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Faces of the Presbytery in Mission
 • You’ll see our partners in mission as you
   scroll through this display of our Mission
Christian Mission: Six Saving
                  Events of the New Testament
• The faces of Christ’s Mission can be seen in each:
•    Incarnation
•    Cross
•    Resurrection
•    Ascension
•    Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
•    God’s Reign
•    Here we highlight three: Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension.

    Source: David Bosch, Transforming Mission--Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, Orbis
    Press, 1991, Sixteenth Printing, August 2001
•   Crucifixion Theme--Death of Jesus
•   Apostles’ Creed: “…suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died,
    and was buried; he descended into hell.”
•   Points to Jesus’ faithful self-emptying for the sake of reconciliation,
    forgiveness, love of enemies--all faces of 21st Century Christian
•   Cross
     – Symbol of death and destruction
     – Sign of the brokenness of humanity
     – Jesus faced it with an open heart
• Jesus to the Disciples after washing their feet:
  “For I have set you an example, that you also should do as
  I have done to you.” John 13:15
• Paul to the Corinthians: “Therefore, I am content with
  weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and
  calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak,
  then I am strong.” II Cor. 12:10
• Look for the faces of the Crucifixion theme in Mission
  Witness 2012
•   Easter Theme: Christ is Risen
•   Creed: “On the third day he rose again”
•   God’s gift
     – A symbol of God’s power to contradict the forces of death and
        destruction and to counteract the violence of the cross.
     – Jesus to the disciples: “For those who want to save their life will
        lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.”
        Matthew 16:25
     – New humanity in Christ--freedom for partnership in mission with
        God and neighbors.
•   A sign of peace and renewal resulting from sacrifice.
• Resurrection-- “Central theme of our missionary
  message is that Christ is risen, and that, secondly
  and consequently, the church is called to live the
  resurrection life in the here and now and to be a
  sign of contradiction against the forces of death
  and destruction--that it is called to unmask modern
  idols and false absolutes.”
   – David J. Bosch
• Look for faces of the Resurrection theme in
  Mission Witness 2012.
•   The reign of Christ. Christ rules!
•   Creed: “He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the
    father almighty, from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.”
•   “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”
    John 12:32
•   Hopeful perspective on what may be achieved in human history.
•   “It should be natural to be committed to justice and peace in the social
    realm.” David J. Bosch
•   “Religion is our greatest source of dissent and difference…Religion inspires
    people to step forward before the whole society and say, ‘Here I stand.’ ”
    Stephen L. Carter
•   Look for faces of the Ascension theme in Mission Witness 2012.
Three Key Questions About Mission
     in the Chicago Presbytery

• What are Chicago Presbytery’s mission
• Whose Mission is it?
• Where is mission located?
Chicago Presbytery’s Mission
• Empower Ministry: Liturgy, Education, Leadership
  Development, Service
• Develop Congregations: Evangelism, Transformation, Church
• Advance Justice: Healing, Reconciliation, Peace, Liberation
Whose mission is it?
• It is Christ’s Mission
• Includes many faithful partners
• Christ’s mission cannot be reduced simply to one
Where are the faces of mission
•   Inter-Personally
•   Local Communities
•   Regionally
•   Globally
•   The faces of Christ’s mission may be experienced
Chicago Presbytery’s Mission Priority
    Leadership Teams (MPLT’s)
• Activate mission covenants with churches and
• Focus on Chicago Presbytery’s three mission
• Many Chicago area congregations and other
  organizations are Chicago Presbytery mission
  partners. What follows is information about many
  of these mission partnerships.
Mission Programs of the Chicago
• Empower Ministry Mission Priority Leadership
• Develop Congregations Mission Priority Leadership
• Advance Justice Mission Priority Leadership Team
• Other Presbytery Missions
Empower Ministry Mission Priority
       Leadership Team

      Rev. Grayson Van Camp
         »    Moderator
Empower Ministry

               Our Focus:

 Our members are our foundation and our youth are
 our future. We empower ministry through
 Bible study and other church-based education
 programs, identifying and developing spiritual
 leaders within congregations and providing
 opportunities for children and youth to continually
 grow in the Christian Spirit.
Empower Ministry
Covenant Partnership: Youth Ministries Team
Focus: Equip and strengthen Presbyterian youth for leadership in
   Christian Ministry.
Activity: Youth from Chicago Presbytery attended the 2010
Youth Triennium, bringing together 5000 youth for worship, study
and fun.
Covenant Partners: Presbyterian Church of Homewood and the
Presbyterian Church of Western Springs.
Empower Ministry
Covenant Partnership: Hispanic Ministries
Focus: Five Hispanic Ministries working together to strengthen their
  congregational ministries through leadership training, sharing of
  ideas, resource development, and fellowship. Some of the workshop themes
  have been how to grow a church, evangelism, and immigration issues.
Activity: 500th Anniversary Celebration of John Calvin’s birth. Workshop
  explored Calvin’s theological and social legacy..
Participating Churches: Ravenswood, Canto de Esperanza, Emmanuel,
Vida Nueva, and Hanover Park Mission.
Empower Ministry
Covenant Partnership:
Congregational Transformation Covenant
Focus: multi-year program, begun in response to the 206th
General Assembly mandate to increase the denomination's racial
ethnic membership.
Activities: Liturgical dance ministry, racial ethnic leadership
camp, after school computer projects, Bible literacy fellowship,
leadership development.
Empower Ministry
Covenant Partnership:
Congregational Transformation Covenant

                               QuickTim e™ and a
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                         are needed to see this picture.

      Partners: Eight Churches: Cornerstone, Chatham-
          Bethlehem, Crerar Memorial, Hope Chicago,
          Pine Avenue,Pullman, Sixth Grace, Seventh;
                    Presbytery of Chicago;
  National Black Presbyterian Caucus, Chicago Chapter; Synod
     of Lincoln Trails; General Assembly Mission Council.
Empower Ministry
Covenant Partnership: Leadership, Education, and Development
Mission Team (LEAD)
Focus:Plans and implements an annual, Presbytery-wide educational event for the
whole church that feeds attendants spiritually and intellectually and equips them for
service. Worship inspires and workshops provide resources for clergy, elders,
deacons, clerks, Christian educators, musicians, youth workers, committee chairs
and seminary students. A bookstore and international marketplace are also offered.
Empower Ministry
Covenant Partnership: Leadership, Education, and Development
Mission Team (LEAD)
Covenant Partners:LaGrange First; Glen Ellyn Southminster;
McCormick Theological Seminary; Worship, Music, and the
Arts Group.
Activity: LEAD Worship
Empower Ministry
 Covenant Partnership: Discovering Opportunities for
 Outreach and Reflection (DOOR)
 Focus: DOOR invites people to see the Face of God in the city.
 DOOR's programs include short-term (Discern), semester-long (Discover) and
 year-long (Dwell) opportunities for service-minded education.
 Activity: DOOR participants preparing and serving a meal.
 Partners: Western Springs Presbyterian, Presbytery of Chicago, and the
 Adult Volunteer (YAV) Program of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Empower Ministry

Covenant Partnership: Worship Alive
Focus: Worship Alive is a project that organizes four annual
  workshops that provide interactive training and
  educational opportunities in the worship arts. Renowned
  worship practitioners from around the world are brought in
  to teach theologies, models, techniques and resources for
  renewing worship in congregations. Workshops are
  multisensory, participatory and inspiring, celebrating
  multicultural diversity. Worship Alive in an ecumenical

Partners: United Church of Rogers Park; Presbyterian
  Church of Western Springs; Northern Illinois Conference,
  United Methodist.
Develop Congregations Mission
  Priority Leadership Team

        Rev. Deb Kapp
Develop Congregations

              Our Focus:
    To respond to Jesus’ call to “follow me”
    and become “fishers of humanity” by
    drawing believers, disciples and seekers
    into congregations that are centers of
    celebration, healing and witness.
Develop Congregations
Covenant Partnership: Grace           Commons Ministry
Focus: Grace Commons is a transformative ministry, using art to
engage people in questions of meaning and to re-experience
Christian ideas, when Christianity hasn't been meaningful to them in
the past.
Activity: Creation of an Icon of Mary and Jesus, created during
Develop Congregations
 Covenant Partnership: Acts          16:5 Initiative
 Focus: An educational program which invites congregations to
   engage in a deliberate process of transformation, assisting them
   to design specific transformational ministries to help them

 Activity: More than 20 churches have participated in this
Develop Congregations

Covenant Partnership: New Church
  Development Visioning

Focus: A small group of presbytery leaders is developing
  future strategies for forming new congregations.
Develop Congregations
    Covenant Partnership: South Asian Fellowship
    Focus: The South Asian Fellowship is a New Church Development of
       Chicago Presbytery. It is a congregation of predominately Pakistani
       Christian Immigrants. The congregation is passionate to promote
       multiculturalism, and plans an annual International Christmas Caroling
       and invites racial ethnic and other congregations to participate.
    Activity: Carolers from the International Christmas Caroling in 2011 .
Develop Congregations

Covenant Partnership: Small Church

Focus: The Develop Congregations Mission Priority
  Leadership Team (MPLT)has gathered pastors of small
  congregations to share ways they can support and enrich
  their ministries. They are working on identifying strengths
  and challenges and considering ways the Presbytery can
  help congregations.
Develop Congregations
Covenant Partnership:Pro-Active
   Transformation Project
Focus: To identify and then provide
   visioning, strategies and resources for
   congregations who are interested in
   engaging or reengaging their
   surrounding neighborhood or
   community in new ways, via a grant
   jointly funded by Shared Mission
   Giving of General Assembly, Synod of
   Lincoln Trails and our local presbytery.
Partners: Develop Congregatins MPLT,
   Empower Ministry MPLT, Presbytery
   of Chicago, Commission on Ministry,
   McCormick Theological Seminary,
   Synod of Lincoln Trails, Office of the
   General Assembly, PC (USA)
Activity: Interpretive Painting by
   Shawna Bowman of the Pro-Active
   Transformation Project.
Advance Justice Mission Priority
      Leadership Team

      Rev. Dean Lindsey
Advance Justice

                  Our Focus:
 We advance justice by helping people in need.
 The Presbytery of Chicago provides human and
 financial resources that enable congregations to
 work outside their physical walls to serve those
 who are poor, oppressed and disenfranchised.
Advance Justice
  Covenant Partnership: Family             Promise
  Focus: Helping Homeless families with children regain a secure home
     environment, by providing temporary shelter for the family and keeping the
     family together, while providing assistance in finding employment.
  Activity: Guest use computers to look for jobs.
Advance Justice

Covenant Partnership: Mission     Team Against
                        Child Sex Trafficking
Focus: This Mission Team was formed to Educate, Advocate,
  Collaborate and Motivate the Presbytery congregations
  concerning the tragic circumstances associated with commercial
  sexual exploitation of children in the Chicagoland area.
Activity:The team is committed to stop this exploitation before it
  occurs by introducing educational prevention, intervention and
  service delivery methods.
Advance Justice
Covenant Partnership: Waukegan to College
Focus: To enable more immigrants and low income families
  in Waukegan to navigate the college-going process. The
  program includes one-on-one counseling, bi-lingual
  workshops, tutoring sessions, and mentoring.
Activity: Counseling, mentoring workshops.
Advance Justice
 Covenant Partnership: Cuba Partnership
 Focus: Developing and maintaining partnerships with
   congregations in the Presbytery of Havana.
 Activity: Glen Ellyn Southminster and their sister church in
 Guanabacoa celebrated simultaneous anniversaries in 2011.
Advance Justice

Covenant Partnership: Church World Service
Focus: Church World Service works with national partners
   to eradicate hunger and poverty, and to promote peace and
   justice around the world.
Activity: Hygiene Kits. 54 churches participated in the
   Hygiene Kits harvest in 2011. 2400 kits were developed
   and delivered to those in desperate need.
Advance Justice
 Covenant Partnership: Dakota Partnership
 Focus: An organization designed and developed to promote and
 develop Christian values within the Native American
 Efforts include conducting Vacation Bible School, assisting
 Native Americans to upgrade church facilities, and providing
 financial support to supplement pastor's salaries.
 Partners:Naperville Knox, Glen Ellyn First, Arlington Heights
 First, Chicago Pullman, Presbytery of Chicago.
 Activity: Partners work on a building project.
Advance Justice
Covenant Partnership: Lincoln Park Community Shelter
Focus: The Lincoln Park Community Shelter provides comprehensive
programs and services that offer individuals the opportunity to break the
cycle of poverty and homelessness. The shelter works to empower people
through the On Track program, addressing sobriety, mental stability,
healthy lifestyles, employment and permanent housing.
Partners: Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church, Lincoln Park
Shelter, Park Ridge Presbyterian Church, Fourth Presbyterian Church,
Presbytery of Chicago.
Activity: A Computer lab provides shelter guests with
Access to job applications, and developing computer skills.
Other Presbyterian Mission

 Program: Presbyterian Camps
 Focus: Presbyterian Camps at Saugatuck is a “Holy Place”, a Christian Camp
    in a rustic setting, for renewal of the spirit, and community building.
Other Presbyterian Mission
 Program: United Campus Ministry at Northwestern
 Focus: Provides a spiritual home for thousands at Northwestern
Other Presbyterian Mission
  Program:   Agape House at UIC
  Focus: A community of faculty, staff, and students at UIC
  that gather together to learn and share in their faith journey.
Other Presbyterian Mission

 Program: Presbyterian Resource Center
 Focus: Provides books, DVD’s for worship planning to
    churches, saving churches the cost of purchasing.
Invitation: To Covenant with the
     Chicago Presbytery in Mission
Use the Mission Covenant Application Form, available on the
Presbytery Website, under the “Ministry and Missions” Tab.
Invitation: To Covenant with the
 Chicago Presbytery in Mission
• Covenant Partnerships include one or more
• Some Covenants also include non-profit agencies
  of justice or compassion.
• “Together We Can Do More!”
Invitation: Support the Faces of Chicago
           Presbytery Mission
•   Shared Mission Giving from congregations makes possible Chicago
    Presbytery’s Mission Witness 2012 Covenants.
•   Use the Pledge Card to provide your 2012 Shared Mission Pledge.
•   Thank you to congregations who have made their 2012 Shared
    Mission Pledge.
•   Those who have not done so are invited to pledge soon.
Shared Mission Giving:
Together We Can Do More!
 More: To help our young people grow
 in faith and understanding.

 More: To strengthen congregations.

 More: To feed the hungry.
Through Covenant Partnerships and Shared Mission Giving,
We Presbyterians support and become the faces of mission.

      • We embrace and enact a spirit of:

         “Together, We Can Do More!”

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Mission Witness 2012

  • 2. Faces of the Presbytery in Mission • You’ll see our partners in mission as you scroll through this display of our Mission Covenants.
  • 3. Christian Mission: Six Saving Events of the New Testament • The faces of Christ’s Mission can be seen in each: • Incarnation • Cross • Resurrection • Ascension • Outpouring of the Holy Spirit • God’s Reign • Here we highlight three: Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension. Source: David Bosch, Transforming Mission--Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, Orbis Press, 1991, Sixteenth Printing, August 2001
  • 4. Crucifixion/Cross • Crucifixion Theme--Death of Jesus • Apostles’ Creed: “…suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended into hell.” • Points to Jesus’ faithful self-emptying for the sake of reconciliation, forgiveness, love of enemies--all faces of 21st Century Christian mission. • Cross – Symbol of death and destruction – Sign of the brokenness of humanity – Jesus faced it with an open heart
  • 5. Crucifixion/Cross • Jesus to the Disciples after washing their feet: “For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.” John 13:15 • Paul to the Corinthians: “Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, then I am strong.” II Cor. 12:10 • Look for the faces of the Crucifixion theme in Mission Witness 2012
  • 6. Resurrection • Easter Theme: Christ is Risen • Creed: “On the third day he rose again” • God’s gift – A symbol of God’s power to contradict the forces of death and destruction and to counteract the violence of the cross. – Jesus to the disciples: “For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 16:25 – New humanity in Christ--freedom for partnership in mission with God and neighbors. • A sign of peace and renewal resulting from sacrifice.
  • 7. Resurrection • Resurrection-- “Central theme of our missionary message is that Christ is risen, and that, secondly and consequently, the church is called to live the resurrection life in the here and now and to be a sign of contradiction against the forces of death and destruction--that it is called to unmask modern idols and false absolutes.” – David J. Bosch • Look for faces of the Resurrection theme in Mission Witness 2012.
  • 8. Ascension • The reign of Christ. Christ rules! • Creed: “He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the father almighty, from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.” • “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” John 12:32 • Hopeful perspective on what may be achieved in human history. • “It should be natural to be committed to justice and peace in the social realm.” David J. Bosch • “Religion is our greatest source of dissent and difference…Religion inspires people to step forward before the whole society and say, ‘Here I stand.’ ” Stephen L. Carter • Look for faces of the Ascension theme in Mission Witness 2012.
  • 9. Three Key Questions About Mission in the Chicago Presbytery • What are Chicago Presbytery’s mission priorities? • Whose Mission is it? • Where is mission located?
  • 10. Chicago Presbytery’s Mission Priorities • Empower Ministry: Liturgy, Education, Leadership Development, Service • Develop Congregations: Evangelism, Transformation, Church Planting • Advance Justice: Healing, Reconciliation, Peace, Liberation
  • 11. Whose mission is it? • It is Christ’s Mission • Includes many faithful partners • Christ’s mission cannot be reduced simply to one perspective
  • 12. Where are the faces of mission experienced? • Inter-Personally • Local Communities • Regionally • Globally • The faces of Christ’s mission may be experienced anywhere
  • 13. Chicago Presbytery’s Mission Priority Leadership Teams (MPLT’s) • Activate mission covenants with churches and organizations. • Focus on Chicago Presbytery’s three mission priorities. • Many Chicago area congregations and other organizations are Chicago Presbytery mission partners. What follows is information about many of these mission partnerships.
  • 14. Mission Programs of the Chicago Presbytery • Empower Ministry Mission Priority Leadership Team • Develop Congregations Mission Priority Leadership Team • Advance Justice Mission Priority Leadership Team • Other Presbytery Missions
  • 15. Empower Ministry Mission Priority Leadership Team Rev. Grayson Van Camp » Moderator
  • 16. Empower Ministry Our Focus: Our members are our foundation and our youth are our future. We empower ministry through Bible study and other church-based education programs, identifying and developing spiritual leaders within congregations and providing opportunities for children and youth to continually grow in the Christian Spirit.
  • 17. Empower Ministry Covenant Partnership: Youth Ministries Team Focus: Equip and strengthen Presbyterian youth for leadership in Christian Ministry. Activity: Youth from Chicago Presbytery attended the 2010 Youth Triennium, bringing together 5000 youth for worship, study and fun. Covenant Partners: Presbyterian Church of Homewood and the Presbyterian Church of Western Springs.
  • 18. Empower Ministry Covenant Partnership: Hispanic Ministries Focus: Five Hispanic Ministries working together to strengthen their congregational ministries through leadership training, sharing of ideas, resource development, and fellowship. Some of the workshop themes have been how to grow a church, evangelism, and immigration issues. Activity: 500th Anniversary Celebration of John Calvin’s birth. Workshop explored Calvin’s theological and social legacy.. Participating Churches: Ravenswood, Canto de Esperanza, Emmanuel, Vida Nueva, and Hanover Park Mission.
  • 19. Empower Ministry African-American Covenant Partnership: Congregational Transformation Covenant Focus: multi-year program, begun in response to the 206th General Assembly mandate to increase the denomination's racial ethnic membership. Activities: Liturgical dance ministry, racial ethnic leadership camp, after school computer projects, Bible literacy fellowship, leadership development.
  • 20. Empower Ministry African-American Covenant Partnership: Congregational Transformation Covenant QuickTim e™ and a decom pres sor are needed to see this picture. Partners: Eight Churches: Cornerstone, Chatham- Bethlehem, Crerar Memorial, Hope Chicago, Pine Avenue,Pullman, Sixth Grace, Seventh; Presbytery of Chicago; National Black Presbyterian Caucus, Chicago Chapter; Synod of Lincoln Trails; General Assembly Mission Council.
  • 21. Empower Ministry Covenant Partnership: Leadership, Education, and Development Mission Team (LEAD) Focus:Plans and implements an annual, Presbytery-wide educational event for the whole church that feeds attendants spiritually and intellectually and equips them for service. Worship inspires and workshops provide resources for clergy, elders, deacons, clerks, Christian educators, musicians, youth workers, committee chairs and seminary students. A bookstore and international marketplace are also offered.
  • 22. Empower Ministry Covenant Partnership: Leadership, Education, and Development Mission Team (LEAD) Covenant Partners:LaGrange First; Glen Ellyn Southminster; McCormick Theological Seminary; Worship, Music, and the Arts Group. Activity: LEAD Worship
  • 23. Empower Ministry Covenant Partnership: Discovering Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection (DOOR) Focus: DOOR invites people to see the Face of God in the city. DOOR's programs include short-term (Discern), semester-long (Discover) and year-long (Dwell) opportunities for service-minded education. Activity: DOOR participants preparing and serving a meal. Partners: Western Springs Presbyterian, Presbytery of Chicago, and the Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) Program of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
  • 24. Empower Ministry Covenant Partnership: Worship Alive Focus: Worship Alive is a project that organizes four annual workshops that provide interactive training and educational opportunities in the worship arts. Renowned worship practitioners from around the world are brought in to teach theologies, models, techniques and resources for renewing worship in congregations. Workshops are multisensory, participatory and inspiring, celebrating multicultural diversity. Worship Alive in an ecumenical venture. Partners: United Church of Rogers Park; Presbyterian Church of Western Springs; Northern Illinois Conference, United Methodist.
  • 25. Develop Congregations Mission Priority Leadership Team Rev. Deb Kapp Moderator
  • 26. Develop Congregations Our Focus: To respond to Jesus’ call to “follow me” and become “fishers of humanity” by drawing believers, disciples and seekers into congregations that are centers of celebration, healing and witness.
  • 27. Develop Congregations Covenant Partnership: Grace Commons Ministry Focus: Grace Commons is a transformative ministry, using art to engage people in questions of meaning and to re-experience Christian ideas, when Christianity hasn't been meaningful to them in the past. Activity: Creation of an Icon of Mary and Jesus, created during Advent.
  • 28. Develop Congregations Covenant Partnership: Acts 16:5 Initiative Focus: An educational program which invites congregations to engage in a deliberate process of transformation, assisting them to design specific transformational ministries to help them REACH, GROW and SERVE. Activity: More than 20 churches have participated in this process.
  • 29. Develop Congregations Covenant Partnership: New Church Development Visioning Focus: A small group of presbytery leaders is developing future strategies for forming new congregations.
  • 30. Develop Congregations Covenant Partnership: South Asian Fellowship Focus: The South Asian Fellowship is a New Church Development of Chicago Presbytery. It is a congregation of predominately Pakistani Christian Immigrants. The congregation is passionate to promote multiculturalism, and plans an annual International Christmas Caroling and invites racial ethnic and other congregations to participate. Activity: Carolers from the International Christmas Caroling in 2011 .
  • 31. Develop Congregations Covenant Partnership: Small Church Focus: The Develop Congregations Mission Priority Leadership Team (MPLT)has gathered pastors of small congregations to share ways they can support and enrich their ministries. They are working on identifying strengths and challenges and considering ways the Presbytery can help congregations.
  • 32. Develop Congregations Covenant Partnership:Pro-Active Transformation Project Focus: To identify and then provide visioning, strategies and resources for congregations who are interested in engaging or reengaging their surrounding neighborhood or community in new ways, via a grant jointly funded by Shared Mission Giving of General Assembly, Synod of Lincoln Trails and our local presbytery. Partners: Develop Congregatins MPLT, Empower Ministry MPLT, Presbytery of Chicago, Commission on Ministry, McCormick Theological Seminary, Synod of Lincoln Trails, Office of the General Assembly, PC (USA) Activity: Interpretive Painting by Shawna Bowman of the Pro-Active Transformation Project.
  • 33. Advance Justice Mission Priority Leadership Team Rev. Dean Lindsey Moderator
  • 34. Advance Justice Our Focus: We advance justice by helping people in need. The Presbytery of Chicago provides human and financial resources that enable congregations to work outside their physical walls to serve those who are poor, oppressed and disenfranchised.
  • 35. Advance Justice Covenant Partnership: Family Promise Focus: Helping Homeless families with children regain a secure home environment, by providing temporary shelter for the family and keeping the family together, while providing assistance in finding employment. Activity: Guest use computers to look for jobs.
  • 36. Advance Justice Covenant Partnership: Mission Team Against Child Sex Trafficking Focus: This Mission Team was formed to Educate, Advocate, Collaborate and Motivate the Presbytery congregations concerning the tragic circumstances associated with commercial sexual exploitation of children in the Chicagoland area. Activity:The team is committed to stop this exploitation before it occurs by introducing educational prevention, intervention and service delivery methods.
  • 37. Advance Justice Covenant Partnership: Waukegan to College Focus: To enable more immigrants and low income families in Waukegan to navigate the college-going process. The program includes one-on-one counseling, bi-lingual workshops, tutoring sessions, and mentoring. Activity: Counseling, mentoring workshops.
  • 38. Advance Justice Covenant Partnership: Cuba Partnership Focus: Developing and maintaining partnerships with congregations in the Presbytery of Havana. Activity: Glen Ellyn Southminster and their sister church in Guanabacoa celebrated simultaneous anniversaries in 2011.
  • 39. Advance Justice Covenant Partnership: Church World Service Focus: Church World Service works with national partners to eradicate hunger and poverty, and to promote peace and justice around the world. Activity: Hygiene Kits. 54 churches participated in the Hygiene Kits harvest in 2011. 2400 kits were developed and delivered to those in desperate need.
  • 40. Advance Justice Covenant Partnership: Dakota Partnership Focus: An organization designed and developed to promote and develop Christian values within the Native American community. Efforts include conducting Vacation Bible School, assisting Native Americans to upgrade church facilities, and providing financial support to supplement pastor's salaries. Partners:Naperville Knox, Glen Ellyn First, Arlington Heights First, Chicago Pullman, Presbytery of Chicago. Activity: Partners work on a building project.
  • 41. Advance Justice Covenant Partnership: Lincoln Park Community Shelter Focus: The Lincoln Park Community Shelter provides comprehensive programs and services that offer individuals the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and homelessness. The shelter works to empower people through the On Track program, addressing sobriety, mental stability, healthy lifestyles, employment and permanent housing. Partners: Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church, Lincoln Park Community Shelter, Park Ridge Presbyterian Church, Fourth Presbyterian Church, Presbytery of Chicago. Activity: A Computer lab provides shelter guests with Access to job applications, and developing computer skills.
  • 42. Other Presbyterian Mission Program: Presbyterian Camps Focus: Presbyterian Camps at Saugatuck is a “Holy Place”, a Christian Camp in a rustic setting, for renewal of the spirit, and community building.
  • 43. Other Presbyterian Mission Program: United Campus Ministry at Northwestern Focus: Provides a spiritual home for thousands at Northwestern
  • 44. Other Presbyterian Mission Program: Agape House at UIC Focus: A community of faculty, staff, and students at UIC that gather together to learn and share in their faith journey.
  • 45. Other Presbyterian Mission Program: Presbyterian Resource Center Focus: Provides books, DVD’s for worship planning to churches, saving churches the cost of purchasing.
  • 46. Invitation: To Covenant with the Chicago Presbytery in Mission Use the Mission Covenant Application Form, available on the Presbytery Website, under the “Ministry and Missions” Tab.
  • 47. Invitation: To Covenant with the Chicago Presbytery in Mission • Covenant Partnerships include one or more congregations. • Some Covenants also include non-profit agencies of justice or compassion. • “Together We Can Do More!”
  • 48. Invitation: Support the Faces of Chicago Presbytery Mission • Shared Mission Giving from congregations makes possible Chicago Presbytery’s Mission Witness 2012 Covenants. • Use the Pledge Card to provide your 2012 Shared Mission Pledge. • Thank you to congregations who have made their 2012 Shared Mission Pledge. • Those who have not done so are invited to pledge soon.
  • 49. Shared Mission Giving: Together We Can Do More! More: To help our young people grow in faith and understanding. More: To strengthen congregations. More: To feed the hungry.
  • 50. Through Covenant Partnerships and Shared Mission Giving, We Presbyterians support and become the faces of mission. • We embrace and enact a spirit of: “Together, We Can Do More!”

Editor's Notes

  1. Christian mission can be framed in terms of six saving events of the New Testament: (David J. Bosch in his book, Transforming Mission--Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, Orbis Press, 1991, Sixteenth Printing, August 2001) The faces of Christ’s mission can be seen in each Incarnation Crucifixion Resurrection Ascension Outpouring of the Holy Spirit God’s Reign Here we highlight three: Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension.
  2. Crucifixion/Cross Crucifixion Theme--Death of Jesus Apostles’ Creed: “…suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended into hell.” Points to Jesus’ faithful self-emptying for the sake of reconciliation, forgiveness, love of enemies--all faces of 21st Century Christian mission. Cross Symbol of death and destruction Sign of the brokenness of humanity Jesus faced it with an open heart
  3. Crucifixion/Cross Jesus to the Disciples after washing their feet: “ For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.” John 13:15 Paul to the Corinthians: “Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, then I am strong.” II Cor. 12:10 Look for the faces of the Crucifixion theme in Mission Witness 2012
  4. Easter Theme: Christ is Risen Creed: “On the third day he rose again” God’s gift A symbol of God’s power to contradict the forces of death and destruction and to counteract the violence of the cross. Jesus to the disciples: “For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 16:25 New humanity in Christ--freedom for partnership in mission with God and neighbors. A sign of peace and renewal resulting from sacrifice.
  5. Resurrection-- “Central theme of our missionary message is that Christ is risen, and that, secondly and consequently, the church is called to live the resurrection life in the here and now and to be a sign of contradiction against the forces of death and destruction--that it is called to unmask modern idols and false absolutes.” David J. Bosch Look for faces of the Resurrection theme in Mission Witness 2012.
  6. The reign of Christ. Christ rules! Creed: “He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the father almighty, from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.” “ And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” John 12:32 Hopeful perspective on what may be achieved in human history. “ It should be natural to be committed to justice and peace in the social realm.” David J. Bosch “ Religion is our greatest source of dissent and difference…Religion inspires people to step forward before the whole society and say, ‘Here I stand.’ ” Stephen L. Carter Look for faces of the Ascension theme in Mission Witness 2012.
  7. I’d like to raise and respond to three key questions about mission in the Chicago Presbytery. First: What are Chicago Presbytery’s mission priorities? Second: Whose Mission is it? And Third: Where is mission located?
  8. What are Chicago Presbytery’s mission priorities? Empower Ministry: Liturgy, Education, Leadership Development, Service Develop Congregations: Evangelism, Transformation, Church Planting Advance Justice: Healing, Reconciliation, Peace, Liberation
  9. So, Whose mission is it? It is Christ’s Mission. It Includes many faithful partners. Christ’s mission cannot be reduced simply to one perspective.
  10. And, Where are the faces of mission experienced? Inter-Personally Local Communities Regionally Globally The faces of Christ’s mission may be experienced anywhere
  11. Chicago Presbytery’s Mission Priority Leadership Teams (MPLT’s) Activate mission covenants with churches and organizations. Focus on Chicago Presbytery’s three mission priorities. Many Chicago area congregations and other organizations are Chicago Presbytery mission partners. What follows is information about many of these mission partnerships
  12. The AACTC has brought together eight churches in partnership to address this mandate. Another goal is to develop a strong Presbyterian witness in the center of Chicago's neighborhoods undergoing gentrification and displacement of residents.
  13. I would like to extend an invitation to Mission to all of you. Use the Mission Covenant Invitation Form to define and submit your Covenant proposal. This form is available on the Chicago Presbytery Website. Covenant Partnerships include one or more congregations. Raise your hand if your congregation is currently a covenant partner. Some Covenants also include non-profit agencies of justice or compassion. Many partnerships in Mission Witness 2012 would welcome other churches to join them. If interested, please inquire about your church becoming a mission partner! If your church’s mission could be strengthened by a new covenant partnership with other churches/organizations and with Chicago Presbytery, secure the form from our website, define your covenant, and send it to us. We Presbyterians are fond of saying, “Together We Can Do More!”
  14. Shared Mission Giving from congregations makes possible Chicago Presbytery’s Mission Witness 2012 Covenants. Use the Pledge Card to provide your 2012 Shared Mission Pledge. The Pledge Card is also available on the Presbytery website at
  15. Shared Mission Giving from congregations makes possible Chicago Presbytery’s Mission Witness 2012 Covenants. Shared Mission Giving is another way we say “Together We Can Do More!” More: To help our young people grow in faith and understanding. More: To strengthen congregations. More: To feed the hungry.