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Written by
Matthew Brunhofer
(571) 575-6158
Hordes of zombies, skeletons, and werewolves from the deepest
parts of fear storm up icy slopes. HOWLS, GROWLS, and BONE
CLINKS create chaos in the air.
GARY, 10, a skinny red blob-child in a purple robe and
goggles, fires magic missiles from a crayon-shaped staff.
LEONARDO, 10, a large, husky green blob-child clad in candy
wrapper steel armor, slices a werewolf with a gigantic sword.
The werewolf disintegrates into dust.
HERALD, 10, a short blue blob-child in clothes made out of
LEGOS and a bandana around his face, dices through skeletons
and zombies with gold daggers.
Minnows! Back to back!
Gary, Leonardo, Herald (The Minnows) retract back-to-back in
the middle of a icy crater as the horde surrounds them.
An ICY SCREECH arises; the horde of enemies halts.
Everyone arches their necks and frantically gaze around.
GARDOON, an elite ice dragon, circles around the crowd and
swoops in. Gardoon brandishes his claws and crashes through
the horde. Skeletons, werewolves, and zombies scatter.
The Minnows dive out away as Gardoon’s claws stream past.
Plan ninety-two! Ninety-two!
I hate ninety-two...
Gary slams his crayon-staff, which cracks the icy surface. A
bright white light grows from the staff’s head.
Gardoon turns and swoops towards Gary.
Herald WHISTLES with his fingers. He waves his hands and runs
towards the edge of the mountain.
Gardoon turns and fires a gigantic ice ball as Herald sprints
through the crowd of zombies, skeletons, and werewolves.
Herald’s speed creates a trench in the ice.
Gardoon licks his lips.
Come here! Come here! You smell so
sweet! Run! Run! Make it better!
The light on Gary’s staff grows and widens.
Herald nears the edge; Gardoon streams right behind him.
Gary waves his staff and flings the ball of light at Gardoon.
It nails Gardoon in the side and sends him to the ice.
Herald skids to a halt at the edge of the mountain and swings
his arms for balance; he safely falls back onto the ice.
Gardoon contorts on the ground and screams in agony.
Leonardo approaches with his sword on his shoulder. He raises
the blade and slices. Gardoon disintegrates, and the entire
horde of enemies burst into smoke.
Gary and Herald approach Leonardo, who removes his helmet.
I love ninety-two.
Herald rolls his eyes and breathes hard.
An alarm RINGS. The Minnows sigh.
It’s meatloaf night...
Herald gags.
At least your parents cook for you.
The Minnows grasp hands and chant.
The Pond is our Friend. The Pond is
our guide. The Pond is where we go
to hide.
The Pond is greater than the times
of Rome. The Pond is our place when
we can’t go home.
The Minnows disappear from the tarnished ice crater.
Moonlight casts through a window and illuminates parts of a
bed and toys all over the floor. A light dimly glows
underneath a white blanket on the bed.
A door bursts open; light spills into the room. A silhouetted
blob-hand reaches in, and a light FLICKS on.
The blanket shifts around as MOM, 33, and DAD, 41, adult
versions of red blob-children in fine-tailored suits, stomp
towards the bed. Mom rips the blanket away.
The blanket flies off of Gary, in a white T-shirt that says:
“World’s Best Son.” He holds a flashlight and a book.
Gary gapes at the angry faces of Mom and Dad. He flicks off
the flashlight and nervously smiles.
Dad snatches the book and throws it out of the room. Gary
frowns, and Mom puts her hands on her hips.
Books. Stories. It’s all you ever
think about. They will make you
deaf, dumb, and blind.
But my friends and I--
Your friends are a bad influence.
Art is pointless. Stories are
stupid. No more books, ya’ hear?
Gary crosses his arms and leans against a headboard.
Don’t ignore your mother.
I hear.
Mom and Dad exit the room and close the door.
Gary sighs and hops off the bed. He turns around as the words
on his shirt morph to spell: “Disappointment.”
Gary lifts the mattress, which reveals tons of paperback
novels, a notebook, and a box of crayons. Gary grabs the
notebook and crayons, and turns; the mattress FLOPS.
Gary climbs into a large chair in front of a desk.
I just want you to be proud of me.
He opens the notebook and pulls out a blue crayon. He draws a
stick figure and writes “Dad” underneath. He gives the figure
a broom, pointy hat, and goofy teeth.
Gary pulls out a pink crayon. He draws a stick figure and
writes “Mom” underneath. He gives the figure a broom, pointy
hat, and goofy teeth.
Gary pulls out a red crayon and draws a small stick figure;
he gives it a sad face. He draws a dialogue bubble from its
mouth and writes: “Why aren’t you proud of me?” inside of it.
Above Mom and Dad, Gary writes, in black crayon, “Gwendolyn
and Artemis: The Evil Witch and Warlock.”
Several power cords stream out from behind a messy bookshelf.
They connect to two televisions, a video game system, and a
DVD player.
Leonardo, with large headphones on his eyes, watches a movie
on a television and eats a Snickers bar.
Herald sits in a chair made out of LEGOS, mashes buttons on a
game controller, and screams at the other television.
Leonardo glares at Herald and puts his finger to his lips.
Eat your Candy!
Gary enters through a wooden hatch in the floor. He removes a
backpack off his shoulders and tosses it to the bookcase.
Leonardo removes the headphones and stands. Herald presses a
button on the controller, which pauses the video game.
You’re late, dude.
Maybe we shouldn’t do this anymore.
The Pond is stupid. Our adventures
are pointless.
Leonardo and Herald gape at Gary.
I mean look at us. All this. Books,
Movies, Games... They are--
Going to make us deaf, dumb--
And blind.
Leonardo nods at Herald; Gary gawks at them.
Our parents say the same things.
Gary gazes down, and Leonardo grips Gary’s shoulder.
We’re The Minnows, dude. Too small
for our parents to understand.
It’s why The Pond is so important
for us. For our imaginations.
Anything is possible there.
Come on, we’re wasting time.
Herald bumps Gary’s shoulder; Leonardo winds a timer.
The Minnows gather in the center of the room.
They grasp hands, close their eyes, and chant.
The Pond is our Friend. The Pond is
our guide...
A large orb of white light appears in the middle of a red sky
over a decimated, lava-ridden land.
A gigantic fiery mountain looms in the distance. Deep cracks
create canyons throughout the land.
The orb of light explodes and drops The Minnows, in their
outfits and weapons, to the decimated ground.
Gary immediately yelps.
I can’t see.
He runs his hands over his goggles. They’ve fused to his eyes
with pitch black lenses.
I can’t hear!
Leonardo runs his hands around his helmet. Divots on the
sides show it has fused to his ears.
Mmmmh! Mmmmh! Meeeemmmh!
Herald frantically taps Leonardo’s shoulder. Leonardo gawks
at him, and Herald points to the bandana fused to his mouth.
And blind.
Leonardo and Herald gawk at each other; Leonardo grabs Gary’s
hand and pulls him over. They all grasp hands.
The Pond is our Friend. The Pond is
our guide...
Gary turns his head to Herald.
Herald, what’s wrong?
The Pond is where we go to hide.
The Pond is greater than the times
of Rome.
What, Herald?
Mmmh. Mmmh. Mmmmmmmmh!
The Pond is our place when we can’t
go home... Why isn’t it working?
Haha! Hehe!
ARTEMIS, 70, an ugly blue warlock, and GWENDOLYN, 70, a
hideous pink witch, fly over The Minnows on brooms.
Art is Pointless! Haha! Hehe!
Artemis and Gwendolyn speed towards the fiery mountain.
Mmmm-nuuu! Mmmmmm-nuuuuu!
Herald paces around. Leonardo stares at Herald.
What, Herald? What is it?
Artemis and Gwendolyn.
Herald halts; he grabs Leonardo and points at Gary.
I created them last night. They
must be powered by our parents’
“Art is Pointless” influence on us.
Herald gawks at Gary. He raises his hands and drops them.
Leonardo stares at Herald.
What? I can’t hear him. What is it?
Maybe destroying them with our
imaginations will send an “Art is
Important” message to our parents.
Herald shakes his head.
Listen. All our parents believe art
is pointless. This will prove them
wrong. They’ll see and be proud of
what we can do... Come on anything
is possible in The Pond.
Herald crosses his arms and gazes at the ground. Leonardo
gawks at both of them.
I don’t know what is going on. But,
whatever we have to do to get out
of here, then let’s do it.
HISSY GROWLS arise from behind The Minnows. Gary and Herald
turn their heads. Herald’s eyes widen.
That doesn’t sound nice.
Herald turns Leonardo around as three Fire Wolves stalk
towards The Minnows. Fire saliva drips from their jaws.
Leonardo grabs Gary, and The Minnows sprint away with the
Fire Wolves in pursuit.
The Minnows move across the Cataclysmic land as the Fire
Wolves snap their jaws and slash their claws at them.
Herald! There! Look!
Leonardo points at a crack in a wall at the base of the Fiery
Mountain. Gary stumbles and falls. A Fire Wolf leaps for him.
Leonardo swings his sword at the Wolf.
The Fire Wolf dodges back; Leonardo grabs Gary.
Herald halts at the crack in the wall. Leonardo, with his
sword over his shoulder, tosses Gary to Herald.
Herald helps Gary through the crack as the three Fire Wolves
leap at Leonardo, who slides towards the crack. He stabs his
sword into the ground, which blocks the crack.
The Fire Wolves slam into the wall and the sword.
Leonardo rests and breathes heavily against a wall. Herald
and Gary approach him; the Wolves bang against the sword.
Leonardo looks up and holds his breath. He taps Heralds
shoulder and points. A MUCOSAE HISS arises.
Herald turns and gapes at a gigantic Oil Snake. Black oil
drips over its bright, sharp teeth.
Gary taps Leonardo’s head.
Snake. An Oil Snake.
Herald unsheathes his gold daggers and sprints towards the
Oil Snake. It snaps towards Leonardo and Gary. Leonardo
shoves Gary away, and the Oil Snake crashes into the wall.
Leonardo reaches through the crack, and the Fire Wolves bang
against the sword. Leonardo snaps back and crawls to Gary.
Herald climbs up a rock; he leaps towards the Oil Snake and
cocks the daggers back. Herald lands on the Oil Snake but
slips across. He falls and drops the daggers.
Herald, back here. Behind you!
Herald crawls to Leonardo and Gary. The Minnows back into a
corner as the Oil Snake coils up and crooks back.
The Minnows grasp their hands together.
The Oil Snake snaps forward, but three bright beams of light
shoot out from The Minnows’ foreheads. The beams hit the Oil
Snake, and it BURSTS into a thousand shards.
Herald’s eyes widen as Leonardo steps back.
Dude... That was sweet.
Gary feels for Leonardo’s head and turns it to him. He speaks
loud and clear.
What was that?
Our imaginations.
Herald nods.
A heavy fog drifts across the slopes of the mountain and
blocks the view of the peak.
The Minnows approach a wooden ladder. Leonardo cranes his
neck up the ladder. It disappears as it ascends into the fog.
I can’t see anything.
Herald grabs Leonardo’s head and points at his eyes, then up
the ladder.
You can see?
Herald nods, and Leonardo turns to Gary.
We need a rope, dude.
Gary clamps his hands together and squeezes. He slowly
separates them, and a long rope-like light forms between
them. Gary claps his hands, and a long rope drops.
Leonardo and Herald tie the rope around their waists.
Leonardo climbs the ladder with Gary on his back. He stares
up at a dense cloud of fog.
Herald climbs the ladder and peers down at the heavy fog.
Haha! Hehe!
A fireball SMASHES into the wall next to Herald. The ladder
violently vibrates; Herald slips off.
Herald falls past Leonardo and Gary. The rope tightens, which
halts Herald’s fall and pulls on Leonardo’s waist. Leonardo
shifts and almost loses his grip.
Have another! Haha!
A fireball hits the wall next to Leonardo and Gary. Artemis
and Gwendolyn swoop by.
Herald dangles in mid-air as Leonardo’s grip loosens.
Artemis and Gwendolyn swoop and throw another fireball.
Yeah, Herald! Don’t leave them
hanging! Hehe! They might slip!
Herald pushes off of the wall. He swings back and runs up the
slope. His legs move with incredible speed. The rope slackens
and Leonardo re-grips the ladder.
How about a can for these Sardines!
Artemis conjures a fireball, but Herald flies out of the fog
and brandishes the daggers. Artemis gapes as Herald slices
his broom in half.
A loud CRACK and shimmering light burst from the broom.
Artemis descends into the fog.
Herald crashes against the ladder, but ripples down the
rungs. He stabs the rocky slope. The dagger cuts the rungs of
the ladder. Herald slips further down.
Herald goggles down; Gwendolyn flies straight at Herald out
of the fog with Artemis, who holds onto her waist.
Herald’s eyes widen, and he cocks back the dagger. He jams it
into the mountain, and it catches. Herald hugs the ladder as
Artemis and Gwendolyn barely miss him.
You’ll never escape! Haha! Hehe!
Artemis and Gwendolyn disappear in the thick fog.
The Minnows clamber over the top of the ladder and slide into
a deep crater. A large, fiery pit snaps with BUBBLES and
HISSES in the middle of the crater.
Artemis and Gwendolyn dance at the far end of the pit.
Haha! You’re never gonna make it.
You’re never gonna make it. Time to
stay here... Forever.
Artemis and Gwendolyn halt as The Minnows approach the
scolding edge of the pit. They peer at Artemis and Gwendolyn
and grasp hands.
Hehe! Artemis what are they doing?
Oh, Gwendolyn. Not enough!
Artemis waves his hand. The three Fire Wolves erupt out of
the fiery pit. The Minnows release hands and back away.
The Fire Wolves slowly stalk towards The Minnows, who
separate from each other.
Fire and oil drip from a Fire Wolf’s mouth as it hungrily
peers at Herald.
Leonardo puts his hands in front of himself as a Fire Wolf
wags a fiery tongue.
Just keep backing up, Gary!
Gary slowly walks backwards. The third Fire Wolf slowly
serpentines closer and closer to him.
Hehe! Haha!
Artemis and Gwendolyn create fire balls with their hands and
hurl them towards The Minnows.
Herald eyes a fire ball coming towards him, but his back
strikes a rocky wall. The Fire Wolf launches itself toward
him, and Herald steps out of the way.
The Fire Wolf smacks into the wall; the fireball hits the
Fire Wolf. Herald unsheathes his daggers, but halts as the
Fire Wolf grows bigger. Herald’s eyes widen.
Leonardo peers at the Fire Wolf in front of him. Its paws dig
into the ground and push off into a leap.
Herald runs up the rocky wall. He launches off of it and
lands on the back of the larger Fire Wolf.
Leonardo jumps and wraps his arms around the Fire Wolf’s
neck. He grasps it into a headlock.
The Fire Wolf WHINES and GROWLS as it bucks and swings its
body. Leonardo hangs on.
Gary reaches behind him, and his fingers touch the rocky
wall. A fireball slams into the wall next to him, and the
Fire Wolf growls in his face.
The Fire Wolf licks its lips and slowly opens its mouth.
Orange fangs reflect in Gary’s dark goggles. The Fire Wolf
rises on its hind legs, and its mouth surrounds Gary’s head.
Gary shoves the crayon-staff into the Fire Wolf’s throat. Its
eyes widen, and the Fire Wolf bursts into dust with a WHINE.
Gary twirls the staff and bats an incoming fireball away.
Leonardo holds on as the Fire Wolf bucks and swings.
He rips the Fire Wolf down to the ground and keeps it in a
headlock. He drags it towards Gary and glances at a fireball
descending towards Gary.
Gary! Eighty-six!
Gary sprints towards Leonardo. The fireball smashes the wall.
Herald jams the daggers into the large Fire Wolf’s back. The
Fire Wolf HOWLS and sprints around the fiery pit. Herald
hangs onto the daggers as he ducks underneath fireballs.
Leonardo drags the Fire Wolf; Gary twirls his staff and
creates a wheel of light. A fireball passes through a portion
of the light, and the fireball cuts in half.
Leonardo throws the Fire Wolf towards the wheel of light. The
Fire Wolf passes through and disintegrates entirely.
Leonardo breathes heavily and stares at Gary.
I hate eighty-six.
A HEAVY RUMBLE arises, and Leonardo peeks around Gary. He
swings Gary out of the way as the large Fire Wolf runs past
them with Herald on its back.
Herald steers the Fire Wolf towards the rocky wall. Its paws
dig in and run up the steep slope. The Fire Wolf closes in on
the end of the crater, and Herald removes the daggers.
The Fire Wolf leaps over the edge and disappears with a HOWL.
What? What happened?
Herald lands on his feet behind Leonardo and Gary. Leonardo
snaps around; Herald cracks his neck.
Three fireballs EXPLODE around The Minnows.
Haha! Hehe!
The Minnows band together and grasp hands.
Three beams of light fire out of their foreheads. The beams
spear across the fire pit and hit Artemis and Gwendolyn.
The fiery pit morphs into a bed of rock; the red sky
disintegrates into a pale blue.
Gary’s goggles return to normal. Leonardo removes his helmet
and rubs his ears. Herald unties the bandana from his mouth.
Dear Lord! That sucked!
I’d rather it’d stay on.
Herald punches Leonardo, who smiles and gawks around.
Where’s Gary?
Herald points across the bed of rock.
Gary approaches the injured Artemis and Gwendolyn, who wither
and crawl on the ground.
Ugh! Stories are stupid.
Yick! Art is pointless.
Gary glares down at them.
You’re a disappointment.
Gary slams the staff down, which cracks the rocky surface.
Artemis and Gwendolyn silence.
No I am not.
Gary waves the staff around. He points it at Artemis and
Gwendolyn. They disintegrate into a magical white light, and
the light rapidly ascends into the air.
A white light bursts out of the tree house.
The white light spreads over houses on a wide street.
Chicken cooks in a pan as Mom and Dad sit at a table. They
work on paperwork and computers.
The white light passes through a window and through Mom and
Dad’s heads.
Mom and Dad look up and gawk at each other.
Moonlight casts through a window and illuminates parts of the
bed and toys on the floor. A light dimly glows underneath a
white blanket on the bed.
The door bursts open, and light spills into the room. A
silhouetted blob-hand reaches in; a light FLICKS on.
The blanket shifts around as Mom and Dad enter with a wagon
full of books.
Gary slowly slides the blanket off of himself, and his eyes
widen at the wagon. Dad places books on the desk. Mom sits
down on the bed.
We’re extremely proud of you, Gary.
Your imagination makes you special.
And we don’t want to hinder that in
any sort of way.
So, read up, son! Haha!
Mom kisses Gary’s head. Gary gawks at the books.
Mom and Dad fill the desk with books. Gary sweetly smiles and
walks to the window.
Gary stares at the tree house in a far off backyard.

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Minnows in a Pond

  • 1. MINNOWS IN A POND Written by Matthew Brunhofer (571) 575-6158
  • 2. FADE IN: EXT. THE POND - ICE MOUNTAIN - DAY Hordes of zombies, skeletons, and werewolves from the deepest parts of fear storm up icy slopes. HOWLS, GROWLS, and BONE CLINKS create chaos in the air. EXT. ICE MOUNTAIN - HIGHEST PEAK - DAY GARY, 10, a skinny red blob-child in a purple robe and goggles, fires magic missiles from a crayon-shaped staff. LEONARDO, 10, a large, husky green blob-child clad in candy wrapper steel armor, slices a werewolf with a gigantic sword. The werewolf disintegrates into dust. HERALD, 10, a short blue blob-child in clothes made out of LEGOS and a bandana around his face, dices through skeletons and zombies with gold daggers. GARY Minnows! Back to back! Gary, Leonardo, Herald (The Minnows) retract back-to-back in the middle of a icy crater as the horde surrounds them. An ICY SCREECH arises; the horde of enemies halts. Everyone arches their necks and frantically gaze around. GARDOON, an elite ice dragon, circles around the crowd and swoops in. Gardoon brandishes his claws and crashes through the horde. Skeletons, werewolves, and zombies scatter. The Minnows dive out away as Gardoon’s claws stream past. GARY (CONT’D) Plan ninety-two! Ninety-two! HERALD I hate ninety-two... Gary slams his crayon-staff, which cracks the icy surface. A bright white light grows from the staff’s head. Gardoon turns and swoops towards Gary. Herald WHISTLES with his fingers. He waves his hands and runs towards the edge of the mountain.
  • 3. Gardoon turns and fires a gigantic ice ball as Herald sprints through the crowd of zombies, skeletons, and werewolves. Herald’s speed creates a trench in the ice. Gardoon licks his lips. GARDOON Come here! Come here! You smell so sweet! Run! Run! Make it better! The light on Gary’s staff grows and widens. Herald nears the edge; Gardoon streams right behind him. Gary waves his staff and flings the ball of light at Gardoon. It nails Gardoon in the side and sends him to the ice. Herald skids to a halt at the edge of the mountain and swings his arms for balance; he safely falls back onto the ice. Gardoon contorts on the ground and screams in agony. Leonardo approaches with his sword on his shoulder. He raises the blade and slices. Gardoon disintegrates, and the entire horde of enemies burst into smoke. Gary and Herald approach Leonardo, who removes his helmet. LEONARDO I love ninety-two. GARY Haha. Herald rolls his eyes and breathes hard. An alarm RINGS. The Minnows sigh. HERALD It’s meatloaf night... Herald gags. LEONARDO At least your parents cook for you. The Minnows grasp hands and chant. THE MINNOWS The Pond is our Friend. The Pond is our guide. The Pond is where we go to hide. 2.
  • 4. The Pond is greater than the times of Rome. The Pond is our place when we can’t go home. The Minnows disappear from the tarnished ice crater. INT. GARY’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Moonlight casts through a window and illuminates parts of a bed and toys all over the floor. A light dimly glows underneath a white blanket on the bed. A door bursts open; light spills into the room. A silhouetted blob-hand reaches in, and a light FLICKS on. The blanket shifts around as MOM, 33, and DAD, 41, adult versions of red blob-children in fine-tailored suits, stomp towards the bed. Mom rips the blanket away. The blanket flies off of Gary, in a white T-shirt that says: “World’s Best Son.” He holds a flashlight and a book. Gary gapes at the angry faces of Mom and Dad. He flicks off the flashlight and nervously smiles. Dad snatches the book and throws it out of the room. Gary frowns, and Mom puts her hands on her hips. MOM Books. Stories. It’s all you ever think about. They will make you deaf, dumb, and blind. GARY But my friends and I-- MOM Your friends are a bad influence. Art is pointless. Stories are stupid. No more books, ya’ hear? Gary crosses his arms and leans against a headboard. DAD Don’t ignore your mother. GARY I hear. Mom and Dad exit the room and close the door. Gary sighs and hops off the bed. He turns around as the words on his shirt morph to spell: “Disappointment.” 3.
  • 5. Gary lifts the mattress, which reveals tons of paperback novels, a notebook, and a box of crayons. Gary grabs the notebook and crayons, and turns; the mattress FLOPS. Gary climbs into a large chair in front of a desk. GARY (CONT’D) I just want you to be proud of me. He opens the notebook and pulls out a blue crayon. He draws a stick figure and writes “Dad” underneath. He gives the figure a broom, pointy hat, and goofy teeth. Gary pulls out a pink crayon. He draws a stick figure and writes “Mom” underneath. He gives the figure a broom, pointy hat, and goofy teeth. Gary pulls out a red crayon and draws a small stick figure; he gives it a sad face. He draws a dialogue bubble from its mouth and writes: “Why aren’t you proud of me?” inside of it. Above Mom and Dad, Gary writes, in black crayon, “Gwendolyn and Artemis: The Evil Witch and Warlock.” INT. TREE HOUSE - DAY Several power cords stream out from behind a messy bookshelf. They connect to two televisions, a video game system, and a DVD player. Leonardo, with large headphones on his eyes, watches a movie on a television and eats a Snickers bar. Herald sits in a chair made out of LEGOS, mashes buttons on a game controller, and screams at the other television. Leonardo glares at Herald and puts his finger to his lips. LEONARDO Shhh. HERALD Eat your Candy! Gary enters through a wooden hatch in the floor. He removes a backpack off his shoulders and tosses it to the bookcase. Leonardo removes the headphones and stands. Herald presses a button on the controller, which pauses the video game. LEONARDO You’re late, dude. 4.
  • 6. GARY Maybe we shouldn’t do this anymore. The Pond is stupid. Our adventures are pointless. Leonardo and Herald gape at Gary. GARY (CONT’D) I mean look at us. All this. Books, Movies, Games... They are-- LEONARDO Going to make us deaf, dumb-- HERALD And blind. Leonardo nods at Herald; Gary gawks at them. LEONARDO AND HERALD Our parents say the same things. Gary gazes down, and Leonardo grips Gary’s shoulder. LEONARDO We’re The Minnows, dude. Too small for our parents to understand. HERALD It’s why The Pond is so important for us. For our imaginations. Anything is possible there. LEONARDO Come on, we’re wasting time. Herald bumps Gary’s shoulder; Leonardo winds a timer. The Minnows gather in the center of the room. They grasp hands, close their eyes, and chant. THE MINNOWS The Pond is our Friend. The Pond is our guide... EXT. THE POND - CATACLYSMIC LAND - DAY A large orb of white light appears in the middle of a red sky over a decimated, lava-ridden land. A gigantic fiery mountain looms in the distance. Deep cracks create canyons throughout the land. 5.
  • 7. The orb of light explodes and drops The Minnows, in their outfits and weapons, to the decimated ground. Gary immediately yelps. GARY I can’t see. He runs his hands over his goggles. They’ve fused to his eyes with pitch black lenses. LEONARDO I can’t hear! Leonardo runs his hands around his helmet. Divots on the sides show it has fused to his ears. HERALD Mmmmh! Mmmmh! Meeeemmmh! Herald frantically taps Leonardo’s shoulder. Leonardo gawks at him, and Herald points to the bandana fused to his mouth. LEONARDO Deaf. HERALD (mumble) Dumb. GARY And blind. Leonardo and Herald gawk at each other; Leonardo grabs Gary’s hand and pulls him over. They all grasp hands. LEONARDO AND GARY The Pond is our Friend. The Pond is our guide... Gary turns his head to Herald. GARY Herald, what’s wrong? LEONARDO The Pond is where we go to hide. HERALD Mmmmh-mmmmmmh! LEONARDO The Pond is greater than the times of Rome. 6.
  • 8. GARY What, Herald? HERALD Mmmh. Mmmh. Mmmmmmmmh! LEONARDO The Pond is our place when we can’t go home... Why isn’t it working? ARTEMIS AND GWENDOLYN Haha! Hehe! ARTEMIS, 70, an ugly blue warlock, and GWENDOLYN, 70, a hideous pink witch, fly over The Minnows on brooms. ARTEMIS AND GWENDOLYN (CONT’D) Art is Pointless! Haha! Hehe! Artemis and Gwendolyn speed towards the fiery mountain. HERALD Mmmm-nuuu! Mmmmmm-nuuuuu! Herald paces around. Leonardo stares at Herald. LEONARDO What, Herald? What is it? GARY Artemis and Gwendolyn. Herald halts; he grabs Leonardo and points at Gary. GARY (CONT’D) I created them last night. They must be powered by our parents’ “Art is Pointless” influence on us. Herald gawks at Gary. He raises his hands and drops them. Leonardo stares at Herald. LEONARDO What? I can’t hear him. What is it? GARY Maybe destroying them with our imaginations will send an “Art is Important” message to our parents. Herald shakes his head. 7.
  • 9. GARY (CONT’D) Listen. All our parents believe art is pointless. This will prove them wrong. They’ll see and be proud of what we can do... Come on anything is possible in The Pond. Herald crosses his arms and gazes at the ground. Leonardo gawks at both of them. LEONARDO I don’t know what is going on. But, whatever we have to do to get out of here, then let’s do it. HISSY GROWLS arise from behind The Minnows. Gary and Herald turn their heads. Herald’s eyes widen. GARY That doesn’t sound nice. Herald turns Leonardo around as three Fire Wolves stalk towards The Minnows. Fire saliva drips from their jaws. LEONARDO Run! Leonardo grabs Gary, and The Minnows sprint away with the Fire Wolves in pursuit. The Minnows move across the Cataclysmic land as the Fire Wolves snap their jaws and slash their claws at them. LEONARDO (CONT’D) Herald! There! Look! Leonardo points at a crack in a wall at the base of the Fiery Mountain. Gary stumbles and falls. A Fire Wolf leaps for him. Leonardo swings his sword at the Wolf. The Fire Wolf dodges back; Leonardo grabs Gary. Herald halts at the crack in the wall. Leonardo, with his sword over his shoulder, tosses Gary to Herald. Herald helps Gary through the crack as the three Fire Wolves leap at Leonardo, who slides towards the crack. He stabs his sword into the ground, which blocks the crack. The Fire Wolves slam into the wall and the sword. 8.
  • 10. EXT. FIERY MOUNTAIN - BOTTOM - DAY Leonardo rests and breathes heavily against a wall. Herald and Gary approach him; the Wolves bang against the sword. Leonardo looks up and holds his breath. He taps Heralds shoulder and points. A MUCOSAE HISS arises. Herald turns and gapes at a gigantic Oil Snake. Black oil drips over its bright, sharp teeth. Gary taps Leonardo’s head. LEONARDO Snake. An Oil Snake. Herald unsheathes his gold daggers and sprints towards the Oil Snake. It snaps towards Leonardo and Gary. Leonardo shoves Gary away, and the Oil Snake crashes into the wall. Leonardo reaches through the crack, and the Fire Wolves bang against the sword. Leonardo snaps back and crawls to Gary. Herald climbs up a rock; he leaps towards the Oil Snake and cocks the daggers back. Herald lands on the Oil Snake but slips across. He falls and drops the daggers. LEONARDO (CONT’D) Herald, back here. Behind you! Herald crawls to Leonardo and Gary. The Minnows back into a corner as the Oil Snake coils up and crooks back. CLOSE UP ON The Minnows grasp their hands together. BACK TO OIL SNAKE The Oil Snake snaps forward, but three bright beams of light shoot out from The Minnows’ foreheads. The beams hit the Oil Snake, and it BURSTS into a thousand shards. Herald’s eyes widen as Leonardo steps back. LEONARDO (CONT’D) Dude... That was sweet. Gary feels for Leonardo’s head and turns it to him. He speaks loud and clear. 9.
  • 11. GARY What was that? LEONARDO Our imaginations. Herald nods. EXT. FIERY MOUNTAIN - STEEP SLOPE - DAY A heavy fog drifts across the slopes of the mountain and blocks the view of the peak. The Minnows approach a wooden ladder. Leonardo cranes his neck up the ladder. It disappears as it ascends into the fog. LEONARDO I can’t see anything. Herald grabs Leonardo’s head and points at his eyes, then up the ladder. LEONARDO (CONT’D) You can see? Herald nods, and Leonardo turns to Gary. LEONARDO (CONT’D) We need a rope, dude. Gary clamps his hands together and squeezes. He slowly separates them, and a long rope-like light forms between them. Gary claps his hands, and a long rope drops. Leonardo and Herald tie the rope around their waists. EXT. FIERY MOUNTAIN - THE FOG - DAY Leonardo climbs the ladder with Gary on his back. He stares up at a dense cloud of fog. Herald climbs the ladder and peers down at the heavy fog. ARTEMIS AND GWENDOLYN Haha! Hehe! A fireball SMASHES into the wall next to Herald. The ladder violently vibrates; Herald slips off. Herald falls past Leonardo and Gary. The rope tightens, which halts Herald’s fall and pulls on Leonardo’s waist. Leonardo shifts and almost loses his grip. 10.
  • 12. ARTEMIS Have another! Haha! A fireball hits the wall next to Leonardo and Gary. Artemis and Gwendolyn swoop by. GWENDOLYN Hehe! Herald dangles in mid-air as Leonardo’s grip loosens. LEONARDO Herald! Artemis and Gwendolyn swoop and throw another fireball. GWENDOLYN Yeah, Herald! Don’t leave them hanging! Hehe! They might slip! Herald pushes off of the wall. He swings back and runs up the slope. His legs move with incredible speed. The rope slackens and Leonardo re-grips the ladder. ARTEMIS How about a can for these Sardines! Artemis conjures a fireball, but Herald flies out of the fog and brandishes the daggers. Artemis gapes as Herald slices his broom in half. A loud CRACK and shimmering light burst from the broom. ARTEMIS (CONT’D) Yaaaaarrrrggghhhh! Artemis descends into the fog. Herald crashes against the ladder, but ripples down the rungs. He stabs the rocky slope. The dagger cuts the rungs of the ladder. Herald slips further down. GWENDOLYN Hehe! Herald goggles down; Gwendolyn flies straight at Herald out of the fog with Artemis, who holds onto her waist. Herald’s eyes widen, and he cocks back the dagger. He jams it into the mountain, and it catches. Herald hugs the ladder as Artemis and Gwendolyn barely miss him. ARTEMIS AND GWENDOLYN You’ll never escape! Haha! Hehe! 11.
  • 13. Artemis and Gwendolyn disappear in the thick fog. EXT. FIERY MOUNTAIN - HIGHEST PEAK - DAY The Minnows clamber over the top of the ladder and slide into a deep crater. A large, fiery pit snaps with BUBBLES and HISSES in the middle of the crater. Artemis and Gwendolyn dance at the far end of the pit. ARTEMIS AND GWENDOLYN Haha! You’re never gonna make it. You’re never gonna make it. Time to stay here... Forever. Artemis and Gwendolyn halt as The Minnows approach the scolding edge of the pit. They peer at Artemis and Gwendolyn and grasp hands. GWENDOLYN Hehe! Artemis what are they doing? ARTEMIS Oh, Gwendolyn. Not enough! Artemis waves his hand. The three Fire Wolves erupt out of the fiery pit. The Minnows release hands and back away. The Fire Wolves slowly stalk towards The Minnows, who separate from each other. Fire and oil drip from a Fire Wolf’s mouth as it hungrily peers at Herald. Leonardo puts his hands in front of himself as a Fire Wolf wags a fiery tongue. LEONARDO Just keep backing up, Gary! Gary slowly walks backwards. The third Fire Wolf slowly serpentines closer and closer to him. ARTEMIS AND GWENDOLYN Hehe! Haha! Artemis and Gwendolyn create fire balls with their hands and hurl them towards The Minnows. Herald eyes a fire ball coming towards him, but his back strikes a rocky wall. The Fire Wolf launches itself toward him, and Herald steps out of the way. 12.
  • 14. The Fire Wolf smacks into the wall; the fireball hits the Fire Wolf. Herald unsheathes his daggers, but halts as the Fire Wolf grows bigger. Herald’s eyes widen. Leonardo peers at the Fire Wolf in front of him. Its paws dig into the ground and push off into a leap. Herald runs up the rocky wall. He launches off of it and lands on the back of the larger Fire Wolf. Leonardo jumps and wraps his arms around the Fire Wolf’s neck. He grasps it into a headlock. LEONARDO Gotchya! The Fire Wolf WHINES and GROWLS as it bucks and swings its body. Leonardo hangs on. Gary reaches behind him, and his fingers touch the rocky wall. A fireball slams into the wall next to him, and the Fire Wolf growls in his face. The Fire Wolf licks its lips and slowly opens its mouth. Orange fangs reflect in Gary’s dark goggles. The Fire Wolf rises on its hind legs, and its mouth surrounds Gary’s head. Gary shoves the crayon-staff into the Fire Wolf’s throat. Its eyes widen, and the Fire Wolf bursts into dust with a WHINE. Gary twirls the staff and bats an incoming fireball away. Leonardo holds on as the Fire Wolf bucks and swings. He rips the Fire Wolf down to the ground and keeps it in a headlock. He drags it towards Gary and glances at a fireball descending towards Gary. LEONARDO (CONT’D) Gary! Eighty-six! Gary sprints towards Leonardo. The fireball smashes the wall. Herald jams the daggers into the large Fire Wolf’s back. The Fire Wolf HOWLS and sprints around the fiery pit. Herald hangs onto the daggers as he ducks underneath fireballs. Leonardo drags the Fire Wolf; Gary twirls his staff and creates a wheel of light. A fireball passes through a portion of the light, and the fireball cuts in half. GARY Now! 13.
  • 15. Leonardo throws the Fire Wolf towards the wheel of light. The Fire Wolf passes through and disintegrates entirely. Leonardo breathes heavily and stares at Gary. LEONARDO I hate eighty-six. A HEAVY RUMBLE arises, and Leonardo peeks around Gary. He swings Gary out of the way as the large Fire Wolf runs past them with Herald on its back. Herald steers the Fire Wolf towards the rocky wall. Its paws dig in and run up the steep slope. The Fire Wolf closes in on the end of the crater, and Herald removes the daggers. The Fire Wolf leaps over the edge and disappears with a HOWL. LEONARDO (CONT’D) No! GARY What? What happened? Herald lands on his feet behind Leonardo and Gary. Leonardo snaps around; Herald cracks his neck. LEONARDO Show-off. HERALD Mmmmmh! Three fireballs EXPLODE around The Minnows. ARTEMIS AND GWENDOLYN Haha! Hehe! The Minnows band together and grasp hands. Three beams of light fire out of their foreheads. The beams spear across the fire pit and hit Artemis and Gwendolyn. ARTEMIS AND GWENDOLYN (CONT’D) Yaaaaaarrrrggghhhhhh! The fiery pit morphs into a bed of rock; the red sky disintegrates into a pale blue. Gary’s goggles return to normal. Leonardo removes his helmet and rubs his ears. Herald unties the bandana from his mouth. HERALD Dear Lord! That sucked! 14.
  • 16. LEONARDO I’d rather it’d stay on. Herald punches Leonardo, who smiles and gawks around. LEONARDO (CONT’D) Where’s Gary? Herald points across the bed of rock. Gary approaches the injured Artemis and Gwendolyn, who wither and crawl on the ground. GWENDOLYN Ugh! Stories are stupid. ARTEMIS Yick! Art is pointless. Gary glares down at them. ARTEMIS AND GWENDOLYN You’re a disappointment. Gary slams the staff down, which cracks the rocky surface. Artemis and Gwendolyn silence. GARY No I am not. Gary waves the staff around. He points it at Artemis and Gwendolyn. They disintegrate into a magical white light, and the light rapidly ascends into the air. EXT. TREE HOUSE - DAY A white light bursts out of the tree house. EXT. CARTER AVENUE - DAY The white light spreads over houses on a wide street. INT. GARY’S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY Chicken cooks in a pan as Mom and Dad sit at a table. They work on paperwork and computers. The white light passes through a window and through Mom and Dad’s heads. Mom and Dad look up and gawk at each other. 15.
  • 17. INT. GARY’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Moonlight casts through a window and illuminates parts of the bed and toys on the floor. A light dimly glows underneath a white blanket on the bed. The door bursts open, and light spills into the room. A silhouetted blob-hand reaches in; a light FLICKS on. The blanket shifts around as Mom and Dad enter with a wagon full of books. Gary slowly slides the blanket off of himself, and his eyes widen at the wagon. Dad places books on the desk. Mom sits down on the bed. MOM We’re extremely proud of you, Gary. DAD Your imagination makes you special. MOM And we don’t want to hinder that in any sort of way. DAD So, read up, son! Haha! Mom kisses Gary’s head. Gary gawks at the books. MOM Hehe! Mom and Dad fill the desk with books. Gary sweetly smiles and walks to the window. INT/EXT. GARY’S WINDOW - NIGHT Gary stares at the tree house in a far off backyard. FADE OUT. 16.