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July 2012 Volume 14, Number 1

                                                                                  A Joint Publication of


                                                                               LAWYERS ASSOCIATION

    SEPTEMBER 6, 2012
    SEPTEMBER 26-29, 2012
    NOVEMBER 9, 2012                                                           TRANSPORT LAWYERS’
    HILTON NASHVILLE DOWNTOWN                                                        ASSOCIATION

    JANUARY 25, 2013
                                                                            ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE
    APRIL 30 – MAY 4, 2013                                                 DES   AVOCATS EN TRANSPORT

                         A Comprehensive Journal of Developments in Transportation Law

                                         TLA’s Website:   CTLA’s Website:
CONTINUES                       TO BE A          WORK           IN       PROGRESS
                                                          Walter R. Metz, Jr.*

                                               disclose the number of fatal accidents              The July change replaces the
                                               in which a carrier has been involved           category of “Injuries/Fatalities” by pro-
                                               separately from the “injuries/crashes”         viding separate numbers for accidents
                                               in a carrier’s SMS information cat-            involving fatalities and those involv-
                                               egory. The separate fatality accident          ing non-fatal injuries. The FMCSA
                                               data breakout change was scheduled             described the reason for the sepa-
                                               to be made public later this year, as          rate breakout of fatality crash data as
                                               part of a slate of FMCSA changes to            follows:2
                                               CSA. These changes are discussed in                Overview: In the “Summary
     There have been some signifi-
                                               more detail below, but the upshot of               of Activities” section of a car-
cant developments in Compliance,
Safety, Accountability (“CSA”)1 since          the two agency decisions is to allow
                                                                                                  rier’s information on SMS
the first of the year, as CSA not only         the number of a carrier’s fatal acci-
                                                                                                  Website, FMCSA displays a
continues to be a work in progress             dents to be highlighted in public view,
                                                                                                  count of reportable crashes
but also a good source of contro-              while withholding the fault assess-
                                                                                                  broken into two categories:
versy. These developments include a            ments that could put the raw numbers
                                                                                                  “fatal/injury” and “tow away.”
delay by the Federal Motor Carrier             of fatal accidents in a different light.
                                                                                                  Stakeholders have asked
Safety Administration (“FMCSA”) in             Meanwhile, public access to carrier
                                                                                                  FMCSA to separate the
implementing a system for assessing            scores for the Crash Indicator BASIC
                                                                                                  combined “fatality/injury”
carrier responsibility for reportable          is also delayed.
crashes, changes or “enhancements”
to the Safety Measurement System                     Separate Fatality Accident                   Solution: FMCSA developed
(“SMS”), and further delays in imple-                 Number Breakout Issue                       a method to display injury
menting the FMCSA’s plan to use                                                                   crashes and fatality crashes
                                                    The implication of the separate
SMS data in the making of Safety                                                                  separately.
                                               breakout of fatality accident numbers
Fitness Determinations for carriers.           is best seen through an illustration. A            Notwithstanding the explanation
These three issues are addressed sepa-         public view of an anonymous carrier’s          provided by the agency, carriers do not
rately below.                                  “Summary of Activities” under CSA              like the fact that the number of fatal
                                               looked like this before the scheduled          accidents in which a carrier has been
          Crash Indicator                                                                     involved is now being highlighted,
                                               change (note the last category of
          BASIC Changes                        “Injuries/Fatalities”):                        regardless of fault.
    At the time that this article was
written, controversy was still swirl-                                                          Number OOS Rate
ing over the abrupt decision by the                  Total Inspections:                        17,345
FMCSA to delay the planned March                                     Vehicle Inspections:        9,159 14 %
2012 implementation of a system for                                   Driver Inspections:       17,245  1%
assessing fault for reportable crashes
                                                        Hazardous Materials Inspections:          788   2%
and then to use the assessments to
                                                                HM Placard Inspections:           535   3%
weigh reportable crash data for the
Crash Indicator BASIC. The frustra-                  Total Crashes:                              981
tion over the lack of a fault assessment                                      Tow-aways:         944
process mounted when the FMCSA                                         Injuries/Fatalities:      350
subsequently announced plans to
*Special Legal Projects Counsel (Atlanta, Georgia)

                                                                                        TLA Feature Articles
         Crash Indicator                    disabling damage . . . as well as the           the Federal Motor Carrier
     BASIC Scores and the                   number of crashes that resulted in an           Safety Administration take
                                            injury or fatality to a person involved         this approach? This approach
     Fault Assessment Delay                 in the crash” 3 As described by the             is taken because data analy-
     Although a carrier’s publicly avail-   FMCSA, the agency uses all crashes,             sis has historically shown
able information on the SMS website         regardless of fault, in scoring carriers        that motor carriers who are
will now include a separate count of        under the Crash Indicator BASIC as              involved in crashes, regardless
fatal crashes and injury crashes, the       follows:4                                       of accountability, are likely
FMCSA is still not providing public              The structure of the new SMS               to be involved in more future
access to a carrier’s Crash Indicator            is such that crash account-                crashes than carriers who are
BASIC score. This is because of con-             ability is not automatically               not. Put simply, past crashes
cerns voiced by trucking companies               determined or considered.                  are a good predictor of future
that interested parties, such as ship-           In fact, recordable crash                  crashes.
pers and insurance companies, should             reports that States submit to              By way of illustration, this is how
not be influenced by Crash Indicator             the Federal Motor Carrier              the lack of public access to Crash
BASIC scores that do not take into               Safety Administration do               Indicator BASIC scores was reflected
account fault. At present, the Crash             not include an accountability          for an anonymous carrier on the
Indicator BASIC scores (currently                determination. Consequently,           FMCSA website at the time this arti-
unavailable to the public) are based             motor carriers are identi-             cle was written (note that by the time
upon “reportable accidents” data. This           fied for possible intervention         this article is published, the changes
data is defined as “[t]he number of              based on recordable crashes            to the Cargo-Related BASIC discussed
crashes that required at least one vehi-         without consideration of               in a subsequent section of this article
cle to be towed from the scene due to            accountability. Why does               would have been made):

       BASICs Overview
       (Based on a 24-month record ending March 23, 2012)               On-Road Investigation         BASICs Status

                Unsafe Driving                                             44.7%                  =

                Fatigued Driving (Hours-of-Service)                        11.9%                  =

                Driver Fitness                                              51.7%                 =

                Controlled Substances and Alcohol                           25%                   =

                Vehicle Maintenance                                        58.5%                  =
                Cargo-Related                                         Not Public                  =       Public

                Crash Indicator                                       Not Public                  =       Public

                                                                        USE OF SMS DATA/INFORMATION

    Until very recently, it appeared        evaluating crashes for accountability/      accountability process would be
that the agency’s ultimate goal             preventability before they are used         cost effective. Administrator Ferro
remained to be the implementation           by the SMS in the Crash Indicator           indicated that she was hopeful the
of a crash accountability process to        BASIC. This would allow FMCSA to            further study would shed light on
be used for the Crash Indicator, and        better concentrate intervention efforts     whether the removal of preventable
that the agency continued to work           on motor carriers that have high            crashes from a carrier’s crash indicator
on a plan to provide carriers with          preventable/accountable crash rates”5       score will help turn the enforcement
an assessment of fault in the crashes       However, FMCSA Administrator                spotlight “towards companies with
to be used for the Crash Indicator.         Anne Ferro disclosed in late April          a significantly high crash risk.” The
The agency had stated that the              that the agency was studying whether        study should be completed by the end
“FMCSA is assessing the feasibility of      implementation of an improved crash         of the year.6
The crash accountability assess-     system could take into account sub-              violations from vehicle-only
ment plan, as originally proposed,        jective input on individual accidents,           inspections.
would have placed primary reliance        greater concerns will likely be voiced if   5. More accurately identifying
upon information gleaned from acci-       the agency shelves the planned system            carriers involved in transport-
dent police reports. The plan would       altogether because of Administrator              ing HM.
have provided a method of coding          Ferro’s expressed concerns that such a
                                                                                      6. More accurately identifying
every interstate motor carrier crash as   system may not be cost effective.11
                                                                                           carriers involved in transport-
either “accountable” or “not account-
                                                 SMS Enhancements                          ing passengers.
able” to the motor carrier and the
driver.7 If a carrier was found to be                                                 7. Modifying the SMS display
                                               On March 27, 2012, the FMCSA
without fault in certain reportable                                                        to (i) change current termi-
                                          published a Notice in the Federal
accidents, the adverse impact of those                                                     nology, (“inconclusive” and
                                          Register entitled “Motor Carriers Can
accidents on the carrier’s score would                                                     “insufficient data)” to fact-
                                          Now Preview the First Package of
be diminished through a system of                                                          based descriptions and (ii)
                                          SMS Enhancements.”12 It announced
weighing crashes for fault.                                                                separate crashes with injuries
                                          the first of a series of changes to be
                                                                                           and crashes with fatalities.
     When the FMCSA changed its           made to the SMS system up to twice
plans to implement the fault assess-      a year. The changes are detailed in              Through items 1 and 2 above,
ment system for crash accountability      the posted “Foundational Document”          the FMCSA has shifted the cargo/
in March, it apparently did so in reac-   entitled “Safety Measurement System         securement violation data from
tion to concerns voiced by advocates      Changes.”13 After extension of the          the current BASIC category called
that the system should not have pri-      original deadline, the time period for      “Cargo Related” into the “Vehicle
mary reliance upon police reports         making comments with the agency             Maintenance” Category and has
and that the plan did not provide         regarding the changes was set at July       essentially created a free standing haz-
the means for interested parties to       30, 2012).7 The changes were to be          ardous materials (“HM”) violations
comment upon the facts.8 Later, in        implemented into the publicly dis-          category. The change was apparently
public remarks, Administrator Ferro       played website in July. During the          made in response to complaints from
expressed doubts as to the reliability    comment period time, individual car-        flatbed carriers that cargo/securement
of the planned fault assessment sys-      riers were given the ability to preview     violations had too much of an impact
tem, due to the lack of uniformity        how the changes would affect them,          on overall scores. The change tends to
and consistency of law enforcement        by logging into the CSA website.            dilute the impact of cargo/securement
agency accident reports nationwide             The FMCSA Foundational                 violations.
and because of the need to provide a      Document described the following                 The agency has created a new
means for public input.9                  changes:14                                  HM BASIC based on vehicle inspec-
     Trucking industry representa-        1. Strengthening the Vehicle                tions (i.e., Level 1, 2, 5 and 6) and
tives, who have been critical of the           Maintenance BASIC by                   HM violations where the vehicle was
fault assessment system implementa-            incorporating       cargo/load         transporting placardable quantities of
tion delay, are concerned that despite         securement violations from             HM. The changes increase the impact
the continued cooperation of the               today’s Cargo-Related BASIC.           of HM violations for carriers whose
trucking industry in the CSA imple-                                                   HM cargos are a small part of their
                                          2. Changing the Cargo-Related               overall freight profile. According to
mentation process, the agency rather
                                               BASIC to the Hazardous                 the FMCSA, the change was made
abruptly changed plans to implement
                                               Materials (“HM”) BASIC to              because “the Cargo-Related BASIC
an improved fault assessment system.
                                               better identify HM-related
This system would have based largely                                                  currently includes HM violations and
                                               safety problems.
on objective law enforcement accident                                                 load securement violations, some HM
reports, and carrier statements made      3. Better aligning the SMS                  safety issues could be masked.”15 At
in the normal course. The agency               with Intermodal Equipment              the time this article was written, the
apparently is looking to also include          Provider regulations.                  agency planned to make the results
presumably subjective comments            4. Aligning violations that are             of the new HM BASIC category pub-
regarding individual accidents made            included in the SMS with               lic, even though the Cargo Related
by unidentified “interested parties.”10        Commercial Vehicle Safety              BASIC had not been made public.
However great the trucking commu-              Alliance (CVSA) inspection             The agency had not been publicly dis-
nity previously expressed concerns             levels by eliminating vehicle          playing the Cargo Related BASIC, out
with the implementation delays and             violations derived from driver-        of concerns raised by industry repre-
the potential that the fault assessment        only inspections and driver            sentatives that HM violations do not

                                                                                       TLA Feature Articles
represent a valid crash risk element,       probability than non-passenger. Item 7         decouple the Agency’s official
but the FMCSA has now changed its           provides alternative terminology to            Safety Rating (as required in
position.                                   better describe carriers that either           49 U.S.C. 31144) from the
     Items 3 and 4 above are also           have enough inspections but too few            requirement of an onsite inves-
maintenance and inspection related.         violations to warrant being consid-            tigation. It will allow FMCSA
Item 3 specifically relates to regulatory   ered for the FMCSA interventions               to base Safety Ratings directly
changes with regard to responsibility       (“inconclusive”) or carriers that do not       on performance data and to
to make pre-trip inspections for inter-     have enough inspections to produce a           update them on a monthly
modal trailers. Previously, the SMS         measure “robust enough” to even be             basis.18
had not included any roadside viola-        assessed (“insufficient”). Item 7 also     However, the issuance of the SFD
tions associated with an intermodal         breaks out fatal accidents separately      Notice of Rulemaking has been
trailer distinct from the motor carrier.    from “injuries/crashes” in a carrier’s     delayed several times by the FMCSA,
                                            information category, as discussed         and, when this article was written,
Such violations are now to be applied
                                            above.                                     indications from the agency were that
to the motor carrier when there is
evidence that the driver performed a            When this article was written,         the proposed rule would be forthcom-
pre-trip inspection and the violation       many carriers previewing the impact        ing late in 2012. The FMCSA had
could have been detected in a pre-trip      of the changes had been able to            indicated that draft rulemaking was
                                            determine the potential impact of          under review within USDOT, but that
inspection. In item 4, the FMCSA has
                                            the changes on their CSA scores.           the NPRM was expected to be pub-
removed vehicle violations found dur-
                                            There was some significant concern         lished in late 2012.19 Latest indications
ing driver-only inspections and driver
                                            being expressed by carriers who infre-     from Administrator Ferro are that
violations found during vehicle-only
                                            quently haul some HM cargos about          by early 2013, the agency will issue a
inspections, in order to align the SMS
                                            the creation of the standalone HM          safety fitness determination rule that
with existing CVSA policies regarding
                                            BASIC. Some of these carriers, in          will set “hard thresholds” for CSA
inspection levels.                          viewing their data previews, had found     BASIC scores that could be used to
     Items 5 through 7 above are            that the changes were “causing sud-        declare a carrier unfit.20
intended to identify certain catego-        den, dramatic shifts in some carriers’
ries of carriers more accurately. Item      scores” and primarily raising the scores       Under the proposed SFD rule, the
5 is primarily related to HM carriers.      (thereby showing less safety).17 Flatbed   FMCSA would utilize SMS data by:
The agency is trying to restrict the        carriers had generally seen their scores          Incorporating on-road safety
number of carriers subject to the more      improve, since cargo securement had               performance via the new SMS,
stringent HM thresholds. By the time        become a part of the larger “Vehicle              which will be updated on a
this article is published, the FMCSA        Maintenance” Category.                            monthly basis;
will have tightened HM placardable                                                            Continuing to include major
inspection criteria, while keeping           Further Delays in Using SMS                      safety violations found as part of
the HM review and permit criteria,            Data to Make Safety Fitness                     CSA investigations; and
to focus intervention resources on                  Determinations                            Produce an SFD to determine if
carriers involved in the majority of                                                          a carrier is unfit to operate.21
                                                 Still coming in the CSA implemen-
placardable HM transport actions.16         tation process is an expected Notice           When SMS data is ultimately used
For a carrier to be subject to the HM       of Public Rulemaking (“NPRM”) to           as the basis for a carrier’s bottom
threshold due to HM inspection activ-       amend existing regulations to allow for    line Safety Fitness Determination, the
ity, that carrier must have:                the use of SMS data in making Safety       FMCSA plans to use only accidents
       At least two HM placardable          Fitness Determinations (“SFD”). Until      determined to be at least partially the
       inspections within the past 24       that rule change is made, SMS data         carrier’s fault.22
       months, with one inspection          will serve simply as a tool to deter-
       occurring within the past 12         mine when the intervention of the                       Conclusion
       months, and                          FMCSA is necessary, based on the               Until very recently, both the
       At least 5% of total inspec-         carrier’s percentile BASICs in rela-       FMCSA and trucking industry rep-
       tions that are HM placardable        tionship to other carriers. According      resentatives had been working hard
       inspections.                         to the FMCSA:                              and in a cooperative manner to try
     Item 6 above is intended to iden-           [t]he third part of CSA,              deal with the multitude of issues and
tify passenger carriers more accurately          the updated Safety Fitness            details remaining before CSA imple-
and to subject them to a significantly           Determination          (SFD),         mentation is complete. However, the
higher standard and intervention                 will require rulemaking to            process has been much slower and less
satisfactory than many in the truck-              it would “explore all avenues” to get                  The implementation of CSA will
ing industry would like, including the            CSA modified and that “the unreli-                 be ongoing for the near future and,
ATA leadership. In reaction to the                ability of CSA scores, the loose or,               unfortunately, it appears that it will
lack of implementation of a crash                 at times, inverse connection to crash              continue to be a good source of con-
accountability system and other CSA               risk, as well as FMCSA’s unwillingness             troversy. Stay tuned!
issues, the ATA issued a statement on             to frankly discuss the program’s weak-
May 22, 2012, in connection with its              nesses is very troubling and needs to
spring leadership meeting, stating that           be addressed.”23

 1. “CSA” first came into being in 2008 as the CSA Op-Model Test in a small number of pilot test states. During the time the FMCSA was
    continuing the pilot tests in a small number of states and readying CSA for nationwide implementation, it became known as “CSA 2010”
    (Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010). In 2011, CSA 2010 expanded from pilot states testing to nationwide implementation and became
    known simply as “CSA,” which now stands for “Compliance Safety Accountability.”
 3. What is included in the Summary of Activities?, FAQs,
 4. Frequently Asked Questions, How does the Safety Measurement System (SMS) handle crashes when motor carriers are not at fault?, http://
 5. “FMCSA to Weigh Costs, Benefits of Crash Accountability Process,” By Eric Miller, Staff Reporter, Transport Topics, Transport Topics, May
    7, 2012.
 6. “Trucking Officials Blast FMCSA Over Crash-Fault Review Delay,” Eric Miller, Staff Reporter, Transport Topics, March 19, 2012.
 7. “FMCSA Stops Plan to Determine Accountability in CSA Crash Data,” by Oliver B. Patton, Washington Editor, Truckinginfo, the web site
    of Heavy Duty Trucking Magazine, March 12, 2012.
 8. In her March 21, 2012 remarks to the Mid America Truck Show, FMCSA Administrator Anne S. Ferro stated in part: “Several areas require
    further study before making a decision on how to best approach this issue. These include the uniformity and consistency of police accident
    reports across the nation; the process for accepting public input; and the actual effect on SMS to better identify carriers that have a high risk
    of crashes. Ultimately, we will be asking if the investment improves safety outcomes. We will be conducting additional research and analysis
    in the coming months that looks at the cause of crashes and weighting of those crashes in the SMS.”
 9. “FMCSA to Study Crash Accountability Process, Ferro Says,” By Eric Miller, Staff Reporter, Transport Topics, May 1, 2012.
10. “FMCSA to Weigh Costs, Benefits of Crash Accountability Process,” By Eric Miller, Staff Reporter, Transport Topics, May 7, 2012.
11. 77 FR 18298;
17. “Trucking’s CSA Concerns Are Justified, Studies Claim,” Eric Miller, Staff Reporter, Transport Topics, April 16, 2012.
18., P. 8.
19. FMCSA Presentation to SBA, February, 2012.
20. “FMCSA to Weigh Costs, Benefits of Crash Accountability Process” Eric Miller, Staff Reporter, Transport Topics, May 7, 2012.
21. FMCSA Presentation to SBA, February, 2012.
22. “In the short-term, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s proposed rule on SFD will propose that a motor carrier’s formal safety
    rating (i.e., the replacement for the traditional Unsatisfactory, Conditional, or Satisfactory rating process) would be adversely affected by
    crashes only when the motor carrier is at least partly at fault. These are known as “‘preventable accidents.”’ A Safety Investigator would
    determine which crashes are preventable.” FAQs,
23. “ATA Insists on CSA Changes,” Howard Abramson, Editorial Director, Transport Topics, May 28, 2012.


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Metz July 2012 Trans Lawyer Article On CSA Developments

  • 2. CONTINUES TO BE A WORK IN PROGRESS Walter R. Metz, Jr.* disclose the number of fatal accidents The July change replaces the in which a carrier has been involved category of “Injuries/Fatalities” by pro- separately from the “injuries/crashes” viding separate numbers for accidents in a carrier’s SMS information cat- involving fatalities and those involv- egory. The separate fatality accident ing non-fatal injuries. The FMCSA data breakout change was scheduled described the reason for the sepa- to be made public later this year, as rate breakout of fatality crash data as part of a slate of FMCSA changes to follows:2 CSA. These changes are discussed in Overview: In the “Summary There have been some signifi- more detail below, but the upshot of of Activities” section of a car- cant developments in Compliance, Safety, Accountability (“CSA”)1 since the two agency decisions is to allow rier’s information on SMS the first of the year, as CSA not only the number of a carrier’s fatal acci- Website, FMCSA displays a continues to be a work in progress dents to be highlighted in public view, count of reportable crashes but also a good source of contro- while withholding the fault assess- broken into two categories: versy. These developments include a ments that could put the raw numbers “fatal/injury” and “tow away.” delay by the Federal Motor Carrier of fatal accidents in a different light. Stakeholders have asked Safety Administration (“FMCSA”) in Meanwhile, public access to carrier FMCSA to separate the implementing a system for assessing scores for the Crash Indicator BASIC combined “fatality/injury” carrier responsibility for reportable is also delayed. category. crashes, changes or “enhancements” to the Safety Measurement System Separate Fatality Accident Solution: FMCSA developed (“SMS”), and further delays in imple- Number Breakout Issue a method to display injury menting the FMCSA’s plan to use crashes and fatality crashes The implication of the separate SMS data in the making of Safety separately. breakout of fatality accident numbers Fitness Determinations for carriers. is best seen through an illustration. A Notwithstanding the explanation These three issues are addressed sepa- public view of an anonymous carrier’s provided by the agency, carriers do not rately below. “Summary of Activities” under CSA like the fact that the number of fatal looked like this before the scheduled accidents in which a carrier has been Crash Indicator involved is now being highlighted, change (note the last category of BASIC Changes “Injuries/Fatalities”): regardless of fault. At the time that this article was written, controversy was still swirl- Number OOS Rate ing over the abrupt decision by the Total Inspections: 17,345 FMCSA to delay the planned March Vehicle Inspections: 9,159 14 % 2012 implementation of a system for Driver Inspections: 17,245 1% assessing fault for reportable crashes Hazardous Materials Inspections: 788 2% and then to use the assessments to HM Placard Inspections: 535 3% weigh reportable crash data for the Crash Indicator BASIC. The frustra- Total Crashes: 981 tion over the lack of a fault assessment Tow-aways: 944 process mounted when the FMCSA Injuries/Fatalities: 350 subsequently announced plans to *Special Legal Projects Counsel (Atlanta, Georgia) 46 TRANSPORTATION LAWYERS ASSOCIATION CANADIAN TRANSPORT LAWYERS’ ASSOCIATION
  • 3. THE TRANSPORTATION LAWYER TLA Feature Articles Crash Indicator disabling damage . . . as well as the the Federal Motor Carrier BASIC Scores and the number of crashes that resulted in an Safety Administration take injury or fatality to a person involved this approach? This approach Fault Assessment Delay in the crash” 3 As described by the is taken because data analy- Although a carrier’s publicly avail- FMCSA, the agency uses all crashes, sis has historically shown able information on the SMS website regardless of fault, in scoring carriers that motor carriers who are will now include a separate count of under the Crash Indicator BASIC as involved in crashes, regardless fatal crashes and injury crashes, the follows:4 of accountability, are likely FMCSA is still not providing public The structure of the new SMS to be involved in more future access to a carrier’s Crash Indicator is such that crash account- crashes than carriers who are BASIC score. This is because of con- ability is not automatically not. Put simply, past crashes cerns voiced by trucking companies determined or considered. are a good predictor of future that interested parties, such as ship- In fact, recordable crash crashes. pers and insurance companies, should reports that States submit to By way of illustration, this is how not be influenced by Crash Indicator the Federal Motor Carrier the lack of public access to Crash BASIC scores that do not take into Safety Administration do Indicator BASIC scores was reflected account fault. At present, the Crash not include an accountability for an anonymous carrier on the Indicator BASIC scores (currently determination. Consequently, FMCSA website at the time this arti- unavailable to the public) are based motor carriers are identi- cle was written (note that by the time upon “reportable accidents” data. This fied for possible intervention this article is published, the changes data is defined as “[t]he number of based on recordable crashes to the Cargo-Related BASIC discussed crashes that required at least one vehi- without consideration of in a subsequent section of this article cle to be towed from the scene due to accountability. Why does would have been made): BASICs Overview (Based on a 24-month record ending March 23, 2012) On-Road Investigation BASICs Status Unsafe Driving 44.7% = Fatigued Driving (Hours-of-Service) 11.9% = Driver Fitness 51.7% = Controlled Substances and Alcohol 25% = Vehicle Maintenance 58.5% = Not Cargo-Related Not Public = Public Not Crash Indicator Not Public = Public * USE OF SMS DATA/INFORMATION Until very recently, it appeared evaluating crashes for accountability/ accountability process would be that the agency’s ultimate goal preventability before they are used cost effective. Administrator Ferro remained to be the implementation by the SMS in the Crash Indicator indicated that she was hopeful the of a crash accountability process to BASIC. This would allow FMCSA to further study would shed light on be used for the Crash Indicator, and better concentrate intervention efforts whether the removal of preventable that the agency continued to work on motor carriers that have high crashes from a carrier’s crash indicator on a plan to provide carriers with preventable/accountable crash rates”5 score will help turn the enforcement an assessment of fault in the crashes However, FMCSA Administrator spotlight “towards companies with to be used for the Crash Indicator. Anne Ferro disclosed in late April a significantly high crash risk.” The The agency had stated that the that the agency was studying whether study should be completed by the end “FMCSA is assessing the feasibility of implementation of an improved crash of the year.6 TRANSPORTATION LAWYERS ASSOCIATION CANADIAN TRANSPORT LAWYERS’ ASSOCIATION 47
  • 4. The crash accountability assess- system could take into account sub- violations from vehicle-only ment plan, as originally proposed, jective input on individual accidents, inspections. would have placed primary reliance greater concerns will likely be voiced if 5. More accurately identifying upon information gleaned from acci- the agency shelves the planned system carriers involved in transport- dent police reports. The plan would altogether because of Administrator ing HM. have provided a method of coding Ferro’s expressed concerns that such a 6. More accurately identifying every interstate motor carrier crash as system may not be cost effective.11 carriers involved in transport- either “accountable” or “not account- SMS Enhancements ing passengers. able” to the motor carrier and the driver.7 If a carrier was found to be 7. Modifying the SMS display On March 27, 2012, the FMCSA without fault in certain reportable to (i) change current termi- published a Notice in the Federal accidents, the adverse impact of those nology, (“inconclusive” and Register entitled “Motor Carriers Can accidents on the carrier’s score would “insufficient data)” to fact- Now Preview the First Package of be diminished through a system of based descriptions and (ii) SMS Enhancements.”12 It announced weighing crashes for fault. separate crashes with injuries the first of a series of changes to be and crashes with fatalities. When the FMCSA changed its made to the SMS system up to twice plans to implement the fault assess- a year. The changes are detailed in Through items 1 and 2 above, ment system for crash accountability the posted “Foundational Document” the FMCSA has shifted the cargo/ in March, it apparently did so in reac- entitled “Safety Measurement System securement violation data from tion to concerns voiced by advocates Changes.”13 After extension of the the current BASIC category called that the system should not have pri- original deadline, the time period for “Cargo Related” into the “Vehicle mary reliance upon police reports making comments with the agency Maintenance” Category and has and that the plan did not provide regarding the changes was set at July essentially created a free standing haz- the means for interested parties to 30, 2012).7 The changes were to be ardous materials (“HM”) violations comment upon the facts.8 Later, in implemented into the publicly dis- category. The change was apparently public remarks, Administrator Ferro played website in July. During the made in response to complaints from expressed doubts as to the reliability comment period time, individual car- flatbed carriers that cargo/securement of the planned fault assessment sys- riers were given the ability to preview violations had too much of an impact tem, due to the lack of uniformity how the changes would affect them, on overall scores. The change tends to and consistency of law enforcement by logging into the CSA website. dilute the impact of cargo/securement agency accident reports nationwide The FMCSA Foundational violations. and because of the need to provide a Document described the following The agency has created a new means for public input.9 changes:14 HM BASIC based on vehicle inspec- Trucking industry representa- 1. Strengthening the Vehicle tions (i.e., Level 1, 2, 5 and 6) and tives, who have been critical of the Maintenance BASIC by HM violations where the vehicle was fault assessment system implementa- incorporating cargo/load transporting placardable quantities of tion delay, are concerned that despite securement violations from HM. The changes increase the impact the continued cooperation of the today’s Cargo-Related BASIC. of HM violations for carriers whose trucking industry in the CSA imple- HM cargos are a small part of their 2. Changing the Cargo-Related overall freight profile. According to mentation process, the agency rather BASIC to the Hazardous the FMCSA, the change was made abruptly changed plans to implement Materials (“HM”) BASIC to because “the Cargo-Related BASIC an improved fault assessment system. better identify HM-related This system would have based largely currently includes HM violations and safety problems. on objective law enforcement accident load securement violations, some HM reports, and carrier statements made 3. Better aligning the SMS safety issues could be masked.”15 At in the normal course. The agency with Intermodal Equipment the time this article was written, the apparently is looking to also include Provider regulations. agency planned to make the results presumably subjective comments 4. Aligning violations that are of the new HM BASIC category pub- regarding individual accidents made included in the SMS with lic, even though the Cargo Related by unidentified “interested parties.”10 Commercial Vehicle Safety BASIC had not been made public. However great the trucking commu- Alliance (CVSA) inspection The agency had not been publicly dis- nity previously expressed concerns levels by eliminating vehicle playing the Cargo Related BASIC, out with the implementation delays and violations derived from driver- of concerns raised by industry repre- the potential that the fault assessment only inspections and driver sentatives that HM violations do not 48 TRANSPORTATION LAWYERS ASSOCIATION CANADIAN TRANSPORT LAWYERS’ ASSOCIATION
  • 5. THE TRANSPORTATION LAWYER TLA Feature Articles represent a valid crash risk element, probability than non-passenger. Item 7 decouple the Agency’s official but the FMCSA has now changed its provides alternative terminology to Safety Rating (as required in position. better describe carriers that either 49 U.S.C. 31144) from the Items 3 and 4 above are also have enough inspections but too few requirement of an onsite inves- maintenance and inspection related. violations to warrant being consid- tigation. It will allow FMCSA Item 3 specifically relates to regulatory ered for the FMCSA interventions to base Safety Ratings directly changes with regard to responsibility (“inconclusive”) or carriers that do not on performance data and to to make pre-trip inspections for inter- have enough inspections to produce a update them on a monthly modal trailers. Previously, the SMS measure “robust enough” to even be basis.18 had not included any roadside viola- assessed (“insufficient”). Item 7 also However, the issuance of the SFD tions associated with an intermodal breaks out fatal accidents separately Notice of Rulemaking has been trailer distinct from the motor carrier. from “injuries/crashes” in a carrier’s delayed several times by the FMCSA, information category, as discussed and, when this article was written, Such violations are now to be applied above. indications from the agency were that to the motor carrier when there is evidence that the driver performed a When this article was written, the proposed rule would be forthcom- pre-trip inspection and the violation many carriers previewing the impact ing late in 2012. The FMCSA had could have been detected in a pre-trip of the changes had been able to indicated that draft rulemaking was determine the potential impact of under review within USDOT, but that inspection. In item 4, the FMCSA has the changes on their CSA scores. the NPRM was expected to be pub- removed vehicle violations found dur- There was some significant concern lished in late 2012.19 Latest indications ing driver-only inspections and driver being expressed by carriers who infre- from Administrator Ferro are that violations found during vehicle-only quently haul some HM cargos about by early 2013, the agency will issue a inspections, in order to align the SMS the creation of the standalone HM safety fitness determination rule that with existing CVSA policies regarding BASIC. Some of these carriers, in will set “hard thresholds” for CSA inspection levels. viewing their data previews, had found BASIC scores that could be used to Items 5 through 7 above are that the changes were “causing sud- declare a carrier unfit.20 intended to identify certain catego- den, dramatic shifts in some carriers’ ries of carriers more accurately. Item scores” and primarily raising the scores Under the proposed SFD rule, the 5 is primarily related to HM carriers. (thereby showing less safety).17 Flatbed FMCSA would utilize SMS data by: The agency is trying to restrict the carriers had generally seen their scores Incorporating on-road safety number of carriers subject to the more improve, since cargo securement had performance via the new SMS, stringent HM thresholds. By the time become a part of the larger “Vehicle which will be updated on a this article is published, the FMCSA Maintenance” Category. monthly basis; will have tightened HM placardable Continuing to include major inspection criteria, while keeping Further Delays in Using SMS safety violations found as part of the HM review and permit criteria, Data to Make Safety Fitness CSA investigations; and to focus intervention resources on Determinations Produce an SFD to determine if carriers involved in the majority of a carrier is unfit to operate.21 Still coming in the CSA implemen- placardable HM transport actions.16 tation process is an expected Notice When SMS data is ultimately used For a carrier to be subject to the HM of Public Rulemaking (“NPRM”) to as the basis for a carrier’s bottom threshold due to HM inspection activ- amend existing regulations to allow for line Safety Fitness Determination, the ity, that carrier must have: the use of SMS data in making Safety FMCSA plans to use only accidents At least two HM placardable Fitness Determinations (“SFD”). Until determined to be at least partially the inspections within the past 24 that rule change is made, SMS data carrier’s fault.22 months, with one inspection will serve simply as a tool to deter- occurring within the past 12 mine when the intervention of the Conclusion months, and FMCSA is necessary, based on the Until very recently, both the At least 5% of total inspec- carrier’s percentile BASICs in rela- FMCSA and trucking industry rep- tions that are HM placardable tionship to other carriers. According resentatives had been working hard inspections. to the FMCSA: and in a cooperative manner to try Item 6 above is intended to iden- [t]he third part of CSA, deal with the multitude of issues and tify passenger carriers more accurately the updated Safety Fitness details remaining before CSA imple- and to subject them to a significantly Determination (SFD), mentation is complete. However, the higher standard and intervention will require rulemaking to process has been much slower and less TRANSPORTATION LAWYERS ASSOCIATION CANADIAN TRANSPORT LAWYERS’ ASSOCIATION 49
  • 6. satisfactory than many in the truck- it would “explore all avenues” to get The implementation of CSA will ing industry would like, including the CSA modified and that “the unreli- be ongoing for the near future and, ATA leadership. In reaction to the ability of CSA scores, the loose or, unfortunately, it appears that it will lack of implementation of a crash at times, inverse connection to crash continue to be a good source of con- accountability system and other CSA risk, as well as FMCSA’s unwillingness troversy. Stay tuned! issues, the ATA issued a statement on to frankly discuss the program’s weak- May 22, 2012, in connection with its nesses is very troubling and needs to spring leadership meeting, stating that be addressed.”23 Endnotes 1. “CSA” first came into being in 2008 as the CSA Op-Model Test in a small number of pilot test states. During the time the FMCSA was continuing the pilot tests in a small number of states and readying CSA for nationwide implementation, it became known as “CSA 2010” (Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010). In 2011, CSA 2010 expanded from pilot states testing to nationwide implementation and became known simply as “CSA,” which now stands for “Compliance Safety Accountability.” 2. 3. What is included in the Summary of Activities?, FAQs, 4. Frequently Asked Questions, How does the Safety Measurement System (SMS) handle crashes when motor carriers are not at fault?, http:// 5. “FMCSA to Weigh Costs, Benefits of Crash Accountability Process,” By Eric Miller, Staff Reporter, Transport Topics, Transport Topics, May 7, 2012. 6. “Trucking Officials Blast FMCSA Over Crash-Fault Review Delay,” Eric Miller, Staff Reporter, Transport Topics, March 19, 2012. 7. “FMCSA Stops Plan to Determine Accountability in CSA Crash Data,” by Oliver B. Patton, Washington Editor, Truckinginfo, the web site of Heavy Duty Trucking Magazine, March 12, 2012. 8. In her March 21, 2012 remarks to the Mid America Truck Show, FMCSA Administrator Anne S. Ferro stated in part: “Several areas require further study before making a decision on how to best approach this issue. These include the uniformity and consistency of police accident reports across the nation; the process for accepting public input; and the actual effect on SMS to better identify carriers that have a high risk of crashes. Ultimately, we will be asking if the investment improves safety outcomes. We will be conducting additional research and analysis in the coming months that looks at the cause of crashes and weighting of those crashes in the SMS.” 9. “FMCSA to Study Crash Accountability Process, Ferro Says,” By Eric Miller, Staff Reporter, Transport Topics, May 1, 2012. 10. “FMCSA to Weigh Costs, Benefits of Crash Accountability Process,” By Eric Miller, Staff Reporter, Transport Topics, May 7, 2012. 11. 77 FR 18298; 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. “Trucking’s CSA Concerns Are Justified, Studies Claim,” Eric Miller, Staff Reporter, Transport Topics, April 16, 2012. 18., P. 8. 19. FMCSA Presentation to SBA, February, 2012. 20. “FMCSA to Weigh Costs, Benefits of Crash Accountability Process” Eric Miller, Staff Reporter, Transport Topics, May 7, 2012. 21. FMCSA Presentation to SBA, February, 2012. 22. “In the short-term, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s proposed rule on SFD will propose that a motor carrier’s formal safety rating (i.e., the replacement for the traditional Unsatisfactory, Conditional, or Satisfactory rating process) would be adversely affected by crashes only when the motor carrier is at least partly at fault. These are known as “‘preventable accidents.”’ A Safety Investigator would determine which crashes are preventable.” FAQs, 23. “ATA Insists on CSA Changes,” Howard Abramson, Editorial Director, Transport Topics, May 28, 2012. 50 TRANSPORTATION LAWYERS ASSOCIATION CANADIAN TRANSPORT LAWYERS’ ASSOCIATION