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C O M 3 3 4 : I M C M E S S A G E
S P R I N G 2 3
Table of Contents
About the Designer & Portfolio
Target Profiles
The Naming & Descriptive Copy
The Brand Identity Guide
Message Design
What I learned
Introducing the Designer
Hi! I am Michael Friant and a
Communication Studies Major, expected
to graduate from the University of North
Carolina Wilmington in Fall 2023. I am a
passionate advocate for the disability
community as someone with cerebral
palsy. After graduation, I want to
continue challenging people’s perceptions
of what a disability is. One way I plan on
doing this is to utilize the design
principles I learned from this class in
future posts. In my free time, I enjoy
running, adrenaline pumping sports, and
hanging out with friends.
Brand Portfolio Introduction
This Brand Portfolio showcases the significant projects completed while enrolled in
Com 334: Message Design at UNCW. It demonstrates the IMC skills, such as
alligńment, proximity, and repetition, I honed while creating my gaming company
Inclusive Entertainment. Furthermore, these honed skills illustrate my willingness to
take on a challenge even when not knowing how I would accomplish some tasks being
asked of me and being determined to fulfill such duties. Finally, it demonstrates my
growth as an IMC student.
The target profile assignment was designed to enlighten me on how
businesses target their customer base through understanding
and analyzing their demographics, geographics, psychographics, and
behavioristics. Companies have to understand a specific customer niche,
create products, and then market those products to that particular niche
of consumers to maximize profitability and customer satisfaction. There
are often multiple customer niches per brand. Through brainstorming,
researching, and developing The Virtual Social Gamer and The Senior
Technically Savvy Gamer for the fictional gaming brand All-Play, I was
both laying the groundwork and practicing for when I developed
Targeted Profiles for my gaming company: Inclusive Entertainment.
Since I live with Cerebral Palsy, tend to be isolated from social events
due to the inaccessibility of the world, and have been dismissed due to
my disability, creating The Virtual Social Gamer and the Senior
Technically Savvy Gamer was a no-brainer. I knew that by creating these
target audiences, I would give it my all because I addressed elements that
affect me personally. The layout of each target profile is based on sound
design principles.
The development of these profiles was a process. For the draft, I had the bare
minimum of what was required, relying on shared knowledge and bits and pieces I
gleaned from All-Play’s manual. The placement of the text and pictures lacked any
hierarchy or alignment. Through meeting with the Professor, researching, and heeding
advice from my peers, I produced informed, detailed segmentations with proper
placement and hierarchy of text and images to balance the different elements of the
graphic. This final version has a different background color, and the titles are bolded
black instead of red and purple, respectively, which gives it a more distinct look
The Virtual Sociable Gamer is physically isolated in their residence due to a lack
of accessibility, and/or societal restraints. This segmentation s of all genders, is
between the ages of 18-34, and play between 6-10 hours a week. They are
discovering their individuality and career path. Gaming with others allows them
to learn about themselves through their interactions with others. Some of them
might be in college while others might be starting out in the workforce or starting
families. This segmentation values the ability to kick back, relax, decompress, and
enjoy connecting with their peers from all over the globe after navigating a world
filled with many hurdles that they have to overcome on a daily basis. They value
independence and community which make them loyal customers of the brand.
The Virtual Social Gamer
Detailed Description
The Adaptive Play Journey controller which can be customized to accommodate
those with limited mobility fulfills their belief that everyone deserves a chance to
play. These adaptive controllers in turn allow these players to have the
opportunity for excitement, entertainment, creative thinking, failing,
achievement, socializing, building community and family. The Brothers casual
game franchise would be an excellent choice for this segmentation. Finally, All-
Play’s bundles, which includes the adaptive controllers, makes this brand a must
have for this population.
“One of the biggest joys of my day
is to connect with my friends from
across the world while sitting in my
living room.”
Key Opportunities
The Senior Technically Savvy Gamer consists of all genders, makes up 10% of
players, but this 54+ age group still defies the stereotypes of being old and the
inability to learn new technology. Their value of quality family time and
connectivity with their children and grandchildren across generations, the value to
budgeting their money, and, their ability to fulfill these values is what motivates
them to continue to be loyal customers to this company. They also value the
ability to keep their mind sharp by keeping up with the advancing technology
The Senior Technically Savvy
Detailed Description
All-Play’s accessible accessories market well with this population because it takes
into consideration their decreased physical ability as they age. This fits in with
All-Play’s belief that “everyone deserves an opportunity to play.” The console
called the All-Play Anywhere System suits this segmentation perfectly because it
is user friendly design for people of all ages. The discount for consoles and
accessories is another plus for this segmentation.
“The ability to have fun with my
grandson while mentally exercising
my brain is very valuable.”
Key Opportunities
The Virtual Social Gamer
Since “People with disabilities are 51% more likely to be socially isolated than their
non-disabled peers” (, play from 6-10 hours a week, falls under the
category of Casual Gamer, and is equally divided among genders (All-Play, p. 5), The
Virtual Social Gamer is an ideal segmentation for All-Play’s brand. All-play’s belief
that “everyone deserves to play” manifests itself in their “multiple sizes of Journey
Controllers with different button configurations as well as their Adaptive Play Journey
Controllers which can be programmed to accommodate those with limited mobility”
(All-Play, p. 3). Furthermore All-Plays’s commitment to “excitement, entertainment,
creative thinking, failing, achievement, socializing, building community, and family”
(All-Play, p. 2) provides this segmentation with the tools that it needs to be an
integrated member of society though they may be alone in their respective residences.
Thus, capturing their loyalty.
The Senior Technical Savvy Gamer
The Senior Technical Savvy Gamer is another ideal segmentation for All-Play’s Brand
because it is multifaceted, intergenerational, complex and “has an equal makeup of
each gender” (All-Play, p.5) “The fifty-plus consumer is … more financially secure than
previous generations at this age” (Blakeman, p. 37). However, for the Senior Technical
Savvy Gamer who is not as financially stable as they would prefer, All-Play’s Loyalty
Members Program, which maintains a $100 a year subscription for a discount on all
hardware and software, and a 10 % discount (All-Play, p. 3) appeals to this
segmentation and grabs their loyalty. Furthermore, “59 % of parents say that video
games are a great way for the family to spend time together” (ESA, p. 13). Thus,
endearing this segmentation and fulfilling All-Play’s mission of “ excitement,
entertainment, creative thinking, failing, achievement, socializing, building community
and family” (All-Play, p. 2).
All-Play Gaming, (2022). “Company spotlight report: 2022 point of view”
Blakeman, R. (2018). Integrated Marketing Communication: Creative Strategy
from Idea to Implementation (Third). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Charity, A., A., & Gaming, G. (2023, February 9). AbleGamers - Combating
Social Isolation Through Play. The AbleGamers Charity.
NDA Group (2022). “2022 Essential Facts About the Video Game i
Industry.” Entertainment Software Association.
Image 1:
Image 2:
The End
The Naming and Descriptive Copy was where I crafted the origins, such
as the Mission Statement, founding story, two games, marketing
strategies, merchandise, targeted audiences, and logo designs ideas, of my
fictional gaming brand: Inclusive Entertainment. These elements in the
Naming and Description Copy are the foundation of a successful brand,
which has to know what they are selling, why, and to whom before they
creates marketing campaigns to promote their products. In the case of
merchandise, a brand has to have a logo to sell branded products.
N A M I N G & D E S C R I P T I V E
The company’s name and mission statement signify that we are inclusive
when so much of the world is not. The founding story is what motivates
me to create the said company. The games and targeted audiences are
based on the isolation that I face and the awkward interactions that I
encounter with people on the street, which is rooted in the fear of the
unknown. The social message methods have gotten me to click on an ad.
The design ideas for the logo are based on my understanding of fonts.
The color scheme was chosen due to good contrast. However, green
served as the foundation color since it signifies Cerebral Palsy, which I
The development of the Naming and Descriptive copy was an evolution. For the draft,
I had elements of each section. However, through meeting with the Professor, and
heeding advice from my peers, I was able to produce a more detailed final version for
each section. One of the elements that went through a complete transformation was the
founding story. In the draft, I had an entirely fictional story, but during the revision, I
decided to base it around a real-life scenario. In addition, the final submission was a
simple document. In contrast, this version has dividers and a purple background.
Company’s Information
Company’s Name:
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to provide everyone the opportunity to experience the joy of escapism
through gaming. We, Inclusive Entertainment, provide adaptive technology, such as
versatile controllers, that has the capability for modification to enables those with
limited mobility to play with friends regardless of set up. We also strive to eliminate
ableism by letting people experience the representation of different bodies,
functionalities, and lived experiences in our games.
Founding Story:
On one spring evening in 2018, Michael Friant, who has Cerebral Palsy, was hanging
out with his buddy Nathan at his place in downtown Wilmington, NC. At some point
in the evening, Nathan inquired if Michael had played the Nintendo Switch. When
Michael replied in the negative, Nathan handed Michael a controller. After a few
rounds, Michael noticed that Nathan was playing halfheartedly. This saddened
Michael and demonstrated to him that Nathan did not view him as an equal, but
rather someone who needed to be shown pity. Every time they would play together,
Michael would notice Nathan playing halfheartedly. As a result, it dawned on
Michael that Nathan was showing signs of ableism. Frustrated by this reality, Michael
set out to create an The Inclusive Adaptive Controller that would work on all current
gaming systems including Nintendo Switch. In addition to the adaptive controller,
Michael had the idea of making a game that would allow players to experience
situations from a disability perspective in hopes of creating a more empathetic world.
Since Michael was a full time student at Cape Fear Community College studying
coding, it took two years to develop the adaptive controller and stimulation game.
Inclusive Entertainment was founded in January 2020 coinciding with the launch of the
Inclusive Adaptive Controller. Then Covid-19 hit leaving Michael even more isolated
than he had already been due to him not being able to drive and the general lack of
accessibility of the world. As a result, he added a game specifically designed to let
young adults with accessibility issues socialize with their peers.
Game Descriptions
Differently Abled
Genre: Simulation
Ages: 9+
Target audience: The Progressive Gamer
Description: Differently Abled is a game for both genders where kids will have the
choice to be an avatar who has a disability that accomplishes things that an individual
would be able to do in real life. The players will have the option to either play a storyline
where they would be following a specific stimulation or go rogue and forge their own
path through the game, experiencing successes and failures along the way.
Difficulty: Low
Available on: Nintendo Switch Xbox series X, PlayStation 5, and PC with the Inclusive
Adaptive Controller as an additional option for players.
Virtual Social Networking
Genre: Leisure
Ages: 18-34
Target audience: The Virtual Sociable Gamer
Description: Virtual Social Networking is a game for all genders where players of all
neurological abilities can log on to a live game stream, participate in the game while
chatting with their virtual peers. They will have the ability to either play independently,
collaboratively, or in teams. The game will a simple problem game set in a fantasy city
with the ability to rack up points and unlock special levels to play.
Difficulty: Low
Available on: Nintendo Switch Xbox series X, PlayStation 5, and PC with the Inclusive
Adaptive Controller as an additional option for players.
Two Key Consumer Benefits to the Company:
Education. Inclusive Entertainment provides much needed enlightenment
concerning the disability community that can then be beneficial when encountering
a person with disability in real life.
Accessibility. Inclusive Entertainment provides the software that allows people with
disabilities to connect with others to form a community and a sense of belonging
and identity.
Description of Hardware:
The Inclusive Adaptive controller can connect to multiple gaming systems including the
Nintendo Switch, Xbox series X, PlayStation5, and PC. The controller will look
standard with software that can be customized to meet different neurological abilities.
For example, if a user is unable to reach all of the buttons, the individual will have the
ability to program certain buttons to perform different functions with a variety of
gestures. This individual will also have the ability to increase the sensitivity of the
buttons if they are not able to apply the necessary force to solicit the desired function.
It will be for The Virtual Sociable gamer who is more likely to experience limited hand
dexterity, namely neurological disorders. It will be sold as an accessory for all the
previously mentioned systems at $100.
Communication Brand
Types of Merchandise Available
T-shirts with a sophisticated portrayal of the company’s name, Inclusive
Entertainment, on the back and maybe the logo on the front.
Stickers/ bumper stickers with the Inclusive Entertainment logo. They can then be
stuck on the purchaser’s water bottle, on the back of your car etc.
Mugs with the Inclusive Entertainment Logo.
Messaging Modalities:
Social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok because these days we’re
constantly on our electronics. As a result, this gives the best chance of reaching our
target audiences.
Facebook is traditionally geared towards the older generations, the posts will target
parents who have the desire for their children to be well grounded in their inclusion
Instagram and TikTok being used by an younger demographic, their posts will be
targeting the consumer directly whether that be geared towards their inclusiveness
or their need for community.
Video/testimonials because there nothing better than hearing from others who have
used the company’s products for the person who is considering buying into the
brand. They also form a strong sense community and connection for those who use
the company’s products. These videos will be shared on Facebook, TikTok,
Instagram, and in email blasts.
Target Audience Segmentations
The Progressive Gamer
Detailed Description
The Progressive Gamer engages with gaming systems in order to expand their range of
knowledge concerning different lived experiences in their communities through
stimulations. They are of both genders, is age 9+ and play around 6-10 hours week.
Their curiosity about different life experiences is either ignited by how they are being
raised by their parents, what is happening in the world, a specific requirement of their
place of employment, or their own experiences with people of different lived experiences
than their own. They engage in these simulations to become a more empathetic person
to the people around them by addressing their own blind spots and to understand what
actions they can take in order to create more positive experiences for the community
around them.
“Being able to enlighten myself on the different lived experiences of others through
simulation is fulfilling because it allows me to see my own blind spots. This allows me to
be a better ally to these individuals.”
Key Opportunity:
Inclusive Entertainment allows customers to learn about different lived experiences in a
safe but yet engaging environment. This is done through our simulation game
“Differently Abled.” Through playing this game, they are able to become better friends,
co-workers, and allies of the disabled community. Thus, creating a more pleasant
experience for these individuals and becoming more evolved humans themselves. In
addition, Inclusive Entertainment provides software like the Virtual Social Networking
for users to engage with the disabled community. The ability to engage directly with the
disabled community cannot compete with simulation because no simulation can
accurately portray the emotional component of their lived experience. Finally, our
Inclusive Adaptive controller allows our users to practice what they learn through
the simulation and interactions with the disabled community by engaging with them
on equal footing. Something everyone can appreciate and value.
Target Audience Segmentations
The Virtual Sociable Gamer
Detailed Description
The Virtual Sociable gamer is physically isolated in their residence due to a lack of
accessibility, and/or societal restraints. This segmentation is of all genders, is between
the ages of 18-34, and play between 6-10 hours a week. They are discovering their
individuality and career path. Gaming with others allows them to learn about
themselves through their interactions with others. Some of them might be in college
while others might be starting out in the workforce or starting families. This
segmentation values the ability to kick back, relax, decompress, and enjoy
connecting with their peers from all over the globe after navigating a world filled with
many hurdles that they have to overcome on a daily basis. They value independence and
community which make them loyal customers.
“One of the biggest joys of my day is to connect with my friends from across the world
while sitting in my living room.”
Key Opportunity:
Inclusive Entertainment provides the Inclusive Adaptive controller which can be
customized to accommodate those with limited mobility fulfills their belief that everyone
deserves an opportunity to experience escapism through gaming. These adaptive
controllers in turn allow these players to have the opportunity for socializing and
building community online. The Virtual Social Networking Game would be an excellent
choice for this segmentation. This opportunity to foster online friendships will
undoubtedly lead to more tangible benefits in real life, such as meetups, hangouts, or
just a listening ear when needed. Thus, improving their quality of life. In addition,
Inclusive Entertainment provides a safe space through stimulations and socializing for
people with disabilities to start to deconstruct their own internalized ableism against
themselves and others with disabilities. This will hopefully result in less in fighting and
more of an united front in terms of gaining equality in the world.
Design For The Logo & Documentation Fonts
I would definitely use a shade of green because it is a color that represents Cerebral
Palsy, one of the most common reasons for poor dexterity in the hands.
In addition, I would use a light shade of blue, red, and yellow for visibility purposes
as the company is geared towards those with disabilities.
I would use Canva Sans because of its easy readability for logo.
I would use Times New Roman for documents because it is commonly used.
The logo would be something that incorporates a controller in the hands of
someone with Inclusive Entertainment above. It will be in the form of a circle.
The End
The Brand Identity Guide is a reference document for Inclusive
Entertainment Employees. It has the logos, fonts, and colors of Inclusive
Entertainment. In addition, it houses examples of some merchandise, and
official document aspects, such as the letterhead and sig-off. Finally, it
describes Inclusive Entertainment’s tone as a brand in using certain
words and the allowances and inappropriate usage of the logos. It
ensures uniform usage of everything mentioned previously by all
Employees of Inclusive Entertainment.
All Elements of the Brand Identity Guide were chosen for easy
readability, including logos, fonts, color schemes, examples of
merchandise, etc. It was designed for the accessible location of the
different aspects of it, with one element on each page. The dividers are
to aid in the navigation of each page. The bullet points also serve to
assist in locating each of the different points under each section.
The draft had all the necessary elements to earn full credit. Through the revision
process, I expanded on the different aspects, such as rationales for the fonts, the
allowance, and inappropriate logos usage. The final submission was poorly delivered,
with some sections strung over several pages. I did not have many of the bullet points,
so it was difficult to locate different subsections. The colors were a screenshot from the
website that I utilized to choosing the color scheme and the codes for each was in a
straight line making it hard to locate. Contrast this with the neatly designed one page
section for each of the different elements with dividers. The colors are actual squares
and the codes for each color are nicely stacked for easy locating.
Table of Contents
Official Documents
Brand Logos
The Controller
All other are from Canva
Primary Logo Graphic with & without text/
in black and white
The rationale for the Logo:
The Cerebral Palsy Green represents the diagnosis of Cerebral palsy, one of the causes
that the Virtual Social gamer has to contend with.
The Yellow Golden stars and Royal Purple often are often used to represent the
feeling of being seen and valued. Since Inclusive Entertainment is an inclusive brand
we want everyone to feel unique and special.
The controller is inclusive Entertainment’s hardware designed to give people with
disabilities the opportunity to experience escapism from their often lonely life through
The Canva Sans is an easily readable font. The outlines are for people with low
Secondary Graphic
Logo (minimalist)
Text based Logo:
Times New Roman, size 12
For documents for it is commonly used. According to the ADA website Time New
Romans is an accessible font which is what we want our documents to be to everyone. It
can be read easily in a number of formats and size.
Canva Sans, size 27.5
For the Lougo due to easily readability. The thickness of the front also provides for an
easier read.
Helvetica size 12 unless it is headers.
Use on the website because it has a professional look which is desired as it is often the
first way that people hear about us. Its clearness is readable at diffeent distances
as well
Cerebral Palsy Green
CYMK= 78, 0, 45, 0
RGB= 55, 255, 139
Yellow Golden
CYMK= 0, 29, 100,
0 RGB= 255, 180, 0
Damaged Black
CYMK= 97, 44, 0,
85 RGB= 1, 22, 39
HEX= 011627
Royal Purple
CYMK= 8, 6, 0, 2
RGB= 229, 234, 250
Color Rationale
Cerebral Palsy Green- green is the color designated to represent Cerebral palsy.
Yellow Golden- yellow is often associated with recognition and standing out in a
good way. We want our clients to feel seen and heard especially in the disability
Royal purple- purple is also a widely recognized color for royalty and special.
Damage Black
Damage Black and yellow golden are well known colors and they contrast each
other well.
The T-Shirt
All others are from Canva
Inclusive Entertainment
601 South College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403
Phone: 910-962-3000
Official Documents
Sign off:
In the Spirit of Inclusiveness,
Michael Friant,
CEO Inclusive Entertainment
Tone Setting, Key Words/phrases to use and avoid/ Articulation of circumstantial tones.
Talk about our Simulation game “Differently Abled” as a positive thing that brings
values into their life.
Talk about how the Virtual Social Networking game is for everyone.
Use person first language “person with a disability” or “people with disabilities”at all
Don’t use the term ableism in a derogatory manner.
Don’t talk about the Virtual Gaming Virtual Social Networking game as being only
for people with disabilities.
Don’t use the the phrase “Disabled people.
Asset Usage
Use the text Logo on all internal documents when needed to save on the cost of
The main logo with the controller should be used on all official merchandise and
public disseminations.
Those seeking the right to use it will have to explain their reasoning and get
signed off by our marketing team. The logo must remain the same at all times.
The following are not acceptable:
Logo with
turned controller
Logo without
Logo with poor
readability &
The message design are social media messages for various platforms
using the targeted segmentations, the company’s games and logo. I chose
Instagram, Facebook a billboard and an email blast as the method of
promoting Inclusive Entertainment and its products. The website is the
container for those messages along with the mission statement, founding
story, the merchandise, and a call to action.
I choose Facebook, Instagram, a billboard and an email blast because I
knew they would be the appropriate mediums to covey my messages. The
layouts of each ad are visually appealing as to cause the reader to want
to find out more. The copy for each ad provides further information
about the products being sold while addressing the targeted audiences.
While developing the draft of the ads, I had the basic concepts of how I wanted them to
look. Though the revision process I was able to future polish those visual to maximize
the emotional responses solicited. For example, I added the Nintendo Switch to each of
the ads to make it more apparent that the games could be played on the said console.
For the email blast I only had copy on an urgent memo template. Contrast that with
the final version which has the logo, hierarchy of the text etc. Likewise, the billboard
went from just having some text, the website, and the logo in the center to having a
picture of a man in a wheelchair playing a video game with a copy, logo strategically
positioned on the ad to maximize the desired impact it would have on drivers passing
by and to cause them to look further into the brand.
Instagram Ad Facebook Ad
Instagram Ad Rationale:
Instagram is the chosen platform because the average gamer is in their thirties which is
the demographic that primarily uses the platform. The phrase “Disabled, Homebound
due to Inaccessibility, and Lonely” is in the center because this ad explicitly targets
people with disabilities. The yellow background is meant to draw the attention of the
reader. The Emblem is the brand’s logo. It is placed at the top center because people
must know what brand they are being recruited by. The controller refers to the kind of
brand we are and a product our company explicitly designed for people with disabilities,
which people can read more about in the caption. ”Virtual Social Networking” & April
21st at in all caps because it is meant to signal their importance of them. The game
“Virtual Social Networking” is cited because it was designed to provide social
opportunities for people with disabilities who cannot go out and socialize. The white
background with the black text provides a good contrast. The
“” standing alone conveys the message “Hey this is where
you go to get further information.” The Nintendo Switch logo is meant to signify that
the game is for that console. The ESRB rating is meant to signal that game is for
everyone. Though the brownish background is not necessarily part of the brand’s
color scheme, it provides a good contrast with the other assets in the ad.
Facebook Ad Rationale:
Facebook is the chosen platform for this ad because it targets parents who primarily use
it. It targets parents because ethical it is inappropriate to solicit children with products.
The emblem is the Brand’s logo which signifies the name and type of company. The
green border around the ad represent Cerebral Palsy, a kind of disability and a core
inspiration behind the brand. The black surrounding the inner square provides excellent
contrast and makes it stand out more. The Nintendo Switch logo represents the console
that can be used to play the game. The ESRB is to signify that it is for everyone. The use
of “educational game” to describe “Differently Abled” is because it is a simulation
game. The bold words are meant to convey importance to the audience. The bullet
points give the reader an overview of what the game could do for their child. The order
of the bullet points convey that education comes a more emphatic child toward the
disabled community. They also are meant to cause the viewer to read the copy which
further explains the mission of the game. The second paragraph of the copy is meant for
the general audience whose newsfeed this might come across. The earn more button is
an opportunity for the reader to further their curiosity if interested.
Billboard Rationale:
With all the political drama and violence in the world, I feel like people are searching for
something genuine regarding a community. After all, the name of the brand is one of
inclusion. Hence the phrasing. As a billboard, I thought just keeping it simple would
work due to how quickly people would pass it. The Emblem is the Brand’s logo, placed
in the center to signify the advertiser's name. The black text against the gold backdrop
provides excellent contrast and easy readability. The picture of the guy in a wheelchair
playing a game is to signal to the drivers that it is a gaming company and to create an
emotional response as well. The website is the most prominent copy because, if nothing
else, we want the drivers passing by to at least be curious about the website and thus
look it up.
Email Blast:
Email Blast Rationale:
The red background contrast well the other colors. The word game situated near the
top, brief description of each game on each side of the emblem and and the website
across the bottom are all white to convey to the recipient that they are all connected. It
follows how we normally read a page. The all caps date is to highlight it as being
something of importance. The New Arrivals texts running off the screen signals
something new. The ten percent discount is meant to entice viewers to buy the game. The
Nintendo Switch logo represents the console that can be used to play the game. The
ESRB is to signify that it is for everyone. The emblem is centered because it is important
that they know which brand is soliciting one for their products.
The End
What I Learned
At the beginning of the semester, I was unaware of all the technical aspects of a brand.
Every week it felt like I was learning something new. Whether this be the different
components of a brand or design principles such as alignment, contrast, proximity, and
repetition. For example, I had no idea what a targeted segmentation was or the amount
of research needed though I have been part of targeted segmentations.
As an aspiring entrepreneur, I know this class has given me a great introduction to what
it requires to formulate a successful company or companies one day. However, what I
have learned can utilize in the short as well by applying the basic principles of design into
future posts I make for social media platforms, my website, and potential clients. For
example, through my work on logo and creating the website for my message for Inclusive
Entertainment I realized that green background with little text does not provide for good
readability. As a result, changed the background to a light grey color. For future
presentations an other interactions with potential employers, I will implement the concise
nature of several aspects of what I did for several of the project in order to increase my
chances of getting is job or persuade someone in power to do whatever I want.
While this class taught me valuable skills that I can implement elsewhere, there were
several challenges along the way. One of these challenges were some of the assignments
that required us to use Adobe software. As a person who has a disability and primarily
uses an iPad, which doesn’t always run Adobe software effectively, this provided a
challenge. Though through the use canva and with the help of certain individuals, I was
able accomplish all the assignments.
Finally, getting a job a month before the end of the semester is not the most ideal of
circumstances due to how time consuming the projects were. Nevertheles, I was able to
stay on top of my assignments and turn several assignments in including the one you are
reading right now. As a result, I learned that I am capable of doing things that I had
previously not thought possible.

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  • 1. B R A N D P O R T F O L I O C O M 3 3 4 : I M C M E S S A G E D E S I G N S P R I N G 2 3 B Y M I C H A E L F R I A N T
  • 2. 1 Table of Contents About the Designer & Portfolio Target Profiles The Naming & Descriptive Copy The Brand Identity Guide Message Design What I learned 2 3-8 9-17 18-26 27-32 33
  • 3. 2 Introducing the Designer Hi! I am Michael Friant and a Communication Studies Major, expected to graduate from the University of North Carolina Wilmington in Fall 2023. I am a passionate advocate for the disability community as someone with cerebral palsy. After graduation, I want to continue challenging people’s perceptions of what a disability is. One way I plan on doing this is to utilize the design principles I learned from this class in future posts. In my free time, I enjoy running, adrenaline pumping sports, and hanging out with friends. Brand Portfolio Introduction This Brand Portfolio showcases the significant projects completed while enrolled in Com 334: Message Design at UNCW. It demonstrates the IMC skills, such as alligńment, proximity, and repetition, I honed while creating my gaming company Inclusive Entertainment. Furthermore, these honed skills illustrate my willingness to take on a challenge even when not knowing how I would accomplish some tasks being asked of me and being determined to fulfill such duties. Finally, it demonstrates my growth as an IMC student.
  • 4. 3
  • 5. R A T IONALE R A T IONALE 4 The target profile assignment was designed to enlighten me on how businesses target their customer base through understanding and analyzing their demographics, geographics, psychographics, and behavioristics. Companies have to understand a specific customer niche, create products, and then market those products to that particular niche of consumers to maximize profitability and customer satisfaction. There are often multiple customer niches per brand. Through brainstorming, researching, and developing The Virtual Social Gamer and The Senior Technically Savvy Gamer for the fictional gaming brand All-Play, I was both laying the groundwork and practicing for when I developed Targeted Profiles for my gaming company: Inclusive Entertainment. DESCRI P T I O N DESCRI P T I O N EXPLA N A T I O N EXPLA N A T I O N T A R G E T P R O F I L E S Since I live with Cerebral Palsy, tend to be isolated from social events due to the inaccessibility of the world, and have been dismissed due to my disability, creating The Virtual Social Gamer and the Senior Technically Savvy Gamer was a no-brainer. I knew that by creating these target audiences, I would give it my all because I addressed elements that affect me personally. The layout of each target profile is based on sound design principles. The development of these profiles was a process. For the draft, I had the bare minimum of what was required, relying on shared knowledge and bits and pieces I gleaned from All-Play’s manual. The placement of the text and pictures lacked any hierarchy or alignment. Through meeting with the Professor, researching, and heeding advice from my peers, I produced informed, detailed segmentations with proper placement and hierarchy of text and images to balance the different elements of the graphic. This final version has a different background color, and the titles are bolded black instead of red and purple, respectively, which gives it a more distinct look overall.
  • 6. 5 The Virtual Sociable Gamer is physically isolated in their residence due to a lack of accessibility, and/or societal restraints. This segmentation s of all genders, is between the ages of 18-34, and play between 6-10 hours a week. They are discovering their individuality and career path. Gaming with others allows them to learn about themselves through their interactions with others. Some of them might be in college while others might be starting out in the workforce or starting families. This segmentation values the ability to kick back, relax, decompress, and enjoy connecting with their peers from all over the globe after navigating a world filled with many hurdles that they have to overcome on a daily basis. They value independence and community which make them loyal customers of the brand. The Virtual Social Gamer Detailed Description The Adaptive Play Journey controller which can be customized to accommodate those with limited mobility fulfills their belief that everyone deserves a chance to play. These adaptive controllers in turn allow these players to have the opportunity for excitement, entertainment, creative thinking, failing, achievement, socializing, building community and family. The Brothers casual game franchise would be an excellent choice for this segmentation. Finally, All- Play’s bundles, which includes the adaptive controllers, makes this brand a must have for this population. “One of the biggest joys of my day is to connect with my friends from across the world while sitting in my living room.” Key Opportunities
  • 7. 6 The Senior Technically Savvy Gamer consists of all genders, makes up 10% of players, but this 54+ age group still defies the stereotypes of being old and the inability to learn new technology. Their value of quality family time and connectivity with their children and grandchildren across generations, the value to budgeting their money, and, their ability to fulfill these values is what motivates them to continue to be loyal customers to this company. They also value the ability to keep their mind sharp by keeping up with the advancing technology The Senior Technically Savvy Gamer Detailed Description All-Play’s accessible accessories market well with this population because it takes into consideration their decreased physical ability as they age. This fits in with All-Play’s belief that “everyone deserves an opportunity to play.” The console called the All-Play Anywhere System suits this segmentation perfectly because it is user friendly design for people of all ages. The discount for consoles and accessories is another plus for this segmentation. “The ability to have fun with my grandson while mentally exercising my brain is very valuable.” Key Opportunities
  • 8. 7 Rationales The Virtual Social Gamer Since “People with disabilities are 51% more likely to be socially isolated than their non-disabled peers” (, play from 6-10 hours a week, falls under the category of Casual Gamer, and is equally divided among genders (All-Play, p. 5), The Virtual Social Gamer is an ideal segmentation for All-Play’s brand. All-play’s belief that “everyone deserves to play” manifests itself in their “multiple sizes of Journey Controllers with different button configurations as well as their Adaptive Play Journey Controllers which can be programmed to accommodate those with limited mobility” (All-Play, p. 3). Furthermore All-Plays’s commitment to “excitement, entertainment, creative thinking, failing, achievement, socializing, building community, and family” (All-Play, p. 2) provides this segmentation with the tools that it needs to be an integrated member of society though they may be alone in their respective residences. Thus, capturing their loyalty. The Senior Technical Savvy Gamer The Senior Technical Savvy Gamer is another ideal segmentation for All-Play’s Brand because it is multifaceted, intergenerational, complex and “has an equal makeup of each gender” (All-Play, p.5) “The fifty-plus consumer is … more financially secure than previous generations at this age” (Blakeman, p. 37). However, for the Senior Technical Savvy Gamer who is not as financially stable as they would prefer, All-Play’s Loyalty Members Program, which maintains a $100 a year subscription for a discount on all hardware and software, and a 10 % discount (All-Play, p. 3) appeals to this segmentation and grabs their loyalty. Furthermore, “59 % of parents say that video games are a great way for the family to spend time together” (ESA, p. 13). Thus, endearing this segmentation and fulfilling All-Play’s mission of “ excitement, entertainment, creative thinking, failing, achievement, socializing, building community and family” (All-Play, p. 2).
  • 9. 8 All-Play Gaming, (2022). “Company spotlight report: 2022 point of view” Blakeman, R. (2018). Integrated Marketing Communication: Creative Strategy from Idea to Implementation (Third). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Charity, A., A., & Gaming, G. (2023, February 9). AbleGamers - Combating Social Isolation Through Play. The AbleGamers Charity. NDA Group (2022). “2022 Essential Facts About the Video Game i Industry.” Entertainment Software Association. content/uploads/2022/06/2022-Essential-Facts-About-the-Video-Game- Industry.pdf Image 1: games-home-disabled-young-man-playing-video-games-sitting-wheelchair- home-image181818814 Image 2: reactions-while-playing-video-games/ Bibliography The End
  • 10. 9
  • 11. R A T IONALE R A T IONALE 10 The Naming and Descriptive Copy was where I crafted the origins, such as the Mission Statement, founding story, two games, marketing strategies, merchandise, targeted audiences, and logo designs ideas, of my fictional gaming brand: Inclusive Entertainment. These elements in the Naming and Description Copy are the foundation of a successful brand, which has to know what they are selling, why, and to whom before they creates marketing campaigns to promote their products. In the case of merchandise, a brand has to have a logo to sell branded products. DESCRI P T I O N DESCRI P T I O N EXPLA N A T I O N EXPLA N A T I O N N A M I N G & D E S C R I P T I V E C O P Y The company’s name and mission statement signify that we are inclusive when so much of the world is not. The founding story is what motivates me to create the said company. The games and targeted audiences are based on the isolation that I face and the awkward interactions that I encounter with people on the street, which is rooted in the fear of the unknown. The social message methods have gotten me to click on an ad. The design ideas for the logo are based on my understanding of fonts. The color scheme was chosen due to good contrast. However, green served as the foundation color since it signifies Cerebral Palsy, which I have. The development of the Naming and Descriptive copy was an evolution. For the draft, I had elements of each section. However, through meeting with the Professor, and heeding advice from my peers, I was able to produce a more detailed final version for each section. One of the elements that went through a complete transformation was the founding story. In the draft, I had an entirely fictional story, but during the revision, I decided to base it around a real-life scenario. In addition, the final submission was a simple document. In contrast, this version has dividers and a purple background.
  • 12. 11 Company’s Information Company’s Name: INCLUSIVE ENTERTAINMENT Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide everyone the opportunity to experience the joy of escapism through gaming. We, Inclusive Entertainment, provide adaptive technology, such as versatile controllers, that has the capability for modification to enables those with limited mobility to play with friends regardless of set up. We also strive to eliminate ableism by letting people experience the representation of different bodies, functionalities, and lived experiences in our games. Founding Story: On one spring evening in 2018, Michael Friant, who has Cerebral Palsy, was hanging out with his buddy Nathan at his place in downtown Wilmington, NC. At some point in the evening, Nathan inquired if Michael had played the Nintendo Switch. When Michael replied in the negative, Nathan handed Michael a controller. After a few rounds, Michael noticed that Nathan was playing halfheartedly. This saddened Michael and demonstrated to him that Nathan did not view him as an equal, but rather someone who needed to be shown pity. Every time they would play together, Michael would notice Nathan playing halfheartedly. As a result, it dawned on Michael that Nathan was showing signs of ableism. Frustrated by this reality, Michael set out to create an The Inclusive Adaptive Controller that would work on all current gaming systems including Nintendo Switch. In addition to the adaptive controller, Michael had the idea of making a game that would allow players to experience situations from a disability perspective in hopes of creating a more empathetic world. Since Michael was a full time student at Cape Fear Community College studying coding, it took two years to develop the adaptive controller and stimulation game. Inclusive Entertainment was founded in January 2020 coinciding with the launch of the Inclusive Adaptive Controller. Then Covid-19 hit leaving Michael even more isolated than he had already been due to him not being able to drive and the general lack of accessibility of the world. As a result, he added a game specifically designed to let young adults with accessibility issues socialize with their peers.
  • 13. 12 Game Descriptions Differently Abled Genre: Simulation Ages: 9+ Target audience: The Progressive Gamer Description: Differently Abled is a game for both genders where kids will have the choice to be an avatar who has a disability that accomplishes things that an individual would be able to do in real life. The players will have the option to either play a storyline where they would be following a specific stimulation or go rogue and forge their own path through the game, experiencing successes and failures along the way. Difficulty: Low Available on: Nintendo Switch Xbox series X, PlayStation 5, and PC with the Inclusive Adaptive Controller as an additional option for players. Virtual Social Networking Genre: Leisure Ages: 18-34 Target audience: The Virtual Sociable Gamer Description: Virtual Social Networking is a game for all genders where players of all neurological abilities can log on to a live game stream, participate in the game while chatting with their virtual peers. They will have the ability to either play independently, collaboratively, or in teams. The game will a simple problem game set in a fantasy city with the ability to rack up points and unlock special levels to play. Difficulty: Low Available on: Nintendo Switch Xbox series X, PlayStation 5, and PC with the Inclusive Adaptive Controller as an additional option for players.
  • 14. 13 Two Key Consumer Benefits to the Company: Education. Inclusive Entertainment provides much needed enlightenment concerning the disability community that can then be beneficial when encountering a person with disability in real life. Accessibility. Inclusive Entertainment provides the software that allows people with disabilities to connect with others to form a community and a sense of belonging and identity. Description of Hardware: The Inclusive Adaptive controller can connect to multiple gaming systems including the Nintendo Switch, Xbox series X, PlayStation5, and PC. The controller will look standard with software that can be customized to meet different neurological abilities. For example, if a user is unable to reach all of the buttons, the individual will have the ability to program certain buttons to perform different functions with a variety of gestures. This individual will also have the ability to increase the sensitivity of the buttons if they are not able to apply the necessary force to solicit the desired function. It will be for The Virtual Sociable gamer who is more likely to experience limited hand dexterity, namely neurological disorders. It will be sold as an accessory for all the previously mentioned systems at $100.
  • 15. 14 Communication Brand Types of Merchandise Available T-shirts with a sophisticated portrayal of the company’s name, Inclusive Entertainment, on the back and maybe the logo on the front. Stickers/ bumper stickers with the Inclusive Entertainment logo. They can then be stuck on the purchaser’s water bottle, on the back of your car etc. Mugs with the Inclusive Entertainment Logo. Messaging Modalities: Social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok because these days we’re constantly on our electronics. As a result, this gives the best chance of reaching our target audiences. Facebook is traditionally geared towards the older generations, the posts will target parents who have the desire for their children to be well grounded in their inclusion mindset. Instagram and TikTok being used by an younger demographic, their posts will be targeting the consumer directly whether that be geared towards their inclusiveness or their need for community. Video/testimonials because there nothing better than hearing from others who have used the company’s products for the person who is considering buying into the brand. They also form a strong sense community and connection for those who use the company’s products. These videos will be shared on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and in email blasts.
  • 16. 15 Target Audience Segmentations The Progressive Gamer Detailed Description The Progressive Gamer engages with gaming systems in order to expand their range of knowledge concerning different lived experiences in their communities through stimulations. They are of both genders, is age 9+ and play around 6-10 hours week. Their curiosity about different life experiences is either ignited by how they are being raised by their parents, what is happening in the world, a specific requirement of their place of employment, or their own experiences with people of different lived experiences than their own. They engage in these simulations to become a more empathetic person to the people around them by addressing their own blind spots and to understand what actions they can take in order to create more positive experiences for the community around them. Quote: “Being able to enlighten myself on the different lived experiences of others through simulation is fulfilling because it allows me to see my own blind spots. This allows me to be a better ally to these individuals.” Key Opportunity: Inclusive Entertainment allows customers to learn about different lived experiences in a safe but yet engaging environment. This is done through our simulation game “Differently Abled.” Through playing this game, they are able to become better friends, co-workers, and allies of the disabled community. Thus, creating a more pleasant experience for these individuals and becoming more evolved humans themselves. In addition, Inclusive Entertainment provides software like the Virtual Social Networking for users to engage with the disabled community. The ability to engage directly with the disabled community cannot compete with simulation because no simulation can accurately portray the emotional component of their lived experience. Finally, our Inclusive Adaptive controller allows our users to practice what they learn through the simulation and interactions with the disabled community by engaging with them on equal footing. Something everyone can appreciate and value.
  • 17. 16 Target Audience Segmentations The Virtual Sociable Gamer Detailed Description The Virtual Sociable gamer is physically isolated in their residence due to a lack of accessibility, and/or societal restraints. This segmentation is of all genders, is between the ages of 18-34, and play between 6-10 hours a week. They are discovering their individuality and career path. Gaming with others allows them to learn about themselves through their interactions with others. Some of them might be in college while others might be starting out in the workforce or starting families. This segmentation values the ability to kick back, relax, decompress, and enjoy connecting with their peers from all over the globe after navigating a world filled with many hurdles that they have to overcome on a daily basis. They value independence and community which make them loyal customers. Quote: “One of the biggest joys of my day is to connect with my friends from across the world while sitting in my living room.” Key Opportunity: Inclusive Entertainment provides the Inclusive Adaptive controller which can be customized to accommodate those with limited mobility fulfills their belief that everyone deserves an opportunity to experience escapism through gaming. These adaptive controllers in turn allow these players to have the opportunity for socializing and building community online. The Virtual Social Networking Game would be an excellent choice for this segmentation. This opportunity to foster online friendships will undoubtedly lead to more tangible benefits in real life, such as meetups, hangouts, or just a listening ear when needed. Thus, improving their quality of life. In addition, Inclusive Entertainment provides a safe space through stimulations and socializing for people with disabilities to start to deconstruct their own internalized ableism against themselves and others with disabilities. This will hopefully result in less in fighting and more of an united front in terms of gaining equality in the world.
  • 18. 17 Design For The Logo & Documentation Fonts I would definitely use a shade of green because it is a color that represents Cerebral Palsy, one of the most common reasons for poor dexterity in the hands. In addition, I would use a light shade of blue, red, and yellow for visibility purposes as the company is geared towards those with disabilities. I would use Canva Sans because of its easy readability for logo. I would use Times New Roman for documents because it is commonly used. The logo would be something that incorporates a controller in the hands of someone with Inclusive Entertainment above. It will be in the form of a circle. The End
  • 19. 18
  • 20. R A T IONALE R A T IONALE 19 The Brand Identity Guide is a reference document for Inclusive Entertainment Employees. It has the logos, fonts, and colors of Inclusive Entertainment. In addition, it houses examples of some merchandise, and official document aspects, such as the letterhead and sig-off. Finally, it describes Inclusive Entertainment’s tone as a brand in using certain words and the allowances and inappropriate usage of the logos. It ensures uniform usage of everything mentioned previously by all Employees of Inclusive Entertainment. DESCRI P T I O N DESCRI P T I O N EXPLA N A T I O N EXPLA N A T I O N B R A N D I D E N T I T Y G U I D E All Elements of the Brand Identity Guide were chosen for easy readability, including logos, fonts, color schemes, examples of merchandise, etc. It was designed for the accessible location of the different aspects of it, with one element on each page. The dividers are to aid in the navigation of each page. The bullet points also serve to assist in locating each of the different points under each section. The draft had all the necessary elements to earn full credit. Through the revision process, I expanded on the different aspects, such as rationales for the fonts, the allowance, and inappropriate logos usage. The final submission was poorly delivered, with some sections strung over several pages. I did not have many of the bullet points, so it was difficult to locate different subsections. The colors were a screenshot from the website that I utilized to choosing the color scheme and the codes for each was in a straight line making it hard to locate. Contrast this with the neatly designed one page section for each of the different elements with dividers. The colors are actual squares and the codes for each color are nicely stacked for easy locating.
  • 21. 20 Table of Contents Logos Typography Colors Merchandise Official Documents Application 21 22 23 24 25 26
  • 22. 21 Brand Logos Assets: The Controller All other are from Canva Primary Logo Graphic with & without text/ in black and white The rationale for the Logo: The Cerebral Palsy Green represents the diagnosis of Cerebral palsy, one of the causes that the Virtual Social gamer has to contend with. The Yellow Golden stars and Royal Purple often are often used to represent the feeling of being seen and valued. Since Inclusive Entertainment is an inclusive brand we want everyone to feel unique and special. The controller is inclusive Entertainment’s hardware designed to give people with disabilities the opportunity to experience escapism from their often lonely life through gaming. The Canva Sans is an easily readable font. The outlines are for people with low visibility. Secondary Graphic Logo (minimalist) Text based Logo: Inclusive Entertainment
  • 23. 22 TYPOGRAPHY Times New Roman, size 12 For documents for it is commonly used. According to the ADA website Time New Romans is an accessible font which is what we want our documents to be to everyone. It can be read easily in a number of formats and size. Canva Sans, size 27.5 For the Lougo due to easily readability. The thickness of the front also provides for an easier read. Helvetica size 12 unless it is headers. Use on the website because it has a professional look which is desired as it is often the first way that people hear about us. Its clearness is readable at diffeent distances as well
  • 24. 23 COLORS Cerebral Palsy Green CYMK= 78, 0, 45, 0 RGB= 55, 255, 139 HEX= 37FF8B Yellow Golden CYMK= 0, 29, 100, 0 RGB= 255, 180, 0 HEX= FFB400 Damaged Black CYMK= 97, 44, 0, 85 RGB= 1, 22, 39 HEX= 011627 Royal Purple CYMK= 8, 6, 0, 2 RGB= 229, 234, 250 HEX= E5EAFA Color Rationale Cerebral Palsy Green- green is the color designated to represent Cerebral palsy. Yellow Golden- yellow is often associated with recognition and standing out in a good way. We want our clients to feel seen and heard especially in the disability community. Royal purple- purple is also a widely recognized color for royalty and special. Damage Black Damage Black and yellow golden are well known colors and they contrast each other well.
  • 26. 25 Inclusive Entertainment 601 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: 910-962-3000 Email: Official Documents Letterhead Sign off: In the Spirit of Inclusiveness, Michael Friant, CEO Inclusive Entertainment
  • 27. 26 Application Tone Setting, Key Words/phrases to use and avoid/ Articulation of circumstantial tones. Do’s Talk about our Simulation game “Differently Abled” as a positive thing that brings values into their life. Talk about how the Virtual Social Networking game is for everyone. Use person first language “person with a disability” or “people with disabilities”at all times. Don’ts Don’t use the term ableism in a derogatory manner. Don’t talk about the Virtual Gaming Virtual Social Networking game as being only for people with disabilities. Don’t use the the phrase “Disabled people. Asset Usage Use the text Logo on all internal documents when needed to save on the cost of printing. The main logo with the controller should be used on all official merchandise and public disseminations. Those seeking the right to use it will have to explain their reasoning and get signed off by our marketing team. The logo must remain the same at all times. The following are not acceptable: Logo with turned controller Logo without stars Logo with poor readability & contrast
  • 28. 27
  • 29. R A T IONALE R A T IONALE 29 The message design are social media messages for various platforms using the targeted segmentations, the company’s games and logo. I chose Instagram, Facebook a billboard and an email blast as the method of promoting Inclusive Entertainment and its products. The website is the container for those messages along with the mission statement, founding story, the merchandise, and a call to action. DESCRI P T I O N DESCRI P T I O N EXPLA N A T I O N EXPLA N A T I O N M E S S A G E D E S I G N I choose Facebook, Instagram, a billboard and an email blast because I knew they would be the appropriate mediums to covey my messages. The layouts of each ad are visually appealing as to cause the reader to want to find out more. The copy for each ad provides further information about the products being sold while addressing the targeted audiences. While developing the draft of the ads, I had the basic concepts of how I wanted them to look. Though the revision process I was able to future polish those visual to maximize the emotional responses solicited. For example, I added the Nintendo Switch to each of the ads to make it more apparent that the games could be played on the said console. For the email blast I only had copy on an urgent memo template. Contrast that with the final version which has the logo, hierarchy of the text etc. Likewise, the billboard went from just having some text, the website, and the logo in the center to having a picture of a man in a wheelchair playing a video game with a copy, logo strategically positioned on the ad to maximize the desired impact it would have on drivers passing by and to cause them to look further into the brand.
  • 31. 30 Instagram Ad Rationale: Instagram is the chosen platform because the average gamer is in their thirties which is the demographic that primarily uses the platform. The phrase “Disabled, Homebound due to Inaccessibility, and Lonely” is in the center because this ad explicitly targets people with disabilities. The yellow background is meant to draw the attention of the reader. The Emblem is the brand’s logo. It is placed at the top center because people must know what brand they are being recruited by. The controller refers to the kind of brand we are and a product our company explicitly designed for people with disabilities, which people can read more about in the caption. ”Virtual Social Networking” & April 21st at in all caps because it is meant to signal their importance of them. The game “Virtual Social Networking” is cited because it was designed to provide social opportunities for people with disabilities who cannot go out and socialize. The white background with the black text provides a good contrast. The “” standing alone conveys the message “Hey this is where you go to get further information.” The Nintendo Switch logo is meant to signify that the game is for that console. The ESRB rating is meant to signal that game is for everyone. Though the brownish background is not necessarily part of the brand’s color scheme, it provides a good contrast with the other assets in the ad. Facebook Ad Rationale: Facebook is the chosen platform for this ad because it targets parents who primarily use it. It targets parents because ethical it is inappropriate to solicit children with products. The emblem is the Brand’s logo which signifies the name and type of company. The green border around the ad represent Cerebral Palsy, a kind of disability and a core inspiration behind the brand. The black surrounding the inner square provides excellent contrast and makes it stand out more. The Nintendo Switch logo represents the console that can be used to play the game. The ESRB is to signify that it is for everyone. The use of “educational game” to describe “Differently Abled” is because it is a simulation game. The bold words are meant to convey importance to the audience. The bullet points give the reader an overview of what the game could do for their child. The order of the bullet points convey that education comes a more emphatic child toward the disabled community. They also are meant to cause the viewer to read the copy which further explains the mission of the game. The second paragraph of the copy is meant for the general audience whose newsfeed this might come across. The earn more button is an opportunity for the reader to further their curiosity if interested.
  • 32. 31 Billboard: Billboard Rationale: With all the political drama and violence in the world, I feel like people are searching for something genuine regarding a community. After all, the name of the brand is one of inclusion. Hence the phrasing. As a billboard, I thought just keeping it simple would work due to how quickly people would pass it. The Emblem is the Brand’s logo, placed in the center to signify the advertiser's name. The black text against the gold backdrop provides excellent contrast and easy readability. The picture of the guy in a wheelchair playing a game is to signal to the drivers that it is a gaming company and to create an emotional response as well. The website is the most prominent copy because, if nothing else, we want the drivers passing by to at least be curious about the website and thus look it up.
  • 33. 32 Email Blast: Email Blast Rationale: The red background contrast well the other colors. The word game situated near the top, brief description of each game on each side of the emblem and and the website across the bottom are all white to convey to the recipient that they are all connected. It follows how we normally read a page. The all caps date is to highlight it as being something of importance. The New Arrivals texts running off the screen signals something new. The ten percent discount is meant to entice viewers to buy the game. The Nintendo Switch logo represents the console that can be used to play the game. The ESRB is to signify that it is for everyone. The emblem is centered because it is important that they know which brand is soliciting one for their products. The End
  • 34. 33 What I Learned At the beginning of the semester, I was unaware of all the technical aspects of a brand. Every week it felt like I was learning something new. Whether this be the different components of a brand or design principles such as alignment, contrast, proximity, and repetition. For example, I had no idea what a targeted segmentation was or the amount of research needed though I have been part of targeted segmentations. As an aspiring entrepreneur, I know this class has given me a great introduction to what it requires to formulate a successful company or companies one day. However, what I have learned can utilize in the short as well by applying the basic principles of design into future posts I make for social media platforms, my website, and potential clients. For example, through my work on logo and creating the website for my message for Inclusive Entertainment I realized that green background with little text does not provide for good readability. As a result, changed the background to a light grey color. For future presentations an other interactions with potential employers, I will implement the concise nature of several aspects of what I did for several of the project in order to increase my chances of getting is job or persuade someone in power to do whatever I want. While this class taught me valuable skills that I can implement elsewhere, there were several challenges along the way. One of these challenges were some of the assignments that required us to use Adobe software. As a person who has a disability and primarily uses an iPad, which doesn’t always run Adobe software effectively, this provided a challenge. Though through the use canva and with the help of certain individuals, I was able accomplish all the assignments. Finally, getting a job a month before the end of the semester is not the most ideal of circumstances due to how time consuming the projects were. Nevertheles, I was able to stay on top of my assignments and turn several assignments in including the one you are reading right now. As a result, I learned that I am capable of doing things that I had previously not thought possible.