Open existing presentation : halao serisu nebe iha halo tia ona antes karik ita klik next mak sei mosu dialogu “slide-design, hili ida nebe ita interese, klik next atu halao ka direta klik “Create” atu direta halo aprsentasaun. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 24 Ilustrasaun 15: Dialogu Autopilot Ilustrasaun 16: Hili Slide Design
  • 26. Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun  Karik ita klik next, mak sei mosu dialogu “slide transition”. Effect no Speed halo atu maneja animasaun wainhira mudansa slide.  klik “Create” atu hakotu autpilot.  Ou bele mos loke Libreoffice nebe deit, bele klik iha retanglu kiik iha sorin icon New→ Presentation, automatikamente bele ona loke LibreOffice Impress hodi kria dokumentus apresentasaun foun. Bele hare iha ilustrasaun okos nee: Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 25 Ilustrasaun 17: Hili Slide Transition
  • 27. Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun Hafoin klik iha Presentation sei mosu hanesan ilustrasaun iha okos. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 26 Ilustrasaun 18: Dalan Seluk Loke LibreOffice Impress Ilustrasaun 19: Janela LibreOffice Impress
  • 28. Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun 2) Hatama Slide foun Atu hatama slide klik Insert → Slide tab “new slide” hamosu iha parte kraik workspace. klik ba tab ida atu hamosu slide nebe tuir hakarak. 3) Slide Views Iha 4 tipo Slide Views : 1. Normal : hatudu Edit apresentasaun laran modelu original 2. Outline View : hatudu titulu-titulu tipoku fo slide-slide apresentasaun,atu Edit no maneja slide ho strutura fila fali riska liur 3. Notes View : kobre notas ekstra nebe la hare wainhira hatudu apresentasaun . Slide shorter : iha laran lista slide nebe halo tia ona. 4) Formatu Pajina Atu fomatu pajina, klik Format → Page. ho dialogu nebe mosu, ita hetan troka formatu, orentasaun no margin. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 27 Ilustrasaun 20: Halo Slide Foun
  • 29. Kria Dokumentus Apresentasaun 5) Halao Slide Atu hatudu slide apresentasaun :  Hili Slide Show → Slide Show atu komesa slide show.  Uja butaun rama/arrow keys atu hatudu slide tuir fali mai ka fila ba slide antes. Ita mos klik mouse ka hanehan spacebar atu hatudu slide depois.  Wahinra slide ikus mosu, mensajen “Click to exit” sei mosu. klik mouse ka hanehan arbiru butaun atu sai. 3.3. Maneja Modelu 1) Hatama Testu Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 28 Ilustrasaun 21: Halo Formatu Pajina
  • 30. Maneja Modelu 2) Halo Bulletted/Numbered Lists Atu halo testu ho Bullet ka Numbering, hili Auto Layout ida nebe iha Numbered List. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 29 Ilustrasaun 22: Halo Testu Iha LibreOffice Impress Klik ba icon TEXT, depois Drag too mosu textbox Ilustrasaun 24: Hili Auto Layout Ilustrasaun 23: Ilustra Auto Layout Nebe Iha Numbered List
  • 31. Maneja Modelu Atu halo formatu ba tipo Bullet nian, klik Format → Bullet and Numbering, depois hili style ne'ebe mak ita gosta, klik Ok. Notas: • Hanehan Shift + Enter iha Keyboard atu komesa Alinea foun. • Klik Tab atu halo sub point 3) Troka Background Slide Tuir mai etapa ba oinsa troka Background Slide nian:  Hili Format → Page. Iha Page setup nia laran sei mosu tab rua mak hanesa page no background.  Klik ba iha Tab Background  Maneija setting ba iha nia background tuir ita hakarak, depois klik Ok. 3.4. Transisaun no Animasaun Slide Effect animasaun sei fo nia variasaun rasik iha presentasaun nian. Iha ne'e mos ita nia apresentasaun sei profesional liu tan e mos amenta nia valor ba materia sira, ita mos bele halo mudansa ba nia slide-slide presentasaun, tempu ou mos effect husi slide apresentasaun ne'e rasik. 1) Transisaun Entre Slide Slide animasaun ita bele hare iha Task Pane | Slide Transition, para atu kria animasaun wainhira slide sira ne'e halo mudansa ba slide seluk. a. Effect Mudansa entre slide Iha Task Pane, hili Slide Transition. Iha modus Slide pane ou Slide sorter, hili slide ne'ebe mak ita hakarak atu aplika slide ne'ebe ita hili ona wainhira slide sira ne'e muda ba slide seluk. Kuandu ita hakarak effect mudansa ba slide sira hotu ne'ebe mak iha, ita la persija halo'o seleksaun ida, ita hili deit effect transition ida noa aplika hotu ba slide sira ne'ebe mak iha hanesan dezenu iha sorin ne'e. Ita mos bele Customize tia effect ba iha modifikasaun transition nian, iha parte ida ita mos amenta ou hamenus slide nia lais sira no mos effect voice nian. Se ita hakarak atu nia effect voice kontinua nafatin, fo sinal (√) iha parte Loop until next sound. Klik buttaun Apply to all slides, atu aplika setting slides sira ne'ebe ita hakarak. Hanehan butaun Play atu halo fali revisaun ba effect animasaun sira ne'ebe ita halo'o tiha ona ne'e. Hanehan butaun Slide show atu nune'e bele komesa hare hotu kedas slides sira ne'ebe mak ita kria ona. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 30
  • 32. Transisaun no Animasaun Slide b. Halakon effect transisaun slide, Hili slide ne'ebe mak ita determina depois klik ba opsaun No Transition iha parte List slide transition iha Task Pane nian. c. Hahu Effect animasaun. Iha maneira oin tolu mak bele uja hodi halao effect animasaun:  Primeiro, On Click. Effect animasaun sei para tia no sei komesa fali wainhira ita klik nia mouse.  Segundu, With previous. Effect animasaun sei lao dala ida ho effect animasaun ne'ebe iha ona.  Terceiro, After previous. Effect animasaun mos sei lao dala ida antes effect animasaun ida uluk atu hotu. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 31 Ilustrasaun 25: Janela Transisaun no Animasaun
  • 33. Transisaun no Animasaun Slide 2) Fo Effect Animasaun Tuir mai etapa oinsa atu amenta effect animasaun ba iha slides:  Kria Text/ dokumentus ba apresentasaun slide  Blok tia Text refere, hili Menu depois Task Pane (Label 1) ou slide show | custom animation  Klik add (label 2) atu amenta nia animasaun, klik Entrance no hili nia tipo animasaun (label 3). iha textu apresentasaun ita mos bele maneija oinsa atu troka nia ko'or wainhira mosu iha nia slide, klik Emphasis no hili nia tipo e mos ba nia modifikasaun kolorido ba texto nian.  Atu komesa nia animasaun ba iha nia Textu wainhira ita atu halao, bele maneija iha animasi nia setting ne rasik tuir ita nia hakarak. Exemplo Klik Start hili On Click (label 4) Direction hili Vertical (label 5), Speed hili Very fast (label 6) no ba iha label 7 sei mosu nia deskripsaun kona ba animasaun ne'ebe mak ita kria wainhira ita halao.  Klik Play atu hare ou halo revisaun ba animasaun Textu ne'e rasik e slide show sei hatudu total husi animasaun Textu ne rasik. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 32 Ilustrasaun 26: Janeila Custom Animation
  • 34. Transisaun no Animasaun Slide 3.5. Print Dokumentus Apresentasaun 1) Print Dokumentus Atu print dokumentus, Impress iha opsaun balu mak hanesan print slide ida kada pajina, print notas, outline, tempu no data e mos iha opsaun balu seluk sira.  Setting ida ne'e ita bele halo liu husi Menu File → Print atu hatu box dialog print nian.  Ba iha opsaun balu mak ita hakarak uja hodi print dokumentus bele hili iha Option karuk okos. Tuir mai opsaun ba ita atu uja hodi prin dokumentus apresentasaun nian: 1. Quality • Default, opsaun ida ne'e ita uja hodi print dokumentus tuir nia default. Iha opsaun ida ne'e ita sei prin tuir kolorido ne'ebe tau ona iha slide apresentasaun sira. • Grayscale, iha opsaun ida ne'e ita sei print ho kolorido ida deit ou laiha kolorido • Black & white sei print dokumentus ho nia kolorido Mutin, metan no grayscale maibe sei la print letra ne'ebe mak ho kolorido seluk. 2. Print • Page name, wainhira print sei sai mos pajina nia naran iha slide ida-idak. • Date, wainhira print, sei sai mos nia data ba pajina slide ida-idak nian. • Tempu mos sei sai iha slide ida-idak nian. • Hidden pages mos sei print pajina ne'ebe mak fo sinal ona (mark) Hidden ba iha slide apresentasaun nian. 3. Page Option • Default, sei print tuir nia size default nian. • Fit to Page, sei print tuir size suratahan nian, karik size slide nian kiik liu, nune'e mos print sai mai sei tuir size suratahan nian. • Tile Pages, sei karik iha slides balu mak kiik liu, nune'e wainhira print sei sai hamutuk iha suratahan ida deit. • Brochure, sei print tuir modelu brochure nian. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 33
  • 35. Print Dokumentus Apresentasaun  Klik Page Setting, ba pajina ou suratahan nia setting ita bele maneija iha ne'e. Dokumentus apresentasaun husi pajina slides sira ita bele print iha suratahan ida nia laran.  Atu maneija setting ba size suratahan nian, klik iha properties  Iha opsaun Job, ita bele maneija priodade lista dokumentus importante ou cancela printing dokumentus iha tempu saida deit.  Ba resolusaun imagen nian mos bele maneija iha Printout Mode.  Opsaun ikus mak Wide Option (General) ne'ebe mak maneija kona ba slides nia printout mode, brightness, contrast no selu-seluk tan. 2) Export Dokumentus apresentasaun ba formatu seluk a. Export File Dokumentus LibreOffice ba PDF (Portable Document Format). LibreOffice iha nia fasilidade atu export File ou dokumentus ruma ba iha Portable Document Format ou ba-bain ema bolu PDF. Fasilidade ida ne'e automaticamente integra hamutuk ona ho LibreOffice wainhira halo instalasaun sistema nian, ho nune'e la persija tan atu halo instalasaun tan ba PDF nian. Ita bele halo kontrolo ba fasilidade ida ne'e liu husi nia kualidade no mos proteksaun ba dokumentus. b. Export File Dokumentus Ne'ebe Labele Kontrolu Maneira ida mak simple no lais liu atu save File dokumentus, klik deit iha icon iha toolbar ho nia setting default nanis. c. Export File Dokumentus Ne'ebe Kontrolu Maneira ida ne'e hanesa save setting /export File dokumentus ba PDF ho kontoladu, porexemplu hanesan page setting ne'ebe mak export ba PDF, setting ba kompress imagen e mos nia password ba dokumentus sira. Tuir mai etapa oinsa atu export dokumentu ba PDF ho kontroladu: Klik Menu File → Export as PDF hodi nune'e sei mosu fali janela opsaun PDF nian, iha ne'eba iha opsaun 5 mak ho nia funsaun ne'ebe lahanesan no bele defini tuir nescecidade. 1. Parte General iha opsaun hira mak hanesan Range, Image no General. a) Opsaun Range Atu Defini pajinas sira ne'ebe mak atu export ba PDF. All, iha parte katak sei export hotu dokumentus sira ba PDF. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 34
  • 36. Print Dokumentus Apresentasaun Page, pajina balu deit mak expor ba PDF. Selection, sei export hotu dokumentus ne'ebe mak seleksionadu ona. b) Opsaun Images Iha parte ne mos defini nia kualidade hodi export ba PDF Lossless compression, no image ne'ebe mak export ba PDF nia kualidade sei hanesan ho imagen original no ita hare sei furak nafatin maibe iha formatu PDF ne'e nia imagen sei boot liu fali. JPEG Compression, oinsa maneija imagen nia kualidade tuir nescidade iha PDF. Kualidade imagen sei menus maibe bele halo presaun ba nia size. Reduce Image resolution hodi hamenus DPI (Dots Per Inch) ba nia imagen original iha File PDF. Iha ne'e kualidade imagen sei sai menus. c) Opsaun General Tagged PDF, iha ne'e PDF prepara mos tag-tag sira. Iha mos tag ne'ebe mak utiliza hodi export contekstu, hyperlinks no controls, maibe opsaun ida ne''e bele amenta size File nian. Export Notes, export notas iha dokumentus writer ou Calc hanesan notas PDF. Export Bookmarks, export heading hanesa Bookmark PDF. Create PDF Form, Submit Format. Export automatically inserted blank pages, iha parte ne'e impress la utiliza opsaun ida ne'e. Create hybrid File, oinsa halo'o File hybrid. 2. Parte Initial Views. Parte ida ne'e funsaun atu halo'o inisializasaun oinsa File sira bele le'e iha PDF Viewer. Opsaun ida ne'e compostu husi Panes, Magnification no Page Layout. 3. Parte User Interface. Maneija setting waihira File ne'e atu loke iha PDF viewer. Iha opsaun balu importante los ba File balu ne'ebe mak sei utiliza hanesan File apresentasaun ou display. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 35
  • 37. Print Dokumentus Apresentasaun a) Opsain Window options • Resize window to initial page, jeneila PDF viewer sei adjust pajina File nia size tuir PDF nian. • Center window on screen, janeila PDF viewer otomatikamente sei muda nia posisaun ba iha klaran. • Open in full screen mode, janeila PDF viewer otomatikamente sei loke modus fullscreen • Display document title, janeila PDF viewer mos sei hatudu titlo dokumentus iha parte tittle bar nian. b) Parte User interface options • Hide menu bar, janeila PDF viewer sei subar menu bar otomatikamente. • Hide toolbar, janeila PDF viewer sei subar toolbar otomatikamente. • Hide window controls, janeila PDF viewer sei subar control windows, inclui mos effect husi mudansa slide impress nian. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 36 Ilustrasaun 27: Janeila User Interface
  • 38. Print Dokumentus Apresentasaun 4. Parte Links Ne'ebe mak ho nia funsaun atu maneija link dokumentus crossly. 5. Parte Security Iha parte bele maneija ho nia password atu halo enkripsaun ba dokument PDF. File PDF ne'ebe mak uza ona password so bele loke kuandu uja password permission. Ema se deit bele le'e File PDF ne'e maibe ho nia limitasaun tamba uza password atu aktiva File PDF ne'e. Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 37 Ilustrasaun 28: Janeila Links
  • 39. Referensia Referensia 1. Blog : 2. Blog : 3. Modul : Linux Fundamental and Libre Office : FICOS Universitas 11 Maret Mata Dalan LibreOffice, email : Page 38